Six-round amphibious revolver for naval use
The AAI underwater revolver is an amphibious firearm intended for naval use.[ 1] The weapon was designed by Irwin R. Barr and John L. Critcher and uses a six-round cylinder inside a jacket covered by a float.
Activities Competitions Equipment Freedivers Hazards Historical Organisations
Diving disorders Pressure related Oxygen Inert gases Carbon dioxide Breathing gas contaminants
Immersion related
Treatment Personnel Screening Research
Archeological sites Underwater art and artists Engineers and inventors Historical equipment
Military and covert operations Scientific projects Awards and events Incidents
Manuals Standards and Codes of Practice General non-fiction Research Dive guides
Training and registration
Surface snorkeling Snorkeling/breath-hold Breath-hold Open Circuit Scuba Rebreather Sports governing organisations and federations Competitions
Pioneers of diving Underwater scientists archaeologists and environmentalists Scuba record holders Underwater filmmakers and presenters Underwater photographers Underwater explorers Aquanauts Writers and journalists Rescuers Frogmen Commercial salvors