This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Ottoman Empire along with their pageviews, including all redirects.


Period: 2024-12-01 to 2024-12-31

Total views: 10,575,040

Updated: 22:24, 8 January 2025 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 World War I 543,265 17,524 B High
2 Damascus 467,415 15,077 C Unknown
3 Ottoman Empire 393,587 12,696 C Top
4 Aleppo 246,069 7,937 B Mid
5 Istanbul 165,586 5,341 B Top
6 Jerusalem 158,025 5,097 B Unknown
7 Mecca 135,558 4,372 C Unknown
8 Hagia Sophia 134,612 4,342 B High
9 Constantinople 130,130 4,197 B Mid
10 Armenian genocide 128,161 4,134 FA High
11 Crimean War 103,944 3,353 C Mid
12 Suleiman the Magnificent 103,917 3,352 B Top
13 Fall of Constantinople 101,783 3,283 B Top
14 Osmanoğlu family 101,285 3,267 Start High
15 Hama 97,402 3,142 B Unknown
16 Anatolia 95,486 3,080 C High
17 Caliphate 90,230 2,910 C Mid
18 Baklava 86,566 2,792 B Low
19 Baghdad 86,440 2,788 B Unknown
20 Osman I 75,681 2,441 B Mid
21 Deir ez-Zor 74,447 2,401 Start High
22 Gallipoli campaign 74,431 2,401 GA High
23 Central Powers 66,563 2,147 GA Low
24 Thessaloniki 62,760 2,024 B Mid
25 Ankara 62,717 2,023 C Unknown
26 Palestine (region) 59,923 1,933 GA High
27 Roxelana 58,201 1,877 B High
28 Beirut 57,219 1,845 B Unknown
29 Balfour Declaration 55,527 1,791 FA Mid
30 List of sultans of the Ottoman Empire 55,257 1,782 FL Top
31 Wallachia 55,172 1,779 B Unknown
32 Sykes–Picot Agreement 55,127 1,778 B Mid
33 Medina 54,114 1,745 B Unknown
34 Battle of Vienna 52,886 1,706 B Low
35 Sanaa 49,252 1,588 C Unknown
36 Jericho 48,431 1,562 B Unknown
37 Hookah 47,368 1,528 C Mid
38 Abdul Hamid II 46,271 1,492 C High
39 Mehmed VI 44,900 1,448 C Top
40 Turkish War of Independence 40,307 1,300 C Top
41 Janissary 40,157 1,295 B Mid
42 Elia Kazan 39,819 1,284 C Unknown
43 Crescent and star (symbol) 39,015 1,258 B Low
44 Muhammad Ali of Egypt 38,896 1,254 B Low
45 Bosporus 38,193 1,232 C Mid
46 Selim I 36,897 1,190 B Mid
47 Mamluk 35,350 1,140 B High
48 Selim II 33,992 1,096 C Mid
49 Fez (hat) 32,903 1,061 C Low
50 Sayfo 32,796 1,057 FA High
51 Arab Revolt 32,697 1,054 C Low
52 Greek War of Independence 32,462 1,047 B High
53 Kösem Sultan 32,153 1,037 Start Low
54 Kingdom of Hungary 31,363 1,011 C Low
55 Ottoman dynasty 31,029 1,000 B Top
56 French Revolutionary Wars 30,527 984 C Mid
57 Balkan Wars 30,132 972 C High
58 Aegean Sea 29,582 954 B High
59 Orhan 29,440 949 Start Mid
60 Blue Mosque, Istanbul 29,432 949 C High
61 Ertuğrul 29,146 940 C Mid
62 Ahmed I 28,969 934 C Mid
63 French invasion of Egypt and Syria 28,351 914 C Mid
64 Smyrna 27,866 898 C High
65 Skanderbeg 27,534 888 C Mid
66 Haifa 27,402 883 B Unknown
67 Battle of Lepanto 27,279 879 C High
68 Mortar (weapon) 26,522 855 C Unknown
69 List of caliphs 26,128 842 List Unknown
70 Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) 26,072 841 B Top
71 Murad II 25,889 835 C Mid
72 Abdülmecid II 25,878 834 C High
73 Moldavia 25,857 834 B Mid
74 Murad III 25,804 832 C Mid
75 Bayezid II 25,716 829 Start Mid
76 Young Turks 25,356 817 C High
77 Hammam 25,038 807 B Mid
78 Enver Pasha 24,759 798 C High
79 Murad IV 24,738 798 C Mid
80 Bayezid I 23,853 769 C Mid
81 Dolma 23,766 766 B Low
82 Topkapı Palace 23,710 764 B Unknown
83 Edirne 23,483 757 C Mid
84 Mehmed V 23,203 748 C Mid
85 First Balkan War 22,873 737 C High
86 Occupied Enemy Territory Administration 22,699 732 Start Unknown
87 Mahmud II 22,396 722 C Mid
88 Mehmed III 22,210 716 C Mid
89 Ibrahim of the Ottoman Empire 22,179 715 C Mid
90 Abdülmecid I 21,725 700 B Mid
91 Ottoman Syria 21,643 698 C High
92 Near East 21,089 680 C Unknown
93 Aftermath of World War I 20,745 669 C Top
94 Bursa 20,137 649 C High
95 Murad I 20,059 647 C Mid
96 Mustafa I 19,845 640 C Mid
97 Mehmed IV 19,772 637 C Mid
98 Great Siege of Malta 19,710 635 C High
99 Decolonization 19,440 627 B Mid
100 Greek genocide 19,402 625 B Mid
101 Battle of Nicopolis 19,219 619 B Mid
102 Great Turkish War 19,189 619 C Mid
103 Eastern Front (World War I) 18,713 603 C Mid
104 First Barbary War 18,568 598 B High
105 Committee of Union and Progress 18,537 597 C Unknown
106 Ottoman Turkish 18,511 597 B Top
107 Russo-Turkish wars 18,461 595 B Unknown
108 Partition of the Ottoman Empire 18,201 587 B Mid
109 Hayreddin Barbarossa 17,958 579 C Unknown
110 Mehmed I 17,807 574 C Mid
111 Piri Reis 17,803 574 GA Mid
112 Mahidevran 17,792 573 Start Low
113 Regency of Algiers 17,757 572 B Mid
114 Khedivate of Egypt 17,618 568 C High
115 Italo-Turkish War 17,520 565 C Low
116 Talaat Pasha 17,481 563 B Unknown
117 Italian Wars 17,192 554 B Top
118 Abdulaziz 16,417 529 C Mid
119 Barbary slave trade 16,178 521 Start Low
120 Battle of Mohács 16,074 518 C Unknown
121 Ottoman Caliphate 16,005 516 C Top
122 Nablus 15,795 509 GA Unknown
123 Mihrimah Sultan (daughter of Suleiman I) 15,749 508 Start Low
124 Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire 15,566 502 C Top
125 Balkanization 15,546 501 Start Mid
126 Kaftan 15,437 497 C Low
127 Ottoman Egypt 15,289 493 C Unknown
128 Ali Pasha of Ioannina 15,103 487 C Mid
129 Trabzon 15,001 483 B Mid
130 Nurbanu Sultan 14,851 479 C Low
131 Flags of the Ottoman Empire 14,752 475 B High
132 Second Balkan War 14,711 474 B Mid
133 Armenian Revolutionary Federation 14,556 469 B Mid
134 Safiye Sultan (mother of Mehmed III) 14,171 457 C Low
135 Soghomon Tehlirian 14,113 455 C Low
136 Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha 13,803 445 Start Mid
137 Neo-Ottomanism 13,622 439 C Unknown
138 Gunpowder empires 13,581 438 B Mid
139 Şehzade Bayezid 13,392 432 Start Mid
140 Decline and modernization of the Ottoman Empire 13,317 429 Start Top
141 Diyarbakır 13,264 427 B Unknown
142 Battle of Karánsebes 13,139 423 C Unknown
143 Murad V 13,121 423 C Mid
144 Selim III 13,043 420 C Mid
145 Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques 13,009 419 Start Low
146 Debasement 12,889 415 Start Low
147 Barbary Wars 12,785 412 B High
148 Crusade of Varna 12,551 404 B Low
149 Pasha 12,443 401 Start High
150 Osman II 12,430 400 C High
151 Grand Bazaar, Istanbul 12,330 397 C Mid
152 Battle of Ankara 12,152 392 Start High
153 Sabbatai Zevi 12,142 391 C Mid
154 The Promise (2016 film) 12,106 390 C Unknown
155 Names of Istanbul 11,968 386 B Mid
156 Anatolian beyliks 11,947 385 C Unknown
157 Burning of Smyrna 11,891 383 C Mid
158 Abolition of the Ottoman sultanate 11,844 382 Start Low
159 Middle Eastern theatre of World War I 11,789 380 C Mid
160 Battle of Varna 11,768 379 Start Mid
161 Ottoman–Habsburg wars 11,751 379 C High
162 Ahmed III 11,640 375 C Mid
163 Young Turk Revolution 11,608 374 Start High
164 Armenian genocide recognition 11,438 368 B Mid
165 Greater Middle East 11,382 367 Start Low
166 Forced conversion 11,359 366 B Mid
167 Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt 11,266 363 C Mid
168 History of Romania 11,242 362 B Low
169 Padishah 11,165 360 Start Mid
170 Sinai and Palestine campaign 11,072 357 B Unknown
171 Vizier 11,019 355 Start Mid
172 Siege of Vienna (1529) 10,998 354 B Mid
173 Ottoman Tripolitania 10,984 354 Start Unknown
174 Lira 10,826 349 Start Low
175 Devshirme 10,714 345 Start Low
176 Abdul Hamid I 10,505 338 Start Mid
177 Ottoman Imperial Harem 10,461 337 B Mid
178 Armenian genocide denial 10,444 336 FA Mid
179 Ottoman wars in Europe 10,357 334 B High
180 Slavery in the Ottoman Empire 10,271 331 C Mid
181 Night attack at Târgoviște 10,205 329 GA Mid
182 Hamidian massacres 10,197 328 B Low
183 Government of the Grand National Assembly 10,115 326 Start High
184 Suleiman II of the Ottoman Empire 10,096 325 Start Mid
185 Malhun Hatun 9,954 321 Start Low
186 Dündar Ali Osman 9,872 318 Stub Unknown
187 Persecution of Muslims during the Ottoman contraction 9,868 318 Start Mid
188 Sick man of Europe 9,790 315 Start Unknown
189 Mustafa II 9,732 313 Start Mid
190 Lew Wallace 9,721 313 B Low
191 Russo-Circassian War 9,668 311 B High
192 Nastaliq 9,643 311 C Mid
193 Battle of Chaldiran 9,629 310 C Top
194 Sultanate of Women 9,628 310 B Mid
195 List of Ottoman grand viziers 9,463 305 List High
196 Alaeddin Pasha 9,445 304 Start Mid
197 Tanzimat 9,442 304 Start Mid
198 1860 civil conflict in Mount Lebanon and Damascus 9,397 303 B Low
199 Sublime Porte 9,391 302 Start High
200 Assassination of Talaat Pasha 9,329 300 FA Low
201 Hauran 9,277 299 GA Unknown
202 Caucasus campaign 9,218 297 B High
203 Jack Ward 9,170 295 C Low
204 Prizren 9,008 290 Start Unknown
205 Millet (Ottoman Empire) 8,992 290 C High
206 Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate 8,988 289 B Unknown
207 Ottoman–Mamluk War (1516–1517) 8,955 288 Start Low
208 Hatice Sultan (daughter of Selim I) 8,909 287 Start Unknown
209 Ottoman Empire in World War I 8,885 286 C Low
210 Mahmud I 8,730 281 C Mid
211 Mustafa IV 8,722 281 Start Mid
212 Rumelia 8,645 278 Start Mid
213 Administrative divisions of the Ottoman Empire 8,642 278 Start High
214 Ahmed II 8,571 276 Start Mid
215 Grand vizier 8,522 274 Start Top
216 Çandarlı Halil Pasha the Younger 8,516 274 Start Mid
217 Mara Branković 8,506 274 Start Unknown
218 Kara Mustafa Pasha 8,486 273 Start Unknown
219 Şehzade Cihangir 8,359 269 Stub Unknown
220 Dönmeh 8,324 268 Start Mid
221 Ottoman Turkish alphabet 8,290 267 B Mid
222 Battle of Maritsa 8,276 266 Start Mid
223 Haseki sultan 8,241 265 C Unknown
224 Mustafa III 8,230 265 C Mid
225 History of the Ottoman Empire 8,154 263 C High
226 Chios massacre 8,124 262 Start Mid
227 First Hellenic Republic 8,117 261 Start High
228 Djemal Pasha 8,051 259 Start High
229 Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem 7,992 257 C Low
230 Dürrüşehvar Sultan 7,980 257 B Low
231 Ottoman Greece 7,934 255 B High
232 Greco-Turkish War (1897) 7,933 255 Start Mid
233 Russo-Turkish war (1768–1774) 7,922 255 Start Unknown
234 Ottoman claim to Roman succession 7,747 249 B Low
235 Eastern question 7,709 248 B Mid
236 Military of the Ottoman Empire 7,700 248 B High
237 Leaders of the Central Powers of World War I 7,699 248 List Unknown
238 Halime Sultan 7,691 248 Start Unknown
239 Persian campaign (World War I) 7,636 246 Start Mid
240 Zaro Aga 7,624 245 Start Low
241 Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 7,612 245 Start Top
242 Syria vilayet 7,607 245 Start Unknown
243 Ottoman Interregnum 7,534 243 C Mid
244 Berlin–Baghdad railway 7,492 241 B Unknown
245 Battle of Sarikamish 7,479 241 B High
246 Rise of the Ottoman Empire 7,446 240 Start Top
247 Occupation of Istanbul 7,256 234 C Mid
248 Long Turkish War 7,249 233 Start Unknown
249 Principality of Transylvania (1570–1711) 7,233 233 Start Unknown
250 Nilüfer Hatun 7,222 232 C Low
251 Auspicious Incident 7,220 232 Start Low
252 Status Quo (Jerusalem and Bethlehem) 7,060 227 C Low
253 Ertuğrul Osman 7,054 227 Start Unknown
254 Ottoman Turks 7,017 226 Start Top
255 Shaykh al-Islām 6,966 224 C High
256 Osman III 6,954 224 C Mid
257 History of Istanbul 6,872 221 C Unknown
258 Ottoman–Persian Wars 6,869 221 List Mid
259 Turkish–Armenian War 6,867 221 C Unknown
260 Greek Muslims 6,863 221 C Unknown
261 Second Barbary War 6,849 220 C High
262 McMahon–Hussein correspondence 6,844 220 GA Mid
263 History of Transylvania 6,777 218 B Mid
264 Nuri al-Said 6,712 216 C Low
265 Beyoğlu 6,604 213 C Unknown
266 Kilij 6,600 212 C Unknown
267 Franco-Ottoman alliance 6,564 211 B Unknown
268 Cappadocian Greeks 6,416 206 B Low
269 Byzantine–Ottoman wars 6,408 206 C High
270 Karađorđe 6,343 204 GA Mid
271 Samsun 6,339 204 Start Unknown
272 Treaty of Berlin (1878) 6,295 203 Start High
273 Batak massacre 6,262 202 B Low
274 Principality of Bulgaria 6,256 201 Start Unknown
275 Macedonian front 6,256 201 Start Low
276 List of wars involving the Ottoman Empire 6,230 200 List High
277 Operation Nemesis 6,192 199 C Low
278 Late Ottoman genocides 6,183 199 Start Mid
279 Egypt Eyalet 6,173 199 Redirect NA
280 Sardar 6,164 198 Start Unknown
281 Egyptian–Ottoman War (1839–1841) 6,149 198 Start Low
282 Sokollu Mehmed Pasha 6,090 196 C Mid
283 Sipahi 6,059 195 C Mid
284 Eyalet 6,047 195 Start Unknown
285 Execution by elephant 6,038 194 B Low
286 Siege of Belgrade (1456) 5,967 192 C Mid
287 Mesopotamian campaign 5,943 191 B Mid
288 Ottoman architecture 5,893 190 C Top
289 Egyptian–Ottoman War (1831–1833) 5,854 188 C Mid
290 Nicolae Iorga 5,853 188 B Unknown
291 Handan Sultan 5,707 184 C Low
292 Ottoman Hungary 5,703 183 C Mid
293 1913 Ottoman coup d'état 5,698 183 B Low
294 Zagan Pasha 5,691 183 C Mid
295 Siege of Acre (1799) 5,673 183 Start Low
296 Yusuf al-Azma 5,626 181 GA Unknown
297 Ottoman–Safavid War (1623–1639) 5,596 180 B Mid
298 Simit 5,591 180 Start Low
299 Russo-Turkish War (1806–1812) 5,590 180 Start Unknown
300 Zahir al-Umar 5,552 179 GA Mid
301 Faisal bin Turki Al Saud (1785–1865) 5,539 178 Start Low
302 Seraglio 5,521 178 Start Unknown
303 Massacres of Albanians in the Balkan Wars 5,486 176 C Low
304 Şehzade Ahmed Nihad 5,444 175 Start Unknown
305 League of Lezhë 5,439 175 C Mid
306 Sharbat (drink) 5,439 175 Start Mid
307 Orhan Çelebi 5,392 173 Stub Low
308 Bayezid Osman 5,345 172 Start Unknown
309 Ottoman cuisine 5,338 172 Start Mid
310 Cem Sultan 5,262 169 C Mid
311 Austro-Turkish War (1788–1791) 5,255 169 C Low
312 Ahmet Tevfik Pasha 5,248 169 Start High
313 Serbian Revolution 5,227 168 C Low
314 Mirza (name) 5,223 168 List High
315 Valide sultan 5,212 168 Start Unknown
316 Battle of Zenta 5,172 166 B High
317 Rumelia Eyalet 5,157 166 Start Mid
318 Galata 5,144 165 Start Unknown
319 Vilayet 5,142 165 Start High
320 Battle of Kosovo (1448) 5,125 165 C Mid
321 Battle of Megiddo (1918) 5,113 164 C Mid
322 Septinsular Republic 5,083 163 B Unknown
323 Misak-ı Millî 5,082 163 Start Unknown
324 SMS Goeben 5,065 163 FA Mid
325 Battle of Beersheba (1917) 5,036 162 GA Mid
326 Shihab dynasty 5,028 162 B Unknown
327 Siege of Szigetvár 5,008 161 GA Mid
328 Mukataa 4,981 160 C Low
329 Kara Fatima Khanum 4,970 160 Start Unknown
330 Territorial evolution of the Ottoman Empire 4,963 160 C Mid
331 List of Ottoman titles and appellations 4,936 159 List Top
332 Problem of two emperors 4,918 158 GA Low
333 Crimean–Nogai slave raids in Eastern Europe 4,908 158 C Unknown
334 Kosovo vilayet 4,905 158 Start Unknown
335 Macedonian Struggle 4,841 156 Start Low
336 Suleiman Baltoghlu 4,802 154 Stub Low
337 Ismail Qemali 4,801 154 B Low
338 Persianate society 4,801 154 C High
339 Stefan Lazarević 4,800 154 Start Mid
340 Târgu Mureș 4,779 154 B High
341 History of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire 4,746 153 B Mid
342 Üsküdar 4,738 152 Start Unknown
343 Malkoçoğlu Bali Bey 4,720 152 Start Mid
344 Dragut 4,686 151 C Unknown
345 Holy League (1684) 4,650 150 C Mid
346 Raziye Sultan 4,648 149 Stub Unknown
347 Ottoman Navy 4,641 149 Start Top
348 Sharifate of Mecca 4,629 149 Start Mid
349 Correspondence between the Ottoman sultan and the Cossacks 4,628 149 C Unknown
350 Iraqi Revolt 4,612 148 C Top
351 First Serbian Uprising 4,608 148 Start Mid
352 Hungarian–Ottoman Wars 4,605 148 B Mid
353 Ghilman 4,598 148 C Low
354 Şivekar Sultan 4,598 148 Start Unknown
355 Ottoman Army (1861–1922) 4,577 147 C Unknown
356 Mehmed Orhan 4,556 146 Stub Unknown
357 Eastern Rumelia 4,534 146 Start Unknown
358 Şehzade Osman Fuad 4,516 145 Start Unknown
359 Cretan War (1645–1669) 4,516 145 GA High
360 Şehzade Ömer Faruk 4,452 143 C Unknown
361 Mahmud Pasha Angelović 4,449 143 C Mid
362 Siege of Rhodes (1522) 4,429 142 C Unknown
363 Şehzade Mehmed Abdülkerim 4,427 142 Start Unknown
364 Pruth River Campaign 4,421 142 Start Mid
365 Treaty of Karlowitz 4,404 142 Start Mid
366 Al Hudaydah 4,402 142 Start Unknown
367 31 March incident 4,377 141 Start Low
368 Siege of Candia 4,337 139 Start Mid
369 Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro 4,324 139 Start Low
370 Şehzade Ali Vasib 4,323 139 Start Unknown
371 Timeline of the Ottoman Empire 4,273 137 List High
372 Pontic Greek genocide 4,224 136 C Low
373 Evliya Çelebi 4,214 135 C Mid
374 Great Eastern Crisis 4,193 135 B Mid
375 Otto Liman von Sanders 4,182 134 Start Mid
376 Battle of Aleppo (1918) 4,171 134 B Low
377 Polish–Ottoman War (1672–1676) 4,152 133 C Mid
378 Hejaz vilayet 4,108 132 C High
379 Damascus Eyalet 4,095 132 Start Low
380 Fire of Moscow (1571) 4,094 132 Start Unknown
381 Aleppo vilayet 4,077 131 Start Low
382 Princes' Islands 4,075 131 C Unknown
383 Bessarabia Governorate 4,060 130 C Mid
384 Gündüz Alp 4,057 130 Start Unknown
385 Ottoman–Venetian War (1570–1573) 4,038 130 GA Mid
386 Gülnuş Sultan 4,004 129 C Unknown
387 Old Yishuv 4,003 129 C Low
388 Turkish war crimes 3,992 128 C Low
389 History of the Jews in Thessaloniki 3,976 128 B Mid
390 Independent Albania 3,946 127 B Mid
391 Adana massacre 3,939 127 B Mid
392 Elbasan 3,929 126 C Unknown
393 April Uprising of 1876 3,903 125 Start Unknown
394 List of Kurdish dynasties and countries 3,869 124 List Mid
395 Sanjak of Smederevo 3,861 124 Start Mid
396 Occupation of Smyrna 3,861 124 Start Unknown
397 History of Slovakia 3,857 124 C Unknown
398 Tulumba 3,807 122 Stub Low
399 Osman Bey (fictional character) 3,774 121 Start Unknown
400 Erzincan 3,765 121 C Mid
401 Fevzi Çakmak 3,758 121 Start Low
402 Hümaşah Sultan (daughter of Şehzade Mehmed) 3,745 120 Start Unknown
403 Qal'at Ja'bar 3,739 120 B Mid
404 Ghegs 3,738 120 C Low
405 Ottoman–Venetian wars 3,697 119 List Low
406 Latakia Sanjak 3,685 118 Stub Mid
407 Division of the Kayı tribe 3,676 118 Start Mid
408 Gender and sexual minorities in the Ottoman Empire 3,673 118 GA Low
409 Ekmek kadayıfı 3,635 117 Start Low
410 Battle of Baku 3,630 117 B Mid
411 Catalan Company 3,584 115 Start Low
412 Ottoman–Safavid War (1532–1555) 3,574 115 Start Mid
413 Beylik of Tunis 3,565 115 Start Unknown
414 Şehzade Mehmed Abdulaziz 3,564 114 C Unknown
415 Ahmet Ali Çelikten 3,559 114 C Low
416 Annexation of the Crimean Khanate by the Russian Empire 3,555 114 GA High
417 Battle of Preveza 3,551 114 Start Mid
418 Ali Rıza Efendi 3,550 114 Start Low
419 Ottoman Bulgaria 3,542 114 C High
420 History of Budapest 3,536 114 Start Unknown
421 List of Ottoman imperial consorts 3,525 113 List Unknown
422 Omar Pasha 3,505 113 C Low
423 Ottoman conquest of Otranto 3,500 112 C Unknown
424 Isa Boletini 3,495 112 C Low
425 Turgut Alp 3,483 112 Start Low
426 Fakhr al-Din II 3,482 112 FA Unknown
427 Süleyman Çelebi 3,428 110 Start Mid
428 Ayşe Sultan (Haseki of Murad IV) 3,422 110 Start Unknown
429 Robert College 3,415 110 B Unknown
430 Transformation of the Ottoman Empire 3,399 109 Start Top
431 Mahfiruz Hatun 3,382 109 Start Low
432 Damascus affair 3,380 109 Start Unknown
433 Siege of Jaffa 3,376 108 C Low
434 Mamluk dynasty (Iraq) 3,364 108 C Unknown
435 Sheikh Said 3,360 108 Start Unknown
436 Ottoman Serbia 3,358 108 C Mid
437 Beirut vilayet 3,354 108 Start Unknown
438 Hacı İlbey 3,346 107 Start Mid
439 History of Anatolia 3,340 107 C Top
440 Halime Hatun (Diriliş: Ertuğrul) 3,334 107 B Low
441 Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca 3,330 107 C High
442 Kizlar agha 3,327 107 B Mid
443 Cevat Çobanlı 3,325 107 Stub Mid
444 Battle of Albulena 3,322 107 GA Low
445 Battle of the Sakarya 3,302 106 B Low
446 Fakhri Pasha 3,293 106 C Low
447 Hamza Bey 3,274 105 Start Unknown
448 Balkan League 3,269 105 C Mid
449 Bosnia Eyalet 3,245 104 Start Low
450 Asporça Hatun 3,235 104 Start Low
451 Jazzar Pasha 3,227 104 B Mid
452 Russian conquest of the Caucasus 3,227 104 C Mid
453 Ottoman Tunisia 3,193 103 C Unknown
454 Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1538–1560) 3,187 102 Start Low
455 Osman Nuri Pasha 3,182 102 Start Mid
456 Yemen vilayet 3,172 102 Start Low
457 Ottoman entry into World War I 3,166 102 Start Mid
458 Christianity in the Ottoman Empire 3,163 102 Start Mid
459 Ottoman military band 3,157 101 C Unknown
460 Andranik 3,157 101 GA Low
461 Italian War of 1551–1559 3,154 101 Start Mid
462 Coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire 3,151 101 Stub Mid
463 Elazığ 3,149 101 C Unknown
464 Ottoman–Safavid war (1603–1612) 3,147 101 B High
465 Army of the classical Ottoman Empire 3,125 100 B Mid
466 Muhammad Ali's rise to power 3,103 100 Start Low
467 Demographics of Istanbul 3,101 100 Start Unknown
468 Anglo-Turkish War (1807–1809) 3,098 99 Start Unknown
469 Şahin Giray 3,091 99 Stub Unknown
470 François Georges-Picot 3,078 99 Stub Unknown
471 Al-Fatat 3,076 99 Start Unknown
472 Falastin 3,069 99 C Unknown
473 Ottoman Albania 3,067 98 Start Unknown
474 Ottoman lira 3,064 98 Stub Mid
475 Assyrian volunteers 3,059 98 C Unknown
476 Ottoman Greeks 3,045 98 Start Mid
477 Causes of the Armenian genocide 3,035 97 C Low
478 Theodora Kantakouzene (wife of Orhan) 3,024 97 Start Low
479 Souliotes 2,973 95 B Mid
480 Zübeyde Hanım 2,967 95 Start Low
481 Prince Marko 2,959 95 GA Mid
482 Kuruş 2,959 95 Start Mid
483 Bosnia vilayet 2,947 95 Stub Low
484 List of battles involving the Ottoman Empire 2,941 94 List High
485 Deir ez-Zor camps 2,937 94 Start Low
486 Baghdad vilayet 2,935 94 Stub Unknown
487 Divan 2,929 94 Start Unknown
488 Habesh Eyalet 2,925 94 B Low
489 Armenian Genocide Memorial Church, Der Zor 2,925 94 Start Low
490 Revolutionary Serbia 2,925 94 C Unknown
491 Battle of Keresztes 2,902 93 Start Mid
492 Ancient regions of Anatolia 2,901 93 List Unknown
493 Special Organization (Ottoman Empire) 2,900 93 Start Mid
494 Battle of Shipka Pass 2,899 93 Start Unknown
495 Serbian–Ottoman Wars (1876–1878) 2,898 93 Start Low
496 Ottomanism 2,894 93 Start Unknown
497 Ottoman–Venetian War (1714–1718) 2,891 93 B Mid
498 Ottoman Cyprus 2,885 93 C Mid
499 Süleyman Pasha (son of Orhan) 2,880 92 Start Mid
500 Mihaloğlu 2,874 92 Start Mid
501 Conquest of Tunis (1535) 2,873 92 Start Unknown
502 Evrenos 2,858 92 Start Low
503 Eski Saray 2,856 92 C Mid
504 Empire (podcast) 2,848 91 Start Unknown
505 Çırağan Palace 2,847 91 Start Mid
506 Ilinden–Preobrazhenie Uprising 2,841 91 C Low
507 Agha of the Janissaries 2,828 91 C Mid
508 Olivera Lazarević 2,827 91 Start Low
509 Şah Sultan (daughter of Selim I) 2,825 91 Start Unknown
510 Henry Morgenthau Sr. 2,823 91 B Unknown
511 Nikos Zachariadis 2,813 90 Start Mid
512 Ottoman–Hotaki War (1726–1727) 2,799 90 C Low
513 Nahiyah 2,790 90 Stub Unknown
514 Ottoman–Venetian War (1463–1479) 2,789 89 Start Mid
515 Battle of Vaslui 2,783 89 A Mid
516 Köse Mihal 2,761 89 Start Low
517 Kâzım Karabekir 2,748 88 C Low
518 Sword of Osman 2,722 87 Start Low
519 Ottoman Arabia 2,720 87 Start Low
520 Said Halim Pasha 2,709 87 Start Mid
521 Hanzade Sultan (daughter of Şehzade Ömer Faruk) 2,709 87 Start Unknown
522 Siege of Trebizond (1461) 2,708 87 B Low
523 Battle of Bapheus 2,705 87 Start Mid
524 Ottoman–Persian War (1821–1823) 2,700 87 B Low
525 Turkish capture of Smyrna 2,692 86 Start Unknown
526 Treaty of Bucharest (1913) 2,689 86 Start Mid
527 Mihaloğlu Ali Bey 2,666 86 Start Low
528 Ebussuud Efendi 2,651 85 Start Mid
529 Ottoman Palestine 2,649 85 Redirect NA
530 Hurshid Pasha 2,632 84 Start Low
531 Alaeddin Pasha (vizier) 2,624 84 Start Mid
532 Italian War of 1542–1546 2,617 84 FA Mid
533 Ottoman–Persian War (1730–1735) 2,601 83 Start Mid
534 Russo-Turkish War (1672–1681) 2,589 83 Start Unknown
535 History of Kosovo 2,567 82 Start High
536 Economic history of the Ottoman Empire 2,564 82 C High
537 Greek Plan 2,548 82 Start Mid
538 Languages of the Ottoman Empire 2,539 81 C Unknown
539 Essad Toptani 2,536 81 C Low
540 List of Serbian–Ottoman conflicts 2,536 81 List Mid
541 Karagöz and Hacivat 2,533 81 Start Low
542 Ottoman decline thesis 2,508 80 C High
543 Orlov revolt 2,507 80 Start Unknown
544 Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz 2,503 80 B Low
545 Herzegovina uprising (1875–1877) 2,479 79 Start Mid
546 Ottoman–Persian War (1743–1746) 2,479 79 Start Unknown
547 Ottoman Iraq 2,478 79 Stub High
548 Alam al-Din dynasty 2,476 79 C Unknown
549 The Ottoman Lieutenant 2,464 79 C Unknown
550 Beylerbey 2,456 79 C Mid
551 Defense of Van (1915) 2,440 78 C Low
552 Casualties of the Armenian genocide 2,432 78 B Mid
553 Koca Sinan Pasha 2,425 78 Start Unknown
554 Büyükada 2,407 77 Start Unknown
555 Firman 2,397 77 Start Unknown
556 Battle of Khotyn (1621) 2,385 76 C Low
557 Turks in North Macedonia 2,382 76 Stub Unknown
558 Gjon Kastrioti 2,378 76 C Low
559 History of Egypt under the Muhammad Ali dynasty 2,362 76 Start High
560 Damat Ferid Pasha 2,358 76 Start Mid
561 Ottoman–Safavid War (1578–1590) 2,356 76 C Mid
562 Ismihan Sultan 2,356 76 Start Unknown
563 Rahime Perestu Sultan 2,338 75 B Unknown
564 Dragoman 2,329 75 Start Low
565 Albanian revolt of 1912 2,328 75 Start Low
566 Culture of the Ottoman Empire 2,320 74 Start High
567 Second Serbian Uprising 2,317 74 Start Mid
568 Komitas 2,310 74 C Low
569 Akçe 2,300 74 Stub Low
570 Skanderbeg's rebellion 2,297 74 C Mid
571 Rum millet 2,296 74 Start High
572 Saru Batu Savcı Bey 2,287 73 Start Unknown
573 Jerusalem Sanjak 2,284 73 Stub Mid
574 Abdullah ad-Daghistani 2,279 73 C Low
575 Second Constitutional Era 2,275 73 Start High
576 Battle of Sardarabad 2,273 73 Start Low
577 Ayşe Sultan (daughter of Ahmed I) 2,273 73 B Unknown
578 Wallachian uprising of 1821 2,272 73 B Unknown
579 Gennadius Scholarius 2,267 73 C Mid
580 Habsburg–Ottoman wars in Hungary (1526–1568) 2,261 72 C Mid
581 Azm Palace (Hama) 2,254 72 Start Low
582 Lala Mustafa Pasha 2,248 72 Start Mid
583 Ottoman miniature 2,243 72 Start Unknown
584 Malhun Hatun (fictional character) 2,241 72 Start Low
585 Morlachs 2,225 71 Start Low
586 Samuel Baker 2,220 71 Start Low
587 Istanbul trials of 1919–1920 2,211 71 Start Mid
588 Ottoman–Persian War (1775–1776) 2,207 71 Stub Unknown
589 Namık Kemal 2,205 71 C Mid
590 Malkoçoğlu family 2,197 70 Start Mid
591 Women in the Ottoman Empire 2,192 70 GA Unknown
592 Landing at Anzac Cove 2,187 70 GA Mid
593 Şehzade Kasım 2,179 70 Start Unknown
594 Balšić noble family 2,178 70 Start Low
595 Government of the classical Ottoman Empire 2,173 70 Start Top
596 Rise of nationalism in the Ottoman Empire 2,173 70 B High
597 Emirate of Harar 2,173 70 Start Unknown
598 Italian invasion of Libya 2,168 69 Start Low
599 Yemen Eyalet 2,164 69 Stub Low
600 Hezârfen Ahmed Çelebi 2,163 69 Start Low
601 Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire 2,159 69 B Mid
602 Siege of Constantinople (1422) 2,147 69 Start Low
603 1834 looting of Safed 2,145 69 Start Low
604 Musa Çelebi 2,143 69 Start Mid
605 Lütfi Pasha 2,136 68 Start Unknown
606 Bohtan 2,133 68 Start Unknown
607 Capture of Baghdad (1638) 2,131 68 Start Mid
608 Central Greece (geographic region) 2,130 68 Start Unknown
609 Expulsion of the Albanians (1877–1878) 2,126 68 Start Unknown
610 Armenian fedayi 2,117 68 Start Low
611 Dance of Zalongo 2,109 68 Start Mid
612 Treaty of Passarowitz 2,100 67 Start Mid
613 Siege of Belgrade (1521) 2,095 67 Stub Unknown
614 Black Sea raid 2,094 67 GA Low
615 Ottoman conquest of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,089 67 Start Mid
616 Sanjak of Bosnia 2,080 67 Stub Mid
617 Hafize Sultan 2,079 67 Start Low
618 Kırklareli 2,065 66 C Low
619 Austro-Turkish War (1663–1664) 2,056 66 C Mid
620 Siege of Thessalonica (1422–1430) 2,055 66 FA Low
621 Battle of Rovine 2,048 66 Start Unknown
622 Erzurum offensive 2,043 65 C Unknown
623 Celali rebellions 2,036 65 B Mid
624 Markos Vafeiadis 2,030 65 C Mid
625 Salonica vilayet 2,018 65 Start Unknown
626 ANZAC Cove 2,017 65 C Low
627 Turco-Persian wars 2,009 64 List Unknown
628 Pertevniyal Sultan 2,001 64 Start Unknown
629 Kouloughlis 1,997 64 C Low
630 Armenian question 1,996 64 Start Mid
631 Nakşidil Sultan 1,992 64 Start Unknown
632 Ottoman Crete 1,989 64 Start Low
633 Edict of Gülhane 1,980 63 Start High
634 Anzavur Ahmed Pasha 1,975 63 Stub Low
635 Cretan revolt (1866–1869) 1,973 63 Start Mid
636 Siege of Eger (1552) 1,972 63 Start Unknown
637 Shefqet Vërlaci 1,964 63 Start Unknown
638 Gülbahar Hatun (mother of Selim I) 1,962 63 Start Unknown
639 Ottoman Bank 1,961 63 C Mid
640 List of Ottoman princesses 1,956 63 List High
641 Hitler's Armenian reference 1,949 62 C Unknown
642 Janina vilayet 1,946 62 Start Low
643 General Assembly of the Ottoman Empire 1,942 62 Stub Mid
644 Şehzade Ahmed (son of Bayezid II) 1,937 62 Start Mid
645 Adrianople vilayet 1,935 62 Start Unknown
646 Diriliş: Ertuğrul season 1 1,928 62 Start Unknown
647 Siege of Buda (1541) 1,925 62 Start Mid
648 Ayşe Hatun (consort of Selim I) 1,924 62 Stub Unknown
649 Aleppo Eyalet 1,920 61 Start Low
650 Sanjak of Novi Pazar 1,911 61 C Unknown
651 Ma'n dynasty 1,910 61 Start Unknown
652 Ottoman Aviation Squadrons 1,907 61 C Mid
653 Treaty of Zuhab 1,897 61 Stub High
654 Ottoman music 1,896 61 GA Mid
655 Treaty of Constantinople (1832) 1,895 61 Start Mid
656 Siege of Tripolitsa 1,891 61 Start Mid
657 Polish–Ottoman War (1620–1621) 1,883 60 Start Mid
658 Polish–Ottoman Wars 1,882 60 List Low
659 Siege of Constantinople (1394–1402) 1,882 60 Start Low
660 Siege of Bursa 1,879 60 Start Low
661 Seyit Çabuk 1,877 60 Stub Low
662 Şehzade Mehmed (son of Ahmed I) 1,877 60 Start Unknown
663 Necla Sultan 1,867 60 Start Unknown
664 Battle of Elli 1,862 60 Start Low
665 Timar 1,857 59 Start Mid
666 Hamidiye (cavalry) 1,850 59 Start Low
667 Hadım Suleiman Pasha 1,843 59 Stub Low
668 List of mothers of the Ottoman sultans 1,843 59 List High
669 Battle of Otlukbeli 1,837 59 Start Mid
670 Mehmed Sabahaddin 1,837 59 Start Mid
671 Hacı I Giray 1,835 59 Start Unknown
672 Köprülü family 1,834 59 Stub Low
673 Ahmet Faik Erner 1,834 59 C Unknown
674 Harpoot 1,831 59 Start Unknown
675 Mosul vilayet 1,827 58 Stub Low
676 Shubra Palace 1,821 58 Start Mid
677 Ihsan Nuri 1,818 58 Start Low
678 Peasants' revolt in Palestine 1,816 58 GA High
679 Giaour 1,805 58 Start Low
680 Young Ottomans 1,794 57 C Mid
681 Kara Ahmed Pasha 1,777 57 Stub Unknown
682 Üveys Pasha 1,776 57 Start Mid
683 Nuri Killigil 1,775 57 Start Mid
684 Nureddin Pasha 1,770 57 B Low
685 Siege of Adrianople (1912–1913) 1,770 57 Start Low
686 Kapudan Pasha 1,766 56 Start Mid
687 Vuk Branković 1,763 56 Start Unknown
688 Ahmed Izzet Pasha 1,762 56 Start Mid
689 Constitution of the Ottoman Empire 1,749 56 Start Low
690 Devlet Hatun 1,748 56 Start Unknown
691 Battle of Breadfield 1,747 56 C Unknown
692 Mediterranean campaign of 1798 1,745 56 GA Low
693 Al-Muntada al-Adabi 1,741 56 Start Unknown
694 Ottoman Empire–United States relations 1,739 56 C Low
695 Philipp Stamma 1,738 56 Start Low
696 Religion in Istanbul 1,729 55 C Unknown
697 Principality of Samos 1,724 55 Start Low
698 Hatice Halime Hatun 1,722 55 C Unknown
699 Ottoman Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,721 55 Start Mid
700 Asakir-i Mansure-i Muhammediye 1,717 55 Start Unknown
701 Atike Sultan (daughter of Ahmed I) 1,705 55 C Unknown
702 Islamic Army of the Caucasus 1,703 54 Start Low
703 List of campaigns of Suleiman the Magnificent 1,701 54 List Mid
704 İttihadism 1,701 54 C Mid
705 Kaymakam 1,700 54 Start Low
706 Danube vilayet 1,697 54 Start Unknown
707 Şehzade Süleyman 1,695 54 Stub Unknown
708 Meñli I Giray 1,690 54 Start Unknown
709 Musa Dagh 1,686 54 Start Low
710 Battle of Nish (1443) 1,686 54 Start Low
711 Freedom and Accord Party 1,686 54 Stub Mid
712 Classical Age of the Ottoman Empire 1,680 54 Start Top
713 Kaza 1,668 53 Start Mid
714 Battle of Pelekanon 1,664 53 Start Mid
715 Ahis 1,664 53 Start Mid
716 Şehzade 1,656 53 Start Mid
717 Kaya Sultan 1,654 53 Start Low
718 Tosks 1,650 53 Start Low
719 Yildirim Army Group 1,648 53 Start Mid
720 Deportation of Armenian intellectuals on 24 April 1915 1,632 52 FL Mid
721 Eyalet of the Archipelago 1,632 52 Start Low
722 Order of the Medjidie 1,630 52 C Low
723 Ottoman conquest of the Morea 1,623 52 C Low
724 Manastir vilayet 1,608 51 Start Unknown
725 Greek landing at Smyrna 1,604 51 Start Mid
726 Akshamsaddin 1,604 51 Start Mid
727 Ottoman Old Regime 1,600 51 C Top
728 Ayas Mehmed Pasha 1,599 51 Stub Unknown
729 Koča's Frontier 1,597 51 Start Unknown
730 Stjepan Vukčić Kosača 1,595 51 GA Mid
731 Fahriye Sultan 1,595 51 Stub Low
732 Turgut Alp (fictional character) 1,594 51 Start Unknown
733 Siege of Belgrade (1717) 1,586 51 B High
734 Ottoman conquest of Adrianople 1,586 51 C High
735 Ottoman–Venetian War (1537–1540) 1,583 51 Stub Mid
736 Bedir Khan Beg 1,580 50 Start Low
737 Gevherhan Hatun (daughter of Mehmed the Conqueror) 1,580 50 Start Unknown
738 Ghaza thesis 1,579 50 B Mid
739 Siege of Castelnuovo 1,577 50 GA Low
740 Siege of Krujë (1450) 1,572 50 GA High
741 Mustafa Çelebi 1,564 50 Start Mid
742 Köprülü Mehmed Pasha 1,563 50 C Unknown
743 Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha 1,561 50 Start Unknown
744 Fethi Okyar 1,561 50 Start Low
745 Ertuğrul Bey (fictional character) 1,560 50 B Unknown
746 Battle of Krbava Field 1,556 50 B Unknown
747 Third siege of Missolonghi 1,550 50 Start Unknown
748 Massacres of Diyarbekir (1895) 1,544 49 C Low
749 Islamization of Albania 1,541 49 C High
750 United Kingdom during the Turkish War of Independence 1,532 49 B Unknown
751 1915 genocide in Diyarbekir 1,531 49 C Low
752 Kurdish rebellions during World War I 1,528 49 C Low
753 Ahmed Cevad Pasha 1,527 49 Stub Unknown
754 Vallahades 1,526 49 Start Low
755 Müveddet Kadın 1,522 49 C Unknown
756 Joseph Nasi 1,520 49 C Low
757 Halil Kut 1,516 48 Stub Unknown
758 Basra vilayet 1,516 48 Start Mid
759 Ottoman–Venetian War (1499–1503) 1,510 48 Start Low
760 Diriliş: Ertuğrul season 5 1,507 48 Start Unknown
761 Müezzinzade Ali Pasha 1,505 48 Start Low
762 Battle of Konya 1,505 48 C Unknown
763 Foreign relations of the Ottoman Empire 1,505 48 C Unknown
764 Halil Bey (son of Orhan) 1,505 48 Start Low
765 The Tortoise Trainer 1,501 48 C Low
766 Albanian revolt of 1910 1,501 48 B Mid
767 Islam in the Ottoman Empire 1,494 48 Start Unknown
768 Morea Eyalet 1,491 48 Start Low
769 Kurdish emirates 1,490 48 Stub Mid
770 Hatice Sultan (daughter of Murad V) 1,484 47 C Unknown
771 Ali Fuat Cebesoy 1,483 47 Start Low
772 Siege of Nice 1,482 47 C Unknown
773 Siege of Kőszeg 1,481 47 GA Low
774 Najd Sanjak 1,479 47 Start Low
775 Association for Defence of National Rights 1,477 47 Start Mid
776 Battle of Párkány 1,476 47 C Unknown
777 Ayşe Sultan (daughter of Abdul Hamid II) 1,468 47 B Unknown
778 Piri Mehmed Pasha 1,463 47 Stub Unknown
779 Ahmed Niyazi 1,462 47 Start Low
780 Yozgat 1,460 47 Start Unknown
781 Çoban Mustafa Pasha 1,456 46 Stub Unknown
782 Mamluk–Portuguese conflicts 1,455 46 C Unknown
783 Siege of Diu (1538) 1,442 46 Start Low
784 Battle of Rymnik 1,441 46 C Low
785 Battle of Kumanovo 1,433 46 C Low
786 Yousef al-Khalidi 1,432 46 C Low
787 List of Janissary Aghas 1,429 46 List Low
788 Rayah 1,427 46 Start Mid
789 Çandarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin Pasha 1,427 46 Stub Mid
790 Mihrişah Sultan (mother of Selim III) 1,427 46 Start Unknown
791 Lala Shahin Pasha 1,420 45 Stub Unknown
792 Battle of Petrovaradin 1,410 45 B High
793 List of Ottoman conquests, sieges and landings 1,407 45 List NA
794 Rauf Orbay 1,405 45 Stub Mid
795 Halil İnalcık 1,400 45 Start Mid
796 Turkish communities in the former Ottoman Empire 1,399 45 B Unknown
797 Sanjak of Scutari 1,398 45 C Low
798 Sanjak of Herzegovina 1,397 45 Start Mid
799 Partium 1,395 45 Start Low
800 Mehmet Esat Bülkat 1,395 45 Start Low
801 Mahmud Pasha (1853–1903) 1,393 44 Start Unknown
802 History of Lebanon under Ottoman rule 1,392 44 Start Unknown
803 Peace of Amasya 1,391 44 Start High
804 Kapıkulu 1,390 44 Stub High
805 Six Vilayets 1,389 44 Start Mid
806 Ja'far al-Askari 1,384 44 Start Low
807 Kruševo Republic 1,381 44 Start Unknown
808 Massacres during the Greek War of Independence 1,381 44 C Low
809 Ayşe Sultan (Haseki of Osman II) 1,374 44 Start Unknown
810 Principality of Upper Hungary 1,372 44 Stub Unknown
811 Mirliva 1,370 44 Stub Low
812 Ottoman–Mamluk War (1485–1491) 1,361 43 B Low
813 Anglo-Ottoman Convention of 1913 1,357 43 Start Low
814 Mamuret-ul-Aziz vilayet 1,357 43 Start Mid
815 Ahmed Muhtar Pasha 1,356 43 Start Mid
816 Armenian resistance during the Armenian genocide 1,356 43 Start Mid
817 Sanjak-bey 1,354 43 Stub Low
818 Siege of Shkodra 1,348 43 C Low
819 Uch bey 1,346 43 Stub Unknown
820 Conquest of Tunis (1574) 1,345 43 Start Unknown
821 Devlet I Giray 1,339 43 Start Unknown
822 Ottoman Baroque architecture 1,336 43 C Unknown
823 İsa Çelebi 1,335 43 Start Mid
824 Malissori uprising 1,335 43 B Low
825 Budin Eyalet 1,334 43 Start Low
826 Hadım Sinan Pasha 1,334 43 Start Mid
827 Birindji ferik 1,334 43 Stub Low
828 Nasuhzade Ali Pasha 1,333 43 Start Low
829 Sidon Eyalet 1,330 42 Start Low
830 Ottoman Civil War (1509–1513) 1,327 42 Start Mid
831 Ali Bey Evrenosoğlu 1,327 42 Start Low
832 Battle of Ridaniya 1,326 42 Stub Mid
833 Gülistu Kadın 1,325 42 Start Unknown
834 Fatma Sultan (daughter of Ahmed I) 1,324 42 Start Low
835 Bergmann Offensive 1,320 42 Stub Unknown
836 Law of the Ottoman Empire 1,320 42 C Unknown
837 Naousa, Imathia 1,317 42 Start Unknown
838 Nabi Habeel Mosque 1,315 42 Start Low
839 Adana vilayet 1,315 42 Stub Unknown
840 Ottoman embassy to Aceh 1,310 42 Start Low
841 Dahije 1,310 42 Start Mid
842 List of conflicts in the Near East 1,309 42 Start Low
843 Mesih Pasha 1,308 42 C Mid
844 Baghdad Eyalet 1,308 42 Stub Low
845 Deli (troop) 1,305 42 Stub Low
846 Çandarlı family 1,299 41 Start High
847 Battle of Kars (1745) 1,299 41 Stub Low
848 Constantinople massacre of 1821 1,291 41 Start Low
849 1917 Jaffa deportation 1,288 41 C Low
850 Şahkulu rebellion 1,287 41 Start Mid
851 Battle of Yeghevārd 1,287 41 C Mid
852 Ottoman–Safavid relations 1,284 41 C High
853 Diyarbekir vilayet 1,283 41 Stub Unknown
854 Bulgarian unification 1,283 41 Start Low
855 Nazım Pasha 1,282 41 Stub Low
856 Battle of Bitlis 1,282 41 Stub Unknown
857 Ottoman Kurds 1,280 41 C Unknown
858 Black Stockings F.C. 1,276 41 Stub Low
859 Safavid capture of Tabriz (1603) 1,276 41 Stub Low
860 Mustafa Sabri 1,274 41 C Low
861 Wehib Pasha 1,271 41 Start Low
862 List of Ottoman governors of Egypt 1,271 41 List Mid
863 Invasion of Corsica (1553) 1,268 40 B Mid
864 Mehmed Ali Pasha (marshal) 1,261 40 Start Mid
865 Şehzade Murad (son of Cem Sultan) 1,261 40 Start Unknown
866 Capitulation of Alexandria (1801) 1,260 40 Start Low
867 List of governors and rulers of the Regency of Algiers 1,255 40 List Low
868 Wilhelm Souchon 1,251 40 Start Mid
869 Inşirah Hanım 1,246 40 C Unknown
870 Siege of Krujë (1466–1467) 1,243 40 GA Low
871 Suleiman the Magnificent's Venetian helmet 1,242 40 C Low
872 Şehzade Mehmed Selaheddin 1,241 40 Stub Low
873 Kemankeş Kara Mustafa Pasha 1,237 39 Start Mid
874 Patrona Halil 1,236 39 Start High
875 Slaughter of the Knezes 1,235 39 Start Low
876 Fahrettin Altay 1,231 39 Stub Low
877 Hasan Prishtina 1,230 39 Start Low
878 Occupation of Western Armenia 1,227 39 B Unknown
879 Naciye Sultan 1,227 39 C Low
880 Serbian Chetnik Organization 1,220 39 Start Low
881 Battle of Gallipoli (1416) 1,219 39 GA Low
882 Government of the late Ottoman Empire 1,217 39 Stub High
883 Outline of the Ottoman Empire 1,215 39 List High
884 Siege of Famagusta 1,214 39 C Low
885 Ioannina Eyalet 1,212 39 Start Low
886 Battle of Abaran 1,207 38 Stub Low
887 Ferik (rank) 1,207 38 Stub Low
888 Muazzez Sultan 1,198 38 Start Low
889 Battle of Tripolje 1,198 38 B Low
890 Battle of Lule Burgas 1,197 38 Start Low
891 Abbas I's Kakhetian and Kartlian campaigns 1,196 38 Stub Mid
892 Hümeyra Hanımsultan 1,196 38 Start Low
893 Peace of Zsitvatorok 1,193 38 Stub Low
894 Siege of Tripoli (1551) 1,190 38 Start Unknown
895 Gedik Ahmed Pasha 1,189 38 Start Unknown
896 Dukaginzade Ahmed Pasha 1,189 38 Start Unknown
897 Mahpeyker Hanımsultan 1,189 38 Start Unknown
898 Ottoman–Portuguese confrontations 1,186 38 Start Unknown
899 Starina Novak 1,183 38 Stub Unknown
900 Idriz Seferi 1,182 38 C Unknown
901 The Thirty-Year Genocide 1,175 37 Start Unknown
902 Battle of Pločnik 1,174 37 Start Low
903 Imperial Council (Ottoman Empire) 1,172 37 B High
904 Hauran Druze Rebellion 1,171 37 Start Low
905 Ibrahim Bey (Mamluk) 1,170 37 Stub Low
906 Silistra Eyalet 1,168 37 Start Low
907 Fall of Gallipoli 1,167 37 Start Mid
908 Constantinople Conference 1,167 37 Start Unknown
909 Zor Sanjak 1,164 37 Stub Unknown
910 Nikollë Bojaxhiu 1,164 37 C Low
911 Battle of Hermannstadt 1,163 37 Start Low
912 Witnesses and testimonies of the Armenian genocide 1,162 37 List Low
913 SMS Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm 1,160 37 FA Low
914 Wilhelm II's voyage to the Levant in 1898 1,160 37 B Low
915 Siege of Constantinople (1411) 1,159 37 Start Low
916 Chelengk 1,158 37 C Low
917 Ottoman palaces in Istanbul 1,152 37 List Low
918 İskender Çelebi 1,152 37 Start Low
919 Siege of Scutari (1912–1913) 1,150 37 Start Low
920 Circassian chicken 1,149 37 Stub Unknown
921 Albanian Vilayet 1,147 37 B Low
922 Raghib al-Nashashibi 1,146 36 Start Low
923 Enderun School 1,145 36 Start Low
924 Battle of Lumë 1,144 36 Start Unknown
925 Ottoman–Egyptian invasion of Mani 1,142 36 GA Mid
926 Kyra Vassiliki 1,141 36 Start Low
927 Kâtip Çelebi 1,139 36 Start Mid
928 Manolya Onur 1,139 36 Start Unknown
929 Treaty of Constantinople (1913) 1,139 36 Start Mid
930 Sineperver Sultan 1,138 36 Start Low
931 Tripoli Eyalet 1,135 36 Start Unknown
932 SMS Weissenburg 1,133 36 FA Low
933 Lagâri Hasan Çelebi 1,131 36 Stub Low
934 Ottoman coffeehouse 1,131 36 Start Low
935 Gallipoli Star 1,130 36 Start Mid
936 Massacre of Aleppo (1850) 1,124 36 C Mid
937 Boşnak Derviş Mehmed Pasha 1,122 36 Stub Low
938 Fatma Sultan (daughter of Selim II) 1,120 36 Start Unknown
939 Classical Ottoman architecture 1,120 36 B Low
940 Kurdish recognition of the Armenian genocide 1,119 36 C Unknown
941 Siege of Jeddah 1,119 36 Start Low
942 Battle of Valea Albă 1,118 36 C Low
943 Köprülü era 1,116 36 Start High
944 Capture of Baghdad (1624) 1,116 36 Stub Low
945 Polish–Ottoman War (1485–1503) 1,111 35 Start Mid
946 Ehmedê Xanî 1,109 35 Start Low
947 Order of Osmanieh 1,108 35 Start Low
948 Siege of Belgrade (1688) 1,106 35 Start Low
949 Uprising in Banat 1,098 35 Start Low
950 Cossack raid on Istanbul (1620) 1,098 35 Start Low
951 Scutari vilayet 1,094 35 Stub Unknown
952 Ottoman Public Debt Administration 1,094 35 Stub Mid
953 Turbék 1,089 35 Stub Unknown
954 1843 and 1846 massacres in Hakkari 1,087 35 B Low
955 Ottoman expeditions to Morocco 1,087 35 Stub Unknown
956 Chamber of Deputies (Ottoman Empire) 1,086 35 C Mid
957 Emirate of Hasankeyf 1,086 35 C Unknown
958 Parthenon mosque 1,085 35 Start Low
959 Greek Summer Offensive 1,084 34 Start Low
960 Rabia Sultan 1,078 34 C Low
961 Yemeni–Ottoman conflicts 1,077 34 Stub Unknown
962 County Palatine of Cephalonia and Zakynthos 1,074 34 Stub Unknown
963 Sanjak of Albania 1,070 34 C High
964 Piali Pasha 1,066 34 Start Mid
965 Sanjak of Prizren 1,058 34 Start Low
966 Çandarlızade Ali Pasha 1,055 34 C Mid
967 Heptapyrgion (Thessaloniki) 1,053 33 Start Low
968 Sheikh Ubeydullah 1,053 33 C Low
969 Halid Beg Cibran 1,052 33 B Unknown
970 Yahya bey Dukagjini 1,050 33 B Mid
971 Respect to Mehmetçik Monument 1,049 33 Start Mid
972 Edirne Palace 1,049 33 Start Unknown
973 Mehmed Emin Âli Pasha 1,045 33 Start Mid
974 List of Seljuk sultans of Rûm 1,039 33 List Unknown
975 Arshin (length) 1,034 33 Start Low
976 Buhturids 1,033 33 C Unknown
977 Aimée du Buc de Rivéry 1,031 33 C Low
978 Elifba alphabet 1,031 33 Stub Unknown
979 Mehmed Fuad Pasha 1,029 33 Start Mid
980 Tahsin Yazıcı 1,029 33 Start Low
981 Abdyl Frashëri 1,027 33 C Unknown
982 Koca Hüsrev Mehmed Pasha 1,025 33 Start Mid
983 Lahsa Eyalet 1,024 33 Stub Mid
984 Ottoman frigate Ertuğrul 1,017 32 C Unknown
985 Battle of Lemnos (1913) 1,012 32 Start Low
986 Turban helmet 1,007 32 Start High
987 Yunus Pasha 1,005 32 Start Unknown
988 Mülazım 1,001 32 Stub Low
989 Jakup Ferri 1,001 32 Start Low
990 Ramallah Friends School 998 32 C Unknown
991 Hayreddin Pasha 997 32 Start Unknown
992 Siege of Nicaea (1328–1331) 996 32 Start Mid
993 Yasin al-Hashimi 995 32 GA Low
994 List of rulers of Mosul 993 32 List Low
995 Şehzade Ömer Hilmi 993 32 Stub Unknown
996 Siege of Nicomedia 992 32 Stub Mid
997 Baba Mohammed ben-Osman 991 31 C Mid
998 Battle of Bizani 989 31 GA Low
999 As'ad Pasha al-Azm 984 31 Start Mid
1000 Hersekzade Ahmed Pasha 983 31 Start Low
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