An anapodoton (from Ancient Greek ἀναπόδοτον anapódoton: "that which lacks an apodosis", that is, the consequential clause in a conditional sentence), plural anapodota, is a rhetorical device related to the anacoluthon; both involve a thought being interrupted or discontinued before it is fully expressed. It is a figure of speech or discourse that is an incomplete sentence, consisting of a subject or complement without the requisite object. The stand-alone subordinate clause suggests or implies a subject (a main clause), but this is not actually provided.[1]
As an intentional rhetorical device, it is generally used for set phrases, where the full form is understood, and would thus be tedious to spell out, as in "When in Rome [do as the Romans]."
Anapodota are common in Classical Chinese and languages that draw from it, such as Korean and Japanese, where a long literary phrase is commonly abbreviated to just its condition. For example, Zhuangzi's phrase "a frog in a well cannot conceive of the ocean" (井鼃不可以語於海者拘於虛也), meaning "people of limited experience have a narrow world view", is rendered as "a frog in a well" (Chinese: 井底之蛙, Korean: 우물 안 개구리, Japanese: 井の中の蛙), the last abbreviating "a frog in a well does not know the great ocean" (井の中の蛙大海を知らず).
Other uses
It is also said to occur when a main clause is left unsaid due to a speaker interrupting him/herself to revise a thought, thus leaving the initial clause unresolved, but then making use of it nonetheless by recasting and absorbing it into a new, grammatically complete sentence.
Though grammatically incorrect, anapodoton is a commonplace feature of everyday informal speech. It, therefore, appears frequently in dramatic writing and in fiction in the form of direct speech or the representation of stream of consciousness.
- "If you think I'm going to sit here and take your insults..."
- (implied: "then you are mistaken")
- "When life gives you lemons..."
- (implied: "you make lemonade")
- "If they came to hear me beg..."
- (implied: "then they will be disappointed")
- "The only easy day..."
- (implied: "was yesterday")
- "When the going gets tough..."
- (implied: "the tough get going")
- "If you can’t stand the heat..."
- (implied: "get out of the kitchen")
- "Birds of a feather..."
- (implied: "flock together")
See also
- ^ Stephen Wayne Whitworth (1997). The Name of the Ancients: humanist homoerotics and the signs of pastoral. University of Michigan. p. 143.