Higher taxa
Taxon | Status | Image? | Comments |
Algae | C | ![]() | |
Brown algae | C | ![]() | |
Coccolithophore | Start | ![]() | |
Cyanobacteria | C | ![]() | |
Diatom | B | ![]() | |
Dinoflagellate | C | ![]() | |
Euglenid | Start | ![]() | |
Golden algae | Start | ![]() | |
Green algae | Start | ![]() | |
Red algae | C | ![]() | |
Yellow-green algae | Stub | ![]() |
Taxa articles and redirects of major importance
- Cyanobacteria including Prochlorophyta
- Eukaryotes
- Glaucophyta
- Rhodophyta
- Viridiplantae
- Euglenophyta
- Dinophyta
- Cryptophyta
- Heterokontophyta
- Chrysophyceae (golden algae)
- Synurophyceae
- Dictyochophyceae
- Pelagophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae (diatoms)
- Raphidophyceae
- Phaeophyceae (brown algae)
- Actihrysophyceae (axodines)
- Bolidophyceae
- Eustigmatophyceae
- Phaeothamniophyceae
- Xanthophyceae (yellow-green algae)
- Prymnesiophyta
- Haptophyta
High importance algae species
- Chaetosphaeridium globosum
- Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genus Chlamydomonas
- Chlorella vulgaris genus Chlorella
- Cyanidioschzon merolae genusCyanidioschzon
- Cyanidium caldarium genus Cyanidium
- Cyanophora paradoxa genus Cyanophora
- Dunaliella salina genus Dunaliella
- Leptosira terrestris genus Leptosira
- Macrocystis pyrifera
- Mesostigma viride genus Mesostigma
- Nephroselmis olivacea genus Nephroselmis
- Odontella sinensis genus Odontella
- Oltmannsiellopsis viridis genus Oltmannsiellopsis
- Ostreococcus tauri genus Ostreococcus
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum genus Phaeodactylum
- Porphyra purpurea genus Porphyra
- Porphyra yezoensis genus Porphyra
- Pseudendoclonium akinetum genus Pseudendoclonium
- Rhodomonas salina genus Rhodomonas
- Saccharina japonica (= Kombu)
- Sargassum muticum
- Scenedesmus obliquus genus Scenedesmus
- Stigeoclonium helveticum genus Stigeoclonium
- Thalassiosira pseudonana genus Thalassiosira
- Volvox carteri genus Volvox
High importance algae genera
- Anabaena
- Ceratium
- Chara
- Chlamydomonas
- Chlorella
- Coleochaete
- Cyanidioschyzon
- Cyanidium
- Dunaliella
- Durvillaea
- Ectocarpus
- Egregia
- Fucus
- Gloeocapsa
- Gonyaulax
- Gymnodinium
- Laminaria
- Leptosira
- Lessonia
- Lyngbya
- Macrocystis
- Mesostigma
- Nephroselmis
- Noctiluca (redirect)
- Nostoc
- Odontella
- Oltmannsiellopsis
- Oscillatoria
- Ostreococcus
- Peridinium
- Phaeodactylum
- Porphyra
- Postelsia
- Prochlorococcus
- Pseudendoclonium
- Rhodomonas
- Rivularia
- Saccharina
- Sargassum
- Scenedesmus
- Spirogyra
- Spirulina
- Staurastrum
- Stigeoclonium
- Thalassiosira
- Ulothrix
- Ulva
- Vaucheria
- Volvox
Non-taxa algae-related articles
- acritarch
- agar
- algal bloom
- alternation of generations
- brevetoxin
- chlorophyll
- coral bleaching
- eutrophication
- frustule
- seaweed
- Carotenoid
- fucoxanthin
- heterocyst
- hormogonium
- hypoxia (environmental)
- kelp
- laver (seaweed)
- nori
- peridinin
- phycobilin
- phycobiliprotein
- Chrysolaminarin
- phycocyanin
- phycoerythrin
- phycology
- phytoplankton
- saxitoxin
- stromatolite
- zooxanthella
- William Henry Harvey
- Frans Reinhold Kjellman
- Walter Migula
- William Henry Harvey
- M. O. P. Iyengar
- Carl Linnaeus
- René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur
- George Vancouver
- Dawson Turner
- Archibald Menzies
- Carl Adolph Agardh
- Xanthophyll
Algae categories
- Category:Algae (19 C, 65 P)
- Category:Algae biofuels (2 C, 5 P)
- Category:Algae of Australia (6 P)
- Category:Brown algae (6 C, 21 P)
- Category:Dictyotales (2 P)
- Category:Ectocarpales (1 C, 4 P)
- Category:Chordariaceae (2 P)
- Category:Fucales (21 P)
- Category:Laminariales (3 C, 19 P)
- Category:Alariaceae (3 P)
- Category:Laminariaceae (5 P)
- Category:Lessoniaceae (3 P)
- Category:Scytosiphonales (1 P)
- Category:Sporochnaceae (1 P)
- Category:Chromalveolata (5 C, 52 P)
- Category:Alveolata (3 C, 9 P)
- Category:Apicomplexa (266 P)
- Category:Ciliates (1 C, 60 P)
- Category:Stokesiidae (3 P)
- Category:Dinoflagellates (34 P)
- Category:Chromalveolate stubs (1 C, 183 P)
- Category:Water mould stubs (104 P)
- Category:Chromista (1 C, 10 P)
- Category:Heterokonts (3 C, 49 P)
- Category:Brown algae (6 C, 21 P)
- Category:Dictyotales (2 P)
- Category:Ectocarpales (1 C, 4 P)
- Category:Chordariaceae (2 P)
- Category:Fucales (21 P)
- Category:Laminariales (3 C, 19 P)
- Category:Alariaceae (3 P)
- Category:Laminariaceae (5 P)
- Category:Lessoniaceae (3 P)
- Category:Scytosiphonales (1 P)
- Category:Sporochnaceae (1 P)
- Category:Diatoms (47 P)
- Category:Water moulds (3 C, 67 P)
- Category:Phytophthora (31 P)
- Category:Pythium (35 P)
- Category:Water mould stubs (104 P)
- Category:Haptophytes (20 P)
- Category:Heterokonts (3 C, 49 P)
- Category:Brown algae (6 C, 21 P)
- Category:Dictyotales (2 P)
- Category:Ectocarpales (1 C, 4 P)
- Category:Chordariaceae (2 P)
- Category:Fucales (21 P)
- Category:Laminariales (3 C, 19 P)
- Category:Alariaceae (3 P)
- Category:Laminariaceae (5 P)
- Category:Lessoniaceae (3 P)
- Category:Scytosiphonales (1 P)
- Category:Sporochnaceae (1 P)
- Category:Diatoms (47 P)
- Category:Water moulds (3 C, 67 P)
- Category:Phytophthora (31 P)
- Category:Pythium (35 P)
- Category:Water mould stubs (104 P)
- Category:Chromista (1 C, 10 P)
- Category:Heterokonts (3 C, 49 P)
- Category:Brown algae (6 C, 21 P)
- Category:Dictyotales (2 P)
- Category:Ectocarpales (1 C, 4 P)
- Category:Chordariaceae (2 P)
- Category:Fucales (21 P)
- Category:Laminariales (3 C, 19 P)
- Category:Alariaceae (3 P)
- Category:Laminariaceae (5 P)
- Category:Lessoniaceae (3 P)
- Category:Scytosiphonales (1 P)
- Category:Sporochnaceae (1 P)
- Category:Diatoms (47 P)
- Category:Water moulds (3 C, 67 P)
- Category:Phytophthora (31 P)
- Category:Pythium (35 P)
- Category:Water mould stubs (104 P)
- Category:Alveolata (3 C, 9 P)
- Category:Algae taxonomic classes (11 P)
- Category:Diatoms (47 P)
- Category:Dinoflagellates (34 P)
- Category:Edible algae (1 C, 23 P)
- [[:Category:[+] Sea vegetables]] (1 C, 28 P)
- Category:Algae families (19 C, 45 P)
- Category:Alariaceae (3 P)
- Category:Brachysiraceae (3 P)
- Category:Caulerpaceae (1 P)
- Category:Chlorophyceae families (41 P)
- Category:Chordariaceae (2 P)
- Category:Cladophoraceae (1 P)
- Category:Corallinaceae (5 P)
- Category:Cryptomonadaceae (2 P)
- Category:Dasycladaceae (8 P)
- Category:Delesseriaceae (3 P)
- Category:Dumontiaceae (1 P)
- Category:Faucheaceae (2 P)
- Category:Gelidiaceae (1 P)
- Category:Laminariaceae (5 P)
- Category:Merismopediaceae (1 P)
- Category:Oocystaceae (1 P)
- Category:Sporochnaceae (1 P)
- Category:Trentepohliaceae (1 P)
- Category:Ulvaceae (2 P)
- Category:Algae genera (468 P)
- Category:Green algae (3 C, 79 P)
- Category:Chlamydomonadaceae (1 P)
- Category:Chlorophyceae (4 C, 4 P)
- Category:Chaetophoraceae (3 P)
- Category:Chlorococcales (2 P)
- Category:Chlorophyceae families (41 P)
- Category:Chlorophyceae stubs (349 P)
- Category:Ulvophyceae stubs (92 P)
- Category:Heterokonts (3 C, 49 P)
- Category:Brown algae (6 C, 21 P)
- Category:Dictyotales (2 P)
- Category:Ectocarpales (1 C, 4 P)
- Category:Chordariaceae (2 P)
- Category:Fucales (21 P)
- Category:Laminariales (3 C, 19 P)
- Category:Alariaceae (3 P)
- Category:Laminariaceae (5 P)
- Category:Lessoniaceae (3 P)
- Category:Scytosiphonales (1 P)
- Category:Sporochnaceae (1 P)
- Category:Brown algae (6 C, 21 P)
- Category:Diatoms (47 P)
- Category:Water moulds (3 C, 67 P)
- Category:Phytophthora (31 P)
- Category:Pythium (35 P)
- Category:Water mould stubs (104 P)
- Category:Algae taxonomic orders (1 C, 27 P)
- Category:Red algae (2 C, 58 P)
- Category:Fossil algae (4 P)
- Category:Rhodomelaceae (6 P)
- Category:Sea vegetables (1 C, 28 P)
- [[:Category:[+] Seaweeds]] (4 C, 16 P)
- Category:Seaweeds (4 C, 16 P)
- Category:Ectocarpales (1 C, 4 P)
- Category:Chordariaceae (2 P)
- Category:Fucales (21 P)
- Category:Laminariales (3 C, 19 P)
- Category:Alariaceae (3 P)
- Category:Laminariaceae (5 P)
- Category:Lessoniaceae (3 P)
- Category:Scytosiphonales (1 P)
- Category:Ectocarpales (1 C, 4 P)
- Category:Algae stubs (3 C, 271 P)
- Category:Chlorophyceae stubs (349 P)
- Category:Ulvophyceae stubs (92 P)
- Category:Chromalveolate stubs (1 C, 183 P)
- Category:Water mould stubs (104 P)
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