Prantsusmaa viib väed Ukrainasse, andis kohalikus telesaates teada Prantsuse president Emmanuel Macron.
„Me pidasime läbirääkimisi nii palju kui suutsime, kuid Putiniga pole enam millestki rääkida,” ütles Macron. „Ukraina peab võitma. Prantsusmaal ei ole punaseid jooni. Mina olen Prantsusmaa president ja mina otsustan.”
Speaking on TV, Macron says there no point in negotiating with Putin:
“We negotiated as much as we could, but there is nothing to talk about with Putin anymore. Ukraine must win. There will be no red lines for France. I’m the President of France and I decide”
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— Visegr?d 24 (@visegrad24) March 14, 2024
French troops will be in Ukraine. There will be no red lines. I am the president and I decide – Emmanuel Macron
The head of France noted:
We negotiated as best we could, but there is nothing to talk about with them, Ukraine must win. In any case, in the coming year I will have… pic.twitter.com/tN5I2MtCQN— Devana ?? (@DevanaUkraine) March 14, 2024