Flatline Association Game #3: "Marcus Lawton"
A word starts in the center of the grid, words expand out of the middle into red squares, branching into 1-dimensional line style branches. The branches are always 45 words, the same as in Expansive Grid.
The red square and the corresponding branch's first word must be the same and in bold.
Game #2 started with Aquarium Development. The grid portion ended with MTR, Urban Jungle, John J. Pershing, and Cuban Missile Crisis. These words started line games which ended with Trophy, Bermuda, Hokkaido, and Ancient Egypt, respectively. An archive is available at [1].
Game #3's starting word, "Marcus Lawton", was chosen via Random Article.
Branch 1: "Southern United States"
Southern United States, Parallel 36°30′ north, Parallel 54°40' north, Boundary dispute, Bir Tawil, Terra nullius, Antarctica, Marie Byrd Land, Lady Bird Johnson, Jill Biden, Jill Stein, Green party, Green thumb, Gardening, Back pain, Spinal disc herniation, Hernia, Inguinal canal, Abdomen, Abdominal pain, Gastrointestinal perforation, Sucking chest wound, Gunshot wound,
Word count is 23/45 as of word: Gunshot wound.
Branch 2: "New Orleans"
New Orleans, Louisiana, Louisiana Voodoo,
Word count is 3/45 as of word: Louisiana Voodoo.
Branch 3: "Summer Olympic Games"
Summer Olympic Games, Monaco at the Olympics, No Medals, No Highway, Fatigue testing, Destructive testing, Crash test dummy, Crash Test Dummies, Winnipeg, Lake Winnipeg, Red River of the North, Cock o' the North, Cock-of-the-rock, Chicken, Tastes like chicken, If it looks like a duck, Inductive reasoning, Inductor,
Word count is 18/45 as of word: Inductor.
Branch 4: "Lycanroc"
Lycanroc, Lycra, Spandex, Skin-tight garment, Elastic tension, Word count is 5/45 as of word: Elastic tension.
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