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General websites
These sites have many useful resources:
- International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto, Japan
- Rare books and maps (scans of old books and maps)
Titles are listed in alphabetical order.
Anime and manga
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
Architecture in Japan | Philip Jodidio | ISBN 3-8228-3988-4 | English | Nihonjoe |
The Architecture of Japan | Arthur Drexler | ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
The Art and Architecture of Japan | Robert Treat Paine | ISBN 0-300-05333-9 | English | Bamse |
The Art of Japanese Joinery | Kiyosi Seike | ISBN 0-8348-1516-8 | English | Nihonjoe |
Bruno Taut in Japan --- Das Tagebuch vol 1, 2 (1933, 1934) | Bruno Taut | ISBN 978-3-7861-2692-8, ISBN 978-3-7861-2702-4 | German | Bamse |
Japan Country Living | Amy Sylvester Katoh | ISBN 0-8048-1858-4 | English | Nihonjoe |
The Inner Harmony of the Japanese House | Atsushi Ueda | ISBN 4-7700-2353-7 | English | Nihonjoe |
Japan's Folk Architecture: Traditional Thatched Farmhouses | Chūji Kawashima | ISBN 4-7700-2506-8 | English | Nihonjoe |
The Japanese Bath | Bruce Smith and Yoshiko Yamamoto | ISBN 1-58685-027-X | English | Nihonjoe |
The Japanese House: Architecture and Interiors | Noboru Murata and Alexandra Black | ISBN 0-8048-3262-5 | English | Nihonjoe |
Japanese Detail: Architecture | Sadao Hibi | ISBN 0-8118-3675-4 | English | Nihonjoe |
Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings | Edward S. Morse | ISBN 0-486-20746-3 | English | Nihonjoe |
The Japanese Home Stylebook: Architectural Details and Motifs | Saburo Yamagata | ISBN 1-880656-01-9 | English | Nihonjoe |
奥村昭雄のディテール Okumura Akio no Detail |
Akio Okumura | ISBN 4-395-11047-9 | Japanese | Nihonjoe |
都市緑地の計画と設計 Toshiryokuchi no Keikaku to Sekkei |
Masao Uchiyama | ISBN 4-395-00232-3 | Japanese | Nihonjoe |
What is Japanese Architecture? | Kazuo Nishi and Kazuo Hozumi | ISBN 978-4-7700-1992-9 | English | Bamse |
Zen Gardening | Sunniva Harte | ISBN 1-55670-929-3 | English | Nihonjoe |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
Ancient and Medieval: Ancient and Medieval Vol 1 | Seiroku Noma | ISBN 4770029772 | English | Bamse |
The Art and Architecture of Japan | Robert Treat Paine | ISBN 0-300-05333-9 | English | Bamse |
The Connoisseur's Book of Japanese Swords | Kokan Nagayama | ISBN 978-1-56836-581-7 | English | Bamse |
History of Japanese art | Penelope E. Mason, Donald Dinwiddie | ISBN 0131176013 | English | Bamse |
One Hundred Famous Views of Edo | Melanie Trede, Lorenz Bichler | ISBN 3836521202 | English | Bamse |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
The Nine Magazines of Kodansha: The Autobiography of a Japanese Publisher | Seiji Noma | none (published in 1934) | English | Nihonjoe |
Culture and sociology
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions (about chindōgu) |
Kenji Kawakami | ISBN 0-393-31369-7 | English | Nihonjoe |
The Anatomy of Dependence | Takeo Doi | ISBN 0-87011-494-8 ISBN 4-7700-0979-8 |
English | Nihonjoe |
Behind the Japanese Bow | Boye Lafayette De Mente | ISBN 0-8442-8491-2 | English | Nihonjoe |
Cold War Orientalism: Asia in the Middlebrow Imagination, 1945-1961 | Christina Klein | ISBN 0520232305 | English | JadeFox |
Contemporary Japan: History, Politics, and Social Change since the 1980s | Jeff Kingston | ISBN 1405191937 | English | Bamse |
Handbook to Life in Medieval and Early Modern Japan | William E. Deal | ISBN 0-8160-5622-6 | English | Bamse |
Heisei no hitto-kyoko | Tomonori Shiba | ISBN 9784106109294 | Japanese | Goroth (de) |
Japan - A Short Cultural History | George Bailey Sansom | ISBN 1-4474-2350-X | English | Bamse |
Japan: Its History and Culture (3rd ed.) | W. Scott Morton | ISBN 0-07-043423-9 | English | Nihonjoe JadeFox |
Japan Country Living | Amy Sylvester Katoh | ISBN 0-8048-1858-4 | English | Nihonjoe |
Japan Pop!: Inside the World of Japanese Popular Culture | Edited by Timothy J. Craig | ISBN 0-7656-0561-9 | English | JadeFox |
The Japanese: A Major Exploration of Modern Japan | Peter Tasker | ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
Japanese Culture (4th ed.) | Paul H. Varley | 0824821521 | English | JadeFox and Bamse |
Japanese Society | Chie Nakane | ISBN 0-520-02154-1 | English | Nihonjoe |
Japan to 1600: A Social and Economic History | William Wayne Farris | ISBN 0824833791 | English | Bamse |
Modern Japan (2nd ed.) | Peter Duus | ISBN 0-395-74604-3 | English | Nihonjoe |
Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism | Koichi Iwabuchi | ISBN 0822328917 | English | JadeFox |
Re-Made in Japan: Everyday Life and Consumer Taste in a Changing Society | Joseph J. Tobin (editor) | ISBN 0-300-06082-3 | English | Nihonjoe |
Western World and Japan: A Study in the Interaction of European and Asia Cultures | George B. Sansom | ISBN 0804815100 | English | JadeFox |
The Worlds of Japanese Popular Culture: Gender, Shifting Boundaries and Global Cultures | Edited by Dolores Martinez | ISBN 0521637295 | English | JadeFox |
Zen and Japanese Culture | Daisetz T. Suzuki | ISBN 0-691-01770-0 | English | Nihonjoe |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
Japan to 1600: A Social and Economic History | William Wayne Farris | ISBN 0824833791 | English | Bamse |
The Job Hunter's Guide to Japan | Terra Brockman | ISBN 0-87011-984-2 ISBN 4-7700-1484-8 |
English | Nihonjoe |
Land of Promise 1999: Japan's Chugoku Region | Energia | ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
Modern Japan (2nd ed.) | Peter Duus | ISBN 0-395-74604-3 | English | Nihonjoe |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
An Easy Introduction to Go | Hideo Otake and Sotoyoshi Futakuchi Translated by James Davies |
ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
Go and Go-moku: The Oriental Board Games | Edward Lasker | ISBN 0-486-20613-0 | English | Nihonjoe |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
平成11年版新郵便番号簿 New Postal Code Book, Heisei 11 Edition |
Japan Post | ISBN none | Japanese | Nihonjoe |
Japan | Insight Guides | ISBN 0-395-66433-0 | English | Nihonjoe |
Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia | Kodansha | ISBN 4-06-205938-X | English | Dekimasu |
丹沢 Tanzawa |
Chiaki Watanabe and Osamu Miyake | ISBN 4-7887-8810-1 | English | Nihonjoe |
Japan: Profile of a Nation | Kodansha International | ISBN 4-7700-1918-1 | English | Brandmeister |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
Land of Promise 1999: Japan's Chugoku Region | Energia | ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
The Cambridge History of Japan 6 vol. | various | English | Bamse | |
A companion to Japanese History | William M. Tsutsui | ISBN 1405193395 | English | Bamse |
Contemporary Japan: History, Politics, and Social Change since the 1980s | Jeff Kingston | ISBN 1405191937 | English | Bamse |
Everyday Life in Traditional Japan | Charles J. Dunn | ISBN 0804813841 | English | JadeFox |
Handbook to Life in Medieval and Early Modern Japan | William E. Deal | ISBN 0-8160-5622-6 | English | Bamse |
Hiroshima | John Hersey | ISBN 0679721037 | English | JadeFox |
History of Japanese art | Penelope E. Mason, Donald Dinwiddie | ISBN 0131176013 | English | Bamse |
A History of Japan to 1334 | George Sansom | ISBN 0-8047-0523-2 | English | Nihonjoe Bamse |
A History of Japan, 1582–1941: Internal and External Worlds | L. M. Cullen | ISBN 978-0-511-07697-8 | English | Bamse |
Japan - A Short Cultural History | George Bailey Sansom | ISBN 1-4474-2350-X | English | Bamse |
Japan: Its History and Culture (3rd ed.) | W. Scott Morton | ISBN 0-07-043423-9 | English | Nihonjoe JadeFox |
The Japanese: A Major Exploration of Modern Japan | Peter Tasker | ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
Japan to 1600: A Social and Economic History | William Wayne Farris | ISBN 0824833791 | English | Bamse |
Modern Japan (2nd ed.) | Peter Duus | ISBN 0-395-74604-3 | English | Nihonjoe |
A New History of Shinto | John Breen, Mark Teeuwen | ISBN 1405155167 | English | Bamse |
Samurai Invasion: Japan's Korean War, 1592–1598 | Stephen Turnbull | ISBN 0-304-35948-3 | English | Bamse |
Shinto the Kami Way | Sokyo Ono | ISBN 0804835578 | English | Bamse |
Ninja The Invisible Assassins | Andrew Adams | ISBN none, Library of Congress catalog card number 75-136760 | English | Brandmeister |
Die Mythen des alten Japan [The Myths of old Japan] | Nelly Naumann | German | Bamse | |
Die Samurai [The Samurai] | Wolfgang Schwentker | German | Bamse |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
A Case Study in Diachronic Phonology: The Japanese Onbin Sound Changes | Bjarke Frellesvig | ISBN 87-7288-489-4 | English | Bendono |
邦訳日葡辞書 Hōyaku Nippo Jisho |
土井忠生 Tadao Doi |
ISBN 4-0008-0021-3 | Japanese | Bendono |
The Japanese Language Through Time | Samuel Martin | ISBN 0-300-03729-5 | English | Bendono |
時代別国語大辞典:上代編 Jidaibetsu Kokugo Daijiten: Jōdaihen |
澤瀉久孝 Hisataka Omodaka |
ISBN 4-385-13237-2 | Japanese | Bendono |
仮名遣と上代語 Kanazukai to Jōdaigo |
大野晋 Susumu Ōno |
(None) | Japanese | Bendono |
The languages of Japan | Masayoshi Shibatani | ISBN 0-521-36918-5 | English | Bendono |
Mangajin's Basic Japanese Through Comics | Mangajin | ISBN 0-8348-0452-2 | English / Japanese | Nihonjoe |
日本文法大辞典 Nihon Bunpō Daijiten |
松村明 Akira Matsumura |
ISBN 4-6254-0055-4 | Japanese | Bendono |
日本大文典 Nihon Daibunten |
土井忠生 Tadao Doi |
ISBN 978-48301-02974 | Japanese | Bendono |
日本語の形成 Nihongo no Keisei |
大野晋 Susumu Ōno |
ISBN 4-00-001758-6 | Japanese | Bendono |
日本語の歴史 Nihongo no Rekishi |
山口明穂 Akiho Yamaguchi |
ISBN 4-13-082004-4 | Japanese | Bendono |
日本語の歴史 Nihongo no Rekishi |
近藤泰弘 Yasuhiro Kondō |
ISBN 4-595-30547-8 | Japanese | Bendono |
日本語小文典 Nihongo Shōbunten |
池上岑夫 Mineo Ikegami |
ISBN 4-00-336811-8 ISBN 4-00-336812-6 |
Japanese | Bendono |
日本小文典 Nihon Shōbunten |
日埜博 Hiroshi Hino |
ISBN 4-404-02080-5 | Japanese | Bendono |
The Phonology of Eighth-Century Japanese | Roland A. Lange | (None) | English | Bendono |
A Reference Grammar of Japanese | Samuel E. Martin | ISBN 0-8048-1550-X | English | Bendono |
諸本集成 倭名類聚抄:本文篇 Shohon Shūsei Wamyō Ruijushō: Honbunhen |
京都大学文学部国語学国文学研究室 Kyōto Daigaku Bungakubu Kokugogaku Kokubungaku Kenkyūshitu |
ISBN 4-653-00507-9 | Japanese | Bendono |
諸本集成 倭名類聚抄:索引篇 Shohon Shūsei Wamyō Ruijushō: Sakuinhen |
京都大学文学部国語学国文学研究室 Kyōto Daigaku Bungakubu Kokugogaku Kokubungaku Kenkyūshitu |
ISBN 4-653-00509-5 | Japanese | Bendono |
諸本集成 倭名類聚抄:外篇 Shohon Shūsei Wamyō Ruijushō: Gaihen |
京都大学文学部国語学国文学研究室 Kyōto Daigaku Bungakubu Kokugogaku Kokubungaku Kenkyūshitu |
ISBN 4-653-00508-7 | Japanese | Bendono |
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
岩波日本古典文学辞典 Iwanami Nihon Koten Bungaku Jiten |
久保田淳 Jun Kubota |
ISBN 978-4-00-080310-6 | Japanese | Bendono |
日本古典文学大辞典:簡約版 Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten: Kan'yakuban |
日本古典文学大辞典編集委員会 Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten Henshū Iinkai |
ISBN 4-00-080067-1 | Japanese | Bendono |
日本古典文学大系 Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 100 volumes. Most. Ask for details. |
岩波書店 Iwanami Shoten |
Japanese | Bendono | |
A Reader's Guide to Japanese Literature | J. Thomas Rimer | ISBN 4-7700-2359-6 | English | Nihonjoe |
新日本古典文学大系 Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 100 volumes. Most. Ask for details. |
岩波書店 Iwanami Shoten |
Japanese | Bendono | |
Anthology of Japanese Literature: From the Earliest Era to the Mid-Nineteenth Century | Donald Keene | English | Bamse |
Works of Literature
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
Das Ise Monogatari | Siegfried Schaarschmidt (transl.) | ISBN 3-45804788-3 | German | Bamse |
The Izumi Shikibu Diary | Izumi Shikibu, Edwin A. Cranston (transl.) | SBN: 674-46985-2 | English | Bamse |
Kagerō Nikki | Satoshi Tsukakoshi (transl.) | German | Bamse | |
Ki no Tsurayuki--Elegische Heimreise | Peter Olbricht (transl.) | ISBN 3-458-19222-0 | German | Bamse |
Murasaki Shikibu---Her Diary and Poetic Memoirs | Murasaki Shikibu, Richard Bowring (transl.) | English | Bamse | |
The Sarashina Diary | Takasue's daughter | ISBN 978-0231167185 | English | Bamse |
The Tale of the Heike | Helen Craigh McCullough (transl.) | ISBN 0-8047-1418-5 | English | Bamse |
Mythology and religion
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
Ghosts and the Japanese: Cultural Experiences in Japanese Death Legends | Michiko Iwasaka, Barre Toelken | ISBN 0874211794 | English | MightyAtom |
Myths and Legends: Hindus and Buddists | The Sister Nivedita (Margaret E. Noble) and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy | ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
Myths and Legends of China | E. T. C. Werner | ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
Myths and Legends of Japan | F. Hadland Davis | ISBN none | English | Nihonjoe |
A New History of Shinto | John Breen, Mark Teeuwen | ISBN 1405155167 | English | Bamse |
Shinto the Kami Way | Sokyo Ono | ISBN 0804835578 | English | Bamse |
The Legends of Tono | Kunio Yanagita | ISBN 978-0-7391-2767-4 | English | Bamse |
Sports and martial arts
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
Iai: The Art of Drawing the Sword | Darrell Craig | ISBN 0-8048-7023-3 | English | Nihonjoe |
Other related
Title | Author(s) | ISBN | Language | Who owns it |
Asian Americans | Joann Faung Jean Lee | ISBN 1-56584-023-2 | English | Nihonjoe |
Asian Americans: An Interpretive History | Secheng Chan | ISBN 0-8057-8437-3 | English | Nihonjoe |
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