Welcome to the WikiProject JavaScript Reference library of magazines, books, websites, and other publications. It is intended to help editors find knowledge published in reliable sources about JavaScript, its various components, and programs written in JavaScript.
Online sources
- JavaScript on the Mozilla Developer Network
- Wikiversity JavaScript lessons – learning materials on JavaScript, collaboratively written by the community
- The ECMAScript Specification – the latest version
- About JavaScript
- Composing Software: An Introduction
- JavaScript Best Practices - Part 1
- JavaScript Best Practices - Part 2
- JavaScript Terminology For Beginners – 5 key features of the language (variables, functions, objects, properties, methods)
- Learn to Code: 13 Tips that Could Save You Years of Effort – #1 Forget university programs, #2 Start with JavaScript, etc.
- The Two Pillars of JavaScript — Part 1: How to Escape the 7th Circle of Hell – article by Eric Elliot
- The Two Pillars of JavaScript — Part 2: Functional Programming. How to Stop Micromanaging Everything – article by Eric Elliot
- The Single Biggest Mistake Programmers Make Every Day
- Why Mutation Can Be Scary – objects are mutable in JavaScript, which can lead to problems.
- Coding with Clarity – source code should be easy to read, understand, and modify.
- What I Talk About When I Talk About Sorting: Untangling Array#sort
- JavaScript for Web Designers: DOM Scripting
- Making your JavaScript Pure
- Prototypal Object-Oriented Programming using JavaScript
- Interaction Is an Enhancement
- Understand JavaScript’s “this” With Clarity, and Master It
- JavaScript the Right Way – extensive bibliography of online resources (links) for JavaScript, arranged by subject (Web/article directory)
Online books (linked web-page format)
- Exploring ES2016 and ES2017 – what's new in ECMAScript 2016 and ECMAScript 2017 (ECMAScript is the standard specification that JavaScript follows)
- Google JavaScript Style Guide – Google’s coding standards for source code in JavaScript
- Human JavaScript – "tools, patterns, and approaches optimized for people"
- JavaScript Garden – collection of tips and documentation on JavaScript's quirks
- JavaScript Guide – programmer's manual, from the Mozilla Developer Network
- JavaScript reference – describes the language in detail. From the Mozilla Developer Network.
- JavaScript WikiBook – community-written introductory-level book on JavaScript, from Wikibooks
- jQuery Fundamentals – overview of the jQuery JavaScript library, which teaches the beginner to use it to program basic tasks
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns – reusable solutions for commonly occurring problems
- Programming with JavaScript - an advanced JavaScript WikiBook by JonMark Perry
- Speaking JavaScript: An In-depth Guide for Programmers – assumes you already know another object-oriented programming language. Covers ECMAScript 5.
- Understanding ECMAScript 6 – covers the core of the language in greater depth, and explains the differences between ECMAScript5 and ECMAScript6.
- You Don't Know JS book series – released as drafts by their author, Kyle Simpson (getify), on github:
Downloadable e-books
- Eloquent JavaScript, Second Edition (pdf) – introduction to both JavaScript and programming in general, for beginners
- JavaScript Allongé (ES5) – explains the language, and how it works, with a focus on functions
- JavaScript for Cats (pdf) – easy for humans too
- JavaScript in Ten Minutes – Overview of the advanced features, for programmers who know some JavaScript
- JavaScript Spessore – developing apps with a focus on objects and metaobjects
- Learn JavaScript – covers the very basics of JavaScript
- Codecademy JavaScript Glossary
- MDN JavaScript Glossary (extensive, link-intensive)
- Simplified JavaScript Jargon – with brief definitions, and links to more in-depth explanations.
- http://www.echojs.com/
- https://cooperpress.com/ publishes JavaScript newsletters
- http://www.webplatformdaily.org/
- http://www.flippinawesome.org/category/news/best-of/ weekly list
On-line courses
- freeCodeCamp (site) – non-profit interactive learning web platform to make learning web development including JavaScript accessible to anyone.
- Khan Academy (JS courses) – non-profit educational organization with the mission "to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere", by providing free video courses and instructional materials online.
Study guides
- How to Learn JavaScript Properly – provides study guides for beginner and experienced JavaScript programmers, listing many resources
- A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) – when you are ready for a second go.
- Basic JavaScript – freeCodeCamp's 10-hour JavaScript learning track
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial – from beginning to advanced.
- Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript – from the Mozilla Developer Network
- JavaScript Tutorial – from w3schools.com
- JavaScript tutorials – beginner, intermediate, and advanced, from HTML Dog
- jQuery Fundamentals tutorial – tutorial with built-in editor, and examples that the reader can experiment with
- JSConf's YouTube channel
- Must-Watch JavaScript – collection of links to well-received talks covering a wide-spectrum of JavaScript-related topics, listed by year.
Printed publications
- Beginning JavaScript, 5th-edition, Jeremy McPeak and Paul Winton, John Wiley & Sons, 2015, ISBN 978-1-118-90374-2
- JavaScript Absolute Beginner’s Guide, Kirupa Chinnathambi, Pearson Education, 2017, ISBN 978-0-7897-5806-4
- JavaScript: The Good Parts. O'Reilly. 2008. ISBN 978-0-596-51774-8. OCLC 192027457..
- JavaScript Application Design: A Build First approach, Nicolas G. Bevacqua, Manning Publications, 2015. ISBN 9781617291951, 344 pages
By subject
Machine learning
Slide shows
- Machine Learning for JavaScript Hackers (slide show)
- Tenserflow Playground – includes a small library to power the playground
- [https:
Development environments
- DeepForge – modern development environment for deep learning
- brain.js – library of Neural Networks written in JavaScript.
- machine_learning – machine learning library for Node.js
Natural language processing
See also
- Draft:Outline of JavaScript – JavaScript articles arranged hierarchically by subject classification. Under development.
- Draft:Outline of JavaScript#Further reading – lists a bunch of websites with free information on JavaScript, arranged by learner's level.
- Index of JavaScript-related articles – alphabetical list of all JavaScript-related articles in Wikipedia.
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