Are you in the right place?

You are about to add a new section to the Wikipedia Help Desk, a page which is run by volunteer editors to help new and experienced users use the English Wikipedia. If you're not here to ask a question about how to use this site, you're probably in the wrong place. Don't worry, it happens often, but we may still be able to help you out somewhere else. This page exists to help save you and us time, by making sure you're asking the right people before you actually ask. First and foremost, if your question is a general knowledge query not specifically related to Wikipedia, you probably want to visit the Wikipedia:Reference desk, where asking knowledge questions is welcome.

Where you might want to be

Alternate venues for your question
If you're going to ask.... You may want to ask here instead...
...for help editing You may want to check our FAQ first - many common questions are answered there.
...for information about a particular topic See our Reference Desk.
...for advice on the new article you just wrote Try asking at the Teahouse.
...for help with copyright issues Ask at Wikipedia talk:Copyright problems.
...for help with a content dispute Follow the steps outlined in dispute resolution.
...for help dealing with vandalism Make a report at Wikipedia:Administrator intervention against vandalism after the vandal has been given a final warning and continued to vandalize thereafter.
...for other issues that need an administrator's attention Start a discussion at the administrator's noticeboard.
...for medical, legal, or other professional advice Don't ask here. Wikipedia cannot offer medical, legal, or other professional advice, and makes no assertion that our content is correct.
...about some objectionable content you have found in an article Wikipedia is not censored, and in our effort to provide information on a broad range of topics, we may cover some material which is potentially offensive. You view Wikipedia at your own risk.
...for help with a product you own Please contact the customer service department of the company that makes the product you are having trouble with. While we may have an article on the product or company, we are not affiliated with them in any way.

Yes! I'm in the right place!

Great! We'll be happy to help you with your question relating to Wikipedia. If you can't get a response here, keep in mind that we have several other ways to get help for you. You can go to the #wikipedia-en-help channel on libera.chat on IRC, where a volunteer can help you in a live discussion. You can also add the {{helpme}} template, along with your question, to your user talk page, which will indicate to our editors that you need help. They'll be by as quickly as possible to answer your question.

Ok, I'm ready to ask my question!

Once you're sure you're in the right place, click the link below to ask your question. Remember that all replies to your question will be made here, and not by email. We further recommend that you do not post your email address, as this page is a heavy target for spammers who may use your email to send unsolicited advertisements. Make sure to follow the instructions that you will see above the edit box to ensure a quick and detailed response to your question. Once again, welcome to Wikipedia, and happy editing.

After reading the above, about using Wikipedia
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