Guns N' Roses' past record labels, other related personalities, album tracks (i.e. not singles).
Parents and relatives
The WikiProject has many WikiProject-parents and WikiProject-relatives. Grandparent of the project is the Music WikiProject, and main parent of the project is WikiProject Rock music.
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The Guns N' Roses WikiProject is a project, founded in August 2007, that helps assemble Wikipedians interested in improving, rewriting and expanding all articles related to Americanhard rock band Guns N' Roses. The participants in the project help contribute to it by standardizing and improving all existing articles under the scope of this project, and create missing articles.
If you feel that you can make a positive contribution to the project, become a member by joining the list of participants – if you don't have enough time to become a full-time member, you may wish to become a guest member; guest members aren't expected to make contributions regularly. If you don't know what to write or where to begin, or if you have doubts or ideas on how to improve an article, please address the project's discussion forum.
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