The 9 September Front (Turkish: 9 Eylül Cephesi) was a secret Turkish Cypriot pro-taksim paramilitary organisation formed to counter the Greek Cypriot Fighter's Organization EOKA and Enosis.[1]
The organisation was formed to counter the activities of EOKA in 1955 by mostly untrained volunteers.[2][3] Organisation failed to grow up to a national scale and be effective in all of Cyprus.[4] In 1958, leaders of the organisation decided that they aren't enough to achieve their goals separately from other Turkish Cypriot organisations, and abolished itself to merge with Turkish Resistance Organisation.[5][6][7]
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- ^ "Kıbrıs Türk Halkının Varoluş Mücadelesinin Simge Adı Denktaş - Ahmet Zeki BULUNÇ". Retrieved 2020-11-10.
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- ^ Balyemez, Mehmet (2018). "TMT'NİN KURULUŞ TARİHİ HAKKINDA KKTC'DE YANLIŞ OLUŞAN KAMUSAL/TOPLUMSAL HAFIZA (İNGİLİZ ARŞİV BELGELERİ IŞIĞINDA)". Turkish Studies - International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic. 13 (16): 35–53. doi:10.7827/TurkishStudies.14136. ISSN 1308-2140.
- ^ Yiğit Yüksel, Dilek. "KIBRIS TÜRK MİLLİ MÜCADELESİ" (PDF). ÇTTAD, VIII/18-19, (2009/Bahar-Güz).
- ^ YUSUF, Hüseyin Macit (2008-08-04). "TMT ruhu yaşayacak - Hüseyin Macit YUSUF". Yeni Çağ Gazetesi (in Turkish). Retrieved 2020-11-10.
- ^ Yalçın, Emruhan. "Kıbrıs'ta Türk Mukavemet Teşkilatı ve Rauf Denktaş". Dergi Park.