John William Hiden (21. veebruar 1940 – 10. august 2012) oli Suurbritannia ajaloolane.
John Hideni põhilised uurimisteemad olid Saksamaa välispoliitika, Balti riikide ajalugu ja Euroopa riikide poliitika vähemusrahvuste suhtes.
- The Baltic nations and Europe : Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the twentieth century. London, 1994
- The Baltic states and Weimar Ostpolitik. Cambridge, 1987
- Defender of minorities : Paul Schiemann, 1876-1944. London, 2004
- East meets West : policies for a common European home. London, 1991 (koos Kevin Featherstonega)
- Ethnic diversity and the nation state : national cultural autonomy revisited. New York, 2012 (koos David J. Smithiga)
- Explaining Hitler's Germany : historians and the Third Reich. London, 1983 (koos John Farquharson)
- German policy towards the Baltic States of Estonia and Latvia, 1920-1926. London, 1970
- Germany and Europe, 1919-1939. London, 1977
- Neighbours or enemies? : Germans, the Baltic and beyond. Amsterdam ; New York, 2008 (koos Martyn Housdeniga)
- Republican and Fascist Germany : themes and variations in the history of Weimar and the Third Reich 1918-1945. London, 1996
- Town and gown. Ross-On-Wye, 2012
- Weimar Republic. London, 1974
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