Some Wikipedians have formed a project to better organize information in articles related to the Dungeons & Dragonsrole-playing game. This page and its subpages contain their suggestions; it is hoped that this project will help to focus the efforts of other Wikipedians. If you would like to help, please inquire on the talk page and see the goals and tasks below.
The scope of this project is to improve the coverage and quality of articles on the Dungeons & Dragonsroleplaying game. WikiProject Dungeons & Dragons will attempt to cover all Dungeons & Dragons information included on Wikipedia. We will do this through volunteer contributors and editors. If you are interested in joining the WikiProject, please feel free to add your name to the Participants list, and find yourself an article to adopt.
Find all of the articles related to Dungeons & Dragons and categorize them appropriately. There are a lot of D&D articles that need quite a bit of categorization.
Organize and manage that content - a mass of information is of no use if it isn't properly organized. Also, make sure that any activity on any Dungeons & Dragons article is being relayed back to the project. If there is a dispute on a single talk page, not everyone is going to see it. Put it in the "Input Requested" section of the announcements so that all users can find it more easily.
Damage control - see something that needs to be done? Be bold! Edit articles, get involved in the discussions on the articles talk page, and feel free to tell us your thoughts and ideas on the WikiProject talk page!
Please refer to the talk page for discussions regarding major projects.
Fix in-universe articles. When an article is tagged with "In-Universe", try to modify it so that the tag can be removed, either by altering the in-universe text or by adding additional material to the article so that less than a quarter of it is in-universe.
Cite everything. Try to find reliable secondary sources for anything you can, and use primary sources only when no secondary source can be found.
Add all D&D-related articles to the public watchlist.
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