Dail Glaswellt is the Welsh language translation of Leaves of Grass, (1855) by Walt Whitman. It was translated by the academic and author M. Wyn Thomas as part of a poetry series published by the Welsh Academy 'Cyfres Barddoniaeth Pwyllgor Cyfieithiadau'r Academi Gymreig - Cyfrol X' in 1995. Whitman's works have been translated into many languages, and he is amongst the United States' most famous writers.
- Dail Glaswellt (Leaves of Grass, 1855) gan Walt Whitman. Cyfieithwyd gan M Wyn Thomas. 'Cyfres Barddoniaeth Pwyllgor Cyfieithiadau'r Academi Gymreig - Cyfrol X' Cardiff, 1995. ISBN 978-0906906163