Zaragoza is one of the 52 constituencies (Spanish: circunscripciones) represented in the Congress of Deputies, the lower chamber of the Spanish parliament, the Cortes Generales. The constituency currently elects seven deputies. Its boundaries correspond to those of the Spanish province of Zaragoza. The electoral system uses the D'Hondt method and a closed-list proportional representation, with a minimum threshold of three percent.

Electoral system

The constituency was created as per the Political Reform Act 1977 and was first contested in the 1977 general election. The Act provided for the provinces of Spain to be established as multi-member districts in the Congress of Deputies,[2] with this regulation being maintained under the Spanish Constitution of 1978.[3] Additionally, the Constitution requires for any modification of the provincial limits to be approved under an organic law, needing an absolute majority in the Cortes Generales.[4]

Voting is on the basis of universal suffrage, which comprises all nationals over 18 years of age and in full enjoyment of their political rights.[5] The only exception was in 1977, when this was limited to nationals over 21 years of age and in full enjoyment of their political and civil rights.[6][7] Amendments to the electoral law in 2011 required for Spaniards abroad to apply for voting before being permitted to vote, a system known as "begged" or expat vote (Spanish: Voto rogado),[8][9] which was abolished in 2022.[10] 348 seats are elected using the D'Hondt method and a closed list proportional representation, with an electoral threshold of three percent of valid votes—which includes blank ballots—being applied in each constituency. Each provincial constituency is entitled to an initial minimum of two seats, with the remaining 248 being distributed in proportion to their populations. Ceuta and Melilla are allocated the two remaining seats, which are elected using plurality voting.[2][3][11][12] The use of the electoral method may result in an effective threshold based on the district magnitude and the distribution of votes among candidacies.[13]

The electoral law allows for parties and federations registered in the interior ministry, coalitions and groupings of electors to present lists of candidates. Parties and federations intending to form a coalition ahead of an election are required to inform the relevant Electoral Commission within ten days of the election call—fifteen before 1985—whereas groupings of electors need to secure the signature of at least one percent of the electorate in the constituencies for which they seek election—one permille of the electorate, with a compulsory minimum of 500 signatures, until 1985—disallowing electors from signing for more than one list of candidates. Also since 2011, parties, federations or coalitions that have not obtained a mandate in either chamber of the Cortes at the preceding election are required to secure the signature of at least 0.1 percent of electors in the aforementioned constituencies.[14][15]


Deputies 1977–present
Key to parties
Legislature Election Distribution
Constituent 1977
1 3 1 3
1st 1979
3 1 4
2nd 1982
5 3
3rd 1986
4 1 1 2
4th 1989
1 3 1 2
5th 1993
1 3 1 2
6th 1996
3 4
7th 2000
1 2 4
8th 2004
1 3 3
9th 2008
4 3
10th 2011
1 2 4
11th 2015
1 2 1 3
12th 2016
1 2 1 3
13th 2019 (Apr)
1 3 1 1 1
14th 2019 (Nov)
1 3 2 1
15th 2023
1 2 3 1


2023 general election

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 186,776 36.01 +12.65 3 +1
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 159,858 30.82 -0.03 2 –1
Vox (Vox) 79,376 15.30 –2.69 1 ±0
Unite Aragon (Sumar Aragón)1 69,925 13.48 –2.32 1 ±0
Aragon Exists–Exists Coalition (Existe) 7,780 1.50 New 0 ±0
Aragonese Party (PAR) 2,745 0.53 New 0 ±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)2 2,428 0.47 –0.23 0 ±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB) 2,146 0.41 +0.03 0 ±0
Workers' Front (FO) 1,026 0.20 New 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 561 0.11 +0.03 0 ±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 419 0.08 –0.01 0 ±0
Federation of Independents of Aragon (FIA) 394 0.08 ±0.00 0 ±0
Zero Cuts (Recortes Cero) 306 0.06 –0.11 0 ±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 272 0.05 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 4,693 0.90 –0.07
Total 518,705 7 ±0
Valid votes 518,705 99.10 -0.06
Invalid votes 4,705 0.90 +0.06
Votes cast / turnout 523,410 70.73 +0.74
Abstentions 216,650 29.27 –0.74
Registered voters 740,060

November 2019 general election

Summary of the 10 November 2019 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 158,326 30.85 –0.45 3 ±0
People's Party (PP) 119,909 23.36 +5.41 2 +1
Vox (Vox) 92,353 17.99 +5.24 1 ±0
United We Can (PodemosIU) 57,875 11.28 –2.71 1 ±0
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (Cs) 47,001 9.16 –11.70 0 –1
More CountryAragonese UnionEquo (Más País–CHA–Equo) 23,196 4.52 New 0 ±0
Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals (PACMA) 3,618 0.70 –0.29 0 ±0
Blank Seats (EB) 1,940 0.38 –0.09 0 ±0
Social Aragonese Movement (MAS) 1,068 0.21 New 0 ±0
Zero CutsGreen Group (Recortes Cero–GV) 861 0.17 –0.09 0 ±0
Puyalón (PYLN) 532 0.10 –0.01 0 ±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 485 0.09 –0.05 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 414 0.08 –0.03 0 ±0
Federation of Independents of Aragon (FIA) 386 0.08 –0.04 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) 331 0.06 –0.02 0 ±0
Blank ballots 4,989 0.97 +0.09
Total 513,284 7 ±0
Valid votes 513,284 99.16 +0.13
Invalid votes 4,355 0.84 –0.13
Votes cast / turnout 517,639 69.99 –5.85
Abstentions 221,934 30.01 +5.85
Registered voters 739,573

April 2019 general election

Summary of the 28 April 2019 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 173,557 31.30 +6.88 3 +1
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (Cs) 115,651 20.86 +4.02 1 ±0
People's Party (PP) 99,527 17.95 –16.97 1 –2
United We Can (PodemosIUEquo) 77,555 13.99 –6.32 1 ±0
Vox (Vox) 70,663 12.75 +12.44 1 +1
Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals (PACMA) 5,469 0.99 +0.01 0 ±0
Blank Seats (EB) 2,626 0.47 –0.12 0 ±0
Zero CutsGreen Group (Recortes Cero–GV) 1,428 0.26 +0.04 0 ±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 749 0.14 New 0 ±0
Federation of Independents of Aragon (FIA) 658 0.12 +0.02 0 ±0
Puyalón (PYLN) 621 0.11 New 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) 589 0.11 New 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) 453 0.08 –0.03 0 ±0
Blank ballots 4,861 0.88 +0.08
Total 554,407 7 ±0
Valid votes 554,407 99.03 –0.19
Invalid votes 5,452 0.97 +0.19
Votes cast / turnout 559,859 75.84 +5.39
Abstentions 178,372 24.16 –5.39
Registered voters 738,231

2016 general election

Summary of the 26 June 2016 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
People's PartyAragonese Party (PP–PAR) 179,211 34.92 +4.63 3 ±0
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 125,321 24.42 +2.14 2 ±0
United We Can in Aragon (PodemosIUEquo)1 104,199 20.31 –5.44 1 ±0
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (C's) 86,434 16.84 –0.98 1 ±0
Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals (PACMA) 5,025 0.98 +0.22 0 ±0
Blank Seats (EB) 3,032 0.59 +0.03 0 ±0
Vox (Vox) 1,614 0.31 –0.04 0 ±0
Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) 1,395 0.27 –0.58 0 ±0
Zero CutsGreen Group (Recortes Cero–GV) 1,137 0.22 +0.02 0 ±0
Social Aragonese Movement (MAS) 568 0.11 New 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) 564 0.11 –0.05 0 ±0
Independents for Aragon (i) 511 0.10 –0.01 0 ±0
Blank ballots 4,124 0.80 –0.07
Total 513,135 7 ±0
Valid votes 513,135 99.22 –0.06
Invalid votes 4,009 0.78 +0.06
Votes cast / turnout 517,144 70.45 –2.69
Abstentions 216,920 29.55 +2.69
Registered voters 734,064

2015 general election

Summary of the 20 December 2015 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
People's PartyAragonese Party (PP–PAR) 161,662 30.29 –16.62 3 –1
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 118,936 22.28 –8.50 2 ±0
We Can (Podemos) 102,596 19.22 New 1 +1
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (C's) 95,130 17.82 New 1 +1
United LeftAragonese UnionPopular Unity in Common (IU–CHA–UPeC) 34,869 6.53 –4.93 0 –1
Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) 4,514 0.85 –5.57 0 ±0
Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals (PACMA) 4,057 0.76 +0.26 0 ±0
Blank Seats (EB) 2,967 0.56 +0.05 0 ±0
Vox (Vox) 1,849 0.35 New 0 ±0
Zero CutsGreen Group (Recortes Cero–GV) 1,088 0.20 New 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) 845 0.16 –0.05 0 ±0
Independents for Aragon (i) 562 0.11 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 4,657 0.87 –1.07
Total 533,732 7 ±0
Valid votes 533,732 99.28 +0.73
Invalid votes 3,894 0.72 –0.73
Votes cast / turnout 537,626 73.14 +1.76
Abstentions 197,453 26.86 –1.76
Registered voters 735,079

2011 general election

Summary of the 20 November 2011 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
People's PartyAragonese Party (PP–PAR)1 241,074 46.91 +5.72 4 +1
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 158,167 30.78 –15.62 2 –2
Aragonese UnionUnited Left: Plural Left (CHA–IU)2 58,904 11.46 +2.70 1 +1
Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) 32,968 6.42 +5.21 0 ±0
Equo (Equo) 3,858 0.75 New 0 ±0
Blank Seats (EB) 2,640 0.51 New 0 ±0
Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals (PACMA) 2,586 0.50 +0.33 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) 1,055 0.21 +0.17 0 ±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 939 0.18 +0.11 0 ±0
Let us Give the Change (DeC) 508 0.10 New 0 ±0
Humanist Party (PH) 463 0.09 +0.07 0 ±0
Individual Freedom Party (P–LIB) 410 0.08 New 0 ±0
Communist Unification of Spain (UCE) 370 0.07 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 9,951 1.94 +0.68
Total 513,893 7 ±0
Valid votes 513,893 98.55 –0.96
Invalid votes 7,562 1.45 +0.96
Votes cast / turnout 521,455 71.38 –4.54
Abstentions 209,041 28.62 +4.54
Registered voters 730,496

2008 general election

Summary of the 9 March 2008 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 254,479 46.40 +6.14 4 +1
People's Party (PP) 199,934 36.46 +0.91 3 ±0
Aragonese Union (CHA) 32,281 5.89 –8.65 0 –1
Aragonese Party (PAR) 25,949 4.73 +0.65 0 ±0
United Left (IU) 15,731 2.87 +0.06 0 ±0
Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) 6,621 1.21 New 0 ±0
The Greens–Green Group (LV–GV) 1,758 0.32 New 0 ±0
Anti-Bullfighting Party Against Mistreatment of Animals (PACMA) 958 0.17 New 0 ±0
Citizens–Party of the Citizenry (C's) 755 0.14 New 0 ±0
Aragon United Citizens Party (pCUA) 380 0.07 New 0 ±0
Citizens for Blank Votes (CenB) 376 0.07 –0.07 0 ±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J) 372 0.07 New 0 ±0
National Democracy (DN) 323 0.06 ±0 0 ±0
Social Democratic Party–Federation of Independents of Aragon (PSD–FIA) 286 0.05 New 0 ±0
Family and Life Party (PFyV) 262 0.05 –0.06 0 ±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 236 0.04 ±0.00 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) 200 0.04 ±0.00 0 ±0
Authentic Phalanx (FA) 135 0.02 ±0.00 0 ±0
National Alliance (AN) 133 0.02 New 0 ±0
Spanish Front (Frente) 113 0.02 New 0 ±0
Humanist Party (PH) 91 0.02 –0.03 0 ±0
Spanish Alternative (AES) 76 0.01 New 0 ±0
Spain 2000 (E–2000) 73 0.01 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 6,917 1.26 –0.84
Total 548,439 7 ±0
Valid votes 548,439 99.51 +0.07
Invalid votes 2,710 0.49 –0.07
Votes cast / turnout 551,149 75.92 –1.33
Abstentions 174,794 24.08 +1.33
Registered voters 725,943

2004 general election

Summary of the 14 March 2004 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 224,776 40.26 +11.09 3 +1
People's Party (PP) 198,480 35.55 –12.08 3 –1
Aragonese Union (CHA) 81,160 14.54 +1.76 1 ±0
Aragonese Party (PAR) 22,758 4.08 –0.28 0 ±0
United LeftThe Greens (IU–LV) 15,672 2.81 –0.90 0 ±0
Citizens for Blank Votes (CenB) 789 0.14 New 0 ±0
Family and Life Party (PFyV) 598 0.11 New 0 ±0
Democratic and Social Centre (CDS) 577 0.10 +0.06 0 ±0
National Democracy (DN) 326 0.06 New 0 ±0
Republican Left (IR) 257 0.05 New 0 ±0
Humanist Party (PH) 254 0.05 +0.01 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) 248 0.04 New 0 ±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS)1 208 0.04 ±0.00 0 ±0
The Phalanx (FE) 195 0.03 –0.02 0 ±0
Authentic Phalanx (FA) 136 0.02 New 0 ±0
Carlist Party (PC) 99 0.02 New 0 ±0
Republican Social Movement (MSR) 96 0.02 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 11,703 2.10 +0.71
Total 558,332 7 ±0
Valid votes 558,332 99.44 +0.01
Invalid votes 3,118 0.56 –0.01
Votes cast / turnout 561,450 77.25 +5.84
Abstentions 165,361 22.75 –5.84
Registered voters 726,811

2000 general election

Summary of the 12 March 2000 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
People's Party (PP) 244,403 47.63 –0.64 4 ±0
Spanish Socialist Workers' PartyProgressives (PSOE–p) 149,672 29.17 –2.77 2 –1
Aragonese Union (CHA) 65,599 12.78 +4.83 1 +1
Aragonese Party (PAR) 22,382 4.36 New 0 ±0
United Left of Aragon (IU) 19,059 3.71 –6.36 0 ±0
The Greens–Green Group–SOS Nature (LV–GV) 2,638 0.51 +0.14 0 ±0
Aragonese Initiative (INAR) 855 0.17 New 0 ±0
The Phalanx (FE) 293 0.05 New 0 ±0
Humanist Party (PH) 226 0.04 –0.01 0 ±0
Centrist Union–Democratic and Social Centre (UC–CDS) 194 0.04 New 0 ±0
Independent Spanish Phalanx–Phalanx 2000 (FEI–FE 2000) 192 0.04 New 0 ±0
Spain 2000 Platform (ES2000) 173 0.03 New 0 ±0
Natural Law Party (PLN) 161 0.03 New 0 ±0
Spanish Democratic Party (PADE) 93 0.02 New 0 ±0
Catalan State (EC) 81 0.02 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 7,138 1.39 +0.25
Total 513,159 7 ±0
Valid votes 513,159 99.43 –0.13
Invalid votes 2,934 0.57 +0.13
Votes cast / turnout 516,093 71.41 –6.06
Abstentions 206,576 28.59 +6.06
Registered voters 722,669

1996 general election

Summary of the 3 March 1996 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
People's PartyAragonese Party (PP–PAR)1 263,868 48.27 –4.12 4 +1
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 174,567 31.94 –0.46 3 ±0
United Left of Aragon (IU) 55,019 10.07 –1.11 0 –1
Aragonese Union (CHA) 43,477 7.95 +7.08 0 ±0
SOS Nature (SOS) 2,026 0.37 New 0 ±0
Workers' Revolutionary Party (PRT)2 449 0.08 –0.23 0 ±0
Authentic Spanish Phalanx (FEA) 407 0.07 New 0 ±0
Humanist Party (PH) 299 0.05 +0.03 0 ±0
Aragonese Social Dynamics (DSA) 265 0.05 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 6,221 1.14 +0.42
Total 546,598 7 ±0
Valid votes 546,598 99.56 +0.12
Invalid votes 2,433 0.44 –0.12
Votes cast / turnout 549,031 77.47 –1.28
Abstentions 159,701 22.53 +1.28
Registered voters 708,732

1993 general election

Summary of the 6 June 1993 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 174,061 32.40 –5.63 3 ±0
People's Party (PP) 172,753 32.16 +4.70 2 ±0
Aragonese Party (PAR) 108,690 20.23 +9.62 1 ±0
United Left of Aragon (IU) 60,074 11.18 –0.08 1 ±0
Democratic and Social Centre (CDS) 5,765 1.07 –6.10 0 ±0
Aragonese Union (CHA) 4,650 0.87 +0.42 0 ±0
The Greens (Verdes)1 2,615 0.49 –0.10 0 ±0
Workers' Socialist Party (PST) 1,692 0.31 –0.30 0 ±0
Ruiz-Mateos Group–Independent Party–Social Movement (ARM–PAI–MAS) 954 0.18 –0.98 0 ±0
The Ecologists (LE) 740 0.14 –0.51 0 ±0
Health and Ecology in Solidarity (SEES) 418 0.08 New 0 ±0
Federated Independents of Aragon (IF) 303 0.06 New 0 ±0
Revolutionary Workers' Party (POR) 257 0.05 New 0 ±0
Natural Law Party (PLN) 135 0.03 New 0 ±0
Humanist Party (PH) 132 0.02 –0.06 0 ±0
Coalition for a New Socialist Party (CNPS)2 115 0.02 –0.05 0 ±0
Communist Unification of Spain (UCE) 0 0.00 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 3,883 0.72 –0.14
Total 537,237 7 ±0
Valid votes 537,237 99.44 +0.07
Invalid votes 3,033 0.56 –0.07
Votes cast / turnout 540,270 78.75 +8.66
Abstentions 145,777 21.25 –8.66
Registered voters 686,047

1989 general election

Summary of the 29 October 1989 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 174,107 38.03 –5.56 3 –1
People's Party (PP)1 125,728 27.46 +2.31 2 ±0
United Left (IU) 51,546 11.26 +7.49 1 +1
Regionalist Aragonese Party (PAR) 48,579 10.61 –1.00 1 ±0
Democratic and Social Centre (CDS) 32,826 7.17 –3.70 0 –1
Ruiz-Mateos Group (Ruiz-Mateos) 5,317 1.16 New 0 ±0
The Ecologist Greens (LVE) 2,965 0.65 New 0 ±0
Workers' Socialist Party (PST) 2,773 0.61 +0.16 0 ±0
The Greens–Green List (LV–LV) 2,683 0.59 New 0 ±0
Workers' Party of Spain–Communist Unity (PTE–UC)2 2,112 0.46 –1.02 0 ±0
Aragonese Union (UA–CHA) 2,078 0.45 New 0 ±0
Social Democratic Coalition (CSD) 1,437 0.31 New 0 ±0
Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) 573 0.13 New 0 ±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 510 0.11 –0.11 0 ±0
Humanist Party (PH) 361 0.08 New 0 ±0
Alliance for the Republic (AxR)3 315 0.07 –0.07 0 ±0
Communist Party of Spain (Marxist–Leninist) (PCE (m–l))4 0 0.00 –0.14 0 ±0
Blank ballots 3,952 0.86 +0.06
Total 457,862 7 –1
Valid votes 457,862 99.37 +1.49
Invalid votes 2,897 0.63 –1.49
Votes cast / turnout 460,759 70.09 –0.65
Abstentions 196,608 29.91 +0.65
Registered voters 657,367

1986 general election

Summary of the 22 June 1986 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 198,260 43.59 –7.70 4 –1
People's Coalition (APPDPPL)1 114,389 25.15 –6.34 2 –1
Regionalist Aragonese Party (PAR) 52,813 11.61 New 1 +1
Democratic and Social Centre (CDS) 49,425 10.87 +6.87 1 +1
United Left (IU)2 17,147 3.77 +0.46 0 ±0
Communists' Unity Board (MUC) 6,726 1.48 New 0 ±0
Democratic Reformist Party (PRD) 4,500 0.99 New 0 ±0
Spanish Vertex Ecological Development Revindication (VERDE) 2,570 0.57 New 0 ±0
Workers' Socialist Party (PST) 2,052 0.45 –0.14 0 ±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 1,023 0.22 +0.22 0 ±0
Communist Unification of Spain (UCE) 1,021 0.22 +0.12 0 ±0
Internationalist Socialist Workers' Party (POSI) 636 0.14 New 0 ±0
Republican Popular Unity (UPR)3 623 0.14 +0.05 0 ±0
Party of the Communists of Catalonia (PCC) 0 0.00 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 3,616 0.80 +0.12
Total 454,801 8 ±0
Valid votes 454,801 97.88 +0.89
Invalid votes 9,859 2.12 –0.89
Votes cast / turnout 464,660 70.74 –12.46
Abstentions 192,182 29.26 +12.46
Registered voters 656,842

1982 general election

Summary of the 28 October 1982 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 255,402 51.29 +24.54 5 +2
People's Alliance–People's Democratic–Aragonese Party (APPDPPAR)1 156,800 31.49 +17.12 3 +2
Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD) 34,044 6.84 –29.29 0 –4
Democratic and Social Centre (CDS) 19,918 4.00 New 0 ±0
Communist Party of Aragon (PCA–PCE) 16,492 3.31 –4.70 0 ±0
Socialist Party of Aragon (PSAr)2 4,119 0.83 –3.23 0 ±0
Workers' Socialist Party (PST) 2,952 0.59 New 0 ±0
New Force (FN)3 2,654 0.53 –1.32 0 ±0
Spanish Solidarity (SE) 667 0.13 New 0 ±0
Communist Unity Candidacy (CUC)4 665 0.13 –0.20 0 ±0
Communist Unification of Spain (UCE) 497 0.10 New 0 ±0
Communist Party of Spain (Marxist–Leninist) (PCE (m–l)) 469 0.09 New 0 ±0
Communist League–Internationalist Socialist Workers' Coalition (LC (COSI)) 47 0.01 New 0 ±0
Communist Left (LCRMC)5 0 0.00 –0.84 0 ±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (FE–JONS) 0 0.00 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 3,276 0.66 +0.28
Total 498,002 8 ±0
Valid votes 498,002 96.99 –1.41
Invalid votes 15,448 3.01 +1.41
Votes cast / turnout 513,450 83.20 +12.36
Abstentions 103,680 16.80 –12.36
Registered voters 617,130

1979 general election

Summary of the 1 March 1979 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD) 153,457 36.13 +4.36 4 +1
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE)1 113,600 26.75 –9.47 3 –1
Regionalist Aragonese Party (PAR)2 38,042 8.96 +0.44 1 ±0
Communist Party of Spain (PCE) 34,000 8.01 +2.86 0 ±0
Democratic Coalition (CD)3 22,969 5.41 –2.58 0 ±0
Party of Labour of Spain (PTE)4 19,883 4.68 +2.70 0 ±0
Coalition for Aragon (PSAr–PSDA) 17,242 4.06 New 0 ±0
National Union (UN)5 7,843 1.85 +1.31 0 ±0
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (historical) (PSOEh) 4,022 0.95 –1.88 0 ±0
Communist MovementOrganization of Communist Left (MC–OIC)6 2,780 0.65 –0.45 0 ±0
Workers' Revolutionary Organization (ORT)7 2,432 0.57 +0.18 0 ±0
Republican Left (IR) 2,086 0.49 New 0 ±0
Workers' Communist Party (PCT) 1,416 0.33 New 0 ±0
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (Authentic) (FE–JONS(A)) 908 0.21 –0.14 0 ±0
Carlist Party (PC) 872 0.21 New 0 ±0
Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) 788 0.19 New 0 ±0
Communist Organization of Spain (Red Flag) (OCE–BR) 756 0.18 New 0 ±0
Blank ballots 1,635 0.38 +0.02
Total 424,731 8 ±0
Valid votes 424,731 98.40 –0.07
Invalid votes 6,926 1.60 +0.07
Votes cast / turnout 431,657 70.84 –10.09
Abstentions 177,649 29.16 +10.09
Registered voters 609,306

1977 general election

Summary of the 15 June 1977 Congress of Deputies election results in Zaragoza
Parties and alliances Popular vote Seats
Votes % ±pp Total +/−
Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD) 138,575 31.77 n/a 3 n/a
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) 111,293 25.51 n/a 3 n/a
People's Socialist PartySocialist Unity (PSP–US) 46,737 10.71 n/a 1 n/a
Centre Independent Aragonese Candidacy (CAIC) 37,183 8.52 n/a 1 n/a
People's Alliance (AP) 34,857 7.99 n/a 0 n/a
Communist Party of Spain (PCE) 22,446 5.15 n/a 0 n/a
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (historical) (PSOEh) 12,328 2.83 n/a 0 n/a
Democratic Left Front (FDI) 8,656 1.98 n/a 0 n/a
Federation of Christian Democracy (FPDID) 6,205 1.42 n/a 0 n/a
Aragonese Christian Democracy (DCAR) 6,014 1.38 n/a 0 n/a
Aragonese Autonomist Front (FAA) 4,791 1.10 n/a 0 n/a
Workers' Electoral Group (AET) 1,713 0.39 n/a 0 n/a
National Alliance July 18 (AN18) 1,602 0.37 n/a 0 n/a
Spanish Phalanx of the CNSO (Authentic) (FE–JONS(A)) 1,531 0.35 n/a 0 n/a
José Antonio Circles (CJA) 729 0.17 n/a 0 n/a
Blank ballots 1,578 0.36 n/a
Total 436,238 8 n/a
Valid votes 436,238 98.47 n/a
Invalid votes 6,758 1.53 n/a
Votes cast / turnout 442,996 80.93 n/a
Abstentions 104,400 19.07 n/a
Registered voters 547,396


  1. ^ "Real Decreto 1210/2024, de 28 de noviembre, por el que se declaran oficiales las cifras de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal referidas al 1 de enero de 2024". Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish). Retrieved 23 December 2024.
  2. ^ a b Law 1/1977 (1977), trans. prov. 1.
  3. ^ a b Const. Esp. (1978), tit. III, ch. I, art. 68.
  4. ^ Const. Esp. (1978), tit. VIII, ch. II, art. 141.
  5. ^ LOREG (1985), tit. I, ch. I, art. 2.
  6. ^ RDL 20/1977 (1977), tit. I, art. 2.
  7. ^ Carreras de Odriozola & Tafunell Sambola 2005, p. 1077.
  8. ^ LOREG (1985), tit. I, ch. VI, art. 75.
  9. ^ Reig Pellicer, Naiara (16 December 2015). "Spanish elections: Begging for the right to vote". Retrieved 17 July 2017.
  10. ^ Araque Conde, Pilar (8 June 2022). "El Congreso acaba con el voto rogado: diez años de trabas burocráticas para los residentes en el extranjero". Público (in Spanish). Madrid. Retrieved 31 July 2022.
  11. ^ RDL 20/1977 (1977), tit. II, ch. II, art. 19–20.
  12. ^ LOREG (1985), tit. II, ch. III, art. 162–164.
  13. ^ Gallagher, Michael (30 July 2012). "Effective threshold in electoral systems". Trinity College, Dublin. Archived from the original on 30 July 2017. Retrieved 22 July 2017.
  14. ^ RDL 20/1977 (1977), tit. IV, art. 30–31 & 34.
  15. ^ LOREG (1985), tit. I, ch. VI, art. 44 & tit. II, ch. V, art. 169.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p "Elecciones celebradas. Resultados electorales". Ministry of the Interior (in Spanish). Retrieved 24 December 2024.


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