Want to Write History? Join seasoned Wikipedians in our regular meetups of St. Louis area Wikipedia editors and be introduced how you too may edit the world’s collection of Knowledge. Emphasis will be placed upon articles on Wikipedia of the region, reviewing the status of the St. Louis WikiProject, and identifying knowledge gaps in current articles.
We will be meeting in the room called Chuck Berry from 7-8 pm. Please join the discussion to set the direction of the monthly meeting.
Event information
- Date: Thursday, November 8, 2018
- Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
- Location: Venture Café, CHUCK BERRY ROOM
4240 Duncan Ave (Second Floor check-in), St. Louis, MO 63110 - Cost: Free!
- Please bring a laptop if possible or tablet or editing wikipedia device :)
There is free parking at Venture Café after 3 pm in the visitor parking lot, the surface lot on Duncan Avenue and at another surface lot at the corner of Sarah St. and Duncan Ave. There is also metered parking on the street. Or take MetroLink to the newly opened Cortex station. Upon arrival into the building front continue back all the way to the elevator and go to the second floor. Upon exit of the elevator, go left to see the big mass of people at the cafe. After you check in, you are allowed up to three free drinks. Our meetup will be in the room called Chuck Berry. Please ask a Venture Café staff where this is located if you do not already know.
What to expect
No Wikipedia editing experience necessary. This event is aimed at bringing together the Wikipedians in the St. Louis area and then also helping others learn howto edit Wikipedia. The event is guided by seasoned Wikipedians, so please do not be shy.
Event Structure
- Introductions
- Last event was https://enwp.org/WP:STLMU17 this is 18 if want to review notes :)
- Created chat group
- Completed Articles (Anyone Add Interesting Ones)
- Add any you made, anything interesting?
- What is current level of skill and interest of people in the room? Any questions?
- Any interesting wiki news to discuss?
- Add your point here
- Next event will be Thur Dec 13 or https://enwp.org/WP:STLMU19 :)
- Discuss Status User Group application See Jackie’s sandbox
- Discuss planning an early 2019 edit-party
- Update from WALRUS call on 8 Oct
- Ajpolino (leading)
- Strictly Business
- Chaser - will try to make it
- Jon Phillips (remotely)
- Mark Schierbecker
- Add your name! :)
Event Invite
- Template:STL_meetup_invite_18
- Shortcut link to the event: https://enwp.org/WP:STLMU18
- If possible, please register a Wikipedia account before the day of the event!
- If you are unfamiliar with Wikipedia, you can get a head start with this this training module.
- Wikipedia markup cheatsheet
- Please discuss the event on the event talk page: Wikipedia_talk:Meetup/St._Louis/18
- Chat: https://t.me/MissouriWikipedians
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