Algfail (SVG-fail, algsuurus 512 × 307 pikslit, faili suurus: 222 baiti)


Deutsch: National- und Handelsflagge des Deutschen Reiches von 1933 bis 1935.
English: National flag and merchant ensign of Germany from 1933 to 1935.
Kuupäev @ commons
26. mai 2007 @ ENWP
Allikas Üleslaadija oma töö
Autor SeNeKa @ commons (+ Alkari, Illegitimate Barrister, GeMet)
R-41 @ ENWP
Used colors:
     must rendered as RGB 000 000 000
     valge rendered as RGB 255 255 255
     punane rendered as RGB 222 000 000
Nazi Flag – German Reich Color Scheme
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This flag was created with a text editor.



Public domain
This file depicts the flag of a German Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (corporation governed by public law). According to § 5 Abs. 1 of the German copyright law, official works like coats of arms or flags are gemeinfrei (in the public domain). Since the Federal Republic of Germany is the legal successor of the Weimar Republic as well as of the Third Reich, this law is also applicable to flags promulgated before 1945.
Note: The usage of coats of arms and flags (especially those of the Third Reich) is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the copyright status of the depiction shown here.

Deutsch  English  日本語  한국어  中文(简体)  中文(繁體) 

Public domain This image of a flag is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship. For more information, see Commons:Threshold of originality § Logos and flags.


Lisa üherealine seletus sellest, mida fail esitab
Flag of Germany (1933–1935)

Selles failis kujutatud üksused


Saksa DV lipp


Teatud väärtus ilma Wikidata üksuseta

autori nimi (sõne): Alkari
Wikimedia kasutaja: Alkari

asutamise või loomise aeg

23. september 2008

source of file inglise

original creation by uploader inglise

media type inglise


data size inglise

222 bait

checksum inglise


määramismeetod: SHA-1

Faili ajalugu

Klõpsa kuupäeva ja kellaaega, et näha sel ajahetkel kasutusel olnud failiversiooni.

viimane11. mai 2020, kell 23:41Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 11. mai 2020, kell 23:41512 × 307 (222 baiti)GeMetclean code, svg valid
22. aprill 2020, kell 22:34Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 22. aprill 2020, kell 22:341000 × 600 (255 baiti)Illegitimate Barristerfilesize reduction.
28. juuli 2011, kell 02:02Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 28. juuli 2011, kell 02:021000 × 600 (288 baiti)Alkaricode cleanup
23. september 2008, kell 10:24Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 23. september 2008, kell 10:241000 × 600 (2 KB)SeNeKa~commonswiki{{Information |Description=National flag of Nazi Germany, 1933-1935 | |Date=1933 |Author=SeNeKa |Permission=Own work, all rights released (Public domain) |other_versions= }} {{PD-self}}

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