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Martin Helme
- User:Rickroot/Fat Amy
- User:Rickythw/Dominic Carter
- User:Rickywiki90/Adrienne Ferreira
- User:Rico gustav/Sindudharsono Sudjojono
- User:Ridaeology/'Ajaj Nuwaihed
- User:Ridethewalrus/Jim Tucker
- User:Rielliott/Copa América 1983 squads
- User:Riennn/Abuna Yosef Community Conservation Area
- User:Riennn/Lobelia rhynchopetalum
- User:Riestradp/Antonio Riestra
- User:Riff Riffly/Today's Riff
- User:Riffic/Beauty (album)
- User:Riffmunger/Enter your new article name here
- User:Right1stTime/new article name here
- User:RightCowLeftCoast/Sandbox/August 2014 Hainan Island intercept
- User:RightCowLeftCoast/Sandbox/Vance Peterson
- User:Rigour6/A Savage Place
- User:Rikkirogers/RuwA' Ministries
- User:Rikvdijk/Enter your new article name here
- User:RileyKeegan/Jordan Alexander-Riley
- User:Rileystewart/Franz Zell
- User:Rilgaal/Blessed José Sanchez del Rio High School Seminary
- User:Rim.Zaafouri/Blue Crush 2
- User:Rima.saini/Full Fact
- User:Rimbaud1b/Amy Correia
- User:Rin tin tin/Paul Johnson
- User:Rinashimizugrow/Enter your new article name here
- User:Ringer7/Belong (album)
- User:Ringtailedpanther/Descendants of the Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence
- User:Ringtailedpanther/Draft LCS
- User:Ringwith/Kinetic Tournament
- User:Rinnenadtrosc/John Cuthbert Ford
- User:Rinolkelvin/KGRA Energy
- User:Riocold/CESA - Colegio De Estudios Superiores De Administración
- User:Riodeangeles/Christoffer Aldell
- User:Riosrivera/Phi zeta chi
- User:Riotturtle/Rude Mechanical Orchestra
- User:Riotturtle/Tom Tom Magazine
- User:Riowonko/Anthony Roberts (director)
- User:Ripaa/Dubai dolphinarium
- User:Ripley307/Rammstein Songs
- User:Ripleysnow/Vincenzo de' Rossi
- User:Rippedpig/new article name here
- User:Ripupthehwy/Walk On Water TV series
- User:Riri2121/The Girl Scout First Headquartes
- User:Rishiyur1/Ontario elections map
- User:Risingsanmoy/Google Document Translator
- User:Rita Rancher/Tucson-Marana-Oro Valley-Vail Metropolian Area
- User:Ritasweeney/Sparah
- User:Ritchie333/Jazz After Dark
- User:Riteshambastha/
- User:Ritskrack/Red Collar Worker
- User:Ritterm48/sandbox
- User:Ritwik C/Abani Chakravarty
- User:RivenNZ/Saker Cars
- User:RiverLink/RiverLink
- User:RiverYealm/James lamb
- User:Riverboats/Film and television digital distribution
- User:Riverfuton/The Futon Shop
- User:Riyazahmad5/Barsoi Public School
- User:Riyazbalooch/Esbaat
- User:Rizanur/TyRosa
- User:Rjasonc/Notice to Owner
- User:Rjbailey777/The Needful Head
- User:Rjhornsby/sandbox
- User:Rjjacob/The Little House
- User:Rjoebrandon/Van Petten, Illinois
- User:Rjones18
- User:Rjsura/Advance and Protect Strategy
- User:Rjungwon/Unitary event
- User:Rjwinchell/Trauma Systems
- User:Rkbalgi/Uppinpatna
- User:Rkblakely
- User:Rkc1591/Dave Days
- User:Rkid7/Berkeley Town F.C.
- User:Rkilliam/Worldgate
- User:Rkiran t/Thongsha Gompa
- User:Rkmallik/How to add image in my wiki article
- User:Rkrajewski/Vladislav Franzevich Krajewski
- User:Rktexure/Tokarski Millemann Architects
- User:Rkwtse/Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR
- User:Rlam marketing/Royal London Asset Management
- User:Rlanham0723/sandbox
- User:Rlanigan19/Ryan Lanigan Comm 311
- User:Rlarocco/Val Melaina
- User:Rlaursen/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rlaursen/Nexus (Magazine)
- User:Rlbrown27/Michael Dominic Dorsey
- User:Rlbvcmg/Roger L. Brooks
- User:Rlee13/Tennessee Mitchell Anderson
- User:Rlew234/Robert Lew
- User:Rlewis35/Aeon the ace
- User:Rlj85/Death Knight Love Story (DKLS)
- User:Rlrr/Taye Drums
- User:Rlung/Supply chain analytics
- User:Rlwebster13/Country Metal
- User:Rmalouf/Charles C. Fries
- User:Rmalouf/Heteroclisis
- User:Rmalouf/Horizontal alignment
- User:Rmccarthy0302/C3 (railcar)
- User:Rmccary94/Wright City Public School District I-35
- User:Rmcwhorter/Virtual Human Resource Development
- User:Rmehta88/Physiological Factors of Maximal Sprint Speed
- User:Rmehta88/sandbox
- User:Rmnvll/Social good computing
- User:RmorganH/Richard Houts
- User:Rmorris2/nempl
- User:Rmoudry/Tenant Representation
- User:Rmt99e/RT-Now
- User:Rmtaylor34/United Site Services
- User:Rmulle92/BradleyHeithold
- User:Rmwalsh1836/Ed Emmett
- User:Rmzmhr/Meharon ki dhani
- User:Rnr07/Rental Boiler
- User:Rnyr/Cliff Schecter
- User:Ro.evans/Oxford University United Nations Association
- User:Ro7519a/Behestan Darou
- User:Road Wizard/GA on main page draft proposals
- User:Roanhorse1963/Waste Water Treatment in South Africa
- User:Roanotto/John Forde
- User:Rob.huston/Blat (Software)
- User:RobQos/Robert Ferguson
- User:RobSingleton/InterContinental Dubai Festival City
- User:RobThePoor/Four-lined Ratsnake (Elaphe quatuorlineata)
- User:Rob coney/DADA 5000
- User:Robaix/Two Tracks Unified Process
- User:Robbhecht/Brandhack
- User:Robbhecht/Brandhackers
- User:Robbiej619/Rob Jackson
- User:Robbierussell/OneSky Radio
- User:Robbieskyehamilton/new article name here
- User:Robbmcdowell/Knoa software
- User:Robbyyy/Mike Danson
- User:Robcrch/new article name here
- User:Robemaster/Noni Clack Bailey
- User:Robert-Parmelee/Larry Freemantle
- User:RobertBr/National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan
- User:RobertD1967/Conclave of Gamers
- User:RobertGill1/Woodside Community School
- User:RobertMfromLI/Line producer
- User:RobertNed/Delfgauw
- User:Robert Lavett Smith/new article name here
- User:Robert Loring/"resilient canvass framework"
- User:Robert Pieler/Toyopet Store
- User:Robert Pieler/Toyota Store
- User:Robert VanFleet/Steve Steele
- User:Robert the Devil/Lillian Collier
- User:Robert the Devil/Mozart in Mirrorshades
- User:Robert the Devil/William Millward (actor)
- User:Robert the Devil/William Milward
- User:Robertdanjou/TramWave
- User:Robertg9/Klareco Textile
- User:Roberthskraus/Wageningen Evolution and Ecology Seminars (WEES)
- User:Roberticus/Tomm Looney
- User:Robertkirby137/
- User:Robertkirby137/Indian Institute of Journalism & New Media
- User:Robertkwithers/new article name here
- User:Robertlp202/The Big Fix Film
- User:Robertnaheehs/robert naheehs
- User:Roberto Gerardi/Juan - The Monkey
- User:Robertos-ocs/Snowsurfer
- User:Robertoscalia/Nowtrax
- User:Roberts0893/Fifteenth Summer
- User:Robertsatya/autonomous institutes
- User:Robertshippey/Lifestyles Festival
- User:Roberttownsend/Enter your new article name here
- User:Robestanley
- User:Robevans123/sandbox/All Saints, Llanfrechfa
- User:Robgulick/Linn Alden Slattengren
- User:Robht7775/RadioExcel
- User:Robin1050/Sandler Trade LLC
- User:RobinHood89/It's Not Me, It's You! (book)
- User:RobinLovelace/new article name here
- User:RobinMurison/Hurricane Prevention
- User:Robin the Bobbin/1991 Sacramento hostage crisis
- User:Robin the Bobbin/John Golden
- User:Robinandroid/sandbox/Altiplano (Film)
- User:Robinbellamy/Steve Chekaluk
- User:Robinnasif/Independent Television
- User:Robinpla/David W. Zucker
- User:Robinredbreast999/Danny Jones (English Footballer)
- User:Robinrotman/David U.K.
- User:RobinsonNoble/Enter your new article name here
- User:Robinsonwc vul/Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church
- User:Robinsonworld/First-Century Christianity
- User:Robinsrevenge/Enter your new article name here
- User:Robinweller/New Device
- User:Robisler/Sandbox
- User:Robjwall/ioGAS
- User:Robk732/Enter your new article name here
- User:Robkall/OpEdNews
- User:Robleaton/Harold levey
- User:Robloxian56/K-mart (robloxian56)
- User:Robloxian56/Kmart Canada
- User:Robmayes/Paul Zarzyski
- User:Roboraptor2011/Philip Crick (Blackhole)
- User:Robsavoie/Palo Alto transit center
- User:Robsavoie/Sandbox
- User:Robsixsmith/new article name here
- User:Robsmyth/Paton Electrical Pty. Ltd., Sydney
- User:Robson7122/Michael Waywell
- User:Robswerd/The Swerdshank Invitational Open
- User:Robtencer/
- User:Robtexaco/sandbox
- User:Robthomo/Longest Journey by Skateboard
- User:Robtrapnell/Salisbury snooker club
- User:Robusticon/Coloration (Acoustics)
- User:Robxblue/RogerRPearman
- User:Roby.Reale/sandbox/Marian Jaroczyński
- User:Robyseb/Enter your new article name here
- User:RoccoKIT/Kaman Industrial Technologies
- User:Roceras/fxmenopause
- User:RochelleCMN/Icon for Hire
- User:RockMapper/Digimap
- User:Rockangel1894/Ashley Purdy
- User:Rockchampster/Supratim Naskar
- User:Rockdalenews/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rocker.supernova7210/BSA Institute of Technology & Management
- User:RocketStarLauncher/Natsuki Sato
- User:Rocket j.bayer/rocky bayer
- User:RocketmanFan/new article name hereIllinois Earthquake February 10, 2010
- User:RockettQueen/Shane Dawson
- User:Rockforkids1/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rockin4AfreeWORLD/City of Ashes (Rock/Post-Hardcore Band)
- User:Rockinfroggie/Nic Fife
- User:Rockingchitown/Khushboo Shroff
- User:Rockingthecboy/Sarine Voltage
- User:Rockista888/Appleseed Skin & Nail Spa
- User:Rockmimosa/The Waking Hours
- User:Rocknrolloldtime/Pigeon Park
- User:Rockntoll189/iMovicha
- User:Rocks with Salt/Twin Buttes, Arizona
- User:Rockshockin/Simplex (Musician)
- User:Rockstar211/Empire ISIS
- User:Rockstarpete/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rockstone35/List of telecommunication network terms
- User:RockyMountainLocal/David Alley Photographer
- User:Rocky bayya/Rocky bayya
- User:Rocordman/Mark Moffett
- User:Rocordman/new article name here
- User:RodSloan/Rising Phoenix Games
- User:RodSticklandhoops/Hassan Grimes
- User:Rod Oliphant/Alexander Oliphant
- User:Rod Oliphant/Laurence, 3rd Lord Oliphant
- User:Rod Oliphant/Thomas Oliphant (herald)
- User:Rodandgun/Mac Hemphill
- User:Rodfather713/LexRox
- User:Rodica Tanjala Krauss/Tagliafichi, Santino
- User:Rodinianfire/Chamosite
- User:Rodmaster12/Kijiji Cha Mdawi
- User:Rodmyster101/new article name here Rod Johnston
- User:RodneyFielding/D-TRS
- User:Rodrigoborgia/Animal Zoom
- User:Rodriguesa/Historic Hotels of Europe
- User:Rodwalters2/Tape, I-C-E, and Sound Advice
- User:Roeibar7/iLook
- User:Roflcopter1502/The Yogscast
- User:Rogal58/Oh yea yo
- User:Rogel1208/sandbox
- User:Roger.wernersson/List of public domain fictional characters
- User:RogerM/Five Ways Software
- User:Roger Elie/Theroom35
- User:Rogerbarrantes/Roger Barrantes
- User:Rogeredwin/Al Karim (Actor)
- User:Rogermckwp/Appmonkies
- User:Rogerread/Shannon Crees ( Artist )
- User:Rogersmb/Cincinnati Civil War Roundtable
- User:Roggoff/Menehunes Motorcycle Club
- User:RogueTeddy/Docker (dotCloud)
- User:RogueTeddy/The rewilding (futurism)
- User:RogueTeddy/dotCloud
- User:Rogue Avenger/Mocism
- User:Rogue chedar/BDM-Salt Lake Special
- User:Rogueacademic/sandbox
- User:Roguewar31/MJ DiBenedetti
- User:Rohan.vangal/AIESEC Chennai- Empower
- User:Rohan0000007/Birla Vidya Niketan, Pushp Vihar
- User:Rohandhaliwal/Jalwana
- User:Rohansk/Kharat Surname
- User:Rohdec/Thodos Dance Chicago
- User:Rohfelix/Veil Of Maya (band)
- User:Rohilsave/MS in Technology Management University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
- User:Rohit1594/Witch Tales
- User:Rohit258/Rahul Saini
- User:Rohit83/Rahul Saini
- User:Rohit nit/Janchetana yatra
- User:Rohit nit/Janchetana yatra&action=submit
- User:Rohit shah/Stay Interview
- User:Rohitbal21/Call of the Dead
- User:Rohitbal21/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rohithgrajan316/Tech News and Reviews (technews434)
- User:Rohitkeswani/Prabhu 'Wafa' Chhugani
- User:Rohittimothy/Rural Development Trust & Hospital
- User:Rojax444/new article name here
- User:Rojov123/Rony V John
- User:Rokabard/Shy Alkan
- User:Rokskool/Steve Saluto
- User:Roland Lleshi/Add picture in un article
- User:Roland kent/new article name here
- User:Rolandkeeps/cr
- User:Rolandlarge/Hugh Raland Hill
- User:Rolandzj/Consul Albert Schwarz
- User:RolesRoice/sandbox
- User:Rolfjackson/Gaia Trust
- User:Rollie24/sandbox
- User:Rollingjoe/Dave Poler
- User:Rollojj/Basic Algebra
- User:Rolof1991/sandbox
- User:RomaRomaMa/I Like It Rough
- User:RomanDeluxe/Jacob J. Roman
- User:Romanandwilliams/Roman and Williams
- User:Romanejay/Human Anyway
- User:Romani13/Gypsy Re Bethe (musician)
- User:Romaninsh/Agile Toolkit
- User:Romar731/Malika Kambe Umfazi Sorority, Incorporated
- User:RomeoandKobe/new article name here
- User:Romerocw/Roadfly
- User:Romeronb/Assumption parish sinkhole
- User:RomfordReject/Enter your new article name here
- User:Romigraham86/Hermano Rojo
- User:Romneymovies/Fu's bar
- User:Romoor/Amani Mona
- User:Rompclown/The "Michael Robinson" MAC
- User:Romtobbins/American Coatings Association
- User:Romulanzrule/GunFight!
- User:Romulocyriaco/Plano Detalhe
- User:Ron-Winner/Lan-Secure Switch Center
- User:Ron1autiger/sandbox
- User:Ron Hoag/Ron Hoag
- User:Ron Sidell/Sidell Gibson Architects
- User:RonaldAlva/Sony NEX-5N
- User:RonaldDuncan/NHS Sustainable Development Unit
- User:Ronald Gilkron/PB Press Limited
- User:Ronaldcarpenter/Followtheboat
- User:Ronaldwood/Harv Glazer
- User:Ronanbonline/Requiem Productions
- User:Ronandjose/Politec Acrylic Artists Colors
- User:Ronferz/Anuj Thukral
- User:Ronferz/Dr.Rani
- User:Ronnotel/Employee stock option
- User:Ronny Renard/The Göteborg String Theory
- User:Ronpaulwillwin/Mutually Assured Respect
- User:Ronsax/Ron Holloway discography
- User:Rontemplin/Jeanne Carroll
- User:Ronwilliamstheauthor/Forgive Us Our Ago (novel)
- User:Ronyhermann/Misal Pav Movie
- User:Rooislangwtf/Death Wolf
- User:Room401/The Bombay Royale
- User:Roosevelt O King/Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations
- User:Rooster7d5/Sons And Daughters Club
- User:Roots Manouvre/Afro-House
- User:Ropples/Benjamin Rush Maginley
- User:RorWiki/Corelli College
- User:RororCool65/M.S.61
- User:Rory3/Jamie Watson (Actor)
- User:Rory Lee McKinnon/DJ Noble Champion
- User:Roryfellinghamwebb/babyballet classes
- User:Rosabelle Carino/Pre-T
- User:Rosabelle Carino/sandbox
- User:Rosalespartners/Bruce Vento Regional Trail Bridge
- User:Rosalina523/Great Flood of 1913
- User:Rosalina523/Harvey N. Middleton
- User:RosalindStewart/Ron Paul talk page
- User:Rosapecosa/Take the Power Back
- User:Roscheray/Infant Jesus Cathedral
- User:RoseAlly10/Sidelong Dance Company
- User:RoseHoArt/William Ho
- User:Rose Nicole/
- User:Roseanna Viafranco/Steven Alan O'Dell
- User:Roseberrie/TEC Canada
- User:Rosebudman/News about sexual education
- User:Roseimp/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rosemaryhall/Rosemary Hall Montessori Kindergarten
- User:Rosemaryscarlet/
- User:Rosemh1010/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rosencomet/Starwood Festival
- User:Roses050481/Skirts and Scuffs
- User:Rosewall/Miko Mayama
- User:RoseyCat/First Unitarian Church of Memphis
- User:Rosie Walker/Sparkol
- User:Rosielevy1/Brian Butler (artist)
- User:Rosiemac1204/Veloteq Corporation
- User:RoslynSKP/Gaza school of military strategy
- User:Rospogrande/Dick in the Dirt
- User:RossBBuchanan/
- User:RossKirk101L/London Learning Centre
- User:Ross brodie/Rangitata Island Aerodrome
- User:Rosscla/Boomerang (Band)
- User:Rossdubois/Christopher R DuBois
- User:Rosshendy/Promethean Editions
- User:Rossmason2011
- User:Rossmason2011/Mason SBDC
- User:Rosstav/Morningside School of Music
- User:RosyHello/Adeline de Grandpre
- User:Rotamag/Flavio Sosa ( Flavio's)
- User:RotaryJoe/Appwright
- User:Rotda/Realms Of The Dark Ages
- User:Rothburylad/new article name here
- User:Rothfan111/Nicholas Rothman
- User:Rotimikehinde/Godkulture
- User:Rotmanresearch/Rotman Research Institute
- User:Rottenmusic/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rottnzone/David r. hawkins
- User:Rougin/Stefan Pettersson
- User:Roundireland123/Round Ireland Yacht Race
- User:Routs/Enter your new article name here
- User:Roverslass/Michael Hugh McGowan
- User:Rovinjoshua/Don't Waste Your Life (Book)
- User:Rowan.BRT/Youth Endurance Network
- User:RowanVickers/Rowan Vickers
- User:Rowanasalter/Rowan A. Salter
- User:Rowanprofecy/Profecy
- User:Rowanrobertson/Paul Pulé
- User:Rower34/new article name here
- User:Rowlye/Swell Sculpture Festival
- User:Roxannemorrisonzapata/Webapptool
- User:Roxanniv/Roxann Abrams Incorporated
- User:Roxy quick/Solar Outpost Inc.
- User:Roxygirl104289/Tyler Gaul
- User:Roxymodel/Morgan Silver
- User:RoyDover/Kid Dutch™
- User:RoyGoldsmith/State v. Saunders
- User:Roy Paul/Roy Paul
- User:RoyalBlueStuey/Construction Skills Certification Scheme
- User:RoyalBlueStuey/Human Recognition Systems
- User:Royalat/Giorgio Andrews
- User:Royarvind78/Tasman Foreign Exchange Pty Ltd
- User:RoybieOfTheRovers/new article name here
- User:Roykin/new article name here
- User:Royksprekk/Hopkins Library
- User:Royroydeb/Mark Flekken
- User:Roysalute/Royal alexadre saluti
- User:Roysrocks/Roy W. Jones
- User:RozMa/Europump
- User:RozenSky/Jirayu Laongmanee
- User:Rozenkelim/Moldovan kilim
- User:RozennM/Water label
- User:Rozwaldeo/Eventes Global
- User:Rozzanagonzalez/Beer Below Zero
- User:Rozzanagonzalez/sandbox
- User:Rp339/Besouro Mangangá
- User:Rparham/John P. Howe, III
- User:Rpbootlegger/Roy Dawson
- User:Rperin1973/Linton Park - Oran Park Australia
- User:Rphd/Rhys Davies (actor/writer)
- User:Rpkd canada/Graham Flack
- User:Rpkd canada/William V. Baker
- User:Rpm bln/Georg Ebert (NSDAP)
- User:Rpm bln/Herrmann von Ingram
- User:Rpm bln/Karl Brethauer
- User:Rppp01/Jim Slawny
- User:Rpreston94/sandbox/Prosthetic Neuronal Memory Silicon Chips
- User:Rq4077/Poets in Person
- User:Rq4077/The Cortland Review
- User:Rquodomine/Harvey J Burkhart
- User:RrYuscipe/Xbox 720
- User:Rr parker/category:people from southern Vancouver Island
- User:Rrachkov/ThreeChess
- User:Rragudos/The Tahitian Pearl
- User:Rrapynot/Mike Smith
- User:Rrkracke/Roy Rachford Kracke
- User:Rrockin/Radu Sigmerean
- User:Rrostie/CU/AL
- User:Rrostie/Interactive Electronic Technical Documentation
- User:Rrostie/Motion JPEG 2000
- User:Rrostie/kcjoblinks
- User:Rroth00/Climate Week NYC
- User:Rrrowe/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rrwn/Mulberry School for Girls
- User:Rrwoodhull/Intean Poalroath Rongroeurng (IPR)
- User:Rrwoodhull/Nautisco
- User:Rryandavis/Southwestern Advantage
- User:Rs1606/Mbombe (Armoured Infantry Vehicle)
- User:Rs2010 jfp/Revere Security
- User:Rsahmedcali/Francheska Ahmed Freedom
- User:Rsanchez6284/Good*Fella Media
- User:Rsanchez9993/SwizZz
- User:Rsangani/Proservartner
- User:Rseics/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rserpa621/George Sernack
- User:Rsgaudry/White River Valley Museum
- User:Rsgeek/Dzibanché
- User:Rsgeek/Kinichná
- User:Rshekhar007/Vibration Control of Presses & Forging hammers
- User:Rshpindler/Javelin (Music Duo)
- User:Rsilvaw8/Silva Research Network
- User:Rskanungo/Deaf and Dumb communicating Device
- User:Rsm66/Rodney Stuart MacFarlane
- User:Rsoobhany/7C's of e-Commerce Customer Interface
- User:Rsowell/Metal Forming Inc. Peachtree City, Ga
- User:Rsskga/father-and-child-reunion
- User:Rstan2001/The triplex Cinema
- User:Rsteinh/new article name here
- User:Rstgo/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rstick129/Tahanto Regional Middle/High School]
- User:Rswanborough/Informationologist
- User:Rswigart/Tom Collins
- User:Rtewks17/The statesboro packing house
- User:Rtgates/Rob Schenck
- User:Rtirpc/Road Traffic Injury Research & Prevention Center
- User:Rtmatx/List of Episodes of Film Score Focus
- User:Rtmwritemohyal/Pre-Ghaznavi Brahmana Hindu Shahis
- User:Rtolbert/Kathryn Newcomer
- User:Rtrogers/WorldCell
- User:Rturtle/Mindful Eating
- User:Rtuthaya/Optima
- User:Rtvfilm/Road to Victory (2007 film)
- User:Rtyper/Milk Paton
- User:RuaHvitulv/Hubert Westkemper
- User:Ruadhbutler/new article name here
- User:Ruanmalan/Generation Zero (NZ)
- User:Ruannabanana/Harold Joe Waldrum
- User:Rubaiyat.sharafee/A.F.C. Armada
- User:RubberDuck3y/Epic Score
- User:Rubensummerprogram/European Summer University on Logistics, Mobility and Sustainability
- User:Rubenvd/KMess
- User:Rubenwardy/Minetest
- User:Rubiokm7/Sandbox
- User:Ruby2010/Briar Rose
- User:Ruby2010/Charles, Hereditary Prince of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
- User:Ruby2010/ForeWord (magazine)
- User:Ruby2010/Henrietta Pelham-Clinton, Duchess of Newcastle
- User:Ruby2010/Lady Susan Hamilton
- User:Ruby2010/Minnesota Monthly
- User:Ruby2010/Rosamund Stephen
- User:Ruby2010/The Ice Dragon
- User:Ruby2010/To the Ends of the Earth (2005 miniseries)
- User:RubyFresh./thesescenes
- User:RubyNoise/Harold Vaughan
- User:Rubyduttonroberts/Dr Richmond Dutton
- User:Rubygreens/The Sage School
- User:Rudeboss/Elysiants
- User:Rudeboyhipe
- User:RudiShattock85/Robert Shattock
- User:Rudi Seitz/Sentence combining
- User:Rudiculous11/Rudy Nathan Fors
- User:Rudiger789/Enter your new article name here
- User:Rudolfchiu/趙是旦
- User:Rudra s/Electrogharana
- User:Rudy3107/MyNation Foundation
- User:Rudydanielle/Broke Down
- User:RufusL1948/German Horton Hunt (1828-1907)
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