All are welcome to attend Wiki Tuesday @ Western, an informal gathering of folks who are interested in working collaboratively on Wikimedia projects.
This is a drop-in event for Wiki editors of all skill levels. The work of this group will be organized through the Western Libraries GLAM-Wiki page.

Event Information
When: The first Tuesday of every month, from 11 a.m. to noon
Location: Virtual Meetup. Reach out to Erniee jo (talk) for the URL to join
What to expect at Wiki Tuesday:
- Short Wikimedia-related presentations
- Casual peer-to-peer learning of the Wikimedia platform
- Discussions of current or potential projects
- Collaborative project work
Get involved
- Attend a Wiki Tuesday
- Present at a Wiki Tuesday submit a proposal.
- Share your project ideas on the Western Libraries GLAM-Wiki project page
Agendas 2022
October 4, 2022
- Complete the remaining Wikidata items for OJS in bulk using QuickStatements
- Talk about next steps for the Scholia project
September 6 2022
- Drop-in and create a Wikidata item for the Scholia pilot project
August 2022
- Drop-in and create a Wikidata item for the Scholia pilot project
July 5, 2022
- Drop-in and create a Wikidata item for the Scholia pilot project
June 7, 2022
- Data modelling for Scholia pilot project
- Create an example item using the data model
May 3, 2022
Exploring Scholia
April 5, 2022
Exploring QuickStatements
March 1, 2022
- Sharing the results of the Hines Studio Collection WikiProject
This session will include:
- A brief overview of the project from start to finish
- Demo of the QuickStatements tool used to create and edit Wikidata in bulk.
- Demo of the PattyPan tool used to bulk upload images to Wikimedia Commons
- Open discussion about the project and its possibilities
February 2022
- 1Lib1Ref event
January 2022
- 1Lib1Ref planning
Agendas 2021
December 2021
Last month, we started uploading Wikidata items for the Hines Studio Collection. This month, we'll be editing and finalizing those Wikidata items and their corresponding data models, and we'll also get started on planning for 1Lib1Ref 2022! During the hour we’ll work in two breakout rooms:
- Breakout room 1: Revising Wikidata items and data models for Hines Studio Collection project
- Breakout room 2: First planning and ideation session for 1Lib1Ref in the new year
November 2, 2021
- Working meeting - Hines Studio Collection WikiProject
October 5, 2021
- Update on data modeling for the Hines Studio Collection WikiProject
- Demo the creation of a Wikidata item
August 3, 2021
- Asynchronous Wikipedia editing
July 6, 2021
- Introduction to Wikipedia editing and adding a citation to Wikipedia
- Half an hour of synchronous, independent Wikipedia editing, with Hatnote Listen to Wikipedia on in the background
June 1, 2021
- Introduction to Wikipedia editing
- Live demonstrations in adding a citation to Wikipedia
- Time for asynchronous Wikipedia editing
May 4, 2021
- Introduction to the Western Wiki Tuesday Dashboard and Teams site
- Time for asynchronous Wikipedia editing
No meetup in April
March 2, 2021
Working meeting
This month's meeting will focus data modeling for the Hines Studio Collection WikiProject
1. Wikidata items have been created for Henry G. Hines, Willian Henry Hines, and the book East of Adelaide.
- Question for the group: Do we also want to create an item for the Hines Studio?
2. Source information for a draft article about Henry G. Hines/Hines Studio has been collected
- We need a volunteer to start the base article for Hines Studio
Data modeling breakout rooms
February 2, 2021
1Lib1Ref virtual drop-in
- 1-1 help getting started in editing
- Live demonstrations in adding a citation to Wikipedia
More information available on the 1lib1ref2021 meetup page
January 5, 2021
Working meeting
A planning meeting to cover the final details for #1Lib1Ref2021 campaign and next steps in the pilot bulk upload project.
Zoom meeting details will be sent though email to Western Libraries staff.
Agendas 2020
December 1, 2020
Working meeting
We will run Zoom breakout rooms where you can choose what activity you'd like to participate in.
Break out group 1 - Bulk upload pilot project. The Hines Photograph Collection This break out room is dedicated to a pilot bulk upload initiative using a sample of the Hines Photograph Collection. These photographs have already been digitized and are of interest to the public. They can also be used to enhance existing Wikipedia articles.
Break out group 2 - Planning for 1Lib1Ref 2021 This break out room is dedicated to planning an online engagement event for the 1Lib1Ref2021 campaign, which runs from January 15th to February 5th.
No meetup in November
October 6, 2020
Project Update
- Update on current projects
- What's next? Pilot a bulk upload of images
- Break out room discussions (Pilot Project, Wikipedia's Birthday, Refreshing GLAM page)
September 1, 2020
London Historic Maps Collection: virtual edition! The clean up round 2!
See August agenda for details.
August 4, 2020
London Historic Maps Collection: virtual edition! The clean up round!
All maps from the London Historic Maps Collection have now been added to Wikimedia Commons with Wikidata. Thank you to everyone who participated in the process!
This month we will work on the final clean up for this collection, making sure that the information entered completely and correctly, and that there are no coding errors, typos or broken URLs. Use the 'clean up' tab on the London Historic Maps - metadata spreadsheet to track clean up progress, marking the clean up as done for Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata as it is completed. All uploaded maps can be found in the London Historic Maps Collection gallery page
July 7, 2020
Wikidata Skill Development: Cross-Functional Representation at the Wikidata Summer Institute
In June, four Western Libraries staff attended the Wikidata Summer Institute. This month we will share what we have learned about Wikidata and talk about the ways we can incorporate this knowledge into the project work of Wiki Tuesday participants.
Join the discussion over Zoom at 11 a.m. EST
Meeting ID: 936 8031 6106
June 2, 2020
London Historic Maps Collection: virtual edition! Round 2
Last month, together we uploaded 8 maps from the London Historic Maps Collection. There are still 8 maps of the collection left to be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. This month will be dedicated to completing this work. All the documents needed to participate are listed below in the May 2020 agenda.
Additional tasks:
- Link checking - Some maps were uploaded with URL from our old library system. Updated links are available in the London Historic Maps - metadata file.
- Code corrections - Look for and correct any errors in the Wiki markup for the image in Wikimedia Commons
May 5, 2020
London Historic Maps Collection: virtual edition!
This month we will host our first virtual Wiki Tuesday. Together, we will be working on to upload the London Historic Maps Collection to Wikimedia Commons with Wikidata.
Everything you need to participate is available in the WikiProject space
April 7, 2020 Postponed
#ReclaimDeshkanZiibing film screening and pizza party
This month's meetup will be held in the Taylor Library Kellogg Room. We are celebrating one year of Wiki Tuesday at Western with pizza and short films about language revitalization initiatives. Between film sets, we will work on the Indigenous place names project.
Due to limited capacity and funds, this event requires registration.
See the #ReclaimDeshkanZiibiing meetup page for more information
March 3, 2020
London Historic Maps Collection
This month we will be working to upload the London Historic Maps Collection into Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata.
Why are we doing this?
- Uploading the collection to Wikimedia Commons adds a secondary access point to these valuable historic maps of London, Ontario.
- Uploading the collection in Wikidata turns the metadata for these items into structured open data, making it dynamic and reusable by anyone in the world.
- Since we are only uploading thumbnail images to Wikimedia Commons with a link back to the larger file sizes on Scholarship@Western, there is potential to increase traffic for this collection in the Institutional Repository.
Everything you need to participate is available in the WikiProject space
February 4, 2020
#1Lib1Ref Campaign Closing Party

This is an event where you can learn about Wiki editing, become a Wiki Editor yourself and help us eliminate the backlog of [citation needed] notices on the Wikipedia platform. There will be food, prizes and the opportunity to meet and network with library workers throughout Western Libraries.
Please visit the meetup page for Western University #1Lib1Ref 2020 for more details
January 7, 2020
Presentation: Wikifying the library catalogue
Alex Mayhew, PhD Candidate, Western University
11 a.m. in the Weldon Instruction Room
This presentation will explore expanding the list of FRBR user tasks to include user participation. One of the main challenges is creating a framework for incorporating this user engagement. The proposed framework presented here is the result of a synthesis of Knowledge organization strategies from across many domains, incorporating concepts from fields as diverse as Biology, Philosophy and Literary Theory: Phylomemetic Cataloguing. In a Phylomemetic Catalogue users would be able to add Memetic relationships between records using Semantic triples. These relationships between texts are conceived as a line of descent of ‘textual memes’, somewhat similar to the Tree of life. These relationships would capture user perceptions of the descent of memes and can be visualized as family trees of related texts.
Agendas 2019
December 3, 2019
Working session: Wikipedia GLAM-UWO projects
This meetup will be spent working on two projects that we've started working on as part of Wiki Tuesday's at Western and Wikipedia GLAM-UWO projects. Hands-on help with editing will be available - drop by!
November 13, 2019
This month's meetup will not be held at the regular time and place. Instead, we will have a booth at GIS Day on November 13th. Come celebrate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day at this free, drop-in, interactive event!
Visit the GIS Day meetup page for more details
October 1, 2019
Wikipedia and libraries: an interactive workshop
Increasingly, librarians from around the world are collaborating with Wikimedia to improve its authority. In this workshop, we will highlight the power of the platform, the overlapping values of libraries and Wikipedia, and how both organizations can benefit from collaboration.
See the meetup page for this workshop for more details
September 3, 2019
Working session: Wikipedia GLAM-UWO projects
This meetup will be spent working on two projects that we've started working on as part of Wiki Tuesday's at Western and Wikipedia GLAM-UWO projects. Hands-on help with editing will be available - drop by!
August 6, 2019
Discussion session: Indigenous place names on Wikipedia, language revitalization, and data sovereignty
This meetup will begin with an introduction to the Indigenous Place Names project and to the concept of data sovereignty in relation to Indigenous peoples in Canada. While we work to collect Indigenous place names for waterways within London and surrounding area, we will engage is a discussion about this project in relation to data sovereignty and language revitalization, reflecting on the question: Should this information be made openly available?
Discussion will be led by Erin Johnson (Metadata Librarian), Sâkihitowin Awâsis (PhD Student in Geography), and Kristi Thompson (Research Data Management Librarian).
July 2, 2019

Workshop: adding maps to the Wikimedia Commons with integrated Wikidata
11 a.m. Presentation: Matt Barry will address the question: why should we care about Wikidata in the Commons?
There will be a short lesson on how to integrate Wikidata into uploaded images of maps, followed by hands-on help adding Western Libraries’ London Historic Maps Collection to Wikimedia Commons. We will focus on adding the London Historic Maps Collection and its corresponding metadata to Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata, using the skills developed in the workshop. This collection will have its own gallery on Wikimedia Commons that links to the collection on Scholarship@Western. All maps will also be listed in the Wikimedia Commons category, Maps of London, Ontario.
Some useful links:
- Wikidata properties for maps
- Wikidata map types
- London Historic Maps - metadata file
- Examples of uploaded maps in the London Historic Maps Collection gallery
June 4, 2019
Information gathering session: Indigenous place names project
Working in partnership with Cortney Dakin (Sâkihitowin Awâsis), a Phd student in Geography, we are preparing to add Wikidata for Indigenous language place names and the English translations to the infoboxes in Wikipedia articles about local waterways. This meetup will be spent on information gathering activities for the Indigenous place names project. Join us as we collect and record information that’s needed for this project.
May 7, 2019
Presentation: Leveraging student research to improve health content on Wikipedia

Denise Smith, Health Sciences Librarian, McMaster University
11 a.m. in the Weldon Instruction Room
This presentation will discuss the first offering of a third year undergraduate course in health sciences that focused on the production and dissemination of health information for consumers. Wikipedia was used as a tool by which students practiced summarizing complex health issues through an interdisciplinary lens. This talk will discuss the outcomes of this course.
April 2, 2019
Presentation: the power of Wiki 11 a.m. - The power of Wiki slide presentation
Workshop: Being a Wiki editor 12 p.m. - Being a Wiki editor slides
To participate in Wiki Tuesday, add your username to this list and join the Wiki Tuesday Dashboard
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