69 Danguje (literally: In the 69th heaven), is a Lithuanian vocal pop music girl group founded in 2005.[1] The founder of the group was producer Egmontas Bžeskas .[2] In May 2024 three members separated and established a new group, Šeškės ("ferrets"). As of November 2024, legally, only N.Pareigytė-Rukaitienė and E. Bžeskas are the members of "69 Danguje".[3]

In 2024 69 danguje unveiled a new song and video "Aš prašau". In the same year, the band held a concert "Velniškas greitis 20 metų" to celebrate their 20th year of activity at Kaunas Žalgiris Arena. [4]
In May 2024 the group announced that Nijolė is leaving the group and the group will be called Šeškės ("ferrets"), because Bžeskas owns the trademark 69 Danguje and the group had not been cooperating with Bžeskas for ten years, and his lawyers notified the group that they can no longer use their old name.[5] In TV interviews later that year it was revealed that the departure of Nijolė was due to a conflict between her and the rest of the group.[6][7]
Šeškės claimed that for about 10 years Bžeskas did not work with the group and they filed a request to the State Patent Office for cancellation of the registration of the trademark 69 DANGUJE due to non-use.[3]
In August 2024 a 85 min. documentary 69 išpažintis ("69 Confession") about the group was premiered.[8]
On August 13, 2024, after a long break in releases of new songs, Šeškės presented a new song, "Paleidom" ("Let It Go").[9] In preparation for their concert tour, in November 2024 they presented the second new song, "Nebesugrįšiu" ("I Won't Come Back") [10]
Bžeskas recalls that in their first small studio there was an inscription on the wall "9 danguje" ("in the 9th heaven")[a] and I thought that if we would add "6" in front, then we would be even higher.[2]
The group took the name Šeškės ("ferrets"), because it was their nickname already.[5]
- Goda Alijeva (Goda Sabutytė-Alijeva)[b]
- Karina Krysko
- Ingrida Martinkėnaitė[c]
- Nijolė Pareigytė (Nijolė Pareigytė Rukaitienė, lt:Nijolė Pareigytė)[d]
The initial setup was Karina, Nijolė and Ingrida, later Goda joined, who was a member of another girl group, YVA .[2]
Since May 2024 Goda, Karina, and Ingrida are members of the group Šeškės.
- 2006: 9 Danguj
- 2007: 69 Danguje
- 2008: Veidrodėlis ("Mirror")
- 2012: Geriausios Mūsų Dainos ("Our Best Songs", compilation album)
- 2007:
- Radiocentras Music Awards: Group of the Year [16]
- Children's Voice Awards (Lithuanian: Vaikų balsas) Group of the Year; also, theirs was Song of the Year, "Gyvenu"
- 2006: Radiocentras Music Awards: Best Debut of the previous year [17]
- 2024: Golden Drop 2023 by Lietus.fm ("Rain") radio station: Group of the Year[18]
- ^ "9 danguje" ("in the 9th heaven") in Lithuanin has the same meaning as English "in the seventh heaven"
- ^ Goda Alijeva was born on June 4, 1986, she was also a member of the group "Lukas ir Goda" (with Lukas Pačkauskas)[11]
- ^ Ingrida Martinkėnaitė was married to lawyer Mindaugas Urbonas for nearly 8 years, divorced in 2024. They have daughter Eva. Ingrida also has daughter Maria from the previous relationship with Andrejus Velijevas,[12] divorced in May 2015[13]
- ^ Nijolė Pareigytė-Rukaitienė was born on November 27, 1984 in Klaipėda[14] She is married to Rimvydas Rukaitis and they have daughter Paticija[15]
- ^ Grupė „69 danguje“
- ^ a b Grupė „Šeškės“ kyla į kovą: E.Bžeskas gali prarasti „69 Danguje“, 15min.lt,
- ^ ""Žalgirio" arenoje įspūdingą 20-mečio šou surengusios "69 danguje": "Tai buvo kaip sapnas"". lrt.lt (in Lithuanian). 2024-04-29. Retrieved 2024-08-01.
- ^ a b „69 danguje” narės keičia sudėtį ir pavadinimą: prabilo apie Egmonto Bžesko pretenzijas
- ^ Nijolės Pareigytės tildytai Godai Alijevai trūko kantrybė – paviešino jos SMS: ji draugių nebeturi ne be reikalo, delfi.lt, November 4, 2024
- ^ Paulina Taškutė, Po skandalo – Nijolė Pareigytė pirmąkart taip atvirai: konfliktai dėl pinigų ir kolegių kaltinimai jos vyrui, po kurių dėjo tašką, delfi.lt, November 3, 2024
- ^ 69 išpažintis
- ^ „Šeškės“ naują grupės etapą įprasmina šviežia daina „Paleidom“ lnk.lt, August 13, 2024
- ^ „Šeškės“ nestabdo – pristato naują įvaizdį ir dainą „Nebesugrįšiu“: „Kai nebelieka nieko kito, tik išeiti“, 15min.lt
- ^ Goda Alijeva, a delfi.lt profile
- ^ Oficialu: Ingrida Martinkėnaitė skiriasi su vyru Mindaugu Urbonu, delfi.lt
- ^ Teismas nutraukė „69 Danguje“ atlikėjos Ingridos Martinkėnaitės ir Andrejaus Velijevo santuoką, 15min.lt, May 20, 2015
- ^ Nijolė Pareigytė Rukaitienė, a delfi.lt profile
- ^ Nijolės Pareigytės-Rukaitienės atostogas aptemdė nelaimingas atsitikimas: vyras atsidūrė ligoninėje, lrytas.lt, April 7, 2024
- ^ Išdalintos “Radiocentro” apdovanojimų statulėlės (nuotraukų albumas)
- ^ "Radiocentro apdovanojimai 2006" - "cirkas" scenoje (nuotraukų albumas)
- ^ "Lietaus muzikos apdovanojimai Aukso lašas" (in Lithuanian). Retrieved 2024-08-01.