Canalipalpata, also known as bristle-footed annelids or fan-head worms, is an order of polychaete worms, with 31 families in it including the suborder Sabellida (families Serpulidae (tubeworms) and Sabellidae (fanworms and feather duster worms) and the Alvinellidae, a family of deep-sea worms associated with hydrothermal vents.
The Canalipalpata have no teeth or jaws.[1] Most are filter feeders. They have grooved palpi, which are covered in cilia. These cilia are used to transport food particles to the mouth. However, the cilia and grooves have been lost in the Siboglinidae family.[2]
Fossil record
The earliest known member of the Canalipalpata is Terebellites franklini, which was found in the Clouds Rapids Formation of Newfoundland, and dates from the mid Cambrian (St David's series).[3]
Use in aquaria
Many species of Canalipalpata are visually attractive.[tone] Fanworms and Christmas tree worms (a type of serpulid) are recommended as species for beginners to keep in a marine aquarium.[4]
Order Canalipalpata
- Suborder Sabellida
- Family Oweniidae
- Family Sabellariidae
- Family Sabellidae (Feather duster worms)
- Family Serpulidae
- Family Siboglinidae (Beard worms)
- Family Spirorbidae
- Suborder Spionida
- Family Apistobranchidae
- Family Chaetopteridae
- Family Longosomatidae
- Family Magelonidae
- Family Poecilochaetidae
- Family Spionidae
- Family Trochochaetidae
- Family Uncispionidae
- Suborder Terebellida
- Family Acrocirridae
- Family Alvinellidae
- Family Ampharetidae
- Family Cirratulidae
- Family Ctenodrilidae
- Family Fauveliopsidae
- Family Flabelligeridae
- Family Flotidae
- Family Pectinariidae (Trumpet worms)
- Family Poeobiidae
- Family Sternaspidae
- Family Terebellidae (Spaghetti worms)
- Family Trichobranchidae
- Incertae sedis
- Family Polygordiidae
- Family Protodrilidae
- Family Protodriloididae
- Family Saccocirridae
- ^ Robert D. Barnes (1980). Invertebrate Zoology (4th ed.). Holt-Saunders. ISBN 4-8337-0001-8.
- ^ Peter Ax (1996). Multicellular Animals: The Phylogenetic System of the Metazoa. Vol. 2. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-67406-3.
- ^ M.J.Benton, ed. (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall. ISBN 0-412-39380-8.
- ^ Martyn Haywood; Sue Wells (1989). The Manual of Marine Invertebrates. Salamander Books Limited, London. ISBN 0-86101-474-X.
External links
- Encyclopedia of Life: http://www.eol.org/pages/124?category_id=226
- Images from the canalipalpata order: http://zipcodezoo.com/index.php/Canalipalpata