Wellington Meetup 19 December 2020

  • Date: Saturday 19 December 2020
  • Time: 10:00 am to midday
  • Location: Under COVID Alert Level 1: He Matapihi Molesworth Library at National Library, corner Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington
    Come to the main entrance of the National Library on Molesworth Street.
  • Location: Under COVID Alert Level 2: Virtual Meeting at this link https://meet.jit.si/WellingtonWikimediaMeetup
    Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers).
  • Bring (if meeting under Alert Level 1): a laptop if you have one. There are publicly available computers if you don't have a laptop.


Under Alert Level 1 the group meet at the He Matapihi Molesworth Library within the National Library. This is a Wellington City Council pop up public library. It was formerly The National Library net.work space. Drinks are permitted in the library.

Under Alert Level 2 or higher the group meet via video conference call.

Meetup Code of Conduct and Anonymity when Meeting Via Video Conference

All attendees are expected to understand and abide by the Draft Universal Code of Conduct for the Wikimedia Movement.

The video conferencing meetup is a replacement for the in-person meetup. While attending and remaining anonymous is supported by the group, lurking is not supported and will be actively discouraged. All attendees are expected to use their User name as an identifier on the video conference call and to introduce themselves and their interest in joining the call on the chat channel of the call as a minimum. Participation using video and / or voice in addition to Chat is encouraged but not required.

Some members of the group have been the target of cyber bullying in the past and these measures are intended to support creating a safe space for collaboration.

If a new attendee joins the group with video and voice disabled, they will be encouraged to participate by the facilitator, using this script:

Welcome new attendee. This group respects your right to remain anonymous. This group has a policy of discouraging lurking as it makes some of us uncomfortable. If you are happy to introduce yourself over voice, please let us know what you've been working on and if you need help with any editing issues.
If you're not comfortable updating the group by voice, then that's okay. You have the option of introducing yourself and adding your user page link in the chat feature. The chat is deleted once the video conference finishes.
If you want to remain completely anonymous and not chat, then this meetup is not for you. We make comprehensive and extensive notes of the meetup that will be included in the meetup page afterwards. That's the best way to catch up with what this meetup has been doing if you don't want to contribute during the video call.
If you're not sure how to use the chat feature you can access it by clicking on the icon that looks like a speech bubble in the bottom left corner.

If, after an appropriate length of time, the new attendee does not participate by video, voice, or chat, the facilitator of the group will remove the attendee from the video call.

If the new attendee persists in logging in, the group will discuss abandoning the meet up.

Future Meetups

This is a monthy event occurring every four weeks, but double check the Wikipedia:Wellington Meetup page to confirm.

Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.


Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and four tildes like this: * ~~~~


Unable to come

Agenda and Notes from Meeting

1. Introduction to meet up by organisers (if there are any newbies joining us)

2. Progress on Action Points

3. Reminder about the Featured Article project. The group decided at the last meeting on developing the InternetNZ page.

  • Here are the assessment criteria for articles with editing suggestions.
  • Here is some information on assessing articles.
  • Action point: book a half hour at the January meeting to review the article. Done.
  • Group members to look at article as homework.
  • Question about why that page was selected as some felt that it wasn't the most interesting page. Those that attended when the selection occurred clarified that this article was picked as it needed a lot of work, it represented an organisation that was strongly committed to openness and the internet in commonality with our intentions as a meet up, and that the activity is to learn to improve articles to Featured Article status so which page we picked wasn't considered as important as learning what's required for Featured Articles.

5. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated - You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want

  • Ambrosia10 did a youtube presentation on Wikidata and scientific collectors. Has also been working on depicts statements for art from the Sarjeant Art Gallery uploaded to Wikidata. There has also been a New Zealand moths taxonomy update recently published in 2019. Has been working on ensuring this is reflected in wikidata. Has also attended virtual meetings and contributed to live editing with a biodiversity / wikidata group in working on all three platforms (wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia commons).
  • David Nind has been spending time on creating wikidata items for a research scientist working on New Zealand penguins.
  • Nicola from Alexander Turnbull Library updated group on the large datasets recently added into Mix-n-Match. Group noted the Turnbull 1, 2 and 3 sets are all being worked on by members. Has also been talking with staff managing the Cenotaph database at Auckland Museum and they are looking at a joint project to use Wikidata to combine these datasets. Nicola is considering adding a subset of Turnbull names specifically pulling out the soldiers likely to be in Cenotaph and putting that set into Mix-n-Match. Group discussion acknowledged that getting data out of institutional system is sometimes difficult due to the technical skill level of the group. Group supported Nicola's efforts and wondered whether Archives NZ military records could also assist. Nicola advised that Archives NZ staff are updating their database platform at the moment so this might not be the best timing for them.
  • Gertrude206 is writing about Karitane hospitals and asked about how to change a redirect. Advice provided was to write up at least a stub in the sandbox, then cut and paste the stub / article text drafted into the Karitane Hospital page overwriting the redirect. To ensure that the page is corrected named Karitane Hospitals, advice was to then move the Karitane Hospital page into a new page called Karitane Hospitals. Don't forget to search on Karitane Hospital text and check all references within Wikipedia are blue linked to the correct page.
Group agreed that Gertrude206 should demo this workflow at the next meeting. Action Point: Add demo into agenda for next meeting. Done.
  • Noracrentiss Increasing and adding to the list of things to do in her sandbox. Learned how to do Mix-n-Match thanks to the YouTube video from DrThneed. Noracrentiss David Nind and Gertrude206 are continuing the Online editing support sessions. There is a small uptake for these sessions but this makes the sessions manageable. These sessions are providing basic editorial support to new users. Also working on setting up Wiki-Con weekend in Wellington and working on an Aotearoa User Group task of understanding the requirements to be a chapter. Realised that these requirements include being a membership-based organisation. Has been working on providing information on Himalayan tahr to another editor for addition to the Wikipedia article. Has a conflict of interest so worked with another editor to improve that article.
  • Pakoire is in the process of applying to Creative New Zealand for funding for a research project on designers working in performing arts in New Zealand. The project focus is performing arts (eg. theatre, dance, opera) between 1990-2010. Part of the project might include asking the Wikipedia community for help with the research and collating research information in Wikidata and Wikipedia with a Wikipedia in Residence placement. Has already met with Creative New Zealand and is shaping the application - looking for evidence of value in Wikimedia Foundation input and outcomes.
Group recommended talking to Giantflightlessbirds. See also Wikipedia-in-residence How to set up Wikimedian in Residence placements. There is also a monthly worldwide Wikimedian-in-Residence community. Giantflightlessbirds also completed a report for Auckland Museum that might have interesting text explaining impact and value. There was also general discussion on how to document the proposed project in the User group notes for Wellington and Aotearoa meetings to encourage participation.
Pakoire asked about using hashtags for Wikipedia, Wikidata, and Wikimedia commons on social media sites and the value of it. Group feedback was that hashtags prompt review of edits and new articles, and also helped develop community on a local, national and world wide basis, providing more avenues for support.
  • Einebillion has been working on the data found in the manuscript The Pioneer Land Surveyors of New Zealand, has created a dataset that was loaded to Open Refine and working on uploading facts into Wikidata via OpenRefine. As part of this created a wikidata item for the manuscript which was improved by others in the group (Thanks). Using this Q item as a reference for the facts. Also working on the Auckland Wiki Con weekend and maintenance and addition of meetup pages.
  • Sheena from ATL descriptions team arrived and we did a round table introduction to members of the group.

6. Review of questions raised during round table

  • Question on what properties are needed to enter a human. Wikidata will provide top nominations when you click on add property but this is useful to scan possible properties. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:List_of_properties/all_in_one_table
  • Question on how to input Citation Needed template. Ambrosia10 showed those interested how to use the template in a Wikipedia article.
  • Question on merging wikidata items that are the same person

7. Get on with problem solving, editing, and chatting

Group broke into smaller groups to answer and work on each of the questions raised.
Ambrosia10 explained the Wikidata ecology to Sheena.


Next meeting and Meetup timetables

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