This Course
Wikipedia Resources Connect
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Course name
University of Ottawa
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2022-01-12 00:00:00 UTC – 2022-04-22 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

CMN2160B deals with old and new theories of the media including theories about the relations between media, power elites, and mass culture. Study of the main American and European schools of thought. From the technological (McLuhan prophecies) to the symbolic and socio-political dimensions (feminist and cultural studies).

Student Assigned Reviewing
Owen.douth Anti-nuclear movement
Ahhenderson Organizational communication
Darkbolt21 Media (communication)
Mylessj Media culture
Dattabase08 Demographic targeting Social media, Anti-nuclear movement
Cberg046 Pete Davidson
TaylorMonaghan Glossary of nutrition terms Anytime fitness
BethFarr Digital media
Blusc News design
Chloe Hongyi Wu Media bias Communication for social change
GizelCenizal Hate-watching Cross-cultural communication
WXY0224 Glossary of nutrition and fitness terms
Minhhang1406 Disney Princess
Isabellar066 Education policy, Television consumption Television consumption
Mariam.zayed Face-to-face interaction
Edil1207 Media culture
Lroulston Social media as a news source Binge watching
Rachel Clemens Demographic targeting
Hurmuny5 Organizational communication
MariaAzrak Binge watching
Monaf9 Gulf of Sidra incident (1981), 1sarahallison/South Lanark Community Garden, South Lanark Community Garden Ottawa
Christa Chiu Influence of mass media, Mainstream media, Psychological effects of Internet use, Vintage automobiles in Cuba, Transportation in Cuba Islamophobia in the media, African-American hair
User2002368 Communication for social change, Behavioral communication, Media (communication)
Toyin.O.P Face-to-face interaction
Reinhard1885 Protests against the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine Freedom of the press
Benhan L Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social media
Amara008 African-American hair
Makayla.rayne Bobo doll experiment
Maddie06283 Face-to-face interaction
K09.a25 Media fatigue, Binge watching News design
Fathia tijani Media (communication)
Cecilia226 Environmental Communication
Vllhoward Organizational communication
Rachelbaiyyy Interpersonal communication, Identity management theory
Gloriazhao0905 Cross-cultural communication African-American hair
Zc012 Communication
Xchen321 Organization communication Social media
Xhuan109 Cultivation theory
Elizabethainslie South Lanark Community Garden African-American hair
1sarahallison South Lanark Community Garden
Anamaria Turmacu Freedom of the press
W13352466 Egan Chutes Provincial Park
Yingzhuo Yang Interactive media, Face-to-face interaction Communication
AFFoss Medium theory
Needtolearnnow Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, Hyperreality
Guinevereramsey Third-person effect, Childhood in Literature
Chambara5 Islamophobia in the media, Political communication Binge watching
Ayeesha.t Social media Communication
ScholarDD Demographic targeting
Jgodfreyy Intercultural communication, Oppositional gaze
MikaylaRamsay Pharmaceutical industry, Vaccine misinformation
Lyra.taylor Mass media, Social media, Streaming media
Tatiana Strong Social media as a news source
Jiang jiteng Media culture, Structuralism
Mrahi077 Media psychology
Naahs123 Recognition signal
Jessejoseph21 Hyperreality
Keaganr11 Television consumption
SKuehni Manufacturing Consent
Jilldesjardins Social media, Ottawa Public Library
Julianne2809 Medium theory Binge watching
Krobertson00 Television consumption
Ygao135 Medium theory
Jiayimeng Anti-LGBT rhetoric
Twoheyb8 Media (communication)
Dbrie456 List of Canadian Football League mascots
Rhi2402 Hyperreality
Mzhan199 Cross-cultural communication Cross-cultural communication
Issachar Gebreyes Effects of climate change on ecosystems, African-American hair, African-American music


Week 2

Course meetings
Wednesday, 19 January 2022   |   Friday, 21 January 2022
In class - Introduction to the Wikipedia assignment

Welcome to your Wikipedia assignment's course timeline. This page guides you through the steps you'll need to complete for your Wikipedia assignment, with links to training modules and your classmates' work spaces.

Your course has been assigned a Wikipedia Expert. You can reach them through the Get Help button at the top of this page.


Assignment - Get started on Wikipedia

Create an account and join this course page, using the enrollment link your instructor sent you. (Because of Wikipedia's technical restraints, you may receive a message that you cannot create an account. To resolve this, please try again off campus or the next day.)


This week, everyone should have a Wikipedia account.

Week 3

Course meetings
Wednesday, 26 January 2022   |   Friday, 28 January 2022
Assignment - Evaluate Wikipedia
In class - Discussion

Week 4

Course meetings
Wednesday, 2 February 2022   |   Friday, 4 February 2022
Assignment - Choose possible topics

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 6

In class - Discussion

Week 5

Course meetings
Wednesday, 9 February 2022   |   Friday, 11 February 2022
Assignment - Add to an article
Assignment - Exercise

Week 6

Course meetings
Wednesday, 16 February 2022   |   Friday, 18 February 2022
Assignment - Start drafting your contributions

Reach out to your Wikipedia Expert if you have questions using the Get Help button at the top of this page.

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, pages 7–9


Everyone has begun writing their article drafts.

Week 7

Course meetings
Wednesday, 23 February 2022   |   Friday, 25 February 2022
Assignment - Peer review an article

Guiding framework

In class - Discussion

Every student has finished reviewing their assigned articles, making sure that every article has been reviewed.

Week 8

Course meetings
Wednesday, 2 March 2022   |   Friday, 4 March 2022
Assignment - Respond to your peer review

You probably have some feedback from other students and possibly other Wikipedians. Consider their suggestions, decide whether it makes your work more accurate and complete, and edit your draft to make those changes.


  • Editing Wikipedia, pages 12 and 14
  • Reach out to your Wikipedia Expert if you have any questions.

Week 9

Course meetings
Wednesday, 9 March 2022   |   Friday, 11 March 2022
Assignment - Begin moving your work to Wikipedia

Now that you've improved your draft based on others' feedback, it's time to move your work live - to the "mainspace."

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 13

Week 10

Course meetings
Wednesday, 16 March 2022   |   Friday, 18 March 2022
Assignment - Continue improving your article

Now's the time to revisit your text and refine your work. You may do more research and find missing information; rewrite the lead section to represent all major points; reorganize the text to communicate the information better; or add images and other media.

Week 11

Course meetings
Wednesday, 23 March 2022   |   Friday, 25 March 2022
Assignment - Polish your work

Continue to expand and improve your work, and format your article to match Wikipedia's tone and standards. Remember to contact your Wikipedia Expert at any time if you need further help!

Week 12

Course meetings
Wednesday, 30 March 2022   |   Friday, 1 April 2022
Assignment - Final article

It's the final week to develop your article.

  • Read Editing Wikipedia page 15 to review a final check-list before completing your assignment.
  • Don't forget that you can ask for help from your Wikipedia Expert at any time!

Week 13

Course meetings
Wednesday, 6 April 2022   |   Friday, 8 April 2022

Everyone should have finished all of the work they'll do on Wikipedia, and be ready for grading.

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