Interested? If so please . Not in alphabetical please as its easier to keep track of who joined when and the newest member for things like welcoming etc. Could all members please display the member userbox on the userpage.
New members are advised to have a userpage to avoid their name being red linked - Thank you
- Police,Mad,Jack (Lead Coordinator)
- J. Naven (Assistant Lead Coordinator)
- Bevo74
- Tphi
- GusF
- WeBuriedOurSecretsInTheGarden - I'd like to be involved with future newsletters and stuff like, I'm pretty good with templates.
- Rotring (talk)
- Badwolftv
- Theelf29
- Wolfmankurd (talk)
- Llamafish
- Gingerclan
- Gogorox93
Welcome new members using {{Wikipedia:Wikiproject Life On Mars/Welcome}}.
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