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1 to 100

1 – 20

  1. Aach (JE | WP GWP G) A small town in the circle of Constance, Baden, Germany, at one time belonging to the landgraviate of Nellenburg. The first...
  2. Aachen (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1019: Aix-la-Chapelle
  3. Aargau (JE | WP GWP G) A canton in northern Switzerland, formerly the only one in which Jews were permitted to live. The two townships Endingen and...
  4. Aaron JE (JE | WP GWP G) One of two brothers who play a unique part in the history of the Hebrew people. He was the elder son of Amram and Jochebed...
  5. Aaron's Rod JE (JE | WP GWP G) A rod which, in the hands of Aaron, the high priest, was endowed with miraculous power during the several plagues that preceded...
  6. Aaron's Tomb (JE | WP GWP G) the burial-place of Aaron, which, according to Num. xx. 23-28, was Mount Hor, on the edge of the land of Edom. A later tradition...
  7. Aaron (JE | WP GWP G) An amora mentioned twice in the Babylonian Talmud (B. Ḳ. 109b, Men. 74b). in both places he is represented as furnishing...
  8. Aaron Abayob (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A324: Abiob, Aaron
  9. Aaron Abba ha-Levi ben Johanan JE (JE | WP GWP G) A prominent rabbi; born about the close of the sixteenth century; died in Lemberg, June 18, 1643. He was president of a rabbinical...
  10. Aaron Abraham ben Baruch Simeon ha-Levi JE (JE | WP GWP G) A cabalist, born in the first quarter of the sixteenth century. He published a small cabalistic work, "Iggeret ha-Te&#39...
  11. Aaron ben Abraham ibn Hayyim (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A38: Aaron (ben Abraham) ibn Ḥayyim,
  12. Aaron ben Abraham ben Samuel Schlettstadt (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A12: Schlettstadt, Aaron, ben Abraham ben Samuel
  13. Aaron ben Abraham ben Vidal Zarfati (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A13: Ẓarfati, Aaron ben Abraham ben Vidal
  14. Aaron Alfandari (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1183: Alfandari
  15. Aaron ben Asher of Karlin (Rabbi Aaron II of Karlin) JE (JE | WP GWP G) One of the most famous rabbis of the Ḥasidim in northwestern Russia; born in 1802; died June 23, 1872. He had an immense...
  16. Aaron the Babylonian (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A91: Aaron ben Samuel ha-Nasi
  17. Barney Aaron (JE | WP GWP G) English pugilist, nicknamed "The Star of the East"; born in London, November 21, 1800, at Duke's Place, Aldgate; died...
  18. Aaron ben Benjamin Porges (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P449: Porges, Aaron ben Benjamin
  19. Aaron ben Benjamin Wolf JE (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi at Berlin and also at Frankfort-on-the-Oder; born about 1670; died in Frankfort-on-the-Oder, July 25, 1721. His father...
  20. Aaron Berechiah ben Moses ben Nehemiah of Modena JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian cabalist, who died in 1639. He was a pupil of Rabbi Hillel of Modena (surnamed Ḥasid we-Ḳaddosh, that...

21 – 40

  1. Aaron the Bookseller JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian dealer in Hebrew and other ancient manuscripts; flourished at the beginning of the fourteenth century. He spent seven...
  2. Aaron of Canterbury JE (JE | WP GWP G) English exegete, mentioned in "Minchat Yehudah" (The Offering of Judah) by Judah ben Eliezer on Deut. xxvi. 2, in association...
  3. Aaron of Cardena JE (JE | WP GWP G) A cabalist, about whose life little is known. He wrote a book containing "profound secrets" under the title of "Ḳarnayim"...
  4. Aaron Chorin (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C474: Chorin, Aaron
  5. Aaron Cupino JE (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudist and head of a yeshibah at Constantinople; flourished about the close of the seventeenth century. He was a pupil...
  6. Aaron ben David Cohen of Ragusa JE (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi in Ragusa; born about 1580. His maternal grandfather was Solomon Oheb, also rabbi in the same city. Aaron studied in...
  7. Aaron ben David Hayyun (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H437: Ḥayyun, Aaron ben David
  8. Aaron, Son of the Devil JE (JE | WP GWP G) the name given to a portrait or caricature of an English Jew of the year 1277, drawn on a forest-roll of the county of Essex...
  9. Aaron ibn El-bargardi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A29: Bargardi, Aaron ibn el
  10. Aaron ben Eliezer JE (JE | WP GWP G) German Talmudist, who flourished in the thirteenth century. That he was considered a great man at that time is proved by the...
  11. Aaron ben Eliezer JE (JE | WP GWP G) A liturgical poet, who lived in Safed from the year 1545. He was the author of a collection of poems and prayers printed at...
  12. Aaron ben Eliezer Lipman JE (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi of the town of Zempelburg, West Prussia, formerly included in the kingdom of Poland; flourished toward the middle of...
  13. Aaron ben Elijah, the Younger, of Nicomedia JE (JE | WP GWP G) Karaite theologian, born in Cairo about 1300; died in Constantinople in 1369. to distinguish him from Aaron ben Joseph, the...
  14. Aaron Ezekiel Harif JE (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian scholar; died at Nikolsburg, April 10, 1670. As successor to Gerson Ashkenazi he held the post of rabbi in Nikolsburg...
  15. Aaron Franco Pinhero (JE | WP GWP G) -- See F300: Franco, Aaron Pinhero
  16. Aaron ben Gershon abu al-Rabi of Catania JE (JE | WP GWP G) Sicilian scholar, cabalist, and astrologer; flourished between 1400 and 1450. He was a son-in-law of Don Moses Gabbai, an...
  17. Aaron Hamon (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H188: Hamon, Aaron
  18. Aaron (ben Abraham ben Samuel) ibn Hayyim (JE | WP GWP G) Moroccan Biblical and Talmudic commentator; flourished at the beginning of the seventeenth century at Fez; died at Jerusalem...
  19. Aaron ben Hayyim JE (JE | WP GWP G) An exegete who lived in the first half of the nineteenth century at Grodno, Russia. He wrote "Moreh Derek" (He Who Shows the...
  20. Aaron ibn Hayyim (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H392: Ḥayyim, Aaron ibn

41 – 60

  1. Aaron ben Hayyim Abraham Hakohen Perahyah (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A41: Peraḥyah, Aaron ben Ḥayyim Abraham ha-Kohen
  2. Aaron ben Hayyim ha-Kohen (JE | WP GWP G) Nephew of Simeon of Coucy-leChâteau and of Jacob of Corbeil; flourished about 1200. in 1227, after having compared all...
  3. Aaron ben Isaac de La Papa (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A43: La Papa, Aaron ben Isaac de
  4. Aaron ben Isaac of Rechnitz (JE | WP GWP G) Author of a midrashic commentary on the Bible, the first portion of which (Genesis) was published in 1786 at Sulzbach under...
  5. Aaron ben Isaac Sason (JE | WP GWP G) Author and Talmudist; born in Constantinople in 1629. He was a grandson of Aaron ben Joseph Sason, an eminent Talmudist, and...
  6. Israel Aaron (JE | WP GWP G) American rabbi; born at Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 20, 1859. His father was a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, where he served many years...
  7. Aaron ben Israel Broda (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A47: Broda, Aaron ben Israel
  8. Aaron ben Jacob ben David Hakohen JE (JE | WP GWP G) French ritualist; one of a family of scholars living at Narbonne, France (not Lunel, as Conforte and others say), who was...
  9. Aaron ben Jacob ha-Levi Horowitz (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A49: Horowitz, Aaron ben Jacob ha-Levi
  10. Aaron ben Jacob of Karlin (JE | WP GWP G) Known among the Ḥasidim as Rabbi Aaron the Great, orsimply as the "Preacher" or "Censor"; born in 1738; died 1771. He...
  11. Aaron Jaroslaw JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See J163: Jaroslaw, Aaron
  12. Aaron Jeiteles (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A52: Jeiteles, Aaron
  13. Aaron of Jerusalem JE (JE | WP GWP G) Karaite of the eleventh century. He was acknowledged by the Rabbinites as one of the principal representatives of Karaitic...
  14. Aaron of Jitomir JE (JE | WP GWP G) A disciple of Baer of Mezhirich and a representative of the sect of the Ḥasidim: born about 1750; died about 1820. He...
  15. Jonas Aaron ((redirects to History of the Jews in Philadelphia JE)) (JE | WP GWP G) First known Jewish resident of Philadelphia; mentioned in an article entitled "A Philadelphia Business Directory of 1703,"...
  16. Aaron ben Joseph of Beaugency (JE | WP GWP G) French Bible commentator and rabbinical scholar, who flourished in the twelfth century at Beaugency, near Orleans. He was...
  17. Aaron ben Joseph of Buda (Ofen) (JE | WP GWP G) A Judæo-German poet of the seventeenth century, who was captured in the city of Ofen, the capital of Hungary, on September...
  18. Aaron ben Joseph ha-Levi (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudist and critic; a direct descendant of Zerahiah ha-Levi, and probably, like him, a native of Gerona, Spain; flourished...
  19. Aaron ben Joseph, the Karaite JE (JE | WP GWP G) Eminent teacher, philosopher, physician, and liturgical poet in Constantinople; born in Sulchat, Crimea, about 1260; died...
  20. Aaron ben Joseph Sason (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudic author; born toward the middle of the sixteenth century, probably at Salonica, where he received his rabbinical education...

61 – 80

  1. Aaron Kupino (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A25: Aaron Cupino
  2. Aaron Levi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M743: Montezino, Antonio
  3. Aaron ha-Levi of Barcelona (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish Talmudist of the end of the thirteenth century; author of the first book of religious instruction among the Jews of...
  4. Aaron ha-Levi ben Moses of Staroselye (JE | WP GWP G) A Talmudic scholar and cabalist of note, who flourished in Poland during the latter part of the eighteenth century and the...
  5. Aaron ha-Levi Oettingen (JE | WP GWP G) Galician rabbi; born about the beginning of the eighteenth century; died in Lemberg about 1769. He was one of a prominent...
  6. Aaron of Lincoln JE (JE | WP GWP G) English financier; born at Lincoln, England, about 1125; died 1186. He is first mentioned in the English pipe-roll of 1166...
  7. Aaron Markovich of Wilna (JE | WP GWP G) Agent (court Jew) of King Ladislaus IV. of Poland in the seventeenth century. The only known document in which his name occurs...
  8. Aaron ben Meir of Brest (JE | WP GWP G) Lithuanian rabbi; born about the beginning of the eighteenth century at Brest-Litovsk (), Russia; died there Nov. 3, 1777...
  9. Aaron ben Menahem Mendel (JE | WP GWP G) Russian rabbi, who flourished at the beginning of the nineteenth century. He wrote "Seyag la-Torah" (Fence to the Law), which...
  10. Aaron ben Meshullam ben Jacob of Lunel (JE | WP GWP G) Ritualist; flourished about the end of the twelfth century and the beginning of the thirteenth; died about 1210 (according...
  11. Aaron ben Mordecai of Rödelheim (JE | WP GWP G) Translator, who flourished early in the eighteenth century. He translated the two Targums on Esther into Judæo-German...
  12. Aaron ben Moses ben Asher (JE | WP GWP G) A distinguished Masorite who flourished in Tiberias in the first half of the tenth century. He was descended from a family...
  13. Aaron Moses ben Jacob Taubes (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A73: Taubes, Aaron Moses ben Jacob
  14. Aaron ben Moses Meir Perls (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A74: Perls, Aaron ben Moses Meir
  15. Aaron Moses ben Mordecai (JE | WP GWP G) One of the few cabalistic writers of recent times in East Prussia: author of a work, "Nishmat Shelomoh Mordecai" (The Soul...
  16. Aaron ben Moses Mosessohn (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M949: Mosessohn, Aaron ben Moses
  17. Aaron Moses Padua (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A77: Padua, Aaron Moses
  18. Aaron ben Moses Teomim (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbinical scholar; born about 1630, probably in Prague, where the Teomim-Fränkel family, from Vienna, had settled; died...
  19. Aaron ben Moses ben Zebi Hirsch Teomim (JE | WP GWP G) See Teomim, Aaron.
  20. Aaron ben Nathan Nata' of Trebowla JE (JE | WP GWP G) Author; flourished about the middle of the eighteenth century. He published at Zolkiev, in 1755, "Shem Aharon" (Aaron&#39...

81 – 100

  1. Aaron of Neustadt (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudist who with Shallum and Jaekel of Vienna formed a triumvirate of Talmudic scholars in Austria at the end of the fourteenth...
  2. Aaron ben Perez of Avignon (JE | WP GWP G) French rabbi and scholar; born about the middle of the thirteenth century; died in the first quarter of the fourteenth century...
  3. Aaron of Pesaro (JE | WP GWP G) Flourished in the sixteenth century at Pesaro, Italy, and wrote "Toledot Aharon" (The Generations of Aaron), an index to Scriptural...
  4. Aaron ben Phinehas (JE | WP GWP G) Member of the rabbinical college of Lemberg, and appears in that capacity among the rabbis who had to decide a case in matrimonial...
  5. Aaron of Pinsk (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi in Kretingen, in the government of Kovno, and afterward in Pinsk, where he died in 1841. He wrote "Tosafot Aharon,"...
  6. Aaron Sabaoni (JE | WP GWP G) Editor of Moses Albaz's cabalistic ritual, "Hekal ha-Ḳodesh," to which he added notes, and which was printed in...
  7. Aaron ben Samuel (JE | WP GWP G) Hebrew author; born about 1620; flourished in Germany during the latter half of the seventeenth century. He published his...
  8. Aaron ben Samuel of Hergershausen (JE | WP GWP G) A simple farmer of Hergershausen (Hessen), who was the first person in Germany to attempt, at the beginning of the eighteenth...
  9. Aaron Samuel (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K28: Kaydanower, Aaron Samuel
  10. Aaron Samuel ben Moses Shalom of Kremnitz (JE | WP GWP G) Author of "Nishmat Adam," Hanau, 1611, which contains dissertations on the nature of the soul, purpose of man's existence...
  11. Aaron ben Samuel ha-Nasi (JE | WP GWP G) A personage who was considered until recently a fictitious creation of the Traditionists (Zunz) —those who, in their...
  12. Aaron ibn Sargado JE (JE | WP GWP G) Gaon in Pumbedita and a son of Joseph ha-Kohen. According to the chronicle of Sherira, Sargado officiated from 943 to 960...
  13. Aaron Selig ben Moses of Zolkiev (JE | WP GWP G) Author; flourished in the seventeenth century. He wrote "'Amude Sheba'" (Seven Pillars) containing: (1) Commentaries...
  14. Aaron Solomon (JE | WP GWP G) Merchant of Philadelphia, Pa., who, about 1777, signed an agreement to take the colonial paper currency sanctioned by King...
  15. Aaron ben Solomon Amarillo (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1358: Amarillo, Aaron ben Solomon
  16. Aaron ben Solomon ben Hasun (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudist who flourished in Turkey at the beginning of the sixteenth century. He ranked high among the prominent Oriental...
  17. Aaron ben Solomon ben Simon ben Zemah Duran (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A97: Duran, Aaron ben Solomon ben Simon ben Ẓemaḥ
  18. Aaron of Trani (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A98: Trani, Aaron of
  19. Massa Di Carrara Aaron (Hayyim) Volterra (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A99: Volterra, Aaron (Ḥayyim), Massa di Carrara
  20. Aaron ben Wolf (JE | WP GWP G) -- See W259: Wolfssohn, Aaron

101 to 200

101 – 120

  1. Aaron Worms (JE | WP GWP G) Chief rabbi of Metz and Talmudist; son of Abraham Aberle; born July 7, 1754, at Geislautern, a small village near Saarbr&#252...
  2. Aaron of York (Fil Josce) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Jewish financier and chief rabbi of England; born in York before 1190; died after 1253. He was probably the son of Josce of...
  3. Aaron Zalaha (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A103: Zalaha, Aaron
  4. Aaron ben Zerah (JE | WP GWP G) French Jew, who suffered martyrdom at Estella in Navarre, March 5, 1328. Banished from his original home in 1306 by order...
  5. Aaron Ben-zion ibn Alamani (JE | WP GWP G) Dayyan, or judge, and prominent Jew of Alexandria in the twelfth century. His family name probably means al-Umani, or "the...
  6. Aaron Zorogon (JE | WP GWP G) Turco-Jewish scholar, who flourished about the middle of the seventeenth century. He was the author of "Bet Aharon" (House...
  7. Aaronites (Aaronides) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1980: Cohen,
  8. Aaronsburg (JE | WP GWP G) A post village situated in Haines township, Center county, Pennsylvania, founded by Aaron Levy in 1786, and named for him...
  9. Av (JE | WP GWP G) the Babylonian name adopted by the Jews for the fifth month of the year, corresponding to part of the modern July and part...
  10. Ninth Day of Av (JE | WP GWP G) Day set aside by tradition for fasting and mourning, to commemorate the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Chaldeans...
  11. Fifteenth Day of Av (JE | WP GWP G) Popular festival in Judea during the time of the Second Temple, corresponding approximately to the fifteenth day of August...
  12. Abaddon (JE | WP GWP G) in rabbinic and New Testament literature, the second department of Gehenna, the nether world; almost synonymous with Sheol...
  13. Juan de la Abadia (JE | WP GWP G) A Marano of the fifteenth century. He engaged in a project to subvert the Inquisition in Aragon; failing in this, he joined...
  14. Abadias UNR(JE | WP GWP G) Son of Jezelus, one of the sons of Joab, found in the list of those who returned with Ezra (I Esd. viii. 35). in the corresponding...
  15. Abagtha (JE | WP GWP G) A chamberlain of Ahasuerus (Esth. i. 10). The name is probably of Persian origin.G. B. L. ...
  16. Abana River JE (JE | WP GWP G) A river rising in the Anti-Libanus, flowing through Damascus, and disappearing in the Meadow lakes. Reference to it is found...
  17. Abarbanel JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A631: Abravanel
  18. Abarbanel Library in Jerusalem (JE | WP GWP G) A collection of books intended for a national Jewish library; founded by Dr. Joseph Chazanowicz, one of the Zionist leaders...
  19. Abarim (JE | WP GWP G) A term applied to the edge of the Moabite plateau. From its most prominent headland, Mount Nebo, the western part of Judea...
  20. Abaye JE (JE | WP GWP G) Babylonian amora; born about the close of the third century; died 339 (see Academies in Babylonia). His father, Kaylil, was...

121 – 140

  1. Abba (JE | WP GWP G) the Aramaic word for "Father," "my Father," which, together with the Greek equivalent, occurs three times in the New Testament...
  2. Abba (JE | WP GWP G) A word signifying "father," used as a masculine name as early as the time of the Tannaites (see Peah, ii. 6; Yeb. 15a; see...
  3. Abba (JE | WP GWP G) A brother of Rabban Gamaliel, probably Gamaliel II.; perhaps identical with Abba, a contemporary of Johanan ben Zakkai, mentioned...
  4. Abba bar Abba (JE | WP GWP G) A Babylonian amora of the second and third centuries, distinguished for piety, benevolence, and learning. He is known chiefly...
  5. Abba b. Abina (JE | WP GWP G) An amora who flourished in the third century. He was a native of Babylonia and a pupil of Rab. He emigrated to Palestine,...
  6. Abba of Acre (Acco) JE (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora who flourished at the end of the third century. He was greatly respected by Abbahu and praised as an example...
  7. Abba Arika JE (JE | WP GWP G) Celebrated Babylonian amora and founder of the Academy of Sura; flourished in third century; died at Sura in 247. His surname...
  8. Abba bar Benjamin bar Hiyya (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian scholar of the third and fourth centuries, contemporary of R. Abbahu. While the country of his birth can not...
  9. Abba b. Bizna (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora of the fourth century, who is occasionally mentioned as a haggadist, and as having handed down certain...
  10. Abba Bumsla (Ben Solomon) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A130: Bumsla, Abba
  11. Abba of Carthage (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora, who flourished at the end of the third century. His birthplace was Carthage, and it is incorrect to refer...
  12. Abba Cohen of Bardela JE (JE | WP GWP G) A scholar of the last tannaitic generation (about the beginning of the third century). The few Halakot emanating from him...
  13. Abba Doresh (JE | WP GWP G) A tanna, whose period can not be determined. Two of his interpretations have been preserved in Sifre, Deut. 308 and 352, and...
  14. Abba (Rabba) bar Dudai (JE | WP GWP G) Head of the Academy of Pumbedita from 772 till about 780. Sherira Gaon adds to Abba's name the words "our grandfather...
  15. Abba Glusk Leczeka (JE | WP GWP G) A poem by Adalbert von Chamisso, published in 1832. It relates the story of one Abba, who, at the age of sixty, attracted...
  16. Abba Gorion of Sidon (JE | WP GWP G) A tanna, who flourished in the second century. He handed down to posterity a saying of Abba Saul (Mishnah, Ḳid. iv....
  17. Abba Hanin (JE | WP GWP G) and his son, ABBA JOSE. See Ḥanin, Abba, and Jose, Abba. This article...
  18. Abba bar Hiyya b. Abba (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora, who flourished at the beginning of the fourth century. He was the son of Ḥiyya bar Abba, the well-known...
  19. Abba Hoshaya of Turya (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian wool-washer of the third century, of whose scholarly attainments, if he had any, nothing is recorded, but whose...
  20. Abba Huna ha-Kohen (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H964: Huna, Abba, ha-Kohen

141 – 160

  1. Abba (JE | WP GWP G) A Babylonian amora of the third century, the son of Jeremiah b. Abba and a pupil of Rab. He lived at Sura and transmitted...
  2. Abba Jose ben Dositai (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A142: Jose, Abba, ben Dositai
  3. Abba Jose ben Hanin JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See J422: Jose, Abba, ben Ḥanin
  4. Abba Jose of Mahuza (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A144: Jose, Abba, of Maḥuza
  5. Abba Judah (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A146: Abba Judan
  6. Abba Judan (JE | WP GWP G) A philanthropist who lived in Antioch in the early part of the second century. As an example of his generosity, it is recorded...
  7. Abba Kolon (JE | WP GWP G) A mythical Roman mentioned in a Talmudic legend concerning the foundation of Rome, which, according to the Haggadah, was a...
  8. Abba ben Mari (JE | WP GWP G) -- See R18: Rabba ben Mari
  9. Abba Mari ben Eligdor (JE | WP GWP G) A distinguished Talmudist, an eminent philosopher, and an able physicist and astronomer; flourished in the fourteenth century...
  10. Abba Mari ben Isaac of St Gilles (JE | WP GWP G) Flourished about the middle of the twelfth century, and lived at St. Gilles, near Lunel, in Languedoc. According to Benjamin...
  11. Abba Mari ben Joseph ibn Caspi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A151: Caspi, Abba Mari ben Joseph ibn
  12. Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph Don Astruc (En Astruc) of Lunel JE (JE | WP GWP G) (Graetz and others have, incorrectly, En Duran): Leader of the opposition to the rationalism of the Maimonists in the Montpellier...
  13. Abba b. Martha (JE | WP GWP G) A Babylonian scholar of the end of the third century and beginning of the fourth. He seems to have been in poor circumstances...
  14. Abba bar Memel (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora, who lived toward the end of the third century. He belonged to the circle of Ammi at Tiberias, and enjoyed...
  15. Joseph Abba Nasia (JE | WP GWP G) Chief justice in Majorca, 1405; died, 1439.Bibliography: Zunz, Zur Gesch. und Literatur, p. 517.G. ...
  16. Abba bar Pappai (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora, of the fourth century who died 375. As the second link in the transmission by tradition ofLevi's...
  17. Abba Sakkara (JE | WP GWP G) Insurrectionary leader; lived in the first century in Palestine. According to Talmudic accounts (Giṭ. 56a), he took...
  18. Abba Saul ben Botnit (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A158: Saul, Abba b. Botnit
  19. Abba Saul (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S277: Saul, Abba
  20. Abba of Sidon (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora of the latter part of the third century or the early part of the fourth. He is mentioned only once, as...

161 – 180

  1. Abba the Surgeon (Umana) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Mentioned in the Talmud as an example of genuine Jewish piety and benevolence (Ta'anit, 21b et seq.). Although dependent...
  2. Abba (Ba) bar Zabdai JE (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora, who flourished in the third century. He studied in Babylonia, attending the lectures of Rab and Huna...
  3. Abba bar Zebina (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora of the fourth century. He was a pupil of R. Zeira, in whose name he transmitted many sayings. He was employed...
  4. Abbahu JE (JE | WP GWP G) A celebrated Palestinian amora of the third amoraic generation (about 279-320), sometimes cited as R. Abbahu of Cæsarea...
  5. Abbas (JE | WP GWP G) This name does not appear in the long lists of Jewish names in pre-Islamic Arabia, nor does it occur among the Jews in general...
  6. Aaron Abbas (Abas) (JE | WP GWP G) Editor and printer at Amsterdam, at the beginning of the eighteenth century. He was the publisher of two works: (1) Aaron...
  7. Joseph Abbas (JE | WP GWP G) Copyist of "MS. Kauffmann," No. 45; lived at the end of the seventeenth century.
  8. Judah ibn Abbas of Fez (JE | WP GWP G) A poet, and author of the piyyuṭ "Et Sha'are Raẓon." He was the first Jew known by the name of Abbas; died...
  9. Judah b. Samuel ben Abbas (JE | WP GWP G) A Spaniard of the thirteenth century. This form of his name is authenticated in the headings of his two works in "MS. Loewe...
  10. Moses Abbas (JE | WP GWP G) A name borne by several persons of whom the following three are mentioned in Zunz ("Literaturgesch." p. 342): 1. Moses Abbas...
  11. Moses Judah Abbas (JE | WP GWP G) A Hebrew poet; lived about the middle of the seventeenth century at Rosetta, in Egypt. He was a descendant of the Abbas family...
  12. Raphael ben Joshua Abbas (Abas) (JE | WP GWP G) Printer and editor at Amsterdam; contemporary, and undoubtedly a relative, of Aaron Abbas. He supplemented the work of Aaron...
  13. Samuel b. Isaac Abbas (Abas, Abatz)]] (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi in the latter half of the seventeenth century at Amsterdam, where his death occurred about 1693. He translated into...
  14. Samuel abu Nasr ibn Abbas (JE | WP GWP G) A son of Judah ibn Abbas of Fez; lived in the twelfth century. Joseph Sambari and the "Yuchasin" call him Samuel ben...
  15. Yom-Tob ben Jonah Abbas (JE | WP GWP G) Mentioned in the responsa of Judah ben Asher (fols. 30 and 35).
  16. Jacob ben Moses ibn Abbasi (JE | WP GWP G) Translator and scholar, who flourished in the second half of the thirteenth century at Huesca, Spain. His father, Moses ibn...
  17. Joseph Abbasi (JE | WP GWP G) A wealthy Jew of Oporto, where, in 1376, he was farmer of taxes for the city and its territory.Bibliography: Mendes do Remedios...
  18. Moses Abbasi (Abbas) (JE | WP GWP G) Disciple of Rabbi Ḥasdai ben Solomon of Valencia and Tudela (1378). He corresponded with Isaac ben Sheshet and the poet...
  19. Abbassid Califs (JE | WP GWP G) the position of the Jews during the five centuries of the domination of the Abbassid Califs (750-1258) differed from that...
  20. Abbaye (JE | WP GWP G) An amora. See Abaye.

181 – 200

  1. Abbaye of Constantinople (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudic scholar of the sixteenth century. He carried on a learned correspondence with Samuel di Medina (), rabbi of Salonica...
  2. Av Beit Din (JE | WP GWP G) 1. Title, according to some scholars, of the judge next in authority to the nasi (prince or president), and who would, accordingly...
  3. Abbreviations (JE | WP GWP G) the oldest term for abbreviation, = νοταρικόν, is found in tannaitic literature...
  4. Abd (JE | WP GWP G) An Arabic word that forms the first part of many compound proper names of Jews of Arabic-speaking countries. The name following...
  5. Abda (JE | WP GWP G) 1. The father of Adoniram, the superintendent of the tax levied by Solomon (I Kings, iv. 6). 2. A Levite residing in Jerusalem...
  6. Abd-al-daim (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Abd-al-Aziz, son of Muhasan ha-Israeli, physician and descendant of a line of Jewish physicians. Abd-al-Daim flourished...
  7. Abd-al-malik (JE | WP GWP G) Ommiad calif who ruled at Damascus 685 to 705, and who, unlike his predecessors, was not very religious, but showed a certain...
  8. Abdallah (JE | WP GWP G) As a Jewish name the Arabic equivalent of the Hebrew Obadiah and similar names. Its first appearance among the Jews was not...
  9. Abdallah ibn Saba (JE | WP GWP G) A Jew of Yemen, Arabia, of the seventh century, who settled in Medina and embraced Islam. Having adversely criticized Calif...
  10. Abdallah ibn Salam (JE | WP GWP G) Jewish convert to Islam in the time of Mohammed; died 663. According to the Moslems, he was one of the most important Jewish...
  11. Abdallah ibn Saura (JE | WP GWP G) One of those whom Moslem traditionists number among Mohammed's opponents in Medina. He was the rabbi of the Banu Tha&#39...
  12. Abdallah ibn Ubaiy (JE | WP GWP G) A chief of the Arab tribe Banu al-Khazraj at Medina and a powerful opponent of Mohammed, who had undermined Abdallah's...
  13. Abdan (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian scholar of the first amoraic generation, who lived about the beginning of the third century. As a disciple and...
  14. Abdeel (JE | WP GWP G) Father of Shelemiah, who was one of the men ordered by King Jehoiakim to capture Jeremiah and his scribe Baruch (Jer. xxxvi...
  15. Abdi (JE | WP GWP G) 1. Son of Malluch, a Levite descended from Merari (I Chron. vi. 44). 2. Father of Kish, a Levite, also of the family of Merari...
  16. Abdi Heba (JE | WP GWP G) A king of Jerusalem about 1400 B.C., whose name (read by some, Ebed Tob) is recorded in the El-Amarna Tablets. From...
  17. Abdias (JE | WP GWP G) Obadiah, the prophet (IV Esd. i. 39).G. B. L.
  18. Abdiel (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Guni, of the tribe of Gad (I Chron. v. 15). G. B. L. This article...
  19. Abdima (JE | WP GWP G) Name of several Palestinian amoraim, known also in Babylonia. One of them is mentioned in thePalestinian Talmud simply as...
  20. Abdima (Dimi) of Haifa (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora of the third generation (third and fourth centuries). He was a recognized authority in halakic matters...

201 to 300

201 – 220

  1. Abdima (Dimi) bar Hamar (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian who immigrated into Babylonia; senior contemporary of Raba and Joseph, of the fourth century. His name is connected...
  2. Abdima b Hamdure (JE | WP GWP G) An amora of the third century. He is probably identical with (Mar) bar Hamdure, the disciple of Samuel (Shab. 107b; compare...
  3. Abdima Nachota (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora of the fourth century; contemporary of the Babylonian amoraim Rab Ḥisda and Rab Joseph. He was senior...
  4. Abdima (Abdimi) of Sepphoris (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora of the fifth century; disciple of R. Mana III. and of R. Huna II. He was a distinguished scholar in his...
  5. Abdimi Mallacha (JE | WP GWP G) A contemporary of R. Ḥiyya b. Abba and Jacob b. Acha, who was one of the numerous class of scholars engaged in...
  6. Abdimus ben R Jose (JE | WP GWP G) One of the variants of the popular name of R. Menahem ben R. Jose. The other forms are Abirodimus, Avradimus, Vradimas, and...
  7. Abdon (JE | WP GWP G) 1. One of the last of the Ephraimite judges; a son of Hillel of Pirathon. He aided in restoring order in central Israel after...
  8. Abdon (JE | WP GWP G) A city in the domain of Asher, given to the Levites, Bene Gershon (Josh. xxi. 30, and in the corresponding list of I Chron...
  9. Moses ben Reuben Abdon (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi at Rome in 1543, and a member of the communal board of administrators (stewards of the ghetto) up to the year 1564....
  10. Abduction (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudic jurisprudence bases the decree prohibiting this offense upon the eighth of the Ten Commandments, which it interprets...
  11. Abd-ul-hamid II (JE | WP GWP G) Thirty-fourth Ottoman sultan; born Sept. 22, 1842; succeeded his brother, Murad V., Aug. 31, 1876. The Turkish Jews rightly...
  12. Abd-ul-malik (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A187: Abd al-Malik
  13. Abd-ul-mejid (JE | WP GWP G) Sultan of Turkey, 1839-61. If the Jews of Turkey owe their deliverance from the unremitting outrages and excesses of the janizaries...
  14. Abd-ul-mesih (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1936: Asher ben Levi
  15. Abednego (JE | WP GWP G) the name given to Azariah, one of Daniel's three companions at the court of Nebuchadnezzar. The name is evidently a corruption...
  16. Abel (JE | WP GWP G) the younger brother of Cain and the second son of Adam and Eve. He was the first shepherd, while Cain was a tiller of the...
  17. Abel (JE | WP GWP G) Prefixed to six names of places, cognate with the Assyrian abalu (to be full, fruitful), and its probable derivatives ablutum...
  18. Abel-beth-maachah (JE | WP GWP G) A place-name occurring six times in the Old Testament. The question whether Abel was one place and Beth-maachah another, or...
  19. Abel-cheramim (JE | WP GWP G) Mentioned only in Judges, xi. 33 (a Deuteronomistic document) as the place where Jephthah paused in his pursuit and slaughter...
  20. Abel-maim (JE | WP GWP G) A tract in Upper Galilee, now known as Abil-el-Ḳamch, taken by the Syrians under Ben-hadad (II Chron. xvi. 4)....

221 – 240

  1. Abel-meholah (JE | WP GWP G) the name occurs three times in the Old Testament: (1) in Judges, vii. 22 it is stated that Gideon followed the Midianites...
  2. Abel-mizraim (JE | WP GWP G) Occurs only in Genesis (l. 11). It is interpreted by Septuagint, Vulgate, and the Peshito (followed by A. V.) as "Mourning...
  3. Abel-shittim JE (JE | WP GWP G) Found only in Num. xxxiii. 49; but ha-Shittim ("The Acacias"), evidently the same place, is mentioned in Num. xxv. 1, Josh...
  4. Solomon ben Kalman Halevi Abel (JE | WP GWP G) Russian educator and ethical writer; born March 11, 1857, at Novomyesto-Sugint (Neustadt), district of Rossieny, government...
  5. Peter Abelard (JE | WP GWP G) French scholastic, philosopher, and theologian—the boldest thinker of the twelfth century; born 1079 in a small village...
  6. Abele, Abraham Cohen, of Kalisz (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A370: Abraham Abele Gombiner
  7. Abele Zion [he] (JE | WP GWP G) According to Jost and others, those Karaites who, after the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, left the Holy City, and...
  8. Marcus Abeles (JE | WP GWP G) Physician and instructor (privat-docent) at the University of Vienna; born at Nedraschitz, Bohemia, in 1837; died at Vienna...
  9. Simon Abeles (JE | WP GWP G) A supposed martyr of the Roman Catholic Church in Prague. According tothe report of the Jesuit John Eder, he was killed by...
  10. Abelites (JE | WP GWP G) A North-African Christian sect, probably of gnostic antecedents, limited to a few small communities in the neighborhood of...
  11. Ilia Solomonovich Abelman [ru] (JE | WP GWP G) A Russian astronomer; born at Dünaburg, now Dvinsk, in 1866; died at Wilna, December 29, 1898. His early education was...
  12. Judah ben Isaac Abelson (JE | WP GWP G) A merchant, who devoted the greater part of his time to study; lived toward the end of the eighteenth century at Sherwenty...
  13. Aben in Jewish Names (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A176: Ibn
  14. Abenabaz (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A170: Abbas, Moses ibn
  15. Moyses Abenabez (JE | WP GWP G) See Moses ben Moses of Calatayud.
  16. David Abenatar Melo (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M387: Melo, David Abenatar
  17. Abendana (JE | WP GWP G) the name of a number of Spanish- and Portuguese-Jewish (Sephardic) families in Amsterdam and London. The first person to assume...
  18. Isaac Abendana (JE | WP GWP G) Teacher of Hebrew at Oxford University. Born about the middle of the seventeenth century; died about 1710. He was a brother...
  19. Jacob Abendana (JE | WP GWP G) Ḥakam of London; born 1630; died Sept. 12, 1695. He was the oldest son of Joseph Abendana, and attended the rabbinical...
  20. Joseph Abendana (JE | WP GWP G) A refugee from the rage of the Spanish Inquisition who settled in Hamburg; he was related to the Chakam of that name...

241 – 260

  1. Aben-ezra (JE | WP GWP G) -- See I14: Ibn Ezra, Judah
  2. Kanah Abengdor (Abigdor, Abengedor) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A242: Ḳanah, Abigdor
  3. Joseph Abenheim [de] (JE | WP GWP G) Violinist and orchestra leader; born at Worms in 1804; died Jan. 18, 1891, at Stuttgart. He received his first musical instruction...
  4. Abenhuacar (JE | WP GWP G) See Wakkar, Samuel ibn.
  5. Daniel Abensur (JE | WP GWP G) A Portuguese Jew, who died in Hamburg in 1711. At one time he advanced a considerable sum of money to the Polish Crown, and...
  6. Jacob Abensur (JE | WP GWP G) Probably a son of Daniel Abensur; was also Polish minister resident at Hamburg, after 1695. By instituting private religious...
  7. Joseph Abentrevi (JE | WP GWP G) Physician in ordinary to King James I. of Aragon, by whom, in January, 1271 or 1272, Abentrevi was allotted an annual allowance...
  8. Eliau Abenyuly of Gibraltar (JE | WP GWP G) See Eliau ibn Yulee
  9. Aberdeen (Scotland) (JE | WP GWP G) the chief city of northern Scotland, capital of Aberdeenshire. Jews have but recently settled in this city, the only synagogue...
  10. Abraham Aberle (Rabel) (JE | WP GWP G) Moravian Hebraist; lived at Austerlitz in the third decade of the nineteenth century. All his literary productions—poems...
  11. Abraham ben Abraham Solomon Aberle (JE | WP GWP G) called also Abele Posveller. See Abraham Abele ben Abraham Solomon. This...
  12. Jacob Benedict (Bennet) Aberle (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A252: Benedict (Bennet), Jacob (Aberle)
  13. Solomon b. Abraham Aberle (Abril) (JE | WP GWP G) Author of "Binyan Shelomoh" (The Structure of Solomon), homilies on the Pentateuch, published at Shklov in Posen, 1789 (see...
  14. Rab Aberle (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A439: Abraham of Hamburg
  15. Isaac b. Abraham Cohen Zedek of Cracow Aberles (JE | WP GWP G) Author of "Sefer Toledot YiẓChaḳ" (The Generation of Isaac), homilies on the Pentateuch, only the first part...
  16. Abetment (JE | WP GWP G) the legal term for encouraging, aiding, or instigating an illegal act. The abettor may take no part in the actual commission...
  17. Abi and Ab in Proper Names (JE | WP GWP G) Abi and Ab are used both as the first element, as in Abijah, Abishur, Abinoam, Abner, and as the second element, as in Eliab...
  18. Abi Ayub (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A658: Sulaiman ibn Almuallim
  19. Abi Sahula (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A677: Isaac ben Solomon ibn Abu Sahula
  20. Abi Zimra (JE | WP GWP G) A family which can be traced from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century, of which the following were the more important:...

261 – 280

  1. Abraham ben Meir Abi Zimra (JE | WP GWP G) Flourished in Malaga, and seems to have left his home in 1492, going to Oran, and dwelling later in Tlemçen. He enjoyed...
  2. David ben Solomon Abi Zimra (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A262: David ben Solomon Abi Zimra
  3. Abiah (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A300: Abijah
  4. Abiasaph (JE | WP GWP G) -- See E21: Ebiasaph
  5. Abiathar (JE | WP GWP G) A son of Ahimelech or Ahijah (melech and yah apparently interchanging; compare I Sam. xiv. 3, xxii. 9); the chief priest of...
  6. Abiathar (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora, the contemporary of R. Judah (217-299) and of his successor, R. Ḥisda, the head of the Sura Academy...
  7. Abiathar ibn Crescas ha-Kohen (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A267: Crescas, Abiathar ibn
  8. Joseph ben Isaac Abiathar (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A334: Abitur, Joseph ben Isaac
  9. Abiathar ha-Kohen of Cairo (JE | WP GWP G) Nagid (chief) of the Egyptian Jews, which office he inherited from his ancestors. He flourished at the end of the eleventh...
  10. Abiathar ha-Kohen of Saragossa (JE | WP GWP G) Founder of a widespread noble Spanish family that flourished in the fifteenth century. He had two daughters, Esther and Leah...
  11. Abib (JE | WP GWP G) Name of the first month of the Hebrew year (Ex. xii. 2; compare xiii. 4), corresponding to the Babylonian and postexilian...
  12. Abibas (JE | WP GWP G) A mythical son of R. Gamaliel, the teacher of Paul, concerning whom a Christian legend existed that he and his father were...
  13. Johann Georg Abicht (JE | WP GWP G) Christian Hebraist; born 1672 at Königsee, in the principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt; died 1740. He studied first...
  14. Abida (JE | WP GWP G) A son of Midian, and grandson of Abraham and Keturah (Gen. xxv. 4, and in the genealogical list in I Chron. i. 33). G. B....
  15. Abidan (JE | WP GWP G) A son of Gideoni, chief of the tribe of Benjamin after the Exodus (Num. i. 11, ii. 22, vii. 60, 65, x. 24). G. B. L. ...
  16. Abiel (JE | WP GWP G) 1. Father of Kish and Ner, and grandfather of Saul (I Sam. ix. 1, xiv. 51). Another account makes him the great-grandfather...
  17. Abiezer (JE | WP GWP G) 1. A clan of Manasseh, the most important member of which was Gideon, in whose time the seat of the clan was at Ophrah on...
  18. Judah ben Isaac Abiezer of Tiktin [Wikidata] (JE | WP GWP G) A Jewish author of the nineteenth century. He resided in Jerusalem and wrote "Mishmeret haBerit" (The Charge of the Covenant)...
  19. Abigail (JE | WP GWP G) A daughter of Jesse and sister of David, who married Jether the Ishmaelite, and became the mother of Amasa (I Chron. ii. 16...
  20. Abigdor (JE | WP GWP G) A prænomen, as well as a family name, which first appeared in the Middle Ages and which is still in use. in Russia it...

281 – 300

  1. Abraham Abigdor JE (JE | WP GWP G) A physician, philosopher, and translator; born in Provence, probably at Arles, in 1350. He should not be confounded with Maestro...
  2. Avigdor Cohen JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian rabbi, distinguished for learning and wealth, who lived in Ferrara about the middle of the fifteenth century. Joseph...
  3. Avigdor ben Elijah ha-Kohen (JE | WP GWP G) the earliest of the great Talmudists of Austria; flourished about the middle of the thirteenth century. He was the pupil of...
  4. Avigdor de Fano (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A284: Fano, Abigdor de
  5. Avigdor Hayyim (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H393: Ḥayyim, Abigdor
  6. Avigdor ben Isaac (JE | WP GWP G) A French rabbinic scholar; lived during the second half of the thirteenth century. He is probably identical with the "Abigdor...
  7. Avigdor ben ha-Kanah (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K85: Ḳanah
  8. Avigdor Kara (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A242: Ḳanah, Abigdor
  9. Avigdor ben Menahem (JE | WP GWP G) German Talmudist; lived at the beginning of the fifteenth century. The Bodleian collection of manuscripts contains responsa...
  10. Avigdor ben Moses (JE | WP GWP G) Lived in the sixteenth century in Cracow. He translated certain portions of the prayer-book into German.Bibliography: Steinschneider...
  11. Avigdor ben Nathan of Avignon (JE | WP GWP G) French Talmudist; flourished in the thirteenth and at the beginning of the fourteenth centuries. He was the teacher of Abraham...
  12. Avigdor ben Samuel (JE | WP GWP G) A rabbi in Pruzhany, Rushony, Wilkowyszky, and Selva (Lithuania and Poland), from 1719 to 1768. Toward the close of his life...
  13. Avigdor ben Simha (JE | WP GWP G) A German author, who was born in Glogau in the second quarter of the eighteenth century. After having been a tutor for some...
  14. Avigdor b. Simon Costellez (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K383: Kosteliz (Costellez), Abigdor b. Simon
  15. Solomon ben Abraham Abigdor JE (JE | WP GWP G) A Hebrew translator; born in Provence in 1384. Assisted by his father, Abraham Bonet ben Meshullam, he, at the early age of...
  16. Avigdor Zuvidal (JE | WP GWP G) Italian rabbi of German descent, who flourished in the sixteenth century; died Nov. 13, 1601. David de Pomis, in the preface...
  17. Abihail (JE | WP GWP G) 1. The father of Zuriel, a Levite of the family of Merari (Num. iii. 35). 2. Wife of Abishur (I Chron. ii. 29). 3. Son of...
  18. Abihu (JE | WP GWP G) He is mentioned in Ex. xxiv. 1, 9, where he and his brother are classed with Moses and Aaron as the leaders or chiefs of the...
  19. Abihud (JE | WP GWP G) A grandson of Benjamin, mentioned in the genealogical list of I Chron. viii. 3. G. B. L. ...
  20. Abijah (JE | WP GWP G) Name of several Old Testament personages, of whom the following are the most notable:1.—Biblical Data: Son of Samuel...

301 to 400

301 – 320

  1. Abila (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A302: Abilene
  2. Abilene (JE | WP GWP G) A small district of Syria on the eastern slope of Anti-Libanus. It was so called from the town of Abila, on the northern declivity...
  3. Abilene (JE | WP GWP G) A village situated northwest of Sepphoris (Neubauer, "Géographie du Talmud," p. 259). According to Grätz ("Gesch...
  4. Abimael (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Joktan (Gen. x. 28); found also in the corresponding genealogical list of Shem's descendants in I Chron. i. 22...
  5. Abimelech >> Abimelech, Abimelech (Judges) JE (JE | WP GWP G) 1. Son of Gideon (surnamed Jerubbaal), the great "judge" of Israel. By virtue of his father's dictatorship or semiroyalty...
  6. Abimi (JE | WP GWP G) the name of several Amoraim, distinguished for proficiency in the Halakah. The most prominent of these are the following:1...
  7. Abimi b. Abbahu (JE | WP GWP G) A scholar of the third century. Abimi's native country and parentage are doubtful. He is always cited as Abimi, the son...
  8. Abimi of Hagronia (JE | WP GWP G) A Babylonian amora of the fourth century, disciple of Raba b. Joseph and teacher of Rab Mordecai, the colleague of Rab Ashi...
  9. Abin R (JE | WP GWP G) Rabin is a contraction of R. Abin, and appears more frequently in the Babylonian than in the Palestinian Talmud. R. Abin and...
  10. Abin (JE | WP GWP G) An eminent cabalist of Le Mans (about 1040), a descendant of R. Simon of Le Mans, and grandfather of R. Simon the Great, the...
  11. Abin ben Adda (JE | WP GWP G) A Babylonian amora of the fourth century, disciple of Rab Judah ben Ezekiel and senior contemporary of Raba ben Joseph. Although...
  12. Benedict Abin (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A989: Ahin, Bendich
  13. Abin b. Rab Hisda (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora, a disciple of R. Johanan (Giṭ. 5b). in addition to some halakic opinions, a few exegetical remarks...
  14. Abin b. Hiyya (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora of the fourth generation, and a colleague of R. Jeremiah. His teachers, R. Zeira I. and R. Hila, were...
  15. Abin b. Kahana (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora, one of the teachers of R. Abun ben Ḥiyya (Tem. 20b), and junior colleague of R. Hoshaya II. (Yer...
  16. Abin ha-Levi (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian amora of the second half of the fourth century, distinguished as an original haggadist. in the midrashic literature...
  17. Abin Naggara (JE | WP GWP G) A Babylonian amora of the second and third generations. A carpenter by trade, he devoted his nights to study; and Rab Huna...
  18. Abin b. Nahman (JE | WP GWP G) A beloved disciple of R. Judah ben Ezekiel (B. M. 107a). He is mentioned as a transmitter of Baraitot (Yeb. 84b; B. B. 94b)...
  19. Abin ben Tanhum bar Terifon (JE | WP GWP G) A Palestinian scholar who, by a curious calculation, tries to prove that the Biblical saying, "That soul shall be cut off...
  20. Abina (JE | WP GWP G) An amora of the third and fourth centuries, always cited without any cognomen. He was a Babylonian by birth, a disciple of...

321 – 340

  1. Abinadab (JE | WP GWP G) 1. A resident of Kirjath-jearim, who kept the Ark of the Covenant in his house during the twenty years immediately following...
  2. Abinoam (JE | WP GWP G) Father of Barak; is mentioned in Judges, iv. 6, 12, v. 1, 12. in all the Greek versions the name is transliterated Abineem...
  3. Abinu Malkenu (JE | WP GWP G) the initial words and name of a portion of the liturgy recited with special solemnity on the Penitential Days from New Year...
  4. Aaron Abiob JE (JE | WP GWP G) Author of "Shemen ha-Mor" (Oil of Myrrh), a commentary on the Book of Esther. He flourished in Salonica about 1540, and his...
  5. Simon b. David Abiob (JE | WP GWP G) Cabalist of the seventeenth century. He removed to Hebron, one of the chief gathering-places of the Jewish mystics of his...
  6. Abiram (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Eliab, one of the conspiratorsagainst Moses (Num. xvi. 1; Ps. cvi. 17). Deut. xi. 6 places him in the tribe of Reuben...
  7. Abishag (JE | WP GWP G) A beautiful Shunammite, brought by the servants of David to his harem to minister to the aged king in the hope of reviving...
  8. Abishai (JE | WP GWP G) A son of David's sister Zeruiah. Abishai ranked as a general in command second only to his brother Joab (II Sam. x. 10...
  9. Abishalom (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A637: Absalom
  10. Abishua (JE | WP GWP G) 1. Son of Phinehas and great-grandson of Aaron, the high priest, ancestor of Ezra (Ezra vii. 5). Found also in the genealogy...
  11. Abishur (JE | WP GWP G) A Jerahmeelite, son of Shammai (I Chron. ii. 28, 29).
  12. Abital (JE | WP GWP G) A wife of David, who bore to him, during his residence at Hebron, his fifth son, Shephatiah (II Sam. iii. 4, I Chron. iii...
  13. Abitub (JE | WP GWP G) A Benjamite (I Chron. viii. 11).
  14. Joseph ben Isaac ben Stans ibn Abitur (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudist and liturgical poet, who, according to statements made by Moses ben Ezra, and according to one of Abitur's own...
  15. Abiud (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Zerubbabel, from whom was descended Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus (Matt. i. 13). He is omitted from...
  16. Ablat (JE | WP GWP G) A Gentile sage and astrologer in Babylonia. The close friendship which existed between him and Mar Samuel (died 254) shows...
  17. Ezmel (Samuel) de Ablitas JE (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Don Juceph; born in the village of Ablitas, near Tudela, from which place he derived his name; died in 1342. He was...
  18. Ablution (JE | WP GWP G) For the purpose of actual or ritual purification, ablutions or washings form an important feature of the Jewish religious...
  19. Abner (JE | WP GWP G) Cabalist and teacher of Isaac of Acco (Acre) about 1150, mentioned by Isaac as a great authority in mystic philosophy.Bibliography:...
  20. Abner (JE | WP GWP G) According to I Chron. viii. 29-33, and Josephus ("Ant." vi. 6, § 3), an uncle of Saul; while I Sam. xiv. 51 and Josephus...

341 – 360

  1. Abner of Burgos (JE | WP GWP G) A Jewish convert to Christianity and polemical writer against his former religion; born 1270; died 1348, or a little later...
  2. Abnimus Hagardi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See O26: Œnomaos of Gadara
  3. Abo (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the government of Abo-Björneborg in Finland, Russia, situated near the entrance of the Auraioki river into...
  4. Aboab ((redirects to Isaac Aboab I JE)); also >> Immanuel Aboab JE, Isaac Aboab of Castile JE, Samuel Aboab JE (JE | WP GWP G) the name of an ancient and widely distributed Spanish family, among whose members were many most able scholars. The family...
  5. 'Abodah (JE | WP GWP G) Originally the benediction recited during the morning sacrifice while the Temple still existed, and afterward the benediction...
  6. 'Abodah of the Day of Atonement (JE | WP GWP G) An essential part of the Musaf service of that day, based upon the detailed account given in the Mishnah Yoma of the sacrificial...
  7. Music of 'Abodah (JE | WP GWP G) By its liturgical position, the "'Abodah" stands out as the central point of the services on the Day of Atonement. The...
  8. 'Abodah Zarah (JE | WP GWP G) the name of one of the treatises of the Mishnah, of the Tosefta, and of the Babylonian and the Palestinian Talmud, belonging...
  9. Juan Fernandez Abolafio (JE | WP GWP G) A Marano of Seville, who lived in the fifteenth century. He was among those who endeavored most zealously to prevent the introduction...
  10. Abolition of Slavery (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1605: Anti-slavery Movement
  11. Abolitionists, Jewish, in America (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1605: Antislavery Movement
  12. Abomination (JE | WP GWP G) Rendering in the English versions of different Biblical terms denoting that which is loathed or detested on religious grounds...
  13. Abomination of Desolation (JE | WP GWP G) An expression occurring in Matt. xxiv. 15 and Mark, xiii. 14 (A. V.), where the Greek text has τὸ βδ&#941...
  14. Abot (JE | WP GWP G) the name of a small but highly valuable treatise of the Mishnah containing the oldest collection of ethical maxims and aphorisms...
  15. Abot de-Rabbi Nathan JE (JE | WP GWP G) A work which in the form now extant contains a mixture of Mishnah and Midrash, and may be designated as a homiletical exposition...
  16. Abrabalia (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish statesmen who flourished in Aragon in the latterhalf of the thirteenth century. Joseph was minister of finance to...
  17. Abrabanel JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A631: Abravanel
  18. David (Manuel Martinez) Abrabanel Dormido (JE | WP GWP G) -- See D443: Dormido, David Abravanel
  19. Abracadabra (JE | WP GWP G) Magic word or formula used in incantations, especially against intermittent fever or inflammation, the patient wearing an...
  20. Abraham (JE | WP GWP G) According to the Bible, Abraham (or Abram) was the father of the Hebrews. The Biblical account of the life of Abram is found...

361 – 380

  1. Apocalypse of Abraham JE (JE | WP GWP G) An apocryphon that has been preserved in Old Slavonic literature. Its title does not fully explain its contents, for about...
  2. Abraham's Bosom JE (JE | WP GWP G) in the New Testament and in Jewish writings a term signifying the abodeof bliss in the other world. According to IV Macc....
  3. Abraham's Oak (JE | WP GWP G) A famous and venerable oak (Quercus pseudo-coccifera) which still stands at Mamre, half an hour's journey west of Hebron...
  4. Testament of Abraham (JE | WP GWP G) An apocryphal book, published for the first time by Montague Rhodes James, in two different recensions, in Robinson's...
  5. Tower of Abraham (JE | WP GWP G) Often mentioned in the Book of Jubilees as a mansion of great importance, said to have been built on the height of Hebron...
  6. Abraham ben Aaron de Boton (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A366: Boton, Abraham ben Aaron de
  7. Abraham Aaron ben Shalom Brody (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A367: Brody, Abraham Aaron ben Shalom
  8. Abraham ben Aaron Troki (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A368: Troki, Abraham ben Aaron
  9. Abraham Abele ben Abraham Solomon (JE | WP GWP G) Known as Abele Posveller (from Poswol in the government of Kovno); acting rabbi of Wilna; died July 29, 1836. He was considered...
  10. Abraham Abele Gombiner (JE | WP GWP G) Polish Talmudist; born about 1635 at Gombin, in Russian Poland; died at Kalisz about 1683. He was a son of Ḥayyim ha-Levi...
  11. Abraham Abele ben Jeremiah (JE | WP GWP G) Interpreter of the Masora; flourished in the middle of the eighteenth century at Kalwaria, in the government of Suwalki, Russian...
  12. Abraham Abele ben Naphtali (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi in Kherson in the first half of the nineteenth century; author of "Bet Abraham" (House of Abraham), Szydlkow, 1837,...
  13. Abraham ben Abigdor (JE | WP GWP G) Bohemian rabbi; born in the latter part of the fifteenth century; died at Prague, Oct. 7, 1542. For the last twenty years...
  14. Abraham ben Abigdor Kara (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A242: Ḳanah, Abraham ben Abigdor
  15. Abraham Aboab (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A344: Aboab
  16. Abraham Abraham (JE | WP GWP G) English author and communal worker; died March 31, 1863, at Liverpool. He resided at Liverpool for forty years, during thirty...
  17. Jacob Abraham (Abram) (JE | WP GWP G) German medalist and lapidary; born at Strelitz in 1723; died at Berlin, June 17, 1800. He learned the art of engraving from...
  18. Abraham Abush ben Levi Hirsch Katzenellenbogen (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A378: Katzenellenbogen, Abraham Abush ben Levi Hirsch
  19. Adolphe Abraham (JE | WP GWP G) French colonel; born at Thionville, France, March 21, 1814. When eighteen he enlisted as a volunteer, and was assigned to...
  20. Abraham ibn Akra ben Solomon (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A588: Abraham ben Solomon Akra

381 – 400

  1. Abraham ibn Alfakar (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A381: Alfakar, Abraham ibn
  2. Abraham Alashkar (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A382: Alashkar, Abraham
  3. Abraham Alfaquin (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A383: Alfaquin, Abraham
  4. Abraham Algazi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A384: Algazi, Abraham
  5. Abraham al-Tabib (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1319: Al-Tabib, Abraham
  6. Abraham Amigo JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1399: Amigo, Abraham
  7. Abraham of Aragon JE (JE | WP GWP G) A skilful oculist, who flourished in the middle of the thirteenth century. Shortly after the Council of Béziers, in 1246...
  8. Abraham Aryeh Loeb b. Judah ha-Levi (JE | WP GWP G) A Talmudic author and rabbi, who lived at Stryzhow (Galicia, Austria) at the close of the eighteenth century and the beginning...
  9. Abraham (Asher Jacob) ben Aryeh Loeb Kalmankes (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1928: Asher, Jacob Abraham ben Aryeh Loeb Ḳalmanḳes
  10. Abraham (Ben Gedaliah) ben Asher (JE | WP GWP G) A commentator; native of Safed, Syria; held rabbinical office at Aleppo in the second half of the sixteenth century. He was...
  11. Abraham ben Asus de Bourgueil (JE | WP GWP G) -- See B1598: Burgil Family
  12. Abraham Auerbach JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A392: Auerbach, Abraham
  13. Abraham of Augsburg JE (JE | WP GWP G) Proselyte to Judaism; died a martyr's death Nov. 21, 1265. He seems to have adopted his new faith with such enthusiasm...
  14. Abraham of Avila (JE | WP GWP G) A pseudo-Messiah and wonder-worker, who lived at the end of the thirteenth century. There seems to be some doubt concerning...
  15. Abraham ben Azriel of Bohemia (JE | WP GWP G) A Bohemian Talmudist and grammarian, who flourished in the first half of the thirteenth century and probably lived at Prague...
  16. Abraham Bali ben Jacob (JE | WP GWP G) -- See B170: Bali, Abraham
  17. Abraham de Balmes ben Meir JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian physician and translator of the early sixteenth century; born at Lecce, in the old kingdom of Naples; died at Venice...
  18. Abraham ben Baruch (JE | WP GWP G) Writer on ritual; brother of Meir of Rothenburg; lived in southern Germany about the end of the thirteenth century. He wrote...
  19. Abraham ben Baruch Mizrahi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A399: MizraḤi, Abraham ben Baruch
  20. Abraham of Beja (JE | WP GWP G) A learned Jew who lived in Alemtejo, Portugal, during the latter half of the fifteenth century. Being an extensive traveler...

401 to 500

401 – 420

  1. Abraham Bendig (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A401: Bendig, Abraham
  2. Abraham ben Benjamin Aaron (JE | WP GWP G) A Polish Talmudist of the first half of the seventeenth century; died at Brest, Lithuania, in 1642. He was rabbi at Tarnopol...
  3. Abraham ben Benjamin Ze'eb Brisker (JE | WP GWP G) Polish author of the seventeenth century; went to Vienna, and, on the expulsion of the Jews from that city in 1670, went to...
  4. Abraham Benveniste (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A404: Benveniste, Abraham
  5. Bernard Abraham (JE | WP GWP G) French brigadier-general of artillery, retired; born at Nancy, Jan. 12, 1824. His father, who was a member of the Jewish Consistory...
  6. Abraham Bibago ben Shem-Tob (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A406: Bibago ben Shem-Ṭob, Abraham
  7. Abraham of Bohemia (JE | WP GWP G) Prefect of the Jews of Great and Little Poland at the beginning of the sixteenth century. in 1512 King Sigismund I. of Poland...
  8. Abraham ibn Bolat (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A408: Bolat, Abraham ibn
  9. Abraham Broda ben Saul (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A409: Broda, Abraham, ben Saul
  10. Abraham Brunschwig (JE | WP GWP G) -- See B1418: Braunschweig, Abraham
  11. Abraham Cabrit (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A411: Cabrit, Abraham
  12. Abraham de Caslar ben David (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C225: Caslari, Abraham ben David
  13. Abraham (Vita) de Cologna (JE | WP GWP G) An Italian rabbi, orator, and political leader; born at Mantua, 1755; died at Triest, 1832. While holding the post of rabbi...
  14. Abraham of Cologne (Ben Alexander) (JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; flourished about 1240. He was considered the most eminent pupil of Eleazar of Worms. Solomon ben Adret relates...
  15. Abraham Conque of Hebron (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A415: Conque (Cuenqui),Abraham, of Hebron
  16. Abraham ben Daniel (JE | WP GWP G) Poet and rabbi; born at Modena in 1511. For several years he was a tutor at Viadana, Modena, Rivarolo, Arezzo, and Forli,...
  17. Abraham ibn Daud Halevi JE (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish astronomer, historian, and philosopher; born at Toledo about 1110; died, according to common report, a martyr about...
  18. Abraham ben David UNR (JE | WP GWP G) -- See Y67: Yiẓḥaḳi, Abraham
  19. Abraham ben David of Ostrog (Volhynia) (JE | WP GWP G) Commentator; flourished about 1500. He wrote ("Furnace for Gold"), a commentary on the Targumim to the Pentateuch. Some also...
  20. Abraham ben David of Posquières JE (JE | WP GWP G) French Talmudic commentator; born in Provence, France, about 1125; died at Posquières, Nov. 27, 1198. Son-in-law of Abraham...

421 – 440

  1. Abraham ben David Provençal (JE | WP GWP G) Italian Talmudist of the sixteenth century. He was a member of an illustrious family of Italian rabbis who came originally...
  2. Abraham Dob Baer ben David of Ovruch (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi of Jitomir, Russia, about 1840. His Talmudic studies were pursued under Mordecai, rabbi of Chernobyl and a disciple...
  3. Abraham Dob Baer ben Solomon (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi in Orsha in the latter half of the eighteenth century. He wrote ("Abraham's Well"), containing Glosses on the First...
  4. Abraham ben Eliezer (JE | WP GWP G) Commentator (probably a contemporary of Elijah Mizrachi); lived in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, probably at...
  5. Abraham ben Eliezer ha-Kohen (JE | WP GWP G) Polish darshan, or preacher: flourished in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the great-grandson of Issachar...
  6. Abraham ben Eliezer ha-Levi (JE | WP GWP G) German Talmudist; flourished in the second half of the thirteenth century. Probably he was a pupil of R. Meir of Rothenburg...
  7. Abraham ben Eliezer ha-Levi Berukim (JE | WP GWP G) A cabalistic writer; born before 1540; lived for a long time in Jerusalem, and died at an advanced age in 1600. A pupil of...
  8. Abraham ben Elijah (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P311: Pikes, Abraham
  9. Abraham ben Elijah Broda (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A429: Broda, Abraham ben Elijah
  10. Abraham ben Elijah ha-Kohen (JE | WP GWP G) German ritualist; flourished in the fifteenth century. His epitome of the precepts governing prohibited articles of food was...
  11. Abraham ben Elijah of Wilna JE (JE | WP GWP G) Russian Talmudist and author; born in Wilna about 1750; died there Dec. 14, 1808. The son of Elijah, the gaon of Wilna, a...
  12. Émile Abraham [fr] (JE | WP GWP G) French playwright; born at Paris, 1833. He devoted himself entirely to the drama, as playwright, as theatrical critic, and...
  13. Abraham ben Ephraim Niederländer Sopher of Prague (JE | WP GWP G) -- See N279: Niederländer,Abraham ben Ephraim, Sopher of Prague
  14. Abraham ben Ephraim ben Sancho (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A434: Sancho, Abraham ben Ephraim ben
  15. Abraham ibn Ezra JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See I11: Ibn Ezra
  16. Abraham Galante (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A531: Galante, Abraham ben Mordecai
  17. Abraham Gascon (JE | WP GWP G) -- See G80: Gascon, Abraham
  18. Abraham Guer Di Cordova (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A527: Abraham the Monk
  19. Abraham of Hamburg (JE | WP GWP G) Warden and leading spirit of the Ashkenazic community of London; born at Hamburg after 1650; died at London after 1721. By...
  20. Abraham ibn Hassan ha-Levi (JE | WP GWP G) Author of a work on the six hundred and thirteen Biblical precepts, published as an appendix to the "first" rabbinic Bible...

441 – 460

  1. Abraham ben Hayyim (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi of Narbonne, where he lived in the first half of the thirteenth century. He was a brother of Reuben ben Ḥayyim...
  2. Abraham Hayyim ben Gedaliah (JE | WP GWP G) Galician Talmudist. He flourished early in the nineteenth century, was a disciple of the brothers Phinehas and Samuel Horowitz...
  3. Abraham ben Hayyim Lisker (JE | WP GWP G) -- See L458: Lisker, Abraham ben Ḥayyim
  4. Abraham ben Hayyim ben Remok (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish scholar; born in Barcelona about the middle of the fourteenth century. He wrote a commentary on the Psalms which is...
  5. Abraham Hayyim Rodriguez (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A445: Rodriguez, Abraham Ḥayyim
  6. Abraham Heilbut (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A446: Heilbut, Abraham
  7. Abraham de Herrera (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A447: Herrera, Abraham de
  8. Abraham bar Hillel (JE | WP GWP G) One of the few Hebrew poets in Egypt; lived in the second half of the twelfth century, and wrote the "Megillah Zuṭ&#7789...
  9. Abraham bar Hiyya ha-Nasi JE (JE | WP GWP G) A celebrated Jewish mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher of the twelfth century. He lived in Barcelona in 1136. According...
  10. Abraham ben Isaac Auerbach (JE | WP GWP G) Liturgical poet of the seventeenth century; born at Kosfeld and became rabbi at Münster. During a visit to Amsterdam...
  11. Abraham ben Isaac Bedaresi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See B491: Bedersi, Abraham ben Isaac
  12. Abraham ben Isaac of Granada JE (JE | WP GWP G) Cabalist of the thirteenth century. He wrote: (1) A work on the Cabala, under the title of "Sefer ha-Berit." This is quoted...
  13. Abraham ben Isaac Hayyot (JE | WP GWP G) Commentator; lived in the seventeenth century. He is the author of "Holek Tamim" (He Who Walks Perfect), explaining the laws...
  14. Abraham ben Isaac ben Jehiel of Pisa (JE | WP GWP G) Grandson of the famous philanthropist, Jehiel of Pisa, whose charity did much to alleviate the sufferings of the Spanish exiles...
  15. Abraham ben Isaac ha-Kohen (JE | WP GWP G) A hymn-writer who flourished in Germany about 1096; probably the son of Isaac ben Eleazar ha-Kohen, who lived in Mentz in...
  16. Abraham ben Isaac ha-LevỊ (JE | WP GWP G) A Spanish Talmudist and author; born at Barcelona in the early part of the fourteenth century; died at Narbonne in October...
  17. Abraham ben Isaac ibn Migas (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A457: Migash, Abraham ben Isaac ibn
  18. Abraham b. Isaac of Narbonne JE (JE | WP GWP G) born probably at Montpellier about 1110; died at Narbonne, 1179. His teacher was Moses b. Joseph b. Merwan ha-Levi, and during...
  19. Abraham ben Isaac Shalom (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A459: Shalom, Abraham ben Isaac
  20. Abraham ben Israel Cohen Rapoport (JE | WP GWP G) -- See R112: Rapoport

461 – 480

  1. Abraham Israel Pereyra (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P190: Pereyra, Abraham Israel
  2. Jacob Abraham (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A377: Abraham (Abram), Jacob
  3. Abraham ben Jacob Berab (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A463: Berab, Abraham ben Jacob
  4. Abraham ben Jacob de Boton (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A464: Boton, Abraham ben Jacob de
  5. Abraham ben Jacob Moses Helin (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H560: Helin, Abraham ben Jacob Moses
  6. Abraham ben Jacob Zemah (JE | WP GWP G) Palestinian rabbi and author; born about 1670. He was a rabbi at Jerusalem, and a member of the bet din, or rabbinical tribunal...
  7. Abraham Jafe Kalmankes (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A467: Ḳalmanḳes, Abraham Jafe
  8. Abraham Jaghel ben Hananiah Dei Galicchi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A468: Jaghel, Abraham
  9. Abraham Jedidiah ben Menahem Simson (JE | WP GWP G) See Basilah, Abraham Jedidiah.
  10. Abraham ben Jehiel Cohen Porto (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A470: Porto, Abraham ben Jehiel
  11. Abraham Jekuthiel Salman Lichtenstein (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A471: Lichtenstein, Abraham
  12. Abraham Jesofovich (JE | WP GWP G) Secretary of the treasury of Lithuania under King Sigismund I. of Poland; born in the middle of the fifteenth century; died...
  13. Abraham (Jacob Joseph) ben Joel Ashkenazi Katzenellenbogen (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K135: Katzenellenbogen, Abraham
  14. Abraham ben Joseph ha-Levi of Cracow JE (JE | WP GWP G) Polish commentator, born at Cracow about 1620; died, probably in Hamburg, about 1670, or at least some time after 1659. In...
  15. Abraham ben Joseph of Orleans (JE | WP GWP G) French Talmudist; lived at Orleans, and perhaps at London, in the twelfth century. He belongs to the older tosafists, and...
  16. Abraham ben Joseph Solomon Hahazan [Wikidata] (JE | WP GWP G) Karaite rabbi at Koslov, now Eupatoria, Crimea, in the first half of the nineteenth century. His father, Joseph Solomon, whom...
  17. Abraham Joshua Hoeshl (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi at Kolbushowa, and later at Miedzyboz, Poland; lived inthe beginning of the nineteenth century. He wrote two commentaries...
  18. Abraham ben Josiah of Jerusalem (JE | WP GWP G) A Karaite author, who flourished in the first half of the eighteenth century. He went from Palestine to the Crimea, where...
  19. Abraham ben Josiah ha-Rofe (JE | WP GWP G) A Karaitic scholar and physician, born in Troki, a town near Wilna, in Lithuania, about 1636; died there in 1688. He was one...
  20. Abraham Judaeus (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A435: Abraham ibn Ezra

481 – 500

  1. Abraham Judaeus Medicus (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A577: Abraham ben Shem-Ṭob
  2. Abraham ben Judah (JE | WP GWP G) Flourished in the thirteenth century at Barcelona, Spain. According to de Rossi ("Dizionario," p. 237) there is, among the...
  3. Abraham ben Judah (JE | WP GWP G) A physician who wrote in Hebrew a medical work, "Mareot ha-Shetanim" (Aspects of the Urine); date of birth and death unknown...
  4. Abraham ben Judah Berlin (JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; died at Amsterdam March 13, 1730; son of the famous court Jew, Jost Liebman, and disciple of Isaiah Horowitz...
  5. Abraham ben Judah de Boton (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A485: Boton, Abraham ben Judah de
  6. Abraham ben Judah Eberlen (JE | WP GWP G) -- See E19: Eberlen, Abraham ben Judah
  7. Abraham ben Judah Elimelech (Almalik) (JE | WP GWP G) A cabalistic writer who lived at Pesaro (Italy) about the end of the fifteenth century and was probably a Spanish exile. He...
  8. Abraham ben Judah Hadida (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H42: Ḥadida, Abraham ben Judah
  9. Abraham ben Judah ibn Hayyim (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H397: Ḥayyim, Abraham ben Judah ibn
  10. Abraham ben Judah Loeb (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M243: Maskillejson, Abraham
  11. Abraham ben Judah Loeb Saraval (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A491: Saraval, Abraham ben Judah Loeb
  12. Abraham ben Judah Segre (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A492: Segre, Abraham ben Judah
  13. Abraham Kabassi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A493: Kabassi, Abraham
  14. Abraham Kimhi (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A494: Ḳimḥi, Abraham
  15. Abraham Kirimi JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K236: Kirimi, Abraham
  16. Abraham Klausner (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K264: Klausner, Abraham
  17. Abraham Kolisker (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A497: Kolisker, Abraham
  18. Abraham Konat ben Solomon (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C705: Conat, Abraham, ben Solomon
  19. Abraham Laniado ben Isaac (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A499: Laniado, Abraham, ben Isaac
  20. Abraham Laniado ben Samuel (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A500: Laniado, Abraham, ben Samuel
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