Rabha is a Sino-Tibetan language of Northeast India. The two dialects, Maitori and Rongdani, are divergent enough to cause problems in communication. According to U.V. Joseph,[2] there are three dialects, viz. Rongdani or Rongdania, Maitori or Maitoria and Kocha (page ix). Joseph writes that "the Kocha dialect, spoken along the northern bank of the Brahmaputra, is highly divergent and is not intelligible to a Rongdani or Maitori speaker" (page ix). Joseph also writes that "[t]he dialect variations between Rongdani and Maitori, both of which are spoken on the southern bank of the Brahmaputra, in the Goalpara district of Assam and belong to the northern slopes of Meghalaya, are minimal" (pages ix-x). He concludes the paragraph on dialectal variation with: "The Rongdani-Maitori dialectal differences become gradually more marked as one moves further west" (page x).

In 2007, U.V. Joseph published a grammar of Rabha with Brill in their series Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region.[3]

A representation of different Rabha dialects

Sample question answers and some words:
English Rangdani Kocha Maitori
Hello Srirasong Seolawu Urgirasong
What is your name ? Nangi ata mung ? Nini mung utung ? Nangi mung ato ?
My name is Rasan. Angi mung Rasan. wni/Ini mung Rasan. Angi mung Rasan.
I Ame/ Ang Ang Ang
You Name/Nang Nwng Nang
What Ata Utung Ato
Why Atana Atanga/Atangna Ana
When Bedo Bisomoi/Biba Bedo
Where Bisi/Bisina Bibai Bo/Benga
Speak Kani Brak Tep
Body Kan-ganjhi Kan Kan
Hair Khoro Hwwr Khorok
Eye Neken Mwkwr Muken
Arm Baha Cwsi Tasi
Sun Rangsang Rasan Rangsang
Moon Langgre Rangret/Naret Rangri/Ranggre
Morning Phung Mwnwu Phungi
Evening Rangsri Rasanlwi Langgri
Noon Dipor Sandupur Rangsangdupur
Night Phar Phar Phari
Day San San Sani
Tomorrow Gaphung Ganapo Rebakaisani
Week Satpaksa Sopta Sopta
House Nok Nok/No/nwgwu Nok
Door Nok Nakab Noko
Village Song Song Song
Husband Umba Mi Miba
Wife Micik Micik/Jwg Michik
Rice Mairung Mairong Mairun
Milk Nu Nono/Nuno Nui
Oil Thuchi Tel Thocha
Meat Kaka Kan Makan
Sand Hangceng Hanceng Hancheng
River Tambrong Chikajhora Cikajhora
Goat Pryn Purun Prun
Cow Masu Mwsu/Musu Masu
Spider Bibur Barcek Bhubur

A representation of different Rabha numbers

English Rongdani Kocha Maitori Standard Rabha
Zero Tha Riya Slo Slong
One Sa Sa Sa Sa
Two Ning Ning Ning Ning
Three Tham Tam Tham Tham
Four Cesa Bri Ari Bri
Five Tola Bwng/Bwnga Campa Bwng
Six Krop Do/Krob Hes Krob/Krop
Seven Siya Sin Sorta Sin
Eight Gin Gin Parta Gin
Nine Bing Gis/Bin Pindas Suku
Ten Satha Cha Goda Hasi
Eleven Sasa Chasa Godasa sisa
Twelve Saning Chaning Godaning sining
Thirteen Satham Chataam Godatham sitham
Fourteen Sacesa Chabri Godaari sibri
Fifteen Satola Chabwng Godacampa sibwng
Sixteen Sakrob Chakrob Godahes sikrop
Seventeen Sasiya Chasin Godasorta sisin
Eighteen Sagin Chagin Godaparta sigin
Nineteen Sabing Chagis Godapindas sisuku
Twenty Ningtha Chak Rikha Ningsi
Twentyone Ningsa Chaksa Rikhasa Ningsisa
Twentytwo Ningning Chakning Rikhaning Ningsining
Twentythree Ningtham Chaktam Rikhatham Ningsitham
Twentyfour Ningcesa Chakbri Rikhaari Ningsibri
Twentyfive Ningtola Chakbwng Rikhacampa Ningsibwng
Twentysix Ningkrob Chakkrob Rikhahes Ningsikrop
Twentyseven Ningsiya Chaksin Rikhasorta Ningsisin
Twentyeight Ninggin Chakgin Rikhaparta Ningsigin
Twentynine Ningbing Chakgis Rikhapindas Ningsisuku
Thirty Thamtha Chat Siri Thamsi
Forty Cesatha Chab Arli Brisi
Fifty Tolatha Chaba Phala Bwngsi
Sixty Krobtha Chakor Hesti Kropsi
Seventy Siyatha Chasi Sorto Sinsi
Eighty Gintha Chagi Arsi Ginsi
Ninety Bingtha Bingta Pinsip Sukusi
Hundred sathatha Chu Gota So
Twohundred Ningthatha Ningchu Gotaning Soning
Threehundred Thamthatha Tamchu Gotatham Sotham
Fourhundred Cesathatha Brichu Gotaari Sobri
Fivehundred Tolathatha Bwngchu Gotaphala Sobwng
Sixhundred Krobthatha Krobchu Gotahesti Sokrop
Sevenhundred Siyathatha Sinchu Gotasorto Sosin
Eighthundred Ginthatha Ginchu Gotaarsi Sogin
Ninehundred Bingthatha Gischu Gotapinsip Sosuku
Thousand Satha³ Cachu Hajar Sohasi

Geographical distribution

According to the Ethnologue, Rabha is spoken in the following areas of India.

See also


  1. ^ Rabha at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015) (subscription required)
  2. ^ Joseph, U.V. 2000. Rabha–English dictionary khúrangnala. Guwahati: Don Boco Publications.
  3. ^ Joseph, U.V. 2007. Rabha. Leiden: Brill.

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