Guild of Copy Editors November 2013 backlog elimination drive wrap-up
Participation: Thanks to all who participated! Out of 26 people who signed up for this drive, 23 copy-edited at least one article. This was a relatively lower sign-up rate, with a relatively higher than usual participation rate. We appreciate the commitment! Final results, including barnstars awarded, are available here. All of the barnstars have been distributed to participating editors' Talk pages. Progress report: We cleared 217 of 224 of the oldest articles from August and September 2012, and all 23 requests from September 2013. The total number of backlog articles dropped from 3104 to 2631, our best drive since May! At the end of the drive, the backlogged articles spanned fifteen months, with only seven articles remaining in September 2012. Copy Edit of the Month: Due to decreased participation, the Copy Edit of the Month contest has been closed after running for more than a year. Thanks to all those who submitted articles, voted on submissions, or did both over the last sixteen months. Blitz!: The December blitz will run from December 8–14, slightly earlier than usual, to ensure its completion well before the holidays begin in earnest. The theme for this blitz will be articles in some way related to religion. Sign up and learn something new about your own or someone else's faith. Elections: The elections for guild coordinators for the first half of 2014 are in the nominations stage during the first half of December. Voting will begin on December 16. Please nominate yourself if you've ever thought about coordinating or helping out the guild on the administrative side. Year End Report: Our annual summary will be released on New Year's Day. – Your drive coordinators: Torchiest and Torchiest, Baffle gab1978 and Baffle gab1978, Jonesey95 and Jonesey95, and The Utahraptor and The Utahraptor To discontinue receiving GOCE newsletters, please remove your name from our mailing list.
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