Power Play is a German video game magazine from November 1987 to April 2000. Many scans are available online here, here and here.
Issue content
The partial list as transcribed from here.
- 1988-01 -- General: Editorial, Große Star Trek-Aktion: Atari ST zu gewinnen, Hitparaden, Impressum, Starkiller Folge 1, Titelseite, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe; News: Die Supermesse der Spielefans; PC game reviews: Bubble Bobble, Chuck Yeagers Advanced Flight Trainer, Druid II: The Enlightenment, Guild of Thieves, Impossible Mission, Jinxter, Marble Madness, Midi Maze, Nebulus, Quedex, Shoot em up Construction Kit, Solomons Key, Street Sports Basketball, The Bards Tale, Thundercats, Track and Field; Console game reviews: Gangster Town, Great Volleyball, Jr. Pac-Man, Kid Icarus, Mario Bros., Space Harrier; Arcade game reviews: A.P.B., Gauntlet II, Roadblasters; Game adverts: California Games, Fire Trap, Fussballmanager, International Karate Plus, Out Run, Pac-Land, Rampage, Rygar, Super Sprint; Features: Als die Sprites das Ballern lernten, Atari Games: Von Anfang an (Teil 1), Die besten Action-Spiele; Interviews: Zwei für Infocom
- 1988-02 -- General: Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hast du das Zeug zum Spiele-Redakteur, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 2. Folge, Super-Sprint Wettbewerb, Titelseite, Verspielt in alle Ewigkeit: Das High-Score-Buch von Power Play, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinne einen Fussball von Gary Lineker; News: 10 Computer-Hits 4, 16-Bit Futter von Microdeal, Arcana pfelgt ST und AMIGA, Capcom sagt: Go, Demnächst auf jedem ST, Der vertauschte Nipper, French Connection, Game, Set, Match, Gryzor pirscht sich ran, MSX-News von Konami, Nintendo-News aus Japan, Power-Pack, Salamander kommt, Spielgenuss im Omnibus, Ten Great Games, Ultima - das fünfte Kapitel, Viel Prominenz beim Activision-Launch, Zwei fuer AMIGA; PC game reviews: Airborne Ranger, Asterix im Morgenland, Basil the great Mouse Detective, Basket Master, Beyond Zork, Bobble Ghost, Border Zone, Buggy Boy, California Games, Clever und Smart, Combat School, Cosmic Causaway, Demon Stalkers, Detonator, Driller, Dungeon Master, Einleitung, Elite, Freddy Hardest, Galactic Games, International Karate plus, Jackal, Jagd auf Roter Oktober, Kolonialmacht, Leviathan, Mean Streak, Mini-Putt, Project Stealth Fighter, Rallye Master, Rampage, Rana Rama, Sidearms, Sidewize, Skate or Die, Spore, Star Trek, Star Wars, Super Sprint, Superstar Soccer, Test Drive, The Great Giana Sisters, Trantor - The las Stormtrooper, Xor; Console game reviews: Bank Panic, Einleitung, Enduro Racer, Golf, Jungle Hunt, Kung Fu, Legend of Zelda, Missile Defence 3-D, Pole Position, Stargate, Summer und Winter Games, Tennis, Urban Champion, Zillion; Arcade game reviews: 720, Afterburner, Einleitung, Time Soldiers; Game adverts: 720, Bangkok Knights, Basil the great Mouse Detective, Die heissesten Spiele, Fire Trap, Game, Set and Match, Its tough on the Street, Jagd auf Roter Oktober, Jinks, Oceans All Star-Hits, RED L.E.D., Skate or Die, Solid Gold, Summer Games und Winter Games, Super Hang-On; Other adverts: 64er Software der Extra-Klasse, 64er und Happy Computer, AMIGA Magazin, Faszinierende Spielewelt, GEOS, Happy Computer; Features: Atari Games: Von Anfang an (Teil 2), Die Power-Hits des Jahres 1987, Power Classic: Ballblazer, Rollenspiele - Monster, Magier, Meuchelmörder; Cheats: POKE-Ecke; Tips: Alternate Reality (The Dungeon), Arkanoid, Einleitung, FEUD, Hades Nebula, Pirates, Quartet, Rocky, Starglider, The Bards Tale leicht gemacht (2), The Ninja; Interviews: Der Herrscher von Ultima; Professional ads: Computershop und Gamesworld, Diabolo, FUNTASTIC, Go-To Datacenter, Interfunk Fachgeschäft, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, Peksoft, T.S.Datensysteme
- 1988-03 -- General: Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller, Titelseite, Vorschau auf das naechste Heft, Wettbewerb: Barbar im Aktenkoffer; News: 4 Smash Hits, 64er Spielesammlung (Band 2), Arnold laesst die Muskeln schwellen (Predator), Championship Sprint, Der Ferrari laesst sich Zeit, Dungeon Master, Mehr von Melbourne House, Panther und Vampire, Rescue Mission nicht in Deutschland, Sega-Dauerfeuer; Previews: Impossible Mission II, Maniax, Salamander u. Rygar; PC game reviews: 2400 A.D., Apollo 18, Backlash, Bangkog Nights, Bravestar, Colossus Mah Jong, Deflektor, Die Arche des Captain Blood, Eco, Emetic Skimmer, Enduro Racer, Gauntlet II, Gryzor, Indoor Sports, Masters of the Universe, Not a Penny more, not a Penny less, Out Run, Platoon, Psycho Soldier, R.I.S.K., Rampage, Rastan, Sherlock, Skyfox II, Sub Battle Simulator, Super Hang-On, Terramax, Tetris, Thunder Boy, Western Games, Winter Olympiad 88, Wizball; Short PC game reviews: 720, Flying Shark, Garfield - Big, fat hairy Deal, Impact, Inside Outing, International Karate, Madballs, Moebius, Phoenix, Powerplay, Rygar, Tanglewood, Ultima IV; Console game reviews: Afterburner, Alien Syndrome, Clu Clu Land, Duck Hunt u. Gumshoe, Einleitung, Fantasy Zone II, Great Basketball, Great Golf, Joystick-Matt (Hardware), Kung Fu Kid, Lode Runner, Midnight Magic, Pinball, Real Sport Tennis, Slalom, Teddy Boy; Arcade game reviews: Einleitung, Exzisus, Oscar, Pac-Mania, R-Type; Game adverts: ANCO, Championship Sprint, Coin-Up News, Div. EPYX Games, Gedankenakrobatik, Markt u. Technik, Pink Panther, Power at Sea, Predator, Skate or die, The Train, To Be On Top, Vampires Empire; Other adverts: 64er Sachbuecher (Markt u. Technik), 64er Software (Markt u. Technik), 64er u. Happy Computer, 68000er (Markt u. Technik), AMIGA Magazin (Markt u. Technik), Happy Computer, Happy Computer, Magic Bytes, Markt u. Technik; Features: 11 Sparschwein-Schoner, ATARI Games - Von Anfang an (Teil 3), Bits, Bytes und Beckenbauer, Las Vegas - Stadt der Spieler, Power Classic: Archon; Solutions: Alternate Reality - The Dungeo (Teil 2), Antiriad, The Bards Tal (3); Cheats: Bards Tale, Crytal Castles, Die Antwort zu Delta, Galaga, Hollywood Hijinx - Stationsfall, Impact, Mega Apocalypse, Phantasie I, POKE-Ecke, Rygar, Solomons Key, Star Wars, Ultima IV, Wizball; Tips: Alex Kidd in Miracle Land, Bubble Bobble, Enduro Racer, Fantasy Zone, Gryzor, Mermaid Madness, Power Tips, Space Harrier, Stifflip u. Co., Transbot, Trantor, Vermeer, Wizball; Interviews: Sensible Software; Professional ads: Computer - Shop, Computershop und Gamesworld, Computershop und Gamesworld, Dreeser Soft- und Hardware, FUNTASTIC, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, Kingsoft, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, Medien-Center, Rushware, Soyka Daten Technik, T.S. Datensysteme, Thomas Mueller Computer Service
- 1988-04 -- General: Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Happy-Computer-Sonderhefte im Überblick, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Kennenlern-Angebot (64'er, Happy Computer), Leserbriefe, Starkiller, Starkiller, Starkiller, Starkiller-Kalender, Stellenangebot Rainbow Arts, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: BMX-Fieber live, Wettbewerb: Sega-Action: Gewinnen Sie Lichtpistolen und 3D-Brillen; News: 3D im Geschwindigkeits-Rausch, Aller guten Barden sind drei, Amiga-Action mit Sarcophaser, Ärger mit dem bösen Buch, Computer-Comic aus Frankreich, Obliterator schießt sich durch, Peng! Zisch! Knall!, Rimrunner kommt angetrabt, Trolle sind auch nur Menschen, Verminator für Amiga und ST, Wasteland - Nach dem Atomkrieg; PC game reviews: Ball Raider, Black Lamp, Einleitung, Falcon, Fire-Fly, Grand Prix Tennis, Great Giana Sisters, Gryzor, Gunship, Hunter's Moon, I Ball II, Jack the Ripper, Jet, Jet Bike Simulator, Jinks, Jinxter, King of Chicago, Knight Games II, Mandroid, Morpheus, Octapolis, Oids, Police Quest, Ports of Call, Return to Atlantis, Roadwars, Shadowgate, Slaygon, Stealth Mission, Strike Fleet, Task III, The Train, Thunderchopper, Thundercross, Time Bandit, Tour de Force, Traz, Volleyball-Simulator, Xenon; Short PC game reviews: Bob Moran, Brainstorm, California Games, Flying Shark, Garrison II, Jump Jet, Karting Grand Prix, Kwasimodo, Mewilo, Rocky, Speed, Street Sports Basketball, Taekwondo, The Wall, Tomahawk, Trivia Trove, Wizball; Console game reviews: Castlevania, Einleitung, Ghost House, Global Defense, Gradiu (Nemesis), Kung-Fu Master, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Pro Wrestling, Rad Racer, Skateboarding, Volleyball, Zaxxon 3D, Zillion: The Tri Formation; Arcade game reviews: Blades of Steel, Blasteroids, Dragon Spirit, Einleitung, Super Contra; Game adverts: 4th And Inches, Frightmare, Impossible Mission II, Power at Sea, Rimrunner, Skate or Die, Tetris, The great Giana Sisters, The Paranoia Complex, The Train, Traz; Other adverts: 64'er Software der Extra-Klasse, Commodore Sachbücher, Faszinierende Spielewelt (Markt u. Technik), Happy Computer Sonderheft; Features: Lichtschnell zur Spitze, Nadelstreifen und Extrawaffen, Power Classic: Dropzone; Solutions: The Bard's Tal (Teil 4); Tips: Airborne Ranger, Choplifter, Dungeon Master, Einleitung, Exolon, Garrison, Grand Prix Simulator, Hyper Blob, Jagd auf roter Oktober, Krakout, Nebulus, Star Trek, Superstar Ice-Hockey, Terrorpods, Zillion, Zork III; Interviews: Andrew Braybrook (Graftgold); Professional ads: AMIGA aktuell, Astro-Versand, BSG-Digitale Illustrationen, Computer Service Michael u. Joachim Maier GbR, Computer shop und Gamesworld, Computer-Shop, Diamond Soft, Funtastic ComputerWare, Go-To Datacenter, H.G. Dreeser, Soft- und Hardware, International Software Köln, Joysoft, JOYtronics J. Rosener, Kingsoft, Radio Weiss' Com Play, Soyka Datentechnik, T.S. Datensysteme, Thomas Müller Computer-Service
- 1988-05 -- General: Die Power Play-Wertung, Editorial, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Leserumfrage, Starkiller, Starkiller, Starkiller, Starkiller, Starkiller, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe; News: 6-Pak Vol.3 von Elite, Adventures selber schreiben, Alte Labels, neues Glück, Arcade-Platten aus Japan, Börsenhaie und Goldfische, Der Soundchip im Modul, Ein wilder Krieger kehrt zurück, Neue Automatenumsetzungen, Starker Joystick für Sega und NES, Superscharfes Sega-Bild, VCS-Klassiker neu aufgelegt, Verspielte Japaner, Wasserkraft und Götterdonner; Previews: Dragonflight, Katakis - Ballern deluxe; PC game reviews: Advanced Tactical Fighter, Beyond the Ice Palace, Bobo, Bolo, Bone Cruncher, Card Sharks, Carrier Command, Corporation, Cybernoid, Ebonstar, Einleitung, Ferrari Formula One, Gutz, Impossible Mission II, International Soccer, IO, Maniax, Northstar, Obliterator, Ooze, Pandora, Pink Panther, Return to Genesis, Sarcophaser, September, Target Renegade, The Bards Tale III - Thief of Fate, The Games: Winter Edition, Trolls, Ultima V - Warriors of Destiny; Short PC game reviews: Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of Doh, Ball Breaker 2, Bedlam, Blastball, Bubble Bobble, Buggy Boy, Championship Sprint, Chernoby - The Syndrome, Crack, Eco, I, Ball, Ikari Warriors, Ikari Warriors, Iridon, Isnogud, Karnov, Magnetron, Nigel Mansells Grand Prix, Pac-Land, Pool, Power at Sea, Power Styx, Predator, Rimrunner, Road Warrior, Rolling Thunder, Rolling Thunder, Samurai Warrior, Sidearms, Sidewinder, Slap Fight, Spinworld, Strip Poker II plus, Thrust, Thrust 2, Top Fuel Challenge, Vampires Empire, War Heli, Wu Lung; Console game reviews: Aleste, Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars, Einleitung, Fantasy Zone: The Maze, H.E.R.O., Ice Hockey, Private Eye, R.C. Pro-Am, Space Harrier 3D, Subterranea, The Goonies II, Top Gun, Wild Gunman; Arcade game reviews: Einleitung, Rack em up, Thunder Blade, Top Speed, Typhoon, Xybots; Game adverts: 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer, Akkanoid, Arcade Force Four, Axxio (Bomico), Die Arche des Captain Blood, Die Fugge (Bomico), Die heissesten Spiel (Markt u. Technik), India (Bomico), KONAMI, Magnificent Seven, Nigel Mansells Grand Prix, Ports of Cal (Ariolasoft), Postspiel Historie 1800, The Armageddon Man; Other adverts: 64er u. Happy Computer, C64 Buchhits (Markt u. Technik), Happy Computer, Happy Computer Sonderhefte, ST Magazin (Markt u. Technik); Features: Adventure-Anekdoten aus USA, Mut zum Modul: Nintendo, Pixel-Pracht, Power Classic: SunDog, Quo Vadis Adventure, Treffpunkt Telecom-Tower; Solutions: The Bards Tal (Teil 5); Tips: Clever u. Smart, Dungeon Master, Einleitung, Fantasy Zone I, Hyper Blob, Legacy of the Ancients, Platoon, Star Trek, Stationfall; Interviews: Jürgen Goeldner (Rushware); Professional ads: Computer Service, Computershop und Gamesworld, CWM Computerversand, Diamond Soft, Interfunk Fachgeschäft, International Soft Köln, Joysoft, Joysoft, Magic Computer und Telespiele, Peksoft
- 1988-06 -- General: Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller, Starkiller, Starkiller, Testübersicht, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinn Dein Alien, Wettbewerb: Gewinn mit Nintendo, Wettbewerb: Knaller-Preise mit Katakis, Wettbewerb: Spiele-Olympiade 88; News: Cosmi bei Microprose, Demnächst fuer AMIGA, Domark schlaegt zurueck, Feuer frei fuer Titus, Joysticks fuer Sega und Nintendo, Konamis Arcade Collection, Neues Budget-Label von Elite, Neues von den Giana Sisters, Nintendo-Bits aus Amerika, Salamander kommt, Schwerter und Schurken, Sommer-Spiele, Zuwachs für Sensible Software; Previews: Videospiel der Sonderklasse; PC game reviews: 4x4 Off-Road Racing, Alien Syndrome, Bermuda Project, Better dead then Alien, Bionic Commando, Bozuma, Corruption, Danger Freak, Einleitung, Emerald Mine II, Euro Soccer 88, Football Manager 2, Interceptor, Katakis, Leatherneck, Legend of the Sword, Marauder, Might and Magic, Quadralien, Rockford, Skate Crazy, Starglider II, Starring Charlie Chaplin, Street Sports Soccer, The Last Ninja II, The Three Stooges, Virus, Wasteland, Zoom; Short PC game reviews: Black Lamp, Buggy Boy, Desolator, Die Fugger, Droids, European 5-A Side, Gauntlet II, Goldrunner II, Gunshoot, Hanse, Hercules - Slayer of the Damned, Lazer Tag, Ooze, Out Run, Return to Genesis, Sentinel, Shackled, She-Fox/Vixen, Starray, The Bards Tale III, Thundercats, Vermeer, Wizard Warz; Console game reviews: Blade Eagle 3D, California Games, Desert Falcon, Einleitung, Great Baseball, Super Wonderboy in Monsterland, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link; Arcade game reviews: Einleitung, Labyrinth Runner, Silkworm, Tiger Road, Vulcan Venture; Game adverts: Fugger, Nippon, The Games: Winter Edition; Other adverts: 64er u. Happy Computer, Happy Computer, Happy Computer Sonderhefte, Markt u. Technik, Markt u. Technik, Markt u. Technik, Nintendo, ST Magazin (Markt u. Technik); Features: Chicago Enthuellt Spiele (CES), Pixel-Pracht, Power Classic: Silent Service, Rasante Realitaet, Segas Modul-Parade; Solutions: Leisure Suit Larry; Cheats: Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh, Automaten: Sky Kid, Ghosts-n Goblins, Bone Cruncher, Carrier Command, Cosmic Causaway, IO, Crystal Raider, Rygar, Cybernoid, Garfield, Dallas Quest, Demon Stalkers, International Karate, Labyrinth, Great Giana Sisters, Hysteria, Dan Dare II, Frightmare, Rolling Thunder, Jack the Nipper, Legend of Sword, Samurai Warrior, Katakis, Ports of Call, Rockford, Spore, Starcross, Street Sprots Basketball, Super mario Bros., Helloween, Tai Pan, Thundercats, Out Run, Yogi Bear, Trantor, Last Mission, Space Harrier; Tips: Academy, Dungeon Master, Einleitung, Kid Icarus, Leserantworten, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Wizball; Interviews: Der Bann aus Bonn; Professional ads: AMIGA aktuell Dieter Hieske, CompuComp, Computershop und Gamesworld, CWM Computerversand, DECOS GmbH, Diamond Soft, FUNTASTIC, Interfunk Fachgeschäft, International Software Köln, Joysoft, JOYtronics, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, Peksoft, Peksoft, T.S.Datensysteme
- 1988-10 -- General: Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Starkiller, Starkiller Folge 7, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe; News: Auf die Plätze, fertig, los!, Daley Thompson greift nach Gold, Früh übt sich..., Nachschub für Sega; PC game reviews: 20000 Meilen unter dem Meer, Barbarian 2, Hawkeye, Intensity, L.A. Crackdown, Mickey Mouse, Netherworld, Nippon, Overlander, Salamander, Scorpio, Street Fighter, Summer Olympiad, The Empire Strikes Back, Whirligigg; Short PC game reviews: Arkanoid 2: Revenge of Doh, Beyond the Ice Palace, Bionic Commando, Chubby Gristle, Dream Warrior, Euro Soccer 88, Fire and Forget, Future Tank, Indian Mission, Lords of Conquest, Mindfighter, Pandora, Peksoft, Phantasm, Rogue, Soccer Games, Solomons Key, Street Fighter, Street Fighter, Supercup Football, Superstar Ice Hockey, The Bards Tale 2, The last Mission, Zak McKracken, Zynaps; Console game reviews: Maze Hunter 3D, Shinobi; Arcade game reviews: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Hot Rod, The Main Event; Game adverts: Daley Thomsons Olympic Challenge, Electronic Arts, Gold Silver Bronze, Hostages, Operation Neptun, Overlander, Road Blasters, Summer Olympiad, The Empire strikes back; Other adverts: Nintendo, Rushware; Features: Nintendos gesammelte Werke, PC-Engine: Spielen in einer neuen Dimension; Solutions: Bards Tale (Teil 1); Interviews: David Braben - Der Elite-Millionär; Professional ads: Computer shop und Gamesword, FUNTASTIC Computerware, Joysoft, Kingsoft, Korona Soft, Korona Soft, Peksoft
- 1988-11 -- General: Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller, Starkiller, Starkiller, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Wer schlägt Daley Thompson?; News: Atari-Spektakel in Duesseldorf, Brandheiss aus London, Fusions feiner Farbverlauf, Heute schon spioniert?, Horizont-Erweiterung, Schwimmflossen und Geiseldrama, Trivial Pursuit, zweiter Versuch, Vier-Spieler-Adapter lieferbar, Wer oder was ist F.O.F.T.?; PC game reviews: Armalyte, Cybernoid II, Daley Thompsons Olympic Challenge, Down at the Trolls, Eliminator, Fish, Graffiti Man, Katakis, Menace, Microprose Soccer, Psycho Pigs UXB, Soldier of Fortune, Star Goose, The President Is Missing, The Vindicator, Typhoon Thompson; Short PC game reviews: Barbarian, Bomb Jack, Carrier Command, Exolon, Helter Skelter, Nebulus, Netherworld, Overlander, Skychase, Starball, Summer Olympiad, Super Hang On, Ultima V, Zynaps; Console game reviews: Parlour Games, Penguin Land, Shanghai; Arcade game reviews: Bonze Adventure, Konami 88, Toobin; Game adverts: Afterburner, Bionic Commando, Daley Thompson Olympic Challenge, Die Arche des Captain Blood, Dungeon Master, Electronic Arts, F.O.F.T., Freedom und Peter Pan, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Rainbow Arts; Other adverts: CMS Synthesizerkarte, Go with the Pro (Dynamics), Go with the Pro (Dynamics), Nintendo, VIDIS Electronic Vertriebs GmbH; Features: Pixel-Pracht, Power Classic: Bounty Bob strikes back; Solutions: Faery Tale-Adventur (Teil 1); Cheats: BMX Kids, Code Hunter, Deflector, In 80 tagen um die Welt, Interceptor, Knight Games, Marauder, POKE-Ecke; Tips: Bards Tale III (Teil 2), Das Finale von Dungeon Master, Einleitung, Erste Hilfe: Einsteiger-Tips aus der Redaktion, Hallo Freaks, Interceptor, Maze Hunter 3D, Metroid, Power-Tips Spezial: Intensity, Psycho Pigs UXB, Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, The President is Missing, Thunderblade, Videospiele-Tips, Zak McKracken, Zelda II: Adventures of Link, Zynaps; Interviews: Kaffeeklatsch in Duesseldorf bei Rainbow Arts; Professional ads: AMIGA aktuell - Dieter Hieske, Andreas Bachlor, Broetzmann-Schaefer Gbr, C.S.S., Computer-Service, Computershop und Gamesworld, CWM-Computerversand, DECOS GmbH, Diabolo, Diamons Soft, FUNTASTIC, Gamesworld, Go-To Datacenter, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, JOYtronics, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, mimsoft, Peksoft, Peksoft, Siggis Software Shop, T.S.Datensysteme, unichsof, WespMagic LTD.
- 1988-12 -- General: Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller, Starkiller - 9. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe; News: Die Spiele-Show des Jahres, Giana im Vorruhestand, Gruseliges Microdeal, Manche moegens bunt, Nintendo-Vorschau 89, Pruegel fuer Maggie, Zwei neue Nintendo-Joysticks; PC game reviews: Elite, Fast Break, Fusion, Heroes of the Lance, Jordan vs. Bird, Lancelot, Leben und sterben lassen, Minigolf, Neuromancer, Pac-Mania, Pool of Radiance, Powerplay Hockey, Red Storm Rising, Rocket Ranger, Rueckkehr der Jedi-Ritter, Sentinel World 1: Future Magic, Speedball, The Games: Summer Edition, Trivial Pursuit II; Short PC game reviews: 1943, Aztec Adventure, Ball-Blasta, Battle Island, Cybernoid, Fernandez must die, Foxx fights back, Game Over II, Garrison, Hostages, IK plus, Robbeary, Starray, Tetra Quest; Console game reviews: Alien Crush, Great Ice Hockey, Phantasy Star; Arcade game reviews: Kitten Kaboodle, P-47; Game adverts: Afterburner, California Games, Daley Thompsons Olympic Challenge, Fusion, Iron Lord, Pac-Mania, Powerdrome, R-Type, Software aktuel (Rushware), Soldier of Light, Spiele von Rainbow Arts, The Last Ninja, Trivial Pursuit; Other adverts: Action Replay MK V, Go with the Pro (Dynamics), Go with the Pro (Dynamics), Go with the Pro (Dynamics), Nintendo; Features: Power Classic: Tau Ceti; Solutions: Bards Tale II (Teil 3), Faery Tale Adventur (Teil 2); Cheats: Driller, Gauntlet II, Jack the Nipper II, Katakis, Mickey Mouse, POKE-Ecke, Return to Genesis, Rolands Rat Race, Virus; Tips: Afterburner, Choplifter, Dungeon Master, Einleitung, Erste Hilfe: Einsteiger Tips aus der Redaktion, Galaga 88, Game Over II, Hallo Freaks, Hallowoon, Kid Icarus, My Hero, Neuromancer, Phantasy Star, Pool of Radiance, Powerplay Hockey, R-Type, R.C. Pro-Am, Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter, Sentinel Worlds 1: Future Magic, Sidearms, Starglider II, Super Wonderboy in Monsterland, Superstar Ice Hockey, Trapdoor, Videospiel-Tips, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link; Interviews: Der Mann, der Türme drehen konnte, Vom Wizball zum Fussball; Professional ads: AMIGA aktuell - Dieter Hieske, Andreas Bachler, C.S.S., Computer-Service, Computershop und Gamesworld, CWM-Computerversand, DECOS GmbH, Delta, Diabolo, Flashpoint, FUNTASTIC, Gamesworld, Go-To Datacenter, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, Magic Computerspiele, Medien-Center, R. LEX-Versand, RODAN - Software, Siggis Software Shop, Softwareversand Melchart, T.S.Datensysteme, Topsoft, unichsof, VIDIS Electronic Vertriebs GmbH, Wesp Magic LTD.
- 1989-01 -- General: Editorial, Einleitung, Hall Of Fame: Highscores, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Kurzmeldungen und Neuheiten, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 10. Folge, Stellenanzeige: Hast Du das Zeug zum Spiele-Redakteur?, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinn die Zukunft!; News: Accolades Formel-1 Flitzer, Activisions Arcade-Shooter, Automatenpower aus Deutschland, Baal kommt bald, Die harten Jungs von Ocean, Ein Joystick für alle Faelle, Faszinierend, Gewinner satt, Japan-News, Nachhilfestd. fuer Football Manager 2, Schallplatten mit Spielesound, Sensation: Japan-Adapter fuer Nintendo, Sphaerisches Spiel, Spielesammlungen die sich lohnen, Zubehoer fuer die PC-Engine; PC game reviews: Bombuzal, Chrono Quest, Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, Exploding Fist, Gary Lineker's Superskills, Mars Saga, P.O.W., Pioneer Plague, Powerdrome, SDI, Serve 'n' Volley, Times Of Lore, Typhoon, Yuppi's Revenge; Short PC game reviews: Action Service, Advanced Pinball Simulator, Apollo 18, Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge, Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde, Elemental, Professional Skateboard Simulator, Professional Ski Simulator, Pulse Warrior, Rockford, Sorcery, Space Quest II, Street Sports Basketball, Terrorpods, Volleyball Simulator, Where Time Stood Still; Console game reviews: 8 Eyes, Assaul (Automat), Captain Silver, Contra, Double Dragon, Kato And Ken, Lord Of The Sword, Rescue Mission, Star Wars, Track 'n' Field II, World Court Tennis; Game adverts: Caveman Ugh-lympics, Chrono Quest, Das Dschungelbuch, Heroes Of The Lance, Puffy's Saga, Purple Saturn Day, The Games: Summer Edition, Tiger Road, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Other adverts: Action Replay Cartridge MK V, Ariolasoft, Electronic Arts, Gamesworld, Go with the Pro (Dynamics), Go with the Pro (Dynamics), Go with the Pro (Dynamics), Kingsoft, Quickjoy V, Rainbow Arts; Features: Die Champions: Die Software-Lieblinge '88 der Redakteure, Die Champions: Die Spiele des Jahres 1988, Power Classic: Leaderboard, Story: Das Thalamus-Trio; Solutions: Bards Tale II (Teil 4); Cheats: Arkanoid, Barbarian, Fire Fly, Firetrap, Game Over, Maniax, Out Run, POKE-Ecke, Salamander, Shadow Skimmer, She-Fox, Super Stuntman, The Last Mission, Venom strikes back, Wizball; Tips: Alien Syndrome, Alternate Reality, Chrono Quest, Contra, Erste Hilfe: Tips aus der Redaktion, F1 Dream, Ferrari Formula One, Hallo Freaks, Ice Hockey, Kato and Ken, Knight Orc, Out Run, Quartet, R.C. Pro-Am, Starglider II, Videospiele-Tips, Zelda II: Adventures of Link; Interviews: Cinemaware: Computer-Cineasten; Professional ads: Amiga aktuell, Andreas Bachler Versandhaus, C.S.S., Christels Softwareshop, Computer Service GbR, Computer und Zubehör Versand GbR, Computer-Programmservice Frank Heidak, Computerservice Tino Hofstede, Computershop und Gamesworld, CWM-Computerversand, DECOS GmbH, Delta Soft, DST GmbH, Flashpoint GmbH, Funtastic ComputerWare, Gauger Software, Go-To Datacenter, International Software Köln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Korona Soft, Magic Computerspiele, Medien-Center, Playsoft, Powersoft, R. Lex-Versand, Siggis Software Shop, Spielbrett-Versand, Sven Faulhabers Softwareversand, T.S. Datensysteme, Thomas Müller Computer-Service, Topsoft, VIDIS Electronic Vertriebs GmbH, Wesp Magic Ltd., Wial Versand Service
- 1989-02 -- General: Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Starkiller, Starkiller, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinn mit Spitting Image; News: Auflösung zum Katakis Wettbewerb, Der Daumenschoner, Gunship fliegt wieder, Hoeher, schneller, weiter, In der Mache, Kinderstunde mit Peter Pan, Piraten im All, Spiele im Laserblitz; PC game reviews: Afterburner, Batman, By fair means or foul, Emanuelle, Falsches Spiel mit Roger Rabbit, Ingrids Back, Jeanne d Arc, Kings Quest IV, Lombard RAC Rally, Looking for Love, Operation Wolf, Purple Saturn Day, R-Type, Rack em, Rambo III, Soldier of Light, Spitting Image, Super Dragon Slayer, Supersports, Technocop, Thunder Blade, Victory Road; Short PC game reviews: 1943, Afterburner, Driller, Fish, Freedom, Hellfire Attack, Kings Valley II, F-19 Stealth Fighter, Motor Massacre, Hotball, Out Run, Pac-Mania, Pac-Mania, Return of the Jedi, Puffys Saga, R-Type, Bombuzal, Guerilla War, Turbo Trax, Ultima V, XOR, Zak McKracken; Console game reviews: Kenseiden, R-Type, Super Mario Bros. 2, Thunder Blade; Arcade game reviews: Gangbusters, Legend of Makaj, Ninja Spirit, P.O.W.; Game adverts: Cavemen Ugh-lympics, Gunship, Overlander, Pro Soccer, Purple Saturn Day, Spitting Image, Superman, Thunder Blade, Times of Lore, Tintin auf dem Mond, Zak McKracken; Other adverts: Ariolasoft, Come where the fun is, Comic Setter, Dynamix, Dynamix, Kingsoft, Konix, Microprose, Turtle Byte Software; Features: Pixel-Pracht; Solutions: Bards Tale III, Zak McKracken; Cheats: Danger Freak, Leisure Suit Larry, Savage, The Empire Strikes Back, Nebulus, Elite, POKE Ecke; Tips: Bermuda Project, Double Dragon, Einleitung, Kung Fu, Shinobi, Super Hang On, Super Wonderboy in Monsterland, Super Wonderboy in Monsterland, Ultima V, Wasteland, Zelda II; Professional ads: Computershop und Gamesworld, CWM Computerversand, DECOS GmbH, Dieter Hieske, Flashpoint, Funsoft, Funtastic ComputerWare, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Korona Soft, PLAYSOFT, T.S.Datensysteme, VIDIS, WIAL-Versand-Service
- 1989-03 -- General: Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparade, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 12. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die naechste Ausgabe; News: CES: Software in der Wueste, In der Mache, Segas Videospiel-Hits in 16 Bit; PC game reviews: Blasteroids, Circus Games, Custodian, Double Dragon, Dragon Ninja, Dragons Lair, FOFT, Grand Prix Circuit, LED Storm, Legend of Blacksilver, Night Hunter, PT-109, Robocop, Superma (Man of Steel), T.K.O., TV Sports: Football, Warp, WEC Le Mans, Zany Golf; Short PC game reviews: Baal, Batman, California Games, Cosmic Bouncer, Dungeon Master, Elite, Falcon, Galactic Conqueror, Hell Bent, Hollywood Poker Pro, Manhatten Dealers, Menace, Minigolf Plus, Pool of Radiance, R-Type, Rock Challenge, Serve and Volley, Speedball, Star Trek, The Bards Tale II, Total Eclipse, Typhoon, Wanted; Console game reviews: Castlevania, Govellius, Gradius, Miracle Warriors, Monopoly, The Goonies II; Arcade game reviews: Image Fight, Passing Shot, Power Drift; Game adverts: Chrono Quest, LED Storm, Lombard Rally, Microprose, Operation Neptun, Ringside, Rocket Ranger, The Kristal; Other adverts: Action Replay, AMIGA Software, Comic Setter, Konix Navigator, Quickjoy; Features: Der Traum vom Kristal; Solutions: The Last Ninja I (Teil 1); Cheats: Carrier Command, Cybernoid, Danger Freak, Scorpio, Eliminator, Armalyte, Heroes of the Lance, Netherworld, POKE-Ecke, Stargoose, Hawkeye, Out Run; Tips: Barbarian II, Bards Tale III (Teil 6), Einleitung, Hallo Freaks, Jack the Nipper II, Karnov (Teil2), Serve u. Volley, Space Quest II, Videospiele-Tips; Professional ads: Computer Service TM, Computershop und Gamesworld, CS-Shop, CWM Computerversand, Flashpoint, Flashpoint, FUNTASTIC, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, JOYTronics, Just Games ..., KaroSoft, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, Medien-Center, Playsoft, Siggis Software Shop, WIAL-Versand-Service, Woerltronic
- 1989-04 -- General: Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 13. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die naechste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Zak ist Spitze; News: Automatenmesse IMA: die Spiele-Trend von morgen, Brandheiss: Das Konix Multi-System, In der Mache: Programme von morgen; PC game reviews: Cosmic Pirate, F-16 Combat Pilot, Gold Rush, Hardn Heavy, ISS, Jet Fighter, Last Duel, Might and Magic II, Police Quest II: The Venegance, R-Type, Spherical, Sword of Sodan, Tankattack, The Deep, War in Middle Earth, Wayne Gretzky Hockey; Short PC game reviews: 4 Soccer Simulator, 4th and Inches, Barbarian II, Billard Simulator, Captain Fizz, Crazy Cars II, Deathlord, Dynamic Duo, Eliminator, Fish, Grand Prix Circuit, Ice Ball, IK plus, Mit Jeans und Hellebarde, Phantom Fighter, Robocop, Star Trek, Teenage Queen, The Munsters, Time Bandit, Times of Lore, Titan, Track Suit Manager, Zak McKracken, Zany Golf; Console game reviews: Bomber Raid, Cyborg Hunter, Ghostsn Goblins, Great Football, Life Forc (Salamander); Arcade game reviews: Hot Chase, NARC, Rally Bike, The Last Survivor; Game adverts: Arcade Power, Blasteroids, Falcon F-16, Fugger, Grand Monster Slam, Hollywood Poker Pro, Microprose, Oxxonian, Purple Saturn Day, Wall Street Wizard; Other adverts: Action Replay MK V, Comicsetter, Fantavision, Moviesetter, Quickjoy V, Woerltronic; Features: Der Sierra-Clan, Power Classic: The Pawn; Solutions: Wastelan (Teil 1); Tips: Bards Tale III (Teil 7), Castlevania, Contra, CS-Shop, Einleitung, Hallo Freaks, Kenseiden, Last Ninja II, Mike Tysons Punch Out, Neuromancer, Phantasy Star (Teil 1), Pool of Radiance, Ultima V, Videospiel-Tips, Wonderboy in Monsterland; Professional ads: Computer Service, Computershop und Gamesworld, CWM Computerversand, Flashpoint, FUNTASTIC, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, JOYtronics, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, Loesungshilfen, Medien-Center, muekra, Playsoft, Siggis Software Shop, T.S.Datensysteme, WIAL-Versand-Service
- 1989-05 -- General: Charakter-Editoren fuer Rollenspiele, Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhatsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 14. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die naechste Ausgabe; News: Hilfe zu PD-Spielen, In der Mache: Programme von morgen, Plattenfirmen im Software Business, Preiskorrekturen, Preiswerte Klassiker, Tetris-Spieleautomat ist die neue Nr. 1, U.S. Gold: Loriciels rein, Preise runter; PC game reviews: 3D-Pool, 688 Attack Sub, Archipelagos, BattleTech, Galaga 89, Grand Monster Slam, Gravity-Force, H.K.M., Highway Hawks, Kings of the Beach, Lords of the Rising Sun, Operation Neptune, Paranoia, Populous, Supertrux, The Kristal; Short PC game reviews: Beam, Chase, Chuck Yeagers Advanced Flight Trainer, Danger Freak, Dugger, Galdregons Domain, H.K.M., Kings Quest IV und Leisure Suit Larry II, Knight Games, Last Duel, Rampage, Space Harrier, The Deep, The Games: Winter Edition, Tiger Road, Zombie; Console game reviews: Time Soldiers, Vigilante, Ys; Arcade game reviews: Devastors, Splatter House, The Final Round; Game adverts: African Raiders 01, Circus Attractions, Evil Garden, Hard n Heavy, Hollywood Poker Pro, Oxxonian, Power Games, The Real Ghostbusters, The Running Man, WEC Le Mans; Other adverts: Computer Camp, Deluxe Paint II, Quickjoy; Features: Der Sierra-Clan (Teil II), Genosse Tetris, Power Classic: M.U.L.E.; Solutions: Batman, Dragons Lair, Leisure Suit Larry II, Times of Lore; Cheats: Baal, Barbarian, Eco, Elite, POKE-Ecke, Quedex, R-Type, Skull Diggery, Star Wars; Tips: Bards Tale III (Teil 8), Battle Tech, Castlevania (Teil 2), Dragon Ninja, Dragon Spirit, Einleitung, Galaga 89, Gunship, Hallo Freaks, Jet Fighter, Microprose Soccer, Phantasy Star (Teil 2), Pool of Radiance, Power Strike, R-Type, Return to Genesis, Rocket Ranger, Sierra-Adventures endlich auf Hercules, TV Sports: Football, Ultima V, Videospiele-Tips, Wasteland, Ys; Professional ads: Andreas Bachler Computerservice, Computer Service, Computershop und Gamesworld, Computershop und Gamesworld, CS-Shop, CWM Computerversand, Diabolo, Flashpoint, FUNTASTIC, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Medien-Center, muekra, Playsoft, Schlichtig Computer-Versand, Siggies Software Shop, T.S.Datensysteme, Wial-Versand-Service
- 1989-06 -- General: Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 15. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die naechste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinne ein Sega Mega Drive, Wo stand der Tip zu ... ?; News: In der Mache: Spiele von morgen, PC-Engine: Videospiele auf Compact Disc, Software aus Amsterdam: Microsoft praesentiert brandneue Spiele; PC game reviews: Abrams Battle Tank, African Raiders, Ballistix, Bundesliga Manager, Circus Attractions, Dark Fusion, Demons Winter, Hillsfa (ADD), Jack Nicklaus, Littis Hot-Shot, Operation Feuersturm, Rock Star, Run the Gauntlet, The Duel - Test Drive II, World Snooker; Short PC game reviews: Advanced Ski Simulator, Archipelagos, Cybernoid II, Daley Thompsons Olympic Challenge, Dragonscape, Evil Garden, Heavy Metal, Howard the Coder, Pac-Land, Raider, Road Blasters, Skateball, Stargoose, Technocop, War in the Middle Earth; Console game reviews: Alex Kidd, Alf, California Games, Galaga, Xevious; Arcade game reviews: Hard Drivin, Thundercross; Game adverts: Advanced Dangeons and Dragons, Archipelagos, Beam, Epherical, Kick Off, Legend of Djel, Power Games, Test Driver II - The Duel, Tom u. Jerry; Other adverts: Aktion Replay MK V, CMS Synthesizerkarte, Heisse Hits, Magic Bytes, MagicDisc64, Quickjoy; Solutions: Kings Quest IV; Cheats: Baal, Eis und Feuer, Elite, Emerald Mine, Goldrunner, Holiday Maker, Katakis, LED Storm, Munsters, POKE-Ecke, Quadralien, Rambo III, Robocop, Thunderblade, Ultima V; Tips: Bards Tale III, Double Dragon, Dragons Lair, Einleitung, Elite, Galdregons Domain, Ghostn Goblins, Hallo Freaks, Metroid, Miracle Warriors, Phantasy Start (Teil 3), Pool of Radiance, Populous, R-Type, Street Fighter, Videospiele-Tips, Zak McKracken; Interviews: Der Mann, der Zak McKracken schuf; Professional ads: Computershop und Gamesworld, Computershop und Gamesworld, CWM - Computerversand, Delta, easy, Flashpoint, FUNTASTIC, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, muekra, Playsoft, Reinhard Schuster Computer, Schlichting Computer-Versand, Siggis Software Shop, WIAL-Versand-Service
- 1989-07 -- General: Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hall OF Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 16. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Göttliche Reisen mit Populous; News: Archipelagos, Bericht von der European Computer Trade Show in London, Competition Pro-PC, Drei neue Spiele von EAS, In der Mache: Spiele von morgen, Rainbow Arts-Highlights, Zuwachs bei Microprose; PC game reviews: Battlehawks 1942, Blood Money, Forgotten Worlds, Journey, Kick Off, Oil Imperium, Project Firestart, Real Ghostbusters, Renegade III, RVF Honda, Silkworm, Space Pilot 89, Space Quest III, Time Scanner, Vindicators, Voyager, Zork Zero; Short PC game reviews: Archipelagos, Aunt Arctic Adventure, Barbarian II, Bio Challenge, Blasteroids, Chicago 30s, Dark Fusion, Dark Side, F-16 Combat Pilot, Fright Night, Hate, Leonardo, Lombard Rally, Mayday Squad, Microprose Soccer, Nebulus, Pac-Land, Populous, Prophecy, Run the Gauntlet, Running Man, Silpheed, Sinbad, Skweek, Stormlord, Stormtrooper, The Duell - Test Drive 2, The Muncher, Tom und Jerry, Vindicators; Console game reviews: Altered Beast, Dragon Spirit, Galaxy Force, Simons Ques (Castlevania II), Son Son II, Wonderboy III; Arcade game reviews: Sky Soldiers, Tetris; Game adverts: Oil Imperium, Spiele von U.S. Gold, Voyager; Other adverts: 64er Software der Extraklasse, Action Replay MK V, Demonware; Features: Power Classic: Planetfall; Cheats: Archipelagos, Better Dead Then Alien, Carrier Command, Cybernoid, Demons Winter, Falcon, Howard the Coder, Pac-Mania, POKE-Ecke, Realm of the Trolls, SDI, The Deep, Thunderblade; Tips: Contra, Die Fugger, Einleitung, Fantasy-Zone, Gradius, Hallo Freaks, Life Force, Lords of Conquest, Microprose Soccer, R-Type, R-Type, Strike-Fleet, Super Mario Bros. II, Total Eclipse, Ultima V, Videospiele-Tips, Wall Street Wizard; Interviews: Der staehlerne Falke; Professional ads: Computer-Service, Computershop und Gamesword, Computershop und Gamesworld, CPS, CWM-Computerversand, DECOS GmbH, Dynamic Systems, easy, Flashpoint, FUNTASTIC, International Software Köln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, muekra, Palus Spielekiste, Playsoft, Reinhard Schuster Computer, Schlichting Computer-Versand, Siggis Software Shop, WIAL-Versand-Service
- 1989-08 -- General: Die Bewertung, Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 17. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die kommende Ausgabe; News: Ariolasoft ist tot - es lebe United Software, CES-Bericht, Power Play Classics-Compilation; PC game reviews: Curse of the Azure Bonds, Deja Vu II, Kult, Millennium 2.2, Personal Nightmare, Phobia, Rainbow Warrior, Rick Dangerous, Shogun, Sim City, Steel Thunder, Thunderbirds, Waterloo, Weird Dreams, Wicked, Xybots; Short PC game reviews: BattleTech, Chuck Yeagers AFT 2.0, Gunship, Heroes of the Lance, Hilsfar, Robocop, Savage, Savage, Shoot em Up Construction Kit, Sorcerer Lord, Stormlord, The Duel - Test Drive II, Waterloo; Console game reviews: Blades of Steel, Dungeon Explorer, Moto Roader, Poseidon Wars, Wanted; Arcade game reviews: Operation Thunderbolt, Turbo Out Run; Game adverts: 3D Pool, Dark Side, KlassiX, Power Play Classics, Silkworm, Total Eclipse; Other adverts: Action Replay, Micro Status, Micro Style; Solutions: Ultima V Clue Boo (Teil 1); Tips: Battlehawks 1942, Bundesliga Manager, Castlevania, Einleitung, Ghostsn Goblins, Gradius, Hallo Freaks, Jeanne dArc, Legend of Blacksilver, Metroid, Microprose Soccer, Passing Shot, Populous, Project Firestart, Punch Out, R-Type, Shinobi, Sierra-Spiele leichtgemacht, Super Mario Bros., Superstar Ice Hockey, TV Sports Football, Videospiel-Tips, World-Court Tennis, Ys; Professional ads: Austria Dynamic Systems, Computershop und Gamesworld, CPS, CWM - Computerversand, DECOS GmbH, easy, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, Joysoft, Joystick, KaroSoft, Plashpoint, Playsoft, Reinhard Schuster Computer, Schlichting, Thomas Mueller Computer Versand, WIAL-Versand-Service
- 1989-09 -- General: Die Bewertung, Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Starkiller - 18. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die kommende Ausgabe; News: In der Mache: Spiele von morgen, Indiana Jones - Das Adventure, Indiana Jones - Der Film, Nintendo Gameboy: Taschenspieler; PC game reviews: Action Fighter, Astaroth, Fire King, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Arcade Game, Indoor Soccer, Ishido, New Zealnd Story, Red Heat, Star Command, Waterloo; Short PC game reviews: 3D Pool, California Pro Golf, Chariots of Wrath, Colony, Dragon Ninja, G.Nius, Hawkeye, International Karate, Jaws, Microprose Soccer, Navy Moves, Nightdawn, Nightdawn, Nitro Boost, Red Storm Rising, Silkworm, Silkworm, Speedball, The Sentinel, Total Eclipse; Console game reviews: Alex Kidd in High Tech World, Alpha Mission, Spellcaster, Tale of a Monsterpath, Tiger Heli, Trojan; Arcade game reviews: Fighting Fantasy, Paddle Mania, Super Off Road; Game adverts: ADaD: Curse of the Azure Bonds, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Micro Style, Mr.HELI, Rick Dangerous, Skate of the Art, The Champ, The Gold Standard, Weird Dreams; Other adverts: Book-Ware (Markt u. Technik), Flight Simulator, Power-Games (Markt u. Technik); Features: Power Classic: Boulder Dash; Solutions: Gradius loesen leichtgemacht, Ultima V Clue Boo (Teil 2); Cheats: Afterburner, Cybernoid II, Double Dragon, Fire Fly, Gravity Force, Leonardo, POKE-Ecke, Populous, R-Type, Running Man, Solomons Key, Spherical, The Bards Tale; Tips: BattleTech, Blade Eagle 3D, Circus Attractions, Dragon Spirit, Einleitung, Forgotten Worlds, Goonies II, Grand Monster Slam, Grand Monster Slam, Hallo Freaks, Hillsfar, Holiday Maker, Legend of Blacksilver, Lord of the Rising Sun, Mars Saga, Millennium 2.2, Moto Roader, Project Firestart, Quadralien, R-Type I, R-Type II, Rad Racer, Space Quest III, Star Command, Starquake, The Goonies II, Videospiel-Tips, Wall Street Wizard, Wasteland, Wonderboy in Monsterland; Professional ads: Austria Dynamic Systems, Computershop und Gamesworld, CPS, CWM - Computerversand, easy, Flashpoint, Funsoft, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, MC-Soft, Reinhard Schuster Computer, Ruf und Ruf, WIAL-Versand-Service
- 1989-10 -- General: Editorial, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leser-Hitparade, Starkiller - 19. Folge, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe; Previews: Beach Volleybal (Ocean), Contac (Firebird), Midwinde (MicroStatus), Rock'n Rol (Rainbow Arts), Space Ac (Readysoft); Reviews: Arthur, Citadel, Dominator, Falcon Mission Disk 1, Gotcha, Gunhed, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure, Julius Cäsar, Kingdom of England, King's Quest, Lizenz zum Töten, Mr. Heli, Nectaris, Passing Shot, Quartz, Quest for the Time Bird, Sleeping Gods lie, Strider, Stunt Car Racer, Verminator, Xenon II - Megablast; Short reviews:: Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Caveman Ugh-Lympics, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Datastorm, Dominator, Fast Break, FOFT, Forgotten Worlds, Genius, Hanse, Hard'n Heavy, Hellraiser, Motocross, New Zealand Story, Red Heat, Tank Attack, The Champ, Tim und Struppi auf dem Mond, Vigilante, Wizard Wars; Game adverts: Batman, Beach Volley, Bloodwych, Buffalo Bill's: Rodeo Games, Eye of Horus, F-16 Combat Pilot, Genius, Mr. Heli, Rainbow Warrior, Rick Dangerous, Stunt Car Racer, The Star Wars Trilogy, Xenon 2 Megablast; Other adverts: 64'er, Atari ST Master Calc, Epyx, MicrO Style, MicroStyle, Nintendo, Profi-Software unter 100 DM, Rushware; Features: Automaten fallen nicht vom Himmel; Letters: Raubsoft-Reue, Verschwendung; Professional ads: Computer Markt, Computershop und Gamesworld, Compy Shop, CPS, Dynatex, EASY Software Vertrieb, EC Electronics, Flashpoint, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, International Software Köln, Joysoft, Karo Soft, Kingsoft, Playsoft, Reinhard Schuster Computer, Softshop, T.S. Datensysteme, Tech-Noir, VIDOS, Wial Versand-Service
- 1989-11 -- General: Editorial, Hitparaden Leser-Hits, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Power Wettbewerb: Batman, Starkiller, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe; Previews: Batman, Dragons of Flam (SSI/U.S. Gold), Ghostbusters II, Hound of Shadow (Electronic Arts), Keef the Thie (Electronic Arts), Moonwalke (U.S. Gold), Power Drif (Amiga), Qi (Ocean), X-Out; Reviews: Bloodwych, Conflict Europe, Dynamite Duke, Dynamite Dux, F-15 Strike Eagle II, Final Lap Twin, Ghouls'n Ghosts, Great Courts, M1 Tank Platoon, Montezuma's Revenge, Psycho Fox, Rock'n Roll, S.P.Y., Sidearms, Soccer Manager Plus, Turn it, Twinworld, Vette; Short reviews:: Airborne Ranger, Battle Valley, California Games, Castle Warrior, Eye of Orus, F-16 Combat Pilot, Grand Prix Circuit, Maniac Mansion, Pirates, Rainbow Warrior, RVF, Steel, Virus; Game adverts: Altered Beast, Batman, Bloodwych, Chambers of Shaolin, Die Stadt der Löwen, Drakkhen, Dynamite Dux, Fighter Bomber, Ghostbusters 2, Iron Lord, Maniac Mansion, Mr. Heli, Power Drift, Rainbow Warrior, Rick Dangerous, Shadow of the Beast, Super Wonder Boy, Xenon 2 Megablast; Other adverts: EPYX, Micro Style, Power Games, Thalion, Wörlein Akustikkoppler; Features: Batman - Der Film, Life, Populous Wettbewerb; Tips: Microprose Soccer, Oil Imperium; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Computer-Versand Schlichting, Computermarkt, Compy Shop, Cumputershop und Gamesworld, CWM Computerversand Thomas Must, Dynamic Systems, Dynatex, EASY Software Vertrieb, EC Electronics, FLASHPOINT, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, International Software Köln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, MC-SOFT, Playsoft, R. Schuster Computer, RAINBOW Soft, SOFTSHOP, T.S. Datensysteme, Tech-Noir, VIDIS, WIAL-Versand-Service
- 1989-12 -- General: Editorial, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Hitparaden Leser-Hits, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Powertips, Starkiller 21. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe; Previews: Dragon Wars, Drakkhen; Reviews: A.P.B., Batman - The Movie, Bloody Wolf, Cloud Master, Clown-O-Mania, Continental Circus, Day of the Viper, Dragon Spirit, Fiendish Freddy, Fighter Bomber, Future Wars, Ghostbusters, Hoyle's Book of Games, Manhunter 2: San Francisco, Omega, Plotting, Shadow of the Beast, Skate or die, Space Rogue, Tennis Ace, Their finest Hour, Tower of Babel, Wonderboy in Monster Lair, World Cup Soccer, Wrestlemania; Short reviews:: A.P.B., Action Fighter, Altered Beast, Altered Beast, Baal, Carrier Command, First Strike, Menace, Microprose Soccer, Paperboy, Passing Shot, Search for the Titanic, Shinobi, Star Wars, The Games: Summer Edition, Trivial Pursuit, Xenophobe; Game adverts: Altered Beast, Continental Circus, Day of the Pharao, Die Stadt der Löwen, Drakkhen, F-29 Retaliator, Fighter Bomber, Ghostbusters II, Great Courts, Hard Drivin', Hewson, Midwinter, Pirates!, Power Drift, Quartz, Red Storm Rising, Rings of Medusa, Rock'n Roll, Sim City, Strider, Stunt Car Racer, Super Wonderboy, Tower of Babel; Other adverts: Activision, Epyx, Markt & Technik, MicroStyle; Features: Brandneues von der Londoner PC-Show, Ökolopoly: Das Spiel, das vom Professor kam; Tips: F-16 Falcon, Populous; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Computer Markt, Computer-Versand Schlichting, Computershop und Gamesworld, CPS, CWM Computerversand Thomas Must, Dynamic Systems, Dynatex, FLASHPOINT, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, International Software Köln, Joysoft, Just Games, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Kingsoft, Korona Soft, Lex-Versand, M. Klinger Versand, MC-SOFT, Playsoft, R. Schuster Computer, RAINBOW Soft, Ruf, Soft-Discounter Schneider + Pa., SOFTSHOP, Thomas Müller Computer-Service, VIDIS, Wial Versand Service
- 1989-beste-spiele -- General: Editorial, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, So bewerten wir, Titelseite, Übersicht über alle Tests in POWER PLAY, Übersicht über alle Tips in POWER PLAY; Reviews: 688 Attack Sub, Archipelagos, Battlehawks 1942, Bio Challenge, Blasteroids, Blood Money, Bombuzal, Bundesliga Manager, California Games, Castlevania, Chuck Yeagers Advanced Flight Trainer, Circus Attractions, Continental Circus, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Demon's Winter, Dragon Spirit, Dungeon Master, Elite, Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, F-16 Combat Pilot, F-16 Falcon, Golvellius, Gotcha, Grand Monster Slam, Grand Prix Circuit, Gravity-Force, Gunhed, Hard'n Heavy, Heavy Metal Paradroid, Hillsfar, Hostages, Indiana Jones and the last Crusade, Ishido, Journey, Katakis, Kingdoms of England, Kings of the Beach, King's Quest IV, Kult, Legend of Blacksilver, Leisure Suit Larry II, Life Forc (Salamander), Lords of the Rising Sun, Manhunter 2 - San Francisco, Microprose Soccer, Might and Magic II, Nectaris, New Zealand Story, Oil Imperium, Omega, Penguin Land, Phantasy Star, Pirates, Police Quest II, Pool of Radiance, Populous, Project Firestart, Psycho Fox, Purple Saturn Day, R-Type, Red Storm Rising, Rick Dangerous, Rocket Ranger, Rock'n Roll, RVF, Shogun, Silkworm, Sim City, Simon's Quest - Castlevania 2, Son Son II, Space Quest III, Space Rogue, Speedball, Spherical, Star Command, Strider, Stunt Car Racer, Super Mario Bros. 2, The Games: Summer Edition, The Sentinel, Their finest Hour, Tiger Heli, Times of Lore, Total Eclipse, Tower of Babel, Turn it, TV Sports: Football, Typhoon Thompson, Ultima V, War in Middle Earth, Waterloo, Wayne Gretzky Hockey, Wonderboy III, World Court Tennis, World Cup Soccer, World Snooker, Xenon II - Megablast, Xybots, Zany Golf, Zork Zero; Game adverts: Berlin 1948, Galaxy Force, Hillsfar, Shadow of the Beast, Space Rogue; Other adverts: Deluxe Paint III, Markt & Technik, Rainbow Arts; Professional ads: Flashpoint
- 1990-01 -- General: Die POWER PLAY-Wertungen, Editorial, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Hitparaden Leser-Hits, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Powertips, Starkiller Folge 22, Titelseite, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe; News: Atari 7800; Reviews: Act Fancer, Bar Games, Bay-Route, Chambers of Shaolin, Day of the Pharao, Don't go alone, First Contact, Ghostbusters II, Golden Axe, Hero's Quest I, Hillsfar, Interphase, Keef the Thief, Laser Squad, Mines of Titan, Monster Party, Omni-Play Basketball, Power Drift, Rastan, Rings of Medusa, Shufflepuck Cafe, Super Wonderboy in Monsterland, Swords of Twilight, The Cycles, The Hound of Shadow, The Third Courier, Thunder Force II, Toobin', Ufo, Winning Shot; Short reviews:: Batman - The Movie, Bushido, Faery Tale Adventure, Fiendish Freddy, Fighting Soccer, Fighting Soccer, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Iron Trackers, Jack Nicklaus Golf, Knight Force, Lancaster, Omni-Play Basketball, Roller Coaster Rumbler, Shinobi, Stadt der Löwen, Stunt Car Racer, Table Tennis, Terry's Big Adventure; Game adverts: Asterix Operation Hinkelstein, Berlin 1948, Blue Angels, Chase H.Q., Day of the Viper, Double Dragon II, Drakkhen, F-29 Retaliator, Fighter Bomber, First Contact, Ghostbusters II, Great Courts, Hard Drivin', Jack Nicklaus' Golf, Light Force, Midwinter, Ninja Warriors, Pictionary, Power Drift, Rings of Medusa, Shufflepuck Cafe, Sim City, Stund Car Racer, Test Drive II, Twin World; Other adverts: Activision, Firebird, Markt und Technik, Markt und Technik Power Games, Microprose, Nordic Power, Powerplay - Die besten 100 Spiele 1989, Rainbird; Features: Die Spiele des Jahres 1989, Ghostbusters II - Der Film; Letters: Feindbilder, Verloren, verbannt, verbrannt?, Vier Fragen; Tips: Bloodwych, Bombuzal, Bubble Bobble, Bundesliga Manager, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Dungeon Explorer, Ghostbusters, Gunhed, Indiana Jones and the Last Cruseda - The Grafic Adventure, Maniac Mansion, Microprose Soccer, Nectaris, New Zealand Story, Phantasy Star, Populous, Power Strike, Quartet, Secret Command, Super Mario Bros. 2, Wrecking Crew, Xenon 2 - Megablast; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, CARREE - Power per Post, Computer-Versand Schlichting, Computermarkt, Computershop und Gamesworld, Compy Shop, CPS, CWM Computerversand Thomas Must, Dynamic Systems, Dynatex, EASY Software Vertrieb, EC Electronics, FLASHPOINT, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, German Design Group, International Software Köln, Joysoft, Just Games, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Kingsoft, R. Schuster Computer, RAINBOW Soft, Soft-Discounter Schneider + Pa., SOFTSHOP, T.S. Datensysteme, Theo Kranz - Versand, VIDOS, Wial Versand Service
- 1990-02 -- General: Editorial, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Hitparaden Leser-Hits, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Powerplay Test-Abo, Powertips, Starkiller Folge 23, Titelseite, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe; Reviews: Anticipation, Basketball Nightmare, Battle Squadron, Block Out, Budokan, Chaos Strikes Back, Cobra Triangle, Crack Down, Dragon Wars, Dragons of Flame, Dynamite Dux, Footballer of the Year 2, Galaxy Force, Ghoulsn Ghosts, Hard Drivin, Iron Lord, It came from the Desert, Leisure Suit Larry 3, Moonwalker, Neutopia, Ninja Warriors, North and South, Ordyne, Pipe Dream, Rambo III, Star Trek V, Super Hang-On, Superleague Soccer, Switchblade, Sword of the Samurai, X-Out; Game adverts: Block Out, F-29 Retaliator, First Contact, Full Metal Planete, Midwinter, Samurai, Starflight, Stunt Car Racer, X-Out; Other adverts: 64er Magazin, 64er Software, Microprose, Nordic Power, Rainbird, UBI Soft; Features: Ein Lynx für jede Hosentasche; Interviews: Major Bill Stealey
- 1990-03 -- General: Chart Attack, Creme de la creme, Die Wertungen, Editorial, Gesucht: der beste Spielekenner, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Musik Bücher Filme, Power Tips, Starkiller Folge 24, Stellenanzeige: Flinke Finger gesucht, Titelseite, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe; News: Software satt; Previews: Cadaver, Flood: Bullfrog auf Tauchstation, Midwinter; Reviews: A-10 Tank Killer, Battle Out-Run, Berlin 1948, Bloodwych Data-Disk Vol. 1, Blue Angels, Bodo Illgners Soccer, Bruce Lee Lives, Champions of Krynn, David Wolf, Drakkhen, F1 Triple Battle, Full Metal Planete, Harpoon, Indianapolis 500, Kujaki-Oh 2, Metal Gear, Mit Gradius III in die 90er, Mr. Heli, P 47, Retrograde, Space Ace, Starflight, Starflight 2, Super Shinobi, Tatsujin, Teenage Turtles, Teenage Turtles, Volfiev, Wild Streets, World Games, World Trophy Soccer, Y's; Game adverts: Blue Angels, Bodo Illgners Super Soccer, Conqueror, Full Metal Planete; Other adverts: Action Replay Cartridge MK IV, Power Play, Power-Games, Rainbird, Ubi Soft; Features: 30 Spiele, die ihr Geld wert sind, Der Zauber von Dragon Spirit, Die nächste Generation: PC-Engine vs. Mega Drive, Lynx im Test; Solutions: Starflight 1 Clue-Book; Tips: Space Ace; Interviews: FTL: Die Meister des Dungeons; Professional ads: Computershop und Gamesworld, PC
- 1990-04 -- General: Chart Attack, Crème De La Crème, Die Wertungen, Dr. Bobo antwortet, Editorial, Hall Of Fame: Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Kleinanzeigencoupon, Musik, Bücher, Filme, Power Play Karten, Power Tips, Power-Forum: Clubs, Starkiller Folge 25, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gesucht: Der beste Spielekenner, Wettbewerb: Traum-Videospiel zu gewinnen; News: Chase H.Q., Comic News, Crackdown, Cyberball, Emperor Of Rome, Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monster, Hägar, Knight 'n' Fight, Super Famicom, The Toyottes; Previews: Knights Of The Crystallion, Operation Stealth, Ultima VI; PC game reviews: Aquanaut, Das Magazin, Deathtrack, Die Hard, Dragon's Breath, Dungeon Quest, Dyter 07, E-Motion, Fred, Harley Davidson, Intruder, Logo, Magic Johnson, Mech Warrior, Nuclear War, Rainbow Islands, Space Harrier II, Street Rod, The Colonel's Bequest, Tie Break, TV Sports Basketball, Windwalker; Short PC game reviews: 5th Gear, Austerlitz, Blue Angels, Bodo Illgner's Super Soccer, Chambers Of Shaolin, Chicago 90, Epyx 21, Fire, First Contact, Footballer Of The Year 2, Gates Of Jambala, Maze Mania, Nevermind, Operation Thunderbolt, Pirates!, Renaissance, Snoopy, Stellar Crusade, Stunt Car Racer, Switchblade, The Hound Of Shadow, Two To One, Ultima V, X-Out; Console game reviews: Airwolf, Atomic Robo-Kid, Demon Sword, Double Dribble, Forgotten Worlds, Golden Axe, Golfamania, Heavy Unit, Herzog 2, PC Gengin, R.C. Grand-Prix, Slap Shoot; Short console game reviews: Bullfight Boxen, Motorcycle, Red Alert, Tiger Heli; Game adverts: Dragonflight, Milestones - Die Compilation, North Sea Inferno, Pipe Mania!!, Pirates!, Powerboat USA, Startrash, Super Cars, The Final Chesscard, Tie Break; Other adverts: Computer Live, Hobby-Tronic und Computerschau, IDG Verlag AG, Lucasfilm Games, Markt, Monkey Data, Power Play; Features: Das Game Boy Syndrom, Der Traum vom Fliegen, Graftgolds Paukenschlag: Paradroid 90, Spielautomaten-Tests, SSI: Die Meister der Drachen, UBI-Soft: French Connection; Letters: Power Post; Solutions: Chaos Strikes Back, Starflight 1 Clue-Book Teil 2; Professional ads: 16 Bit Video Games, Computershop und Gamesworld, Compy Shop, CPS Frank Heidak, CWM-Computerversand, EC Electronics, Flashpoint, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, German Design Group, Joysoft, Karo Soft, Kingsoft, News Software GmbH, Okay Soft, Paradise Of Games, Power Soft, PPP, R. Schuster Computer, Schlichting, Software Kuehn, Wial Versand
- 1990-05 -- General: Clubs, Creme de la Creme, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Inserentenverzeichnis, Kleinanzeigen, Musik Bücher Filme, Powerplay Karten, Starkiller Folge 26, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Der beste Spielekenner; News: Comic News; PC game reviews: Atomix, Black Tiger, Brain Blaster, Coloris, Combo Racer, Crack Down, Dr. Plummets House of Flux, Greg Normans Ultimate Golf, Infestation, Italia 1990, Kid Gloves, Klax, Knights of Legend, Knights of the Crystallion, Leavin Teramis, Mean Streets, North Sea Inferno, Scramble Spirits, Ski or Die, Tennis Cup, The Jetsons, Xenomorph; Console game reviews: Blodia, Chase H.Q., Mega Man, New Zealand Story, Paranoia, Real Basketball, Shinobi, Sokoban, Stadium Events, Super Volleyball, Tiger Road, Zoom; Short reviews:: 688 Attack Sub, Budokan, Dragon Wars, Dragons Lair, Ferrari Formula One, Hoyles Book of Games, Jack Nicklaus, Omega, Space Harrier 2, Starflight 1, Super Cars, The Untouchables, Wayne Gretzkey Hockey, Weird Dreams, X-Out; Game adverts: Berlin 1948, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, International Soccer Challenge, LHX Attack Chopper, Ninja Spirit, Super Cars, Tie Break, U.S.S. John Young, Warhead, Xenomorph; Other adverts: 64er Software, Computer Live, Crack the West, Hobby-tronic, Markt und Technik, Power Games, Powerplay Abo, ST Magazin, Ultima 6 The False Prophet; Features: ADLib-Soundkarte für PCs, Automatenspiele: Berserker, Blut und Bestien, Der C64. Kaufhilfe für Soft- und Hardware; Interviews: Brian Moriarty: Mister Erdbeben; Professional ads: Crystal Soft, Data Team, Okay Soft, Power Soft, Software Corner, Theo Kranz - Versand
- 1990-06 -- General: Chart Attack, Crème De La Crème, Die Wertungen, Editorial, Hall Of Fame: Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Kleinanzeigen, Kurzmeldungen und Neuheiten, Musik, Bücher, Filme, Power Play Mitmachkarten, Power Play Sammelordner, Power Play Sammelordner, Power Play Tipp-Karten, Power Tips, Power-Forum: Clubs, Starkiller Folge 27, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Ultima 6; News: Comic News; PC game reviews: Antheads, Castle Master, Cloud Kingdoms, Code-Name: Iceman, Conquests Of Camelot, Crossbow, Cyberball, Escape, F29 Retaliator, Face Off, Fire And Brimstone, Gunboat, Jumping Jack Son, LHX Attack Chopper, Low Blow, Manchester United, Midwinter, Player Manager, Singe's Castle, Skidz, Tangled Tales, Tank, Turrican, Window Wizard; Short PC game reviews: Black Tiger, Blockout, Bundesliga Manager, Déjà Vu II, Drakkhen, Emlyn Hughes International Socce (Atari ST), Emyln Hughes International Soccer, Fiendish Freddy, Might And Magic II, Pipe Mania, Pipe Mani (Atari ST), Rainbow Island (Atari ST), Rainbow Island (C64), Renaissance, Rock 'n' Roll, SAS Combat Simulator, SAS Combat Simulato (Atari ST), Scramble Spirit, Space Ace, Star Trash, Starflight, Stryx, Tennis Cup, Xenomorph; Console game reviews: Afterburner, Assault City, Chip's Challenge, City Hunter, Cybercore, Nemesi (Gradius), Section Z, Space Invaders, Super Darius; Short console game reviews: Asmik World, New Zealand Story, Sokoban, Solar Striker; Game adverts: Castle Master, Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, F-19 Stealth Fighter, Football Manager World Cup Edition, Hammerfist, Impossamole, Klax, Knights Of The Crystallion, Logo, Sunny Shine, Turrican, Vendetta; Other adverts: 64'er Sonderheft Nr. 54, Markt und Technik Verlag, West; Features: Einer wird gewinnen: 16 Fußballsimulationen im Test, Verspieltes Europa: Londoner Frühjahrs-Messe; Letters: Power Post; Solutions: Starflight 1Clue-Book Teil 4; Tips: Player's Guide: Battle Of Britain (Teil 1); Professional ads: 16 Bit Video Games, AFC Computerhandel, Bachler Computersoftware, Computershop und Gamesworld, CPS Frank Heidak, Data Team, Decos GmbH, EC Electronics GmbH, Flashpoint, Funtastic ComputerWare, German Design Group, Joysoft, Karosoft, Kingsoft, Lösungsservice Richard Berry, Markus Will, Monkey Data, Powersoft, R. Schuster Computer, Schlichting Computer-Versand, Software Corner, Software Kühn, Theo Kranz Versand, Vector 1 Computergames, Videospielversand ERB, Wial Versand, World Of Wonders
- 1990-07 -- General: Bomico Wettbewerb, Chart Attack, Clubs, Creme de la Creme, Die Wertungen, Editorial, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Musik Bücher Filme, Power Play Sammelordner, Powerplay Karten, Private Kleinanzeigen, Starkiller, Starkiller Folge 28, Time Soldier, Titelseite, Vorschau auf nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Wir wollens wissen; News: Comic News, Simulations-Sensationen; Previews: Flight of the Intruder, Killing Cloud, Projectyle; PC game reviews: Chronoquest II, Dan Dare 3, Dragon Strike, Dragonflight, Gravity, Hammerfist, Heavy Metal, Hot Rod, Impossamole, Intact, International Championship Wrestling, Italy 1990, Legend of Faerghail, Loom, Ninja Spirit, Power Boat U.S.A., Railroad Tycoon, Resolution 101, Rotox, Sonic Boom, Sorcerian, U.S.S. John Young, Warhead, Wolfpack; Console game reviews: American Pro Football, Darwin 4081, Fighting Golf, Final Blow, Formation Armed F, Phantasy Star II, Psycho Chaser, Splatterhouse; Game adverts: Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, Italy 1990, Khalaan, Kick Off 2, Knights of the Crystallion, Legend of Faerghail, Logo, Projectyle, World Cup 90; Other adverts: Bomico, Bomico, Computer Live, Kingsoft, Markt und Technik, Power Play, West; Features: Arcade-Neuheiten, Ballerexperte Henrik Fisch testet 34 Actionspiele; Interviews: Bob Jacobs, Präsident von Cinemaware; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Computer-Versand Schlichting, EC Electronics, Kingsoft, Wial Versand Service
- 1990-08 -- General: Chart Attack, Crème De La Crème, Die Wertungen, Dr. Bobo antwortet, Editorial, Hall Of Fame: Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Kleinanzeigen, Kurzmeldungen und Neuheiten, Musik, Bücher, Filme, Power Play Abonnement, Power Play Mitmachkarten, Power-Forum: Clubs, Starkiller Folge 29, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinnt eine Reise in die USA, Wettbewerb: Gewinnt mit Bomico; News: Comic News; Previews: Back To The Future II, Deluxe M.U.L.E.; PC game reviews: A.M.C., Airport, Bad Blood, Balance...Planet, Centurion: Defender Of Rome, Colorado, Dynasty Wars, Faces, Final Command, Final Countdown, Fire And Brimstone, Flight Of The Intruder, Imperium, International 3D Tennis, Ivanhoe, Khalaan, Lin Wu's Challenge, Pro Tennis, Projectyle, Secret Of The Silver Blades, Sunny Shine, The Plague, Treasure Trap, Welltris; Short PC game reviews: Battle Of Britai (Amiga), Champions Of Kryn (Amiga), Cloud Kingdom (Amiga), Cloud Kingdom (C64), Cloud Kingdom (MS-DOS), Cyberbal (Atari ST), Defenders Of The Eart (C64), Dominatio (C64), F-29 Retaliato (Atari ST), Ghosts 'n' Goblin (Atari ST), Ghosts 'n' Goblin (MS-DOS), Kla (Amiga), North Sea Infern (Atari ST), Second Front: Germany Turns Eas (MS-DOS), Tie Brea (C64), Wipeou (Amiga); Console game reviews: Alex Kidd IV, Barumba, Blue Blink, DJ Boy, Dodge Ball, Formation Soccer, Parlour Games, Tetris, To The Earth, Ultima IV, Whip Rush; Short console game reviews: Batman, Blodia, Dead Heat Scramble, Drop Rock, Flappy Special, Othello, Popeye, Powerdrift, Puzzle Road, Soccer Boy, Space Invaders; Game adverts: Back To The Future II, Flimbo's Quest, Heroes Compilation, Italy '90, Loom, Midnight Resistance, Projectyle, Unreal, Wo in aller Welt ist Carmen Sandiego?; Other adverts: Amiga (Markt und Technik Verlag), Ariolasoft, Bomico-News, Cockpit (Markt und Technik), Computer Live, Game On, Kingsoft, Markt und Technik Verlag, ST Magazin, U.S. Gold, United Software, West; Features: CES-Messe: Kalter Wind und heiße Spiele (Chicago '90), Denkste: Der neue Markt für Denkspiele, Neo Geo: Die private Spielhalle, Nintendo: Game Boy in Deutschland, Super Grafx: Quantensprung oder Leichenstarre?; Letters: Power Post; Solutions: Might And Magic II Clue Book Teil 1; Tips: Player's Guide: Battle Of Britain (Teil 3); Interviews: Sensible Software; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Computer Markt, Computer und Video Schindler, Computershop und Gamesworld, Compy Shop, CPS Frank Heidak, Crystal Soft, EC Electronics GmbH, Flashpoint, Fundur Computersoftware, Funtastic ComputerWare, Galaxy, German Design Group, Groove Soft, Hamo Software, Joysoft, Karosoft, Kingsoft, Korona Soft, Magic Games, Neumann und Katsougris, Power Soft, RSE Electronic, S.D.I., Software Corner, Software Kühn, Theo Kranz Versand, Wial Versand, World Of Wonders
- 1990-09 -- General: Chart Attack, Clubs, Creme de la Creme, Die Wertungen, Editorial, Gradius 3 Spielautomat zu gewinnen, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Power Play Sammelordner, Private Kleinanzeigen, Starkiller Folge 30, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewert: Gewinnt mit Bomico; News: Arcade-Neuheiten des Monats, Comic News; Previews: Battle Command, Duster, Masterblazer, Powermonger, Vaxine, Wonderland; PC game reviews: Carmen San Diego, Circuits Edge, Damokles, Dark Sat, Emerald Mine 3, Flood, Football Manager: World Cup Edition, Guns or Butter, Kick Off 2, Oriental Games, PGA Tour Golf, Rorkes Drift, Tangram, Theme Park Mystery, Thunderstrike, Titano, Unreal, Viking Child; Console game reviews: Columns, Crystal Mines, Dondokodon, Download, Freedom Fighter, Ghostbusters, Hurrican, Puzznic, Shanghai II, Super Star Soldier, Thunderforce 3, Veigues Tactical Gladiator; Short console game reviews: Boxing, Gauntlet III, Golf, Kikikaikai, Pitman, Quix; Game adverts: Back to the Future II, Invest, Lost Patrol, Murder!, The Gold of the Aztecs, Transworld, Ultima V; Other adverts: Buch: GeoBasic, Electronic Arts, Golden Disk 64, Markt und Technik, Markt und Technik, Markt und Technik, Powerplay Abo, Powerplay Karten; Features: Color Dreams liefert NES-Spiele, Der große Rollenspiel-Vergleichstest, Konami: Der Deutschland-Star; Solutions: Conquests of Camelo (Teil 1), Might and Magic I (Teil 2), Ultima 6; Cheats: Klax, Turrican; Tips: Dragonflight, Iron Lord, Midwinter, Pirates, Police Quest II, Powertips Hauptseite, Space Quest III, Tower of Babel; Professional ads: Bomico, Computer-Versand Schlichting, Computershop und Gamesworld, CPS, CWM Computerversand Thomas Must, FLASHPOINT, Galaxy, Joysoft, Karo Soft, Kingsoft, NO-CREDITS, Paradiese of Games, Starbyte, Theo Kranz - Versand, Wial Versand Service
- 1990-10 -- General: Chart Attack, Die Wertungen, Dr. Bobo antwortet, Editorial, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Kurzmeldungen und Neuheiten, Power Play Abonnement, Power Play Sammelordner, Power Tips, Power-Forum: Clubs, Sonnenglut und flinke Finger: Pipe Mania Wettbewerb, Titelseite; Previews: Betrayal, Grand Monster Slam, The Secret Of Monkey Island; PC game reviews: Apprentice, Back To The Future II, Cadaver, Earthrise, Fatal Heritage, Flimbo's Quest, Murder, Operation Stealth, Prince Of Persia, Ra, Rick Dangerous 2, Search For The King, Silent Service II, Vendetta, Venus, Wonderland; Console game reviews: Batman, Beach Volley, Cyberball, Devil Crush, Double Dragon II, E-Swat, Faxanadu, Image Fight, Lode Runner, Ninja Spirit, Phelios, Pin-Bot, Silent Service, Summer Games, Super Monaco GP, Xevious; Short console game reviews: Burai Fighter, Double Dragon, Dr. Mario, Ghouls'n'Ghosts, Matchmania, Obaman, Pipe Mania, Rastan II, Sokoban 2, Volleyfire; Game adverts: 007 - Der Spion, der mich liebte, Apprentice, B.S.S. Jane Seymour, Beast II, Corporation, Gremlins 2, Invest, Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf, Prince Of Persia, Sarakon, Supremacy, Take 5 Compilation, Tournament Golf; Other adverts: Amiga 90, Mega Drive; Features: CDTV - Die digitale Dimension, Nostalgietrip: Die große Sprite-Historie, SEGA hebt ab - Das Mega Drive in Europa; Letters: Power Post; Solutions: Might And Magic II Clue Book Teil 3; Professional ads: Bomico, Compy Shop, CPS Frank Heidak, Dynatex, ECS GmbH, Flash Point, Fun Ware, Game-Play, HAMO, Hard And Soft, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Okay Soft, Paradise Of Games, Power Soft, Software Corner, Software Kühn, Wial Versand, World Of Wonders
- 1990-11 -- General: Chart Attack, Creme de la creme, Die Wertungen, Editorial, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Musik Bücher Filme, Power Play Abonnement, Power Play Abonnement, Power Play Sammelordner, Power-Forum: Clubs, Private Kleinanzeigen, Starkiller Folge 32, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinnt mit Bomico; News: Comic News; Previews: Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday, Geisha, Sim Earth; PC game reviews: Anarchy, Battlemaster, Deliverance, Gold of the Aztecs, Invest, Ishido, Jack Nicklaus II, Jane Seymour, Lords of Doom, Mad Professor Mariarti, Magic Fly, Manix, Megatraveller, Mr. Do! Run Run, Satan, Shadow of the Beast 2, Time Machine, UMS II: Nations at War, Universe 3, Wings, Wings of Fury; Short PC game reviews: Flight of the Intruder, Krymini, Pool of Radiance, Reederei; Console game reviews: Bomber Man, Bonze Adventure, Budokan, Captain Comic, Impossible Mission II, Moonwalker, Populous, Shiten-Myooh, Super Hidalyde, Super Monaco GP, XDR; Short console game reviews: Ishido, Penguin Wars, Rastan Saga II; Game adverts: Alpha Waves, Antares, Cadaver, Crime Wave, Das Stundenglas, Days of Thunder, Dick Tracy, Epic, Invest, Ishido, Mean Streets, Powermonger, Star Control, Team Yankee, The Curse of Ra, The Immortal, The second World, Time Machine, Transworld, World Championship Soccer; Other adverts: 64er: Redakteur gesucht, Amiga Magazin, Amiga Messe Köln 1990, Magic Bytes, Markt und Technik, Markt und Technik: Power-Games, Power Play goes Amiga-Messe, Starbyte, West; Features: Besuche bei Accolade, Die furchtbaren 10: 10 Trauerspiele aus der Software-Ecke, Messebericht: CES in London, MS-DOS PCs: Vom Arbeitstier zum Spieleriesen; Solutions: Legend of Faerghail, Might and Magic I (Teil 4); Tips: Bad Blood, Codename Iceman, Damocles, Dragonflight, Might & Magic II, Powertips Hauptseite, Railroad Tycoon, Super Shinobi (Mega Drive), Tennis (Game Boy), Thunderforce III (Mega Drive), Tower of Babel, Turrican
- 1990-12 -- General: Besten-Liste, Bomico Gewinnspiel, Chart Attack, Die Wertungen, Dr. Bobo antwortet, Editorial, Hall of Fame, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Musik Bücher Filme, Power Play Abonnement, Power Play Contact, Power Tips, Power-Forum: Clubs, Starkiller Comic, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Aufgabe; News: Comics, Power News; Previews: Die unendliche Geschichte II, Fun-Galaxy by PC, Last Ninja III, Lightspeed; PC game reviews: Badlands, Battle Chess II, Buck Rogers, Centauri Alliance, Corporation, Crash Course, Days of Thunder, Extase, Fountain Dreams, Future Basketball, Globulus, Gremlins 2, Kings Bounty, Loopz, M.U.D.S., Monty Python, Paradroid '90, Pick'n Pile, Plotting, Powermonger, Puzznic, Ranx, Saint Dragon, Sharkey's 3D Pool, Sly Spy, Spot, Stormovik, Subbuteo, Supremacy, Team Yankee, The Immortal, The Killing Game Show, The Spy who loved me, Vaxine, Wild West World, Wing Commander, Xiphos; Short PC game reviews: Adidas Football, Battlemaster, C. Yeager's AFT 2.0, Dragon Strike, Lettrix, M1 Tank Platoon, Mean Streets, Microbattle, Stundenglas, The Light Corridor, Wings of Death, Yolanda; Console game reviews: F1 Circus, Gainground, Gomola Speed, Hellfire, Insector X, Legendary Axe 2, Probotector, Strider; Short console game reviews: Afterburner, Blades of Steel, Boulder Dash, Columns, Fortress of Fear, Klax, Skate or Die, Space Invaders 90; Arcade game reviews: Punk Shot, Surprise Attack; Game adverts: Alcatraz, Alpha Waves, Alpha Waves, Antares, Awesome, BAT, Battle Command, Crime Time, Die unendliche Geschichte II, Dino Wars, Epic, Finale, Great Courts 2, INVE$T, Loopz, Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, M.U.D.S., On the Road, Puzznic, S.T.U.N. Runner, Saint Dragon, Soccer Mania, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, Tom and the Ghost, Transworld, U.S. Gold Compilation, Wild West World; Other adverts: Amiga Magazin, Bomico, Bomico, Dynamics - Competition Pro, Magic Bytes, Markt und Technik: Die glorreichen Drei, Quickjoy, Sega Mega Drive, ST Magazin, West; Features: Der große Videospiel-Vergleichstest, LYNX Labsal, Spielekisten: Vergleich und Kaufberatung; Letters: Power Post; Solutions: Might and Magic II; Tips: Afterburner (Cheat), B.S.S. Jane Seymour Federation Quest I, Batman, Batman, Be-Ball, Burai Fighter, Chrono Quest, Deathtrack, Drakkhen, E-Swat, Eliminator (Cheat), Guns or Butter, Klax, Legend of Faerghail, Lin Wu's Challenge (Cheat), Madoho, Mega Man, Nectaris, Paranoia, Pipe Dream, Puzznic, Shadow of the Beast II, Sokoban II, Spherical (Cheat), Top Gun, Turbo Out Run (Cheat), Ultima VI (Cheat), Unreal (Cheat), Venus (Cheat), Wings, Wings of Fury (Cheat), Zak McKracken (Sammelkarten); Professional ads: Austria Dynamic Systems, Bachler Computersoftware, Computer Box, Computer Markt, Computershop und Gamesworld, Compyshop, CPS Frank Heidak, Crystal Soft, CWM Computerversand und -shop, Dynatex, ECS Vertriebs GmbH, Flashpoint, Fundur, Funny Software, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, Galaxy, Game Play, gameSoft, German Design Group, GroÃ� Electronic, HAMO, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Koronasoft, Label, Lösungsservice Berry, Magic Games, MN-HobbySoft, No Credits, Okay Soft, Power Soft, RSE Electronic, SoftPower, SoftPower, Software Kühn, Software-Corner, Steirerfunk, Telespielvertrieb Reinhold Eppenbach, The Software Maniacs, Theo Kranz Versand, Versandservice Schneider, Wial Versand Service, World of Wonders, Zillesoft
- 1990-beste-spiele -- General: Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Phantasy Star 2, Titelseite; PC game reviews: A-10 Tank Killer, Atomix, Austerlitz, Bad Blood, Battle Squadron, Block Out, Brain Blaster, Buck Rogers, Cadaver, Castle Master, Chambers of Shaolin, Champions of Krynn, Chaos Strikes Back, Coloris, Conquests of Camelot, Cyberball, Damocles, Dont go alone, Dragon Strike, Dragon Wars, Dragonflight, Earthrise, F 19 Stealth Fighter, F 29 Retaliator, F-15 Strike Eagle 2, Flight of the Intruder, Flood, Ghouls n Ghosts, Gunboat, Heros Quest, Imperium, Indianapolis 500, Interphase, It came from the Desert, Italy 1990, Kings Bounty, Klax, Leisure Suit Larry 3, LHX Attack Chopper, Loopz, M1 Tank Platoon, Ninja Spirit, Nuclear War, Operation Stealth, Paradroid 90, PGA Tour Golf, Pipe Mania, Player Manager, Projectyle, Ra, Railroad Tycoon, Rainbow Islands, Rick Dangerous 2, Rings of Medusa, Search for the King, Secret of the Silver Blades, Sherman M4, Silent Service 2, Simulcra, Ski or Die, Starflight 1, The Immortal; Console game reviews: Alex Kidd in Shinobi World, Blades of Steel, Bonze Adventure, Cobra Triangle, Columns, Cybercore, Devil Crash, E-Swat, F1 Triple Battle, Faxanadu, Golden Axe, Image Fight, Mr. Heli, Mystic Defender, PC Gengin, Probotector, Puzznic, Rambo 3; Game adverts: Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, Transworld, Ultima 5; Other adverts: Die 100 besten Spiele 1989, Kingsoft, Powerplay Kurzabo; Professional ads: ECS Vertriebs GmbH, Flashpoint, Funtastic ComputerWare
- 1991-01 -- General: Chart Attack, Creme de la Creme, Die Wertungen, Editorial, Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Kleinanzeigen, Musik Bücher Filme, Power Forum Clubs, Software-Lieblinge, Starkiller, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinnt mit Bomico, Wettbewerb: Reise nach Fantasien; News: Botics, Car-Vup, Comic News, Damocles Mission Disk, Epic, Exterminator, Eye of the Beholder, Hard Drivin II, Hard Nova, Letzte Meldung, Ocean, Pang, S.T.U.N.-Runner, SCI: Chase H.Q. II, UMS II; Previews: Cruise for a Corps, Elite auf dem NES, Great Courts II, Lemmings, Midwinter 2, NAM 1965-1975, Super Famicom: Japan-Juwel, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles; PC game reviews: Atomino, Awesome, B.A.T., Blade Warrior, Captive, James Pond, Masterblazer, Night Shift, Nitro, Shock Wave, Snowstrike, The Dark Heart of Uukrul, The Secret of Monkey Island, Torvak, Tunnels and Trolls Crusaders of Khazan, Z-Out; Short PC game reviews: Atomic Robo-Kid, Cadaver, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Debut, Dragon Wars, Fire and Forget II, Flip-it and Magnose, Ishido, Legend of the Lost, Matrix, Maupiti Island, Nightbreed, No Exit, Ooops Up, Pro Soccer 2190, Rogue Trooper, Sarakon, Shuffle, Shuffle Pix, Sly Spy, Sophelie, Spellbound, Star Control, Strider II, Test Drive III, Tile, Tom and the Ghost, Tom and the Ghost, Transworld, Turbo Challenge, U.N. Squadron, World Soccer; Console game reviews: Axis, Bigfoot, Cyber Shinobi, Double Rings, E-Swat, Final Blaster, Final Fantasy Legend, John Madden Football, Rabio Lepus, Rattle N Roll, Sea Fighter, The Adventures of Bayou Billy, Total Recall, World Cup Italia; Short console game reviews: Batman, Burning Force, Die Hard, Fatman, Fire and Forget II, Rainbow Islands, Slime World, Super Darius; Game adverts: Alpha Waves, Alpha Waves, Antares, BAT, Battle Command, Battle Command, Billy The Kid, Bundesliga Manager, Century, Crown, Full Blast, Galactic Empire, Great Courts 2, Hard Drivin II, James Pond, Lemmings, Masterblazer, Medusa, Mighty Bombjack, Mystical, On the Road, Speedball 2, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, The Killing Game Show, Transworld, Welltris; Other adverts: 64er, Ad Lib Musik Synthesizer, Amiga Action Replay, Amiga Magazin, Bomico, Computer live, Computer persönlich, Fun-Galaxy, Markt und Technik, Markt und Technik, Markt und Technik: Die glorreichen Drei, NEC PC-Engine, Power Play Abo, Power Play Special 2, Quickjoy, Ubisoft; Features: Der große Joystick-Vergleichstest, Meister aller Klassen: Die 10 besten Spiele von 1990, Nintendo 91, Trantors 1. Messe; Letters: Dr. Bobo antwortet, Leserbriefe; Solutions: Cadaver, Dragon Wars Clue Boo (Teil 1), Super Hydlide; Tips: Bloody Wolf, Bonze Adventure, Cadaver, Chips Challenge, Cyberball, Devil Crash, DJ Boy, Double Dragon II, Earthrise, Falcon - Mission Disk II, Fish, Formation Soccer, Golf, Heavy Unit, Image Fight, Invest, Klax, Lock n Chase, Lode Runner, Metal Gear, Player Manager, Power-Tips, Schummel-Ecke, Search for the King, Sokoban II, Super Hydlide, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Their finest Hour, Trojan, TV Sports Football, Ultima VI; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Computershop und Gamesworld, CPS Frank Heidak, Crystal Soft, CWM Computerversand und -shop, Dynamics, Dynatex, ECS, Flashpoint, Four Systems Computersoftware, FUNTASTIC ComputerWare, Galaxy, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Korona Soft, Label, Magic Games, No Credits, RSE Electronic, Wial Versand Service, World Of Wonders, Zillesoft
- 1991-02 -- General: Briefkasten, Clubs, Creme de la Creme, Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Musik - Buecher - Filme, Power Play Abo, Power Play Sammelordner, Private Kleinanzeigen, Software-Charts und Hitparaden, Starbyte - Das Comic (Teil 4), Starkiller - 35. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: BAT (UBI SOFT), Wettbewerb: Gewinnt mit Bomico, Wettbewerb: Scharfe Kurven (Hard Drivin II); News: 3D Construction Kit, Amiga als Airbus, Comic News, Helfershelfer, Konami Kenner, Letzte Meldung, Lynx-Luxus, Mega Drive Module-Adapter, Operation Predator, Sega Schnaeppchen, Witzwesen; Previews: Amberstar, Cybercon III, Falcon Mark II, MIG 29 Fulcrum; PC game reviews: Altered Destiny, ATF 2, Bane of the Cosmic Forge, Betrayal, Botics, Carthage, Castle of Illusion, Championship Run, Cougar Force, Covert Action, Crime Time, Death Trap, Dino Wars, Dragon Breed, Eagles Rider, Golden Axe, Hard Nova, Jones, Kings Quest V, Knights of the Sky, Lemmings, Lightspeed, Mystical, Nightbreed, Oils Well, Over the Net, Panza Kick Boxing, Renegade Legion: Interceptor, Robocob II, Shanghai II, Sim Earth, Speedball 2, Spider-Man, Spindizzy Worlds, Stratego, Super Off Road, Super Skweek, The Final Battle, The Savage Empire, The Second World, Tower Fra, Toyota Celica, Trial by Fire, Voodoo Nightmare; Short PC game reviews: Das Stundenglas, Imperium, Intern. Soccer Challenge, International 3D Tennis, Interphase, Loopz, Matrix Marauders, Overrun, Ports of Call, Ra, Rogue Troopers, Strider 2, Team Yankee, The Spy who loved me, Transworld, TV Sports Basketball; Console game reviews: Aero Blasters, Arrow Flash, Danan, Dragons Curse, Dynamite Duke, Fire Shark, Gargoyles Quest, Gauntlet, Impossible Mission, Indiana Jones, Ironsword, Ms. Pac-Man, Paperboy, Paperboy, Road Blasters; Short console game reviews: Ghostbuster II, Godzilla, Palamedes, Radar Mission, Spiderman, Twin-Bee; Game adverts: ALCATRA (Bomico), Alpha Wave (Bomico), Altered Destin (United Software), Antare (Bomico), Battle Comman (Bomico), CENTUR (Software 2000), Crash Cours (United Software), Crow (Starbyte), Das Stundengla (Software 2000), Double Dragon I (NES), Lemming (United Software), Lemmings Aufklebe (United Software), LETTRI (Software 2000), Lotus Turbo Challeng (Gremlin), MIG 29 Fulcru (Domark), Mighty Bombjac (Bomico), Power Game (Markt u. Technik), Team Suzuk (Gremlin), The Return of Medus (Starbyte), The Secret of Monkey Island, Toyota Celica G (Gremlin), Trans Worl (Bomico), Welltri (Bomico), Wild West Worl (Software 2000); Other adverts: AMIGA Magazin (Markt u. Technik), Bomico, Bomico, Markt u. Technik, Markt u. Technik, Markt u. Technik, Quickjoy, Sega Mega Drive; Features: Besuch bei Delphine Software, Erste Eindruecke zum Super Famicon, Give it a try von Jochen Hippel, NEC und Sega (Portable Power), Pixel-Pracht, Software-Gigant OCEAN; Solutions: Damocles, Dragon Wars Clue-Boo (Teil 2), Dragonflight 1/2, The Immortal, The Secret of Monkey Island; Tips: Blue Lightning (Lynx), Cyber Core (PC-Engine), Devil Crash (PC-Engine), Double Dragon (Sega), Double Dragon II (NES), Dr. Bobo antwortet, Electrocop (Lynx), Fatman (Mega Drive), Faxanadu (NES), Legend of Faerghail, Lost Patrol, Might and Magic II, Might and Magic II, Paranoia (PC-Engine), Power Tips, Railroad Tycoon, Schummelecke, Simulcra, Starblade, Strider (Mega Drive), Super Monaco GP (Mega Drive), Teenage Turtles (Game Boy), Thunderforce III (Mega Drive); Professional ads: Austria Dynamic Systems, Bachler Computersoftware, Computer Box, Computermarkt, Computershop und Gamesworld, Compy Shop, CoSi, CPS, CWM Computerversand und -shop, CWM Computerversand und -shop, Dynatex, ECS Vertriebs GmbH, Flashpoint, Flashpoint, Four System Computersoftware, FUNTASTIC, Galaxy, Gordon Boyd, Gross Electronic, HAMO, hisoft, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, KORONA-Soft, Label Spielesoftware u. mehr, Lösungsservice Berry u. Strohde, Magic Games, Media Electronics, MN-HobbySoft, OCP Gameshop, RICHARTZ, Software Corner, Steirerfunk, The Software Maniacs, Theo Kranz Versand, VIDIS Electronic Vertriebs GmbH, Wial Versand Service, Zillesoft
- 1991-03 -- General: Clubs, Creme de la creme, Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Gefunden: Der beste Spielekenner, Hall of Fame - Highscores, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Musik Bücher Filme, Power Play Abo, Power Play Nachbestellung, Power Play Sammelordner, Private Kleinanzeigen, Starkiller - 36. Folge, Starkiller I, Starkiller II, Starkiller III, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Welches Titelbild war unser bestes?, Wettbewerb: Gewinnt mit Bomico; Previews: Rings of Medusa II, Space Quest 4; PC game reviews: Aces of the Great War, Alpha Waves, Battle Command, Chaos Strikes Back, Chips Challenge, Command H.Q., Crown, Darius II, Das Boot, Dick Tracy, Elemental Master, Elvira, Enchanted Land, Eswat, Gazza II, Geisha, Great Courts 2, Horror Zombies, Jupiters Masterdrive, Krone II, Line of Fire, Lord of the Rings, MIG 29 Fulcrum, Murders in Space, Obitus, Pang, Spellcasting 101, Stun Runner, Summer Camp, Teenage Turtles, Unendliche Geschichte II, Warrior of Darkness, White Death, Wrath of the Demon; Short PC game reviews: Codename Iceman, Dragon Breath, Omnicron Conspiracy, Omnicron Conspiracy, Onslaught, Puzznic, Puzznic, Puzznic, Reederei, Robocop II, Saint Dragon, Typhoon Steel; Console game reviews: After Burst, Atomic Robo-Kid, Bubble Bobble, Burning Angels, F-1 Race, F-Zero, Gradius III, Lakers versus Celtics, Magical Hat, Megapanel, Pilotwings, Rampage, Ringside Angels, Robo-Squash, Rygar, Shadow Dancer, Shanghai, Solar Jetman, Super Mario World, Super Off Road, Sword of Vermillion, The Guardian Legend, Thunder Blade, Zany Golf; Short console game reviews: Astro Rabby, Battle Bull, Go! Go! Tank, Head On, Momopei, Navy Blue 90, Ninja Adventure, Pac-Man; Game adverts: Atomino, Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday, Great Courts 2, M.U.D.S., MIG-29 Fulcrum, Night Shift, Rolling Ronny, The Return of Medusa, Wolf Pack; Other adverts: Amiga Magazin, Markt und Technik, Markt und Technik, Power Station, Quickjoy, Rainbow Arts, U.S. Gold, West; Features: Da faucht der Lindwurm: Drachendonner, Der Power Play Fotoroman enthüllt: So arbeiten die Spieleredakteure, Licht und Lupe für den Gameboy, Pixel-Pracht, Renegade: Die Bitmap Brothers werden rebellisch, Software vom Feinsten: Neues von der Las-Vegas-Messe CES; Solutions: Dragon Wars Clue-Boo (Teil 3), Kings Quest V; Cheats: Legend of the Lost, M1 Tank Platoon, Monty Python, Schummel-Ecke, The Curse of RA, The Killing Game Show; Tips: Dr. Bobo antwortet, Dragonflight, Fountain of Dreams, Geisha, Oops-Up, Power Tips, Powermonger, Red Storm Rising, Ultima VI, Videospiel-Tips, Wing Commander; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Computershop und Gamesworld, CPS, CWM Computerversand, Dynatex u. Game-Play, ECS Vertriebs GmbH, Galaxy, Gnadenlos GmbH, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Magic Games, WIAL-Versand-Service, World of Wonders
- 1991-04 -- General: Alle Clubs auf einen Blick, Comic: Trantor, Creme de la Creme, Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Hall Of Fame, Hitparaden, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Musik, Bücher, Filme, Power Play im Abo, Power Play nachbestellen, Private Kleinanzeigen, Starkiller - 9. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Gewinn mit Bomico; News: Das dynamische Duo - Zwei neue Spiele von Graftgold, Schnipsel aus der Softwareszene, Sensible Software neuester Streich: Mega Lo Mania; PC game reviews: 4D-Sports Driving, Badlands Pete, Battlestorm, Battlestorm, Breach 2, Car-Vup, Chase HQ II, Countdown, Creatures, Darkspyre, Duck Tales, GemX, Ghengis Khan, Hard Drivin II, Links, Metal Master, Moonbase, Narc, Nine Lives, Nobunagas Ambition, On the Road, Operation Com Bat, Pop Up, Prehistoric Tale, Pyramax, Red Baron, Space 1889, Team Suzuki, The Power, The Rise of the Dragon, Total Recall, Turrican II, Ultimate Ride, Warlords, World of Wonders, Zarathrusta, Zeliard; Short PC game reviews: Alpha Waves, Buck Rogers, Buck Rogers, Bundesliga Manager, Dino Wars, Dragon Strike, Gazza II, Gremlins 2, Line of Fire, M.U.D.S., Murders in Space, Space Quest III; Console game reviews: Chessmaster, Chessmaster, Crackdown, Dangerous Seed, Final Fight, Gaiares, Gynoug, Heavy Unit, Ishido, Musha Aleste, Out Run, Populous, Ultima, Violent Soldier; Short console game reviews: Battle Squadron, Dragontail, Ginga, Hard Drivin, Hurrican, Märchen Maze, Pri Pri, Saint Dragon, Spartan X, Sword of Sodan, Volfied, Wonderboy in Monsterland; Game adverts: ALCATRAZ, GemX, Genghis Khan, Mega Traveller 1, Milennium Games, Nam, PGA Tour Golf, Spirit of Excalibur, The Return of Medusa, The Ultimate Ride, Warrior of Darkness; Other adverts: 5 Jahre ASM, AMIGA Berlin 91, AMIGA Magazin, AMIGA Power Disk 3, ATARI Computer, Bomico, Bomico, Happy Easter (West), Power Play Ordner, Video Games Magazin; Features: Frankfurter Messe Rundschau, Power Play über Killerspiele, Tupfer! Klemme! Maus!; Solutions: Buck Rogers, Dragon Wars Clue Bloo (Teil 4), Kings Quest V, Sorcerers Get All The Girls, Super Mario World; Cheats: Lettrix, Loopz, Manix, Night Shift, Resolution 101, Rick Dangerous 2, Schummel-Ecke; Tips: Battle Ping Pong, Cadaver, Castlevania, Chaos strikes back, Cyberball, Dr. Bobo antwortet, Einleitung, Galaga 88, Ghosts n Goblins, Goonies II, Ishido, Mean Streets, Power Tips, Powermonger, Puzznic, Shadow Dancer, Silent Service II, Super Mario Land, Super Monaco GP, Teenage Turtles, Transworld, Videospiele-Tips; Interviews: Die Glorreichen 5 - Factor 5, Wie realistisch dürfen Simulationen sein?; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Blitzversand, Computer Markt, Computer-Box, Computershop und Gamesworld, Compy Shop, CPS, CWM Computerversand, Dynamic Systems Austria, Dynatex, ECS Vertriebs GmbH, Elektronikstudio, Fantasy Productions, Flashpoint, Four Systems Computersoftware, Fundux, Funny Software, Funny Software, Funsoft, FUNTASTIC, Galaxy, German Design Group, Gnadenlos GmbH, Gordon Boyd, Gross Electronic, HAMO, International Software Koeln, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Label Spielesoftware und mehr, MN-HobbySoft, MR-Soft, Okay Soft, Power-Games, Richard Berry Loesungsservice, Richartz, RSE Electronic, Steirerfunk, The Software Maniacs, Theo Kranz Versand, Wial Versand Service, World of Wonders, World of Wonders, World of Wonders, Zillesoft
- 1991-05 -- General: Charts, Crew, Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Starkiller Folge 38, Titelseite; News: Atari 7800, Chuck Rock, Extreme, Game Boy-Accessoires, Logical, Mega Drive-Zubehoer, Megaphoenix; Previews: Battle Isle; PC game reviews: A.T.P., ADS, Boxing Manager, Chronicles of Omega, Cosmic Bane, Death Knights of Krynn, Drachen von Laas, Eye of the Beholder, Feudal Lords, Gods, Insects in Space, Mighty Bomb Jack, Spirits of Excalibur, Super Monaco GP, Swiv, Traders, Warlock, World Dizzy; Console game reviews: Arch Rivals, Bad n Rad, Cadash, Days of Thunder, Dick Tracy, Dick Tracy, Gauntlet 2, Ghostbusters 2, Jackie Chan, Joe Montana Football, Pac Mania, Probotector, Son of Dracula, Ultimate Chess Challenge, Warbirds, World Cup; Game adverts: Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom, PGA Tour Golf, Projekt Prometheus, Sim Earth, Skull, The Return of Medusa; Other adverts: Atari 1040 ST, Video Games; Features: Microprose, Pixel-Pracht, Reline: Der doppelte Holger, Sprites: Das Einmaleins der Knuddelwesen; Interviews: Chris Roberts: Der Commander; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Computer Markt, Crystal Soft, Funny Software, Kingsoft, Versandservice Schneider
- 1991-06 -- General: Chart Attack, Creme de la Creme, Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Inserentenverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Musik - Buecher - Filme, Starkiller - 39. Folge, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die kommende Ausgabe; News: 3-D-C-K - Wir basteln uns ein eigenes Spiel, Aktuelle Compilations im Ueberblick, Schnipsel aus der Softwareszene; Previews: Bird of Prey, Might and Magic 3, Skull and Crossbones; PC game reviews: 4D Sports Boxing, Alien Drug Lords, Antares, Back to the Future III, Backgammon, Bards Tale III, Battletech II, Brat, Cybercon III, Ditris, Fate, Galleons of Glory, Go, Hill Street Blues, Icerunner, Int. Ice Hockey, Kengi, Killing Cloud, PGA Tour Golf, Prometheus, Revelation, Space Quest IV, Super Cars 2, Turn n Burn, Ultima VI; Short PC game reviews: Aces of the Great War, Crown, Elite Plus, Lin Wus Challenge, Ralf Glau Edition, Ralf Glau Edition, Sim Earth; Console game reviews: Aero Blaster, Amazing Penguin, Ambition of Caesar, Big Run, Castle of Illusion, Dead Moon, Dragons Lair, Final Match Tennis, Pop Breaker, Psychic World, Puzzle Boy, Rad Gravity, Rygar, Speedball; Short console game reviews: Bubble Ghost, Chase H.Q., Defender of the Crown, In your Face, Jack Nicklaus, Junction; Game adverts: Carcharodon White Sharks, Megafortress; Other adverts: 3D Construction Kit, Amiga Magazin, Atari ST, Bomico, Bomico, Die 100 besten Spiele 1990, Power Play Nachbestellung, Power Play Ordner, Redakteur gesucht, Swotopia, Toys R Us, West; Features: Die Lust am Bildschirm. Der grosse Erotikreport, Lust auf Laser, Nintendo Gimmicks, Pixel-Pracht; Solutions: Dragon Wars Clue Boo (Teil 7), Prince of Persia, Savage Empir (Fortsetzung), Secret of the Silver Blades; Cheats: Assault Suit Leynos, Burning Force, Cobra Triangel, Darius Plus, Golden Axe, Hyper Lode Runner, Nam 1975, Nemesis, Sokoban II, Tennis Ace, Violent Soldier; Tips: California Games, Casino Games, Castle of Illusion, Cyber Cross, Dondokodan, Dr. Bobo antwortet, Dragon Wars, Einleitung, Fantasy World Dizzy, Gargoyles Quest, Gynoug, James Pond, Lotus Esprit Challenge, M1 Tank Platoon, Mega-Drive Umbauanleitung, Musha Aleste, Penguin Boy, Ports of Call, Power Tips, Sherman M4, Side Pocket, Super Mario World, Turrican II, Videospiele-Tips, Wild West World; Interviews: Mit David Bradley im Gespraech; Professional ads: Bachler Computersoftware, Computer Markt, Computershop und Gamesworld, Computersoftware Steffen Mueller, Crystal Soft, CWM Computerversand und -shop, Decom, Dynamic Systems Austria, ECS Vertriebs GmbH, Flash Point, Funny Software, Funsoft, FUNTASTIC Computerware, Galaxy, Game-Play, Games Entertainment Product, Gnadenlos, Gordon Boyd, Gross Electronic, Heisse Soft und Coole Preise, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Korona Soft, LABEL Spielesoftware und mehr, Lifetime, Megaboink, MR - Soft, Richartz, Steirefunk, The Software Maniacs, Wial Versand Service, Zillesoft
- 1991-07 -- General: Chart Attack, Creme de la Creme, Die Power Play-Wertungen, Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Leserbriefe, Musik - Buecher - Filme, Starkiller - 40. Folge, Titelseite; News: Der grosse Messebericht von der ETC in London, Schnipsel aus der Softwareszene; Previews: Chuck Yeagars Air Combat, Haegar, R-Type II; PC game reviews: Brain Artifice, California Games II, Carcharodon, Chuck Rock, Cohort, Crime Does Not Pay, Crime Wave, Eco Phantoms, Encounter, Exile, Flames of Freedom, Heart of Dragon, Hero Quest, Hydra, J.Khan Squash, Lexi Cross, Logical, Metal Mutant, Moonshine Racers, NAM, Navy Seals, Railroad Tycoon, Skull and Crossbones, Stormball, Switchblade 2, Sword and Galleons, Tilt, Wing Commander Mission Disk 2; Short PC game reviews: Chips Challenge, Chips Challenge, Hill Street Blues, Stellar 7; Console game reviews: 1943, Darius Twin, Devilish, F1-Spirit, Heavyw. Champ, Hero Tonma, Hole in One, Hunter Yohko, Midnight Resistance, Mission Impossible, Moonwalker, Motoroader 2, Nobunagas Ambition, Parodius, R-Type, Racket Attack, Super Airwolf, Valis III, Verytex, W.C. Leader Board, World Ice Hockey; Short console game reviews: Blockout, Castle of Illusion, Cyraid, Dexterity, Harmony, Loopz, Wrestlemania Challenge, Young Master; Other adverts: Bomico, Bomico; Features: Der Vergleich: Spiele und ihre Buchvorlagen, Neuheiten aus der Spielhalle, Pixel-Pracht; Solutions: Eye of the Beholder Clue-Boo (Teil 1); Tips: Amazing Penguin, Bomber Boy, Bonze, Boomers Adventure, Brat, Burai Fighter, Captive, Cat Trap, Dr. Bobo antwortet, Dragon Wars, E-Swat, Einleitung, Enduro Racer, Fortress of Fear, Ghostbusters, Gradius III, Gremlins II - The new Batch, Khalaan, Mega Man II, Mega Man II, Metroid, Musha Aleste, Obitus, Paradroid 90, Phantasy Star II, Power Tips, Rainbow Kids, Rambo III, Savage Empire, Secret of the Silver Blades, Space Harrier II, Space Harrier II, Space Quest IV, Super Mario World, Super Wonderboy, Sword of Vermillion, Teenage Turtles, The Adventures of Loio, The Guardian Legend, Thunder Force III, Videospiele-Tips, Wonderboy II; Professional ads: 18-Karat, Bachler Computersoftware, Computer Markt, Computersoftware Steffen Mueller, Crystal Soft, Dynamic Systems, Funsoft, German Design Group, Gordon Boyd, HAMO, Joysoft, KaroSoft, Kingsoft, Label Spielesoftware, MAKRO, MR-Soft, Okay Soft, Power-Games, S.C.S, Soft Enterprises, Softworld, The Software Maniacs, Turbo Soft, World of Wonders, Zillesoft
- 1991-10 -- General: Chart Attack, Clubs, Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Konami Wettbewerb, Power Play Abo, So bewerten wir, Starkiller Folge 42, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe; News: Attic, Gremlin, Japan-CDs, Millenium, Nippon Corner, UBI-Soft; Previews: Lotus 2, Populous 2, Robocop 3, Sim Ant, The Godfather, Traps and Treasures, Trex Warrior; PC game reviews: Armalyte, Armour Alley, Battle Isle, Bill and Ted, Booly, Challenge Golf, Charlie, Gateway to the Savage Frontier, Medieval Lords, Monster Business, Nobunagas Ambition 2, Pot Panic, Rolling Ronny, Sands of Fire, Stack up, Swap, Thunderhawk, Wreckers; Console game reviews: Alien Storm, Bonks Revenge, Castelian, Castlevania 2, EA Hockey, Final Soldier, Mystical Ninja, Phantasy Star 3, Sneaky Snakes, Streets of Rage, Super R-Type; Game adverts: Bundesliga Manager Professional, Castles, Check Yeagers Air Combat, Conquestador, Cruise for a Corpse, Die Kathedrale, F-14 Tomcat, Heart of China, Kings Quest 5, Quarth, Red Baron, Rolling Ronny, Terminator 2, Winzer; Other adverts: Amiga Magazin, Amiga-Messe Köln 1991, Golden Classics, Golden Disk 64, Magic Disk 64, Microprose, PC Power Disc, Philip Morris, Power Play Nachbestellung, Power Play Sonderheft, SSI: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Stop FCKW, Toys R Us, Videogames Ausgabe 3, West; Features: Arcade-Spiele: Schlagfertig, Battletech Center, Besuch bei Spectrum Holobyte, Chris Hülsbeck: Neues vom Hexer, Pixel-Pracht, Software des Grauens; Solutions: Bane of the Cosmic Forge, Eye of the Beholder Clue-Book Teil 4, Hardnova; Tips: Power Tips
- 1992-02 -- General: Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe; Previews: Buck Rogers 2, Darklands, Das schwarze Auge, Sensible Soccer; PC game reviews: A.G.E., Alien Breed, Birds of Prey, Che, Conan, Deathbringer, Exodus 3010, Fascination, Final Blow, Formula One Grand Prix, Fuzzball, Heimdall, Les Manley: Lost in L.A., Megatraveller 2, Mission: Impossible, Moonfall, Moonstone, Nova 9, Realms, Riders of Rohan, Smash T.V., Special Forces, Steigenberger Hotel Manager, Suspicious Cargo, Teenage Turtles 2 - The Arcade Game, Volfied, Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant, World Class Rugby; Console game reviews: Castlevania 4, Final Fantasy 2, Final Fantasy Adventure, Final Fantasy Legend 2, Hyper Zone, Ms. Pac-Man, Ninja Gaiden, Quackshot, Robocod, Shadow of the Beast, Speedball 2, Teenage Turtles 2, The Immortal, Tonkin Soccer; Game adverts: Birds of Prey, Matrix, Monkey Island 2, Populous 2; Other adverts: Amiga Magazin, Amiga Messe 92 Berlin, Power Play Sonderheft, Video Games, Windows Draw; Features: Arcade at Home, Die besten Spiele 1991; Solutions: Eye of the Beholder Clue-Boo (Teil 8), Pools of Darkness
- 1992-03 -- General: CeBit-Gewinnspiel, Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Power Play Abo, San Francisco Wettbewerb, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die kommende Ausgabe; Previews: Ultima Underworld; PC game reviews: Abandoned Places, Amberstar, Another World, Buck Rogers 2, Captain Planet, Cardiaxx, Conquests of the Longbow, Double Dragon 3, Elvira 2, Elvira: The Arcade Game, Eye of the Beholder 2, Final Fight, Gobliiins, Golden Eagle, Hudson Hawk, Hyperspeed, Kid Gloves 2, Knightmare, L Empereur, Leander, Lethal Xcess, Robocop 3, Round the Bend, Rubicon, Super Tetris, The Godfather, Tip Off, Uncharted Waters, Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2, Wolfchild, Wrestle Mania; Short PC game reviews: Amnios, Daylight Robbery, Fantastic Voyage, Vector Soccer; Console game reviews: Golden Axe 2, Joe and Mac, Lagoon, Legend of Zelda 3, Mario Lemieux Hockey, Rolling Thunder 2, Run Ark, Super Formation Soccer, Trouble Shooter, Winter Challenge; Game adverts: Airbus A320, Darklands, Might and Magic 3, Start Trek 25th Anniversary, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2 - The Arcade Game; Other adverts: Action Replay Cartridge, Game On, Golden Disk 64, Lucky Strike, Markt und Technik Stellenangebot, Soft und Sound, Sound Blaster 2.0, Toys R Us: Lynx, Video Games, Windows Draw; Features: Multimedia Show; Solutions: Eye of the Beholder Clue-Boo (Teil 9), Magic Pockets Players Guide; Professional ads: CWM - Computerversand, dynatex, Funny-Software, Galaxy, Gnadenlos, Theo Kranz - Versand, World of Wonders
- 1992-04 -- General: Editorial, Handheld Corner, San Francisco Wettbewerb, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die kommende Ausgabe; Previews: A-Train, Aces of the Pacific, Dark Seed, Gateway; PC game reviews: Agony, Big Run, Black Crypt, Floor 13, Harlequin, Home Alone, Paperboy 2, Paragliding, Pinball Dreams, Shadowlands, Start Trek 25th Anniversary, Steel Empire, Tennis Cup 2, Titus the Fox, Videokid, Warm up; Console game reviews: Dahna, Master of Monsters, Rings of Power, Super Adventure Island, Super Fantasy Zone, Super Off Road, Tecmo World Cup 92, Toki; Game adverts: Amberstar, Apidya, BAT 2, Imperator, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2, Ultima Underworld; Other adverts: Amiga Messe Berlin, Markt und Technik, Neo Geo, TBird, Toys R Us: Lynx, Video Games; Features: Arcade-Messe in Frankfurt, CES in Las Vegas, Gottes vergessene Kinder; Solutions: Final Fantasy Legend 2, Gateway to the Savage Frontier - Clue-Boo (1), Monkey Island 2; Professional ads: dynatex, Galaxy
- 1992-05 -- General: Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Pixel Pracht, Titelseite; Previews: Parasol Stars, The Humans; PC game reviews: Alcatraz, Bush Buck, Fire and Ice, Global Effect, Imperator, Indy Heat, John Madden Football, Kings Quest 5, Locomotion, Maddog Williams, No Buddies Land, Patton strikes back, Race Drivin, Roger Rabbit in Hare Raising Havoc, Shuttle, Son Shu Si, Soul Crystal, Space Crusade, Space MAX, Ugh; Console game reviews: Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday, Exaust Heat, Kid Chameleon, Smash TV, Soul Blader, Super Contra, Super Wrestle Mania, The Rocketeer, Two Crude Dudes, Undead Line, Warsong, Wonderboy 5, Ys 3; Game adverts: Black Crypt, Das schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge, Harpoon, Locomotion, Pacific Islands, Space Crusade, Special Forces; Other adverts: Neo Geo; Features: Neo Geo, Temporausch - Die besten Rennspiele im Vergleich, ZDF-Kolumne; Solutions: Eye of the Beholder 2, Gateway to the Savage Frontier Clue-Boo (Teil 2)
- 1992-06 -- General: Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Titelseite; News: Blue Byte - History Line; Previews: 1869, Jaguar XJ220; PC game reviews: Aces of the Pacific, Addamy Family, Candle 2, Dark Seed, Dune, Eco Quest - The Search for Cetus, Epic, Global Conquest, Indiana Jones 4 - Fate of Atlantis, Ork, Parasol Stars, Plan 9 from Outer Space, Planets Edge, Project-X, Rocketeer, Samurai, Storm Master, Super Ski 2, The Perfect General, Treasures of the Savage Frontier, Ultima Underworld, Vengeance of Excalibur; Console game reviews: Carmen Sandiego, Desert Strike, Double Dragon, Exile, Mystical Ninja, Rushing Beat, Steel Empire, Super off Road, Super One on One, The Addams Family, The Duel, Top Racer; Game adverts: Dynablaster, Global Effect, Jagd auf Roter Oktober, Probotector; Other adverts: Neo Geo, T-Bird, Video Games; Features: Amiga Messe 92 Berlin, Pixel-Olympiade; Solutions: Gateway to the Savage Frontier Clue-Boo (Teil 3)
- 1992-09 -- General: Titelseite; Previews: B.C. Kid, Dark Sun, Galacticon, Incredible Machine, Lotus 3, Space Quest 5, Superfrog, The Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown; PC game reviews: Guy Spy, Laura Bow: The Dagger of Amon Ra, Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2, Push Over, Quest for Glory 1, Spelljammer, Sports Challenge, Sprellcraft, Striker, Theatre of War; Console game reviews: Cameltry, Prince of Persia, Splatterhouse 2, Street Fighter 2, Super Dunkshot, Super Monaco Grand Prix 2, Taz-Mania; Game adverts: Parodius, Premiere, Prophecy of the Shadow; Other adverts: Amiga Power Disk, Entertainment 1992 Messe, Sound Blaster 2.0, Super Nintendo; Features: Endzeit, Nippon Corner, Pixel-Pracht; Solutions: Gateway to the Savage Frontier Clue-Boo (Teil 6), Indiana Jones - The Fate of Atlanti (Players Guide)
- 1992-10 -- General: Creme de la Creme, Editorial, Hitparaden, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Titelseite; Previews: Curse of Enchantia, Flashback, Harrier Jump Jet, Legends of Valour, Might and Magic - Clouds of Xeen, Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender, Subtrade, Summer Challenge, Task Force 1942, The Legacy, Waxworks; PC game reviews: Ashes of Empire, B-17 Flying Fortress, B.A.T. 2, Bumpys Arcade, Carl Lewis Challenge, Darklands, Hook, Legend of Kyrania, Links 386 Pro, Mahjong Pro, Ragnarök, Robosport, Sherlock Holmes, Siege, The Games 92, Tiny Skweeks; Console game reviews: Arcana, Dinosaurs, Gleylancer, Hook, Lemmings, Parodius, Terminator, Thunder Force 4; Game adverts: A-Train, ATAC, Das Telekommando, F-15 Strike Eagle 3, Harrier Jump Jet, Hexuma, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender, Street Fighter 2, Task Force 1942, Tiny Toon, Ultima 7: The Black Gate, Wing Commander; Other adverts: Amiga Power Disc, Lucky Strike, Marlboro, Soundblaster 2.0, Super Nintendo, Supervision; Features: Hülsbeck-CD: To be on Top, Psygnosis; Solutions: Ultima 7 Clue Book Teil 1
- 1992-11 -- Previews: Alone in the Dark, Car and Driver, F-15 Strike Eagle 3, X-Wing; PC game reviews: B.C. Kid, Carriers at War, Curse of Enchantia, Cyberzerk, KGB, Lotus 3 - The Ultimate Challenge, Mantis, NFL, Nicky Boom, Paramax, Premiere, Red Zone, Star Control 2, The Aquatic Games, Troddlers, Zool; Console game reviews: Alien 3, Axelay, Super Mariokart, The Aquatic Games, Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Wings 2; Game adverts: Gobliins 2, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past; Features: High End Amiga, Pixelpracht, Schrecksekunden; Solutions: Ultima 7 Clue Bloo (Teil 2)
- 1993-01 -- Previews: Day of the Tentacle, Dune 2, Mr. Nutz, Privateer, Ultima Underworld 2, Uridium 2, Whales Voyage; PC game reviews: Alone in the Dark, Amazon: Guardians of Eden, Archer MacLeans Pool, Assassin, AV-8B Harrier Assault, B.C. Kid, Bills Tomato Game, Bunny Bricks, Caesar, Car and Driver, Comanche, David Leadbetters Golf, Doodlebug, F-15 Strike Eagle 3, GemZ, Kings Quest 6, Legends of Valour, McDonalds Land, Road Rash, Rome: 92 AD, Shadoworlds, Sim Life, Spectre, Task Force 1942, The Dark Half, The Legacy, The Summoning, V for Victory, Waxworks, Wayne Gretzky Hockey 3; Console game reviews: Art of Fighting, Battle Clash, David Cranes Amazing Tennis, Ex-Mutants, Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest, Gods, Jimmi Connors Pro Tennis Tour, Sonic 2, Super Mario Land 2, Super Swiv, World of Illusion; Game adverts: Bills Tomato Game, Bundesliga Manager, Commanche, Formula One Grand Prix, Historyline 1914-1918, Probotector, Reach for the Skies, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, Task Force 1942, The Legacy, Wizardry 7; Features: Erotik-Report Teil 2, Foto-Roman: Die Reifeprüfung
- 1993-02 -- Previews: Chuck Rock 2: Son of Chuck, Space Hulk, X-Wing; PC game reviews: Battles of Destiny, Castles 2, Contraptions, Cool World, Cytron, Daughter of Serpents, Dynatech, Elysium, Erben des Throns, Front Page Sports: Football, Gemfire, Gobliins 2, Harrier Jump Jet, Inca, Jewelbox, Lionheart, Nigel Mansells World Championship, Populous 2, Reach for the Skies, Sabre Team, Spaceward Ho!, Star Legions, The Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The Chaos Engine, The Incredible Machine, The Terminator 2029; Console game reviews: Bio Hazard Battle, Death Valley Rally, Ecco the Dolphin, Humongous Adventure, Road Rash 2, Super Star Wars, The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse; Game adverts: Dogfight, Kings Quest 6, Populous 2, Sonic 2, The Legacy, Tiny Toon Adventures; Features: 16-Bit-Konsolen: Wichtiges und witziges Zubehör, Die Spiele des Jahres 1992, Intel Inside: Alles über den neuen Superchip, Zu Besuch bei Origin; Solutions: Ultima Underworld Clue Boo (Teil 1)
- 1993-03 -- General: Editorial, Hitparade, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe, Wettbewerb: Harrier Jump Jet, Wettttbewerb: Bestes Power Play Titelbild; News: Bericht von der Las-Vegas-CES, Neues Jump n Run von Mirage; PC game reviews: Battle Chess 4000, Dune 2, Euro Soccer, European Rampage, Formula One Grand Prix, Gunship 2000, Indiana Jones 4 - The Fate of Atlantis, Kingdoms, Lethal Weapon, Piracy on the High Seas, Ragnarök, Shadow President, Street Fighter 2, Stunt Island, Ultima Underworlds 2, Valhalla, Wing Commander; Short PC game reviews: Gobliins 2; Console game reviews: Arielle, Batman Returns, Brawl Brothers, Championship Pro-Am, Cybernator, John Madden Football 93, King Arthurs World, Streets of Rage 2, Sunset Riders, Super Tiny Toons, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist, Viewpoint; Short console game reviews: Lotus Turbo Challenge, Q*Bert 3, Uncharted Waters; Game adverts: Combat Air Patrol, Creepers, Dogfight, Eishockey Manager, Human Race: The Jurassic Levels, Jonathan, Penthouse Hot Numbers, The Legacy; Other adverts: Gravis Gamepad; Features: Compilation Corner, Die PC-Story, Laser Age; Solutions: Ultima Underworld Clue Bloo (Teil 2)
- 1993-05 -- General: Creme de la Creme, Editorial, Hitparade, Impressum, Titelseite; Previews: Freddy Pharkas, Sim Farm, Syndicate; PC game reviews: Buzz Aldrins Race into Space, Creepers, Eco Quest 2, Empire Deluxe, Jordan in Flight, Lemmings 2, Maelstrom, Penthouse Hot Numbers, Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch, Subtrade, Tegels Mercenaries, Tom Landry Strategy Football, Veil of Darkness, Wacky Funsters, X-Wing, Xenobots; Console game reviews: Global Gladiators, Mechwarrior, Shadowrun, Starfox, Tiny Toon Adventures; Game adverts: Eishockey Manager, Parodius, Shadow of the Comet, Strike Commander; Features: Apple Macintosh: Die Spiele-Alternative, Laser Age; Solutions: Planets Edge: Clue Book Teil 2; Professional ads: CPS Frank Heidak, Gamestore, Joysoft, Media Point, Royal Soft, Softsale, Wial-Versand GmbH
- 1994-beste-rollenspiele -- General: Editorial, Impressum, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Titelseite; Reviews: Ambermoon, Amberstar, Bad Blood, Bane of the Cosmic Forge, Bloodwych, Buck Rogers 2: Matrix Cubed, Dark Heart of Uukrul, Dark Queen of Krynn, Dark Sun, Das schwarze Auge: Sternenschweif, Dragon Wars, Dungeon Hack, Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder 2: Legend of Darkmoon, Fates of Twinion, Lands of Lore, Might, Might, Pools of Darkness, Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession, Shadowcaster, Shadoworld, Starflight 1, The Bard's Tale, The Elder Scrolls: Arena, The Legacy, Tunnels, Ultima 6: The False Prophet, Ultima 7: Teil 2 - Serpent Isle, Ultima 8: Pagan, Ultima Underworld 1 2, Wasteland, Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant; Serien: Eye of the Beholder, Might, Rest der Welt, SSI, The Bard's Tale, Ultima, Videospiele, Wizardry; Game adverts: Alone in the Dark 2, Fantasy Empires, Mad News; Tips: Lands of Lore, Superhelden im Eigenbau, Ultima 7: The Serpent Isle, Wizardry 7; Professional ads: Call and Play, Novatek, Okay Soft, Versand 99
- 1996-beste-spiele -- General: Alle Spiele 1996, CD-Inhalt, Die wichtigsten Demos der CD, Editorial, Impressum, In and Out, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Titelseite, Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe; Reviews: AH-64D Longbow, Bundesliga Manager 97, Civilization 2, Command and Conquer: Alarmstufe Rot, Das Rätsel des Meister Lu, Deadly Games, Die Siedler 2, Earthworm Jim, Fantasy General, Genewars, Grand Prix 2, Hind, Links LS, Mechwarrior 2, NHL Hockey 97, Privateer 2, TFX: EF 2000, Toonstruck, Warcraft 2, Wing Commander 4, Z; Game adverts: Destruction Derby 2, F22 Lightning 2, M.A.X.; Other adverts: Matrox Mystique, PC go! Spezial, Power Play Abo, Victory 3D; Features: Abgegriffen - neue Joysticks im Test, Internet für Spieler, Teufelswerk? Wie der deutsche Jugendschutz funktioniert, Verbindung gut - alles gut, Wünsch dir was; Interviews: Gary Gygax - Der Erfinder des Rollenspiels; Professional ads: Media Point, Software house
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