This Course
Wikipedia Resources
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- Course name
- LNGN 460
- Institution
- Montclair State University
- Instructor
- Jah238
- Wikipedia Expert
- Ian (Wiki Ed)
- Subject
- Linguistics
- Course dates
- 2022-05-16 00:00:00 UTC – 2022-08-06 23:59:59 UTC
- Approximate number of student editors
- 12
LNGN 460: Special Topics in the Structure of a Selected Language
African American English is a variety of English (several varieties, in fact!) spoken by millions of Americans, including millions of New Jerseyans. As a linguistics student, you know that all language varieties are equally systematic and normal. You may also know that some varieties, including AAE, are often misrepresented and misunderstood.
In this class, we'll learn together about the structure of AAE--its phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics--and the ways in which it varies by region. Everyone is welcome. If you speak AAE, you're invited to share your experience. We will also examine speech from the Corpus of Regional African American Language and the Montclair Map Task Corpus.
The course is listed as asynchronous online (May 16 - Jun 23). We will, however, find a time for us to meet up on Zoom each week; you are encouraged, but not required, to attend. Coursework will include problem sets, reflections, and contributions to AAE Wikipedia articles.
Week 1
- Course meetings
- Sunday, 22 May 2022
Week 2
- Course meetings
- Sunday, 29 May 2022
- In class - Wikipedia essentials
Welcome to your Wikipedia project's course timeline. This page will guide you through the Wikipedia project for your course. Be sure to check with your instructor to see if there are other pages you should be following as well.
Your course has also been assigned a Wikipedia Expert. Check your Talk page for notes from them. You can also reach them through the "Get Help" button on this page.
To get started, please review the following handouts:
- Editing Wikipedia pages 1–5
- Evaluating Wikipedia
- Assignment - Learn the basics
- Create an account and join this course page, using the enrollment link your instructor sent you. (To avoid hitting Wikipedia's account creation limits, this is best done outside of class. Only 6 new accounts may be created per day from the same IP address.)
- It's time to dive into Wikipedia. Below, you'll find the first set of online trainings you'll need to take. New modules will appear on this timeline as you get to new milestones. Be sure to check back and complete them! Incomplete trainings will be reflected in your grade.
Week 3
- Course meetings
- Sunday, 5 June 2022
- Assignment - Evaluating articles and sources
Week 4
- Course meetings
- Sunday, 12 June 2022
- Assignment - Making a first edit
- Assignment - Try another
Week 5
- Course meetings
- Sunday, 19 June 2022
- Assignment - Writing
Write a new paragraph for the African-American Vernacular article. The sentences you write should be your own; but the information has to be from published sources that you cite.
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