January 02 2668802 Petition of Daniel Boone praying for a grant of land within the territory of Louisiana
January 03 301667 Check for the Purchase of Alaska
January 04 2668811 Petition from the Women of Utah to the Senate and the House of Representatives
January 05 595519 Drawing for a Game Board, 01/05/1904
January 06 President Franklin Roosevelt's Annual Message (Four Freedoms) to Congress
January 07 Answer of S. Staples, R. Baldwin, and T. Sedgewick, Proctors for the Amistad Africans, to the several libels of Lt. Gedney, et al. and Pedro Montes and Jose Ruiz, January 7, 1840
January 08 President Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points
January 09 "Sketch of Anacapa Island," 1854
January 10 2668814 "H.R. 1776 A Bill Further to promote the defense of the United States and for other purposes."
January 11 Hamilton, Alexander. Painting (bust)
January 12 1943366 Election Certification of Hattie Caraway
January 13 1501721 "An act making an alteration in the Flag of the United States"
January 14 299993 Presidential Proclamation 3839 of April 5, 1968, by President Lyndon B. Johnson designating Sunday, April 7, 1968, as a day of national mourning for Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 15 559202 Portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 16 An Act to regulate and improve the civil service of the United States (Pendleton Act), January 16, 1883
January 17 594599 Farewell address by President Dwight D. Eisenhower
January 18 595298 Jefferson’s Secret Message to Congress Regarding the Lewis and Clark Expedition
January 19 302025 Zimmermann Telegram
January 20 193871 President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address
January 21 521003 USS Nautilus (SS-571), the Navy's first atomic powered submarine
January 22 520624 Members of the 99th Fighter Squadron of the Army Air Forces, famous all-Negro outfit, at the Anzio beachhead.
January 23 299888 Act "providing for renaming of the National Cultural Center the John F. Kennedy Center For the Performing Arts"
January 24 296580 Gold Mine in the Sierra Nevada
January 25 595424 Credentials of Hiram Rhodes Revels
January 26 299776 Statement describing how on January 26, 1945, Audie L. Murphy exposed himself to enemy fire to hold off an advancing enemy
January 27 302053 Thomas Edison's Patent Application for the Light Bulb
January 28 296722 Warden's notebook page, with "mug shot," of Robert Stroud, 594-AZ, aka "The Birdman of Alcatraz."
January 29 306270 Compromise of 1850
January 30 195312 Franklin D. Roosevelt portrait in Poughkeepsie, New York, January, 1887
January 31 1408764 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery
February 01 183007 Coretta Scott King with Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Martin Luther King, Sr., Andrew Young and other civil rights leaders
February 02 299809 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
February 03 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Voting Rights
February 04 299823 Interstate Commerce Act
February 05 The YMCA in Paris for the amusement of enlisted men, gives a dance every Tuesday evening at 73 Rue de Notre Dame de Nazareth. Shows soldiers and YMCA workers in dance hall.
February 06 Treaty of Alliance with France
February 07 595017 Certificate of Matrimony for Joseph and Mary Province of Nashville, Tennessee
February 08 5641587 An Act to Provide for the Allotment of Lands in Severalty to Indians on the Various Reservations (General Allotment Act or Dawes Act)
February 09 De Lôme Letter
February 10 296983 USS Utah - Salvage; Aerial view from offshore showing ship in about 90 degree position during righting operations
February 11 306717 Consultation Among the American Republics With Respect to the Argentine Situation
February 12 526284 President Abraham Lincoln and Tad Lincoln
February 13 Receipt from Lieut. James Leonard to Midshipman John B. Nicholson
February 14 192426 Evening gown worn by Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson
February 15 300266 Telegram from Captain Charles S. Sigsbee, Commander of the USS MAINE, to the Secretary of the Navy, 02/15/1898
February 16 535936 Members of the Nation's first Negro Navigation Cadets visited City Hall as guests of Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia this afternoon. 02/16/1944
February 17 Tally of Electoral Votes for the 1800 Presidential Election, February 11, 1801
February 18 521049 Young boy tending freshly stocked fruit and vegetable stand at Center Market, 02/18/1915
February 19 783494 Executive Order 9066: Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese
February 20 Transcript of John Glenn's Official Communication with the Command Center
February 21 194412 Arrival of Air Force One in Peking, 02/21/1972
February 22 532861 Washington, George, the Virginia Colonel, 1772
February 23 520748 Photograph of Flag Raising on Iwo Jima, 02/23/1945
February 24 1497352 Marbury v. Madison
February 25 595300 Menu from Dinner Given During President Nixon's Visit to Peking, China, 02/25/1972
February 26 Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Henry Roberts
February 27 306175 Untitled Cartoon. [Anti-Third Term Principle], 10/01/1912
February 28 305263 Letter from Ho Chi Minh to President Harry S. Truman, 02/28/1946
March 01 519993 "Yellowstone Falls" by Ansel Adams
March 02 532414 ""Men of the 1st Marine Division capture Chinese Communists during fighting on the central Korean front. Hoengsong."


March 03 520668 "Negro boxing champions at Great Lakes, IL."
March 04 555524 Dairy Farmer Near Randolph Center, Vermont, 04/1974
March 05 530966 "The bloody massacre perpetrated in King Street, Boston, on Mar. 5, 1770"
March 06 306524 Conference committee report on the Missouri Compromise, March 1, 1820
March 07 302052 Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone Patent Drawing, 03/07/1876
March 08 520618 "Cmdr. Thomas A. Gaylord, USN (Ret'd), administers oath to five new Navy nurses commissioned in New York...", 03/08/1945
March 09 559269 "The Original Monitor after her Fight with the Merrimac. Near the port-hole can be seen the dents made by the heavy steel-pointed shot from the guns of the Merrimac. Hampton Roads, Virginia." 07/1862
March 10 301981 Letter from Upton Sinclair to President Theodore Roosevelt, 03/10/1906
March 11 196321 "American twin-engine bombers, provided by lend-lease"
March 12 2668751 President Truman's Message to Congress, Recommending Assistance to Greece and Turkey
March 13 520667 Carlton J. Dearborn, S2c
March 14 305886 Eli Whitney's Patent for the Cotton Gin, March 14, 1794
March 15 597839 Appointment of Eleanor Roosevelt as U.S. Representative to the United Nations
March 16 "The Double Pike" By Owen G. Warren, March 16, 1865
March 17 300356 George Washington's General Order of March 16, 1780
March 18 1943414 Senate Draft of an "Act to provide a Naval Armament" March 18, 1794
March 19 535914 "Recruiting in the New York City Hall Park in 1864."
March 20 520639 Langley (CV1), formerly the Jupiter. Aerial, bow on, plane on deck, 08/03/1923
March 21 2668824 Photograph of Lt. Henry O. Flipper
March 22 279325 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Community on the Move for Equality invite you to March for Justice and Jobs
March 23 1415809 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
March 24 299792 Acknowledgement of service obligation signed by Elvis Presley
March 25 Demonstration of protest and mourning for Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of March 25, 1911
March 26 531304 U.S. Convoy ascending the famous twenty-one curves at Annan, China., 03/26/1945
March 27 300340 A Hopi (Moqui) petition signed by all the Chiefs and headmen of the tribe asking the Federal Government to give them title to their lands instead of individually allotting each tribal member.
March 28 "Metinicus [sic] Light House", Designed by Alexander Parris, Drawn by Brown and Hastings, engineers, March 28, 1848
March 29 295965 Affadavit of CA Stovall, filed March 29, 1858
March 30 The Purchase of Alaska: Russian exchange copy of the Treaty of Cession, March 30, 1867
March 31 Sketch of Simoda from the Treaty of Kanagawa, 1854
April 01 NARA staff in Washington, DC, gathered on the Constitution Avenue steps on April 1, 1985
April 02 Joint Address to Congress Leading to a Declaration of War Against Germany
April 03 513351 "Frank E. Webner, pony express rider," ca. 1861
April 04 540031 Looking at strip chart with local [resident] Goldsboro, Pennsylvania , 04/04/1979
April 05 283642 Leon Trotsky and American admirers. Mexico, 1940
April 06 536066 "San Francisco, California. The family unit in kept intact in various phases of evacuation of persons of Japanese ancestry." 04/06/1942
April 07 542472 Photograph of the Robert Peary Sledge Party Posing with Flags at the North Pole, 04/07/1909
April 08 1408966 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators (1913)
April 09 300386 Articles of Agreement Relating to the Surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia
April 10 194197 "Opening Day of 1961 Baseball Season. President Kennedy throws out first ball. Washington, D.C., Griffith Stadium, 04/10/1961."
April 11 521780 "Edison, Kern County, California. Young migratory mother, originally from Texas."
April 12 201122 Letter from Harry S. Truman to Mrs. George P. Wallace, 04/12/1945
April 13 596719 Letter from Kelli Middlestead from the Franklin School, Burlingame, California, 04/13/1989
April 14 301678 Police Blotter Listing the Assassination of President Lincoln, 04/14/1865
April 15 Income Tax Form 1040, 1913
April 16 299814 The District of Columbia Emancipation Act
April 17 306616 "Photograph taken after midnight on April 17, 1912, G St. near 14th." 04/17/1912
April 18 594525 Telegram Announcing the Surrender of Fort Sumter
April 19 595246 Deposition of Captain John Parker Concerning the Battle at Lexington, 04/25/1775
April 20 193990 Robert F. Kennedy Statement on Cuba and Neutrality Laws, April 20, 1961
April 21 2127357 Effects of the San Francisco Earthquake
April 22 532500 "Navy Nurses. Lieutenant Commander Dorothy Ryan checks the medical chart of Marine Corporal Roy Hadaway..." 04/22/1966
April 23 Claim for Indian Depredations by Romolo Montoya
April 24 Letter from Secretary of War Henry Stimson to President Harry S. Truman, April 24, 1945.
April 25 531276 "Happy 2nd Lieutenant William Robertson and Lt. Alexander Sylvashko, Russian Army..." 04/25/1945
April 26 Reward Poster for John Wilkes Booth
April 27 304962 Age, Weight, and Measurements of the Northern Sledge Party, 04/27/1909
April 28 595308 Night Lettergram to John E. Raker from California Hop Growers
April 29 Treaty of Fort Laramie
April 30 299807 Louisiana Purchase Treaty
May 01 300262 Telegram, in code, from Theodore Roosevelt to Commodore Dewey, 02/26/1898
May 02 Cover plan to be used for downed U-2 flight
May 03 555526 "Resident of Roxbury, Vermont, draws off the finished syrup from a homemade evaporator..." 05/1974
May 04 Campus scene, Kent State University
May 05 541788 Two-story wood frame house at 5,500 feet after the blast, 05/05/1955
May 06 Chinese Exlusion Act
May 07 531280 "Jubilant American soldier hugs motherly English woman... May 7, 1945."
May 08 199078 "President Harry S. Truman seated at a desk, before a microphone, announcing the end of World War II in Europe." 05/08/1945
May 09 299965 President Woodrow Wilson's Mother's Day Proclamation of May 9, 1914
May 10 594940 Golden Spike ceremony
May 11 520678 "USS Bunker Hill hit by two Kamikazes in 30 seconds on 11 May 1945 off Kyushu."
May 12 595672 Memorandum for the President from William J. Donovan Regarding Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) Award to Virginia Hall, 05/12/1945
May 13 186627 Letter from Jackie Robinson to President Dwight D. Eisenhower
May 14 201133 Press Release Announcing U.S. Recognition of Israel
May 15 1633456 "Pilot Wm. C. Hopson, U.S. Mail Service Winter Flying Clothing."
May 16 306275 Roll call votes relating to the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson on Articles II, III, and XI.
May 17 2641494 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
May 18 1685178 Plessy v. Ferguson
May 19 Return of Goods Shipped for Exportation on the Ship Mount Vernon, May 19, 1803
May 20 299815 Homestead Act
May 21 550028 "Outdoor Market at Haymarket Square..." 05/1973
May 22 War Department General Order 143: Creation of the U.S. Colored Troops
May 23 "Instructing nurses on the use of respirator for a polio patient" May 23, 1958
May 24 594709 "East River Bridge Plan of one Tower" By John A. Roebling, 1867
May 25 "SS Major Kurt Baron Haller Von Hallerstein admitted that he had buried nearly a million dollars worth of securities and jewelry... May 25, 1945"
May 26 522204 "...Children in a democracy. A migratory family living in a trailer in an open field... "
May 27 533143 "Around the camp-fire, men of Company A, 16th Infantry, San Geronimo, Mexico, May 27th, 1916."
May 28 513217 "Silhouetted in the golden glory of a Pacific sunrise, crosses mark the graves of American boys who gave their lives to win a small atoll on the road to the Philippines..."
May 29 Virginia Plan
May 30 1501722 Kansas-Nebraska Act
May 31 525875 "Walt Whitman, ca. 1860 - ca. 1865"
June 01 535870 "Breaking a tradition of 167 years, the U.S. Marine Corps started enlisting Negroes on June 1, 1942... The first Negro to enlist was Howard P. Perry shown here."
June 02 299828 "Act of June 2, 1924, ... which authorized the Secretary of the Interior to issue certificates of citizenship to Indians."
June 03 278761 U.S. vs. Julius & Ethel Rosenberg and Martin Sobell, Government Exhibit 16, Registration forms from the Hilton Hotel, Albuquerque, New Mexico for Harry Gold, 06/03/1945
June 04 597952 Declaration of Intention for Jules Bryner (also Youl Bryner), 06/04/1943
June 05 541691 "West Berlin, Germany. Marshall Plan aid to Germany totaled $1,390,600 and enabled that country to rise from the ashes of defeat, as symbolized by this worker in West Berlin..."
June 06 186473 D-day statement to soldiers, sailor, and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force, 6/44,
June 07 Lee Resolution
June 08 305833 Rough sketch of the battlefield of Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862, compiled by Jed. Hotchkiss, 2d Army Corps, Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.
June 09 4662573 Marquis de Lafayette's Oath of Allegiance
June 10 531303 "Private First Class Troy Dixon uses a Japanese barber chair to cut the hair of Sergeant John Anderson..., "
June 11 2694465 Order to Arrest John Dillinger
June 12 198491 Remarks at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 06/12/1987
June 13 597564 Opinion of the Court by Chief Justice Earl Warren in the Case of Miranda v. Arizona, 06/13/1966
June 14 Design for American Flag with 50 Stars, By Donald Edwards, 1959
June 15 Telegram from Jackie Robinson to President John F. Kennedy, June 15, 1963
June 16 National Recovery Administration Blue Eagle
June 17 304970 Security Officer's Log of the Watergate Office Building Showing Entry for June 17, 1972
June 18 541940 "Sally Ride — America’s first woman astronaut..."
June 19 299840 Act of June 19, 1934 ("National Archives Act")
June 20 Original Design of the Great Seal of the United States
June 21 551706 "Folk singing and dancing has found a new home at the South Street Seaport on the East River near Brooklyn Bridge... 06/1973 "
June 22 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill)
June 23 595503 Drawing for a Typewriter, 06/23/1868
June 24 532037 "Saloons and disreputable places of Hazen [Nev.] June 24, 1905."
June 25 300005 Executive Order 8802: Prohibition of Discrimination in the Defense Industry
June 26 1766770 Charter of the United Nations
June 27 Teletype conference message authorizing full use of Far East Command (FECOM) naval and air forces against the North Korean forces invading South Korea
June 28 532935 Molly Pitcher at the Battle of Monmouth. June 1778.
June 29 National Interstate and Defense Highways Act
June 30 306674 Map of Yosemite National Park
July 01 Pacific Railway Act
July 02 Sherman Anti-Trust Act
July 03 Lee’s Map of the Battle of Gettysburg
July 04 1419123 Declaration of Independence
July 05 National Labor Relations Act
July 06 5641586 Alien and Sedition Acts
July 07 Letter of protest from Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii
July 08 297447 Presentation of salmon to President and Mrs. Harding, 07/08/1923
July 09 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Civil Rights
July 10 531335 "Lt. Col. Lyle Bernard ... discusses military strategy with Lt. Gen. George S. Patton."
July 11 "U.S. Post Office, Wichita Falls, Tex." By James Knox Taylor, architect, July 11, 1910
July 12 4314547 Supplemental Act of July 12, 1862
July 13 2510719 "An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States North-West of the River Ohio"
July 14 193841 Harpo Marx Telegram to John F. Kennedy July 14, 1960
July 15 Zebulon Pike’s Notebook of Maps, Traverse Tables, and Meteorological Observations
July 16 594933 "Eye-Witness Account of the Trinity Shot" by L. W. Alvarez
July 17 976500 Notes by Harry S. Truman on the Potsdam Conference, July 17, 1945
July 18 300389 Casualty List of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment from the Assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina, 07/18/1863
July 19 Letter from Thomas Jefferson, U.S. Minister to France, to John Jay, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, July 19, 1789, reporting on the events in Paris
July 20 5019130 Apollo 11 Flight Plan
July 21 192693 Ernest Hemingway 1923 Passport Photograph
July 22 533408 "McPherson, General. Scene of his death, ca. 1862 - ca. 1865"
July 23 531562 "Hancock homestead, July 23, 1910. Settler from Benson, Minn."
July 24 Recovery of the Apollo 11 Astronauts
July 25 Patent Drawing for an "Improvement In Windmills" by Thomas Van Devort
July 26 300009 Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces
July 27 Armistice Agreement for the Restoration of the South Korean State
July 28 531102 "Shacks, put up by the Bonus Army on the Anacostia flats, Washington, D.C., burning after the battle with the military. The Capitol in the background. 1932."
July 29 299868 National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958
July 30 Social Security Act Amendments
July 31 192617 "President Lyndon B. Johnson listens to tape sent by Captain Charles Robb from Vietnam, 07/31/1968"
August 01 Check for the Purchase of Alaska
August 02 305237 Action Report of the Loss of the USS PT-109 on August 1-2, 1943
August 03 532050 Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States
August 04 299986 Presidential Proclamation Commemorating the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the United States Coast Guard
August 05 193885 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
August 06 Voting Rights Act
August 07 Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Senate roll call tally sheet, 08/07/1964
August 08 516444 "Anadarko Townsite, August 8, 1901. Auction in progress in lumber company booth..."
August 09 302035 Richard M. Nixon’s Resignation Letter, 08/09/1974
August 10 An Act to implement recommendations of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
August 11 305489 Esquimalt Harbor, from summit of "Mill Mountain" ... 1857 - 1862
August 12 "Crowds gather for the Washington, D.C., premiere of the film This Is the Army at Warner’s Earle Theater in Washington, D.C., on August 12, 1943. "
August 13 2619029 Telegram, Jackie Robinson to E. Frederick Morrow, August 13, 1957
August 14 596382 Social Security Act
August 15 531280 "American servicemen and women ... celebrate the unconditional surrender of the Japanese."
August 16 564989 "Draft of the U.S.S. Schooner 'Grampus,' building at Navy Yard, Washington, DC"
August 17 596346 "Track Chart of Bombing Mission to Schweinfurt, 08/17/1943 "
August 18 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote
August 19 512970 Sail Plan for the Frigate USS Constitution
August 20 4757823 "Walruses in Pool" August 1901, Watercolor by Russell W. Porter
August 21 "Battery Gun" By Richard Jordan Gatling, 1865
August 22 523071 "‘Radishes! Penny a bunch!’ ... Cincinnati, OH, 08/22/1908 "
August 23 "By the King, A Proclamation, For Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition"
August 24 531090 "Capture of the City of Washington," August 1814.
August 25 531209 "American troops of the 28th Infantry Division march down the Champs Elysees..." 08/29/1944
August 26 "Postman delivering mail, rural mail route, York county, Maine"
August 27 596077 Photograph of Lyndon B. Johnson Circa Six Years Old, ca. 1915
August 28 Official Program for the March on Washington
August 29 553245 "August brings the 'D’Aug Days' to Fountain Square... 08/1973."
August 30 306369 Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating Thurgood Marshall of New York to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 06/13/1967
August 31 541130 "Home of George Hoskins, his wife and ten children..." 08/31/1946
September 01 198127 Bedside Note of President Franklin D. Roosevelt Regarding the Invasion of Poland by Germany, 09/01/1939
September 02 357740 Instrument of Surrender of Japan
September 03 Treaty of Paris
September 04 552662 "Labor Day Weekend brings the Annual Garfield County Fair Parade, 09/1973"
September 05 National Archives Building construction progress (exterior framing).
September 06 Letter from Mrs. Barnard Cummings to President Eisenhower re: her son held as a prisoner of war in North Korea
September 07 181104 "Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin greet each for their first meeting at the Camp David Summit as Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter watch. 09/07/1978"
September 08 595452 Letter to President Gerald Ford from Anthony Ferreira, a Third Grader at Henry B. Milnes School
September 09 306270 Compromise of 1850
September 10 Sewing Machine, Patent Drawing
September 11 "FBI agents, fire fighters, rescue workers and engineers work at the Pentagon crash site," 9/11/2001
September 12 595419 Homestead Proof—Testimony of Claimant Almanzo Wilder, 09/12/1884
September 13 "Nurse wearing a mask as protection against influenza. September 13, 1918."
September 14 Report of Lt. Col. George Armistead on the defense of Fort McHenry, September 24, 1814
September 15 532404 "...Leathernecks use scaling ladders to storm ashore at Inchon in amphibious invasion September 15, 1950..."
September 16 1667751 Constitution of the United States
September 17 1667751 Constitution of the United States
September 18 1667751 Constitution of the United States
September 19 "Boat Exercises - Naval Training Station, Hampton Roads, Va. September 19, 1918" (Detail of Panoramic Photo)
September 20 523480 "Young pickers on Swift's Bog. All working. Falmouth, Mass., 09/20/1911"
September 21 542266 "...Russian-built MIG-15 fighter interceptor which was flown to a U.S. Air Force base at Kimpo near Seoul..."
September 22 300010 "Executive Order 10924: Establishment of the Peace Corps


September 23 Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School
September 24 1501550 Federal Judiciary Act
September 25 1408042 Bill of Rights
September 26 193181 First Kennedy-Nixon Debate, September 26, 1960
September 27 3456599 Passenger list of the SS Bergensfjord, dated September 27, 1939 (page 1)
September 28 523263 "Rose Biodo, Philadelphia, 10 years old..."
September 29 595043 Enrico Fermi
September 30 521003 USS Nautilus (SS-571), the Navy's first atomic powered submarine
October 01 593560 "Jimmy Carter with his dog Bozo, 1937 "
October 02 302020 Robert E. Lee's Amnesty Oath, 10/02/1865
October 03 894484 Memorandum of Telephone Conversation between President Bush and Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany, October 3, 1990
October 04 595541 Pigeon Message from Capt. Whittlesey to the Commanding Officer of the 308th Infantry, 10/04/1918
October 05 594412 Patent Drawing for a Flying Machine, 10/05/1869
October 06 President Jimmy Carter's Notes from his private meeting with Pope John Paul II, October 6, 1979.
October 07 194230 Signing of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 10/07/1963
October 08 530787 "Sergeant Alvin C. York, 328th Infantry..."
October 09 186623 Memorandum of Conference with President Eisenhower on October 8, 1957, 10/09/1957
October 10 Letter from Clarence King to A. A. Humphreys, 10/10/1870
October 11 193885 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
October 12 Submarine Torpedo Boat, By John P. Holland, February 18, 1875
October 13 305242 "War Diary of USS Franklin (CV-13), October 13, 1944."
October 14 295644 Pilot's Notes from the Ninth Powered Flight of the XS-1, 10/14/1947
October 15 539908 "Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. Shown here is a young miss, dressed in her Sunday best ..., 10/06/1945,"
October 16 193926 MRBM Field Launch Site San Cristobal No. 1 14 October 1962
October 17 "Verdict in United States of America v. Alphonse Capone, October 17, 1931


October 18 300373 Robert E. Lee's demand for the surrender of John Brown and his party, October 18, 1859
October 19 598392 An Act to Establish the National Archives and Records Administration
October 20 Senate resolution of advice and consent to Louisiana Purchase Treaty
October 21 594360 "A female demonstrator offers a flower to military police..." 10/21/1967
October 22 193899 Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Soviet Arms Buildup in Cuba, President's Reading Copy, October 22, 1962
October 23 2669462 Letter from Lt. Henry O. Flipper to Representative John A. T. Hull, October 23, 1898
October 24 1766770 Charter of the United Nations
October 25 The "America" October 25, 1901
October 26 594927 C. E. Dayton's Velocipede, Patented Oct. 26, 1869
October 27 530951 Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, 1st Cavalry, U.S.Volunteers, ca. 1898
October 28 305886 Eli Whitney's Patent for the Cotton Gin, March 14, 1794
October 29 "The White Angel Bread Line"
October 30 596223 Letter from J. V. Yaukey to the Federal Communications Commission regarding the "War of the Worlds" broadcast, 11/01/1938
October 31 194260 "Halloween Visitors to the Oval Office... 10/31/1963"
November 01 Thomas Edison's handwritten specifications for an Improvement in Electric Lamps, 11/01/1879
November 02 National Archives building construction progress (work on Rotunda).
November 03 1055071 "Report on Trans-Continental Trip," November 3, 1919
November 04 Draft Letter from Richard M. Nixon to Jackie Robinson, November 4, 1960
November 05 531221 "Cpl. Carlton Chapman...is a machine-gunner in an M-4 tank..." 11/05/1944
November 06 593939 Letter from Jimmy Carter to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini regarding the Release of the Iranian Hostages, 11/06/1979
November 07 Representative Jeannette Rankin
November 08 193235 Massachusetts Election Ballot November 8, 1960
November 09 The Agreement of Secrecy, November 9, 1775
November 10 199679 "President Truman lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. 11/11/1947"
November 11 530777 "One of the guns of Battery D, 105th Field Artillery, showing American flag which was hoisted after the last shot had been fired when the armistice took effect. Etraye, France., 11/11/1918"
November 12 306684 Petition for Universal Suffrage, Signed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and others.
November 13 514265 "Five Sullivan Brothers - They Did Their Part"
November 14 594340 Portrait of Mamie Doud Eisenhower
November 15 301687 Articles of Confederation
November 16 306086 "To Go or Not to Go?" 03/02/1909
November 17 532780 "Newly-arrived replacements at CCC Camp, TVA #22, near Esco, Tennessee, lined up before their first meal in camp..." 11/17/1933
November 18 535939 "General Bernard L. Montgomery watches his tanks move up. North Africa, November 1942."
November 19 118482 Gettysburg Address
November 20 522863 "...Native girls packing pineapple into cans..." November 20, 1928
November 21 Letter from Leon Trotsky, Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the newly formed Soviet government, to U.S. Ambassador David Francis, received at the Embassy on November 21, 1917.
November 22 595538 President Johnson's Remarks Upon Arrival at Andrews Air Force Base, 11/22/1963
November 23 299956 George Washington's October 3, 1789, Thanksgiving Day Proclamation
November 24 302051 Patent Drawing for Joseph F. Glidden's Improvement to Barbed Wire, 11/24/1874
November 25 788777 Indictment of Aaron Burr for Treason, 1806
November 26 300285 William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody's serial patent land entry file processed at the land office in Lander, Wyoming, November 26, 1903
November 27 535572 "Red Cross field men preparing to ship gift boxes to servicemen fighting on Leyte and other islands in the Philippines..."
November 28 532582 "Within historic grounds of the Forbidden City in Pekin, China, on November 28, celebrated the victory of the Allies. ca. 1900 "
November 29 "New Roosevelt Dam Salt River Project Ariz." By Vitaliano, November 29, 1982
November 30 197062 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill in Teheran, Iran, 11/29/1943
December 01 596069 Diagram of the Bus Showing Where Rosa Parks Was Seated
December 02 1157557 Senate Resolution 301: Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy
December 03 Message from Commander, Air Technical Information Center to Commander, Air Defense Command reporting the sighting of an unidentified flying object
December 04 824626 Letter from General George Washington to John Hancock, President of Congress, 12/04/1775
December 05 299967 Presidential Proclamation 2065 of December 5, 1933, in which President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces the Repeal of Prohibition.
December 06 5682743 President Andrew Jackson's Message to Congress "On Indian Removal"
December 07 Radiogram reporting the Pearl Harbor attack, December 7, 1941
December 08 593345 Annotated Draft of "Day of Infamy" Speech: Joint Address to Congress Leading to a Declaration of War Against Japan
December 09 1407979 12th Amendment
December 10 "Regulations Governing Mountain Climbing Expeditions in Nepal - Relating to Yeti"
December 11 299851 Joint Resolution of December 12, 1941, Public Law 77-331, 55 STAT 796, which declared war on Germany. 12/11/1941
December 12 512989 Panay (River Gunboat PG45). Port bow, underway, 08/30/1928
December 13 200407 Photograph of President Truman and other dignitaries at the dedication of the new shrine at the National Archives for the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
December 14 535858 "Somewhere in England one of the hottest bands in the European Theater of Operations belongs to a Special United States Naval Construction Battalion..." 12/14/1944
December 15 1408042 Bill of Rights
December 16 532892 "The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor. 1773."
December 17 "Original Wright Brothers 1903 Aeroplane (‘Kitty Hawk’) in first flight, December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, NC..."
December 18 Proclamation of the Secretary of State announcing the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, December 18, 1865
December 19 306653 Letter of protest from Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii
December 20 593571 "Proclamation: To the People of New Orleans," December 20, 1803
December 21 Elvis Presley's Letter to President Richard Nixon
December 22 301637 Telegram from General William T. Sherman to President Abraham Lincoln announcing the surrender of Savannah, Georgia, as a Christmas present to the President. 12/22/1864
December 23 295012 Statement by Captain Olof W. Eckstrom Made at the Army Hospital at Camp San Luis Obispo, 12/23/1941
December 24 Treaty of Ghent, December 24, 1814
December 25 "Rising earth greets Apollo VIII astronauts..."
December 26 Return of Prisoners taken at Trenton the 26th, December 1776 by the Army under the command of his Excellency General Washington.
December 27 "Situation 1200 hours 27 December 1944 Twelfth Army Group"
December 28 541905 "A patron of ‘Sammy's Bowery Follies’..." December, 1947
December 29 Note from Thomas Jefferson regarding the disposition of his Presidential papers, December 29, 1801
December 30 541884 "The lion statues at the New York Public Library..." December, 1948
December 31 539711 "Topaz, Utah. Evacuees celebrate New Year's Eve. Japanese Americans at Central Utah Relocation Cent..." 12/31/1944
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