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Detections for error #545
- "Big" Donnie MacLeod: |accessdate=2018-04-06
- "Heroes" (David Bowie album): |accessdate=18 January 2010
- "I Want" song: |accessdate=June 1, 2014
- "Sweets" for the Sweet: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- "The Spaghetti Incident?": |accessdate=January 28, 2019, |accessdate=16 September 2019
- "Unplugged" Live: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- "Weird Al" Yankovic videography: |authorlink=Nathan Rabin
- '79-'85: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 'Abd al-Hamīd ibn Turk: |authorlink=Carl Benjamin Boyer, |authorlink=Aydin Sayili
- 'Agojo so'jo: |authorlink=Edward S. Curtis, |authorlink=Elsie Clews Parsons
- 'Ain Ghazal Statues: |accessdate=20 June 2016, |accessdate=20 June 2016
- 'Ain Mallaha: |authorlink1=David Wengrow, |accessdate=16 March 2011
- 'Ajam of Kuwait: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=5 January 2014, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 December 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=5 January 2014
- 'Amran: |accessdate=13 April 2012, |accessdate=13 April 2012, |accessdate=15 April 2012
- 'Ara: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink=Adam Zertal
- 'Asir Province: |accessdate=2016-08-15, |accessdate=2016-08-15, |accessdate=2016-08-15, |accessdate=2016-08-15, |accessdate=2016-08-15
- 'Bout Love: |accessdate=March 22, 2019
- 'In Wrong' Wright: |accessdate=December 23, 2018
- 'Nuff Said (Ike & Tina Turner album): |accessdate=August 4, 2019
- 'Ota 'ika: | accessdate=July 30, 2016
- 'Round Midnight (1963 Betty Carter album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 'Round Midnight (Kenny Burrell album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 'Round Midnight (song): |accessdate=May 5, 2014↵
- 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster: | accessdate=18 December 2016
- (B, N) pair: | authorlink=Nicolas Bourbaki , | authorlink=Jean-Pierre Serre
- (Closest Thing To) Perfect: |accessdate=2011-07-07
- (Come 'Round Here) I'm the One You Need: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- (E)-Stilbene: |authorlink1 = Daryle H. Busch, |authorlink1 = Atta-ur-Rahman (chemist), |authorlink2 = Stephen F. Martin
- (For God's Sake) Give More Power to the People: |accessdate=February 23, 2019
- (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons: | authorlink = Joel Whitburn
- (I Wanna) Testify: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- (I'll Be with You) In Apple Blossom Time: |accessdate=23 July 2016
- (I'm) Stranded: |accessdate=29 April 2013
- (In)Visible Dialogues: |authorlink = Per Hüttner↵
- (My Baby Don't Love Me) No More: | authorlink = Joel Whitburn↵
- (No Pussyfooting): |accessdate=7 January 2017
- (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away: |accessdate=11 February 2015
- (Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty: |authorlink= Joel Whitburn , |authorlink= Jim Irvin
- (They Long to Be) Close to You: |accessdate=13 August 2017
- (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang: | accessdate = 15 December 2010
- (What's the Story) Morning Glory?: |accessdate=11 January 2012 , |accessdate=9 January 2012 , |accessdate=12 January 2012 , |accessdate=12 January 2012
- (Z)-Stilbene: |authorlink1 =Ernest L. Eliel
- (−1)F: | authorlink = Mikhail A. Shifman
- +'Justments: |accessdate=March 22, 2019
- -ana: |accessdate=14 June 2016
- -ane: |origyear= 1958 (A: Hydrocarbons, and B: Fundamental Heterocyclic Systems), 1965 (C: Characteristic Groups)
- -yne: |origyear= 1958 (A: Hydrocarbons, and B: Fundamental Heterocyclic Systems), 1965 (C: Characteristic Groups)
- ... And Some Were Human: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- ...And Now Miguel: | accessdate=18 December 2016
- ...And a Little Pleasure: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- ...If I Die, I Die: |accessdate=September 21, 2014
- ...Is It Something I Said?: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- ...So Far: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- ...Twice Shy: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- ...Very 'Eavy ...Very 'Umble: |authorlink1 = Martin Popoff , |authorlink=Martin Popoff
- ...Y mañana serán mujeres: |accessdate=27 February 2011
- ...a milicija trenira strogoću! (i druge pjesmice za djecu): |music_credits = ↵, |lyrics_credits = ↵
- ...aus dem Bauch: | writing_credits = ↵
- .22 BB: |authorlink=Frank Barnes (gunsmith), |accessdate=25 January 2012
- .22 CHeetah: |accessdate=7 April 2013, |accessdate=7 April 2013
- .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer: |origyear = 1962↵
- .223 Wylde chamber: |authorlink=Patrick Sweeney (gunsmith)
- .25 Stevens: | authorlink= Elmer Keith↵
- .264 Winchester Magnum: | accessdate = ↵
- .277 FURY: |accessdate=March 17, 2020
- .280 Ross: | origyear = 1965
- .30 R Blaser: |accessdate=2 August 2013
- .308×1.5-inch Barnes: |origyear=1972 , |accessdate=2017-09-04, | origyear = 1965
- .310 Cadet: | origyear = 1965
- .338 Whisper: | origyear = 1965↵
- .357 Remington Maximum: |authorlink=John Taffin
- .375 Weatherby Magnum: |origyear=1992 , | origyear = 1965
- .38 rimfire: |accessdate=2013-11-20
- .38-55 Winchester: |accessdate=20 June 2013
- .38/.45 Clerke: | origyear = 1965↵
- .400 H&H Magnum: | origyear = 1965
- .400 Whelen: | origyear = 1965
- .41 Action Express: | origyear = 1965↵
- .41 rimfire: | origyear = 1965
- .425 Westley Richards: | origyear = 1965
- .44 Colt: |authorlink=John Taffin
- .44 Remington Centerfire: |accessdate=2013-07-10, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2013-07-13
- .450 Rigby: | origyear = 1965
- .458×2-inch American: | origyear = 1965
- .46 rimfire: |origyear=1965
- .465 H&H Magnum: | origyear = 1965
- .470 Capstick: | origyear = 1965
- .475 Linebaugh: | origyear = 1965
- .500 A-Square: | origyear = 1996
- .500 Linebaugh: | origyear = 1965
- .500 Wyoming Express: | origyear = 1965
- .510 Whisper: |origyear=1965
- /dev/zero: |accessdate=16 July 2014
- /æ/ raising: |authorlink1=William Labov↵, |authorlink3=Charles Boberg↵
- 0-12-0: |authorlink=C. Hamilton Ellis
- 0s: | authorlink=E. P. Sanders
- 1 (The Motors album): |accessdate=March 8, 2019
- 1 Chronicles 10: | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 11: | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 12: | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 13: | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 14: | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 15: | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 4: |authorlink= Henry Barclay Swete , | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 5: |authorlink= Henry Barclay Swete , | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 6: |authorlink= Henry Barclay Swete , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 7: |authorlink= Henry Barclay Swete , | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 8: |authorlink= Henry Barclay Swete , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Chronicles 9: |authorlink=Henry Barclay Swete , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 1 Corinthians 10: | authorlink=Alexander Kirkpatrick, | authorlink= John M. G. Barclay
- 1 Corinthians 16: | authorlink= John M. G. Barclay, | authorlink= Bruce W. Winter
- 1 Corinthians 3: | authorlink= Alexander Kirkpatrick
- 1 Corinthians 4: | authorlink = Kurt Aland↵ , | authorlink2 = Barbara Aland↵
- 1 Main Circuit: |authorlink = United States Navy↵ , |accessdate = 2006-12-16↵ , |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 2006-12-06↵
- 1 Maja Coal Mine: |accessdate=28 January 2018
- 1 Night in China: | accessdate= 5 July 2009 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1 November 1944 reconnaissance sortie over Japan: |authorlink=Robert F. Dorr
- 1 Reconnaissance Commando (South Africa): |accessdate=24 December 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=24 December 2014
- 1 Samuel 2: | authorlink = Joseph Fitzmyer
- 1 Thessalonians 1: |authorlink= Philip Esler
- 1 Thessalonians 2: |authorlink=Philip Esler
- 1 Thessalonians 3: |authorlink= Philip Esler
- 1 Thessalonians 4: |authorlink= Philip Esler
- 1 Thessalonians 5: |authorlink= Philip Esler
- 1 Timothy 1: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Donald Guthrie (theologian)
- 1 rin coin: |accessdate=January 9, 2019, |accessdate=June 12, 2017
- 1 × 1: |accessdate=3 January 2017, |accessdate=3 January 2017
- 1 − 2 + 4 − 8 + ⋯: |authorlink=Leonhard Euler , |authorlink=Gottfried Leibniz
- 1% (song): | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- 1+1 (Grin album): |accessdate=1 March 2019
- 1, 2, 3 Go!: |accessdate=13 February 2018
- 1,1-Dibromoethane: |accessdate=9 June 2017
- 1,1-Difluoroethylene: |accessdate=8 July 2017, |accessdate=8 July 2017
- 1,1-Diiodoethane: |accessdate=8 June 2017
- 1,1-Dimethyldiborane: |accessdate=19 August 2015
- 1,1-Ethanedithiol: |accessdate=1 December 2012, |accessdate=2 December 2012
- 1,2-Diiodoethane: |accessdate=5 January 2014
- 1,2-Dimethyldiborane: |accessdate=14 August 2015, |accessdate=17 August 2015
- 1,3-Dioxane: |accessdate = June 12, 2020
- 1-2-3-4 (Ray Drummond album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 1-Bromopropane: |accessdate=3 September 2014
- 1-K pot: |accessdate=28 January 2018
- 1-OQA+19: |origyear = 1992
- 1.5 µm process: |accessdate=14 November 2020
- 1.8.7: |accessdate=December 22, 2015
- 1/2 Gentlemen/Not Beasts: |accessdate=February 3, 2018
- 10 (John Anderson album): |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- 10 Eventful Years: |accessdate=December 2, 2011, |accessdate=December 2, 2011
- 10 Story Fantasy: |authorlink= Mike Ashley (writer)
- 10 from 6: |accessdate=16 August 2020
- 10 to Midnight: | authorlink=Paul Talbot
- 10-Yard Fight: |accessdate=August 15, 2012
- 10-inch/31-caliber gun: | authorlink=Norman Friedman↵
- 10-inch/40-caliber gun Mark 3: | authorlink= Norman Friedman↵
- 10.5" Corporate 14 Bolt Differential: |accessdate=14 October 2011
- 10/40 window: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=February 6, 2003
- 100 Años de Mariachi: |accessdate=20 June 2019
- 100 Books by August Derleth: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- 100 Oaks Mall: |accessdate=2014-10-24, |accessdate=2014-10-24
- 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America: |accessdate=July 19, 2009 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 100 Proof (Aged in Soul): |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- 100% Maná: |accessdate=26 August 2019
- 100cc: |accessdate=March 15, 2019
- 100th Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 101 Park Avenue Building: | accessdate = 2011-04-01
- 101 Strings: |accessdate=18 March 2012
- 101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher: | accessdate=18 December 2016
- 101 Zen Stories: |authorlink1=Paul Reps, |authorlink2=Nyogen Senzaki
- 1011: | author1link = Cyril Toumanoff↵
- 1016: | authorlink= Nicholas Ambraseys↵
- 101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy: |authorlink=Mark H. Walker
- 101st Infantry Division (France): | accessdate = 2008-12-20
- 101st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion: |authorlink=Jens Westemeier↵
- 1021: |accessdate=17 January 2012
- 1027: |authorlink=Herwig Wolfram, |authorlink=William W. Clark, |authorlink=Lenn E. Goodman
- 102nd Medium Battery, Royal Australian Artillery: | authorlink = David Horner
- 103.4 DFM: |accessdate=2018-04-14
- 1030: | authorlink = Heinz Halm , |accessdate=27 December 2016
- 103rd Medium Battery, Royal Australian Artillery: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , | authorlink = David Horner
- 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 March 2015
- 104th Aero Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear=1969
- 104th Street station (BMT Jamaica Line): |accessdate=April 19, 2016
- 105 mm gun T8: |authorlink = Ian V. Hogg, |authorlink=Steven Zaloga
- 105th Battalion (Prince Edward Island Highlanders), CEF: |accessdate=16 October 2015 , |accessdate=3 March 2015, |authorlink = G. W. L. Nicholson , |accessdate=3 March 2015, |accessdate=9 November 2015 , |accessdate=9 November 2015 , |accessdate=5 November 2015 , |accessdate=8 November 2015
- 106th Field Battery, Royal Australian Artillery: | authorlink = David Horner
- 106th Hazara Pioneers: |accessdate=29 March 2011, |accessdate=29 March 2011
- 1070s in art: |accessdate=3 May 2012, |accessdate=2012-05-03
- 1080 usage in New Zealand: | accessdate= 1 May 2010 <!--Added by DASHBot-->, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 22 May 2010 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 109th Division (Imperial Japanese Army): | accessdate = 2010-01-15↵
- 109–115 Wood Street: | accessdate=2010-07-02
- 10cc discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 10nen Go no Kimi e: | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- 10th Airborne Command and Control Squadron: |accessdate=17 December 2016 , |accessdate=17 December 2016 , |accessdate=17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016, |accessdate=5 November 2018
- 10th Airlift Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 10th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 10th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion: | accessdate = 2020-05-17↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-25↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-25↵
- 10th Area Fleet (Imperial Japanese Navy): | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- 10th Armoured Brigade (United Kingdom): | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 10th Army (France): | accessdate=14 August 2020
- 10th Independent Rifle Company, Royal Australian Regiment: |authorlink1=David Horner
- 10th Marine Regiment: |accessdate=12 December 2008
- 10th Parliament of British Columbia: |accessdate=2011-08-26
- 10th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=22 April 2015
- 10th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 10th Street galleries: |author1link=Fred W. McDarrah
- 10th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 10th Texas Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 10th Youth in Film Awards: |accessdate=18 April 2010
- 10th century in Denmark: |accessdate=2012-10-29, |accessdate=2012-10-29, |accessdate=2012-10-29, |accessdate=2012-10-29, |accessdate=2012-10-28, |accessdate=2012-10-28, |accessdate=2012-10-28, |accessdate=2012-10-28, |accessdate=2012-10-28, |accessdate=2012-10-29, |accessdate=2012-10-28, |accessdate=2012-10-28, |accessdate=2012-10-28, |accessdate=2012-10-28↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-28↵
- 10th century in literature: |authorlink2=F. Richard Stephenson, |accessdate=15 August 2012, |accessdate=15 August 2012, |accessdate=15 August 2012, |accessdate=18 August 2012, |accessdate=15 August 2012, |accessdate=17 September 2012, |accessdate=17 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |authorlink=Gro Steinsland, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=15 September 2012, |accessdate=15 September 2012, |accessdate=16 September 2012, |authorlink=George Saintsbury, |accessdate=15 September 2012, |accessdate=17 August 2012, |accessdate=17 August 2012, |accessdate=17 August 2012, |accessdate=15 August 2012, |accessdate=15 August 2012, |accessdate=19 August 2012, |accessdate=19 August 2012, |authorlink=David Nicolle, |accessdate=19 August 2012, |authorlink=Helen Craig McCullough, |accessdate=23 September 2012, |accessdate=15 August 2012, |accessdate=8 September 2012, |accessdate=17 October 2012, |authorlink=Hafizullah Emadi, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |authorlink=Margaret Clunies Ross, |accessdate=16 September 2012, |accessdate=24 September 2012, |authorlink=Donald Keene, |accessdate=28 September 2012, |accessdate=28 September 2012, |accessdate=23 September 2012, |accessdate=15 August 2012, |accessdate=6 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=17 October 2012, |authorlink=Oba Minako, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 October 2012, |accessdate=6 September 2012, |authorlink=Michael Cooperson, |accessdate=17 October 2012, |authorlink=Sheldon Pollock, |accessdate=23 September 2012, |accessdate=13 October 2012, |accessdate=26 September 2012, |accessdate=17 October 2012, |accessdate=11 September 2012, |authorlink=Kim Plofker, |accessdate=8 September 2012, |authorlink=Hilarion (Alfeyev), |accessdate=11 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |authorlink=Edwin Cranston, |accessdate=28 September 2012, |authorlink=Farhad Daftary, |accessdate=15 September 2012, |authorlink=Louis Frédéric, |accessdate=23 September 2012, |accessdate=6 September 2012, |authorlink1=Earl Miner, |accessdate=11 September 2012
- 10x Management: |accessdate=2020-07-01
- 11 (The Smithereens album): |accessdate=25 July 2018
- 11 O'Clock: |accessdate=27 June 2014
- 11 Piki no Neko: | accessdate=May 2, 2015
- 11 Westferry Circus: |accessdate=2012-01-19
- 11 o'clock number: |accessdate=7 August 2018
- 110-vertex Iofinova-Ivanov graph: |accessdate=12 August 2015
- 1100 Bel Air Place: |accessdate=2012-03-10
- 1100 in Italy: |accessdate=2013-11-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-23↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-28↵
- 1101 in Italy: |authorlink=Frank Barlow (historian), |authorlink=Frank Barlow (historian), |authorlink= Norman Cantor , |authorlink=Richard Southern
- 1105 in Italy: |authorlink=Patricia Skinner (historian)
- 1107: |authorlink=Frank Barlow (historian)
- 1108 in Italy: |accessdate=2013-11-27↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-26
- 1113 in Italy: | authorlink =↵
- 111th Mahars: | accessdate=5 August 2015
- 111th Street station (BMT Jamaica Line): |accessdate=April 20, 2015
- 113 and 117 Foregate Street, Chester: | authorlink = Edward Hubbard
- 113th Brigade (United Kingdom): | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 114th Brigade (United Kingdom): | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 114th Illinois Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- 115 Antioch earthquake: |accessdate=20 October 2011, |accessdate=20 October 2011, |accessdate=20 October 2011
- 115 Squadron (Israel): | accessdate=April 15, 2011 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 1150s BC: |authorlink=James Henry Breasted
- 1155 in Norway: |origyear=2000
- 1157 (album): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1157 in Norway: |origyear=2000
- 115th Brigade (United Kingdom): | authorlink = ↵, | origyear = 1990↵
- 115th Operations Group: |accessdate=23 March 2012
- 1164 Kobolda: |accessdate = 7 September 2017↵
- 1169 Sicily earthquake: |accessdate=25 June 2012
- 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team: |accessdate=11 June 2020
- 1176: |accessdate=8 March 2018
- 117th Operations Group: |accessdate=17 December 2016, |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016, |accessdate=20 September 2015 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=13 February 2016 , |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 118th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=2013-02-13, |accessdate=2013-02-13
- 1193: |authorlink=Charles Allen (writer)
- 1199: The National Health Care Workers' Union: | authorlink =↵
- 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East: | authorlink = Leon Fink (historian) , | authorlink = Leon Fink (historian)
- 11mm French Ordnance: | origyear=1965
- 11th Air Squadron (Japan): |authorlink=Ikuhiko Hata
- 11th Airlift Flight: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016
- 11th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 11th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion: | accessdate = 2020-05-29↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-29↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-17↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-25↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-29↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-25↵
- 11th Army (RSFSR): |authorlink=Richard G. Hovannisian
- 11th Army (Soviet Union): |authorlink=Orlando Figes , |authorlink=Peter Kenez
- 11th Army Corps (France): |accessdate=27 July 2013
- 11th Attack Squadron: |accessdate=2 July 2014, |origyear=1969
- 11th Carabinieri Mechanized Brigade: |accessdate=22 March 2018, |accessdate=8 March 2017, |accessdate=2 May 2018, |accessdate=1 July 2018 , |accessdate=26 April 2018, |accessdate=2 May 2018, |accessdate=9 May 2018, |accessdate=9 May 2018, |accessdate=15 April 2018
- 11th Division (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 11th Division (Yugoslav Partisans): | authorlink = Marko Attila Hoare↵
- 11th Fighter Wing: |origyear= 1961, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 11th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 11th Light Horse Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink=Henry Gullett, |authorlink1=David Horner
- 11th Parliament of British Columbia: |accessdate=2011-08-29, |accessdate=2011-08-27
- 11th Pennsylvania Regiment: |authorlink=David Hackett Fischer
- 11th Street Bridges: |accessdate=22 November 2019
- 11th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Kenneth W. Noe
- 12 Byō: | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- 12 Discípulos: | accessdate = 2014-05-02
- 12-inch/35-caliber gun: |accessdate=12 October 2016↵ , |authorlink=Norman Friedman↵
- 12-inch/40-caliber gun: |authorlink=Norman Friedman↵ , |authorlink=Newton E. Mason↵ , |accessdate=13 October 2016↵
- 12-inch/50-caliber Mark 7 gun: | authorlink =Norman Friedman↵
- 12-inch/50-caliber Mark 8 gun: | accessdate= 11 January 2009 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 1203 in poetry: |authorlink=Robert N. Huey
- 1207 Ostenia: |accessdate = 22 November 2015
- 1209 Pumma: |accessdate = 22 November 2015
- 121 Centre: |accessdate=8 April 2019
- 1216: |authorlink=F. M. Powicke
- 121st Street station (BMT Jamaica Line): |accessdate=April 23, 2015, |accessdate=March 4, 2016
- 1222 Cyprus earthquake: |authorlink1=Nicholas Ambraseys
- 1229 Tilia: |accessdate = 11 January 2018
- 1231: |accessdate=20 November 2016
- 1236: |authorlink1=David Hey
- 123RF: |accessdate=11 June 2020
- 123rd Battalion (Royal Grenadiers), CEF: |origyear=1962, |origyear=2015, |authorlink = G. W. L. Nicholson
- 124th New York Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=16 December 2016
- 125 BC: |authorlink= Joyce E. Salisbury
- 125th New York Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=9 January 2009
- 125th Street Hudson River bridge: |authorlink=Robert Caro
- 12621 Alsufi: |accessdate = 13 May 2016
- 126th Infantry Regiment (United States): |accessdate=2007-11-01
- 1275 British earthquake: |accessdate=8 August 2019
- 127th Infantry Regiment (United States): | accessdate= 29 June 2010 <!--Added by DASHBot-->, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 15 June 2010 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 12838 Adamsmith: |accessdate = 30 April 2016
- 1287 in Italy: |accessdate=2015-01-01
- 129th Street station: |accessdate=October 23, 2016, |authorlink=Stan Fischler
- 12BV7: |accessdate=4 September 2015
- 12th & I station: |accessdate=9 June 2020
- 12th Airlift Flight: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=23 January 2016, |accessdate=28 June 2017, |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969
- 12th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 12th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion: | accessdate = 2020-05-17↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-17↵
- 12th Division (United States): |authorlink=George Washington Cullum
- 12th Observation Group: |accessdate=16 October 2012, |origyear=1969, |accessdate=16 October 2012, |origyear=1969
- 12th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=31 May 2020
- 12th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 12th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III
- 12th United States Colored Heavy Artillery Regiment: |accessdate=21 April 2013, | accessdate=2013-04-21
- 12th century in philosophy: |accessdate=28 August 2018
- 12th/16th Hunter River Lancers: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey
- 13 Ghosts: | accessdate = March 30, 2012↵
- 13-inch/35-caliber gun: |accessdate=12 October 2016↵ , |accessdate=12 October 2016↵ , |authorlink=Newton E. Mason↵ , |accessdate=12 October 2016↵ , | accessdate=12 October 2016↵ , |authorlink=Norman Friedman↵
- 13. Soba: | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- 13.13: |accessdate=September 5, 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=January 5, 2010
- 130 mm/50 B13 Pattern 1936: |accessdate=2010-02-05
- 1304: |authorlink=William Miller (historian)
- 13058 Alfredstevens: |accessdate = 12 May 2016
- 131 Vala: |authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel
- 1323: | authorlink=Renn Hampden
- 132nd Tank Regiment (Italy): |accessdate=30 November 2019 , |accessdate=6 December 2019
- 133rd Infantry Brigade (United Kingdom): | authorlink=Brian Horrocks↵ , | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 133rd Street station: |accessdate=23 October 2016
- 1343 Naples earthquake: |accessdate=21 June 2012
- 134th (2/1st Hampshire) Brigade: | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 135th (2/1st South Western) Brigade: | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 1369 in literature: |accessdate = 17 October 2012↵
- 136th (2/1st Devon and Cornwall) Brigade: | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 139th Aero Squadron: |authorlink=Norman Franks , |authorlink=Norman Franks
- 139th Illinois Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012
- 13th Aeromedical Airlift Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 13th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 13th Battalion (Royal Highlanders of Canada), CEF: |accessdate=15 October 2015
- 13th Frontier Force Rifles: |authorlink=Harold Carmichael Wylly
- 13th Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2012-11-21
- 13th Parliament of British Columbia: |accessdate=2011-09-20
- 13th Pennsylvania Reserve Regiment: |accessdate=9 June 2018
- 13th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 13th School Group: |accessdate=October 16, 2012, |accessdate= July 20, 2013, |accessdate=November 1, 2015, |origyear=1949
- 13th century in philosophy: |accessdate=28 September 2017
- 14-inch/50-caliber gun: | accessdate= 6 December 2008 <!--Added by DASHBot-->, | accessdate= 3 March 2009 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 14-pounder James rifle: |authorlink=Kenneth W. Noe
- 1412: |authorlink=Ignatius Aphrem I Barsoum, |authorlink=Ignatius Aphrem I Barsoum
- 1412 Lagrula: |accessdate = 9 January 2017
- 1440s in architecture: |authorlink=Aby Warburg
- 1453 Yellow River flood: |accessdate=16 October 2012
- 1455 in England: |authorlink=R. L. Storey
- 146th Ohio Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=14 May 2011
- 147th Aero Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 1483: |authorlink=Alison Weir
- 1492 Up To Date: | accessdate = 2019-11-30
- 149th (Northumberland) Brigade: | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 14th Airlift Squadron: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=23 January 2016, |accessdate=28 June 2017, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=29 September 2015, |accessdate=26 June 2017, |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 14th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 14th Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock
- 14th Army (Wehrmacht): | authorlink=Michael Carver, Baron Carver
- 14th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |accessdate=23 March 2012, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 14th Parliament of British Columbia: |accessdate=2011-09-24, |accessdate=2011-09-24
- 14th Regiment (New York State Militia): | accessdate = 2007-11-04↵, | accessdate = 2008-10-09↵
- 14th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 14th Searchlight Battery (Finland): | authorlink = ↵
- 14th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 14th West Virginia Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=27 August 2016
- 14th/17th Minesweeper Flotilla: |accessdate=30 July 2017, |accessdate=30 July 2017
- 15 and 290 theorems: | authorlink=John Horton Conway , | authorlink=Manjul Bhargava
- 1500 in science: |authorlink=Bertrand Gille (historian)
- 1502 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-05-26
- 1503 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1506 in science: |authorlink=Owen Gingerich, |authorlink=Alexandre Koyré
- 1507 in literature: |accessdate=2009-05-17
- 1509 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-05-17
- 150th Infantry Brigade (United Kingdom): |authorlink1=John Agar-Hamilton
- 1512 in literature: |accessdate=2009-12-14
- 1512 in science: |authorlink=Owen Gingerich, |authorlink=Alexandre Koyré
- 1515 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-05-26
- 1516 in literature: |accessdate=2009-05-17
- 1517 Safed attacks: |authorlink1= Shlomo Ben-Ami↵, |authorlink=Louis Finkelstein↵, |authorlink=Neil Asher Silberman↵
- 1517 in art: |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012
- 1518 in literature: |accessdate=2009-05-17
- 1519 in literature: |accessdate=2009-12-14
- 152 Atala: |authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel, |authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel, |accessdate=4 April 2014, |authorlink=François-René de Chateaubriand , |authorlink=François-René de Chateaubriand
- 1522 in literature: |accessdate=2009-12-14
- 1523 in literature: |authorlink= w:it:Antonio Favaro
- 1525 in literature: |accessdate=2009-05-27
- 1525 in science: |authorlink=Agnes Arber
- 152nd Ohio Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=14 May 2011
- 1530s in architecture: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- 1533 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1535 in literature: |authorlink=C. S. Lewis
- 153rd Ohio Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=14 May 2011
- 1540 in poetry: |origyear=1955
- 1543 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1544 in science: |authorlink=W. W. Rouse Ball
- 1547 in science: |accessdate=2012-01-19
- 1548 in science: |accessdate=2011-08-05
- 154CM: |authorlink2=Bob Loveless
- 155 K 83: |accessdate=2010-11-08
- 155 mm Creusot Long Tom: |accessdate=2009-11-10
- 1550 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1554 in science: |authorlink=Robert Kerr (writer), |accessdate=2011-11-27
- 1556 in literature: |accessdate=2012-08-08
- 155th Street station (IND Concourse Line): |accessdate=August 12, 2015
- 1566 in literature: |authorlink=John Nichols (printer)
- 1569 in art: |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |authorlink=Edmund Garratt Gardner, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2012
- 156th (Scottish Rifles) Brigade: |accessdate=28 July 2015
- 1570 in literature: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2016-03-10
- 1572 in literature: |authorlink=E. K. Chambers
- 1581 in science: |authorlink=Horace Romano Harré
- 1585 in literature: |authorlink=Samuel Schoenbaum
- 1586 in poetry: |authorlink=Robert Birley
- 158th Infantry Regiment (United States): |accessdate=8 June 2011
- 1590s in architecture: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1593 in music: |accessdate=2008-02-03
- 1595 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1596 in literature: |authorlink=Richard Ovenden
- 1597 in literature: |accessdate=17 March 2019
- 159th Infantry Brigade (United Kingdom): | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 159th Liaison Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 15th Airlift Squadron: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=23 January 2016, |accessdate=28 June 2017, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=29 September 2015, |accessdate=26 June 2017, |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 15th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 15th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion: | accessdate = 2020-05-25↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-31↵ , | accessdate = 2020-05-25↵
- 15th Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock , | authorlink = Marshall Trimble
- 15th Brigade Support Battalion (United States): |origyear=1946 , | accessdate=16 June 2010, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 15 June 2010
- 15th Division (North Korea): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-01-15
- 15th Light Horse Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Henry Gullett, |authorlink1=David Horner
- 15th Panzer Division (Wehrmacht): |authorlink1=↵ , |authorlink1=↵
- 15th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 15th Test Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= December 17, 2016, |origyear=1969
- 15th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 15th century in Wales: |authorlink=Michael Hicks (historian)
- 16 Lovers Lane: | authorlink1 = John O'Donnell (music journalist) , | authorlink2 = Toby Creswell , | authorlink3 = Craig Mathieson , |authorlink2=Toby Creswell , |authorlink3= Craig Mathieson , |authorlink1=John O'Donnell (music journalist)
- 16 Shells From a Thirty-Ought-Six: |accessdate=October 1, 2015
- 16-inch/45-caliber Mark 6 gun: | accessdate= 14 August 2009 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 1600 in science: |accessdate=2011-08-05
- 1603 in literature: |accessdate=2012-01-02
- 1603 in music: |origyear=1968
- 1603 in science: |authorlink=Isaac Asimov, |accessdate=2012-01-02
- 1606 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1606 in music: |origyear=1968
- 1608 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1609 in literature: |authorlink=Iona and Peter Opie
- 1609 in music: |authorlink=Iona and Peter Opie
- 1609 in poetry: |authorlink=Iona and Peter Opie
- 160th Street station: |accessdate=April 23, 2015
- 1610 in art: |authorlink=Adam Nicolson
- 1610s in England: |authorlink=Adam Nicolson
- 1610s in archaeology: |authorlink1=Antonio Annetto Caruana, |authorlink=Rodolfo Lanciani
- 1612 in literature: |authorlink=E. K. Chambers , |authorlink=Roy Strong
- 1617 in music: |origyear=1968 , |origyear=1968
- 1618 in science: |accessdate=March 7, 2011
- 1619 Jamestown craftsmen strike: |accessdate=November 30, 2014
- 161st Independent Reconnaissance Flight (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner
- 1620 in art: |authorlink=Ellis Waterhouse
- 1620 in science: |authorlink=Robert Davis (inventor)
- 1626 in poetry: |accessdate=2013-03-17
- 1626 in science: |authorlink=Joseph Needham
- 1631 in science: |authorlink=Florian Cajori, |authorlink=Helena Pycior
- 1632 in science: |accessdate=2011-02-22, |accessdate=2011-09-26
- 1633 in music: |accessdate=7 May 2019
- 1635 in literature: |authorlink=George Călinescu
- 1635 in poetry: |accessdate=2010-02-11
- 1638 in literature: |authorlink=Barbara Kiefer Lewalski
- 1638 in poetry: |authorlink=Barbara Kiefer Lewalski
- 1642 in literature: |authorlink=Anthony Wood (antiquary)
- 1642 in poetry: |authorlink=Anthony Wood (antiquary)
- 1652 in music: |origyear=1968
- 1653 in music: |authorlink=John Warrack
- 1655 in music: |origyear=1968
- 1656 in science: |authorlink=Guenter B. Risse, |accessdate=2009-03-06, |accessdate=2009-03-06
- 1657 in science: |authorlink=Jan Gullberg, |accessdate=2011-05-23
- 1663 in China: |accessdate=2011-06-06
- 1663 in literature: |accessdate=2011-11-14, |accessdate=2010-04-07
- 1665 in literature: |authorlink=Henry Hallam
- 1665 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-07-15
- 1667 in literature: |authorlink=Clifford Bax
- 1671 in literature: |accessdate=2013-07-12
- 1672 in literature: |authorlink=Robert Darnton
- 1676 in science: |authorlink=Robert Chambers (publisher born 1802), |authorlink=Geoffrey Keynes, |authorlink=Charles E. Raven, |authorlink=Alfred Newton
- 1677 in literature: |authorlink=Robert Birley
- 1677 in music: |origyear=1968
- 1678 Kediri campaign: |authorlink=Leonard Y. Andaya, |authorlink=Theodoor Gautier Thomas Pigeaud, |authorlink=Bep Schrieke
- 1679 Armenia earthquake: |authorlink=Tadevos Hakobyan
- 1679 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1679 in poetry: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 167th (1st London) Brigade: | authorlink = Edwin Palmer Hoyt↵
- 1680 in science: | accessdate= 2 April 2011 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 1680s in architecture: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- 1681 in literature: |authorlink=Stanley Wells
- 1681 in science: |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt
- 1683 in music: |origyear=1968
- 1685 in music: |origyear=1968
- 168th (2nd London) Brigade: | authorlink = Edwin Palmer Hoyt↵
- 1691 in literature: |accessdate=2013-04-26
- 1693 in literature: |authorlink=Wilberforce Eames
- 1697 in England: |authorlink1=Ben Weinreb, |authorlink2=Christopher Hibbert
- 169th (3rd London) Brigade: | authorlink = Edwin Palmer Hoyt↵
- 16th Airlift Squadron: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=29 September 2015, |accessdate=26 June 2017, |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 16th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 16th Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock
- 16th Avenue (song): |accessdate=2015-08-13
- 16th Aviation Brigade (Australia): |accessdate=1 August 2016, |accessdate=5 August 2016
- 16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish), CEF: |accessdate=27 November 2011
- 16th Bombardment Group: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 16th Electronic Warfare Squadron: |origyear=1969, |accessdate=7 July 2012, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=23 January 2016, |accessdate=7 July 2012, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=23 January 2016, |origyear=1969
- 16th Independent Armoured Brigade: |accessdate=23 November 2011
- 16th New York Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=28 March 2017
- 16th Photographic Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969
- 16th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement: |accessdate=19 November 2009
- 16th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Shelby Foote
- 16th century in South Africa: |accessdate= 11 November 2014 , | accessdate= 11 November 2014
- 17 October affair: |authorlink1=Abdul Haris Nasution
- 1700 in science: |authorlink=Henry Gee
- 1700s in Scotland: |accessdate=2008-01-06
- 1702 in music: |origyear=1968
- 1702 in science: |accessdate= 30 July 2010 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 1704 in poetry: |authorlink=Daniel Burt (author)
- 1706 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1707 in Great Britain: | accessdate= 30 September 2010 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 1709 in science: |authorlink=Nigel Rees
- 170th Street station (IND Concourse Line): |accessdate=August 12, 2015
- 170th Tunnelling Company: |accessdate=25 October 2014
- 171 Ophelia: |accessdate=17 July 2019
- 1710s in Wales: |authorlink=Terry Breverton
- 1710s in archaeology: |authorlink1=Antonio Annetto Caruana
- 1711 in Wales: |accessdate=2011-02-03
- 1712 in Great Britain: |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt
- 1712 in poetry: |origyear=1946
- 1712 in science: |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt
- 1713 in Great Britain: |authorlink=William Leist Readwin Cates
- 1713 in Wales: | accessdate=13 August 2007
- 1714 in literature: |accessdate=7 July 2019
- 1714 in music: |origyear=1968 , |accessdate=14 July 2011
- 1715 in Great Britain: |authorlink=William Leist Readwin Cates
- 1715 in Wales: |authorlink1=Robert Thomas Jenkins
- 1717 in literature: |accessdate=2010-02-11
- 1718 in Great Britain: |accessdate=2007-09-03
- 1718 in Wales: |authorlink=Terry Breverton
- 171st Aviation Squadron (Australia): |accessdate=6 October 2018, |accessdate=29 August 2018
- 171st Tunnelling Company: |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds ↵ , |origyear=1997
- 1721 Tabriz earthquake: |authorlink=Josiah Conder (editor and author)
- 1722 in Wales: | accessdate=2007-10-17
- 1723 in architecture: |authorlink=Howard Colvin, |authorlink=Dan Cruickshank
- 1724 Chester Courthouse: |accessdate=21 September 2018, |accessdate=20 September 2018, |accessdate=6 June 2017
- 1724 Taunton by-election: |author1link=Joshua Toulmin , |author2link=James Savage (antiquary) , |origyear=1990
- 1724 in music: | authorlink = Maynard Solomon↵
- 1725 in Great Britain: |authorlink=William Leist Readwin Cates
- 1725 in Wales: |authorlink=J. N. L. Baker
- 1726 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Richard Altick
- 1726 in literature: |authorlink=Richard Altick
- 1726 in science: |authorlink=Stephen Jay Gould
- 1727 Tabriz earthquake: |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys
- 1728 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre, |authorlink=John Berkenhout
- 1728 in science: |authorlink=Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre
- 1729 in Great Britain: |authorlink=William Leist Readwin Cates
- 172nd Infantry Regiment (United States): |accessdate = 7 February 2014
- 1730 in Great Britain: |authorlink=William Leist Readwin Cates
- 1730 papal conclave: | accessdate=28 November 2017 , |accessdate=28 November 2017
- 1731 in Great Britain: |authorlink=William Leist Readwin Cates, |accessdate=12 July 2012
- 1734 Tradition: |accessdate=5 August 2012, |accessdate=5 August 2012
- 1737 in literature: |accessdate=18 March 2019 , |accessdate=July 17, 2009
- 1737 in poetry: |origyear=1946, |accessdate=2009-02-07
- 1738 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Bennet Woodcroft
- 1738 in science: |authorlink=Bennet Woodcroft
- 1740 in science: |authorlink=Samuel Smiles
- 1740s in archaeology: |authorlink1=Antonio Annetto Caruana
- 1742 in Great Britain: |authorlink2=Simon Inglis
- 1742 in Wales: | accessdate=2007-10-17
- 1742 in science: |authorlink=Niall Ferguson
- 1743 in literature: |accessdate=17 March 2019
- 1745 in literature: |authorlink=Thomas Campbell (poet)
- 1746 Lima–Callao earthquake: |accessdate=3 November 2011, |accessdate=3 November 2011
- 1746 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Christopher Duffy
- 1746 in Scotland: |authorlink=Christopher Duffy
- 1746 in literature: |accessdate=2010-02-13, |authorlink=Daniel Burt (author)
- 1747 in poetry: |authorlink=Daniel Burt (author)
- 1747 in science: |accessdate=13 February 2021
- 1748 in science: |accessdate=2011-04-27
- 1749 in architecture: |authorlink=Ivor Forbes Guest
- 1749 in literature: |authorlink=Ivor Forbes Guest
- 1749 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-12-14
- 1749 in science: |authorlink=Ivor Forbes Guest
- 1750 in Great Britain: |authorlink1 = Ben Weinreb, |authorlink2 = Christopher Hibbert
- 1750 in literature: |authorlink=Timothy Holme , |accessdate=24 March 2019
- 1750 in science: |authorlink1 = Ben Weinreb, |authorlink2 = Christopher Hibbert
- 1751 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1751 in literature: |accessdate=24 March 2019 , |accessdate=24 March 2019
- 1752 in Wales: |authorlink1=John Debrett
- 1752 in architecture: |accessdate=August 13, 2012, |authorlink=Thomas Pennant, |accessdate=August 13, 2012, |authorlink=David Watkin (historian)
- 1752 in art: |authorlink=Roy Strong
- 1752 in literature: |accessdate=24 March 2019
- 1754 Taunton by-election: |author1link=Joshua Toulmin , |author2link=James Savage (antiquary) , |origyear=1904 , |origyear=1990
- 1755 in science: |authorlink=W. W. Rouse Ball
- 1756 in Great Britain: |accessdate=2009-01-19
- 1757 in science: |accessdate=2011-08-16
- 1758 in science: |accessdate=2011-11-19, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2006-10-04
- 1759 in architecture: |accessdate=27 June 2013
- 1759 in science: |authorlink=Marston Bates
- 176 Iduna: |accessdate=24 October 2017
- 1760 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Nicholas Rodger
- 1760 in literature: |authorlink=Daniel Burt (author)
- 1760 in science: |authorlink=:de:Emil Fellmann
- 1760s in rail transport: |accessdate=January 7, 2013, |accessdate=January 7, 2013
- 1761 Milestone: |accessdate=August 17, 2014
- 1761 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1764 in Great Britain: |authorlink=John Summerson, |authorlink=Thomas Hinde (novelist)
- 1764 in architecture: |authorlink=John Summerson
- 1766 Istanbul earthquake: |authorlink=Wolfgang Müller-Wiener
- 1766 in science: |authorlink1=G. H. Hardy, |authorlink2=E. M. Wright
- 1769 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Robert Birley
- 1769 in literature: |authorlink=E. H. W. Meyerstein , |authorlink=George Watson (scholar), |authorlink=Robert Birley
- 1769 in poetry: |authorlink=E. H. W. Meyerstein
- 1769 papal conclave: |authorlink=Jacques Crétineau-Joly, |authorlink=Alexis-François Artaud de Montor
- 176th Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 1771 in Wales: |authorlink1=Robert Thomas Jenkins
- 1771 to 1775 in sports: |authorlink=Arthur Haygarth
- 1772 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Charles Hadfield (historian)
- 1772 in science: | accessdate=26 April 2011 <!--Added by DASHBot-->, | archiveurl= , | archivedate=May 16, 2008<!--Added by DASHBot-->, |authorlink=Antoine Lavoisier, | accessdate=30 September 2010 <!--Added by DASHBot-->, |authorlink=Charles Hadfield (historian)
- 1774 in science: |authorlink=Daniel J. Boorstin
- 1777 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1778 in literature: |authorlink=William Dalrymple (historian)
- 1778 in science: |authorlink=Vanessa Collingridge, |accessdate=2011-08-16
- 177th Tunnelling Company: |origyear=1997 , | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 1780s in archaeology: |authorlink=Rodolfo Lanciani
- 1781 in Great Britain: |accessdate=26 January 2011<!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 1781 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1782 Edict of Tolerance: | authorlink =↵
- 1782 in literature: |accessdate=23 March 2019
- 1783 New Jersey earthquake: |authorlink=Ron Chernow
- 1783 in science: |accessdate=2013-01-23
- 1785 in science: |accessdate=2011-02-22
- 1786 Kangding-Luding earthquake: |accessdate=30 November 2018
- 1786 in Great Britain: |accessdate=2013-02-02
- 1788 in Great Britain: |accessdate=2008-02-28
- 178th Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 1790 in Great Britain: |authorlink=John Adolphus, |accessdate=2008-02-21
- 1790s in rail transport: |authorlink=John H. White, Jr.
- 1791 in Great Britain: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-01-16
- 1791 in literature: |accessdate=6 July 2019
- 1792 in literature: |accessdate=2019-03-24
- 1794 in Great Britain: |accessdate=2007-06-05, |authorlink=Clive Emsley
- 1795 in literature: |accessdate=24 March 2019
- 1796 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1796 in science: |accessdate=2011-08-16
- 1797 Riobamba earthquake: |authorlink=Charles Lyell, | accessdate= 22 August 2010 <!--Added by DASHBot-->, |accessdate=20 August 2010
- 1797 Rugby School rebellion: |authorlink=Matthew Bloxam, |authorlink1=Eric Dunning, |authorlink=W. H. D. Rouse
- 1797 in literature: |authorlink=Richard Holmes (biographer)
- 1797 in poetry: |authorlink=Richard Holmes (biographer)
- 1798 in Great Britain: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1798 in literature: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1798 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1799 in literature: |accessdate=July 8, 2012
- 17th Aero Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 17th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 17th Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock
- 17th Army (Wehrmacht): |authorlink=Michael Burleigh↵ , | authorlink = Robert M. Citino , |authorlink=↵ , |authorlink=David Stahel ↵
- 17th Expeditionary Space Control Squadron: |accessdate=2 May 2018
- 17th Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2013-02-05
- 17th Parliament of British Columbia: |accessdate=2011-10-29
- 17th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 17th Saskatchewan Legislature: |accessdate=2012-07-31
- 17th Sustainment Brigade (Australia): |accessdate=4 December 2014
- 17th century in philosophy: |authorlink1= :de:Eike Pies , | authorlink = :de:Theodor Ebert (Philosoph)
- 17th-century denominations in England: | authorlink = Christopher Hill (historian)
- 18 (UKSF) Signal Regiment: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 January 2008
- 18-inch/48-caliber Mark 1 gun: |authorlink= Norman Friedman
- 180 mm gun S-23: |accessdate=31 March 2016
- 1800 in Wales: |authorlink=E. A. Smith (historian) , |accessdate=2 April 2016
- 1800 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1800 in poetry: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1800 in science: |accessdate=2007-06-01, |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt, |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1801 in music: |accessdate=2008-05-18
- 1801 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-02-07
- 1801 in science: |accessdate=8 October 2007 <!--Added by DASHBot--> , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 September 2007 <!--Added by DASHBot-->, |authorlink=Michel Foucault
- 1801 series CPU: | accessdate=21 October 2016↵
- 1802 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1803 in Germany: |accessdate=24 January 2021
- 1803 in literature: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1803 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1804 Mtiuleti rebellion: |authorlink=Donald Rayfield, |authorlink1=Ronald Grigor Suny
- 1804 in science: |accessdate=2010-09-13, |authorlink=Noel Perrin, |accessdate=2010-09-13
- 1805 in Germany: |accessdate=24 January 2021, |accessdate=6 September 2010
- 1805 in Wales: |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt
- 1805 in architecture: |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt
- 1805 in science: |accessdate=2010-09-06, |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt
- 1807 in Germany: | accessdate = 24 January 2021
- 1809 in rail transport: | accessdate= 7 May 2011 <!--Added by DASHBot-->
- 180th Tunnelling Company: |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds , |authorlink=, |accessdate=25 October 2014
- 1810 in Wales: | accessdate = 4 November 2015↵
- 1811 in art: |authorlink=Daphne Foskett
- 1811 in literature: |authorlink=Philip B. Meggs
- 1811 in science: |authorlink=Philip B. Meggs
- 1813 in science: |authorlink=Charles Darwin, |authorlink=Julia Blackburn
- 1813–1814 Malta plague epidemic: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=24 April 2016
- 1814 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian), |authorlink=Diana Muir
- 1815 New England hurricane: |authorlink=David M. Ludlum
- 1815 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author) , |authorlink=Elizabeth Pakenham, Countess of Longford
- 1815 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-02-08
- 1816 in literature: |authorlink=Jean Franco
- 1816 in science: |accessdate=2013-01-08, |authorlink=Diana Muir
- 1817 in art: |authorlink=Stanley Plumly
- 1817 in poetry: |authorlink=Stanley Plumly
- 1818 in literature: |authorlink1=Robert Gittings , |authorlink=Andrew Motion , |authorlink=Sidney Colvin , |authorlink=John Sutherland (author)
- 1818 in poetry: |authorlink=Sidney Colvin, |authorlink=Robert Gittings
- 1819 Rann of Kutch earthquake: |accessdate=2 April 2012
- 181st Infantry Brigade (United States): |accessdate=11 October 2015
- 181st Street station (IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line): |accessdate=July 16, 2016
- 181st Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 1820 Settlers National Monument: |accessdate=17 September 2013, |accessdate=17 September 2013
- 1820 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1820 in science: |accessdate=2011-08-16
- 1821 in music: |authorlink1=William Rubinstein, |authorlink3=Hilary L. Rubinstein
- 1822 in literature: |accessdate=2008-10-01
- 1822 in science: |authorlink2=Andrew Combe, |accessdate=2010-09-06
- 1822 territorial division of Spain: | authorlink=Joseph Pérez
- 1823 in literature: |authorlink=Harold Bloom
- 1824 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-02-07
- 1825 in music: |authorlink=Orlando Figes
- 1826 in architecture: |authorlink=Fawn M. Brodie
- 1826 in science: |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt
- 1827 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-02-08, |accessdate=2009-06-12, |accessdate=2009-04-02
- 1827 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian), |accessdate=13 February 2021
- 1828 in music: |authorlink=Brian Newbould, |authorlink=Anthony Baines
- 1828 in philosophy: |accessdate=2017-09-05
- 1828 in science: |accessdate=2013-11-12
- 1829 in architecture: |authorlink=John Summerson
- 1829 in literature: |accessdate=2011-11-27 , |authorlink=Peter Hopkirk
- 182nd Infantry Regiment (United States): |authorlink=United States Department of the Army
- 182nd–183rd Streets station: |accessdate=August 12, 2015
- 1830 in literature: |authorlink=John Sutherland (author)
- 1830 in science: |accessdate=2012-12-02, |accessdate=2012-12-02
- 1831 City Bank of New York theft: |accessdate=28 November 2017
- 1831 Londonderry City by-election: |accessdate=6 October 2018
- 1831 in Germany: |accessdate=24 March 2019
- 1831 in literature: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis, |accessdate=24 March 2019
- 1831 in science: |authorlink=Tristram Hunt, |accessdate=2012-01-23
- 1833 in rail transport: |authorlink=David Jenkinson
- 1833 in science: |accessdate=2011-05-12, | archiveurl= , |archivedate=2013-01-19
- 1833 territorial division of Spain: | authorlink=Joseph Pérez
- 1834 Dudley by-election: |accessdate=4 May 2018, |accessdate=11 October 2018
- 1834 in science: | accessdate= 31 December 2011 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1835 Concepción earthquake: |authorlink=Charles Darwin, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=8 July 2011
- 1836 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1836 in archaeology: |accessdate=2016-08-22
- 1836 in literature: |authorlink=Orlando Figes
- 1836 in science: |authorlink=Samuel Smiles, |accessdate=2009-11-14
- 1837 in architecture: |authorlink=Alison and Peter Smithson, |authorlink=Henry-Russell Hitchcock
- 1837 in science: |authorlink=Marilyn Stokstad
- 1838 Republic of Texas presidential election: |accessdate=November 12, 2014
- 1838 St Ives by-election: |origyear=1844-1850
- 1838 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian), |authorlink=Dugald Clerk
- 1839 in Germany: |accessdate=30 May 2012
- 1839 in art: |authorlink=Ruth Yeazell
- 1839 in literature: |authorlink=Robert Birley , |accessdate=24 March 2019
- 1839 in poetry: |authorlink=Robert Birley
- 1840 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1840–41 Royal Engineers maps of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria: |authorlink=George Williams (priest), |authorlink=Titus Tobler
- 1841 Goshen Courthouse: |accessdate=15 August 2019 , |accessdate=15 August 2019
- 1841 in literature: |accessdate=2011-10-22 , |authorlink=Kenneth Silverman , |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1841 in poetry: |accessdate=2011-10-22
- 1841 in science: |accessdate=2011-04-13
- 1842 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=January 2, 2017
- 1842 Cap-Haïtien earthquake: |accessdate=7 December 2011, |accessdate=7 December 2011, |accessdate=7 December 2011
- 1842 in China: |authorlink=Adrian Greenwood
- 1842 in architecture: |authorlink=Jenny Uglow
- 1842 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1842 in science: |accessdate=2010-09-13, |authorlink=Samuel Smiles, |accessdate=2009-11-14
- 1844 in archaeology: |authorlink=Joyce Tyldesley
- 1844 in science: |accessdate=2011-04-05
- 1845 East Cornwall by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1845 in Germany: |accessdate=March 5, 2011
- 1845 in Wales: | authorlink=George Cokayne
- 1845 in archaeology: |authorlink=Charles Lyell
- 1845 in architecture: |authorlink=Kate Tiller
- 1845 in art: |authorlink=Robert Chambers (publisher born 1802), |accessdate=23 May 2008, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=5 July 2008
- 1845 in literature: |authorlink=John Sutherland (author)
- 1845 in poetry: |authorlink=Robert Birley
- 1846 St Ives by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1846 in science: |accessdate=2010-09-13
- 1847 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1847 Canterbury by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1847 Lewes by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1847 in Norway: |authorlink=Otto Delphin Amundsen
- 1847 in architecture: |authorlink=Charles Eastlake
- 1847 in science: |accessdate=2011-11-11
- 1848 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1848 in rail transport: | accessdate=February 18, 2010, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 16 January 2010
- 1849 in literature: |authorlink=Herbert Paul , |authorlink=John Sutherland (author) , |authorlink=Basil Willey
- 1849 in rail transport: |authorlink=Christopher Awdry
- 1850 in architecture: |authorlink2=O. S. Nock
- 1850 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1850 in music: |authorlink=Orlando Figes
- 1850 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1851 New Zealand census: |accessdate=27 March 2020, |accessdate=March 31, 2020
- 1851 Research Fellowship: | authorlink =Paul Forman
- 1851 in art: |authorlink=Helmut Gernsheim
- 1852 in architecture: |authorlink1=Nikolaus Pevsner, |authorlink2=Edward Hubbard
- 1852 in art: |authorlink=Orlando Figes
- 1852 in literature: |authorlink=Leonard Schapiro , |authorlink=Orlando Figes, |accessdate=2013-07-20
- 1852 in science: |authorlink=Robin Wilson (mathematician)
- 1853 in Wales: | accessdate=7 March 2009
- 1853 in rail transport: | archiveurl=, | archivedate=February 24, 2006, | accessdate=February 5, 2006, | accessdate=August 16, 2005
- 1854 Cape Colony parliamentary election: |accessdate=2018-02-24, |accessdate=2018-02-24
- 1854 Frome by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵
- 1854 Nankai earthquake: |accessdate=2009-11-13, |accessdate=2009-11-14
- 1854 Tōkai earthquake: |accessdate=2009-11-13
- 1854 in Wales: |accessdate=2014-06-10
- 1854 in science: |accessdate=2011-06-16, |accessdate=2010-10-18<!--DASHBot-->
- 1855 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Daniel Woodley Prowse , |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1855 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-02-07, |accessdate=2008-12-10
- 1855 in rail transport: | accessdate=January 28, 2010
- 1856 Fox Ministry: |origyear=First published in 1913
- 1856 in architecture: |authorlink=Howard Colvin
- 1856 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1856 in science: |authorlink=Simon Garfield, |authorlink=Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
- 1857 Basilicata earthquake: | authorlink = Robert Mallet
- 1857 Ohio gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-08-12
- 1857 in rail transport: | accessdate=February 18, 2010 , |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1857 in science: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1858 in Wales: |authorlink=Gene A. Smith
- 1858 in art: |authorlink=Orlando Figes
- 1858 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1858 van de Velde maps of Palestine and Jerusalem: |authorlink=Titus Tobler
- 1859 Liskeard by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1859 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1859 Ulster revival: |accessdate=24 April 2017
- 1859 Welsh revival: |accessdate=23 April 2017, |accessdate=23 April 2017
- 1859 college baseball season: |accessdate=December 18, 2016
- 1859 in Wales: |accessdate=1 April 2017
- 1859 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 186 Celuta: |authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel, |accessdate=4 April 2014, |authorlink=François-René de Chateaubriand , |authorlink=François-René de Chateaubriand
- 1860 Wiyot massacre: | accessdate = 5 January 2013
- 1860 in literature: |authorlink=John Sutherland (author)
- 1860 in rail transport: |accessdate=4 October 2015
- 1860 in science: |accessdate=2011-04-05
- 1861 Ohio gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-08-03
- 1861 in Wales: |accessdate=21 May 2012
- 1861 in rail transport: |accessdate=4 October 2015, |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1861 in science: |authorlink=Horace Greeley
- 1862 Pacific Northwest smallpox epidemic: |accessdate= 10 February 2021
- 1862 in literature: |authorlink=Julian Symons
- 1862 in poetry: |accessdate=2008-12-23
- 1862 in rail transport: |origyear=1955 , |accessdate=May 31, 2010
- 1863 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=2011-10-14, |accessdate=January 7, 2017
- 1863 in Germany: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1863 in South Africa: | authorlink = Hendrik Pieter Nicolaas Muller
- 1863 in Wales: |authorlink=P. J. G. Ransom
- 1863 in literature: |authorlink=Orlando Figes, |authorlink=Julian Symons, |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1863 in science: |authorlink=James Burke (science historian)
- 1863–1875 cholera pandemic: |authorlink1=Steven Johnson (author)
- 1864 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=July 13, 2014
- 1864 Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom: |authorlink=Albert Pierce Taylor
- 1864 in Germany: |accessdate=25 January 2019
- 1864 in South Africa: | authorlink = Hendrik Pieter Nicolaas Muller
- 1864 in architecture: |authorlink=Christopher Hussey
- 1864 in art: |authorlink=Moira Shearer
- 1864 in literature: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis , |authorlink=Moira Shearer
- 1864 in science: | accessdate= 13 January 2012 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1865 Gwydir colonial by-election: |accessdate=22 September 2020
- 1865 Newfoundland general election: |accessdate=21 October 2009
- 1865 in Wales: |authorlink=James I. C. Boyd
- 1865 in literature: |authorlink=Thomas Edgar Pemberton , |accessdate=2015-06-11
- 1865 in rail transport: |authorlink=James I. C. Boyd
- 1866 Helston by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1866 Leominster by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1866 Petersfield by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- 1866 in science: |authorlink=Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
- 1867 in Wales: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1867 in literature: |authorlink=Orlando Figes , |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1867 in music: |authorlink=Orlando Figes
- 1867 in science: |authorlink=D. G. Hessayon, |authorlink=Matthew Stewart (philosopher)
- 1868 Brazilian political crisis: | authorlink1 = Joaquim Nabuco↵
- 1868 Kirkcudbrightshire by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1868 in literature: |accessdate=2011-09-30 , |accessdate=2013-10-15
- 1868 in science: |authorlink=Willy Ley, |accessdate=2010-09-06, |accessdate=2010-09-06
- 1869 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood , |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1869 in science: |authorlink=Ivor Grattan-Guinness
- 1870 The Hastings colonial by-election: |accessdate=2020-09-21
- 1870 The Hastings colonial election re-count: |accessdate=2020-09-21
- 1870 in music: |↵accessdate=9 February 2008
- 1870 in science: |authorlink=Ivor Grattan-Guinness, |authorlink=John Phillips (geologist)
- 1870s Kilmarnock F.C. seasons: |authorlink1=David W. Potter
- 1871 in archaeology: |accessdate=2020-01-20
- 1872 in art: |authorlink1=William Gaunt
- 1872 in literature: |authorlink=Nina Auerbach , |authorlink=Eugen Lovinescu
- 1872 in science: | accessdate= 8 May 2011 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1873 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1873 in literature: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author) , |authorlink=Perpessicius
- 1873 in poetry: |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1873 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1873 in science: |accessdate=2009-07-11, |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt
- 1873–74 3rd Lanark RV season: |authorlink1=David W. Potter
- 1873–74 Queen's Park F.C. season: |authorlink1=David W. Potter
- 1874 Newfoundland general election: |accessdate=2009-10-27, |accessdate=2009-10-27
- 1874 in China: |authorlink=James W. Davidson
- 1874 in science: |authorlink=Ivor Grattan-Guinness
- 1875 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=May 16, 2017
- 1875 Indianola hurricane: |accessdate=May 16, 2017
- 1875 in literature: |accessdate=13 April 2015, |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1876 Christchurch mayoral election: |accessdate=2 June 2010 , |accessdate=22 February 2010
- 1876 Hartley colonial by-election: |accessdate=2020-09-21
- 1876 in literature: |accessdate=2012-07-31, |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1877 in Norway: |authorlink=Otto Delphin Amundsen
- 1877 in rail transport: |authorlink=Philip Foner
- 1877 in science: |authorlink=Brian Clegg (writer), |accessdate=2011-10-13
- 1877–1879 Grey Ministry: |origyear=First published in 1913
- 1878 Christchurch mayoral election: |accessdate=25 April 2012
- 1878 Men's Tennis tour: |accessdate=9 December 2016
- 1878 in literature: |authorlink=Moira Shearer , |accessdate=2013-08-31
- 1879 Men's Tennis tour: |accessdate=9 December 2016, |accessdate=15 July 2016
- 1879 in literature: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1879 in science: |authorlink=Robin Wilson (mathematician)
- 1880 Centre football team: |accessdate=March 13, 2015
- 1880 Kentucky University football team: |accessdate=March 13, 2015
- 1880 in literature: |authorlink=George Ivașcu
- 1880 in music: |authorlink=Jonathan Carr
- 1880 in rail transport: | accessdate=March 27, 2011, | accessdate=March 27, 2011
- 1881 Chios earthquake: |accessdate=31 July 2010
- 1881 Christchurch mayoral election: | accessdate=13 April 2013 , | accessdate=27 May 2016
- 1881 U.S. National Championships – Singles: |authorlink=Bill Talbert
- 1881 in Wales: |authorlink=John Sutherland (author) , |origyear=1989
- 1881 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1882 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=2011-01-25
- 1882 Men's Tennis tour: |accessdate=9 December 2016
- 1882 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1882 U.S. National Championships – Singles: |authorlink=Bill Talbert
- 1882 in literature: |authorlink=Perpessicius
- 1883 Men's Tennis tour: |accessdate=9 December 2016
- 1883 Rochester tornado: |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis , |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1883 U.S. National Championships – Singles: |authorlink=Bill Talbert
- 1883 in literature: |authorlink=Arthur Gorovei , |authorlink=Orlando Figes
- 1883 in poetry: |authorlink=Perpessicius
- 1883 in rail transport: |authorlink=Orlando Figes
- 1884 Bathurst colonial by-election: |accessdate=13 September 2020
- 1884 Calgary municipal election: |accessdate=14 March 2020 , |accessdate=9 March 2020
- 1884 East Sydney colonial by-election: |accessdate=13 September 2020
- 1884 Howard, South Dakota tornado: |authorlink=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1884 U.S. National Championships – Singles: |authorlink=Bill Talbert
- 1884 in Wales: |authorlink=Ronald Hutton
- 1884 in art: |accessdate=2009-12-22, |accessdate=2009-12-22
- 1884 in literature: |authorlink=Michael Meyer (translator)
- 1885 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1885 U.S. National Championships – Singles: |authorlink=Bill Talbert
- 1885 in literature: |authorlink=Walter Blair (academic)
- 1885 in science: |accessdate=2012-02-18
- 1886 U.S. National Championships – Doubles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1886 in architecture: |authorlink=James F. O'Gorman
- 1886 in poetry: |accessdate=2008-12-10
- 1887 Halloween tropical storm: | accessdate=2012-01-12↵
- 1887 U.S. National Championships (tennis): |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1887 World Championship (football): |accessdate=17 August 2010
- 1887 in art: |accessdate=2009-12-22, |accessdate=2009-12-22, |accessdate=2009-12-22
- 1887 in science: |authorlink=John P. Snyder, |authorlink=William Feller
- 1888 Calgary municipal election: |accessdate=November 19, 2020
- 1888 in art: |accessdate=2009-12-22, |accessdate=2009-12-23, |accessdate=2009-12-23
- 1888 in literature: |accessdate=2010-10-28<!--DASHBot-->
- 1889 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1889 in literature: |accessdate=20 July 2013
- 1889–90 Football Alliance: |archiveurl= , |archivedate =21 December 2013
- 1890 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1890 Western Australian colonial election: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- 1890 in literature: |accessdate=2013-01-01 , |authorlink=John Sutherland (author)
- 1891 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=21 August 2013
- 1891 Liberian general election: | accessdate=October 20, 2011
- 1891 Mino–Owari earthquake: |authorlink2=Kerry Sieh, |authorlink3=Clarence Allen (geologist)
- 1891 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1891 in literature: |authorlink=H. Montgomery Hyde , |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1891 in poetry: |authorlink=H. Montgomery Hyde, |accessdate=21 November 2016
- 1892 Colorado gubernatorial election: |accessdate=June 15, 2020
- 1892 Hampden–Sydney Tigers football team: |accessdate= 23 September 2016
- 1892 Southern Minnesota tornado: |authorlink=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1892 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1892 in art: |authorlink=Sue Prideaux
- 1892 in literature: |authorlink=Michael Holroyd
- 1893 Colorado women's suffrage referendum: |accessdate=19 May 2020
- 1893 Hampden–Sydney Tigers football team: |accessdate= 23 September 2016
- 1893 New Zealand Liberal Party leadership election: |authorlink=Michael Bassett
- 1893 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1893 San Roque hurricane: |accessdate=April 8, 2020
- 1893 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1893 Virginia Cavaliers baseball team: |accessdate=May 11, 2019
- 1893 college baseball season: |accessdate=June 25, 2017, |accessdate=June 25, 2017, |accessdate=June 25, 2017
- 1893 in rail transport: | authorlink=Carl W. Condit
- 1893 in science: |accessdate=2012-02-09
- 1894 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1894 Costa Rican general election: |accessdate=29 December 2018
- 1894 Hampden–Sydney Tigers football team: |accessdate= 23 September 2016
- 1894 Idaho gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-11-01
- 1894 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 22, 2020
- 1894 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1894 Western Australian colonial election: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- 1894 in literature: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis , |authorlink=John Sutherland (author)
- 1895 Ljubljana earthquake: |accessdate=15 May 2012
- 1895 New Orleans dockworkers riot: |accessdate=22 April 2016, |accessdate=22 April 2016, |accessdate=22 April 2016
- 1895 Quchan earthquake: |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys, |accessdate=19 August 2012
- 1895 Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association football season: |accessdate={{date|2011-10-13}}
- 1895 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1895 in literature: |authorlink=Bernard Lewis , |authorlink=Merlin Holland , |authorlink=Moira Shearer , |authorlink=Simon Sebag Montefiore , |authorlink=John Sutherland (author)
- 1895 in poetry: |authorlink=Merlin Holland, |accessdate=2011-04-04, |accessdate=2009-01-10, |accessdate=2008-12-23
- 1896 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1896 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1896 European Rowing Championships: |accessdate=12 August 2018
- 1896 Idaho gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-10-28
- 1896 Spanish general election: |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 24 September 2015↵
- 1896 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1896 in architecture: |accessdate=31 January 2012
- 1896 in literature: |authorlink1=Adina Hoffman , |authorlink2=Peter Cole
- 1896 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1897 European Rowing Championships: |accessdate=12 August 2018
- 1897 Lagos strike: |authorlink=Basil Davidson
- 1897 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1897 Storrs Aggies football team: |accessdate=28 August 2015
- 1897 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1898 Baloch uprising: |accessdate=28 June 2011
- 1898 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1898 Fort Smith, Arkansas, tornado: |authorlink=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1898 Georgia hurricane: |accessdate=2011-10-04
- 1898 Idaho gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-10-28
- 1898 Sheriff of London Charity Shield: |accessdate=31 August 2017
- 1898 Storrs Aggies football team: |accessdate=29 August 2015
- 1898 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1898 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-02-08
- 1899 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1899 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=30 August 2015
- 1899 Dublin Corporation election: |accessdate=18 September 2018
- 1899 Michigan Wolverines baseball team: |accessdate=May 11, 2019, |accessdate=May 11, 2019
- 1899 San Ciriaco hurricane: |accessdate=July 1, 2014, |accessdate=December 17, 2016
- 1899 Sewanee Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=May 11, 2019, |accessdate=May 11, 2019, |accessdate=February 9, 2021
- 1899 Sheriff of London Charity Shield: |accessdate=31 August 2017
- 1899 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=May 11, 2019, |accessdate=May 11, 2019
- 1899 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1899 in Wales: |accessdate=20 July 2013, |authorlink = Anne de Courcy
- 1899 in rail transport: | accessdate=April 16, 2008
- 18th Air Refueling Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 18th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 18th Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock
- 18th Infantry Regiment (Imperial Japanese Army): | accessdate=2 June 2011 <!--DASHBot-->
- 18th Reconnaissance Squadron: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=23 January 2016, |accessdate=28 June 2017, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=29 September 2015, |accessdate=26 June 2017, |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 18th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 18th Saskatchewan Legislature: |accessdate=2012-07-24
- 19 Tauri: | accessdate=2009-10-10
- 1900 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1900 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1900 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=30 August 2015
- 1900 Idaho gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-10-27
- 1900 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1900 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1900 Utah gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-08-05
- 1900 in literature: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1900–01 Southampton F.C. season: |accessdate=10 February 2013
- 1900–01 West Ham United F.C. season: |accessdate=6 November 2018
- 1901 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1901 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1901 Western Australian state election: |authorlink=Colin Hughes
- 1901 in British music: | origyear = 1964
- 1901 in music: |accessdate=21 September 2014, |accessdate=21 September 2014, |accessdate=21 September 2014
- 1901 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Thomas (author), |authorlink=Charles Miller (author), |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1901 in science: |authorlink=Roy Porter
- 1901–02 Aston Villa F.C. season: |accessdate=9 September 2020
- 1902 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1902 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=3 September 2015
- 1902 European Rowing Championships: | accessdate=10 August 2018
- 1902 Goliad, Texas, tornado: |accessdate=19 May 2017
- 1902 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1902 in Argentina: |accessdate=2009-05-09
- 1902 in literature: |authorlink=Paul Cernat
- 1902 in music: |accessdate=21 September 2014
- 1902 in rail transport: |accessdate=2019-08-17
- 1902 in science: |accessdate=2011-05-16
- 1903 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1903 British Lions tour to South Africa: |authorlink=E. H. D. Sewell
- 1903 Calgary municipal election: |authorlink1=Grant MacEwan , |accessdate=19 May 2020
- 1903 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=January 13, 2019
- 1903 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=3 September 2015
- 1903 Spanish general election: |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 24 September 2015↵
- 1903 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1904 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1904 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1904 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=5 September 2015
- 1904 Douliu earthquake: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-08-11 , |accessdate=2009-08-08
- 1904 East Florida Seminary football team: |accessdate=20 April 2019
- 1904 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1904 Summer Olympics medal table: |accessdate=15 August 2008 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=29 August 2011 , | accessdate= 15 August 2008 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1904 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1904 University of Florida Blue and White football team: |accessdate=20 April 2019
- 1904 Utah gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-08-05
- 1904 in rail transport: |authorlink=Cecil J. Allen, |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1904 in science: |authorlink=Isaac Asimov
- 1904–05 Christian Brothers Cadets men's soccer team: |accessdate=February 7, 2019
- 1905 Auburn Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=May 25, 2019
- 1905 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=6 September 2015
- 1905 Dominion Championship: |accessdate=July 4, 2020
- 1905 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets baseball team: |accessdate=May 25, 2019
- 1905 Spanish general election: |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 24 September 2015↵
- 1905 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=February 9, 2020
- 1905 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1905 college baseball season: |accessdate=November 12, 2017
- 1906 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1906 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1906 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=6 September 2015
- 1906 Dominion Championship: |accessdate=October 27, 2018
- 1906 Florida Keys hurricane: |accessdate=2011-10-05, |accessdate=2011-10-10, |accessdate=2011-10-10, |accessdate=2011-10-07, |accessdate=2011-10-09, |accessdate=2011-10-09, |accessdate=2011-10-09, |accessdate=2011-10-09, |accessdate=2011-10-10, |accessdate=2011-10-09, |accessdate=2011-10-10
- 1906 Idaho gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-10-24
- 1906 Meishan earthquake: |authorlink=Charles Morris (American writer)
- 1906 Mississippi hurricane: |accessdate=2011-10-14, |accessdate=2011-10-11
- 1906 Nevada gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-07-05
- 1906 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=May 17, 2020 , |accessdate=February 19, 2020
- 1906 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1906 in science: |authorlink=Roy Porter, |authorlink=George Dyson (science historian), |accessdate=2012-02-18
- 1906 in sports: |authorlink=↵, |accessdate= 19 February 2011
- 1907 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1907 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=7 September 2015
- 1907 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets baseball team: |accessdate=May 31, 2019
- 1907 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=May 17, 2020 , |accessdate=February 19, 2020
- 1907 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1907 in archaeology: |authorlink=Otto Schoetensack, |authorlink=H. V. F. Winstone
- 1907 in film: | authorlink = James R. Grossman
- 1907 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-11-21
- 1907 in rail transport: |authorlink=O. S. Nock, |authorlink=L. T. C. Rolt, |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1907 in science: |authorlink=Otto Schoetensack
- 1908 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1908 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=8 September 2015
- 1908 Dominion Championship: |accessdate=October 27, 2018
- 1908 European Rowing Championships: |accessdate=27 July 2018
- 1908 Georgia Bulldogs baseball team: |accessdate=June 1, 2019
- 1908 IAAUS baseball season: |accessdate=December 23, 2016
- 1908 Idaho gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-10-24
- 1908 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1908 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=May 6, 2015
- 1908 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1908 Utah gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-08-05
- 1908 in British music: |accessdate=30 December 2010
- 1908 in architecture: |authorlink=Richard Buckle
- 1908 in literature: |authorlink=Peter Ackroyd , |authorlink=Paul Cernat , |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1908 in poetry: |authorlink=Peter Ackroyd
- 1908 in rail transport: | accessdate=January 28, 2010, | accessdate=December 18, 2005, | archiveurl=, | archivedate=December 16, 2005
- 1908–09 Pittsburgh men's ice hockey season: | accessdate=2009-11-04
- 1909 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1909 Berlin International Tournament: |authorlink= , |accessdate=
- 1909 Bulloo state by-election: |authorlink=Colin Hughes
- 1909 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=8 September 2015
- 1909 Mississippi A&M Aggies baseball team: |accessdate=June 1, 2019
- 1909 Moreton state by-election: |authorlink=Colin Hughes
- 1909 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1909 Thames by-election: |accessdate= 23 March 2016 , |accessdate=25 April 2015
- 1909 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=May 6, 2015
- 1909 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1909 Velasco hurricane: |accessdate=January 19, 2013, |accessdate=January 12, 2013
- 190th Fighter Squadron, Blues and Royals friendly fire incident: |accessdate=25 February 2016
- 1910 Aberdare Urban District Council election: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1910 American Grand Prize: |authorlink=Doug Nye
- 1910 Atlantic hurricane season: | accessdate= 1 March 2008 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1910 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1910 Chicago garment workers' strike: |accessdate=15 April 2016
- 1910 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=8 September 2015
- 1910 European Rowing Championships: |accessdate=27 July 2018
- 1910 Spanish general election: |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 24 September 2015↵
- 1910 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1910 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1910 Walthamstow by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1989↵ , |accessdate=1 September 2012↵, |authorlink=Colin Rallings↵ , |origyear=2006↵
- 1910 in architecture: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- 1910 in literature: |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1910 in science: |authorlink=M. Hashem Pesaran
- 1910s Pacific hurricane seasons: |accessdate=2017-11-05
- 1911 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=9 September 2015
- 1911 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1911 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1911 in aviation: |authorlink1=Walter Raleigh (professor)
- 1911 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-06-05, |authorlink=Peter Ackroyd, |accessdate=2009-01-04, |accessdate=2009-01-10
- 1911 in science: |authorlink=Gregory Zilboorg
- 1911–12 Kangaroo tour of Great Britain: |accessdate= 19 February 2011
- 1912 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=September 5, 2016, |accessdate=August 21, 2016
- 1912 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1912 College Football All-Southern Team: |accessdate=March 5, 2015
- 1912 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=9 September 2015
- 1912 Jamaica hurricane: |accessdate=June 3, 2016
- 1912 LIHG Championship: |authorlink= , |accessdate=
- 1912 New York City waiters' strike: |accessdate=26 November 2014, |accessdate=26 November 2014
- 1912 South Dakota gubernatorial election: |accessdate=11 November 2020
- 1912 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1912 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1912 Utah gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-08-04
- 1912 Vanderbilt Commodores baseball team: |accessdate=2016-12-18
- 1912 in literature: |authorlink=Frederick R. Karl , |authorlink=Walter Lord , |authorlink1=Velimir Khlebnikov , |authorlink2=Paul Schmidt (translator) , |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis , |authorlink=Emma Goldman
- 1912 in poetry: |authorlink=Walter Lord, |accessdate=2008-12-23
- 1912 in rail transport: | accessdate=March 21, 2015
- 1912 in science: | accessdate= 3 September 2011 <!--DASHBot-->, |authorlink=Walter Lord, |authorlink=Philipp Blom
- 1912–13 North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=October 27, 2019
- 1913 Asmara earthquake: |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys
- 1913 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=9 September 2015
- 1913 New Zealand Liberal Party leadership election: |authorlink=Michael Bassett
- 1913 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1913 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1913 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1913 in art: |authorlink=Desmond Morris
- 1913 in literature: |authorlink=Cristian Tudor Popescu
- 1913 in science: |accessdate=2012-05-12
- 1913–14 Kent State Normal School men's basketball team: |accessdate=January 24, 2015, |accessdate=January 24, 2015
- 1913–14 North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=October 27, 2019
- 1914 Armenian reforms: | authorlink=Richard G. Hovannisian
- 1914 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1914 Colby Mules football team: |accessdate=January 17, 2016
- 1914 College Football All-Southern Team: |accessdate=March 8, 2015, |accessdate=March 8, 2015, |accessdate=March 8, 2015
- 1914 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=10 September 2015
- 1914 Idaho gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-10-18
- 1914 LIHG Championship: |authorlink= , |accessdate=
- 1914 Nevada gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-06-28
- 1914 South Dakota gubernatorial election: |accessdate=19 February 2021
- 1914 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1914 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1914 in chess: |authorlink=Anne Sunnucks↵
- 1914 in poetry: |authorlink=Humphrey Carpenter, |authorlink=Colin Duriez, |accessdate=2008-12-23
- 1914–15 North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=October 27, 2019
- 1915 Asmara earthquake: |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys
- 1915 Bay of Islands by-election: |accessdate=1 August 2013
- 1915 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=10 September 2015
- 1915 NCAA baseball season: |accessdate=November 12, 2017
- 1915 NSWRFL season: |accessdate=13 July 2014
- 1915 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1915 in British music: |accessdate=14 December 2010
- 1915 in literature: |authorlink=Nicholas Mosley
- 1915 in poetry: |authorlink=Nicholas Mosley, |accessdate=2009-06-05
- 1915 in science: |authorlink=Philipp Blom
- 1915 in sports: | accessdate=July 31, 2017
- 1915–16 North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=October 27, 2019
- 1915–1916 Church of England border polls: |authorlink=Thomas Glyn Watkin
- 1916 American Grand Prize: |authorlink=Doug Nye
- 1916 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=March 28, 2020
- 1916 Australian conscription referendum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=16 January 2017 , |archiveurl=, |archivedate=16 January 2017, |authorlink=Laurie Fitzhardinge, |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey
- 1916 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=10 September 2015
- 1916 Gulf Coast hurricane: |accessdate=May 25, 2017, |accessdate=May 18, 2017
- 1916 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1916 Utah gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-06-26
- 1916 in Italy: |authorlink=Mark Thompson (historian)
- 1916 in literature: |authorlink=David Jenkins (librarian)
- 1916 in poetry: |accessdate=2014-01-23, |accessdate=2009-06-05
- 1916 in rail transport: |accessdate=2011-08-16, |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1916 in science: |accessdate=2011-08-16
- 1916–17 Nantou earthquakes: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-08-11 , |accessdate=2009-08-08
- 1916–17 North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=October 27, 2019
- 1917 Bali earthquake: |accessdate=11 November 2012, |accessdate=11 November 2012
- 1917 Bay of Islands by-election: |accessdate=1 August 2013
- 1917 Chester race riot: |accessdate=11 May 2020, |accessdate=11 May 2020
- 1917 French Army mutinies: |authorlink=Michael S. Neiberg, |authorlink=John Terraine
- 1917 Guatemala earthquake: |authorlink=Rafael Arévalo Martínez, |authorlink=Wilhelm of Sweden, |authorlink=Adrián Recinos
- 1917 Jaffa deportation: |accessdate=November 26, 2010, |accessdate=November 26, 2010
- 1917 Napier mayoral election: |origyear=
- 1917 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 21, 2020
- 1917 Nueva Gerona hurricane: |accessdate=May 18, 2016
- 1917 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1917 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1917 in literature: |authorlink=Colin Duriez , |authorlink=Bakri Siregar , |authorlink=Matthew Hollis
- 1917 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1918 NCAA baseball season: |accessdate=December 19, 2016
- 1918 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 19, 2020 , |accessdate=February 19, 2020
- 1918 Queensland state election: |accessdate=28 June 2018
- 1918 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1918 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1918–19 WPI Engineers men's basketball team: |accessdate=13 December 2016
- 1919 Austrian Constituent Assembly election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1919 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=10 September 2015
- 1919 Georgia Bulldogs baseball team: |accessdate=July 19, 2020
- 1919 Luxembourg general election: | accessdate=2006-08-23
- 1919 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 18, 2020
- 1919 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1919 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=6 November 2012
- 1919 Southampton mutiny: |authorlink=Andrew Boyle , |authorlink=Andrew Boyle , |authorlink=Andrew Boyle , |authorlink=Andrew Boyle , |authorlink=Andrew Boyle , |authorlink=Andrew Boyle
- 1919 Spanish general election: |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 24 September 2015↵
- 1919 Spen Valley by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1919 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1919 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1919 in Wales: |accessdate=19 May 2015
- 1919 in literature: |authorlink=Hans Mommsen , |authorlink1=Erich Mühsam , |authorlink2=Gabriel Kuhn , |authorlink=Q. D. Leavis
- 1919 in poetry: |authorlink=Peter Ackroyd
- 1919–20 NCAA men's basketball season: |accessdate=2010-04-12
- 1920 America's Cup: |accessdate=2012-04-26↵
- 1920 Bolivian coup d'état: |accessdate=2016-09-29
- 1920 Chico State Wildcats football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1920 College Football All-Southern Team: |accessdate=March 8, 2015
- 1920 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=10 September 2015
- 1920 French railway strikes: |accessdate=3 September 2018
- 1920 Georgian coup attempt: |authorlink1=Alexander Mikaberidze
- 1920 Louisiana hurricane: |accessdate=January 18, 2013
- 1920 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 16, 2020
- 1920 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1920 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1920 in British music: |accessdate=29 May 2012
- 1920 in science: |accessdate=2012-01-09
- 1920s in comics: |accessdate=August 17, 2017, |accessdate=August 17, 2017, |accessdate=August 17, 2017, |authorlink = Art Spiegelman↵
- 1920–21 WPI Engineers men's basketball team: |accessdate=13 December 2016
- 1921: |authorlink=Jim Steinmeyer
- 1921 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=July 29, 2017, |accessdate=July 8, 2017
- 1921 Chico State Wildcats football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1921 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=11 September 2015
- 1921 Georgia Tech Golden Tornado baseball team: |accessdate=2016-12-18
- 1921 Massawa earthquake: |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys
- 1921 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 14, 2020
- 1921 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1921 in the United Kingdom: |authorlink=Jim Steinmeyer
- 1922 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=August 11, 2019
- 1922 Calgary municipal election: |accessdate=11 May 2020
- 1922 California Proposition 16: |accessdate=25 October 2019, |accessdate=25 October 2019
- 1922 California Proposition 20: |accessdate=25 October 2019, |accessdate=25 October 2019
- 1922 Chico State Wildcats football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1922 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=11 September 2015
- 1922 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 14, 2020
- 1922 Portsmouth South by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- 1922 Republic of Central Lithuania general election: | accessdate =2008-03-11
- 1922 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1922 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1922 in British music: |accessdate=7 February 2011, |accessdate=23 January 2011
- 1922 papal conclave: |authorlink=David Kertzer
- 1922–23 WPI Engineers men's basketball team: |accessdate=13 December 2016
- 1923 Berwick-upon-Tweed by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- 1923 Chico State Wildcats football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1923 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=12 September 2015
- 1923 Imperial Conference: |authorlink=W. E. B. Du Bois
- 1923 Morpeth by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- 1923 Municipal Manager Law: |accessdate=February 15, 2011
- 1923 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 14, 2020 , |accessdate=February 14, 2020
- 1923 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1923 Portsmouth South by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- 1923 Quantico Marines Devil Dogs football team: |accessdate=February 11, 2020
- 1923 San Jose State Spartans football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1923 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1923 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1923 Women's World Games: |accessdate=8 March 2017
- 1923 in British music: | authorlink=William Henry Reed
- 1923 in Wales: |authorlink1=William Rubinstein, |authorlink3=Hilary L. Rubinstein
- 1923 in science: |authorlink=Simon Singh
- 1923–24 Egyptian parliamentary election: |authorlink=Arnold J. Toynbee , |accessdate=2010-07-22 , |accessdate=2010-07-23 , |accessdate=2010-07-22 , |accessdate=2010-07-22 , |accessdate=2010-07-22
- 1923–24 WPI Engineers men's basketball team: |accessdate=13 December 2016
- 1924 Chico State Wildcats football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1924 City of London by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- 1924 Holland with Boston by-election: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- 1924 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=February 13, 2020
- 1924 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1924 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1924 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1924 Utah gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-06-15
- 1924 in archaeology: |authorlink=H. V. F. Winstone
- 1924 in jazz: |authorlink=Gary Giddins , |authorlink=Dick Sudhalter
- 1924 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1924 in science: |accessdate=2011-12-31, |accessdate=2012-07-07, |authorlink=George Gamow
- 1924–25 WPI Engineers men's basketball team: |accessdate=13 December 2016
- 1925 Burmese general election: |accessdate=24 November 2012
- 1925 Chico State Wildcats football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1925 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=12 September 2015
- 1925 Florida tropical storm: |accessdate=3 September 2015
- 1925 Miami tornado: |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1925 New Hampshire football team: |accessdate=December 16, 2019
- 1925 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1925 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1925 University of Oxford Chancellor election: | authorlink = Stephen Koss
- 1925 Western Australian prohibition referendum: | authorlink = David Black (historian)
- 1925 in British radio: |accessdate=2020-11-22
- 1925 in Wales: |accessdate=2011-02-09
- 1925 in archaeology: |authorlink=H. V. F. Winstone
- 1925 in architecture: |accessdate=3 January 2020, |accessdate=3 January 2020
- 1925 in radio: |accessdate=2015-05-15
- 1926 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=December 19, 2015
- 1926 Chico State Wildcats football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1926 FBUs Pokalturnering: |accessdate=11 February 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=5–11 February 2017
- 1926 Hampden–Sydney Tigers football team: |accessdate= 22 September 2016, |accessdate= 22 September 2016, |accessdate= 22 September 2016, |accessdate= 22 September 2016
- 1926 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=February 2, 2020
- 1926 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1926 in archaeology: |accessdate=2012-04-23
- 1926 in jazz: | authorlink = Lewis Porter
- 1926–27 KBUs A-række: |accessdate=24 July 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=24 July 2017
- 1926–27 The Citadel Bulldogs basketball team: |accessdate=October 7, 2014
- 1927 Chico State Wildcats football team: |accessdate=November 14, 2017
- 1927 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=16 September 2015, |accessdate=16 September 2015
- 1927 Conservative leadership convention: |accessdate=February 6, 2016
- 1927 Nagpur riots: | authorlink=Liaquat Ali Khan
- 1927 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=February 2, 2020
- 1927 Pacific typhoon season: |accessdate=May 21, 2017
- 1927 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1927 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1927 World Snooker Championship: |authorlink=Clive Everton
- 1927 in British music: |accessdate=3 May 2015
- 1927 in archaeology: |authorlink=William Hartston
- 1927–28 Danmarksmesterskabsturneringen: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 July 2018 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 July 2018 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 July 2018
- 1927–28 KBUs Mesterskabsrække: |accessdate=24 July 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=24 July 2017
- 1928 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=March 15, 2014, |accessdate=May 7, 2015
- 1928 Brisbane City Council election: |accessdate=28 June 2018
- 1928 Fort Pierce hurricane: |accessdate=March 24, 2013, |accessdate=March 21, 2013
- 1928 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=February 1, 2020 , |accessdate=February 1, 2020
- 1928 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1928 SMU Mustangs football team: |accessdate=January 12, 2017
- 1928 Summer Deaflympics: |accessdate=12 December 2018
- 1928 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1928 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1928 Utah gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-06-03
- 1928 in poetry: |authorlink=Charles Angell Bradford, |authorlink=Robert Gittings
- 1929 Carnegie Tech Tartans football team: |accessdate=2008-08-26
- 1929 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=19 September 2015
- 1929 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=February 1, 2020
- 1929 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- 1929 in British radio: |authorlink=Asa Briggs
- 1929 in Germany: |authorlink=Martin Gilbert
- 1929–1933: |origyear = 1992
- 1930 Austrian legislative election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1930 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=14 October 2015, |accessdate=14 October 2015
- 1930 Far Eastern Championship Games: |accessdate=21 July 2014
- 1930 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 29, 2020
- 1930 Parnell by-election: |accessdate=29 November 2014
- 1930 Salmas earthquake: |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys, |authorlink2=Kerry Sieh, |authorlink3=Clarence Allen (geologist)
- 1930 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1930 in archaeology: |authorlink=Basil Greenhill
- 1930 in architecture: |authorlink=John Betjeman
- 1931 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=March 26, 2020
- 1931 British Honduras hurricane: |accessdate=2016-09-06, |accessdate=2016-09-06
- 1931 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=14 October 2015, |accessdate=14 October 2015
- 1931 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 28, 2020
- 1931 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1932 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1932 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1932 Connecticut Aggies football team: |accessdate=2 January 2016, |accessdate=14 October 2015
- 1932 Freeport hurricane: |accessdate=12 August 2012
- 1932 Motueka by-election: |accessdate=2 November 2014
- 1932 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 27, 2020
- 1932 Newfoundland general election: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- 1932 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1932 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1932 in British radio: |accessdate=2015-05-15
- 1932 in El Salvador: |accessdate=October 29, 2017
- 1932 in art: |authorlink=Michael C. FitzGerald
- 1932 in science: |accessdate=2011-08-18, |authorlink=David Kahn (writer), |authorlink=Władysław Kozaczuk
- 1933 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1933 Connecticut State Aggies football team: |accessdate=2 January 2016
- 1933 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2020
- 1933 Texas tropical storm: |accessdate=2012-06-16
- 1933 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1933 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1933 Yakima Valley strike: |accessdate=25 August 2016, |accessdate=25 August 2016
- 1933 in science: |authorlink=Edwin Black
- 1934 Central America hurricane: |accessdate=May 11, 2020 , |accessdate=May 9, 2020 , |accessdate=July 19, 2019
- 1934 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010 , | accessdate=19 July 2009
- 1934 Connecticut State Huskies football team: |accessdate=3 January 2016
- 1934 German referendum: |authorlink=Richard Overy, |authorlink=Richard J. Evans
- 1934 Khamba rebellion: |accessdate=27 December 2011
- 1934 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 25, 2020
- 1934 in British radio: |accessdate=2018-06-05
- 1934 in music: |accessdate=2018-06-05
- 1934 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-01-10
- 1935 Auckland City mayoral election: |authorlink=Barry Gustafson
- 1935 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition: |accessdate=1 March 2015
- 1935 Canadian banknote series: |accessdate=23 September 2014, |accessdate=13 March 2014
- 1935 Christchurch mayoral election: | accessdate= 10 January 2012
- 1935 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010 , | accessdate=19 July 2009
- 1935 Connecticut State Huskies football team: |accessdate=5 January 2016
- 1935 Gulf Coast longshoremen's strike: |accessdate=15 April 2017, |accessdate=15 April 2017, |accessdate=15 April 2017, |accessdate=15 April 2017, |accessdate=14 April 2017
- 1935 Jérémie hurricane: |accessdate=July 7, 2014
- 1935 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2020
- 1935 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1935 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1935 in music: |authorlink=Michael Freedland, |accessdate=5 January 2018
- 1936 Belgian general election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1936 British Mount Everest expedition: |authorlink=W. H. Murray
- 1936 Catalan coup d'état attempt: |authorlink=Stanley G. Payne
- 1936 Christchurch mayoral by-election: |accessdate=22 May 2016
- 1936 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010 , | accessdate=19 July 2009
- 1936 FIRA Tournament: |accessdate=24 July 2008, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 25 June 2008
- 1936 German parliamentary election and referendum: |authorlink=Dieter Nohlen
- 1936 Gulf Coast maritime workers' strike: |accessdate=24 April 2017, |accessdate=25 April 2017, |accessdate=25 April 2017, |accessdate=24 April 2017, |accessdate=25 April 2017, |accessdate=25 April 2017
- 1936 Marquette Golden Avalanche football team: |accessdate=October 11, 2011
- 1936 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2020
- 1936 New Zealand National Party leadership election: |authorlink=Barry Gustafson
- 1936 Syrian general strike: | authorlink = Sami Moubayed↵
- 1936 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1936 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1936 Venezuelan presidential election: |accessdate=3 July 2018
- 1936 in poetry: |authorlink=Ian Gibson (author), |authorlink=Kenneth Baker, Baron Baker of Dorking
- 1936 in science: |authorlink=Bill Bryson
- 1937 Airlines of Australia Stinson crash: | authorlink = Macarthur Job↵
- 1937 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1937 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010 , | accessdate=19 July 2009
- 1937 Lewiston–Auburn shoe strike: |accessdate=5 August 2014, |accessdate=5 August 2014
- 1937 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 23, 2020
- 1937 Sind Legislative Assembly election: |authorlink=K. R. Malkani
- 1937 Sun Bowl: |accessdate=August 3, 2015
- 1937 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1937 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1937 in British radio: |authorlink=Nigel Rees
- 1937 in Wales: |authorlink=David Jenkins (librarian), |authorlink=Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1937 in archaeology: |authorlink=Walter Bryan Emery
- 1938 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1938 American Karakoram expedition to K2: | author2link=William Lowell Putnam III, |authorlink1=Filippo De Filippi (explorer) , |authorlink2=Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi, |authorlink1=Filippo De Filippi (explorer), |author1link=Charles Snead Houston
- 1938 Christchurch mayoral election: |authorlink=Guy Scholefield
- 1938 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010 , | accessdate=19 July 2009
- 1938 Connecticut State Huskies football team: |accessdate=15 January 2016
- 1938 Constitution of Romania: |authorlink=Stanley G. Payne
- 1938 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 23, 2020
- 1938 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1938 Yugoslavian parliamentary election: | authorlink = Sabrina P. Ramet↵
- 1938 in Peru: |accessdate=
- 1938 in architecture: |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- 1938 in art: |authorlink=Francine Prose
- 1938 in radio: |accessdate=30 July 2010
- 1938 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1938 in science: |authorlink=Richard Ellis (biologist)
- 1939 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010 , | accessdate=19 July 2009
- 1939 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=15 January 2016
- 1939 Hungarian parliamentary election: |authorlink=Stanley G. Payne
- 1939 Madrid Victory Parade: |authorlink= Stanley G. Payne , |authorlink= Stanley G. Payne , |authorlink= Stanley G. Payne , |authorlink=Hugh Thomas (writer)
- 1939 NCAA Basketball Championship Game: |accessdate=August 6, 2018, |accessdate=August 8, 2018
- 1939 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=January 22, 2020
- 1939 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1939 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1939 in art: |authorlink=Francine Prose
- 1939 in radio: |authorlink=William L. Shirer
- 1939 in science: |authorlink=Michael Smith (newspaper reporter), |authorlink=Steven Shapin
- 1939–40 Northern Rugby Football League Wartime Emergency League season: |authorlink=Tony Collins (historian) , |authorlink=Richard Titmuss
- 1940 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=April 23, 2013, |accessdate=April 22, 2013
- 1940 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=16 January 2016
- 1940 Jersey election: |accessdate=2015-04-12
- 1940 Louisiana hurricane: |accessdate=April 23, 2013, |accessdate=April 22, 2013
- 1940 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=December 15, 2019
- 1940 New Zealand National Party leadership election: |authorlink=Barry Gustafson
- 1940 South Carolina hurricane: |accessdate=June 18, 2009, |accessdate=June 19, 2009
- 1940 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1940 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1940 in British radio: |authorlink=Edward Stourton (journalist)
- 1940 in architecture: |accessdate=2012-08-30
- 1940 in radio: |authorlink=Edward Stourton (journalist)
- 1940 in science: |authorlink=Michael Smith (newspaper reporter), |authorlink=Margaret Gowing
- 1940s in music: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- 1940–41 Northern Rugby Football League Wartime Emergency League season: |authorlink=Tony Collins (historian)
- 1941 Bay of Plenty by-election: |accessdate=8 October 2020 , |accessdate=8 October 2020 , |accessdate=8 October 2020 , |accessdate=8 October 2020
- 1941 Cabo San Lucas hurricane: |accessdate=April 5, 2013
- 1941 Christchurch mayoral election: |accessdate=25 October 2019, |authorlink=Guy Scholefield
- 1941 Chungpu earthquake: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-08-11 , |accessdate=2009-08-08
- 1941 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=16 January 2016
- 1941 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=December 15, 2019
- 1941 Pacific hurricane season: |accessdate=April 5, 2013
- 1941 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1941 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1941 United Australia Party leadership election: |authorlink=Laurie Fitzhardinge
- 1941 in Argentina: |accessdate=13 June 2010
- 1941 in Wales: |authorlink=Kenneth O. Morgan
- 1941 in animation: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- 1941 in radio: |accessdate=14 December 2018 , |accessdate=1 December 2013
- 1941 in science: |authorlink=J. Murdoch Ritchie, |accessdate=2015-03-26, |authorlink=Richard G. Hewlett
- 1942 Belize hurricane: |accessdate=January 11, 2014
- 1942 Matagorda hurricane: |accessdate=April 6, 2013
- 1942 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=December 15, 2019
- 1942 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1942 in South Africa: |accessdate=31 March 2008
- 1942 in radio: |accessdate=13 August 2015
- 1943 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1943 Liberator crash at Whenuapai: | accessdate= 20 April 2009 <!--DASHBot-->, | accessdate= 20 April 2009 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1943 Surprise Hurricane: |accessdate=January 3, 2014
- 1943 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1943 United Australia Party leadership election: |authorlink=Laurie Fitzhardinge
- 1943 in jazz: |accessdate=11 February 2012
- 1944 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1944 Awarua by-election: |authorlink = Barry Gustafson
- 1944 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1944 Christchurch mayoral election: |authorlink=Guy Scholefield
- 1944 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=17 January 2016
- 1944 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=December 3, 2019
- 1944 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=7 October 2015, |accessdate=7 October 2015
- 1944 Tōnankai earthquake: |accessdate=2009-11-13
- 1944 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1944 Utah gubernatorial election: |accessdate=2020-05-18
- 1944 in British radio: |authorlink=M. R. D. Foot, |authorlink=Edward Stourton (journalist)
- 1944 in animation: |accessdate=May 18, 2020, |accessdate=May 18, 2020
- 1944 in art: |authorlink=Francine Prose
- 1944 in music: |authorlink=Francine Prose
- 1944 in radio: |authorlink=M. R. D. Foot, |authorlink=Edward Stourton (journalist)
- 1944 in rail transport: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1944–45 Oregon Webfoots men's basketball team: | accessdate= 26 December 2010 <!--DASHBot-->, | accessdate= 30 December 2010 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 9 December 2010
- 1945 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie) , | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1945 Australian National Airways Stinson crash: | authorlink = Macarthur Job↵
- 1945 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1945 Ontario general election: | authorlink = Donald C. MacDonald↵
- 1945 SANFL Grand Final: |authorlink=Antony Beevor
- 1945 Yugoslav First Basketball League: |accessdate=1 June 2020
- 1945 in British radio: |authorlink=Andrew Marr
- 1945 in art: |authorlink=Frederik H. Kreuger
- 1946 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1946 Australian National Airways DC-3 crash: | authorlink = Macarthur Job↵
- 1946 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1946 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010 , | accessdate=19 July 2009
- 1946 Hsinhua earthquake: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-08-11 , |accessdate=2009-08-08
- 1946 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=December 15, 2019
- 1946 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake: | accessdate= 31 July 2010 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1946 Yugoslav Constitution: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=Barbara Jelavich, |authorlink=Stevan K. Pavlowitch
- 1946 in British radio: |authorlink=Asa Briggs
- 1946 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1946 in animation: |accessdate=4 July 2013
- 1947 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1947 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=January 12, 2016, |accessdate=2011-01-25, |accessdate=January 12, 2016
- 1947 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1947 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010
- 1947 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=March 16, 2019, |accessdate=March 16, 2019
- 1947 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=17 January 2016
- 1947 NCAA baseball season: |accessdate=March 11, 2013
- 1947 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=December 15, 2019
- 1947 Sydney hailstorm: | authorlink = Richard Whitaker↵
- 1947 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=January 4, 2021, |accessdate=January 3, 2020
- 1947 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1947 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1947 in comics: |accessdate=28 January 2016
- 1947 in science: |authorlink=Andrew Lack (author), | accessdate=13 September 2011 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1947–48 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=January 20, 2018, |accessdate=September 20, 2011
- 1948 Accra riots: |authorlink=Ato Quayson
- 1948 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1948 Anti-Jewish riots in Oujda and Jerada: |accessdate=6 March 2011
- 1948 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1948 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010 , | accessdate=19 July 2009
- 1948 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=17 January 2016
- 1948 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1948 Locomotive Exchange Trials: |authorlink=Cecil J. Allen
- 1948 NCAA baseball season: |accessdate=March 24, 2013
- 1948 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=December 15, 2019
- 1948 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=7 October 2015, |accessdate=8 October 2015, |accessdate=7 October 2015, |accessdate=7 October 2015
- 1948 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1948 in British radio: |authorlink=David Kynaston
- 1948 in El Salvador: |accessdate=13 January 2016, |accessdate=13 January 2016
- 1948 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1948 in science: |authorlink=Patrick Moore
- 1948–49 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=January 23, 2018, |accessdate=September 21, 2011
- 1949 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie) , | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1949 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=July 9, 2013
- 1949 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1949 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=1 January 2010
- 1949 Dixie Bowl: |accessdate=February 5, 2011 , |accessdate=February 5, 2011 , |accessdate=February 5, 2011 , |accessdate=February 5, 2011
- 1949 Ipswich state by-election: |authorlink=Colin Hughes
- 1949 Karlıova earthquake: |accessdate=21 January 2011 , |accessdate=19 January 2011
- 1949 Kurilpa state by-election: |authorlink=Colin Hughes
- 1949 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1949 MacRobertson Miller Aviation DC-3 crash: | authorlink = Macarthur Job↵
- 1949 NCAA baseball season: |accessdate=March 24, 2013
- 1949 New Hampshire Wildcats football team: |accessdate=December 15, 2019
- 1949 Queensland Airlines Lockheed Lodestar crash: | authorlink = Macarthur Job↵
- 1949 Summer Deaflympics: |accessdate=10 January 2019
- 1949 Texas hurricane: | accessdate= 20 May 2010 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1949 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1949 in British radio: |authorlink=Barry Took, |authorlink=Sean Street
- 1949 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1949 in animation: | accessdate = 2012-11-20 , |accessdate=May 18, 2020
- 1949 in architecture: |accessdate=2007-04-03, |accessdate=2007-04-03
- 1949 in poetry: |authorlink=Peter Ackroyd, |authorlink1=John Sutherland (author)
- 1949 in radio: |authorlink=Sean Street
- 1949 in rail transport: |accessdate=2010-01-14
- 1949–51 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=2014-01-09
- 1950 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1950 Australian National Airways Douglas DC-4 crash: | authorlink = Macarthur Job↵
- 1950 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting: |authorlink=Bill James
- 1950 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1950 Canadian caribou famine: | authorlink =Robert Martin Bone
- 1950 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=20 January 2016
- 1950 Fairfield-Suisun Boeing B-29 crash: | authorlink = Richard Rhodes↵
- 1950 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-10-03, |accessdate=2012-10-03
- 1950 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1950 in British radio: |authorlink=David Kynaston
- 1950 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1950 in comics: |authorlink1= Mort Walker , |authorlink=Benoît Peeters
- 1950 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-02-07
- 1950 in radio: |authorlink=David Kynaston
- 1950s Bowman: |accessdate=15 December 2013
- 1950s North Indian Ocean cyclone seasons: |accessdate=February 26, 2016
- 1950s South Pacific cyclone seasons: |archivedate=July 6, 2013 , |accessdate=July 6, 2013 , |archiveurl=
- 1950–1951 Baghdad bombings: |authorlink=Wilbur Crane Eveland , | authorlink = Abbas Shiblak, |accessdate=5 April 2010
- 1950–51 St. Francis Terriers men's basketball team: |accessdate=7 November 2013
- 1951 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1951 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting: |authorlink=Bill James
- 1951 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1951 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=21 January 2016
- 1951 East Rift Valley earthquakes: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-08-11 , |accessdate=2009-08-08
- 1951 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1951 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1951 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=October 15, 2012, |accessdate=2012-10-03, |accessdate=2012-10-15
- 1951 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1951 in animation: |accessdate=2018-09-28, |accessdate=2014-03-22
- 1951 in jazz: | accessdate=2018-01-02
- 1951–52 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=September 17, 2011
- 1952 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1952 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting: |authorlink=Bill James
- 1952 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1952 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1952 NCAA baseball season: |accessdate=May 15, 2013
- 1952 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=3 June 2011
- 1952 Puerto Rican constitutional referendum: | authorlink = Stephen Hunter↵
- 1952 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=7 October 2015, |accessdate=7 October 2015
- 1952 Salad Bowl: |accessdate=July 25, 2015
- 1952 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=October 15, 2012
- 1952 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=October 15, 2019, |accessdate=October 14, 2019
- 1952 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1952 in British television: |authorlink=David Kynaston
- 1952 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1952 raid on Beit Jala: |authorlink=Benny Morris, |accessdate=2008-06-22, |authorlink=Benny Morris, |accessdate=2008-06-22
- 1952 Úrvalsdeild karla: |accessdate=4 January 2019
- 1953 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1953 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=2011-01-27
- 1953 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1953 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=24 January 2016
- 1953 German–Austrian Nanga Parbat expedition: |authorlink=Norman Collie, |authorlink=Kenneth Mason (geographer), |authorlink=Reinhold Messner
- 1953 Kano riot: |accessdate=2016-03-12
- 1953 Lahore riots: |accessdate=30 October 2014, |accessdate=30 October 2014
- 1953 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1953 Menzengraben mining accident: |accessdate= , |accessdate=2015-01-01 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2015-01-09
- 1953 Pennsylvania Railroad train wreck: |accessdate=2019-06-13 , |accessdate=2019-05-24
- 1953 Sarnia tornado outbreak: |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1953 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-10-03, |accessdate=October 15, 2012
- 1953 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1953 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=January 2, 2015, |accessdate=January 4, 2015, |accessdate=January 2, 2015
- 1953 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1953 Vicksburg, Mississippi tornado: |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1953 Waco tornado outbreak: |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis, |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1953 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1953 in animation: |accessdate=25 May 2017
- 1954 Albanian parliamentary election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1954 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1954 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1954 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1954 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=24 January 2016
- 1954 Italian Karakoram expedition to K2: | author2link=William Lowell Putnam III
- 1954 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1954 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1954 Milan High School basketball team: |accessdate=2015-08-22
- 1954 NCAA baseball season: |accessdate=August 1, 2013
- 1954 Rollins Tars baseball team: |accessdate=April 6, 2019
- 1954 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1954 Sun Bowl: |accessdate=December 27, 2015
- 1954 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1954 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1954 in Pakistan: |accessdate=31 March 2011, |authorlink=M. J. Akbar
- 1954 in comics: |authorlink = Alexander C. Irvine
- 1955 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1955 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1955 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1955 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference: |accessdate=2013-11-11
- 1955 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=24 January 2016
- 1955 Gator Bowl: |accessdate=October 3, 2011
- 1955 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1955 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1955 MacArthur Airport United Airlines crash: |authorlink=Macarthur Job
- 1955 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1955 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1955 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1955–56 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 24, 2017, |accessdate=November 24, 2017
- 1956 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1956 Arizona Wildcats baseball team: |accessdate=March 17, 2019, |accessdate=March 17, 2019
- 1956 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1956 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1956 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1956 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1956 Dartmouth Indians football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1956 Jordanian general election: |accessdate=6 July 2017, |accessdate=6 July 2017
- 1956 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1956 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1956 NCAA baseball season: |accessdate=August 2, 2013
- 1956 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1956 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1956 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1956 in Northern Ireland: |authorlink=Clifford Smyth
- 1956–57 St. Francis Terriers men's basketball team: |accessdate=7 October 2019
- 1957 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1957 Austrian presidential election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1957 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1957 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1957 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1957 Connecticut Huskies baseball team: |accessdate=November 23, 2017, |accessdate=November 23, 2017
- 1957 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1957 Gambar train crash: |accessdate=31 July 2016
- 1957 Indonesian local elections: | origyear = 1966
- 1957 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1957 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1957 New Zealand National Party leadership election: |authorlink=Barry Gustafson , |authorlink=Barry Gustafson
- 1957 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=9 January 2014
- 1957 Tangerine Bowl: |accessdate=January 4, 2017
- 1957 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=December 7, 2019, |accessdate=December 15, 2019
- 1957 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1957 alleged Jordanian military coup attempt: | authorlink = Munther Haddadin , | accessdate=7 July 2017, | authorlink = Joseph Massad , | authorlink = Avi Shlaim
- 1957 in British music: |authorlink=Bob Spitz
- 1957 in British radio: |authorlink=Christopher Martin-Jenkins
- 1957 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1957 in animation: |accessdate=17 January 2012
- 1957 in comics: |authorlink = Alexander C. Irvine
- 1957 in the Vietnam War: |authorlink=Paul Ham
- 1958 Albanian parliamentary election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1958 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1958 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1958 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=February 16, 2019, |accessdate=February 16, 2019
- 1958 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1958 East Aberdeenshire by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1958 French Somaliland constitutional referendum: |accessdate=18 December 2014
- 1958 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1958 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1958 Mailuu-Suu tailings dam failure: |accessdate=30 December 2017, |accessdate=30 December 2017
- 1958 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1958 Tangerine Bowl (January): |accessdate=January 4, 2017
- 1958 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1958 in British music: |authorlink=Bob Spitz
- 1958 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1958 in comics: |authorlink = Alexander C. Irvine
- 1958–59 California Golden Bears men's basketball team: |accessdate=19 April 2018
- 1959 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1959 Arizona Wildcats baseball team: |accessdate=February 17, 2019, |accessdate=February 17, 2019
- 1959 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1959 Austrian legislative election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1959 British Lions tour to Australia and New Zealand: |authorlink=Clem Thomas
- 1959 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1959 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=February 9, 2019, |accessdate=February 9, 2019
- 1959 Connecticut Huskies baseball team: |accessdate=July 13, 2017, |accessdate=August 2, 2017
- 1959 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1959 Hengchun earthquake: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-08-11 , |accessdate=2009-08-08
- 1959 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1959 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1959 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=November 4, 2013
- 1959 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 2, 2016
- 1959 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1959 in comics: |authorlink = Alexander C. Irvine
- 195th Wing: |accessdate=September 20, 2015 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=February 13, 2016 ↵
- 1960 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1960 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1960 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference: |accessdate=2013-11-11
- 1960 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1960 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=6 October 2015
- 1960 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1960 International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties: |accessdate=February 21, 2015, |accessdate=February 21, 2015
- 1960 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1960 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1960 Mid Bedfordshire by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1960 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=November 13, 2013
- 1960 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=6 October 2015, |accessdate=6 October 2015
- 1960 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1960 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1960 in radio: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-09-27
- 1960s decor: |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=9 August 2012, |accessdate=9 August 2012, |accessdate=9 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012
- 1961 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1961 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1961 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=24 January 2016
- 1961 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1961 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1961 Oklahoma State Cowboys baseball team: |accessdate=January 14, 2019, |accessdate=January 14, 2018
- 1961 Pacific hurricane season: |accessdate=2009-05-07
- 1961 Pacific typhoon season: |accessdate=30 March 2013
- 1961 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=3 June 2011
- 1961 South African general election: |accessdate=28 June 2011
- 1961 Southern Rhodesian constitutional referendum: |authorlink=Robert Blake, Baron Blake↵
- 1961 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=9 January 2014
- 1961 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=January 24, 2020, |accessdate=January 21, 2020
- 1961 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1961 in Wales: |authorlink=Andrew Morton (writer), |origyear=1992
- 1961 in jazz: | authorlink = Ben Ratliff↵
- 1961 in poetry: |authorlink=David Kynaston
- 1961 in spaceflight (January–June): |accessdate=13 February 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=1 September 2000
- 1962 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1962 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1962 Australia Cup: |accessdate=24 April 2015
- 1962 Austrian legislative election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1962 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1962 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=5 April 2010
- 1962 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=24 January 2016
- 1962 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1962 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1962 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=April 24, 2014
- 1962 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=9 January 2014
- 1962 Tangerine Bowl: |accessdate=December 31, 2015
- 1962 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=February 22, 2020, |accessdate=February 22, 2020
- 1962 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1962 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1962 in British music: |authorlink=Bob Spitz
- 1962 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1962 in art: |authorlink=Peter Plagens, |authorlink=Lloyd Goodrich
- 1962 in poetry: |accessdate=2011-09-06
- 1963 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1963 Arizona Wildcats baseball team: |accessdate=February 10, 2019, |accessdate=February 10, 2019
- 1963 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1963 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=November 27, 2015
- 1963 Austrian presidential election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1963 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1963 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=24 January 2016
- 1963 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1963 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1963 NCAA University Division Basketball Championship Game: |accessdate=July 17, 2017, |accessdate=July 24, 2017, |accessdate=July 18, 2017
- 1963 New Zealand Labour Party leadership election: |authorlink= Warren Freer
- 1963 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=June 11, 2020, |accessdate=June 11, 2020
- 1963 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1963 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1963 in radio: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-09-27
- 1963 in science: |authorlink3=Stephen James Walker
- 1963–64 Loyola Ramblers men's basketball team: |accessdate=5 July 2020
- 1964 Aden Legislative Council election: |accessdate=7 July 2013
- 1964 Arab League summit (Alexandria): | authorlink = ↵
- 1964 Bolivian coup d'état: |accessdate=22 February 2017, |accessdate=22 February 2017, |accessdate=22 February 2017
- 1964 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1964 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=5 April 2010
- 1964 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=24 January 2016
- 1964 Copenhagen Series: |accessdate=14 February 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=11 February 2017 , |accessdate=24 July 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=24 July 2017
- 1964 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1964 Danish 3rd Division: |accessdate=12 December 2020 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=12 December 2020 , |accessdate=1 November 2020 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=1 November 2020
- 1964 Danish Cup Final: |accessdate=9 June 2007 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 June 2007
- 1964 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=6 October 2015
- 1964 European Nations' Cup quarter-finals: |authorlink=
- 1964 Gettysburg Bullets football team: |accessdate=January 30, 2021
- 1964 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1964 Hurricane Isbell tornado outbreak: |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1964 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1964 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1964 Niigata earthquake: |accessdate=10 June 2010 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=4 June 2010
- 1964 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1964 Textile 250: | accessdate = 2018-09-07
- 1964 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1964 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1964 in British television: |accessdate=15 January 2019
- 1964 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1965 (album): |accessdate=August 6, 2012
- 1965 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1965 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1965 Australia Cup: |accessdate=24 April 2015
- 1965 Austrian presidential election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1965 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1965 Bulgarian coup d'état attempt: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2011-07-23
- 1965 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=5 April 2010
- 1965 Connecticut Huskies baseball team: |accessdate=July 13, 2017, |accessdate=July 12, 2017
- 1965 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=25 January 2016
- 1965 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1965 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1965 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1965 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1965 Mr. Olympia: |authorlink=Rick Wayne
- 1965 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=May 30, 2014
- 1965 Pacific hurricane season: | accessdate=March 25, 2011
- 1965 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=3 June 2011
- 1965 South Australian state election: |accessdate=3 February 2016
- 1965 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1965 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=July 15, 2020, |accessdate=July 15, 2020
- 1965 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1965 U.S. National Championships – Women's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1965 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1965–1980: |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- 1966 Albanian parliamentary election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1966 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1966 Australia Cup: |accessdate=24 April 2015
- 1966 Austrian legislative election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1966 British Lions tour to Australia and New Zealand: |authorlink=Clem Thomas
- 1966 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1966 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=5 April 2010
- 1966 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=25 January 2016
- 1966 European Karate Championships: |accessdate=8 November 2014, | accessdate = 8 November 2014↵, |accessdate=8 November 2014, |accessdate=8 November 2014, | accessdate = 8 November 2014↵, |accessdate=30 November 2014
- 1966 Gettysburg Bullets football team: |accessdate=January 30, 2021
- 1966 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1966 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1966 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1966 Liberal Party of Australia leadership election: | authorlink=Tom Frame (bishop)
- 1966 New York City smog: |authorlink2=John Rennie Short↵
- 1966 Oklahoma State Cowboys baseball team: |accessdate=September 18, 2018, |accessdate=September 18, 2018
- 1966 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1966 Soviet submarine global circumnavigation: |authorlink=Norman Polmar , |authorlink=Norman Polmar, |accessdate=2010-02-24, |accessdate=2010-03-22, |authorlink=Norman Polmar, |accessdate=2010-03-27, |authorlink=Norman Polmar, |authorlink=Norman Polmar
- 1966 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=July 16, 2020, |accessdate=July 16, 2020
- 1966 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1966 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1966 in architecture: |authorlink=Peter Blundell Jones
- 1966 in rail transport: |authorlink=O. S. Nock
- 1966–67 Duke Blue Devils men's basketball team: |accessdate=5 July 2020
- 1966–67 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 25, 2017, |accessdate=November 25, 2017
- 1966–67 The Citadel Bulldogs basketball team: |accessdate=February 11, 2013
- 1967 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1967 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1967 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1967 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1967 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=25 January 2016
- 1967 European Karate Championships: |accessdate=11 November 2014
- 1967 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1967 Hong Kong riots: |authorlink1=Robert Bickers
- 1967 Kurdish revolt in Iran: |authorlink=Ervand Abrahamian
- 1967 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1967 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1967 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=August 13, 2014
- 1967 Philadelphia student demonstration: |accessdate=3 September 2020
- 1967 Ranchi-Hatia riots: |accessdate=2014-10-09
- 1967 Rose Bowl: |authorlink1=Jerry L. Ross
- 1967 Saint Louis Billikens men's soccer team: |accessdate=March 22, 2017
- 1967 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1967 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1967 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1967 in Norway: |authorlink=Bjørn Gunnar Olsen
- 1967 in jazz: | authorlink = Lewis Porter
- 1967–68 Duke Blue Devils men's basketball team: |accessdate=1 July 2020
- 1967–68 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=January 20, 2018, |accessdate=January 20, 2018
- 1968 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1968 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=July 20, 2014
- 1968 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1968 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1968 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=6 October 2015, |accessdate=6 October 2015
- 1968 European Karate Championships: |accessdate=9 November 2014, |accessdate=9 November 2014, |accessdate=9 November 2014, |accessdate=9 November 2014
- 1968 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1968 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1968 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1968 Meckering earthquake: |authorlink2=Kerry Sieh, |authorlink3=Clarence Allen (geologist)
- 1968 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=August 15, 2014
- 1968 Peach State 200: | accessdate = 2012-09-05
- 1968 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=6 October 2015
- 1968 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1968 Special Olympics Summer World Games: |accessdate=2 June 2020
- 1968 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=July 17, 2020, |accessdate=July 17, 2020, |accessdate=July 17, 2020
- 1968 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1968 Toronto Argonauts season: |accessdate=2011-05-07 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 April 2011
- 1968 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1968 in animation: |accessdate=16 February 2018
- 1968–69 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=January 22, 2018, |accessdate=January 22, 2018
- 1969 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1969 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1969 Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl: |accessdate=December 25, 2015
- 1969 Baghdad hangings: |authorlink=Kanan Makiya, |authorlink=Kanan Makiya
- 1969 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1969 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1969 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1969 EC-121 shootdown incident: | accessdate = 14 February 2012, |accessdate = 23 May 2007
- 1969 Glasgow Gorbals by-election: |authorlink1=F. W. S. Craig
- 1969 Gujarat riots: | accessdate=2013-02-06 , | accessdate=2013-02-06
- 1969 Hofstra Flying Dutchmen football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2021
- 1969 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1969 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1969 Maccabiah Games: |accessdate=February 28, 2013, |accessdate=February 28, 2013
- 1969 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=August 15, 2014
- 1969 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=3 June 2011
- 1969 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1969 St. Louis Cardinals season: |authorlink1=William Knoedelseder
- 1969 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=August 14, 2020, |accessdate=August 14, 2020, |accessdate=August 14, 2020
- 1969 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1969 Volunteer 500: | accessdate = 2013-05-28
- 1969 Women's College World Series: |accessdate=2017-03-04
- 1969 World Snooker Championship: |authorlink=Clive Everton
- 1969 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1969 in Mexico: |accessdate=August 27, 2020
- 1969 in jazz: | accessdate=2016-05-03
- 1969 in poetry: |accessdate=July 18, 2010
- 1969 in rail transport: |accessdate=2013-11-02
- 1969 in the Vietnam War: |authorlink1=Marc Leepson
- 1969: The Velvet Underground Live: |accessdate=March 20, 2019, |accessdate=November 22, 2011
- 1970 Albanian parliamentary election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1970 American 500: | accessdate = 2018-09-10
- 1970 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=September 5, 2016
- 1970 British Annapurna South Face expedition: |authorlink1=Chris Bonington , |authorlink1=Chris Bonington
- 1970 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1970 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1970 European Karate Championships: |accessdate=12 November 2014
- 1970 Greenville 200: | accessdate = 2018-09-03, | accessdate = 2014-08-10
- 1970 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1970 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1970 Mexican general election: |accessdate=23 June 2020
- 1970 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=August 15, 2014
- 1970 Pepsi-Cola Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1970 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1970 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=August 15, 2020, |accessdate=August 15, 2020, |accessdate=August 15, 2020
- 1970 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1970 Toronto Argonauts season: |accessdate=2011-05-07 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-04-30
- 1970 Trans-AMA motocross series: |accessdate=29 July 2012 , |accessdate=29 July 2012
- 1970 Women's College World Series: |accessdate=2017-03-04
- 1970 World Karate Championships: |accessdate=7 November 2014
- 1970 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1970 in Wales: |accessdate=21 April 2018
- 1970 in science: |authorlink=Martin Gardner, |accessdate=2011-06-26
- 1970s in sociology: |accessdate=25 October 2019, |accessdate=29 October 2019 , |accessdate=12 November 2019, |accessdate=12 November 2019 , |accessdate=12 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=12 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=4 December 2019 , |accessdate=4 December 2019, |accessdate=4 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=4 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=4 December 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019 , |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=16 November 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019, |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019 , |accessdate=5 December 2019
- 1970s peasant revolts in Thailand: |accessdate=2018-11-20
- 1971 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1971 Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl: |accessdate=December 31, 2015
- 1971 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1971 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1971 Christchurch mayoral election: |authorlink=Hamish Hay
- 1971 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1971 European Karate Championships: |accessdate=30 November 2014, |accessdate=9 November 2014
- 1971 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1971 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1971 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=August 17, 2014
- 1971 Salem, Illinois, derailment: | authorlink=National Transportation Safety Board
- 1971 Sandlapper 200: | accessdate = 2015-01-21
- 1971 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1971 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1971 Toronto Argonauts season: |accessdate=2011-05-07 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-04-30
- 1971 Women's College World Series: |accessdate=2017-03-04, |accessdate=2017-03-04
- 1971 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1971 in rail transport: |authorlink2=John Marshall (railway historian)
- 1971 in the Vietnam War: |authorlink1=Marc Leepson
- 1971–72 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 6, 2017, |accessdate=November 6, 2017
- 1972 Arizona State Sun Devils baseball team: |accessdate=November 24, 2017, |accessdate=November 23, 2017
- 1972 Atlantic hurricane season: |accessdate=July 8, 2015
- 1972 Bahraini Constituent Assembly election: |authorlink=Federal Research Division
- 1972 Bhutto visit to Soviet Union: |accessdate=28 April 2015
- 1972 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1972 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1972 Chicago–O'Hare runway collision: | accessdate= November 23, 2011↵ , |accessdate=November 23, 2011
- 1972 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1972 Commercial Union Assurance Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1972 Connecticut Huskies baseball team: |accessdate=June 15, 2017, |accessdate=June 15, 2017
- 1972 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=30 January 2016
- 1972 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1972 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1972 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=August 17, 2014
- 1972 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=3 June 2011
- 1972 Qir earthquake: |accessdate=28 July 2012, |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys
- 1972 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1972 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=August 18, 2020, |accessdate=August 15, 2020, |accessdate=August 18, 2020
- 1972 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1972 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1972 in Norway: |authorlink=Øystein Rottem
- 1972–73 Football League First Division: |accessdate=27 June 2013
- 1973 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1973 Arizona State Sun Devils baseball team: |accessdate=August 2, 2017
- 1973 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1973 Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl: |accessdate=February 3, 2011
- 1973 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1973 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1973 Commercial Union Assurance Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1973 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1973 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1973 Maccabiah Games: |accessdate=February 28, 2013
- 1973 NCAA University Division Basketball Championship Game: |accessdate=September 30, 2019
- 1973 NCAA University Division baseball season: |accessdate=August 17, 2014
- 1973 Nepal plane hijack: |accessdate=1 October 2018
- 1973 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=12 October 2017
- 1973 Provincial Armed Constabulary revolt: | accessdate=2013-06-25 , | accessdate=2013-06-25 , | accessdate=2013-06-25
- 1973 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1973 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=August 23, 2020, |accessdate=August 23, 2020, |accessdate=August 23, 2020
- 1973 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1973 Tyne and Wear County Council election: |accessdate=3 May 2016
- 1973 US Open – Mixed Doubles: |authorlink=Max Robertson
- 1973 World Taekwondo Championships: |accessdate= 2 December 2014
- 1973 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1973 in archaeology: |authorlink=Colin Renfrew, Baron Renfrew of Kaimsthorn
- 1973 meat boycott: |accessdate=22 September 2018
- 1973–74 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 7, 2017, |accessdate=November 7, 2017
- 1974 AMA Motocross National Championship season: |accessdate=10 November 2018
- 1974 Albanian parliamentary election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1974 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1974 All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1974 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1974 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1974 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1974 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1974 Commercial Union Assurance Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1974 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1974 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1974 London–Sahara–Munich World Cup Rally: |authorlink1=Evan Green (journalist)
- 1974 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=August 20, 2014
- 1974 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=11 October 2017
- 1974 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1974 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=August 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 25, 2020
- 1974 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1974 Toronto Argonauts season: |accessdate=2011-05-07 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 April 2011
- 1974 World Team Tennis season: |accessdate=August 11, 2014
- 1974 Zhaotong earthquake: |accessdate=17 July 2012
- 1974 anti-American riots in Cyprus: |accessdate=2018-07-14
- 1974 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1974 in animation: |accessdate=2015-12-18, |accessdate=May 20, 2020, |accessdate=25 January 2018
- 1974–75 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 19, 2017, |accessdate=November 19, 2017
- 1975 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1975 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1975 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1975 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1975 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1975 Commercial Union Assurance Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1975 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=6 February 2016
- 1975 Haicheng earthquake: |authorlink=Susan Hough
- 1975 Kankesanthurai Electoral District by-election: | authorlink1=Rajan Hoole , | authorlink2=Rajini Thiranagama
- 1975 Kinnaur earthquake: |accessdate=6 December 2013
- 1975 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1975 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1975 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=August 21, 2014
- 1975 New Democratic Party leadership election: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- 1975 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=11 October 2017
- 1975 Pacific Cup: | authorlink =↵
- 1975 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1975 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1975 World Team Tennis season: |accessdate=August 30, 2014
- 1975 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1975 in Wales: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 1, 2019
- 1975–76 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 20, 2017, |accessdate=November 20, 2017
- 1976 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1976 American 500: | accessdate = 2014-08-19
- 1976 Bali earthquake: |accessdate=12 June 2015
- 1976 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1976 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=January 13, 2019, |accessdate=January 13, 2019
- 1976 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1976 Commercial Union Assurance Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1976 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=6 February 2016
- 1976 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=5 October 2015
- 1976 European Karate Championships: |accessdate=12 November 2014
- 1976 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1976 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1976 Moro Gulf earthquake: |accessdate=22 August 2017
- 1976 NCAA Division I Basketball Championship Game: |accessdate=August 15, 2020
- 1976 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=August 23, 2014
- 1976 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=10 October 2017
- 1976 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=3 June 2011
- 1976 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=5 October 2015
- 1976 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1976 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1976 Toronto International Film Festival: |accessdate=October 12, 2013
- 1976 Women's College World Series: |accessdate=2017-03-05
- 1976 Zaire Ebola virus outbreak: |accessdate=2014-07-31
- 1976 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1976 Çaldıran–Muradiye earthquake: |accessdate=27 December 2011
- 1976–77 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1976–77 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 20, 2017, |accessdate=November 20, 2017
- 1977 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1977 Arizona armored car robbery: |accessdate=25 June 2020, |accessdate=25 June 2020
- 1977 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1977 Claxton Shield: | accessdate=24 February 2013
- 1977 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=September 18, 2018, |accessdate=September 15, 2018
- 1977 Colgate-Palmolive Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1977 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1977 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=30 January 2016
- 1977 Kelantan Emergency: |accessdate=24 November 2011, |authorlink=Harold Crouch, |accessdate=25 November 2011
- 1977 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1977 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=August 25, 2014
- 1977 New Zealand rugby league season: | authorlink =↵
- 1977 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=9 October 2017
- 1977 North Indian Ocean cyclone season: | accessdate= 18 December 2010 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1977 Oman cyclone: | accessdate= 18 December 2010 <!--DASHBot-->, |accessdate=2014-04-11
- 1977 Pacific Cup: | authorlink =↵
- 1977 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1977 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1977 Washington, D.C. attack and hostage taking: |accessdate=March 10, 2017
- 1977 World Karate Championships: |accessdate=25 November 2012
- 1977 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1977 in architecture: |accessdate=2015-01-14
- 1977 in radio: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-09-27
- 1977–78 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1977–78 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 4, 2017, |accessdate=November 4, 2017
- 1978 Arizona State Sun Devils baseball team: |accessdate=July 13, 2017
- 1978 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1978 British motorcycle Grand Prix: |accessdate=15 December 2010
- 1978 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1978 Colgate-Palmolive Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1978 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=6 February 2016
- 1978 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1978 Costa Rican general election: |accessdate=16 August 2016, |accessdate=16 August 2016
- 1978 Gillette Cup Final: |authorlink=Vic Marks
- 1978 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1978 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=August 26, 2014
- 1978 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1978 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=9 October 2017
- 1978 Qom protest: |accessdate=8 January 2019 , |accessdate=8 January 2019
- 1978 Revelation on Priesthood: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-02-21
- 1978 Sikh–Nirankari clashes: |accessdate=29 August 2014, | accessdate = 23 March 2020 , |accessdate=25 March 2020
- 1978 South West African legislative election: |authorlink=Dirk Mudge↵, |accessdate= 23 September 2014
- 1978 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1978 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1978 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1979 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1979 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1979 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1979 Colgate-Palmolive Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1979 Connecticut Huskies baseball team: |accessdate=September 11, 2016, |accessdate=September 11, 2016
- 1979 Eastern 8 Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 7, 2017
- 1979 European Competition for Women's Football: |authorlink= Sue Lopez, |authorlink=Jean Williams
- 1979 FIM Motocross World Championship: |accessdate=31 December 2016
- 1979 Fastnet race: |authorlink1=John Rousmaniere
- 1979 Gillette Cup Final: |authorlink1=Viv Richards , |origyear=1979 , |authorlink=Vic Marks , |authorlink=Peter Roebuck
- 1979 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1979 Mississauga train derailment: |accessdate=April 8, 2016
- 1979 NCAA Division I Basketball Championship Game: |accessdate=April 4, 2016
- 1979 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=August 26, 2014
- 1979 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1979 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=27 September 2017
- 1979 Perth State of Origin Carnival: |accessdate=5 February 2016
- 1979 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1979 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=August 25, 2020, |accessdate=October 25, 2020, |accessdate=October 25, 2020
- 1979 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- 1979 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=September 21, 2013, |accessdate=September 21, 2013
- 1979 Tumaco earthquake: |accessdate=27 August 2012
- 1979 U.S. embassy burning in Islamabad: | authorlink = Steve Coll, | authorlink = Lawrence Wright
- 1979 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1979 in Sri Lanka: |authorlink1=Rohan Gunaratna, |authorlink=S. Arumugam
- 1979 in architecture: |accessdate=2011-11-03
- 1979 in art: |authorlink=Eleanor Jones Harvey
- 1979 in radio: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-09-27
- 1979–80 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 5, 2017, |accessdate=November 5, 2017
- 1980 Big East Men's Basketball Tournament: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-02-04
- 1980 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1980 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=June 9, 2018, |accessdate=June 9, 2018
- 1980 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=13 February 2016
- 1980 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1980 Dominican Republic Embassy siege in Bogotá: | authorlink =Diego Asencio↵
- 1980 Eastern 8 Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 7, 2017
- 1980 Entumbane clashes: |origyear=2003↵
- 1980 French Open – Men's Singles: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- 1980 Garden State Bowl: |accessdate=October 1, 2011
- 1980 Grand Island tornado outbreak: |authorlink=Thomas P. Grazulis
- 1980 Honduras earthquake: |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys
- 1980 John Anderson vice presidential candidate selection: |accessdate=5 October 2015
- 1980 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1980 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1980 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=October 3, 2014
- 1980 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1980 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=26 September 2017
- 1980 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=3 June 2011
- 1980 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection: |authorlink=Jon Meacham
- 1980 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1980 Stanley Cup playoffs: |authorlink=Andrew Podnieks
- 1980 State of Origin game: |accessdate= 19 February 2011
- 1980 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1980 Toronto International Film Festival: |accessdate=October 14, 2013
- 1980 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=September 21, 2013, |accessdate=September 21, 2013
- 1980 Volvo Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1980 Women's College World Series: |accessdate=2017-03-05
- 1980 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1980 in animation: |accessdate=October 10, 2010
- 1980 in radio: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-09-27
- 1980 in science: |authorlink1=Jean-Francois Borel
- 1980s in Latin music: |authorlink=Ilan Stavans , |accessdate=October 30, 2014, |accessdate=6 August 2019, |accessdate=8 August 2019, |accessdate=8 August 2019, |accessdate=15 August 2019, |accessdate=15 August 2019, |accessdate=15 August 2019, |accessdate=15 August 2019
- 1980–1985 The New Mix in One Go: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1980–81 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=January 24, 2018, |accessdate=January 24, 2018
- 1980–82 Galatama: |accessdate=30 May 2019
- 1981 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1981 Armenia mid-air collision: |accessdate=2009-11-10
- 1981 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1981 Big East Men's Basketball Tournament: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-02-04
- 1981 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 3, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1981 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1981 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=13 February 2016
- 1981 Eastern 8 Conference Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 7, 2017, |accessdate=June 7, 2017
- 1981 Garden State Bowl: |accessdate=September 30, 2011
- 1981 Iranian Prime Minister's office bombing: |accessdate=14 March 2017
- 1981 Irish hunger strike: | authorlink = Denis O'Hearn
- 1981 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1981 Maccabiah Games: |accessdate=April 4, 2011
- 1981 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 8, 2013
- 1981 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=October 6, 2014
- 1981 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1981 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=26 September 2017
- 1981 Oklahoma State Cowboys baseball team: |accessdate=May 14, 2018, |accessdate=May 14, 2018
- 1981 Pacific hurricane season: |accessdate=January 2, 2011
- 1981 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1981 State of Origin game: | authorlink = ↵
- 1981 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=October 28, 2020, |accessdate=October 28, 2020, |accessdate=October 28, 2020
- 1981 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1981 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 9, 2014, |accessdate=March 9, 2014
- 1981 UConn Huskies men's soccer team: |accessdate=May 14, 2015
- 1981 Volvo Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1981 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1981–82 Rugby Union County Championship: |authorlink1=Bill Beaumont
- 1981–82 South Pacific cyclone season: |accessdate=2011-02-24
- 1982 AIAW Slow-pitch Softball Tournament: |accessdate=2017-03-14
- 1982 Big East Men's Basketball Tournament: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-02-04
- 1982 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 4, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1982 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1982 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1982 Costa Rican general election: |accessdate=16 August 2016, |accessdate=16 August 2016
- 1982 Eastern 8 Conference Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 8, 2017, |accessdate=June 8, 2017
- 1982 Hall of Fame Classic: |accessdate=October 1, 2011, |accessdate=October 1, 2011
- 1982 Haryana Legislative Assembly election: |accessdate=2014-10-05, |accessdate=2014-10-05
- 1982 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1982 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1982 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=October 8, 2014
- 1982 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1982 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=25 September 2017
- 1982 Out of the Blue: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1982 Social Democratic Party leadership election: |authorlink=Ivor Crewe , |authorlink2=Anthony King (political scientist)
- 1982 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1982 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=October 28, 2020, |accessdate=October 28, 2020, |accessdate=October 28, 2020
- 1982 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1982 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 5, 2019, |accessdate=February 5, 2019
- 1982 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=May 28, 2018
- 1982 Volvo Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1982 Wichita State Shockers baseball team: |accessdate=May 25, 2019
- 1982 garment workers' strike: |authorlink=Xiaolan Bao
- 1982 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1982 in rail transport: |accessdate=15 March 2016
- 1982 kidnapping of Iranian diplomats: |accessdate=4 July 2017, |accessdate=3 July 2017, |accessdate=5 July 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=5 July 2017
- 1982 with a Bullet: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1982–83 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=January 17, 2018, |accessdate=January 17, 2018
- 1983 ... Summer Breaks: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1983 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1983 Atlantic 10 Conference Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 8, 2017, |accessdate=June 8, 2017
- 1983 Bermondsey by-election: |accessdate=19 June 2019 , |accessdate=19 June 2019
- 1983 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 6, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1983 British Airways Sikorsky S-61 crash: |accessdate=13 January 2018
- 1983 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1983 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1983 Kuwait bombings: |authorlink=Robin Wright (author), |accessdate=23 October 2010, |authorlink=Robin Wright (author), |authorlink=Robin Wright (author), | authorlink=Robin Wright (author) , |authorlink=Robin Wright (author)
- 1983 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1983 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1983 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 9, 2013
- 1983 NCAA Division I Softball Tournament: |accessdate=February 3, 2015, |accessdate=February 3, 2015, |accessdate=February 3, 2015
- 1983 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1983 National Collegiate Slow-pitch Softball Championship: |accessdate=2017-03-14, |accessdate=2017-02-15
- 1983 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=24 September 2017
- 1983 Sea of Japan earthquake: |accessdate=21 June 2012
- 1983 Swedish motorcycle Grand Prix: |accessdate=25 December 2010
- 1983 Texas A&M Aggies softball team: |accessdate=February 23, 2021
- 1983 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1983 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 2, 2019, |accessdate=June 2, 2019, |accessdate=June 2, 2019
- 1983 Volvo Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1983 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1983 in architecture: |accessdate=2012-07-16
- 1983–84 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 23, 2017, |accessdate=November 23, 2017
- 1984 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1984 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1984 Atlantic 10 Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 10, 2017, |accessdate=June 10, 2017
- 1984 Australian referendum: |accessdate=28 December 2012
- 1984 Bhiwandi riot: |authorlink= Asgharali Engineer
- 1984 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 6, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1984 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1984 Clemson Tigers men's soccer team: |accessdate=May 15, 2015
- 1984 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=13 February 2016
- 1984 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1984 Derby City Council election: |accessdate=14 February 2020
- 1984 Indian Airlines Airbus A300 hijacking: |accessdate=2 October 2018
- 1984 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1984 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1984 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=October 20, 2014
- 1984 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1984 New Zealand general election: |authorlink=Jon Johansson
- 1984 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=17 September 2017
- 1984 Shakin': |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1984 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-15, |accessdate=2012-09-15, |accessdate=2012-09-15
- 1984 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1984 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1984 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=December 31, 2014, |accessdate=December 31, 2014, |accessdate=December 31, 2014
- 1984 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1984 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 5, 2019, |accessdate=June 5, 2019, |accessdate=June 5, 2019
- 1984 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=June 27, 2018
- 1984 Volvo Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1984 World Cup (men's golf): |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1984 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1984 in archaeology: |authorlink=William Kelso
- 1984–85 Four-Nations Cup: |authorlink=Bill Frindall
- 1985 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1985 Andorran parliamentary election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1985 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1985 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1985 Atlantic 10 Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 11, 2017, |accessdate=June 11, 2017
- 1985 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 21, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1985 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 9, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1985 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1985 Comes Alive: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1985 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=13 February 2016
- 1985 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1985 Election Day floods: |accessdate=2014-02-08 , |accessdate=2014-02-09, |accessdate=2014-02-09
- 1985 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 1985 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=October 25, 2014
- 1985 NCAA Division I softball season: |accessdate=February 2, 2019
- 1985 Nabisco Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1985 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1985 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=23 September 2017
- 1985 Pacific Coast Athletic Association Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=December 31, 2012, |accessdate=December 31, 2012 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 15, 2013
- 1985 Polish legislative election: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=3 June 2011
- 1985 Rapel Lake earthquake: | accessdate= 13 September 2010
- 1985 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-15, |accessdate=2012-09-15, |accessdate=2012-09-15
- 1985 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1985 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1985 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=December 29, 2014, |accessdate=December 29, 2014, |accessdate=December 29, 2014
- 1985 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1985 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 6, 2019, |accessdate=June 6, 2019, |accessdate=June 6, 2019
- 1985 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=September 30, 2018
- 1985 World Games: |accessdate=2018-11-01
- 1985 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1985 in animation: |accessdate=May 29, 2020
- 1985–86 Calgary Flames season: |authorlink=Bob Broeg
- 1985–86 Sharjah Cup: |authorlink=Bill Frindall
- 1986 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1986 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack , |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1986 Atlantic 10 Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 11, 2017
- 1986 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 21, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1986 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 10, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1986 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1986 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 15, 2020
- 1986 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1986 Costa Rican general election: |authorlink1=Eugenio Rodríguez Vega, |authorlink1=Eduardo Oconitrillo García
- 1986 Dartmouth Big Green football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1986 Just for Kicks: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1986 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1986 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1986 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=November 19, 2014
- 1986 Nabisco Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1986 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1986 New Zealand National Party leadership election: |authorlink=Barry Gustafson
- 1986 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=17 September 2017
- 1986 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-16, |accessdate=2012-09-15, |accessdate=2012-09-15
- 1986 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1986 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1986 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=July 14, 2019, |accessdate=July 14, 2019, |accessdate=July 14, 2019
- 1986 Way to Go: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 1986 World Karate Championships: |accessdate=1 November 2014
- 1986 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1986 in animation: |accessdate=11 December 2018
- 1986–87 Full Members' Cup: |accessdate=29 April 2020
- 1987 ACC Men's Soccer Tournament: |accessdate=16 May 2015 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=31 May 2011
- 1987 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1987 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1987 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1987 Atlantic 10 Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 11, 2017
- 1987 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 21, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1987 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 10, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1987 Black Dragon fire: |authorlink1=Harrison Salisbury , |accessdate=3 April 2020
- 1987 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1987 Carapintada mutiny: |accessdate=October 29, 2015
- 1987 Clemson Tigers men's soccer team: |accessdate=May 15, 2015
- 1987 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 15, 2020
- 1987 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=15 February 2016
- 1987 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1987 Dartmouth Big Green football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1987 Derby City Council election: |accessdate=15 February 2020
- 1987 Full Members' Cup Final: |accessdate=29 April 2020
- 1987 Haitian general election: |accessdate=22 February 2018
- 1987 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1987 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=November 20, 2014
- 1987 Nabisco Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1987 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1987 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=11 September 2017
- 1987 Oklahoma State Cowboys baseball team: |accessdate=May 14, 2018, |accessdate=May 14, 2018
- 1987 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-29, |accessdate=2012-09-29, |accessdate=2012-09-29
- 1987 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1987 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1987 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=October 28, 2020, |accessdate=October 28, 2020, |accessdate=October 28, 2020
- 1987 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1987 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=July 17, 2019, |accessdate=July 17, 2019, |accessdate=June 17, 2019
- 1987 World Cup (men's golf): |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1987 in archaeology: |authorlink=Colin Renfrew, Baron Renfrew of Kaimsthorn, |authorlink=Ralph Merrifield
- 1987–88 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 20, 2017, |accessdate=November 20, 2017
- 1988 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1988 Arizona State Sun Devils baseball team: |accessdate=June 22, 2017
- 1988 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1988 Atlantic 10 Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 11, 2017
- 1988 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 22, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1988 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 16, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1988 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1988 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 16, 2020
- 1988 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=15 February 2016
- 1988 Dartmouth Big Green football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1988 Fusagasugá City Council election: |accessdate=15 October 2015
- 1988 Gilgit massacre: |accessdate=5 December 2014
- 1988 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1988 Independence Bowl: |accessdate=August 3, 2015
- 1988 Ladies European Tour: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1988 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1988 Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences fire: |authorlink=Leonid Parfyonov
- 1988 NCAA Division I baseball season: |accessdate=December 3, 2014
- 1988 Nabisco Masters: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1988 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1988 New Zealand rugby league season: | authorlink =↵
- 1988 Pacific Cup: | authorlink =↵
- 1988 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection: |authorlink=Jon Meacham
- 1988 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-29, |accessdate=2012-09-29, |accessdate=2012-09-29
- 1988 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1988 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1988 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=2012-06-28
- 1988 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=September 10, 2019
- 1988 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=February 2, 2019
- 1988 World Cup (men's golf): |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1988 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1988–89 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=September 23, 2020, |accessdate=September 23, 2020
- 1988–89 North American drought: |accessdate=2013-06-11
- 1989 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1989 Andorran parliamentary election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1989 Asia Golf Circuit: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1989 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1989 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 23, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1989 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 16, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1989 Chenoua earthquake: |authorlink2=Kerry Sieh, |authorlink3=Clarence Allen (geologist)
- 1989 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 16, 2020
- 1989 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1989 Dartmouth Big Green football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1989 Davao hostage crisis: |accessdate=19 April 2016
- 1989 FINA World Junior Synchronised Swimming Championships: |accessdate=28 May 2017
- 1989 Helena train wreck: |accessdate=January 22, 2012
- 1989 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1989 Kandy massacre: | accessdate=12 August 2018
- 1989 Kosovo miners' strike: |accessdate=9 March 2012
- 1989 Labatt Brier: |authorlink=Bob Weeks, |authorlink=Bob Weeks
- 1989 Ladies European Tour: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1989 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1989 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1989 Mao portrait vandalism incident: |authorlink=Denise Chong
- 1989 NCAA Division I Softball Tournament: |accessdate=May 13, 2015, |accessdate=May 13, 2015, |accessdate=May 13, 2015
- 1989 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1989 New Zealand local government reforms: |accessdate=23 August 2015
- 1989 Peace and Friendship Cup: |accessdate=25 August 2015
- 1989 Rose Bowl: | authorlink = Bob Wood (author)↵
- 1989 South Pacific Mini Games: |accessdate= 23 May 2015↵
- 1989 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-29, |accessdate=2012-09-29, |accessdate=2012-09-29
- 1989 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1989 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1989 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=December 23, 2014, |accessdate=December 23, 2014, |accessdate=December 23, 2014
- 1989 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1989 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=October 12, 2019
- 1989 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=February 16, 2019
- 1989 Ungava earthquake: |authorlink3=John Cassidy (seismologist)
- 1989 Vatican AIDS conference: |accessdate=21 May 2020, |accessdate=11 May 2020, |accessdate=8 May 2020
- 1989 World Cup (men's golf): |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1989 in American television: |accessdate=March 20, 2015
- 1989 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1989 in poetry: |accessdate=2009-01-10, |accessdate=2008-12-23
- 1989–90 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 18, 2017, |accessdate=November 18, 2017
- 1990 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1990 Batticaloa massacre: | accessdate= 8 September 2011 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1990 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 27, 2012 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1990 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 16, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1990 Brno municipal election: |accessdate=26 April 2018
- 1990 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1990 California Golden Bears football team: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=October 26, 2016
- 1990 Civic Forum leadership election: |accessdate=22 July 2017, |accessdate=4 December 2017
- 1990 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 16, 2020
- 1990 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=15 February 2016
- 1990 Dushanbe riots: |accessdate=2008-10-23, |accessdate=2008-10-23, |accessdate=2008-10-23
- 1990 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1990 Fusagasugá City Council election: |accessdate=14 October 2015
- 1990 Hungarian presidential election: |authorlink=
- 1990 Kazakh presidential election: |accessdate=3 February 2011
- 1990 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1990 Lithuanian Supreme Soviet election: |authorlink1=Česlovas Laurinavičius, | authorlink=Alfred Erich Senn
- 1990 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1990 New Zealand Labour Party leadership election: |authorlink=Marcia Russell
- 1990 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=9 September 2017
- 1990 Oklahoma State Cowboys baseball team: |accessdate=April 12, 2018, |accessdate=April 12, 2018
- 1990 Pacific Cup: | authorlink =↵
- 1990 Paisley North by-election: |authorlink1=Robert Waller (pundit)
- 1990 Prague municipal election: |accessdate=10 January 2018
- 1990 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-04-22, |accessdate=2012-04-22, |accessdate=2012-04-22
- 1990 Soviet nuclear tests: | accessdate=January 9, 2014
- 1990 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1990 The Citadel Bulldogs baseball team: |accessdate=March 25, 2013
- 1990 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=June 28, 2012
- 1990 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=October 12, 2019
- 1990 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=February 16, 2019
- 1990 World Cup (men's golf): |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1990 in British television: |authorlink= Colin Brake
- 1990s in anthropology: |accessdate=31 March 2019
- 1990–1998 Indonesian military operations in Aceh: |accessdate=12 April 2013, |accessdate=12 April 2013
- 1990–91 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 19, 2017, |accessdate=November 19, 2017
- 1990–91 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season: |accessdate=2014-06-10, |accessdate=2014-06-10
- 1991 ATP Tour World Championships: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1991 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1991 Arizona Wildcats softball team: |accessdate=July 18, 2019
- 1991 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1991 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 23, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1991 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 16, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1991 Brisbane Broncos season: | authorlink =↵
- 1991 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1991 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=May 8, 2018, |accessdate=May 8, 2018
- 1991 Colgate Red Raiders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1991 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 14, 2021
- 1991 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=16 February 2016
- 1991 Derby City Council election: |accessdate=21 February 2020
- 1991 FINA World Junior Synchronised Swimming Championships: |accessdate=28 May 2017
- 1991 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1991 Kokkadichcholai massacre: | authorlink = ↵
- 1991 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1991 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1991 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1991 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=9 September 2017
- 1991 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-14, |accessdate=2012-09-14, |accessdate=2012-09-14
- 1991 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1991 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season: |accessdate=2010-08-08
- 1991 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1991 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 2, 2019
- 1991 Wichita State Shockers baseball team: |accessdate=May 25, 2019, |accessdate=May 25, 2019
- 1991 World Club Challenge: | authorlink = ↵
- 1991 in Luxembourg: | accessdate=12 December 2009
- 1991–92 WFA National League Premier Division: |authorlink=Jean Williams (historian), |accessdate=2012-05-26
- 1992 ATP Tour World Championships: | authorlink1 = Bud Collins
- 1992 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 25, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1992 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 16, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1992 Brisbane Broncos season: | authorlink =↵
- 1992 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1992 Colgate Red Raiders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1992 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 15, 2021
- 1992 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=17 February 2016
- 1992 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1992 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1992 Great Britain Lions tour of Australasia: | accessdate= 28 March 2011 <!--DASHBot-->
- 1992 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1992 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1992 Los Angeles riots in popular culture: |authorlink=Paul Beatty
- 1992 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 15, 2013
- 1992 NCAA Division I Softball Tournament: |accessdate=October 7, 2015, |accessdate=October 7, 2015, |accessdate=October 7, 2015
- 1992 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1992 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=8 September 2017
- 1992 Queensland storms: | authorlink = Richard Whitaker↵
- 1992 Rugby League World Cup Final: |accessdate=12 March 2011
- 1992 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-14, |accessdate=2012-09-14, |accessdate=2012-09-14
- 1992 Summer Olympics opening ceremony: |accessdate=October 24, 2012
- 1992 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1992 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season: |accessdate=2010-04-06
- 1992 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=December 19, 2020, |accessdate=December 19, 2020, |accessdate=December 19, 2020, |accessdate=December 20, 2020
- 1992 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 2, 2019
- 1992 U.S. Figure Skating Championships: |accessdate=November 29, 2015
- 1992 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=March 26, 2019
- 1992–93 French Rugby Union Championship: |authorlink1=Richard Escot↵, |authorlink2=Jacques Rivière↵
- 1992–93 Ottawa Senators season: |accessdate=June 2, 2010
- 1992–93 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season: |accessdate=2014-04-08
- 1993 Arizona Wildcats softball team: |accessdate=July 19, 2019
- 1993 Asian Baseball Championship: |accessdate=18 August 2009
- 1993 Bayburt Üzengili avalanche: |accessdate=2010-10-15
- 1993 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 25, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013 , |accessdate=January 25, 2013
- 1993 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 20, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1993 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1993 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1993 Canadian federal budget: |authorlink1=Department of Finance (Canada) , |accessdate=18 June 2020
- 1993 Colgate Red Raiders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1993 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 15, 2021
- 1993 Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia leadership election: |accessdate=28 July 2017
- 1993 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=19 February 2016
- 1993 Connecticut Huskies softball team: |accessdate=July 18, 2020, |accessdate=July 18, 2020
- 1993 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1993 ECAC Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 20, 2018, |accessdate=April 20, 2018
- 1993 FINA World Junior Synchronised Swimming Championships: |accessdate=28 May 2017
- 1993 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1993 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1993 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 9, 2018
- 1993 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1993 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 15, 2013
- 1993 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1993 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=6 September 2017
- 1993 Pangal massacre: |accessdate=1 September 2019 , |accessdate=1 September 2019 , |accessdate=1 September 2019
- 1993 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 20, 2018, |accessdate=April 20, 2018
- 1993 Progressive Conservative leadership election: |accessdate=11 June 2019
- 1993 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-14, |accessdate=2012-09-14, |accessdate=2012-09-14
- 1993 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 12, 2019, |accessdate=January 12, 2019
- 1993 Spanish general election: |archiveurl=
- 1993 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1993 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season: |accessdate=2010-04-12
- 1993 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=December 24, 2020, |accessdate=December 24, 2020, |accessdate=December 24, 2020, |accessdate=December 24, 2020
- 1993 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1993 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 2, 2019
- 1993 Welling riots: |accessdate=4 June 2018
- 1993 Wichita State Shockers baseball team: |accessdate=May 24, 2019, |accessdate=May 24, 2019
- 1993–94 French Rugby Union Championship: |authorlink1=Richard Escot↵, |authorlink2=Jacques Rivière↵
- 1994 Albanian constitutional referendum: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 1994 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1994 Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly election: |accessdate=26 September 2013
- 1994 Arizona Wildcats softball team: |accessdate=December 1, 2019
- 1994 Bangladesh Ansar mutiny: |accessdate=12 December 2016
- 1994 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 27, 2012 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1994 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 20, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1994 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1994 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1994 Colombian presidential election: |authorlink=Dieter Nohlen
- 1994 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 15, 2021
- 1994 Connecticut Huskies football team: |accessdate=19 February 2016
- 1994 Cornell Big Red football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1994 Dartmouth Big Green football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1994 European Cross Country Championships: | authorlink=Tilastopaja Oy
- 1994 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1994 Fusagasugá City Council election: |accessdate=14 October 2015
- 1994 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1994 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 9, 2018
- 1994 Lehigh Engineers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1994 Mexican general election: |accessdate=2 September 2019
- 1994 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 15, 2013
- 1994 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1994 Nicholls State Colonels football team: |accessdate=19 February 2016, |accessdate=6 September 2017
- 1994 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 21, 2018
- 1994 Plzeň municipal election: |accessdate=11 January 2018
- 1994 Prague municipal election: |accessdate=9 January 2018
- 1994 Rose Bowl: | authorlink = ↵
- 1994 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-06-26, |accessdate=2012-06-26, |accessdate=2012-06-26
- 1994 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 12, 2019, |accessdate=January 12, 2019
- 1994 State of Origin series: |accessdate= 12 March 2011
- 1994 Swedish Golf Tour: |accessdate=6 February 2021
- 1994 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season: |accessdate=2010-04-12
- 1994 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1994 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 2, 2019
- 1994 Uruguayan general election: |authorlink=Pablo Mieres, |accessdate=12 June 2014
- 1994 World Lacrosse Championship: |accessdate=9 December 2016
- 1994 in science: |accessdate=2012-01-28<!--DASHBot-->
- 1994–95 Connecticut Huskies women's basketball team: |accessdate=June 23, 2017
- 1994–95 NASCAR SuperTruck Series exhibition races: |accessdate=February 19, 2015
- 1994–95 New York Knicks season: |accessdate=November 7, 2017, |accessdate=November 7, 2017
- 1995 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 26, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1995 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 23, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1995 Big West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 1, 2013, |accessdate=January 3, 2013, |accessdate=January 3, 2013, |accessdate=January 3, 2013
- 1995 Brisbane Broncos season: | authorlink = ↵
- 1995 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1995 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1995 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=March 24, 2018, |accessdate=March 24, 2018
- 1995 Colgate Red Raiders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1995 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 15, 2021
- 1995 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1995 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1995 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1995 Ipil massacre: |accessdate=January 21, 2018
- 1995 Island Games: |accessdate=8 May 2013, |accessdate=8 May 2013
- 1995 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 9, 2018
- 1995 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1995 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 15, 2013
- 1995 NCAA Division I Softball Tournament: |accessdate=June 22, 2017, |accessdate=June 22, 2017, |accessdate=June 22, 2017
- 1995 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1995 North Indian Ocean cyclone season: |accessdate=2015-12-04
- 1995 Qatari coup d'état: |accessdate=2 March 2012
- 1995 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-06-26, |accessdate=2012-06-26, |accessdate=2012-06-26
- 1995 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 6, 2019, |accessdate=January 6, 2019
- 1995 State of Origin series: | authorlink = Steve Menzies↵
- 1995 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season: |accessdate=2010-04-12
- 1995 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1995 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 15, 2020
- 1995 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=May 3, 2019
- 1995 in rail transport: |authorlink=Haruki Murakami
- 1996 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1996 Arizona Wildcats softball team: |accessdate=January 6, 2020
- 1996 Armenian presidential election: |accessdate=11 January 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=20 June 2013
- 1996 Asian PGA Tour: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1996 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 26, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1996 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 23, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1996 Big West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 1, 2013, |accessdate=January 3, 2013, |accessdate=January 3, 2013, |accessdate=January 3, 2013
- 1996 Brisbane Broncos season: | authorlink = ↵
- 1996 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=February 27, 2018, |accessdate=November 15, 2017
- 1996 Colgate Red Raiders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1996 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 29, 2021
- 1996 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1996 Derby City Council election: |accessdate=21 February 2020
- 1996 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1996 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1996 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 9, 2018
- 1996 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1996 Lehigh Mountain Hawks football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1996 Liberty Bowl: |accessdate=December 31, 2015
- 1996 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 15, 2013
- 1996 Mundingburra state by-election: |accessdate=6 March 2009
- 1996 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1996 New Zealand rugby league season: | authorlink =↵
- 1996 Padilla car crash: | authorlink = Chalmers Johnson
- 1996 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 30, 2018
- 1996 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-08, |accessdate=2012-09-08, |accessdate=2012-09-08
- 1996 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 6, 2019, |accessdate=January 6, 2019
- 1996 Southwest Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 15, 2014, |accessdate=May 15, 2014
- 1996 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season: |accessdate=2009-11-26
- 1996 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1996 Tibetan Parliament in Exile election: |accessdate=16 March 2016
- 1996 Toronto Argonauts season: |accessdate=2011-05-07 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 April 2011
- 1996 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 16, 2020
- 1996 United Nations Secretary-General selection: |authorlink=Richard Holbrooke
- 1996 in machinima: |authorlink=Paul Marino
- 1996 in science: |accessdate=20 February 2018, |accessdate=20 February 2018
- 1996–97 Australian bushfire season: |accessdate=29 April 2016, |accessdate=8 June 2015
- 1996–97 strikes in South Korea: |accessdate=16 December 2014
- 1997 Arizona Wildcats softball team: |accessdate=February 2, 2020
- 1997 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 26, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1997 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 23, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1997 Big West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2014-01-07, |accessdate=2014-01-07, |accessdate=2014-01-07, |accessdate=2014-01-07, |accessdate=2014-01-07, |accessdate=2014-01-07
- 1997 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1997 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1997 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 29, 2021
- 1997 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1997 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1997 Fusagasugá City Council election: |accessdate=14 October 2015
- 1997 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1997 Irkutsk Antonov An-124 crash: |accessdate=10 November 2017
- 1997 Israeli helicopter disaster: |accessdate=30 January 2016
- 1997 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 9, 2018
- 1997 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1997 Lehigh Mountain Hawks football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1997 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 17, 2013
- 1997 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1997 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 5, 2018
- 1997 Soul Train Music Awards: |accessdate=2015-03-08
- 1997 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-09-08, |accessdate=2012-09-08, |accessdate=2012-09-08
- 1997 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 6, 2019, |accessdate=January 6, 2019
- 1997 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1997 Toronto Argonauts season: |accessdate=2011-05-07 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 April 2011
- 1997 Towson Tigers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1997 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 17, 2020
- 1997 in Northern Ireland: |authorlink=Toby Harnden, |authorlink=Richard English
- 1997–98 Tennessee Lady Volunteers basketball team: |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt, |authorlink=Pat Summitt
- 1998 Arizona State Sun Devils baseball team: |accessdate=December 28, 2016
- 1998 Armenian presidential election: |accessdate=26 April 2013, |accessdate=6 April 2013
- 1998 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 27, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1998 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 23, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1998 Big West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 1, 2013, |accessdate=January 3, 2013, |accessdate=January 3, 2013, |accessdate=January 5, 2013, |accessdate=January 5, 2013, |accessdate=January 5, 2013
- 1998 Brisbane Broncos season: | authorlink = ↵
- 1998 Brown Bears football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1998 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1998 Colgate Red Raiders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1998 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 31, 2021
- 1998 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1998 Comfrey–St. Peter tornado outbreak: |authorlink = Paul Douglas (meteorologist)
- 1998 Costa Rican general election: |accessdate=13 March 2016, |accessdate=13 March 2016
- 1998 Czech legislative election: |accessdate=18 December 2017, |accessdate=1 August 2016
- 1998 Eskridge car crash: | authorlink = Chalmers Johnson
- 1998 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1998 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1998 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 9, 2018
- 1998 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1998 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 17, 2013
- 1998 NCAA Division I Softball Tournament: |accessdate=November 25, 2017, |accessdate=November 25, 2017, |accessdate=November 25, 2017
- 1998 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1998 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 5, 2018
- 1998 Plzeň municipal election: |accessdate=11 January 2018
- 1998 Prague municipal election: |accessdate=9 January 2018
- 1998 Riga bombing: |accessdate=September 16, 2015, |accessdate=September 16, 2015, |accessdate=September 16, 2015, |accessdate=September 15, 2015, |accessdate=September 15, 2015, |accessdate=September 16, 2015
- 1998 Soul Train Music Awards: |accessdate=2015-09-14
- 1998 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-06-27, |accessdate=2012-06-27, |accessdate=2012-06-27
- 1998 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 5, 2019, |accessdate=January 5, 2019
- 1998 State of Origin series: | authorlink =↵
- 1998 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race: |accessdate=21 June 2017, |accessdate=18 July 2017, |accessdate=26 July 2017
- 1998 Tampa Bay Buccaneers season: |accessdate=2009-11-26
- 1998 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1998 Toronto Argonauts season: |accessdate=2011-05-07 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 April 2011
- 1998 Towson Tigers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1998 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 19, 2020
- 1998 Winter Olympics opening ceremony: |accessdate=26 September 2020, |accessdate=1 November 2020
- 1998 in British television: |accessdate=21 November 2015
- 1998 in art: |authorlink=William Boyd (writer)
- 1998 in science: |authorlink=Ben Goldacre
- 1998–99 Connecticut Huskies men's ice hockey season: |accessdate=July 20, 2017
- 1999 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1999 Asian PGA Tour: |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- 1999 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 27, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 1999 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 23, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 1999 British National Party leadership election: |accessdate=1 April 2016
- 1999 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1999 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 2, 2021
- 1999 Columbia Lions football team: |accessdate=July 10, 2020
- 1999 Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia leadership election: |accessdate=28 July 2017
- 1999 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1999 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1999 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 9, 2018
- 1999 Khulna mosque bombing: |accessdate=26 November 2016, |accessdate=26 November 2016
- 1999 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1999 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 17, 2013
- 1999 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 1999 New Zealand MP reduction referendum: |author1link=Dieter Nohlen
- 1999 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 1999 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-04-14, |accessdate=2012-04-14, |accessdate=2012-04-14
- 1999 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 5, 2019, |accessdate=January 5, 2019
- 1999 The Citadel Bulldogs football team: |accessdate=January 26, 2016
- 1999 Toronto Argonauts season: |accessdate=2011-05-07 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 April 2011
- 1999 Towson Tigers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 1999 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 19, 2020
- 1999 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=June 8, 2019
- 1999 in British music: |authorlink= Mick Wall
- 1999 in animation: |accessdate=25 January 2018
- 1999 in art: |authorlink=Desmond Morris
- 1999–2000 Belizean municipal elections: | authorlink=Globalization, Diversity and Civil Society in the Caribbean; Integration by Design or Default?
- 1999–2000 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season: |accessdate=2014-09-30
- 199th Battalion Duchess of Connaught's Own Irish Rangers, CEF: |accessdate=13 October 2020
- 19th Airlift Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 19th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 19th Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock
- 19th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 19th Battalion (New Zealand): |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley
- 19th Division (North Korea): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-01-15
- 19th Independent Battery Indiana Light Artillery: |authorlink=Kenneth W. Noe
- 19th Light Dragoons: |authorlink = John Biddulph
- 19th Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2013-02-15
- 19th Mississippi Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Dunbar Rowland , |authorlink1=Joseph Wheeler , |authorlink2=Charles E. Hooker
- 19th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 19th-century Catholic periodical literature: |authorlink=Owen Chadwick , |accessdate=28 January 2014 , |authorlink=Francis Aidan Gasquet , |authorlink=Wilfrid Philip Ward
- 19th-century turnpikes in Massachusetts: |origyear= 1919
- 19th-century turnpikes in Rhode Island: |origyear=1919
- 1: The Collection: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵<!--↵| title_width = ↵| writing_width = ↵| music_width = ↵| lyrics_width = ↵| extra_width = ↵-->↵↵
- 1:42.08: |accessdate=30 April 2017
- 1:50 scale: |accessdate=13 February 2018
- 1:64 scale: |accessdate=27 February 2011 , |accessdate=27 February 2011
- 1K ZX Chess: | authorlink=Tim Harding (chess player)
- 1st (Emperor Alexander) Guards Grenadiers: |accessdate=12 March 2018 , |accessdate=12 March 2018
- 1st (Peshawar) Division: | authorlink = Philip Haythornthwaite↵
- 1st (Risalpur) Cavalry Brigade: | authorlink = Philip Haythornthwaite↵
- 1st Air Squadron (Japan): |authorlink=Ikuhiko Hata
- 1st Airborne Task Force (Allied): |accessdate=27 February 2011, |accessdate=27 February 2011
- 1st Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=9 August 2020, |accessdate=26 February 2018 , |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 1st Anti-Aircraft Division (Japan): |authorlink=Steven Zaloga
- 1st Arkansas 30 Day Volunteer Regiment: |accessdate=May 6, 2010
- 1st Arkansas Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=1 January 2011
- 1st Armoured Brigade (Australia): |authorlink=Ronald Hopkins , |authorlink=Gavin Long, |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 1st Armoured Regiment (Australia): |accessdate=2 August 2007
- 1st Army Aviation Regiment "Antares": |accessdate=28 November 2018
- 1st Army Aviation Support Regiment "Idra": |accessdate=28 November 2018
- 1st Australian Civil Affairs Unit: |authorlink=Paul Ham
- 1st Australian Tunnelling Company: |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds
- 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron: |authorlink=Charles Bean
- 1st Avenue (Seattle): |authorlink=Walt Crowley
- 1st Awit Awards (1969): |accessdate=20 October 2012, |accessdate=28 October 2012, |accessdate=20 October 2012, |accessdate=20 October 2012
- 1st Bassman: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 1st Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles, CEF: |accessdate=December 29, 2011
- 1st Belgrade Special Combat detachment: | authorlink = Jozo Tomasevich↵
- 1st Brigade, Polish Legions: |authorlink=Andrzej Friszke
- 1st Cambodian Parachute Regiment: |accessdate=12 March 2018
- 1st Carabinieri Mobile Brigade: |accessdate=8 March 2017, |accessdate=15 April 2018, |authorlink1=Vittorio Agnoletto, |accessdate=23 March 2017
- 1st Carabinieri Paratroopers Regiment "Tuscania": |accessdate=17 March 2017, |accessdate=16 July 2017
- 1st Carabinieri Regiment "Piemonte": |accessdate=16 July 2017
- 1st Close Health Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner
- 1st Continental Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Robert K. Wright Jr.
- 1st Cossack Cavalry Division: |authorlink=Georg Tessin
- 1st Council of the Northwest Territories: |authorlink1=Grant MacEwan , |accessdate=19 May 2020
- 1st Cruiser Squadron: |authorlink=Julian Corbett, |authorlink=Julian Corbett, |authorlink=Julian Corbett
- 1st Dakota Cavalry Battalion: | origyear=1908
- 1st Division (Norway): |authorlink=Wilhelm Faye , |authorlink=Magne Skodvin , |authorlink=Jens Henrik Nordlie
- 1st Division (Royal Navy): |authorlink=Arthur Marder, |origyear=1961
- 1st Expeditionary Rescue Group: |accessdate=19 December 2015
- 1st Field Artillery Battery (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner
- 1st Field Artillery Regiment (Mountain): |accessdate=12 January 2019, |accessdate=12 January 2019
- 1st Fighter Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 1st Fleet (Imperial Japanese Navy): | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- 1st Florida Cavalry Regiment (Union): |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- 1st Flying Training Centre: |accessdate=4 May 2018
- 1st Helicopter Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 1st Illinois Cavalry Regiment: | authorlink = Frederick H. Dyer↵
- 1st Independent Company (Australia): |authorlink=Phillip Bradley , |authorlink=David Horner
- 1st Independent Parachute Brigade (Poland): |authorlink=Stanisław Sosabowski
- 1st Infantry (album): |accessdate=2011-08-19
- 1st Iranian Majlis: | authorlink =↵
- 1st Kentucky Infantry Regiment (Confederate): |authorlink=
- 1st Madras Assembly: | authorlink = ↵
- 1st Malaya Infantry Brigade: | authorlink1 = Mubin Sheppard
- 1st Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2012-09-19
- 1st Marine Regiment (Sweden): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2016-08-17
- 1st Military District (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 1st New Guinea Infantry Battalion: | authorlink= , |authorlink=, | authorlink = Gavin Long , | authorlink=
- 1st New Hampshire Regiment: | accessdate=June 26, 2006
- 1st North Carolina Regiment: |accessdate=Jan 30, 2019
- 1st Pennsylvania Reserve Regiment: |accessdate=31 May 2018
- 1st Robert Awards: | authorlink = Morten Piil↵
- 1st Royal New South Wales Lancers: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Ronald Hopkins, |authorlink=Banjo Paterson
- 1st SAS Brigade: |authorlink=Nicholas Rankin
- 1st SS-Standarte: | authorlink = Adrian Weale
- 1st Siberian Army Corps: |authorlink=Rotem Kowner↵
- 1st Split Partisan Detachment: |accessdate=4 September 2014, |accessdate=4 September 2014, |accessdate=4 September 2014, |accessdate=4 September 2014
- 1st Staffordshire Artillery Volunteers: |authorlink=Raymond Priestley
- 1st Tennessee Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Sam Watkins , |accessdate=August 5, 2017, |accessdate=February 25, 2016
- 1st Texas Cavalry Regiment (Union): |accessdate=22 June 2019
- 1st Vermont Cavalry Regiment: |accessdate=November 11, 2010
- 1st West Virginia Infantry Regiment (3 Month): |accessdate=2008-09-14
- 1st World Scout Jamboree: | authorlink = J. S. Wilson
- 1st/19th Battalion, Royal New South Wales Regiment: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh
- 1–11 and 13 Bath Street, Chester: | authorlink = Edward Hubbard
- 1–2 Orme Square: |authorlink1 = Christopher Hibbert, |authorlink2 = Ben Weinreb, |authorlink3 = John Keay
- 1–6 Priory Street, Monmouth: |authorlink=Charles Heath (Monmouth)↵, |authorlink=Keith Kissack↵, |authorlink=Keith Kissack ↵, |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)↵
- 2 (Mac DeMarco album): |lyrics_credits=, |music_credits=
- 2 22 honeycomb: | authorlink = John Horton Conway
- 2 Chronicles 34: |authorlink= Henry Barclay Swete , | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Chronicles 35: |authorlink= Henry Barclay Swete , | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Corinthians 5: | authorlink = Kurt Aland↵ , | authorlink2 = Barbara Aland↵
- 2 Corinthians 9: | authorlink=Alexander Kirkpatrick
- 2 Horns / 2 Rhythm: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 2 Intelligence Company: |accessdate=19 July 2015, |accessdate=19 July 2015
- 2 Kings 10: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 13: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 14: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 15: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, |authorlink= Peter Leithart , | authorlink= Edwin R. Thiele, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 16: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 18: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink= Edwin R. Thiele, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 19: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink= Edwin R. Thiele, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 22: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink= Edwin R. Thiele, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 23: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink= Edwin R. Thiele, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 24: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink= Edwin R. Thiele, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 25: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink= Edwin R. Thiele, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 3: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Kings 9: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink= Henry Hampton Halley, | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Reconnaissance Commando (South Africa): |accessdate=25 December 2014, |accessdate=25 December 2014, |authorlink1=Jan Breytenbach, |accessdate=24 December 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=24 December 2014
- 2 Samuel 22: |origyear=1906 , | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Samuel 23: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- 2 Thessalonians 1: |authorlink= Philip Esler , |authorlink= Philip Esler
- 2 Thessalonians 2: |authorlink= Philip Esler , |authorlink= Philip Esler
- 2 Thessalonians 3: |authorlink= Philip Esler , |authorlink= Philip Esler
- 2 Timothy 2: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan
- 2 Timothy 3: | authorlink= Donald Guthrie (theologian)
- 2 mm caliber: | authorlink = Frank Barnes (gunsmith) , | origyear = 1965 , | authorlink = Frank Barnes (gunsmith) , | origyear = 1965
- 2 yen coin: |accessdate=August 7, 2018, |accessdate=August 6, 2018
- 2-valued morphism: | authorlink= Francis Heylighen↵
- 2/10th Commando Squadron (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner, |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 2/10th Field Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner
- 2/11th Commando Squadron (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner, |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 2/12th Commando Squadron (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner, |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 2/12th Field Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian)
- 2/14th Field Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner
- 2/16th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Phillip Bradley, |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), | authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 March 2016 , |authorlink=Garth Pratten, |authorlink=Malcolm Uren
- 2/18th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 2/19th Battalion (Australia): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 March 2016
- 2/1st Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh , |authorlink=Gavin Long, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 March 2016
- 2/1st Medium Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 2/1st North Australia Observer Unit: |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey
- 2/20th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Gavin Long, |authorlink=Garth Pratten
- 2/21st Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Gavin Long, |authorlink=Garth Pratten, |authorlink=Joan Beaumont
- 2/22nd Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Gavin Long , |accessdate=22 December 2015, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 March 2016 , |authorlink=Garth Pratten
- 2/24th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian) , |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long , |authorlink=Garth Pratten
- 2/26th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Gavin Long, |accessdate=22 December 2015
- 2/27th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Phillip Bradley, |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long, |authorlink=Garth Pratten
- 2/29th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Gavin Long, |authorlink=Garth Pratten
- 2/2nd Anti-Tank Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith , |accessdate=24 August 2019, |authorlink=David Horner
- 2/2nd Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 March 2016
- 2/2nd Machine Gun Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 2/3rd Anti-Tank Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 2/3rd Commando Squadron (Australia): |accessdate=29 February 2020, |authorlink=David Horner
- 2/3rd Field Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 2/40th Battalion: |authorlink=Gavin Long, |authorlink=Garth Pratten
- 2/4th Anti-Tank Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 2/4th Armoured Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 2/4th Pioneer Battalion (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 2/5th Commando Squadron (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner
- 2/5th Field Regiment: |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink =Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 2/6th Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Phillip Bradley , |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long, |accessdate=22 December 2015, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 March 2016
- 2/6th Field Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Gavin Long, |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 2/7th Commando Squadron (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner, |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink=Gavin Long, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2016-03-09 , |authorlink=Phillip Bradley
- 2/7th Field Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian)
- 2/8th Commando Squadron (Australia): |authorlink=David Horner, |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 2/9th Field Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 20 Fingers: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- 20 Frith Street: |authorlink=John Feltham↵ , |accessdate=16 December 2012, |accessdate=14 December 2012, |accessdate=14 December 2012, |accessdate=10 September 2015, |authorlink = Maynard Solomon↵
- 20 Golden Greats (Buddy Holly & The Crickets album): |authorlink= Joel Whitburn
- 20 Granite Creek: |accessdate=March 8, 2019
- 20 Jazz Funk Greats: |accessdate=5 September 2014
- 20 mm Polsten: |authorlink=M. M. Postan
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916 film): |accessdate=September 15, 2013
- 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- 20,000 Streets Under the Sky: |accessdate=23 December 2012
- 20-pounder Parrott rifle: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 20/20 (20/20 album): |accessdate=March 17, 2019
- 20/20 (George Benson album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- 20/20 (band): |authorlink= John M. Borack
- 200 More Miles: Live Performances 1985–1994: |accessdate=30 April 2019
- 2000 A.D. (chess variant): |authorlink=V. R. Parton↵ , |authorlink=V. R. Parton ↵ , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵ , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵
- 2000 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2000 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 29, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2000 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 26, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2000 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2000 CHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=2009-01-29
- 2000 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=July 25, 2017, |accessdate=July 25, 2017
- 2000 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 3, 2021
- 2000 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2000 Fort Worth tornado outbreak: |accessdate=March 8, 2017
- 2000 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 2000 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2000 Humanitarian Bowl: |accessdate=December 27, 2015
- 2000 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 5, 2018
- 2000 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 17, 2013
- 2000 Miles: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 2000 Mountain West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 9, 2012
- 2000 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2000 Oklahoma Sooners softball team: |accessdate=September 17, 2020
- 2000 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 2000 Sanex Trophy – Singles: |accessdate=30 August 2019
- 2000 Simpsonwood CDC conference: |authorlink=Paul Offit
- 2000 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-08-23, |accessdate=2012-08-23, |accessdate=2012-08-23
- 2000 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 31, 2018, |accessdate=December 31, 2018
- 2000 Spanish general election: |archiveurl=
- 2000 Summer Olympics closing ceremony: |accessdate=5 November 2020
- 2000 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=December 29, 2020, |accessdate=December 29, 2020, |accessdate=December 29, 2020, |accessdate=December 29, 2020
- 2000 Towson Tigers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2000 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=September 18, 2019
- 2000 UConn Huskies men's soccer team: |accessdate=May 14, 2015
- 2000 WUSA Foreign Player Allocation: |accessdate=23 October 2013, |authorlink=Kelly Smith
- 2000 in Cape Verde: |accessdate=27 November 2016
- 2000s European sovereign debt crisis timeline: | accessdate=18 August 2011 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate=17 August 2011
- 2000–01 North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team: |accessdate=April 7, 2017
- 2001 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2001 Andorran parliamentary election: |authorlink= Dieter Nohlen↵
- 2001 Arizona Wildcats softball team: |accessdate=May 19, 2020
- 2001 Bagerhat bombing: |accessdate=1 August 2017
- 2001 Bangladesh post-election violence: |accessdate=2 August 2018 , |accessdate=2 August 2018
- 2001 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 30, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2001 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 30, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2001 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2001 CHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=2009-01-31
- 2001 Central Tibetan Administration general election: |accessdate=16 March 2016
- 2001 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2001 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 2001 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2001 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 5, 2018
- 2001 Jos riots: |accessdate=May 5, 2015, |accessdate=5 May 2015, |accessdate=5 May 2015, |accessdate=5 May 2015
- 2001 Latin Billboard Music Awards: |accessdate=2019-03-31
- 2001 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 30, 2013
- 2001 Mountain West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 9, 2012
- 2001 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2001 National Liberation Party presidential primary: |accessdate=21 March 2016, |accessdate=21 March 2016
- 2001 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 2001 Radio Disney Music Awards: |accessdate=2011-12-29
- 2001 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 31, 2018, |accessdate=December 31, 2018
- 2001 State of Origin series: |accessdate= 12 March 2011
- 2001 Sunamganj bombing: |accessdate=1 February 2018
- 2001 Towson Tigers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2001 Trans America Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 7, 2019, |accessdate=April 7, 2019, |accessdate=April 5, 2019
- 2001 West Coast Conference Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=September 16, 2017
- 2001 in animation: |accessdate=August 22, 2008, |accessdate=July 3, 2010
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (score): |accessdate=October 16, 2011
- 2001: Do Hazaar Ek: |accessdate=27 October 2012
- 2001–02 North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team: |accessdate=March 28, 2017
- 2001–02 The Citadel Bulldogs basketball team: |accessdate=July 17, 2013
- 2002 Atlantic Sun Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 5, 2019, |accessdate=April 5, 2019, |accessdate=April 5, 2019
- 2002 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 2, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2002 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 5, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2002 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2002 CHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=2009-01-31
- 2002 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=July 5, 2017, |accessdate=July 5, 2017
- 2002 Costa Rican general election: |accessdate=13 March 2016, |accessdate=13 March 2016
- 2002 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2002 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2002 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 5, 2018
- 2002 Lehigh Mountain Hawks football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2002 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 31, 2013
- 2002 Mountain West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 9, 2012, |accessdate=December 8, 2012
- 2002 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2002 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 2002 Queens rape: |accessdate=26 February 2019, |accessdate=26 February 2019
- 2002 Radio Disney Music Awards: |accessdate=2011-12-29
- 2002 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-03-29, |accessdate=2012-03-29
- 2002 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 30, 2018, |accessdate=December 30, 2018
- 2002 Towson Tigers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2002 Winter Olympics torch relay: |accessdate=25 October 2010, |accessdate=25 October 2010, |accessdate=25 October 2010, |accessdate=26 October 2010
- 2002 in Iraq: |authorlink=Bob Woodward
- 2002 in rail transport: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=26 August 2009
- 2002–03 North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team: |accessdate=March 28, 2017
- 2002–03 South Pacific cyclone season: |accessdate=December 7, 2012
- 2003 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2003 Atlantic Sun Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 4, 2019, |accessdate=April 4, 2019, |accessdate=April 4, 2019
- 2003 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 2, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2003 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 6, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2003 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2003 CHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=2009-01-31
- 2003 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2003 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2003 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2003 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 4, 2018
- 2003 Lafayette Leopards football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 2003 Lehigh Mountain Hawks football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2003 Melbourne runaway train: |accessdate=28 January 2019, |accessdate=28 January 2019, |accessdate=22 May 2018
- 2003 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 31, 2013
- 2003 Montreal Expos season: | authorlink = Montreal Expos↵, | authorlink = Montreal Expos↵, | authorlink = Montreal Expos↵
- 2003 Mountain West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 8, 2012
- 2003 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2003 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 2003 Southern Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-03-25, |accessdate=2012-03-25, |accessdate=2012-09-16
- 2003 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 30, 2018
- 2003 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=January 2, 2021, |accessdate=January 2, 2021, |accessdate=January 2, 2021, |accessdate=January 2, 2021
- 2003 Towson Tigers football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2003 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=June 8, 2019
- 2004 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2004 Appalachian State Mountaineers football team: |accessdate=November 30, 2009
- 2004 Atlantic Sun Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 30, 2019, |accessdate=March 30, 2019, |accessdate=March 30, 2019
- 2004 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 2, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2004 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 6, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2004 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2004 CHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=2009-02-01
- 2004 Calgary municipal election: |accessdate=20 March 2020
- 2004 Emerald Bowl: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2005-03-12 , |accessdate=2012-10-12
- 2004 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2004 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2004 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2004 Houston Bowl: |accessdate=December 27, 2015
- 2004 Iraq KBR convoy ambush: |accessdate=14 December 2018
- 2004 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 4, 2018
- 2004 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 31, 2013
- 2004 Mountain West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 8, 2012
- 2004 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2004 Palm Island death in custody: |authorlink= Chloe Hooper
- 2004 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 2004 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 29, 2018
- 2004 Texas Longhorns baseball team: |accessdate=April 25, 2014, |accessdate=April 25, 2014
- 2004 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=June 16, 2019
- 2004 Venezuelan regional elections: |accessdate=27 October 2012, |accessdate=1 November 2012
- 2004 in archaeology: |authorlink=Robin Dunbar
- 2004 in machinima: |authorlink=Paul Marino
- 2005 Atlantic Sun Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 23, 2019, |accessdate=March 23, 2019, |accessdate=March 23, 2019
- 2005 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 2, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2005 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 7, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2005 British Columbia electoral reform referendum: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2014-11-11
- 2005 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2005 CHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=2009-02-06
- 2005 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2005 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020, |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 2005 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2005 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 4, 2018
- 2005 Loganair Islander accident: |accessdate=30 December 2015, |accessdate=23 January 2016, |accessdate=23 January 2016
- 2005 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 1, 2013
- 2005 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2005 Netrokona bombing: |accessdate=14 December 2017
- 2005 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 2005 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 23, 2018, |accessdate=December 23, 2018
- 2005 in Wales: |authorlink=Hugh Pennington
- 2005–06 Australian bushfire season: |accessdate=28 April 2016, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2006-09-27
- 2006 All-Ireland Minor Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2006 Arizona Wildcats softball team: |accessdate=June 26, 2020
- 2006 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 2, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2006 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 12, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2006 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2006 CHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=2009-02-06
- 2006 Clemson Tigers baseball team: |accessdate=June 24, 2017
- 2006 Costa Rican general election: |accessdate=13 March 2016, |accessdate=13 March 2016
- 2006 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2006 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020, |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 2006 Hajj stampede: |authorlink=Richard Francis Burton
- 2006 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2006 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 3, 2018
- 2006 Junee Bushfire: |accessdate=5 May 2016, |accessdate=5 May 2016, |accessdate=5 May 2016
- 2006 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 8, 2018
- 2006 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 4, 2013
- 2006 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2006 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 2006 Philippine Mount Everest expedition: |accessdate=20 July 2013
- 2006 Plzeň municipal election: |accessdate=11 January 2018
- 2006 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 22, 2018, |accessdate=December 22, 2018
- 2006 youth protests in France: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 May 2009
- 2007 All-Ireland Minor Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2007 All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2007 Arizona Wildcats softball team: |accessdate=August 5, 2020
- 2007 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 3, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2007 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 12, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2007 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2007 CHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=2009-02-06
- 2007 Carnation murders: |accessdate=April 21, 2017
- 2007 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020, |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 2007 Holy Cross Crusaders football team: |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2007 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 3, 2018
- 2007 Lehigh Mountain Hawks football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2007 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 6, 2013
- 2007 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2007 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 6, 2018
- 2007 Radio Disney Music Awards: |accessdate=2011-12-29
- 2007 Santiago Wanderers season: |accessdate=13 August 2018
- 2007 Southland Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 18, 2018, |accessdate=December 18, 2018
- 2007 West Coast Conference Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=November 4, 2017
- 2007 in archaeology: |accessdate=22 December 2017
- 2008 All-Ireland Minor Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2008 Arab Capital of Culture: | authorlink =↵
- 2008 Armenian presidential election protests: |authorlink=Human Rights Watch
- 2008 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 3, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2008 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 12, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2008 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2008 FIFA Club World Cup squads: |accessdate=9 December 2008 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 3 December 2008
- 2008 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2008 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020, |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 2008 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 3, 2018
- 2008 Jos riots: |accessdate=5 May 2015, |accessdate=5 May 2015
- 2008 Mid-American Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 6, 2013
- 2008 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2008 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 8, 2018
- 2008 Port Macquarie-Hastings Council dismissal: |accessdate=12 April 2008
- 2008 Rink Hockey European Championship: |accessdate=2008-07-27
- 2008 Spanish general election: |archiveurl = , |archivedate = 24 September 2015
- 2008–09 Calgary Flames season: |accessdate=2009-04-11 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 18 April 2009 , | accessdate= 1 December 2009 <!--DASHBot-->, | accessdate= 1 December 2009 <!--DASHBot-->, | accessdate= 1 December 2009 <!--DASHBot-->
- 2009 Algeria v Egypt football matches: |accessdate=12 June 2009 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=26 September 2007
- 2009 All-Ireland Minor Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2009 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 3, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2009 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 16, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 22, 2013
- 2009 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2009 CONCACAF Gold Cup group stage: |accessdate=2009-04-02 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-06-20
- 2009 CPISRA Football 7-a-side International Championships: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-09-16
- 2009 Citizens' Action Party presidential primary: |accessdate=21 March 2016
- 2009 Georgetown Hoyas football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020
- 2009 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 3, 2018
- 2009 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2009 National Liberation Party presidential primary: |accessdate=21 March 2016, |accessdate=21 March 2016
- 2009 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 8, 2018
- 2009 West Coast Conference Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=November 4, 2017
- 2009–10 Duquesne Dukes men's basketball team: |accessdate=12 April 2010 <!--DASHBot-->
- 2010 Alberta electoral redistribution: |accessdate=May 29, 2020
- 2010 All-Ireland Minor Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2010 Arab Capital of Culture: | authorlink =↵
- 2010 Atlantic Sun Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-07-05 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2013-05-16
- 2010 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-06-28 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2010 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-06-29 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-06-27
- 2010 Bucknell Bison football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2010 CPISRA Football 7-a-side European Championships: |archiveurl=, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-09-16
- 2010 Fordham Rams football team: |accessdate=June 20, 2020 , |accessdate=August 10, 2020
- 2010 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=June 2, 2018
- 2010 Jos riots: |accessdate=6 May 2015, |accessdate=5 May 2015
- 2010 National Camogie League: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2010 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 8, 2018
- 2010 Rink Hockey European Championship: |accessdate=2010-09-07
- 2010 Sharm El Sheikh shark attacks: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=6 September 2013
- 2010 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=June 16, 2019
- 2010 cyberattacks on Myanmar: |authorlink1=Control and Resistance: Attacks on Burmese Opposition Media
- 2010–11 Pittsburgh Panthers men's basketball team: | accessdate=2010-10-20
- 2011 All-Ireland Minor Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2011 Atlantic Sun Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-07-05 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2013-05-16
- 2011 Big East Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=February 3, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 3, 2013
- 2011 Big Ten Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-06-29 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-06-27
- 2011 Horizon League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 17, 2019, |accessdate=March 17, 2019
- 2011 Ivy League Baseball Championship Series: |accessdate=May 30, 2018
- 2011 Land acquisition protests in Uttar Pradesh: |accessdate=2013-09-10, |accessdate=2013-09-10, |accessdate=2013-09-10
- 2011 Mid–Eastern Athletic Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=March 17, 2019
- 2011 Patriot League Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=May 8, 2018
- 2011 Richmond Kickers season: |accessdate=8 December 2014
- 2011–12 Australia women's national goalball team: |accessdate=15 July 2012
- 2012 All-Ireland Minor Camogie Championship: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- 2012 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=November 19, 2013
- 2012 North Texas Mean Green football team: |authorlink=Phil Steele , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=August 12, 2009
- 2012 Tour de France, Prologue to Stage 10: |accessdate=3 July 2012
- 2013 Baga massacre: |accessdate=13 July 2015
- 2013 Bulgarian protests against the first Borisov cabinet: |authorlink1 = Evgenii Dainov, |authorlink1 = Evgenii Dainov, |authorlink = Edvin Sugarev, |authorlink = Edvin Sugarev
- 2013 CPISRA Football 7-a-side Intercontinental Cup: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2016-03-19
- 2013 Citizens' Action Party presidential primary: |accessdate=21 March 2016
- 2013 Mountain West Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=January 17, 2014
- 2013 New York Sportimes season: |accessdate=February 27, 2015
- 2013 Oklahoma Sooners softball team: |accessdate=November 22, 2020
- 2013 Pan American Track Cycling Championships: |accessdate=19 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=3 March 2016 , |accessdate=19 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014 , |accessdate=19 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014 , |accessdate=19 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014 , |accessdate=19 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014
- 2013 Tour of Norway: |accessdate=15 May 2013 , |accessdate=15 May 2013
- 2013–14 Australian bushfire season: |accessdate=14 October 2016, |accessdate=14 October 2016, |accessdate=5 June 2015
- 2014 Austin Aces season: |accessdate=February 24, 2015
- 2014 Boston Lobsters season: |accessdate=February 27, 2015, |accessdate=February 27, 2015, |accessdate=February 26, 2015
- 2014 Copa Centroamericana: |accessdate=2 October 2014
- 2014 FIFA World Cup venues: |accessdate=12 June 2014
- 2014 North Korean missile tests: |accessdate=17 March 2017
- 2014 Olsberg mid-air collision: |accessdate=8 January 2015, |accessdate=4 September 2015
- 2014 Pan American Track Cycling Championships: |accessdate=18 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014 , |accessdate=18 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014 , |accessdate=18 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014 , |accessdate=18 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014 , |accessdate=18 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014
- 2014 Philadelphia Freedoms season: |accessdate=February 27, 2015, |accessdate=February 27, 2015, |accessdate=February 10, 2015
- 2014 Springfield Lasers season: |accessdate=February 7, 2015
- 2014 Texas Wild season: |accessdate=February 24, 2015
- 2014 UK government review of the Muslim Brotherhood: |accessdate=January 1, 2016, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=December 24, 2015
- 2014 Washington Kastles season: |accessdate=February 7, 2015
- 2014 retreat from Western Bahr el Ghazal: |authorlink1=Population Services International↵
- 2014–15 Australian bushfire season: |accessdate=8 October 2016, |accessdate=7 October 2016
- 2015 Arctic Race of Norway: |accessdate=12 August 2015
- 2015 Atlantic Sun Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=October 7, 2015
- 2015 Boston Lobsters season: |accessdate=April 2, 2015
- 2015 California Dream season: |accessdate=July 9, 2015
- 2015 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 10, 2020
- 2015 Esperance bushfires: |accessdate=5 May 2016, |accessdate=6 May 2016, |accessdate=6 May 2016
- 2015 IFCPF CP Football World Championships: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2016-03-27
- 2015 NCAA Division II Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=November 19, 2020
- 2015 San Diego Aviators season: |accessdate=July 6, 2015
- 2015 Springfield Lasers season: |accessdate=May 5, 2015
- 2015 Tour de Yorkshire: |accessdate=2 May 2015 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2 May 2015
- 2015 Tour of Qatar: |accessdate=5 April 2015
- 2015 Vuelta a Asturias: |accessdate=2 May 2015
- 2015 Vuelta a España, Stage 1 to Stage 11: |accessdate=21 August 2015
- 2015 Vuelta a España, Stage 12 to Stage 21: |accessdate=21 August 2015
- 2015 Washington Kastles season: |accessdate=May 5, 2015
- 2015–16 Big East Conference men's basketball season: |accessdate=8 December 2015
- 2016 Big East Conference women's soccer season: |accessdate=November 15, 2015
- 2016 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 10, 2020
- 2016 European Canoe Sprint Olympic Qualifier: |accessdate=17 June 2018
- 2016 Oklahoma Sooners softball team: |accessdate=January 9, 2021
- 2016 Russell Square stabbing: |accessdate=10 January 2019
- 2016 Tour de Yorkshire: |accessdate=2 May 2015 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2 May 2015
- 2016 Vuelta a Asturias: |accessdate=2 May 2015
- 2016 Washington Kastles season: |accessdate=July 6, 2015
- 2016 in women's road cycling: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=23 June 2011
- 2016–17 Rugby Europe International Championships: |accessdate=19 March 2017
- 2016–17 Rugby Europe Trophy: |accessdate=19 March 2017
- 2016–17 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season: |accessdate=16 July 2016
- 2017 Calgary municipal election: |accessdate=August 31, 2017
- 2017 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 10, 2020
- 2017 Eschborn–Frankfurt – Rund um den Finanzplatz: |accessdate=30 April 2017
- 2017 Giro d'Italia, Stage 1 to Stage 11: |accessdate=6 May 2017
- 2017 Giro d'Italia, Stage 12 to Stage 21: |accessdate=20 May 2017
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's C-1 1000 metres: |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's C-1 200 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's C-1 500 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's C-1 5000 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's C-2 1000 metres: |accessdate=14 June 2018, |accessdate=14 June 2018, |accessdate=14 June 2018, |accessdate=14 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's C-2 200 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's C-2 500 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's C-4 1000 metres: |accessdate=17 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's K-1 1000 metres: |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's K-1 200 metres: |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's K-1 500 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's K-1 5000 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's K-2 1000 metres: |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's K-2 200 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's K-2 500 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's K-4 500 metres: |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's KL1: |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's KL2: |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's KL3: |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's VL1: |accessdate=17 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's VL2: |accessdate=17 June 2018, |accessdate=17 June 2018, |accessdate=17 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Men's VL3: |accessdate=17 June 2018, |accessdate=17 June 2018, |accessdate=17 June 2018, |accessdate=17 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's C-1 200 metres: |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's C-2 500 metres: |accessdate=14 June 2018, |accessdate=14 June 2018, |accessdate=14 June 2018, |accessdate=14 June 2018, |accessdate=14 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's K-1 1000 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's K-1 200 metres: |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018, |accessdate=12 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's K-1 500 metres: |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's K-1 5000 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's K-2 1000 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's K-2 200 metres: |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's K-2 500 metres: |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's K-4 500 metres: |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018, |accessdate=15 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's KL1: |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's KL2: |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's KL3: |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018, |accessdate=16 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's VL1: |accessdate=17 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's VL2: |accessdate=17 June 2018
- 2017 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships – Women's VL3: |accessdate=17 June 2018
- 2017 Jordanian local elections: |accessdate=27 July 2017
- 2017 Kathmandu municipal election: |accessdate=15 October 2013
- 2017 Los Angeles Measure S: |authorlink=Mike Davis (scholar), |authorlink=Reyner Banham
- 2017 National Rugby Championship: |accessdate = 15 August 2018↵ , |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 9 August 2017↵
- 2017 Oklahoma Sooners softball team: |accessdate=January 27, 2021
- 2017 Rugby Europe Championship: |accessdate=19 March 2017
- 2017 Tour de France, Stage 1 to Stage 11: |accessdate=8 July 2018
- 2017 Tour de France, Stage 12 to Stage 21: |accessdate=8 July 2018
- 2017 Tour de Luxembourg: |accessdate=5 June 2017
- 2017 Tour de Wallonie: |accessdate=30 July 2017
- 2017 Tour of California: |accessdate=13 May 2017
- 2017 Tour of California (women's race): |accessdate=24 June 2017
- 2017 Troféu Joaquim Agostinho: |accessdate=2018-08-15
- 2017 UCI Track Cycling World Championships – Men's team pursuit: |accessdate=12 April 2017
- 2017 Vuelta a Asturias: |accessdate=1 May 2017
- 2017 in women's road cycling: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=23 June 2011
- 2017–18 Rugby Europe International Championships: |accessdate=22 February 2018, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=10 October 2017
- 2017–18 UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup: |accessdate=27 December 2017
- 2018 California 8 Hours: |accessdate=2019-07-22
- 2018 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 13, 2020
- 2018 GP Nacional 2 de Portugal: |accessdate=2018-08-15
- 2018 Healthy Ageing Tour: |accessdate=5 April 2018
- 2018 La Tropicale Amissa Bongo: |accessdate=2018-08-18
- 2018 NCAA Division II Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=June 23, 2020
- 2018 Northcote by-election: |accessdate=4 October 2014 , |accessdate=4 October 2014 , |accessdate=4 October 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 October 2014
- 2018 Northern Cypriot parliamentary election: |accessdate=2016-09-11
- 2018 Tour de France, Stage 1 to Stage 11: |accessdate=8 July 2018
- 2018 Tour de Wallonie: |accessdate=30 July 2017
- 2018 Tour of California (women's race): |accessdate=15 April 2018
- 2018 Tour of the Alps: |accessdate=6 May 2018
- 2018 Troféu Joaquim Agostinho: |accessdate=15 August 2018
- 2018 in Latin music: |authorlink1=Plácido Domingo, |accessdate=3 May 2018
- 2018 in women's road cycling: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=23 June 2011
- 2018–19 Rugby Europe Conference: |accessdate=11 September 2018, |accessdate=11 September 2018, |accessdate=11 September 2018, |accessdate=11 September 2018
- 2018–19 Rugby Europe International Championships: |accessdate=11 September 2018, |accessdate=11 September 2018, |accessdate=11 September 2018, |accessdate=11 September 2018, |accessdate=11 September 2018, |accessdate=11 September 2018
- 2018–19 Tour de Ski: |accessdate=8 January 2019
- 2018–19 UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup: |accessdate=27 December 2017
- 2019 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 14, 2020
- 2019 NCAA Division II Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=April 29, 2020
- 2019 Paracanoe European Championships: |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019
- 2019 S5000 season: |accessdate=17 November 2019
- 2019 Ster ZLM Toer: |accessdate=23 June 2019
- 2019 Tour de France, Stage 12 to Stage 21: |accessdate=5 July 2019
- 2019 Tour de Wallonie: |accessdate=17 August 2019
- 2019 Tour of California (women's race): |accessdate=15 April 2018
- 2019 UCLA Bruins softball team: |accessdate=June 24, 2019
- 2019 Uruguayan presidential primaries: |authorlink=Nelson Fernández
- 2019 in motorsport: |accessdate=November 27, 2019
- 2019–20 Liga Premier de México season: |accessdate=18 February 2020, |accessdate=18 February 2020
- 2019–20 Rugby Europe International Championships: |accessdate=11 September 2019
- 2019–20 Tour de Ski: |accessdate=25 November 2019
- 2019–20 UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup: |accessdate=27 December 2017
- 2019–2020 dengue fever epidemic: |accessdate=27 March 2020, |accessdate=26 March 2020, |accessdate=26 March 2020, |accessdate=26 March 2020, |accessdate=26 March 2020, |accessdate=28 March 2020, |accessdate=28 March 2020, |accessdate=28 March 2020
- 2020 Alberta municipal censuses: | accessdate=March 17, 2019, | accessdate=October 24, 2020, | accessdate=July 28, 2018
- 2020 Nordic Opening: |accessdate=2 October 2020
- 2020 Players Championship: |accessdate=2 November 2019
- 2020–21 Rugby Europe International Championships: |accessdate=11 September 2019
- 2020–21 UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup: |accessdate=27 December 2017
- 2021 Colonial Athletic Association Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=December 14, 2020
- 2021 Tour de Ski: |accessdate=5 June 2020, |accessdate=2 October 2020
- 2023: A Trilogy: |authorlink1=Jimmy Cauty, |authorlink2=Bill Drummond
- 207th (2nd East Midland) Brigade: | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵ , | origyear = 1st. Pub. Gale & Polden, Aldershot:1932↵
- 207th Tactical Fighter Squadron (JASDF): |accessdate=2014-08-05
- 20th Air Base Group: |accessdate=16 October 2012, |accessdate=10 June 2017, |accessdate=17 December 2016, |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016
- 20th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 20th Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock
- 20th Battalion (New Zealand): |authorlink=Glyn Harper, |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley
- 20th Century Hits: |accessdate=20 June 2019
- 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Sublime: |authorlink=Charles R. Cross
- 20th Fighter Squadron: |accessdate=2 July 2014, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 20th Indian Brigade: | authorlink = Philip Haythornthwaite↵
- 20th Light Dragoons: |accessdate=8 September 2016
- 20th Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2013-03-29
- 20th Pioneer Battalion (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 20th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery: |accessdate=26 October 2019
- 20th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 20th Tennessee Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=June 6, 2014
- 20th century road schemes in Bristol: |authorlink=Reece Winstone
- 20×110mm USN: |authorlink=Frank Barnes (gunsmith)
- 21 Beacon Street: |accessdate=May 3, 2020
- 21 Guns (band): |accessdate=15 January 2016
- 21558 Alisonliu: |accessdate = 12 May 2016
- 216 Parachute Signal Squadron: |accessdate=4 August 2019
- 216th Army Air Forces Base Unit: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 January 2012
- 218th Infantry Regiment (United States): |authorlink=United States Department of the Army
- 21st Airship Group: |accessdate=16 October 2012, |accessdate=16 October 2012
- 21st Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock
- 21st Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 21st Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2013-04-18
- 21st Marine Regiment (United States): | authorlink =↵
- 21st Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 21st Wisconsin Infantry Regiment: |accessdate= January 4, 2021 , |accessdate= January 3, 2021 , |accessdate= January 3, 2021
- 22577 Alfiuccio: |accessdate = 11 May 2016
- 228 Peace Memorial Park: |accessdate={{date|2014-11-13|mdy}}
- 22B3: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 22nd Crash Rescue Boat Squadron: |origyear=1961
- 22nd Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 22nd Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2013-05-11
- 22nd New York Cavalry Regiment: |accessdate=25 January 2020, |accessdate=March 27, 2016
- 22nd Panzer Division (Wehrmacht): |authorlink1=↵ , |authorlink1=↵
- 22nd Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 22nd Street station (Hudson–Bergen Light Rail): |accessdate=October 31, 2019
- 23 Thalia: | accessdate=2009-11-10
- 23 Things: |accessdate=18 March 2015, |accessdate=18 March 2015, |accessdate=18 March 2015, |accessdate=18 March 2015, |accessdate=18 March 2015, |accessdate=18 March 2015, |accessdate=18 March 2015, |accessdate=18 March 2015
- 23 equal temperament: |accessdate=20 February 2019
- 23 skidoo (phrase): |accessdate=26 June 2017, |accessdate=26 June 2017, |accessdate=26 June 2017, |accessdate=26 June 2017
- 23436 Alekfursenko: |accessdate = 8 May 2016
- 23rd Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 23rd Arizona Territorial Legislature: | authorlink = James H. McClintock
- 23rd Battalion (New Zealand): |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley
- 23rd Hussars: |origyear=2003
- 23rd Information Operations Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 23rd Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2013-05-11, |accessdate=2013-06-12
- 23rd Panzer Division (Wehrmacht): |authorlink1=↵ , |authorlink1=↵
- 23rd Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink=David Horner , |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 23rd Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 23×152mm: | authorlink = ↵
- 24 Caprices for Violin (Rode): |accessdate=4 August 2020
- 24 Preludes, Op. 11 (Scriabin): |authorlink1=James Friskin , |authorlink2=Irwin Freundlich
- 24 heures ou plus: |accessdate=24 April 2017
- 24 images: |accessdate=1 June 2016
- 24's (RichGirl song): |accessdate=2012-04-23, |accessdate=2011-09-03
- 24-Carat Black: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- 240 mm howitzer M1: |authorlink=Ian V. Hogg
- 240 mm mortar M240: |accessdate=31 March 2016, |accessdate=31 March 2016
- 24988 Alainmilsztajn: |accessdate = 4 May 2016
- 24sata (Croatia): |accessdate=26 November 2014, |accessdate=2 January 2015
- 24th AVN Awards: |accessdate= January 18, 2014
- 24th Aero Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 24th Armoured Brigade (United Kingdom): | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵ , | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1966↵
- 24th Division (Imperial Japanese Army): |authorlink= ↵
- 24th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron: |accessdate=23 March 2012, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 24th Lancers: | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 24th Panzer Division (Wehrmacht): |authorlink1=↵ , |authorlink1=↵
- 24th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 24th Tactical Air Support Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 25 Aniversario: |lyrics_credits=, |music_credits=, |lyrics_credits=, |music_credits=
- 25 O'Clock: |authorlink1=Andy Partridge
- 25 Park Lane: | authorlink = Philip Tilden↵
- 25 Years in Rock... and Still Going Strong: | authorlink1 = Malcolm Dome
- 25 Years of Rock: |accessdate=28 September 2013
- 25 mm automatic air defense gun M1940 (72-K): | authorlink =↵
- 252nd Air Group: | authorlink = Ikuhiko Hata
- 253rd Air Group: |authorlink=Ikuhiko Hata
- 253rd Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 254th Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 255th Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 256th Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 257th Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 258th Tunnelling Company: | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = ↵
- 25th Anniversary: The New Chapter: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 25th Armoured Engineer Brigade Royal Engineers: |origyear=1960
- 25th Battalion (Nova Scotia Rifles), CEF: |authorlink=
- 25th Flying Training Squadron: |accessdate=2 July 2014, |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 25th Golden Raspberry Awards: |accessdate=2016-01-31
- 25th Independent Mixed Regiment: | authorlink=Gavin Long↵ , |origyear=1963
- 25th Infantry Brigade (North Korea): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-06-12
- 25th Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2013-09-12
- 25th Parallel (magazine): |accessdate=2 August 2015
- 25th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 25th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=James M. McPherson, |accessdate=March 30, 2016, |accessdate=March 9, 2016
- 2600 hertz: |authorlink=Bruce Sterling
- 262 Southwest Anatolia earthquake: |authorlink= Historia Augusta , |authorlink=Nicholas Ambraseys
- 267th Indian Armoured Brigade: | origyear = 1st. Pub. [[HMSO]]:1960↵
- 26th Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=August 9, 2020, |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 26th Battalion (New Zealand): |accessdate=11 July 2015
- 26th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 26th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (2nd Hungarian): | authorlink = John Keegan↵
- 26th Weapons Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016
- 27 July 1996 incident: | origyear = 1981
- 2709 Sagan: |authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel↵
- 271 Penthesilea: |authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel
- 27th Brigade (Australia): |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 27th Cavalry Regiment: |accessdate=3 February 2013
- 27th Division (North Korea): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-06-12
- 27th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment (1873): |accessdate=24 December 2011
- 27th Tactical Air Support Squadron: |accessdate=13 August 2013
- 27th Tennessee Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=John May Taylor , |authorlink=James D. Porter , |authorlink=Sam Watkins
- 27th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 27th meridian west from Washington: | authorlink=Mark Stein (author)
- 285th Field Artillery Observation Battalion: |accessdate=17 December 2015
- 289th Engineer Combat Battalion (United States): |accessdate=10 February 2015
- 28th (Thames and Medway) Anti-Aircraft Brigade: |accessdate=22 December 2015
- 28th Brigade (Australia): |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey, |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 28th Indian Brigade: | authorlink = Martin Farndale↵
- 28th Test and Evaluation Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 295 Theresia: |authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel
- 297th Infantry Regiment (United States): |accessdate=2 July 2020
- 29th Attack Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 29th Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2013-12-28
- 29th United States Colored Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- 29th Weapons Squadron: |origyear=1964, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 2N3055: | accessdate=2011-03-25
- 2R hypothesis: |authorlink=Michael Benton
- 2d Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion (Composite): | accessdate = 2020-05-17↵
- 2d Bombardment Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |origyear=1969, |accessdate= 17 December 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2016
- 2gether (Warren Vaché and Bill Charlap album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear = 1992
- 2nd (Sialkot) Cavalry Brigade: | authorlink = Philip Haythornthwaite↵
- 2nd 90mm Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion: | accessdate = 2020-05-17↵
- 2nd Al Medina Armored Division: |accessdate=2017-01-13, |accessdate=2017-01-13, |accessdate=2017-01-13
- 2nd Alberta Legislature: |accessdate=9 August 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |authorlink1=Elections Alberta , |accessdate=May 25, 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- 2nd Anniversary: |accessdate=February 28, 2019
- 2nd Army Aviation Regiment "Sirio": |accessdate=28 November 2018
- 2nd Army Aviation Support Regiment "Orione": |accessdate=28 November 2018
- 2nd Australian Tunnelling Company: |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds
- 2nd Awit Awards (1970): |accessdate=30 October 2012, |accessdate=20 October 2012, |accessdate=3 November 2012
- 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division: | accessdate =27 July 2005
- 2nd Brigade, 7th Infantry Division (United States): |accessdate=3 May 2009
- 2nd Canadian Tunnelling Company: |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds
- 2nd Carabinieri Mobile Brigade: |accessdate=8 March 2017, |accessdate=17 March 2017
- 2nd Colorado Infantry Regiment: |accessdate=4 October 2011, |accessdate=11 October 2011
- 2nd Company Massachusetts Sharpshooters: |authorlink=
- 2nd Division (Royal Navy): |authorlink=Arthur Marder, |origyear=1961
- 2nd Infantry Brigade (New Zealand): |authorlink=Hugh Stewart (classical scholar)
- 2nd Libyan Division Pescatori: |authorlink=Kenneth Macksey
- 2nd Manitoba Legislature: |accessdate=2012-09-23
- 2nd Military District (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 2nd Motor Brigade (Australia): |authorlink=Graham McKenzie-Smith
- 2nd Mountain Artillery Regiment (Italy): |accessdate=12 January 2019, |accessdate=12 January 2019
- 2nd Parliament of British Columbia: |accessdate=2011-07-20
- 2nd Regiment of Light Dragoons (United States): |accessdate=October 23, 2014
- 2nd Robert Awards: | authorlink = Morten Piil↵
- 2nd Saskatchewan Legislature: |accessdate=2009-08-27 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-06-15 , |accessdate=2012-03-16
- 2nd Special Operations Squadron: |accessdate=16 October 2012, |accessdate=4 December 2016
- 2nd Tank Division (Imperial Japanese Army): | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = Samuel Eliot Morison↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = Steven Zaloga
- 2nd Troop Carrier Squadron: |accessdate=December 17, 2016, |accessdate=December 17, 2016, |accessdate= December 17, 2016, |accessdate=December 17, 2016, |accessdate= December 17, 2016
- 2nd U.S. Artillery, Battery E: |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer , |authorlink=Stephen W. Sears
- 2nd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment: |accessdate= September 28, 2020 , |accessdate= September 28, 2020
- 2nd World Scout Jamboree: | authorlink = J. S. Wilson
- 2nd/4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment: |authorlink=David Horner
- 3 31 honeycomb: | authorlink = John Horton Conway
- 3 May Constitution Day: |authorlink=George Sanford (political scientist)
- 3 mm caliber: | origyear = 1965 , | origyear = 1965 , | origyear = 1965 , | origyear = 1965 , | origyear = 1965 , | origyear = 1965
- 3.2-inch gun M1897: |authorlink=United States Army Ordnance Corps
- 30 and 32 Goodramgate and 11 and 12 College Street: |accessdate=7 August 2020
- 30-pounder long gun: | authorlink = Jules Joseph Lafay↵
- 30-pounder short gun: | authorlink = Jules Joseph Lafay↵
- 302nd Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 305 mm/46 Model 1909: |authorlink=Norman Friedman
- 30th Guards Army Corps: |authorlink=Mart Laar
- 316th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 316th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 317th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 31st Division (Imperial Japanese Army): | authorlink =↵ , | origyear= reprint of 1944 edition↵
- 31st Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 31st Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 3205th Drone Group: |origyear=1990
- 323d Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear= 1961, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 323d Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 325th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 326th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 327th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 32nd Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 330th Aircraft Sustainment Group: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 333: A Bibliography of the Science-Fantasy Novel: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- 33rd Illinois Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- 345th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 347th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 34th N Lex: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 353d Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 366th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 369th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 36th Army Corps (France): |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds
- 37 mm anti-tank gun M1930 (1-K): | authorlink =↵
- 376th Fighter Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 376th Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 377th Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 378 Holmia: |authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel
- 378th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 378th Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 379th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 38th Division (Yugoslav Partisans): | authorlink=↵
- 38th Independent Mixed Brigade (Imperial Japanese Army): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-06-02
- 398th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 3:36 (Music to Sleep To): | music_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- 3rd Army Tank Brigade (Australia): |authorlink=Ronald Hopkins
- 3rd Battalion Massachusetts Rifles: |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink=William Schouler
- 3rd Division (North Korea): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-06-12
- 3rd Fighter Squadron (Commando): |origyear=1969
- 3rd Louisiana Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 3rd Military District (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 3rd New York Infantry Regiment: | authorlink =↵
- 3rd Robert Awards: | authorlink = Morten Piil↵
- 3rd Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 3rd United States Colored Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III
- 40 Dayz & 40 Nightz: | writing_credits =↵↵
- 401st Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 40th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 40th Missouri Infantry Regiment (Union): |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- 41 Original Hits from the Soundtrack of American Graffiti: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 410th Expeditionary Operations Group: |origyear= 1961
- 414th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 417th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear=1969
- 42 Squadron SAAF: |authorlink2=Willem Steenkamp
- 424th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 425th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 426th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 42d Mississippi Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Dunbar Rowland , |authorlink1=Joseph Wheeler , | authorlink2=Charles E. Hooker , |authorlink=Henry Heth
- 437th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 43d Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 443d Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 445th Flight Test Squadron: |origyear= 1961
- 44th Missouri Infantry Regiment (Union): |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- 450th Bombardment Group: |origyear= 1961, |origyear= 1961
- 450th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear= 1961, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 454th Bombardment Group: |origyear=1961
- 457th Airlift Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 467th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 467th Strategic Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 468th Strategic Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 46th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=
- 470th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 471st Tactical Electronic Warfare Training Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 473d Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear= 1961, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 474th Tactical Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 482nd Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear=1969
- 485th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 486th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 486th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 487th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 488 BC: | author1link=J. B. Bury , | author2link=Russell Meiggs
- 488th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 48th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Albert Plummer
- 498th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear=1969
- 4Q106: | authorlink = Joseph Fitzmyer
- 4Q107: | authorlink = Joseph Fitzmyer
- 4Q108: | authorlink = Joseph Fitzmyer
- 4th Army (Wehrmacht): | authorlink1= David Glantz, | authorlink2 = Jonathan House
- 4th Infantry Brigade (New Zealand): |authorlink=Glyn Harper, |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley, |authorlink=Hugh Stewart (classical scholar)
- 4th Military District (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 4th New Zealand Armoured Brigade: |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley
- 4th Robert Awards: | authorlink = Morten Piil↵
- 4th U.S. Artillery, Battery E: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 5 21 honeycomb: | authorlink = H. S. M. Coxeter
- 5 by Monk by 5: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 5-IT: |authorlink1=Alexander Shulgin
- 5.6×50mm Magnum: | origyear = 1965
- 50 St. Catherine's Drive: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- 50 Years (song): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 515th Strategic Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1961, |origyear=1969
- 516th Strategic Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1961, |origyear=1969
- 517th Strategic Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1961, |origyear=1969
- 518th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear=1961, |origyear=1969
- 51st Division (Philippines): | authorlink =↵, | authorlink =↵
- 520th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear=1961, |origyear=1969
- 539th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 544: |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- 544th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear= 1961, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 546: |authorlink=Henry Vollam Morton
- 546th Fighter Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear= 1961, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 549: |authorlink=Kenneth Baxter Wolf
- 55th Coke's Rifles (Frontier Force): |authorlink=Harold Carmichael Wylly
- 55th Infantry Division (United States): |authorlink=Harold Coyle, |authorlink=Roger Hesketh
- 57 mm anti-tank gun M1943 (ZiS-2): | authorlink =↵
- 589th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 58th Vaughan's Rifles (Frontier Force): |authorlink=Harold Carmichael Wylly
- 591st Bombardment Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 5th Division (Spain): |authorlink = Michael Alpert , |authorlink=José Manuel Martínez Bande
- 5th Infantry Brigade (New Zealand): |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley
- 5th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- 5th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 5th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 5th Tank Army: |authorlink1=David Glantz , |authorlink2=Jonathan House
- 5th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III
- 5th Texas Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Stephen W. Sears , |authorlink=Stephen W. Sears
- 6 Pieces of Silver: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- 6 Songs for Bruce: | writing_credits =↵
- 6 Words: | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- 6-j symbol: |authorlink=Lawrence Biedenharn , |authorlink=Albert Messiah
- 60/90: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- 605th Special Operations Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=28 February 2009
- 630: |authorlink=Michael Whitby, |authorlink=David Nicolle, |authorlink=Barbara Yorke, |authorlink=William Muir
- 635th Bombardment Squadron: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 636: |authorlink=David Nicolle, |authorlink=David Nicolle
- 68-pounder Lancaster gun: |authorlink=Antony Preston (naval historian) , |authorlink=Antony Preston (naval historian)
- 69th Brigade NKVD: | origyear=1952
- 6Q6: | authorlink = Joseph Fitzmyer
- 6th Infantry Brigade (New Zealand): |authorlink=Randal Mathews Burdon, |authorlink=Dan Davin, |authorlink=Glyn Harper, |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley, |authorlink=Edward Puttick
- 6th Military District (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Gavin Long
- 6th Panzer Army: | authorlink = Samuel W. Mitcham
- 6th Photographic Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 6th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 6th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 6th World Scout Jamboree: | authorlink = J. S. Wilson
- 70-point plan (Belgium): | authorlink = Filip Dewinter
- 708th Airlift Squadron: |origyear=1969, |origyear=1969
- 717: | authorlink= Nicholas Ambraseys
- 71st Division (Philippines): | authorlink =↵, | authorlink =↵
- 71st Mixed Brigade: |authorlink= Santiago Álvarez Gómez
- 72nd Division (Spain): |authorlink= Santiago Álvarez Gómez
- 74th Reconnaissance Group: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 76th Tactical Reconnaissance Group: |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969, |origyear= 1961, |origyear=1969
- 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley: | authorlink = Aleister Crowley↵
- 78th Independent Infantry Regiment (North Korea): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-06-12
- 7D (Argentina): |authorlink= Rosendo Fraga↵
- 7th Infantry Regiment (South Korea): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-06-12
- 7th Military District (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey
- 7th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 7th Texas Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Shelby Foote
- 7th Ukrainian Soviet Division: |authorlink=Victor A. Savchenko, |authorlink=Peter Arshinov
- 7th/21st Light Horse Regiment (Australia): |authorlink=Ronald Hopkins , |origyear=1978
- 8 Days of Christmas: |accessdate=26 January 2021
- 801 (band): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 80th Air Assault Brigade (Ukraine): |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 December 2016
- 80th Illinois Infantry Regiment: | authorlink = Frederick H. Dyer↵ , |authorlink=David J. Eicher
- 80th Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 81st Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 824th Tank Destroyer Battalion: |authorlink=John Gimlette, |authorlink=Steven Zaloga
- 83d Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 850s: |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- 85th Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 86th Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 87 Hits Out: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- 88th Aero Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 88th Illinois Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer , |authorlink=Kenneth W. Noe
- 8th Air Corps (Germany): |authorlink2=Richard R. Muller↵
- 8th Army (Soviet Union): |authorlink1=Yuri Kilin
- 8th Division (North Korea): |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-06-12
- 8th Estonian Rifle Corps: | authorlink=Mart Laar
- 8th Massachusetts Battery: |authorlink=Stephen W. Sears
- 8th Military District (Australia): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey
- 8th New York Infantry Regiment: | authorlink =↵
- 8th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 9 Agincourt Street, Monmouth: |authorlink=Keith Kissack↵, |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)↵
- 9 Degrees West of the Moon: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- 90th Aero Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 90th Infantry Regiment (United States): |authorlink=United States Department of the Army
- 916: |authorlink=Thomas Charles-Edwards
- 919: | authorlink = Heinz Halm
- 91st Fighter-Bomber Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 91st Mixed Brigade: |authorlink=José Manuel Martínez Bande
- 946: |authorlink=Rosamond McKitterick
- 98th Troop Carrier Squadron: |origyear=1969
- 9th Generation: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- 9th Infantry Division (Ottoman Empire): |authorlink=Edward J. Erickson
- 9th Marine Aircraft Wing: | authorlink = Robert Sherrod↵
- 9th Panzer Division (Wehrmacht): |authorlink=Richard Holmes (military historian) , |authorlink1=Adam Makos
- 9th Robert Awards: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- 9th Texas Cavalry Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- 9th Texas Infantry Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Kenneth W. Noe
- 9th century in Ireland: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2007-09-29 , |authorlink=Francis John Byrne
- ;login:: |authorlink=Peter H. Salus
- ? (Neal Morse album): | writing_credits = ↵
- ?:: |accessdate=2017-03-15, |authorlink1=Tom Christiansen, |authorlink2=Larry Wall, |authorlink3=Brian d foy
- A & F Harvey Brothers: |accessdate=25 November 2018
- A Ass Pocket of Whiskey: |authorlink1=Colin Larkin (writer)
- A Aurora do Lima: |accessdate=9 May 2019, |accessdate=9 May 2019
- A Ballad upon the Popish Plot: |accessdate=2014-10-05, |accessdate=2014-10-05
- A Beautiful Child: |accessdate=2 March 2014
- A Beautiful Mind (TV series): |music_credits=, |music_credits=
- A Berlin Romance: |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011
- A Birthday Hansel: |accessdate=7 October 2012, |authorlink=Humphrey Carpenter↵, |authorlink=Peter Evans (musicologist)↵
- A Bit of Liverpool: |accessdate=26 January 2021, |accessdate=24 September 2012
- A Bit of a Do: |authorlink=David Nobbs
- A Black Mass: |accessdate=11 July 2011, |authorlink=Antoinette Burton
- A Blighted Life: |accessdate=November 28, 2009, |accessdate=November 28, 2009
- A Blueprint for Survival: | authorlink = ↵
- A Book of Giants: |accessdate=20 July 2015
- A Book of Heroes: |accessdate=28 September 2020
- A Book of Hours: |accessdate=August 14, 2020
- A Book of Milliganimals: | accessdate=18 December 2016, | accessdate=18 December 2016 , | accessdate=18 December 2016
- A Boy Scout Around the World: |authorlink=Philippe Goddin , |authorlink=Benoît Peeters
- A Brand New Me (Dusty Springfield album): |accessdate=March 13, 2019
- A British Picture: |authorlink=Tony Fletcher
- A Broken Leghorn: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Capital: |accessdate = 25 January 2015↵
- A Car-Tune Portrait: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Carnival Christmas: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- A Cartoonist's Nightmare: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Catholic Education: |accessdate=27 December 2018
- A Century Ends: | writing_credits = ↵
- A Certain Woman: | authorlink=Arishima Takeo , | origyear = 1919
- A Chieftains Celebration: |accessdate=2011-03-02
- A Chipmunk Reunion: |accessdate=27 March 2020 , |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Chorus of Frogs: |accessdate=10 April 2012
- A Clare Benediction: | accessdate = 16 June 2019↵
- A Classy Pair: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Claymation Easter: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Cloud of Red Dust: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Collation of Four Important Manuscripts of the Gospels: |authorlink=William Hugh Ferrar
- A Collection of Songs Representing an Enthusiasm for Recording...By Amateurs: |authorlink=Robert Christgau , |authorlink=Colin Larkin (writer)
- A Conflict of Visions: |origyear=First published 1987↵
- A Constitutional History of the United States: |accessdate=13 December 2020, |accessdate=13 December 2020
- A Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy: | authorlink = Klaus Klostermaier
- A Cosmic Christmas: |accessdate=27 March 2020
- A Country Hero: |accessdate=October 21, 2010
- A Coven of Vampires: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- A Cowboy Afraid of Horses: |accessdate=May 2, 2020
- A Coy Decoy: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Cradle Song: |authorlink=[[Eric Walter White]]
- A Cubic Mile of Oil: |authorlink=Hewitt Crane
- A Curious Hieroglyphic Bible: |accessdate=January 31, 2015
- A Date with Judy: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-09-04, |accessdate=22 March 2020
- A Date with Judy (TV series): |accessdate=May 5, 2017
- A Daughter of the Seine: | accessdate=19 December 2016 , | accessdate=19 December 2016
- A Dave Brubeck Christmas: |accessdate=June 27, 2014, |accessdate=June 27, 2014, |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Day Late and a Dollar Short: |authorlink=Larry Livermore
- A Day at the Zoo: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Day in Hollywood / A Night in the Ukraine: |accessdate=2020-03-25
- A Day in the City: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Day in the Life of Dennis Day: |accessdate=2019-08-27, |accessdate=1 July 2017
- A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the New and Old West: |accessdate=28 July 2019
- A Decade Under the Influence (film): |accessdate=28 September 2012
- A Decade of Delain: Live at Paradiso: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- A Decayed Family: | accessdate = 2011-10-10
- A Defence of General Funston: |accessdate=March 4, 2015
- A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language in Common Use Amongst the Aborigines of Western Australia: |authorlink1=Dominic Serventy
- A Dialogue Concerning Witches and Witchcrafts: |authorlink=George Gifford (Puritan)
- A Disappearing Number: | authorlink = Joseph Polchinski , | authorlink = Simon McBurney
- A Discourse on the Love of Our Country: |authorlink=J. C. D. Clark
- A Disney Christmas Gift: |accessdate=27 March 2020
- A Disney Halloween: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Double Dose of Soul: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Drum Is a Woman: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle: |accessdate=2009-06-10
- A Esposa do Solteiro: |accessdate=8 July 2018
- A Fairly Honourable Defeat: |authorlink1=Philip Hensher, |accessdate=24 November 2014, | authorlink= Peter J. Conradi
- A Family Affair (1920 film): |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Family Affair (Christian McBride album): |accessdate=17 July 2020
- A Feminist Dictionary: |accessdate=21 October 2013
- A Feud There Was: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Fighting Man of Mars: | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- A Financial Fable: |origyear=1973
- A Fish Dinner in Memison: | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- A Flag Full of Stars: | authorlink = ↵
- A Flock of Seagulls (album): |authorlink1=J. D. Considine
- A Flowering Tree: A Woman's Tale: |accessdate=3 March 2012
- A Footnote to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa: |accessdate= January 23, 2015
- A Fox in a Fix: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Fractured Leghorn: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Friend to Die For: |authorlink=Tori Spelling
- A Friendship for Today: |accessdate=March 18, 2017
- A Funky Thide of Sings: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Gander at Mother Goose: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Garland of Red: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Gent from Bear Creek: |authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , |authorlink=John Clute
- A Gentle Woman: |authorlink1=Shawn Swanky , |authorlink1=Joseph Cunneen
- A Gentleman in Moscow: | origyear = ↵ , | accessdate =↵
- A Genuine Tong Funeral: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Gift to Young Housewives: |authorlink=Mark Kurlansky
- A Girl Asleep: |authorlink=Walter Liedtke
- A Glorious Accident: |accessdate=30 October 2020
- A Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- A Good House: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=March 12, 2017
- A Grand Don't Come for Free: |accessdate= 2012-09-23
- A Great Big Bunch of You: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- A Great Jubilee Day: |authorlink=Royal Ralph Hinman, |accessdate=2013-01-05
- A Great Wall: Six Presidents and China: |authorlink=Patrick Tyler
- A Group of Noble Dames: | authorlink = Thomas Hardy↵
- A Gruesome Twosome: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Guide to Window-Dressing: |accessdate= 21 February 2010
- A Ham in a Role: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Handbook of the Cornish Language: |origyear=1904
- A Happy Family: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Haunting We Will Go (1949 film): |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Heart Is a House for Love: |accessdate=February 20, 2012
- A Heart in Pawn: |authorlink=Daisuke Miyao
- A Heritage of Horror: |authorlink=Peter Hutchings
- A Hero Sits Next Door: |authorlink=Steve Callaghan
- A Hidden Treasure: |authorlink = Moojan Momen
- A History of American Magazines: |accessdate=13 December 2020, |accessdate=13 December 2020
- A History of British Birds (Yarrell book): |authorlink=James Edmund Harting
- A History of Ireland in 100 Objects: | authorlink=Fintan O'Toole
- A History of Monmouthshire from the Coming of the Normans into Wales down to the Present Time: |authorlink1=Cyril Fox↵, |authorlink2=FitzRoy Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan↵, |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)↵
- A History of the Arab Peoples: |accessdate=23 December 2011
- A History of the Pyu Alphabet: |accessdate=18 August 2012, |accessdate=2015-05-16
- A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity: |authorlink1=Max Born , |authorlink2=Albert Einstein
- A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom: |origyear=1908
- A Hornbook for Witches: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- A Horse Fly Fleas: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A House Divided (board game): | authorlink=S. Craig Taylor
- A House Not Meant to Stand: | authorlink = Donald Spoto↵
- A House-Boat on the Styx: | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- A J Balliol Salmon: |accessdate=2020-08-12 ↵, |accessdate=2020-08-12 ↵, |accessdate=2020-06-19 ↵
- A Jester's Tale: |accessdate=14 July 2020
- A Journey to Arzrum: |authorlink=Mikhail Lermontov
- A Key into the Language of America: | accessdate = 2008-12-11
- A Kingdom of Dreams: |accessdate=2016-02-01
- A Knight for a Day: |accessdate=3 May 2018, |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Korean Odyssey: | music_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- A Landscape of Lies: |accessdate=13 August 2014
- A Language All My Own: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Late Quartet: |accessdate=July 7, 2013
- A Lazy Afternoon (Harold Land album): |accessdate=3 December 2019
- A Letter to Dexter: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Little Green Book of Monster Stories: |accessdate=2015-06-20
- A Little Matter of Genocide: | authorlink=↵
- A Little Messed Up: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- A Little New York Midtown Music: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Little Pond: | accessdate = 2012-10-04
- A Little Pretty Pocket-Book: | accessdate=24 December 2016, | accessdate=24 December 2016
- A Little Ray of Sunshine: | authorlink1 = Ian McFarlane
- A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night: |accessdate=March 8, 2019
- A Lo Cubano: |accessdate=23 August 2019
- A Lonely Man: |accessdate=February 23, 2019
- A Long Day's Night: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- A Long Story: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Lost Paradise: |accessdate=2009-05-26, |accessdate=2009-05-26
- A Love Bizarre: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- A Love Supreme: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Love Trilogy: |accessdate=March 13, 2019
- A Luta Continua: |accessdate=August 17, 2020
- A M Jacquard Systems: |accessdate=19 February 2012
- A Man: | authorlink=Oriana Fallaci
- A Man I'll Never Be: |accessdate=2012-06-06
- A Man's Neck (film): |authorlink=Phil Hardy (journalist)
- A Mango-Shaped Space: |accessdate=21 December 2014
- A Map of the World (album): |authorlink=Colin Larkin
- A Martian Odyssey and Others: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- A Matter of Attitude: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- A Meat Stall with the Holy Family Giving Alms: | accessdate=December 7, 2015
- A Merry Mirthworm Christmas: |accessdate=6 June 2020 , |accessdate=27 March 2020
- A Message to Gracias: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (1909 film): |authorlink = Robert Hamilton Ball↵
- A Million Fish ... more or less: |accessdate=February 25, 2017, |accessdate=February 25, 2017, |accessdate=February 25, 2017
- A Million Miles Away (album): |authorlink =Andy Greenwald, | writing_credits =↵↵
- A Mind Beside Itself: |authorlink1=Rich Wilson (journalist)
- A Moment's Pleasure: |accessdate=February 27, 2019
- A Monastic Trio: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Monster at Christmas: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- A Mother Should be Loved: |authorlink=Donald Richie
- A Mutt in a Rut: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A México: |accessdate=24 December 2012
- A New Beginning (album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- A New Chapter of Dub: |accessdate=10 February 2020, |accessdate=10 February 2020, |accessdate=9 February 2020, |accessdate=10 February 2020
- A New Flame: |accessdate=21 October 2018
- A New Heaven: |accessdate=2011-05-01
- A New Life (album): |accessdate=March 2, 2019
- A New Literary History of America: |authorlink=Greil Marcus, |accessdate=September 24, 2009
- A New Perspective: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A New Refutation of Time: | authorlink = Jorge Luis Borges↵
- A New Shade of Blue: |accessdate=3 December 2019
- A New Testament (Christopher Owens album): | writing_credits = ↵
- A New World: A Life of Thomas Paine: |authorlink = Trevor Griffiths↵
- A Night at Studio 54: |accessdate=28 February 2017, |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 8, 2019
- A Night on the Town (Rod Stewart album): |accessdate=13 March 2019
- A Night with Eddie Condon: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Nod to Bob: An Artists' Tribute to Bob Dylan on His 60th Birthday: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- A Pair of Silk Stockings: |authorlink=Emily Toth
- A Paris...: |accessdate=26 August 2020
- A Parisian Model: | authorlink= Eve Golden
- A Perfect Match (Ella Fitzgerald album): |authorlink=Colin Larkin, |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Period of Transition: | accessdate=11 September 2020
- A Pirate Looks at Fifty: |accessdate=October 4, 2011
- A Place Called Freedom: |accessdate=1 July 2015
- A Place in the Sun (Pablo Cruise album): |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- A Political Fable: |authorlink=Dr. Seuss
- A Polka Just for Me: |accessdate=January 26, 2017
- A Praed Street Dossier: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- A Prince of the Captivity: |accessdate=25 November 2013
- A Princess in Berlin: | authorlink=Arthur R.G. Solmssen , | authorlink=Ethan Mordden
- A Private Little War: |authorlink1=Herbert Franklin Solow, |authorlink2=Robert H. Justman
- A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English: | authorlink = John Samuel Kenyon
- A Pumpkin Full of Nonsense: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Question of Silence: |accessdate=2015-08-22
- A Quien Quiera Escuchar: |accessdate=April 29, 2016
- A Quiet Storm: |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- A Rage Against Heaven: |accessdate=20 December 2013
- A Ramble Round the Globe: |accessdate=2015-04-13
- A Relic of Old Japan: |authorlink=Daniel Bernardi, |authorlink=Daisuke Miyao
- A Rendezvous in Averoigne: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- A Return to Love: |authorlink1=Marianne Williams , |accessdate=8 August 2019 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=April 27, 2006
- A Ring of Endless Light: | authorlink = Carole F. Chase↵
- A Rosa do Povo: |accessdate=26 July 2012
- A Sailor Went to Sea: |authorlink=Iona Opie
- A Sand County Almanac: |authorlink1=J. Baird Callicott
- A Satyr Against Reason and Mankind: |accessdate=4 April 2013, |accessdate=4 April 2013
- A Scientific Theology: | authorlink= Alister McGrath , | authorlink= Alister McGrath , | authorlink= Alister McGrath , | authorlink= Alister McGrath , | authorlink= Alister McGrath , | authorlink= Alister McGrath , | authorlink= Alister McGrath
- A Scottish Soldier: |accessdate=2016-06-27
- A Screw: |accessdate=September 5, 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=June 6, 2011
- A Season in Hell (album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- A Secret History of Pandora's Box: |accessdate=26 April 2013, |accessdate=26 April 2013
- A Secret Place: |accessdate=23 September 2019
- A Sense of Direction: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Sense of the World: |authorlink= Jason Roberts (author)↵
- A Severed Wasp: | authorlink = Madeleine L'Engle
- A Short History of Progress: |accessdate=29 March 2019
- A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush: | authorlink=Eric Newby
- A Simple Response to an Elemental Message: |accessdate=20 September 2014
- A Single Woman: |accessdate=March 30, 2019
- A Snow White Christmas: |accessdate=27 March 2020
- A Snowflake Fell (and It Felt Like a Kiss): | writing_credits = ↵
- A Song a Day: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Song for Harlem: |accessdate=April 8, 2017
- A Song in Storm: |authorlink=Michael Kennedy (music critic)
- A Space in Time: |accessdate=March 15, 2019
- A Special Agent: |authorlink=Stuart Timmons
- A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland: | authorlink = James Edward Smith
- A Stanislaw Lem Reader: | authorlink = Theodore Sturgeon
- A Stanza of Sunlight on the Banks of Brahmaputra: |accessdate=6 October 2015
- A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie: |accessdate=7 April 2013
- A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder: | authorlink=James De Mille , | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- A Study in Scarlet (1914 American film): |authorlink=Alan Barnes (writer)
- A Sultan's Ransom: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- A Summer Bird-Cage: |accessdate=11 July 2014
- A Supplement to the Journey to the West: |authorlink=C. T. Hsia
- A Surfeit of H2O: |accessdate=10 April 2012
- A Sweet Woman Like You: |authorlink2= Fred Bronson
- A Sweeter Song: |accessdate=8 September 2019 , |accessdate=12 September 2019
- A Symphony of British Music (album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- A System of Logic: | authorlink=Graham Farmelo
- A Tale of Two Kitties: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Tale of Two Toads: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Taste of Catnip: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A Taste of Honey (album): |accessdate=March 15, 2019
- A Tear in the Eye Is a Wound in the Heart: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- A Teaspoon Every Four Hours: |accessdate=9 February 2011, |accessdate=9 February 2011
- A Terrible Revenge: | authorlink = Alfred-Maurice de Zayas
- A Test of the News: | authorlink =Ronald Steel↵
- A Thatch-Roofed House with a Water Mill: |authorlink=Hofstede de Groot, |authorlink=Seymour Slive
- A Thin Ghost and Others: | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- A Thousand Evenings: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A Thousand Little Kisses: |accessdate=13 October 2013
- A Thurber Carnival: | authorlink = James Thurber↵ , | authorlink = Burton Bernstein↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink = Kaye Ballard↵
- A Ticket to Tomahawk: |accessdate=Sep 27, 2020
- A Time for George Stavros: |authorlink=Lawrence Sutin
- A Time of Changes (album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- A Tonic for the Troops: |accessdate=22 February 2019
- A Torch Against the Night: |accessdate=2017-05-25
- A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy: |authorlink1=Gil Troy
- A Tract of Time: |accessdate=2008-02-29
- A Tragedy of the Orient: |authorlink=Daisuke Miyao
- A Trampwoman's Tragedy: |accessdate=2012-03-10, |accessdate=2012-03-10, |authorlink=Margaret Crosland (writer)
- A Traveler from Altruria: | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- A Treasury of Foolishly Forgotten Americans: |authorlink1= Michael Farquhar (author)↵
- A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge: |authorlink2=Colin Murray Turbayne↵, | authorlink = A.A. Luce↵
- A Treatise on the Patriarchal, or Co-operative System of Society: |accessdate=↵
- A Very Cellular Song: |accessdate=30 June 2014
- A Very Natural Thing: |authorlink=Vito Russo
- A Very Potter Sequel: | accessdate=July 30, 2011 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= July 18, 2011
- A Very Potter Sequel (EP): | accessdate =July 30, 2011, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= July 18, 2011
- A Very StarKid Album: | accessdate=July 30, 2011 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= July 18, 2011
- A Virgin Among the Living Dead: |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- A Vision of Doom: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- A Voice in the Dark (film): |accessdate=September 27, 2017
- A Voluntad del Cielo: | writing_credits = ↵
- A Walk Across the Rooftops: |accessdate=
- A War Story: |authorlink=Jack Edwards (British Army soldier)
- A Warning to the Curious and Other Ghost Stories: | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers: |accessdate= February 1, 2018
- A Welcome to Britain: |accessdate=16 November 2019
- A Will to Survive: |authorlink=Franklin W. Dixon
- A Wind in the Door: |authorlink= Madeleine L'Engle, | authorlink = Madeleine L'Engle↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- A Wise Old Owl: |accessdate=2012-10-28
- A Woman of Affairs: | accessdate = July 27, 2010↵
- A Woman of the Sea: |accessdate=January 5, 2014, |accessdate=January 5, 2014, |accessdate=January 5, 2014
- A Woman to Remember: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- A Woman's Heart (Crystal Gayle album): | writing_credits = ↵
- A Woman, Her Men, and Her Futon: |accessdate=5 June 2012, |accessdate=2 January 2013, |accessdate=5 June 2012
- A Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing: |accessdate=March 13, 2019
- A Word from Our Sponsor: |accessdate=3 February 2018
- A Word of Science: The First and Final Chapter: |accessdate=9 September 2018, |accessdate=9 September 2018, |authorlink1=Simon Reynolds , |accessdate=5 September 2018, |accessdate=5 September 2018, |accessdate=5 September 2018
- A Work in Progress (book): |accessdate=2015-04-26
- A Wreath of Sonnets: |accessdate=18 June 2019 , |accessdate=18 June 2019 , |accessdate=18 June 2019
- A Year Ago in Winter: |accessdate=24 July 2012
- A Year in Arcadia: Kyllenion: |accessdate=3 February 2015, |accessdate=3 February 2015, |accessdate=3 February 2015
- A Year in Upper Felicity: | accessdate = 10 October 2012
- A boccaperta: |accessdate=13 December 2012
- A cognitionibus: |authorlink=Fergus Millar
- A flor de piel (album): |accessdate=24 December 2012, |accessdate=24 December 2012
- A la Nanita Nana: |accessdate=13 October 2014
- A la juventud filipina: |accessdate=1 September 2017, |accessdate=1 September 2017, |accessdate=1 September 2017, |accessdate=1 September 2017
- A mis 33 años: |accessdate=24 December 2012
- A mí me gusta: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- A total and unmitigated defeat: | authorlink=Roy Jenkins
- A&K Cooperage: |accessdate=27 March 2013, |accessdate=27 March 2013, |accessdate=27 March 2013, |accessdate=27 March 2013, |accessdate=27 March 2013, |accessdate=27 March 2013
- A-Haunting We Will Go (1966 film): |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A-I junction: |accessdate=
- A-Lad-In Bagdad: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A-Lad-In His Lamp: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- A-buffer: |authorlink1=James D. Foley , |authorlink3=Andries van Dam , |authorlink4=John F. Hughes
- A-ca-oo-mah-ca-ye: |accessdate=25 November 2018, |accessdate=25 November 2018, |accessdate=25 November 2018, |accessdate=25 November 2018
- A-magasinet: |accessdate=January 14, 2018
- A-okay: |authorlink=Tom Wolfe , |accessdate=June 28, 2015
- A. A. Baramuli: |accessdate=18 July 2020, |accessdate=18 July 2020
- A. A. Pennington: |accessdate=Sep 22, 2019
- A. A. Raiba: |accessdate=4 March 2012
- A. A. Trapp: |accessdate=2013-06-18
- A. Aubrey Bodine: |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013
- A. B. Comstock: |accessdate=2014-01-23
- A. B. Crentsil: |accessdate=May 10, 2010, |accessdate=5 July 2017
- A. B. Shetty: |accessdate=3 March 2018
- A. B. Subbaiah: |accessdate=10 July 2019 , |accessdate=10 July 2019 , |accessdate=10 July 2019 , |accessdate=10 July 2019 , |accessdate=10 July 2019 , |accessdate=10 July 2019
- A. Barton Hepburn: |accessdate=17 October 2018, |accessdate=17 October 2018, |accessdate=5 November 2019 , |accessdate=5 November 2019 , |accessdate=5 November 2019
- A. Blaine Bowman: |accessdate=1 August 2015
- A. Byron Holderby Jr.: |accessdate=2020-12-30
- A. C. Bearss: |accessdate =February 4, 2016 , |accessdate =February 4, 2016 , |accessdate =February 4, 2016
- A. C. Bonnell: |accessdate=2014-06-22, |authorlink=Jewel Lansing, |authorlink= Harvey W. Scott
- A. C. Houen Grant: |accessdate=February 23, 2019
- A. C. Schultz: |accessdate=2015-08-09
- A. Chapin Whiting: |accessdate=2015-06-22
- A. Coomaraswamy: |authorlink=S. Arumugam
- A. D. Harvey: |accessdate=2014-01-23
- A. D. Winans: |accessdate=4 October 2014
- A. Dayton Oliphant: |accessdate=1 July 2016, |accessdate=1 July 2016
- A. Diedrich Wackerbarth: |authorlink=Hugh Magennis
- A. E. Barit: |accessdate=24 October 2014, |accessdate=24 October 2014
- A. E. Coppard: | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- A. E. Sewell: |accessdate=8 September 2016
- A. F. Vandeventer: | accessdate=2015-05-14
- A. F. Wijemanne: |accessdate=10 July 2020, |accessdate=10 July 2020, |accessdate=11 July 2020
- A. G. Forman: |accessdate=11 March 2013
- A. G. Lancione: |accessdate=2015-07-24
- A. H. Greenhalgh: |accessdate =6 February 2016 , |accessdate =6 February 2016 , |accessdate =6 February 2016
- A. J. Alan: |accessdate=7 May 2016, |accessdate=7 May 2016
- A. J. Arkell: |accessdate=18 May 2019
- A. J. DeMedio: |accessdate=2015-02-27
- A. J. Ghent: |accessdate=September 25, 2012
- A. J. Hartley: |accessdate=2016-11-19
- A. J. Humbert: | authorlink = ↵
- A. J. Smith (writer): |accessdate=12 September 2016, |accessdate=12 September 2016
- A. J. Weberman: |accessdate=February 8, 2014 , |accessdate=12 September 2016 , |accessdate=12 September 2016 , |accessdate=February 8, 2014 , |accessdate=February 8, 2014 , |accessdate=February 8, 2014
- A. Joseph Valicenti: |accessdate=2015-02-27
- A. Kanagasabai: |authorlink=S. Arumugam
- A. L. Alexander's Goodwill Court: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- A. L. Alexander's Mediation Board: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- A. L. Erlanger: |accessdate=11 February 2019
- A. L. M. Fazlur Rahman: |accessdate=9 April 2017
- A. L. M. Nicolas: |authorlink=Moojan Momen↵
- A. Lanfear Norrie: |accessdate=14 February 2019 , |accessdate=14 February 2019 , |accessdate=8 May 2017, |accessdate=12 July 2018 , |accessdate=14 February 2019
- A. Lange & Söhne: |accessdate=23 June 2019
- A. LeRoy Greason: |accessdate=2015-04-04
- A. Lloyd MacDonald: |accessdate=2018-04-03
- A. M. Khusro: |accessdate=14 January 2017, |accessdate=14 January 2017, |accessdate=14 January 2017
- A. M. Pattison: | accessdate=March 20, 2017
- A. Mark Ratner: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- A. N. Gopal: | accessdate=17 June 2018
- A. Nesamony: |authorlink=Thomas Nossiter , |accessdate=9 June 2011
- A. O. Zoss: |accessdate=May 15, 2017
- A. P. Ager: |accessdate=4 August 2015, |accessdate=4 August 2015
- A. P. Hall Jr.: |accessdate=February 9, 2015
- A. P. Thompson: |accessdate=May 10, 2010, |accessdate=May 10, 2010
- A. Pendleton Strother: |authorlink= Earl Gregg Swem, |accessdate= July 17, 2020
- A. Ponnambalam: |authorlink=S. Arumugam
- A. R. Rao: |accessdate=21 March 2018
- A. S. G. Edwards: |accessdate=13 November 2018 , |accessdate=13 November 2018 , |accessdate=13 November 2018 , |accessdate=13 November 2018
- A. S. J. Carnahan: |accessdate=6 March 2013
- A. Sabapathy: |authorlink=A. Jeyaratnam Wilson
- A. Sabhapathy Mudaliar: | authorlink =↵
- A. Seshayya Sastri: |authorlink=Alf Hiltebeitel , |authorlink=William Arthur Shaw
- A. Smith Bowman Distillery: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2015-11-29 ↵
- A. Sumru Özsoy: |accessdate=28 October 2013, |accessdate=22 November 2013
- A. T. B. McGowan: |accessdate=26 March 2018
- A. T. Pannirselvam: | authorlink2=Florentin Smarandache
- A. T. S. Sissons: | accessdate = 18 November 2012
- A. Uberti, Srl.: |authorlink = John Taffin , |authorlink = Massad Ayoob
- A. V. Wells: |accessdate=2014-03-20
- A. W. Bhombal: |accessdate=17 February 2019 , |accessdate=17 February 2019 , |accessdate=17 February 2019 , |accessdate=17 February 2019 , |accessdate=17 February 2019
- A. W. F. Fuller: | authorlink = ↵
- A. W. Kjellstrand: |accessdate=March 7, 2013
- A. W. Shepard: | accessdate=May 6, 2012
- A. van den Doel Bible Museum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-12-24
- A.B. Purani: |accessdate=4 March 2012, |accessdate=4 March 2012
- A.D. Splivalo: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- A.M. (Wilco album): |accessdate=August 10, 2016
- A.M.E. Church Review: |authorlink=Daniel Alexander Payne
- A.R. Akela: | accessdate = 2013-05-14
- A.R.C. (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- A11 (Croatia): | accessdate=September 5, 2010
- A2 (Croatia): | accessdate=September 5, 2010
- A5 (Croatia): | accessdate= 11 October 2010 , | accessdate = 5 September 2010
- A7 (bar): |authorlink=Steven Blush
- A8 (Croatia): | accessdate = 4 June 2012
- A9 (Croatia): | accessdate=September 5, 2010
- AAC Angel: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- AAM-N-10 Eagle: |authorlink=Norman Friedman
- AAM-N-4 Oriole: |authorlink=James Charles Fahey, |authorlink=Norman Friedman , |authorlink=Bill Gunston
- AAM-N-5 Meteor: |authorlink=Norman Friedman
- AB Bookman's Weekly: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = Nicholas A. Basbanes↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- AB III: | writing_credits =↵, | writing_credits =↵, | writing_credits =↵
- AB Nyköpings Automobilfabrik: |accessdate=24 June 2020
- ABC Barn Dance: |accessdate=May 2, 2020
- ABC Mystery Theater: | authorlink1 = Tim Brooks (television historian)
- ABC Nepal: |accessdate=2015-08-11
- ABC Television Players: |accessdate=12 December 2018
- ABC Warehouse: |accessdate=2015-01-29
- ABC discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- ABC's Nightlife: |accessdate=19 December 2018
- ABC's Wide World of Entertainment: |accessdate=5 March 2011
- ABC-Zeitung: |accessdate=25 April 2015, |accessdate=25 April 2015
- ABECOR: |accessdate=7 October 2012, |accessdate=7 October 2012, |accessdate=7 October 2012
- ABM Elias: |accessdate=2 May 2019
- ABSA Women's League: |accessdate=18 November 2017, |accessdate=18 November 2017, |accessdate=18 November 2017
- AC 3000ME: |accessdate=2012-06-07, |accessdate=2012-06-07
- ACAE: |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012
- ACG (subculture): |accessdate=2011-10-14
- ACIF: |accessdate=Feb 8, 2020
- AD 17 Lydia earthquake: |accessdate=13 March 2012, |accessdate=10 March 2012, |accessdate=9 March 2012
- AD 41: |authorlink = William Hepworth Dixon
- AD+: |authorlink1=W. Hugh Woodin
- ADDIE Model: |accessdate=21 February 2018
- ADINA: | authorlink1= Klaus-Jürgen Bathe
- ADK (automobile): | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- ADM-3A: |accessdate=23 September 2020
- AESL Airtourer: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- AFK Atlantic Lázně Bohdaneč: |accessdate=10 March 2012
- AGARD: | authorlink = Nicholas Dawidoff
- AGATE (architecture framework): |accessdate=6 June 2014
- AGF (company): |accessdate=25 December 2014 , | accessdate=25 December 2014 , | accessdate=25 December 2014 , | accessdate=25 December 2014
- AGIL paradigm: | authorlink = Talcott Parsons↵ , | authorlink = George Ritzer↵
- AGR (automobile): | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- AI Mk. VIII radar: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2014-05-14 ↵
- AI@50: | authorlink=Nils John Nilsson
- AIDS: Don't Die of Ignorance: |authorlink2=Kelley Lee
- AIF Burial Ground Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery: |origyear=2004
- AIOD leads: |accessdate=2008-06-09
- AISA GN: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- AK model: |authorlink1=Robert J. Barro , |authorlink2= Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- ALTRAN: |accessdate=Sep 3, 2019, |accessdate=Sep 3, 2019, |accessdate=Sep 3, 2019, |accessdate=Sep 3, 2019
- AMC AMX-GT: |accessdate=11 August 2013
- AMC Ambassador: |authorlink=Tom and Ray Magliozzi
- AMC Amitron: |accessdate=29 November 2015, |accessdate=29 November 2015, |accessdate=29 November 2015, |accessdate=29 November 2015, |accessdate=29 November 2015, |accessdate=29 November 2015, |accessdate=29 November 2015, |accessdate=November 29, 2015, |accessdate=29 November 2015
- AMC Cavalier: | accessdate=17 May 2013, |accessdate=17 May 2013
- AMC Machine: |accessdate=9 September 2020
- AMC Rambler Tarpon: |accessdate=18 August 2014, |accessdate=18 August 2014, |accessdate=18 August 2014, |accessdate=18 August 2014, |accessdate=18 August 2014, |accessdate=18 August 2014
- AMC and Jeep transmissions: |accessdate=26 May 2016 , |authorlink=Jim Allen (4x4 writer), |authorlink=Jim Allen (4x4 writer)
- AMC computerized engine control: |accessdate=13 March 2014, |accessdate=13 March 2014
- AMC straight-4 engine: |accessdate=4 November 2019, |accessdate=29 February 2012 , |accessdate=29 February 2012
- AMS-LaTeX: | accessdate = 2007-10-08↵
- AMT Hardballer: |accessdate=25 May 2013, |accessdate=25 May 2013, |accessdate=25 May 2013, |accessdate=25 May 2013, |accessdate=25 May 2013, |accessdate=26 May 2013
- AMyth: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- AN/APS-20: |accessdate=17 October 2020
- AN/FPQ-16 PARCS: |accessdate=2014-03-25
- AN/GYK-12: |accessdate=August 23, 2014
- AN/PEQ-5: |authorlink=Kevin Dockery (author)
- AN/SPG-60 Radar: |accessdate=4 February 2017, |accessdate=4 February 2017
- AND-OR-Invert: |accessdate=2008-07-04, |accessdate= 2008-07-04
- ANGAU General Hospital: |accessdate=20 September 2014
- ANM (Naples): | accessdate=14 October 2011
- ANM Muniruzzaman: |accessdate=15 August 2017
- ANSER: |accessdate=28 August 2017
- APBA: |origyear=1976
- API testing: | authorlink = Mike Cohn
- APOPO: |accessdate=1 June 2016, |accessdate=1 June 2016
- APSI: |accessdate=19 September 2018
- ARA Bahía Buen Suceso: |authorlink=Martin Middlebrook
- ARC Gloria: |accessdate=2011-06-18
- ARINC 424: |origyear=1980-09-08
- ARITH-MATIC: |authorlink=Jean E. Sammet
- ARM Guadaloupe: |authorlink=David K. Brown↵ , |origyear=1990↵ , |authorlink=David K. Brown↵ , |origyear=1990↵
- ARM System-on-Chip Architecture: | accessdate=7 March 2012
- ARPABET: |authorlink=Daniel Jurafsky
- ARQ-E: |accessdate=26 August 2014
- ARSAT SG-1: |accessdate=2015-08-24
- ARSAT-2: |accessdate=2015-09-29, |accessdate=2015-09-22
- ARSAT-3K: |accessdate=2015-08-28
- AS 8015: |accessdate=23 June 2016, |accessdate=23 June 2016
- AS Long As Possible (ASLAP): |accessdate=September 11, 2017
- AS.15TT: |accessdate=21 September 2014
- ASA Architectural Conservation Award: |accessdate=14 November 2014, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=24 January 2009
- ASA carriage control characters: |accessdate=August 18, 2016
- ASCAP boycott: |accessdate=2 November 2018 , |accessdate=1 November 2018 , |accessdate=1 November 2018
- ASEAN Charter: |accessdate=20 May 2015
- ASEAN Eminent Persons Group: |accessdate=20 May 2015
- ASM-N-5 Gorgon V: |authorlink=James Charles Fahey, |accessdate=2011-02-11, |authorlink1=Norman Friedman , |authorlink1=Bill Gunston
- ASM-N-6 Omar: |authorlink=Norman Friedman
- ASP, Inc.: |accessdate=1 October 2019, |accessdate=1 October 2019
- ASTM smoke pump: |accessdate=21 November 2014
- ASUI: |accessdate=21 July 2011
- ASV Mark III radar: | authorlink = Bernard Lovell↵
- ASmallWorld: | authorlink=Anne Simpson
- ATP Saint-Vincent: |authorlink=Jim McManus (tennis)
- ATS D1: |authorlink=Doug Nye
- ATS D2: |authorlink=Doug Nye
- ATS D5: |authorlink=Alan Henry, |authorlink=Doug Nye
- ATS D6: |authorlink=Doug Nye
- AUM-N-4 Diver: |authorlink=Norman Friedman
- AUM-N-6 Puffin: |authorlink=Anthony Cave Brown, |authorlink=Norman Friedman
- AV receiver: |accessdate=14 December 2019 , |accessdate=14 December 2019
- AVATAR (MUD): |authorlink=Mizuko Ito, |authorlink=Mizuko Ito, |authorlink=Mizuko Ito, |accessdate=12 February 2014, |authorlink=Mizuko Ito, |accessdate=12 February 2014, |authorlink=Mizuko Ito, | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵, | authorlink = Richard Bartle , | authorlink = Richard Bartle , |authorlink=Mizuko Ito, |authorlink1=Kurt Squire, |authorlink1=Kurt Squire, |authorlink1=Kurt Squire, |authorlink1=Kurt Squire, |authorlink1=Kurt Squire, |authorlink1=Kurt Squire, |authorlink1=Kurt Squire, |authorlink1=Kurt Squire, |authorlink=Mizuko Ito, |accessdate=12 April 2014, |accessdate=12 February 2014
- AVS Video Editor: |accessdate=2015-07-05, |accessdate=2015-07-05
- AWA World Heavyweight Championship (Boston version): |authorlink1=Greg Oliver
- AWB oil-for-wheat scandal: |authorlink=Terence Cole (jurist), |authorlink=Caroline Overington, |authorlink=Paul A. Volcker , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=23 August 2013
- Aa Naluguru: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Aabbassiyeh: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Aabpara: |accessdate=28 April 2012, |accessdate=28 April 2012, |accessdate=28 April 2012, |accessdate=28 April 2012
- Aabroo (1943 film): |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Aadaalla Majaka: | lyrics_credits = ↵
- Aadab Arz: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Aadarsam: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵
- Aadchit Al Qusayr: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Aadchit El Chqif: |authorlink=Victor Guérin
- Aage Høy-Petersen: |accessdate=6 March 2015
- Aage Roussell: |accessdate=23 April 2012, |accessdate=23 April 2012, |accessdate=23 April 2012, |accessdate=23 April 2012
- Aagot Børseth: |authorlink=Anton Rønneberg
- Aahaa..! (1998 film): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵
- Aai Bahar: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Aaina (1944 film): |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Aaj (film): |accessdate=9 June 2014
- Aaj Ki Taaza Khabar: | lyrics_credits =↵↵
- Aaj Kie Aurat: |accessdate=27 October 2012
- Aaker: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Aakhari Poratam: | writing_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Aalbers: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Aalener Jazzfest: |accessdate=27 February 2012, |accessdate=27 February 2012
- Aalma ech Chaab: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Aamjiwnaang First Nation: |accessdate=August 26, 2020
- Aana Valarthiya Vanampadi: |authorlink=Film News Anandan
- Aanandan: |authorlink=Film News Anandan
- Aandhiyan: |accessdate=5 December 2012
- Aane Kannambadi: |origyear=1995
- Aankh Ki Sharm: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Aankh Michouli: |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Aankh ka Nasha: |accessdate=31 May 2017
- Aap Ki Khatir (2006 film): |music_credits=↵
- Aapadbandhavudu: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Aarakshan Virodhi Party: |accessdate=13 August 2015 , |accessdate=13 August 2015 , |accessdate=13 August 2015
- Aaravalli Sooravalli: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=14 April 2018
- Aarbajo: |accessdate=24 March 2012, |accessdate=24 March 2012, |accessdate=24 March 2012, |accessdate=24 March 2012
- Aarburg: |accessdate=12 February 2010 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 November 2009
- Aarhus V: |accessdate=25 January 2015
- Aarohan Theatre Group: | accessdate = 2021-02-08
- Aaron Abiob: |accessdate=2011-09-16
- Aaron Accetta: |accessdate=May 8, 2010
- Aaron Bernstein: | accessdate=2012-09-08
- Aaron Brown (financial author): | authorlink = Espen Gaarder Haug
- Aaron Buff: |accessdate=6 April 2016
- Aaron Cardozo: | authorlink=Tito Benady
- Aaron Collins: | authorlink= ↵, | authorlink= ↵
- Aaron Commodore: |accessdate=29 June 2015, |accessdate=29 June 2015
- Aaron Curry (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Aaron E. Waite: |accessdate=May 21, 2012↵
- Aaron Fenton: |accessdate=29 May 2011, |accessdate=29 May 2011
- Aaron Hart (businessman): |authorlink=John Murray Gibbon, |authorlink=Irving Abella
- Aaron John Sharp: |authorlink1=Margaret Fulford
- Aaron Krach: |accessdate=October 28, 2009, |accessdate=October 26, 2009
- Aaron Novick: |authorlink=Lillian Hoddeson, |accessdate=May 30, 2015
- Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff: | authorlink = Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff↵ , | authorlink = Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff↵ , | authorlink = Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff↵
- Aaron Resnick: |accessdate=15 May 2016, |accessdate=15 May 2016, |accessdate=15 May 2016
- Aaron S. Williams: | accessdate=February 12, 2017
- Aaron Scotus: |authorlink=Aleksander Gieysztor
- Aaron Shikler: |authorlink=Christopher Andersen , |accessdate=2 March 2012
- Aaron Shirley: |accessdate=28 July 2012
- Aaron Tredway: |accessdate=11 June 2014, |accessdate=16 June 2014, |accessdate=12 June 2014
- Aaron Vanderpoel: |accessdate=22 February 2016, |accessdate=22 February 2016
- Aaron Ward (representative): |accessdate=9 June 2009
- Aaron Zeitlin: |authorlink=Meyer Weisgal
- Aaron of Alexandria: |accessdate=29 September 2013, |accessdate=23 December 2013 , |accessdate=23 December 2013, |accessdate=23 December 2013, |accessdate=23 December 2013
- Aaronel deRoy Gruber: |accessdate=2020-11-13
- Aaronsohnia: |authorlink1=Otto Warburg (botanist), |authorlink2=Alexander Eig
- Aaroor Dass: |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |accessdate=19 May 2019
- Aart Staartjes: |accessdate=4 June 2015
- Aarti Mukherjee: |accessdate=<!-- 2019-10-10-->
- Aartswoud: |authorlink=Gerrit de Vries (politician) , |authorlink=Gerrit de Vries (politician)
- Aarón Wergifker: |accessdate=2009-08-10
- Aasaan: |origyear=1968
- Aasai Alaigal: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 March 2017
- Aase Foss Abrahamsen: |authorlink=Tordis Ørjasæter
- Aastha: In the Prison of Spring: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Aatagallu: | music_credits =↵↵
- Aathmasakhi: |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 May 2017
- Aattakatha (performance): |accessdate=24 May 2013
- Aavida Maa Aavide: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Aayiram Kalathu Payir: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 November 2017
- Aayiram Roobai: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=14 August 2017
- Ab Douglas: |accessdate=2014-09-02
- Ab Insaf Hoga: | lyrics_credits =↵↵
- Ab epistulis: |accessdate=Aug 31, 2018, |authorlink=Fergus Millar
- Ab-i Istada: |accessdate=26 April 2017, |accessdate=26 April 2017, |accessdate=26 April 2017
- Aba al-Waqf: |accessdate=21 July 2020, |accessdate=21 July 2020 , |accessdate=20 July 2020
- Abacaxis River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate= 21 October 2013
- Abacus Harmonicus: |authorlink=Athanasius Kircher
- Abaddon (album): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Abade António da Costa: |accessdate=14 July 2011
- Abaeus: | authorlink = William Smith (lexicographer)
- Abai (martyr): | accessdate = 9 October 2012
- Abaidullah Khan: |accessdate=1 August 2018 , |accessdate=1 August 2018 , |accessdate=2 August 2018 , |accessdate=2 August 2018 , |authorlink1=Ayesha Siddiqa , |accessdate=2 August 2018
- Abajo Mountains: |accessdate=21 April 2016
- Abake: |accessdate=2015-03-13
- Abalai Anjugam: |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=15 May 2017
- Abalama: |accessdate=8 October 2017
- Aban: |authorlink=Mary Boyce, |authorlink=Mary Boyce
- Aban ibn al-Walid ibn Uqba: | authorlink = Patricia Crone
- Abandoned railway: | accessdate=May 2, 2012
- Abarsas: | authorlink=Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
- Abas I of Armenia: |authorlink =Mikayel Chamchian↵
- Abasgoi: |authorlink= James S. Olson, |authorlink=William Edward David Allen
- Abatement of debts and legacies: |accessdate=23 March 2018
- Abaton (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Abaza (surname): |accessdate=
- Abazinia: |authorlink = Konstantin Kazenin↵
- Abba Kohen Bardela: |accessdate=8 May 2012
- Abba Kyari (military general): |accessdate=27 November 2018, |accessdate=27 November 2018
- Abbad ibn Ziyad: |authorlink=Clifford Edmund Bosworth , |authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Abbadid dynasty: | authorlink = Reinhart Dozy
- Abbakka Chowta: |accessdate=13 March 2015
- Abbas Adham: |accessdate=
- Abbas Ali Baig: |authorlink=Salman Rushdie
- Abbas Amir-Entezam: |accessdate=28 August 2013
- Abbas Mahmoud al-Aqqad: |authorlink = Jonathan A.C. Brown
- Abbas Raza: |accessdate=3 August 2018
- Abbas Shafiee: |accessdate=31 December 2009
- Abbas Shiblak: |authorlink=Abbas Shiblak , |authorlink=Abbas Shiblak
- Abbas ibn Shith: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Abbaye-aux-Bois: |authorlink= Joris-Karl Huysmans , |accessdate= 18 December 2013, |accessdate=7 February 2015, |authorlink= René Charles Guilbert de Pixérécourt , |accessdate= 19 December 2013
- Abberwick: |accessdate=5 August 2020
- Abbeville Christian Academy: |accessdate=29 November 2018
- Abbeville Communal Cemetery: |origyear=1987
- Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension: |origyear=1987
- Abbeville, Georgia: | accessdate=November 30, 2013
- Abbey Cheese Company: |accessdate=13 November 2011
- Abbey Craig: |accessdate=2019-11-03
- Abbey Machinery: |accessdate=11 June 2013
- Abbey Perkins Cheney: |accessdate=13 August 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Abbey Street: |accessdate=25 May 2013
- Abbey Theatre School: |accessdate=19 September 2015, |accessdate=20 September 2015, |accessdate=20 September 2015, |accessdate=19 September 2015, |accessdate=19 September 2015
- Abbey of Saint-Étienne, Caen: |authorlink=David Bates (historian) , |authorlink= David C. Douglas
- Abbey of Sainte-Trinité, Caen: | accessdate = 21 December 2013
- Abbey, County Clare: |accessdate=2014-03-06
- Abbeystead disaster: |authorlink=Health and Safety Executive
- Abbie C. B. Robinson: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Abbie Carrington: |accessdate=8 August 2017, |accessdate=22 August 2017
- Abbie Conant: |accessdate=25 October 2018
- Abbie Gerrish-Jones: |accessdate=14 December 2010
- Abbie J. Wright: |accessdate=August 12, 2020
- Abbie M. Gannett: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Abbo (bishop of Soissons): |authorlink=Rosamond McKitterick
- Abbot Oliba: | accessdate=16 March 2014
- Abbot of Bury St Edmunds: |authorlink1=David Knowles (scholar)
- Abbot of Glastonbury: | authorlink1=David Knowles (scholar) , |authorlink3=Christopher N. L. Brooke
- Abbot of Gloucester: |authorlink=David Knowles (scholar) , |authorlink2=Christopher N. L. Brooke
- Abbot of Tavistock: |authorlink1=William George Hoskins
- Abbot's Tower: |accessdate=21 March 2020
- Abbots Leigh: |authorlink=Richard Ollard
- Abbots Wood Junction railway station: |authorlink2=The Rev. W. Awdry
- Abbotsford and Northeastern Railroad: | accessdate=March 31, 2016, | accessdate=March 31, 2016, | accessdate=March 31, 2016, | accessdate=March 31, 2016
- Abbott Eliot Kittredge: |accessdate=16 May 2015
- Abbott M. Washburn: |accessdate=2019-04-24
- Abbott Mysteries: |accessdate=9 April 2020 , |accessdate=5 August 2016
- Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion: |authorlink=Rudolph Grey
- Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum: |accessdate=14 August 2011, |accessdate=14 August 2011, |accessdate=14 August 2011
- Abby Hutchinson Patton: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Abby McEnany: |accessdate=16 January 2020
- Abby Rakic-Platt: |accessdate=4 January 2015
- Abby Stein: |accessdate=June 12, 2020
- Abchanchu: |authorlink=Jonathan Maberry, |accessdate=11 October 2009
- Abd Al Aziz Awda: |accessdate=14 December 2012
- Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Latif Al ash-Sheikh: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=17 September 2012
- Abd al-Aziz ibn al-Walid: |authorlink=C. E. Bosworth
- Abd al-Hamid Shirazi: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Abd al-Haqq al-Badisi: |accessdate=1 February 2012
- Abd al-Karim Sabun: |accessdate=2013-03-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-28↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-28↵
- Abd al-Karim al-Jundi: |authorlink=Itamar Rabinovich, |authorlink=Hanna Batatu, |authorlink=Sami Moubayed, |authorlink=Patrick Seale
- Abd al-Kuri sparrow: |authorlink=Isaac Bayley Balfour, |authorlink2=Henry Ogg Forbes, | authorlink = J. Denis Summers-Smith
- Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan: | authorlink = Ralph-Johannes Lilie
- Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan ibn Musa ibn Nusayr: | authorlink=Ibn 'Asakir , | authorlink=Ibn Taghribirdi , | authorlink= , | authorlink=Severus ibn al-Muqaffa
- Abd al-Masih Haddad: |authorlink=Shmuel Moreh
- Abd al-Rahman al-Awza'i: |accessdate=9 January 2021
- Abd al-Rahman ibn Khalid al-Fahmi: | authorlink=Ibn Taghribirdi
- Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Dahhak ibn Qays al-Fihri: | authorlink=Ibn 'Asakir , | authorlink = Khalifa ibn Khayyat , | authorlink=Al-Masudi , | authorlink = , | authorlink = , | authorlink=Al-Ya'qubi
- Abd al-Wahab al-Shawaf: |authorlink=Said Aburish
- Abd al-Wahid ibn Abdallah al-Nasri: | authorlink=Ibn 'Asakir , | authorlink = , | authorlink = Khalifa ibn Khayyat , | authorlink=Al-Masudi , | authorlink = , | authorlink = Al-Shafi‘i , | authorlink = , | authorlink=Al-Ya'qubi
- Abd as-Salam al-Qadiri: |accessdate=4 February 2012, |authorlink1=David Ayalon, |accessdate=4 February 2012
- Abd-Allah (Hafsid): |accessdate=30 December 2020, |accessdate=30 December 2020
- Abd-ol-Ghaffar Amilakhori: |authorlink2=Edmund Herzig
- Abdali-I: |accessdate=25 December 2014↵
- Abdallabi tribe: |accessdate=12 March 2019
- Abdallah al-Battal: | authorlink = Paul Wittek
- Abdallah ibn Khalid ibn Asid: |authorlink=Wilferd Madelung
- Abdallah ibn Khazim al-Tamimi: | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Abdallah ibn Malik al-Khuza'i: | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Abdallah ibn al-Musayyab al-Dabbi: | authorlink = Ibn Qutaybah , | authorlink=Ibn Taghribirdi , | authorlink = Khalifa ibn Khayyat
- Abdallahi ibn Muhammad: |authorlink=David Levering Lewis↵
- Abdeen Mosque: |authorlink2=Sari Nusseibeh, |accessdate=17 April 2011
- Abdel Aziz Mohamed Hegazy: |accessdate=21 July 2013
- Abdel Wahab el-Beshry: |accessdate=20 October 2013
- Abdelaziz Thâalbi: |authorlink=Arnold H. Green
- Abdelhamid ben Hadouga: |accessdate=17 August 2012, |accessdate=18 July 2012
- Abdelouahed Belkeziz: |accessdate=9 December 2013
- Abdessalem Mansour: |accessdate=19 September 2012
- Abdication of Wilhelm II: | authorlink = William L. Shirer
- Abdirahman Barre: |accessdate=16 January 2015, |accessdate=16 January 2015, |accessdate=13 February 2015, |accessdate=16 January 2015, |accessdate=16 February 2015, |accessdate=10 February 2015, |accessdate=25 February 2015
- Abdirahman Hussein: |accessdate=27 February 2013, |accessdate=27 February 2013, |accessdate=27 February 2013, |accessdate=27 February 2013, |accessdate=27 February 2013
- Abdirahman Yabarow: |accessdate=7 August 2014
- Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob: |authorlink=Abdolhossein Zarinkoob
- Abdollah Entezam: |authorlink= Abbas Milani
- Abdolonyme Ubicini: |authorlink=Abdolonyme Ubicini
- Abdominizer: |accessdate=November 6, 2015
- Abdoulaye Mamani: | authorlink = Simon Gikandi↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Abdu Dawakin Tofa: |accessdate=19 July 2015
- Abdul Akbar Khan: |accessdate=20 May 2013
- Abdul Alim Musa: |authorlink=Benjamin Ginsberg (political scientist)
- Abdul Amir al-Jamri: |accessdate=6 June 2013 , |accessdate=10 June 2013 , |accessdate=10 June 2013
- Abdul Aziz Durrani: |authorlink1=Peter Oborne, |accessdate=25 July 2017
- Abdul Aziz Mirza: |accessdate=11 January 2017, |accessdate=11 January 2017
- Abdul Bokar Kan: |accessdate=2013-02-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-16↵
- Abdul Bubakar: |accessdate=2013-02-16↵
- Abdul Hai Arifi: |accessdate=25 December 2020
- Abdul Halim Moussa: |accessdate=14 October 2013
- Abdul Hameed Nayyar: |accessdate=29 April 2020 , |accessdate=29 April 2020
- Abdul Hamid Khan Yusufzai: |accessdate=7 December 2017
- Abdul Hannan Ansari: |accessdate=18 May 2020, |accessdate=18 May 2020, |accessdate=18 May 2020
- Abdul Kader Salebhoy: |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020
- Abdul Khaliq Hazara (assassin): |accessdate=October 23, 2011
- Abdul Khaliq Hazara (politician): |accessdate=25 October 2017
- Abdul Latif Pedram: |accessdate=2014-11-23
- Abdul Latif Sharif: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=5 May 2012, |accessdate=11 May 2012, |accessdate=12 May 2012, |accessdate=12 May 2012, |accessdate=4 January 2013
- Abdul Majeed Abdullah: |accessdate=9 June 2020
- Abdul Majeed Mahir: |authorlink= , |accessdate=
- Abdul Majid Kubar: |accessdate=2012-01-10
- Abdul Masih (missionary): |accessdate=2 March 2011
- Abdul Momim: |authorlink=Barnett Rubin
- Abdul Muktadir: |accessdate=11 July 2017
- Abdul Qadir (Afghan communist): |accessdate=13 October 2019 , | accessdate=2009-03-24
- Abdul Rahim Hatif: |accessdate=12 December 2015
- Abdul Rahman Hashim: |accessdate=25 April 2017
- Abdul Rahman Yusuf: |accessdate=4 May 2013
- Abdul Satar Sirat: |accessdate=6 May 2020
- Abdul Sattar (diplomat): |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019
- Abdul-Karim Haeri Yazdi: | authorlink = Moojan Momen
- Abdulah Sidran: |authorlink=Goran Gocić , |authorlink=Harold Segel , |authorlink=Chris Agee
- Abdulai Silá: |authorlink=Simon Gikandi, |accessdate=15 June 2011
- Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al Zamil: |accessdate=22 April 2015
- Abdulaziz bin Turki bin Talal Al Saud: |accessdate=24 June 2015
- Abdulići: |accessdate=3 March 2013, |accessdate=3 March 2013
- Abduljalil Khalil: |accessdate=16 June 2013
- Abdulkadir Ahmed Said: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Abdulla al-Hadj: |accessdate=2007-05-09, |origyear=1930
- Abdullah Afeef: | authorlink = Xavier Romero-Frias↵
- Abdullah Al-Rimi: |accessdate=28 September 2016
- Abdullah Atfeh: | authorlink = Sami Moubayed↵ , | authorlink = Sami Moubayed↵
- Abdullah Beg of Kartli: |authorlink1=Ronald Grigor Suny
- Abdullah Bughra: |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28
- Abdullah Buhari: |accessdate=2014-12-13
- Abdullah Darkhawasti: |accessdate=2 May 2020, |accessdate=2 May 2020
- Abdullah Fa'izi ad-Daghestani: |accessdate=November 24, 2014
- Abdullah Mohsen al-Akwa: |accessdate=4 December 2017
- Abdullah Pasha ibn Ali: |authorlink=Mikhail Mishaqa, |authorlink= Philip Mattar , |authorlink=Mahmoud Yazbak
- Abdullah Tariki: |authorlink= Marius Vassiliou
- Abdullah al Mahmood: |accessdate=23 June 2020
- Abdullah bin Jiluwi Al Saud: |authorlink=Dawn Chatty
- Abdullah el Baqui: |accessdate=26 April 2020
- Abdullah el-Faisal: |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=7 February 2010, |accessdate=22 April 2013
- Abdullah ibn Muhammad: |accessdate=17 September 2017
- Abdullahi Ali Omar: |accessdate=2011-06-03
- Abdulrahim Abby Farah: |accessdate=19 May 2015, |accessdate=23 February 2015
- Abdulrahman bin Abdulaziz Al Kelya: |accessdate=19 September 2012, |accessdate=19 September 2012
- Abdulvehab Ilhamija: |accessdate=12 April 2013, |accessdate=12 April 2013, |accessdate=12 April 2013
- Abdur Rab Serniabat: |accessdate=10 February 2016
- Abdur Rahim (scholar): |accessdate=5 September 2014
- Abdur Rahim Khan: |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017
- Abdur Rahman Atiku: |accessdate=2015-08-17
- Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera: |accessdate=15 April 2020
- Abdurrahman Baswedan: |accessdate=1 September 2014
- Abdurrahman Nokshiqi: |accessdate=23 July 2019
- Abdus Samad Khan: |accessdate=2015-06-24, |accessdate=2015-06-24
- Abdusalam H. Omer: |accessdate=3 April 2015
- Abe (given name): |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Abe Bluestein: |authorlink=Paul Avrich
- Abe Burrows' Almanac: |accessdate=9 August 2017
- Abe E. Pierce III: |accessdate=July 9, 2013, |accessdate=July 9, 2013
- Abe Gubegna: | authorlink = Simon Gikandi↵
- Abe Masahiro: |authorlink= William G. Beasley, |authorlink= John Whitney Hall
- Abe Mickal: |accessdate=March 12, 2016, |accessdate=June 12, 2016
- Abe Moffat: |authorlink1=Abe Moffat
- Abe Okpik: |accessdate=5 January 2019
- Abe Orpen: |authorlink=Bob Bossin
- Abe Stark: |accessdate=2 October 2015, |accessdate=2 October 2015
- Abe no Hironiwa: |authorlink = Susumu Nakanishi↵
- Abe no Iratsume: |authorlink = Susumu Nakanishi↵
- Abe no Kooji: |authorlink = Susumu Nakanishi↵
- Abecedarium Nordmannicum: |authorlink=Thomas Birkmann
- Abel (given name): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks
- Abel A. Hunter: |accessdate=6 November 2014, |accessdate=6 November 2014, |accessdate=28 November 2014
- Abel Adams: |accessdate=10 August 2012
- Abel Davis: |accessdate=3 February 2016, |accessdate=3 February 2016
- Abel Henry Smith: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵
- Abel Hoadley: | accessdate=24 September 2020
- Abel James Hindle: |accessdate=2012-03-30
- Abel Salazar (actor): |accessdate=4 January 2013, |accessdate=4 January 2013
- Abel Sierra Madero: |accessdate=23 May 2018
- Abel and Mary Nicholson House: |accessdate=15 April 2017
- Abel's Island (film): |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Abel's identity: |authorlink=Gerald Teschl
- Abel's theorem: |authorlink=Lars Ahlfors
- Abel-meholah: |origyear=1971
- Abelam language: |authorlink=William A. Foley
- Abelardo Rodríguez Urdaneta: |accessdate=2014-05-23
- Abelian and Tauberian theorems: | authorlink=Hugh Montgomery (mathematician)
- Abelian integral: | authorlink1=Phillip Griffiths↵ , | authorlink2=Joe Harris (mathematician)↵
- Abelian sandpile model: |authorlink=Caroline Klivans
- Abelmoschus: | authorlink = :it:Umberto Quattrocchi↵
- Abels Shipbuilders: |archiveurl='s%20Bridge&f=false, |archivedate=9 September 2017
- Abelé: |authorlink=Richard Juhlin
- Abenab: |accessdate=31 October 2018
- Abendana: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Abendroth & Root Manufacturing Co: | authorlink =
- Abenteuer Archäologie: |accessdate=28 September 2013
- Abeozen: |authorlink=Aldo Garzanti , |origyear=1972
- AberMUD: | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵ , | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵ , | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵
- Abercarn railway station: |origyear=1958
- Aberdare Hall: |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)
- Aberdeen (UK Parliament constituency): |accessdate=1 September 2018
- Aberdeen Breviary: |accessdate=5 July 2017, |accessdate=5 July 2017, |accessdate=5 July 2017
- Aberdeen and Asheboro Railroad: |accessdate=September 8, 2015
- Aberdonian (passenger train): |authorlink=Ken Hoole
- Aberfeldy railway station: |origyear=1904
- Aberg: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Abergairn Castle: |accessdate=2 April 2019
- Abergavenny Brecon Road railway station: |origyear=1958, |origyear=1979
- Abergavenny Bridge: |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)↵
- Abergavenny Junction railway station: |origyear=1958, |origyear=1979
- Abergel: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Aberjhani: |accessdate=29 December 2014
- Aberlady railway station: |origyear=1904
- Aberlour House (building): |accessdate=4 August 2019
- Abermawr: |accessdate=10 August 2019
- Abernethy biscuit: |accessdate=2018-11-03
- Abersychan Low Level railway station: | authorlink = Michael Cobb (railway historian) , | origyear = 2003 , |origyear=1958, |origyear=1927
- Abertay Historical Society: |accessdate=19 February 2019
- Abertzaleen Batasuna: |accessdate=6 May 2016
- Aberystwyth Rheidol: |accessdate=2 December 2018
- Abezethibou: |authorlink=James H. Charlesworth, |authorlink=James Kugel, |accessdate=9 October 2009, |accessdate=9 October 2009, |accessdate=9 October 2009, |accessdate=9 October 2009
- Abfab Songs: | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Abgarid dynasty: |authorlink1=Maurice Sartre
- Abgoosht: |authorlink2=Gisela Kaplan , |accessdate=27 August 2012, |accessdate=27 April 2010
- Abgrallaspis cyanophylli: | authorlink =↵
- Abhimanyu Rath: |accessdate=19 September 2020, |accessdate=19 September 2020
- Abhinavamruta: |accessdate=20 April 2005
- Abhinaya: | authorlink=Mani Madhava Chakiar↵
- Abhiraka: |accessdate=2013-06-03, |accessdate=2013-06-03
- Abhorchdienst: | authorlink= Simon Singh
- Abiathar ben Elijah ha-Cohen: |accessdate=22 August 2011, |accessdate=22 August 2011
- Abida Hussain: |accessdate=29 May 2018, |accessdate=29 May 2018, |accessdate=29 May 2018, |accessdate=29 May 2018, |accessdate=29 May 2018, |accessdate=29 May 2018
- Abidin Bey: |accessdate=21 February 2012, |accessdate=21 February 2012
- Abidji people: |accessdate=18 April 2010
- Abie's Irish Rose: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-11-08, |accessdate=March 9, 2019
- Abies holophylla: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Abies homolepis: |origyear=1980
- Abies nephrolepis: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Abigail (name): |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Abigail Clayton: | accessdate = April 9, 2012↵ , | accessdate = April 9, 2012↵ , | accessdate = April 9, 2012↵
- Abigail Garner: |accessdate=18 November 2014, |accessdate=18 November 2014, | authorlink = Abigail Garner↵, |accessdate=18 November 2014, |accessdate=18 November 2014
- Abigail Keasey Frankel: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Abigail Mandana Holmes Christensen: |authorlink=Jan Harold Brunvand
- Abigail Scofield Kellogg: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Abigail Varela: |accessdate=Jul 5, 2019, |accessdate=Jul 5, 2019
- Abigail Williams (band): |accessdate=3 February 2010
- Abijah Beckwith (Wisconsin politician): |accessdate=2015-07-30
- Abijah Cheever: |accessdate=April 2, 2013
- Abijah Hunt: |accessdate=17 September 2014
- Abijah Thomas House: |accessdate=15 April 2012, |accessdate=15 April 2012, |accessdate=15 April 2012
- Abilene Prairie Dogs: |accessdate=20 July 2019
- Abilene Town: |accessdate=13 September 2016
- Abilio Diniz: | authorlink = Isabel Vincent
- Abingdon (1902 automobile): |authorlink=Georgano, G.N.
- Abingdon Road: |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner , | authorlink=Jan Morris
- Abinger Castle: | authorlink =Plantagenet Somerset Fry , | authorlink =Paul Johnson (writer)
- Abington Hospital–Jefferson Health: |accessdate=October 4, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=October 5, 2013
- Abington railway station: |origyear=1904
- Abiqua Creek: | accessdate = 2008-08-03↵
- Abiram Chamberlain: |accessdate=10 December 2012
- Abisara chela: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Abisara fylla: |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Abisara kausambi: |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Abisara neophron: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Abisara savitri: |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Abisha Woodward: |accessdate=13 April 2016, |accessdate=13 April 2016, |accessdate=13 April 2016, |accessdate=13 April 2016, |accessdate=13 April 2016, |accessdate=13 April 2016, |accessdate=13 April 2016
- Abishag: |accessdate=24 January 2021
- Abital: |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Abitare: |accessdate=9 January 2015 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 January 2015
- Abitbol: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Abkhaz phonology: |authorlink=Viacheslav Chirikba
- Abkhazian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company: |accessdate=December 20, 2015, |accessdate=December 20, 2015, |accessdate=December 20, 2015, |accessdate=December 20, 2015
- Ablah, Lebanon: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Ablassé Ouedraogo: |accessdate=9 April 2015
- Able Label: | origyear=2004
- Abner Ellis: |accessdate=November 8, 2019
- Abner Jackson: |accessdate=22 May 2012, |accessdate=22 May 2012
- Abner Kneeland: |authorlink1=Abner Kneeland, |authorlink2=Daniel Albert Wyttenbach, |authorlink=Henry Dodwell, |authorlink1=Abner Kneeland, |authorlink2=Daniel Albert Wyttenbach
- Abner Nichols: |accessdate=2015-09-21
- Aboazar Lovesendes: |authorlink=:pt:Armando de Almeida Fernandes , |authorlink=José Mattoso
- Abobaku: |accessdate=2015-04-12
- Abol-Fath Khan Zand: |accessdate=28 July 2013
- Abolition of serfdom in Poland: |accessdate=30 January 2012, |accessdate=30 January 2012, |accessdate=30 January 2012, |accessdate=30 January 2012
- Aboriginal Witnesses Act: |accessdate=24 February 2019
- Aborigines' Protection Society: |accessdate=28 May 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=29 May 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=27 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012
- Abortion in New York: |accessdate=17 January 2012
- Abortion in Queensland: |accessdate=25 October 2018
- Abortion in Saint Kitts and Nevis: |accessdate=10 May 2016
- Abosede George: |accessdate=2020-01-16
- Aboud: |authorlink=Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau, |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Sami Hadawi, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink=Reinhold Röhricht, |authorlink=Reinhold Röhricht, |authorlink=Guy Le Strange
- Aboud El Zomor: |accessdate=6 May 2011, |accessdate=6 May 2011, |accessdate=6 May 2011
- Aboud Jumbe: |accessdate=2015-02-20
- Aboukir almonds: |accessdate=2014-10-24
- About Faces: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- About Time (2013 film): | writing_credits =↵↵
- Above&Beyond (magazine): |accessdate=20 June 2016
- Abra Channel: |accessdate=25 July 2013
- Abra Honda, Camuy, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Abracadabra (ABC album): | accessdate = 4 August 2012
- Abraham: |authorlink=David Lyle Jeffrey, |authorlink=Christopher J. H. Wright
- Abraham Aboab (Hamburg): |accessdate=6 August 2012
- Abraham Aguilar: |accessdate=24 July 2016
- Abraham B. Baylis: |accessdate=9 January 2020 , |accessdate=9 January 2020 , |accessdate=9 January 2020 , |accessdate=9 January 2020 , |accessdate=9 January 2020
- Abraham Belknap: |accessdate=16 October 2017, |accessdate=16 October 2017
- Abraham Bennet: | origyear=1979 , | origyear=1922
- Abraham Boardman: |accessdate=29 September 2016
- Abraham Capadose: |accessdate=4 August 2019
- Abraham Cuyler: |accessdate=8 September 2017
- Abraham Erasmus van Wyk: |accessdate=24 April 2019, |accessdate=24 April 2019, |accessdate=24 April 2019, |accessdate=24 April 2019
- Abraham Feller: | accessdate = 24 November 2019
- Abraham G. Lansing: |accessdate=28 August 2017, |accessdate=6 September 2017, |accessdate=6 September 2017, |accessdate=6 September 2017
- Abraham Gabriel: |accessdate=19 September 2011, |accessdate=19 September 2011, |accessdate=19 September 2011
- Abraham Galloway: |accessdate=November 21, 2019, |accessdate=2015-08-15, |accessdate=2015-08-15
- Abraham González (general): |authorlink=Antonio Zinny↵
- Abraham Gouverneur: |accessdate=24 September 2018 , |accessdate=19 September 2018 , |accessdate=22 September 2018 , |accessdate=24 September 2018 , |accessdate=24 September 2018 , |accessdate=24 September 2018 , |accessdate=24 September 2018 , |accessdate=24 September 2018
- Abraham H. Albertson: |accessdate=December 31, 2019
- Abraham Hatfield: |accessdate=6 July 2018, |accessdate=7 July 2018, |accessdate=6 July 2018
- Abraham Hecht: | accessdate = 2007-03-26↵
- Abraham Hume (priest): |authorlink=James A. Secord
- Abraham J. Isserman: | accessdate = 28 November 2016, | accessdate = 28 November 2016, | accessdate = 28 November 2016, | accessdate = 28 November 2016, | accessdate = 28 November 2016, | accessdate = 28 November 2016, | accessdate = 28 November 2016, | accessdate = 28 November 2016, | accessdate = 28 November 2016
- Abraham Jennison: |authorlink=Rica Erickson
- Abraham Jones (North Carolina politician): |accessdate=2014-10-24
- Abraham Josias Cloëté: |accessdate=9 May 2019
- Abraham K. Allison: |accessdate=3 August 2011
- Abraham Khalfon: |authorlink=Nahum Slouschz
- Abraham Krotoshinsky: |accessdate=12 December 2018
- Abraham L. Cohn: |accessdate=July 23, 2016
- Abraham Leon: |authorlink=Walter Laqueur
- Abraham Lincoln: |authorlink= , |authorlink=
- Abraham Lincoln (Healy): | origyear=1992
- Abraham Lincoln (Morse books): | accessdate = 8 September 2009, | accessdate = 8 September 2009, | accessdate = 8 September 2009
- Abraham Lincoln Marovitz: |accessdate=March 12, 2020
- Abraham Lincoln and slavery: |authorlink=Frederick Douglass
- Abraham M. Radcliffe: |accessdate=2017-08-27
- Abraham Mar Koorilos I: |authorlink= , |authorlink= Stephen Neill, |accessdate=31 January 2011, |authorlink= Stephen Neill, |accessdate=31 October 2011
- Abraham Marchant: |authorlink=Edward Tullidge
- Abraham Ogden: |accessdate=8 May 2017
- Abraham Oppenheim: |authorlink=Fritz Stern
- Abraham Palacci: | accessdate = 30 December 2016
- Abraham Perry: |accessdate=7 May 2018
- Abraham Prescott: | accessdate=2010-01-10
- Abraham Rabinovitch: |accessdate=3 July 2013
- Abraham Riker Lawrence: |accessdate=17 April 2019 , |accessdate=17 April 2019 , |accessdate=17 April 2019 , |accessdate=17 April 2019 , |accessdate=12 April 2019, |accessdate=17 April 2019 , |accessdate=17 April 2019 , |accessdate=17 April 2019
- Abraham Rovigo: |accessdate=31 December 2012
- Abraham Samuel: |accessdate=2 September 2017
- Abraham Schermerhorn: |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018
- Abraham Stern (inventor): |authorlink1=Glenn Dynner
- Abraham Ten Broeck: |accessdate=12 September 2017 , |accessdate=12 September 2017 , |accessdate=12 September 2017 , |accessdate=12 September 2017
- Abraham Unger: | accessdate = 5 August 2017, | accessdate = 5 August 2017
- Abraham Wolff: |accessdate=10 February 2021, |accessdate=9 February 2021
- Abraham Woodhull: |authorlink=Alexander Rose (author), |authorlink1=Brian Kilmeade, |authorlink2=Don Yaeger
- Abraham Yates Jr.: |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=August 2, 2018 , |accessdate=September 6, 2017, |accessdate=September 6, 2017
- Abraham and Lot's conflict: |authorlink=Robert Alter, |authorlink=Robert Alter
- Abraham ben Abraham: |authorlink=Paysach Krohn , |authorlink=Isaac Kimber
- Abraham de Sola: |accessdate=22 November 2015, |accessdate=22 November 2015
- Abraham ibn Zimra: |accessdate=17 August 2011
- Abram Alikhanov: |authorlink1=Richard Rhodes , |authorlink2=Frank N. von Hippel , |authorlink1=:ru:Иоффе, Борис Лазаревич , |authorlink1=Isaak Markovich Khalatnikov , |authorlink1=Vladislav Zubok , |authorlink1=Yuri Orlov , |authorlink1=Mikhail Shifman , |authorlink1=Yuri Orlov , |authorlink1=Yuri Orlov , |authorlink1=Mikhail Shifman
- Abram D. Smith: |accessdate= May 22, 2020
- Abram William Lauder: |accessdate=25 January 2020
- Abramov: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Abramowicz: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵, |authorlink=David E. Hoffman
- Abramsky: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Abrasive flow machining: |accessdate=2013-02-01, |accessdate=2013-02-01
- Abrasive saw: | accessdate= 2013-02-04↵
- Abravanel: |accessdate=2012-10-22
- Abreaction: |accessdate=April 27, 2013
- Abrolhos painted buttonquail: | accessdate = 2007-11-18
- Abronhill: |accessdate=25 February 2017
- Abrostola anophioides: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Abrota ganga: |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Abrotanella: |authorlink1=Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini, |authorlink1=Joseph Dalton Hooker, |authorlink2=Walter Hood Fitch
- Abrskil: |accessdate=2010-11-03
- Abrskil Cave: |accessdate=2010-11-03, |accessdate=2010-11-03
- Abrus: |accessdate=1 January 2013, |accessdate=1 January 2013, |accessdate=1 January 2013
- Absalom: |authorlink= Matthew Henry
- Absalom Boston: |accessdate=2009-11-23, |accessdate=2015-04-01
- Absalon Pederssøn Beyer: | accessdate=21 January 2019
- Absecon Island: |accessdate=October 14, 2018, |accessdate=August 12, 2008
- Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain: |accessdate=15 July 2014, |accessdate=15 July 2014
- Absentee Tax: |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012
- Absil: |authorlink=:fr:Jean Germain (linguiste) , |authorlink2=:fr:Jules Herbillon
- Absolute Zero (novel): | authorlink=Helen Cresswell
- Absolute generality: |authorlink1=Introduction to Absolute Generality
- Absolute risk: |accessdate=11 November 2017
- Absolute threshold: |authorlink=William Bialek
- Absolute value (algebra): |authorlink=Neal Koblitz , |accessdate=24 August 2012 , |authorlink=Neal Koblitz , |accessdate=24 August 2012 , | authorlink = Nicolas Bourbaki↵ , | authorlink=J. W. S. Cassels , | authorlink = Nathan Jacobson↵
- Absolutely No Alternative: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Absorption (acoustics): |accessdate=4 January 2019
- Absorption (economics): |authorlink=Alan Deardorff
- Abstrac: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Abstract Meaning Representation: |accessdate=28 June 2019
- Abstract analytic number theory: | origyear=1975
- Abstract rewriting system: |authorlink1=Franz Baader, |authorlink2=Tobias Nipkow
- Abstraction-Création: |accessdate=2012-01-19
- Absurdistan: |authorlink = Eric Campbell (reporter) , |authorlink=Gary Shteyngart
- Abt (surname): | authorlink = :fr:Jean Germain (linguiste)↵, | authorlink2 = :fr:Jules Herbillon↵, | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Abtaa: |authorlink=Josias Leslie Porter, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Abts: | authorlink = :fr:Jean Germain (linguiste)↵, | authorlink2 = :fr:Jules Herbillon↵, | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Abu 'Abdallah Muhammad: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Abu 'Ali al-Khayyat: |accessdate=18 September 2013
- Abu 'Amr 'Uthman: |accessdate=12 February 2021, |accessdate=12 February 2021
- Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad al-Muntasir: |accessdate=30 December 2020, |accessdate=12 February 2021
- Abu Abdallah Muhammad VI ibn al-Hasan: |accessdate=22 February 2021, |accessdate=21 February 2021
- Abu Ageila: |accessdate=22 November 2016, |accessdate=22 November 2016↵, |accessdate=22 November 2016↵, |authorlink=Dawn Chatty
- Abu Ali ibn Muhammad: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Abu Asida Muhammad II: |accessdate=30 December 2020, |accessdate=7 February 2021
- Abu Bakr Shah: |accessdate=8 February 2012
- Abu Bara: |authorlink=Meir Jacob Kister , |authorlink=Charles James Lyall
- Abu Bara al Yemeni: | accessdate = 2013-01-09↵
- Abu Daoud: |authorlink=David Frum
- Abu Hafs Umar bin Yahya: |accessdate=30 December 2020, |accessdate=30 December 2020, |accessdate=2 January 2021, |accessdate=2 January 2021, |accessdate=2 January 2021
- Abu Hafs ibn Amr: |authorlink=Steven Runciman, |origyear=1929 , |authorlink=Warren Treadgold
- Abu Haggag Mosque: |accessdate=21 August 2019
- Abu Haritha bin Alqamah: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=27 April 2017, |authorlink=Sidney H. Griffith, |authorlink=Louis Massignon
- Abu Ishaq Ibrahim I: |accessdate=30 December 2020, |accessdate=30 December 2020, |accessdate=1 January 2021
- Abu Ishaq al-Heweny: |accessdate=2 August 2012
- Abu Ja'far Muhammad: | authorlink = Wilferd Madelung
- Abu Kalijar: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth , | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Abu Kamal District: |accessdate=3 February 2017
- Abu Makhlad Abdallah: | authorlink =
- Abu Nasr Sa'd of Granada: |authorlink=L. P. Harvey
- Abu Nasr as-Sarraj: |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Abu Nu'aym Ridwan: |authorlink=Rachel Arié
- Abu Numayy I: |authorlink1=Al-Maqrizi
- Abu Qatadah ibn Rab'i al-Ansari: |accessdate=9 February 2020, |accessdate=12 February 2020, |accessdate=10 February 2020, |accessdate=10 February 2020, |accessdate=9 February 2020
- Abu Sa'id Mirza: |authorlink=John E. Woods (historian), |authorlink=Martijn Theodoor Houtsma, |authorlink=William Erskine (historian), |authorlink=Abu'l-Fazl ibn Mubarak, |authorlink=Basil William Robinson, |authorlink=Beatrice Forbes Manz, |authorlink=Vasily Bartold, |authorlink1=Peter Jackson (historian), |authorlink2=Clifford Edmund Bosworth, |authorlink=H. A. R. Gibb, |authorlink=Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dughlat, |authorlink1=E. J. Rapson, |authorlink2=Wolseley Haig, |authorlink3=Richard Burn (Indologist), |authorlink=Muhammad Khwandamir, |authorlink1=Beatrice Forbes Manz, |authorlink=Martijn Theodoor Houtsma, |authorlink2=Donald Wilber, |authorlink=Edward Granville Browne, |authorlink=T. Walter Wallbank, |authorlink=Babur
- Abu Silah: |accessdate=12 May 2011
- Abu Syahid Shah of Malacca: | authorlink = Georges Coedès↵
- Abu Tahir Yazid: | authorlink = Wilferd Madelung
- Abu Talib (musician): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Abu Umar al-Almani: |authorlink=↵
- Abu Walid al Masri: | accessdate = 2016-07-08↵
- Abu Yahya Abu Bakr II: |accessdate=30 December 2020, |accessdate=9 February 2021, |accessdate=9 February 2021
- Abu Yahya Abu Bakr ash-Shahid: |accessdate=30 December 2020
- Abu al-Hawl (newspaper): |accessdate=29 May 2016, |accessdate=29 May 2016
- Abu al-Ward: |accessdate=6 August 2018 , |accessdate=6 August 2018 , |accessdate=6 August 2018
- Abu'l-Aswar Shavur ibn Manuchihr: |accessdate=18 June 2015
- Abu'l-Fath Musa: |origyear=1953
- Abu'l-Fath Yanis: | authorlink = , | authorlink = Heinz Halm
- Abu'l-Hasan Asaf Khan: |authorlink=D. Fairchild Ruggles
- Abu'l-Hasan Isfaraini: | authorlink = Clifford Edmund Bosworth
- Abu'l-Musafir al-Fath: | authorlink = Wilferd Madelung
- Abu'l-Qasim Ali ibn al-Hasan al-Kalbi: |authorlink= Robert F. Barkowski
- Abu-l-Baqa Khalid An-Nasr: |accessdate=30 December 2020
- Abucco: |authorlink= ↵
- Abuhav synagogue: |accessdate=29 December 2011, |accessdate=29 December 2011
- Abujmarh: |authorlink= B G Verghese
- Abuk (mythology): |accessdate=2015-05-17
- Abul Fazl Mamuri: |authorlink=John F. Richards
- Abul Hasan Hankari: |origyear=1st. pub. 1960
- Abul Hasan Qutb Shah: |authorlink=Haroon Khan Sherwani
- Abul-Abbas: |authorlink=Richard Hodges (archaeologist)
- Abulchares: |authorlink=Ferdinand Chalandon
- Abulites: |authorlink=Waldemar Heckel
- Abuna River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Abuna Yesehaq: |authorlink=Rita Marley, |authorlink=Timothy White (editor)
- Abundantius (consul): |accessdate=Aug 29, 2020, |accessdate=Aug 29, 2020
- Abushneib: |accessdate=2014-12-13
- Abutbul: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Abutsu-ni: |accessdate=14 November 2016
- Abya Yala: |accessdate=11 May 2013
- Abyssinian Meeting House: |accessdate=2015-01-04
- Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Saʿd ibn Mardanīsh: |authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Acacia Winery: |accessdate=21 March 2014
- Acacia acuminata: |authorlink1=Charles Lane-Poole
- Acacia baileyana: |authorlink= Angus Stewart
- Acacia cognata: |accessdate=2 April 2011
- Acacia leptoclada: |accessdate=15 February 2019
- Acacia saligna: |authorlink1=Judith H. Myers , |authorlink2=Dawn R. Bazely , |accessdate=2008-12-26
- Acacia schinoides: |authorlink1=George Bentham, |authorlink2=Ferdinand von Mueller
- Acacia tit: | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 2016-12-20
- Acacitli: |authorlink=Chimalpahin , |authorlink=Rafael García Granados
- Acacius of Seleucia-Ctesiphon: |authorlink=Giuseppe Luigi Assemani, |authorlink1=Wilhelm Baum, |authorlink=Jean-Baptiste Chabot, |authorlink=William Ainger Wigram
- Academia Cațavencu: |accessdate=9 May 2016
- Academic Boniface Association: |accessdate=16 July 2010
- Academic Music College: |accessdate=19 December 2018
- Academic and Professional Unions: |accessdate=13 November 2020
- Academic boycott of Israel: |accessdate= 11 September 2014
- Academic careerism: |authorlink1=Mats Alvesson , |authorlink2=Yiannis Gabriel , |authorlink3=Roland Paulsen , |authorlink=Page Smith
- Academic dress of the University of Cambridge: |accessdate=29 September 2018
- Academic dress of the University of Leeds: |authorlink=George Shaw (academic dress scholar)
- Academic dress of the University of Nottingham: |authorlink=George Shaw (academic dress scholar)
- Academic halls of the University of Oxford: |accessdate=9 December 2020, |accessdate=9 December 2020
- Academic job market: |accessdate=2009-06-01
- Academician Sakharov Avenue, Moscow: |accessdate=23 December 2011
- Academies Enterprise Trust: |accessdate=18 December 2015, |accessdate=18 December 2015, |accessdate=18 December 2015, |accessdate=18 December 2015, |accessdate=18 December 2015
- Academy Award (radio series): |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-10-24
- Academy of Science, St. Louis: |origyear=1971
- Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo: |accessdate=28 April 2011
- Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republika Srpska: |authorlink1=Rajko Kuzmanović
- Academy of the Border Service of the National Security Committee: |accessdate=30 June 2020
- Academy of the Holy Names (Florida): |accessdate=2019-01-31
- Acadera: |accessdate=15 August 2018
- Acadiana Profile: |accessdate=November 14, 2015
- Acalitus brevitarsus: |authorlink1=Michael Chinery
- Acalitus plicans: |authorlink1=Michael Chinery
- Acalitus stenaspis: |authorlink1=Michael Chinery
- Acalypha australis: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Acalypha hontauyuensis: |accessdate=16 October 2015
- Acalypha suirenbiensis: |accessdate=16 October 2015
- Acampo, California: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Acamptopappus: |authorlink1=Asa Gray
- Acanthaxius: |accessdate=12 June 2012
- Acanthobothrium bullardi: |accessdate=28 July 2019
- Acanthocardia echinata: |authorlink= Carl Linnaeus
- Acanthocephala declivis: |authorlink2=Richard Froeschner
- Acanthocephalus (plant): |authorlink=Alexander Andrejewitsch von Bunge, |authorlink1=Stephan Friedrich Ladislaus Endlicher, |authorlink1=Grigorij Silyč Karelin, |authorlink2=Ivan Petrovich Kirilov
- Acanthocephalus dirus: |accessdate=20 July 2014
- Acanthocladium: |authorlink1=George Bentham, |authorlink2=Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von Mueller, |authorlink1=Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von Mueller
- Acantholipes: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acantholipes trajecta: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acanthomyrmex basispinosus: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex careoscrobis: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex concavus: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex crassispinus: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex dusun: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex ferox: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex foveolatus: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex glabfemoralis: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex humilis: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex laevis: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex luciolae: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthomyrmex mindanao: |accessdate=9 July 2014
- Acanthophippium: |accessdate=2018-01-16
- Acanthophis ceramensis: |authorlink1=Van Wallach, |authorlink2=Kenneth L. Williams
- Acará River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Acascosa Lake: |authorlink=William Bright
- Acatinga virus: |accessdate=29 December 2018
- Acaxee: |accessdate=28 October 2012
- Accademia del Cimento: |authorlink=The Accademia del Cimento and the Royal Society↵, |authorlink=Making Correspondents Network: Henry Oldenburg, Philosophical Commerce, and Italian Science↵, |authorlink= A Lofty Mountain, Putrefying Flesh, Styptic Water, and Germinating Seeds: Reflections on Experimental Procedures from Perier to Redi and Beyond↵, |authorlink=Saturn's Handles: observations, Explanations and Censorship from Galileo to the Accademia del Centro↵
- Accelerated Evolution: | music_credits = ↵
- Acceptable level of violence: |authorlink=Robert E. Goodin, |authorlink=P J O'Rourke
- Accepted: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Access register: |accessdate=Mar 6, 2020
- Accessibility relation: |accessdate=23 July 2020
- Accessory Transit Company: |authorlink=T.J. Stiles
- Accessory drive: |authorlink=Pratt & Whitney↵
- Accident of Birth: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Accident triangle: |accessdate=18 November 2018 , |accessdate=18 November 2018 , |accessdate=18 November 2018
- Accidentalism and catastrophism: |authorlink=Paul Preston
- Accidentally on Purpose (Ian Gillan and Roger Glover album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Accidently Kelly Street: | authorlink1 = Ian McFarlane , | authorlink2 = Molly Meldrum
- Accidents and incidents involving the Consolidated B-24 Liberator: |accessdate=15 June 2016, |authorlink=Thomas Childers
- Acción Comunal: |accessdate=17 February 2019 , |accessdate=17 February 2019
- Accompanied combined transport: | accessdate = 2010-07-02, | accessdate = 2010-07-02
- Accord of Winchester: |authorlink= David Carpenter (historian)
- Accountable Beasts: | writing_credits = ↵
- Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions: |accessdate=12 March 2020, |accessdate=12 March 2020, |accessdate=12 March 2020
- Accra Central Station: |accessdate=1 July 2019
- Accrediting Commission for Education in Nursing: |accessdate=17 June 2019, |accessdate=17 June 2019
- Accumulation by dispossession: |authorlink=Christopher Hollis , |authorlink=Owen Jones (writer)
- Ace (1920 automobile): |authorlink= G.N. Georgano
- Ace (Bob Weir album): |accessdate=March 22, 2019
- Ace Brigode discography: | authorlink = , | authorlink =
- Ace Ventura (franchise): |accessdate=15 March 2020, |accessdate=19 March 2020
- Ace of Clubs (musical): |origyear=1957
- Ace of Coins: | authorlink = Michael Dummett↵
- Ace of Cups: | authorlink = Michael Dummett↵
- Ace of Wands (Tarot card): | authorlink = Jane Lyle↵
- Ace of hearts: | accessdate=April 16, 2012 , | accessdate=April 16, 2012
- Acedia: |accessdate=20 August 2011
- Aceh Museum: |authorlink= , |accessdate= , |authorlink= , |accessdate= , |authorlink= , |accessdate=
- Acemannan: |accessdate=23 May 2015
- Acer barbinerve: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Acer caudatum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Acer pictum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Acer taggarti: |accessdate=29 December 2011
- Aceratium: | origyear= originally published 1981 , | accessdate= 21 June 2013 , |authorlink2 = William T. Cooper↵ , |accessdate = 21 June 2013↵
- Aceratium ferrugineum: |authorlink2 = William T. Cooper↵
- Aceria clianthi: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-05-15
- Aceria fraxinivora: |authorlink1=Michael Chinery
- Aceria nervisequa: |authorlink1=Michael Chinery
- Aces & Eights: Shattered Frontier: |authorlink=Jolly R. Blackburn , |authorlink4=David Kenzer
- Aces Go Places 3: |accessdate=22 January 2011↵
- Acesias: |authorlink=Athenaeus
- Acetabularia: | authorlink=Robert E. Lee (phycologist)
- Acetic acid (medical use): |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-16, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-16, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-16
- Acetomel: | authorlink =Mark Steven Morton↵
- Acetylmethadol: | accessdate = 15 May 2012
- Achaea janata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Achaetothorax: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Achaidh Leithdeircc: |accessdate=18 January 2013
- Achalarus lyciades: |authorlink= James A. Scott , |authorlink= Kenn Kaufman , |authorlink= Jeffrey Glassberg
- Achamillai Achamillai: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Achan (1952 film): |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 May 2017
- Achard syndrome: |accessdate=7 November 2017
- Achard–Thiers syndrome: |accessdate=7 November 2017, |accessdate=7 November 2017
- Acharya Chandana: | accessdate=4 July 2013
- Achatina achatina: |archiveurl = , |archivedate = 3 June 2016 , | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 3 June 2016
- Achchuveli Central College: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2013-12-03
- Acherontia lachesis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acherontia styx: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acheson (surname): | origyear = 1988↵
- Acheson Report: |accessdate=30 December 2016
- Acheulo-Yabrudian complex: |accessdate=13 September 2017
- Achgarve: |accessdate=28 January 2011
- Achille Baquet: |authorlink=Gunther Schuller
- Achille Calici: | authorlink=
- Achille Pierre Deffontaines: |accessdate=24 August 2014
- Achille Silvestrini: |accessdate=17 August 2017, |accessdate=17 August 2017
- Achille de Trémigon: |authorlink1=François Caron (French Navy officer), |authorlink1=Charles Cunat, |authorlink=Étienne Taillemite, |authorlink=Naval History Division
- Achillea alpina: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Achilleis (trilogy): |authorlink=Leigh W. Rutledge
- Achilles Rizzoli: |accessdate=3 June 2015, |accessdate=3 June 2015
- Achilles bursitis: |authorlink2=Julie K. Silver , |accessdate=7 November 2017, |accessdate=7 November 2017
- Achilles on Skyros: |accessdate=9 October 2012, |accessdate=10 October 2012, |accessdate=9 October 2012, |accessdate=10 October 2012, |accessdate=10 October 2012, |accessdate=16 October 2012, |accessdate=4 October 2012, |accessdate=4 October 2012, |accessdate=5 October 2012
- Achim Gercke: | authorlink = Robert Gerwarth
- Achimi: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Achina, Bhiwani: |accessdate=18 September 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 November 2016
- Achiote, Naranjito, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Achmad Djajadiningrat: |accessdate=15 July 2018 , |accessdate=15 July 2018
- Achnahannet, Strathspey: |accessdate=20 February 2011
- Acholia: |accessdate=7 November 2017
- Acholla: |authorlink= Wilhelm Gesenius
- Achsa E. Paxman: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Achyranthes japonica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Acianthus: |accessdate=9 June 2016
- Acianthus caudatus: |accessdate=5 December 2017
- Acianthus exsertus: |accessdate=18 June 2016
- Acianthus fornicatus: |accessdate=18 June 2016
- Acianthus sinclairii: |accessdate=18 June 2016
- Acid perfusion test: |accessdate=7 November 2017, |accessdate=7 November 2017
- Acid salt: |accessdate=8 February 2018, |accessdate=9 February 2018
- Acid test (gold): |authorlink= Mario Bunge, |authorlink= Marie Boas Hall, |authorlink= Michael Chaplan
- Acid-set cheese: |accessdate=23 March 2019, |accessdate=23 March 2019, |accessdate=23 March 2019, |accessdate=23 March 2019
- Acidiscus: |authorlink2 = Richard Fortey
- Acidity (album): |accessdate=6 August 2011
- Acinic cell carcinoma of the lung: |accessdate=27 March 2010
- Ackerman-Smith House: |accessdate=October 12, 2010
- Acklam, Middlesbrough: |accessdate=15 January 2021, |accessdate=15 January 2021, |accessdate=15 January 2021, |accessdate=15 January 2021
- Acland Mill: |accessdate=7 April 2019, |accessdate=19 June 2019
- Acleris semipurpurana: |accessdate = 2009-11-15
- Acleris zimmermani: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Acmadenia: |accessdate=2010-05-01
- Acmaeodera decipiens: | origyear = 1983↵
- Acme Aircraft Corporation: |authorlink=Bill Gunston
- Acme Attractions: |accessdate=12 April 2018, | accessdate=12 April 2018 , |accessdate=12 April 2018, |accessdate=12 April 2018, |accessdate=12 April 2018
- Acne (2008 film): |accessdate = 27 May 2015 , |archiveurl = , |archivedate = 19 March 2016
- Acol, Kent: |accessdate=9 August 2019, |accessdate=15 January 2020
- Acolhuacan: |authorlink=Frances Karttunen
- Acolmiztli (Coatl Ichan): |authorlink=Chimalpahin , |accessdate=16 October 2011
- Acolytes of Cthulhu: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- Acoma (beetle): | origyear = 1983↵
- Acoma Pueblo: |authorlink=Ives Goddard
- Acomb, Northumberland: | authorlink = T. H. Rowland↵
- Aconbury: | authorlink = Nikolaus Pevsner
- Aconitum uncinatum: |authorlink1=William Niering, |origyear=1979
- Acontia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acorn Business Computer: | accessdate=19 October 2020 , | accessdate=10 October 2020
- Acorn C/C++: | authorlink = Nick Montfort
- Acornhoek: |accessdate=17 June 2020
- Acorus gramineus: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Acosmeryx shervillii: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acoustic Visions: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Acoustic paramagnetic resonance: |authorlink=Boris Kochelaev
- Acqua Vergine: |authorlink = H. V. Morton
- Acquainted with the Night (book): |authorlink= Christopher Dewdney
- Acquired characteristic: |accessdate=2015-08-27
- Acradenia euodiiformis: |accessdate=24 June 2020
- Acraea issoria: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Acral necrosis: |accessdate=8 November 2017, |accessdate=8 November 2017
- Acrapex: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acrapex exanimis: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Acrapex hamulifera: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acratini: | origyear = 1983↵
- Acratus (beetle): | origyear = 1983↵
- Acre River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Acre Sanjak: |accessdate=24 October 2011
- Acridinae: |accessdate=30 August 2012
- Acriopsis: |accessdate=6 January 2019
- Acriopsis javanica: |accessdate=29 July 2020
- Acrobasis betulella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis carpinivorella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis caryalbella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis coryliella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis cunulae: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis elyi: |accessdate=December 16, 2011
- Acrobasis evanescentella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis exsulella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis kearfottella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis ostryella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis stigmella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobasis sylviella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Acrobat Ranch: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- Acrobatty Bunny: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Acrochaetiales: |accessdate=31 January 2011
- Acrocomia: |authorlink= Andrew Henderson (botanist)
- Acrocomia crispa: |authorlink= Andrew Henderson (botanist)
- Acrolepia aiea: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Acrolepia aureonigrella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Acrolepia beardsleyi: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Acrolepia nothocestri: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Acrolophus horridalis: |accessdate=13 November 2012
- Acronicta americana: |origyear= First published 1984
- Acronicta pruinosa: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Acronychia: |accessdate=1 July 2020
- Acronychia aberrans: |accessdate=1 July 2020
- Acronychia acidula: |accessdate=1 July 2020, |accessdate=2 July 2020
- Acronychia acronychioides: |accessdate=2 July 2020, |accessdate=2 July 2020
- Acronychia acuminata: |accessdate=2 July 2020
- Acronychia baeuerlenii: |accessdate=2 July 2020
- Acronychia chooreechillum: |accessdate=2 July 2020, |accessdate=16 June 2020
- Acronychia crassipetala: |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Acronychia eungellensis: |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Acronychia imperforata: |accessdate=3 July 2020, |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Acronychia laevis: |accessdate=3 July 2020, |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Acronychia littoralis: |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Acronychia oblongifolia: |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Acronychia octandra: |accessdate=4 July 2020, |accessdate=4 July 2020
- Acronychia parviflora: |accessdate=4 July 2020
- Acronychia pauciflora: |accessdate=4 July 2020
- Acronychia pubescens: |accessdate=7 July 2020
- Acronychia vestita: |accessdate=8 July 2020, |accessdate=8 July 2020
- Acronychia wilcoxiana: |accessdate=8 July 2020, |accessdate=8 July 2020
- Across America on an Emigrant Train: |accessdate=November 24, 2016
- Across the Plains (1911 film): | accessdate=September 1, 2014
- Acrostichum: |accessdate=26 June 2016
- Acrylic rubber: |accessdate=8 July 2012, |accessdate=8 July 2012, |accessdate=8 July 2012
- Acrylonitrile styrene acrylate: |accessdate=2017-01-11, |accessdate=2017-01-11, |accessdate=2017-01-11
- Act English: |accessdate=26 April 2013
- Act II: The Father of Death: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Act III (Death Angel album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Act Without Words II: |accessdate=2009-06-20
- Act abolishing the kingship: |accessdate=31 December 2008
- Act for the Marriage of Queen Mary to Philip of Spain: |authorlink=Louis Montrose, |authorlink=Linda Porter (historian)
- Act of Classes: |authorlink=Sidney Lee
- Act of Providence: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=John Clute
- Act of Seclusion: |authorlink=Jonathan Israel
- Act on the Institute of National Remembrance: |accessdate=2019-05-16
- ActUp/RI: | authorlink = Douglas Crimp↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Acta Eruditorum: |authorlink=Maria Rosa Antognazza
- Actaea asiatica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Acte clair: |editorlink1=Catherine Barnard , |editorlink2= Steve Peers
- Actebia balanitis: |accessdate=29 February 2016
- Actenodes acornis: | origyear = 1983↵
- Actenonyx: |accessdate=15 January 2017
- Actias selene: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Actinia bermudensis: |authorlink= , |accessdate=2011-12-10
- Actinic elastosis: |authorlink=David Weedon
- Actinidia faveolata: |authorlink = Harry Godwin, |origyear=1956
- Actinor: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Actinotia intermediata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Actinotus moorei: |accessdate=7 May 2018
- Actinotus suffocatus: |accessdate=7 May 2018
- Action Chapel International: |accessdate=2015-05-11↵ , |accessdate=2015-05-11↵ , |accessdate=2015-05-11↵ , |accessdate=2015-05-11↵ , |accessdate=2015-05-11↵ , |accessdate=2015-05-11↵ , |accessdate=2015-05-11↵
- Action Christian National: |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=6 May 2016
- Action Office: |authorlink = Leslie Pina↵ , |↵ authorlink = Stanley Abercrombie , |↵ authorlink = Jerryll Habegger
- Action Pack (TV programming block): |accessdate=April 8, 2015, |accessdate=June 9, 2017
- Action Party (Italy): |authorlink1=Glenda Sluga
- Action algebra: | authorlink=John Horton Conway
- Action for Children's Television: |accessdate=19 April 2014
- Action for ME: |accessdate=2008-09-13
- Action in Slow Motion: | accessdate=2019-08-18
- Action in the Afternoon: |accessdate=22 March 2020, |accessdate=January 21, 2020
- Action of 10 August 1780: |authorlink=William Laird Clowes
- Action of 10 August 1805: |authorlink=William James (naval historian)
- Action of 10 November 1808: | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , |origyear=1900↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |origyear=1998↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , |origyear=1827↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink = Richard Woodman↵
- Action of 10 September 1782: |authorlink1=Charles Cunat
- Action of 11–12 December 1917: |authorlink=Arthur Marder , |authorlink=Robert K. Massie , |accessdate=16 May 2020 , |authorlink=, |accessdate=16 May 2020 , |authorlink=Reinhard Scheer , |accessdate=10 December 2020 , |authorlink= , |accessdate=28 June 2020
- Action of 12 May 1796: | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , | origyear= 1900↵ , | origyear= 1996↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , | origyear= 1827↵ , | authorlink = Richard Woodman↵
- Action of 14 December 1798: | accessdate=9 May 2019
- Action of 14 June 1742: | authorlink = William Laird Clowes , | authorlink = Edward Cust , | authorlink = Cesáreo Fernández Duro , | authorlink = Herbert Richmond
- Action of 14 September 1779: |accessdate=11 December 2014, |accessdate=11 December 2014, |accessdate=11 December 2014
- Action of 15 July 1805: |authorlink=, | authorlink = Onésime-Joachim Troude↵ , | authorlink = Onésime-Joachim Troude↵
- Action of 15 November 1810: | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , |origyear=1900↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |origyear=1998↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , | origyear= 1827↵
- Action of 17 February 1783: |accessdate=24 September 2014, |accessdate=24 September 2014, |accessdate=23 September 2014
- Action of 17 November 1917: | authorlink = K. Jack Bauer , | authorlink2 = Stephen S. Roberts
- Action of 18 October 1806: | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , |origyear=1900↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |origyear=1998↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |origyear=1997↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | origyear = 1970↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , |origyear=1827↵ , | authorlink = Richard Woodman↵
- Action of 2 March 1808: | authorlink = William James (naval historian)
- Action of 20 October 1778: |authorlink=Georges Lacour-Gayet
- Action of 20 October 1793: |origyear=1900↵ , |origyear=1996↵ , |origyear=1827↵
- Action of 21 May 1918: |authorlink=William Lowell Putnam
- Action of 22 August 1795: | origyear = 1825↵ , | origyear = 1993↵ , | origyear= 1900↵ , | origyear= 1996↵ , | origyear= 1827↵
- Action of 22 May 1812: | authorlink = Onésime-Joachim Troude↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , | origyear = 1827↵
- Action of 23 August 1806: | authorlink = William James (naval historian)
- Action of 24 February 1780: |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Action of 24 March 1811: | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , |origyear=1900↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |origyear=1998↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , | origyear= 1827↵
- Action of 24 October 1793: | origyear = 1825↵ , | origyear= 1900↵ , | origyear = 1970↵ , | origyear= 1827↵
- Action of 28 November 1751: | authorlink = Luis Español ↵ , | authorlink = Cesáreo Fernández Duro↵
- Action of 3 February 1812: | authorlink = David G. Chandler↵ , | origyear = 1993↵ , | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , | origyear = 1900↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | origyear = 1998↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | origyear = 1997↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , | origyear = 1827↵ , | origyear = 1827↵ , | origyear = 1827↵ , | authorlink = Richard Woodman↵
- Action of 30 September 1780: |accessdate=11 June 2014
- Action of 31 July 1793: | authorlink = Edward Pelham Brenton↵ , | origyear=1823↵ , | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , | origyear=1900↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , | origyear=1827↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink = Richard Woodman↵
- Action of 4 April 1918: |authorlink=Benedict Crowell
- Action of 4 January 1781: |authorlink=Leslie Stephen , |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Action of 4 September 1782: | authorlink = Nicholas Rodger
- Action of 5 November 1813: |authorlink=William James (naval historian)
- Action of 5 September 1782: |authorlink=Léon Guérin, |authorlink=Rémi Monaque, |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Action of 5 September 1918: |authorlink=William Lowell Putnam
- Action of 7 June 1780: |authorlink=Léon Guérin, |authorlink=Léon Guérin, |authorlink=Prosper Levot, |authorlink=Rémi Monaque, |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Action of 8 June 1755: |authorlink=Thomas Head Raddall
- Action of 9 July 1806: | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , |origyear=1900↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |origyear=1998↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |origyear=1998↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , |origyear=1827↵
- Action off Lerwick: |accessdate=16 May 2020 , |accessdate=16 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 December 2020 , |accessdate=28 June 2020
- Action origami: |authorlink=Robert J. Lang, |authorlink=Jeremy Shafer
- Actions in Nordland: | authorlink1=Peter Wilkinson (diplomat), | authorlink2=Joan Bright Astley
- Activate Learning: |accessdate=14 July 2015
- Activated PI3K delta syndrome: |authorlink=Stephen Schoenberger
- Activated charcoal (medication): |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2016-12-20, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2016-12-20, |accessdate = 2009-05-03 , |archiveurl = , |archivedate = 2017-09-10
- Active Pensionists: |accessdate=7 May 2016
- Active pen: |accessdate=3 November 2009
- Activision Anthology: | authorlink = Simon Carless↵ , | authorlink = Chris Kohler↵
- Activist Women's Voices: |accessdate=September 30, 2015, |accessdate= September 30, 2015, |accessdate= September 26, 2015, |accessdate= September 26, 2015, |accessdate= September 26, 2015
- Activity theory (aging): |accessdate=4 June 2011, |accessdate=4 June 2011, |accessdate=4 June 2011, |accessdate=4 June 2011
- Acton Adams: |accessdate= 21 March 2012 , |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913 , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Acton Smee Ayrton: |accessdate=8 August 2010
- Acton, Texas: |accessdate=2 April 2019
- Actonian Prize: |accessdate=27 March 2012
- Actors Movement Studio: |accessdate=2009-08-15, |accessdate=2009-08-15
- Actors' Laboratory Theatre: |accessdate=10 September 2014, |accessdate=10 September 2014, |accessdate=2014-09-10
- Acts 13: |authorlink=Alexander Kirkpatrick
- Acts 14: | authorlink=Alexander Kirkpatrick
- Acts 19: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan
- Acts 24: |authorlink= F. F. Bruce
- Acts 25: |authorlink= F. F. Bruce
- Acts 28: | authorlink= Michael D. Coogan
- Acts 29 Network: |accessdate=2013-02-02, |accessdate=2013-02-02
- Acts 4: |authorlink=Kurt Aland↵ , | authorlink2 = Barbara Aland↵ , |authorlink=Alexander Kirkpatrick
- Acts 5: |authorlink=Kurt Aland↵ , | authorlink2 = Barbara Aland↵
- Acts 6: |authorlink=Kurt Aland↵ , | authorlink2 = Barbara Aland↵
- Acts 7: | authorlink=Alexander Kirkpatrick
- Acts of Pusai: |authorlink= Joyce E. Salisbury
- Acts of Thaddeus: |authorlink=Constantin von Tischendorf
- Actual Miles: Henley's Greatest Hits: |accessdate=March 10, 2012
- Actual silver weight: |accessdate=3 July 2017
- Actuarial Society of South Africa HIV/AIDS models: |accessdate=25 June 2012
- Actuate Corporation: |authorlink= Po Bronson
- Aculnahuacatl Tzaqualcatl: |origyear=c.1621
- Aculus laevis: |authorlink1=Michael Chinery
- Acumen (magazine): |accessdate=31 October 2015
- Acuminiseta: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Acunn and Riadh: |accessdate=2020-05-20
- Acushnet Company: |accessdate=22 May 2018
- Acute chest syndrome: |accessdate=15 June 2010
- Acylation: |authorlink2=Neil E. Schore
- Ad Astra (magazine): |accessdate=17 November 2015
- Ad Halom: |authorlink=Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau, |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener
- Ad Mutriam (castra): |authorlink = Grigore Tocilescu↵
- Ad Plumbaria: |accessdate=Feb 7, 2019
- Ad Valvas: |accessdate=19 January 2015, |accessdate=21 July 2010, |accessdate=21 July 2010
- Ad abolendam: |accessdate=5 May 2011↵
- Ad quod damnum: |accessdate=15 June 2020
- Ad-Diyar: |accessdate=9 September 2013
- Ada Augusta Holman: |accessdate=4 September 2016
- Ada Bell Maescher: |accessdate=8 August 2017, |accessdate=13 September 2017
- Ada Chastina Bowles: |accessdate=17 September 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017, |accessdate=17 September 2017
- Ada Coleman: |accessdate=1 September 2016, |accessdate=1 September 2016
- Ada E. North: |accessdate=25 August 2020
- Ada E. Purpus: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Ada Gentile: |accessdate=13 December 2010
- Ada Hayden: |accessdate=30 March 2015
- Ada Iddings Gale: |accessdate=27 September 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Ada Jones discography: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Ada Jordan Pray: |accessdate=30 September 2017, |accessdate=30 September 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Ada Leonard: |accessdate=11 January 2019
- Ada Mackenzie: |accessdate=August 16, 2017
- Ada Margaret Brayton: |accessdate=3 October 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017, |accessdate=3 October 2017
- Ada Marshania: |authorlink=Ronald Grigor Suny
- Ada Negri: |accessdate=29 December 2014, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=29 December 2014
- Ada Nilsson: |accessdate=13 February 2015, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=13 February 2015
- Ada Palmer Roberts: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Ada Prins: |authorlink1=Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie , |authorlink2=Joy Harvey
- Ada Summers: |accessdate=2016-03-25
- Ada Wright: |accessdate=18 January 2018
- Ada, Oregon: |origyear= 1928
- Adae Festival: |accessdate=21 November 2012, |accessdate=25 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012
- Adae Kese Festival: |accessdate=21 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012
- Adagio (T.H.C. album): |accessdate=August 21, 2020, |accessdate=August 18, 2020
- Adagio and Allegro for Horn and Piano: |accessdate=6 April 2020
- Adair (name): | origyear = 1988↵
- Adair Crawford: | accessdate = 7 February 2008
- Adaisseh: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Adaklı: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Adalaj Stepwell: |accessdate=23 July 2016
- Adalbero I of Metz: |accessdate=2 October 2015
- Adalbert Schnee: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Adalbert Schneider: |authorlink=Robert Ballard↵ , |authorlink=Walter J. Boyne↵ , |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵
- Adalbert von Blanc: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel , |origyear=1986
- Adalberto Tejeda Olivares: |accessdate=28 April 2012
- Adalberto the Margrave: |authorlink=Pompeo Litta Biumi
- Adalene: |accessdate=May 26, 2010
- Adalet Ağaoğlu: |accessdate=1 March 2010
- Adalgisa Nery: |accessdate=19 April 2020
- Adalia bipunctata: |authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Adalia decempunctata: | authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Adalid: |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013
- Adam & Yves: |accessdate=4 January 2016
- Adam 'Tex' Davis: |authorlink=Roger Ebert, |accessdate=8 November 2014
- Adam Anderson (physicist): |accessdate=5 February 2011 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵
- Adam Baldridge: |accessdate=7 December 2017, |accessdate=26 June 2017, |accessdate=7 December 2017, |accessdate=7 December 2017, |accessdate=15 September 2017
- Adam Beck Memorial: | accessdate = 2011-12-30, | accessdate = 2011-12-30, | accessdate = 2011-12-30
- Adam Beeler: |accessdate=June 9, 2017, |accessdate=June 9, 2017, |accessdate=June 9, 2017
- Adam Cruz: |authorlink1=Ian Carr, |authorlink2=Digby Fairweather, |authorlink3=Brian Priestley
- Adam Dalgliesh: |accessdate=2013-09-04
- Adam Dollard des Ormeaux: |accessdate=28 May 2019, |accessdate=28 May 2019, |accessdate=28 May 2019, |accessdate=27 May 2019, |accessdate=26 May 2019
- Adam Forster: |accessdate=2015-08-13
- Adam Frank: |accessdate=13 June 2018
- Adam František Kollár: |accessdate=14 April 2015
- Adam Gaiser: |accessdate=2021-02-11
- Adam Gib: |accessdate=25 August 2018, |accessdate=25 August 2018, |accessdate=25 August 2018
- Adam Gottlob von Krogh: |accessdate=November 29, 2009, |accessdate=November 16, 2009, |accessdate=November 23, 2009, |accessdate=November 29, 2009, |accessdate=November 16, 2009, |accessdate=November 23, 2009
- Adam Hiorth (barrister): |authorlink=Anton Rønneberg , |authorlink=Nils Johan Ringdal , |authorlink=Fredrik Barbe Wallem
- Adam Howden: | accessdate=9 September 2016
- Adam Jameson: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Adam Johann von Krusenstern: |authorlink=Andreas Daum
- Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies: |authorlink=David W. Orr
- Adam Kimbisa: |accessdate=31 October 2017
- Adam Kluger: |accessdate=November 6, 2013 , |accessdate=November 6, 2013
- Adam LeBor: |accessdate=29 December 2013
- Adam Link: |accessdate=3 July 2020, |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Adam Mackenzie: |authorlink=John Marshall (biographer) , |accessdate=2 October 2013
- Adam Mansbach: |accessdate=July 8, 2013
- Adam McKinlay: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Adam Niswander: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Adam Niswander
- Adam Norrie: |accessdate=26 July 2019 , |accessdate=26 July 2019, |accessdate=28 October 2019 , |accessdate=28 October 2019 , |accessdate=14 February 2019 , |accessdate=28 October 2019 , |accessdate=28 October 2019 , |accessdate=28 October 2019 , |accessdate=14 February 2019
- Adam Ostrzycki: |authorlink= Seweryn Uruski , |authorlink= Wiesław Majewski , |authorlink= Kasper Niesiecki , |authorlink= Wiesław Majewski , |authorlink= Kasper Niesiecki , |authorlink= Seweryn Uruski
- Adam P. Leighton: |accessdate=13 April 2016
- Adam Pribićević: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković
- Adam Render: |authorlink=Eric Rosenthal (historian and author)↵, |origyear=2003↵
- Adam Richetti: |accessdate=2009-08-26, |accessdate=2009-08-26, |accessdate=2009-08-26
- Adam Rolland Rainy: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Adam Sanat: |accessdate=21 September 2015
- Adam Schreiber: |accessdate=2013-08-15
- Adam Schröter: |accessdate=14 January 2016
- Adam Searles: |accessdate=9 August 2010, |accessdate=9 August 2010, |accessdate=9 August 2010
- Adam Shoenfeld: |accessdate=30 August 2016
- Adam Shortt: |accessdate=4 November 2016, |accessdate=4 November 2016
- Adam Smith Prize: | authorlink = Alfred Marshall
- Adam Squire: |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013
- Adam Stronach: | origyear= 1973
- Adam Swart Vedder: |accessdate=2011-08-20
- Adam Szelągowski: |authorlink= Jerzy Maternicki
- Adam Tutbury: |accessdate=2 January 2018, |accessdate=2 January 2018
- Adam Weissel: |authorlink = Winfield Scott Schley↵
- Adam Williams (actor): | accessdate=September 7, 2018, |accessdate=June 14, 2020
- Adam Worth: |authorlink=Ben Macintyre
- Adam Yamaguchi: |accessdate=6 May 2011
- Adam Zertal: |authorlink=Adam Zertal , |authorlink=Adam Zertal , |authorlink=Adam Zertal , |authorlink=Adam Zertal , |authorlink=Adam Zertal
- Adam de Port (d. 1174): |authorlink= Katharine Keats-Rohan , |authorlink= George Cokayne
- Adam de Port (d. c. 1133): |authorlink=Judith Green (historian) , |authorlink=C. Warren Hollister , |authorlink= Katharine Keats-Rohan , |origyear=1951, |authorlink= George Cokayne
- Adam of Eynsham: |authorlink=David Knowles (scholar)
- Adam van Vianen: |authorlink1=Joachim von Sandrart
- Adam's Rib (TV series): |accessdate=7 June 2019 , |accessdate=22 June 2019
- Adam's Rock: |authorlink=Zev Vilnay
- Adama (album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)↵
- Adamae Vaughn: |accessdate=22 April 2017
- Adamantius: |accessdate=2010-12-22
- Adamgarh Hills: |accessdate=2012-12-26
- Adamo Chiusole: | authorlink=
- Adams (automobile): |authorlink= G.N. Georgano , | authorlink = David Burgess-Wise ↵
- Adams Glacier (Mount Adams): |authorlink=Fred Beckey
- Adams Street Bridge: |accessdate=June 14, 2015
- Adams Township, Seneca County, Ohio: | accessdate=12 December 2013
- Adams Township, Warren County, Indiana: |accessdate=2010-09-19↵, |accessdate=2010-09-19↵
- Adams axle: |authorlink=Bennet Woodcroft
- Adamson Act: |accessdate=2013-08-08
- Adamson Estate: | accessdate=4 November 2012
- Adamsville, Utah: | accessdate = July 16, 2012
- Adamu Atta: |accessdate=2015-01-05, |accessdate=2015-01-05
- Adamy massacre: |authorlink=Tadeusz Piotrowski (sociologist)
- Adanim: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Adanson system: |accessdate=9 February 2014
- Adansonia za: |authorlink1=Étienne de Flacourt, |accessdate=14 March 2018, |accessdate=14 March 2018, |accessdate=14 March 2018
- Adané: |accessdate=8 May 2011
- Adaptations of Little Red Riding Hood: |accessdate=November 16, 2014
- Adaptive bias: |authorlink2=David Buss
- Adaptive k-d tree: |authorlink=Hanan Samet
- Adaptive switching: |accessdate=25 June 2016
- Adar River: |accessdate=2011-07-22 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=5 July 2011
- Adastra Minerals: |authorlink=Dani Wadada Nabudere , |accessdate=2020-04-10 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2020-04-10 , |accessdate=2020-04-10 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2020-04-10 , |accessdate=2020-04-10 , |authorlink=Dani Wadada Nabudere , |accessdate=2020-04-10 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2020-04-10 , |accessdate=2020-04-10
- Adbhar: |accessdate=2017-01-29, |accessdate=2017-01-29
- Addaea: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Added mass: | authorlink=John Nicholas Newman
- Addie MS: |authorlink1=Alberthiene Endah↵
- Addington Forks: |accessdate=17 February 2018
- Addington Raceway: |accessdate=4 November 2011
- Addis Admass: |accessdate=18 January 2018, |accessdate=18 January 2018
- Addison Brown: |accessdate=17 February 2020, | authorlink = Nathaniel Lord Britton↵ , | accessdate = 2008-06-24↵ , | authorlink = Nathaniel Lord Britton↵ , | accessdate = 2008-05-10↵ , | authorlink = Nathaniel Lord Britton↵ , | accessdate = 2008-06-17↵
- Addison Cresswell (politician): |origyear=1844-1850↵
- Addison Hiatt Sanders: |accessdate=2011-04-14
- Addison Niles: |accessdate=August 14, 2017, |accessdate=August 17, 2017
- Addison W. Merrill: |accessdate=2018-04-28
- Addition chain: |authorlink=Richard K. Guy
- Addition polymer: |accessdate=17 July 2012, |accessdate=17 July 2012
- Additive number theory: |authorlink=Henry Mann↵
- Addo, Eastern Cape: |accessdate=28 August 2013
- Address Windowing Extensions: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2014-03-03
- Address fraud: |accessdate=2014-12-12
- Address: Centauri: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Addressable heap: |authorlink1=Kurt Mehlhorn , |authorlink2=Peter Sanders (computer scientist)
- Addresses to the German Nation: |authorlink=Gregory Jusdanis
- Addy-Spencer House: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Adegboyega Dosunmu Amororo II: |accessdate=30 December 2014, |accessdate=30 December 2014
- Adeixis griseata: |accessdate=1 February 2017, |accessdate=1 February 2017
- Adekola Ogunoye II: |accessdate=18 December 2014
- Adela Castell: |accessdate=25 May 2016
- Adela Zamudio: |accessdate=15 December 2011, |accessdate=15 December 2011, |accessdate=15 December 2011
- Adelaida Cellars: |accessdate=24 November 2011
- Adelaida Martínez Aguilar: |authorlink=Laureana Wright de Kleinhans
- Adelaide Anderson: | accessdate = 27 June 2016
- Adelaide Bowling Club: |accessdate=15 August 2019
- Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary: |accessdate=2 May 2017
- Adelaide Hiebel: | accessdate = 2013-06-07↵
- Adelaide I, Abbess of Quedlinburg: |accessdate=2009-07-09, |accessdate=2009-07-08, |accessdate=2009-07-08
- Adelaide II, Abbess of Quedlinburg: |accessdate=2009-07-08
- Adelaide Orsola Appignani: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Adelaide Street Court House: | authorlink1 = Eric Arthur , | accessdate = 2012-08-22
- Adelais of Amboise: |accessdate=30 September 2016, |accessdate=16 September 2016, |accessdate=26 September 2016, |accessdate=30 September 2016, |accessdate=30 September 2016
- Adelard of Ghent: |authorlink= Richard Sharpe (historian)
- Adelbert Althouse: |accessdate=1 March 2011, |accessdate=3 March 2011, |accessdate=3 March 2011
- Adelbert Mühlschlegel: |authorlink = Rúhíyyih Khanum
- Adelbert von Chamisso: |authorlink=Andreas Daum
- Adele Addison: |accessdate=April 11, 2020, |accessdate=April 11, 2020
- Adele Dixon: | origyear=1939 and 1989
- Adele Lewing: | accessdate = 10 February 2016↵
- Adele Meyer: |authorlink1=William Rubinstein, |authorlink3=Hilary L. Rubinstein
- Adele Rose: |accessdate=1 May 2011
- Adele Schulenburg Gleeson: |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017
- Adele ring: |authorlink1=John Cassels, |authorlink2=Albrecht Fröhlich, |authorlink=Jürgen Neukirch, |authorlink=André Weil, |authorlink=Serge Lang
- Adelfius: |authorlink= Charles Thomas (historian), |authorlink=Francis Thackeray , |accessdate=23 February 2015
- Adelheid Popp: |accessdate=15 December 2011, |accessdate=15 December 2011
- Adelia (opera): |authorlink=Charles Osborne (music writer)
- Adelia Sarah Gates: |accessdate=30 March 2012
- Adelia Silva: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=5 November 2016 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=10 September 2020, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 June 2020
- Adelina (Apicomplexa): |accessdate=17 December 2016
- Adeline (given name): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Adeline Ama Buabeng: |authorlink=Esi Sutherland-Addy
- Adeline Palmier Wagoner: |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017
- Adeline Robinson: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- Adelolf, Count of Boulogne: | authorlink= Sarah Foot
- Adelphate: | accessdate = November 24, 2010↵
- Adelphi School: |authorlink = W. E. B. Du Bois↵
- Adelphikos: |accessdate=6 July 2012↵, |accessdate=6 July 2012↵
- Adelstein: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Adeluddin Ahmad: |accessdate=21 September 2017
- Ademir Kenović: |accessdate=5 March 2016
- Ademuz (album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)↵
- Aden Protectorate Levies: |authorlink=John Keegan
- Aden Site: |authorlink= Philip Phillips (archaeologist), |authorlink= Philip Phillips (archaeologist)
- Adena Mansion: | accessdate=2013-04-25
- Adendorp: |accessdate=28 August 2013
- Adenochilus gracilis: |accessdate=27 June 2018
- Adenophora: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Adenosquamous lung carcinoma: |accessdate=27 March 2010
- Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis: |accessdate=22 March 2015
- Adet-i ağnam: |accessdate=3 April 2011, |accessdate=3 April 2011
- Adeyemo Alakija: |accessdate=7 February 2017
- Adforton: |accessdate=5 February 2015
- Adhar Valash: | authorlink = Ibn Isfandiyar
- Adhearsion: | accessdate = 2007-08-27↵, | accessdate = 2014-10-30↵
- Adhikar (1986 film): |accessdate=19 June 2015
- Adhugo: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Adhunik Geet: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2018-03-05
- Adhuri Kahani: | accessdate=2016-12-17
- Adi Malla: |accessdate=11 March 2016
- Adi-Buddha: |authorlink=Alex Wayman
- Adiantum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Adiantum alarconianum: | authorlink=William Hemsley (botanist) , | authorlink=Carl Borivoj Presl
- Adiantum diaphanum: |accessdate=2015-07-31
- Adiantum pedatum: | authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Adicta: | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Adie, Button and Partners: |accessdate=5 August 2015, |accessdate=5 August 2015
- Adieu (short story): |accessdate=11 September 2020
- Adil Soz: |accessdate=28 December 2012, |accessdate=28 December 2012, |accessdate=28 December 2012
- Adil Zulfikarpašić: |accessdate=2014-10-12, |authorlink=Adil Zulfikarpašić
- Adil-Giray Atazhukin: |accessdate=31 December 2012
- Adina Izarra: |accessdate=11 November 2010
- Adina's Deck: |accessdate=May 31, 2014, |accessdate=May 31, 2014, |accessdate=May 31, 2014, |accessdate=May 31, 2014
- Adinarayana Reddy: |accessdate=23 December 2017, |accessdate=23 December 2017
- Adinatha temple, Khajuraho: |authorlink=Umakant Premanand Shah
- Adino Nye Bell: |accessdate=2014-01-27
- Adirondack Beverages: |accessdate=15 April 2010
- Adirondak Loj: |accessdate=2013-12-14
- Adiss Harmandian: |accessdate=28 April 2019, |accessdate=28 April 2019
- Adisura: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Adisura atkinsoni: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aditi Mangaldas: |authorlink=Sunil Kothari
- Aditi Pant: |accessdate=11 October 2014
- Aditya Arya: |accessdate=2015-04-16, |authorlink1=Kulwant Roy
- Aditya Arya Archive: |accessdate=2013-04-09
- Adityawarman: |authorlink= George Coedès
- Adjacency list: | authorlink1 = Thomas H. Cormen↵ , | authorlink2 = Charles E. Leiserson↵ , | authorlink3 = Ronald L. Rivest↵ , | authorlink4 = Clifford Stein↵
- Adjodol: |accessdate=14 June 2011
- Adjud: |authorlink=Constantin C. Giurescu
- Adjuntas barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Adleman: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Adleman–Pomerance–Rumely primality test: | authorlink=Hans Riesel
- Adler Hotel: |accessdate=2017-04-24, |accessdate=2017-04-24
- Adler Volmar: |accessdate=June 23, 2008 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 June 2008
- Administration of territory in dynastic China: |authorlink = Pamela Kyle Crossley
- Administrative Behavior: | authorlink = Hal G. Rainey, | authorlink=Graham T. Allison
- Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977: |accessdate=10 January 2016, |accessdate=10 January 2016
- Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization: |accessdate=3 January 2018
- Administrative divisions of Azerbaijan: |authorlink1=Robert H. Hewsen
- Administrative divisions of Madras Presidency: |authorlink=Edgar Thurston, |authorlink=Gantz Brothers
- Administrative divisions of medieval Serbia: |origyear=1983, | origyear = 1908
- Administrative subdivisions of the Papal States from 1816 to 1870: |origyear=1932
- Admiral Broadway Revue: |authorlink = Tim Brooks (television historian), |accessdate=May 5, 2020 , |accessdate=May 5, 2020
- Admiral Danish Fleet: |authorlink1=Danish Defence , |accessdate=30 August 2018
- Admiral Karpfanger (barque): |accessdate=12 October 2020, |accessdate=12 October 2020, |accessdate=12 October 2020, |authorlink=Felix Riesenberg
- Admission Day Monument: |accessdate=16 September 2017
- Admission note: |accessdate=20 June 2011
- Admoni: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Admonitions: |authorlink=Florin Curta
- Adna Ferrin Weber: |accessdate=17 September 2020
- Adnan Hassan Mahmoud: |accessdate=12 March 2013
- Adnomination: |accessdate=27 May 2013, |accessdate=28 May 2013
- Ado (Lagos Oba): |accessdate=30 July 2017↵, |accessdate=30 July 2017↵, |accessdate=30 July 2017↵
- Adobe Jenson: |accessdate=14 August 2015
- Adobe Originals: |accessdate=14 August 2015
- Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters: |accessdate=8 April 2020
- Adolescents (album): |authorlink1=Marc Spitz , |authorlink2=Brendan Mullen
- Adolf Benda: |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012
- Adolf Dethmann: |accessdate=27 September 2018
- Adolf Ebert: |accessdate=30 April 2012
- Adolf Fischer (officer): |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Adolf Fredrik's Music School: |archiveurl=↵, |archivedate=2015-04-02↵, |accessdate=2016-05-08↵
- Adolf Gehrts: |accessdate=3 December 2012
- Adolf Glunz: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Adolf Gondrell: |accessdate=13 November 2018
- Adolf Höschle: |accessdate=19 December 2012
- Adolf II of Holstein: |authorlink=James Westfall Thompson
- Adolf Koch: |authorlink=Stephen Spender
- Adolf Kristoffersen: |accessdate=12 December 2010
- Adolf Lande: |accessdate=25 July 2011
- Adolf Mošinsky: | authorlink = Zvonimir Milčec↵
- Adolf Neuendorff: |authorlink=Theodore Thomas (conductor)↵
- Adolf Piening: |authorlink=Clay Blair↵, |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Adolf Raegener: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Adolf Ritter von Tutschek: |accessdate=2015-06-03, |accessdate=2015-06-03, |accessdate=2015-06-03, |accessdate=2015-06-03, |accessdate=2015-06-03, |accessdate=2015-06-03, |accessdate=2015-06-03, |accessdate=2015-06-03
- Adolf Schrödter: |authorlink=Wilhelm von Humboldt, |accessdate=4 January 2011
- Adolf Skjegstad: |authorlink=Olav Larssen, |authorlink=Evald O. Solbakken
- Adolf Trowitz: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Adolf Wach: | authorlink=Joseph Kitagawa
- Adolf Wagner: |accessdate=13 January 2013
- Adolf Weber (economist): |accessdate=25 April 2013, |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Adolf Weber (ophthalmologist): |accessdate=25 April 2013, |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Adolf Wolf: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Adolfo Costa du Rels: |accessdate=2012-07-08↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-08↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-07↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-08↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-07↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-08↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-08↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-08↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-07↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-07↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-07↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-07↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-08↵
- Adolfo Matos: |accessdate=January 17, 2012, |accessdate=January 17, 2012
- Adolfo Prada: |authorlink=Antony Beevor , |authorlink=Hugh Thomas, Baron Thomas of Swynnerton
- Adolfo Wilhelmy: | authorlink =↵
- Adolph Brodsky: |accessdate=30 September 2010
- Adolph Diesterweg: | accessdate = 2009-03-13↵, | accessdate = 2009-03-13↵
- Adolph Esmit: |accessdate=28 August 2017
- Adolph F. Bechdolt: |accessdate=February 4, 2015
- Adolph Fischer: |authorlink=Paul Avrich
- Adolph Friedländer: |accessdate=3 December 2011
- Adolph Murray: |accessdate=2013-01-10, |accessdate=2013-01-10, |accessdate=2013-01-10↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-10, |accessdate=2013-01-11↵
- Adolph Peter Adler: |accessdate=14 December 2009, |accessdate=14 December 2009, |accessdate=14 December 2009, |accessdate=14 December 2009
- Adolph Proskauer: |accessdate=2010-01-29
- Adolph Saphir: |accessdate=25 October 2015
- Adolph Schönfelder: |accessdate=29 May 2020
- Adolphe (1807 privateer lugger): |authorlink=Charles Cunat
- Adolphe Billault: |accessdate=2014-01-09
- Adolphe Borchard: |accessdate=23 October 2016
- Adolphe Demange: |accessdate=2015-05-21↵
- Adolphe Franck: |accessdate=5 November 2019 , |accessdate=5 November 2019
- Adolphe Ganot: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2013-06-29
- Adolphe Lechaptois: |accessdate=2013-04-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-04-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-04-16↵
- Adolphe Niel: |accessdate=21 May 2019
- Adolphe Noël des Vergers: |accessdate=8 September 2016
- Adolphe Schneider: | authorlink =David Landes, |authorlink=Ezra Pound, |authorlink=Robert Henry Thurston
- Adolphe-André Porée: |accessdate=2010-06-26
- Adolphus Bell: |accessdate=8 October 2018
- Adolphus Frederick VI, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz: | authorlink = Jiri Louda (author)↵ , | authorlink = Jeffrey Finestone (author)↵
- Adolphus G. Belk Jr.: |accessdate=19 August 2017
- Adolphus Heiman: |accessdate=5 July 2016, |accessdate=5 July 2016, |accessdate=5 July 2016
- Adolphus Island: | accessdate=2012-01-09
- Adolphus Taylor: | authorlink = Cyril Pearl↵
- Adolphus Williams: |accessdate=2009-11-02
- Adoniram Judson Gordon: |accessdate=2013-09-25
- Adonis Terry: | accessdate = 2008-01-08
- Adonis amurensis: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Adonis vernalis: | authorlink=L. H. Bailey
- Adonizedek: |origyear=1939
- Adoption fraud: |accessdate=2011-12-12
- Adoption home study: |accessdate=2015-05-13, |accessdate=2015-05-13, |accessdate=2015-05-13, |accessdate=2015-05-13
- Adoption in Australia: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=9 April 2012 ↵
- Adoration of the Magi (Dürer): |authorlink=Heinrich Wölfflin
- Adoration of the Shepherds (Giorgione): |accessdate=7 July 2013, |accessdate=7 July 2013
- Adoxaceae: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Adoxophyes cyrtosema: |accessdate=12 September 2019
- Adranodoros: | authorlink =Thomas Arnold , | authorlink =Charles Rollin
- Adrapsa: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Adrapsa ablualis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Adrar des Ifoghas: |accessdate=15 June 2016
- Adray's: |accessdate=15 June 2019
- Adrenal artery: | authorlink =↵
- Adrenalin/Distant Dreams (Part Two): |accessdate=5 September 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 June 2011
- Adrepsa: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Adria (automobile): | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- Adria oil pipeline: |accessdate=2009-02-01↵ , |accessdate=2009-02-01↵ , |accessdate=2009-02-01↵ , |accessdate=2009-02-01↵
- Adriaan Blaauw: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Adriaan Cornelis Zaanen: |accessdate=12 September 2013, |accessdate=12 September 2013
- Adriaan Loosjes: |accessdate=1 August 2013
- Adriaan de Bruin: |accessdate=1 May 2019
- Adrian Baillie: |accessdate=7 May 2019 , |accessdate=7 May 2019 , |accessdate=7 May 2019
- Adrian Baker: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Adrian Barber: |accessdate=3 May 2010 , |accessdate=3 May 2010 , |accessdate=3 May 2010
- Adrian Bennett: |accessdate=2015-04-04
- Adrian Brett: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Adrian Claver: |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017
- Adrian Conan Doyle: | authorlink = Andrew Lycett
- Adrian Cowell: |authorlink=Adrian Cowell, |accessdate=May 16, 2007
- Adrian Daintrey: |authorlink=Hilary Spurling
- Adrian Ettlinger: | origyear = 1991
- Adrian Fulle: |accessdate=13 April 2011
- Adrian G. Duplantier: |accessdate=April 5, 2010
- Adrian Iselin Jr.: |accessdate=16 May 2018
- Adrian Janes: |accessdate=17 June 2016, |accessdate=17 June 2016
- Adrian Juste: |accessdate=18 July 2010↵, |accessdate=18 July 2010↵
- Adrian Mole: The Cappuccino Years: | authorlink = Sue Townsend↵
- Adrian Owen: |authorlink=Adrian Owen
- Adrian Pennino: |accessdate=2015-12-29, |accessdate=2015-12-29
- Adrian Public Schools: |accessdate=27 March 2015
- Adrian Scott: |accessdate=November 1, 2017
- Adrian Scrope: |accessdate= 4 February 2021, |accessdate= 4 February 2021
- Adrian Shooter: |accessdate=10 December 2015
- Adrian Zecha: |accessdate=9 October 2017, |accessdate=9 October 2017
- Adrian, Minnesota: |archiveurl={E440EED7-0593-443E-A72F-FC5142E0B20B}, |archivedate=2016-03-22
- Adriana Hölszky: |accessdate=11 November 2010
- Adriana Monti: | authorlink = Gwendolyn Audrey Foster
- Adriana de Vecchi: |accessdate=5 October 2020
- Adriano Fuscone: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Adriano Makevela Mackenzie: |accessdate=18 October 2016
- Adriano Mastrangelo: |accessdate=11 October 2014
- Adriano Valerini: | authorlink=
- Adriatic Basin: |accessdate=26 January 2012, |accessdate=21 June 2012, |accessdate=26 January 2012
- Adriatik Hotel: |accessdate=20 March 2011
- Adrien (dancer): |accessdate=7 July 2019
- Adrien Basin: | accessdate=28 October 2010
- Adrien Deschryver: |accessdate= 30 August 2018, |accessdate= 30 August 2018
- Adrien Karbowsky: |accessdate=2015-07-06↵ , |accessdate=2015-07-06↵ , |accessdate=2015-07-05↵ , |accessdate=2015-07-06↵ , |accessdate=2015-07-06, |accessdate=2015-07-06↵ , |accessdate=2015-07-05↵
- Adrien Pressemane: |accessdate=4 May 2012, |accessdate=4 May 2012, |accessdate=4 May 2012, |accessdate=4 May 2012, |accessdate=4 May 2012
- Adrien Ulacq: |accessdate=2014-01-05, |accessdate=2014-01-05
- Adrien-Michel-Hyacinthe Blin de Sainmore: |accessdate=9 July 2016
- Adrienne Cahalan: |accessdate=30 January 2010
- Adrienne Clostre: |accessdate=20 January 2011
- Adrienne Ellis: |accessdate=31 January 2019, |accessdate=31 January 2019
- Adrift (1911 film): | accessdate=January 15, 2015
- Adsmore: |accessdate=2011-11-02
- Adulis: |accessdate=15 September 2014
- Adult Education Series: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=January 20, 2012
- Advaita Parivāra: |accessdate=6 July 2012
- Advance And Secure: |accessdate=12 April 2015
- Advanced Banter: | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 15 March 2009
- Advanced Gemini: |accessdate=2009-07-08, |accessdate=2009-07-07, |accessdate=2009-07-07
- Advanced Headquarters 'A' Force: |authorlink = M. R. D. Foot, |authorlink2 = James Langley, |authorlink=Nicholas Rankin
- Advanced chess: |accessdate=22 September 2013, |authorlink=Donald Michie
- Advanced product quality planning: |accessdate=June 12, 2015
- Advantage (debate): | accessdate = 2017-04-22
- Advent (film): |accessdate=12 December 2016, |accessdate=12 December 2016, |accessdate=12 December 2016
- Advent Christian Church: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Advent of Divine Justice: |authorlink=Shoghi Effendi
- Adventure (1926 schooner): |authorlink=Howard I. Chapelle↵
- Adventure Cyclist magazine: |accessdate=12 June 2016
- Adventure Fold-Up Figures: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Adventure International: |authorlink=graham Nelson , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2015-11-07
- Adventure Parade: |accessdate=9 April 2020
- Adventure Tales: |accessdate=February 22, 2017
- Adventure Time (album): | accessdate = Nov 9, 2014
- Adventure! (role-playing game): |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Adventureland (video game): | authorlink= graham Nelson
- Adventures In High Fantasy: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Adventures in Jazz: |accessdate=May 6, 2020
- Adventures in Time and Space: | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- Adventures into the Unknown: |authorlink=Ron Goulart
- Adventures of Pow Wow: |accessdate=5 March 2020
- Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor: |accessdate=16 February 2014
- Adversarial queueing network: | authorlink1 = Allan Borodin, | authorlink2 = Jon Kleinberg, | authorlink3 = Prabhakar Raghavan, | authorlink4 = Madhu Sudan, | authorlink5 = David P. Williamson
- Advertising World: |accessdate=28 February 2016
- Advertising elasticity of demand: |accessdate=16 February 2010
- Advertising media selection: |accessdate=11 January 2017
- Advisory Committee for Aeronautics: | authorlink = Alfred Gollin↵
- Ady Hershcovitch: |accessdate=14 May 2017
- Adynaton: |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013
- Adyumba people: |accessdate=30 March 2012, |accessdate=30 March 2012
- Adèle (1800 brig): | authorlink = John Marshall (biographer)
- Adèle Hugo: |authorlink=Selwyn Cudjoe
- Adèle d'Osmond: |accessdate=2013-06-19, |accessdate=2013-06-19, |accessdate=2013-06-19, |accessdate=2013-06-19↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-19↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-19↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-19
- Adéodat Compère-Morel: |accessdate=26 April 2012, |accessdate=26 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Adíb: |authorlink=ʻAbdu'l-Bahá , |origyear=1971
- Aed Carabao: |accessdate=20 August 2018
- Aedes alboscutellatus: |accessdate=31 January 2017
- Aedia leucomelas: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aedia perdicipennis: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Aegialia cartwrighti: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aegialiinae: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aegialites: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aegialites californicus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aeginetia indica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Aegocera: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aegocera venulia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aegyptopithecus: |archiveurl=
- Aeimnestus: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2007-09-06
- Aemene: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aemene taprobanis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aemilia Hilaria: |authorlink1=Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie, |authorlink2=Joy Harvey, |accessdate=16 December 2011
- Aemilius Macer (jurist): |accessdate=Feb 1, 2019
- Aeminium: |accessdate=2011-10-28
- Aemona amathusia: |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Aemona lena: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Aeneas Chisholm (Vicar Apostolic of the Highland District): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Aengus (given name): |authorlink=John Joseph Kneen
- Aequipecten acanthodes: | authorlink1=R. Tucker Abbott
- Aerial Board of Control: |authorlink=Charles Carrington (British Army officer)
- Aerial warfare in the Winter War: |authorlink1=William R. Trotter , |origyear=1991
- Aerlyn Weissman: |authorlink3=Brenda Longfellow
- Aero (automobile): |accessdate=23 September 2018
- Aero Boero AB-150: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Aero Club Argentino: |accessdate=2008-05-23
- Aero Club of East Africa: |accessdate=7 June 2019, |accessdate=7 June 2019
- Aero Fighters: |accessdate=26 March 2016
- Aerocon Dash 1.6 wingship: |authorlink1=DARPA , |accessdate=31 August 2018 , |authorlink1=DARPA , |accessdate=31 August 2018 , |authorlink1=DARPA , |accessdate=31 August 2018
- Aerojet M-1: |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 2014-10-03↵
- Aerolíneas Argentinas Flight 386: |archivedate=23 April 2007 , |archiveurl= , |accessdate=23 August 2016
- Aeromachus dubius: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Charles Swinhoe, |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Aeromedical Isolation Team: |accessdate=15 April 2015
- Aeronautics Museum of Maracay: |accessdate=16 September 2009, |accessdate=16 September 2009, |accessdate=16 September 2009, |accessdate=16 September 2009, |accessdate=16 September 2009
- Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate: |accessdate=23 June 2016
- Aerosvet: |accessdate=9 August 2020
- Aerotec A-132 Tangará: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Aerotrain (GM): |accessdate=May 15, 2020, |accessdate=May 15, 2020, |accessdate=May 15, 2020, |accessdate=July 20, 2020, |accessdate=4 May 2020
- Aes equestre: |accessdate=Nov 9, 2019, |accessdate=Nov 10, 2019
- Aes hordearium: |accessdate=Nov 9, 2019
- Aesop Rock discography: |accessdate=June 2, 2011
- Aestuariimicrobium: | origyear =1984(Williams & Wilkins)
- Aethusa: | authorlink = Richard Claverhouse Jebb
- Aetoxylon: | accessdate= 22 August 2013
- Afeka: |accessdate=2015-05-29
- Affair in the Snow: |authorlink=David Desser
- Affair of Néry: |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds , |authorlink=Martin Farndale , |authorlink=John Terraine
- Affair of the Sausages: | accessdate = 15 January 2012↵, | accessdate = 16 January 2012↵, | accessdate = 16 January 2012↵
- Affect display: | authorlink=H. R. Haldeman
- Affect regulation: |accessdate=24 April 2019, |accessdate=24 April 2019, |accessdate=24 April 2019, |accessdate=24 April 2019, |accessdate=24 April 2019, |accessdate=24 April 2019
- Affective events theory: | authorlink=Affective Events Theory: A theoretical discussion of the structure, causes and consequences of affective experiences at work. , | authorlink=Affective Events Theory: A theoretical discussion of the structure, causes and consequences of affective experiences at work. , | authorlink=Temperament: An organizing paradigm for trait psychology , | authorlink=A dyadic-interactional perspective on the five-factor model. , | authorlink=Agreeableness: A dimension of personality
- Affective haptics: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2010-09-23 ↵
- Affenstunde: |accessdate=6 May 2020
- Affine Grassmannian: |accessdate=1 November 2012
- Affine geometry of curves: |authorlink=Michael Spivak
- Affine group: |authorlink=Roger Lyndon
- Affine variety: | authorlink=William Fulton (mathematician) , | authorlink=David Mumford , | authorlink=Miles Reid
- Affinity (Bill Evans album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: |accessdate=30 June 2020
- Affranchi: |accessdate=18 March 2014
- Affricate: |accessdate=12 June 2015
- AffrontTheater: |accessdate=4 December 2011
- Affronteur-class lugger: |authorlink=William Laird Clowes , |authorlink=William James (naval historian)
- Afghan Women's Council: | accessdate=2009-03-24, | accessdate=2009-03-24
- Afghan biscuit: |accessdate=3 April 2018
- Afghan snowfinch: |authorlink= Pamela C. Rasmussen
- Afif Bahnassi: |accessdate=5 May 2012
- Afif al-Bizri: | authorlink = Sami Moubayed↵ , | authorlink = Sami Moubayed↵
- Afnán: |authorlink=Ehsan Yarshater
- Afon Marlais, Pembrokeshire: |accessdate=12 June 2020, |accessdate=12 June 2020
- Afong Moy: |accessdate= 8 December 2014
- Afonso of Portugal, Lord of Leiria: | authorlink = ↵, | authorlink = ↵, | authorlink = Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués↵, | authorlink = ↵
- Afri Twin: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=10 September 2014
- Africa '68: |accessdate=26 April 2017
- Africa '70 (NGO): |accessdate=2009-06-22, |accessdate=2009-06-22
- Africa Justice Foundation: |accessdate=24 October 2014
- Africa N'Da Blues: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Africa Open Institute for Music, Research and Innovation: |accessdate=25 August 2020, |accessdate=25 August 2020
- Africa Renewal: |accessdate=5 December 2016
- Africa Squeaks: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Africa Today: |accessdate=24 November 2014
- African American Policy Forum: |accessdate=13 March 2011, |accessdate=13 March 2011, |accessdate=13 March 2011, |accessdate=13 March 2011
- African Americans in foreign policy: |accessdate=17 January 2018
- African Dawn: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- African Film (magazine): |accessdate=20 August 2015
- African Lodge No. 459: |accessdate=25 April 2013, |accessdate=25 April 2013, |accessdate=25 April 2013
- African Parks: |accessdate=22 January 2018, |accessdate=24 January 2018, |accessdate=16 May 2018, |accessdate=24 January 2018, |accessdate=25 January 2018
- African Piano: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)↵
- African Portraits: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- African Sketchbook: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- African Theological Archministry: |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018
- African Times and Orient Review: |accessdate=2 November 2012, |accessdate=2 November 2012, |accessdate=2 November 2012
- African Wildlife Foundation: |authorlink= Farley Mowat↵
- African brown knifefish: | authorlink = Herbert R. Axelrod
- African easterly jet: | accessdate=5 February 2011
- African fat-tailed gecko: |accessdate=30 January 2013
- African military systems to 1800: |accessdate=15 March 2012, |accessdate=15 March 2012, |accessdate=15 March 2012, |accessdate=15 March 2012
- African time: |accessdate=13 April 2016
- African-American Vernacular English and education: |authorlink=John McWhorter
- African-American Women for Reproductive Freedom: | accessdate = 4 February 2012↵
- African-American officeholders in the United States, 1789–1866: |accessdate=January 10, 2013, |authorlink3=Donald R. Deskins, Jr.
- Africano Mande Gedima: |accessdate=May 2, 2020
- Afro Blue (Dee Dee Bridgewater album): |accessdate=14 July 2020
- Afro Blue Impressions: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Afro Medusa: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Afro-Cuban (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Afro-Jaws: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Afrobarometer: |accessdate=2007-05-10 , |accessdate=2007-05-10 , |accessdate=2007-05-10 , |accessdate=2007-05-10
- Afrocentric education: |authorlink=Edward Wilmot Blyden
- Afroditi Laoutari: |accessdate=10 October 2019 , |accessdate=10 October 2019
- Afromachilis makungu: |accessdate=26 Jun 2014
- Afromyia: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Afropolitan: |accessdate=24 August 2016
- Afroz Ahmad: |accessdate=22 October 2015
- Afrozomus machadoi: |authorlink=Reginald Frederick Lawrence
- Afsar Ali Ahmed: |accessdate=22 April 2020
- Afshar Operation: |authorlink=Roy Gutman
- Aftenland: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- After All (The Miracles song): |accessdate=October 9, 2015
- After Dark (1932 film): |origyear=1973
- After Dark (Hank Crawford album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- After Fallen Leaves: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear =
- After Hours (Gary Moore album): |accessdate=24 August 2020
- After Many a Summer: |authorlink=Frank Brady (writer)
- After Midnight (Nat King Cole album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- After Midnight (adventure): |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- After School Nightmare: | authorlink=Setona Mizushiro
- After That It's All Gravy: |authorlink=Dave Thompson (author) , |accessdate=September 4, 2020
- After These Messages... We'll Be Right Back!: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2011-07-23 ↵
- After Worlds Collide: | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- After action report: |accessdate=24 August 2015
- After the Beginning Again: |accessdate=23 September 2019 , |accessdate=15 January 2019
- After the Deluge (painting): |authorlink=Walter Bayes, |authorlink=Malcolm Warner
- After the Lovin': |accessdate=2016-10-11
- After the Rain (film): |authorlink=Stuart Galbraith IV
- After the Storm (Shatta Wale album): | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- After the War (Gary Moore album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Afterimage (magazine): |accessdate=February 28, 2016, |accessdate=April 5, 2012, |accessdate=April 5, 2012
- Aftermath of the Winter War: |origyear=1999 , |authorlink1=Juho Kusti Paasikivi , | authorlink=Grigoriy Krivosheyev , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , | authorlink=Yuri Kilin , |authorlink1=David Glantz , |authorlink1=Yuri Kilin , |authorlink1=Ohto Manninen , |authorlink1=Soviet Information Bureau , |authorlink1=William R. Trotter , |origyear=1991 , |authorlink1=Carl Van Dyke
- Afternoon of a Georgia Faun: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Aftertones: |accessdate=February 27, 2019
- Afton Chemical: |accessdate=2015-01-13
- Afua Kuma: |authorlink=Kwame Bediako
- Afuang: Bounty Hunter: |accessdate=April 7, 2020
- Afyonkarahisar Castle: |accessdate=10 May 2020
- Afzal Ahsan Randhawa: |accessdate=22 September 2017
- Afzal Rahman Khan: |accessdate=1 November 2016, |accessdate=1 November 2016, |accessdate=1 November 2016, |accessdate=1 November 2016
- Afzal Tahir: |accessdate=24 January 2017, |accessdate=25 January 2017
- Ag Críost an Síol: |accessdate=7 February 2015
- Agabus bifarius: | origyear = 1983↵
- Agaclytus: |authorlink=Anthony Birley
- Agadzagadza: |accessdate=26 August 2019
- Agag: |authorlink=Samuel Cox (minister)
- Agah Pasha: |origyear=1892?
- Again (Colder album): | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Against All Odds (soundtrack): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Against Malaria Foundation: |authorlink=Peter Singer
- Against the Fall of Night: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff: | authorlink =Sean K. Reynolds , |authorlink2=Gary Gygax
- Against the Grain (Phoebe Snow album): |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Against the Wind (soundtrack): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Agalinis paupercula: | authorlink1=Henry Gleason , | authorlink2=Arthur Cronquist , | authorlink=Asa Gray , | authorlink=Nathaniel Lord Britton
- Agaluk: | authorlink =John Dyneley Prince, | authorlink = Noel Malcolm
- Agamemnon (Zeus): | authorlink = Martin P. Nilsson
- Aganice Ainianos: |accessdate = 2017-06-06
- Agano ware: |accessdate=26 October 2012, |accessdate=26 October 2012
- Agapanthus in New Zealand: |accessdate=2012-01-19
- Agapetae: |authorlink = Alvin Boyd Kuhn
- Agapios Tomboulis: |accessdate=18 February 2017
- Agar Adamson: |accessdate=2014-07-04↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-04, |accessdate=2014-07-04↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-04↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-04
- Agar Rodney Adamson: |accessdate=2014-07-04
- Agar dilution: |accessdate=16 November 2014
- Agarathos Monastery: | accessdate = 2020-05-16
- Agaricus benesii: |accessdate=2009-08-20, |accessdate=2009-08-20
- Agaricus campestris: |authorlink=Jane Grigson
- Agasha Temple of Wisdom: |accessdate=8 January 2018
- Agassiz family: |accessdate=26 July 2012
- Agastache rugosa: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Agastheeswar Temple: |authorlink=
- Agatasa: |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Agatea: |authorlink2=Juliana de Paula-Souza, |authorlink1=George Bentham, |authorlink2=JD Hooker, |authorlink=James W. Byng, |authorlink1=Maarten Christenhusz, |authorlink2=Michael F. Fay, |authorlink3=Mark W. Chase, |authorlink=Asa Gray
- Agathe von Trapp: |authorlink= Agathe von Trapp
- Agathia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Agathia hemithearia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Agathia laetata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Agathocles of Bactria: |authorlink1=Restoration and translation of some of the caves inscriptions at the caves of Carli
- Agathosma: |accessdate=January 30, 2013
- Agathotychus: | authorlink = Johann Hermann Baas
- Agathyllus: | authorlink = Dionysius of Halicarnassus
- Agaton Giller: |accessdate=2014-11-23
- Agattu: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland , |authorlink=Lydia T. Black
- Agave people: |accessdate=30 March 2012
- Agbado River: |accessdate=30 April 2012
- Agbassa: |authorlink=Peter Palmer Ekeh
- Agbekoya: |accessdate=2015-06-20
- Agbrigg and Morley: |authorlink=Albert Hugh Smith
- Agda Rössel: |authorlink1=Glenda Sluga
- Agdenes Lighthouse: |authorlink=Norwegian Coastal Administration
- Agdistis meridionalis: |authorlink3=Richard Lewington (artist)
- Age of Chance: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Age of Everything: |origyear =
- Age of the Gods: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=Sep 11, 2008
- Age stratification: |accessdate=28 January 2011
- Age/sex/location: |authorlink=Steve Roche, |authorlink=David Crystal, |authorlink=Adam Joinson, |authorlink=Marcus Markou
- Agecroft Bridge railway station: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- Agecroft Hall: |accessdate=2007-12-19
- Agency Creek (South Yamhill River tributary): |accessdate=August 4, 2011
- Agency Lake (Oregon): |accessdate=2014-04-08
- Agenda De Baile: | writing_credits = ↵
- Agenda for Change: |accessdate=6 February 2017
- Agenor Maria Gołuchowski: |accessdate=20 March 2020 , |accessdate=20 March 2020
- Agenor Romuald Gołuchowski: | authorlink = George Walter Prothero↵, | accessdate = 2014-06-05↵
- Agent Vinod (2012 film): | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Agent of Vega: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- Agent-based social simulation: | authorlink1=Joshua M. Epstein↵ , | authorlink2=Robert Axtell↵
- Agenzia Giornalistica Italia: |accessdate=13 September 2014, |accessdate=13 September 2014
- Agepolis: | authorlink = Polybius , | authorlink2=Friedrich Hultsch , | authorlink =
- Ager Vaticanus: |authorlink= Flavio Biondo, | authorlink = Richard Krautheimer
- Ageratum houstonianum: | authorlink=L. H. Bailey
- Ages in Chaos: | authorlink = Henry H. Bauer↵ , |authorlink=Peter James (historian)↵ , |origyear=1953↵
- Agglethorpe: |accessdate=4 February 2013
- Aggregate behavior: |accessdate=5 November 2015, |accessdate=5 November 2015
- Aggressionism: |authorlink=Signe Howell
- Agha Aminov: |accessdate=2011-12-01 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-04-25
- Agha Ibrahim Akram: |origyear=1970
- Aghabala Aghasaid oghlu: |authorlink=
- Aghabane: |accessdate=20 August 2018, |accessdate=20 August 2018, |accessdate=20 August 2018
- Aghabeyim agha Javanshir: |accessdate=16 August 2010 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=9 September 2010 ↵
- Aghacramphill: |accessdate=24 April 2015
- Aghakinnigh: |accessdate=9 June 2019
- Aghalum: |accessdate=21 April 2018
- Aghamore, County Fermanagh: | accessdate=2014-08-21, | accessdate=2012-08-25
- Aghavannagh: |accessdate=5 February 2016, |accessdate=5 February 2016, |accessdate=5 February 2016
- Aghavrin Cottage: |accessdate=14 February 2014
- Aghinetti: | authorlink=, | authorlink=
- Aghnacally: |accessdate=9 June 2019
- Agho Island: |accessdate=16 June 2014
- Agia Efthymia: |authorlink1=Mogens Herman Hansen, |authorlink=William Martin Leake, |authorlink=William Martin Leake, |authorlink=Louis Robert (historian), |authorlink=William Smith (lexicographer)
- Agiapuk River: |accessdate=April 11, 2013, |accessdate=April 11, 2013
- Agiel: |accessdate=5 August 2018
- Agile construction: |accessdate=4 August 2016
- Agios Georgios, Lasithi: |accessdate=21 December 2019
- Agios Nikolaos, Messenia: | accessdate = {{Date|2010-09-20|dmy}} , | authorlink1 = Max Vasmer , | accessdate = {{Date|2010-09-21|dmy}}
- Agios Panteleimon Monastery: |accessdate= 2020-05-29
- Agistment: |accessdate=2 March 2020 , |accessdate=2 March 2020 , |accessdate=2 March 2020
- Agitar antes de usar: | writing_credits =↵
- Agitated Nutsche Filter: |accessdate=2008-06-24 , |accessdate=2008-06-24
- Agitation and Propaganda against the State: |accessdate=2015-04-05, |accessdate=2015-04-05
- Agkistrodon bilineatus: |authorlink1=Roy W. McDiarmid, |authorlink2=Jonathan A. Campbell, |authorlink3=T'Shaka A. Touré, |authorlink1=Jonathan A. Campbell, |authorlink2=William W. Lamar, |authorlink3=Edmund D. Brodie
- Aglaia beccarii: | accessdate = 5 February 2014
- Aglaia bullata: | accessdate = 5 February 2014
- Aglaia rufibarbis: | accessdate = 6 February 2014
- Aglaia sessilifolia: | accessdate = 6 February 2014
- Aglaia soepadmoi: | accessdate = 7 February 2014
- Aglaia stellatopilosa: | accessdate = 7 February 2014
- Aglais: |accessdate=15 March 2018
- Aglais ladakensis: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Aglais milberti: |authorlink= Kenn Kaufman
- Agler–La Follette House: |accessdate=12 September 2012
- Agliata: | accessdate=March 4, 2016
- Agmon: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Agnaptus: | authorlink = William Martin Leake
- Agneau de pré-salé: |accessdate=19 November 2011, |accessdate=19 November 2011, |accessdate=November 19, 2011 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=April 25, 2012
- Agnes Addison: |accessdate=21 October 2020
- Agnes Bernelle: |accessdate=9 April 2017
- Agnes Buntine: |accessdate=4 January 2019
- Agnes Claypole Moody: |accessdate=8 August 2013
- Agnes Dunbar (mistress): |accessdate = 31 December 2015
- Agnes Fay Morgan: |accessdate=January 6, 2017
- Agnes Garrett: |accessdate=11 July 2018
- Agnes Hamilton: |accessdate=5 January 2018
- Agnes Hardie: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Agnes Hennessy: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- Agnes Howard, Duchess of Norfolk: |accessdate = 7 March 2011↵
- Agnes I, Abbess of Quedlinburg: |accessdate=2009-07-08
- Agnes II, Abbess of Quedlinburg: |accessdate=2009-07-08, |accessdate=2009-07-08, |accessdate=2009-07-08, |accessdate=2009-07-08
- Agnes Jones: |accessdate=19 March 2017
- Agnes Keith, Countess of Moray: |accessdate=10 February 2011
- Agnes Louisa Weston: |origyear=First published in 1913 , |accessdate=29 March 2014, |authorlink = Barry Gustafson
- Agnes Lyon: |accessdate=31 January 2015
- Agnes Mary Clerke: |authorlink=Clerke, Agnes Mary (1842-1907), |accessdate=15 October 2018
- Agnes Morgan: |accessdate=February 26, 2020 , |accessdate=February 26, 2020
- Agnes Mountain: |authorlink=Fred Beckey
- Agnes Mowinckel: |authorlink1=Hans Wiers-Jenssen
- Agnes Nanogak: |accessdate=8 March 2015
- Agnes O'Farrelly: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- Agnes Pochin: |authorlink=Antoinette Burton
- Agnes Ramsey: |authorlink1=Marjorie McIntosh , |accessdate=2 February 2019
- Agnes Robertson: | authorlink=Margaret Fitzherbert
- Agnes Scanlon: |accessdate=2014-11-18
- Agnes Sjöberg: |accessdate=1 November 2020
- Agnes Street-Klindworth: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Agnes Taylor: |authorlink=Leonard J. Arrington , |authorlink=Matthias F. Cowley , |authorlink=Samuel W. Taylor , |authorlink=Andrew Jenson
- Agnes Torres: |authorlink=Harold Garfinkel
- Agnes Wright Spring: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Agnes Zimmermann: |accessdate=11 November 2010
- Agnes of Aquitaine, Queen of Aragon: |authorlink=Richard A. Fletcher
- Agnes of Bohemia: |accessdate=17 December 2011
- Agnese Ghisi: | authorlink = Raymond-Joseph Loenertz
- Agneta Stark: |accessdate=3 July 2014 , |accessdate=3 July 2014 , |archivedate=9 October 2013
- Agnetapark: |accessdate=29 June 2012, |accessdate=29 June 2012
- Agnew station: |accessdate=20 July 2016
- Agnew's Village, California: |accessdate=January 20, 2012
- Agni Varsha: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Agnieszka Biedrzycka: | accessdate=25 November 2014
- Agnikankan: Branded Oath: |accessdate=18 February 2015
- Agnolo Aniello Fiore: | authorlink=
- Agnotology: | authorlink = Michael Betancourt , | authorlink = David Michaels (epidemiologist) , | authorlink = Chris Mooney (journalist), | authorlink = Robert N. Proctor , |accessdate=31 October 2011
- Agnès Cabrol: |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012
- Agon (game): |authorlink=David Parlett↵ , |authorlink=Robert Charles Bell↵ , |origyear=1st Pub. 1969, [[Oxford University Press]], London↵ , |authorlink=Robert Charles Bell↵
- Agoncillo–Mariño House: |authorlink3=Martin I. Tinio Jr.
- Agonius: | authorlink = John McClintock (theologian) , | authorlink = William Warde Fowler , | authorlink = John Lemprière
- Agonoxena argaula: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agop Jack Hacikyan: | archiveurl= , | archivedate=2011-07-13
- Agora (organization): |accessdate=14 December 2012
- Agordat: |accessdate=15 September 2014, |accessdate=15 September 2014, |accessdate=14 September 2014
- Agostinho Lourenço: |accessdate=
- Agostino Brunias: |accessdate= 23 June 2011, |accessdate= 23 June 2011, |accessdate=24 June 2011
- Agostino Collaceroni: | authorlink=
- Agostino Comerio: | authorlink=
- Agostino Dati: |accessdate=9 May 2013, |accessdate=10 May 2013
- Agostino Folignatti: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Agostino Gonzaga: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Agostino Lamma: | authorlink=
- Agostino Roscelli: |accessdate=13 August 2015
- Agostino Valier: |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=1 August 2012, |accessdate=1 August 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=1 August 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=1 August 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012
- Agostino da Siena (bishop): |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Agouhanna: |accessdate=29 June 2011, |accessdate=29 June 2011
- Agra gharana: |authorlink=Babanrao Haldankar
- Agram Trial: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković
- Agrarian system: |accessdate=25 June 2013, |accessdate=25 June 2013, |accessdate=25 June 2013
- Agrasen Jayanti: |accessdate = 2007-04-19↵
- Agriades jaloka: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Agricol Perdiguier: |accessdate=2014-11-25, |accessdate=19 March 2014↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-25↵
- Agricultural Branch Railroad: | accessdate = 2013-01-28 , | accessdate = 2013-01-28
- Agricultural emissions research levy: |authorlink=Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=13 October 2007 ↵
- Agricultural machinery industry: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=March 18, 2013
- Agriculture in England: |authorlink = John Langdon (historian)
- Agriculture in Finland: |accessdate=January 3, 2013 , |accessdate=January 3, 2013 , |authorlink=USDA , |accessdate=January 3, 2013
- Agriculture in Tuvalu: |accessdate=12 May 2010
- Agrilus chiricahuae: | origyear = 1983↵
- Agriopas: | authorlink = Montague Summers , | authorlink = Pliny the Elder
- Agrochola circellaris: |authorlink=Michael Chinery , |authorlink=Bernard Skinner (entomologist)
- Agrosaurus: |authorlink=David B. Weishampel
- Agrotis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Agrotis aulacias: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis bryani: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis ceramophaea: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis charmocrita: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis dislocata: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis eremata: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis evanescens: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis giffardi: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis hephaestaea: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis perigramma: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis psammophaea: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agrotis spinifera: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Agrotis xiphias: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Agua Caliente, Tijuana: |authorlink = Joel Garreau
- Agua Fria, California: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Aguacate, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Aguacate, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Aguada barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Aguada, Montevideo: |authorlink1=Fernando O. Assunção , |authorlink2=Iris Bombet Franco
- Aguadilla barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Aguano language: |authorlink=Čestmír Loukotka
- Aguapanela: |accessdate=25 July 2018
- Aguarico River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 November 2014
- Aguas Blancas, Yauco, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Aguas Buenas barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Aguaytía River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 November 2014
- Agudas Achim Congregation (Alexandria, Virginia): |accessdate=June 25, 2011, |accessdate=June 25, 2011, |accessdate=June 25, 2011, |accessdate=June 25, 2011
- Aguirre, Salinas, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Aguner Poroshmoni: |accessdate=2014-10-05
- Agung Anom: | authorlink = Robert Pringle (diplomat)↵
- Agungi: |accessdate=4 January 2018, |accessdate=5 January 2018, |authorlink=Kenji Ekuan
- Agur, Israel: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Agus Widjojo: |authorlink=Harold Crouch
- Agusta A.103: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Agusta A.104: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Agusta A.115: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Agusta-Bell AB.102: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Agustin Gasull: |accessdate=3 May 2013, |accessdate=3 May 2013
- Agustin de Legazpi: |authorlink=William Henry Scott (historian)
- Agustina Solano: |accessdate=9 September 2020
- Agustí Riera i Pau: |accessdate=August 29, 2014
- Agustín Guzmán: |accessdate=28 December 2014
- Agustín Leonardo: | authorlink=
- Agustín Navarro: |accessdate=26 February 2011
- Agustín V. Zamorano: |authorlink=Hubert Howe Bancroft, |accessdate=2006-12-31
- Agustín de Ruyloba: |authorlink= , |origyear=first published 1976
- Agyen Kokobo: |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=18 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=18 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012
- Agénor Azéma de Montgravier: |accessdate=3 January 2012, |accessdate=3 January 2012, |accessdate=3 January 2012, |accessdate=3 January 2012, |accessdate=3 January 2012
- Ah Canul: |accessdate=5 July 2012
- Ah Kin Chel: |accessdate=5 July 2012
- Ah Nian: |accessdate=21 November 2018, |accessdate=21 November 2018 , |accessdate=21 November 2018, |accessdate=21 November 2018
- Ah! perfido: |authorlink=Paul Ellison
- Ah! vous dirai-je, maman: |accessdate=14 February 2019
- Ah-Leu-Cha: |accessdate=8 April 2012
- Ahafo: |accessdate=18 April 2010
- Ahi'ezer: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Ahibaran: |accessdate=19 December 2011, |authorlink=, |accessdate=16 May 2011
- Ahijah Wood House: |accessdate=2018-08-13
- Ahirwada: |accessdate=4 April 2016, |accessdate=7 September 2014 , |accessdate=30 May 2016
- Ahkal Moʼ Nahb I: |accessdate=12 October 2015, |accessdate=12 October 2015
- Ahkal Moʼ Nahb II: |accessdate=12 October 2015
- Ahle Wurst: |accessdate=8 April 2012
- Ahlfors theory: |↵authorlink=Walter Hayman, |authorlink=Rolf Nevanlinna
- Ahlgren Vineyard: |accessdate=24 November 2011
- Ahmad Ali Khan of Malerkotla: |authorlink=↵, |authorlink=↵
- Ahmad Bakhsh Sindhi: | authorlink = O.P. Radhan↵
- Ahmad El Najjar: |accessdate=December 9, 2017, |accessdate=December 9, 2017, |accessdate=December 9, 2017
- Ahmad Fuad Mohieddin: |accessdate=14 October 2013
- Ahmad Hashim Abd al-Isawi: |authorlink1 = Carl Higbie
- Ahmad Hassan (Syrian politician): |accessdate=12 March 2013
- Ahmad Hindi: |authorlink1=Hamid Algar
- Ahmad Inaltigin: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ahmad Karami: |accessdate=4 March 2013
- Ahmad Kashani: |accessdate=13 September 2013
- Ahmad Khomeini: |accessdate=8 June 2016
- Ahmad Kutty: |accessdate=8 April 2020, |accessdate=8 April 2020
- Ahmad Majid: |authorlink=Achyut Charan Choudhury
- Ahmad Mirfendereski: |accessdate=25 July 2013
- Ahmad Nakhchivani: | accessdate= , | accessdate=
- Ahmad Parsa: |accessdate=
- Ahmad Sayyed Javadi: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Ahmad Shirazi: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ahmad Tuan Hussein: |authorlink=Farish A. Noor
- Ahmad Yadgar: |accessdate=16 July 2016, |accessdate=12 July 2016
- Ahmad Zamir: |accessdate=10 August 2017, |accessdate=10 August 2017, |accessdate=10 August 2017, |accessdate=10 August 2017, |accessdate=10 August 2017
- Ahmad Zohadi: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2018-04-29 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2018-04-29
- Ahmad al-Safi al-Najafi: |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012
- Ahmad bin Said al-Busaidi: |accessdate=2013-11-11↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-12↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-11↵ , |authorlink=Samuel Barrett Miles, |accessdate=2013-11-14↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-19↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-11↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-12↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-12↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-11↵
- Ahmad ibn Nizam al-Mulk: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ahmad ibn Ziyadat Allah ibn Qurhub: | authorlink = Heinz Halm
- Ahmad ibn al-Hasan al-Kalbi: | authorlink = Heinz Halm
- Ahmadalilar Mausoleum: | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate=
- Ahmadilis: |authorlink=Clifford Edmund Bosworth, |authorlink=Clifford Edmund Bosworth
- Ahmadiyya in Canada: | accessdate=September 10, 2017
- Ahmadiyya in Saudi Arabia: | accessdate=March 1, 2015
- Ahmadu Atiku: |accessdate=2015-08-12, |accessdate=2015-08-12
- Ahmadu Rufai: |accessdate=2015-08-12
- Ahmadullah Shah: |authorlink1=George William Forrest, |authorlink=George Bruce Malleson , |authorlink=George Bruce Malleson
- Ahmat Acyl: |authorlink=Mario Azevedo, |authorlink=Sam Nolutshungu
- Ahmed Abdallah: |accessdate=2006-12-28 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-09-21
- Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi: |accessdate=2013-05-21
- Ahmed Abdullah and the Solomonic Quintet: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear =
- Ahmed Achour: |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012
- Ahmed Ali Enayetpuri: |accessdate=16 August 2018 , |accessdate=16 August 2018 , |accessdate=16 August 2018 , |accessdate=16 August 2018
- Ahmed Balafrej: |accessdate=20 June 2010
- Ahmed Farah Ali: |accessdate=28 October 2010
- Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel: |accessdate=19 November 2016
- Ahmed Hassanein: |accessdate=1 March 2010
- Ahmed Juffali: |accessdate=18 November 2015, |accessdate=18 November 2015
- Ahmed Muradbegović: |accessdate=15 August 2013
- Ahmed Salim Ould Sidi: |accessdate=24 July 2017
- Ahmed Siddiqui (American youth): | accessdate = 2013-12-20↵
- Ahmed Subhy Mansour: |accessdate=February 6, 2010, |accessdate=March 23, 2010
- Ahmed al-Ghazzal: |accessdate=1 February 2012
- Ahmed bin Muhammed Al Thani: |accessdate=13 December 2015
- Ahmedabad: |authorlink=George William Forrest↵
- Ahmedpur Sial: |accessdate=13 March 2011, |accessdate=13 March 2011
- Ahmet Emin Yalman: |authorlink=
- Ahmet Erdengiz: |accessdate=9 November 2014
- Ahmet Zenel Gjonbalaj: |accessdate=25 December 2016, |accessdate=25 December 2016, |accessdate=25 December 2016
- Ahn Doo-hee: | authorlink=Sheila Miyoshi Jager
- Ahnenpass: |authorlink=Florin Curta
- Ahot Ketannah: |accessdate=28 July 2012, |accessdate=28 July 2012
- Ahrens AR 404: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Ahsan Kareem: |accessdate=30 May 2017
- Ahsan Malik: |accessdate=27 February 2012, |accessdate=27 February 2012, |accessdate=27 February 2012, |accessdate=27 February 2012
- Ahu Akivi: |accessdate=13 August 2013
- Ahuva Kraus: |accessdate=6 May 2018, |accessdate=6 May 2018, |accessdate=6 May 2018
- Ahva, Israel: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Ahwahnee (Aztec Culture): |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Ahwahnee, California: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Ai Jiu Jian Renxin: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Ai Pelo Prison: |accessdate=30 November 2018
- Ai no Chikyūsai: | writing_credits = ↵
- Aibert: | accessdate=2008-07-11, | accessdate=2008-07-11, | accessdate=2008-07-11 , | accessdate= 2008-07-12
- Aibonito barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Aibonito, Hatillo, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Aibonito, San Sebastián, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Aicha Bassarewan: |accessdate=7 August 2019, |accessdate=7 August 2019
- Aid on the Edge of Chaos: |accessdate=2014-05-10
- Aida Paula: |accessdate=10 November 2020
- Aidar (river): |accessdate=2019-05-05
- Aideen Hayden: |authorlink=Stephen Collins (journalist)
- Aidrus Mosque: |accessdate=24 March 2013
- Aigeis: |accessdate=2015-05-29, | accessdate=2015-05-30, |accessdate=2015-05-30, |accessdate=2015-05-29
- Aigle-class destroyer: |authorlink=Jürgen Rohwer, |authorlink=Michael J. Whitley
- Aiguabarreig (Mequinenza): |accessdate=, |authorlink=
- Aigualluts: |accessdate=20 December 2012
- Aiguamolls de l'Empordà: |accessdate=21 December 2012
- Aiguille Dibona: |accessdate=2 December 2010
- Aiguille de Scolette: | authorlink = ↵
- Aiiieeeee! An Anthology of Asian-American Writers: |authorlink=A. Robert Lee, |authorlink=Elaine H. Kim
- Aikaintaite: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Aike: |accessdate=25 October 2016
- Aikenhead's Hardware: | accessdate = 2010-08-14
- Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere: |accessdate=11 June 2012, |accessdate=11 June 2012, |accessdate=14 June 2012, |accessdate=11 June 2012, |accessdate=11 June 2012, |accessdate=11 June 2012
- Aiko Miyanaga: |accessdate=30 November 2017, |accessdate=30 November 2017
- Aikoku Kōtō: | authorlink =↵
- Aikokusha: |accessdate=8 May 2016
- Aiktak Island: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- Ailanthus integrifolia: | accessdate = 5 July 2015
- Ailean Maclean: |authorlink=John Patterson MacLean
- Aileen Garmson: |accessdate=6 December 2014
- Aileen Lawlor: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- Aileen S. Kraditor: |accessdate=2014-10-23↵ , |accessdate=2014-10-23, |accessdate=2014-10-23↵
- Aileen Williams: |accessdate=1 February 2018
- Ailill mac Fáeláin: |authorlink1=William Carrigan
- Ailish Tynan: |accessdate=20 November 2020
- Aillik Bay: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Ailloud: |authorlink= G.N. Georgano, |accessdate=2011-12-21
- Aimee Allison: |authorlink1= Aimee Allison
- Aimo Maggi: | authorlink=
- Aimé Bonpland: |authorlink=Andreas Daum
- Aimé Leborne: |accessdate= 28 August 2018, |accessdate= 28 August 2018, |accessdate= 28 August 2018, |accessdate= 28 August 2018, | accessdate= 28 August 2018
- Aimé Olivier de Sanderval: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Aimée Castle: |accessdate=1 October 2010↵, |accessdate=1 October 2010↵
- Aimée de Heeren: |accessdate=20 January 2012, |accessdate=20 January 2012, |accessdate=20 January 2012, |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Ain Baal: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Ain Dara (archaeological site): |authorlink1=Philip J. King, |authorlink2=Lawrence Stager
- Ain Ebel: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener
- Ain El Delb: |authorlink=Victor Guérin
- Ain Farah: |accessdate=5 August 2012, |accessdate=5 August 2012
- Ain Hawr: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Ain Janna: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine: |accessdate=2010-04-14
- Ain Zhalta: |accessdate=2 October 2012, |accessdate=2 October 2012
- Ain al-Shaara: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Ain al-Tinah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Ain't Living Long Like This: |accessdate=February 23, 2019
- Ain't Misbehavin' (UFO album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Ain't Nature Grand!: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Ain't No Need to Worry: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Ain't Nothin' Like Me: |accessdate=2014-10-04
- Ain't Nothin' to Get Excited About: |accessdate=16 March 2015, |accessdate=16 March 2015
- Ain't Nothing Gonna Keep Me from You: |accessdate=24 April 2013, |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |accessdate=24 April 2013
- Ain't We Got Fun: |accessdate=2008-10-03, |accessdate=2008-09-30, |accessdate=2008-10-03, |accessdate=2008-09-29, |accessdate=2008-09-30, |accessdate=2008-09-30, |accessdate=2008-09-30, |accessdate=2008-09-30, |accessdate=2008-09-30, |accessdate=2008-09-30, |accessdate=2008-09-30, |accessdate=2008-09-30
- Ain't We Got Fun (film): |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Ainderby Quernhow: |accessdate=12 January 2016
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- Airports for antique aircraft: |accessdate=20 January 2018
- Airth railway station: |origyear=1904
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- Ajit Singh of Marwar: |authorlink=John F. Richards , |authorlink=Satish Chandra
- Ajita Kesakambali: |accessdate=6 September 2013
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- Akira Kurosawa bibliography: |authorlink=Donald Richie
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- Akkaia taiwana: |accessdate=2015-11-10
- Akkens (motorcycle): |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Aklan State University: |accessdate=August 24, 2020
- Aklilu Habte-Wold: |accessdate=2015-05-20
- Ako Controversy: |authorlink=Donald Shively , |authorlink=Ivan Morris
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- Akosua Agyapong: |accessdate=19 December 2018, |accessdate=19 December 2018
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- Akraifnio: | authorlink = William Miller (historian)
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- Akron Art Museum: | accessdate=May 7, 2019
- Akron City Series: |accessdate=May 25, 2012
- Akron Falls Park: |accessdate=March 2, 2015, |accessdate=March 21, 2015
- Akron Ice House: |accessdate=17 July 2020
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- Aktietrykkeriet: |accessdate=January 18, 2018
- Aktion Gitter (1939): |authorlink=Peter Demetz
- Aku (poem): | accessdate = ↵ , | authorlink =Arief Budiman↵ , |authorlink=HB Jassin
- Aku Cinta Dia: |authorlink1=Alberthiene Endah↵
- Akua Dixon: |accessdate=April 4, 2020
- Akuapem people: |accessdate=18 April 2010
- Akudim: |accessdate=2015-07-03
- Akudnirmiut: |authorlink=Frederick Webb Hodge, |accessdate=27 August 2011, |accessdate=26 August 2011, |accessdate=26 August 2011
- Akumfi Ameyaw Munufie: |authorlink=Obed Asamoah
- Akun Island: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- AkustiChrisye: |authorlink1=Alberthiene Endah↵
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- Al Aarons: |accessdate=28 March 2017
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- Al Amal (Lebanon): |accessdate=27 September 2013
- Al Anwar: |accessdate=9 September 2013, |accessdate=9 September 2013
- Al Areen Wildlife Park: |accessdate=30 September 2014
- Al Aynsley-Green: |accessdate=3 November 2018 , |accessdate=4 November 2018
- Al Balding: |authorlink=James A. Barclay
- Al Baqa: |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
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- Al Capone bibliography: |authorlink=Max Allan Collins
- Al Clark (umpire): |authorlink=Larry Ruttman
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- Al Delvecchio: |accessdate=13 July 2012
- Al Downing (musician): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
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- Al Ghardaqa: |accessdate=2015-06-24
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- Al Green Gets Next to You: |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Al Green Is Love: |accessdate=March 18, 2017
- Al Green discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Al Green's Greatest Hits: |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Al Green's Greatest Hits, Volume II: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Al Guokas: |accessdate=November 23, 2018
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- Al Haynes: | accessdate = March 15, 2011 ↵
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- Al Hendrickson: |authorlink5=Barney Kessel
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- Al Hurricane: | accessdate=September 1, 2015
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- Al Huwaila: |authorlink1=Allen James Fromherz
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- Al Jackson (artist): |accessdate=March 29, 2015, |accessdate=April 11, 2015
- Al Jalahma: |accessdate=2 July 2013
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- Al Jamia Al Islamia Patiya: |authorlink=Ali Riaz
- Al Jawhara bint Musaed Al Jiluwi: |authorlink=Michael Herb
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- Al Johnson (musician): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
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- Al Khawalid: |accessdate=2 July 2013
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- Al Simmons (musician): |accessdate=23 March 2014
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- Al Stubblefield: |accessdate=2014-11-17
- Al Stump: | accessdate = 2014-08-05
- Al Tahoe, California: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Al Waddan Hotel: |accessdate=9 March 2011, |accessdate=9 March 2011
- Al Watrous: |authorlink = Al Barkow
- Al Wilson (singer): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
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- Al-'Amal (Aden): |accessdate=11 September 2014
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- Al-Aqidah Al-Waasitiyyah: |accessdate=13 November 2019
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- Al-Ash'ath ibn Qays: |authorlink = Wilferd Madelung
- Al-Atnah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
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- Al-Aziz Uthman: |authorlink= Moshe Sharon
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- Al-Buraq, Syria: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Burhan Fi Tafsir al-Quran: |accessdate=2014-01-26
- Al-Dahhak ibn Qays al-Fihri: |authorlink=Fred M. Donner, |authorlink=Theophilus of Edessa
- Al-Dahhak ibn Qays al-Shaybani: | authorlink = G.R. Hawting
- Al-Dawayima massacre: | authorlink = Simha Flapan , | authorlink = David Gilmour
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- Al-Dimashqi (geographer): |authorlink=Guy Le Strange, |authorlink=Al-Dimashqi (geographer) , |authorlink=Al-Dimashqi (geographer) , |authorlink=Al-Dimashqi (geographer)
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- Al-Fayhaa TV: |accessdate=30 August 2017
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- Al-Ghariyah al-Gharbiyah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Ghazal: |authorlink=William Edward David Allen
- Al-Hadaf: |accessdate=21 September 2014, |accessdate=21 September 2014
- Al-Hadath: |accessdate=7 September 2016
- Al-Hafar, Syria: |authorlink =Hanna Batatu
- Al-Hakam ibn Abi al-As: |authorlink=Wilferd Madelung
- Al-Hamah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Hamma Incident: |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Al-Hamraa: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Hasan ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Khinzir: | authorlink = Heinz Halm
- Al-Hasan ibn Ammar al-Kalbi: | authorlink=Heinz Halm
- Al-Hasan ibn Qahtaba: |authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Al-Hasan ibn Sahl: | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Al-Hawash, Homs Governorate: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Haytham ibn Ubayd al-Kilabi: |authorlink=Roger Collins
- Al-Hirak, Syria: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Hiwar (magazine): |accessdate=9 March 2020
- Al-Husayn ibn Zikrawayh: | authorlink = Heinz Halm
- Al-Husn, Syria: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Husseiniyah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Ittihad (Emirati newspaper): |accessdate=27 September 2013
- Al-Ittihad (Israeli newspaper): |accessdate=13 August 2014, |accessdate=13 August 2014, |accessdate=13 August 2014, |accessdate=13 August 2014, |accessdate=20 May 2009
- Al-Jamahir: |accessdate=8 June 2015
- Al-Jassas: |authorlink=Jonathan A.C. Brown
- Al-Jawali Mosque: |authorlink=Moshe Sharon , |authorlink=Moshe Sharon
- Al-Jebbah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Jiza: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Jumhuryah: |accessdate=11 September 2014
- Al-Kabri incident: |authorlink1=Meron Benvenisti, |authorlink=Walid Khalidi, |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Al-Kandari: | accessdate=2009-06-23↵
- Al-Khalidiyah, Syria: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi: |authorlink=Jonathan A.C. Brown
- Al-Khwarizmi al-Khati: |authorlink=Harry Elmer Barnes
- Al-Kiswah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Kum: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Al-Kunduri: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Al-Ma'mun al-Bata'ihi: | authorlink = Heinz Halm
- Al-Mahfurah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Majd, Hebron: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Al-Malik al-Aziz: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Al-Malik al-Rahim: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Al-Maniya: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Al-Maquar: |accessdate=2009-01-20
- Al-Marzuban: | authorlink = Wilferd Madelung
- Al-Masara: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Al-Maydān: |accessdate=26 September 2015
- Al-Mina: |authorlink=John Boardman (art historian), |authorlink=Walter Burkert
- Al-Muazzam Turanshah: |authorlink=Reuven Amitai-Preiss
- Al-Mughira: | accessdate=2018-09-06
- Al-Mughirah ibn Ubaydallah al-Fazari: | authorlink=Ibn Taghribirdi
- Al-Muhajir ibn Abi Umayya: |authorlink=Fred M. Donner , |authorlink=Meir Jacob Kister
- Al-Muhtadi: | authorlink = Hugh N. Kennedy
- Al-Muntasir: | authorlink = Hugh N. Kennedy
- Al-Musayfirah: |authorlink =Hanna Batatu, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Mustakfi: | origyear = 1969
- Al-Muti: | origyear = 1969
- Al-Muzaffar Hajji: |authorlink=Leo Aryeh Mayer
- Al-Nabek: |authorlink1=Guy Le Strange , |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Nadr ibn Shumayl: |authorlink=Carl Brockelmann
- Al-Najah Secondary School: |accessdate=2009-11-01
- Al-Nawawi's Forty Hadith: |authorlink=Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo
- Al-Nufour: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Qabu, Syria: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Qadim: |authorlink2=Andria Hayday
- Al-Qadir: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Al-Qaeda Kurdish Battalions: |accessdate=15 January 2016
- Al-Qarada raid: |authorlink=W. Montgomery Watt
- Al-Qasim al-Rassi: |authorlink=Wilferd Madelung
- Al-Qastal, Syria: |authorlink1=Guy Le Strange , |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Qudaibiya Palace: |accessdate=9 May 2011, |accessdate=9 May 2011, |accessdate=9 May 2011
- Al-Qurayya: |authorlink=Hanna Batatu, |authorlink=Josias Leslie Porter, |authorlink=Irfan Shahîd
- Al-Qutayfah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Rabi ibn Yunus: | authorlink = Hugh N. Kennedy
- Al-Rabiaa: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Rafid, Lebanon: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Raida: |accessdate=4 April 2013
- Al-Ramhormuzi: | accessdate =2008-11-16
- Al-Ruhaybah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Sahel: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Sahlah Mosque: |accessdate=14 August 2012
- Al-Sahwah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Sakhir Palace: |accessdate=8 May 2011, |accessdate=8 May 2011, |accessdate=8 May 2011, |accessdate=8 May 2011, |accessdate=9 May 2011, |accessdate=8 May 2011, |accessdate=9 May 2011
- Al-Sarkha (Bakhah): |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Sayyid al-Tanukhi: |accessdate=17 September 2012, |accessdate=17 September 2012
- Al-Shamah Mosque: |authorlink=Moshe Sharon
- Al-Shams (newspaper): |accessdate=19 May 2015, |accessdate=21 February 2011, |accessdate=21 February 2011
- Al-Shaykh Maskin: | authorlink=Vital Cuinet, |authorlink=William Lancaster (anthropologist), |authorlink=Josias Leslie Porter
- Al-Shinyah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Sirah Al-Nabawiyyah: | accessdate = 28 March 2020
- Al-Tawani: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Taybah: |authorlink1=Alois Musil, |authorlink1=Guy Le Strange , |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Taybah al-Gharbiyah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Al-Thawra (Yemen): |accessdate=11 September 2014
- Al-Uddeisa: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Al-Walid I: | authorlink = Ralph-Johannes Lilie
- Al-Walid ibn al-Walid: |authorlink=Meir Jacob Kister
- Al-Zaura: |accessdate=18 June 2013, |accessdate=18 June 2013, |accessdate=18 June 2013, |accessdate=18 June 2013
- Al-ʿIqd al-Farīd: |accessdate=4 March 2012
- Ala Ela: | lyrics_credits = ↵
- Ala ad-Din Tekish: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ala al-Dawla Mirza: |authorlink=Beatrice Forbes Manz, |authorlink=John E. Woods (historian), |authorlink1=Peter Jackson (historian), |authorlink=Vasily Bartold
- Ala al-Din Ali: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ala al-Din Atsiz: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ala al-Din Husayn: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ala de la Piedra: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Alabama Chapter of the Communist Party USA: |accessdate=2016-01-24, |accessdate=2016-01-24
- Alabama Pitts: |accessdate=March 29, 2013, |accessdate=January 8, 2012
- Alabama and Florida Railroad (1986–1992): | origyear=1972
- Alabama and Tennessee River Railway: |accessdate=15 April 2016
- Alabama rot: |accessdate=27 March 2015, |accessdate=28 March 2015
- Alabandus: | authorlink = Antoine Banier
- Alacakaya: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Alacrite: |accessdate=11 March 2016, |accessdate=11 March 2016, |accessdate=11 March 2016
- Aladdin: |accessdate=23 May 2019
- Aladdin Aur Jadui Chirag: |accessdate=15 September 2014
- Aladiškės: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-07-23
- Aladura: | authorlink = J. Gordon Melton , | authorlink = Abi Olowe
- Aladzha Monastery: |authorlink=Florin Curta
- Aladár Komját: |accessdate=25 November 2018
- Alafan: |accessdate=14 January 2013
- Alafors: |accessdate=6 May 2012, |accessdate=6 May 2012
- Alahan Panjang: |accessdate=8 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=8 August 2012, |accessdate=8 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012, |accessdate=7 August 2012
- Alaholfings: |authorlink=Timothy Reuter
- Alaid Island (Alaska): | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- Alain Colas: |accessdate=10 May 2013
- Alain Oulman: |accessdate=14 July 2011, |accessdate=14 July 2011
- Alain Rossmann: | authorlink = Jerry Kaplan↵
- Alain le Pichon: |accessdate=2015-06-25, |accessdate=2015-06-25
- Alal: |authorlink1=Georges Perrot, |authorlink2=Charles Chipiez
- Alalcomeneis: | authorlink = William Martin Leake
- Alamang: | authorlink =↵
- Alambique Creek: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Alamblak language: |authorlink=William A. Foley
- Alameda (Santiago): |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Alaminos, Cyprus: |accessdate=24 May 2017, |authorlink1=Theodore Edward Dowling
- Alamo Canal: |accessdate=2 June 2010, |accessdate=26 May 2010, |accessdate=26 August 2010, |accessdate=7 June 2011, |accessdate=7 June 2011
- Alamo, Georgia: | accessdate=30 November 2013
- Alamo, Tennessee: |accessdate=21 November 2011
- Alamogordo Public Library: |origyear= 1999↵
- Alamorio, California: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Alampur Baneshan: |accessdate=3 October 2014, |accessdate=3 October 2014
- Alamüdün: |accessdate=21 November 2011
- Alan (legendary creature): | authorlink = Fay-Cooper Cole↵
- Alan Agresti: |accessdate=17 May 2020
- Alan Ainscow: | authorlink = Roy Calley
- Alan Amron: |authorlink=Nicholas Schaffner
- Alan Ashby: |accessdate=29 June 2020 , |accessdate=29 June 2020
- Alan Barth: |authorlink = David Halberstam ↵
- Alan Best (sculptor): |accessdate=15 February 2019
- Alan Birch (footballer): |accessdate=3 May 2020
- Alan Bloor: |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Alan Booth: |authorlink=Alan Booth
- Alan Bott: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Alan Brock MacFarlane: |accessdate=2012-01-09
- Alan Cameron Walker: |accessdate=10 January 2015
- Alan Cameron of Erracht: |accessdate=8 May 2019
- Alan Candy: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Alan Charles Kors: |accessdate=13 July 2016
- Alan Chorlton: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alan Clare: |authorlink=John Chilton
- Alan Curtis (American actor): |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018
- Alan Davie: |accessdate=11 June 2020
- Alan Dressler: | accessdate=2013-05-19
- Alan Dubin: |accessdate=11 October 2010
- Alan Duncan Bell-Irving: |accessdate=1 September 2016, |authorlink=Norman Franks
- Alan Dunn (cartoonist): |authorlink=Joel Sayre, |authorlink=Eric Hodgins
- Alan Eichler: |accessdate=January 26, 2012, |accessdate=January 26, 2012
- Alan Embury: |accessdate=2012-05-25
- Alan Fisher (broadcast journalist): |accessdate=21 May 2013
- Alan Frampton: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Alan Gregg (physician): |accessdate=7 August 2019, |accessdate=8 August 2019, |accessdate=6 August 2019
- Alan Hodge: |accessdate=18 February 2018
- Alan Igbon: |authorlink=Stephen Bourne (writer), |accessdate=21 September 2014
- Alan Imlay: |authorlink=John Venn , |accessdate=8 December 2016
- Alan J. Viergutz: |accessdate=August 15, 2013
- Alan Janes: |accessdate=1 September 2016
- Alan Joseph Adamson: |accessdate=2009-08-27 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-06-15 , |accessdate=2009-08-27
- Alan Kupperberg: |authorlink= Jerry Bails, |accessdate=June 16, 2012, |archiveurl =, |archivedate = May 11, 2007
- Alan Leo: |accessdate=16 July 2014
- Alan Levenson: | accessdate=18 April 2017, | accessdate=18 April 2017, | accessdate=18 April 2017
- Alan Llwyd: |accessdate=1 September 2018
- Alan Longmuir: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Alan Louis Eggers: | accessdate= October 10, 2017, | accessdate= October 10, 2017
- Alan M. Bolle: |authorlink=Harrod Blank
- Alan M. Hunt: |accessdate=6 November 2018, |accessdate=6 November 2018
- Alan M. Wald: | accessdate = 26 April 2017, | authorlink = Alan M. Wald↵, | accessdate = 20 January 2019, | authorlink = Alan M. Wald↵, | accessdate = 20 January 2019, | authorlink = Alan M. Wald↵, | accessdate = 22 October 2018 ↵
- Alan Mair: |accessdate=17 September 2016
- Alan Mark: |accessdate=29 July 2015 , |authorlink2=Nancy Adams
- Alan McCombes: |accessdate=23 January 2020
- Alan McDermott: |accessdate=30 April 2020
- Alan McGilvray: |authorlink=Peter FitzSimons
- Alan Merten: |accessdate=2015-03-09
- Alan Milward: |accessdate= March 22, 2019
- Alan Nugawela: |accessdate=24 June 2020
- Alan Opie: | authorlink =Stanley Sadie
- Alan Paul: |accessdate=July 3, 2011
- Alan R. Nelson: |accessdate=19 December 2010
- Alan Rankin Jones: |accessdate=2 April 2019, |accessdate=2 April 2019, |accessdate=2 April 2019, |accessdate=2 April 2019
- Alan Reeves (composer): |accessdate=13 July 2015
- Alan Rice-Oxley: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Alan Ridge: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Alan Rook: |authorlink=Bernard Bergonzi
- Alan Shapley: |accessdate = 2007-01-06↵ , |accessdate=2007-01-06↵ , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 12 January 2007 , |accessdate=2007-01-06↵ , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 16 December 2006
- Alan Smith (radio presenter): |accessdate=25 March 2011
- Alan Stevenson: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=4 October 2006
- Alan Stewart Duthie: |accessdate=11 June 2020 , |accessdate=11 June 2020, |authorlink1=Felix Ameka , |accessdate=12 June 2020
- Alan Taylor (Australian judge): | authorlink=David Marr (journalist)
- Alan Tracy: | authorlink1 = John Peel (writer)
- Alan Vaughan-Richards: |authorlink1=Ola Uduku
- Alan W. Livingston: |authorlink1=George Martin
- Alan Walton: |authorlink = Craig Venter
- Alan Webb (footballer): |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Alan White (DJ): |accessdate=15 March 2019
- Alan White (novelist): | accessdate=24 May 2020
- Alan Wilkins (playwright): |accessdate=10 June 2009↵
- Alan Willey (footballer, born 1941): | authorlink =↵
- Alan William James Cousins: | accessdate=16 July 2019
- Alan Woolfall: |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Alan de Neville (forester): |authorlink=Frank Barlow (historian) , |authorlink=Robert Bartlett (historian), |authorlink= David Carpenter (historian) , |authorlink= George Cokayne, |authorlink= David Crouch (historian) , |authorlink= David Crouch (historian) , |author2link= G.O. Sayles , |authorlink=W. L. Warren
- Aland (automobile): | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- Alangium circulare: | accessdate = 23 May 2015
- Alangium havilandii: | accessdate = 23 May 2015
- Alangium kurzii: | accessdate = 3 April 2014
- Alangium longiflorum: | accessdate = 24 May 2015
- Alangium nobile: | accessdate = 25 May 2015
- Alangium rotundifolium: | accessdate = 3 April 2014
- Alangudi Somu: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |authorlink=Film News Anandan
- Alanson W. Nightingill: |accessdate =26 January 2016 , |accessdate =25 January 2016 , |accessdate =27 January 2016 , |accessdate =27 January 2016
- Alapur: |accessdate=2016-09-19, |accessdate=2016-09-19
- Alarcón Dam: |accessdate=17 January 2015
- Alarico Fernandes: |accessdate=16 July 2012, |accessdate=16 July 2012
- Alaroye: |accessdate=3 August 2017
- Alasdair Grant Taylor: |accessdate=4 January 2021
- Alasdair Morrison (banker): |authorlink = Carol Matheson Connell↵
- Alasdair Paterson: |accessdate=22 July 2014
- Alaska Road Commission: | accessdate = 2009-08-29↵
- Alaska Satellite Facility: |accessdate=12 June 2013, |accessdate=12 June 2013, |accessdate=12 June 2013, |accessdate=12 June 2013
- Alaska-Gastineau Mine: |accessdate=8 March 2011, |accessdate=9 March 2011, |accessdate=8 March 2011, |accessdate=8 March 2011, |accessdate=8 March 2011, |accessdate=8 March 2011, |accessdate=9 March 2011, |accessdate=8 March 2011
- Alaska-Juneau Gold Mining Company: |accessdate=14 March 2011, |accessdate=14 March 2011, |accessdate=14 March 2011, |accessdate=14 March 2011, |accessdate=14 March 2011, |accessdate=14 March 2011
- Alaskan Knights: |accessdate=January 20, 2016, |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Alassio: |authorlink=:it:Gaetano Frisoni, | authorlink=Michael Kennedy (music critic)
- Alastair Denniston: | authorlink=Joel Greenberg , | authorlink = Gordon Welchman , | authorlink=Andrew Hodges
- Alastair Dunnett: |authorlink=Dorothy Dunnett
- Alastair George MacKenzie: |accessdate=14 November 2015, |accessdate=14 November 2015, |accessdate=14 November 2015
- Alastair Hugh Graham: |accessdate=30 December 2017, |accessdate=30 December 2017, |accessdate=21 January 2018, |accessdate=30 December 2017, |accessdate=30 December 2017, |accessdate=30 December 2017, |accessdate=30 December 2017
- Alastair Mackenzie (treasurer): |accessdate=6 August 2014↵
- Alastair Sim on stage and screen: |authorlink=George Rowell (historian), |authorlink=J. P. Wearing
- Alato: |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Alato (motorcycles): |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Alau Ice Palace: |accessdate=June 5, 2013
- Alauddin Riayat Shah of Malacca: | authorlink = Georges Coedès↵
- Alawite revolt of 1919: | authorlink = Sami Moubayed
- Alayne Fleischmann: |accessdate=22 January 2019
- Alba (motorcycle): |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Alba D'Urbano: |accessdate=29 October 2014
- Alba Roballo: |authorlink1=George Reid Andrews , |authorlink1=Guillermo Chifflet
- Alba Rosa Viëtor: |accessdate=2 March 2018, |accessdate=2 March 2018, |accessdate=2 March 2018, |accessdate=2 March 2018, |accessdate=2 March 2018, |accessdate=2 March 2018
- Alba de Céspedes y Bertini: |authorlink=Alba de Céspedes
- Alba, Texas: |authorlink=James W. Loewen
- Alban C. Stimers: |authorlink1=Uriah Phillips Levy
- Alban Ellison: |accessdate=2009-08-21
- Alban Gibbs, 2nd Baron Aldenham: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Alban Meha: |accessdate=13 October 2014
- Albanese variety: | authorlink=Phillip Griffiths
- Albania (newspaper): |accessdate=19 January 2015
- Albania in the Middle Ages: | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 11 May 2011
- Albania under Serbia in the Middle Ages: |accessdate=17 April 2020, |accessdate=9 April 2020
- Albanian Adriatic Sea Coast: |authorlink=Barry Cunliffe
- Albanian American Civic League: | accessdate=8 June 2013, | accessdate=25 March 2013
- Albanian National Song and Dance Ensemble: |accessdate=26 December 2012
- Albanian Party of Democratic Reforms: |accessdate=6 May 2016
- Albanian Workers Movement Party: |accessdate=6 May 2016
- Albanian-speakers of Western Thrace: |accessdate=8 May 2015
- Albanians in Bulgaria: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-07-24
- Albano Contarini: |accessdate=2014-10-05
- Albany Billiard Ball Company: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=January 5, 2013 , |accessdate=January 5, 2013 , |accessdate=January 5, 2013
- Albany Charlesworth: |origyear=1974↵
- Albany Charter half dollar: | authorlink = Q. David Bowers↵ , | authorlink2 = Walter Breen↵ , | authorlink = Don Taxay↵ , | authorlink = Cornelius Clarkson Vermeule III↵
- Albany Cottage Hospital: | authorlink = ↵
- Albany Cross: |accessdate=16 September 2017
- Albany International: |authorlink1=John McEneny, |accessdate=March 2, 2016
- Albany James Christie: |accessdate=10 September 2013, |accessdate=10 September 2013
- Albany Lumber District: | accessdate = 2009-07-17 , | accessdate = 2009-07-17 , | accessdate = 2009-07-17 , | accessdate = 2009-07-17 , | accessdate = 2009-07-17, | accessdate = 2009-07-17 , | accessdate = 2009-07-17
- Albany Pump Station: |authorlink=Lew Bryson, |accessdate=June 30, 2009
- Albany banksia: | authorlink2 = Stephen Hopper
- Albaston: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-11-11, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-18, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-11-11, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-11-11
- Albatrellus ovinus: |accessdate=2009-02-20
- Albatros (19th-century ship): |accessdate=21 July 2017
- Albatross (1920 schooner): |accessdate=20 June 2019
- Albatross Golf Club: |accessdate=7 February 2021, |accessdate=7 February 2021, |accessdate=7 February 2021
- Albaugh-Dover Co.: |authorlink= G.N. Georgano
- Albay's 1st congressional district: |accessdate=March 26, 2020
- Albay's 2nd congressional district: |accessdate=April 11, 2020
- Albay's 3rd congressional district: |accessdate=April 22, 2020
- Albela (1951 film): |accessdate=7 August 2011
- Albeli: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Albemarle Cator: |accessdate=16 August 2018
- Albemarle Gallery: |accessdate=Jan 12, 2017
- Albemarle Settlements: |accessdate=13 September 2017
- Albert (motorcycle): |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Albert A. Bliss: |authorlink=Allen T. Wikoff , |authorlink=William Bell Jr.↵
- Albert A. Michelson: |authorlink=Stephen Wolfram
- Albert A. Rollestone: |accessdate=7 September 2009, |accessdate=9 September 2009, |accessdate=10 September 2009
- Albert Aernoult: |accessdate=2014-12-18, |accessdate=2014-12-18↵
- Albert Arnold Bennett: |origyear=1913
- Albert Atkey: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Albert Auger: |authorlink=Norman Franks
- Albert Axelrod: |accessdate=October 15, 2011
- Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan: |authorlink1=Sir Andrew Halliday , |accessdate=May 8, 2010
- Albert B. Groves: |accessdate=11 May 2019, |accessdate=11 May 2019
- Albert Balchen: |authorlink=Hans Fredrik Dahl
- Albert Baldwin Dod: |accessdate=23 September 2017, |accessdate=23 September 2017, |accessdate=23 September 2017, |accessdate=23 September 2017, |accessdate=September 23, 2017, |accessdate=23 September 2017, |accessdate=23 September 2017, |accessdate=23 September 2017
- Albert Balink: |accessdate=23 July 2012
- Albert Ballin: |authorlink=Robert K. Massie
- Albert Ballu: |accessdate=12 November 2017
- Albert Barnes Steinberger: |accessdate=2017-12-31
- Albert Barthelme: |accessdate=August 12, 2014
- Albert Baumeister: |accessdate=18 June 2020
- Albert Belay: |accessdate=February 11, 2018
- Albert Bellamy: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Albert Benjamin Simpson: | authorlink = Alvyn Austin , | authorlink = A. W. Tozer
- Albert Bergesen: |accessdate=5 October 2014
- Albert Bethel: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Albert Bollmann: |accessdate=24 October 2012
- Albert Bourcier: |accessdate=13 August 2020, |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- Albert Bourderon: |accessdate=2013-09-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-09-20↵ , |authorlink=Pierre Monatte, |accessdate=2013-09-20, |accessdate=2013-09-20↵ , |authorlink=Charles Rappoport, |accessdate=2013-09-20↵ , |accessdate=2013-09-17↵
- Albert Brackmann: | authorlink=Michael Burleigh, | origyear=1987
- Albert Brisbane: |accessdate=1 September 2016, |accessdate=1 September 2016, |accessdate=1 September 2016, |accessdate=1 September 2016
- Albert Bruce-Joy: |accessdate=28 August 2019
- Albert Brunner: |authorlink=:de:Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albert Buck: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albert Buckley: |accessdate=27 February 2019
- Albert Bürger (firefighter): |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albert C. Barnes: |accessdate=28 September 2017, |accessdate=28 September 2017, |accessdate=2 October 2017, |accessdate=5 October 2017
- Albert C. Houghton: |accessdate=17 February 2016
- Albert Campbell (dogsled racer): |accessdate=2014-07-16
- Albert Capwell Wyckoff: |accessdate=20 June 2020
- Albert Carman: |accessdate=2014-11-15, |accessdate=2014-11-15↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-15, |accessdate=2014-11-15↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-15↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-15↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-15↵
- Albert Conrad De Vito: |accessdate=9 July 2013, | accessdate=2013-07-09
- Albert Cunningham: |accessdate=6 August 2016
- Albert Cushing Read: |accessdate=2020-07-15
- Albert D. Richardson: |authorlink=Claude G. Bowers
- Albert D. Shimek: |accessdate=2013-11-25
- Albert Dauzat: |accessdate=14 June 2013
- Albert Davies (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Albert Davy: |authorlink = Barry Gustafson
- Albert De Vleeschauwer: |accessdate=10 August 2013, |accessdate=10 August 2013, |accessdate=10 August 2013, |accessdate=10 August 2013
- Albert Dimes: |accessdate=2016-05-28
- Albert Dutton MacDade: |accessdate=22 July 2018, |accessdate=29 July 2018, |accessdate=29 July 2018
- Albert Duval: |accessdate=2014-02-08 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2008-05-28 ↵
- Albert E. Carlton: |accessdate=22 May 2013, |accessdate=May 22, 2013
- Albert E. Martel: | accessdate=March 23, 2015, | accessdate=March 23, 2015
- Albert E. Schwab: |accessdate=2007-11-03↵, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 15 November 2007
- Albert E. Summers: |accessdate=2015-08-27, |accessdate=2015-08-27
- Albert Edward Cloutier: |accessdate=2014-07-22↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-22↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-22↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-22↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-21, |accessdate=2014-07-22↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-22↵ , |accessdate=18 July 2014↵
- Albert Edward McPhillips: | accessdate=27 February 2018
- Albert Ehrhardt: |authorlink1=Marcus Garvey, |accessdate=1 September 2015
- Albert Engström: | authorlink = Martin Kylhammar↵
- Albert Ernest Thomas: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Albert Eschenlohr: |accessdate=2 December 2012
- Albert Eugene Gallatin: |accessdate=2014-08-14
- Albert Eugene Whitmore: |accessdate=2012-03-16, |accessdate=2012-03-16
- Albert Ewing: |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- Albert Fee: |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- Albert Fitzgerald: |accessdate=2 June 2020
- Albert Franck: |accessdate=2021-03-01
- Albert Frederick Schoenhut: |accessdate=13 February 2018
- Albert Friedländer: |accessdate=24 July 2017, |accessdate=24 July 2017
- Albert G. Lawrence: |accessdate=20 February 2017, |accessdate=20 February 2017, |accessdate=20 February 2017, |accessdate=20 February 2017, |accessdate=19 February 2018, |accessdate=19 February 2018, |accessdate=19 February 2018, |accessdate=19 February 2018
- Albert G. Noble: |accessdate=11 January 2020↵
- Albert G. Richards: |accessdate=23 July 2014
- Albert Gabbai: |accessdate=2020-04-06
- Albert Gallatin Hawes: |accessdate=2008-11-10
- Albert Gallatin Scholfield: |accessdate=15 January 2016
- Albert Gallup: |accessdate=14 August 2017, |accessdate=14 August 2017, |accessdate=14 August 2017, |accessdate=14 August 2017, |accessdate=14 August 2017, |accessdate=14 August 2017, |accessdate=14 August 2017
- Albert Gamse: |accessdate=20 January 2013, |accessdate=20 January 2013, |accessdate=20 January 2013
- Albert Gelpi: |accessdate=2018-01-17
- Albert Geyser: |accessdate=8 December 2018, |accessdate=8 December 2018, |accessdate=6 December 2018
- Albert Ghiorso: |authorlink1=Darleane C. Hoffman , |authorlink2=Albert Ghiorso , |authorlink3=Glenn T. Seaborg
- Albert Gjerdrum: |accessdate=29 October 2011
- Albert Glandaz: |accessdate=24 April 2014 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=28 May 2008 ↵
- Albert Goldman (politician): | authorlink = Alan M. Wald↵
- Albert Goodman: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Albert Gran: |accessdate=July 26, 2010
- Albert Green (British politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Albert Greenberg: | accessdate= August 22, 2015↵
- Albert Grigg: |accessdate=2015-08-20
- Albert H. Ellis: | accessdate=May 18, 2013
- Albert H. Robinson: |accessdate=2020-08-11, |accessdate=2020-08-11
- Albert HUBO: |accessdate=6 October 2017
- Albert Hale Sylvester: |authorlink= Fred Beckey , |authorlink= Fred Beckey
- Albert Harrington (merchant): |accessdate=January 1, 2010
- Albert Hartl: |authorlink=Raul Hilberg , |authorlink1=Gitta Sereny
- Albert Heard: |accessdate=June 2, 2014
- Albert Henry (politician): |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Albert Henze: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albert Hermanson: |accessdate=2012-04-18
- Albert Hudson: |accessdate=2012-11-29
- Albert J. Baker: |accessdate=2013-10-26
- Albert J. Ettinger: |accessdate=2018-04-23
- Albert J. Loveland: |origyear=1974
- Albert J. Pullen: |accessdate=2013-10-10
- Albert Jansz. Klomp: |accessdate=7 December 2016, |accessdate=7 December 2016
- Albert Jenks: |accessdate=16 May 2013, |accessdate=16 May 2013
- Albert Joscelyne: |accessdate=8 July 2018
- Albert K. Bender: |accessdate=18 May 2016, |accessdate=18 May 2016
- Albert Kalthoff: |authorlink1=Albert Schweitzer, |authorlink=Albert Kalthoff
- Albert Kellogg: |accessdate=20 January 2015
- Albert King discography: | authorlink = Joel Whitburn↵
- Albert Kitson, 2nd Baron Airedale: |accessdate=2 October 2017, |accessdate=23 November 2017, |accessdate=3 August 2013, |accessdate=23 November 2017
- Albert Kligman: |accessdate=February 26, 2010, |accessdate=February 27, 2010, |accessdate=February 26, 2010, |accessdate=February 27, 2010
- Albert Kocer: |accessdate=14 October 2014
- Albert L. Bartlett: |accessdate=August 7, 2019, |accessdate=August 7, 2019, |accessdate=August 7, 2019
- Albert L. De Alwis Seneviratne: |accessdate=10 May 2020
- Albert L. Gray: |accessdate=April 27, 2014
- Albert L. Marsh: |accessdate=2008-08-16↵
- Albert Lancaster: |accessdate=2015-07-08, |accessdate=2015-07-08
- Albert Lantonnois van Rode: |accessdate=26 October 2011
- Albert Laprade: |accessdate=2013-07-01, |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01, |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01, |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01, |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-30↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-02↵
- Albert Lauzemis: |authorlink1= , |authorlink2= , |authorlink1=
- Albert Lebourg: |accessdate=22 December 2009, |accessdate=22 December 2009, |accessdate=22 December 2009
- Albert Lewis (producer): |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-09↵
- Albert Lewis Fletcher: |accessdate=5 June 2015
- Albert Londres: | authorlink=Michael Farr , | authorlink=Harry Thompson
- Albert Lucas (Jewish activist): |accessdate=21 April 2015, |accessdate=21 April 2015
- Albert Lucas (juggler): |accessdate=February 20, 2011
- Albert Ludwig: |accessdate=2019-02-22, |accessdate=21 July 2020
- Albert Magnin: |accessdate=24 August 2018, |accessdate=24 August 2018, |accessdate=24 August 2018
- Albert Michant: |accessdate=25 September 2015
- Albert Michelet: | accessdate = 6 March 2015↵
- Albert Moore (Medal of Honor): |accessdate=February 7, 2010↵
- Albert N. Whiting: |accessdate=8 March 2020 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 March 2020
- Albert O'Donnell Bartholeyns: |accessdate=9 July 2018
- Albert O. Boschen: |authorlink= E. Griffith Dodson, |accessdate= July 17, 2020
- Albert O. Vorse Jr.: |accessdate=28 April 2016, |accessdate=April 29, 2016, |accessdate=3 May 2016, |accessdate=1 May 2016, |accessdate=3 May 2016, |accessdate=3 May 2016
- Albert Odulele: |accessdate=2015-04-01
- Albert Ostman: |accessdate=July 1, 2013, |accessdate=July 1, 2013, |accessdate=July 1, 2013, |accessdate=July 1, 2013, |accessdate=July 1, 2013, |accessdate=July 1, 2013
- Albert Ouzoulias: |accessdate=2015-05-22↵ , |accessdate=2015-05-22↵ , |accessdate=2015-05-22↵
- Albert P.L. Stroucken: |accessdate=20 October 2017
- Albert Paine: |authorlink=Albert Bigelow Paine , |accessdate=2009-07-10
- Albert Park, Abingdon: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Albert Prefontaine: |accessdate=2012-11-14, |accessdate=2012-11-14, |accessdate=2012-11-14
- Albert R. Meyer: | authorlink2=Larry Stockmeyer↵
- Albert R. Tadych: |accessdate=2013-10-22
- Albert Racine: |accessdate=30 June 2016, |accessdate=30 June 2016
- Albert Raney Sr.: |accessdate=23 January 2013
- Albert Rees: | author2link = George P. Shultz
- Albert Reiss: |authorlink1=Karl-Josef Kutsch, |authorlink2=Leo Riemens
- Albert Resis: | authorlink=Vyacheslav Molotov
- Albert Riggenbach: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2008-01-07 ↵
- Albert Risso: | authorlink = Stephen Constantine (historian)
- Albert Rivière: |accessdate=2015-10-03, |accessdate=2015-10-03↵ , |accessdate=2015-10-02
- Albert Rollit: | authorlink=Duncan Hamilton (journalist)
- Albert Rothenberg: |accessdate=12 January 2011, |accessdate=12 January 2011
- Albert S. Berry: |accessdate=2008-11-10
- Albert S. Gérard: |authorlink=Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
- Albert Samuel: |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Albert Samuel Gatschet: | accessdate=11 April 2013
- Albert Schatz (scientist): |accessdate=18 August 2013, |accessdate=18 August 2013, |accessdate=18 August 2013
- Albert Sealy: |accessdate=2011-12-15, |accessdate=2010-07-23
- Albert Seedman: |accessdate=May 21, 2013, |accessdate=May 21, 2013, |accessdate=May 22, 2013, |accessdate=May 22, 2013, |authorlink1=Leonard Maltin, |accessdate=November 26, 2019, |authorlink=Jerome Charyn, |accessdate=May 23, 2013
- Albert Shaw Lectures on Diplomatic History: |origyear=1927 , |accessdate=May 18, 2016
- Albert Sherbourne Le Souef: |authorlink1=Ronald Strahan , |authorlink2=Neville W. Cayley
- Albert Smith (British politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Albert Snider: |authorlink = John McEvoy (author)
- Albert Spaier: |accessdate=29 January 2013
- Albert Staine: |accessdate=13 July 2018
- Albert Stecken: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albert Stern (violinist): |accessdate=October 30, 2014, |accessdate=November 21, 2014
- Albert Stubblebine: |accessdate=27 March 2013
- Albert Swinden: |authorlink=Clement Greenberg, |accessdate=May 11, 2013, |accessdate=May 20, 2013, |accessdate=May 11, 2013, |accessdate=May 20, 2013
- Albert Sylla: |accessdate=2009-10-20, |accessdate=2009-10-14, |accessdate=2009-10-19, |accessdate=2009-10-20
- Albert Taylor Bledsoe: |accessdate=18 January 2011
- Albert Tirrell: |accessdate=2007-11-22 ↵, |accessdate=2007-11-22 ↵
- Albert Trapp: |accessdate=2013-06-18
- Albert Twesme: |accessdate=2020-06-24
- Albert W. Sherer Jr.: |accessdate=2014-10-24
- Albert Watson (footballer, born 1903): | authorlink= Roy Calley
- Albert Watson II: |accessdate=22 September 2011, |accessdate=1 August 2011 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=8 May 2012 , |accessdate=1 August 2011, |accessdate=7 September 2011, |accessdate=22 September 2011, |accessdate=7 September 2011, |accessdate=30 July 2011
- Albert Wattenberg: |authorlink=Herbert L. Anderson , |authorlink2=Richard G. Hewlett , |authorlink=Richard Rhodes
- Albert Weinert: |accessdate=20 September 2020 , |accessdate=20 September 2020 , |accessdate=20 September 2020
- Albert Widmann: |authorlink= Henry Friedlander
- Albert Wilson (politician): |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Albert Winfield: |accessdate=4 October 2018
- Albert Wodrig: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albert Wolfgang, Count of Schaumburg-Lippe: |accessdate=11 May 2019
- Albert Woods: |authorlink=Anthony Wagner
- Albert Wren: |accessdate=2015-01-31
- Albert d'Amade: | origyear=1991
- Alberta Advanced Education: |accessdate=2 May 2020
- Alberta Distance Learning Centre: |accessdate=6 March 2016
- Alberta Farmers' Association: |accessdate=2014-09-13, |accessdate=2014-09-12↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-13↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-12
- Alberta Farmers' Co-operative Elevator Company: |accessdate=2014-10-16, |accessdate=2014-09-23↵ , |accessdate=2014-10-16↵ , |accessdate=2014-10-16↵ , |accessdate=2014-10-16↵ , |accessdate=2014-10-16↵
- Alberta Nelson: |accessdate=14 June 2017, |accessdate=14 June 2017
- Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority: |accessdate=27 December 2008 ↵
- Alberta Open: |authorlink=Mark McCormack , |authorlink=Mark McCormack , |authorlink=Mark McCormack
- Alberta Pfeiffer: |accessdate=10 April 2019, |accessdate=10 April 2019
- Alberta Playwrights Network: |accessdate=August 4, 2012, |accessdate=August 4, 2012, |accessdate=August 4, 2012, |accessdate=August 4, 2012, |accessdate=August 4, 2012, |accessdate=August 4, 2012, |accessdate=August 4, 2012, |accessdate=August 4, 2012
- Alberta Vaughn: |accessdate=22 April 2017
- Alberta, Queen of Castile: |authorlink=Ramón Menéndez Pidal
- Albertino Piazza: |accessdate=3 March 2013
- Albertirsa–Zakhidnoukrainska–Vinnytsia powerline: |accessdate = 2009-12-12, |accessdate = 2010-04-02
- Alberto Alonso: |accessdate=2 June 2019
- Alberto Arnone: | authorlink=
- Alberto Braniff: |accessdate=10 May 2015
- Alberto Casañal Shakery: |accessdate=1 January 2013
- Alberto Cavallone: |accessdate=7 March 2019
- Alberto Dávila: |accessdate=December 7, 2010, |accessdate=April 1, 2013
- Alberto Gianni: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=October 12, 2008
- Alberto Janes: |accessdate=14 July 2011
- Alberto Martín-Artajo: |authorlink=Paul Preston
- Alberto Montt: |accessdate=November 10, 2012 , |accessdate=November 10, 2012
- Alberto Pla y Rubio: |accessdate=4 September 2016
- Alberto Rodriguez (FALN): |accessdate=January 17, 2012, |accessdate=January 17, 2012
- Alberto Soresina: | accessdate=February 20, 2016
- Alberto Thieroldt: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-08-23
- Alberto Zayas: |authorlink=Cordelia Candelaria
- Alberto da Giussano: |authorlink3=Augusto Marinoni, |authorlink3=Augusto Marinoni
- Alberts Kviesis: |authorlink = Rihards Treijs
- Albertus (motorcycle): |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Albertus W. Catlin: |accessdate=21 May 2015, |accessdate=22 January 2015, |accessdate=21 May 2015
- Albertus Willem Sijthoff: |accessdate=2010-08-29, |accessdate=2010-08-30
- Albery family: |accessdate=23 June 2014
- Albin Countergambit: | authorlink2=Kenneth Whyld↵
- Albin Dötsch: |accessdate=2017-01-08
- Albin Francisco Schoepf: |accessdate=2014-10-10
- Albin Hagström Memorial Award: |accessdate=January 29, 2019
- Albin Siwak: |accessdate=26 March 2016, |accessdate=26 March 2016
- Albina Fernandes: |accessdate=10 November 2020
- Albino Pérez: |accessdate=2012-08-22↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-18↵
- Albion Rajkumar Banerjee: |origyear= 1914
- Albion metal: |accessdate=13 May 2017
- Albion, California: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Albisola Superiore: |authorlink=:it:Gaetano Frisoni
- Albissola Marina: |authorlink=:it:Gaetano Frisoni
- Albrecht Bertram: |accessdate=September 28, 2019, |accessdate=September 28, 2019
- Albrecht Lanz: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albrecht Roser: | authorlink = Bil Baird↵ , | authorlink = Michael Billington (critic)↵
- Albrecht Schubert: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albrecht Wüstenhagen: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Albrecht von Bernstorff: |accessdate=27 November 2019 , |accessdate=27 November 2019 , |accessdate=27 November 2019
- Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg: |authorlink=Barbara W. Tuchman
- Albro Castle: |accessdate=25 March 2016, |accessdate=25 March 2016
- Albuca bracteata: |accessdate=2017-12-04
- Album Album: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Album II (Loudon Wainwright III album): |accessdate=March 21, 2019
- Album III: |accessdate=March 21, 2019
- Album era: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn, |authorlink=Will Friedwald
- Albuquerque Basin: |accessdate=2012-09-28↵ , |accessdate=2012-09-28↵ , |accessdate=2012-09-29↵ , |accessdate=2012-09-29↵ , |accessdate=2012-09-29↵
- Albuquerque Northwest Loop: |accessdate=28 July 2010, |accessdate=5 August 2014
- Alby Mangels: | accessdate=30 July 2013
- Albéric Clément: |accessdate=31 December 2017, |accessdate=31 December 2017
- Alcalá la Real: |authorlink=L. P. Harvey
- Alcatraz Dining Hall: |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=2 September 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=2 September 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012
- Alcatraz Gang: | authorlink1 = Stuart Rochester↵ , | accessdate = August 26, 2012↵
- Alcatraz Hospital: |accessdate=5 September 2012, |accessdate=5 September 2012, |accessdate=5 September 2012, |accessdate=5 September 2012, |accessdate=5 September 2012, |accessdate=5 September 2012
- Alcatraz Island Lighthouse: |accessdate=10 September 2012
- Alcatraz Library: |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012
- Alcatraz Morgue: |accessdate=31 August 2012
- Alcatraz Wharf: |accessdate=10 September 2012, |accessdate=5 September 2012, |accessdate=10 September 2012
- Alcatraz water tower: |accessdate=4 September 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012
- Alceste (Schweitzer): |accessdate=9 May 2019
- Alchemy: Dire Straits Live: |accessdate=20 September 2019
- Alcide Chaussé: |accessdate=2014-12-03
- Alcidedorbignya: | authorlink = Spencer G. Lucas↵ , | authorlink = Malcolm McKenna↵
- Alcimachus (son of Alcimachus of Apollonia): |authorlink=Waldemar Heckel
- Alcohol in Australia: |accessdate=28 February 2013, |accessdate=26 February 2013
- Alcove, New York: | accessdate = 2010-03-20
- Alcyon: |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Aldan mine: |accessdate=2013-07-19
- Aldana Sandoval: |authorlink=Piero Gleijeses, |accessdate=14 September 2016
- Aldbert (motorcycle): |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Alde Mudflats: |authorlink=Derek Ratcliffe
- Aldebaran in fiction: |authorlink=Thomas Hardy , |authorlink=Thomas Hardy , |authorlink=James Joyce , |authorlink=George Orwell , |authorlink=J. R. R. Tolkien , |authorlink=Daniel Harms , |authorlink=Alfred Bester , |authorlink=Ursula K. Le Guin , |authorlink=Joe Haldeman , |authorlink=Douglas Adams , |authorlink=Kim Stanley Robinson , |authorlink=Peter F. Hamilton
- Aldeby Priory: |accessdate=16 October 2012, |accessdate=16 October 2012
- Alden Sprague Sanborn: |accessdate= May 3, 2020, |accessdate= May 3, 2020
- Alden, Michigan: | origyear= 1973
- Alder, Oregon: |origyear= 1928
- Alderbrook Winery: |accessdate=25 November 2011
- Aldermaston Pottery: |authorlink=Alan Caiger-Smith
- Aldersgate Day: |accessdate= 21 May 2016
- Aldershot Observatory: |authorlink = ↵
- Aldersley Junction: |authorlink=Nicholson Guides↵
- Aldert Vrij: |authorlink=Aldert Vrij
- Aldetrude: | accessdate=30 July 2016 , |accessdate=30 July 2016, |accessdate=30 July 2016
- Aldfield: |accessdate=2 January 2018, |accessdate=2 January 2018
- Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos: |accessdate=14 February 2011, |accessdate=14 February 2011, |accessdate=14 February 2011, |accessdate=14 February 2011, |accessdate=14 February 2011
- Aldimi: |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Aldin: | authorlink1= Patrick Hanks
- Aldo Addobbati: |accessdate=20 June 2012, |accessdate=20 June 2012
- Aldo Brizzi: | accessdate=9 August 2011
- Aldo Colombini: | accessdate=April 20, 2012
- Aldo Mieli: |authorlink1=Maria Luisa Righini-Bonelli , |accessdate=6 July 2019
- Aldo Rafael Forte: |accessdate=29 July 2012
- Aldrich Bowker: |accessdate=24 August 2018
- Aldsworth: |accessdate=21 January 2015
- Aldus Roger: |authorlink1=Ann Savoy, |origyear=1984
- Aldwark (York): |accessdate=7 August 2020, |accessdate=7 August 2020
- Ale's Stones: |authorlink=Märta Strömberg
- Alea (Greek soldier): |origyear=1979, |origyear=1961
- Alec Carruthers Gould: |authorlink=Algernon Graves
- Alec Clydesdale: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Alec Fraser-Brunner: |accessdate=17 November 2012
- Alec McLean: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Alec McNair: |accessdate=30 March 2017, |accessdate=25 July 2015
- Alec Rodger: |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020
- Alec Ryrie: |accessdate=31 January 2019
- Alec Taylor Sr.: |accessdate=15 July 2013, |accessdate=15 July 2013, |accessdate=14 July 2013, |accessdate=15 July 2013
- Alecos Markides: |accessdate=13 July 2011
- Alectryon coriaceus: |authorlink=Alexander Floyd
- Alejandra Ávalos: |accessdate= 7 December 2017, |accessdate= 2 May 2017
- Alejandro Aguilar Reyes: |accessdate=December 27, 2014, |accessdate=December 27, 2014
- Alejandro Alcondez: |accessdate=June 13, 2012
- Alejandro Gaviria Uribe: |authorlink1=John Luke Gallup
- Alejandro M. Sinibaldi: |authorlink=Federico Hernández de León
- Alejandro Rovira: |accessdate=2017-03-02
- Alejandro Selkirk Island: |authorlink=Tim Severin
- Alejandro Sosa: |authorlink=Ken Tucker
- Alekanovo inscription: |accessdate=2 April 2013
- Aleko Mulos: |accessdate=28 January 2021
- Aleksa Buha: |accessdate=5 June 2013
- Aleksa Janković: |accessdate=20 September 2019
- Aleksandar Komulović: |authorlink1=Jerolim Kavanjin, |authorlink2=Bartol Kašić
- Aleksandar Lazarevic: |accessdate=25 September 2011
- Aleksandar Popović (1920s tennis player): |accessdate=25 December 2013↵
- Aleksander Augezdecky: | authorlink=Janusz Jasiński
- Aleksander Delchev: |author2link=Evgenij Agrest
- Aleksander Koniecpolski (1620–1659): |authorlink=Jacek Jędruch, |accessdate=13 August 2011
- Aleksander Kosiba: |accessdate=19 March 2012
- Aleksander Petrykowski: |authorlink=Jan Dzięgieliewski, |authorlink=Julian Bartoszewicz, |authorlink=Jan Dzięgieliewski, |authorlink= Kasper Niesiecki
- Aleksander Rajchman: |authorlink1=Ludwik Hirszfeld
- Aleksandr Budnikov: |accessdate=19 June 2013
- Aleksandr Fomin (botanist): | accessdate=6 October 2014, | accessdate=1 October 2014
- Aleksandr Gennadievich Kurosh: |authorlink=Alexei Kostrikin
- Aleksandr Gurnov: |accessdate=6 August 2012
- Aleksandr Ivanovich Blagonravov: |accessdate=6 January 2020
- Aleksandr Kedyarov: |accessdate=14 September 2015
- Aleksandr Maksimov (ethnographer): |accessdate=2012-08-21↵ , |accessdate=2012-08-21↵ , |accessdate=2012-08-21↵ , |accessdate=2012-08-22↵
- Aleksandr Rodionov: | accessdate = 7 February 2015↵
- Aleksandr Titovich Golubev: |authorlink=Rodric Braithwaite
- Aleksandr Ulyanov: |accessdate=2018-12-20
- Aleksandr Vlasov (politician): |accessdate=31 March 2013, |accessdate=12 September 2013, |accessdate=31 March 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013
- Aleksandër Moisiu: |accessdate=1 November 2013, |accessdate=1 November 2013, |accessdate=1 November 2013, |accessdate=1 November 2013, |accessdate=1 November 2013, |accessdate=1 November 2013, |accessdate=1 November 2013
- Aleksei Evert: |accessdate=2008-05-08
- Aleksei Ivanovich Ivanov: | authorlink=Evgenij Ivanovich Kychanov
- Aleksei Sokolov: |accessdate=8 May 2013
- Aleksey Yermolayev: |origyear=1998
- Alem Ketema: |accessdate=30 September 2020
- Alemoor Loch: |accessdate=2010-07-01
- Alene S. Ammond: |accessdate=March 16, 2019
- Aleodorus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aleodorus bilobatus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aleran: |authorlink=Roger Collins
- Alert (motorcycle): |authorlink2= Kevin Ash
- Alertness course: | accessdate = 13 February 2019, | accessdate = 3 September 2018
- Alessandria: |accessdate=2 February 2012
- Alessandro Alberti: | authorlink=
- Alessandro Aretusi: | authorlink=
- Alessandro Capriolo: | authorlink=
- Alessandro Casati: |accessdate=4 November 2019
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- Alessandro Grandi: |authorlink=Jeffrey Kurtzman
- Alessandro Kokocinski: |accessdate=12 June 2014
- Alessandro Marcello: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Alessandro Marchetti (mathematician): |accessdate=14 August 2011
- Alessandro Mari: | authorlink=Luigi Lanzi
- Alessandro Martucci: | authorlink=
- Alessandro Musotti: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Alessandro Numai: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Alessandro Pompei: | authorlink=
- Alessandro Prampolino: | authorlink=
- Alessandro Puzar: |accessdate=18 January 2018
- Alessandro Specchi: |authorlink=Paolo Portoghesi
- Alessandro della Via: | authorlink=
- Alessandro nell'Indie (Metastasio): |accessdate=25 December 2019
- Alessio Chiodi: |accessdate=18 January 2018 , |accessdate=18 January 2018
- Alessio Span: |accessdate=20 January 2012, |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Alethic modality: |accessdate=2010-01-03
- Aletia fibriata: |authorlink=George Hudson (entomologist)
- Aletopelta: | authorlink2 = Teresa Maryańska
- Alex (moth): |authorlink=George Hampson
- Alex Aronson (author): |accessdate = 12 August 2019
- Alex Berman: |accessdate=12 June 2016
- Alex Burdon: |accessdate= 19 February 2011
- Alex Caygill: |authorlink=Peter Alliss
- Alex Chigogidze: |accessdate=2015-07-09, |accessdate=2015-07-09
- Alex Dodoo: |authorlink=Alex Dodoo
- Alex Fernandez (actor): |accessdate=17 August 2011
- Alex Fierro: | authorlink=Rick Riordan
- Alex Freeleagus: |accessdate=4 November 2012
- Alex Glasgow: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Alex J. Raineri: |accessdate=2013-11-24
- Alex Jeffers: |accessdate=2014-06-10
- Alex Jones (journalist): | accessdate=March 25, 2014
- Alex Kazemi: |accessdate=26 February 2017
- Alex Kuczynski: |accessdate=24 October 2010, |accessdate=24 October 2010, |accessdate=24 October 2010, |accessdate=24 October 2010, |accessdate=24 October 2010
- Alex L. Nicol: |accessdate=2013-06-17
- Alex Lacson: | authorlink=Alex Lacson
- Alex Lee (artist): |accessdate=6 December 2019
- Alex Lindsay (podcaster): |accessdate=2 December 2016
- Alex M. Fromme: |accessdate=11 July 2020
- Alex M. Loeb: |authorlink=Patti Carr Black
- Alex Masucci: |accessdate=April 27, 2017
- Alex McKinnon (baseball): | accessdate = 2008-03-08
- Alex Murrel: |accessdate=June 20, 2012
- Alex Nahigian: |accessdate=July 6, 2014
- Alex Owumi: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=November 7, 2017
- Alex Pilibos: |accessdate=7 March 2013
- Alex Rennie: |accessdate=5 March 2018
- Alex Riel: |accessdate=2010-10-23
- Alex Shoumatoff: |authorlink=Lillian Ross (journalist)
- Alex W. Bealer: | origyear = 1969, 1976 ↵, | origyear = 1980↵ , |accessdate=March 28, 2011
- Alex Williams (footballer, born 1961): |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Alex Younger: |accessdate=27 February 2019
- Alexa Stirling: |authorlink=James A. Barclay , |accessdate=October 10, 2015
- Alexander & Baldwin: |accessdate=2014-03-17
- Alexander (1803 Liverpool): |accessdate=2007-11-07
- Alexander (supporter of Phocas): |authorlink=Robert Charles (scholar), |origyear=1916, |authorlink=George Ostrogorsky
- Alexander A. Drabik: |authorlink=
- Alexander ALX200: |accessdate=25 January 2016
- Alexander Abercromby, Lord Abercromby: |accessdate=10 February 2011 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵
- Alexander Adams (British Army officer): |authorlink=John Burke (genealogist) , |accessdate=2 March 2011
- Alexander Aigner: |accessdate=22 January 2021
- Alexander Aitchison: |accessdate=2010-01-24, |accessdate=2010-01-24, |accessdate=2010-01-24
- Alexander Aitkin: |accessdate=14 June 2018 , |accessdate=14 June 2018 , |accessdate=14 June 2018 , |accessdate=14 June 2018 , |accessdate=14 June 2018
- Alexander Allain: |accessdate=23 September 2013
- Alexander Allardyce (British MP): |accessdate=11 March 2018
- Alexander Anderson (botanist): |authorlink=Richard Alden Howard, |accessdate=8 February 2011 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵
- Alexander Anne: |accessdate=11 May 2020
- Alexander Armstrong (politician): |accessdate=3 May 2019
- Alexander Astor: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Alexander Bailey (Wisconsin politician): |accessdate= August 20, 2020
- Alexander Baring, 4th Baron Ashburton: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1977
- Alexander Bazhbeuk-Melikyan: |accessdate=4 November 2012, |accessdate=4 November 2012
- Alexander Beck (RAF officer): |authorlink=Norman Franks
- Alexander Besher: |authorlink=Alexander Besher
- Alexander Bethune (poet): |accessdate=2 November 2019
- Alexander Bielaski: |accessdate = 2008-03-17↵ , |accessdate = 2008-03-17↵
- Alexander Biggam: |accessdate=31 December 2012↵
- Alexander Bogdanovich Engelhardt: |accessdate=October 9, 2010, |authorlink= , |accessdate=, |authorlink= , |accessdate=
- Alexander Bondurant: |accessdate=February 19, 2012
- Alexander Boulton: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alexander Boxwell: |accessdate=2015-04-01
- Alexander Brodie (died 1770): | accessdate = 29 April 2015↵
- Alexander Brown (author): |accessdate=August 13, 2017, |accessdate=13 August 2017, |accessdate=13 August 2017
- Alexander Brown (mathematician): |accessdate=1 April 2019
- Alexander Browne: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Alexander Brunton: |accessdate=26 January 2017
- Alexander Brush: |accessdate=14 May 2018, |accessdate=14 May 2018
- Alexander Brymer: | accessdate=7 August 2016
- Alexander Bryson: |accessdate=27 December 2010 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵
- Alexander Burgener: |authorlink=Albert F. Mummery
- Alexander Burnstein: |authorlink1=The Conservative Rabbi--"Dissatisfied But Not Unhappy", |authorlink1=Report of the CJLS - 1949, |accessdate=May 7, 2018, |authorlink1=Niebuhr, Scripture and Normative Judaism
- Alexander Burton Hagner: |accessdate=18 September 2020
- Alexander Cairncross (economist): |accessdate=4 January 2021
- Alexander Cairnes: | authorlink = John Bernard Burke
- Alexander Cameron (bishop): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Alexander Campbell (Newfoundland politician): |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- Alexander Cannon: |accessdate=14 February 2018, |accessdate=27 January 2018
- Alexander Carmichael Bruce: |accessdate=9 July 2018 , |accessdate=9 July 2018
- Alexander Charles Barclay: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Alexander Colden: |accessdate=26 July 2019 , |accessdate=31 July 2019, |accessdate=26 July 2019, |accessdate=31 July 2019 , |accessdate=31 July 2019
- Alexander Comyn (died 1308): |origyear=1965
- Alexander Conrady: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alexander Cores: |accessdate=20 August 2011
- Alexander Coutts: |authorlink=Charles Herbert Mackintosh
- Alexander Cowan: |accessdate=20 October 2014
- Alexander Craig Sellar: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alexander Crum: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Alexander Cunningham: |authorlink1=Upinder Singh, |authorlink1=Alexander Cunningham
- Alexander Cushing: |accessdate=20 June 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=16 December 2017, |accessdate=20 June 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=16 December 2017
- Alexander D. Orr: |accessdate=2008-11-10
- Alexander Dalzeel: |accessdate=21 June 2019 , |accessdate=21 June 2019 , |accessdate=21 June 2019 , |accessdate=28 July 2017, |accessdate=21 June 2019
- Alexander Davion: |accessdate=2 October 2019, |accessdate=2 October 2019
- Alexander Dickson (botanist): |accessdate=30 December 2011↵
- Alexander Donat: | accessdate=5 August 2014
- Alexander Druzhinin: |accessdate=2012-01-07, |accessdate=2012-01-07, |accessdate=2012-01-07
- Alexander Duff (British Army officer): | accessdate=2008-12-08
- Alexander Dunbar: |accessdate=23 February 2019, |accessdate=3 March 2019, |accessdate=16 July 2019, |accessdate=16 March 2019, |accessdate=9 March 2019, |accessdate=3 March 2019, |accessdate=11 February 2019, |accessdate=23 February 2019, |accessdate=9 March 2019
- Alexander Dunbar Winchester: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Alexander Duncan (army officer): |authorlink2=Charles Rathbone Low ↵
- Alexander Dunlop (politician): |accessdate=13 August 2014↵
- Alexander Dvorkin: |authorlink=Mark D. Steinberg
- Alexander Ertel: |accessdate=2012-04-13, |accessdate=2012-04-13
- Alexander Ewing (composer): | authorlink=Ethel Smyth, |accessdate = 21 May 2016, | accessdate = 24 May 2016
- Alexander Ewing (soldier): |accessdate=4 July 2017, |accessdate=4 July 2017, |accessdate=5 July 2017, |accessdate=4 July 2017, |accessdate=12 December 2017
- Alexander F. Cameron: |accessdate=2018-05-05
- Alexander F. Whitney: |authorlink=David McCullough, |authorlink=Harry S. Truman
- Alexander Falck: |accessdate=December 30, 2008, |accessdate=December 30, 2008
- Alexander Fordyce (politician): |accessdate=1 September 2018
- Alexander Forrester (minister): |authorlink=Hew Scott
- Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee: |authorlink = Alexander Fraser Tytler↵ , |authorlink = Alexander Fraser Tytler↵
- Alexander Fussell: | accessdate=24 January 2013
- Alexander G. Cattell: |accessdate=15 February 2018
- Alexander Gardner (soldier): | authorlink = John Keay↵
- Alexander Gibb: |accessdate=16 September 2019
- Alexander Glynn Campbell: |authorlink1=John Stuart Mill↵, |accessdate=21 April 2013↵, |accessdate=21 April 2013↵
- Alexander Goodman More: |authorlink=Frederic Boase
- Alexander Gordon (British cavalry officer): |origyear=1909, |authorlink=H.C. Wylly
- Alexander Gordon (British staff officer): |accessdate=13 May 2019
- Alexander Granach: |accessdate=23 September 2016
- Alexander Grant (Vicar Apostolic of the Highland District): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Alexander Gumberg: |accessdate=15 November 2017
- Alexander H. Leighton: |accessdate=January 16, 2016
- Alexander Hahn (artist): |accessdate=March 1, 2018, |accessdate=January 8, 2017, |accessdate=January 8, 2017
- Alexander Hamilton (general): |accessdate=24 October 2019
- Alexander Hamilton (of Ballincrieff): |accessdate=1 August 2019 , |accessdate=31 July 2019 , |accessdate=1 August 2019 , |accessdate=1 August 2019
- Alexander Hamilton Handy: |accessdate=May 5, 2018
- Alexander Henry Boswall MacGowan: |accessdate=2011-09-03, |accessdate=2011-09-03
- Alexander Henry Stevens: |accessdate=7 November 2018 , |accessdate=27 January 2018, |accessdate=7 November 2018 , |accessdate=26 September 2019 , |accessdate=26 September 2019 , |accessdate=26 September 2019, |accessdate=26 September 2019 , |accessdate=27 September 2018 , |accessdate=16 November 2016
- Alexander Herdman: |authorlink = Guy Scholefield , | origyear=1913
- Alexander Heubel: |authorlink=Wilhelm Neumann , |authorlink=Wilhelm Neumann
- Alexander Hodgdon Stevens: |accessdate=27 January 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=January 14, 2018, |accessdate=7 November 2018 , |accessdate=2 February 2019
- Alexander Hope (British Army officer): |accessdate=28 January 2018
- Alexander Houston: |accessdate=2018-02-10
- Alexander Howison Murray Jr.: | accessdate = 25 December 2018
- Alexander I of Imereti: |authorlink=Prince Vakhushti of Kartli
- Alexander II of Imereti: |authorlink1=Alexander Mikaberidze
- Alexander III Commemorative (Fabergé egg): |authorlink=Christopher Forbes, |authorlink=Kenneth Snowman
- Alexander III Equestrian (Fabergé egg): |authorlink=Christopher Forbes, |authorlink=Kenneth Snowman
- Alexander Imlay: |accessdate=14 December 2017
- Alexander Izgoev: |accessdate=2 June 2018
- Alexander J. Dessler: |accessdate=17 April 2020, |accessdate=17 April 2020
- Alexander Jablokov: | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- Alexander John Goodrum: | authorlink=Robert Crooks, Karla Baur , | authorlink=Rebecca L. Walker-Sands, Linda R. Barr , | accessdate=19 September 2013
- Alexander Johnston (Scottish politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Alexander Joseph Finberg: |accessdate=24 January 2020
- Alexander Karl Nikolai von Lieven: |authorlink=Rotem Kowner
- Alexander Kemurdzhian: |authorlink=Brian Harvey (author), |authorlink1=Asif Azam Siddiqi , |authorlink1=Brian Harvey (author)
- Alexander Kirkland: |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018
- Alexander Komnenos Asen: |origyear= 1985
- Alexander Koral: | accessdate = 2012-04-21 , | accessdate = 2012-04-21
- Alexander Kronrod: |authorlink=Anatoli Georgievich Vitushkin↵
- Alexander Labzin: |accessdate=2015-06-24
- Alexander Laing Brown: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Alexander Lawrence (politician): |accessdate=2012-10-22
- Alexander Lean: | authorlink = Gordon Ogilvie
- Alexander Leeper: |authorlink=Joseph Foster (genealogist), |accessdate=2010-11-07
- Alexander Leslie (British Army officer): |authorlink=David Hackett Fischer
- Alexander Levitzki: |accessdate=2015-04-05
- Alexander Liberman: |accessdate=2008-11-01
- Alexander Lindsay, 4th Earl of Crawford: |accessdate=25 Aug 2016
- Alexander Livingston, 3rd Earl of Callendar: |accessdate=23 August 2019 , |accessdate=23 August 2019
- Alexander Livingston, 5th Lord Livingston: |accessdate=16 September 2016
- Alexander Livingstone (British politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Alexander Loyd: |accessdate=16 July 2020
- Alexander Lucas: |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |accessdate=November 17, 2020
- Alexander Lvovich Davydov: |authorlink1=Alexander Pushkin
- Alexander M. Drake: | accessdate = 22 November 2011↵, | accessdate = 5 March 2012↵
- Alexander M. Phillips: | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Alexander M. Zaleski: |authorlink1=Charles Curran (theologian)
- Alexander MacAlister: |authorlink=
- Alexander MacDonald (Scottish bishop): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Alexander MacWhorter III: |accessdate=14 July 2019, |authorlink=James S. Shapiro
- Alexander Macdonald, 17th of Keppoch: |authorlink=Walter Biggar Blaikie
- Alexander Maclean, 13th Laird of Ardgour: |accessdate=24 July 2014, |accessdate=24 July 2014
- Alexander Macleay: |authorlink1=D.G. Frodin
- Alexander Maconochie, Lord Meadowbank: |accessdate=12 January 2013↵
- Alexander Malinin: |accessdate=2011-07-03
- Alexander Malta: | authorlink = Karl Josef Kutsch↵, | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens↵
- Alexander Marks: |authorlink1=Charles Bean, |accessdate=24 August 2016
- Alexander Marshall (evangelist): |accessdate=8 July 2015
- Alexander Martinek: |accessdate=19 October 2012
- Alexander McBean: | accessdate=19 February 2019
- Alexander McClure: |accessdate=10 February 2019, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Alexander McDonald Paterson: |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08
- Alexander McDonald Thomson: |accessdate=2013-11-01
- Alexander McDonnell (engineer): |authorlink5=Willie Yeadon , |authorlink2 =Ken Hoole, |authorlink6=Willie Yeadon
- Alexander McKenzie (chemist): |authorlink=Alfred Walter Stewart
- Alexander McNeill (New Zealand politician): |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alexander Meiklejohn: | accessdate = 3 September 2018
- Alexander Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky: |accessdate=25 July 2013
- Alexander Moncrieff (Secession minister): |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=8 July 2019, |accessdate=17 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020
- Alexander Moncur: |origyear=First published in 1913 , |authorlink=Barry Gustafson
- Alexander Montgomerie, 9th Earl of Eglinton: |authorlink=Robert Wodrow
- Alexander Moody Stuart: |accessdate=31 December 2018
- Alexander Morgan Hamilton: |accessdate=10 March 2017
- Alexander Munro Martin: |accessdate=2009-08-26
- Alexander Murray (1789–1845): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵
- Alexander Murray (1816–1884): |accessdate=1 April 2012 , |accessdate=1 April 2012 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2 August 2013
- Alexander Murray, 1st Baron Murray of Elibank: |accessdate=2016-04-28
- Alexander Müller (composer): |accessdate=26 December 2015
- Alexander Nadas: |accessdate=February 21, 2016
- Alexander Nicholson (police officer): |accessdate=16 December 2018
- Alexander Nikolaevich Volkov: |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012
- Alexander Nikolaevich Volzhin: |accessdate=3 October 2018
- Alexander O. Anderson: |accessdate=August 9, 2017, |accessdate=August 9, 2017, |accessdate=August 10, 2017, |accessdate=August 10, 2017, |accessdate=August 9, 2017, |accessdate=August 10, 2017, |accessdate=August 10, 2017
- Alexander O. Babcock: |accessdate=2014-08-08
- Alexander Obukhov: |accessdate=5 July 2010, |accessdate=5 May 2010
- Alexander Ogle: |accessdate=25 May 2020
- Alexander Ogston: | accessdate = 3 January 2012
- Alexander PS type: |accessdate=14 January 2016
- Alexander Palace (Fabergé egg): |authorlink=Christopher Forbes, |authorlink=Kenneth Snowman
- Alexander Paterson (bishop): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Alexander Pendarves: |authorlink1=Fortescue Hitchins, |authorlink2=Samuel Drew
- Alexander Pfitzner: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Alexander Pokryshkin: |authorlink=Nikolai Moskvitelev
- Alexander Polinsky: |accessdate=9 May 2012
- Alexander Pollak: | authorlink1 =Hannes Heer , |authorlink2 = , |authorlink4 =Ruth Wodak
- Alexander Pope Humphrey: |accessdate=13 April 2015, |accessdate=24 April 2015
- Alexander Poskrebyshev: |authorlink= Helen Rappaport
- Alexander Preinfalk: |origyear=1986↵
- Alexander Prokhanov: |accessdate=2014-10-19, |accessdate=2019-10-22, |accessdate=2014-10-19
- Alexander Protopopov: |accessdate=2014-12-12, |accessdate=2014-12-11, |accessdate=2014-12-11
- Alexander R. Grant: |accessdate=2014-02-21
- Alexander R. Hobbs: |authorlink= , |accessdate= February 8, 2016, |authorlink= E. Griffith Dodson, |accessdate= February 8, 2016
- Alexander Ramsay (West Bromwich MP): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alexander Rehding: |accessdate=May 7, 2019, |accessdate=May 7, 2019, |accessdate=May 7, 2019, |accessdate=May 7, 2019, |accessdate=May 7, 2019, |accessdate=May 7, 2019
- Alexander Robert Richardson: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Alexander Robertson (MP): |origyear=1844-1850↵
- Alexander Rolls: |accessdate=25 June 2012
- Alexander Roos: |accessdate=29 July 2015, |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)
- Alexander Rudd: |accessdate=11 November 2011
- Alexander Russell Simpson: |accessdate=25 February 2018
- Alexander Russell Webb: |accessdate=6 April 2020
- Alexander S. Diven: |accessdate=6 Aug 2016, |accessdate=13 April 2018
- Alexander S. Smith: |accessdate=2012-03-17
- Alexander Schubert: |accessdate=7 July 2020
- Alexander Schwab: |accessdate=30 April 2018
- Alexander Scott Bullitt: |accessdate=2008-11-10
- Alexander Seaton: | accessdate = 2009-08-06
- Alexander Sergeyevich Lappo-Danilevsky: |accessdate=16 August 2018
- Alexander Shakarov: |authorlink2=Nick Aplin ↵
- Alexander Shaw, 2nd Baron Craigmyle: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alexander Shenshin: |origyear=1940
- Alexander Shepherd (public servant): |authorlink=Guy Scholefield
- Alexander Skabichevsky: |accessdate=2012-01-06
- Alexander Sligo: |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alexander Small: |accessdate=17 January 2013, |accessdate=17 January 2013, |accessdate=17 January 2013, |accessdate=17 January 2013, |accessdate=17 January 2013, |accessdate=30 November 2016, |accessdate=17 January 2013
- Alexander Smith (bishop, born 1684): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Alexander Smith (poet): |authorlink=Alexander Smith (poet), |accessdate=6 April 2017, |authorlink=Alexander Smith (poet), |accessdate=6 April 2017
- Alexander Smollett: |accessdate=29 January 2017, |accessdate=29 January 2017, |accessdate=29 January 2017
- Alexander Speirs (Maine politician): |accessdate=13 June 2014
- Alexander Spence (soldier): |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2009-05-25 ↵
- Alexander Stephan: | authorlink = Alexander Stephan↵, | accessdate = 31 December 2018
- Alexander Stewart (British Army officer): |authorlink=Richard Cannon
- Alexander Stewart (archbishop of St Andrews): |accessdate=15 April 2017
- Alexander Stewart Herschel: |accessdate=3 November 2013, |accessdate=3 November 2013, |accessdate=3 November 2013, |authorlink=Allen G. Debus
- Alexander Stewart, 6th Earl of Galloway: |authorlink=John Marshall (biographer)
- Alexander Stewart, Duke of Albany: |accessdate=4 December 2015, |authorlink1=Katie Stevenson
- Alexander Stirling MacMillan: |accessdate=August 29, 2009
- Alexander Stone: |accessdate=2018-03-18
- Alexander Strahan: |accessdate=7 August 2019, |accessdate=7 August 2019
- Alexander Street Baptist Church: |accessdate= 2012-03-10, |authorlink= John Ross Robertson, |accessdate= 2012-03-10
- Alexander Struthers Finlay: |accessdate=2010-08-20
- Alexander Stuart (New Zealand politician): |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alexander Sturgis: |authorlink2=Rupert Christiansen
- Alexander Temple: |authorlink1=William Arthur Shaw
- Alexander Trachtenberg: |authorlink= ↵ , | authorlink1 = Myra Page↵, | authorlink2 = Christina Looper Baker↵, | accessdate = 4 August 2018
- Alexander Travis Hawthorn: |authorlink=Ed Bearss
- Alexander Trepov: |accessdate=27 August 2016, |accessdate=19 June 2014, |accessdate=27 August 2016
- Alexander Tudor-Hart: |accessdate=13 July 2017, |accessdate=13 July 2017, |accessdate=13 July 2017, |accessdate=13 July 2017, |accessdate=12 October 2015, |accessdate=18 October 2015
- Alexander Tumansky: | authorlink =Mírzá Abu'l-Faḍl
- Alexander Turnbull (bibliophile): |origyear= 1891
- Alexander V. Fraser: |origyear=First published 1932
- Alexander Vassiliev: |authorlink1=Allen Weinstein ↵, |authorlink2=Alexander Vassiliev ↵, |authorlink1=Allen Weinstein ↵, |authorlink2=Alexander Vassiliev ↵, | accessdate = 19 March 2017, | accessdate = 19 March 2017, | accessdate = 19 March 2017
- Alexander Vostokov: |accessdate=7 January 2012
- Alexander W. Cameron: |accessdate=2018-05-15
- Alexander W. Stow: |accessdate= December 18, 2019, |accessdate= December 18, 2019
- Alexander Wadsworth (landscape designer): |accessdate=4 August 2019
- Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow Jr.: |accessdate = August 11, 2019
- Alexander Wallace Rimington: |accessdate=14 February 2017, |accessdate=18 February 2017, |accessdate=21 February 2017, |accessdate=21 February 2017, |accessdate=23 February 2017, |accessdate=21 February 2017, |accessdate=21 February 2017
- Alexander Warjri: |accessdate=22 June 2020, |accessdate=22 June 2020
- Alexander Watt Williamson: |accessdate=28 January 2017
- Alexander Welch: |accessdate=2013-02-06
- Alexander Wells (California judge): |accessdate=25 July 2017, |accessdate=25 July 2017, |accessdate=25 July 2017
- Alexander William Black: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Alexander William Evans: |accessdate=17 August 2020
- Alexander Williamson (missionary): | authorlink = Alfred James Broomhall , | authorlink = Andrew Aird
- Alexander Wilson Smith: |accessdate=2009-08-28
- Alexander Winton: |accessdate=February 9, 2016, |accessdate=February 19, 2016
- Alexander Wood (physician): |accessdate=7 June 2011 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵, |accessdate=18 March 2016
- Alexander Wright (VC): |accessdate=23 May 2020
- Alexander Wynch: |accessdate=20 April 2012, |accessdate=20 April 2012, |accessdate=31 January 2018, |accessdate=20 April 2012
- Alexander Yates: |accessdate=2021-02-11
- Alexander Zakin: |accessdate=18 December 2011, |accessdate=18 December 2011, |accessdate=18 December 2011, |accessdate=18 December 2011, |accessdate=18 December 2011, |accessdate=18 December 2011, |accessdate=18 December 2011, |accessdate=18 December 2011
- Alexander Zass: |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015, |accessdate=11 May 2015
- Alexander Zelin: |accessdate=7 May 2012
- Alexander Zusia Friedman: |authorlink=Esther Farbstein
- Alexander and Nicole Gratovsky: | accessdate= 2020-04-25↵ , | archiveurl =↵ , | archivedate = 2020-04-25↵, | accessdate=2020-01-27↵, | accessdate= 2020-04-25↵ , | archiveurl =↵ , | archivedate = 2020-04-25↵, | accessdate= 2020-04-25↵ , | archiveurl =↵ , | archivedate = 2020-04-25↵
- Alexander de Baliol: |accessdate=15 August 2014
- Alexander duality: |authorlink=Allen Hatcher, |authorlink2=Bernd Sturmfels
- Alexander family hostage crisis: |authorlink1=Edward McGill Alexander
- Alexander le Pargiter: |authorlink=Thomas Duffus Hardy
- Alexander of Telese: |accessdate=9 November 2019
- Alexander von Benckendorff: |authorlink1=Alexander Mikaberidze
- Alexander von Hartmann: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alexander von Keyserling: |accessdate=11 May 2019, |accessdate=10 May 2019, |accessdate=10 May 2019
- Alexander's theorem: |authorlink=Colin Adams (mathematician)
- Alexander, Count of Hoyos: |accessdate=10 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2020 , |accessdate=15 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2020
- Alexandra (Penarth electoral ward): |accessdate=7 May 2018
- Alexandra Dane: |authorlink1=Spike Milligan , |authorlink2=Neil Shand
- Alexandra Dunn: |accessdate=June 1, 2017
- Alexandra Francis Rzewuska: |accessdate=1 November 2015↵ , |authorlink=Varvara Golovina↵
- Alexandra Haeseker: |accessdate=2020-06-27, |accessdate=2020-06-27
- Alexandra Luke: |accessdate=2020-08-20
- Alexandra Pierce: |accessdate=Mar 24, 2020, |accessdate=Mar 24, 2020, |accessdate=Mar 24, 2020
- Alexandra Pigg: |authorlink=Patsy Kensit
- Alexandra Quinn: |accessdate=August 4, 2015, |accessdate=August 4, 2015
- Alexandra Rutherford: |accessdate=4 December 2012
- Alexandra Verbeek: |accessdate = 10 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 10 February 2014↵
- Alexandra de Blas: |accessdate=31 July 2012
- Alexandra of Lithuania: |authorlink=Kazimierz Jasiński (historian)
- Alexandre Blanc: |accessdate=2013-09-17↵ , |accessdate=2013-09-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-09-17↵ , |accessdate=2013-09-17, |accessdate=2013-09-17↵ , |accessdate=2013-09-17↵
- Alexandre Bras-de-Fer: |accessdate=1 December 2017, |accessdate=1 December 2017, |accessdate=1 December 2017, |accessdate=1 December 2017, |accessdate=15 September 2017, |accessdate=1 December 2017, |accessdate=22 August 2017
- Alexandre Camille Taponier: |accessdate=18 March 2014
- Alexandre Chkheidze: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-10-25
- Alexandre Deschapelles: |accessdate=May 6, 2014
- Alexandre François: |authorlink=↵, |accessdate=↵
- Alexandre Galopin: |authorlink=Mark Mazower
- Alexandre Moret: |accessdate=9 December 2012, |accessdate=9 December 2012
- Alexandre-Marie Guillemin: |accessdate=29 March 2012
- Alexandre-Vincent Pineux Duval: |accessdate=18 November 2014
- Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard: |accessdate= 17 May 2009
- Alexandria & Western Railway: |accessdate=4 April 2011, |accessdate=4 April 2011
- Alexandria (given name): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Alexandria Canal (Virginia): |accessdate=June 27, 2017, |accessdate=June 27, 2017 , |accessdate=June 27, 2017
- Alexandria First Nation: |accessdate=2 December 2019
- Alexandria Hyphasis: |accessdate=2009-10-06, |accessdate=2009-10-06, |accessdate=2009-10-06, |accessdate=2009-10-06
- Alexandria National Museum: |accessdate=25 January 2013, |accessdate=25 January 2013
- Alexandria riot (66): |accessdate=2020-08-31
- Alexandrina (name): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Alexandrine Charlotte de Rohan-Chabot: |accessdate=2012-08-29
- Alexandrine Sinodos: |authorlink=Paul F. Bradshaw
- Alexandrium: | accessdate=21 June 2018
- Alexandrov theorem: | authorlink=Cédric Villani
- Alexandru Ionescu (socialist militant): |authorlink=Constantin Titel Petrescu
- Alexandru Nicolau: |authorlink=Constantin Titel Petrescu
- Alexandru Nicolschi: |authorlink=Dennis Deletant
- Alexandru Tomescu: |accessdate=1 August 2019
- Alexei Borovoi: | authorlink=Paul Avrich
- Alexei Kirichenko: |accessdate=6 August 2012
- Alexey Kaledin: |accessdate=June 17, 2009
- Alexey Kavokin: |authorlink2=Jeremy Baumberg
- Alexia (given name): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Alexios Angelos Philanthropenos: | authorlink = Božidar Ferjančić
- Alexios Komnenos (governor of Dyrrhachium): |authorlink=Michael Angold
- Alexios Komnenos (son of Andronikos I): | authorlink = Cyril Toumanoff
- Alexis (given name): |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Alexis Arapoff: |accessdate=19 August 2017
- Alexis Bouvard: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Alexis Brook: |accessdate=20 July 2015
- Alexis Chalbos: |accessdate=31 July 2015
- Alexis Galanos: |accessdate=28 June 2011
- Alexis Grassin: |authorlink=William Laird Clowes, |authorlink=
- Alexis Hocquenghem: | authorlink = Irving S. Reed↵
- Alexis Jeffers: |accessdate=2012-12-07
- Alexis P. Suter: |accessdate=October 13, 2015
- Alexis St. Martin: | authorlink = Rom Harré , |accessdate=October 30, 2018
- Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle: |accessdate=2015-08-13↵ , |accessdate=2015-08-13↵ , |accessdate=2015-08-13↵ , |accessdate=2015-08-13↵
- Alexăndrel of Moldavia: |authorlink=Camil Mureşanu
- Aleš Loprais: | accessdate = 5 January 2013
- Alf Mattison: |origyear=1908
- Alf Morgans: |accessdate=17 May 2018
- Alf Schwarz: |accessdate=24 October 2014, |accessdate=24 October 2014
- Alf Scott-Hansen Sr.: |authorlink=Jakob Vaage
- Alfabeta: |accessdate=9 January 2015, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=9 January 2015
- Alfaião: |accessdate=5 May 2011
- Alfasound: |accessdate=24 April 2017
- Alfaya (party): |accessdate=2013-02-09↵
- Alfie (name): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Alfie Anido: |accessdate=21 August 2017
- Alfie Curtis: |accessdate=6 July 2018
- Alfie MacLeod: |accessdate=2019-10-24
- Alfie Scopp: |accessdate=18 October 2019
- Alfons Hitter: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfons Luczny: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfons Moog: |accessdate=9 December 2012
- Alfonsine: |authorlink=Enzo Biagi
- Alfonsino d'Este: |authorlink=Pompeo Litta Biumi
- Alfonso Aldiverti: | authorlink= , | authorlink=
- Alfonso Angelini: |authorlink=Peter Alliss
- Alfonso Araújo Gaviria: |accessdate=2010-12-26, |accessdate=2010-12-26, |accessdate=2010-12-26, |origyear=1991
- Alfonso Beorlegui Canet: |authorlink=Hugh Thomas (historian)
- Alfonso Enríquez, Count of Gijón and Noreña: |authorlink=Fernão Lopes, |authorlink=Fernão Lopes, |authorlink=Pero López de Ayala
- Alfonso Fanjul Sr.: |accessdate=9 August 2017
- Alfonso Franco: | authorlink=
- Alfonso Fróilaz: |authorlink=Roger Collins , |authorlink=Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz
- Alfonso Gómez Méndez: |authorlink=Hamid Ghodse, |accessdate=8 September 2013
- Alfonso Paso: |authorlink1=William Goldman
- Alfonso Peña Boeuf: |accessdate=2015-08-08↵
- Alfonso Pichardo: |accessdate=August 8, 2010
- Alfonso Rossetti: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Alfonso X El Sabio University: |accessdate=1 March 2018, |accessdate=1 March 2018, |accessdate=1 March 2018
- Alfonso de Aragón y Escobar: |accessdate=4 November 2001 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 September 2014
- Alfonso de Castilla y Molina: |authorlink=Ricardo del Arco y Garay , | authorlink = Ricardo del Arco y Garay↵, | authorlink = Mercedes Ballesteros Gaibrois↵, | authorlink = Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués↵
- Alfonso de Fuenmayor: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Alfonso of Capua: |authorlink=Ferdinand Chalandon , |authorlink1=Philip Grierson
- Alfoz (territory): |accessdate=December 4, 2014
- Alfred "Uganda" Roberts: |accessdate=19 October 2010
- Alfred A. Cunningham: |accessdate=2007-01-12, | archiveurl=, | archivedate=11 January 2007
- Alfred A. Green: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Alfred A. Knopf Sr.: | accessdate = 6 March 2016
- Alfred A. Tomatis: |accessdate = 6 January 2014↵
- Alfred Aaron de Pass: |authorlink1=William Rubinstein, |authorlink3=Hilary L. Rubinstein , |accessdate=18 May 2019 , |accessdate=18 May 2019 , |accessdate=18 May 2019
- Alfred Ablett: |accessdate=28 September 2014
- Alfred Aduloju: |accessdate=19 February 2016
- Alfred Agache (architect): |accessdate=15 July 2017
- Alfred Agache (painter): |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Alfred Albert Martineau: |authorlink= David P. Henige↵
- Alfred Allen (actor): |accessdate=4 September 2016, |accessdate=4 September 2016
- Alfred Altenberg: |accessdate=15 July 2012
- Alfred Ansell: |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alfred Apps: |origyear=1996↵
- Alfred Au: |accessdate=15 October 2012
- Alfred B. DeWolfe: |accessdate=2018-04-03
- Alfred Baldey: |accessdate= 29 June 2012 , |accessdate= 29 June 2012 , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alfred Baum (composer): |accessdate=26 February 2014
- Alfred Baxter-Cox: | authorlink = Gavin Long
- Alfred Beckley: | accessdate = June 2, 2013↵, | accessdate = June 2, 2013↵, | accessdate = June 2, 2013↵, | accessdate = June 2, 2013↵
- Alfred Bendixen: |accessdate=17 January 2014
- Alfred Benjamin: |accessdate=3 November 2015
- Alfred Berghausen: |accessdate=24 October 2012
- Alfred Biliotti: |accessdate=12 February 2020 , |accessdate=12 February 2020
- Alfred Blenkiron: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Alfred Bog: |accessdate=17 June 2015
- Alfred Bruer: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred Burges: |authorlink4 = Nikolaus Pevsner↵ , | authorlink = J. Mordaunt Crook↵
- Alfred Bussell: | authorlink = Edward Shann
- Alfred Büchi: |accessdate = Feb 27, 2015
- Alfred Bülowius: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred C. Grosvenor: |accessdate=2013-11-25
- Alfred C. Nelson: | accessdate=26 January 2015
- Alfred Carroll: |accessdate=2012-11-15
- Alfred Chilton: |accessdate=29 April 2020
- Alfred Chotzner: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵
- Alfred Christopher Picard: | accessdate = 4 April 2019 , |authorlink = Guy Scholefield , | origyear=First published in 1913 , |origyear=First published in 1913
- Alfred Clint: |authorlink=Michael Bryan (art historian)
- Alfred Corning Clark: |accessdate=25 April 2019 , |accessdate=25 April 2019
- Alfred Cowles Sr.: |accessdate=2007-10-24, |accessdate=2007-10-24
- Alfred Crowfoot: |accessdate=30 June 2018, |accessdate=30 June 2018
- Alfred Daviel: |accessdate=2014-01-15, |accessdate=2014-01-15
- Alfred Davies (Labour politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alfred Deakin Carter: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Alfred Dillon: |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alfred Dobbs: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Alfred Doig: |accessdate=2012-10-25
- Alfred Dolge: |authorlink=Alfred Dolge↵
- Alfred Druschel: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred Dörffel: | accessdate = 4 March 2014↵, | accessdate = 4 March 2014↵
- Alfred E. Reid: |accessdate=2018-04-23
- Alfred Edward Taylor: |origyear=1909, |origyear=1919, |origyear=1926
- Alfred Egmont Hake: |accessdate=14 July 2016
- Alfred Ely Beach: |accessdate=21 May 2018
- Alfred Escher: | authorlink=Gordon A. Craig
- Alfred Flatow: |accessdate=September 10, 2016
- Alfred Fowler: |authorlink = Imre Lakatos
- Alfred Fox: | authorlink = Robert Tod↵, | authorlink = Charles Fox of Glendurgan↵
- Alfred Franke: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred G. Allen: |authorlink=Charles Frederic Goss
- Alfred G. Schroeder: |accessdate=25 June 2020
- Alfred George Hinds: |authorlink=Carl Giles
- Alfred Gilman Sr.: |authorlink=Siddhartha Mukherjee , |authorlink=J. Murdoch Ritchie , |accessdate=26 March 2015
- Alfred H. Noble: |accessdate=2008-02-08↵
- Alfred H. Song: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Alfred Haines (RAF officer): |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Alfred Harding: |origyear=First published in 1913
- Alfred Harrison: |accessdate=12 February 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2018
- Alfred Harrison Joy: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Alfred Hemmann: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred Hennen Morris: |accessdate=30 January 2018, |accessdate=30 January 2018
- Alfred Henry Forrester: |authorlink=John Sutherland (author), |origyear=1989
- Alfred Hill (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alfred Hitchcock bibliography: |authorlink=Peter Ackroyd, |authorlink=Patrick McGilligan (biographer), |authorlink=Donald Spoto, |authorlink=David Sterritt, |authorlink=Stephen Rebello
- Alfred Holland (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alfred Holland Smith: |accessdate=October 23, 2016
- Alfred Hooke: |accessdate=July 19, 2015
- Alfred Hopkinson: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Alfred Horton: |accessdate= 14 February 2021
- Alfred Howitt (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alfred Huber (footballer): |accessdate=10 December 2012
- Alfred Hudd: |accessdate=12 July 2012, |accessdate=12 July 2012, |accessdate=12 July 2012, |accessdate=12 July 2012, |accessdate=18 July 2012, |accessdate=11 July 2012 , |accessdate=18 July 2012, |accessdate=18 July 2012, |accessdate=10 July 2012, |authorlink1=David Beers Quinn, |accessdate=12 February 2016
- Alfred Inglis: |authorlink=Julia Selina Inglis, |authorlink=William Kirkpatrick Riland Bedford
- Alfred J. Sellers: |accessdate=20 February 2020, |accessdate=20 February 2020
- Alfred Janes: |authorlink1=Dylan Thomas, |authorlink3=Daniel Jones (composer), |origyear=1992 , |accessdate=22 March 2011
- Alfred Jephcott: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Alfred Jerger: | authorlink= Margaret Ross Griffel↵
- Alfred Johannot: | accessdate = 3 April 2012
- Alfred John Brown: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Alfred John Tattersall: |accessdate=13 February 2010↵
- Alfred Judson Force Moody: | accessdate=6 October 2015
- Alfred Karney Young: |origyear=1911↵
- Alfred Krupp: |accessdate = 16 July 2015
- Alfred Kuhnert: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred Kuzmany: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred L. Cary: |accessdate= January 14, 2020 , |accessdate= September 9, 2019
- Alfred L. Elwyn: |accessdate=15 June 2017
- Alfred L. Pearson: |accessdate=2009-02-19
- Alfred Lafone: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Alfred Lamond: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Alfred Le Roux: |accessdate=2014-01-07
- Alfred Leo Smith: |accessdate=17 July 2016
- Alfred Lucas (Indian Army officer): |accessdate=19 May 2019
- Alfred Ludlam: | origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alfred Lévy: |accessdate=2014-11-08↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-07, |accessdate=2014-11-08↵ , |accessdate=2014-10-28↵
- Alfred Macyk: |accessdate=April 5, 2015
- Alfred Matthew Hubbard: |authorlink1=Martin A. Lee
- Alfred Naujocks: |authorlink=William L. Shirer, |authorlink=Antonín Klimek
- Alfred Neville May: | authorlink = Alfred Neville May↵
- Alfred Nicholson Leeds: |authorlink=Charles William Andrews , |authorlink=Edward Thurlow Leeds
- Alfred Novello: |authorlink=Michael Hurd (composer)
- Alfred Ntombela: |accessdate=3 July 2011
- Alfred O. Deshong: |accessdate=6 January 2018, |accessdate=21 October 2018, |accessdate=1 March 2018, |accessdate=22 September 2018, |accessdate=21 October 2018, |accessdate=6 January 2018, |accessdate=2 March 2018, |accessdate=21 October 2018, |accessdate=22 September 2018
- Alfred O. Hero Jr.: |authorlink1=Annette Baker Fox , |authorlink3=Joseph Nye
- Alfred Ollivant (bishop): |accessdate=6 April 2016
- Alfred Olliver: |accessdate=15 October 2018
- Alfred Onions: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Alfred P.C. Petsch: |authorlink=Robert Caro
- Alfred Pease (musician): |accessdate=23 March 2020
- Alfred Pellan: |accessdate=2020-08-02
- Alfred Percy Allsopp: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Alfred Philippi: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred Piesse: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Alfred Pisani: |accessdate=10 August 2010
- Alfred Pyka: |accessdate=6 August 2013
- Alfred Rappaport (diplomat): |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012
- Alfred Reade Godwin-Austen: |authorlink=Alan Brooke , |authorlink=Compton Mackenzie
- Alfred Renall: |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alfred Richard Creyke: |origyear= First ed. published 1913 , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alfred Richardson (politician): |authorlink=Al Hester
- Alfred Ricketts: |accessdate=25 May 2015
- Alfred Ross (politician): |accessdate=4 August 2014↵
- Alfred Rouse: |origyear=1976
- Alfred Rowland Chetham-Strode: |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alfred S. Evans: | accessdate=25 May 2017
- Alfred S. Regnery: | authorlink = David Brock↵, | accessdate = 8 November 2016
- Alfred Schild: |accessdate=27 March 2019
- Alfred Schlemm: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred Seymour: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Alfred Shepherd: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Alfred Speakman: |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- Alfred Starbird: | authorlink = Richard G. Hewlett↵
- Alfred Stock Memorial Prize: |accessdate=27 October 2014
- Alfred Street: |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Alfred T. B. Hunter: |accessdate=
- Alfred Teumer: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alfred Thambiayah: |authorlink=S. Arumugam
- Alfred Thibaudeau: |accessdate=2007-04-27
- Alfred Thomas Jackson: |accessdate=April 12, 2020
- Alfred Thompson (librettist): |authorlink=John Hollingshead
- Alfred Todd (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Alfred Tredway White: |authorlink=Jacob Riis
- Alfred Van De Zande: |accessdate=2013-10-09
- Alfred Van Landeghem: |accessdate=25 September 2015
- Alfred Van Santvoord: |accessdate=27 July 2018 , |accessdate=27 July 2018 , |accessdate=27 July 2018 , |accessdate=27 July 2018 , |accessdate=27 July 2018
- Alfred Vökt: | authorlink = Karl-Josef Kutsch↵, | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens↵
- Alfred Walton Hinds: |accessdate=10 January 2011, |accessdate=11 January 2011, |accessdate=7 January 2011, |accessdate=11 January 2011, |accessdate=11 January 2011, |accessdate=6 January 2011
- Alfred Warren: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Alfred Watts (Western Australian politician): |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Alfred Wellington Smith: |accessdate=2011-08-09
- Alfred Wilks Drayson: |authorlink=Bernard Burke
- Alfred William East: |accessdate= 16 December 2016 , |origyear=First published in 1913 , | accessdate = 16 December 2016, |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Alfred William Savary: | accessdate=19 March 2010
- Alfred Winsor Brown: |accessdate=24 March 2011, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=24 March 2011
- Alfred de Marigny: |authorlink=Mark Bourrie
- Alfred von Waldersee: | authorlink=John C. G. Röhl , | authorlink=Edward Crankshaw , | authorlink=Peter Fleming (writer) , | authorlink=Annika Mombauer
- Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie Velpeau: |accessdate=19 July 2012
- Alfred-Henri-Marie Baudrillart: |accessdate=15 May 2018
- Alfreda Bosworth Withington: |accessdate=19 January 2020 , |accessdate=28 August 2018
- Alfredo Balducci: |accessdate=2012-02-29
- Alfredo Betancourt: |accessdate=2013-11-13
- Alfredo Da Silva: |accessdate=April 15, 2010
- Alfredo J. Ramos Campos: |accessdate=13 February 2010
- Alfredo Jones Brown: |authorlink=Aurelio Lucchini , |authorlink=Aurelio Lucchini
- Alfredo Prior: | accessdate=13 August 2010
- Alfredo Santos: |accessdate=16 June 2012
- Alfreton Hall: |accessdate=27 March 2019, |accessdate=27 March 2019
- Alfriston Market Cross: |accessdate=26 November 2019
- Alfréd Meissner: |authorlink=H. G. Adler
- Algarrobo, Aibonito, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Algarrobo, Guayama, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Algarrobo, Vega Baja, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Algarrobo, Yauco, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Algarrobos: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Algebra homomorphism: | authorlink=Serge Lang
- Algebraic Riccati equation: |authorlink=Gregory Chow
- Algebraic character: |accessdate = 2007-03-26, |accessdate = 2007-03-26, |accessdate = 2007-03-26
- Algebraic closure: | authorlink=Irving Kaplansky
- Algebraic function: |authorlink=Lars Ahlfors, |authorlink=Bartel Leendert van der Waerden
- Algebraic matroid: |authorlink = James Oxley, | authorlink = Dominic Welsh , | origyear=1976
- Alger "Texas" Alexander: | accessdate = 2011-01-28, | accessdate = 2010-10-19
- Alger républicain: |accessdate=11 September 2014, |accessdate=11 September 2014
- Alger-class cruiser: | authorlink=Norman Friedman↵ , |authorlink=Theodore Ropp↵
- Algerian consulate bombing in Marseille: |accessdate=2018-07-19
- Algernon Freeman-Mitford, 1st Baron Redesdale: |authorlink=<!--David R. L. Litchfield-->
- Algernon Maudslay: |accessdate=8 February 2014 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=28 May 2008 ↵
- Algernon S. Speer: |accessdate=October 30, 2016
- Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation: |accessdate=26 February 2012
- Algo Henderson: |accessdate=October 22, 2013
- Algoa FM: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2013-05-23
- Algoma Central: |accessdate= 28 June 2012
- Algoman orogeny: |accessdate=March 25, 2010, |accessdate=March 22, 2010
- Algonkian Regional Park: |accessdate=3 October 2014
- Algood, Tennessee: |accessdate=21 November 2011
- Algorithm (C++): |accessdate=22 March 2012
- Algorithm characterizations: |authorlink=Martin Davis (mathematician), |authorlink=Martin Davis (mathematician), |authorlink=Daniel Dennett, |authorlink=Kleene, |authorlink=Donald Knuth, |authorlink=Marvin Minsky
- Algu Rai Shastri: |accessdate=8 April 2019, |accessdate=8 April 2019, |accessdate=8 April 2019
- Algy Paterson: |authorlink=Alan Dench
- Algyroides: |accessdate=19 March 2013
- Alhambra station: |accessdate=20 July 2016
- Ali Abd al-Rahman al-Faqasi al-Ghamdi: | authorlink = Thomas Kean
- Ali Abolhassani: |accessdate=19 February 2017, |accessdate=19 February 2017, |accessdate=19 February 2017, |accessdate=19 February 2017, |accessdate=19 February 2017, |accessdate=19 February 2017, |accessdate=19 February 2017
- Ali Akbar Mehrabian: |accessdate=27 July 2013
- Ali Akbar Moinfar: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2013 , |accessdate=14 February 2013
- Ali Akbar Nategh-Nouri: |accessdate=20 February 2013
- Ali Al Hajj: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2 February 2012
- Ali Amini: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Ali Aslan: |authorlink=Sami Moubayed
- Ali Bahadur I: |accessdate=2015-06-21, |accessdate=2015-06-21, |accessdate=2015-06-21
- Ali Benhadj: |accessdate=1 June 2015, |accessdate=2 June 2015
- Ali Charaf Damache: | accessdate = 2017-07-21↵, | accessdate = 2017-07-21↵
- Ali Curung: |accessdate=19 August 2019, |accessdate=20 September 2019, |accessdate=23 September 2019, |accessdate=23 September 2019 , |accessdate=23 September 2019
- Ali Dashti: |accessdate=25 August 2010↵
- Ali Duba: |authorlink=Hanna Batatu, | authorlink = ↵
- Ali Farzat: |authorlink = Sami Moubayed
- Ali Gazi: |accessdate=10 March 2019
- Ali Haider (singer): |accessdate=23 November 2014
- Ali Hatem al-Suleiman: |accessdate=4 June 2019
- Ali I (Bavandid ruler): | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ali Joego: | authorlink = Misbach Yusa Biran↵
- Ali Kararname: |accessdate=25 August 2011, |accessdate=25 August 2011, |accessdate=25 August 2011, |accessdate=25 August 2011
- Ali Khedery: |accessdate=2014-10-05, |accessdate=2014-10-05, |accessdate=2014-10-05
- Ali Mahdi Muhammad: |accessdate=10 June 2014
- Ali Mohamed Mohamud: |accessdate=10 August 2014
- Ali Musliyar: |accessdate=27 June 2020, |accessdate=10 November 2019, |accessdate=14 November 2019
- Ali Pasha Rizvanbegović: |authorlink=Ivan Franjo Jukić
- Ali Pasha ibn Abd Allah: |authorlink1=Elie Kedourie
- Ali Puli: |origyear=1877
- Ali Sahli: |authorlink=Ian Brownlie
- Ali Sastroamidjojo: |accessdate=27 October 2013
- Ali Yusuf Kenadid: |accessdate=14 December 2014
- Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn: |accessdate=22 November 2013
- Ali ibn Faramurz: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ali ibn Hanzala: |authorlink=Farhad Daftary
- Ali ibn Il-Arslan: | authorlink =
- Ali ibn Kama: | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Ali ibn Umar al-Balawi: | authorlink = Heinz Halm
- Ali in the Quran: |authorlink=Wilferd Madelung , |authorlink=Moojan Momen
- Ali-Agha Shikhlinski: |accessdate=16 September 2017
- Ali-Baba Bound: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Aliagha Hasanov: |accessdate=2011-12-06 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-04-25
- Alianore Holland, Countess of March: |accessdate = 1 October 2012↵
- Aliança de Araújo: |accessdate=8 August 2019, |accessdate=8 August 2019, |accessdate=8 August 2019 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=5 February 2015
- Alias Jane Doe: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-11-08, |accessdate=5 October 2016
- Alias Jimmy Valentine (radio program): |accessdate=5 October 2016, |accessdate=5 October 2016, |accessdate=5 October 2016, |accessdate=5 October 2016, |accessdate=5 October 2016, |accessdate=5 October 2016
- Alias Mrs. Jessop: |accessdate=5 August 2019
- Alibhai Mulla Jeevanjee: |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012
- Alibi (Vandenberg album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Alibori River: |accessdate=30 April 2012
- Alibre Design: | accessdate=June 26, 2016 , | accessdate=June 26, 2016
- Alicante tomato: |authorlink = D. G. Hessayon
- Alicanto: | origyear = 1974↵
- Alice Amelia Chown: |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |authorlink=Pamela Klassen, |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02↵
- Alice Anderson (writer): |accessdate=7 September 2017
- Alice Baldwin (abbess): |authorlink1=Egerton Brydges , |authorlink2=Stebbing Shaw , |authorlink=George Lipscomb
- Alice Behrens: | authorlink=Rose Kerr (Girl Guides)
- Alice Birney: |accessdate=September 12, 2019
- Alice Brown (writer): | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- Alice Bunker Stockham: |authorlink=Samael Aun Weor , |authorlink=Alice Bunker Stockham , |authorlink=Arthur Versluis
- Alice Burks: | authorlink = Alice Burks↵ , |authorlink2=Arthur Burks ↵ , | authorlink = Alice Burks↵ , | authorlink = Alice Burks↵
- Alice Carmen Gouvy: |accessdate=31 March 2017
- Alice Cashel: |accessdate=25 Nov 2016, |accessdate=25 Nov 2016
- Alice Charbonnet-Kellermann: |accessdate=29 November 2017
- Alice Claypoole Vanderbilt: |accessdate=17 April 2018
- Alice Cling: | accessdate = 2017-03-15
- Alice Coke, Countess of Leicester: |accessdate=6 July 2017
- Alice Corkran: |accessdate=2020-03-03 , |accessdate=2020-03-03
- Alice Curtice Moyer: |accessdate=17 August 2017
- Alice Dalsheimer: |accessdate=11 October 2020
- Alice Davenport: |accessdate=April 16, 2018
- Alice Day: |accessdate=11 March 2018, |accessdate=March 9, 2020
- Alice Delysia: |origyear=1938
- Alice Dewey: |authorlink=Ann Dunham
- Alice Everett: | accessdate=18 October 2012↵
- Alice Fong Yu: |authorlink=Judy Yung , |authorlink=Judy Yung , |authorlink=Judy Yung , |authorlink=Judy Yung
- Alice Franklin: |accessdate=13 April 2016
- Alice Garoute: |accessdate=24 March 2015
- Alice Greenough Orr: |accessdate=December 23, 2009
- Alice H. Parker: |accessdate=18 November 2020
- Alice Herz: |accessdate=28 November 2014, |accessdate=28 November 2014
- Alice Hext: | authorlink = Charles G. Henderson↵, | authorlink = Gerald Trethowan↵
- Alice Hughes: |accessdate=11 March 2013
- Alice Huyler Ramsey: |authorlink= Charles Kuralt
- Alice Joy: |accessdate=December 18, 2019, |accessdate=December 19, 2019 , |accessdate=December 19, 2019
- Alice Kent Stoddard: |accessdate=March 26, 2015 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=March 4, 2016
- Alice Kipling: |accessdate=2015-11-26
- Alice Knyvet: |accessdate=1 June 2012, |accessdate=1 June 2012
- Alice L. Bordsen: |accessdate=25 June 2011
- Alice Lawrenson: | authorlink1=Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie , | authorlink2=Joy Harvey
- Alice Lee (civic leader): |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Alice Lee Jemison: |accessdate=April 15, 2015
- Alice Lee Moqué: |accessdate=3 June 2016, |accessdate=3 June 2016, |accessdate=13 May 2016, |accessdate=6 June 2016, |accessdate=3 June 2016, |accessdate=3 June 2016
- Alice Lisle: |authorlink1=Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer
- Alice Louise Reynolds: | authorlink = Andrew Jenson , | accessdate = December 12, 2013
- Alice Marval: |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08
- Alice Mary Hagen: |accessdate=2014-07-13↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-13↵ , |accessdate=2014-07-13↵
- Alice Mary Weeks: |accessdate=12 October 2020
- Alice Meynell: |accessdate= 23 January 2019 , |accessdate= 23 January 2019, |accessdate= 24 January 2019 , |accessdate= 23 January 2019 , |accessdate= 23 January 2019 , |accessdate=1 March 2017
- Alice Ming Wai Jim: | accessdate = 2017-03-24
- Alice Moderno: |accessdate=14 June 2018
- Alice Oswald: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=6 June 2012
- Alice Ottley: |accessdate=7 February 2020
- Alice Ouédraogo: |accessdate=8 November 2017
- Alice Pegler: |authorlink1=Mary Gunn, |authorlink2=Leslie Edward Wostall Codd
- Alice Rebecca Appenzeller: |accessdate=22 July 2015
- Alice Rebecca Brooks McGuire: |accessdate=October 29, 2019, |accessdate=October 29, 2019
- Alice Reeves: |accessdate=9 January 2020
- Alice Rideout: | accessdate = 2013-10-28↵
- Alice Riggs Hunt: |accessdate=17 October 2018, |accessdate=17 October 2018, |accessdate=17 October 2018 , |accessdate=17 October 2018
- Alice Samter: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Alice Stuart: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016 film): |lyrics_credits=, |music_credits=
- Alice Vanderbilt Morris: |accessdate=18 January 2018
- Alice Verne-Bredt: |accessdate=16 December 2014, |accessdate=16 December 2014, |accessdate=16 December 2014
- Alice Wairimu Nderitu: |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017
- Alice Whealey: |accessdate=4 August 2010
- Alice Wheeldon: | authorlink = Adam Hochschild↵
- Alice Woodhouse: |accessdate=19 April 2017
- Alice Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos: |accessdate=18 September 2018
- Alice and Claude Askew: |accessdate=22 November 2014
- Alice in Wonderland dress: |accessdate=28 March 2019, |accessdate=28 March 2019, |accessdate=28 March 2019, |accessdate=28 March 2019
- Alice the Goon: |accessdate=17 August 2017, |accessdate=17 August 2017
- Alice-Leone Moats: | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink1 = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020, | authorlink = Alice-Leone Moats↵, | accessdate = 11 August 2020
- Alicia (album): |authorlink=Alicia Keys, |accessdate=February 20, 2021
- Alicia Ann Spottiswoode: |accessdate=8 November 2010
- Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- Alicia Craig Faxon: |accessdate=19 January 2017, |accessdate=19 January 2017, |accessdate=19 January 2017, |accessdate=19 January 2017
- Alicia Creus: |accessdate=27 May 2019
- Alicia Paz: |authorlink=Jerwood Foundation
- Alicia Urreta: |accessdate=27 September 2010
- Alick McCallum: |accessdate=14 October 2011
- Alida Olbers Wester: |accessdate=4 August 2018
- Alida Schuyler: |accessdate=16 September 2016
- Alien (Atlanta Rhythm Section song): |accessdate=January 24, 2020, |accessdate=January 24, 2020, |accessdate=January 24, 2020
- Alien Costume Saga: |authorlink = Peter David
- Alien Resurrection (soundtrack): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵↵
- Alien space bats: | authorlink=S. M. Stirling , | authorlink=John Birmingham
- Aliens (EP): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Aliens Adventure Game: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Aliguccio Ciccarelli: | authorlink=
- Alihan Samedov: |accessdate=2 May 2011
- Alija Gušanac: |authorlink=Milan Milićević, |origyear=1942
- Alija Isaković: |accessdate=16 August 2013, |accessdate=16 August 2013
- Alijt Bake: |accessdate=5 June 2016
- Alimpije Marjanovic: |origyear=1930, |authorlink=Stanislav Krakov, |authorlink=Vasilije Trbić
- Alindao: |accessdate=30 March 2013, |accessdate=30 March 2013, |accessdate=30 March 2013, |accessdate=30 March 2013
- Aline Bernstein: |accessdate=November 10, 2018
- Aline Elizabeth Black: |accessdate=30 March 2016, |accessdate=30 March 2016, |accessdate=30 March 2016
- Aline Mare: |accessdate=22 August 2017
- Aline Marie Raynal: |accessdate=4 January 2019 , |accessdate=4 January 2019 , |accessdate=4 January 2019
- Aline Sitoe Diatta: |authorlink1=Simone Schwarz-Bart, |authorlink2=André Schwarz-Bart
- Aline, Idaho: |accessdate=June 20, 2016
- Alioune Dramé: |accessdate=22 October 2016, |accessdate=22 October 2016
- Aliqoli Jadid-ol-Eslam: |authorlink1=Abbas Amanat
- Alireza Afshar: |accessdate=5 August 2013
- Alirio: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Alirio Palacios: |accessdate=October 10, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 1, 2015, |accessdate=October 7, 2015
- Alishang: |accessdate=28 April 2011
- Alisma canaliculatum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Alisma lanceolatum: |authorlink=Francis Rose
- Alisma orientale: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Alisma plantago-aquatica: |authorlink=Francis Rose
- Alisma subcordatum: |authorlink1=William Niering, |origyear=1979
- Alison Adburgham: |accessdate=2 August 2015
- Alison Bauld: |accessdate=23 January 2011
- Alison Holst: |accessdate=9 May 2019
- Alison Horner: |accessdate=16 May 2018
- Alison Houston Lockerbie Newton: |accessdate=17 November 2017
- Alison Jaggar: |accessdate=5 August 2016, |accessdate=6 August 2016
- Alison Lang (basketball): |accessdate=19 January 2020
- Alison MacCallum: | origyear = 1987 , | authorlink1 = David Kent (historian)
- Alison Mary Hore-Ruthven: |accessdate=17 January 2018, |accessdate=17 January 2018, |accessdate=17 January 2018
- Alison McCreary: |accessdate=August 4, 2014
- Alison Quentin-Baxter: |authorlink1=Alison Quentin-Baxter
- Alison Skipworth: |accessdate=8 November 2016, |accessdate=16 May 2018
- Alison Steele: |authorlink=Donna Halper
- Alison Waley: |accessdate=20 February 2019, |accessdate=20 February 2019
- Alison de Vere: |authorlink = Giannalberto Bendazzi↵
- Alistair Brown (footballer, born 1951): |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Alistair Slater: |authorlink=Andy McNab
- Alister Greene: |accessdate=21 November 2018 , |accessdate=21 November 2018 , |accessdate=21 November 2018 , |accessdate=21 November 2018, |accessdate=13 June 2018 , |accessdate=20 October 2017, |accessdate=21 November 2018, |accessdate=21 November 2018
- Alister McMullin: |authorlink=United Press International, |authorlink2=American Heritage (magazine)
- Alita Román: |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015, |accessdate=11 June 2015
- Alivardi Khan: |authorlink=Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi, |authorlink=William Dalrymple, |authorlink=Sirajul Islam, |authorlink=Ghulam Husain Salim
- Alive (Chick Corea album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Alive and Screamin': | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Alive in America: |accessdate=June 7, 2020
- Alive in Studio A: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Alive on Arrival: |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Alix Aymé: |accessdate=13 September 2012
- Aliyu Makama: |accessdate=30 December 2017
- Aliza Gur: |accessdate=6 June 2011
- Aljay al-Yusufi: |accessdate=12 January 2020
- Aljira, a Center for Contemporary Art: |accessdate=2012-08-08
- Alkaline tide: |authorlink=↵
- Alkha Ram: |accessdate=4 January 2021, |accessdate=4 January 2021, |accessdate=4 January 2021
- Alkham, Lydden and Swingfield Woods: |authorlink=Derek Ratcliffe
- Alki (boat): | accessdate = 2017-03-20↵
- Alkmaar, Mpumalanga: |accessdate=27 August 2017
- Alkmonton: |accessdate=31 January 2018, |accessdate=31 January 2018
- Alkmonton medieval settlement: |accessdate=27 August 2020
- Alkynylation: |authorlink1=Melville Wolfrom, |accessdate=24 February 2016
- All About Baby: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- All About Love (2010 film): |authorlink1=Feminism, Postfeminism, and Hong Kong Women Filmmakers
- All About Radiation: |authorlink=Mikael Rothstein
- All About a Feeling: |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- All About the Future: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- All Ages: |authorlink1=Colin Larkin (writer)
- All American Open: |authorlink=Al Barkow
- All Areas – Worldwide: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- All Balls Don't Bounce: |accessdate=April 8, 2015, |accessdate=June 24, 2018
- All Bengal Women's Union: |accessdate=28 January 2018
- All British Ford: |authorlink= G.N. Georgano
- All China Lawyers Association: |accessdate=14 March 2013, |accessdate=14 March 2013, |accessdate=14 March 2013
- All Day Music: |accessdate=March 22, 2019
- All Families Are Psychotic: | authorlink = Douglas Coupland
- All Fired Up (Fastway album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- All Flesh is Grass (novel): |accessdate=January 24, 2016
- All Fowled Up: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- All Gates Open: The Story of Can: |authorlink2=Irmin Schmidt
- All Got Our Runnins: | writing_credits = ↵
- All I Ever Need Is You (1990 Sonny & Cher album): |accessdate=February 1, 2016
- All I Intended to Be: |accessdate=July 27, 2011
- All I Need Is Love: |authorlink = Klaus Kinski↵ , |authorlink = Klaus Kinski↵ , |origyear = First published 1988↵ , | accessdate = 2011-08-04↵
- All I Need Is Your Sweet Lovin': |accessdate=2011-03-21, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2014-07-14, |accessdate=2011-04-07, |accessdate=2011-04-07
- All I Needed Was the Rain: |accessdate=24 March 2011, |accessdate=24 March 2011
- All I Really Want (Kim Lukas song): |accessdate=1 December 2010
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh: |accessdate=27 July 2019, |accessdate=27 July 2019
- All India Kurmi Kshatriya Mahasabha: |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot , |accessdate=2011-08-29
- All India Port and Dock Workers Federation: |accessdate=July 7, 2017
- All Japan Judo Federation: |accessdate=7 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=7 January 2018, |accessdate=7 January 2018, |accessdate=7 January 2018
- All Jokes Aside (comedy club): |accessdate=25 February 2012, |accessdate=25 February 2012, |accessdate=25 February 2012
- All Kinds of Weather: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling: |accessdate=July 14, 2020, |accessdate=July 14, 2020
- All Mornin' Long: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- All Night Long (Faith Evans song): |accessdate=July 14, 2020
- All Night Long (Kenny Burrell album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- All Night Long (Shirley Horn album): |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- All Nightmare Long: |lyrics_credits=, |music_credits=
- All Out (album): |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- All Over Me (Blake Shelton song): |accessdate=May 13, 2015
- All Over the Place (The Bangles album): |accessdate=August 16, 2020, |accessdate=October 12, 2011
- All Pines: |accessdate=2 November 2018
- All Saint's Memorial Church (Navesink, New Jersey): |accessdate=27 January 2015
- All Saints (David Bowie album): |authorlink=Colin Larkin (writer)
- All Saints Church, Acton: |accessdate=29 January 2017
- All Saints Church, Buncton: |authorlink=Ian Nairn, |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner, |authorlink2 = David Arscott
- All Saints Church, Crondall: |accessdate=14 May 2015, | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , |accessdate=
- All Saints Church, Ecclesall: |authorlink=Joseph Hunter (antiquarian)
- All Saints Church, Highbrook: |authorlink=Ian Nairn
- All Saints Church, Maidstone: |authorlink=Edward Hasted , |accessdate=19 June 2011 , |accessdate=19 June 2011 , |authorlink=Edward Hasted , |accessdate=26 June 2011
- All Saints Church, Peshawar: |accessdate=22 October 2015
- All Saints Church, Riga: |authorlink= Vita Banga
- All Saints Church, Roffey: |authorlink=Ian Nairn
- All Saints Church, West Ham: |authorlink1=Ben Weinreb, |authorlink2=Christopher Hibbert
- All Saints Episcopal Church (Chicago): | accessdate=2013-10-31, | accessdate=2013-10-31
- All Saints Episcopal Church (Fort Lauderdale, Florida): |accessdate=2015-06-24
- All Saints Roman Catholic Church (Buffalo, New York): |accessdate=2012-01-21
- All Saints' Church, Falmouth: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- All Saints' Church, Gosforth: | authorlink1 = Nikolaus Pevsner↵
- All Saints' Church, Huntingdon: |accessdate=2 December 2011
- All Saints' Church, Stamford: |accessdate=9 February 2012
- All Saints' Church, Sutton Courtenay: |authorlink=Bill Bryson , |authorlink=Robert Colls , |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- All Saints' Church, Youlgreave: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- All She Wants to Do Is Dance: |accessdate=2010-08-22
- All Smiles (Kenny Clarke/Francy Boland Big Band album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- All Souls Church, Umhlali: |authorlink=T. V. Bulpin
- All Sports: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- All Star Secrets: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- All That Is Tied: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear = 1992
- All That Jazz (Ella Fitzgerald album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- All That Matters (novel): |accessdate=27 July 2013
- All These Countless Nights: | music_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵
- All This Life: | writing_credits =↵
- All This and Heaven Too (album): |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- All This and World War II: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- All This and World War II (adventure): |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- All Those Born with Wings: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- All Yesterdays: |authorlink= Mark P. Witton, |authorlink= Mark P. Witton
- All by Myself (Bee Gees song): |accessdate=29 January 2013
- All for One (Raven album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- All in a Row (play): |accessdate=26 February 2019
- All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies: |accessdate=2015-04-06
- All over print: |accessdate= 2011-10-05
- All singing, all dancing: |accessdate=24 August 2020
- All the Angels: |authorlink=John Thomas Gilbert
- All the Best (John Paul Young album): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- All the Brothers Were Valiant (novel): |accessdate=30 June 2017
- All the Gin Is Gone: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- All the Nations Airports: |authorlink2=Christian Hoard
- All the Plans: | writing_credits =↵, | writing_credits =↵
- All the Rage (Blood on the Dance Floor album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- All the Vermeers in New York: |accessdate=May 23, 2012
- All the Way Home (film): |authorlink=James Agee, |authorlink=Tad Mosel
- All the Way from Memphis: |accessdate=8 November 2020
- All the Wrong Clues for the Right Solution: |accessdate=30 September 2013
- All the Young Dudes (album): |accessdate=March 8, 2019
- All's Fair at the Fair: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- All-4-One (All-4-One album): |authorlink1=Colin Larkin (writer)
- All-India Yadav Mahasabha: |authorlink=David Goodman Mandelbaum
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1964: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1965: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1966: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1967: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1968: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1969: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1970: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1971: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1972: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1973: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1975: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1976: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1977: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1978: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1979: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1980: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1981: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1982: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1983: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1984: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1985: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1986: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1987: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1988: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1989: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1990: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1991: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1992: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1993: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1994: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1995: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1996: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1997: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1998: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 1999: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2000: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2001: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2002: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2003: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2004: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2005: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2006: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2007: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2008: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2009: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2010: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Ireland Senior Club Camogie Championship 2011: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- All-Red Route: |authorlink=Mohammed Ayoob↵, |authorlink=Derek Hopwood↵
- All-Russia People's Front: |accessdate=26 May 2017, |accessdate=26 May 2017, |authorlink=Richard Sakwa, |accessdate=14 October 2017
- All-Russian Teachers' Union: |accessdate=17 July 2015
- All-Star Blitz: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- All-Time Greatest Hits, Vol. 1: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=February 27, 2019
- All-Union Conductors Competition: |accessdate=2016-03-28, |accessdate=2016-03-28
- All-for-Ireland League: |authorlink=Jonathan Bardon
- Alla Jakovleva: |accessdate=26 July 2013
- Alladiya Khan: |accessdate=2015-07-12, |accessdate=2015-07-12
- Allah Bux Soomro: |authorlink=K. R. Malkani
- Allah Rakha (film): |accessdate=1 January 2012
- Allah jang Palsoe: |authorlink=Kwee Tek Hoay↵
- Allah-Yar Saleh: |authorlink1=Donald Wilber, |accessdate=5 May 2017, |accessdate=5 May 2017, |accessdate=1 December 2014
- Allahdad: | authorlink = ↵
- Allahdino: |accessdate=30 June 2012
- Allama Banuri Town: |accessdate=8 May 2020
- Allamuchy Mountain: |accessdate=April 6, 2014
- Allan Borodin: | authorlink = Allan Borodin↵
- Allan Chapman (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Allan Chernoff: |accessdate=3 October 2014
- Allan Dick (politician): |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Allan Eugene Updegraff: |accessdate=February 20, 2016, |accessdate=3 December 2014
- Allan Fitzsimmons: |accessdate=2015-11-09
- Allan George Richard Byfield: |accessdate=2015-07-11, |accessdate=2015-07-11
- Allan Gilmour (British Army officer): |accessdate=27 June 2020
- Allan Gorman: |accessdate=September 15, 2015, |accessdate=September 15, 2015
- Allan Hendry: | authorlink = Jerome Clark
- Allan Hepburn: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Allan Hobson: | accessdate = 2015-01-29, | accessdate = 2013-12-28
- Allan Holmes (lawyer): | accessdate = 15 January 2017 , |accessdate= 30 March 2014
- Allan Kerr Taylor: |authorlink = Guy Scholefield
- Allan Levy: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Allan Lockheed: |accessdate=2010-01-17
- Allan MacRae: |accessdate=26 April 2017, |accessdate=20 September 2015
- Allan Maitland: |accessdate=28 July 2018
- Allan Manings: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Allan McKay (visual effects): |accessdate=9 August 2017
- Allan Moses: | authorlink = Lincoln Keith Ingersoll
- Allan Ngumuya: |accessdate=17 November 2010
- Allan Pomeroy: | accessdate=March 8, 2017
- Allan Randall Freelon: |accessdate=1 April 2015, |accessdate=1 April 2015
- Allan Ray Guy: |accessdate=2012-07-10
- Allan Richmond Cockerell: |origyear= 1913
- Allan Rosenberg (spy): | accessdate = 26 August 2017, | accessdate = 26 August 2017, | accessdate = 26 August 2017, | accessdate = 26 August 2017, | accessdate = 26 December 2019, | accessdate = 26 August 2017
- Allan Sparkes: |accessdate=4 September 2020
- Allan Staniforth: |accessdate=24 December 2018
- Allan Sullivan: |accessdate=2018-04-06
- Allan Thomson (businessman): | authorlink=John Thomas Scharf
- Allan Warrack: |accessdate=November 17, 2014
- Allan Water: |origyear= First published 1976, |origyear= First published 1976
- Allan deSouza: |accessdate=8 July 2013, |accessdate=8 July 2013, |accessdate=8 July 2013, |accessdate=8 July 2013, |accessdate=8 July 2013, |accessdate=8 July 2013, |accessdate=8 July 2013
- Allan's Mill: |accessdate=2015-11-09
- Allanah Harper: |accessdate=19 January 2018
- Allanshaw: | authorlink = Basil Lubbock↵
- Allantactis: |authorlink=Daniel Cornelius Danielssen
- Allantospermum: | accessdate = 24 April 2008
- Allantospermum borneense: | accessdate = 29 May 2015
- Allard Anthony: | authorlink = Berthold Fernow↵
- Allardt, Tennessee: |accessdate=21 November 2011
- Allari Alludu: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Allari Mogudu: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Allarodu: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Alle Kvinners Blad: |accessdate=26 February 2017
- Alleged British use of chemical weapons in Mesopotamia in 1920: |authorlink=Charles Townshend (historian)
- Alleged in Their Own Time: |accessdate=February 26, 2019
- Allegheny Airlines Flight 853: |accessdate=March 25, 2016
- Allegheny County Fairgrounds: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Allegheny County Jail: | accessdate=2011-08-12, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 21 July 2011
- Allegheny County Office Building: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Allegheny General Hospital: | accessdate=2010-07-02
- Allegheny Health Network: |accessdate=May 17, 2020 , |accessdate=May 17, 2020 , |accessdate=May 17, 2020
- Allegheny High School: | accessdate=2010-07-02, |accessdate=6 February 2017
- Allegheny Market House: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Allegheny Mountain Radio: |accessdate=July 8, 2015, |accessdate=July 8, 2015, |accessdate=July 8, 2015
- Allegheny Post Office: | accessdate=2011-08-05, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 21 July 2011
- Allegheny Social Hall: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Allegra Fuller Snyder: |accessdate=10 March 2015
- Allegretto for Piano Trio, WoO. 39 (Beethoven): |authorlink=Barry Cooper (musicologist)
- Allegria: |accessdate=13 July 2019
- Allemand's escape from Lorient: | authorlink = Onésime-Joachim Troude↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , | origyear = 1827↵
- Allen Abraham: |authorlink=S. Arumugam
- Allen Adler: | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Allen Banks Burch: |accessdate=11 July 2020, |accessdate=25 July 2020
- Allen Broussard: |accessdate=August 3, 2017, |accessdate=August 3, 2017, |accessdate=August 3, 2017, |accessdate=August 3, 2017, |accessdate=August 3, 2017
- Allen C. Fuller: |accessdate=22 November 2011, |accessdate=22 November 2011
- Allen Case: |accessdate=1 July 2017
- Allen Cleveland Lewis: |accessdate=2009-08-12
- Allen Drury's University series: |accessdate=January 23, 2015
- Allen Edward Everitt: |authorlink=Samuel Carter Hall , |authorlink=John Thackray Bunce
- Allen Farnham at Maybeck: |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Allen Fox: |accessdate=March 3, 2011, |accessdate=March 3, 2011, |accessdate=March 3, 2011, |accessdate=March 3, 2011
- Allen G. Mitchell: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Allen G. Rushlight: |authorlink=Jewel Lansing↵
- Allen Gardiner (schooner): |accessdate=August 9, 2011
- Allen Hamiter: |accessdate=Sep 22, 2019, |accessdate=Sep 22, 2019
- Allen Hiram Curtiss: |accessdate=2014-10-09
- Allen Holubar: |accessdate=May 3, 2018
- Allen Island, Queensland: |accessdate=7 February 2020
- Allen J. Bartunek: |accessdate=2014-12-14
- Allen Jeardeau: |accessdate=June 20, 2015
- Allen Johnson (activist): |accessdate=7 September 2015, |accessdate=7 September 2015, |accessdate=7 September 2015, |accessdate=7 September 2015, |accessdate=7 September 2015, |accessdate=8 September 2015, |accessdate=7 September 2015
- Allen Kearns: |authorlink=Howard Pollack
- Allen Mandelbaum: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Allen Matkins: |accessdate=2019-10-12
- Allen McKay: |accessdate=27 November 2016
- Allen Michels: |accessdate=15 November 2017
- Allen Miller (golfer): |authorlink=James A. Barclay
- Allen Ravenstine: |accessdate=February 19, 2013
- Allen S. Baker: |accessdate=2015-08-06
- Allen Steen: |accessdate=2 January 2018
- Allen Tolmich: |accessdate=October 24, 2011, |accessdate=October 24, 2011, |accessdate=October 24, 2011
- Allen Toussaint discography: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Allene Jeanes: |accessdate=23 October 2015
- Allene Tew: |accessdate=14 November 2019 , |accessdate=14 November 2019 , |accessdate=14 November 2019 , |accessdate=15 November 2019 , |accessdate=14 November 2019 , |accessdate=14 November 2019 , |accessdate=14 November 2019 , |accessdate=15 November 2019
- Allens (law firm): |accessdate= December 14, 2020
- Allensbach Institute: | accessdate = 2008-02-04↵ , | accessdate = 2008-02-06↵ , | accessdate = 2008-02-06↵ , | accessdate = 2008-02-06↵ , | accessdate = 2008-02-06↵
- Allensford: |accessdate=31 May 2013
- Allentown Fairgrounds: |accessdate=August 23, 2020
- Allerston, Alberta: | accessdate=2011-11-27
- Allerton Bywater: |accessdate=17 October 2014
- Allerton Mauleverer: |accessdate=4 February 2013, |accessdate=21 March 2013, |accessdate=21 March 2013, |accessdate=21 March 2013, |accessdate=21 March 2013
- Alletorphine: | accessdate = 29 November 2011 , | accessdate = 29 November 2011
- Alley Baggett: |accessdate=20 June 2012
- Allez Hopp: |accessdate=28 March 2011, |accessdate=28 March 2011
- Alliance Quebec: |accessdate=2011-04-10, |accessdate=2011-04-10, |accessdate=2011-04-10, |accessdate=August 18, 2017, |accessdate=2011-04-10, |accessdate=2011-04-10
- Alliance for Marriage: |accessdate=22 November 2014, |accessdate=22 November 2014, |accessdate=18 August 2014
- Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction: |authorlink=Barry Turner (journalist)
- Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa: |accessdate=2 February 2012↵
- Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics: | authorlink = ↵
- Alliance of Liberties: |accessdate=10 October 2014
- Alliant Computer Systems: |authorlink=Jessica Livingston
- Allianz SpA v West Tankers: |accessdate=24 May 2014
- Allianz vun Humanisten, Atheisten an Agnostiker: |accessdate=20 November 2015
- Allied Forces North Norway: |accessdate=2 December 2017
- Allied Intelligence Bureau: |accessdate=13 November 2010, |authorlink=Alan Powell (historian)
- Allied Maritime Transport Council: |accessdate=15 September 2018
- Allied Naval Forces Southern Europe: |accessdate=June 7, 2010, |accessdate=June 7, 2010, |accessdate=June 7, 2010, |accessdate=June 7, 2010, |accessdate=June 7, 2010, |accessdate=June 8, 2010
- Allied Stars Ltd: |accessdate=27 July 2012
- Allied Subjects' Medal: |accessdate=2018-01-22
- Allied Translator and Interpreter Section: |editorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |accessdate=9 November 2010, |accessdate=9 November 2010
- Allied invasion of Italy order of battle: | authorlink = Angus Konstam↵ , | origyear = 1st. pub. [[HMSO]]:1973↵
- Allied logistics in the Southern France campaign: |authorlink = Samuel Eliot Morison
- Allied order of battle for Operation Mascot: |origyear=1944
- Allied order of battle for Operation Tungsten: |origyear=1944
- Allied siege of La Rochelle: |authorlink= Howard Zinn
- Alligator (The National album): | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Allison Durbin: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Allison Glacier (Heard Island): |accessdate=7 June 2010
- Allison T. Smith: |accessdate=2018-05-06
- Allium anisopodium: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Allium longistylum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Allium macrostemon: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Allium maximowiczii: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Allium monanthum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Allium ochotense: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Allium oleraceum: |authorlink = Stace, C. A.
- Allium sacculiferum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Allium scorodoprasum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017 , |authorlink = Stace, C. A.
- Allium senescens: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Allium spirale: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017 , |accessdate=2016-01-31
- Allium thunbergii: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Alloborborus: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Allocasuarina decussata: |accessdate=7 January 2020
- Allocasuarina fraseriana: |authorlink1=Glenn Storr
- Allocation (oil and gas): |accessdate=2013-06-23, |accessdate=2013-06-23, | accessdate = 2013-06-23↵, |accessdate=2013-06-23, |accessdate=2013-06-23
- Allocator (C++): | authorlink = Scott Meyers↵, |authorlink1=Andrei Alexandrescu↵ , | authorlink = Bjarne Stroustrup↵
- Allolimosina: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Alloprotein: | authorlink = , | origyear =
- Alloteropsis: |authorlink1=Thaddeus Haenke , |authorlink2=Carl Borivoj Presl
- Allotinus drumila: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Allotinus fabius: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Allotinus horsfieldi: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth , |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Allotinus multistrigatus: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Allotinus subviolaceus: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Allotment Commission (United States Civil War): |authorlink= , |accessdate=January 21, 2013 , |authorlink= , |accessdate=January 21, 2014
- Allston (surname): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Allt-y-Bela: |authorlink1=Cyril Fox↵, |authorlink2=FitzRoy Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan↵, |authorlink = Fred Hando↵, |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)↵
- Alltuni family: |authorlink=Eqrem bej Vlora, |origyear=1956
- Alludugaaru Vachcharu: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Allumwandlung: | authorlink=David Vincent Hooper↵ , | authorlink2=Kenneth Whyld↵
- Allur mandal, Nellore district: |accessdate=30 August 2016
- Alluwe, Oklahoma: | accessdate = 2015-10-19
- Allwright: |authorlink=Patrick Hanks , |authorlink2=Richard Coates
- Ally & Gargano: |accessdate=30 August 2017
- Ally Capellino: |accessdate=2014-02-01
- Allyssa Wolf: |accessdate=12 May 2015, |accessdate=12 May 2015, |accessdate=12 May 2015, |accessdate=12 May 2015
- Alma Bennett Morgan: |accessdate=23 November 2016, |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Alma Cogan (novel): |accessdate=21 October 2013
- Alma Downtown Historic District (Alma, Michigan): |accessdate= December 21, 2013
- Alma Julia Hightower: |accessdate=2011-09-29, |accessdate=2011-09-29, |accessdate=2011-09-29
- Alma Kitchell: |accessdate=15 September 2017, |accessdate=15 September 2017, |accessdate=14 September 2017, |accessdate=15 September 2017, |accessdate=1 September 2017
- Alma Lutz: |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=10 August 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017, |accessdate=31 July 2017
- Alma M. Aldrich: |accessdate=July 21, 2015, |accessdate=July 21, 2015
- Alma Macrorie: |accessdate=18 April 2016, |accessdate=12 August 2018
- Alma Mater (film): |accessdate = 11 December 2015
- Alma Mater (role-playing game): |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Alma Moodie: |accessdate=6 February 2017, |accessdate=6 February 2017
- Alma Problem: |accessdate=2013-04-11, |accessdate=2013-04-11, |accessdate=2013-04-11
- Alma Rayford: |accessdate=25 October 2018
- Alma Sundquist: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=28 April 2019
- Alma Tell: |accessdate=23 July 2019
- Alma Theodora Lee: |accessdate=5 March 2019 , |accessdate=5 March 2019
- Alma Vessells John: |authorlink=Martin Luther King Jr. , |authorlink=Mabel Keaton Staupers
- Alma de Bretteville Spreckels: | authorlink=Kevin Starr
- Alma, Georgia: | accessdate=30 November 2013
- Alma-class ironclad: |authorlink2=G. A. Henty, |authorlink=Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey
- Almack's: | accessdate=24 February 2021
- Almagor: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Almahide: |accessdate=11 December 2019
- Alman, Marjeyoun: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Almanac of British Politics: |authorlink=↵, |authorlink=↵, |authorlink=↵, |authorlink=↵, |authorlink=↵, |authorlink=↵, |authorlink=↵, |authorlink=↵
- Almeida Recebida: |accessdate=20 December 2014
- Almeley: |origyear=1848
- Almholme: |accessdate=2 February 2017
- Almighty Row: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Almirante Cervera-class cruiser: |authorlink=Michael J. Whitley
- Almirante Norte: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Almirante Sur: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Almo, Kentucky: | accessdate=December 15, 2020
- Almog (surname): | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Almond E. Fisher: |accessdate=28 September 2017, |accessdate=28 September 2017, |accessdate=28 September 2017
- Almonesson, New Jersey: |accessdate=June 30, 2011
- Almost Always: | authorlink = Joel Whitburn↵
- Almost Doesn't Count: |accessdate=May 3, 2020
- Almost Everything: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Almost Heaven: |accessdate=7 October 2019
- Almost Lover: |accessdate=8 October 2016
- Almost chess: |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player) , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)
- Almost complex manifold: | authorlink=Ana Cannas da Silva , |authorlink=Raymond O. Wells, Jr.
- Almost disjoint sets: | authorlink = Andreas Blass
- Alms Park: | accessdate=2013-05-04 , | accessdate=2013-05-30
- Almscliffe Crag: |authorlink=Albert Hugh Smith
- Almuce: |authorlink=Elof Hellquist
- Almuric: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Almut Gitter Jones: |accessdate=7 March 2019
- Almácigo Alto: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Almácigo Bajo: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Alne railway station: |authorlink=Ken Hoole
- Alnus japonica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Alnus maximowiczii: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Alnwick Infirmary: |accessdate=2014-08-02
- Aloa lactinea: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Alobates: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aloe Museum: |authorlink=Luc Alofs , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-12-24
- Aloei Saboe Hospital: |accessdate=15 October 2011
- Alofivai: |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Alogobotur: |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Alogonia (town): |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Aloha (band): |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Aloha College: |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Aloha Station Trust: |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Aloha Tower: |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Aloha Yachts: |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Aloha, Bobby and Rose: |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Aloha, Manitoba: |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Aloinopsis: |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012, |accessdate=29 April 2012
- Alois Hans Schram: | authorlink=Felix Czeike
- Alois Provazník: |authorlink=
- Alois Vašátko: |authorlink=Andy Saunders (author)
- Alois Weber (general): |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alois Windisch: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alojzije Janković: |authorlink1=Zdenko Kožul
- Alone (Again): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Alone (Bill Evans album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Alone Together (Dave Mason album): |accessdate=September 17, 2018
- Alone Together (Lee Konitz album): |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Alone Too Long (album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Alone at Last: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Alone in the Universe: | writing_credits =↵↵
- Alone with the Blues (Ray Bryant album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Alone with the Horrors: The Great Short Fiction of Ramsey Campbell 1961–1991: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- Alone, Kentucky: |accessdate=27 March 2018, |accessdate=27 March 2018, |accessdate=27 March 2018, |accessdate=27 March 2018, |accessdate=27 March 2018
- Along Comes a Woman: |accessdate=2012-01-04
- Along for the Ride (song): |lyrics_credits=, |music_credits=
- Along the Navajo Trail (film): |authorlink=William Colt MacDonald
- Alonim: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Sami Hadawi, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Alonso de Alvarado: |accessdate=21 June 2019
- Alonzo C. Webb: |accessdate=18 July 2013
- Alonzo Church: |authorlink=Stephen Wolfram
- Alonzo Edwin Branch: |accessdate=2015-04-14, |accessdate=2015-04-14
- Alonzo Hyndman: | accessdate=14 August 2009
- Alonzo L. McDonald: |accessdate=18 June 2015
- Alonzo Lewis: |accessdate=19 May 2017
- Alonzo W. Adams: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Alopecia in animals: |accessdate=31 October 2012, |accessdate=31 October 2012, |accessdate=31 October 2012, |accessdate=31 October 2012, |accessdate=31 October 2012
- Alotenango: |authorlink=Alfred Percival Maudslay
- Aloys Bigirumwami: |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25, |accessdate=2013-03-25↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-25↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-25↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-25
- Aloys Wach: |accessdate=8 March 2017
- Aloysius Masnata: | authorlink = Gerald Mckevitt↵, | authorlink = Joseph W. Riordan↵, | authorlink = Salvatore John LaGumina↵
- Aloysius Paul D'Souza: |authorlink=Michael Lobo↵
- Aloysius Rodoreda: |authorlink1=David Black (historian), |authorlink2=Geoffrey Bolton, |authorlink1=David Black (historian)
- Aloïse Corbaz: |accessdate=22 March 2016
- Alp Arslan al-Akhras: |authorlink=David Ayalon , |authorlink=Claude Cahen
- Alpena County Courthouse: |accessdate=June 8, 2016
- Alpental: |authorlink=Ira Spring, |authorlink2=Harvey Manning
- Alperin: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Alpert: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Alpha & Omega Recording: | accessdate=June 30, 2011
- Alpha (Australian magazine): |accessdate=1 February 2017
- Alpha (sternwheeler): | archiveurl = ↵, | archivedate = ↵, | accessdate = 2020-08-22↵
- Alpha 5 (Power Rangers): |accessdate=2016-10-04, |accessdate=2016-10-04, |accessdate=2016-10-04
- Alpha Blaster: |accessdate=31 May 2013 , |accessdate=31 May 2013
- Alpha Group (Belarus): |accessdate=19 February 2013
- Alpha Jamison: |accessdate=December 14, 2014, |accessdate=December 14, 2014
- Alpha Kappa Lambda: |origyear=1879
- Alpha Phi Gamma (honor society): |origyear=1879
- Alpha Ralpha Boulevard: |authorlink1=Cordwainer Smith, |accessdate=21 July 2015 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2013-01-09 , |authorlink1=Cordwainer Smith
- Alpha Terrace Historic District: | accessdate=2011-08-05, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 21 July 2011
- Alpha Trianguli: | authorlink=Richard Hinckley Allen
- Alpha consumer: | authorlink = Michael Wolf (economist)
- AlphaStar (software): |authorlink1=Stuart J. Russell
- Alphabet (formal languages): |authorlink1=Alfred Aho , |authorlink2=Ravi Sethi , |authorlink3=Jeffrey Ullman
- Alphabetical cricket teams: |authorlink=Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians , |authorlink=G. B. Buckley , |authorlink=Arthur Haygarth , |authorlink=Arthur Haygarth
- Alphabiography: |accessdate=7 December 2010
- Alphacetylmethadol: | accessdate = 15 May 2012
- Alphaea (moth): |authorlink=George Hampson
- Alphard (programming language): |authorlink=Allen Newell , |accessdate=12 May 2012, |authorlink=John McCarthy (computer scientist), |accessdate=12 May 2012
- Alpharts Tod: |accessdate=7 April 2018
- Alphasyllabic numeral system: |accessdate=2019-07-05, |accessdate=2019-07-05
- Alphege of Wells: | authorlink= Sarah Foot
- Alpherakya devanica: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Alpherakya sarta: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Alpheus Beede Stickney: | authorlink = ↵
- Alpheus Harding: |accessdate=2 March 2012, |accessdate=2 March 2012
- Alpheus Morton: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Alpheus Truett House: |accessdate=January 29, 2020
- Alphitomancy: |authorlink=Georg Luck , |origyear=1985
- Alphonse A. Kolb: |accessdate=Nov 15, 2019
- Alphonse Brot: |accessdate=2015-06-17
- Alphonse DeCarre: |accessdate=2016-08-27, |accessdate=2016-08-27
- Alphonse Merrheim: |accessdate=2013-09-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-09-17↵ , |accessdate=2013-09-17↵
- Alphonse Parfondry: |accessdate=17 June 2013
- Alphonse Pinart: |accessdate=2008-12-16↵
- Alphonse Rebière: |accessdate=25 February 2018, |accessdate=25 February 2018, |accessdate=25 February 2018
- Alphonse Roque-Ferrier: |accessdate=December 11, 2015
- Alphonse-Fortunat Martin: |authorlink=Charles Herbert Mackintosh , |accessdate=2009-05-17
- Alphonso Wells: |accessdate=2010-09-16
- Alphonsus Ciacconius: |authorlink=Claude-François Menestrier
- Alpine Antics (1936 film): |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Alpine route: | authorlink = Reinhold Messner↵
- Alpine skiing at the 1952 Winter Olympics – Men's slalom: |accessdate=21 May 2013
- Alpine skiing at the 1952 Winter Olympics – Women's slalom: |accessdate=6 November 2010 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 September 2007
- Alpine skiing at the 1956 Winter Olympics – Men's giant slalom: |authorlink1=Italian National Olympic Committee , |accessdate=2010-03-02
- Alpine skiing at the 1956 Winter Olympics – Women's downhill: |authorlink1=Italian National Olympic Committee , |accessdate=2010-03-02
- Alpine skiing at the 1956 Winter Olympics – Women's giant slalom: |authorlink1=Italian National Olympic Committee , |accessdate=2010-03-02
- Alpine skiing at the 1956 Winter Olympics – Women's slalom: |authorlink1=Italian National Olympic Committee , |accessdate=2010-03-02
- Alpini and Mountain Artillery formations in World War I: |accessdate=12 January 2019, |accessdate=13 January 2019, |accessdate=19 January 2019, |accessdate=19 January 2019, |accessdate=13 January 2019, |accessdate=12 January 2019, |accessdate=12 January 2019, |accessdate=12 January 2019
- Alpo K. Marttinen: |authorlink=:fi:Paavo Kairinen
- Alquerque: |authorlink=Robert Charles Bell
- Alroy Jovi: |accessdate=15 May 2015
- Alrutheus Ambush Taylor: |accessdate=28 August 2012, |accessdate=28 August 2012, |accessdate=28 August 2012
- Alsace-Moselle Memorial: |accessdate=2013-11-15
- Alsask Lake: |accessdate = 2011-08-11
- Alschomine: |accessdate=25 August 2013
- Alsea Falls: |origyear=1928
- Alsen Cross: |accessdate=19 January 2015
- Also Sprach Zarathustra (painting): | authorlink =↵
- Alsophila australis: |authorlink1=Joseph Maiden
- Alstonia angustiloba: | accessdate = 6 August 2013
- Alstonia iwahigensis: | accessdate = 7 August 2013
- Alstroemeria pelegrina: |authorlink1=Carl Linnaeus, |authorlink2=Johan Peter Falk, |authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Alsuma, Oklahoma: |accessdate=6 August 2014
- Alsunga Castle: | authorlink = ↵
- Alsós: |authorlink=David Parlett, | authorlink =David Parlett
- Alt for Damerne: |accessdate=21 April 2015
- Alta (poet): |accessdate=9 February 2012, |accessdate=9 February 2012, |authorlink=Mitsuye Yamada, |accessdate=9 February 2012, |accessdate=9 February 2012
- Alta Club: |origyear=1974
- Alta Loma, Rancho Cucamonga, California: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Alta Rockefeller Prentice: |accessdate=3 May 2019 , |accessdate=30 April 2019 , |accessdate=4 May 2019
- Alta Via dei Monti Liguri: | accessdate=2015-04-23
- Alta cappella: | authorlink=Roy Strong
- Altai montane forest and forest steppe: |accessdate=December 21, 2017
- Altair in fiction: |authorlink=Henry David Thoreau , |authorlink=Lew Wallace , |authorlink=Douglas Adams , |authorlink1=Ben Bova , |authorlink1=Arthur C. Clarke , |authorlink2=Stephen Baxter (author), |authorlink1=Arthur C. Clarke , |authorlink2=Stephen Baxter (author) , |authorlink=Kenneth Johnson (producer)
- Altar Boys: |authorlink=John J. Thompson
- Altar Stone (Stonehenge): |accessdate=4 August 2014
- Altar frontal from Avià: |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012
- Altar frontal from Cardet: |authorlink1= , |authorlink2= , |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012
- Altar frontal from Santa Maria in Taüll: |authorlink1= , |authorlink2= , |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012
- Altarpiece of the Holy Sacrament: |authorlink = ↵
- Altenberg Publishing: | accessdate=August 25, 2012
- Altenberger Dom: |authorlink=Norbert Nussbaum↵, | accessdate = 13 April 2017↵
- Altenglan station: |accessdate=1 June 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=13 December 2015
- Altered Traits: |authorlink=Daniel Goleman , |authorlink2=Richard Davidson
- Alterman: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Altermatt Lake: |accessdate=11 January 2020
- Alternant code: | authorlink=Jessie MacWilliams
- Alternant matrix: | authorlink=Thomas Muir (mathematician) , | authorlink=Alexander Aitken , | authorlink=Richard P. Stanley
- Alternanthera philoxeroides: |authorlink1=Roberts LIN , |authorlink2=Sutherland ORW , |accessdate=22 January 2019
- Alternate Learning: |authorlink=George Gimarc, |authorlink=Martin C. Strong
- Alternate forms for the name John: |accessdate=28 June 2016
- Alternate picking: |authorlink=Ivor Mairants
- Alternating finite automaton: | authorlink=Nick Pippenger
- Alternating knot: | authorlink = Louis Kauffman
- Alternating occlusion training: |accessdate=20 August 2013
- Alternative Left: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=24 January 2012
- Alternative law in Ireland prior to 1921: |authorlink1=Paul Bew , |authorlink1=Alvin Jackson (historian) , |authorlink1=Diarmait Mac Giolla Chriost , |authorlink1=Charles Townshend (historian) , |authorlink=William Edward Vaughan
- Alternative names for Northern Ireland: |accessdate=2008-09-23 , |accessdate=2008-09-23
- Alternative pleading: |accessdate=25 January 2017, |accessdate=25 January 2017
- Altes Stadthaus, Bonn: |accessdate=22 July 2012
- Altha (moth): |authorlink=George Hampson
- Althea Currier: | authorlink = Russ Meyer↵ , | authorlink = Steve Sullivan↵
- Althea Gyles: |accessdate=1 August 2015
- Altheimer & Gray: |accessdate= November 11, 2018 , |accessdate= November 11, 2018
- Alticotius de Alticotiis: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Altieri family: |origyear=1910
- Alto Sano, Las Marías, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Alto Sano, San Sebastián, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Alto Vista Chapel: |accessdate=December 23, 2010, |accessdate=December 24, 2010, |accessdate=December 24, 2010, |accessdate=December 24, 2010, |accessdate=December 24, 2010
- Alton Brown (baseball): |accessdate=January 13, 2016, |accessdate=January 13, 2016, |accessdate=January 13, 2016
- Alton Lemon: |authorlink= Paul Finkelman , |authorlink1= Kermit L. Hall , |authorlink= Douglas Laycock , |authorlink= Jay Sekulow
- Altonah, Utah: |accessdate=9 Feb 2018
- Altyn Arashan: |accessdate=22 November 2011, |accessdate=22 November 2011
- Altıntaş, Midyat: |accessdate=14 July 2020, |authorlink=Jean Maurice Fiey, |accessdate=15 July 2020
- Alucita hexadactyla: |authorlink3=Richard Lewington (artist)
- Alucita objurgatella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Aluligera: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Alum Shale Formation: | accessdate = 2009-05-30
- Aluma: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Alumbrados: |accessdate=31 January 2013
- Aluminum City Terrace: |accessdate=12 March 2019, |accessdate=12 March 2019
- Alumni Gymnasium (WPI): |accessdate=2018-11-06, |accessdate=2018-11-06, |accessdate=2018-11-06
- Alunite, Utah: |authorlink=Linda King Newell, |accessdate=15 Jul 2012, |origyear=Jun 1972
- Alux Nahual: |accessdate=June 30, 2015
- Alva B. Lasswell: |accessdate=February 8, 2020, |accessdate=February 8, 2020, |accessdate=February 8, 2020
- Alvan Barach: |accessdate=December 14, 2015, |accessdate=December 14, 2015
- Alvan Kallman: |accessdate=March 31, 2017
- Alvanley Johnston: |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-01, |accessdate=2013-08-01, |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |authorlink=David McCullough, |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-01 , |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |authorlink=Harry S. Truman, |accessdate=2013-08-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-01↵
- Alvarado Hotel: |accessdate=June 4, 2020, |accessdate=October 1, 2020 , |accessdate=October 1, 2020 , |accessdate=September 30, 2020 , |accessdate=October 1, 2020
- Alvediston Manor: | authorlink1 = Clarissa Eden↵, | authorlink1 = Nikolaus Pevsner↵, | authorlink1 = Robert Rhodes James↵
- Alveley: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Alveley Halt railway station: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- Alvera Frederic: |accessdate=2017-11-22
- Alverthorpe: |accessdate=4 February 2011, |accessdate=2 February 2011, |accessdate=11 February 2011, |accessdate=3 February 2011
- Alvin B. Koeneman: |accessdate=2020-12-27, |accessdate=2020-12-27
- Alvin C. Weingand: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Alvin Childress: |accessdate=10 October 2010, |accessdate=12 October 2010, |accessdate=27 September 2010, |accessdate=10 October 2010, |accessdate=27 September 2010, |accessdate=10 October 2010, |accessdate=January 25, 2017
- Alvin Hirsch Rosenfeld: |accessdate=15 April 2017
- Alvin Ing: |accessdate=2016-04-27
- Alvin Kahle: |accessdate=2015-02-27
- Alvin Katz: |accessdate=2014-10-11
- Alvin Luedecke: |accessdate=1 August 2011 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=11 June 2011 ↵, | accessdate = 20 October 2006↵, | authorlink = Richard G. Hewlett↵
- Alvin Lustig: |authorlink=Richard Hollis , |authorlink1=Steven Heller (graphic design) , |authorlink1=Steven Heller (graphic design) , |authorlink1=Steven Heller (graphic design) , |authorlink1=Steven Heller (graphic design)
- Alvin Rakoff: |accessdate=October 19, 2014
- Alvin Ratz Kaufman: |accessdate=August 23, 2018 , |accessdate=August 23, 2018 , |accessdate=May 14, 2020
- Alvin Robinson (musician): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Alvin Roth (basketball): | accessdate =July 27, 2013, | accessdate = July 27, 2013
- Alvin Schwartz (comics): |authorlink = Alexander C. Irvine
- Alvin Williams Stokes: | accessdate = 5 June 2020, | accessdate = 5 June 2020, | accessdate = 5 June 2020, | accessdate = 5 June 2020
- Alvina Krause: |origyear=1981 , |origyear=1883↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-04↵ , |origyear=1981↵ , |origyear=1981↵
- Alvis 10/30: |authorlink=
- Alvis TF 21: |authorlink=
- Alvise Loredan: | origyear = 1949 , | authorlink = Apostolos Vakalopoulos
- Alvito Nunes: |authorlink=Alexandre Herculano, |authorlink=José Mattoso
- Alvo (river): |authorlink= , |accessdate=
- Always & Forever (Eternal album): |accessdate = 18 December 2017, |accessdate = 18 December 2017
- Always (The Gathering album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Always Comes Evening: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- Always Let Me Go: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Always There (Side Effect song): | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Alwin Wolz: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Alwyn Barr: |accessdate=October 16, 2010, |accessdate=October 16, 2010, |accessdate=October 16, 2010
- Alyas Pogi: Ang Pagbabalik: |accessdate=May 17, 2015
- Alyas Pogi: Birador ng Nueva Ecija: |accessdate=June 2, 2020
- Alyas Pusa: Ang Taong May 13 Buhay: |accessdate=June 28, 2020
- Alycidon: |authorlink=O. S. Nock
- Alycus: |accessdate=14 April 2010
- Alys Fane Trotter: |accessdate=23 January 2015
- Alyse Gregory: |accessdate=1 February 2020
- Alyssum alyssoides: |authorlink = Stace, C. A.
- Alyxia spicata: |accessdate=27 August 2013
- Alzira Soriano: |accessdate=18 November 2017, |accessdate=18 November 2017, |accessdate=18 November 2017, |accessdate=18 November 2017
- Am Fraoch Eilean: |accessdate=7 September 2019
- Am I Black Enough for You? (song): |accessdate=28 May 2015
- Am Spiegelgrund clinic: |accessdate=8 December 2017, |accessdate=21 December 2017, | accessdate=July 10, 2011 , | accessdate=July 10, 2011
- Ama (title): |authorlink=William Mariner (writer)
- Ama no Fuchigoma: |accessdate=2015-03-24
- Amable de Courtais: |accessdate=2014-03-16
- Amadeo Barletta Barletta: |authorlink1=Juan Antonio Blanco , |accessdate=July 22, 2016
- Amadeus William Grabau: | accessdate = 2014-01-17↵ , |accessdate=2014-01-17↵
- Amador (name): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Amadou Koné: |accessdate=25 September 2013, |accessdate=, |accessdate=, |accessdate=, |accessdate=, |accessdate=, |accessdate=
- Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow: |accessdate=19 December 2017
- Amadu II of Masina: |accessdate=2013-03-10↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-10↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-10, |accessdate=2013-03-10↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-10↵ , |authorlink1=Nehemiah Levtzion↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-10↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-10↵
- Amadu III of Masina: |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |authorlink1=Nehemia Levtzion, |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-04
- Amagami Hime: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Amai Pakpak: |accessdate=14 September 2020
- Amak Island: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- Amaknak Island: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- Amal Bishara: |accessdate=12 November 2016
- Amalgamated Bank: | accessdate = 11 September 2017
- Amalgamated Carters, Lurrymen and Motormen's Union: |accessdate=8 May 2019
- Amalgamated Society of Boot and Shoe Makers: |accessdate=8 August 2019
- Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants: |authorlink=Philip Bagwell , |authorlink=Robert Griffiths (politician)
- Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers: |accessdate=16 April 2013
- Amalgamated Sugar Company: |accessdate=2010-01-30
- Amalgamation property: | authorlink=Wilfrid Hodges
- Amalia (given name): |authorlink=Stephen Wilson (historian)
- Amalia Paoli: |accessdate=9 September 2010
- Amalie Sieveking: |authorlink=Emma Poel
- Amaliënstein: |accessdate=28 August 2013
- Amami Communist Party: |accessdate=8 May 2016
- Aman Dangat: |accessdate=30 September 2019 , |accessdate=30 September 2019 , |accessdate=30 September 2019, |accessdate=30 September 2019 , |accessdate=30 September 2019 , |accessdate=30 September 2019 , |accessdate=30 September 2019
- Aman Dosanj: |accessdate=2010-11-28
- Amand Leduc: |authorlink=Léon Guérin, |authorlink=Prosper Levot, |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude, |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Amanda (album): |accessdate=24 October 2019
- Amanda Davied: |accessdate=May 22, 2018
- Amanda Duff: |accessdate=18 June 2017, |accessdate=18 June 2017
- Amanda Elzy: |accessdate=9 February 2015 , |accessdate=9 February 2015
- Amanda Elzy High School: |accessdate=9 February 2015
- Amanda Jones (inventor): |accessdate=31 May 2019
- Amanda Junquera Butler: |authorlink1=Marcel Pagnol
- Amanda Röntgen-Maier: |accessdate=12 November 2010
- Amanda Stott: |accessdate=December 31, 2019
- Amanda Sullivan Randle Rudd: |accessdate=21 January 2019
- Amanda Vaill: |accessdate=27 May 2013
- Amanda Varela: |accessdate=11 August 2015, |accessdate=11 August 2015, |accessdate=11 August 2015, |accessdate=11 August 2015, |accessdate=11 August 2015, |accessdate=11 August 2015, |accessdate=11 August 2015
- Amanda of Honeymoon Hill: |accessdate=9 April 2020
- Amandah Wilkinson: | authorlink1 = Ian McFarlane
- Amandla (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Amandus Polanus: |authorlink=Richard A. Muller
- Amandzeba Nat Brew: |accessdate=19 December 2018, |accessdate=19 December 2018
- Amangkurat I of Mataram: |authorlink=M. C. Ricklefs, |authorlink=Theodoor Gautier Thomas Pigeaud
- Amanita eliae: |accessdate=25 July 2012, |accessdate=26 July 2012, |accessdate=25 July 2012, |accessdate=27 July 2012
- Amapola (song): |accessdate=12 December 2016
- Amar Agarwal: |accessdate=2015-03-15
- Amar Nath Agarwal: |accessdate=5 April 2018, |accessdate=5 April 2018, |accessdate=5 April 2018
- Amar Nath Sehgal v. Union of India: |accessdate=20 August 2013
- Amar Opening: |authorlink=Edward G. Winter , |authorlink=Angus Dunnington , |authorlink=Eric Schiller
- Amar Raj: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Amar Singh Damar: |accessdate=29 May 2019, |accessdate=29 May 2019, |accessdate=29 May 2019
- Amara Malla: |authorlink=Dilli Raman Regmi
- Amara latior: | origyear = 1983↵
- Amara similata: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=November 12, 2014
- Amara, Nubia: |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Amarakavi: | authorlink=Film News Anandan , | archiveurl= , | archivedate=2 February 2017
- Amaranth (barquentine): | authorlink = James A. Gibbs↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = Thrum's Hawaiian Annual↵ , | authorlink = James A. Gibbs↵
- Amaranthus deflexus: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Amaranthus hypochondriacus: | authorlink=Edward Phillips
- Amaranthus viridis: | authorlink=Tim Low
- Amarar tribe: |accessdate=24 November 2016
- Amarasimha: |authorlink1=Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, |accessdate=6 July 2017, |authorlink1=Benjamin Lewis Rice
- Amaravi: |accessdate=1 March 2011
- Amargar: |authorlink1=
- Amari (group): |accessdate=2015-03-22, |accessdate=2015-03-22, |accessdate=2015-03-22, |accessdate=2015-03-22, |accessdate=2015-03-22
- Amariah Brigham: |authorlink1= Ebenezer Kingsbury Hunt , |accessdate= 2011-07-13
- Amarige: |accessdate=1 June 2014
- Amarilis Fuentes: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=20 November 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 November 2017
- Amarjit Kaur: |accessdate=16 June 2020
- Amarna letter EA 1: |accessdate=2018-11-17↵ , |accessdate=2018-11-17, |accessdate=2018-11-17, |accessdate=2018-11-17
- Amarna letter EA 12: |authorlink=Karen Radner, |accessdate=2015-07-09, |accessdate=2015-07-04
- Amarna letter EA 2: |accessdate=2015-07-04, |accessdate=2015-07-09
- Amarna letter EA 3: |accessdate=2015-07-04, |accessdate=2015-07-09
- Amarna letter EA 4: |accessdate=2015-07-04, |accessdate=2015-07-09
- Amarna letter EA 6: |accessdate=2015-07-04
- Amarna letter EA 7: |accessdate=2015-07-04
- Amarna letter EA 8: |accessdate=2015-07-04
- Amarsinh Rathawa: |accessdate=28 December 2018
- Amarsinhji Banesinhji: |accessdate=6 October 2016
- Amarte a la Antigua: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Amaryllideae: |authorlink=Barthélemy-Charles Du Mortier, |accessdate=16 January 2016
- Amaryllis (Marilyn Crispell, Gary Peacock and Paul Motian album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Amarylloidinae: |authorlink1=Rolf Dahlgren, |authorlink1=Alan Meerow, |authorlink=Hamilton Traub
- Amasa Learned: |authorlink1=Frances Manwaring Caulkins
- Amastrianum: | authorlink=Ernest Mamboury↵ , | authorlink= Raymond Janin↵
- Amasunzu: |accessdate=21 January 2017, |accessdate=21 January 2017, |accessdate=21 January 2017
- Amasya Protocol: |authorlink=William Hale (professor), |authorlink=Derya Bayir
- Amasya trials: |accessdate=20 May 2014
- Amat Antono: |accessdate=26 October 2018
- Amata cyssea: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amateur Boxing Fight Club: |accessdate=June 1, 2020
- Amateur professionalism: |authorlink=Charles Leadbeater↵ , |accessdate=<!--SOMEONE VERIFY THIS PLEASE; I refuse, as my PDF plugin has been crashing lately. -SMcCandlish.-->↵ , |authorlink=Andrew Keen↵
- Amathusia andamanensis: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Amathuxidia amythaon: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Amatignak Island: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- Amatitlán Department: |authorlink=Rafael Arévalo Martínez, |authorlink=Francisco Antonio de Fuentes y Guzmán, |origyear=1690
- Amatzia, Israel: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Amaya Creek: |accessdate=20 January 2012
- Amazing Grace (1992 film): |accessdate=9 September 2013
- Amazon Malaria Initiative: |accessdate=7 July 2014
- Amb (princely state): |authorlink=John Sack
- Ambadipudi: |accessdate=31 May 2019
- Ambala River: |accessdate=31 March 2012
- Amban Beach: |accessdate=30 August 2012, |accessdate=30 August 2012
- Ambarchik: | authorlink = Jacques Rossi , | authorlink = Nikolai Tolstoy
- Ambassador of Mexico to the United States: |accessdate=28 October 2014, |accessdate=29 October 2014, |accessdate=29 October 2014, |accessdate=29 October 2014, |accessdate=23 September 2014, |accessdate=4 October 2014, |accessdate=4 October 2014, |accessdate=4 October 2014, |accessdate=4 October 2014
- Ambassadors and envoys from Russia to Poland (1763–1794): |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=10 July 2011
- Ambassis macleayi: |accessdate=15 May 2018↵ , | accessdate = 25 September 2018↵
- Ambassis miops: |accessdate=11 June 2018
- Ambe: |authorlink= Robert Hooper (physician)
- Ambedkar Jayanti: |accessdate=2010-04-06
- Ambela campaign: |authorlink=Max Arthur
- Amber (processor core): |accessdate=2018-05-15, |accessdate=2018-05-15
- Amber Gambler: |accessdate=2 December 2015
- Amber Gell: |accessdate=23 August 2015
- Amberley Castle: |authorlink=Thomas Walker Horsfield
- Ambersham Common: |authorlink=Derek Ratcliffe
- Ambient (album): |accessdate=September 28, 2011 , |authorlink=Robert Christgau
- Ambient 4: On Land: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵
- Ambiguous grammar: |authorlink1=John Hopcroft , |authorlink2=Rajeev Motwani , |authorlink3=Jeffrey Ullman , |authorlink1=John Hopcroft , |authorlink2=Rajeev Motwani , |authorlink3=Jeffrey Ullman , | authorlink = Michael A. Harrison↵
- Ambika (given name): |accessdate=22 June 2016, |authorlink=John Muir (indologist) , |accessdate=22 June 2016
- Ambika (goddess): |accessdate=22 June 2016
- Ambiky chameleon: |authorlink2=:de:Wolfgang Böhme (Zoologe), |accessdate=11 November 2012
- Ambili (director): |accessdate=8 March 2016
- Ambili (film): | lyrics_credits = ↵
- Amblopala: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Harish Gaonkar , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Amblycheila baroni: |accessdate=24 May 2016
- Amblycheila hoversoni: |accessdate=23 May 2016
- Amblycheila schwarzi: |accessdate=24 May 2016
- Amblychia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amblyomma fimbriatum: |authorlink1=Eric R. Pianka
- Amblyptilia acanthadactyla: |authorlink3=Richard Lewington (artist)
- Amblyptilia punctidactyla: |authorlink3=Richard Lewington (artist)
- Amboiva: |accessdate=22 March 2012, |accessdate=22 March 2012, |accessdate=22 March 2012
- Ambos Camarines's 1st congressional district: |accessdate=February 15, 2021
- Ambos Camarines's 2nd congressional district: |accessdate=February 15, 2021
- Ambos Camarines's 3rd congressional district: |accessdate=February 15, 2021
- Amboyna cuckoo-dove: | authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Ambre Energy: |accessdate=23 October 2010↵
- Ambrogio Buonvicino: | authorlink=
- Ambrogio Raffaele: |authorlink=Angelo de Gubernatis
- Ambrogio Talento: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Ambroise-Polycarpe de La Rochefoucauld: |accessdate=2014-03-27
- Ambrose Burnside: |authorlink=
- Ambrose Delos DeLand: |accessdate=2015-08-02
- Ambrose Eccles: |accessdate=21 July 2017, |accessdate=21 July 2017
- Ambrose Goddard (born 1819): |accessdate=6 February 2018
- Ambrose Godfrey: | authorlink = Johann Bartholomäus Trommsdorff↵, | accessdate=20 December 2014
- Ambrose Heath: |accessdate=2008-08-24
- Ambrose Hussey: |accessdate=30 November 2018
- Ambrose J. Murphy: | authorlink = ↵
- Ambrose L. Jordan: |accessdate=25 April 2019 , |accessdate=25 April 2019 , |accessdate=25 April 2019 , |accessdate=25 April 2019
- Ambrose Macdonald Poynter: |accessdate=30 December 2011
- Ambrose O'Madden: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Ambrose Phillipps: |origyear=1844-1850↵
- Ambrose Rookwood (Jacobite): |accessdate=11 September 2013, |accessdate=11 September 2013
- Ambrosia (album): |accessdate=2015-11-10
- Ambrosio Boccanegra: |authorlink=Robert Southey
- Ambrosio Echemendia: |accessdate=28 August 2012, |accessdate=28 August 2012
- Ambrosius Franz, Count of Virmont: |accessdate=14 February 2019
- Ambulance Operators Association of Nova Scotia: |accessdate=21 June 2013
- Ambulapcha Glacier: |accessdate=13 May 2012
- Ambulatory school: |accessdate=August 9, 2018
- Ambulyx substrigilis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Ambush of the steamboat J. R. Williams: |authorlink1=John Milton Thayer , |authorlink1=Stand Watie , |origyear=1988
- Amby McConnell: |accessdate=October 19, 2012, |accessdate=October 14, 2012, |accessdate=October 11, 2012, |accessdate=October 17, 2012
- Ameitta Thiri Maha Dhamma Dewi of Ava: |origyear=1798
- Amelanchier asiatica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Amelia (magazine): |accessdate=23 May 2015
- Amelia Academy: |accessdate=November 25, 2011
- Amelia Denis de Icaza: |accessdate=11 March 2015
- Amelia Earhart Peak: |accessdate=8 October 2017
- Amelia Egerton, Lady Hume: |accessdate=31 July 2018 , |accessdate=15 July 2020
- Amelia Greene Legge: |accessdate=25 February 2018
- Amelia Holman Gilfert: |accessdate=20 February 2018
- Amelia Josephine Burr: | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- Amelia Laskey: |authorlink1=Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie, |authorlink2=Joy Harvey
- Amelia Matilda Murray: |accessdate=3 February 2015
- Amelia Mirel: |accessdate=21 July 2015
- Amelia Reynolds Long: | authorlink1=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Amelia Smith Calvert: |accessdate=22 August 2018
- Amelia Van Buren: | authorlink=Naomi Rosenblum
- Amelie Fried: |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Amelio Della Chiesa: |accessdate=July 30, 2016
- Amelita Ward: |accessdate=24 October 2016
- Amenomania: |accessdate=22 February 2018, |accessdate=22 February 2018
- Amentotaxus argotaenia: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2007-05-19 ↵
- Amerasia: | accessdate = 19 March 2020, |accessdate=April 22, 2017
- AmeriQua: |accessdate=14 April 2019
- America (Cattelan): |authorlink=David Carrier, |accessdate=15 September 2019
- America (Julio Iglesias album): |accessdate=24 December 2012, |accessdate=24 December 2012
- America (Kurtis Blow album): |accessdate=August 17, 2020
- America East Conference baseball awards: |accessdate=July 19, 2014
- America Song: |accessdate=7 June 2019 , |accessdate=7 June 2019
- America's Army: True Soldiers: |accessdate=October 9, 2019
- America's Cup Hall of Fame: | accessdate = 2007-12-16
- America's Intercultural Magazine: |accessdate=November 30, 2019
- America's Pledge: |accessdate=3 February 2020
- America's Town Meeting of the Air: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-09-23
- America, Oklahoma: | authorlink = ↵
- American (1911 automobile): |accessdate=January 10, 2014, |accessdate=July 14, 2014, |accessdate=July 14, 2014, |accessdate=July 14, 2014
- American Air Jet American: |authorlink=
- American Airmotive NA-75: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- American Angler: |accessdate=3 February 2017
- American Art Review: |accessdate=5 February 2017
- American Arts Commemorative Series medallions: | authorlink = R.S. Yeoman↵
- American Association for the Advancement of Atheism: |accessdate=26 November 2015, |accessdate=26 November 2015
- American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- American Association of Veterinary Clinicians: |accessdate=7 October 2012, |accessdate=7 October 2012, |accessdate=7 October 2012
- American Automotive Policy Council: |accessdate=June 3, 2013
- American Bank Note Company Printing Plant: |accessdate=February 7, 2018, |accessdate=February 1, 2018, | accessdate = February 3, 2018, |accessdate=February 7, 2018
- American Bantam Association: |accessdate=15 June 2013
- American Bay: |accessdate=14 June 2019
- American Border Peak: |authorlink=Fred Beckey
- American Boy & Girl: |accessdate=February 27, 2019
- American Broadcasting Station in Europe: |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012, |accessdate=6 October 2012
- American Catholic Church (1894): |accessdate=2012-11-08
- American Catholic Church in the United States: |accessdate=1 May 2020
- American Catholic Historical Society: | accessdate = April 23, 2018
- American Chess Association: | accessdate = 2007-07-28 , | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 1 July 2007 , | authorlink1=David Vincent Hooper , | authorlink2=Kenneth Whyld
- American Chess Quarterly: |accessdate=16 May 2020
- American China Policy Association: | accessdate = 12 June 2020
- American Chocolate: |accessdate=6 April 2013 , |accessdate=6 April 2013 , |accessdate=7 April 2013
- American Civil Defense Association: |authorlink=Eric G. Swedin
- American Civil War alternate histories: |authorlink=Jolly R. Blackburn
- American Clock & Watch Museum: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- American College of Heraldry and Arms: |accessdate=23 March 2017
- American Committee for the Protection of Foreign Born: | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | authorlink = Theodore Draper↵, | accessdate = 8 September 2018, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | authorlink = Abner Green↵, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | authorlink = Abner Green↵, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | accessdate = 18 October 2018, | authorlink = Marjorie Heins↵, | accessdate = 8 September 2018
- American Communications Association: | accessdate = 29 November 2019
- American Community School in Saigon: |accessdate=26 August 2009
- American Continental Corporation: |authorlink = Paul Alexander (American writer)
- American Cookery: |accessdate=24 January 2019, |accessdate=22 January 2019
- American Council of Trustees and Alumni: |accessdate=2012-03-06
- American Czech and Slovak Association: |accessdate=24 May 2020, |accessdate=24 May 2020
- American Dam: |accessdate=2012-10-06↵ , |accessdate=6 October 2012↵ , |accessdate=6 October 2012↵
- American Dream (TV series): |accessdate=2017-08-13
- American English vocabulary: |accessdate=2015-06-01, |accessdate=2015-06-01, |accessdate=2015-06-01, |accessdate=2015-06-01
- American Expeditionary Force, North Russia: |accessdate=18 March 2013
- American Expeditionary Force, Siberia: |authorlink=William S. Graves
- American Fighter Aces Association: |origyear=1996
- American Fork Railroad: | origyear = June 1972
- American Handgunner: |authorlink= John R. Lott
- American Health (magazine): |accessdate=December 21, 2015
- American Home Missionary Society: |accessdate=8 September 2016, |accessdate=8 September 2016, |accessdate=9 September 2016, |accessdate=9 September 2016, |accessdate=8 September 2016, |accessdate=9 September 2016, |accessdate=9 September 2016, |accessdate=9 September 2016
- American Hotel (Staunton, Virginia): |accessdate=23 July 2016
- American Idol Season 11 Duets and Trios Highlights: | writing_credits = ↵
- American Idol Season 11 Highlights (Hollie Cavanagh EP): | writing_credits = ↵
- American Idol Season 11 Highlights (Jessica Sanchez EP): | writing_credits = ↵
- American Idol Season 11 Highlights (Joshua Ledet EP): | writing_credits = ↵
- American Idol Season 11 Highlights (Phillip Phillips EP): | writing_credits = ↵
- American Idol Season 11 Highlights (Skylar Laine EP): | writing_credits = ↵
- American Idol Season 11 Top 10 Highlights: | writing_credits = ↵
- American Indian Federation: |accessdate=May 14, 2015
- American Indian Horse: |accessdate=23 February 2015, |accessdate=23 February 2015
- American Institute of Bisexuality: |accessdate=12 December 2010, |accessdate=12 December 2010
- American Invasion Tour: |accessdate=28 May 2018
- American Issue Publishing House: |accessdate=October 12, 2017
- American Kickboxer 2: |accessdate=1 January 2016
- American Landscape (Bruce Barth album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- American Legion Auxiliary: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- American Miscellaneous Society: |accessdate=July 4, 2018
- American Motor Vehicle Company: |accessdate=2 September 2017
- American Music (album): |accessdate=August 17, 2020
- American Negro Academy: |accessdate=2015-04-10
- American News Company: |authorlink= Mike Ashley (writer)
- American Outdoor Brands, Inc.: |authorlink=Patrick Sweeney (gunsmith)
- American Palestine Committee: | authorlink=Patricia Bosworth ↵ , | accessdate = 17 April 2020
- American Peace Crusade: |accessdate=29 February 2012, |accessdate=29 February 2012, |accessdate=29 February 2012, |accessdate=10 March 2012, |accessdate=29 February 2012, |accessdate=29 February 2012
- American Printing Company (Fall River Iron Works): |accessdate=February 6, 2016
- American Seating: |accessdate=14 December 2016, |accessdate=14 December 2016, |accessdate=14 December 2016
- American Sentinel University: |authorlink=John Bear
- American Shale Oil: |accessdate = 2012-11-18↵
- American Skier Inboard Boats: |accessdate=2010-07-30, |accessdate=2010-07-30, |accessdate=2010-07-30
- American Social Science Association: |accessdate=April 14, 2019
- American Society for Public Administration: |authorlink1= Louis Brownlow
- American Society of African Culture: |authorlink=Adelaide Cromwell Hill, |authorlink2=Martin Luther Kilson
- American Society of Appraisers: |accessdate=2008-09-22
- American Soldier (song): |accessdate=April 13, 2015
- American Specialties: | writing_credits =↵, | writing_credits =↵
- American Spirit (schooner): |accessdate=May 7, 2010
- American Stud Book: |authorlink=Fairfax Harrison
- American Teachers Association: |accessdate=27 April 2013, |accessdate=27 April 2013, |accessdate=27 April 2013, |accessdate=August 6, 2017
- American Temperance Union: |authorlink2=David M. Fahey
- American Tianxia: |accessdate=1 July 2017, |accessdate=1 July 2017, |accessdate=1 July 2017, |accessdate=1 July 2017
- American Typewriter: |accessdate=17 August 2015
- American Union of Decorative Artists and Craftsmen: |accessdate=2018-04-06 , |accessdate=2018-04-06
- American University Preparatory School: |accessdate=25 September 2013
- American Vineyard Foundation: |accessdate=19 March 2013, |accessdate=19 March 2013, |accessdate=19 March 2013, |accessdate=19 March 2013
- American Viscose Corporation: |authorlink1=Mira Wilkins, |accessdate=April 8, 2015
- American Vision: |accessdate=August 27, 2012
- American Waltham: | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- American War Memorial, Gibraltar: | authorlink=Tito Benady
- American War Mothers: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- American Wedding: |lyrics_credits=, |music_credits=
- American Whitewater: | accessdate = 2014-03-18
- American Women's Himalayan Expedition: |accessdate=11 June 2018
- American Workers Party: | authorlink = Alan M. Wald↵
- American Wrestlers (album): | writing_credits =↵, | writing_credits =↵
- American Zombie: |authorlink=Chris Gore, |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- American automobile industry in the 1950s: |accessdate=April 24, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 23, 2013↵, | accessdate=October 20, 2012↵, | accessdate= April 25, 2013↵, | accessdate=May 1, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 22, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 23, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 25, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 22, 2013↵, | accessdate=October 14, 2012↵, | accessdate=April 28, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 22, 2013↵, | accessdate=October 14, 2012↵, | accessdate=December 2, 2012↵, | accessdate=April 23, 2013↵, | accessdate=May 3, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 23, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 25, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 25, 2013↵, | accessdate=April 24, 2013↵
- American comic book tropes: | authorlink2=Barry Lyga , |authorlink=Peter Coogan
- American immigration to Canada: |accessdate=11 June 2018
- American pioneers to the Northwest Territory: |accessdate=April 6, 2017, |authorlink2=Daniel J. Ryan↵
- American privateer Holkar: |authorlink=Edgar Stanton Maclay , |accessdate=6 April 2014
- American privateer Warrior: |authorlink=Edgar Stanton Maclay
- American robotics: | authorlink = Shimon Y. Nof↵, |authorlink=Peter Menzel
- American rule (attorney's fees): |accessdate=24 September 2017
- American-Soviet Peace Walks: | authorlink1=Fred Segal
- Americana (Leon Russell album): |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Americana (book): |accessdate=29 August 2015
- Americano Creek: |accessdate=2012-08-11
- Americans Will Always Fight for Liberty: |accessdate=27 June 2014
- Amerika Esperantisto: |accessdate=November 17, 2015, |accessdate=May 4, 2020
- Amerikaz Nightmare: | writing_credits=↵↵
- Amerila astreus: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amerrisque Mountains: |authorlink1=Jules Marcou
- Amery of Pavy: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=15 October 2008 , |authorlink=Richard W. Kaeuper , |authorlink2=Elspeth Kennedy
- Ames Manufacturing Company: |accessdate=6 April 2017
- Ames Van Wart: |accessdate=1 June 2020 , |accessdate=1 June 2020 , |accessdate=16 January 2018, |accessdate=31 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 June 2020 , |accessdate=28 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 June 2020
- Ames, Nebraska: |accessdate=9 May 2018
- Amfac: |accessdate=August 5, 2010
- Amgala: |accessdate=22 July 2012, |accessdate=22 July 2012, |accessdate=22 July 2012
- Amghishiya: |authorlink=Michael Morony, |origyear=1984, | authorlink = Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
- Amherst (automobile): |authorlink=G. N. Georgano
- Amhi Satpute: |accessdate=18 May 2020
- Ami Boué: |accessdate= 1 February 2019 , |accessdate= 22 February 2019
- Ami Maayani: |accessdate=19 December 2011, |accessdate=19 December 2011, |accessdate=19 December 2011, |accessdate=19 December 2011, |accessdate=19 December 2011, |accessdate=19 December 2011, |accessdate=19 December 2011
- Amictic lake: |accessdate=20 May 2013
- Amicus of Giovinazzo: |authorlink=Ferdinand Chalandon , |authorlink=H. E. J. Cowdrey , |authorlink=Florin Curta , |authorlink=John Van Antwerp Fine Jr. , |authorlink=Donald Nicol
- Amihan: | authorlink = ↵
- Amihan (mythology): |accessdate=8 May 2020 , |accessdate=8 May 2020
- Amik Valley: |accessdate=24 March 2011, |accessdate=24 March 2011, |accessdate=24 March 2011, |accessdate=24 March 2011
- Amikam: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Amilcare Cipriani: |authorlink=Alfred Cobban
- Amilkar Acosta Medina: |accessdate=6 May 2014
- Amin Ahmed: |authorlink=Amin Ahmed , |accessdate=30 November 2014 , |authorlink=Eugene Benson , |accessdate=30 November 2014
- Amin Mahmoud (politician): |accessdate=2014-03-08, |accessdate=2015-03-05 , |accessdate=2015-10-31, |accessdate=2015-11-17
- Amin Wardak: |authorlink=Barnett Rubin
- Amina Begum: |accessdate=6 November 2017, |accessdate=6 November 2017
- Amina Lemrini: |accessdate=10 November 2017, |accessdate=10 November 2017
- Amina Titi Atiku-Abubakar: |accessdate=16 June 2017, |accessdate=16 June 2017
- Amina al-Sadr: |accessdate=August 9, 2013
- Aminadav: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Aminta: |origyear=1573
- Amintiri din copilărie (album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Amir Aczel: |authorlink1= Ken Ono , |authorlink2= Amir Aczel
- Amir Ali Sheibany: |accessdate=12 November 2010
- Amir Barid I: |authorlink=Ghulam Yazdani , |authorlink=Wolseley Haig
- Amir Eshel: |accessdate=February 3, 2012
- Amir Gross Kabiri: | authorlink = ↵, | accessdate = 2013-02-27↵
- Amir Hamzah bibliography: | accessdate =13 August 2011↵ , |authorlink=HB Jassin↵ , |authorlink=A. Teeuw↵ , | accessdate =↵
- Amir Hossein Rabii: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Amir Hussain: |origyear=2015
- Amir Khan (singer): |authorlink=Amar Nath
- Amir Qaroqulov: |accessdate=31 March 2011
- Amir Suri: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Amir Timur Museum: |authorlink=Antoinette Burton
- Amir al-ʿarab: |authorlink=Moshe Gil, |authorlink=Kamal Salibi
- Amira Yahyaoui: |accessdate=20 November 2016, |accessdate=20 November 2016, |accessdate=1 January 2019, |accessdate=1 January 2019
- Amiral Baudin-class ironclad: |authorlink=Theodore Ropp↵
- Amiral Charner-class cruiser: |authorlink=Norman Friedman
- Amirids: |authorlink=Clifford Edmund Bosworth
- Amish life in the modern world: |authorlink=John A. Hostetler , |authorlink=Donald Kraybill
- Amish preaching soup: | accessdate=January 24, 2015, | accessdate=January 24, 2015, | accessdate=January 24, 2015
- Amit Breuer: |accessdate=18 February 2014
- Amit Sheth: |accessdate=21 September 2015
- Amitabha Monastery: |accessdate=May 30, 2013
- Amity (1801 ship): | authorlink = William James (naval historian)
- Amity (brig): |authorlink=Thomas Braidwood Wilson , |accessdate=12 May 2014 , | authorlink1 = James Sykes Battye
- Amityville Death House: |accessdate = 28 February 2021
- Amix World: | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Amiya Kumar Kisku: |accessdate=19 June 2020, |accessdate=19 June 2020, |accessdate=19 June 2020
- Amiya Nath Bose: |accessdate=13 January 2019, |accessdate=13 January 2019, |accessdate=13 January 2019, |accessdate=13 January 2019
- Amka: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener
- Amka (official): |accessdate=20 December 2012
- Amlaíb mac Sitriuc: |authorlink=Seumas MacManus
- Amleang: |accessdate=21 January 2011
- Amlia: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- Amma (1952 film): |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=19 June 2017
- Amma Enge: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=9 July 2020
- Amman Citadel: |accessdate=25 December 2015 , |accessdate=25 December 2015
- Ammannia multiflora: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Ammar Mosque and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre: |accessdate=21 April 2014
- Ammar al-Basri: |accessdate=14 October 2012
- Ammi R. Butler: |accessdate= January 20, 2020
- Ammo Bomma: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Ammocharis: |authorlink=Max Joseph Roemer
- Ammocharis longifolia: |authorlink=Paul Hermann (botanist), |origyear=1698, |authorlink=Carl Linnaeus, |accessdate=18 April 2015
- Ammon M. Tenney: |authorlink= Andrew Jenson , |accessdate= 2013-02-11
- Ammon Ra: |accessdate=25 March 2019
- Ammon Wrigley: |authorlink1=Alfred Wainwright
- Ammonia production: |authorlink2=Gerardine Botte
- Ammonium chromate: |accessdate=2014-04-28
- Ammonius Lithotomos: |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=27 May 2011
- Ammons Quick Test: |accessdate=17 June 2014
- Amnesia (Chumbawamba song): |accessdate=19 June 2017
- Amnesty International UK Media Awards 1995: |accessdate=18 January 2013
- Amnesty International UK Media Awards 1997: |accessdate=18 January 2013
- Amnon: |accessdate=5 May 2011
- Amnun: |authorlink= Walid Khalidi
- Amoa River: |accessdate=9 June 2011
- Amoako Atta I: |authorlink= Hans Werner Debrunner
- Amod Cassimjee: |accessdate=19 April 2011
- Amoghapasa inscription: |authorlink= George Coedès
- Amoghavarsha II: |accessdate=25 December 2017
- Amoghavarsha III: |origyear=1980, |origyear=1933
- Amok (comics): |authorlink=Maurice Horn
- Amoklauf: |accessdate = 23 January 2017, |accessdate = 23 January 2017
- Amolakh Chand: |accessdate=25 March 2018, |accessdate=25 March 2018, |accessdate=25 March 2018
- Amon Saba Saakana: |authorlink=Bill Schwarz
- Among Gnomes and Trolls: |accessdate=July 20, 2014, |accessdate=June 19, 2014, |accessdate=June 19, 2014
- Among the Leaves: | writing_credits = ↵
- Among the Thugs: | authorlink = Bill Buford↵ , | authorlink = Bill Buford↵
- Amontillado: |accessdate=August 25, 2011
- Amor Puro: |accessdate=2015-01-05
- Amorbia emigratella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Amoretti: | authorlink = Kenneth Larsen↵
- Amorha: |accessdate=28 July 2020, |accessdate=2017-01-14, |accessdate=2017-01-14, |accessdate=2017-01-14
- Amorina (film): |accessdate=21 June 2013, |accessdate=21 June 2013, |accessdate=21 June 2013
- Amorpha: | accessdate = 24 December 2008
- Amorphous carbonia: |accessdate=11 December 2014
- Amory Houghton: |accessdate=9 March 2018, |accessdate=9 March 2018
- Amos 1: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos 2: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos 3: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos 4: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos 5: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos 6: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos 7: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos 8: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos 9: |authorlink= Joseph Fitzmyer , | authorlink = Ernst Würthwein
- Amos A. Lawrence: |accessdate=March 16, 2018, |accessdate=21 April 2018
- Amos A. Phelps: |accessdate=14 June 2015, |accessdate=12 June 2015, |accessdate=14 June 2015
- Amos Ayre: |accessdate=18 September 2017
- Amos C. Barstow: |accessdate=February 4, 2015
- Amos Dresser: |authorlink=Amos Dresser↵, |authorlink=Amos Dresser↵, |authorlink=William Lloyd Garrison
- Amos Fuller House: |accessdate=2017-09-28
- Amos Horev: |accessdate=2020-02-17, |accessdate=June 17, 2010, |accessdate=17 June 2010, |accessdate=17 June 2010, |accessdate=17 June 2010
- Amos Jordan: | accessdate=2010-01-25
- Amos Kenan: |accessdate=30 August 2011
- Amos P. Granger: |accessdate=5 May 2018, |accessdate=5 May 2018, |accessdate=5 May 2018
- Amos Steck: | accessdate = April 30, 2014
- Amos Whitney: |accessdate=25 January 2020, |accessdate=25 January 2020, |accessdate=25 January 2020, |accessdate=25 January 2020
- Amotherby: | authorlink = ↵
- Amour Oral: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Ampari Dogon: |accessdate=2011-06-30
- Ampedini: | origyear = 1983↵
- Ampelopsis: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Amphibians and reptiles of Yellowstone National Park: |authorlink=Robert C. Stebbins
- Amphibians in human culture: |authorlink=Aristophanes
- Amphicarpaea: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Amphicarpy: |accessdate= 2016-12-27
- Amphicnephes: |accessdate=21 April 2020
- Amphicnephes pullus: |accessdate=21 April 2020
- Amphicrates of Athens: | accessdate = 2011-12-05 , | accessdate = 2011-12-05
- Amphicrossus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Amphigonia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amphineurion: | accessdate= 5 July 2013
- Amphion (horse): |accessdate=2013-05-27
- Amphisbaenic rhyme: |authorlink=William Harmon
- Amphitorna albipuncta: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amphitorna castanea: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amphitrite-class monitor: |authorlink = Norman Friedman↵
- Ampil Tuk: |accessdate=21 January 2011, |accessdate=21 January 2011, |accessdate=21 January 2011, |accessdate=21 January 2011
- Amplypterus panopus: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amputella: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Amr ibn Adi: |authorlink=Irfan Shahîd
- Amr ibn Uthman: |authorlink=Wilferd Madelung
- Amraal Lambert: |accessdate=7 February 2011↵, |authorlink=Heinrich Vedder↵
- Amrik Singh Aliwal: |accessdate=5 April 2019
- Amrit Lal Bharti: |accessdate=26 April 2020, |accessdate=26 April 2020
- Amrit Patel: |accessdate=17 January 2020, |accessdate=17 January 2020, |accessdate=17 January 2020
- Amrita Chaudhry: |accessdate=2016-11-09
- Amritlal Tarwala: |accessdate=20 March 2020, |accessdate=20 March 2020, |accessdate=20 March 2020
- Amroth Castle: |accessdate=31 March 2016
- Amrut Ganpat Sonar: |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020
- Amruthalur: |accessdate=31 May 2019
- Amsoft: |accessdate=14 October 2010
- Amsom: |accessdate=4 May 2012
- AmsterJam: | accessdate=2011-06-11, | accessdate=2011-06-11, | accessdate=2011-06-11
- Amsterdam Concert: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Amtrak Arrow Reservation System: |accessdate=17 January 2018
- Amtsgericht Meiningen: |accessdate=28 December 2011
- Amtsgericht Nordhausen: |accessdate=28 December 2011
- Amtsgruppe Allgemeine Wehrmachtsangelegenheiten: |accessdate=13 March 2019
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- Amul girl: |accessdate=Feb 18, 2012
- Amun-Re (board game): | authorlink=Ian Livingstone
- Amut-piʾel II: |origyear=1984
- Amway Australia: |authorlink= Dominique Xardel
- Amy Brandon Thomas: |authorlink=Alan Powers
- Amy Chouest: | accessdate = 2018-02-09↵
- Amy Eilberg: |accessdate=31 January 2015
- Amy Elizabeth Thorpe: |authorlink=Mavis Batey
- Amy Ella Blanchard: |accessdate=15 September 2017
- Amy Grossberg and Brian Peterson: | authorlink=Doug Most
- Amy Hargreaves: |authorlink=Leonard Maltin, |accessdate=November 25, 2015
- Amy Harris-Willock: |accessdate=23 December 2015
- Amy Hempel: |accessdate=May 29, 2019
- Amy Jacques Garvey: | accessdate=1 March 2013
- Amy Kass: |accessdate=2017-03-17
- Amy Lamé: |accessdate= 16 March 2012
- Amy Prentiss: |accessdate=22 April 2019 , |accessdate=22 April 2019 , |accessdate=22 April 2019
- Amy Richards: |authorlink = Jennifer_Baumgardner, |authorlink = Jennifer_Baumgardner, |authorlink = Amy Richards
- Amy S. Greenberg: |accessdate=29 June 2013, |accessdate=29 June 2013, |accessdate=29 June 2013, |accessdate=28 June 2013, |accessdate=8 December 2019
- Amy Vanderbilt: | accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Amy X Neuburg: |accessdate=8 March 2014
- Amyas Borton: |origyear=1920 , |authorlink=John Laffin
- Amycus (centaur): |accessdate=13 August 2013
- Amyema gaudichaudii: |accessdate=27 December 2016
- Amyna: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amyna axis: |accessdate=29 April 2010, |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amyna natalis: |authorlink=George Hampson , |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Amyna punctum: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Amzi L. Barber: |accessdate=28 September 2016, |accessdate=28 September 2016, |accessdate=17 September 2015
- Amzie Strickland: | authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author), | accessdate=2019-09-20
- Amédée Dunois: |accessdate=21 December 2014↵
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- Amédée-François Frézier: |accessdate=5 March 2019 , |accessdate=5 March 2019
- Amélia Muge: |accessdate=14 July 2011, |accessdate=14 July 2011
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- Amīnah al-Saʿīd: |accessdate=26 October 2014
- An Accidental Man: | authorlink=Peter J. Conradi
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- An Actor Prepares: |accessdate=24 March 2013
- An Ambition Reduced to Ashes: |accessdate=5 May 2020
- An American Hippie in Israel: |accessdate=14 August 2013
- An Apostle of Non-Violence: |accessdate=September 9, 2020, |authorlink1=Clodualdo del Mundo Jr., |accessdate=September 9, 2020, |accessdate=September 9, 2020
- An Arabian Knight: |authorlink=Daisuke Miyao
- An Arundel Tomb: |authorlink=John Haffenden , |authorlink=Philip Larkin , |origyear=1848 , |authorlink=Gavin Ewart
- An Audience with the Cope 2000: |accessdate=4 March 2018
- An Australian Grammar: | accessdate=23 November 2019 , | accessdate=23 November 2019, |accessdate=23 November 2019
- An Caisteal (Coll): |authorlink=Erskine Beveridge
- An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States: |accessdate= February 24, 2021
- An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig: |accessdate=2009-07-30 , |authorlink=Charles Dickens
- An Elephant Never Forgets: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- An Empire of Their Own: |authorlink=Sander Gilman, | authorlink=Neal Gabler↵
- An English Songbook: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- An Englishman's Home: |accessdate=11 November 2011 , |accessdate=12 November 2011 , |accessdate=11 November 2011 , |accessdate=11 November 2011
- An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman: |accessdate=2013-12-08
- An Essay on Criticism: |authorlink=Maynard Mack
- An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe: |accessdate=September 24, 2014
- An Evening with John Denver: |authorlink=David Kent (historian), |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- An H. P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia: |authorlink1=S. T. Joshi
- An Inconvenient Book: | authorlink = Glenn Beck
- An Indian Study of Love and Death: |accessdate=October 12, 2012, |accessdate=October 12, 2012, |accessdate=October 12, 2012
- An Inn in Tokyo: |authorlink=David Bordwell
- An Instance of the Fingerpost: |authorlink1=Francis Grose
- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion: |accessdate=
- An Irish Evening: |authorlink=John Glatt
- An Itch in Time: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- An Leabhar Mòr: |accessdate=19 March 2017
- An Ocean of Doubt: |authorlink =Andy Greenwald, | writing_credits =↵↵
- An Odd Entrances: | writing_credits =↵
- An Old-Fashioned Young Man: |authorlink=Colleen Moore, |authorlink=Anthony Slide
- An Old-Time Nightmare (1911 film): |accessdate=June 15, 2020
- An Sylvia: |accessdate=11 February 2016, |accessdate=11 February 2016, |authorlink=William Henry Hadow, |accessdate=11 February 2016
- An Te Liu: |accessdate=10 February 2011
- An Unofficial Rose: | authorlink= Peter J. Conradi
- An Wasserflüssen Babylon (Reincken): |authorlink1=Charles Sanford Terry (historian)
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- An Óige: |accessdate=13 February 2016
- An-Nasir Ahmad, Sultan of Egypt: |authorlink=Moshe Sharon
- Ana Ambrazienė: |accessdate=2015-10-30
- Ana Corberó: |accessdate=13 July 2012
- Ana Cristina Cesar: |accessdate=August 7, 2009
- Ana Galvis Hotz: |accessdate=29 May 2013, |accessdate=29 May 2013
- Ana José Nacho: |accessdate=October 6, 2019
- Ana Kaštelan: |accessdate=11 June 2019
- Ana Lara: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Ana María Arias: |accessdate=9 September 2020
- Ana María Cetto: |authorlink1=Luis de la Peña, |authorlink2=Ana María Cetto, |authorlink1=Luis de la Peña, |authorlink1=Max Jammer
- Ana María Dellai: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-05-26
- Ana Monterroso de Lavalleja: |accessdate=29 January 2010
- Ana Nisi Goyco: |accessdate=30 December 2011
- Ana Paula Höfling: |accessdate=May 2, 2019
- Ana Rosa Chacón: |accessdate=9 August 2015
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- Ana Rosa Tornero: |accessdate=2 July 2015, |accessdate=3 July 2015, |accessdate=20 June 2015, |accessdate=3 July 2015
- Ana Sasso: |accessdate=6 August 2012
- Ana Vicente: |accessdate=6 August 2020
- Anaadhai Penn: |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=15 April 2017
- Anabaptist hunters: |accessdate=28 January 2018
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- Anabella Drummond: |accessdate=4 September 2017
- Anabelle Gutiérrez: |accessdate=15 May 2015
- Anachitis: |origyear=1531 , | authorlink=Edward Smedley
- Anachrostis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Anacoenosis: |accessdate=1 June 2013
- Anacolosa: | accessdate = 7 June 2014
- Anacolosa frutescens: | accessdate = 7 June 2014
- Anacostia Line: |accessdate=2008-11-02
- Anacostia Riverwalk Trail: |accessdate=23 October 2018, |accessdate=15 November 2018, |accessdate=27 November 2018
- Anactoria: | accessdate = 2007-08-17
- Anadevidia peponis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Anadrome: |accessdate=22 February 2011, |accessdate=15 January 2011
- Anaesthetis testacea: |accessdate=29 June 2010
- Anagallis tenella: | authorlink = Clive Stace
- Anagotus stephenensis: |accessdate=28 November 2016
- Anaheim Bay: |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08
- Anaheim Rapid Connection: |accessdate=3 July 2019
- Anahuac Tauro: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Anaida Hernández: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=July 3, 2017
- Anak: |authorlink=Nicolas Wyatt
- Anak (song): |accessdate=2009-07-03
- Anak Agung Bagus Suteja: | origyear = 1981
- Anak Perawan di Sarang Penjamun: |accessdate=2 March 2013↵ , |archiveurl=↵ , |archivedate=2 March 2013↵
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- Anakeion: |accessdate=15 January 2013, |accessdate=15 January 2013
- Anakena (wine): |accessdate=21 July 2015
- Anaku Town: |accessdate= 1 July 2017
- Anal expulsiveness: |authorlink=Stephen Kosslyn
- Anal pore: |accessdate=16 January 2018
- Analogion: | authorlink = ↵
- Analysis of parallel algorithms: | authorlink = Uzi Vishkin↵
- Analytic hierarchy process – leader example: | authorlink = Thomas L. Saaty , | authorlink = Thomas L. Saaty , | authorlink = Thomas L. Saaty
- Anamirta cocculus: |accessdate=June 9, 2012, |accessdate=June 9, 2012, |accessdate=June 9, 2012 , |archiveurl='s , |archivedate=June 27, 2012 , |authorlink=Henry Morley , |accessdate=June 9, 2012, |authorlink=Charles Dickens , |accessdate=June 9, 2012, |accessdate=June 9, 2012
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- Anand Gopal: | accessdate = 2010-11-21↵, | accessdate = 2010-11-21↵, | accessdate = 2010-11-21↵
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- Anand Teltumbde: |accessdate=26 April 2019
- Ananda Chandra Agarwala: |accessdate=19 May 2013
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- Ananda Shankar (album): |accessdate=19 July 2017
- Anandadhara: |accessdate=10 March 2018
- Anandapala: |accessdate=25 January 2014
- Anandpur Sahib Resolution: |accessdate=27 February 2020 , |accessdate=23 July 2018, | accessdate=18 August 2013
- Anandyn Amar: |authorlink=Alvin Coox
- Ananga Ranga: |accessdate=2015-09-13
- Ananga Udaya Singh Deo: |accessdate=8 August 2011
- Anania (name): |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Anania hortulata: |authorlink3=Richard Lewington (artist)
- Ananku (Tamil): |authorlink=George L. Hart , |accessdate=
- Anant Bajaj: |accessdate=1 January 2008
- Ananta Tripathi Sarma: |accessdate=16 May 2020, |accessdate=16 May 2020
- Anantapur railway station: | accessdate=30 December 2013
- Anantarika-karma: |authorlink=Hajime Nakamura, |authorlink1=Lewis Hodous, |authorlink2=William Edward Soothill
- Ananthasayanam (1942 film): |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 May 2017
- Anaphalis: | authorlink =Guy L. Nesom↵
- Anaphia: |accessdate=7 April 2012
- Anapithecus: |authorlink1=The Pliopithecoidea, |authorlink1=Catarrhine Origins
- Anarchism (Eltzbacher book): |authorlink=Gabriel Kuhn , |authorlink=David Weir (academic)
- Anarchism and Friedrich Nietzsche: |authorlink=Robert C. Solomon
- Anarchism in Armenia: |authorlink=Anahide Ter Minassian, |authorlink=Max Nettlau, |authorlink=Simon Payaslian, |authorlink1=Levon Chorbajian, |authorlink2=Claude Mutafian
- Anarchism in East Timor: |authorlink=Noam Chomsky
- Anarchism in El Salvador: |authorlink=Max Nettlau
- Anarchism in Ukraine: |authorlink=Serhiy Yefremov, |authorlink=Paul Avrich, |authorlink1=Daniel Guérin
- Anarchism in the Philippines: |authorlink=Benedict Anderson, |authorlink=Lope K. Santos
- Anarcho-Syndicalism (book): |authorlink=Rudolf Rocker , |authorlink=Rudolf Rocker
- Anarchy (magazine): |authorlink=Robert Graham (historian), |authorlink=Colin Ward
- Anarchy in Action: |accessdate=20 August 2012
- Anari (1993 film): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Anarkali: |accessdate=
- Anarta decepta: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Anas Urbaningrum: |accessdate=18 July 2012
- Anasimyia contracta: |authorlink=
- Anasimyia lineata: |authorlink=
- Anastas: |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Anastas Byku: |accessdate=19 April 2011
- Anastasia (ballet): |origyear=2009
- Anastasia Abramova: |accessdate=7 January 2013, |accessdate=7 January 2013
- Anastasia Island: |accessdate=10 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=2 May 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=13 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=15 August 2013
- Anastasio Umberto Dandini: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Anastasios George Leventis: |accessdate=1 May 2020
- Anasuya (film): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Anasuya Sarabhai: |accessdate=11 November 2017, |accessdate=11 November 2017
- Anasuyabai Kale: |accessdate=2016-06-14
- Anata no Koibito ni Naritai no Desu: | writing_credits =↵, | writing_credits =↵, | writing_credits =↵
- Anatol von Lieven: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-08-22
- Anatole Kanyenkiko: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = René Lemarchand↵
- Anatole de Baudot: |accessdate=30 May 2013, |accessdate=2013-05-30, |accessdate=2013-05-30, |accessdate=2013-05-30, |accessdate=2013-05-30, |accessdate=2013-05-30, |accessdate=2013-05-30, |accessdate=30 May 2013, |accessdate=2013-05-31↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-31↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-30↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-30↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-30↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-30↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-31↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-31↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-30
- Anatoli Georgievich Vitushkin: |authorlink=Anatoli Georgievich Vitushkin↵, |authorlink1=Anatoli Georgievich Vitushkin↵, |authorlink=Anatoli Georgievich Vitushkin↵
- Anatolia College in Merzifon: |accessdate=20 May 2014
- Anatolic Theme: | authorlink = Ralph-Johannes Lilie
- Anatoliy Solovianenko: |accessdate=18 November 2011
- Anatoly Aleksin: |accessdate=24 August 2011
- Anatoly Bogatyrev: |accessdate=27 June 2013 , |accessdate=27 June 2013 , |accessdate=24 June 2013
- Anatoly Gurevich: |accessdate=16 August 2019, |accessdate=14 October 2018, |accessdate=8 September 2019, |accessdate=18 September 2019
- Anatoly Kharlampiyev: |accessdate=2014-02-06
- Anatoly Lukyanov: |accessdate=9 January 2019, |accessdate=9 January 2019
- Anatoly Naiman: |accessdate=22 June 2013
- Anatoly Pozdnyakov: | accessdate = 13 February 2009↵
- Anatoly Shvidenko: |accessdate=July 24, 2012 , |accessdate=July 24, 2012 , |accessdate=August 3, 2012, |accessdate=July 24, 2012
- Anatoly Sukhorukov: | authorlink1 = Anatoly Sukhorukov↵, |accessdate=13 April 2014↵, | authorlink1 = Anatoly Sukhorukov↵, |accessdate=13 April 2014↵, | authorlink3 = Anatoly Sukhorukov↵, |accessdate=13 April 2014↵, | authorlink1 = Anatoly Sukhorukov↵, |accessdate=13 April 2014↵, | authorlink2 = Anatoly Sukhorukov↵, |accessdate=13 April 2014↵, | authorlink3 = Anatoly Sukhorukov↵, |accessdate=13 April 2014↵, | authorlink2 = Anatoly Sukhorukov↵, |accessdate=13 April 2014↵
- Anatoma: |authorlink=Arthur William Baden Powell
- Anatomy of Greed: |accessdate=29 October 2013
- Anatomy of a Murder: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Anatrachyntis badia: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Anatrachyntis incertulella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Anatrachyntis rileyi: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Anautogeny: |accessdate=25 June 2016, |accessdate=25 June 2016, |accessdate=25 June 2016
- Anavatapta: |authorlink=George Cœdès
- Anaxarete: |accessdate=2007-08-18 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 28 September 2007
- Anaxeton: |authorlink1=Augustin Pyramus de Candolle, |authorlink1=Christian Friedrich Lessing
- Anaxis: | authorlink =Adolf Holm
- Anazarbus (West Syriac diocese): |authorlink=Jean Maurice Fiey
- Anaïs Perrière-Pilte: |accessdate=28 November 2010
- Anbu Magan: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=30 November 2017
- Anbulla Ghilli: |lyrics_credits=, |music_credits=
- Ancara: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Ancestral Song: |authorlink = Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear =
- Ancestral civilisation: |accessdate=October 24, 2018
- Anchee Min: |accessdate=June 8, 2013
- Anchimolius: |accessdate=2015-07-12
- Anchomenus quadratus: |origyear=1983
- Anchor Records: |accessdate=2012-08-11
- Anchor defendant: |accessdate=4 December 2014
- Anchor escapement: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Anchor ice: |authorlink=Howard Turner Barnes
- Anchorage Times: |authorlink2=R. N. DeArmond
- Ancient Africa (album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)↵
- Ancient Age (bourbon): | authorlink1 = Morgan Murphy (food critic)
- Ancient Anguish: | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵ , | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵ , | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵
- Ancient British Church: |accessdate=9 November 2012, |accessdate=10 November 2012, |accessdate=9 November 2012, |accessdate=10 November 2012
- Ancient Diocese of Agde: |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06
- Ancient Diocese of Couserans: |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06
- Ancient Diocese of Die: |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06
- Ancient Diocese of Orange: |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06
- Ancient Diocese of Saintes: |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06, |accessdate=2016-07-06
- Ancient Diocese of Thérouanne: |authorlink=Ursmer Berlière
- Ancient Dreams: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Ancient Greece–Ancient India relations: |accessdate=2014-12-13
- Ancient Greek mercenaries: | author1link=J. B. Bury , | author2link=Russell Meiggs , | author1link=Robert Drews , | authorlink=Herodotus , | authorlink=Thucydides , | authorlink=:ru:Маринович, Людмила Петровна
- Ancient Greek military personal equipment: |accessdate=29 May 2012, |accessdate=29 May 2012, |accessdate=29 May 2012, |accessdate=7 June 2012, |accessdate=30 May 2012, |accessdate=30 May 2012, |accessdate=7 June 2012, |accessdate=30 May 2012, |accessdate=7 June 2012, |accessdate=7 June 2012, |accessdate=29 May 2012, |accessdate=29 May 2012, |accessdate=30 May 2012, |accessdate=30 May 2012, |accessdate=7 June 2012, |accessdate=20 June 2012, |accessdate=20 June 2012
- Ancient Heart: |accessdate=25 August 2018
- Ancient History (novel): |accessdate=2014-09-09, |authorlink=Tony Tanner (scholar)
- Ancient Kano City Walls: |authorlink=Joseph Ki-Zerbo
- Ancient Mexico: |authorlink=William Bullock (collector), |authorlink=Nigel Leask , |origyear=2002
- Ancient Order of United Workmen: |accessdate=2015-02-14
- Ancient Paths: |accessdate=March 1, 2016
- Ancient Wars: Sparta: | accessdate=February 23, 2016, | accessdate=February 23, 2016, | accessdate=February 23, 2016, | accessdate=February 23, 2016, | accessdate=February 23, 2016, | accessdate=February 23, 2016, | accessdate=February 23, 2016, | accessdate=February 23, 2016, | accessdate=February 23, 2016
- Ancients (art group): |authorlink=Samuel Palmer
- Ancillary market: |authorlink=Ancillary Markets-Recorded Music: Charting the Rise and Fall of the Soundtrack Album
- Ancones, Arroyo, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Ancones, San Germán, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Ancora da Capo: |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear= 1992
- Ancorinidae: | authorlink = Eduard Oscar Schmidt↵
- Ancrum: |accessdate=11 February 2019, |accessdate=11 February 2019, |accessdate=2 January 2018, |accessdate=16 September 2016, |accessdate=3 January 2018, |accessdate=15 March 2019, |accessdate=6 January 2018, |accessdate=4 August 2019
- Ancrum Old Parish Church: |accessdate=15 March 2019
- Ancylolomia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Ancylolomia chrysographellus: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Ancylolomia locupletellus: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Ancylosis griseomixtella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Ancylosis iranella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- And Afterward, the Dark: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- And Also the Trees: |accessdate=5 December 2014
- And Both Were Young: | authorlink = Madeleine L'Engle, |accessdate=6 December 2015
- And Far Away: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- And Having Writ...: | authorlink=John Clute , | authorlink=Donald R. Bensen
- And She Would Darken the Memory: | writing_credits = ↵
- And So to Bentley: |accessdate=4 August 2012
- And Then There Was One (1994 film): |accessdate=2013-05-08
- And the Music Speaks: |authorlink1=Colin Larkin (writer)
- And the Thieves Are Gone: | writing_credits = ↵
- And/Or Gallery: |accessdate=5 December 2013
- Anda Lighthouse: |authorlink=Norwegian Coastal Administration
- Andacollo, Neuquén: |accessdate=February 21, 2011
- Andalucia (Doves song): | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Andaman crow: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Andaqui language: |authorlink=Čestmír Loukotka , |authorlink=Čestmír Loukotka
- Andar (Pashtun tribe): |authorlink=Louis Dupree (professor)
- Andebu: |authorlink=Oluf Rygh
- Andenes: |authorlink=Oluf Rygh
- Andenes (municipality): |authorlink=Oluf Rygh
- Andenes Lighthouse: |authorlink=Norwegian Coastal Administration
- Andernach chess: |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵
- Anders (Dragon Age): |accessdate=March 6, 2020, |accessdate=March 6, 2020, |accessdate=March 6, 2020
- Anders Björner: | authorlink2=Günter M. Ziegler
- Anders Buen: |authorlink=Øystein Sørensen
- Anders Donner: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Anders Ehnmark: |authorlink=Per Ahlmark
- Anders Fjellner: |accessdate=15 April 2020
- Anders Giske: |authorlink=Atle Nielsen
- Anders Jarl: |accessdate=11 April 2013
- Anders Knutsson Ångström: |accessdate=15 September 2012
- Anders Lange: |authorlink2=Hanna Kvanmo
- Anders Løwlie: |authorlink=Otto Delphin Amundsen
- Anders Michanek: |authorlink2=Ivan Mauger
- Anders Svor Museum: |accessdate=March 23, 2020
- Anders Sørensen Vedel: |authorlink=Svend Grundtvig , |accessdate=2019-09-18
- Anderson & Hester: | accessdate=November 14, 2018, | accessdate=May 24, 2020
- Anderson E. Shumate: |authorlink= Earl Gregg Swem, |accessdate= January 27, 2016, |authorlink=E. Griffith Dodson , |accessdate= January 27, 2016
- Anderson Ferry: | accessdate=2013-05-08
- Anderson Manor, Pennsylvania: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Anderson Whiting: |accessdate=2015-06-22 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2012-09-02 ↵
- Anderson baronets: |accessdate=23 December 2018
- Andersonpet: | accessdate=10 August 2012
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- Anderz Wrethov: |accessdate=18 August 2011
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- Andhra movement: |accessdate=8 February 2015
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- Andhun of Sussex: |accessdate=6 June 2017, |accessdate=6 June 2017
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- Andle Stone: |accessdate=11 April 2013
- Andone Castrum: |accessdate=2015-11-03↵
- Andoque language: |authorlink=Čestmír Loukotka
- Andor Szanyi: |accessdate=24 August 2016
- Andover Review: | authorlink = ↵
- Andover workhouse scandal: |authorlink=Ian Anstruther, |authorlink=George Boyer
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- Andre Barcat: |authorlink1=Norman Franks
- Andre Cailloux: |authorlink=Octavia V. Rogers Albert , |accessdate=2014-02-09
- Andre Levingston: |accessdate=8 August 2015
- Andre Sennwald: |authorlink1=Stanley Kauffmann, |accessdate=26 December 2016
- Andre Tabayoyon: | authorlink =Benjamin Zablocki↵ , | authorlink =Mark Ebner↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Andre de Dienes: |accessdate=2 July 2013, |accessdate=2 July 2013
- Andre the Seal: |accessdate=14 September 2014
- Andrea (The Spanish Tragedy): |origyear=1992
- Andrea Addobbati: |accessdate=20 June 2012, |accessdate=20 June 2012, |accessdate=20 June 2012, |accessdate=20 June 2012, |accessdate=20 June 2012
- Andrea Amati: |accessdate=3 August 2019, |accessdate=3 August 2019, | accessdate = 2012-03-31↵, | accessdate = 2014-01-21↵
- Andrea Bartolini: |accessdate=18 January 2018 , |accessdate=18 January 2018
- Andrea Belfi: |accessdate=6 April 2011
- Andrea Bellunello: | authorlink=
- Andrea Bertozzi: |accessdate=2012-10-30, |accessdate=2012-10-30
- Andrea Biglia: |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012, |accessdate=2 August 2012
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- Andrea Carlo Lucchesi: |accessdate=20 January 2020
- Andrea Cominelli: |accessdate=2013-11-24, |accessdate=2013-11-24 , |accessdate=2013-11-24
- Andrea Crestadoro: |accessdate=21 December 2010
- Andrea Curiale: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Andrea DeShong: |accessdate=1 May 2017
- Andrea Debono: |authorlink1=Jules Verne
- Andrea Francolisio d'Aquino: |authorlink1=Remigius Ritzler, |authorlink2=
- Andrea Gropa: |accessdate=16 April 2011, |accessdate=16 April 2011, |accessdate=4 April 2011, |accessdate=4 April 2011, |origyear=1925)
- Andrea II Muzaka: |authorlink=Fernand Braudel
- Andrea Ihle: | authorlink = Karl-Josef Kutsch↵, | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens↵
- Andrea J. Prasow: | accessdate=2009-12-09↵
- Andrea King: |accessdate=5 July 2017
- Andrea Morricone: |accessdate= 27 September 2011
- Andrea Pisani (admiral): |authorlink=Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna
- Andrea Postacchini: |origyear=1951
- Andrea Razmadze: |accessdate=20 July 2016
- Andrea Semini: | authorlink=
- Andrea Sguazella: | authorlink=
- Andrea Suma: |accessdate=5 February 2012, |accessdate=5 February 2012
- Andrea Velis: |accessdate=March 19, 2016, |accessdate=March 19, 2016
- Andrea Weiss (filmmaker): |accessdate=14 November 2017
- Andrea Zuckerman: |accessdate=16 July 2018
- Andrea di Alessandro: | authorlink=
- Andrea-Salvatore Aglio: | authorlink=
- AndreaMosaic: |authorlink=Paul Bausch, Jim Bumgardner
- Andreas Aarflot: |authorlink=Rolf Normann Torgersen
- Andreas Andersen Feldborg: |accessdate=December 11, 2009, |accessdate=December 11, 2009
- Andreas Bauer Kanabas: | authorlink = Margaret Ross Griffel↵
- Andreas Belfortis: |accessdate=7 March 2012
- Andreas Bomba: |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012
- Andreas Claussen: |accessdate=20 April 2009
- Andreas Dudith: |accessdate=August 22, 2012 , |accessdate=December 10, 2014
- Andreas Franz: |accessdate=17 October 2012
- Andreas Fronius: |accessdate=2014-12-27
- Andreas Hanssen: |authorlink=Per Maurseth
- Andreas Heinecke: |accessdate=2017-04-25
- Andreas Karaczay: |authorlink=Christopher Duffy , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Andreas Kolbe: |accessdate=27 October 2012, |accessdate=27 October 2012, |accessdate=27 October 2012, |accessdate=27 October 2012, |accessdate=27 October 2012
- Andreas Krieger: | authorlink=Volker Kluge
- Andreas Martinius Andersen: |authorlink1=Olav Riste, |authorlink2=Arnfinn Moland
- Andreas Munkert: |accessdate=21 October 2012
- Andreas Murray: |accessdate=2013-01-10↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-11↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-10
- Andreas Neocleous & Co: |accessdate= December 16, 2020
- Andreas Nicolai Hansen: |accessdate=29 January 2020
- Andreas Pevernage: | accessdate=29 October 2010
- Andreas Rygg: |authorlink=Ragnar Ulstein
- Andreas Sigismund Marggraf: |authorlink=Mary Elvira Weeks
- Andreas Strand (entomologist): |authorlink1=Lauritz Sømme
- Andreas Tostrup Urbye: |accessdate=2018-07-08
- Andreas Tzimas: | authorlink = John S. Koliopoulos
- Andreas Untersberger: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Andreas Zarbalas: |accessdate=26 December 2018
- Andreas Zeier Cappelen: |authorlink=Trygve Bull
- Andreas Ziartides: |accessdate=6 June 2016
- Andreas de Escobar: |accessdate=11 May 2013
- Andreas du Plessis de Richelieu: |accessdate=31 August 2018
- Andreas von Aulock: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Andreasen: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Andreassen: |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Andreasson: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
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- Andrei Dmitriev (writer): |accessdate=13 June 2013
- Andrei Doroshkevich: |accessdate=8 February 2011
- Andrei Eshpai: |accessdate=7 July 2013
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- Andrei Zlătescu: |accessdate=2014-10-05
- Andreotti–Frankel theorem: |authorlink=John Milnor↵
- Andresen: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Andrew Agnew Stuart Menteath: |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Andrew Ainslie Common: |accessdate=22 August 2012
- Andrew Aldcorn: |accessdate=10 August 2014↵
- Andrew Anderson (baseball): | accessdate=2015-04-30
- Andrew Archer (1659–1741): | accessdate=2008-11-08
- Andrew Ashe: |accessdate=November 27, 2014
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- Andrew Bayne Memorial Library: | accessdate=2010-07-02
- Andrew Bell (engraver): | authorlink =Herman Kogan
- Andrew Belton: |accessdate=2008-10-29, |accessdate=2008-10-29
- Andrew Bodnar: | accessdate = 24 Sep 2014↵
- Andrew Boyd (bishop): |authorlink=Robert Keith (historian)
- Andrew Broaddus: |accessdate=2008-11-10
- Andrew Brooke: |accessdate=8 April 2015
- Andrew Buchanan (New Zealand politician): | accessdate = 7 November 2015, |origyear=First published in 1913
- Andrew C. Barrett: |accessdate=2019-05-02
- Andrew C. Greenberg: |accessdate=3 June 2012
- Andrew C. Zabriskie: |accessdate=3 April 2019 , |accessdate=4 April 2019 , |accessdate=4 April 2019 , |accessdate=4 April 2019 , |accessdate=4 April 2019 , |accessdate=3 April 2019 , |accessdate=4 April 2019 , |accessdate=4 April 2019
- Andrew Callanan: |accessdate=8 June 2016
- Andrew Cameron (labor leader): |accessdate=4 January 2018
- Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall (Carnegie, Pennsylvania): | accessdate=2011-08-05, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 21 July 2011
- Andrew Carruthers: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Andrew Chatto: |accessdate=2020-05-22 ↵, |accessdate=2020-05-19 , |accessdate=2020-03-27 , |accessdate=2020-06-12 , |accessdate=2020-08-05 ↵
- Andrew Cherry: |accessdate=1 Feb 2012
- Andrew Clarke (British politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Andrew Colvile: |accessdate=10 July 2017
- Andrew Conru: |accessdate=2014-06-25, |accessdate=2014-06-25
- Andrew Cowper: |authorlink=Norman Franks
- Andrew Crosbie: |accessdate=29 September 2010 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵
- Andrew Cruickshank: |authorlink=Mark Lewisohn
- Andrew Davison: |accessdate=August 9, 2020 , |accessdate=September 11, 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020
- Andrew DeWitt Bruyn: |accessdate=29 September 2020 , |accessdate=22 September 2018 , |accessdate=30 September 2020 , |accessdate=30 September 2020 , |accessdate=30 September 2020 , |accessdate=30 September 2020 , |accessdate=30 September 2020 , |accessdate=30 September 2020 , |accessdate=30 September 2020
- Andrew Deoki: |accessdate=30 September 2015
- Andrew Derrom: |accessdate=July 24, 2016, |accessdate=July 25, 2016
- Andrew Donald Booth: |authorlink=Andrew Donald Booth↵
- Andrew Douglas Maclagan: |accessdate=25 September 2010 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵
- Andrew Ducarel: |authorlink=Horace Walpole , |authorlink=Francis Grose , |authorlink=John Nichols (printer)
- Andrew Duncan (physician, born 1744): |accessdate=19 November 2011 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵
- Andrew Durant (musician): |authorlink=David Kent (historian), | authorlink1 = David Kent (historian)
- Andrew E. Faulkner: |accessdate=June 12, 2016
- Andrew Eiva: |authorlink=George Crile III
- Andrew Ellicott (miller): |accessdate=2016-02-21
- Andrew Entrican: |accessdate=6 December 2014
- Andrew Fairbairn (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Andrew Fenrich: |accessdate=2015-02-27
- Andrew Festing: |accessdate=31 January 2018
- Andrew Frazer (British Army officer): |accessdate=28 December 2011↵
- Andrew Freemantle: |authorlink=G B Buckley , |authorlink=Arthur Haygarth , |authorlink=H T Waghorn
- Andrew G. Miller: |accessdate= January 3, 2020
- Andrew G. Reid: |accessdate=December 8, 2011
- Andrew Garrard: |accessdate=4 May 2013, |accessdate=4 May 2013, |accessdate=4 May 2013
- Andrew Gilzean: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Andrew Gissinger: | authorlink = ↵
- Andrew Glaze: |accessdate=October 23, 2011, |accessdate=October 28, 2011, |accessdate=October 8, 2011, |accessdate=October 13, 2011, |accessdate=October 8, 2011, |accessdate=October 26, 2011, |accessdate=August 5, 2012, |accessdate=October 28, 2011, |accessdate=October 21, 2011, |accessdate=June 4, 2013
- Andrew Grant (MP): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Andrew Gray (17th-century divine): |authorlink1=Sir Robert Douglas, 6th Baronet
- Andrew Gray (physicist): |accessdate=27 January 2011 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=4 October 2006 ↵
- Andrew Haldenby: |accessdate=13 October 2015
- Andrew Halliday (physician) bibliography: |accessdate=2014-02-15, |accessdate=2014-02-22, |accessdate=2014-02-22, |accessdate=2014-02-22, |accessdate=2018-12-27, |accessdate=2015-10-31, |accessdate=2014-02-20
- Andrew Heintzman: | accessdate = 2010-12-10
- Andrew Higgins: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=28 May 2010
- Andrew Honeyman: |accessdate=9 March 2019
- Andrew Horn: |authorlink2=Henry Thomas Riley, |accessdate=10 February 2012, |authorlink1=William Blackstone, |authorlink2=St. George Tucker, |accessdate=12 February 2012, |accessdate=8 February 2012, |authorlink=Theodore Plucknett, |accessdate=10 February 2012, |authorlink1=Sir Frederick Pollock, 3rd Baronet, |accessdate=10 February 2012, |authorlink1=John Douglas Cook, |authorlink3=Walter Herries Pollock, |accessdate=10 February 2012
- Andrew Hunt (historian): |accessdate= 2011-06-29 , |accessdate= 2011-06-30 , |accessdate= 2011-06-29 , |accessdate= 2011-06-29
- Andrew Hunter Dunn: |accessdate=3 July 2017
- Andrew Hussey Allen: |accessdate=September 15, 2015, |accessdate=September 15, 2015, |accessdate=September 15, 2015, |accessdate=September 15, 2015
- Andrew J. Thayer: | accessdate= 2007-01-11
- Andrew J. Waterman: |accessdate=2015-09-14
- Andrew Jackson (clipper): | authorlink =↵
- Andrew Jackson 1828 presidential campaign: |authorlink=Daniel Webster
- Andrew Jackson Sowell: |authorlink=Alwyn Barr
- Andrew Jackson Warner: |accessdate=22 September 2020 , |accessdate=22 September 2020 , |accessdate=22 September 2020 , |accessdate=22 September 2020 , |accessdate=22 September 2020 , |accessdate=22 September 2020
- Andrew Jenike: |accessdate=1 July 2015, |accessdate=5 January 2016, |accessdate=1 July 2015, |accessdate=1 July 2015
- Andrew Johnston (New Jersey politician): |accessdate=28 October 2019
- Andrew Johnston (Scottish politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Andrew Judde: |accessdate=20 October 2019, |authorlink1=John Edmund Cox , |accessdate=19 October 2019
- Andrew Kaslow: |accessdate=2014-05-18
- Andrew Kerr (festival co-founder): |accessdate=14 December 2010, |accessdate=14 December 2010, |accessdate=14 December 2010, |accessdate=14 December 2010
- Andrew Knight (politician): |accessdate=1 August 2014↵
- Andrew Koenig: |authorlink=Harlan Ellison
- Andrew L. Emerson: |accessdate=28 December 2014
- Andrew Laughlin: |accessdate=2012-09-28
- Andrew Lawrence (engraver): |accessdate=20 March 2016
- Andrew Lawson (MP): |accessdate=15 November 2018
- Andrew Leith Hay: |accessdate=28 December 2011↵
- Andrew Lusk: | authorlink = ↵
- Andrew M. Bruckner: |accessdate=2014-11-30
- Andrew Macfarlane: |authorlink=Robert Keith (historian)
- Andrew Maginnity: |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Andrew Matthews (entomologist): |accessdate=2 June 2016, |authorlink1=David Sharp (entomologist) , |authorlink3=George Lewis (coleopterist), |accessdate=2 June 2016, |accessdate=2 June 2016
- Andrew McAnsh: |accessdate=7 May 2013, |accessdate=7 May 2013, |accessdate=7 May 2013, |accessdate=7 May 2013
- Andrew McCleary: |accessdate=2013-02-18
- Andrew McNally: |authorlink1=John Rennie Short
- Andrew Mitchell (diplomat): |origyear=1844–1850↵
- Andrew Moravcsik: |accessdate=2015-01-03
- Andrew Moscrip: |accessdate=2015-01-05
- Andrew Moynihan: |accessdate=23 May 2020
- Andrew Murray (doctor): |accessdate=14 February 2015
- Andrew Murtha: |authorlink=Bruce McAvaney
- Andrew Myrick: |accessdate=24 January 2019, |accessdate=18 June 2020
- Andrew N. Peery: |authorlink= Earl Gregg Swem, |accessdate= June 28, 2020
- Andrew Pearce: |accessdate= 15 May 2016
- Andrew Pendlebury: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Andrew Plotkin: |accessdate=27 June 2019
- Andrew Porter (Civil War general): |accessdate=23 August 2017
- Andrew R. Heinze: |accessdate=27 September 2014, |accessdate=16 October 2014, |accessdate=25 September 2014, |accessdate=25 September 2014, |accessdate=28 October 2014 , |accessdate=14 October 2014 , |accessdate=7 October 2014, |accessdate=7 October 2014
- Andrew Ramsay (governor): |accessdate=2015-11-09
- Andrew Rebori: |accessdate=July 24, 2013, |accessdate=July 24, 2013, |accessdate=July 24, 2013, |accessdate=July 24, 2013
- Andrew Richmond: | accessdate= 11 April 2012 , |accessdate= 12 April 2012 , |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Andrew Ronald Mitchell: |accessdate=13 March 2010
- Andrew Rosenthal: |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Andrew Roth: | accessdate = 19 March 2020, | accessdate = 19 March 2020, | accessdate = 19 March 2020, | accessdate = 19 March 2020, | accessdate = 19 March 2020
- Andrew Russell (New Zealand politician): |origyear= 1956 , |origyear=First published in 1913
- Andrew Russell Barbee Jr.: |accessdate=25 August 2011, |accessdate=23 August 2011, |accessdate=23 August 2011, |accessdate=25 August 2011, |accessdate=23 August 2011, |accessdate=25 August 2011, |accessdate=25 August 2011, |accessdate=25 August 2011
- Andrew Rutherford (politician): |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913 , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Andrew Rutherfurd, Lord Rutherfurd: |accessdate=23 December 2010 , |archiveurl=, |archivedate=4 October 2006
- Andrew Scott Cairncross: |authorlink = Irvin Leigh Matus↵
- Andrew Shandro (politician): |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- Andrew Sihler: |accessdate=1 June 2011
- Andrew Sinclair (botanist): | accessdate= 2 December 2010 , | accessdate= 2 December 2010 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 2 November 2010 , |authorlink= Guy Scholefield , |origyear=First ed. published 1913
- Andrew Smith (British writer): |authorlink1=David J. Howe , |authorlink3=Stephen James Walker
- Andrew Steiner: |authorlink=Yehuda Bauer , |authorlink=Tuvia Friling
- Andrew Stewart, 1st Lord Avandale: |authorlink=Mark Napier (historian)
- Andrew Sutherland (politician): |authorlink = Barry Gustafson
- Andrew Talcott: |accessdate= 31 May 2020
- Andrew Thorby: |accessdate=7 July 2015
- Andrew Turnbull (colonist): |accessdate=9 August 2013
- Andrew Ure: |authorlink=Daniel A. Wren, | author2link=Arthur G. Bedeian, | authorlink = John Hedley Brooke
- Andrew Zimbalist: |authorlink=Larry Ruttman
- Andrew de Rait: |accessdate=29 Apr 2018
- Andrew of Crete (martyr): | authorlink= Raymond Janin↵ , | authorlink=Wolfgang Müller-Wiener↵
- Andrews Independent School District: |accessdate=14 December 2014
- Andrey Damyanov: |accessdate=27 April 2018
- Andrey Piontkovsky: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=30 September 2006, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=11 May 2005, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=19 July 2014
- Andrey Rimsky-Korsakov: |accessdate=20 May 2005, | archiveurl=, | archivedate=May 16, 2008
- Andrey Toshev: |accessdate= 21 June 2018
- Andrey of Gorodets: | accessdate = 2017-02-23↵
- Andria Busic: |accessdate=20 May 2010
- Andrianjaka Razakatsitakatrandriana: | origyear = 1908
- Andriantsimitoviaminandriandehibe: | origyear = 1908
- Andriantsitakatrandriana: | origyear = 1908
- Andricus corruptrix: |authorlink1=Michael Chinery
- Andrija Buvina: | accessdate = 2012-09-10
- Andrija Štampar: | accessdate=12 September 2018
- Andrijaš Mrnjavčević: |accessdate=2014-10-14
- Andriza Mircovich: |accessdate=November 8, 2010, | authorlink=Scott Christianson, |accessdate=November 3, 2010
- Androcleides: | authorlink =Plutarch
- Androctonus bicolor: |authorlink1= Daniel Jacobs (author), |authorlink2= Peter Morris (author), |accessdate= January 1, 2012
- Androgen deficiency: | accessdate = 11 June 2012
- Androgyny (song): |accessdate=2011-01-04, |accessdate=2011-01-04
- Android Karenina: |authorlink=WorldCat
- Andromachus (cavalry general): | authorlink =Thucydides↵
- Andronica Island: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- Andronicus of Olynthus: | authorlink =Charles Rollin , | authorlink =John Pentland Mahaffy
- Andronicus of Pergamum: | authorlink =James Ussher , | authorlink =Richard J. Evans
- Andronikos Palaiologos (son of Manuel II): | origyear = 1949
- Andronikos Palaiologos Kantakouzenos: | authorlink=Donald Nicol
- Andronikos of Sardis: |authorlink=Donald Nicol
- Androtium: | accessdate = 8 Jul 2015
- Andrzej Bek: |accessdate=31 October 2017
- Andrzej Bogucki: |authorlink=Wladyslaw Szpilman
- Andrzej Cofalik: |accessdate=26 August 2016
- Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski: |authorlink1=Urszula Augustyniak
- Andrzej Kotula: |authorlink2=Stefania Bojda ↵
- Andrzej Niemojewski: |authorlink=Andrzej Niemojewski, |authorlink1=Andrzej Niemojewski, |authorlink=Arthur Drews
- Andrzej Rzymkowski: |authorlink=Stanisław Marian Brzozowski, |authorlink=Stanisław Marian Brzozowski
- Andrzej Trzebiński: |accessdate=14 July 2018
- András Bereznay: |accessdate=29 December 2017
- András Kun: |authorlink=Kati Marton , |accessdate=17 November 2011, |authorlink= Mordecai Paldiel , |authorlink= Tivadar Soros
- András Mihály: | authorlink = Marc Vignal
- András Rosztóczy: |accessdate=2017-03-06
- André Baruch: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-09-26
- André Beauchemin: |accessdate=2012-09-22
- André Belin: |accessdate=14 February 2016
- André Briche: |authorlink=Charles Oman
- André Calmettes: |authorlink=Richard Abel (cultural historian)
- André Castaigne: |accessdate=2013-11-24, |accessdate=2013-11-24
- André Charles Biéler: |accessdate=2014-07-22, |accessdate=2014-07-22↵ , |accessdate=18 July 2014↵
- André Cools: |accessdate=30 September 2020
- André Durville: |authorlink=Prentice Mulford
- André Filho: |accessdate=7 June 2011, |accessdate=7 June 2011
- André Glucksmann: |accessdate=11 November 2015
- André Hovelacque: |accessdate =5 October 2016, |accessdate=5 October 2016
- André Joseph Boussart: |origyear=1902, |origyear=1907
- André Koechlin: |accessdate=28 September 2011, |accessdate=28 September 2011, |accessdate=28 September 2011
- André Lagarrigue: |accessdate=21 August 2017, |accessdate=12 August 2017
- André Lallemand: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- André Lamy: |authorlink = Wyndham Wise
- André Lemierre: |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012
- André Martin-Legeay: |authorlink=Gordon Lowe
- André Morellet: |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012
- André Muhirwa: | authorlink1 = Paul Tiyambe Zeleza↵ , | authorlink2 = ↵
- André Parent: |accessdate=May 1, 2011
- André Perraudin: |accessdate=2013-03-22↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-22↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-22↵ , |accessdate=2013-03-22↵
- André Pochan: |accessdate=18 July 2012, |accessdate=18 July 2012, |accessdate=18 July 2012
- André Previn Plays Songs by Harold Arlen: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- André Previn Plays Songs by Jerome Kern: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- André Previn Plays Songs by Vernon Duke: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- André Raymond: |authorlink=André Raymond
- André Richaume: | authorlink = Étienne Vatelot
- André Verbeke: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=10 April 2008
- André Vigneron: | authorlink = Étienne Vatelot
- André da Silva Gomes: |accessdate=14 July 2011
- André de Longjumeau: |accessdate=15 February 2018
- André de Montbard: |authorlink=Piers Paul Read
- André du Pon: |accessdate = 2014-01-30↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-30↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-30↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-30↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-30↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-30↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-31↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-31↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-31↵ , |accessdate = 2014-01-31↵
- André the Giant–Hulk Hogan rivalry: |authorlink=Harley Race
- André van Gyseghem: |accessdate=3 June 2017
- André-Gaston Prételat: |accessdate=27 January 2011
- André-Jean Lebrun: |accessdate=2014-07-02
- André-Joseph Allar: |accessdate=2 September 2018
- André-Marie de Gouzillon de Bélizal: |authorlink1=Ludovic de Contenson, |authorlink1=Asa Bird Gardiner, |authorlink=Georges Lacour-Gayet, |authorlink=Étienne Taillemite
- Andrée Bonhomme: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Andrée Ferretti: |accessdate=13 June 2011, |accessdate=14 June 2011
- Andrés Amaya: |authorlink=Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez , |accessdate=11 September 2017
- Andrés Batista: |accessdate=14 December 2012, |accessdate=14 December 2012
- Andrés Leyto: | authorlink=
- Andrés Pérez de Ribas: |authorlink=Hubert Howe Bancroft, |authorlink=Hubert Howe Bancroft
- Andy Albeck: |authorlink=Steven Bach , |authorlink=Steven Bach
- Andy Allison: |accessdate=August 8, 2017
- Andy Anstett: |accessdate= 2014-03-28
- Andy Archer (radio presenter): |authorlink=Keith Skues
- Andy Baylock: |accessdate=August 28, 2020
- Andy Bennett (musician): |accessdate=12 August 2011
- Andy Blakeney: |accessdate=2 February 2018
- Andy Dodd: |accessdate=October 12, 2015
- Andy Ennis: |accessdate=September 20, 2016
- Andy Ernst: |accessdate=31 July 2011
- Andy Gaus: |accessdate=21 December 2015
- Andy Hamilton (author): |accessdate=2012-08-25
- Andy Hansen: |accessdate=April 9, 2011
- Andy Higgins (footballer, born 1960): |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Andy Hill (basketball): |accessdate=May 31, 2015, |accessdate=June 1, 2015, |accessdate=June 1, 2015, |accessdate=May 28, 2015
- Andy Iona: |origyear=1979
- Andy Jones (comedian): |accessdate=May 18, 2011
- Andy Kerr (environmentalist): |accessdate=14 January 2019
- Andy LaVerne: |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Andy Massey: |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Andy Morris (footballer): |accessdate=1 May 2020
- Andy Morton: |accessdate=21 July 2014
- Andy Paull: | accessdate = 2015-11-27↵
- Andy Poole (footballer): |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Andy Pratt (album): |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- Andy Qunta: |authorlink= David Kent (historian)
- Andy Seminick: |accessdate=26 October 2011
- Andy Sweet: |accessdate=2017-01-03
- Andy Upton: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Andy White (American football): |accessdate=2014-09-10
- Andy White (drummer): | authorlink = Ian MacDonald
- Andy Whitmore: |accessdate=6 July 2010
- Andy Wilson (director): |accessdate= March 30, 2018
- Andy and the Lion: |accessdate=30 June 2017, |accessdate=30 June 2017
- Andy's Summer Playhouse: |authorlink1=David Levithan
- Andymori (album): | writing_credits = ↵
- Andøy Bridge: |accessdate=2012-08-03
- Andō Shōeki: | authorlink = E. Herbert Norman↵
- And–or tree: |accessdate=28 February 2013, |accessdate=28 February 2013
- Anees Jung: |accessdate=6 November 2019
- Aneilema aequinoctiale: | accessdate = 2010-03-13↵ , | accessdate = 2010-03-13↵
- Aneirin: |authorlink=Thomas Stephens (historian)
- Anemone coronaria: | accessdate = 2020-07-02
- Anemone thomsonii: |accessdate= 2017-03-19
- Anemonopsis: |authorlink=Allan Armitage
- Anerastia infumella: |accessdate=2011-12-16
- Anereuthina: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aneurin Owen: |accessdate=22 September 2013
- Ang Alamat ng Lawin: |accessdate=March 16, 2020
- Ang Anak ng Dumalaga: |accessdate=19 June 2011
- Ang Huling Pagluha: |accessdate=19 June 2011, |accessdate=19 June 2011
- Ang Iglesia Metodista sa Pilipinas: |accessdate = 2007-10-18
- Ang Jan Goan: |accessdate=28 June 2020
- Ang Leon, Ang Tigre at Ang Alamid: |accessdate=May 27, 2020, |accessdate=May 27, 2020
- Ang Non II: |accessdate=24 July 2019
- Ang Supremo: |accessdate=August 19, 2020
- Ang Tatlong Hambog: |accessdate=15 November 2011, |accessdate=15 November 2011, |accessdate=15 November 2011
- Ang Tshering Sherpa (mountaineer): |accessdate=18 April 2020
- Angaar: |accessdate=30 December 2011
- Angadipuram Laterite: |accessdate= 2009-09-20, |accessdate=2009-10-03
- Angakuei: |accessdate = 22 August 2013
- Angalakuduru: |accessdate=31 May 2019
- Angalamman Temple, Kaveripakkam: |authorlink=K. A. Nilakanta Sastri, |origyear=1935
- Angam Day: |accessdate=26 December 2017
- Angama (dance): |accessdate=31 March 2012
- Angammedilla National Park: |accessdate=2009-10-23
- Angarei: |accessdate=4 August 2020
- Ange Du Fresnay: |accessdate=2014-10-18, |accessdate=2014-10-18
- Ange-Louis Janet: |accessdate=2020-05-02
- Angel Bakeries: |accessdate=2010-08-03
- Angel Broking: |accessdate=29 April 2015
- Angel Clare: |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Angel Exhaust: |accessdate=4 June 2020, |accessdate=4 September 2010, |accessdate=4 September 2010
- Angel Eyes (EP): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Angel Eyes (Stanley Cowell album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Angel Hotel, Cardiff: |authorlink1=Fred Allen (rugby union)
- Angel Island (novel): |origyear=1914
- Angel Kelly: |accessdate=31 December 2015
- Angel Rat: | authorlink1 = Ian Christe , | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Angel Trilogy: |accessdate=4 October 2015
- Angel Witch (album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Angel and Royal: |authorlink=Lauren Royal, |authorlink=Pete Brown (writer), |accessdate=29 April 2015, |authorlink=George Samuel Measom, |accessdate=30 April 2015, |authorlink=Sharon Turner, |authorlink=Kathleen Fidler, |authorlink2=John Camden Hotten, |accessdate=30 April 2015, |authorlink=↵Thomas Francis Dale, |accessdate=30 April 2015, |authorlink1=Sir Albert Edward Richardson, |accessdate=8 May 2015
- Angel and demon customers: |authorlink = Philip Kotler↵ , |accessdate = ↵
- Angel of Darkness (book): |accessdate=2013-01-28
- Angel of Hadley: |accessdate=June 14, 2008
- Angel of the Presence: |accessdate=August 8, 2011, |accessdate=August 2, 2011, |accessdate=August 2, 2011, |accessdate=August 8, 2011, |accessdate=August 2, 2011, |accessdate=August 8, 2011, |accessdate=8 August 2011, |accessdate=2 August 2011, |accessdate=2 August 2011, |accessdate=8 August 2011, |accessdate=2 August 2011, |accessdate=8 August 2011
- Angel's chameleon: |accessdate=11 November 2012
- Angela Agostini: |accessdate=9 September 2018
- Angela Brazil: |accessdate=2020-07-31 ↵, |accessdate=2020-07-31 ↵, |accessdate=2020-07-28 ↵, |accessdate=2020-07-28 ↵, |accessdate=2020-07-28 ↵, |accessdate=2020-08-12 ↵, |accessdate=2020-06-26 ↵, |accessdate=2020-07-28 ↵
- Angela Calomiris: | accessdate = 14 November 2019, | accessdate = 14 November 2019, | accessdate = 14 November 2019
- Angela Channing: |accessdate=April 15, 2020, |accessdate=April 15, 2020, |accessdate=April 15, 2020
- Angela Greene: |accessdate=2 March 2017, |accessdate=2 March 2017, |accessdate=2 March 2017
- Angela McShan: | accessdate = 2019-08-01↵, | accessdate = 2019-08-01↵
- Angela Stevens: |accessdate=21 September 2018
- Angela Taylor (basketball): |accessdate=12 August 2020
- Angela Tuckett: |accessdate=10 January 2018, |accessdate=10 January 2018
- Angelbite: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Angele Delanghe: |accessdate=17 September 2014, |accessdate=9 August 2014
- Angeles Tunnel: |authorlink=American Society for Testing and Materials
- Angelfist: |accessdate=3 November 2017
- Angelia Bibbs-Sanders: |accessdate=2011-07-02, |accessdate=2011-07-02, |accessdate=2011-07-02
- Angelica Cob-Baehler: |accessdate=June 24, 2015
- Angelica and Medoro: |accessdate=6 October 2011, |accessdate=6 October 2011
- Angelica dahurica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Angelicall Stone: | accessdate = 2012-02-05
- Angelico Chavez: |authorlink =↵
- Angelillo: |accessdate=15 July 2012, |accessdate=15 July 2012, |accessdate=15 July 2012, |accessdate=15 July 2012
- Angelina Tiga: |accessdate=23 November 2017, |accessdate=23 November 2017
- Angelina Weld Grimké: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=September 27, 2007
- Angeline Kopka: |accessdate=2015-08-13
- Angeline of Marsciano: |accessdate=26 December 2012
- Angelita Vargas: |accessdate=15 December 2012, |accessdate=15 December 2012
- Angelo Baretta: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Angelo Berardi: |accessdate= 30 September 2015
- Angelo Capranica: | authorlink=Gaetano Moroni
- Angelo Dibona: |accessdate=1 December 2010, |authorlink=Reinhold Messner, |accessdate=1 December 2010, |accessdate=2 December 2010, |accessdate=1 December 2010
- Angelo Everardi: | authorlink=
- Angelo II Acciaioli: |authorlink=Pompeo Litta Biumi
- Angelo Italia: |accessdate=6 September 2013, |accessdate=8 September 2013, |accessdate=8 September 2013, |accessdate=8 September 2013
- Angelo Marotta: |accessdate=August 19, 2016
- Angelo Masci: |accessdate=11 October 2012
- Angelo Neumann: | authorlink = Karl Josef Kutsch↵, | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens↵
- Angelo Piò: |accessdate=2013-01-13, |accessdate=2013-01-13
- Angelo Quaglio the Younger: | authorlink=
- Angelo Tasca: |accessdate=8 August 2016
- Angelo da Vallombrosa: |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015
- Angelo de Grassis: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Angelou Ezeilo: |accessdate=August 24, 2019
- Angels & Ghosts: | writing_credits =↵
- Angels E.P.: |authorlink= David Menconi , |authorlink= David Menconi
- Angels of Youth: |accessdate=30 May 2013
- Angels of the Silences: | writing_credits =↵↵
- Angels with Dirty Faces (Tricky album): |accessdate=14 July 2018
- Angers Bridge: |accessdate=30 May 2009
- Angevin coat of arms: |authorlink=John Brooke-Little , |origyear=1950
- Angie & Debbie: |accessdate=2015-03-22
- Angie Chen (director): |accessdate=December 3, 2020
- Angie Dickerson: |accessdate=4 April 2015
- Angie Gold: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Angie Lee: |accessdate=7 April 2019
- Angie Zelter: |accessdate=26 July 2019
- Angiola Teresa Moratori Scanabecchi: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Angiolo Maria Colomboni: | authorlink=
- Angiolo Mario Crivelli: | authorlink=
- Angke Mosque: |accessdate=17 January 2017
- Angkor Beer: |accessdate=21 July 2013, |accessdate=21 July 2013
- Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity: |accessdate=22 May 2011
- Angle Light: |accessdate=October 15, 2013
- Angle Tarn (Patterdale): |accessdate=25 July 2012
- Angle Tree Stone: |accessdate=18 March 2013, |accessdate=18 March 2013, |accessdate=8 July 2018
- Anglecot: | accessdate=2008-04-28
- Anglesite: |authorlink=Cally Oldershaw
- Anglican Diocese of Guinea: |accessdate=22 November 2016
- Anglican Diocese of Port Elizabeth: |authorlink=Fred Brownell
- Anglican Diocese of Pretoria: |authorlink=Fred Brownell
- Anglican Diocese of Worcester: |authorlink1=Alec Clifton-Taylor
- Anglican diocese of Shanghai: | authorlink = William John Townsend
- Angliers, Quebec: | accessdate=<!--September 29, 2019-->
- Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919: |accessdate=2012-06-26
- Anglo-American loan: | authorlink = Charles P. Kindleberger
- Anglo-American music: |authorlink=Alan Lomax
- Anglo-Argentine Tramways Company: |accessdate=26 October 2015
- Anglo-Ashanti wars: |authorlink=Charles Rathbone Low
- Anglo-Burmese Wars: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2005-05-19
- Anglo-Dutch Slave Trade Treaty: | authorlink= , | authorlink=
- Anglo-Français and Français (hound): | authorlink = Anne Rogers Clark
- Anglo-Français de Petite Vénerie: | authorlink = Anne Rogers Clark
- Anglo-French Supreme War Council: | authorlink = Max Egremont
- Anglo-French War (1557–1559): |accessdate=5 February 2012, |accessdate=27 April 2013, |accessdate=5 February 2012
- Anglo-German Naval Agreement: | authorlink= Martin Gilbert , | authorlink=Klaus Hildebrand , | authorlink= Ian Kershaw , | authorlink= Eberhard Jäckel , | authorlink= Gerhard Weinberg
- Anglo-Hanseatic War: |accessdate=2011-07-19, |archiveurl =, |archivedate=2010-11-22
- Anglo-Italian Agreement of 1925: |accessdate=16 May 2018
- Anglo-Polish military alliance: | authorlink=Edward Bernard Raczyński
- Anglo-Portuguese Army: |authorlink=Arthur Bryant, |authorlink=Paul Fregosi, |authorlink=Philip Haythornthwaite, |authorlink=William Francis Patrick Napier, |authorlink=Albert Nofi
- Anglo-Prussian alliance (1788): |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011
- Anglo-Saxon brooches: |authorlink=Gale Owen-Crocker , |authorlink=Gale Owen-Crocker
- Anglo-Saxon dress: |authorlink=Gale Owen-Crocker , |authorlink=Gale Owen-Crocker , |authorlink=James Planché
- Anglo-Saxon multiple estate: |authorlink=Mick Aston, |authorlink=Local history#United Kingdom , |authorlink=Mick Aston, |authorlink=Margaret Gelling
- Angola Ferry: |accessdate=2014-12-26
- Angoothi: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Angophora subvelutina: |accessdate=10 March 2020
- Angoram language: |authorlink=William A. Foley
- Angostura Bridge: |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Angry Machines: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Angst (band): |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Angular eccentricity: |authorlink=Charles Haynes Haswell , | accessdate = 2007-04-09
- Angulimaal (film): |accessdate=14 January 2015
- Angus (given name): |authorlink=John Joseph Kneen
- Angus Cameron (publisher): | accessdate = 7 July 2020, | accessdate = 7 July 2020, | accessdate = 7 July 2020, | accessdate = 7 July 2020, | accessdate = 7 July 2020, | accessdate = 7 July 2020
- Angus Cooper: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Angus Gladstone Buchanan: |accessdate=2018-05-15
- Angus M. Woodbury: |authorlink=William H. Behle
- Angus McGill Mowat: | accessdate=2015-11-15
- Angus Roxburgh: | accessdate =19 October 2011
- Angusticlavia: |authorlink= Norma Goldman
- Angèle Bandou: |accessdate=8 November 2016
- Angélique Mezzara: |accessdate=3 January 2016, |accessdate=3 January 2016, |accessdate=3 January 2016, |accessdate=3 January 2016, |accessdate=4 January 2016, |accessdate=5 January 2016, |accessdate=5 January 2016, |accessdate=5 January 2016, |accessdate=5 January 2016, |accessdate=5 January 2016, |accessdate=5 January 2016
- Anhinga Press: |accessdate=January 16, 2012
- Anholt (Denmark): |authorlink2=Edith Charlotte Brown
- Ani Ma'amin: |authorlink=Shmuel Barzilai
- Ani Tsankhung Nunnery: |accessdate=2015-02-22↵ , |accessdate=2015-02-22↵ , |accessdate=2015-02-22↵
- Anicetus (freedman): |authorlink=Miriam T. Griffin, | authorlink =:de:Jürgen Malitz
- Aniconism in Christianity: |accessdate= 2015-04-12, |accessdate= 2015-04-12, |authorlink=Rowan Williams
- Aniconism in the Baháʼí Faith: |authorlink=
- Aniela Kupiec: | authorlink = Kevin Hannan
- Aniello Portio: | authorlink=
- Anijsmelk: |accessdate=5 August 2013, |accessdate=5 August 2013, |accessdate=5 August 2013
- Anikovik River: |accessdate=30 March 2013, |accessdate=30 March 2013
- Anikspray: |accessdate=27 December 2017
- Anil Ghorai: |accessdate=3 January 2011
- Anil Kumar Chanda: |accessdate=24 March 2020, |accessdate=8 January 2019, |accessdate=8 January 2019, |accessdate=8 January 2019, |accessdate=8 January 2019
- Anil Kumar Yadav: |accessdate=1 June 2016, |accessdate=1 June 2016
- Anil Sadgopal: |accessdate=21 May 2019, |accessdate=1 December 2018, |accessdate=9 December 2018
- Anilite bomb: |accessdate=3 August 2015
- Anilopam: | accessdate = 2012-04-23 , | accessdate = 2012-04-23
- Anim synagogue: |accessdate=2 October 2010
- Anima Sola: |accessdate=December 20, 2011, |accessdate=December 20, 2011
- Animal Crack-Ups: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- Animal Husbandry (game): |accessdate=30 May 2013
- Animal Notes: |accessdate=February 23, 2019
- Animal Rights Party: |accessdate=18 September 2014
- Animal Tracks (British album): |accessdate=1 May 2019
- Animal epithet: |accessdate=28 June 2016
- Animal latrine: |accessdate=2014-01-03
- Animal loss: |accessdate=2012-10-13
- Animal name changes in Turkey: |accessdate=26 January 2013, |accessdate=26 January 2013
- Animal sacrifice in Hinduism: |authorlink=Chris Fuller (academic), |authorlink1=Alf Hiltebeitel, |authorlink1=[[Richard D. Ryder]] , |authorlink=Subhash Kak
- Animal studies: |authorlink=Colleen Glenney Boggs, |authorlink=Cary Wolfe, |authorlink=Jacques Derrida, |authorlink=Donna Haraway, |authorlink=Anat Pick, |authorlink=Harriet Ritvo, |authorlink=Yi-Fu Tuan, |authorlink=Paul Waldau
- Animal welfare and rights in Australia: |accessdate=15 April 2018
- Animal welfare in the United Kingdom: |accessdate=8 September 2018
- Animal welfare in the United States: |accessdate=April 19, 2016 , |accessdate=June 1, 2012
- Animalisms: |accessdate=1 May 2019
- Animals Drawn from Nature and Engraved in Aqua-tinta: |accessdate=5 April 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=22 July 2017, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 November 2015 , |archiveurl=, |archivedate=6 March 2016, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=9 April 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=9 April 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=13 April 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=8 April 2017, |authorlink=George Crabb (writer), |archiveurl=, |archivedate=12 April 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=8 April 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=8 April 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=8 April 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=8 April 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=9 April 2017
- Animalympics: |accessdate=27 March 2020
- Animal–industrial complex: |authorlink=David Nibert
- Animated Antics: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Animated Stories from the New Testament: |accessdate=23 May 2020
- Animato (album): |origyear = 1992
- Animato!: |accessdate=May 5, 2020
- Anime Himitsu no Hanazono: |accessdate=7 September 2015, |accessdate=7 September 2015
- Anime Insider: |accessdate=November 28, 2015
- Anino ng Kahapon: | accessdate = July 3, 2011, |accessdate=July 3, 2011
- Anirudha Dipa: |accessdate=1 March 2019, |accessdate=1 March 2019, |accessdate=1 March 2019
- Anirudha Sinha: |accessdate=21 October 2017, |accessdate=21 October 2017, |accessdate=11 April 2019, |accessdate=11 April 2019
- Anis Al-Jalis: |accessdate=15 April 2015
- Aniseed ball: |authorlink=Stuart Macrae (inventor)
- Anisetti Raghuvir: |accessdate=2 October 2017, |accessdate=2 October 2017
- Anisocytosis: |accessdate=10 November 2010
- Anisodus tanguticus: |origyear=1965
- Anisophyllea: | accessdate = 4 June 2014
- Anisophyllea beccariana: | accessdate = 13 April 2015
- Anisophyllea chartacea: | accessdate = 13 April 2015
- Anisophyllea corneri: | accessdate = 13 April 2015
- Anisophyllea disticha: | accessdate = 13 April 2015
- Anisophyllea ferruginea: | accessdate = 22 May 2015
- Anisophyllea globosa: | accessdate = 23 May 2015
- Anisophyllea impressinervia: | accessdate = 23 May 2015
- Anisophyllea nitida: | accessdate = 23 May 2015
- Anisoptera (plant): | accessdate = 10 November 2007
- Anisoptera costata: | accessdate = 11 November 2007
- Anisoptera grossivenia: | accessdate = 11 November 2007
- Anisotoma (beetle): | origyear = 1983↵
- Anisotome procumbens: |accessdate=7 May 2018, |accessdate=18 May 2018
- Anisotropic filtering: | archiveurl=↵, | archivedate=2017-02-14↵, | accessdate=2017-10-20
- Anita Ayoob: |authorlink1=Andrew Rippin
- Anita Berber: |accessdate=14 November 2011
- Anita Blanch: |accessdate=13 May 2015, |accessdate=13 May 2015
- Anita Brenner: |accessdate=10 March 2015, |authorlink=Alan M. Wald, |accessdate=10 March 2015
- Anita Doth: |accessdate=25 May 2013
- Anita Kelsey: |accessdate=December 8, 2020
- Anita Kuhlke: | authorlink=Volker Kluge
- Anita Moorjani: |accessdate=3 September 2014
- Anita Palermo Kelly: |accessdate=2015-08-04
- Anita Sharp-Bolster: |accessdate=16 April 2016
- Anitys: | origyear = 1983↵
- Anjaan (1941 film): |accessdate=23 July 2012
- Anjali Bhimani: |authorlink1=Mary Zimmerman, |authorlink2=David R. Slavitt
- Anjana Productions: |origyear=1994
- Anjanette Abayari: |accessdate=February 9, 2021, |accessdate=February 9, 2021
- Anjang of Goguryeo: |accessdate=4 February 2016, |accessdate=4 February 2016, |accessdate=4 February 2016
- Anjara: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Anjuk Ladang inscription: |accessdate=3 March 2014
- Ankahee (2006 film): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Ankam: |accessdate=2007-12-28, |accessdate=2007-12-28
- Ankara University Medical School: |authorlink=Carl E. Taylor
- Ankarana Reserve: | authorlink = Reader's Digest
- Anke Eißmann: |authorlink=Naomi Novik
- Anke Ohde: | authorlink=Volker Kluge
- Ankiririsa: |accessdate=27 August 2011
- Ankle brace: |accessdate=25 May 2013, |accessdate=25 May 2013, |accessdate=25 May 2013
- Ankle jerk reflex: |accessdate=18 July 2017, |accessdate=4 July 2011
- Ankoku-ji: | authorlink=Heinrich Dumoulin
- Anma: |accessdate=11 May 2012, |accessdate=11 May 2012
- Ann (1801 ship): |authorlink=Charles Rathbone Low
- Ann Arensberg: |accessdate=8 September 2019, |accessdate=8 September 2019
- Ann Arvin: |accessdate=5 October 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=4 November 2016
- Ann Austin: |accessdate=2013-04-15
- Ann Baumgartner: |accessdate=2 March 2010, |accessdate=2 March 2010, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 12 April 2010
- Ann Blackman: | authorlink = Ann Blackman↵ , | authorlink = Ann Blackman↵ , | authorlink = Ann Blackman↵ , | authorlink = Ann Blackman↵
- Ann C. Whitman: |authorlink=Stephen G. Rabe
- Ann Cody: |accessdate=September 17, 2017
- Ann Cole: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Ann Cook (cookery book writer): |authorlink=Elizabeth David, |authorlink=Mary Ellen Snodgrass
- Ann D. Gordon: |authorlink1=Geoffrey Ward , |authorlink2=Ken Burns
- Ann Dinham: |accessdate=16 June 2020
- Ann Downing: |accessdate=May 30, 2020
- Ann E. Carlson: |accessdate=9 February 2014
- Ann E. Weber: |accessdate=9 October 2017
- Ann Elizabeth Isham: |accessdate=31 December 2017, |accessdate=31 December 2017, |accessdate=31 December 2017
- Ann Ferguson: |accessdate=December 14, 2019
- Ann Forrest: |accessdate=26 July 2010↵
- Ann Fowler: |accessdate=July 18, 2014
- Ann Gillis: |accessdate=4 December 2018
- Ann Hall: |authorlink2=Carrie Rebora Barratt, |accessdate=5 June 2014, |accessdate=5 June 2014
- Ann Haven Morgan: | accessdate=2011-02-09
- Ann Hopkins: |accessdate=27 December 2014, |accessdate=27 December 2014
- Ann Jago: |accessdate=8 January 2018
- Ann Lemoine: |accessdate=19 April 2015
- Ann Lewis (barrel racer): |accessdate=October 26, 2019 , |accessdate=November 5, 2019
- Ann Louisa Baring: |accessdate=4 June 2020 , |accessdate=24 August 2019 , |accessdate=4 June 2020
- Ann Lowe: |authorlink1=Aberjhani
- Ann MacIntosh Duff: |accessdate=2020-12-01
- Ann MacLean: |accessdate=November 17, 2019
- Ann Marie Di Mambro: |accessdate=5 March 2009, |accessdate=5 March 2009
- Ann McNamee: |accessdate=January 7, 2013, |accessdate=January 7, 2013, |accessdate=January 7, 2013, |accessdate=January 7, 2013
- Ann Moore (impostor): |accessdate=2014-10-12
- Ann Mounsey: |accessdate=7 January 2011
- Ann Nolan Clark: |accessdate=4 October 2011
- Ann Paludan: |accessdate=23 December 2010, |accessdate=23 December 2010, |accessdate=23 December 2010, |accessdate=23 December 2010, |accessdate=23 December 2010, |accessdate=23 December 2010, |accessdate=23 December 2010, |accessdate=23 December 2010
- Ann Prentiss: |accessdate=23 April 2017, |accessdate=23 April 2017
- Ann Robinson: |accessdate=2018-09-01
- Ann Sexton: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Ann Snodgrass: |authorlink=Antonella Anedda
- Ann Strickler Zweig: |accessdate=Jun 5, 2020, |accessdate=Jun 5, 2020
- Ann Taves: |authorlink1=Ann Taves
- Ann Taylor Allen: |accessdate=August 11, 2017
- Ann Tenno: |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=14 April 2013
- Ann Teresa Mathews: |accessdate=March 3, 2019, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=March 3, 2019
- Ann Winblad: |accessdate=December 1, 2019
- Ann Wroe: |accessdate=31 March 2019
- Ann Z. Caracristi: |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Ann-Elise Hannikainen: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Anna (The Cribs song): | writing_credits = ↵
- Anna Amelia Obermeyer: |accessdate=28 February 2019
- Anna Angelina Komnene Doukaina: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=Konstantin Jireček, |authorlink=George Ostrogorsky
- Anna Baltzer: |accessdate=2010-04-09
- Anna Baright Curry: |authorlink=Julia Ward Howe
- Anna Barsukova (model): |accessdate=19 January 2019, |accessdate=19 January 2019
- Anna Bethell: |authorlink=Martyn Green
- Anna Bochkoltz: | authorlink1 = Karl-Josef Kutsch↵, | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens↵
- Anna Bofill: |accessdate=29 January 2011
- Anna Braithwaite: |accessdate=2019-03-07, |accessdate=2017-04-09, |accessdate=2017-04-09, |accessdate=2013-04-16, |accessdate=2017-04-09, |accessdate=2017-04-09
- Anna Brelsford McCoy: |authorlink=Anna Brelsford McCoy
- Anna Chennault: |authorlink=A. J. Langguth
- Anna Chernenko: |accessdate=3 September 2013
- Anna Cramer: |accessdate=19 January 2011
- Anna Crusis Women's Choir: |accessdate=26 June 2014
- Anna Dawson: |accessdate=17 January 2011
- Anna Dresden-Polak: |accessdate=27 January 2013, |accessdate=27 January 2013, |accessdate= 27 January 2013
- Anna Ekielska-Skóra: | accessdate = 27 September 2020
- Anna Engelhardt: |accessdate=21 April 2017
- Anna Etheridge: |authorlink=Bruce Catton
- Anna Fox: | authorlink= Val Williams , | accessdate= 3 December 2014
- Anna Genovese: |accessdate=5 November 2019 , |accessdate=12 November 2019, |accessdate=10 November 2019
- Anna Green Winslow: |accessdate= June 24, 2012 , |accessdate= June 24, 2012
- Anna Gréki: |accessdate=2014-12-07↵ , |accessdate=2014-12-07↵ , |accessdate=2014-12-07↵ , |accessdate=2014-12-07↵
- Anna Gurney: |accessdate=27 September 2016
- Anna Hall Roosevelt: | authorlink=Blanche Wiesen Cook
- Anna Hamilton Phelan: |accessdate=29 March 2016
- Anna Hartwell Lusk: |accessdate=30 January 2019 , |accessdate=31 July 2018 , |accessdate=20 October 2017, |accessdate=6 March 2018, |accessdate=30 January 2019 , |accessdate=1 February 2019
- Anna Hastings: |authorlink=John Maxwell Hamilton
- Anna Hempstead Branch: |accessdate=23 February 2013
- Anna Hickey-Moody: |accessdate=13 September 2020 , |accessdate=13 September 2020 , |accessdate=13 September 2020
- Anna Hiss: | accessdate = 21 February 2017, | accessdate = 21 February 2017, | accessdate = 21 February 2017, | accessdate = 21 February 2017
- Anna Hotchkis: |accessdate=23 October 2017
- Anna II, Abbess of Quedlinburg: |accessdate=2009-07-03
- Anna In-Between: |accessdate=20 March 2017
- Anna Isabel Mulford: |accessdate=August 6, 2018
- Anna Jarvis: |authorlink1=Malcolm S. Forbes
- Anna Karenina (1985 film): | authorlink = Vladimir Nabokov
- Anna Kaʻiulani: |origyear=1898
- Anna Klein (camp warden): |accessdate=2012-12-16
- Anna Komnene Angelina: |authorlink=George Ostrogorsky
- Anna Kontula: |accessdate=26 July 2015
- Anna Koorders-Schumacher: |accessdate=18 August 2018 , |accessdate=18 August 2018 , |accessdate=19 August 2018 , |accessdate=19 August 2018
- Anna Laura Lepschy: |accessdate=March 13, 2020
- Anna Lee Carroll: |accessdate=April 19, 2020
- Anna Lee Waldo: |authorlink1=Anna Lee Waldo , |authorlink1=Anna Lee Waldo , |authorlink1=Anna Lee Waldo , |authorlink1=Anna Lee Waldo
- Anna Lee Walters: |accessdate=8 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2015
- Anna Leszczyńska (1699–1717): |accessdate=1 August 2018
- Anna Lou Dehavenon: |accessdate=24 October 2014
- Anna Louise Inn: | accessdate=2013-06-03
- Anna Lukens: |accessdate=July 19, 2017, |accessdate=July 19, 2017
- Anna M. Harkness: |accessdate=7 May 2019 , |accessdate=7 May 2019 , |accessdate=7 May 2019 , |accessdate=7 May 2019 , |accessdate=7 May 2019
- Anna Malukhina: |accessdate=14 September 2015
- Anna Maria Bisi: |authorlink= Sabatino Moscati
- Anna Maria Ehrenstrahl: |accessdate=September 1, 2014
- Anna Maria Fox: | authorlink = Caroline Fox, | authorlink = Barclay Fox , | authorlink = Wilson Harris (journalist), | authorlink = Robert Tod
- Anna Maria Gove: |accessdate=3 March 2015, |accessdate=3 March 2015, |accessdate=3 March 2015
- Anna Maria Hussey: |accessdate=10 April 2016
- Anna Maria Klechniowska: |accessdate=4 October 2010, |accessdate=23 December 2010
- Anna Maria Priestman: |accessdate=18 November 2017
- Anna Maria von Phul: |accessdate=7 June 2016, |accessdate=7 June 2016
- Anna Mathew: |accessdate=9 July 2019
- Anna N. Żytkow: | accessdate= 2 February 2002
- Anna Nerkagi: |accessdate=19 August 2016
- Anna Olsson (author): |accessdate=19 June 2014, |accessdate=19 June 2014
- Anna Palaiologina Kantakouzene: | authorlink = John Van Antwerp Fine
- Anna Pappritz: |accessdate=2014-09-03↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-03↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-03↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-03↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-02, |accessdate=2014-09-03↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-03↵ , |accessdate=2014-09-03↵
- Anna Pavord: |accessdate=15 February 2015
- Anna Porphyrogenita: |accessdate=January 27, 2013
- Anna Rostova: |accessdate=August 30, 2017, |accessdate=August 30, 2017
- Anna Russell, Duchess of Bedford: |authorlink1=Edmund Lodge
- Anna Rydlówna: |accessdate=24 October 2019
- Anna Sadurska: |accessdate=22 February 2018
- Anna Simson: |accessdate=28 July 2018 , |accessdate=28 July 2018
- Anna Sofia Ramström: | origyear = March 22, 1779↵
- Anna Strasser: |accessdate=29 October 2019, |accessdate=31 October 2019
- Anna Theresa Cascio: |accessdate=30 November 2012, |accessdate=30 November 2012, |accessdate=30 November 2012, |accessdate=30 November 2012, |accessdate=30 November 2012
- Anna Thomson: |accessdate=20 November 2017, |accessdate=November 20, 2017
- Anna Ticho: |accessdate= January 4, 2015
- Anna Volkova: |accessdate=2015-07-24
- Anna Wałek-Czernecka: |accessdate=26 September 2018
- Anna Zamora Puigceros: |accessdate=19 July 2019
- Anna's Taqueria: |authorlink=Phantom Gourmet , |accessdate=2010-11-29
- Anna-Carin Jonasson: |accessdate=2 December 2020
- Anna-Liisa Hirviluoto: |accessdate=14 July 2015
- Annabel Morris Buchanan: |accessdate=January 28, 2020
- Annabhau Sathe: |authorlink=Eleanor Zelliot
- Annacis Island: |accessdate= 2009-04-30
- Annada Mangal: |origyear= 1966
- Annadata (1954 film): |archiveurl=, |archivedate=18 January 2020
- Annai E. V. R. Nagammai: |accessdate=13 December 2018
- Annaji Datto Sachiv: |accessdate=5 June 2016
- Annalee Jefferies: |accessdate=14 November 2014
- Annalee Whitmore Fadiman: |accessdate=12 August 2018
- Annales Ecclesiastici: |accessdate=10 September 2012, |accessdate=10 September 2012, |accessdate=10 September 2012, |accessdate=10 September 2012, |accessdate=10 September 2012, |accessdate=10 September 2012
- Annales florentini: |authorlink=Pasquale Villari
- Annals of Boyle: |authorlink=Thomas Charles-Edwards
- Annapolis High School (Michigan): |accessdate=2014-10-14, |accessdate=2014-10-14
- Annapolis, Indiana: |accessdate=2010-12-17↵
- Annapurna Sanctuary: |authorlink=Jon Ortner
- Annar Poulsson: |authorlink=Jakob Vaage
- Annathill: |accessdate=3 July 2017
- Annayum Rasoolum: | lyrics_credits = ↵
- Anne Anjaiah: |accessdate=9 January 2012
- Anne Beauchamp, 15th Countess of Warwick: |authorlink=Michael Hicks (historian) , |authorlink=Douglas Richardson
- Anne Briscoe: |accessdate= 31 March 2014, |accessdate= 31 March 2014 , |accessdate= 31 March 2014
- Anne Bullar: |accessdate=3 November 2018 , |accessdate=3 November 2018 , |accessdate=3 November 2018, |accessdate=2 November 2018, |accessdate=4 November 2018 , |accessdate=4 November 2018 , |accessdate=4 November 2018, |accessdate=4 November 2018, |accessdate=4 November 2018
- Anne C. and Frank B. Semple House: |authorlink=Larry Millett
- Anne Caroline Salisbury: | accessdate=2007-06-09, | accessdate=2007-06-09
- Anne Cochrane: |accessdate=19 July 2017
- Anne D. Neal: |accessdate=2012-03-06, |accessdate=February 14, 2012
- Anne Daniel: |authorlink2=Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie, |authorlink1=Joy Harvey
- Anne Delamere: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Anne Dick: |accessdate=21 December 2014
- Anne Dieu-le-Veut: |accessdate=15 September 2017, |accessdate=12 September 2017
- Anne Ditchburn: |authorlink=Ernest J. Dick , |authorlink=R.B. Fleming
- Anne Doyle (sports broadcaster): |accessdate=3 July 2011
- Anne Dunkin Greene: |accessdate=2 February 2019 , |accessdate=2 February 2019 , |accessdate=2 February 2019 , |accessdate=30 January 2019 , |accessdate=30 January 2019 , |accessdate=6 February 2017, |accessdate=2 February 2019 , |accessdate=31 July 2018 , |accessdate=20 October 2017, |accessdate=6 March 2018, |accessdate=30 January 2019 , |accessdate=30 January 2019 , |accessdate=30 January 2019
- Anne Elizabeth Ball: |authorlink1=Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie, |authorlink2=Joy Harvey, |accessdate=19 October 2012
- Anne Ferris: |authorlink=Stephen Collins (journalist)
- Anne Firor Scott: |accessdate=January 9, 2013
- Anne Fleming and Catherine Jennis: |accessdate=31 December 2017, |accessdate=31 December 2017
- Anne Fougeron: |accessdate=2013-10-08, |accessdate=2013-10-08
- Anne François Augustin de La Bourdonnaye: |accessdate=22 June 2015
- Anne Geneviève de Lévis: |accessdate= 2010-04-21, |authorlink= Philippe de Dangeau, |accessdate= 2010-04-07
- Anne Gerety: |accessdate=11 May 2016
- Anne Grete Hollup: |authorlink=Øystein Rottem
- Anne Halkett: | authorlink = Lorna Sage↵
- Anne Hare: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Anne Hart Gilbert: |accessdate=4 November 2017, |accessdate=4 November 2017
- Anne Henrietta Martin: |accessdate=17 May 2012, |accessdate=17 May 2012
- Anne Howells: |accessdate=20 May 2017
- Anne Hultgren: |accessdate=16 April 2016
- Anne Hupp: |accessdate=Sep 21, 2016
- Anne Hyde (historian): |accessdate=5 November 2017
- Anne Innis Dagg: |accessdate=8 December 2017
- Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie: |authorlink= Henrietta Garnett
- Anne Jules de Noailles: |accessdate=13 August 2012
- Anne Julie de Melun: |accessdate= 2010-03-25
- Anne Kirkpatrick: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Anne Knight (children's writer): |accessdate=8 July 2016
- Anne Kreamer: |authorlink1=Sally Helgesen
- Anne L. Stevens: |accessdate=October 9, 2019, |accessdate=October 9, 2019
- Anne LaBastille: |accessdate=14 March 2016, |accessdate=14 March 2016
- Anne Lennox, Duchess of Richmond: |authorlink=John Marshall (cricket writer)
- Anne Mandall Johnson: |accessdate=30 October 2014
- Anne Marguerite Hyde de Neuville: |accessdate=2013-03-30
- Anne Marie Louise de La Tour d'Auvergne: |accessdate= 2010-03-25, |accessdate= 2010-04-21, |accessdate= 2010-03-25, |accessdate= 2010-04-21
- Anne Marie de Bourbon: |accessdate= 2010-03-10
- Anne Middleton: |accessdate=July 25, 2013
- Anne Mozley: |accessdate=17 November 2014
- Anne Mustoe: |accessdate=↵
- Anne Nagel: |accessdate=15 June 2017, |accessdate=15 June 2017, |accessdate=16 June 2017
- Anne Naysmith: |accessdate= 13 February 2015
- Anne Nivat: |accessdate=2 June 2013
- Anne O'Brien (footballer): |accessdate=2012-08-27
- Anne Penny: |accessdate=25 March 2016, |accessdate=17 April 2016
- Anne Pingeot: |authorlink = David Le Bailly
- Anne Rankine: |accessdate=2016-12-29
- Anne Rogers Clark: |authorlink= Anne Rogers Clark
- Anne Savedge: |accessdate=17 August 2019 , |accessdate=17 August 2019 , |accessdate=25 September 2019
- Anne Sayre: |origyear=1975
- Anne Shannon Monroe: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Anne Sharpley: |authorlink=William Stevenson (Canadian writer)
- Anne Shippen: |accessdate=10 August 2017
- Anne St. Marie: |accessdate=2017-04-25
- Anne Stewart, Countess of Galloway: |accessdate=14 February 2017
- Anne Sweeney: |accessdate=29 November 2008
- Anne Valery: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=24 August 2017
- Anne Vavasour: |authorlink=Ilona Bell
- Anne Victoire Dervieux: |authorlink1=Louise-Charlotte de Duras
- Anne Wafula Strike: | authorlink=Paul Stenning , | authorlink=Paul Stenning
- Anne Walter Fearn: |accessdate=29 January 2016, |accessdate=28 January 2016, |accessdate=28 January 2016, |accessdate=28 January 2016, |accessdate=10 February 2016, |accessdate=January 28, 2016, |accessdate=January 28, 2016
- Anne Ward (suffragist): | accessdate= 24 October 2020, |accessdate=25 October 2020, |accessdate=25 October 2020 , |accessdate=25 October 2020
- Anne Whitfield: |accessdate=February 21, 2020
- Anne Wilde: |authorlink1=Mary Batchelor (activist) , |authorlink2=Marianne Watson
- Anne Wilkinson (poet): |accessdate=19 January 2020
- Anne Wood (opera administrator): |accessdate=19 November 2017
- Anne Woodrooffe: | accessdate = 4 September 2014
- Anne X. Alpern: |accessdate=November 28, 2012 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=November 9, 2012
- Anne Yelverton: |accessdate=10 November 2017
- Anne de Laval, Viscountess of Thouars: |authorlink=Ezekiel, Freiherr von Spanheim, |authorlink= Père Anselme, |origyear = 1728
- Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart: |accessdate=26 June 2020 , |accessdate=26 June 2020 , |accessdate=2015-03-26, |accessdate=2015-03-27↵ , |accessdate=2015-03-27↵ , |accessdate=2015-03-27↵
- Anne de Rohan-Chabot: |accessdate= 2010-04-08
- Anne van Aaken: |accessdate=17 September 2017
- Anne-Antoine-Jules de Clermont-Tonnerre: |accessdate=2016-07-06 , | accessdate = 13 June 2018
- Anne-Christine d'Adesky: |accessdate=2013-10-04, |accessdate=2013-10-04, |accessdate=2013-10-04, |accessdate=2013-10-04
- Anne-Eva Brauneck: |accessdate=2 October 2020
- Anne-Laure Folly: |accessdate=8 February 2013↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-08↵
- Anne-Lise Stern: |accessdate=30 March 2018, |accessdate=30 March 2018
- Anne-Marie Baiynd: |accessdate=2013-04-29, |accessdate=2013-04-29 , |accessdate=2013-04-26
- Anne-Marie Homolle: |accessdate=6 December 2018 , |accessdate=6 December 2018 , |accessdate=6 December 2018
- Anne-Marie Ørbeck: |accessdate=11 November 2010
- Anneke van Dok-van Weele: |accessdate=26 September 2011
- Annelien Kappeyne van de Coppello: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=27 December 2016
- Annelies Thies: |accessdate = 15 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 15 February 2014↵
- Annelies Verstand: |accessdate=28 September 2011
- Annelis Schreiber: |accessdate=8 March 2019 , |accessdate=8 March 2019
- Annemarie Mevissen: |accessdate=13 December 2017
- Annemarie Schwarzenbach: |authorlink= Ella Maillart
- Annemieke Bes: |accessdate = 13 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 13 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 13 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 13 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 13 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 13 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 13 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 13 February 2014↵
- Annerveen gas field: |accessdate=2011-01-03
- Annery, Monkleigh: | accessdate=24 June 2013 , |accessdate=24 June 2013, |accessdate=24 June 2013
- Annesley Somerville: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Annet Morio de L'Isle: |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Annette A. Aguilar: |authorlink1=Leslie Gourse
- Annette Abigael Hamilton: |authorlink=Jens Braage Halvorsen
- Annette Arkeketa: |accessdate=12 May 2015, |accessdate=12 May 2015
- Annette Beveridge: |authorlink=David Kopf
- Annette Dobson: |authorlink2=Adrian G. Barnett
- Annette Jahns: | authorlink = Karl Josef Kutsch↵, | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens↵
- Annette King: |authorlink=Michael Bassett
- Annette Kuhn: |accessdate=2017-06-23
- Annette Langen: |authorlink=Annette Langen, |authorlink=Annette Langen, |accessdate=13 June 2012
- Annette Lyon: |accessdate=June 21, 2016
- Annette Merz: |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012, |accessdate=24 April 2012
- Annette Snell: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Anni (1951 film): |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=28 June 2017
- Anni Neumann: |accessdate=27 November 2019
- Anni Rehborn: |accessdate=2013-03-25
- Anni-Frid Lyngstad discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Annibale Castelli: | authorlink=
- Annibale Mazzuoli: | authorlink=Luigi Lanzi
- Annick Obonsawin: |accessdate=August 17, 2011
- Annie (locomotive): | origyear=1994
- Annie B. Andrews: |accessdate=16 June 2020
- Annie Birgit Garde: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- Annie Fortescue Harrison: |accessdate=9 July 2018 , |accessdate=9 July 2018
- Annie French: |accessdate=30 December 2015, |accessdate=30 December 2015, |accessdate=30 December 2015
- Annie Had a Baby: |accessdate=2012-01-14
- Annie Hindle: |accessdate=23 October 2015
- Annie Hooper: |accessdate=2014-12-08
- Annie Jacobsen: |accessdate=October 14, 2016
- Annie Jessy Curwen: |accessdate=2012-03-25
- Annie Korzen: |accessdate=August 28, 2009
- Annie L. Key: |accessdate=2014-10-24
- Annie Larsen: | accessdate = 2012-01-22↵
- Annie Laurie (musician): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Annie Leuch-Reineck: | accessdate=4 August 2018
- Annie Lorrain Smith: |authorlink1=James Mascall Morrison Crombie
- Annie Louise Tanner-Musin: |accessdate=3 January 2019, |accessdate=3 January 2019, |accessdate=3 January 2019, |accessdate=3 January 2019
- Annie Massy: |accessdate=11 November 2014, |accessdate=11 November 2014, |accessdate=11 November 2014, |accessdate=11 November 2014, |accessdate=11 November 2014, |accessdate=11 November 2014
- Annie McVicar: |accessdate=6 December 2014
- Annie Pearson, Viscountess Cowdray: |accessdate=12 August 2018, |accessdate=12 August 2018
- Annie Riley Hale: |accessdate=9 June 2019 , |accessdate=9 June 2019 , |accessdate=9 June 2019 , | accessdate=17 June 2019, |accessdate=10 June 2019
- Annie Russell Theatre: | accessdate = 2012-05-16
- Annie Sawyer Green: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Annie Stein: | accessdate = 15 November 2019
- Annie Sugier: |accessdate=30 January 2021
- Annie Trumbull Slosson: |accessdate=11 October 2020
- Annie du Far-West: |accessdate=26 October 2011, |accessdate=26 October 2011, |accessdate=26 October 2011
- Annis Gillie: |accessdate=31 August 2014
- Annisquam, Massachusetts: |authorlink=William Bright, |accessdate=11 April 2011
- Annisteen Allen: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Anno Lucis: |accessdate=2014-06-02
- Annona purpurea: |authorlink=Julia Morton, |accessdate=9 April 2013
- Annora Brown: |accessdate=26 October 2017
- Announcer's test: |accessdate=January 12, 2010, |accessdate=January 12, 2010
- Annulohypoxylon archeri: |authorlink=Paul Stamets
- Annunciation (Caravaggio): |authorlink=Peter Robb (author)
- Annunciation Church of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra: |authorlink=Virginia Rounding
- Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady Church, Riga: |authorlink= Vita Banga
- Anobiini: | origyear = 1983↵
- Anobium: | origyear = 1983↵
- Anoeschka von Meck: |accessdate=28 October 2016
- Anointed Quorum: |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 2013-02-02↵
- Anokhi Ada (1948 film): |accessdate=10 Sep 2014, |accessdate=10 Sep 2014, |accessdate=10 Sep 2014
- Anolis garmani: |authorlink1=Roger Conant (herpetologist), |authorlink2=Joseph T. Collins
- Anomia (bivalve): |accessdate= 5 December 2013
- Anomioptera: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Anomis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Anomis hawaiiensis: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Anomis noctivolans: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Anomis sabulifera: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Anomis vulpicolor: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Anommonia: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Anones: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Anones, Las Marías, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Anonychomyrma extensa: |accessdate=2 January 2015
- Anonymous Athonite: |accessdate=21 May 2019, |accessdate=21 May 2019
- Anonymous Bulgarian Chronicle: |accessdate=10 November 2011, |accessdate=10 November 2011, |accessdate=10 November 2011, |accessdate=10 November 2011, |accessdate=10 November 2011, |accessdate=10 November 2011, |authorlink3=Christoph K. Neumann, |accessdate=10 November 2011, |accessdate=10 November 2011
- Anoopchand Shah: |accessdate=26 April 2018, |accessdate=26 April 2018, |accessdate=26 April 2018
- Anopheles claviger: | authorlink = George Walter Prothero
- Anoratha (moth): |authorlink=George Hampson
- Anoratha paritalis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Another Country (novel): |accessdate=28 June 2019
- Another Day (Whigfield song): |accessdate=2010-12-01
- Another Language (album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Another Man's War: |authorlink=Sam Childers
- Another Night (Real McCoy song): | accessdate = 15 October 2010
- Another Shade of Blue: |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Another Step (City Reign album): | writing_credits = ↵
- Another Time, Another Place EP: | writing_credits = ↵↵
- Another Year (Leo Sayer album): |accessdate=12 March 2019
- Anou Achra Lemoun: |accessdate=1 January 2013
- Anowa: |accessdate=2015-11-09, |accessdate=2015-11-09
- Anpao: |accessdate=23 February 2015
- Anping Bridge: | authorlink1=Mao Yisheng↵
- Anriette Esterhuysen: |accessdate=21 April 2017
- Ansaldo Poggi: |origyear=1951
- Ansar Harvani: |accessdate=7 April 2020, |accessdate=7 April 2020, |accessdate=7 April 2020
- Ansbach Residence: |accessdate=16 September 2012
- Anscar of Spoleto: |authorlink=Chris Wickham
- Anscombe's quartet: |authorlink=Edward Tufte
- Anse Mamin: |accessdate=8 June 2014
- Anselm Franz von Ritter zu Groenesteyn: | authorlink = ↵
- Anselm Tupper: |authorlink=Henry Howe
- Anselm of Besate: |authorlink=R. W. Southern
- Anselme de Peellaert: |accessdate=12 June 2015
- Anselmo Aieta: |authorlink= , |accessdate=2013-09-23
- Anselmo Suárez y Romero: |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink=
- Anselmus Kludze: |authorlink=Stephen Alan Brobbey , |authorlink=Anselmus Kludze
- Anser (poet): | authorlink =William Freund , | authorlink2=Joseph Esmond Riddle , | authorlink =Evangelos Karakasis , | authorlink =Irene Peirano
- Anserated: |accessdate=5 October 2012, |accessdate=5 October 2012, |accessdate=5 October 2012, |accessdate=5 October 2012, |accessdate=5 October 2012, |accessdate=5 October 2012
- Ansi City: |accessdate=5 April 2018, |accessdate=5 April 2018
- Ansley Gray: |accessdate=2013-10-18
- Ansley Wilcox: |accessdate=6 October 2016, |accessdate=6 October 2016, |accessdate=6 October 2016, |accessdate=6 October 2016, |accessdate=8 April 2016, |accessdate=8 April 2016
- Anson Call: |accessdate=2020-04-07, |accessdate=2015-07-18
- Anson County Regiment: |accessdate=March 3, 2019
- Anson Dickinson: |accessdate=2013-01-03, |authorlink1=Carrie Rebora Barratt↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-03, |accessdate=2013-01-03↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-03↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-03↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-03↵
- Anson Dodge: |accessdate=28 January 2018
- Anson G. Henry: |accessdate=13 September 2019
- Anson Phelps Stokes: |accessdate=25 October 2014, |accessdate=18 October 2014, |accessdate=7 March 2015
- Anss District: |accessdate=10 May 2020, |accessdate=10 May 2020
- Ansty, Wiltshire: |authorlink1=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Ansuyah Ratipul Singh: |authorlink=Antoinette Burton
- Answered Prayers: | authorlink=Gerald Clarke (author)
- Answers for Americans: |accessdate=22 March 2020, |accessdate=June 11, 2011
- Anta capital: |accessdate=2016-11-16
- Antae temple: |accessdate=25 October 2012, |authorlink=George Francis Taylor, |accessdate=25 October 2012
- Antaea: | authorlink =Apollonius of Rhodes , | authorlink = Geoffrey Stephen Kirk
- Antaeus (physician): | accessdate=2016-01-08, | accessdate=2016-01-08
- Antagoras of Rhodes: |accessdate=2013-06-06, |accessdate=2013-06-06
- Antal Nagy de Buda: |authorlink=Demény Lajos
- Antalas: |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Antambahoaka: | accessdate = 31 August 2014
- Antananarivo Province: |authorlink=Taylor & Francis Group, |authorlink=International Monetary Fund, |authorlink=International Monetary Fund, |authorlink1=Kwame Anthony Appiah, |authorlink2=Henry Louis Gates Jr.
- Antanas Mackevičius: |accessdate=21 February 2011
- Antander: | authorlink =Orosius , | authorlink =Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard , | authorlink =John Gilles , | authorlink =Sian Lewis
- Antankarana: | accessdate = 31 August 2014
- Antar Laniyan: |accessdate=13 February 2015
- Antarctica (Richie Beirach album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Ante Nikšić: |authorlink3=Slaven Ravlić
- Ante Topić Mimara: |authorlink=Thomas Hoving , |authorlink=Heinz Hohne
- Ante Šercer: | authorlink=Ivo Padovan
- Antebellum South Carolina: |accessdate=4 June 2018, |accessdate=4 June 2018, |accessdate=3 June 2018
- Anteias: | authorlink =Irad Malkin , | authorlink =Erich S. Gruen , | authorlink =Saskia T. Roselaar , | authorlink =James H. Richardson
- Antelope Hot Springs: | accessdate = 2008-11-25
- Antemoro people: | accessdate = 31 August 2014
- Antemurale Christianitatis: |authorlink1=:hy:Մինաս Չերազ
- Antennae (album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear =
- Antenorides: | authorlink =Segal Charles , | accessdate=2016-01-08, | accessdate=2016-01-08, | accessdate=2016-01-08, | accessdate=2016-01-08
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- Anterolateral sulcus of spinal cord: |accessdate=19 June 2010
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- Anthaku Minchi: | lyrics_credits = ↵
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- Anthem of the Seas: |accessdate=7 March 2013
- Anthems and nationalistic songs of Canada: | authorlink=Kevin S. MacLeod, | accessdate=June 25, 2010, |accessdate=May 3, 2012
- Antheraea paphia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Antheua servula: |authorlink=George Hampson
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- Anthicus lutulentus: | origyear = 1983↵
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- Anthology (Juice Newton album): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Anthology (Steve Miller Band album): |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 8, 2019, |authorlink=Colin Larkin
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- Anthology of Planudes: | accessdate=December 18, 2011
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- Anthonie Andriessen: |accessdate=14 May 2018
- Anthonio Hurdt: |authorlink=M. C. Ricklefs, |authorlink=Theodoor Gautier Thomas Pigeaud
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- Anthony Acid: |accessdate=20 July 2010, |accessdate=20 July 2010, |accessdate=20 July 2010, |accessdate=20 July 2010
- Anthony Amaral: | origyear=1980
- Anthony Arnett: |accessdate=28 January 2020 , |accessdate=
- Anthony Arnold: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Anthony Aucher: | authorlink = William Arthur Shaw , | authorlink = William Courthope (officer of arms)
- Anthony Blackburn: |accessdate=3 May 2010, |accessdate=3 May 2010
- Anthony Bliss: |accessdate=29 April 2019
- Anthony Brian Watts: |authorlink=Anthony Watts (geologist)
- Anthony Brockholls: |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=16 November 2017, |accessdate=November 16, 2017 , |accessdate=16 November 2017
- Anthony Butler (diplomat): |accessdate=21 November 2015, |accessdate=20 November 2015, |accessdate=12 September 2014, |accessdate=22 November 2015
- Anthony Campagna: |accessdate=7 February 2018, |accessdate=7 February 2018, |accessdate=7 February 2018
- Anthony Colaizzo: |accessdate=February 27, 2015
- Anthony Cooke: |accessdate=3 April 2013
- Anthony Cope (author): |accessdate=1 December 2013 , |accessdate=1 December 2013 , |accessdate=1 December 2013 , |authorlink=Edward Kimber , |accessdate=1 December 2013 , |accessdate=1 December 2013 , |accessdate=1 December 2013 , |accessdate=2 December 2013
- Anthony Cottrell (rugby union): |accessdate=21 June 2015 , |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Anthony Cracherode: |accessdate = 12 April 2019
- Anthony Curtiss: |accessdate=July 4, 2017
- Anthony Deane (mayor): |accessdate=18 September 2019, |accessdate=18 September 2019, |authorlink=William John Berry, |accessdate=18 September 2019, |accessdate=18 September 2019, |accessdate=18 September 2019, |accessdate=14 April 2018
- Anthony DiDonato: |accessdate=2014-11-18
- Anthony Erdélyi: |authorlink=Pál Engel
- Anthony Eustrel: |accessdate=4 July 2019
- Anthony Farrington: |accessdate=31 July 2019
- Anthony Fawcett: |accessdate=1 September 2010
- Anthony Florian Madinger Willich: |accessdate=Apr 10, 2020
- Anthony French: |accessdate=2011-12-14, |authorlink2= Edwin F. Taylor↵
- Anthony Gadie: |origyear=1974↵
- Anthony Gaw: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Anthony Gonsalves: |accessdate=6 August 2013
- Anthony Gottlieb: |accessdate=2014-03-30
- Anthony Grey: | authorlink=Tom Frame (bishop)
- Anthony Habgood: |accessdate=4 January 2018
- Anthony Hawke: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Anthony Hugh Selormey: |accessdate=23 October 2019
- Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod: |authorlink1=Mary Gunn, |authorlink2=Leslie Codd
- Anthony Irby (1577–1610): | authorlink = Pishey Thompson
- Anthony Irby (died 1625): | authorlink = Pishey Thompson
- Anthony Irby (died 1682): | authorlink = Pishey Thompson
- Anthony J. Burshnick: |accessdate=2015-05-24
- Anthony J. Gallela: | authorlink=
- Anthony James Keck: |accessdate=1 March 2011
- Anthony James Pye Molloy: |authorlink2=William Courthope (officer of arms)
- Anthony John Valentine Obinna: |accessdate=21 June 2015
- Anthony Keck: |accessdate=2012-03-04
- Anthony Keck (Tiverton MP): |accessdate=19 May 2020
- Anthony Keith-Falconer, 5th Earl of Kintore: |accessdate=6 October 2020 , |accessdate=6 October 2020 , |accessdate=6 October 2020 , |accessdate=6 October 2020
- Anthony Keith-Falconer, 7th Earl of Kintore: |accessdate=6 October 2020 , |accessdate=6 October 2020 , |accessdate=6 October 2020 , |accessdate=6 October 2020 , |accessdate=6 October 2020
- Anthony Kill: |accessdate=Sep 18, 2019
- Anthony Knyvett (1507–1554): |accessdate=1 October 2012
- Anthony L. Turkevich: |authorlink=R. Stephen Berry , |authorlink3=George Cowan
- Anthony Lawlor: |authorlink=Stephen Collins (journalist)
- Anthony Leiserowitz: |accessdate=20 August 2018 , |accessdate=20 August 2018
- Anthony Lispenard Bleecker: |accessdate=September 13, 2017, |accessdate=September 13, 2017, |accessdate=September 12, 2017, |accessdate=September 13, 2017, |accessdate=September 13, 2017
- Anthony Loyd: | authorlink = Anthony Loyd, | authorlink = Adrian Carton De Wiart
- Anthony Ludovici: | authorlink = Robert Scholes
- Anthony Marinelli: |accessdate=28 May 2015, |accessdate=19 June 2015
- Anthony Michalek: |accessdate=2019-05-12↵
- Anthony Miers: | origyear=1952
- Anthony Neilson: |accessdate=12 November 2020, |accessdate=12 November 2020, |accessdate=12 November 2020
- Anthony Neoh: |accessdate=15 November 2017
- Anthony P. Vainieri: |accessdate=April 24, 2020
- Anthony Panizzi: |authorlink=Louis Alexander Fagan
- Anthony Pohlmann: |authorlink=Herbert Eastwick Compton
- Anthony R. Bucco: |accessdate=July 4, 2015
- Anthony R. Kuser: |accessdate=31 January 2017
- Anthony Relhan: |accessdate=7 December 2009, |accessdate=7 December 2009
- Anthony Rich: |accessdate=9 December 2014
- Anthony Rolfe Johnson: |accessdate=26 February 2018
- Anthony Ryle: |accessdate=25 February 2012, |accessdate=23 February 2012
- Anthony Sharp (Quaker): |authorlink=Mary Leadbeater
- Anthony Smith (politician): |accessdate=2013-05-23, |accessdate=2013-05-23
- Anthony Sowell: |authorlink=Steve Miller (author)
- Anthony St Clair-Erskine, 6th Earl of Rosslyn: |accessdate=21 July 2020 , |accessdate=26 May 2020 , |accessdate=21 July 2020 , |accessdate=21 July 2020 , | authorlink1 = Charles Dod
- Anthony Stephen Mathew: |accessdate= 16 November 2010
- Anthony Stern: |accessdate=11 August 2011
- Anthony Steven: |authorlink=Lawrence Miles , |authorlink2=Tat Wood
- Anthony T. Van Bergen: |accessdate=1 October 2020 , |accessdate=1 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020 , |accessdate=1 October 2020 , |accessdate=1 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020 , |accessdate=1 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020 , |accessdate=2 October 2020
- Anthony Tognazzini: |accessdate=14 February 2018
- Anthony Trethowan: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Anthony Warde: |accessdate=January 1, 2020
- Anthony Watson-Gandy: |accessdate=31 December 2017
- Anthony Wood (artist): |accessdate=6 June 2011 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 July 2011 , |accessdate=8 June 2011 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 July 2011
- Anthony Yoerg Sr. House: |authorlink=Larry Millett
- Anthony of Tagrit: |accessdate=23 June 2013
- Anthophagini: | origyear = 1983↵
- Anthophila fabriciana: |authorlink1=Edward Pelham-Clinton, 10th Duke of Newcastle
- Anthoxanthum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Anthoxanthum aristatum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Anthracobia macrocystis: | authorlink = Michael Jordan (mycologist)
- Anthrology: No Hit Wonders (1985–1991): |authorlink=Colin Larkin (writer)
- Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View: |authorlink=Immanuel Kant
- Anthropotechnic: |accessdate=26 February 2012, |accessdate=26 February 2012, |accessdate=26 February 2012, |accessdate=26 February 2012, |accessdate=26 February 2012, |accessdate=26 February 2012
- Anthurium schlechtendalii: |accessdate=2 March 2017, |accessdate=2 March 2017, |accessdate=2 March 2017
- Anti anti-communism: |authorlink=Vincent Bevins
- Anti-American sentiment in Korea: | accessdate = 2012-08-27
- Anti-Brahminism: |accessdate=8 September 2013, |accessdate=8 September 2013, |accessdate=17 January 2018
- Anti-Chinese violence in Washington: |authorlink=Watson C. Squire
- Anti-Corruption (film): |accessdate=2020-11-15 , |accessdate=2020-11-16 , |accessdate=2020-11-16 , |accessdate=2020-11-16 , |accessdate=2020-11-16 , |accessdate=2020-11-16
- Anti-Croat sentiment: |authorlink1=Glenda Sluga
- Anti-Fascist Bloc: |authorlink=Israel Gutman , |authorlink=Samuel Kassow , |authorlink1=Yitzhak Zuckerman
- Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia: |authorlink= Walter Roberts (writer)↵, |authorlink= Jozo Tomasevich↵
- Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front: |accessdate=2015-05-15
- Anti-Invasion Floating Mortar: |authorlink1=Henry Newbolt , |accessdate=26 June 2012
- Anti-Justine: | authorlink=Iwan Bloch
- Anti-Komintern: |accessdate=6 June 2013
- Anti-Money Laundering Office (Thailand): |accessdate=13 April 2016, |accessdate=16 August 2018, |accessdate=21 February 2017
- Anti-Princess Series and Anti-Hero Series: |accessdate=September 24, 2020 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=September 24, 2020
- Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women: |authorlink1=Ann D. Gordon
- Anti-Waste League: |authorlink=Kenneth O. Morgan
- Anti-Western sentiment in China: |authorlink=Mary C. Wright, |accessdate=2010-11-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2011-05-15
- Anti-communism: |authorlink=Vincent Bevins
- Anti-communist mass killings: |authorlink=Vincent Bevins
- Anti-discrimination laws in Australia: |accessdate=14 October 2018
- Anti-individualism: |accessdate=26 December 2014, |accessdate=26 December 2014
- Anti-literacy laws in the United States: |accessdate=10 February 2017
- Anti-smooth muscle antibody: |accessdate=26 October 2010, |accessdate=26 October 2010
- Anti-social behaviour: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 March 2018, |authorlink1=Craig A. Anderson, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=25 March 2018
- Anti-tetanus immunoglobulin: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-09, |authorlink1=Stanley Plotkin, |authorlink2=Walter Orenstein, |authorlink3=Paul Offit, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-09, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-09
- Anti-whaling: |authorlink = Randy Shaw↵ , |authorlink = Kalle Lasn↵ , |authorlink = David Walls (academic)↵
- Anticarsia irrorata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Antichrist (film): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Antichthones: |authorlink1=Philip Schaff , |authorlink2=Augustine of Hippo , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=July 2, 2003 , |accessdate=August 24, 2016
- Antidamas: | authorlink =Arrian , | accessdate=2016-01-10
- Antidesma japonicum: |accessdate=30 April 2020
- Antidicomarianite: |authorlink= Origen
- Antidorus of Cyme: | accessdate = 2011-12-11, |accessdate=2011-11-06
- Antidorus of Lemnos: | authorlink =Paul Anthony Rahe , | accessdate=2016-01-10
- Antidoto: |accessdate=November 28, 2010
- Antifanaticism: |accessdate=15 July 2015, |accessdate=15 July 2015
- Antigonid–Nabataean confrontations: |accessdate=10 July 2016, |accessdate=10 July 2016, |accessdate=8 July 2016, |accessdate=10 July 2016
- Antigonish Harbour: |accessdate=16 March 2018
- Antigua Sailing Week: |accessdate=24 March 2012, |accessdate=24 March 2012, |accessdate=24 March 2012, |accessdate=24 March 2012
- Antihomomorphism: | authorlink=Nathan Jacobson
- Antillogorgia elisabethae: |accessdate=15 January 2017
- Antimasque: |accessdate=12 August 2014, |accessdate=12 August 2014
- Antimoerus: | authorlink =David Wolfsdorf , | accessdate=2016-01-24, | authorlink =Patricia O'Grady, | accessdate=2016-01-24, | accessdate=2016-01-24
- Antimony pill: | authorlink = William Josephus Robinson↵
- Antiochus (sculptor): | authorlink =Taylor Combe, | accessdate=2016-01-29
- Antiochus, son of Seleucus IV: |origyear=2006
- Antipater (astrologer): | accessdate=2016-01-30
- Antipater (writer): | authorlink =Frank Seafield , | accessdate=2016-01-29, | authorlink =Steven M. Oberhelman , | accessdate=2016-01-29
- Antipater of Acanthus: | accessdate=2016-01-30, | accessdate=2016-01-30, | accessdate=2016-01-30
- Antiphemus: | authorlink =Sarah P. Morris , | accessdate=2016-01-30
- Antipope Natalius: |accessdate=7 June 2017
- Antiquarian Horological Society: |authorlink=Cyril Beeson , |origyear=1962
- Antiquarian science books: | accessdate =8 July 2008 , |accessdate=3 August 2018
- Antiquary's Books series: |accessdate= 5 June 2018 , |accessdate=1 August 2017
- Antique Antics: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Antique satin: |accessdate=August 25, 2015, |accessdate=August 25, 2015, |accessdate=August 24, 2015, |accessdate=August 25, 2015, |accessdate=August 25, 2015
- Antique's at-large congressional district: |accessdate=4 May 2020
- Antiques Info: |accessdate=31 January 2016
- Antiquities of Mexico: |origyear=©1962
- Antis (dog): | authorlink =Damien Lewis (filmmaker) , | authorlink =Anthony Richardson (author)
- Antisana: |authorlink=Andreas Daum
- Antisemitism in Costa Rica: |accessdate=18 August 2019, |accessdate=19 August 2019
- Antisemitism in contemporary Austria: |accessdate=24 October 2013
- Antisemitism in the Olympic Games: |accessdate=16 December 2012 , |accessdate=22 June 2010, |accessdate=22 June 2010, |accessdate=22 June 2010
- Antisemitism in the Russian Empire: |authorlink=Miroslav Volf, |accessdate=June 1, 2010
- Antisemitism is the socialism of fools: |authorlink= Seymour Martin Lipset
- Antispila cornifoliella: |accessdate=September 27, 2013
- Antistaphylococcal penicillins: |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017
- Antisuperstition: |accessdate=25 March 2013
- Antithetic variates: |authorlink1=Dirk Kroese
- Antitrisuloides catocalina: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Antiu: |authorlink=E. A. Wallis Budge
- Antler Dance: |authorlink2= Brian Mansfield
- Antoin Miliordos: |accessdate=13 May 2011 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=26 May 2011
- Antoine Abel: | authorlink = Simon Gikandi↵
- Antoine Adrien: |authorlink=Laënnec Hurbon, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015
- Antoine Augereau: |accessdate=22 June 2019
- Antoine Balland: |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Antoine Cartier d'Aure: |accessdate=11 July 2011
- Antoine Charles Louis de Lasalle: |authorlink=Charles Oman
- Antoine Claudet: |accessdate=2017-08-20
- Antoine Court: |accessdate=16 September 2018, |accessdate=16 September 2018
- Antoine Cresp de Saint-Césaire: |authorlink=Jean-Jacques Antier , |authorlink=Georges Lacour-Gayet, |authorlink=Musée national de la Marine
- Antoine Gentien: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- Antoine Gustave Droz: |accessdate=August 12, 2013
- Antoine Hilarion de Beausset: |authorlink=Paul Chack, |authorlink=Georges Lacour-Gayet, |authorlink=Étienne Taillemite, |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Antoine Izméry: |accessdate=12 November 2015
- Antoine Jacques Le Carlier d'Herlye: |authorlink1=Charles Cunat, |authorlink1=Alexandre Corréard, |authorlink2=Jean-Baptiste-Henri Savigny, |authorlink=
- Antoine Joseph Corbesier: |accessdate=23 January 2018, |accessdate=23 January 2018, |accessdate=23 January 2018, |accessdate=20 June 2018, |accessdate=20 June 2018, |accessdate=20 June 2018, |accessdate=20 June 2018, |accessdate=20 June 2018
- Antoine Lefebvre de Vatimesnil: |accessdate=2014-04-20
- Antoine Marie Frézouls: |accessdate=1 May 2013↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-01↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-17↵ , |accessdate=27 April 2013 , |accessdate=1 May 2013↵
- Antoine Martinet: |accessdate= 8 February 2020, |accessdate=9 February 2020
- Antoine Maurin: |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Antoine Melchior Gaspard de Bernier de Pierrevert: |authorlink1=Charles Cunat
- Antoine Noguès: |authorlink=Jean Tulard
- Antoine Ouilmette: |accessdate=September 7, 2010, |accessdate=September 7, 2010
- Antoine Petit: |accessdate=20 April 2013, |accessdate=20 April 2013, |accessdate=20 April 2013, |accessdate=20 April 2013, |accessdate=20 April 2013
- Antoine Pierre de Clavel: |authorlink1=Ludovic de Contenson, |authorlink=Georges Lacour-Gayet, |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Antoine Poidebard: |authorlink=Georg Gerster , |authorlink=Jean-Pierre Thiollet
- Antoine Polier: |accessdate=2007-05-17
- Antoine Richard du Cantal: |accessdate=17 March 2014, |accessdate=2014-03-16
- Antoine Rédier: |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-26, |authorlink2=Maxime Weygand, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26, |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , | authorlink=Sheri Berman, |accessdate=2013-06-26 , |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-26↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-26↵
- Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon: | accessdate = 10 October 2010 , | accessdate = 10 October 2010
- Antoine and Colette: |accessdate=3 April 2011↵
- Antoine de Bosc de la Calmette: |accessdate=10 December 2012, |accessdate=10 December 2012, |accessdate=10 December 2012, |accessdate=10 December 2012
- Antoine de Castelnau: |authorlink= Louis de Mas Latrie↵
- Antoine de Thomassin de Peynier: |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Antoine, Duke of Lorraine: |authorlink=Brian Copenhaver, |authorlink=Stuart Carroll, |authorlink=Retha Warnicke
- Antoine-Alexis Cadet de Vaux: |accessdate=2015-11-26↵
- Antoine-Jean-Marie Thévenard: |authorlink=Charles Cunat
- Antoine-Olivier Berthelet: |accessdate=May 5, 2010
- Antoine-Stanislas de Curières de Castelnau Saint-Cosme Sainte-Eulalie: |authorlink1=Ludovic de Contenson, |authorlink=Georges Lacour-Gayet
- Antoinette (rapper): | authorlink = ↵
- Antoinette Kirkwood: |accessdate=2 February 2012
- Antoinette Ouédraogo: |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017
- Antoinette de Mérode: |accessdate=8 April 2019
- Antola Natural Regional Park: |accessdate = 2016-03-07 , |accessdate = 2016-03-12
- Anton Aberle: |accessdate=13 December 2011
- Anton Benning: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Anton C. Hesing: |accessdate=1 June 2020
- Anton Carpinschi: |accessdate=10 June 2019, |accessdate=10 June 2019, |accessdate=10 June 2019, |accessdate=10 June 2019, |accessdate=10 June 2019, |accessdate=10 June 2019, |accessdate=10 June 2019
- Anton Constandse: |authorlink=Geert Mak
- Anton Doda: |accessdate=23 November 2019
- Anton Domenico Bamberini: | authorlink=
- Anton Flettner: |authorlink=Walter J. Boyne
- Anton Fransch: |authorlink=Antjie Krog
- Anton Glasl: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Anton Gogeisl: |accessdate=2013-12-19↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-19↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-19↵
- Anton Hrnko: |accessdate=11 March 2019
- Anton Höfer: |accessdate=12 July 2018
- Anton Kerner von Marilaun: |accessdate=5 February 2014
- Anton Kreß: |accessdate=17 December 2012
- Anton Kugler: |accessdate=21 October 2012
- Anton Lembede: |authorlink= Nelson Mandela , |authorlink= Martin Meredith
- Anton Lindner: |origyear=1986↵
- Anton Mader: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Anton Myrer: |authorlink = Anton Myrer, | accessdate = May 18, 2014, | accessdate = May 18, 2014
- Anton O. Morken: |accessdate=2012-04-25, |accessdate=2012-04-25
- Anton Resch: |origyear=1986↵
- Anton Rumpelmayer: |accessdate= 21 April 2010↵, |accessdate= 21 April 2010↵, |accessdate= 20 April 2010↵
- Anton Ræder: |authorlink=Otto Delphin Amundsen
- Anton Saurma von der Jeltsch: |accessdate=6 May 2020 , |accessdate=7 May 2020 , |accessdate=6 May 2020 , |accessdate=7 May 2020 , |accessdate=7 May 2020 , |accessdate=6 May 2020 , |accessdate=6 May 2020 , |accessdate=5 May 2020 , |accessdate=5 May 2020 , |accessdate=5 May 2020 , |accessdate=6 May 2020 , |accessdate=6 May 2020
- Anton Sistermans: | accessdate = 22 May 2012↵, | accessdate = 22 May 2012↵, | accessdate = 1 June 2012↵, | accessdate = 22 May 2012↵
- Anton Stamitz: |accessdate=23 December 2007
- Anton Tabakov: |accessdate=9 February 2018
- Anton Teyber: |accessdate=12 February 2011
- Anton Thernes: | accessdate=2013-04-13
- Anton Tschudi: |authorlink=Jan Eivind Myhre
- Anton Ullrich: | authorlink = Franz Berthold, | authorlink = Georg Biundo , | authorlink = Johannes Damm , | authorlink = Hans-Joachim Kölsch
- Anton Vašek: |authorlink=Yehuda Bauer , |authorlink=Tuvia Friling , |authorlink1=Jozef Lettrich , |authorlink=Mordecai Paldiel
- Anton de Waal: |accessdate=31 May 2011, |accessdate=31 May 2011
- Anton von Hohberg und Buchwald: |accessdate=2009-10-29
- Anton-Detlev von Plato: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Anton-Hermann Chroust: | accessdate = 2017-04-09
- Antone Kuckuk: |↵accessdate=July 11, 2015 , |accessdate=July 11, 2015
- Antone, Oregon: |origyear= 1928 , |origyear=1956
- Antonella Tosti: |accessdate=2010-05-12
- Antonello Riccio: | authorlink=
- Antoni Paweł Sułkowski: |accessdate=2015-02-09, |accessdate=2015-02-09
- Antoni Słonimski: | accessdate=11 July 2011
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- Antonia Fahberg: |accessdate=5 February 2016, |accessdate=5 February 2016
- Antonia Malatesta of Cesena: |accessdate=February 22, 2010, |authorlink=Pietro_Verri, |origyear=First published 1783, |accessdate=February 22, 2010, |authorlink1=John Adams , |accessdate=November 6, 2010 , |accessdate=February 22, 2010, |accessdate=February 22, 2010, |authorlink=Rafael_Sabatini
- Antonia Minor: |authorlink=Giovanni Boccaccio
- Antonia Nava de Catalán: |accessdate=2017-11-27, |accessdate=2017-11-28, |accessdate=2017-11-28
- Antonia Pozzi: |accessdate=11 August 2012
- Antonia of Savoy: |accessdate=8 April 2019
- Antonie Plămădeală: |accessdate=14 December 2017
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- Antonije Abramović: |accessdate=5 February 2020, |accessdate=3 February 2020
- Antonin Cloche: |accessdate=2015-06-20
- Antonin Guillermain: |accessdate=2013-04-07↵ , |accessdate=2013-04-07↵ , |accessdate=2013-04-07↵
- Antonin Nechodoma: | authorlink = Jorge Rigau↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | origyear = 1908, | authorlink =↵
- Antonin de Selliers de Moranville: |accessdate=2016-11-14
- Antonina Kravchuk: |authorlink=Barbara Bush, |accessdate=13 June 2014
- Antonina Lucinschi: |accessdate=23 November 2019
- Antonina Roxa: |accessdate=8 November 2011, |accessdate=8 November 2011, |accessdate=20 September 2012
- Antonina Zubkova: |authorlink=Andrey Simonov
- Antonino Barges: | accessdate=28 October 2010
- Antonino Gandolfo Brancaleone: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Antonio Acevedo Hernández: |accessdate=18 March 2012
- Antonio Adamini: |accessdate=13 December 2011, |accessdate=13 December 2011
- Antonio Aguilar, hijo: |accessdate=24 September 2016
- Antonio Alice: |accessdate=13 March 2010
- Antonio Altan San Vito: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Ambrosetti: |accessdate=June 2, 2013
- Antonio Badile: | authorlink=
- Antonio Bagioli: |accessdate=August 12, 2007
- Antonio Barberi: | authorlink=
- Antonio Bassi: | authorlink=
- Antonio Beltrando: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Benedetti: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Benedetto Carpano: | authorlink = Sharon Tyler Herbst↵
- Antonio Bonfanti: |accessdate=31 March 2016, | authorlink=
- Antonio Brioschi: |accessdate=2008-01-13
- Antonio Camillo Pesci: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Capulongo: | authorlink=
- Antonio Carlo Napoleone Gallenga: |accessdate=29 July 2016
- Antonio Cerdá: |authorlink=Peter Alliss
- Antonio Chavarrías: | accessdate=7 January 2016
- Antonio Cisneros: |accessdate=16 September 2018
- Antonio Collalto (dramatist): | authorlink=
- Antonio Concioli: | authorlink=
- Antonio Consetti: | authorlink= , | authorlink=
- Antonio Contri: | authorlink= , | authorlink=
- Antonio Crutta: |accessdate=April 1, 2020 , |accessdate=March 31, 2020 , |accessdate=March 31, 2020 , |accessdate=March 31, 2020 , |accessdate=March 31, 2020, |accessdate=March 31, 2020 , |accessdate=March 31, 2020 , |accessdate=March 31, 2020 , |accessdate=March 31, 2020 , |accessdate=April 2, 2020 , |accessdate=April 2, 2020
- Antonio De Rosso: |authorlink=John Gordon Melton
- Antonio Dura: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Dusmani: |accessdate=11 December 2011, |accessdate=11 December 2011, |origyear=1906, |accessdate=11 December 2011
- Antonio Eugenio Visconti: | accessdate = 13 June 2018
- Antonio Ferramolino: |accessdate=12 July 2015
- Antonio Ferri: |accessdate=13 August 2011 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=20 July 2011
- Antonio Fioribello: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Foler: | authorlink=
- Antonio Gresta: | authorlink=
- Antonio Grimani: |authorlink=John Julius Norwich
- Antonio I, Prince of Monaco: |accessdate=28 December 2018, |accessdate=28 December 2018
- Antonio Ibáñez Freire: |accessdate=27 April 2013, |accessdate=20 December 2013
- Antonio Janigro: |accessdate=5 February 2020
- Antonio Juan Marcos Issa: |accessdate= April 1, 2013
- Antonio Juanas: |accessdate=28 May 2020
- Antonio Labacco: | authorlink=
- Antonio Labriola: | accessdate=March 23, 2020
- Antonio Landi: |authorlink=Antonio Landi, |accessdate=10 January 2015, |authorlink=Antonio Landi, |accessdate=10 January 2015, |authorlink=Antonio Landi, |accessdate=10 January 2015
- Antonio Lorenzini: | authorlink=
- Antonio Lucifero: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Macías del Real: |authorlink=Rafael Arévalo Martínez
- Antonio Magarotto: |accessdate=2017-07-07
- Antonio Magini-Coletti: |authorlink1 = Karl-Josef Kutsch , | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens
- Antonio Maria Viani: | authorlink=
- Antonio Merlo: |accessdate=10 August 2018, |accessdate=10 August 2018
- Antonio Mije: |accessdate=2015-09-29↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-28↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-26↵ , |authorlink=Paul Preston, |accessdate=2015-06-28↵
- Antonio Mordini: |accessdate=18 February 2021
- Antonio Musa Brassavola: |accessdate=22 February 2012
- Antonio Narbona: |authorlink=Francisco R. Almada , |accessdate=2012-07-17 , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵
- Antonio Neri (businessman): |accessdate=May 6, 2019
- Antonio Numai: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Ortiz Mena: |authorlink=Roderic Ai Camp, |accessdate=10 December 2009, |accessdate=2009-12-10, |accessdate=10 December 2009
- Antonio Osuna: |accessdate=24 May 2012
- Antonio Pachera: | authorlink=
- Antonio Pini-Corsi: |authorlink = Leo Riemens↵
- Antonio Porcelli: | authorlink=
- Antonio Puglicochi: | authorlink=
- Antonio Puigblanch: | authorlink1 = Edward Cave
- Antonio Pío González-Saravia Mollinedo: |authorlink=Brian R. Hamnett , |accessdate=February 17, 2006, |authorlink=Brian R. Hamnett , |accessdate=February 17, 2006
- Antonio Ricci (bishop of Lecce): |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Riccianti: | authorlink=
- Antonio Richarte: | authorlink=
- Antonio Richieri: | authorlink=
- Antonio Rivero: |accessdate=27 July 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=15 August 2011, |accessdate=15 August 2011, |accessdate=15 August 2011
- Antonio Rodriguez (entrepreneur): | accessdate = 2015-04-26↵
- Antonio Rossi (painter): | authorlink=
- Antonio Saavedra: |accessdate = 6 March 2015↵
- Antonio Sacchi: | authorlink=
- Antonio Sancho de Benevento: |accessdate=24 December 2014
- Antonio Spinelli: |authorlink1=Remigius Ritzler, |authorlink2=
- Antonio Trivulzio (bishop): |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Trombetta: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio Vagnozzi: |accessdate = 15 May 2011
- Antonio Valeriano (the younger): |origyear=1964
- Antonio Zanetti: | authorlink=
- Antonio da Trento: |accessdate=2010-03-30
- Antonio de Celano: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio de Lanchares: | authorlink=
- Antonio de Miraballis: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio de Raya Navarrete: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio de Viti de Marco: |authorlink=James M. Buchanan↵
- Antonio de Zayas (bishop): |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonio de' Tolomei: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Antonios Georgantas: | accessdate = 30 May 2010
- Antonios Miliarakis: | origyear = ↵, |accessdate = ↵
- Antonius Castor: | authorlink = Gavin Hardy , | authorlink2 = Laurence Totelin , | accessdate=2016-02-13, | authorlink =Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd , | accessdate=2016-02-13, | accessdate=2016-02-13, | authorlink =George Sarton , | accessdate=2016-02-13, | accessdate = 2016-02-13, | authorlink =Georgia L. Irby , | accessdate=2016-02-13, | authorlink =Wolfgang Lefèvre , | authorlink2 =Jürgen Renn , | authorlink3 =Urs Schoepflin , | accessdate=2016-02-13
- Antonius Flamma: | authorlink =Barbara Levick, | accessdate=2016-02-13, | authorlink =Zsuzsanna Várhelyi , | accessdate=2016-02-13
- Antonius Novellus: | authorlink =Kenneth Wellesley , | authorlink =Gwyn Morgan
- Antonius Rufus: | accessdate=2016-02-14, | accessdate=2016-02-14
- Antonius Rufus (grammarian): | authorlink =Gesine Manuwald , | accessdate=2016-02-14, | authorlink =Wilhelm Siegmund Teuffel , | authorlink2 =Ludwig Schwabe , | accessdate=2016-02-14
- Antonius Thysius the Elder: |accessdate=2014-02-19
- Antonov A-7: |authorlink =Bill_Gunston
- Antony C. Sutton: |accessdate=30 August 2017
- Antony Choudens: |authorlink2=François Lesure
- Antony F. Campbell: |accessdate=5 March 2016
- Antony G. Sweeney: |accessdate=8 March 2015
- Antony Manini: | accessdate=5 March 2017, | accessdate=5 March 2017
- Antony Shaw: |accessdate=2015-05-02
- Antonín Bečvář: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Antonín Heveroch: |accessdate=15 July 2012
- Antra Liedskalniņa: |accessdate=28 January 2017
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- Ants Taul: |accessdate=16 May 2011, |accessdate=16 May 2011, |accessdate=16 May 2011
- Ants in the Plants: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Antsokiyana Gemza: |authorlink=George Wynn Brereton Huntingford
- Antun Branko Šimić: |accessdate=12 June 2020
- Antun Knežević: |accessdate=13 January 2012
- Antyllus: |accessdate=17 October 2014
- Antón Ruíz: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Antón Villar Ponte: |authorlink=Francisco Fernández del Riego
- António Maria Lisboa: |accessdate=2015-04-08
- António Mota: |accessdate=25 June 2017, |accessdate=25 June 2017
- António Palolo: |accessdate=21 March 2012
- António Pedro: |accessdate=3 November 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 September 2014
- António Teixeira Lopes: |accessdate=2 July 2018
- António Victorino de Almeida: |accessdate=14 July 2011
- António de Abreu: |authorlink=Giles Milton
- Antônio Ricardo dos Santos: | accessdate=15 November 2014
- Anubias hastifolia: |authorlink=Alfred Barton Rendle
- Anugita: |authorlink=Moriz Winternitz
- Anuloma pranayama: |authorlink=B. K. S. Iyengar
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- Anupam (supercomputer): |accessdate=19 August 2015
- Anupam Ghatak: |accessdate=18 December 2018, |accessdate=18 December 2018, |accessdate=18 December 2018, |accessdate=18 December 2018
- Anupgarh canal: |accessdate=22 March 2015
- Anuradha Kapur: |accessdate=4 March 2019
- Anurag Singh (filmmaker): |accessdate=24 April 2015, |accessdate=24 April 2015, |accessdate=24 April 2015
- Anusapati: | authorlink = Georges Coedès↵
- Anushavan Danielyan: |accessdate=30 December 2010
- Anushirvan ibn Khalid: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Anushirvan ibn Lashkari: |authorlink=Vladimir Minorsky, |origyear=1953
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- Anvik River: |origyear=1967 , |accessdate=October 1, 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=October 17, 2013 , |origyear=1993
- Anvil Peak: |accessdate=14 November 2018, |accessdate=14 November 2018, |accessdate=14 November 2018
- Anwain: |accessdate=2009-08-10
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- Anwar Ali (physicist): |accessdate=10 August 2020 , |accessdate=10 August 2020 , |accessdate=10 August 2020 , |accessdate=10 August 2020
- Anwar Ali Noon: |accessdate=30 May 2018
- Anwar Hussein (photographer): |authorlink2=Wynford Vaughan-Thomas
- Anwar Superstar: |accessdate=20 May 2010
- Anwar Tjokroaminoto: |authorlink=Tahi Bonar Simatupang
- Anxiogenic: | accessdate = 13 May 2012
- Anxurus: | accessdate=2016-02-16
- Any Reasonable Offer: |accessdate=June 18, 2014
- Any Video Converter: |accessdate= 27 February 2012
- Anya Major: |authorlink=David Pogue
- Anya Phillips: |authorlink1=Legs McNeil , |authorlink2=Gillian McCain , |authorlink1=Thurston Moore , |authorlink2=Byron Coley , |authorlink=Simon Reynolds
- Anydrelia distorta: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Anything (The Calling song): |accessdate=December 31, 2018
- Anything Goes (Brad Mehldau album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Anytime (Brian McKnight album): |accessdate=January 9, 2019
- Anytime...Anywhere: |accessdate=February 23, 2019
- Anyway (album): |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Anywhere (New Musik album): | writing_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits =↵↵
- Anywhere for You (Backstreet Boys song): |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Anzac Cottage: |accessdate=2015-11-14
- Anzac Day in Queensland: |archiveurl =, |archivedate = 4 March 2016
- Anzac, the landing 1915: |accessdate=23 August 2019
- Anziku Kingdom: |authorlink=Jan Vansina
- Aníbal Cristobo: |accessdate=2013-10-13
- Aníbal Quijano: |accessdate=21 September 2014
- Anātman (Hinduism): |authorlink1=Nagarjuna, |authorlink2=David Kalupahana
- Ao (mythology): |authorlink=Edward Tregear, |authorlink=Edward Shortland
- Aoife MacMurrough: |accessdate=12 August 2016
- Aonach: |accessdate=31 July 2012
- Aonghas (given name): |authorlink=John Joseph Kneen
- Aonghus Ó Dálaigh: |accessdate=27 June 2013
- Aoric: |accessdate=6 January 2013, |accessdate=6 January 2013, |accessdate=6 January 2013, |accessdate=6 January 2013
- Aotus ericoides: |authorlink1=Roland W. Brown
- Aoua Kéita: |accessdate=19 October 2016
- Aouzou, Chad: |authorlink=Kenneth Pollack , |origyear=1982
- Apache revolver: |accessdate=2013-05-03, |accessdate=2013-05-03
- Apaitia Seru: |accessdate=28 October 2015, |accessdate=28 October 2015, |accessdate=28 October 2015
- Apalachee (horse): |accessdate=2013-01-12
- Apalonia: | origyear = 1983↵
- Apama: |authorlink1=Grace Macurdy, |authorlink2=Amélie Kuhrt
- Apamea monoglypha: |authorlink=Bernard Skinner (entomologist)
- Apanchomene: | authorlink =Sarah Iles Johnston↵ , | accessdate=2016-02-16, | accessdate=2016-02-17, | authorlink =Susan Guettel Cole↵ , | accessdate=2016-02-16, | authorlink =Daniel Ogden↵ , | accessdate=2016-02-16
- Apantomancy: |accessdate=29 January 2011
- Aparajita Varman: |accessdate=27 March 2012
- Aparna Lanjewar Bose: |accessdate=8 July 2020, |accessdate=8 July 2020
- Apartment Life: |authorlink3=Stephen Thomas Erlewine
- Apartment Wife: Affair In the Afternoon: | authorlink=Patrick Macias, |origyear=1982, |origyear=1991
- Apatomerus: |authorlink=Peter Wellnhofer , |authorlink=Peter Wellnhofer , |origyear=1991 , |authorlink=Donald F. Glut
- Apaturia (Greek mythology): | authorlink =Marguerite Rigoglioso , | accessdate=2016-02-19, | authorlink =Evy Johanne Håland , | accessdate=2016-02-19, | accessdate=2016-02-19
- Apcar Alexander Apcar: |accessdate=2013-11-03↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-03↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-04↵
- Apcar and Company: |authorlink=George Blake (novelist), |accessdate=2013-11-05, |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-05
- Apcar family: |accessdate=2013-11-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-04↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-04
- Ape Canyon: |↵ origyear=1966
- Apega of Nabis: |accessdate=2018-07-15
- Apemius: | authorlink =Catherine B. Avery
- Apenes: | origyear = 1983↵
- Apennine culture: |authorlink=Massimo Pallottino
- Aperiodic set of prototiles: | authorlink = Marjorie Senechal , | authorlink = Branko Grünbaum , | authorlink = Martin Gardner
- Apex (geometry): |authorlink=Harold R. Jacobs
- Apfelbaum: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Aphacitis: | accessdate=2016-02-21, | accessdate=2016-02-21
- Aphananthe aspera: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Aphananthe philippinensis: |authorlink=Alexander Floyd
- Aphandra: |authorlink1= Andrew Henderson (botanist) , |authorlink2=Gloria Galeano , |authorlink3=Rodrigo Bernal
- Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (dietary supplement): |accessdate=December 2, 2011, |accessdate=January 3, 2012
- Aphelosternus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aphodius fossor: |accessdate=September 13, 2016
- Aphrahat: |authorlink=Le Roy Froom
- Aphrodesia's Diary: |accessdate=February 29, 2016 , |accessdate=February 29, 2016
- Aphrodite Pandemos: |accessdate=3 February 2018, |accessdate=3 February 2018
- Aphrodite Urania: |accessdate=8 April 2018
- Aphthartodocetae: | authorlink = William Hugh Clifford Frend↵
- Aphthonius of Alexandria: | accessdate=2016-02-21
- Aphthoroblattina: | origyear=1921
- Aphyllopteris: |accessdate=6 April 2018
- Apicata: | authorlink =Barbara Levick↵
- Apikoğlu: |accessdate=31 January 2013
- Apioninae: | origyear = 1983↵
- Apirana Mahuika: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Apis mellifera iberiensis: | accessdate = 2011-12-19
- Aplahanda: |accessdate=4 October 2012, |accessdate=4 October 2012, |accessdate=4 October 2012
- Apley Hall: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- Aplochlora: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aplysia depilans: |authorlink=Philostratus
- Apma language: |authorlink=Darrell Tryon
- Apna Ghar: |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Apna Paraya: |accessdate=8 July 2014
- Apne Paraye: |authorlink=Gulzar
- Apocalypse (chess variant): |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵ , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵
- Apocalypse of Zerubbabel: |authorlink =Martha Himmelfarb, | accessdate = 2014-01-10 , |accessdate= 31 January 2014, |accessdate= 31 January 2014
- Apocalypso (The Presets album): | authorlink1 = John O'Donnell (music journalist) , | authorlink2 = Toby Creswell , | authorlink3 = Craig Mathieson
- Apocalyptic Raids: |authorlink=Thomas Gabriel Fischer , | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Apocynum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Apocynum venetum: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Apodicticity: |accessdate=7 March 2016
- Apogee (Pete Christlieb and Warne Marsh album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Apogee kick motor: |authorlink=David Darling (astronomer)
- Apogonia: |accessdate=1 July 2018
- Apoica flavissima: |accessdate=September 22, 2014
- Apolima Strait: |accessdate=27 January 2010↵
- Apollo 100: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Apollo 7: | authorlink = Thomas P. Stafford↵
- Apollo Kaggwa: | authorlink = Ham Mukasa
- Apollodorus (general): | authorlink =George Grote , | accessdate=2016-02-28, | authorlink =Charles Rann Kennedy , | accessdate=2016-02-28, |authorlink=Matthew Trundle , | accessdate=2016-02-28
- Apollodorus of Amphipolis: |author1link=James Ussher
- Apollodorus of Telmessus: | authorlink = Elizabeth Archibald
- Apollonia 6 (album): |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Apollonio Buonfratelli: | authorlink=
- Apollonius (sculptor): | authorlink =Nancy Thomson de Grummond , | accessdate=2016-05-28, | authorlink =Clara Erskine Clement Waters, | accessdate=2016-05-28
- Apollonius (son of Chaeris): | authorlink =John Williams White , | accessdate=2016-04-09
- Apollonius (tyrant): | authorlink =Kaveh Farrokh , | authorlink =James Ussher
- Apollonius of Acharnae: | accessdate=2016-03-19, | accessdate=2016-03-19, | accessdate=2016-03-19
- Apollothemis: | accessdate=2016-05-31, | accessdate=2016-05-31
- Apollo–Soyuz: |authorlink1=Deke Slayton, |authorlink2=Michael Cassutt
- Apomyius: | accessdate=2016-06-03
- Apona caschmirensis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Apoorva Sangama: |accessdate=4 April 2017
- Apopka (YTB-778): |accessdate=14 April 2012↵
- Apoquindo Avenue: |accessdate=27 July 2012
- Apor Szentgyörgyi: |authorlink=Pál Engel
- Aporandria: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aporia agathon: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Aporia harrietae: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Aporia leucodice: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Harish Gaonkar , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Aporia nabellica: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Aporometra wilsoni: |authorlink=Hubert Lyman Clark
- Aporosa ficifolia: |accessdate=16 April 2020
- Aposematism: | authorlink=Joseph Jordania
- Apostasia (plant): |accessdate=6 September 2018
- Apostasia wallichii: |accessdate=6 September 2018
- Apostles from Àger: |authorlink1= , |authorlink2= , |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012
- Apostles of Infinite Love: |authorlink=Laënnec Hurbon
- Apostolic Administration of Southern Albania: |authorlink=Peter Galadza
- Apostolic Church of Christ (Pentecostal): |authorlink1= James R. Lewis (scholar)
- Apostolic Church-Ordinance: |authorlink=Paul F. Bradshaw
- Apostolic Faith Church of God: |authorlink1= James R. Lewis (scholar)
- Apostolic Faith Mission Church of God: |authorlink1= James R. Lewis (scholar)
- Apostolic Tradition: |authorlink=Paul F. Bradshaw, |authorlink=Paul F. Bradshaw
- Apostolic Vicariate of Bangueolo: |accessdate=2013-04-20↵
- Apostolic Vicariate of Kivu: |accessdate=2013-03-26↵
- Apostolic Vicariate of the Lancashire District: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Apostolic Vicariate of the Midland District: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Apostolic Vicariate of the Northern District (England): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Apostolic Vicariate of the Western District (England and Wales): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Apostolic World Christian Fellowship: |authorlink=Oneness Pentecostalism, |authorlink=Oneness Pentecostalism
- Apostolicum pascendi: |accessdate=23 April 2018, | accessdate = 23 April 2018
- Apotactics: |authorlink=William Benham, |accessdate=2008-08-09, |authorlink=John Henry Blunt, |accessdate=2008-08-09
- Apothecaries Act 1815: |authorlink=Roy Porter , |origyear=1997 , | accessdate=2008-03-15
- Appannagouda Patil: |accessdate=16 June 2019
- Apparent authority: |authorlink=Bryan A. Garner
- Apparitor: |accessdate= 15 October 2012
- Appayya Swamigalu: |accessdate=11 October 2014
- Appell series: | authorlink= Lucy Joan Slater
- Appell's equation of motion: |authorlink=E. T. Whittaker
- Appendicula: |accessdate=6 January 2019
- Apperception: |authorlink=Alfred Adler
- Apperley: |authorlink=Eilert Ekwall , |origyear=1936
- Apperson Six Sport Sedan: | authorlink = ↵
- Appetite for Destruction (song): |accessdate=2019-11-18
- Appias nero: |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Appias panda: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Harish Gaonkar , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Appius Claudius Sabinus Regillensis: |authorlink=Plutarch, |origyear=1875
- Apple 80-Column Text Card: |accessdate=22 May 2020
- Apple Hong: |accessdate=8 December 2010
- Apple II: |authorlink=Walter Isaacson
- Apple Lane: |accessdate=26 August 2020
- Apple Pie ABC: |accessdate=2014-01-02
- Apple doll: |accessdate=4 August 2019, |accessdate=4 August 2019, |accessdate=4 August 2019
- Apple scruffs: |authorlink=Steve Turner (writer)
- Applebaum: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Appleby (law firm): |accessdate= December 16, 2020
- Appleby Castle: | authorlink=Plantagenet Somerset Fry , |accessdate=30 March 2019
- Appleby Lodge: | authorlink=Elain Harwood
- Applecross Bay: |accessdate=6 January 2018, |accessdate=6 January 2018
- Applegarth, North Yorkshire: |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011
- Applegate River: |accessdate=July 24, 2009, |accessdate=July 24, 2009, |accessdate=July 25, 2009, |accessdate=July 25, 2009
- Applegate mechanism: |accessdate=24 May 2015
- Appleton East and West: |accessdate=4 February 2013
- Appleton Water Tower: | authorlink=Derry Brabbs↵
- Appleton, Arkansas: | authorlink = Ernie Deane
- Appleton-le-Street with Easthorpe: |accessdate=4 February 2013
- Appley Towers: |accessdate=7 July 2011 , |accessdate=7 July 2011
- Applications of 3D printing: |accessdate=4 July 2014
- Applications of randomness: |authorlink=Mogens Herman Hansen
- Applications of the Stirling engine: |accessdate=2 November 2014, |accessdate=2 November 2014
- Applied category theory: |authorlink = Michael Barr (mathematician)
- Applied ontology: |authorlink= Paul James (academic)
- Appointment with Fear (film): |accessdate=August 25, 2011
- Appollo (dog): |accessdate=17 January 2009
- Appomattox Court House National Historical Park cemeteries: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=January 15, 2009
- Apporasa: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Appreciative listening: |accessdate=18 September 2011
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- April 1919: | accessdate=16 October 2012, | accessdate=April 23, 2017, |accessdate=February 22, 2010
- April 1973: | accessdate=12 December 2009 , |accessdate=May 4, 2010
- April Ashley: |accessdate=20 December 2014
- April De Angelis: |accessdate=10 April 2011
- April Greiman: |accessdate=June 28, 2018 , |accessdate=June 27, 2018, |accessdate=June 27, 2018
- April Lawton: |accessdate=2 October 2014
- April Media: |accessdate=15 March 2012
- April Ryan (The Longest Journey): | accessdate = 2011-07-03
- Aprilia SR50: |accessdate= 2014-05-23
- April–May 1953 tornado outbreak sequence: |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis , |authorlink1=Thomas P. Grazulis
- Apriona germari: |accessdate=26 November 2014
- Apriķi Manor: | authorlink = ↵
- Apropos of Nothing: |authorlink=Woody Allen
- Apsara (film): |accessdate=4 May 2020
- Apsarasas Kangri: |authorlink=Harish Kapadia
- Apsidiole: |origyear=1905
- Apsley Pellatt: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Apter: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Aptera in the 10th edition of Systema Naturae: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2008-04-11
- Apteraliplus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Apterobiroina: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Apteromyia: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Apterona helicoidella: |accessdate=26 September 2018
- Aptilotella: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Aptilotus: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Aqaba Church: |accessdate=2016-06-04
- Aqra: |authorlink=Jean Maurice Fiey, |authorlink=Eugène Tisserant
- Aqsunqur al-Bursuqi: |authorlink=Thomas Asbridge
- Aqua Boogie (A Psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Aqua Duck: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Aqua Marcia: |accessdate=16 October 2018
- Aqua discography: |authorlink= Joel Whitburn
- AquaGib: |accessdate=17 February 2013
- Aquaculture Research and Development Centre, Kajjansi: | accessdate = 25 November 2014↵, | accessdate = 25 November 2014↵
- Aquae Calidae, Bulgaria: |authorlink = Vasil Zlatarski↵ , |origyear = 1927↵
- Aquagrill: |accessdate=February 4, 2013, |accessdate=February 4, 2013, |accessdate=February 4, 2013
- Aqualate Hall: |authorlink=Eilert Ekwall
- Aquamania: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Aquarium (Aqua album): |accessdate=2012-01-05
- Aquatic toxicology databases: |accessdate=18 May 2016
- Aqueduct of Algeciras: |accessdate=16 January 2013
- Aquia Formation: |accessdate=22 January 2015, |authorlink=David S. Powars
- Aquifer properties: | authorlink=Groundwater
- Aquila Giles: |accessdate=8 February 2019 , |accessdate=8 February 2019 , |accessdate=8 February 2019 , |accessdate=8 February 2019 , |accessdate=8 February 2019 , |accessdate=8 February 2019 , |accessdate=8 February 2019
- Aquilegia: |origyear=1964, |origyear=1987
- Aquilegia longissima: |authorlink=A.Gray
- Aquilegia vulgaris: |accessdate=1 November 2012
- Aquilla J. Dyess: |origyear= 2006-12-26 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= December 19, 2006
- Aquilla Wren: | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 2002-11-04 , | accessdate = 2015-01-24
- Aquita: |accessdate=27 November 2012
- Aquita acontioides: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aquithie: |accessdate=8 October 2011, |accessdate=8 October 2011
- Ar-Rum: |authorlink1=Norman Geisler
- Ara Gallant: |authorlink1=Anjelica Huston
- Ara Sarafian: |authorlink=John Marshall Evans
- Arab Democratic Party (Lebanon): |accessdate=13 October 2012
- Arab Deterrent Force: |accessdate=14 February 2014
- Arab Film Festival: | accessdate = 16 August 2013↵ , | accessdate = 16 August 2013↵ , | accessdate = 16 August 2013↵
- Arab Image Foundation: |authorlink1=Martin Parr
- Arab Islamic Front of Azawad: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2011-06-12
- Arab Nationalist Guard: |authorlink1= Tom Cooper (author)
- Arab Observer: |accessdate=5 October 2014, |accessdate=5 October 2014
- Arab Palestinian Investment Company: |accessdate=4 May 2016
- Arab Scout Jamboree: | authorlink = J. S. Wilson
- Arab Towns Organization: |accessdate=18 September 2014
- Arab and Muslim rescue efforts during the Holocaust: |accessdate=2010-04-28
- Arab raid against Rome: |accessdate=6 April 2019 , |authorlink=Ferdinand Gregorovius
- Araban: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Arabella Denny: |accessdate=2011-09-25
- Arabella Fields: |accessdate=30 May 2018
- Arabella Goddard: |accessdate=6 August 2020
- Arabella Hunt: | accessdate=2012-03-12
- Arabi Island: |accessdate=14 August 2011
- Arabian Aquifer System: |accessdate=17 August 2018
- Arabian Basin: |authorlink2=Graham Shimmield
- Arabian oryx reintroduction: |accessdate=2009-10-06
- Arabian ostrich: |authorlink1=James Lee Peters
- Arabianus: | authorlink =Philip Schaff , | authorlink2=Henry Wace (priest) , | accessdate=2017-03-16
- Arabic letter frequency: | accessdate= 23 January 2011↵ , | accessdate= 24 January 2011↵ , | accessdate= 24 January 2011↵
- Arabika Massif: |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Arabin: |accessdate=16 July 2017
- Arabinda Ghosh: |accessdate=31 March 2019, |accessdate=31 March 2019
- Arabis glabra: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Arabs in Khorasan: |authorlink=Philip Khuri Hitti, |accessdate=9 March 2017
- Arab–Khazar wars: | authorlink = Ralph-Johannes Lilie
- Arad Chapter: |authorlink=György Györffy
- Arad, Bahrain: |accessdate=23 November 2019 , |accessdate=23 November 2019
- Araeopteron: |authorlink=George Hampson , |authorlink=George Hampson
- Araeopteron fasciale: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Araeoscelis: | authorlink = Michael Benton↵
- Aragonda: |accessdate=5 November 2014
- Aragonese Crusade: |authorlink=William Chester Jordan , |authorlink=Steven Runciman
- Aragualna: | accessdate = 2018-07-04↵
- Araguari River (Amapá): |archiveurl= , |archivedate= 8 November 2014
- Arahura (canoe): |authorlink=Edward Tregear, |accessdate=15 June 2020
- Araiyan Rajarajan: | authorlink=K. A. Nilakanta Sastri , | origyear= 1935
- Araka-Kalai: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Arakan Division: |accessdate=2017-09-17
- Arakan River: | accessdate=November 9, 2015
- Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front: |accessdate=22 March 2018
- Arakelov theory: | authorlink1=Yuri I. Manin
- Arakeshvara Temple, Hole Alur: |origyear=1980, |origyear=1992, |origyear=1955, |origyear=2003
- Aralia californica: |accessdate=2011-06-27 , |accessdate=24 August 2012
- Aralia dasyphylla: |accessdate=2019-01-26
- Aralia elata: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Aralık: |authorlink=Friedrich Parrot
- Aram (Kural book): |accessdate=7 March 2018, | accessdate=7 March 2018, |accessdate=7 March 2018, |accessdate=7 March 2018
- Aram Asatryan: |accessdate=19 September 2019
- Aram Manukian: |authorlink1=Rafael Ishkhanyan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2014-09-20 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2014-09-20
- Aramango District: |accessdate=2010-01-13
- Arame: |accessdate=8 February 2013
- Aramepinchieue: |accessdate=31 January 2016
- Aramoun, Keserwan: |authorlink=Fouad Ajami, |accessdate=15 March 2013
- Aran Islands bibliography: |authorlink=John M. Synge, |authorlink=Tom Maidhc O'Flaherty, |authorlink=Pat Mullen, |origyear=1962, |origyear=1969, |authorlink=Martin McDonagh, |origyear=1925
- Arandzar: |accessdate=19 October 2011
- Arang: | authorlink= Alexander Cunningham
- Aransas County Independent School District: |accessdate=14 December 2014
- Aranyak: |accessdate=5 July 2012, |accessdate=5 July 2012
- Arapaima gigas: |accessdate=2020-05-05
- Arapgir: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Ararad (daily): |accessdate=7 July 2016
- Araragi (magazine): |accessdate=14 November 2014
- Ararat, Armenia: |authorlink1=Tikva Frymer-Kensky
- Arash Sultanate: |authorlink = Tadeusz Swietochowski
- Arashan (river): |accessdate=22 November 2011
- Arashá Spa: |accessdate=22 November 2011, |accessdate=22 November 2011
- Arastradero Creek: |accessdate=2011-08-21 , |accessdate=2011-10-15 , |accessdate=2011-08-21
- Araujia sericifera: |accessdate=September 13, 2014
- Arawa, Bougainville: |accessdate=Sep 1, 2020
- Arawana: | origyear = 1983↵
- Arawana arizonica: | origyear = 1983↵
- Araçuaí River: |accessdate=2010-10-19, |accessdate=2010-10-19
- Araçá River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate= 8 November 2014
- Arbanaška vera: |accessdate=16 December 2019, |accessdate=27 May 2020, |accessdate=16 December 2019 , |accessdate=16 December 2019, |accessdate=27 May 2020, |accessdate=26 May 2020, |accessdate=26 May 2020, |accessdate=16 December 2019, |accessdate=16 December 2019, |accessdate=26 May 2020, |accessdate=26 May 2020, |accessdate=26 May 2020, |accessdate=27 May 2020 , |accessdate=27 May 2020
- Arbazacius: |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Arbeidernes blad: |accessdate=December 22, 2019
- Arbeidets Rett: |accessdate=21 November 2014
- Arbeitertum: |accessdate=26 December 2014
- Arbel: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Walid Khalidi, |authorlink=Nasir Khusraw , |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Arbelos: | authorlink = C. Stanley Ogilvy
- Arbetet: |authorlink=Sheri Berman
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- Arbogast (magister militum): |authorlink=Orosius
- Arbor Hill Historic District–Ten Broeck Triangle: | accessdate = May 31, 2012 , |authorlink=John McEneny , |accessdate=June 9, 2012, |accessdate=June 9, 2012
- Arbor Hill, Albany, New York: | accessdate = April 4, 2009 , | accessdate = April 4, 2009
- Arboretum Villanova: |accessdate=August 30, 2011
- Arborychoi: |authorlink1=:fr:Jean-Pierre Arrignon , |authorlink=Thomas Charles-Edwards , |authorlink=Guy Halsall , |authorlink=Edward James (historian) , |authorlink=Procopius
- Arbudas: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Arbuscula: | accessdate=2017-03-18, | accessdate=2017-03-18, | authorlink =Andrew Lintott , | accessdate=2017-03-18
- Arc (Baháʼí): |authorlink = Baháʼu'lláh , |origyear = 1873-92 , |authorlink = Rúhíyyih Khanum
- Arca mailleana: |authorlink=Alcide d'Orbigny , |accessdate=26 August 2013
- Arcada Balz: |accessdate=October 22, 2018
- Arcadia Machine & Tool: |accessdate=25 May 2013, |accessdate=25 May 2013
- Arcadia, New York: |accessdate=November 14, 2009
- Arcadian Court: |authorlink=Mike Filey
- Arcadian League: |origyear=2nd century AD, |origyear=1949
- Arcadio Maxilom: | origyear = 2011↵
- Arcata and Mad River Railroad: |accessdate=17 April 2015
- Arcathias: | authorlink =Adrienne Mayor , | accessdate=2017-05-07, | accessdate=2017-03-18, | accessdate=2017-03-18
- Arcen en Velden: |accessdate=20 November 2009, |accessdate=20 November 2009
- Arch 22: | accessdate = 2011-06-07
- Arch Heath: |accessdate=Apr 16, 2019, |accessdate=Apr 14, 2019, |accessdate=Apr 14, 2019, |accessdate=Apr 14, 2019
- Arch Oboler's Plays: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-08-23, |accessdate=6 October 2016, |accessdate=6 October 2016
- Arch and Ridge Streets Historic District: |accessdate= December 20, 2009
- Arch of Remembrance: |authorlink=Alan Borg, |authorlink=Roderick Gradidge, |authorlink=Christopher Hussey, |authorlink1=Nikolaus Pevsner, |authorlink=Jane Ridley, |authorlink=Gavin Stamp, |authorlink=Jay Winter
- Arch of Trajan (Benevento): |authorlink=Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli
- Arch of the Sergii: |accessdate=23 September 2014
- Archaeoattacus staudingeri: |accessdate=17 April 2012
- Archaeolemur: | authorlink1 = Russell Mittermeier , | authorlink2 = Ian Tattersall
- Archaeological Museum of Corfu: |accessdate=26 September 2012
- Archaeological Museum of Lorca: |accessdate=15 May 2011
- Archaeological Museum of the American University of Beirut: |accessdate=5 April 2011, |accessdate=5 April 2011, |accessdate=5 April 2011, |accessdate=5 April 2011, |accessdate=5 April 2011, |accessdate=5 April 2011, |accessdate=5 April 2011
- Archaeological remnants of the Jerusalem Temple: |authorlink=Charles Warren , |authorlink = William F. Albright
- Archaeology in Pakistan: |accessdate=24 March 2013
- Archaeology of Afghanistan: |authorlink1=Miriam Stark
- Archaeology of China: | accessdate = 2010-11-28
- Archaeology of Qatar: |accessdate=3 December 2015
- Archaeology of the Romani people: |accessdate=6 February 2015 , |accessdate=6 February 2015
- Archaeomeryx: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2012-10-22
- Archaeomythology: |accessdate=10 November 2015
- Archaeron: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Archagathus (son of Lysanias): | authorlink =Daniel Turner (physician) , | accessdate=2017-06-11
- Archbishop Demetrios of America: |accessdate=5 January 2013
- Archbishop Ezekiel of Australia: |accessdate=2014-10-13
- Archbishop of Cardiff: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Archbishop of Southwark: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Archbishop's Palace, Maidstone: |authorlink=Edward Hasted , |accessdate=26 June 2011 , |authorlink=Edward Hasted , |accessdate=26 June 2011
- Archbishop's Palace, Seville: |accessdate=8 October 2011, |accessdate=8 October 2011, |accessdate=8 October 2011, |accessdate=8 October 2011, |accessdate=8 October 2011, |accessdate=8 October 2011, |accessdate=18 October 2011, |accessdate=18 October 2011, |accessdate=18 October 2011, |accessdate=18 October 2011
- Archbishop's Palace, York: |accessdate=7 August 2020, |accessdate=7 August 2020
- Archbishopric of Justiniana Prima: |authorlink=Florin Curta
- Archbishopric of Moravia: |authorlink=John Van Antwerp Fine Jr., |origyear=1983
- Archdale Palmer: |accessdate=September 17, 2017, |accessdate=September 17, 2017
- Archdeacon of Kells: |authorlink= John Healy (bishop)↵, |accessdate=31 August 2016↵, |authorlink=Dean Cogan, |accessdate=2 September 2016, |authorlink=Henry Cotton (divine), |accessdate=17 September 2016, |authorlink=Henry Cotton (divine), |accessdate=2 September 2016, |authorlink=Henry Cotton (divine), |accessdate=2 September 2016, |accessdate=2 September 2016, |accessdate=2 September 2016, |accessdate=2 September 2016, |authorlink=Sir Richard Cox, 1st Baronet, |authorlink=Aubrey Gwynn↵
- Archdiocese of Mopsuestia: |authorlink=Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange
- Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria: |authorlink=Antonia Fraser , |authorlink=Donald Hopkins
- Archduke Eugen of Austria: |accessdate=2 February 2021, |accessdate=2 February 2021
- Archelaus of Priene: |authorlink=Claude Nicolet
- Archenor: | accessdate=2017-06-26
- Archer City Independent School District: |accessdate=14 December 2014
- Archer Maclean's Mercury: |accessdate= June 19, 2019
- Archer family: |accessdate=30 July 2014
- Archer-class torpedo cruiser: |authorlink=David K. Brown↵ , |origyear=1997↵ , |authorlink=William Laird Clowes, |authorlink=Norman Friedman
- Archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics – Men's team: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 September 2007
- Archery in Bhutan: |accessdate=2011-09-20, |accessdate=2011-09-25, |accessdate=2011-09-25, |accessdate=2011-09-25, |accessdate=2011-09-25, |accessdate=2011-09-19, |accessdate=2011-09-21, |authorlink=Rolf Stein , |accessdate=2011-09-21, |accessdate=2011-09-26, |accessdate=2011-09-26
- Archestratus (general): | authorlink =Laurence Lampert
- Archetimus: | authorlink =Thucydides↵
- Archi Times: |accessdate=14 July 2015
- Archias of Alexandria: | accessdate=2017-10-13
- Archias of Cyprus: | accessdate=2017-10-06, | authorlink =Christian Habicht (historian) , | accessdate=2017-10-07, | accessdate=2017-10-07, | authorlink =Erasmus , | accessdate=2017-10-07
- Archias of Thurii: | authorlink =Plutarch , | authorlink =P. E. Easterling , | authorlink =Justin (historian)
- Archibald Acheson, 3rd Earl of Gosford: |accessdate=4 June 2020
- Archibald Alison (author): |accessdate=13 June 2020
- Archibald Beaton Gillis: |accessdate=2009-08-03
- Archibald Berkeley Milne: |authorlink=Andrew Gordon (naval historian)
- Archibald Burns (politician): |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Archibald Campbell Swinton: |accessdate=23 April 2012
- Archibald Church: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Archibald Cochrane, 9th Earl of Dundonald: |accessdate=7 May 2013, |accessdate=7 May 2013
- Archibald Cockburn: |accessdate=15 September 2014
- Archibald Colquhoun: |accessdate=25 June 2018 , |accessdate=3 July 2013
- Archibald Crawfurd: |accessdate=20 August 2013, |accessdate=20 August 2013
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- Archibald Donald: |accessdate=10 April 2019, |accessdate=24 September 2019, |accessdate=26 September 2019, |accessdate=14 November 2019
- Archibald E. Spriggs: |accessdate=February 1, 2018
- Archibald Esplen: |accessdate=2012-02-03
- Archibald F. Withrow: |authorlink= Earl Gregg Swem, |accessdate= July 7, 2013
- Archibald Forbes: |accessdate= 23 July 2018 , |accessdate= July 29, 2018, |accessdate= 23 July 2018 , |accessdate= 26 July 2018
- Archibald Fullarton: |accessdate=27 February 2013
- Archibald G. McAlister: |accessdate=2013-05-22
- Archibald Gemmell: |accessdate=2012-03-04
- Archibald Gilchrist: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Archibald Gracie: |accessdate=10 March 2018, |accessdate=21 February 2017
- Archibald H. Gillespie: |accessdate=March 21, 2009↵
- Archibald Hall: |authorlink=Allan Nicol
- Archibald Hastie (MP): |accessdate=3 September 2018 , |accessdate=3 September 2018
- Archibald Hawke: | accessdate = 18 June 2016 , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Archibald Hilson Ross: |origyear= 1913
- Archibald Hope, Lord Rankeillor: |accessdate=23 July 2017, |accessdate=29 May 2017, |accessdate=20 January 2018, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=29 May 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017
- Archibald Jacob Freiman: |authorlink=Irving Abella , |authorlink=David Azrieli
- Archibald James: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Archibald Lamont: |accessdate=25 November 2011↵
- Archibald McDonald (Canadian politician): |accessdate=2011-07-27, |accessdate=2011-08-29
- Archibald McIntyre Campbell: |accessdate=2012-10-22, |accessdate=2012-10-22
- Archibald McNicol: |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Archibald Norman McLeod: |accessdate=2010-10-25
- Archibald Orr-Ewing: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵
- Archibald Paris: |accessdate=31 January 2020 , |accessdate=31 January 2020
- Archibald Peter McNab: |accessdate=2012-03-15
- Archibald Primrose, Lord Dalmeny: | accessdate=3 February 2007
- Archibald Ramsay Douglas: |authorlink=Daphne Foskett
- Archibald Riddell (minister): |accessdate=14 February 2019, |accessdate=14 February 2019, |accessdate=16 April 2019, |accessdate=13 February 2019, |accessdate=2 March 2019, |accessdate=14 February 2019, |accessdate=18 July 2019, |accessdate=11 February 2019, |authorlink1=Thomas M'Crie the younger , |accessdate=16 March 2019, |accessdate=29 June 2020, |accessdate=16 February 2019, |accessdate=13 February 2019, |accessdate=13 February 2019, |accessdate=14 February 2019, |accessdate=13 February 2019, |accessdate=13 February 2019, |accessdate=14 February 2019, |accessdate=14 February 2019
- Archibald Ritchie (British Army officer): |authorlink=James Willcocks
- Archibald Roberts: | accessdate = 2009-01-23
- Archibald Robertson (atheist): | authorlink = John William Draper, | origyear=1874
- Archibald Steele: |authorlink = Steven W. Mosher
- Archibald Targett: |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- Archibald Webb: |accessdate=2020-02-15 , |accessdate=2020-02-13 , |accessdate=2020-05-06 , |accessdate=2020-05-06 , |accessdate=2020-05-06 , |accessdate=2020-05-06, |accessdate=2020-02-07 , |accessdate=2020-02-07 , |accessdate=2020-02-07
- Archibald White Maconochie: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Archibald Willis: |authorlink=Guy Scholefield
- Archibald's sign: |accessdate=8 November 2017
- Archibius of Alexandria: | accessdate=2017-10-13
- Archiborborus: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Archiceroptera: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Archicollinella: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Archie B. Smith: |accessdate=2018-05-15
- Archie Camden: |accessdate=5 February 2013
- Archie Campbell (judge): |accessdate=1 May 2020 , |authorlink=Donald Low
- Archie Campbell (politician): |accessdate=4 December 2013, |accessdate=2 November 2014, |authorlink=Barry Gustafson , |origyear=First published in 1913
- Archie Compston: |authorlink=Peter Alliss
- Archie D'Arcy: | authorlink = Winston McCarthy
- Archie Doyle: |accessdate=8 May 2020
- Archie Eves: |accessdate=April 14, 2015
- Archie Golembeski: |accessdate=November 6, 2011
- Archie Hoxton: |accessdate=April 5, 2015, |accessdate=April 5, 2015
- Archie J. Old Jr.: |accessdate= 2008-06-18
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- Archie Stevenot Bridge: | accessdate=May 13, 2017
- Archie W. Dunham: |accessdate=25 November 2010
- Archil of Imereti: |authorlink=Rebecca Gould
- Archil, Prince of Mukhrani: |authorlink=Prince Vakhushti of Kartli
- Archileptocera: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Archimedean circle: | accessdate=2008-06-26, | accessdate=2019-11-04
- Archimedean group: |origyear=1963
- Archimedean ordered vector space: | authorlink=Helmut H. Schaefer
- Archimedes of Tralles: | accessdate=2019-11-19
- Archipelago Brewery: |accessdate=25 April 2012
- Archipelago Museum: |accessdate=2015-02-11
- Archipendulum: |accessdate=2015-08-02, |accessdate=2015-08-02
- Archips semiferanus: |accessdate = 2009-11-15
- Archita Ricci: | authorlink=
- Architect of Fear: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Architect of the Silent Moment: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Architectonic and catoptric tessellation: | authorlink1 = John Horton Conway
- Architects' Building (Montreal): |accessdate=2015-01-17, |accessdate=2015-01-17
- Architectural Digest (Germany): |accessdate=24 December 2016
- Architecture (album): |accessdate=August 17, 2020, |accessdate=August 17, 2020
- Architecture of Fremantle Prison: |accessdate=3 December 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=4 June 2014 , |origyear=First published 1995 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=29 September 2014
- Architecture of Iraq: |authorlink=Guy Le Strange
- Architecture of Istanbul: | authorlink=Wolfgang Müller-Wiener↵
- Architecture of Kathmandu: |accessdate=2009-12-17, |accessdate=2009-12-17, |accessdate=2009-12-17
- Architecture of Mangalorean Catholics: |accessdate=2008-06-18↵
- Architecture of Palestine: |authorlink1=Banister Fletcher (junior), |authorlink2=Dan Cruickshank , |authorlink=Halvor Moxnes, |authorlink=Gülru Necipoğlu
- Architecture of Paris: |accessdate=2016-02-10, |accessdate=2016-02-10
- Architecture of the Paris Métro: |authorlink2=Frantz Jourdain
- Architecture terrible: |authorlink=Jacques-François Blondel , |authorlink=Barry Bergdoll
- Archpoet: |accessdate=August 8, 2010 , |accessdate=August 6, 2010 , |accessdate=August 6, 2010 , |accessdate=November 23, 2015 , |accessdate=August 8, 2010 , |accessdate=August 6, 2010 , |accessdate=August 6, 2010 , |accessdate=August 8, 2010 , |accessdate=9 February 2012
- Arcilasisa: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park: |accessdate=27 August 2012
- Arckaringa Basin: |accessdate=24 July 2013, |accessdate=24 July 2013, |authorlink3=Eugene Domack, |accessdate=24 July 2013
- Arcola, Liguria: |authorlink=:it:Gaetano Frisoni
- Arcop: |authorlink=Henry Mintzberg, |accessdate=21 August 2012, |accessdate=14 February 2020
- Arcte: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arcte coerula: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arctia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arctic Goose Joint Venture: |accessdate=2010-12-15
- Arctic Mission: The Great Adventure: |accessdate=27 January 2019, |accessdate=25 January 2019, |accessdate=25 January 2019, |accessdate=2 January 2020 , |accessdate=25 January 2019, |accessdate=28 January 2019
- Arctic Village (book): |accessdate=13 September 2018
- Arctic front: |accessdate=2012-02-24
- Arctic sea ice ecology and history: |accessdate=
- Arctic–alpine: | authorlink = Harry Godwin
- Arctium minus: |authorlink=Francis Rose
- Arctornis cygna: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arctornis submarginata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arcturus (steamship): |accessdate=11 October 2020, |accessdate=11 October 2020
- Arculf: |authorlink= Adomnán
- Arculf Map of Jerusalem: |authorlink=Titus Tobler
- Arcyon: | authorlink =Anthony A. Barrett , | accessdate=2018-01-22
- Arda Bowser: |accessdate=March 22, 2013
- Ardabur (consul 447): | authorlink =↵
- Ardagast: |accessdate= 2015-04-01↵
- Ardagh Castle Cheese: |accessdate=13 November 2011
- Ardakhshir II: | authorlink =
- Ardameri: | authorlink = Michel Le Quien
- Ardaseer Cursetjee: |accessdate=19 April 2018
- Ardashir (king of Marv): | authorlink = Richard Nelson Frye
- Ardashir I (Bavandid ruler): | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Ardcarn: |authorlink= John O'Donovan (scholar)↵, |accessdate=20 August 2016↵
- Ardee (Parliament of Ireland constituency): |accessdate=2011-11-14
- Arden Valley Road: |accessdate=January 12, 2009, |accessdate=June 11, 2013
- Ardern George Hulme Beaman: |accessdate=2012-12-21
- Ardeshar Khabardar: |accessdate=18 August 2014
- Ardeshir Darabshaw Shroff: |authorlink=Ramachandra Guha↵
- Ardeshir Farah: |accessdate=25 July 2012
- Ardeshir Godrej: |authorlink=Burjor Khurshedji Karanjia
- Ardhagiri: |accessdate=5 November 2014
- Ardhamandapa: |accessdate=28 June 2019
- Ardian Klosi: |accessdate=7 July 2013
- Ardin (harp): |accessdate=31 August 2018 , |accessdate=31 August 2018
- Ardipithecus kadabba: | authorlink = Richard Ellis (biologist)
- Ardisia japonica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Ardit Gjebrea: |accessdate=21 September 2010
- Ardley Castle: | authorlink =Plantagenet Somerset Fry
- Ardlougher: |accessdate=2016-12-09, |accessdate=2016-12-09, |accessdate=2016-12-09, |accessdate=2016-12-09
- Ardonis filicata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Ardpatrick, Argyll: | accessdate=2009-08-04, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 19 June 2009
- Ardrahan Farmhouse Cheese: |accessdate=13 November 2011
- Ardsallagh Goat Farm: |accessdate=13 November 2011
- Ardsallis: |accessdate=2014-04-13
- Ardsley (automobile): |accessdate=August 27, 2011
- Ardtornish Bay: |accessdate=6 March 2018, |accessdate=12 March 2018
- Arduino della Palude: |authorlink=
- Ardvreck Castle: |authorlink=Veronica Wedgwood , |authorlink1=John Keay
- Ardys of Lydia: | author1link=J. B. Bury , | author2link=Russell Meiggs , | authorlink=Herodotus
- Are You Going with Me?: |accessdate=3 August 2010
- Are You In?: Nike+ Original Run: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Are You Listening? (film): |authorlink=Wiliam J. Mann
- Are You Ready? (Pacific Gas & Electric song): |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- Are You a Mason? (1915 film): |authorlink=John C. Tibbetts , |authorlink=Richard Abel (cultural historian)
- Area 88: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Area Redevelopment Administration: | origyear = 2014 , |authorlink=Richard Reeves (American writer)
- Areal velocity: | origyear=1914
- Arearea: |accessdate=April 5, 2017
- Arechis II of Benevento: |authorlink=Charles Oman, |authorlink=Chris Wickham
- Arecibo barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Aregonis: | accessdate=2017-12-01
- Areilycus: | accessdate=2018-01-14, | accessdate=2018-01-14
- Aremonia agrimonoides: |authorlink = Stace, C. A.
- Aren't You Glad You're You? (album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵
- Arena (Australian publishing co-operative): |authorlink= Paul James (academic)
- Arena (short story): |authorlink=Marc Cushman
- Arena of Thyatis: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Arena, Guánica, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Arenaccia: |accessdate=6 March 2012, |accessdate=6 March 2012, |accessdate=6 March 2012
- Arenalejos, Arecibo, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Arenales Altos: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Arenales Bajos: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Arenales, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Arenaria serpyllifolia: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Arenas, Cidra, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Arenas, Utuado, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Arends: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Arendt–Seymour House: |accessdate=12 September 2012
- Arenig Fawr: |authorlink=Edmund Spenser
- Arenite: |authorlink=Francis J. Pettijohn
- Arenium ion: |authorlink=Peter Sykes (chemist)
- Arenophile: |authorlink1=Michael Welland , |accessdate=29 January 2019
- Arenopsaltriini: | accessdate = 2018-07-03↵
- Arent Solem: | authorlink = Tore Pryser↵ , | authorlink = Andreas Aarflot↵
- Arents: |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Areobindus Dagalaifus Areobindus: |authorlink=Roger S. Bagnall , |authorlink2=Alan Cameron (classical scholar) , |authorlink3=Seth Schwartz
- Areop-Enap: |accessdate=23 March 2009, |accessdate=23 March 2009, |accessdate=23 March 2009
- Areopagus (poetry): |accessdate=5 November 2015, |accessdate=5 November 2015
- Aresas: | accessdate=2018-01-18, | accessdate=2018-01-18, | accessdate=2018-01-18
- Areta Koopu: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Aretaeus of Cappadocia: |accessdate=22 November 2013
- Aretes of Dyrrachium: | authorlink =Isaac Preston Cory , | accessdate=2018-02-13, | accessdate=2018-02-13, | accessdate=2018-02-13
- Arethas of Caesarea: |authorlink=Pierre Hadot, |authorlink=Romilly James Heald Jenkins, |accessdate=23 December 2016, |authorlink=:cs:František Novotný (filolog)
- Arethusa (mythology): | authorlink = Anne Ridler
- Arethusa Falls: |accessdate=September 29, 2014
- Arevelk: |accessdate=12 December 2012, |accessdate=12 December 2012
- Arf invariant of a knot: | authorlink = Louis Kauffman , | authorlink = Louis Kauffman , | authorlink = Robion Kirby
- Arfst F. Frudden: |accessdate=September 5, 2017
- Argbed: |accessdate=2017-11-10
- Argebad: |accessdate=7 October 2020
- Argeius: | authorlink =Bacchylides , | accessdate=2018-03-05, | authorlink =Bacchylides , | accessdate=2018-03-05, | accessdate=2018-03-05, | accessdate=2018-03-05
- Argelius: | accessdate=2018-03-07
- Argemone mexicana: |accessdate=21 April 2013
- Argenbühl: |accessdate=2014-07-31
- Argent (album): |accessdate=March 15, 2019
- Argentan lace: |accessdate=29 April 2011
- Argentella: |accessdate=29 April 2011
- Argentina Brunetti: |accessdate=1 November 2017, |accessdate=1 November 2017
- Argentina Díaz Lozano: |accessdate=23 July 2015
- Argentina at the 1920 Summer Olympics: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-05-05
- Argentina at the 1928 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=2008-06-10 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-12-17
- Argentina at the 1948 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=2008-06-10 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2008-04-10
- Argentina at the 1952 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=2008-01-31 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-05-26
- Argentine Constitution of 1826: |accessdate= 10 June 2013↵
- Argentine Jews in Israel: |accessdate=2 March 2013
- Argentines in Uruguay: |accessdate=2 March 2013
- Argentovaria: |accessdate=Aug 19, 2020, |accessdate=Aug 22, 2020
- Argentus: | authorlink = Daniel M. Kimmel
- Argeus (Greek myth): |authorlink=Bacchylides, |accessdate=2018-03-05, |authorlink=Bacchylides, |accessdate=2018-03-05
- Arghush Farhadan: | authorlink = Wilferd Madelung
- Argia (daughter of Adrastus): |authorlink=Giovanni Boccaccio
- Argile: |accessdate=2 November 2014, |accessdate=2 November 2014
- Argillipedoturbation: |accessdate=20 June 2013, |accessdate=19 June 2013, |accessdate=20 June 2013
- Argina: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Argina astrea: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Argoed railway station: |authorlink=Christopher Awdry
- Argonaut Peak: |authorlink= Fred Beckey
- Argonauta-class submarine: |authorlink=Jürgen Rohwer
- Arguel inscription: |authorlink=
- Argument by example: |accessdate=20 February 2012
- Argument–deduction–proof distinctions: |authorlink=Alonzo Church↵ , |authorlink=Michael Dummett↵
- Argus As 17: |accessdate=8 September 2018
- Argus As II: |accessdate=29 March 2013↵
- Argus As III: |accessdate=29 March 2013↵
- Argus Island: |accessdate=20 May 2015 , |accessdate=18 February 2020
- Argusia: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Arguvan: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Argyle Street Camp: |authorlink=Tony Banham
- Argyle, Utah: | origyear = June 1972 , | accessdate = July 15, 2012
- Argyll Foods: |accessdate=26 April 2012
- Argyrochosma chilensis: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , |authorlink=Carl Frederik Albert Christensen , |authorlink=Claudio Gay , |authorlink=Edward Joseph Lowe , |authorlink=John Smith (botanist) , |authorlink1=Tod Falor Stuessy
- Argyrochosma connectens: |authorlink=Frederick Orpen Bower , |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng
- Argyrochosma dealbata: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , |authorlink=George Edward Davenport , | authorlink=David B. Lellinger , |authorlink=Frederick Traugott Pursh , |authorlink2=Alex George
- Argyrochosma delicatula: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng
- Argyrochosma fendleri: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , |authorlink=Gustav Kunze , | authorlink=David B. Lellinger
- Argyrochosma formosa: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , |authorlink1=Martin Martens , |authorlink2=Henri Guillaume Galeotti , |authorlink=Thomas Moore (botanist) , |authorlink2=Alex George , |authorlink=John Smith (botanist)
- Argyrochosma incana: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , | authorlink=David B. Lellinger , | authorlink=Carl Borivoj Presl , |authorlink2=Alex George
- Argyrochosma jonesii: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , | authorlink=David B. Lellinger
- Argyrochosma limitanea: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , | authorlink=David B. Lellinger
- Argyrochosma lumholtzii: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng
- Argyrochosma microphylla: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , |authorlink1=William Jackson Hooker , |authorlink2=John Gilbert Baker , | authorlink=David B. Lellinger
- Argyrochosma pallens: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , |authorlink2=Alex George
- Argyrochosma palmeri: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , |authorlink=Joseph Dalton Hooker
- Argyrochosma peninsularis: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng
- Argyrochosma pilifera: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng , |authorlink2=Alex George
- Argyrochosma stuebeliana: |authorlink1=Maarten J. M. Christenhusz , |authorlink2=Michael Francis Fay , |authorlink3=James W. Byng
- Argyrogramma signata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arhiljevica: | authorlink= Rade Mihaljčić , | origyear=1975
- Arhopala aedias yendava: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Arhopala agaba: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Arhopala alax: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Arhopala alesia: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Arhopala allata suffusa: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Arhopala amantes: |authorlink=Charles Swinhoe
- Arhopala atrax: |authorlink=Charles Swinhoe
- Arhopala dodonaea: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Arhopala paralea: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Arhopala rama: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Arhopala silhetensis: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Ari Ashkenazi Synagogue: |accessdate=28 December 2011
- Aria (Grover Washington Jr. album): |accessdate=6 February 2019
- Aria Wiraraja: |authorlink=George Cœdès
- Ariadne's thread (logic): |authorlink1=Carole Maso
- Ariaethus: | accessdate=2018-04-26
- Ariake no Wakare: |authorlink = Donald Keene↵
- Arian creeds: |accessdate=23 August 2016, |accessdate=24 August 2016, |accessdate=20 August 2016, |accessdate=23 August 2016, |accessdate=23 August 2016, |accessdate=20 August 2016, |accessdate=20 August 2016, |accessdate=22 August 2016, |accessdate=23 August 2016, |accessdate=23 August 2016, |accessdate=23 August 2016, |accessdate=23 August 2016, |accessdate=23 August 2016, |accessdate=23 August 2016
- Ariana Jollee: |accessdate=29 March 2016
- Ariapeithes: | accessdate=2018-08-16
- Ariarathid dynasty: |authorlink1=Mary Boyce
- Ariaric: |accessdate=6 January 2013, |accessdate=6 January 2013, |accessdate=6 January 2013, |accessdate=6 January 2013, |accessdate=6 January 2013
- Arid Lands Ecology Reserve: |accessdate=4 May 2017
- Arie Poldervaart: |authorlink=Henry Robert Frankel
- Arieh Lubin: |accessdate=22 May 2020
- Ariel (Australian band): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Ariel (schooner): | authorlink = James A. Gibbs↵
- Ariel Gade: |accessdate=4 July 2011
- Aries (rocket): |accessdate=2017-12-10
- Ariete-class torpedo boat: |authorlink=Michael J. Whitley
- Arif Abd al-Raziq: |accessdate=17 December 2011
- Arignotus: | accessdate=2018-10-19, | accessdate=2018-10-19, | authorlink =Aeschines↵ , | accessdate=2018-10-19
- Arijský boj: |authorlink=Wolf Gruner , | authorlink=Benjamin Frommer
- Arika Kane (album): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Arikara language: | accessdate = 2010-01-28
- Arikem languages: |authorlink=Čestmír Loukotka
- Arilla Sun Down: |accessdate=April 22, 2017, |accessdate=April 22, 2017
- Arindam Banik: | accessdate = 2 December 2019↵ , | accessdate = 1 August 2017 ↵ , | accessdate = 4 March 2017 ↵
- Arinia: |accessdate=9 November 2012
- Arinna: |authorlink=Trevor Bryce
- Arinos River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Ariola coelisigna: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Ariomardus: |accessdate=25 July 2015
- Arion (journal): |accessdate=1 May 2016
- Ariotus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Ariotus subtropicus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aripo Savannas: |accessdate=25 August 2013
- Aripuanã River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Ariq Böke: | authorlink = David Morgan (historian)↵
- Arisaema dracontium: |authorlink1=William Niering, |origyear=1979
- Arisaema thunbergii: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Arisaig, Nova Scotia: |accessdate=16 March 2018
- Arisil Kilar: |accessdate=2012-08-31
- Aristagora: | accessdate=2019-09-02, | accessdate=2019-09-02
- Aristagoras (poet): | authorlink =↵ , | accessdate=2019-09-04, | authorlink =John Maxwell Edmonds↵ , | accessdate=2019-09-04, | authorlink =↵ , | accessdate=2019-09-04
- Aristanax: | accessdate=2019-09-07, | accessdate=2019-09-07
- Aristau: |accessdate=12 February 2010 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 November 2009
- Aristid Lindenmayer: |authorlink=Przemysław Prusinkiewicz
- Aristide Auguste Stanislas Verneuil: |accessdate=13 July 2012
- Aristide Blais: |accessdate=August 9, 2020
- Aristides Welch: |accessdate=2019-07-23
- Aristobule: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =J. B. Bury↵ , | authorlink =Hermann Usener↵ , | authorlink =Frank Pierrepont Graves↵
- Aristocleidas: | accessdate=2021-01-22, | accessdate=2021-01-22, | accessdate=2021-01-22
- Aristolochia contorta: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Aristomachus (Egypt): |authorlink=Robert Charles (scholar), |origyear=1916, |authorlink=George Ostrogorsky
- Aristotel Petrović: |accessdate=12 April 2015
- Arithmetic genus: | authorlink=Phillip Griffiths , |authorlink2=Joe Harris (mathematician) , | authorlink=Friedrich Hirzebruch , | origyear=1978
- Arithmetic number: |authorlink=Richard K. Guy
- Arithmetic surface: | authorlink = Robin Hartshorne↵ , | authorlink=Serge Lang , | authorlink=Joseph H. Silverman↵
- Arithmetic underflow: |accessdate=21 April 2018
- Arithmetic variety: | authorlink1=Yuri I. Manin
- Arithmetic zeta function: | authorlink=Jean-Pierre Serre, | authorlink=John Tate
- Arithmologia: |accessdate=21 June 2020, |accessdate=21 June 2020, |accessdate=21 June 2020, |accessdate=21 June 2020
- Arittha R Wikramanayake: |accessdate=2011-10-10
- Arizona (1918 film): |authorlink=Gary D. Rhodes
- Arizona John Burke: |accessdate=29 November 2017
- Arjun Ray: |accessdate=6 May 2014
- Arjun Singh Bhadoria: |accessdate=13 June 2020, |accessdate=13 June 2020, |accessdate=13 June 2020
- Arjunavarman II: |authorlink=Dasharatha Sharma
- Arkadi Maslow: | authorlink = Guenther Reinhardt↵, | accessdate = 27 December 2019
- Arkady Shevchenko: |authorlink1=Kiron K. Skinner , |authorlink3=Martin Anderson (economist) , |authorlink=Arkady Shevchenko
- Arkan (dance): |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2015-09-01
- Arkansas Highway 127: |accessdate= 2016-07-09
- Arkansas Highway 130: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 144: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 145: |accessdate= September 15, 2019
- Arkansas Highway 157: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 169: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 171: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 178: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 184: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 202: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 207: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 229: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 230: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 246: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 247: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 250: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 251: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 262: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 263: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 268: |accessdate= 2016-07-09
- Arkansas Highway 296: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 302: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 312: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 318: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 326: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 336: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 338: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 345: |accessdate= 2016-07-09
- Arkansas Highway 348: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 349: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 352: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 357: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Highway 364: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 78: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 86: |accessdate= December 4, 2016
- Arkansas Highway 87: |accessdate= July 11, 2017
- Arkansas Library Association: |accessdate=16 February 2020, |accessdate=16 February 2020
- Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources: |accessdate=January 8, 2014
- Arkansas Razorbacks football, 1950–59: |authorlink=ESPN↵
- Arkansas Territorial Militia: |origyear=1834
- Arkansas Thomas Cat: |accessdate=14 November 2015
- Arkansas Traveler (album): |accessdate=March 24, 2014
- Arkansas, Oklahoma and Western Railroad: |accessdate=5 March 2020, |accessdate=5 March 2020
- Arkansas-class monitor: |authorlink = Norman Friedman↵
- Arkarua: | accessdate = 2007-03-08↵
- Arkel International: |accessdate=2011-09-14
- Arkham's Masters of Horror: | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- Arkhip Kuindzhi: |authorlink1=:ru:Манин, Виталий Серафимович
- Arkitex: |accessdate=21 October 2020
- Arklow Maritime Museum: |accessdate=4 August 2017
- Arlaine Wright: |accessdate=2009-03-01
- Arlan's: |accessdate=2015-06-24, |accessdate=2015-06-24
- Arleigh B. Templeton: |accessdate=November 22, 2015, |accessdate=November 22, 2015
- Arlene Horowitz: |accessdate=22 June 2011
- Arlene Hutton: |accessdate=18 September 2018, |accessdate=23 September 2018, |accessdate=23 September 2018, |accessdate=23 September 2018, |accessdate=23 September 2018, |accessdate=23 September 2018, |accessdate=23 September 2018
- Arlene Julé: |accessdate=2015-03-22, |accessdate=2012-09-16
- Arlene Zallman: |accessdate=11 November 2010
- Arlie C. Jones: |accessdate=November 30, 2014
- Arlindo Barbeitos: |accessdate=7 November 2010
- Arlington Boulevard: |accessdate=5 September 2018
- Arlington Hotel (Washington, D.C.): |accessdate=13 January 2015, |accessdate=13 January 2015
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- Arlington Yard: |accessdate=November 3, 2015
- Arlington station (Staten Island Railway): |accessdate=July 31, 2015
- Arlington, Missouri: |accessdate=2012-04-28, |accessdate=2012-04-28, |accessdate=2012-04-28
- Arlo Guthrie (album): |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Arlo Guthrie discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
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- Armaan (1942 film): |accessdate=12 August 2012, |accessdate=16 August 2015, |accessdate=16 August 2015
- Armadale Road: |accessdate=21 December 2013
- Armadillo projection: | authorlink = John P. Snyder↵ , | authorlink = John P. Snyder↵ , | accessdate = 2014-09-27↵ , | authorlink = Erwin Raisz↵
- Armageddon (Armageddon album): | writing_credits = ↵ ↵
- Armais Arutunoff: |accessdate=21 November 2017
- Armance (novel): |authorlink=Aldo Garzanti , |origyear=1972
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- Armand Cabrera: |accessdate=2013-09-24
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- Armand Deutsch: |accessdate=2015-04-10
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- Armand Duplantier: |accessdate=15 October 2020
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- Armand J. Piron: |accessdate=7 October 2018
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- Armand Louis de Gontaut: |authorlink1=Ludovic de Contenson
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- Armand de Turenne: |authorlink=Norman Franks
- Armand-Albert Rateau: | accessdate = 7 December 2013
- Armand-Claude Poute de Nieuil: |authorlink1=Ludovic de Contenson, |authorlink=Georges Lacour-Gayet, |authorlink=Étienne Taillemite, |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
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- Armar Lowry-Corry, 1st Earl Belmore: |accessdate=9 November 2007
- Armathwaite Castle: | authorlink = Plantagenet Somerset Fry↵
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- Armavir (ancient city): |authorlink=Tadevos Hakobyan
- Armazic language: |accessdate=1 September 2014
- Armed and Dangerous (EP): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Armed and Extremely Dangerous: |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Armed trawler Nelson: |accessdate=29 April 2019, |accessdate=29 April 2019
- Armeerundschau: |accessdate=6 August 2015
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- Armen Nalbandian: |accessdate=1 July 2018
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- Armenian Genocide: |authorlink=Simon Payaslian , |authorlink=Ronald Grigor Suny
- Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust: |authorlink1=Stefan Ihrig
- Armenian Genocide denial: |authorlink=Ronald Grigor Suny , |authorlink=Erik Sjöberg (historian) , |authorlink=Lerna Ekmekçioğlu
- Armenian Genocide reparations: |authorlink=Ronald Grigor Suny, | accessdate = June 19, 2010
- Armenian Jazz Sextet: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran: |authorlink1=George Bournoutian
- Armenian National Congress (1917): |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=25 February 2013, |accessdate=25 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=25 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013
- Armenian National Council of Baku: |accessdate=1 December 2012
- Armenian Philanthropic Society of Baku: |accessdate=13 March 2013, |accessdate=13 March 2013, |accessdate=13 March 2013, |accessdate=13 March 2013
- Armenian Press of Baku: |accessdate=1 May 2013, |accessdate=1 May 2013
- Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia: |authorlink=Ronald Grigor Suny
- Armenian Social-Democratic Labour Organization: |authorlink1=Georges Haupt
- Armenian Uruguayans: |authorlink=Gerardo Caetano
- Armenian chant: |authorlink=Willi Apel , |authorlink=Miloš Velimirović
- Armenian dialects: | authorlink = Hrachia Acharian↵, | accessdate = July 8, 2012↵
- Armenian mouflon: |accessdate=8 January 2015, |accessdate=9 January 2015
- Armenian national awakening: |authorlink=Elizabeth Redgate
- Armenian nobility: |authorlink=Cyril Toumanoff
- Armenian parliament shooting: |accessdate=16 March 2010 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=1 September 2008
- Armenian population by country: |authorlink =Andrea O'Reilly, |authorlink1=Razmik Panossian , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=18 August 2019 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=16 August 2019
- Armenian reform program: | authorlink= Richard G. Hovannisian
- Armenian victims of the Great Purge: |authorlink=Robert C. Tucker, |authorlink=Robert H. Hewsen, |authorlink=Christopher J. Walker
- Armenian volunteer units: |authorlink= Richard G. Hovannisian
- Armenian–Jewish relations: |authorlink1=James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce, |authorlink1=Gennadi Sosonko
- Armenophile: |authorlink=Karl Elze, |authorlink1=David Fromkin, |authorlink1=Simon Payaslian, |authorlink1=Grigoris Balakian
- Armgaard Karl Graves: |authorlink=Armgaard Karl Graves, | authorlink = Armgaard Karl Graves, | authorlink = Thomas Boghardt, |authorlink=Armgaard Karl Graves, | authorlink = Armgaard Karl Graves, | authorlink = Jean Moorcroft Wilson
- Armiesburg, Indiana: |accessdate=2010-12-17↵
- Armijn Pane: |authorlink=A. Teeuw
- Armillaria root rot: |accessdate=30 October 2010, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 26 October 2010 <!--DASHBot-->, |accessdate=30 October 2010
- Armilus: | accessdate = 2014-01-10 , |accessdate= 31 January 2014
- Armin Frieder: |authorlink=Yehuda Bauer , |authorlink=Mordecai Paldiel
- Armin T. Wegner: |authorlink=Israel Charney, |authorlink=Peter Balakian, |authorlink1=Stefan Ihrig
- Arminda Aberastury: |authorlink1=Élisabeth Roudinesco
- Armindo Vaz d'Almeida: |accessdate=1 November 2010, |accessdate=1 November 2010
- Armine baronets: |accessdate=10 December 2017
- Arming cap: |accessdate=26 September 2020 , |accessdate=26 September 2020 , |accessdate=26 September 2020
- Armistead S. Nickens: |authorlink= , |accessdate= February 9, 2015
- Armistice of Saint Jean d'Acre: |authorlink=Claude Auchinleck , |authorlink=Martin Windrow
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- Armoni and Mephibosheth: |authorlink=Matthew George Easton
- Armored group (military unit): |accessdate=31 March 2015
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- Armoured Division No. 1 "Brunete": |accessdate=September 18, 2020
- Arms of Nemesis: |accessdate=6 December 2013
- Arms shipments from Czechoslovakia to Israel 1947–1949: |accessdate=13 July 2013
- Arms, titles, honours and styles of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington: |origyear=1950
- Armson, Collins and Harman: |accessdate=5 June 2011
- Armstrong Cork Company: | accessdate=2011-08-05
- Armstrong MT500: | authorlink =↵
- Armstrong's Theatre of Today: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-10-11
- Army & Navy Stores (United Kingdom): |accessdate=30 December 2015, |accessdate=30 December 2015
- Army Group North: | authorlink6 = Bernd Wegner↵
- Army Group North Rear Area: |authorlink=Geoffrey Megargee, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2015-12-24 , |authorlink = Wolfram Wette
- Army Manoeuvres of 1912: |authorlink=Andrew Boyle
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- Army No. 208 Wireless Set: | accessdate = 15 April 2016
- Army Printing and Stationery Service: |accessdate=21 February 2019 , |accessdate=13 February 2019 , |accessdate=13 February 2019 , |accessdate=13 February 2019 , |accessdate=21 February 2019 , |accessdate=21 February 2019
- Army Science Board: |accessdate= 28 October 2015
- Army Signal Command Cybernetic Security Unit: |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Army Transport Service: |accessdate=23 November 2014 , |accessdate=23 November 2014
- Army War College (Japan): | authorlink =↵
- Army of Congress Poland: |accessdate=13 May 2012, |accessdate=11 May 2012, |accessdate=13 May 2012, |accessdate=13 May 2012, |accessdate=13 May 2012, |accessdate=13 May 2012, |accessdate=13 May 2012, |accessdate=13 May 2012, |accessdate=13 May 2012, |accessdate=13 May 2012
- Army of Helvetia: |authorlink=Gunther E. Rothenberg
- Army of Mainz: |accessdate=1 July 2015
- Army of observation: |accessdate=10 April 2013
- Army of the Ardennes: |accessdate=20 January 2019 , |accessdate=20 January 2019 , |accessdate=20 January 2019
- Army of the Coasts of Brest: |accessdate=22 June 2015 , |accessdate=25 June 2015
- Army of the Coasts of La Rochelle: |accessdate=3 July 2015 , |accessdate=25 June 2015
- Army of the Coasts of the Ocean (1796): |accessdate=3 July 2015
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- Army of the Interior: |accessdate=5 September 2015
- Army of the West (1846): | authorlink = Susan Shelby Magoffin↵
- Army of the West (France): |accessdate=30 December 2017 , |accessdate=30 December 2017 , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Army of the Western Pyrenees: |accessdate=7 May 2015
- Arna Selznick: |authorlink=Jerry Beck, |accessdate=November 13, 2010
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- Arnah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Arnaldo Mussolini: | authorlink=John Gunther
- Arnaldus de Villa Nova: |authorlink=de Villanova, Arnau
- Arnar Jónsson (actor): |accessdate=16 August 2012
- Arnaud d'Usseau: |authorlink=Claude J. Summers
- Arnaude de Rocas: |accessdate=14 October 2017, |accessdate=14 October 2017, |accessdate=14 October 2017
- Arnaut Osman: |accessdate=23 February 2013
- Arncliffe, North Yorkshire: |authorlink=Albert Hugh Smith
- Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven: | accessdate = 2018-01-08
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- Arne Austeen: |authorlink=Arne Ording
- Arne Berggren: |authorlink=Øystein Rottem
- Arne Juland: |authorlink=Tore Pryser
- Arne Kring: |accessdate=6 March 2019
- Arne Magnussen: |authorlink=Per Maurseth
- Arne Taraldsen: |authorlink=Torgrim Titlestad
- Arnett Cobb Is Back: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
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- Arno (ship): | authorlink = Basil Lubbock↵
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- Arno C. Gaebelein: |accessdate=13 December 2015, |accessdate=13 December 2015
- Arno Jahr: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
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- Arno Neumann: |accessdate=15 December 2012
- Arnold Buffum Chace: |accessdate=19 August 2015, |accessdate=16 December 2015
- Arnold Burmeister: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Arnold Dolmetsch: |accessdate=2020-12-04 ↵
- Arnold Dresden: |accessdate=12 February 2018, |origyear=1930
- Arnold Freiherr von Biegeleben: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Arnold Fruchtenbaum: | accessdate= 2015-12-11
- Arnold Gohr: |accessdate=2 January 2020
- Arnold H. Green: |accessdate=19 July 2018 , |authorlink1=Bernard G. Weiss , |authorlink1=Muḥammad Nuwayhī , |authorlink1=Akbar Ahmed
- Arnold Jacques Chadwick: |authorlink1=Norman Franks
- Arnold Kohlschütter: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Arnold Lupton: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
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- Arnold Marshall Rose: |accessdate=November 10, 2014
- Arnold Metzger: |accessdate=11 March 2018, |accessdate=11 March 2018, |accessdate=11 March 2018
- Arnold Morley: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Arnold Moss: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-10-04
- Arnold Pick: |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012
- Arnold Piesse: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arnold Pomfret: |authorlink1=Philip Bailey (statistician)
- Arnold Potts: |authorlink = David Horner , |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh, |authorlink=Gavin Long
- Arnold Reedy: |authorlink = Barry Gustafson
- Arnold Strippel: |authorlink=Günther Schwarberg
- Arnold Suppan: |authorlink=Arnold Suppan
- Arnold Theiler: |accessdate=4 December 2010
- Arnold Tusa: |accessdate=2015-04-06
- Arnold W. Brunner: | accessdate = 2012-05-22↵
- Arnold W. Bunch Jr.: |accessdate=2019-02-21
- Arnold Wall: |accessdate=6 March 2015
- Arnold Wilson: | authorlink = David Fromkin
- Arnold, Nottinghamshire: |accessdate=9 October 2018, |accessdate=23 January 2015, |accessdate=21 May 2014, |accessdate=5 September 2014
- Arnoldo Martínez Verdugo: |authorlink=Roderic Ai Camp, |accessdate=13 December 2009, |accessdate=13 December 2009
- Arnoldus Montanus: | accessdate = 2014-03-27↵
- Arnould Bonneville de Marsangy: |authorlink=Arnould Bonneville de Marsangy
- Arnoun: |authorlink=Victor Guérin
- Arnoux system: |accessdate=17 November 2006, |accessdate=28 November 2008
- Arnside Tower: |accessdate=23 September 2015
- Arnstein Johansen: |authorlink=Jan Eggum, |accessdate=January 26, 2019
- Arnt Haugen: |authorlink=Jan Eggum, |accessdate=January 25, 2019
- Arnulf Rainer (film): |authorlink=P. Adams Sitney
- Aro Kangan: |accessdate=2011-01-02
- Aroa: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aroer: | authorlink = Henry Baker Tristram , | accessdate = 2014-07-17
- Aroha Reriti-Crofts: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Arok Wolvengrey: |accessdate=2020-03-05
- Aromatization: |authorlink1 = Jonathan Clayden, |authorlink3 = Stuart Warren, |authorlink4 = Peter Wothers, |authorlink1 = F. Albert Cotton, |authorlink2 = Geoffrey Wilkinson
- Aron K. Barbey: |accessdate=23 April 2019
- Aron Sheinman: |accessdate=26 May 2015
- Aron Skrobek: |accessdate=19 May 2013
- Aron Zalkind: |authorlink1=Élisabeth Roudinesco
- Aronov: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵, | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Aronowicz: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵, | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Aroostook Farm: |accessdate=20 May 2020
- Aropa Airport: |accessdate=18 May 2011 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=22 October 2008
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- Around Brazil: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Around the world sailing record: |accessdate=31 December 2017
- Arp, Texas: | accessdate=17 November 2013
- Arpeggio: |authorlink1=Chuck Wayne, |authorlink2=Ralph Patt
- Arpin, Wisconsin: |accessdate=March 19, 2012
- Arpège: |accessdate=10 July 2014
- Arqueología Mexicana: |accessdate=16 October 2016
- Arquimedez Pozo: |accessdate=March 6, 2020
- Arrabalera: |accessdate=6 April 2011, |accessdate=6 April 2011
- Arrade: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arranger (banking): |accessdate=26 June 2011
- Arrapha: |accessdate=27 October 2012
- Arrappahoe County, Jefferson Territory: |accessdate=2011-05-05
- Arrathorne: |accessdate=4 February 2014
- Arrernte people: |authorlink1=John Rennie Short↵
- Arreton Manor: |accessdate=4 July 2011, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 29 June 2011 , | accessdate = 5 July 2011 , |accessdate=5 July 2011, | accessdate= 5 July 2011
- Arrhenatherum elatius: |authorlink = Stace, C. A.
- Arrohattoc: |accessdate=14 November 2012, |accessdate=14 November 2012
- Arrol-Aster: | authorlink=G.N. Georgano ↵
- Arroscia: | accessdate = 2017-07-22
- Arrott Building: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Arrow Glacier: |accessdate=October 8, 2014
- Arrow Rock (New Zealand): |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012, |accessdate=31 August 2012
- Arrow information paradox: |authorlink= Kenneth J. Arrow , |authorlink= Henry Chesbrough
- Arrowroot tea: |accessdate=25 August 2017, |accessdate=25 August 2017, |accessdate=25 August 2017, |accessdate=25 August 2017
- Arrows A2: |authorlink=Doug Nye
- Arroyito, Neuquén: |accessdate=13 March 2011, |accessdate=13 March 2011, |accessdate=13 March 2011
- Arroyo Hondo (Santa Clara County): |accessdate=2010-11-21 , |accessdate=2011-08-28
- Arroyo Mocho: |accessdate=2013-01-25
- Arroyo Valle: |accessdate=March 12, 2016
- Arroyo barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Arroz gordo: |accessdate=11 March 2018, |accessdate=11 March 2018
- Arrozal, Arecibo, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Arránquense Muchachos: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae: |accessdate=9 July 2020, |accessdate=13 July 2020, |accessdate=9 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=13 July 2020, |accessdate=13 July 2020
- Ars Magnesia: |accessdate=12 April 2020, |accessdate=12 April 2020, |accessdate=12 April 2020, |accessdate=12 April 2020
- Arsaces (conspirator): |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Arsacia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arsamuh: | authorlink =
- Arsenal Middle School: | accessdate=2011-08-05, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 21 July 2011
- Arsenal of Civitavecchia: |accessdate=2018-11-06
- Arsenal/Surrealist Subversion: |accessdate=June 29, 2015
- Arsenic poisoning cases: |authorlink=Farley Mowat, |origyear=1967, |authorlink=Richard Lloyd Parry, |origyear=2001, |origyear=2001
- Arsenie Boca: |authorlink=Tatiana Niculescu Bran
- Arsenije II: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=Đoko M. Slijepčević, |authorlink=Sava Vuković (bishop)
- Arseny Vorozheykin: |authorlink=Andrey Simonov
- Arsha Vidya Gurukulam: |authorlink=J. Gordon Melton
- Arshag Chobanian: |accessdate=19 October 2011
- Arshak Fetvadjian: | authorlink =Richard G. Hovannisian↵ , | authorlink =Vahan Kurkjian↵
- Arshavir II Kamsarakan: |authorlink= Cyril Toumanoff
- Arsinoe, Queen of Cyprus: |accessdate=8 December 2019
- Arslan Hane, Istanbul: | authorlink=Adriano Balbi↵ , | authorlink=Ernest Mamboury↵ , | authorlink= Raymond Janin↵ , | authorlink=Raymond Janin↵ , | authorlink=Wolfgang Müller-Wiener↵
- Arsole: |accessdate=15 March 2011, |accessdate=15 March 2011, |accessdate=21 March 2011, |accessdate=21 March 2011, |accessdate=23 March 2011
- Arson in medieval Scandinavia: |origyear=1931
- Arson in royal dockyards: |authorlink=Hardinge Giffard, 1st Earl of Halsbury
- Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes: |authorlink=Matthew Bunson
- Arsène Marie Paul Vauthier: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Art (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Art Cowie: |accessdate=2015-04-01
- Art Deco in Paris: |accessdate=2015-05-15↵
- Art Deco in the United States: | authorlink= Bevis Hillier
- Art Ellison: |accessdate=5 October 2012, |accessdate=5 October 2012, |accessdate=5 October 2012
- Art Farmer Quintet featuring Gigi Gryce: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Art Gob: |accessdate=18 February 2016
- Art International: |accessdate=14 June 2012, |accessdate=14 June 2012, |accessdate=14 June 2012
- Art Is...: | accessdate = 2020-04-15
- Art Laibly: |accessdate=19 September 2016, |accessdate=19 September 2016
- Art Lande: |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Art Longsjo: |accessdate=3 November 2018
- Art Loudell: |accessdate=2 September 2019
- Art Mathisen: |accessdate = December 5, 2010
- Art Official Intelligence: Mosaic Thump: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Art and Aviation: |accessdate=24 August 2020
- Art and Life in America: |accessdate=11 July 2016, |accessdate=11 July 2016
- Art competitions at the 1912 Summer Olympics: |accessdate=2008-03-25, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 10 April 2008
- Art competitions at the 1920 Summer Olympics: |accessdate=2008-03-25, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 8 April 2008
- Art in the San Francisco Bay Area: | authorlink = Mark Johnstone and Leslie Aboud Holzman↵
- Art n' Soul: |accessdate=2014-06-26
- Art of Champa: |accessdate=7 February 2013
- Art of Uruk: |authorlink1=Uruk and the Formation of the City, |authorlink1=Cultural and Political Networks in the Ancient Near East during the Fourth and Third Millennia B.C., |authorlink1=Working Lives in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Uruk-Period Mesopotamia, |accessdate=22 November 2017, |authorlink1=Palaces and Temples in Ancient Mesopotamia
- Art of the Trio 4: Back at the Vanguard: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- ArtNexus: |accessdate=24 September 2014
- Artabazes (military officer): |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Artamonov (Russian nobility): |accessdate=2017-11-07
- Artaud (album): |accessdate=July 19, 2018, |accessdate=June 23, 2018
- Artaxerxes (opera): |authorlink=George Hogarth, |authorlink=Oscar Sonneck
- Arte da Lingoa de Iapam: | origyear = 1604-1608↵ , | origyear = 1620↵
- Artedius lateralis: |accessdate=June 24, 2014
- Artemisia argyi: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Artemisia cana: |accessdate=August 15, 2011
- Artemisia maritima: |accessdate=2016-10-23
- Artemisia pontica: |accessdate=2014-08-20
- Artemisia scoparia: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Artemisia stelleriana: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Artemisinin: |authorlink=Nicholas White (physician)
- Artemy Vedel: |accessdate=8 May 2020
- Artemy Volynsky: |authorlink1=Roger Savory
- Artena dotata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Arteriotomy: |accessdate=8 November 2017, |accessdate=8 November 2017
- Artes (magazine): |accessdate=31 December 2008
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- Arthabaska County, Quebec: |accessdate=23 January 2019
- Arthanaari: |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 May 2017
- Arthington: |accessdate=18 December 2015
- Arthrochilus: |accessdate=22 July 2016
- Arthrochilus apectus: |authorlink1=Roland W. Brown
- Arthrochilus irritabilis: |accessdate=28 April 2018
- Arthropleuridea: | authorlink = Richard Fortey
- Arthrotomy: |accessdate=16 June 2011
- Arthur "Smokestack" Hardy: |accessdate=May 14, 2015
- Arthur & George: |accessdate=27 June 2013
- Arthur A. Ballantine: | accessdate = 29 September 2017, | accessdate = 28 September 2017
- Arthur A. Cohen: | authorlink1=Robert Delaunay , | authorlink2=Sonia Delaunay
- Arthur A. Houghton Jr.: |accessdate=22 March 2019 , |accessdate=22 March 2019 , |accessdate=22 March 2019 , |accessdate=22 March 2019 , |accessdate=22 March 2019
- Arthur A. Telcser: |accessdate=June 8, 2020
- Arthur Abbott: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arthur Acland Allen: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur Aitken: |authorlink=Byron Farwell
- Arthur Allen II: |accessdate=19 October 2015
- Arthur Amiotte: | authorlink1 =Janet Catherine Berlo
- Arthur Ashley Sykes: |accessdate=15 March 2012
- Arthur Aston (army officer): |authorlink=Peter Young (historian)
- Arthur Atkinson (politician, born 1833): |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Arthur B. Woodford: |accessdate=April 5, 2015
- Arthur Bagot: |authorlink=Reginald Bacon
- Arthur Barnes (politician): |authorlink=Joey Smallwood
- Arthur Barnett (businessman): | authorlink = ↵
- Arthur Barrand: |authorlink=F. W. S. Craig↵, |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur Barret: |accessdate=2008-06-27
- Arthur Beales: | accessdate = 2020-03-18↵
- Arthur Bell Nicholls: |authorlink=Juliet Barker
- Arthur Benni: | accessdate = 10 October 2011
- Arthur Bergh: |accessdate=16 November 2011, |accessdate=16 November 2011, |accessdate=16 November 2011, |accessdate=16 November 2011, |accessdate=16 November 2011, |accessdate=16 November 2011, |accessdate=16 November 2011, |accessdate=16 November 2011
- Arthur Berson: |accessdate=13 July 2013
- Arthur Besse: |authorlink=Arthur Besse , |authorlink=Arthur Besse
- Arthur Bickerton: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arthur Bignold: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Arthur Bingham Walkley: |authorlink2=George William Lyttelton , |origyear=1978 and 1979
- Arthur Black (Liberal politician): |origyear=1910↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur Black (mathematician): |accessdate=1 April 2013, |accessdate=1 April 2013, |accessdate=1 April 2013, |accessdate=1 April 2013, |accessdate=1 April 2013, |accessdate=1 April 2013
- Arthur Bloomfeld: |accessdate=23 April 2014 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=28 May 2008 ↵
- Arthur Bluethenthal: |accessdate=December 22, 2010, |accessdate=December 22, 2010, |accessdate=December 22, 2010, |accessdate=December 22, 2010, |accessdate=December 22, 2010, |accessdate=December 22, 2010
- Arthur Boyars: |accessdate=12 December 2010
- Arthur Bradfield Fairclough: |accessdate=23 July 2015
- Arthur Brooke (poet): |accessdate=27 June 2013, |accessdate=27 June 2013
- Arthur Brooks (politician): |accessdate=2014-12-14
- Arthur Bryant's: |accessdate=2014-11-26 , |authorlink=Calvin Trillin
- Arthur Bunster: |accessdate=2009-09-21
- Arthur Burks: | authorlink = Alice Burks , |authorlink2=Arthur Burks , | authorlink = Alice Burks , |authorlink2=Arthur Burks
- Arthur C. Blades: |accessdate=2020-01-17, |accessdate=2020-01-17
- Arthur Campbell (chemist): |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington , |accessdate=23 June 2019
- Arthur Capell, 6th Earl of Essex: |accessdate=7 December 2014, |accessdate=7 December 2014, |accessdate=7 December 2014
- Arthur Carlos Henry Rumbold: |accessdate=2 October 2017
- Arthur Catherall: |accessdate=2016-12-29
- Arthur Cayley: |authorlink=Stephen Wolfram
- Arthur Charles Rothery Nutt: |authorlink1=Martin Farndale
- Arthur Clare Cawley: |accessdate=2013-06-27
- Arthur Claydon: |accessdate=6 October 2014
- Arthur Clery: |authorlink=James Joyce
- Arthur Cohen (politician): |accessdate=20 October 2018
- Arthur Cole-Hamilton: |accessdate=15 June 2019
- Arthur Collins (antiquarian): |authorlink=Tobias Smollett
- Arthur Collins (courtier): |authorlink=Arthur Jacobs
- Arthur Collins (politician): |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Arthur Collins (theatre manager): |authorlink=Eliza Davis, | origyear=1922 , | authorlink=Gilbert Frankau
- Arthur Conolly: | authorlink = Peter Hopkirk
- Arthur Cook (New Zealand politician): |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Arthur Corbett, 3rd Baron Rowallan: |accessdate=28 November 2016
- Arthur Crew Inman: | authorlink2 = Daniel Aaron
- Arthur Croome: |accessdate=25 October 2017
- Arthur Curtiss James House: |authorlink= , |accessdate=
- Arthur D. Bond: |accessdate=March 29, 2018
- Arthur D. Kelly: |accessdate=2013-12-19
- Arthur Dallidet: |accessdate=2015-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-08↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-08, |accessdate=2015-06-09↵ , |accessdate=2015-06-09
- Arthur David McCormick: |authorlink=Algernon Graves
- Arthur David Torlesse: | authorlink2=Lorna Arnold
- Arthur Davies (politician): |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arthur Dean (British politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Arthur Deane: |accessdate=18 September 2016
- Arthur Derounian: |authorlink=Sunand Tryambak Joshi
- Arthur Desmond: |accessdate=2014-12-24
- Arthur Dimmock: |accessdate=1 January 2013
- Arthur Dinaux: |accessdate=13 May 2013
- Arthur Donaldson (actor): |accessdate=26 July 2010↵
- Arthur Duckworth: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur Dudley Dobson: | accessdate= 7 May 2011 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 12 June 2011 , |accessdate=8 May 2011
- Arthur Dudley Vinton: |accessdate=26 June 2019 , |accessdate=26 June 2019
- Arthur E. Demaray: |accessdate=August 4, 2015
- Arthur E. Juve: |accessdate=15 August 2017, |accessdate=16 September 2017, |accessdate=16 September 2017
- Arthur E. Stadler: |accessdate=2014-01-28
- Arthur Earley: |accessdate=11 June 2018
- Arthur Ebeling House: |accessdate=2010-11-07
- Arthur Edward George: |authorlink=↵
- Arthur Eichengrün: |accessdate= December 12, 2018
- Arthur Elgort: |accessdate=May 10, 2013, |accessdate=May 10, 2013, |accessdate=May 10, 2013
- Arthur Elliot (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Arthur Ellis Franklin: |accessdate=4 November 2015
- Arthur Emerson: |accessdate=3 July 2010
- Arthur Engel (mathematician): |accessdate=2014-05-05
- Arthur F. Griffith: |authorlink=William Lowe Bryan
- Arthur F. Hinz: |accessdate=2013-11-22
- Arthur F. Kramer: |accessdate=13 March 2017, |accessdate=14 March 2017
- Arthur Fell: |origyear=1910↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur Fickenscher: |authorlink=Percy Grainger↵
- Arthur Finger: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Arthur Foxton Ferguson: |accessdate=13 August 2013, |accessdate=12 August 2013, |accessdate=14 August 2013, |accessdate=12 August 2013, |accessdate=12 August 2013
- Arthur Frank Mathews: |accessdate=April 17, 2010
- Arthur French (politician): |accessdate=13 June 2019
- Arthur G. Jones-Williams: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Arthur Gaebelein: |accessdate=3 December 2012
- Arthur Gakwandi: |accessdate=3 December 2014
- Arthur Garfield Hays: | accessdate = 12 November 2019
- Arthur Gerald Knight: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Arthur Gilbert Bull: |accessdate=3 July 2015
- Arthur Gilman: |accessdate = August 11, 2019
- Arthur Good: |accessdate=8 November 2016, |accessdate=8 November 2016, |accessdate=8 November 2016, |accessdate=8 November 2016, |accessdate=8 November 2016
- Arthur Gore, 2nd Earl of Arran: |accessdate=1 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 May 2020 , |accessdate=1 May 2020
- Arthur Goring Thomas: |accessdate=11 June 2019
- Arthur Goss: | accessdate = 2013-01-26↵
- Arthur Granville Dewalt: |accessdate=19 October 2019
- Arthur Granville Soames: |accessdate=6 February 2018
- Arthur Grenfell Clarke: |accessdate=24 June 2018
- Arthur Grey, 14th Baron Grey de Wilton: |authorlink= Arthur Grey, 14th Baron Grey de Wilton
- Arthur Grigg: |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Arthur Guinness II: |accessdate=2 August 2017
- Arthur Guinness, 1st Baron Ardilaun: |accessdate=2 August 2017
- Arthur Gull: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arthur H. Connolly Jr.: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Arthur H. Harris: |accessdate=18 April 2020, |accessdate=3 October 2018 , |accessdate=3 October 2018
- Arthur H. Treutel: |accessdate=2013-11-26
- Arthur Halcombe: |authorlink = Guy Scholefield , | origyear=First published in 1913
- Arthur Hall (New Zealand politician): |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Arthur Hammerstein: |accessdate=February 24, 2014, |accessdate=2014-05-19
- Arthur Harper (trader): |authorlink=Hudson Stuck
- Arthur Hartmann: | accessdate=2018-05-15
- Arthur Hauffe: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Arthur Heath: |origyear=1974↵
- Arthur Hellyer: | accessdate=13 January 2012
- Arthur Henderson Smith: | authorlink = David E. Mungello
- Arthur Henniker-Hughan: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Arthur Henry Cheatle: |accessdate=2012-12-30, |accessdate=2012-12-30, |accessdate=2012-12-30
- Arthur Henry Cole: |accessdate=16 June 2019
- Arthur Henry Shakespeare Lucas: |accessdate=16 September 2009
- Arthur Herbert Lindsay Richardson: |accessdate=2014-07-04
- Arthur Hill, 2nd Marquess of Downshire: | authorlink=James William Edmund Doyle
- Arthur Hill, 3rd Marquess of Downshire: | authorlink=James William Edmund Doyle
- Arthur Hill, 4th Marquess of Downshire: | authorlink=James William Edmund Doyle
- Arthur Hill, 5th Marquess of Downshire: | authorlink=James William Edmund Doyle
- Arthur Hill, 6th Marquess of Downshire: | authorlink=James William Edmund Doyle
- Arthur Hobhouse: |authorlink=Michael Holroyd
- Arthur Hobhouse, 1st Baron Hobhouse: |authorlink=Arthur Hobhouse, 1st Baron Hobhouse
- Arthur Hodgson: |accessdate=19 June 2019
- Arthur Holworthy: |authorlink=Compton Mackenzie
- Arthur Hutchinson (mineralogist): |accessdate=18 April 2019
- Arthur Ingram Aston: |accessdate=10 June 2019 , |accessdate=10 June 2019 , |accessdate=10 June 2019 , |accessdate=10 June 2019 , |accessdate=10 June 2019
- Arthur J. Forrest: |accessdate= October 16, 2017, |accessdate= October 16, 2017
- Arthur J. Miller: |accessdate=2014-02-02
- Arthur James (racehorse owner): |authorlink=Keith Middlemas
- Arthur James Dingle: |authorlink1=Melville Henry Massue
- Arthur John Moore: |accessdate=28 March 2016
- Arthur John Priest: |accessdate=27 May 2018
- Arthur Johnson (historian): |accessdate=12 April 2020, |accessdate=12 April 2020, |accessdate=12 April 2020, |authorlink1=Henry Sanderson Furniss, 1st Baron Sanderson , |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Arthur Kent: |accessdate=5 June 2019
- Arthur Kill Bridge: |accessdate=6 August 2015
- Arthur Kullmer: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Arthur L. Thurlow: |accessdate=2018-04-23
- Arthur Le Clerq: |accessdate=2016-04-09
- Arthur Leary: |accessdate=13 June 2018 , |accessdate=20 October 2017
- Arthur Lee Simpkins: |accessdate=15 January 2019, |accessdate=15 January 2019
- Arthur Leech: |accessdate=2 July 2018 , |accessdate=2 July 2018
- Arthur Lees: |authorlink=David Feherty
- Arthur Leo Zagat: |authorlink=John Clute , |authorlink2=Peter Nicholls (writer) , |authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Arthur Leslie Cameron: |accessdate=September 11, 2020 , |accessdate=September 11, 2020
- Arthur Lillie: |accessdate=2008-07-05
- Arthur Longbottom (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Arthur Lowe (painter): |accessdate=17 May 2017
- Arthur Löwenstamm: | accessdate= 8 August 2017
- Arthur M. Brown: |accessdate=March 22, 2015
- Arthur M. Wellington: | accessdate=September 18, 2018, | accessdate=September 18, 2018
- Arthur MacArthur III: |accessdate=2 June 2015, |accessdate=1 June 2015, |accessdate=1 June 2015
- Arthur MacDonald Pearson: |accessdate=2009-12-31
- Arthur MacNalty: | authorlink2 = Liam Donaldson↵
- Arthur Magenis: |accessdate=12 June 2019 , |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019 , |accessdate=12 June 2019 , |accessdate=13 June 2019 , |accessdate=13 June 2019 , |authorlink1=Vikenty Veresaev , |authorlink=T. J. Binyon , |accessdate=27 January 2020
- Arthur Male: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arthur Manuel: |accessdate=10 May 2013, |accessdate=10 May 2013
- Arthur Margetson: |accessdate=6 March 2019
- Arthur Marohn: |accessdate=10 December 2012
- Arthur Marsden (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur Martinelli: | accessdate=November 27, 2015, | accessdate=October 3, 2009
- Arthur Matthews (mathematician): |authorlink=Marguerite Poland
- Arthur Mattuck: |accessdate=2015-08-27
- Arthur McKay: |accessdate=2020-10-07, |accessdate=2020-10-07
- Arthur Middleton (1681–1737): |accessdate=15 September 2013
- Arthur Mills (MP): | accessdate= 22 September 2012↵
- Arthur Mohns: |accessdate=9 December 2012
- Arthur Moir: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arthur Montagu Brookfield: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1989↵
- Arthur Moore (Grimsby MP): |accessdate=6 April 2013
- Arthur Moore (Manitoba politician): |accessdate=2012-01-07
- Arthur Morris with the Australian cricket team in England in 1948: |authorlink=John Arlott , |authorlink=Jack Fingleton , |authorlink=Roland Perry , | authorlink=Roland Perry, |authorlink=Roland Perry, |authorlink=Jack Pollard
- Arthur Myers: | authorlink1=Paul Goldsmith , |authorlink2=Michael Bassett
- Arthur Mørch Hansson: |authorlink=Sverre Kjeldstadli , |authorlink=Arne Semb-Johansson
- Arthur Nash (businessman): |accessdate=July 27, 2014, |accessdate=August 8, 2014, |accessdate=August 10, 2014, |origyear=1950, |accessdate=August 24, 2014, |accessdate=July 27, 2014, |accessdate=July 31, 2014, |accessdate=August 3, 2014, |accessdate=August 3, 2014
- Arthur Nazarian: |accessdate=13 March 2011, |accessdate=13 March 2011
- Arthur Noss: |authorlink1=Norman Franks
- Arthur Nussbaum: |accessdate=May 20, 2018 , |accessdate= May 20, 2018, |accessdate= December 28, 2019, |accessdate= December 27, 2019, |accessdate= December 27, 2019
- Arthur O'Callaghan: |accessdate=23 May 2010, |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Arthur O'Connor (United Irishman): |accessdate=17 November 2020
- Arthur Oakley Coltman: |accessdate=7 June 2014, |accessdate=7 June 2014, |accessdate=6 June 2014
- Arthur Oldham: |accessdate=30 July 2015, |accessdate=30 July 2015
- Arthur Ollivier: |accessdate= 31 March 2013 , |accessdate= 31 March 2013
- Arthur Omar: |accessdate=January 21, 2010 , |accessdate=January 21, 2010
- Arthur P. Fairfield: |accessdate=17 August 2020
- Arthur Peddy: |authorlink= Bill Schelly
- Arthur Pendleton Mason: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2014-06-28 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2016-12-24
- Arthur Penty: | authorlink = Nikolaus Pevsner , | origyear = 1972
- Arthur Percy Mitchell: |accessdate=March 8, 2015
- Arthur Percy Swallow: |accessdate=2012-06-04
- Arthur Perdue: |accessdate=20 July 2020, | authorlink =↵ , |accessdate=19 July 2020, |accessdate=19 July 2020, |accessdate=19 July 2020, |accessdate=19 July 2020
- Arthur Plugge: |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley, |authorlink=Christopher Pugsley, |authorlink=Hugh Stewart (classical scholar), |authorlink=Fred Waite (politician)
- Arthur Pollen: |authorlink=Arthur Marder , |authorlink=Robert Massie
- Arthur Prest: |accessdate=2 February 2012
- Arthur R. Curtis: |origyear=
- Arthur R. Outlaw: |accessdate=April 21, 2015
- Arthur Ratcliffe: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur Ray Hawkins: |accessdate=2014-11-16, |accessdate=2014-11-16
- Arthur Reed (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵
- Arthur Remington: |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Arthur Richard Andrew Scace: |accessdate=October 11, 2014, |accessdate=October 11, 2014, |accessdate=October 11, 2014
- Arthur Robert Kenney-Herbert: |accessdate=2 September 2017, |authorlink=Elizabeth David
- Arthur Robert Oliver: |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Arthur Robin: |accessdate=10 October 2011
- Arthur Rollini: |authorlink1=Carlo Bohländer , |authorlink1=Leonard Feather, |authorlink2=Ira Gitler
- Arthur Rotch: |accessdate=5 March 2017, |accessdate=5 March 2017
- Arthur Rubbra: |authorlink=Arthur Rubbra ↵
- Arthur S. Adams: |accessdate=2020-05-31, |accessdate=2020-05-31
- Arthur S. Carpender: | authorlink = Clay Blair↵ , | authorlink = David Horner↵ , | authorlink = Samuel Eliot Morison↵ , | authorlink=↵
- Arthur Samish: |authorlink2=Bob Thomas (reporter)
- Arthur Sandbach: |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds
- Arthur Saunders Thomson: |accessdate=1 June 2012
- Arthur Schmidt (general): | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = Antony Beevor↵ , | authorlink = John Erickson (historian)↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Arthur Schoellkopf: |accessdate=25 October 2015, |accessdate=21 October 2015, |accessdate=25 October 2015, |accessdate=25 October 2015
- Arthur Schopenhauer (sculpture): |authorlink=Bride Neill Taylor, |accessdate=October 10, 2017, |accessdate=October 10, 2017
- Arthur Sexton: |origyear=First published in 1913
- Arthur Shepherd (politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1969
- Arthur Smith (curator): |authorlink = W. C. Lubenow
- Arthur Smith (historian): | accessdate=August 16, 2011, |accessdate=10 November 2018
- Arthur Stace: |accessdate=23 December 2014
- Arthur Stallworthy: |accessdate= 29 December 2014
- Arthur Stanley Mackenzie: |authorlink=Peter Busby Waite
- Arthur Stanley Ramsey: |accessdate=16 March 2013
- Arthur Stein (activist): | accessdate = 15 November 2019, | authorlink1 = Clarence Taylor↵, | authorlink2 = ↵, | accessdate = 15 November 2019, | accessdate = 15 November 2019, | accessdate = 15 November 2019, | accessdate = 15 November 2019, | accessdate = 15 November 2019, | accessdate = 17 November 2019, | accessdate = 17 November 2019, | accessdate = 17 November 2019, | accessdate = 12 November 2019
- Arthur Stivaletta: |accessdate=7 November 2019
- Arthur Strauss: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵ , |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur Symonds: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig
- Arthur Szyk Society: |accessdate=2 August 2017, |accessdate=2 August 2017
- Arthur T. Mosher: |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=25 November 2012
- Arthur T. Prescott: |accessdate=8 November 2015, |accessdate=February 27, 2015, |accessdate=8 November 2015, |accessdate=8 November 2015
- Arthur Talmage Abernethy: |accessdate=November 7, 2012
- Arthur Tange: |authorlink=Peter Edwards (historian)
- Arthur Tappan: |accessdate=April 21, 2017
- Arthur Thistlewood: |authorlink=Charles Oman, |accessdate = 2011-06-24
- Arthur Thomas Bate: |accessdate=12 April 2014 , |accessdate=12 April 2014
- Arthur Thomas Drinkwater: |authorlink1=Norman Franks
- Arthur Thomas Procter: |accessdate=2012-04-30
- Arthur Thornhill: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Arthur Throop: |accessdate=2014-03-01, |accessdate=2014-03-01
- Arthur Tobin: |accessdate=September 24, 2016, |accessdate=September 24, 2016
- Arthur Tonkin (politician): |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arthur V. Peterson: |authorlink=Arthur Compton , |authorlink2=Richard G. Hewlett , |accessdate=August 25, 2013
- Arthur W. Coats Jr.: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Arthur W. Overmyer: |authorlink2=Daniel J. Ryan
- Arthur W. Radford: |authorlink2=Stephen Jurika
- Arthur Wagner: |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner, |origyear=1947, |origyear=1951, |origyear=1954, |authorlink1=Anthony Wagner
- Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge: |authorlink=↵
- Arthur Wansbrough: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Arthur Webb (co-operator): |accessdate=30 June 2017
- Arthur Wellesley Vowell: |accessdate=2011-07-25, |accessdate=2011-07-25
- Arthur Wellesley, 4th Duke of Wellington: |authorlink1=Charles Roger Dod, |accessdate=10 June 2013
- Arthur Willey (solicitor): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Arthur William Buller: |accessdate=21 June 2018
- Arthur William McLeod: |accessdate=2018-05-26
- Arthur Wills (musician): |accessdate=3 November 2014
- Arthur Wontner: |authorlink=Matthew Bunson, |authorlink=Alan Barnes (writer) , |authorlink=Vincent Starrett
- Arthur Wyns: |accessdate=8 February 2021
- Arthur Yendell: |authorlink = Barry Gustafson
- Arthur Young (accountant): |accessdate=11 December 2019
- Arthur de Pourtalès: |accessdate=10 May 2020 , |accessdate=9 May 2020 , |accessdate=9 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2020
- Arthur van Essen: |accessdate=24 February 2011
- Arthur! and the Square Knights of the Round Table: |accessdate=6 May 2020
- Arthur's O'on: |accessdate=2 December 2017, |accessdate=2 December 2017, |accessdate=2 December 2017, |accessdate=2 December 2017, |accessdate=2 December 2017, |accessdate=2 December 2017
- Arthur's Teacher Trouble: |accessdate=23 October 2012
- Arthur, Tennessee: |accessdate=21 November 2011
- Arthurs-Johnson House: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Artichoke production in Italy: |accessdate=27 September 2012, |accessdate=27 September 2012, |accessdate=27 September 2012, |accessdate=27 September 2012, |accessdate=27 September 2012
- Article 15 (Democratic Republic of the Congo): |accessdate=3 April 2020
- Article 98 of the Constitution of Costa Rica: |accessdate=26 July 2019, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=1 October 2015, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=1 October 2015, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=16 February 2016, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=4 March 2016, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=16 February 2016
- Articles of partnership: |authorlink=Arthur O'Sullivan (economist)
- Articulation (architecture): | authorlink =↵, |accessdate=2007-12-25↵, |accessdate=2007-12-25↵, |accessdate=2007-12-24↵
- Artie "Blues Boy" White: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Artie Green: |accessdate=2016-09-11, |accessdate=2016-09-11, |accessdate=2016-09-11, |accessdate=2016-09-11
- Artie Ripp: |accessdate=June 30, 2015, |accessdate=October 30, 2015, |accessdate=November 13, 2015, |accessdate=July 22, 2016, |accessdate=January 14, 2016, |accessdate=November 20, 2015, |accessdate=November 17, 2015, |accessdate=November 22, 2015, |accessdate=November 9, 2015
- Artie Traum: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 16, 2019
- Artie Wayne: |accessdate=3 November 2014
- Artifact (album): |accessdate=2020-04-04, |accessdate=2020-04-04
- Artificial Intelligence (compilation album): |authorlink=Colin Larkin
- Artificial caves of Casal do Pardo: |accessdate=9 May 2019
- Artificial creation: | authorlink = ↵
- Artificial facet replacement: |accessdate=17 February 2016
- Artificial satellites in retrograde orbit: |accessdate=2014-11-30, |accessdate=2014-11-30
- Artificial society: |authorlink1=Joshua M. Epstein, |authorlink2=Robert Axtell
- Artificial urinary sphincter: |accessdate=24 January 2020, |accessdate=19 January 2020, |accessdate=24 January 2020
- Artifort: |accessdate=2017-04-07, |accessdate=2017-04-07
- Artigas Department: |authorlink=Carlos María Domínguez
- Artil: |accessdate=5 February 2021
- Artillery miniature range: |authorlink1=Martin Farndale
- Artillery sound ranging: |accessdate=2006-05-29
- Artillery wheel: |accessdate=24 June 2020
- Artin's theorem on induced characters: | authorlink = Jean-Pierre Serre↵
- Artinian module: | authorlink = Michael Atiyah↵, |authorlink2=Ian G. Macdonald ↵
- Artipus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Artipus floridanus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Artist's impression: | accessdate=24 May 2013
- Artistic License (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Artistic canons of body proportions: |accessdate=15 October 2020
- Artognou stone: | authorlink = Alan M. Kent
- Artouz: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Arts Catalyst: |accessdate=27 June 2013
- Arts of Caucasian Albania: | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= , | accessdate= ↵, | accessdate= ↵, | accessdate= ↵, | accessdate= ↵
- Artsakh (historic province): |authorlink=Robert Hewsen
- Artsakh Revival Day: |authorlink = Martin Gilbert↵
- Artscribe: |accessdate=3 December 2016
- Artuklu Palace: |accessdate=7 November 2010
- Artur Schmitt: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Arturo Enrile: |accessdate=July 27, 2016
- Arturo Herrera: |accessdate=2009-09-09
- Arturo Mas: | accessdate = 6 March 2015↵
- Arturo Pagliai: |accessdate=2017-10-06
- Arturo Sampay: | authorlink= Alberto Buela↵, | accessdate = 2012-06-18↵
- Arturo de Marcoartu: |accessdate=5 November 2019
- Artz House: |accessdate=12 September 2012
- Artze: | authorlink = Nicolas Oikonomides
- Artūras Skučas: |accessdate=25 March 2011, |accessdate=25 March 2011
- Aru, Jammu and Kashmir: | accessdate=16 April 2012 , | accessdate=16 April 2012
- Arudji Kartawinata: |authorlink1=Rosihan Anwar
- Arugot: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Arum frog: | authorlink = Jonathan Kingdon
- Arumai Magal Abirami: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 July 2018
- Arumugam Sellamuttu: |accessdate=28 September 2020, |accessdate=28 September 2020
- Arun Alagappan: |accessdate=17 July 2017
- Arun Joshi: |accessdate=17 August 2016, |accessdate=20 May 2020
- Arun Valley line: | archiveurl=, | archivedate=17 July 2011
- Arunachalam Mahadeva: |authorlink=S. Arumugam
- Arunavati River: |accessdate=6 February 2017
- Arundel Castle Cricket Ground: |accessdate=8 February 2016, |accessdate=8 February 2016, |accessdate=8 February 2016
- Arundell family: |accessdate=3 July 2017
- Arundhati (epic): | accessdate=October 25, 2012
- Arung Palakka: |authorlink=Leonard Y. Andaya, |authorlink=M. C. Ricklefs
- Arusha District: |accessdate=September 3, 2012
- Arvachin Kavita: |authorlink=Mansukhlal Jhaveri
- Arvada, Wyoming: |accessdate=September 6, 2011, |accessdate=September 6, 2011, |accessdate=September 6, 2011, |accessdate=September 6, 2011, |accessdate=September 6, 2011
- Arvandus: |authorlink=Ormonde Maddock Dalton
- Arved Crüger: |origyear=1986↵
- Arvid August Afzelius: |origyear=1972
- Arvid Harnack: |accessdate=27 December 2019, |accessdate=19 February 2021, |accessdate=14 January 2021, |accessdate=27 December 2019, |accessdate=31 January 2021, |accessdate=22 January 2021, |accessdate=2 March 2021, |accessdate=1 February 2021, |accessdate=1 February 2021, |accessdate=20 January 2021
- Arvid Lundell: |accessdate=2011-11-30
- Arvid Stålarm the Younger: |authorlink=Yrjö Koskinen, |authorlink=Michael Roberts (historian)
- Arvind Kumar (academic): |accessdate=25 March 2018
- Arwald: |authorlink=Barbara Yorke
- Arwen Elys Dayton: |accessdate=25 January 2019
- Arya Kanya Gurukul: |accessdate=18 November 2017, |accessdate=18 November 2017
- Aryamba Pattabhi: |accessdate=1 May 2017
- Aryan Nations Motorcycle Riders Division: |accessdate=July 19, 2019
- Aryan paragraph: |authorlink=Peter Longerich
- Aryeh Azulai: |accessdate=25 June 2011
- Aryeh Tzvi Frumer: |accessdate=19 June 2014
- Arytenoid adduction: |author3link=John Niparko
- Arzen: | authorlink = Joseph Marquart
- Arzoo (1942 film): |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Arzu Ceylan: |accessdate=2013-05-24 , |accessdate=2013-05-24
- Arıcak: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- As Day Follows Night: | authorlink1 = John O'Donnell (music journalist) , | authorlink2 = Toby Creswell , | authorlink3 = Craig Mathieson
- As I Lay Dying discography: |accessdate=February 25, 2014
- As It Is (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- As It Is Written: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Will Murray (writer)
- As One (Jane Ira Bloom and Fred Hersch album): |accessdate=24 August 2020
- As River: |accessdate=23 August 2015
- As Subaykhi: |accessdate=11 May 2011, |accessdate=11 May 2011
- As Suwayriqiyah: |accessdate=11 May 2011
- As The World Falls Down: |authorlink1=Nicholas Pegg
- As easy as pie: |accessdate=29 November 2010, |accessdate=29 November 2010
- As the Deer: |accessdate=15 December 2016
- As the Years Go By: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- As-Salih Ismail, Sultan of Egypt: |authorlink=Peter Holt (historian), |authorlink=Peter Holt (historian), |authorlink=Moshe Sharon
- As-Sarim al-Maslul 'ala Shatim ar-Rasul: |accessdate=13 November 2019
- As-Sultaniyah: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Asa Aldis: |accessdate=15 November 2019
- Asa Hoffmann: |accessdate=Jun 6, 2019
- Asa Koma: |accessdate=7 September 2014, |accessdate=15 November 2014, |accessdate=7 September 2014
- Asa Mahan: |accessdate=August 20, 2019↵
- Asa O. Aldis: |accessdate=15 November 2019
- Asab oil field: |accessdate=2014-05-14
- Asad Badie: |accessdate=2 January 2019
- Asada Goryu: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Asadabad, Afghanistan: |authorlink=Edward Girardet, |authorlink1=Milton Bearden, |authorlink2=James Risen, |authorlink=Alexander Burnes, |authorlink=Annette Beveridge, |authorlink=Ludwig W. Adamec, |authorlink=Mark Urban
- Asadollah Lajevardi: |accessdate=27 July 2013
- Asahel Farr: |accessdate=December 26, 2019
- Asahel Grant: |accessdate =December 29, 2013↵
- Asahel Smith: |accessdate=August 25, 2019
- Asahi Camera: |accessdate=30 April 2016
- Asahi Kurizuka: |accessdate=3 January 2011
- Asahi Uchida: |accessdate=29 August 2012
- Asai Anna Arumai Thambi: | authorlink=Film News Anandan
- Asaita: |accessdate=19 January 2016
- Asakusabashi: |accessdate=22 April 2020
- Asamanja: |authorlink=Valmiki, |authorlink=James Talboys Wheeler
- Asandhimitra: |accessdate=25 September 2020 , |accessdate=25 September 2020 , |accessdate=25 September 2020
- Asaph Hall Jr.: |accessdate= 2013-04-07
- Asaph Ward: |accessdate = 8 August 2012
- Asaphodes imperfecta: |authorlink=George Hudson (entomologist)
- Asaphodes obarata: |authorlink=George Hudson (entomologist)
- Asari (Mass Effect): |authorlink1=Casey Hudson
- Asbestos Mountains: |accessdate=2010-01-12
- Asbestovsky (rural locality): |accessdate=7 September 2011
- Asbjørn Andersen: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- Asbri: |accessdate=8 September 2014, |accessdate=4 May 2016
- Asbury AME Church: |accessdate=5 May 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2018, |accessdate=29 June 2017, |accessdate=10 February 2018
- Asbury Rapid Transit System: |accessdate=24 June 2015
- Asby, Sweden: |accessdate=April 30, 2019
- Ascanio Marchesini: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Ascanio Sobrero: |accessdate=8 August 2011
- Ascari A10: |accessdate=26 November 2012
- Ascaric: | origyear=1874
- Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (soundtrack): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Ascension Church, Riga: |authorlink= Vita Banga
- Ascent of Mont Ventoux: | authorlink=James Hillman
- Ascent of the A-Word: | authorlink = Geoffrey Nunberg↵
- Asclepias eriocarpa: |accessdate=24 August 2012
- Asclepias speciosa: |authorlink=C. P. Lyons
- Ascobolus brassicae: | authorlink = Stefan Buczacki
- Ascobolus carbonarius: | authorlink = Michael Jordan (mycologist)
- Ascobolus denudatus: | authorlink = Michael Jordan (mycologist)
- Ascobolus stercorarius: | authorlink = Michael Jordan (mycologist)
- Ascog House: |origyear=1894, |authorlink=John Kay (caricaturist) , |authorlink=Nigel Tranter
- Ascoli Piceno Baptistery: |accessdate=19 November 2016
- Asega: |accessdate=13 December 2012
- Asega-bôk: |authorlink=Joseph Bosworth, |authorlink=Joseph Bosworth, |accessdate=13 December 2012, |authorlink1=Paul Henri Mallet, |authorlink1=Rolf Bremmer
- Asekretis: | authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Asenath Bole Odaga: |accessdate=2 February 2018
- Asenav: |accessdate=21 May 2018
- Asenvågøy Lighthouse: |authorlink=Norwegian Coastal Administration
- Aseret: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Asfalt Records: |accessdate=18 September 2015
- Asgar Ali Karbalai: |accessdate=25 November 2014
- Ash Fork station: |authorlink=Marshall Trimble
- Ash Grove Township, Iroquois County, Illinois: |accessdate=2010-10-15↵, |accessdate=2010-10-15↵, |accessdate=2010-10-15↵
- Ash Hole Cavern: |accessdate=11 August 2015
- Ash Wednesday (poem): |accessdate=27 July 2015, |accessdate=27 July 2015, |accessdate=27 July 2015
- Ash to Brookwood Heaths: |authorlink=Derek Ratcliffe
- Ash-Sheikh Sa'd: |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Ash-Shiraa: |accessdate=27 September 2013
- Ash-Shuhada: |authorlink=Adam Zertal
- Asha Mevlana: |accessdate = November 8, 2014, |accessdate=3 June 2014
- Ashab Uddin Ahmad: |accessdate=3 February 2016, |accessdate=4 February 2016, |accessdate=7 February 2016, |accessdate=7 February 2016, |accessdate=7 February 2016, |accessdate=7 February 2016, |accessdate=7 February 2016
- Ashakara: |accessdate=28 December 2012
- Ashana Game Reserve: |authorlink=United Nations Environment Programme, |accessdate=2 August 2011
- Ashanti Empire: |accessdate= 2020-12-29
- Ashanti Regional Minister: |accessdate=12 April 2020
- Ashanti Yam Festival: |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=25 November 2012
- Ashar: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2014-02-01
- Ashbel Green Gulliver: |accessdate=2011-04-14, |accessdate=2011-04-14, |accessdate=2011-04-14, |accessdate=2011-04-14, |accessdate=2011-04-14
- Ashbel H. Barney: |accessdate=28 July 2020
- Ashbel P. Fitch: |accessdate=December 25, 2017
- Ashbourne portrait: |authorlink = Percy Allen (writer)↵ , |authorlink = Percy Allen (writer)↵ , |authorlink = Sir Sidney Lee↵ , |authorlink = James S. Shapiro↵
- Ashburn, Georgia: | accessdate=30 November 2013
- Ashburnham Park: |authorlink=Derek Ratcliffe
- Ashburton County Rugby Union: |accessdate=7 February 2016
- Ashburton Downs: |accessdate=30 April 2014
- Ashby de la Launde: |accessdate=10 December 2013
- Ashby de la Zouch railway station: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Ashby, Minnesota: |authorlink=Warren Upham
- Ashby, Suffolk: |authorlink1=Nikolaus Pevsner , |origyear=1961
- Ashdale, Nova Scotia: |accessdate=16 March 2018
- Ashen Victor: | authorlink=Yukito Kishiro
- Asher Cohen: |accessdate=2020-01-18
- Asher Mizrahi: |accessdate=25 January 2017, |accessdate=25 January 2017, |accessdate=25 January 2017
- Asher Naim: |accessdate=February 10, 2018
- Asher yatzar: |authorlink1=Fred Rosner
- Ashes (Illenium album): | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Ashfield Gales: |authorlink=Bernard Burke, |authorlink=Bernard Burke, |authorlink=John Burke (genealogist), |authorlink2=Thomas Sadleir , |authorlink=William Carrigan, |authorlink=John O'Hart, |authorlink=Ralph Thoresby
- Ashfield gang rapes: |authorlink=Paul Sheehan (journalist)
- Ashford Emmanuel Inkumsah: |authorlink=Tawia Modibo Ocran
- |accessdate=2004
- Ashgi: |accessdate=2 June 2011, |accessdate=2 June 2011
- Ashik Kerib: |accessdate=2015-06-12
- Ashikaga shogunate: |authorlink1=Arai Hakuseki, |authorlink1=Louis Frédéric
- Ashim Krishna Dutt: |accessdate=28 October 2018, |accessdate=28 October 2018
- Ashina Jiesheshuai: |authorlink=Nihal Atsız, |authorlink=Erol Güngör
- Ashinas: | authorlink = Hugh N. Kennedy , | authorlink=Alexander Vasiliev (historian)
- Ashingdon: |accessdate=29 May 2012
- Ashipa: |accessdate=3 August 2017
- Ashirbadi Lal Srivastava: |authorlink=Indian National Congress
- Ashirwad: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Ashkaran Sankhwar: |accessdate=15 November 2018, |accessdate=15 November 2018, |accessdate=15 November 2018
- Ashland Cemetery (Kentucky): |authorlink=AN ACT to amend the charter of the Ashland Cemetery Company, |accessdate=1 June 2010
- Ashley Ballard: |accessdate=2014-12-27, |accessdate=2014-12-27
- Ashley Grimes (footballer, born 1957): |accessdate=12 December 2017
- Ashley Slater: |authorlink1=Ian Carr , |authorlink2=Digby Fairweather , |authorlink3=Brian Priestley
- Ashley Van Zeeland: |accessdate=2 November 2015
- Ashley, Drew and Northern Railway: |authorlink=<!-- Edward A. Lewis --> , |origyear=1991
- Ashley, North Dakota: | accessdate=30 November 2013
- Ashley-Famous: |accessdate=January 14, 2018
- Ashmun al-Rumman: |accessdate= 12 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020
- Ashok (film): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Ashok B. Hinchigeri: |accessdate=14 January 2012
- Ashok Banerjee: |accessdate=21 February 2010
- Ashok Captain: |authorlink1=Romulus Whitaker, |accessdate=9 January 2012
- Ashok Kumar Patel: |accessdate=28 January 2019
- Ashok Kumar filmography: |accessdate=29 September 2015
- Ashok Mehta Committee: |accessdate=26 February 2013
- Ashok Mohol: |accessdate=13 December 2020, |accessdate=13 December 2020
- Ashok Sharma: |accessdate=8 March 2019, |accessdate=8 March 2019
- Ashok Swain: |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019 , |accessdate=28 May 2019
- Ashoka Chakravarthy: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵
- Ashoka's Hell: |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=22 April 2013, |accessdate=22 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=22 April 2013, |accessdate=19 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=22 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=18 April 2013, |accessdate=22 April 2013, |accessdate=22 April 2013
- Ashoka's policy of Dhamma: |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |authorlink=Alf Hiltebeitel, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=14 April 2016, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, |accessdate=30 August 2013, | accessdate = 12 August 2013
- Ashokan Prakrit: |authorlink=Colin Masica
- Ashokavadana: | accessdate=29 November 2012 , | accessdate=29 November 2012 , | accessdate=30 October 2012 , | accessdate=23 May 2013 , | accessdate=23 May 2013 , | accessdate=30 October 2012 , | accessdate=29 November 2012 , | accessdate=30 October 2012
- Ashokrao Deshmukh: |accessdate=10 June 2016, |accessdate=10 June 2016
- Ashorne Hill House: |authorlink = Clive Aslet↵
- Ashot Bleyan: |authorlink1=Simon Payaslian
- Ashot I of Iberia: |authorlink1=Ronald Grigor Suny
- Ashot II of Armenia: |authorlink = Warren Treadgold↵
- Ashot III of Armenia: |authorlink = Warren Treadgold↵
- Ashot Manucharyan: |authorlink=Hedrick Smith, |authorlink=Thomas de Waal
- Ashot Msaker: | authorlink=Seta Dadoyan , | authorlink = Aram Ter-Ghevondyan
- Ashot ibn Shavur: |authorlink=Vladimir Minorsky, |origyear=1953
- Ashpan Annie: |accessdate=20 July 2010
- Ashraf Ali Khan (politician): |accessdate=29 January 2012 , |accessdate=29 January 2012
- Ashraf Johaardien: |accessdate=25 July 2014
- Ashrafi field: |accessdate= June 28, 2010
- Ashrafiyat al-Wadi: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Ashrayan Project: |accessdate=1 August 2019
- Ashridge Golf Club: |accessdate=29 June 2012
- Ashroonchi Zhali Phule: |accessdate=18 September 2015
- Ashtabharya: |accessdate=21 February 2013, |accessdate=28 March 2013, |accessdate=1 May 2013, |accessdate=1 May 2013
- Ashtadiggajas: |accessdate=19 July 2017, |accessdate=19 July 2017, |accessdate=19 July 2017
- Ashtasahasram: |authorlink=Edgar Thurston
- Ashtavaidya: |accessdate=10 November 2016
- Ashtishat: |authorlink1=Adrian Fortescue
- Ashton Gate Brewery Co: |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=18 December 2012, |accessdate=22 March 2013
- Ashton Lever: | authorlink = ↵
- Ashton railway station: |origyear=1904
- Ashton, Gardner and Dyke: |accessdate=15 January 2019
- Ashton, Minnesota: | authorlink =Warren Upham
- Ashton, Ontario: |accessdate=13 October 2017
- Ashton-under-Lyne railway station: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian) , |authorlink=Christopher Awdry
- Ashva: |authorlink=Subhash Kak
- Ashwood, Oregon: |origyear= 1928
- Asi bin Shuraim Al Shammari: |accessdate=27 February 2013, |accessdate=8 August 2013, |authorlink=Madawi al-Rasheed, |accessdate=26 February 2013
- Asia Graduate School of Theology: |accessdate=15 November 2015
- Asia Pacific Theological Seminary: |accessdate=14 November 2015, |accessdate=14 November 2015
- Asia Theological Association: |accessdate=27 August 2015, |accessdate=27 August 2015
- Asia discography: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=David Kent (historian), |authorlink= Joel Whitburn
- Asiagmiut: |accessdate=20 April 2014
- Asian Woman: |accessdate=22 March 2017
- Asian ostrich: |authorlink=Richard Bowdler Sharpe , |accessdate=1 February 2010
- Asiate: |accessdate=February 3, 2013
- Asiatic Lion Reintroduction Project: |accessdate=22 April 2013, |accessdate=22 April 2013, |accessdate=22 April 2013
- Asidini: | origyear = 1983↵
- Asif Nawaz Janjua: |authorlink1=Shahid Javed Burki, |accessdate=20 March 2018, |accessdate=20 March 2018, |accessdate=20 March 2018, |accessdate=21 March 2018, |accessdate=21 March 2018, |accessdate=21 March 2018
- Asif Sandila: |accessdate=6 August 2018 , |accessdate=6 August 2018
- Asii: |authorlink=UNESCO
- Asimov's Mysteries: |authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Asin (band): |accessdate=27 May 2020
- Asinaria: |authorlink1=Plautus, |authorlink2=Henry Thomas Riley, |accessdate=2 July 2015, |authorlink1=Plautus, |accessdate=2 July 2015, |authorlink1=Plautus, |authorlink2=J. G. W. Henderson, |authorlink1=Plautus
- Asioita, joista vaietaan: | writing_credits =↵
- Asir-e-Hirs: |accessdate=3 October 2012
- Ask Me What I Am: |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- Ask the Ages: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Askafroa: |authorlink=Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius
- Aske, North Yorkshire: |accessdate=4 February 2013
- Asker Jeukendrup: |accessdate=28 July 2011, |accessdate=28 July 2011, |accessdate=30 July 2011
- Askern railway station: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- Askham Bryan: |accessdate=6 November 2010
- Asking Jesus into one's heart: |accessdate=30 November 2014
- Askut: |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Askwith: |accessdate=14 February 2018, |accessdate=14 February 2018
- Aslag Benson: |authorlink=North Dakota Secretary of State
- Aslam ibn Zur'a al-Kilabi: |authorlink=Clifford Edmund Bosworth , |authorlink=Werner Caskel , |authorlink=Fritz Krenkow
- Asleep by the frozen sea: |authorlink1=Peter Charles Newman
- Asleep in the Back: | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Asli and Kerem: | accessdate=
- Asma bint Shihab: |authorlink=Farhad Daftary
- Asmara Jaya: | accessdate =↵
- Asmundo family: |authorlink=Filadelfo Mugnos
- Asmundur Loptson: |accessdate=2012-03-16
- Asociacion de Negros Ecuatorianos: |accessdate=28 August 2012, |accessdate=28 August 2012
- Asok (Dilbert): |authorlink1=Robert Guest
- Asomante, Aguada, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Asomante, Aibonito, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Asosiasi Industri Rekaman Indonesia: |accessdate=2011-03-11, |accessdate=2011-03-11, |accessdate=2011-03-11, |accessdate=2011-03-11
- Asota (moth): |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asota caricae: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asota ficus: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asota plana: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asota producta: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aspad Gushnasp: | authorlink = Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari , |authorlink=Michael Morony, |origyear=1984
- Asparagus Island: |accessdate=3 July 2014
- Asparagus beetle: |authorlink=William Dwight Whitney , |accessdate=2008-06-11 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 6 June 2008 , |accessdate=2008-06-10
- Asparagus litoralis: |accessdate=18 May 2020
- Asparagusic acid: |authorlink = John Arbuthnot, |authorlink = Benjamin Franklin, |authorlink = Marcel Proust
- Aspasia Manos: | authorlink = Ghislain de Diesbach , | authorlink = Ghislain de Diesbach
- Aspect weaver: |accessdate=23 January 2009 , |accessdate=23 January 2009, |accessdate=4 January 2010 , |accessdate=23 January 2010
- Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic: |authorlink=Bill Griffiths (poet) , |authorlink=Godfrid Storms
- Aspen City Hall: |accessdate=March 4, 2011
- Aspen HYSYS: |accessdate=4 December 2016, |accessdate=10 December 2016
- Aspen Hill, Tennessee: |accessdate=21 November 2011
- Aspen Soda: |accessdate=2015-01-04
- Aspergillomarasmine A: |accessdate=27 June 2014, |accessdate=27 June 2014
- Aspergillus nidulans: | authorlink = ↵
- Aspergillus penicillioides: |accessdate=30 October 2013
- Aspergillus terreus: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2016-03-05
- Aspirating smoke detector: |accessdate=May 29, 2013 , |accessdate=May 29, 2013 , |accessdate=May 29, 2013 , |accessdate=November 29, 2013
- Aspisoma: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aspisoma ignitum: | origyear = 1983↵
- Asplenium bradleyi: | authorlink=David B. Lellinger
- Asplenium montanum: |authorlink=David B. Lellinger, | authorlink=André Michaux , | authorlink=Carl Ludwig Willdenow
- Asplenium pinnatifidum: | authorlink=David B. Lellinger , | authorlink=Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Muhlenberg , | authorlink=Thomas Nuttall , | authorlink=Alphonso Wood
- Asplenium platyneuron: | authorlink=William Aiton , | authorlink1=Nathaniel Lord Britton , | authorlink2=Addison Brown , | authorlink3=Justus Ferdinand Poggenburg I , | authorlink=Willard Nelson Clute , | authorlink=Daniel Cady Eaton , | authorlink=Carl Linnaeus , | authorlink=Loddiges , | authorlink=Edward Joseph Lowe , | authorlink=André Michaux , | authorlink=Thomas Robertson Sim , | authorlink=Carl Ludwig Willdenow
- Asplenium rhizophyllum: | authorlink=Willard N. Clute , | authorlink=David B. Lellinger , | authorlink=Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link , | authorlink=Carl Linnaeus , | authorlink=Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Muhlenberg , | authorlink=Thomas Nuttall
- Asplenium septentrionale: | authorlink=David B. Lellinger , | authorlink2=Tadeus Reichstein
- Asplenium × ebenoides: | authorlink=David B. Lellinger , | authorlink=Edward Joseph Lowe , | authorlink=Alphonso Wood
- Aspley Guise & Woburn Sands Golf Club: |accessdate=7 July 2012, |accessdate=7 July 2012
- Asr-e Azadegan: |accessdate=23 September 2014
- Asrul Sani: |authorlink=Ajip Rosidi
- Assa (river): |accessdate=25 April 2013, |accessdate=28 April 2013, |accessdate=28 April 2013, |accessdate=28 April 2013, |accessdate=28 April 2013, |accessdate=28 April 2013, |accessdate=28 April 2013
- Assad Bucaram: |authorlink=Leslie Bethell
- Assaf dynasty: |authorlink=Kamal Salibi
- Assal al-Ward: |authorlink1=Richard Francis Burton, |authorlink2=Charles Francis Tyrwhitt-Drake, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Assassination campaign: |accessdate=May 29, 2010, |accessdate=May 29, 2010
- Assassination of Alfred François Bazin: |authorlink=William Duiker
- Assassination of Ali Sayyad Shirazi: |accessdate=11 July 2019
- Assassination of Armand Călinescu: |accessdate=21 September 2019
- Assassination of Bronisław Pieracki: |authorlink = Ben H. Shepherd
- Assassination of Haim Arlosoroff: |accessdate=June 26, 2011, |authorlink=Shlomo Avineri, |authorlink=Shabtai Teveth, |accessdate=June 26, 2011
- Assassinations of Little Haiti journalists: |accessdate=14 September 2012, |accessdate=14 September 2012
- Assault (1983 video game): |accessdate=8 August 2019
- Assault Attack: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Assault and Peppered: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Assault on Agathon: |accessdate=2017-07-03
- Assault on Rutbah Fort (1941): |authorlink=Somerset de Chair , |authorlink=John Bagot Glubb
- Asse II mine: |accessdate=30 September 2015
- Assemblies (Jehova Shammah): |accessdate=2014-12-10
- Assemblies Jehovah Shammah: |accessdate=2015-05-22, |accessdate=2015-05-22, |accessdate=2015-05-22, |accessdate=2015-05-22
- Assembly of Notables: |authorlink1=Simon Schama
- Assembly of Turkish American Associations: |accessdate=2014-11-23, |authorlink=Fatma Müge Göçek
- Assertive discipline: |accessdate=18 May 2019
- Asses Ears (Alaska): |accessdate=9 October 2014
- Assessment of kidney function: |archivedate=2016-03-24
- Assessment of the Battle of Long Tan: |authorlink=Paul Ham
- Asset management plan period: |accessdate=5 January 2018
- Assheton baronets: |accessdate=30 August 2017, |accessdate=30 August 2017
- Assia Wevill: |authorlink=Yehuda Amichai , |authorlink=Yehuda Amichai , |accessdate=30 May 2018
- Assid Corban: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Assigned amount unit: |accessdate=2010-09-12
- Assignment operator (C++): | authorlink = Bjarne Stroustrup↵
- Assimilation (French colonialism): |accessdate=20 November 2015
- Assing: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Assise sur la ligece: |authorlink=Thomas Asbridge, |authorlink=Joshua Prawer
- Assist-2-Sell: |accessdate=2019-11-30 , |accessdate=2019-11-30 , |accessdate=2019-11-30
- Assistant Masters' Association: |accessdate=6 July 2018
- Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Markets: |accessdate=2021-01-26
- Assize of Arms of 1252: | authorlink1= Sir Frederick Pollock, 3rd Baronet , | authorlink2= Frederic William Maitland , | authorlink= Hans Delbrück
- Assizes (Ireland): |accessdate=22 February 2019
- Associated Brotherhood of Christians: |authorlink1= James R. Lewis (scholar)
- Associated Newspapers (U.S.): | authorlink=Ron Goulart
- Associated Screen News of Canada: |accessdate=March 30, 2017
- Associated Students of Pomona College: |authorlink1=Charles Burt Sumner , |authorlink1=E. Wilson Lyon
- Associated Students of the University of Hawaii: |accessdate=2011-03-21, |accessdate=2011-03-22
- Associated graded ring: |authorlink=David Eisenbud
- Associated motion: |authorlink= Antoine Guillaume
- Association Island: |accessdate=September 26, 2015, |accessdate=September 27, 2015, |accessdate=September 26, 2015
- Association Sonneurs de Veuzes: |accessdate=13 July 2013, |accessdate=13 July 2013, |accessdate=13 July 2013
- Association for Contextual Behavioral Science: |accessdate=30 January 2012, |accessdate=30 January 2012, |accessdate=30 January 2012
- Association for Information and Image Management: |accessdate=8 January 2013
- Association for Jewish Outreach Programs: |accessdate=June 14, 2016
- Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming: | accessdate = 2008-04-08 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 6 April 2008 , | accessdate=2009-05-04
- Association for the Improvement of the Infirmaries of London Workhouses: |accessdate=19 March 2017, |accessdate=19 March 2017
- Association for the Sociology of Religion: |accessdate=19 December 2009, |authorlink2=James Richardson (sociologist)
- Association française des femmes diplômées des universités: |accessdate=2017-08-04
- Association internationale antimilitariste: |accessdate=2014-12-09↵ , |accessdate=2014-12-03↵
- Association internationale des femmes: |accessdate=2014-11-21↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-21↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-21↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-21↵ , |accessdate=2014-10-23↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-21↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-21↵ , |accessdate=2014-11-21↵
- Association of 1696: |authorlink=David Cressy
- Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators: |accessdate=12 June 2013, |accessdate=12 June 2013
- Association of British Secretaries in America: | authorlink=Larry Constantine
- Association of Concerned Africa Scholars: |accessdate=10 July 2012, |accessdate=10 July 2012
- Association of Correctors of the Press: |accessdate=4 March 2019
- Association of Departments of English: |accessdate=22 February 2015
- Association of European Operational Research Societies: |authorlink= M. Grazia Speranza
- Association of German Housewives: |accessdate=28 July 2018 , |accessdate=9 July 2018
- Association of Independent Methodists: |authorlink1= James R. Lewis (scholar)
- Association of Mutual Funds of India: |accessdate=17 April 2015
- Association of Professional Genealogists: |accessdate=16 July 2012
- Association of Psychological and Social Studies: |accessdate=15 December 2014
- Association of Reformed Evangelical Church of Burkina Faso: |accessdate=26 August 2017
- Association of Reproductive Health Professionals: |accessdate=2008-07-11
- Association of Returnees from China: | authorlink = Philip Towle
- Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs: |accessdate=16 April 2013
- Association of Serbian Youth: |accessdate=27 July 2012
- Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines: |accessdate=14 September 2019, |accessdate=14 September 2019
- Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education: |accessdate=7 April 2019
- Association of Texas Small School Bands: |accessdate=12 March 2016, |accessdate=12 March 2016
- Association to Save Yugra: |accessdate=9 June 2012, |accessdate=9 June 2012
- Associationism: |accessdate=2010-02-10
- Associator: |origyear=1966
- Assouma Adjiké: | accessdate=17 October 2020
- Assumpta Oturu: |editorlink2=Frank Chipasula
- Assumption Convent School (Thailand): |accessdate=13 August 2018
- Assumption Preparatory School: | authorlink=Mike Gravel
- Assumption of Our Lady Church, Bolderāja: |authorlink= Vita Banga
- Assunta Spina (1930 film): |accessdate=24 July 2012
- Assylbek Yensepov: |authorlink=Paul Brummell
- Assyrian law: |authorlink=Claude Hermann Walter Johns
- Asta Ekenvall: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 August 2017
- Asta Hansen: |authorlink = Morten Piil
- Astafjord: |authorlink=Oluf Rygh
- Astafjorden: |authorlink=Oluf Rygh
- Astaman: | authorlink = Misbach Yusa Biran↵
- Astatic: |accessdate=2 January 2013
- Aster tataricus: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Asteriscus (plant): |authorlink1=Augustin Pyramus de Candolle, |authorlink1=Christian Friedrich Lessing, |authorlink1=René Charles Joseph Ernest Maire, |authorlink1=Charles-Joseph Marie Pitard, |authorlink2=Louis Proust, |authorlink1=Wilhelm Gerhard Walpers
- Asterix and the Soothsayer: |authorlink=Anthea Bell
- Asterolasia correifolia: |accessdate=26 June 2020
- Asterolasia grandiflora: |accessdate=26 June 2020, |accessdate=26 June 2020
- Asterolasia pallida: |accessdate=28 June 2020
- Asterolasia squamuligera: |accessdate=29 June 2020, |accessdate=29 June 2020
- Asterophora lycoperdoides: |origyear=2005
- Asthore: |authorlink=Rachael Low
- Astigmatic (album): |origyear = 1992
- Astilbe chinensis: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Astley's Amphitheatre: |accessdate=21 October 2019
- Astley's Amphitheatre (Dublin): |accessdate=14 December 2012
- Aston Hall, Aston-on-Trent: |accessdate=1 October 2020
- Aston Junction: |authorlink=Nicholson Guides↵
- Aston Martin DBR4: |authorlink= Anthony Pritchard
- Aston Upthorpe Downs: |authorlink=Derek Ratcliffe
- Astor Trust Company: |accessdate=27 September 2019 , |accessdate=27 September 2019 , |accessdate=27 September 2019 , |accessdate=27 September 2019, |accessdate=27 September 2019
- Astorre Baglioni: |authorlink=Bernardino Tomitano
- Astra (1954 automobile): | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- Astra Arad: | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- Astra-Gnome: |accessdate=25 January 2015
- Astraea Redux: |accessdate=24 March 2020
- Astragalus bisulcatus: |accessdate=26 September 2010, |accessdate=26 September 2010
- Astragalus neglectus: |authorlink=A.Gray
- Astragalus sinicus: |authorlink=Franklin Hiram King↵
- Astrapotheriidae: | accessdate = 9 March 2013↵
- Astrid Allwyn: |accessdate=16 January 2017
- Astrid Hadad: |authorlink=Sandra Cisneros , |authorlink=Diana Taylor (professor) , |authorlink=Diana Taylor (professor)
- Astrid Ivask: |authorlink= Inta Ezergailis
- Astrid Sampe: |accessdate=12 February 2019 , |accessdate=12 February 2019
- Astrid Schirmer: | accessdate = 5 February 2016↵
- Astringent (taste): |accessdate=2018-12-08
- Astro Lounge: |accessdate=January 14, 2012, |authorlink=Robert Christgau
- Astro microbiology: | accessdate=12 May 2016
- Astro-Physics: |accessdate=2014-12-31 , |accessdate=2014-12-26 , |accessdate=2014-12-26
- Astrocartography: |authorlink=Martin Jay Davis
- Astroinformatics: |accessdate=January 21, 2015
- Astroloma pallidum: |accessdate=18 July 2016
- Astron Belt: |accessdate=2018-01-05
- Astronomical ceiling of Senenmut's Tomb: |accessdate=11 November 2019
- Astronomical complex: |accessdate=13 March 2011, |accessdate=22 April 2011
- Astronomical rings: |authorlink1= Gemma Frisius
- Astruc: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Astwell: |accessdate=19 February 2012 , |accessdate=19 February 2012
- Astwell Castle: |accessdate=18 February 2012, |accessdate=18 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012
- Astylus atromaculatus: |accessdate=
- Asura arcuata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asura floccosa: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asura ila: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asura rubricosa: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asura ruptifascia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asura semifascia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asura solita: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asura uniformis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Asura varians: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Aswamedham (1992 film): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Aswarby: |accessdate=1 February 2013
- Aswikrit Sahitya Andolan: |accessdate=2015-08-01
- Asylum Choir II: |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Asylum seekers with apathetic refugee children: |accessdate=15 July 2019 , |accessdate=17 July 2019 , |accessdate=15 July 2019
- Asymmetric addition of alkynylzinc compounds to aldehydes: |authorlink = Ralph Raphael
- Asymphorodes dimorpha: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Asymphorodes triaula: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Asymptotic curve: |authorlink=David Hilbert, |authorlink2=Stephan Cohn-Vossen
- Asynchronous conferencing: |accessdate=29 March 2013, |accessdate=29 March 2013, |accessdate=29 March 2013, |accessdate=29 March 2013, |accessdate=29 March 2013, |accessdate=29 March 2013, |accessdate=29 March 2013
- At Action Park: |accessdate=January 8, 2017, |accessdate={{date|2020-3-15|mdy}}
- At Carnegie Hall (Dave Brubeck Quartet album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- At Club Baby Grand: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- At Crooked Lake: |accessdate=February 23, 2019
- At Home (TV series): |accessdate=2015-02-13, |accessdate=2015-02-13
- At Home day: |origyear=1911, |accessdate=26 December 2009, |origyear=1918, |accessdate=26 December 2009, |accessdate=26 December 2009, |authorlink=Evelyn Sharp (suffragist), |origyear=1897, |accessdate=26 December 2009, |authorlink=George Bernard Shaw, |authorlink=E. Nesbit, |accessdate=26 December 2009
- At Home with Kylie Minogue: The Sessions: |writing_credits =↵
- At Newport 1960: | authorlink = Joel Whitburn
- At Shelly's Manne-Hole: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- At Turbah: |accessdate=24 March 2013
- At War with Satan: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- At Yoshi's: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- At the Ballet: |accessdate=2015-07-27
- At the Deer Head Inn: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- At the Earth's Core (novel): | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- At the Edge of the World (short story collection): | authorlink=S. T. Joshi
- At the End of the Day (Disagree album): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- At the End of the Day (song): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- At the Five Spot: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- At the Mill Hill Playhouse: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- At the Old Office: |origyear = 1992
- At the Opera House: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- At the Rainbow: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- At the Supper Club (Stafford): |accessdate=26 November 2010
- At the Supper Club Part II (Stafford): |accessdate=26 November 2010
- At the Supper Club Part III (Jo Stafford album): |accessdate=26 November 2010, |accessdate=6 April 2011
- At-Ta'i: | origyear = 1969
- At-Tayba: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink=Adam Zertal
- At-Tuwani: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Ata Gears: |accessdate=
- Atado a Tu Amor: |accessdate=23 August 2019
- Ataenius: | origyear = 1983↵
- Ataenius imbricatus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Atahensic: |accessdate=August 20, 2018
- Atahualpa (ship): |accessdate=18 April 2020, |accessdate=18 April 2020
- Ataka & Co.: |accessdate=7 April 2015, |accessdate=7 April 2015
- Atala Riffo and Daughters v. Chile: |accessdate=5 December 2012, |accessdate=6 December 2012
- Atalanta (1937 automobile): |authorlink= , |authorlink= G.N. Georgano , |authorlink=
- Atalaya, Aguada, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Atalaya, Rincón, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Ataliklikun Bay: |accessdate=1 November 2011, |accessdate=1 November 2011, |accessdate=1 November 2011, |accessdate=1 November 2011
- Ataman, Syria: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Atanasije (scribe): |authorlink1=Mateja Matejić (priest)
- Atanasije I: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=Đoko M. Slijepčević, |authorlink=Sava Vuković (bishop)
- Atanasije II Gavrilović: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=Đoko M. Slijepčević, |authorlink=Sava Vuković (bishop)
- Atanasije Stojković: |authorlink=Jovan Skerlić
- Atanazy Miączyński: |accessdate=4 November 2011
- Atanda Fatai Williams: |accessdate=26 April 2015, |accessdate=26 April 2015, |accessdate=26 April 2015
- Atapupu: |accessdate=5 April 2019
- Ataru Moroboshi: | authorlink = Helen McCarthy
- Atatürk Teacher Training Academy: |accessdate=16 March 2018
- Ataur Rahman Khan Khadim: |accessdate=11 July 2017, |accessdate=11 July 2017
- Atco (British mower company): |accessdate=31 August 2017, |accessdate=31 August 2017
- Atef Abu Saif: |authorlink1=Atef Abu Saif, |authorlink1=Atef Abu Saif
- Atef Sadat: |accessdate=2020-11-10
- Atelier 17: |accessdate=17 February 2020
- Ateliér duše: |accessdate=2011-03-21, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2014-07-14, |accessdate=2011-04-07, |accessdate=2011-04-07
- Atelopus pulcher: | authorlink = George Albert Boulenger
- Ateme: |accessdate=29 May 2013
- Atemoztli: |accessdate=21 July 2013
- Atenulf (abbot of Montecassino): |authorlink=E. A. Lowe
- Atewa Range Forest Reserve: |accessdate=2009-03-20 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2009-01-24
- Ath.Lon: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Athade Oka Sainyam: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Athalicio T. Pithan: |accessdate=2015-01-05
- Athalie: |accessdate=5 January 2015, |accessdate=5 January 2015
- Athan Maroulis: |authorlink=Dave Thompson (author) , |accessdate=August 17, 2020
- Athanaric's Wall: |authorlink1=Isaak B. Klejman
- Athanas Sina: |accessdate=17 June 2011, |accessdate=17 June 2011
- Athanase Bassinet: |accessdate=2013-07-06↵
- Athanasius (praetorian prefect): |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Athanasius II Baldoyo: |accessdate=14 July 2020, |accessdate=31 May 2020
- Athanasius II Dabbas: |accessdate=7 June 2010
- Athanasius III (Syriac Orthodox patriarch of Antioch): |accessdate=21 July 2020, |accessdate=21 July 2020, |accessdate=31 May 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=15 July 2020
- Atharanala: |accessdate=30 November 2016
- Atharid: |authorlink=Herwig Wolfram , |accessdate=30 November 2014
- Athelston: |origyear=1998 , |origyear=1924 , |origyear=1952 , |origyear=1924 , |authorlink1=Edith Rickert , |origyear=1908 , |origyear=1952
- Athenaeum (Alexandria, Virginia): |accessdate=8 June 2011, |accessdate=8 June 2011
- Athenaeum at Caltech: |accessdate=6 February 2016
- Athenian Greek-Phoenician inscriptions: |authorlink=Balbina Bäbler
- Athenian Revolution: |authorlink=Josiah Ober
- Athenogenes of Petra: |authorlink=John Moschus
- Athenry GAA: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- Athens Regional Library System: |accessdate=10 March 2017
- Athetis reclusa: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Athetoid cerebral palsy: |accessdate=1 August 2017
- Athletics at the 1975 Pan American Games – Women's 800 metres: |accessdate=11 December 2019
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's 100 metres (T12): |accessdate=24 April 2018, |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's 100 metres (T38): |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's 100 metres (T47): |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's 1500 metres (T54): |accessdate=24 April 2018, |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's 20 kilometres walk: |accessdate=22 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's 3000 metres steeplechase: |accessdate=22 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's marathon (T54): |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's pole vault: |accessdate=23 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Men's shot put (F38): |accessdate=25 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's 100 metres (T35): |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's 100 metres (T38): |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's 1500 metres (T54): |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's 20 kilometres walk: |accessdate=22 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's 3000 metres steeplechase: |accessdate=22 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's 5000 metres: |accessdate=21 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's hammer throw: |accessdate=23 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's heptathlon: |accessdate=25 April 2018, |accessdate=25 April 2018, |accessdate=25 April 2018, |accessdate=25 April 2018, |accessdate=25 April 2018, |accessdate=25 April 2018, |accessdate=25 April 2018, |accessdate=25 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's javelin throw (F46): |accessdate=25 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's long jump (T38): |accessdate=25 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's marathon: |accessdate=22 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's marathon (T54): |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's pole vault: |accessdate=23 April 2018
- Athletics at the 2018 Commonwealth Games – Women's triple jump: |accessdate=23 April 2018
- Atholl raids: |authorlink=Christopher Duffy
- Atholus americanus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Athyma asura: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma cama: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma jina: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma kanwa: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma larymna: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma opalina: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma pravara: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma rufula: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma sulpitia: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Athyma zeroca: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Athyrium: |accessdate=26 September 2013
- Athyrium asplenioides: |accessdate=26 September 2013
- Athyrium yokoscense: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Atikah bint Yazid: |accessdate=2015-02-11
- Atilla Karaosmanoğlu: | accessdate=15 January 2020
- Atimono: |accessdate=13 August 2020
- Atin Cu Pung Singsing: |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=21 August 2019
- Atinggola: |accessdate=30 December 2010, |accessdate=30 December 2010, |accessdate=30 December 2010
- Atiq Mosque (Benghazi): |accessdate=2013-04-13↵ , |accessdate=2013-04-13↵
- Atiq Mosque, Awjila: |accessdate=24 March 2013↵ , |accessdate=24 March 2013, |accessdate=24 March 2013↵ , |accessdate=9 March 2013↵ , |accessdate=24 March 2013↵
- Atithi (1965 film): |accessdate=18 April 2018
- Atiu: |accessdate=8 February 2021, |accessdate=8 February 2021
- Atka Island: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland , |authorlink=Eugene Walter↵
- Atkinson (surname): |origyear=1988
- Atkinson Francis Gibson: |accessdate=8 August 2015
- Atkinson Morley: |accessdate=22 November 2015, |accessdate=22 November 2015, |accessdate=22 November 2015
- Atlanta Pops Orchestra: |accessdate=May 3, 2015
- Atlanta Rhythm Section discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Atlanta Soto Zen Center: |accessdate=9 February 2020 , |accessdate=9 February 2020
- Atlanta blues: |accessdate=2016-08-01
- Atlanta's second airport: |accessdate = October 12, 2007 , |archiveurl = , |archivedate = May 27, 2010
- Atlantean Chronicles: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Atlantic (1848): |accessdate=10 December 2016, |accessdate=5 December 2016, |accessdate=3 December 2016, |accessdate=3 December 2016, |accessdate=3 December 2016, |accessdate=5 December 2016
- Atlantic City algorithm: |accessdate=10 July 2014
- Atlantic City and Shore Railroad: |authorlink=Ralph Anspach
- Atlantic Coast Conference Softball Tournament: |accessdate=March 20, 2016
- Atlantic Computers: |accessdate=15 May 2020
- Atlantic Mill: |accessdate=2015-05-14
- Atlantic Shores, Barbados: | accessdate=June 10, 2016 , | accessdate=June 10, 2016
- Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 2311: |accessdate=February 5, 2016
- Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 529: |accessdate=January 16, 2016
- Atlantic Theater aircraft carrier operations during World War II: |accessdate=
- Atlantic flyingfish: |accessdate=2009-06-22, |origyear=1984
- Atlantic raid of June 1796: | origyear= 1900↵ , | origyear= 1996↵ , | origyear = 1970↵ , | origyear= 1827↵
- Atlantida (novel): | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- Atlantis (novel): |accessdate=26 November 2013
- Atlas Township, Michigan: |accessdate=June 20, 2019
- Atlas XH-1 Alpha: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Atlas of the British Flora: |authorlink2=Max Walters
- Atlow: |accessdate=6 April 2013
- Atma Siddhi: | authorlink =Shrimad Rajchandra , | authorlink =Shrimad Rajchandra
- Atma Tarang: |accessdate=6 January 2015
- Atmaram Sadashiv Jayakar: |accessdate=18 August 2020
- Atmospheels: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear =
- Atmospheres (album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth: |accessdate=February 15, 2014
- Atmospheric thermodynamics: | authorlink= Anastasios Tsonis
- Ato Malinda: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=March 26, 2018
- Atob River: |accessdate=1 January 2013
- Atok, Benguet: |accessdate=16 January 2015
- Atom Poets: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Atom Squad: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- Atomariini: | origyear = 1983↵
- Atomic (cocktail): |accessdate=7 February 2019
- Atomic Age (design): |accessdate=7 December 2015
- Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in popular culture: | authorlink1 = Martin Parr , | authorlink2 = Gerry Badger
- Atomic commit: |accessdate=26 July 2018
- Atomic form factor: |authorlink=John M. Cowley
- Atomizer (album): |accessdate=August 17, 2020, |accessdate={{date|2020-3-15|mdy}}
- Atomotricha colligatella: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=13 September 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=15 March 2016
- Atoms in molecules: | authorlink = Richard
- Atomus: |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012
- Atopocelyphus: |accessdate=8 November 2019
- Atotoztli I: |origyear=1989
- Atractylodes: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Atransferrinemia: |accessdate=20 February 2017
- Atriklines: |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Atrina rigida: |↵ accessdate = 2008-02-01
- Atriplex cinerea: |accessdate=3 March 2020, |accessdate=5 May 2020
- Atrophaneura aidoneus: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Atrophaneura varuna: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Atroxima afzeliana: |accessdate=July 3, 2020 , |accessdate=July 3, 2020, |accessdate=July 3, 2020
- Atsiz ibn Uwaq: |authorlink=Moshe Gil, |authorlink= Hugh Kennedy
- Atsuko Natsume: |authorlink=Helen McCarthy
- Atta cephalotes: |authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Attab ibn Asid: |authorlink1=Yasin Mazhar Siddiqi
- Attack (2016 film): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Attack Poodles and Other Media Mutants: |accessdate=2015-11-09
- Attack at Jeddore: |authorlink1=John G. Reid, |authorlink2=Emerson Baker
- Attack at Mocodome: |authorlink1=John G. Reid, |authorlink2=Emerson Baker
- Attack at the Lower Sioux Agency: |origyear=1977
- Attack from Atlantis: | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Attack of the Humans: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Attack on Mers-el-Kébir: |authorlink=Arthur Marder
- Attack on Nadir Shah (1739): |accessdate=5 November 2018, |accessdate=26 May 2014
- Attack on the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum: |accessdate=February 11, 2015
- Attack therapy: |accessdate=1 September 2014
- Attack-class patrol boat: |authorlink=Tom Frame (bishop)
- Attacking Faulty Reasoning: |accessdate=21 Sep 2013
- Attacus: |accessdate=5 June 2018
- Attajdid: |accessdate=21 January 2014
- Attalea crassispatha: |authorlink= Andrew Henderson (botanist)
- Attalur: |accessdate=31 May 2019
- Attambelos VI: |accessdate=3 January 2015
- Attan: |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Attar (god): |authorlink1=Homer W. Smith
- Attempted exclusion of Egon Kisch from Australia: | authorlink = Peter Cochrane (historian), |authorlink = George Williams (lawyer)
- Attempted net neutrality legislation in the United States: |accessdate=March 3, 2011
- Attenborough Building: |accessdate=10 August 2015, |accessdate=10 August 2015
- Attention (film): |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Attention restoration theory: |authorlink=Rachel and Stephen Kaplan
- Attercliffe Victory F.C.: |authorlink= , |authorlink=
- Atteva fabriciella: | accessdate=4 July 2016
- Attiar Hindu College: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=3 December 2013
- Attic weight: |authorlink= Richard Berthold
- Atticus Greene Haygood: |accessdate=20 February 2018
- Attila Borhidi: |accessdate=1 March 2012
- Attila Dargay: |accessdate=25 February 2018
- Attila Feri: |accessdate=26 August 2016, |accessdate=26 August 2016
- Attila Juhász: | accessdate = 2010-01-27
- Attila Menyhárd: |accessdate=2012-02-22, |accessdate=2012-02-22
- Attilio Andreoli: | authorlink=
- Attitude Adjustment: |accessdate=2015-05-18
- Attnang-Puchheim: |accessdate=2008-07-28
- Attonda adspersa: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Attorney General of Lagos State: |accessdate=24 April 2015
- Attorney General's Department (Sri Lanka): |accessdate=30 August 2017
- Attorney-General (Vic) ex rel Dale v Commonwealth: |accessdate=15 April 2010
- Attorney-General of Barbados: |accessdate=2012-04-30
- Attorney-General of the Turks and Caicos Islands: |accessdate=2012-10-30, |accessdate=2012-10-30, |accessdate=2012-10-30, |accessdate=2012-10-30
- Attulus floricola: |accessdate=15 June 2012, |accessdate=15 June 2012, |accessdate=15 June 2012
- Atul Bose: |authorlink2=Subodh Chandra Sengupta
- Atulananda Das: |accessdate=7 September 2018
- Atuna cordata: | accessdate = 16 October 2014
- Atuna nannodes: | accessdate = 1 June 2014
- Atuna racemosa subsp. racemosa: |accessdate=17 January 2014
- Aturfarnbag-i Farruxzatan: | accessdate = 21 April 2014, | accessdate = 21 April 2014, | authorlink =
- Atutahi (Penrhyn): |accessdate=21 August 2020
- Atwater system: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=22 November 2016
- Atwood machine: |authorlink=Herbert Goldstein
- Atya patya: |accessdate=9 August 2013, |accessdate=9 August 2013, |accessdate=9 August 2013, |accessdate=9 August 2013
- Atys of Lydia: | authorlink=Herodotus
- Au jus: |accessdate=2013-01-06
- Au rendez-vous du rêve abêti: |accessdate=28 December 2012, |accessdate=28 December 2012
- Aub Lawson: |accessdate=2008-09-30
- Aubertin Walter Sothern Mallaby: | authorlink =↵
- Aubrey Coverley: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Aubrey Henry Smith: | accessdate=January 27, 2014 , | accessdate=January 27, 2014, | accessdate=January 27, 2014
- Aubrey House: |accessdate=15 July 2015, |accessdate=1 December 2012
- Aubrey Pankey: |origyear= 1936 , |authorlink= Maud Cuney Hare , |accessdate= 2014-06-10, |accessdate= 2014-06-11
- Aubrey Scriven: |accessdate=13 October 2016
- Aubrey de Coucy: |authorlink=David Bates (historian)
- Aubrey de Vere, 1st Earl of Oxford: |authorlink = Marjorie Chibnall↵ , |accessdate = 11 October 2012↵ , |accessdate = 11 October 2012↵
- Aubrey de Vere, 20th Earl of Oxford: |accessdate=21 March 2013
- Aubrey de Vere, 2nd Earl of Oxford: |accessdate = 13 October 2012↵ , |accessdate = 13 October 2012↵
- Auburn 8-Eighty-Eight Sedan: | authorlink = ↵
- Auburn and Syracuse Electric Railroad: |accessdate=March 4, 2011
- Auburn and Syracuse Railroad: |accessdate=January 14, 2012
- Auburntown, Tennessee: |accessdate=21 November 2011
- Auce Castle: | authorlink = Alberts Zarāns↵
- Aucha: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Auchendavy: |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=24 May 2018, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017
- Auchincloss: |accessdate=14 October 2016
- Auchinleck manuscript: |authorlink=Kenneth Sisam
- Auchintaple Loch: |accessdate=6 December 2020
- Auchmis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Auchmophoba costastrigalis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Auckengill: |accessdate=4 October 2017
- Auckland Anniversary Day: |authorlink = Alexander Wyclif Reed
- Auckland Mounted Rifles Regiment: |authorlink=Henry Gullett
- Auctores octo morales: |authorlink1=Walter William Skeat, |accessdate=17 January 2017
- Aucuba japonica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Aucán Huilcamán: |accessdate=18 April 2011
- Audemus jura nostra defendere: |authorlink=William Jones (philologist)
- Audi filia et: | authorlink = ↵, |authorlink=Steven Runciman↵
- Audichya Brahmins: |accessdate=11 November 2020
- Audita querela: |authorlink=Archie Duncan (historian), |authorlink=John William Brodie-Innes
- Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer: | accessdate=2007-10-10
- Auditors of the Literary and Historical Society (University College Dublin): |authorlink=James Joyce
- Audley Bowdler: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Audnedal station: |accessdate=12 June 2015
- Audouinella: |accessdate=9 September 2020
- Audovacar: |accessdate=2012-06-12
- Audrey Argall: |accessdate=4 February 2020
- Audrey Call: |accessdate=29 June 2018
- Audrey Carten: |accessdate=16 January 2018, |accessdate=16 January 2018
- Audrey De Montigny: |accessdate=June 6, 2010, |accessdate=June 7, 2010
- Audrey Evelyn James Coats: |accessdate=19 January 2018, |accessdate=19 January 2018
- Audrey F. Manley: |accessdate=5 May 2019, |accessdate=5 May 2019
- Audrey Kobayashi: |accessdate=15 December 2017, |accessdate=15 December 2017, |accessdate=15 December 2017, |accessdate=9 December 2017
- Audrey Meaney: |authorlink1=Martin Carver
- Audrey Mildmay: |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=4 September 2012, |accessdate=13 October 2012, |accessdate=13 October 2012, |accessdate=13 October 2012
- Audrey S. Penn: |accessdate=November 12, 2017, |accessdate=November 12, 2017, |accessdate=November 12, 2017
- Audrey Young: |accessdate=31 May 2019
- Audubon, Henderson: |accessdate=20 January 2011
- Audun Sjøstrand: |authorlink=Øystein Rottem
- Aufidius Bassus: |accessdate= 9 August 2020
- Aughertree: |accessdate=2015-08-25
- Aughinish Tower: | accessdate=2008-12-08 , | accessdate=2009-01-14 , | accessdate=2009-01-14
- Augie Meyers: |accessdate=24 December 2015
- Augmentation (algebra): | authorlink1=Jean-Louis Loday
- Augmented Dickey–Fuller test: |authorlink=William Greene (economist)
- Augmented-fourths tuning: |authorlink=William Sethares, |accessdate=19 May 2012
- Augoeides: |authorlink=Robert Lomas , |authorlink=John Michael , |authorlink=Lawrence Sutin
- Augsburg Interim: |authorlink3=Gene Edward Veith
- Augsburg raid: |authorlink=Norman Longmate
- Augspurger Grist Mill: | accessdate=May 15, 2019
- August 1900: |authorlink=Max Boot
- August 1912: |accessdate=13 July 2014
- August 1918: |accessdate=October 27, 2010
- August 1919: |accessdate=9 July 2018 , |accessdate=2012-06-26, |accessdate=16 November 2016, |accessdate=31 July 2017
- August 1925: |accessdate=January 2, 2015
- August 1955: |accessdate=2013-01-23
- August 1973: | authorlink=Norfolk Windmills Trust
- August Aichhorn: |authorlink=↵ , |accessdate=↵
- August Barbé: | authorlink = Étienne Vatelot , |origyear=1951
- August Brey: |accessdate=8 June 2020
- August Duesenberg: |accessdate=May 3, 2019, |accessdate=May 3, 2019
- August Embretsen: |authorlink=Evald O. Solbakken
- August Ferdinand Mehren: |authorlink=Al-Dimashqi (geographer) , |authorlink=Al-Dimashqi (geographer) , |authorlink=Al-Dimashqi (geographer)
- August Ferdinand Möbius: |authorlink=George Szpiro
- August Franz Josef Karl Mayer: |accessdate=9 December 2017
- August Föppl: |authorlink=Stephen Timoshenko
- August Gawin: |accessdate=2014-02-03
- August Gebert: | accessdate = 2011-07-18↵
- August Goetz: |accessdate=August 10, 2019
- August Heinrich Petermann: | accessdate = 24 August 2011
- August Heintze: |authorlink=August Heintze, |accessdate=10 January 2016, |accessdate=14 January 2016
- August Imgard: |accessdate=17 December 2011
- August Jack Khatsahlano: | authorlink = J. S. Matthews↵, | accessdate = November 15, 2012↵
- August Jaeger: |authorlink=Michael Kennedy (music critic)
- August Klingler: |accessdate=8 December 2012
- August Krakau: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- August Landmesser: |accessdate=15 January 2014, |accessdate=15 January 2014
- August Lenz: |accessdate=26 November 2012
- August Maus: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- August Mors: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- August P. Trovaioli: |accessdate=August 18, 2012
- August Sackenheim: |accessdate=18 December 2012
- August Sangret: | authorlink = Molly Lefebure↵ , | authorlink = M. J. Trow↵ , | authorlink = Colin Wilson↵
- August Schmidt: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- August Schmidt (Luftwaffe): |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- August Semmendinger: |accessdate=4 December 2016, |accessdate=13 September 2020, |accessdate=15 March 2017, |accessdate=15 March 2017, |accessdate=15 March 2017, |accessdate=4 December 2016, |accessdate=6 November 2018, |accessdate=25 September 2019, |accessdate=4 October 2019 , |accessdate=15 March 2017, |accessdate=16 March 2017
- August Thiele: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- August Werner: |accessdate=19 December 2012
- August Wiltberger: |accessdate=19 September 2012
- August von Kruse: |authorlink=William Siborne
- Augusta Chiwy: |accessdate=30 August 2015
- Augusta County Committee of Safety: | accessdate=, | accessdate=, | accessdate=, | accessdate=, | accessdate=
- Augusta Dorothea, Abbess of Gandersheim: | origyear = 1797-1799↵
- Augusta Ferry: | accessdate=2013-05-07 , | accessdate=22 November 2013
- Augusta Foote Arnold: |accessdate=13 June 2019, |accessdate=13 June 2019, |accessdate=13 June 2019
- Augusta Rathbone: |accessdate=2 January 2019
- Augusta Southern Railroad: |accessdate=22 June 2012, |accessdate=22 June 2012
- Augusta Victoria Hospital: |authorlink=Tom Segev
- Augusta-Richmond County Public Library System: |accessdate=14 April 2017, |accessdate=14 April 2017, |accessdate=15 April 2017
- Augustan and Julio-Claudian art: |accessdate=20 March 2020
- Auguste Albert: |accessdate=2014-02-08 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2008-05-28 ↵
- Auguste Ambroise Tardieu: | authorlink = Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson↵
- Auguste Balagny: |accessdate=December 19, 2014
- Auguste Baux: |authorlink1=Norman Franks
- Auguste Bergy: |accessdate=7 April 2011, |accessdate=7 April 2011, |accessdate=7 April 2011, |accessdate=7 April 2011
- Auguste Couder: |accessdate=2014-01-01
- Auguste Donny: |accessdate=8 February 2014 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=28 May 2008 ↵
- Auguste Dreyfus: |accessdate=20 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=20 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=24 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=20 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=24 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=20 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=20 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=24 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=24 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=20 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013, |accessdate=20 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=20 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=21 June 2013↵ , |accessdate=24 June 2013↵
- Auguste Förster: |accessdate=28 July 2018
- Auguste Godinet: |accessdate=8 February 2014 ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=28 May 2008 ↵
- Auguste Hippolyte Collard: |accessdate=2015-10-12
- Auguste Lafollye: |accessdate=2013-06-12↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-12↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-11↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-12↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-12↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-12↵ , |accessdate=2013-06-12
- Auguste Lahoulle: |authorlink1=Norman Franks
- Auguste Laugel: |accessdate=
- Auguste Levasseur: | authorlink =↵
- Auguste Liesch: | accessdate=2009-09-15
- Auguste Louis Antoine Fabre: |accessdate=2015-03-19
- Auguste Marie Fabre: |accessdate=2015-03-11↵ , |accessdate=2015-03-11
- Auguste Nefftzer: |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013, |accessdate=2 April 2013
- Auguste Pierre Chouteau: |accessdate=2010-03-31
- Auguste Schmidt: |accessdate=28 July 2018
- Auguste Vaillant: |authorlink=Emma Goldman
- Auguste de Méritens: |authorlink=Rankin Kennedy↵
- Auguste de Pradines: |accessdate=5 November 2017
- Auguste-Arthur Plisson: |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |origyear=1908, |accessdate=25 August 2015
- Auguste-Henri-Victor Grandjean de Montigny: |accessdate=2014-02-14↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-14, |accessdate=2014-02-14
- Auguste-Joseph Herlin: |accessdate=2014-06-20, |accessdate=2014-06-20↵ , |accessdate=2014-06-20↵
- Auguste-Louis-Armand Loiseleur-Deslongchamps: |accessdate=16 November 2015
- Auguste-Léopold Huys: |accessdate=2013-04-09↵
- Augustea SpA: |accessdate=25 February 2017↵
- Augustin Bizimungu: |authorlink=Alison Des Forges
- Augustin Blanco: |accessdate=28 July 2017, |accessdate=6 July 2017, |accessdate=28 July 2017
- Augustin Pajou: |accessdate=2014-07-01 , |accessdate=November 9, 2019
- Augustin Schoeffler: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Augustin de Lespinasse: |accessdate=13 May 2015
- Augustin de Saint-Aubin: |accessdate=23 June 2015, |accessdate=23 June 2015
- Augustin-Charles d'Aviler: | authorlink1=Vincenzo Scamozzi↵ , | authorlink2=Pierre-Jean Mariette↵, | accessdate=20 April 2018↵
- Augustin-Magloire Blanchet: |accessdate = 2010-02-15↵
- Augustine Ukattah: |accessdate=6 April 2015 , |accessdate=6 April 2015
- Augustine Warner Jr.: |accessdate=December 18, 2016, |accessdate=December 16, 2016
- Augustine Warner Robins: | accessdate=30 November 2013
- Augustineum Secondary School: |accessdate=9 November 2010
- Augustinian Friary, York: |accessdate=7 August 2020, |accessdate=14 February 2017
- Augusto Burchi: | authorlink=
- Augusto César Cardoso de Carvalho: |authorlink=Frederic Charles Danvers
- Augusto De Arcangelis: | authorlink=
- Augusto Pollastri: |origyear=1951
- Augusto Premoli: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-05-06
- Augusto Valentín Vizcarrondo: |accessdate=10 December 2011
- Augusto Weberbauer: |accessdate=27 February 2013
- Augustos Zerlendis: |authorlink=Bill Tilden
- Augustus Arkwright: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Augustus Brine: |authorlink=Peter Goodwin (maritime author), |authorlink=William Richard O'Byrne, |authorlink=Richard O'Neill (author)
- Augustus C. Gurnee: |accessdate=2 October 2018 , |accessdate=2 October 2018 , |accessdate=2 October 2018 , |accessdate=2 October 2018 , |accessdate=2 October 2018 , |accessdate=13 June 2018 , |accessdate=20 October 2017, |accessdate=2 October 2018 , |accessdate=2 October 2018
- Augustus Daniel: | authorlink=Charles Saumarez Smith
- Augustus Frederick Oldfield: |accessdate=26 December 2010
- Augustus Frederick Warr: |accessdate = 7 September 2012↵, |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1989↵
- Augustus Fuller (MP): |accessdate=18 August 2018
- Augustus Hemenway: |accessdate=18 January 2013
- Augustus Henry Eden Allhusen: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Augustus Henry Keane: |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=14 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=14 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=14 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014, |accessdate=13 December 2014
- Augustus Hopkins Strong: |origyear=1886, |origyear=1886, |origyear=1886
- Augustus Jay: |accessdate=14 March 2020 , |accessdate=14 March 2020 , |accessdate=23 March 2020 , |accessdate=14 March 2020 , |accessdate=23 March 2020 , |accessdate=23 March 2020
- Augustus John Rush: |authorlink1=Aaron Beck , |authorlink2=Augustus Rush , |authorlink3=Shaw Brian , |authorlink4=Gary Emery
- Augustus Keppel, 5th Earl of Albemarle: | accessdate=14 June 2008
- Augustus Marie Martin: | authorlink=Théodore Guérin
- Augustus Newbold Morris: |accessdate=15 October 2017, |accessdate=15 October 2017, |accessdate=18 August 2017, |accessdate=15 October 2017
- Augustus Paget (RAF officer): |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Augustus Porter: |accessdate=6 May 2018, |accessdate=14 October 2016, |accessdate=14 November 2016
- Augustus Rhodes: |accessdate=July 10, 2017, |accessdate=August 14, 2017
- Augustus Rodney Macdonough: |accessdate=3 May 2019 , |accessdate=3 May 2019 , |accessdate=3 May 2019 , |accessdate=3 May 2019 , |accessdate=3 May 2019 , |accessdate=12 April 2019, |accessdate=3 May 2019 , |accessdate=3 May 2019
- Augustus Shapleigh: |accessdate=26 October 2016, |accessdate=26 October 2016, |accessdate=26 October 2016, |accessdate=26 October 2016
- Augustus Simon Frazer: |authorlink=Augustus Simon Frazer
- Augustus Spencer: |accessdate=12 June 2016, |accessdate=31 January 2014, |accessdate=31 January 2014, |accessdate=14 January 2014, |accessdate=7 June 2014
- Augustus Stafford: | accessdate= 22 September 2012↵
- Augustus Voelcker: |authorlink=John Bailey Denton, |accessdate=2010-07-18, |accessdate=2016-07-08
- Augustus Walley: |authorlink=Frank N. Schubert
- Augustus Young (representative): |accessdate=November 23, 2012
- Augustus, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg: |accessdate=February 3, 2015, |accessdate=February 3, 2015, |authorlink=John Warrack , |accessdate=February 3, 2015, |authorlink=Theodore Martin , |accessdate=February 3, 2015
- Augustyn Suski: | accessdate=April 23, 2012 , | accessdate=April 25, 2012
- Augustín Malár: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Auki (crater): |accessdate=7 March 2011
- Aulandra beccarii: | accessdate = 25 September 2013
- Aulandra longifolia: | accessdate = 26 September 2013
- Aulds Cove: |accessdate=16 March 2018
- Auleutes (beetle): | origyear = 1983↵
- Auleutes epilobii: | origyear = 1983↵
- Aulihan: |accessdate=1 July 2013
- Aullwood House and Garden: | accessdate=2013-05-08
- Aulocera: |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Aulocera brahminoides: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Aulocera brahminus: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Aulocera padma: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Ault Park: | accessdate=2013-05-04 , | accessdate=2013-05-19 , | accessdate=2013-05-08
- Aulus Caecina Severus (consul 1 BC): |accessdate=6 October 2011
- Aulus Postumius Albinus (consul 99 BC): |authorlink=T. Corey Brennan
- Aung Khin: |authorlink=Ludu Daw Amar
- Aunt Agatha Takes the Count: | authorlink= Nigel Cawthorne, | authorlink= P. G. Wodehouse
- Aunt Jane of Kentucky: |accessdate=March 21, 2010, |accessdate=March 21, 2010
- Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories: |accessdate=2018-08-15
- Aunt Judy's Magazine: |accessdate=16 June 2014, |accessdate=16 June 2014
- Aunus Radio: |authorlink=Reader's Digest
- Aura (Miles Davis album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Aura Rostand: |accessdate=29 March 2020, |accessdate=29 March 2020
- Aura Sonic: |accessdate=28 November 2012
- Aurana: |accessdate=28 November 2012
- Aurana actiosella: |accessdate=28 November 2012
- Auraria, Georgia: |accessdate=20 February 2018
- Aurat (1940 film): |authorlink1=Javed Akhtar, | accessdate = January 21, 2011
- Aurelia Henry Reinhardt: |authorlink1=Ben Jonson
- Aurelia of Strasbourg: |accessdate=2013-11-14, |accessdate=2013-11-14, |accessdate=2013-11-14, |accessdate=2013-11-16, |accessdate=2013-11-14
- Aureliano Pertile: |authorlink= J.B. Steane↵
- Aurelio Barili: | authorlink=Luigi Lanzi, |authorlink=
- Aurelio Buso: | authorlink=
- Aurelio Cano Flores: |accessdate=30 June 2013
- Aurelio Iragorri Valencia: |accessdate=8 May 2014 , |accessdate=8 May 2014 , |accessdate=8 May 2014 , |accessdate=8 May 2014 , |accessdate=8 May 2014 , |accessdate=8 May 2014
- Aurelio Peccei: |accessdate=23 December 2017, |accessdate=23 December 2017
- Aurelius Opilius: | accessdate=2015-04-12
- Aureole effect: | accessdate = 2010-02-23
- Auricular hypertrichosis: |accessdate=8 September 2014, |accessdate=24 October 2014
- Auriculectomy: |authorlink=Byron J. Bailey
- Auriol (novel): | authorlink=Everett F. Bleiler
- Aurobindo Ghosal: |accessdate=30 October 2018, |accessdate=30 October 2018
- Aurora (Nico Touches the Walls album): | writing_credits = ↵
- Aurora (electronica band): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Aurora (literary journal): |accessdate=24 May 2015, |accessdate=24 May 2015
- Aurora Bretón: |accessdate=29 May 2014
- Aurora Islands: |accessdate=9 May 2012, |accessdate=9 May 2012, |accessdate=9 May 2012, |accessdate=9 May 2012
- Aurora Jiménez de Palacios: |accessdate=July 4, 2016 , |accessdate=July 4, 2016
- Aurora Sutra: |accessdate=August 27, 2020, |accessdate=August 28, 2020
- Aurora Ximenes: |accessdate=16 August 2019
- Aurora, Nevada: |accessdate =7 February 2016
- Aurva: |accessdate=2020-01-15
- Ausburger and Pfahlburger: |authorlink=Robert Buckley Comyn , |authorlink=Henry Hallam
- Auspicious train ticket: |accessdate=11 April 2020
- Auspitz: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Austad, Lyngdal: |authorlink=Oluf Rygh
- Austen Harrison: |authorlink=Howard Colvin
- Austen Tayshus: |authorlink=David Kent (historian), |authorlink=Ross Fitzgerald
- Austin Automobile Company: | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- Austin B. Garretson: |accessdate=2013-08-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-07↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-08-08↵
- Austin Cuvillier: |accessdate=18 April 2018
- Austin Dabney: |accessdate=12 March 2013, |origyear=1909, |accessdate=January 18, 2013, |accessdate=January 18, 2013
- Austin Denham: |accessdate=October 9, 2010↵
- Austin Expedition of 1854: |authorlink1=Dominic Serventy
- Austin Hall (writer): | authorlink=John Clute , |authorlink2=Peter Nicholls (writer) , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Austin Horan: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Austin International Poetry Festival: |accessdate=2015-01-29, |accessdate=2015-01-29, |accessdate=2015-01-29
- Austin Junction, Oregon: |origyear= 1928
- Austin Lloyd Fleming: |accessdate=17 August 2017
- Austin M. Cowan: |accessdate=18 July 2020
- Austin Roberts (singer): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Austin Roberts (zoologist): |authorlink=Austin Roberts, |authorlink=Austin Roberts, |authorlink=Austin Roberts, |accessdate=29 May 2019
- Austin Stacks Camogie Club: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- Austin Taylor (British politician): |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Austin Woolfolk: |accessdate=November 3, 2017
- Austin, Hillsdale County, Michigan: | origyear= 1973
- Austinite: |accessdate=9 October 2011
- Austral Society: |authorlink=Don Talbot (author) , |origyear=2004
- Australasia rugby league team: |accessdate= 26 February 2011
- Australia 2020 Summit: |authorlink=Nicholas Stuart↵
- Australia Bicentenary Gold Cup: |accessdate=2015-07-09
- Australia Cup: |accessdate=17 November 2014
- Australia Dairy Company: | accessdate=2015-08-15
- Australia at the 1964 Summer Paralympics: |authorlink=Bill Mather-Brown
- Australia in the Korean War 1950–53: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey
- Australia's Surfing Life: |accessdate=19 May 2016
- Australian Army Veterinary Corps: |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey
- Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute: |accessdate=10 September 2015
- Australian Computer Society: |accessdate=3 August 2014 , |archiveurl=, |archivedate=15 August 2014
- Australian Football World Tour: |accessdate=21 March 2018
- Australian Instructional Corps: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey
- Australian Legendary Tales: |accessdate=24 October 2015
- Australian Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women: |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey
- Australian Literary Studies: |accessdate=11 February 2013 , |accessdate=11 February 2013
- Australian Melodrama: |authorlink1=Ian McFarlane , |archiveurl= , |accessdate=19 May 2014 , |archivedate=17 April 2004
- Australian Nationalist Party: |authorlink=Dean Jaensch
- Australian Paralympic Archery team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Athletics Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Equestrian Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Paracanoe Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Paratriathlon Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Rowing Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Sailing Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Shooting Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Swim Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic Table Tennis Team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Paralympic wheelchair tennis team: |accessdate=21 September 2016
- Australian Plague Locust Commission: |accessdate=17 September 2014, |accessdate=17 September 2014, |authorlink=David Karoly , |accessdate=17 September 2014
- Australian Services cricket team: |authorlink=Gideon Haigh , |authorlink2=David Frith (author) , |authorlink2=Bernard Whimpress , |authorlink=Roland Perry, |authorlink=Jack Pollard, |authorlink=Jack Pollard
- Australian Shield: |accessdate=13 June 2014, |accessdate=13 June 2014, |accessdate=13 June 2014, |accessdate=13 June 2014, |accessdate=13 June 2014, |accessdate=13 June 2014
- Australian Staff Corps: |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey
- Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame: |accessdate=10 October 2014
- Australian Tennis Hall of Fame: | authorlink=Paul McNamee
- Australian VIP transport: |authorlink = Department of Finance (Australia), |accessdate = 28 August 2018, |accessdate = 28 August 2018
- Australian administrative law: |authorlink1=Robin Creyke
- Australian contribution to UNTAC in Cambodia 1992–93: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Australian contribution to the Battle of Normandy: |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey
- Australian king parrot: | authorlink=Joseph Forshaw
- Australian magpies in New Zealand: |authorlink1=Gisela Kaplan
- Australian north-east coast drainage division: |accessdate=24 July 2017, |accessdate=25 July 2017, |accessdate=25 July 2017
- Australian occupation of German New Guinea order of battle: |authorlink=Seaforth Mackenzie (author)
- Australian performance poetry: |accessdate=18 October 2013
- Australian rules football leagues in regional Queensland: | accessdate = <!-----13 March 2011----->
- Australian securities law: |accessdate=13 July 2014
- Australiana (song): |authorlink=David Kent (historian), |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Australia–New Zealand sports rivalries: |authorlink= ↵ , |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=7 August 2008 ↵
- Australofannia: | accessdate = 2009-12-13
- Australofannia spiniclunis: | accessdate = 2009-12-13
- Australonycteris: | accessdate = 6 September 2014↵
- Australorp: |accessdate=15 November 2014
- Austrian Legion: |authorlink=Martin Kitchen, |authorlink=Howard Sachar
- Austrian People's Party: |accessdate=17 August 2012, |accessdate=17 August 2012
- Austrian Pinscher: | authorlink = Anne Rogers Clark
- Austro-Daimler 6: | accessdate = Aug 17, 2018
- Austro-Hungarian fortifications on the Italian border: |accessdate=14 October 2020, |accessdate=14 October 2020, |accessdate=13 October 2020, |accessdate=13 October 2020, |accessdate=13 October 2020, |accessdate=13 October 2020, |accessdate=14 October 2020, |accessdate=15 October 2020, |accessdate=15 October 2020, |accessdate=13 October 2020, |accessdate=16 October 2020, |accessdate=16 October 2020
- Austro-Hungarian strike of January 1918: |accessdate=13 July 2018
- Austroblechnum durum: |accessdate=9 January 2016
- Austroboletus eburneus: |origyear=1854
- Austroboletus occidentalis: |origyear=1854
- Austrochiloidea: |accessdate=2015-09-24
- Austrocidaria lithurga: |authorlink=George Hudson (entomologist)
- Austrocidaria prionota: |authorlink=George Hudson (entomologist)
- Austrolebias adloffi: |accessdate=January 30, 2012
- Austronesian personal pronouns: |authorlink=Robert Blust
- Austropaxillus infundibuliformis: |origyear=1935
- Austro–Serbian Alliance of 1881: | authorlink = Encyclopedia of Yugoslavia↵
- Aut Aut: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=9 January 2015
- Autariatae: |authorlink=Fanula Papazoglu
- Autauga Academy: |accessdate=13 January 2018, |accessdate=13 January 2018
- Authbind: | authorlink = ↵
- Authentic Renewal Organization: |accessdate=8 January 2014
- Authentic Science Fiction: | authorlink = Robert Holdstock
- Authentica habita: |accessdate=9 July 2020
- Authenticity and Modernity Party: |accessdate=10 October 2014
- Authenticité (Zaire): |accessdate=11 July 2020
- Autherley Junction: |authorlink=Nicholson Guides↵
- Author Meets the Critics: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-10-11
- Author editing: |accessdate=2 December 2019
- Authorised Daily Prayer Book: |authorlink=Nicholas de Lange
- Authorized Greatest Hits: |accessdate=2020-04-04, |accessdate=2020-04-04
- Authors of Plant Names: |accessdate=7 July 2013
- Authors' conference: | authorlink = Richard P. Gabriel↵
- Autism Is a World: |accessdate=11 July 2019
- Auto-Saharan Companies: |authorlink=Giulio Bedeschi
- Auto-Saharan Company: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- AutoRAI: |accessdate=11 January 2018
- Autoba abrupta: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Autoba angulifera: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Autobiography of Manuel Belgrano: |authorlink= Manuel Belgrano↵, |authorlink= Manuel Belgrano↵, |authorlink= Jorge Gelman↵
- Autobiography: Some Notes on a Nonentity: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=S.T. Joshi
- Autochthon (ancient Greece): |accessdate=26 June 2012
- Autocoder: |accessdate=Aug 23, 2019, |accessdate=Mar 8, 2020, |accessdate=Mar 5, 2020
- Autoconfig: | authorlink=Jay Miner
- Autodisplay: |accessdate=14 February 2016
- Autodynamics (race car manufacturer): |accessdate=7 September 2019
- Autogenocide: |accessdate=5 July 2016
- Autogenous welding: |origyear=1952↵
- Automated journalism: |accessdate=February 14, 2018
- Automated tissue image analysis: |accessdate=2012-07-12
- Automatic (automobile company): |authorlink= G.N. Georgano
- Automatic Electric: |accessdate=2013-10-27
- Automatic Storage Management: |accessdate= 2015-01-05↵
- Automatic revolver: |authorlink1=Ian V. Hogg, |authorlink1=Ian V. Hogg
- Automatic sequence: | authorlink=M. Lothaire
- Automatic stabilizer: | authorlink = Arthur O'Sullivan (economist)↵
- Automatic test equipment: |accessdate=2015-10-12, |accessdate=2015-10-12
- Automatic tool changer: |accessdate=23 March 2015
- Automation Workshop: |authorlink=Mark Ciampa
- Automation engineering: |accessdate=27 June 2018 , |accessdate=27 June 2018
- Automeris io: |authorlink1=Johan Christian Fabricius, |accessdate=March 15, 2018
- Automimicry: |author1link=Graeme Ruxton , |author2link=Thomas N. Sherratt , |authorlink=Edward B. Poulton
- Automobile Year: |accessdate=29 January 2016
- Automobile products liability: |accessdate=10 August 2017
- Automounter: |origyear= 1999 , |accessdate= 2007-12-23
- Automóvil: |accessdate=3 May 2015
- Autonomist Association: |accessdate=10 September 2015
- Autonomous agent: | authorlink = Ron Sun
- Autonomous consumption: |authorlink=David Colander
- Autosadism: | authorlink=Havelock Ellis , |accessdate = May 7, 2010
- Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease: |accessdate=28 July 2015
- Autosticha pelodes: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Autostick: |accessdate=11 November 2020, |accessdate=11 November 2020
- Autovía C-14: |accessdate=6 December 2020, |accessdate=6 December 2020
- Autovía C-65: |accessdate=6 December 2020, |accessdate=6 December 2020
- Autumn (2009 film): |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- Autumn (Australian band): | authorlink1 = Ian McFarlane
- Autumn Crocus (film): |accessdate=2016-12-18
- Autumn Fires (and Green Shoots): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Autumn Song (Mose Allison album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Autumnal Park: | authorlink1 = Dave Warner (musician) , | authorlink2 = Ian Meldrum
- Auxerrois blanc: | authorlink = Jancis Robinson↵
- Auxiliary function: | authorlink=Axel Thue , | authorlink=Serge Lang
- Auzakia: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Außenalster: |accessdate=12 October 2014
- Aušrinė: |authorlink=Algirdas Julien Greimas , |authorlink=Algirdas Julien Greimas
- Av oss, for oss: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Avadana: |authorlink=Richard G. Salomon (academic)
- Avadanasataka: |authorlink=John S. Strong, |authorlink=Chandima Gangodawila
- Avadhanam: | accessdate=October 8, 2012
- Avaholic: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Availability cascade: | accessdate=2013-02-12
- Avakasi: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=26 September 2017
- Aval Oru Thodar Kathai: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵, | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Aval Yaar: |authorlink=Film News Anandan , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 June 2017
- Avalanche Lake (New York): |authorlink1=Seneca Ray Stoddard, |accessdate=18 August 2017
- Avalanche chess: |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player) , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player) , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)
- Avalanche transceiver: |accessdate=26 November 2012, |accessdate=26 November 2012
- Avalon, Georgia: |accessdate=12 May 2016
- Avalon: The Legend Lives: | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵ , | authorlink = Richard Bartle↵
- Avantages: |accessdate=21 March 2015, |accessdate=21 March 2015, |accessdate=21 March 2015, |accessdate=21 March 2015
- Avantivarman (Varman dynasty): | authorlink = ↵
- Avarız: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2014-02-01
- Avasarala Rama Rao: |accessdate=4 January 2021, |accessdate=4 January 2021, |accessdate=4 January 2021, |accessdate=4 January 2021
- Avatanak Island: | authorlink=Knut Bergsland
- Avatar (1979 video game): |accessdate=31 December 2017
- Avatha bubo: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Avatha discolor: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Avatime people: |accessdate=18 April 2010
- Avawatz Mountains: |accessdate=4 September 2016
- Avaya 9600-series IP deskphones: |accessdate = 20 August 2011↵ , |accessdate = 17 August 2011↵
- Avaya ERS 5500 Series: | authorlink = ↵
- Avaya ERS 5600 Series: |accessdate = 31 December 2011↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Avaya Unified Communications Management: |accessdate = 11 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 5 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 11 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 16 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 12 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 13 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 13 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 13 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 13 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 13 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 13 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 12 Aug 2011↵, |accessdate = 13 Aug 2011↵
- Avdo Karabegović Hasanbegov: |authorlink=Ivo Banac
- Ave Maria (Biebl): | accessdate = 22 March 2018↵, | accessdate = 11 December 2019↵, | accessdate = 11 December 2019↵
- Ave Satani: |accessdate=May 9, 2019
- Ave verum corpus: |authorlink=Miri Rubin, |authorlink=Daniel Heartz
- Avegno v. Schmidt: |accessdate=6 April 2013
- Aveira: | authorlink =↵
- Aveline de Forz, Countess of Aumale: |authorlink=Peter Coss , |authorlink=Alison Weir
- Aveline de Grandpré: |accessdate=December 11, 2020
- Avengers (album): |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Aventicum: |authorlink= William Smith (lexicographer), |accessdate= 19 May 2009
- Avenue (magazine): |accessdate=16 May 2015
- Avenue Habib Bourguiba: |accessdate=18 April 2011, |accessdate=17 April 2011, |accessdate=16 April 2011, |authorlink1=Allen James Fromherz, |accessdate=16 April 2011, |accessdate=16 April 2011, |accessdate=16 April 2011, |accessdate=16 April 2011
- Avenue Kléber: |accessdate=5 November 2012
- Avenue Mohammed VI: |accessdate=8 October 2012
- Avenue de Saxe: |accessdate=9 December 2009
- Avera and inward: | authorlink=Henry Ellis (librarian) , | accessdate=15 September 2010
- Average Service Availability Index: |accessdate=21 July 2011
- Average accounting return: |author1link=Stephen Ross (economist)
- Averoigne: |accessdate=20 August 2020 , |accessdate=20 August 2020, |accessdate=20 August 2020
- Averroes's theory of the unity of the intellect: |authorlink=Peter Adamson (academic)
- Aversive case: |authorlink=R. M. W. Dixon
- Avery Kier: |accessdate=2016-12-31, |accessdate=2016-12-31
- Avery Robinson: | authorlink = ↵ , | accessdate = 2009-11-12↵↵
- Avery–Hunter House: |accessdate=17 September 2012
- Avgust Pirjevec: |accessdate=13 March 2016
- Aviamilano Scricciolo: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Aviatik (Berg) Dr.I: |origyear=1993
- Aviatik (Ö) C.I: |origyear=1993
- Aviation Cadet Training Program (USAAF): | accessdate=18 September 2012 , | accessdate=18 September 2012
- Aviation Vacation: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Aviation light signals: |accessdate=12 May 2019, |accessdate=12 May 2019, |accessdate=12 May 2019, |accessdate=13 May 2019
- Avicennia rumphiana: | authorlink1= Elmer Drew Merrill , | accessdate= 13 Nov 2013
- Avidan: | authorlink1 = Heinrich Guggenheimer↵
- Aviel: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Avielochan: |accessdate=20 February 2011, |accessdate=20 February 2011, |accessdate=20 February 2011, |accessdate=20 February 2011, |accessdate=20 February 2011, |accessdate=20 February 2011, |accessdate=20 February 2011
- Aviezer: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Avigdor: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Avigdor Ben-Gal: |accessdate=2016-02-17, |accessdate=2016-02-17, |accessdate=2016-02-17, |accessdate=2016-02-17, |accessdate=2016-02-17
- Avigdor Levontin: |accessdate=June 28, 2010, |accessdate=June 28, 2010, |accessdate=June 28, 2010
- Avignone Chemists: |accessdate=19 July 2012
- Avila Adobe: |accessdate=31 May 2018
- Aviolanda AT-21: |authorlink=Jan Roskam
- Aviron Bay: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Avis Stearns Van Wagenen: |accessdate=January 8, 2011
- Avitta: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Avitta fasciosa: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Avittathur Mahadeva Temple: |authorlink1=A. Sreedhara Menon, |authorlink1=M. G. S. Narayanan
- Avoca Island: |accessdate=25 September 2014
- Avoca, Victoria: | authorlink= Geoffrey Blainey, | authorlink= Thomas Mitchell (explorer)
- Avoch: |accessdate=May 3, 2020, |accessdate=May 3, 2020, |accessdate=May 3, 2020, |authorlink=Alexander Mackenzie (historian) , |accessdate=May 6, 2020, |authorlink=John William Watson Stephens , |accessdate=May 10, 2020, |accessdate=May 6, 2020, |accessdate=May 6, 2020
- Avoided crossing: | authorlink1=John von Neumann, | authorlink2=Eugene Wigner ↵
- Avon (ship): | authorlink = Basil Lubbock↵
- Avon Cities Jazz Band: | authorlink=John Chilton
- Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children: |authorlink=History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group
- Avon Ring: |authorlink=Nicholson Guides↵
- Avon Water: | authorlink1 = James Hight
- Avon station (Erie Railroad): |accessdate=June 7, 2020
- Avon, South Dakota: |accessdate=30 November 2013
- Avonmouth Light Railway: |accessdate=30 December 2014↵
- Avoyel: | authorlink= John R. Swanton , | authorlink= Frederick Webb Hodge , | authorlink= Frederick Webb Hodge
- Avoyelles Journal: |accessdate=4 July 2013, |accessdate=4 July 2013, |accessdate=4 July 2013, |accessdate=4 July 2013
- Avraam Benaroya: |authorlink=Esther Benbassa
- Avraham Ashkenazi: |accessdate=20 September 2011, |accessdate=20 September 2011
- Avraham Duber Kahana Shapiro: |authorlink=Esther Farbstein
- Avraham Kalmanowitz: |authorlink=Esther Farbstein, |authorlink=Yaffa Eliach
- Avraham Shlonsky: |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08
- Avrahm Yarmolinsky: |accessdate=2014-02-25↵ , |authorlink=Sol Liptzin , |accessdate=2014-02-25↵
- Avranches massacre: | accessdate=5 February 2016
- Avril Anderson: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Avro Anson RI-003: | accessdate=7 August 2018 , | accessdate=7 August 2018
- Avrohom Yaakov Friedman (first Sadigura rebbe): |authorlink=Berel Wein
- Avrom Isaacs: |accessdate=2020-06-13
- Avtar Singh Malhotra: |accessdate=24 February 2017
- AvtoVAZ vehicles in international markets: |accessdate=7 July 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=16 July 2014
- Avvaiyar (film): | authorlink=S. Theodore Baskaran , |authorlink=Randor Guy
- Avīci: |accessdate=21 September 2013, |accessdate=21 September 2013
- Aw Tjoei Lan: |accessdate=25 May 2019 , |accessdate=25 May 2019 , |accessdate=25 May 2019 , |accessdate=25 May 2019
- Awaasif: |accessdate=2013-09-20
- Awad Saud Awad: |accessdate=27 January 2017, |accessdate=27 January 2017, |accessdate=27 January 2017
- Awake Is the New Sleep: | authorlink1 = John O'Donnell (music journalist) , | authorlink2 = Toby Creswell , | authorlink3 = Craig Mathieson
- Awalmir: |accessdate=26 December 2018 , |accessdate=26 December 2018, |accessdate=26 December 2018
- Awan (tribe): |authorlink=Aitzaz Ahsan, |authorlink=Jamal J. Elias, |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot
- Aware, Inc.: |authorlink1=Howard L. Resnikoff, |authorlink2= Raymond O. Wells Jr., |accessdate=1 March 2016
- Awaroa / Godley Head: |authorlink = Alexander Wyclif Reed
- Away (play): |authorlink=Michael Gow, |authorlink=Michael Gow
- Aweer people: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2008-10-22
- Aweiden: |authorlink=, |authorlink=Fritz Gause, |authorlink=Fritz Gause
- Awit (poem): |accessdate=August 10, 2016, |accessdate=August 10, 2016, |accessdate=August 10, 2016
- Awithlaknakwe: |authorlink=Robert Charles Bell, |authorlink=Stewart Culin, |authorlink=H. J. R. Murray, |authorlink=David Parlett
- Awtuw language: |authorlink=William A. Foley
- Awukudae Festival: |accessdate=25 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=25 November 2012, |accessdate=25 November 2012, |accessdate=25 November 2012
- Awwam: |authorlink= Andrey Korotayev
- Axe (gamer): |authorlink=Paul Chaloner , |accessdate=August 25, 2020
- Axe manufacturing in Pennsylvania: |accessdate=2017-07-31
- Axel Addy: |accessdate=25 July 2018
- Axel Berg (architect): |accessdate=13 December 2012
- Axel Erlandson: |accessdate=2010-04-07
- Axel Haig: |authorlink1=Ian Nairn, |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Axel Maurer: |authorlink1=Hans Fredrik Dahl, |authorlink2=Henrik G. Bastiansen
- Axel Murswieck: |accessdate=28 April 2011
- Axes conventions: | origyear = 1960↵
- Axial fan design: |accessdate=23 May 2013
- Axialis IconWorkshop: |accessdate=2009-08-10↵, |accessdate=2009-08-10↵
- Axillary lines: |accessdate=4 November 2010
- Axillary space: |accessdate=17 July 2010
- Axinomancy: |accessdate=29 January 2011, |accessdate=29 January 2011
- Axinoptera subcostalis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Axiom (band): | authorlink1 = John O'Donnell (music journalist) , | authorlink2 = Toby Creswell , | authorlink3 = Craig Mathieson
- Axiom (rapper): |accessdate=23 October 2017, |accessdate=23 October 2017, |accessdate=23 October 2017
- Axiom A: | authorlink=David Ruelle , | authorlink=David Ruelle
- Axiom of constructibility: | authorlink=Keith Devlin↵
- Axiom of dependent choice: |author1link=George Boolos , |author2link=Richard Jeffrey
- Axiom of infinity: | authorlink2= Thomas Jech
- Axiom of projective determinacy: |authorlink1=Yiannis N. Moschovakis , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2014-11-12
- Axiomatic quantum field theory: |authorlink=Ray Streater
- Axis Nightclub: |accessdate=December 8, 2018
- Axis system: |authorlink=Ernő Lendvai , | origyear=1971
- Axtel, Kentucky: | accessdate=December 16, 2020
- Axwarbed: | authorlink = Touraj Daryaee
- Aya Okamoto: |accessdate=29 August 2012
- Ayaba Cho Lucas: |accessdate=8 July 2017
- Ayabaca: |accessdate=19 May 2013
- Ayakapı: | authorlink= Raymond Janin↵
- Ayamo moyolpachihuitia in Totlatocatzin Rey D. Fernando VII: |origyear=1877–1882
- Ayandegan: |accessdate=19 May 2015, |accessdate=19 May 2015
- Aybaki Mosque: |authorlink=Moshe Sharon
- Aydoun: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Ayds: |accessdate=2011-10-13
- Ayee Milan Ki Raat: | music_credits = ↵
- Ayelet HaShahar: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Ayesha (novel): |authorlink=H. Rider Haggard , |authorlink=H. Rider Haggard , | authorlink = Everett F. Bleiler↵
- Ayesha Bedora Choudhury: |accessdate=11 November 2017
- Ayi Kwei Armah: |authorlink=Simon Gikandi
- Ayi Tendulkar: |authorlink=Laxmi Tendulkar Dhaul
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- Ayke Agus: |accessdate=3 July 2013
- Aykut Karaman: |accessdate=20 April 2011
- Aylesbury High Street railway station: |authorlink=Christopher Awdry
- Aylmer Hunter-Weston: | authorlink = Colin Matthew, | authorlink1=Gary Sheffield (historian) , | authorlink1=Gary Sheffield (historian)
- Aylward M. Blackman: |accessdate=23 February 2009
- Ayman Saeed Abdullah Batarfi: | accessdate = 2011-11-17↵
- Aymon of Challant: |authorlink=Alessandro Barbero
- Ayn al-Bardah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
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- Aynhoe Park: |authorlink1=Nikolaus Pevsner , |origyear=1961
- Ayo Gabriel Irikefe: |accessdate=26 April 2015, |accessdate=26 April 2015
- Ayo Rock Formations: |accessdate=5 January 2011
- Ayodele Awojobi: |accessdate=20 June 2012
- Ayotte Drums: |accessdate=24 July 2020
- Ayoyotes: |accessdate=24 November 2012
- Ayrshire Royal Horse Artillery: | authorlink = Martin Farndale↵
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- Aysgarth: |accessdate=17 September 2016 , |accessdate=17 September 2016
- Ayta ash Shab: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener
- Ayton, Ontario: |accessdate=13 October 2017
- Ayub Market: | accessdate=28 April 2012 , | accessdate=28 April 2012
- Ayudha dynasty: |origyear=1980
- Ayumi Ito: |authorlink=Roger Ebert, |accessdate=9 May 2012
- Ayvansaray: | authorlink= Raymond Janin↵
- Aywick: |accessdate=5 February 2013
- Ayya (Pali word): |accessdate=28 December 2016
- Ayyalaraju Ramabhadrudu: |accessdate=27 July 2020
- Ayyappan: |accessdate=
- Ayyathan Janaki Ammal: |origyear=1972
- Ayşe Sultan (wife of Osman II): |authorlink=Leslie P. Peirce
- Ayọ: |accessdate=6 October 2017
- Az Zibar: |accessdate=19 December 2019 , |accessdate=3 March 2011, |accessdate=3 March 2011
- Azad Ali: |accessdate=2 March 2018
- Azad Beg: |accessdate=2015-04-10
- Azad Hind Bank: |accessdate=24 January 2016, |accessdate=24 January 2016
- Azadegan Organization: |accessdate=13 March 2011
- Azadi-e-Watan: |accessdate=23 July 2012
- Azakhel Bala: |accessdate=23 October 2012
- Azakhel Payan: |accessdate=23 October 2012
- Azan Faqir: |accessdate=2008-09-05 , |accessdate=2008-09-05, |accessdate=2008-09-05, |accessdate=2008-09-05
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- Azariah Boody: |accessdate=September 11, 2013
- Azdarar: |accessdate=24 June 2016, |accessdate=24 June 2016, |accessdate=25 June 2016
- Azel Backus: | authorlink=William Buell Sprague
- Azel Roe: |accessdate=11 March 2016, |accessdate=11 March 2016, |accessdate=11 March 2016
- Azer Kasimzade: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2017
- Azerbaijani mafia: |accessdate=6 May 2015
- Azg (daily): |authorlink1=Simon Payaslian
- Azhagarmalai Kalvan: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=11 January 2017
- Azhagi (1953 film): |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=24 March 2017
- Azhagiya Periyavan: |accessdate=14 May 2010
- Azhar Shah Qaiser: |accessdate=11 July 2019 , |accessdate=17 July 2019
- Azhar al-Dulaimi: | accessdate = 2011-11-09↵, | accessdate = 2011-11-10↵
- Azhiyatha Kolangal: |authorlink=G. Dhananjayan
- Azi: |accessdate=9 May 2016
- Azimuth compass: |accessdate=2014-02-02, |accessdate=2014-02-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-02, |accessdate=2014-02-02, |accessdate=2014-02-02↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-02, |accessdate=2013-01-21↵
- Aziz Sejawal: |accessdate=8 December 2011
- Aziz Vrioni: |accessdate=2012-05-29
- Aziz al-Hasan Ghouri: |accessdate=3 April 2020 , |authorlink1=Sulaiman Nadwi , |accessdate=3 April 2020 , |authorlink1=Shaukat Thanwi , |accessdate=3 April 2020 , |authorlink1=John Mohammed Butt , |authorlink1=Sulaiman Nadwi
- Aziza Amir: |accessdate=20 December 2015, |accessdate=20 December 2015, |accessdate=20 December 2015, |accessdate=20 December 2015
- Aziza Imam: |accessdate=26 December 2020, |accessdate=26 December 2020
- Azizuddin Ahmad: |accessdate=26 April 2020
- Azkajwar II: | authorlink = , | authorlink = Julius Wellhausen , | authorlink = H.A.R. Gibb , | authorlink =
- Aznar Sánchez of Gascony: |authorlink=Roger Collins , |authorlink=Archibald R. Lewis
- Azodicarbonamide: | authorlink=John Friend (yogi)
- Azolla pinnata: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Azomonas agilis: |accessdate=6 March 2012
- Azor (landowner): |accessdate=7 July 2011, |accessdate=7 July 2011
- Azor Orne: |authorlink=Benson John Lossing
- Azor Taber: |accessdate=17 May 2019 , |accessdate=17 May 2019 , |accessdate=17 May 2019 , |accessdate=17 May 2019
- Azorean real: |accessdate=
- Azosemide: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2007-10-23
- Azra Erhat: | authorlink = Azra Erhat↵, | authorlink = Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu↵, | authorlink = ↵, | authorlink = ↵
- Azrikam: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Aztag (daily): |accessdate=7 July 2016
- Aztec C: |accessdate=24 June 2016
- Aztecs Live at Sunbury: |authorlink=David Kent (historian), |authorlink=David Kent (historian), | authorlink1 = John O'Donnell (music journalist) , | authorlink2 = Toby Creswell , | authorlink3 = Craig Mathieson , |authorlink=David Kent (historian), |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Azure (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Azure (heraldry): |authorlink2= John Martin Robinson
- Azurophilic granule: |accessdate=10 November 2010
- Azzam Pasha quotation: |authorlink=I. F. Stone, |authorlink=Konni Zilliacus, | authorlink=Harry Levin, |authorlink=John Roy Carlson, |authorlink=Joseph Schechtman, |authorlink1=Larry Collins (writer), |authorlink2=Dominique Lapierre, |origyear=1972, |authorlink=Efraim Karsh, |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Azzan Yadin: |authorlink1=Azzan Yadin , |authorlink1=Azzan Yadin
- Azzun Atma: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Azúcar Amarga: |accessdate=16 August 2014
- Açoriano Oriental: |accessdate=12 January 2015
- Aïn Kassimou: |accessdate=30 October 2012, |accessdate=13 November 2012, |accessdate=13 November 2012
- Añjanā: |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Aşıkpaşazade: |authorlink=Halil İnalcık
- Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Mūsa al-Rāzī: |authorlink=Roger Collins
- A–Z (album): |accessdate=15 February 2013
- A∞-operad: | authorlink = J. Peter May↵
- B Battery, Honourable Artillery Company: | authorlink = Martin Farndale↵
- B'lieve I'm Goin Down...: | writing_credits =↵
- B'nai Jeshurun (Manhattan): |accessdate=January 7, 2013
- B, C, K, W system: | authorlink1 = Haskell Curry↵, | authorlink2 = J. Roger Hindley↵, | authorlink3 = Jonathan P. Seldin↵
- B-11 recoilless rifle: |accessdate=14 October 2014
- B-Side Ourselves: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- B-Sides, Remixes and Rarities: | writing_credits =↵↵, | lyrics_credits =↵↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- B. Anjanappa: |accessdate=5 January 2021, |accessdate=5 January 2021, |accessdate=5 January 2021
- B. B. Hudgins: |accessdate=Sep 22, 2019
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- B. C. Edwards: |accessdate=August 22, 2015
- B. Calvin Jones: |authorlink=Charles M. Hudson (author)
- B. D. Goenka: |accessdate=16 January 2010, |accessdate=3 February 2012
- B. F. Brisac: |accessdate=2 December 2018
- B. F. Jones House: | accessdate=2011-08-05, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 21 July 2011
- B. G. Hendrix: |accessdate=Sep 22, 2019
- B. G. L. Swamy: |accessdate=21 August 2013
- B. J. Feigenbaum: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- B. J. Snowden: |accessdate=14 November 2018
- B. J. Thomas discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- B. K. Dhaon: |accessdate=29 January 2019, |accessdate=29 January 2019, |accessdate=29 January 2019
- B. N. Bhargava: |accessdate=16 July 2020, |accessdate=16 July 2020, |accessdate=16 July 2020
- B. Parameswaran: | authorlink = ↵
- B. R. Rees: |accessdate=25 February 2016
- B. R. Stokes: |accessdate = June 15, 2017, |accessdate = June 14, 2017
- B. Rey Schauer: |accessdate=August 14, 2017
- B. S. Daya Sagar: |accessdate=7 September 2014, |accessdate=12 January 2019, |accessdate=6 September 2014
- B. S. Moonje: |authorlink=Des Raj Goyal , |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot
- B. Smith: |accessdate=March 30, 2011
- B. T. Collins: |accessdate=2010-04-26
- B. V. Keskar: |authorlink=Nalin Mehta, |accessdate=3 January 2015, |authorlink=Daman Singh
- B. W. Countryman: |accessdate=2013-10-10
- B. W. R. Thomas: |accessdate=30 January 2020
- B. W. Stevenson: |accessdate=May 27, 2016
- B. Z. Glass: |accessdate=2014-02-02
- B.B. King in London: |accessdate=February 28, 2019
- B.Grimm: |accessdate=6 July 2019
- B.J. Sullivan: |accessdate=30 August 2018
- B.M. Lal: |accessdate=4 January 2021
- B4 (classification): |accessdate=21 October 2012, |accessdate=21 October 2012, |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=21 October 2012, |accessdate=21 October 2012, |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=14 April 2013, |accessdate=14 April 2013
- B4329 road: |accessdate=18 July 2019, |accessdate=3 December 2014
- B4347 road: |accessdate=14 March 2012
- B6 road (Namibia): | authorlink=Klaus Dierks
- B9176 road: | accessdate=2016-04-30
- BA-21: |authorlink=United States Air Force
- BA-X: |accessdate=1 September 2014
- BASIC interpreter: |accessdate=9 August 2020, |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=May 1, 2005↵, |accessdate=2009-04-04↵
- BASIC-PLUS: |authorlink1=Gordon Bell
- BB Steal: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field: |accessdate = June 2, 2014
- BBC Bridge Companion: |authorlink=Ian Frank
- BBC Focus on Africa: |accessdate=28 April 2016
- BBC Gardeners' World: |accessdate=3 August 2015
- BBC Micro expansion unit: | accessdate=10 October 2020
- BBC Radio One Live in Concert (Thin Lizzy album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- BBC Radio Theatre: |accessdate=11 November 2019, |accessdate=11 November 2019, |accessdate=12 November 2019, |accessdate=12 November 2019, |accessdate=12 November 2019
- BBÖ 729: |authorlink=Adolph Giesl-Gieslingen
- BC Clark Jewelers: |accessdate=8 September 2017
- BC Entertainment Hall of Fame: | accessdate=2015-07-02
- BCPA Flight 304: | authorlink = Macarthur Job↵
- BECAUSE (conference): |accessdate=1 January 2020
- BEEBUG: |accessdate=1 November 2012, |accessdate=1 November 2012
- BESYS: |accessdate=May 26, 2017
- BFCS: |accessdate=30 November 2017
- BFORD 9: |accessdate=6 February 2019
- BGN/PCGN romanization of Belarusian: |authorlink=United States Board on Geographic Names , |accessdate=2007-03-13
- BIGOT list: |authorlink=George Elsey , |accessdate=9 December 2011
- BIRT Project: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2010-12-13 ↵
- BIT predicate: |authorlink=Wolfgang Rautenberg, | authorlink = Neil Immerman
- BL 12-inch railway gun: | authorlink=Martin Farndale, | author1link=Ian V. Hogg
- BL S-series engine: |accessdate=9 July 2020
- BLU-82: |accessdate=13 April 2017
- BMW 7 Series (E23): |accessdate=25 January 2017, |accessdate=25 January 2017, |accessdate=18 June 2018
- BMW 700: |accessdate=27 January 2018
- BMW M73: |accessdate=10 April 2017
- BMW Mexico: |accessdate=7 December 2017
- BMW N74: |accessdate=11 August 2017
- BMW R68: |authorlink = Mick Walker (motorcycling)
- BMW S65: |accessdate=18 August 2017, |accessdate=18 August 2017
- BNS Somudra Joy: |accessdate=18 July 2015
- BR Standard Class 3 2-6-2T: |authorlink=Ken Hoole
- BR Standard Class 4 2-6-4T: |accessdate=21 September 2020, |authorlink=Ken Hoole , |authorlink=Ken Hoole
- BR Standard Class 4 4-6-0: | authorlink=H. C. Casserley
- BRB Internacional: |accessdate=2016-10-01
- BRIXMIS: |accessdate=27 November 2012↵
- BRM P25: |authorlink1= Doug Nye , |authorlink2= Tony Rudd
- BRM P48: |authorlink1= Pierre Ménard
- BRM Type 15: |authorlink1= Doug Nye , |authorlink2= Tony Rudd
- BS 2000: |accessdate=16 July 2019
- BSA Empire Star: |authorlink= Mick Walker (motorcycling)
- BSA Welgun: |authorlink=M. R. D. Foot
- BSA unit twins: |accessdate=25 June 2018
- BT.1120: |accessdate=5 October 2017
- BTR plc: |accessdate=2015-07-20, |accessdate=2015-07-20
- BTS Group Holdings: |accessdate=28 July 2018
- BYU International Folk Dance Ensemble: |accessdate=12 September 2019, |accessdate=13 September 2019
- BYU Religious Education: |authorlink= Ernest L. Wilkinson
- Ba Congress: | authorlink = Enver Redžić↵ , | authorlink = Jozo Tomasevich↵
- Ba Swe: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=19 May 2005
- Ba Than (surgeon): | authorlink=Theippan Maung Wa
- Ba Thet: |authorlink=Ludu Daw Amar
- Ba Zaw: |origyear=1912↵
- BaFa' BaFa': |accessdate=April 30, 2015, |accessdate=April 30, 2015
- Baab-al-Salaam: | authorlink = ↵
- Baadasssss!: |authorlink=Leonard Maltin
- Baal Hammon: |accessdate=19 January 2017
- Baal-Hermon: |accessdate=23 September 2012, |accessdate=23 September 2012
- Baaloul: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Baansi: | accessdate=24 May 2017
- Baap Re Baap (1995 film): |accessdate=31 March 2015, |accessdate=31 March 2015, |accessdate=31 March 2015, |accessdate=31 March 2015
- Bab Al Bahrain: |accessdate=17 September 2019
- Bab Sebta: |accessdate=18 March 2012
- Bab al-Tabbaneh–Jabal Mohsen conflict: |accessdate=22 October 2014
- Bab el-Mrissa: |authorlink = Charles-Emmanuel Dufourcq
- Baba Beaton: |accessdate=19 January 2018
- Baba Gurgur: |authorlink = Daniel Yergin
- Baba Hardev Singh: |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013
- Baba Hari Dass: |accessdate = 10 July 2014, |accessdate=22 December 2019, |accessdate = 14 July 2014, |accessdate = 7 July 2014, |accessdate = 14 July 2014, |accessdate = 7 July 2014, |accessdate = 7 July 2014, |accessdate=16 August 2014
- Baba Mukteshwar Puri, Kosli: |accessdate=7 October 2018, |accessdate=7 October 2018
- Baba Ramdev (film): |accessdate=13 July 2009
- Baba Raúl Cañizares: |authorlink=Carole Boyce Davies
- Baba Sucha Singh: |accessdate=16 January 2018, |accessdate=16 January 2018
- Baba Yaga (film): |authorlink=Kim Newman
- Baba d'Erlanger: |accessdate=18 January 2018, |accessdate=18 January 2018
- Babacar Sedikh Diouf: |accessdate=27 March 2020
- Babaji Singh: |accessdate=November 12, 2011
- Babakin Space Centre: |accessdate=5 June 2013, |accessdate=5 June 2013
- Babanrao Haldankar: |accessdate=17 July 2013
- Babar Luck: |accessdate=26 October 2010
- Babarmahal Revisited: |accessdate=2015-11-15
- Babasaheb Bhosale: |accessdate=12 October 2014, |accessdate=12 October 2014
- Babatunde: |archivedate=June 23, 2009, |archivedate=February 5, 2019
- Babatunji Olowofoyeku: | accessdate = 23 August 2008↵
- Babayaran Mo ng Dugo: |accessdate=December 1, 2020, |accessdate=December 1, 2020, |accessdate=December 1, 2020
- Babayevo (town), Vologda Oblast: |accessdate=November 19, 2013, |accessdate=December 6, 2011 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=February 26, 2008
- Babbar Akali movement: |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011
- Babbis Friis-Baastad: |authorlink=Tordis Ørjasæter
- Babbitt v. Sweet Home Chapter of Communities for a Great Oregon: |accessdate=3 July 2013
- Babe Dahlgren: |authorlink=Marty Appel
- Babe Ruth (band): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Babel (Stravinsky): |accessdate=10 February 2019 , |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Babel (newspaper): |accessdate=26 September 2013
- Babes at Sea: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Babesia caballi: |accessdate= , |accessdate=
- Babeti Soukous: |accessdate=15 May 2017, |accessdate=15 May 2017, |accessdate=15 May 2017
- Babette Bardot: |authorlink=Jimmy McDonough
- Babette Rosmond: |accessdate=July 25, 2011
- Babette Stephens: |accessdate=2009-01-27
- Babiker Awadalla: |accessdate=21 November 2016, |accessdate=21 November 2016, |accessdate=22 November 2016, |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Babowai: |authorlink1=Wilhelm Baum, |authorlink=William Ainger Wigram
- Babson task: | authorlink2=Kenneth Whyld↵
- Babu Amar Singh: | accessdate=8 January 2019
- Babu Gopinath Singh: |accessdate=30 March 2019, |accessdate=31 March 2019, |accessdate=31 March 2019
- Babulal Patodi: | accessdate=9 October 2015
- Babulal Solanki: |accessdate=20 March 2020, |accessdate=20 March 2020
- Babulal Tiwari: |accessdate=20 March 2020, |accessdate=20 March 2020, |accessdate=20 March 2020
- Baburao Kale: |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020
- Baburao Painter: | accessdate=11 November 2012
- Baburao Pendharkar: |authorlink1=Stanley Reed (British politician)
- Babushkinsky District, Vologda Oblast: |accessdate=September 23, 2011
- Baby Be Good: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Baby Bottleneck: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Baby Cemetery: |accessdate=1 October 2019
- Baby Don't Do It: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Baby Fae: |accessdate=May 28, 2013
- Baby Train: |authorlink = Bennett Cerf, |accessdate=2 April 2018, | authorlink = Jan Harold Brunvand
- Baby Turns Blue: |accessdate=21 September 2014, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2008-05-09 , |accessdate=21 September 2014
- Baby Washington: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Baby-Baby-Baby: |accessdate=October 15, 2010
- Baby-Face Mouse: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Babycham: |authorlink = Philip Norman (author)↵
- Babylon Hill: |authorlink=Robin Bush (historian)
- Babylon Revisited: |accessdate=November 15, 2012
- Babylónia: |accessdate=March 21, 2011, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=July 14, 2014, |accessdate=April 7, 2011, |accessdate=April 7, 2011
- Babë Dud Karbunara: |accessdate=13 October 2012
- Bacacay: |accessdate=29 September 2019
- Bacalao (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bacalhau com natas: |accessdate=3 April 2012
- Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá: |accessdate=3 April 2012
- Bacalhau à Zé do Pipo: |accessdate=3 April 2012
- Bacchi Tempel: |authorlink=Paul Britten Austin , |authorlink=Lars Lönnroth
- Bacchi Wapen: |accessdate=15 November 2011, |accessdate=15 November 2011
- Bacchus (opera): |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020, |accessdate=1 August 2020
- Bacchus, Utah: |accessdate=2 Mar 2019
- Bach Church, Arnstadt: | authorlink = Christoph Wolff↵
- Bachchan (2013 film): | lyrics_credits = ↵
- Bachchon Ka Khel: |accessdate=25 April 2013, | accessdate=2016-12-19
- Bache McEvers: |accessdate=10 August 2017, |accessdate=13 March 2020 , |accessdate=13 March 2020 , |accessdate=13 March 2020 , |accessdate=13 March 2020 , |accessdate=13 March 2020 , |accessdate=13 March 2020
- Bachelle Electric: |accessdate=2011-11-20
- Bachelor Boy: |authorlink1=Mike Read , |accessdate=1 July 2013
- Bachelor and Spinster Ball: |accessdate=2008-11-19
- Bachelor griller: |accessdate=6 March 2014, |authorlink=P. J. O'Rourke, |authorlink=George Orwell, |accessdate=28 October 2014, |accessdate=28 October 2014
- Bachelor herd: |authorlink=Richard Despard Estes , |authorlink=Richard Despard Estes
- Bachelor of Eastern Medicine and Surgery: |authorlink=Publications Division (India)
- Bachelor's Children: |accessdate=2018-08-11
- Bachhraj Vyas: |accessdate=18 May 2020, |accessdate=18 May 2020
- Bachhu Mollah: |accessdate=17 October 2019
- Bachiru: |accessdate=3 May 2013, |accessdate=3 May 2013, |accessdate=3 May 2013, |accessdate=3 May 2013
- Bachittar Singh: | authorlink=Gurbaksh Singh Shamsher
- Bachman–Turner Overdrive (1973 album): |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Bachman–Turner Overdrive II: |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Bachwoche Ansbach: |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012, |accessdate=12 September 2012
- Bacillus infernus: |accessdate=21 July 2020
- Bacillus selenitireducens: |authorlink=
- Baciro Djá: |accessdate=1 December 2016
- Back Again (Bob Brookmeyer album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Back Country Suite: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Back Door Man: | authorlink = Paul Oliver↵
- Back Home (Chuck Berry album): |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Back II da Basics: |accessdate=2 January 2014, |accessdate=17 March 2013
- Back River volcanic complex: |accessdate= 2010-08-06
- Back Stabbers: |accessdate=March 10, 2019, |accessdate={{date|2011-10-14}} , |accessdate={{date|2009-01-02}}
- Back Stage (1919 film): |accessdate=21 October 2010↵
- Back Street (novel): |authorlink=Fannie Hurst
- Back Street Luv: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Back at One (album): |accessdate=January 10, 2020
- Back examination: |accessdate=25 June 2011
- Back for the Attack: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Back from Rio: |authorlink1=Gary Graff
- Back from Samoa: |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Back in '72: |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Back in Your Life (Jonathan Richman album): |accessdate=18 June 2020
- Back in the DHSS: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Back in the USA (album): |accessdate=March 7, 2019
- Back on My Feet Again: |accessdate=2014-02-17
- Back on the Right Track: |accessdate=March 9, 2019
- Back to Avalon (Teddy Edwards album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Back to Back: Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges Play the Blues: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Back to Front (Gilbert O'Sullivan album): |accessdate=10 March 2019
- Back to Hannibal: The Return of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: |accessdate=6 September 2016
- Back to Oakland: |accessdate=March 16, 2019
- Back to Soft: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Back to the Bars: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Back to the Bible: |accessdate=2018-09-25, |accessdate=2018-09-25
- Back to the Bible Way: |authorlink1= James R. Lewis (scholar)
- Back to the City: |authorlink = Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2 = Brian Morton (Scottish writer), |origyear = 1992
- Back to the Drawing Board!: |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Back to the Tracks: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Back to the World (Curtis Mayfield album): |accessdate=March 7, 2019
- BackHome: |accessdate=1 May 2016
- Backbone (Boney James album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Backflush accounting: |accessdate=10 December 2018, |accessdate=10 December 2018, |accessdate=10 December 2018, |accessdate=10 December 2018, |accessdate=10 December 2018, |accessdate=10 December 2018
- Backgammon (video game): |accessdate=8 August 2019, |accessdate=2 September 2019
- Backgammon match strategy: |authorlink=Bill Robertie
- Backgammon notation: |authorlink=Bill Robertie , |authorlink=Paul Magriel
- Background and causes of the Iranian Revolution: |accessdate=21 July 2016
- Background process: |accessdate=12 November 2010, |accessdate=10 November 2010, |archiveurl=, |archivedate= 3 December 2010, |accessdate=10 November 2010 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=3 November 2010 , |accessdate=10 November 2010, |archiveurl=, |archivedate= 21 October 2010
- Backhouse's Bank: |accessdate=10 May 2018, |accessdate=10 May 2018, |accessdate=10 May 2018, |accessdate=10 May 2018, |accessdate=10 May 2018
- Backsliding: |accessdate=14 June 2012, |accessdate=14 June 2012, |accessdate=14 June 2012, |accessdate=14 June 2012, |accessdate=13 June 2012, |accessdate=13 June 2012
- Backstage Pass (album): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Backstepping: | authorlink = Hassan K. Khalil↵
- Backup rotation scheme: |accessdate=17 May 2019
- Backusburg, Kentucky: | accessdate=December 15, 2020
- Backward Society Education: |accessdate=July 13, 2012, |accessdate=July 13, 2012, |accessdate=July 13, 2012, |accessdate=July 13, 2012, |accessdate=July 13, 2012
- Backward invention: |accessdate=23 September 2012
- Backwaxed: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Backwoods Bunny: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Baco Islands: | accessdate=May 8, 2017
- Bacon sundae: | accessdate=January 6, 2017 , | accessdate=January 6, 2017
- Bacon-Gleason-Blodgett Homestead: |accessdate=2017-12-08
- Baconique meal: |authorlink=Prosper Montagné
- Bacterial wilt of carnation: |accessdate=20 October 2014
- Bactra straminea: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Bactra venosana: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Bactridium: | origyear = 1983↵
- Bactris setulosa: |authorlink= Andrew Henderson (botanist)
- Bad Blood (Blood on the Dance Floor album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Bad Blue Boys: |accessdate=25 February 2009
- Bad Boyz: |accessdate=August 3, 2011
- Bad Brains (album): |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Bad Buzz: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Bad Charleston Charlie: |accessdate=December 2, 2010, |accessdate=December 1, 2010, |accessdate=December 1, 2010
- Bad Company discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Bad Habits (Jenny Burton song): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Bad Habits (play): |authorlink=Terrence McNally
- Bad Honnef (Rhein) station: |accessdate=18 February 2017
- Bad Moon Rising (Everybody Loves Raymond): |accessdate=January 23, 2020, |accessdate=January 23, 2020, |accessdate=January 23, 2020
- Bad Parliament: |authorlink=Michael Prestwich
- Bad Ragaz: |accessdate=17 March 2019
- Bad Yard Club: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Bad for Me (album): |accessdate=14 July 2020
- Badaber: |accessdate=6 October 2017
- Badagry Festival: |accessdate=30 October 2015, |accessdate=30 October 2015, |accessdate=30 October 2015, |accessdate=30 October 2015
- Badass (guitar bridges): | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Badda, Syria: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Baddest (Grover Washington Jr. album): |accessdate=30 January 2019
- Bade Ghar Ki Beti: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Bade Sarkar: |accessdate=12 March 2015, |accessdate=12 March 2015
- Baden Baden-Powell: |accessdate=9 August 2017
- Baden IV h: |origyear=1994 , |origyear=1994 , |origyear=1978
- Baden cuisine: |accessdate=21 July 2013, |accessdate=21 July 2013, |accessdate=21 July 2013
- Baden main line: |accessdate=8 August 2012
- Badgaon tehsil: |accessdate=19 April 2019, |accessdate=20 April 2019, |accessdate=19 April 2019, |accessdate=19 April 2019
- Badger (1803 ship): | authorlink = William Richard O'Byrne
- Badger Books: | authorlink = Mike Ashley (writer)
- Badger Trust: |accessdate=4 April 2013
- Badhwana: |accessdate=18 September 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 November 2016
- Badi Baat: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Badi Maa: |accessdate=25 April 2013, |accessdate=4 January 2016, |accessdate=4 January 2016
- Badi Mata: |accessdate=8 December 2014
- Badi-al Zaman Mirza Safavi: | authorlink = , | authorlink =
- Badjiri language: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-05-20
- Badla (1943 film): |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Badlands (American band): |authorlink= Martin Popoff
- Badlands (Badlands album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Badlands Guardian: |accessdate=6 September 2013
- Badminton Library: |authorlink1=John Moyer Heathcote↵, |authorlink2=Charles Goodman Tebbutt↵, | accessdate = 3 September 2013
- Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics – Men's doubles: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 September 2007
- Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics – Mixed doubles: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 September 2007
- Badminton at the 1996 Summer Olympics – Women's doubles: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 September 2007
- Badr al-Mu'tadidi: | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Badr bin Saif: |accessdate=2013-11-20↵ , |authorlink=Samuel Barrett Miles, |accessdate=20 November 2013↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-20↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-20↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-11↵
- Badridas Mukeem: |accessdate=2016-11-26, |accessdate=2016-11-24
- Badstuestræde 18: |accessdate=3 August 2018
- Badíʻ: |authorlink=Shoghi Effendi , |authorlink=Shoghi Effendi↵ , |authorlink=Nabíl-i-Aʻzam↵
- Bae (surname): |accessdate=22 October 2015
- Baeomyces rufus: |accessdate=11 October 2015, |accessdate=11 October 2015
- Baezaeko River: |accessdate=22 August 2013
- Bafumbira: |accessdate=27 January 2015, |accessdate=27 January 2015
- Bag (unit): |accessdate=27 March 2015
- Bag-o Abo: |accessdate=19 June 2014
- Bag-o Isi Island: |accessdate=19 June 2014
- Baga, Mainling County: |accessdate=13 March 2011
- Bagavan: |authorlink1=James R. Russell
- Bagaš noble family: |accessdate=23 November 2013
- Bagger 288: |accessdate=10 April 2012
- Baggy Pants and the Nitwits: |accessdate=14 March 2020
- Bagh-Chal: |authorlink=David Parlett↵
- Baghban (1938 film): |accessdate=26 March 2015, |accessdate=26 March 2015
- Baghdad (West Syriac diocese): |authorlink=Jean Maurice Fiey
- Baghdad Batteries (Orbsessions Volume III): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Baghi Sipahi: |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015, |accessdate=24 March 2015
- Baghouse: |accessdate=6 August 2013
- Baglana: |accessdate=30 September 2012, |accessdate=29 September 2012
- Bagley Township, Michigan: |origyear=1973
- Bagley train wreck: |accessdate=23 September 2020
- Baglioni (family): |accessdate=4 February 2020
- Baglioni Chapel: |authorlink=Cristina Acidini
- Bagmasti: |authorlink=George Smith
- Bagnath Temple: |accessdate=15 October 2016, |accessdate=15 October 2016, |accessdate=15 October 2016, |accessdate=15 October 2016
- Bagne of Toulon: |accessdate=13 October 2020
- Bagoas: |authorlink=Pierre Briant
- Bagoas (disambiguation): |authorlink= Richard D. Nelson
- Bagous magister: | origyear = 1983↵
- Bagrat I of Imereti: |authorlink=Prince Vakhushti of Kartli
- Bagrat Ioannisiani: |authorlink=John Gunther
- Bags' Groove: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bagworth: |origyear=1848 , |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Bah Wilderness: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Baha al-Din Sam I: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Baha al-Din Sam III: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Bahadur Nizam Shah: |authorlink=Thomas Shore (writer), |authorlink=John F. Richards, |authorlink=Wolseley Haig
- Bahai (Jurchen): |authorlink=Toqto'a (Yuan dynasty)
- Bahamian pygmy boa constrictor: |authorlink1=Albert Schwartz (zoologist)
- Bahana (1942 film): |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Bahauddin Zakariya: |accessdate=10 January 2011
- Bahawalnagar: |accessdate=21 April 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=22 April 2017
- Bahay Kubo (folk song): |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=21 August 2019 , |accessdate=22 August 2019
- Bahcall–Wolf cusp: | authorlink = Don Figer
- Bahey El Din Barakat Pasha: |accessdate=2010-08-08
- Bahi Ladgham: |accessdate=2015-04-08
- Bahia (album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club: |accessdate=2015-05-15
- Bahia Hariri: |accessdate=11 May 2011
- Bahian guitar: |accessdate=11 April 2011
- Bahij Hojeij: |accessdate=22 June 2011
- BahnCard: | authorlink = Volker Albus↵
- Bahnhofplatz: |accessdate= 10 February 2010 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 November 2010
- Bahomamey: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bahr El-Baqar primary school bombing: |accessdate=25 January 2021
- Bahrain Centre for Studies and Research: |accessdate=30 September 2014
- Bahrain Financial Harbour: |accessdate=28 February 2020
- Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance: |accessdate=12 March 2020 , |accessdate=12 March 2020
- Bahrain Petroleum Company: |authorlink= Marius Vassiliou↵
- Bahram Aryana: |accessdate=5 November 2017, |accessdate=13 March 2011
- Bahram Beyzai bibliography: | authorlink = Bahram Beyzai↵
- Bahram ibn Mafinna: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth , | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Bahram ibn Shahriyar: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Bahramcha: |authorlink=Carter Malkasian
- Bahuti Falls: | accessdate = 2010-07-11 , | accessdate = 2010-07-02 , | accessdate = 2010-06-28 , | accessdate = 2010-07-11
- Baháʼu'lláh: |authorlink=Adib Taherzadeh
- Baháʼí Faith and Hinduism: | authorlink = Moojan Momen
- Baháʼí Faith and Native Americans: | accessdate = 2010-05-30
- Baháʼí Faith in Afghanistan: | accessdate = 23 April 2013
- Baháʼí Faith in Bosnia and Herzegovina: |authorlink=Shoghi Effendi↵ , |authorlink = ʻAbdu'l-Bahá , |origyear = 1916-17
- Baháʼí Faith in Dominica: |authorlink = Shoghi Effendi , |authorlink = ʻAbdu'l-Bahá , |origyear = 1916-17, |authorlink = Shoghi Effendi
- Baháʼí Faith in Liberia: | accessdate = 2008-11-15
- Baháʼí Faith in Madagascar: |authorlink = ʻAbdu'l-Bahá , |origyear = 1916-17, |authorlink=Rúhíyyih Khanum
- Baháʼí Faith in South America: |accessdate=16 July 2013
- Baháʼí Faith in the United Arab Emirates: | authorlink = Universal House of Justice↵
- Baháʼí marriage: |authorlink=ʻAbdu'l-Bahá↵ , |authorlink=Baháʼu'lláh↵ , |authorlink=Universal House of Justice↵
- Baháʼí studies: |accessdate=29 April 2013, |accessdate=4 April 2013, |accessdate=31 May 2013, |accessdate=1 June 2013, |accessdate=1 June 2013, |accessdate=1 June 2013, |accessdate=21 May 2013, |accessdate=21 May 2013, |accessdate=31 May 2013, |accessdate=23 May 2013, |accessdate=31 May 2013, |accessdate=31 May 2013, |accessdate=4 April 2013
- Bahçelievler massacre: |authorlink=Soner Yalçın
- Bahía de Banderas: |accessdate=1 October 2017
- Bai Shouyi: |accessdate=2010-06-28
- Bai Xiangguo: |authorlink=Colin Mackerras , |authorlink=Ross Terrill
- Bai Yutang: |authorlink=David Der-wei Wang
- Bai Ze: | authorlink = Shigeru Mizuki↵
- Baiame: |authorlink=K. Langloh Parker
- Baidar: | authorlink = ↵
- Baidyanath Rath: |accessdate=22 June 2020, |accessdate=22 June 2020
- Baijnath Kureel: |accessdate=20 October 2017, |accessdate=20 October 2017, |accessdate=20 October 2017
- Baiju Bawra (film): |accessdate=17 September 2015, | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Baiju N. Nair: |accessdate=25 August 2020 , |accessdate=25 August 2020, |accessdate=25 August 2020, |accessdate=25 August 2020, |accessdate=25 August 2020
- Baikal Rift Zone: |accessdate = 11 May 2013
- Baikonur Cosmodrome Site 110: |accessdate=1 March 2015
- Bail in the United States: |accessdate=4 September 2017
- Bailey Bridge (Walton on Trent): |accessdate=2 November 2018
- Bailey Fountain: |authorlink=Clay Lancaster , |authorlink=Neil deMause
- Bailey Quarters: |accessdate=2010-01-26, |accessdate=2010-01-26, |accessdate=Sep 2, 2020, |accessdate=2010-01-26, |accessdate=2010-01-26, |accessdate=2010-01-26, |accessdate=2010-01-26, | authorlink = David McGimpsey↵, | accessdate = 2010-01-26↵, | authorlink = Rebecca McNutt↵, | accessdate = 2017-12-29↵
- Bailey Willis: |authorlink=Eliot Blackwelder
- Bailey's Elementary School for the Arts and Sciences: |accessdate=21 January 2018
- Baileya (plant): |authorlink1=William Henry Harvey, |authorlink2=Asa Gray, |authorlink1=William Henry Harvey, |authorlink2=Asa Gray
- Baileyton, Tennessee: | accessdate=21 November 2011
- Bailey–Morshead exploration of Tsangpo Gorge: |accessdate=13 August 2014, |authorlink=Wade Davis (anthropologist), |accessdate=14 June 2014
- Bailiff Bridge: |accessdate=19 January 2016
- Bailiffgate Museum: | authorlink = Andrew Nairne↵
- Bailiffscourt Chapel: |authorlink1=Ian Nairn, |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Bailiwick of Utrecht: |accessdate=2014-06-29, |accessdate=2014-06-23, |accessdate=2014-06-23, |accessdate=2014-06-23, |accessdate=2014-06-23
- Bailo of Negroponte: | authorlink = Karl Hopf (historian)
- Baimuru Rural LLG: |authorlink=Nicholas Evans (linguist)
- Bain's Vlei: |accessdate=28 August 2013
- Bainbridge Island (Alaska): |accessdate=17 February 2018
- Bainton, East Riding of Yorkshire: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner, |origyear=1972
- Baiounitai: |authorlink1=Neil Christie, |authorlink1=Richard Hodges (archaeologist) , |authorlink1=Vladimir Ćorović, |authorlink=Florin Curta, |authorlink2=Mark Pearce
- Baipaza Dam: |accessdate=16 January 2015, |accessdate=16 January 2015
- Bairagi Dwibedy: |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2020
- Bairagi Jena: |accessdate=19 January 2019, |accessdate=19 January 2019, |accessdate=19 January 2019
- Bairagimadam Temple: | authorlink=S. Muthiah
- Baird of Bute Society: |authorlink=Christopher Richard Markwell
- Baire space (set theory): |authorlink=Alexander S. Kechris, |authorlink=Yiannis N. Moschovakis
- Bairoa, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bairoa, Caguas, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Baishnab Charan Patnaik: |accessdate=27 February 2019, |accessdate=27 February 2019
- Baishnaba Pani: |accessdate=25 February 2013, |accessdate=2 May 2013
- Baiterek (monument): |archivedate=16 December 2017
- Baiza Bai: |authorlink=Ferdinand Mount
- Baizhang Huaihai: |authorlink1=Thomas Cleary
- Baj Singh: |authorlink1=Hari Ram Gupta
- Baja Mali Knindža: |accessdate=11 September 2010
- Baja Studios: |accessdate=19 January 2018, |accessdate=11 January 2018
- Bajadero, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bajaj Spirit: |accessdate=13 April 2012, |accessdate=13 April 2012
- Bajaji Rao Naik Nimbalkar: |accessdate=29 June 2011, |accessdate=29 June 2011, |accessdate=29 June 2011
- Bajan's list: |accessdate=27 June 2012
- Bajar dengan Djiwa: | authorlink = Misbach Yusa Biran↵
- Bajer Bridge: | accessdate=September 11, 2010 , | archiveurl= , | archivedate=2010-08-18
- Bajo Stanišić: |authorlink=Jozo Tomasevich
- Bajo Topulli: |accessdate=29 May 2012, |accessdate=29 May 2012
- Bajovo Polje: |origyear=1946
- Bajrak: |accessdate=10 May 2012
- Bajram Kelmendi: |accessdate=14 January 2012, |accessdate=14 January 2012
- Bajrang Dal: |accessdate=17 February 2021 , |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |authorlink=Amrita Basu, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021, |accessdate=17 February 2021
- Bajura Adentro: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bajura Afuera: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bajura, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bajura, Isabela, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bajura, Vega Alta, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bajutsu: |accessdate=15 June 2012, |accessdate=15 June 2012
- Bakare Gbadamosi: |accessdate=19 November 2012, |accessdate=19 November 2012, |accessdate=19 November 2012
- Bakawan: |accessdate=17 March 2016, |accessdate=17 March 2016
- Baked ziti: | authorlink=James Oseland↵, | authorlink1=Lidia Bastianich↵, | authorlink2=Tanya Bastianich Manuali↵
- Baker & Dale: |authorlink= G.N. Georgano
- Baker Beach (Alcatraz): |accessdate=31 August 2012
- Baker Botts: |accessdate= December 15, 2020
- Baker Hot Springs: |accessdate=2 August 2020
- Baker House (Bacchus Marsh, Victoria): | authorlink = Robin Boyd (architect)↵
- Baker Street robbery: |authorlink=Duncan Campbell (journalist, born 1944), |authorlink=Wensley Clarkson
- Bakers Narrows: | accessdate = 2014-04-16, |accessdate=10 July 2014, |accessdate=10 July 2014
- Bakery (band): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Baker–Fancher party: | authorlink = ↵
- Bakesale: |accessdate=September 30, 2011
- Bakestall: |authorlink=Alfred Wainwright
- Bakestone: | authorlink1=Marie Hartley (author)
- Bakhabi: |accessdate=11 May 2011
- Bakhar: |accessdate=3 June 2011, |accessdate=28 July 2011, |accessdate=28 July 2011, |accessdate=17 March 2012, |accessdate=17 March 2012
- Bakhtiar Rana: |accessdate=18 June 2018 , |accessdate=18 June 2018 , |accessdate=18 June 2018 , |accessdate=19 June 2018 , |authorlink1=Musa Khan Hazara , |accessdate=18 June 2018
- Bakhtrioni uprising: |authorlink1=Ronald Grigor Suny
- Bakia, Guinea: |accessdate=15 October 2016
- Baking mix: |accessdate=23 September 2013, |accessdate=24 September 2013
- Bakithi Kumalo: |accessdate=1 July 2010, |accessdate=8 August 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Bakić noble family: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=Konstantin Jireček
- Bakka, Aurland: |authorlink=Oluf Rygh
- Bakka, Lebanon: |accessdate=17 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012, |accessdate=20 September 2012
- Bakke Graduate University: |accessdate=2018-09-07
- Bakoko people: |accessdate=28 August 2012, |accessdate=28 August 2012, |accessdate=28 August 2012
- Bakop: |accessdate=31 December 2012
- Bakraur: |authorlink2=14th Dalai Lama
- Baksei Chamkrong: |authorlink= George Coedès
- Baksi Nayak: |accessdate=1 March 2019, |accessdate=1 March 2019, |accessdate=1 March 2019
- Bal Bullier: |accessdate=5 September 2013
- Bal'ami family: | authorlink =
- Bal'arab bin Himyar: |accessdate=2013-11-14↵ , |authorlink=Samuel Barrett Miles, |accessdate=2013-11-14↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-14↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-11↵
- Bala Deh: |accessdate=11 May 2011, |accessdate=11 May 2011
- Bala Fault: |accessdate=8 December 2010
- Bala Gopaludu: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Balaban Aga Mosque: | authorlink= Alexander van Millingen↵ , | authorlink= Raymond Janin↵ , | authorlink=Wolfgang Müller-Wiener↵
- Balaclava, Grey County, Ontario: |accessdate= 2010-06-30
- Baladay: |accessdate=28 April 2011
- Balaenifrons homopteridia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Balagansky District: |accessdate=January 29, 2013, |accessdate=January 29, 2013, |accessdate=29 January 2013
- Balai Pustaka: | authorlink=Bakri Siregar↵
- Balaji Kunjar: |accessdate=2012-07-12, |accessdate=2012-07-12, |accessdate=2012-07-12, |accessdate=2012-07-12, |accessdate=2012-07-12, |accessdate=2012-07-12
- Balakh Sher Mazari: |accessdate=16 June 2012
- Balakrishnabuwa Ichalkaranjikar: |accessdate=17 July 2013
- Balakrushna Dash: |accessdate=2014-10-31
- Balam (1949 film): |accessdate=14 September 2014
- Balamber: |authorlink=Edward Arthur Thompson
- Balan Nambiar: |accessdate=30 July 2014
- Balance equation: |accessdate=2010-09-11
- Balanced ternary: |authorlink=Donald Knuth↵
- Balancing Rocks: |accessdate=11 February 2011
- Balancing selection: | authorlink = E. B. Ford
- Balanophora: |accessdate=22 April 2016
- Balanophora fungosa: |accessdate=25 December 2015, |authorlink1=Roland W. Brown
- Balasaheb Pawar: |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020
- Balasaheb Salunke: |accessdate=13 December 2020, |accessdate=13 December 2020, |accessdate=13 December 2020
- Balasis family acrobatic act: |accessdate=28 August 2018
- Balasubramanian Viswanathan: |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08, |accessdate=2017-01-08
- Balbagon Island: |accessdate=30 June 2014
- Balbo's game: |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵ , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵
- Balboa (dance): |accessdate=2020-05-18, |accessdate=2020-05-18
- Balboa Amusement Producing Company: |authorlink=Anthony Slide
- Balcarres House: |accessdate=12 May 2015, |accessdate=2012-02-12
- Balchão: |accessdate=14 August 2012
- Balcombe tunnel: | authorlink = Francis Whishaw
- Balconie Castle: |accessdate=March 14, 2020
- Bald Eagle Valley Railroad: | accessdate=June 26, 2007 , | archiveurl= , | archivedate=June 16, 2007
- Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation: | accessdate=2007-08-31
- Bald Hills Radiator: |accessdate=10 September 2018
- Bald parrot: | authorlink = Richard Ellis (biologist)
- Baldachin from Tost: |authorlink1= , |authorlink2= , |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012, |accessdate=3 September 2012
- Baldassare Gabbugiani: | authorlink=
- Baldassare d'Anna: | authorlink=
- Baldovino Dassù: |authorlink=Peter Alliss
- Baldresca: |accessdate=3 August 2020
- Baldur (album): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Baldwin (abbot of Bury St Edmunds): |authorlink=Frank Barlow (historian) , |authorlink=Frank Barlow (historian) , |author1link=David Knowles (scholar) , |author3link=Christopher N. L. Brooke , |origyear=2004
- Baldwin FitzGilbert: | authorlink= Katharine Keats-Rohan
- Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw, Los Angeles: |authorlink1=
- Baldwin II, Margrave of Flanders: |accessdate=25 May 2015
- Baldwin III, Count of Guînes: |accessdate=10 May 2012, |accessdate=10 May 2012, |authorlink2=Nicolas Viton de Saint-Allais , |accessdate=10 May 2012, |accessdate=10 May 2012, |accessdate=10 May 2012, |accessdate=10 May 2012, |accessdate=10 May 2012, |accessdate=10 May 2012, |accessdate=10 May 2012
- Baldwin River (Michigan): |authorlink=Robert J. Behnke
- Balearic shearwater: |authorlink1=Charles Sibley , |authorlink2=Burt Monroe
- Baleshwar Ram: |accessdate=29 March 2019, |accessdate=29 March 2019
- Balestrand (village): |authorlink=Oluf Rygh
- Baleswari Odia: |accessdate=20 June 2012, |accessdate=20 June 2012
- Balfour House: |origyear=2002
- Balfour Mission: |authorlink = Kathleen Burk , |authorlink= United States Government Publishing Office , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 April 2017 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate= 3 February 2014
- Balfour baronets: |accessdate=28 September 2017
- Balfouria: |accessdate=27 September 2010
- Balfron railway station: |authorlink1=John Thomas (author)
- Balgarvie Castle: |authorlink=Robert Sibbald
- Balhae controversies: |accessdate=2012-09-12, |accessdate=2012-09-15, |accessdate=2012-09-12
- Balham, Gateway to the South: | authorlink = Frank Muir , | authorlink = Ed Sikov
- Balicassiao: | authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Balichão: |accessdate=15 March 2018, |accessdate=15 March 2018
- Balie Peyton: |authorlink=Walter T. Durham
- Baliguian Island: |accessdate=17 June 2014
- Balijepalli Lakshmikantham Kavi: |accessdate=8 September 2020 , |accessdate=8 September 2020
- Balila: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Balima River (Papua New Guinea): |accessdate=1 November 2011, |accessdate=1 November 2011, |accessdate=1 November 2011
- Balin Kuli: |accessdate=24 December 2020, |accessdate=24 December 2020
- Balinese Kshatriya: |accessdate=2015-07-19, |authorlink2=Reinhold Rost, |accessdate=2015-07-19, |accessdate=2015-07-19
- Balitung: |authorlink= George Coedès
- Balivada Kanta Rao: |accessdate=2014-10-11
- Balkan lynx: |accessdate=6 April 2018, |accessdate=6 April 2018, |accessdate=6 April 2018, |accessdate=6 April 2018, |accessdate=6 April 2018, |accessdate=6 April 2018
- Balkavi: |accessdate=2009-12-09
- Balkrishna Gupta: |accessdate=31 December 2017, |accessdate=31 December 2017
- Balkrishna Mabuhang: |accessdate=11 December 2012
- Ball of the Century: |accessdate=2009-07-10↵
- Ball turret: |accessdate=26 May 2020, |accessdate=26 May 2020
- Ballad of Blaník: |accessdate=8 March 2012, |accessdate=8 March 2012, |accessdate=8 March 2012
- Ballads 'n' Bullets: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Ballads (John Coltrane album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Ballads for Bass Clarinet: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Ballahoo-class schooner: | authorlink = William James (naval historian)
- Ballakilpheric: |accessdate=21 March 2020
- Ballal: |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018
- Ballamona Hospital: |accessdate=31 May 2018
- Ballantrae, Ontario: |accessdate=13 October 2017
- Ballard-Hudson High School: |accessdate=31 August 2011
- Ballari Junction railway station: |accessdate=3 March 2015
- Ballast pond: |authorlink=Charles Frederick Partington
- Ballerina Girl: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=Joel Whitburn , |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Balletto Glacier: |accessdate=October 9, 2014
- Balli railway station: |accessdate=10 August 2016
- Ballieth: |authorlink=, |authorlink=Fritz Gause
- Ballikinrain: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig , |origyear=1977
- Ballinamult: |accessdate=15 December 2014
- Ballincollig Castle: |authorlink = John Windele
- Ballindalloch Railway Bridge: |accessdate=7 July 2019, |accessdate=7 July 2019
- Ballingarry GAA: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- Balliol-Trinity Laboratories: | authorlink = John L. Heilbron , |authorlink2=Allan Chapman (historian)
- Ballistic Research Laboratory: |authorlink=Peter Salus↵
- Balloch, Cumbernauld: |accessdate=25 February 2017
- Ballochroy: |authorlink=Julian Cope
- Ballons des Vosges Nature Park: |accessdate=25 March 2013
- Balloon (typeface): | authorlink=David Consuegra
- Balloon Kid: |authorlink=Jeff Rovin
- Balloon flange girder: |authorlink=Steven Brindle↵ , |authorlink=Edwin Clark (civil engineer)↵ , |authorlink=Isambard Brunel Junior↵ , |origyear=1870↵ , |authorlink=Isambard Brunel Junior↵ , |origyear=1870↵
- Balloonfest '86: |accessdate=July 8, 2018
- Ballot Initiative Strategy Center: | accessdate=December 16, 2016
- Ballot Result: |authorlink=Michael Azerrad
- Ballot Security Task Force: |accessdate=October 7, 2008, |accessdate=October 7, 2008, |accessdate=October 7, 2008, |accessdate=October 7, 2008
- Ballroom of the Skies: |authorlink=Hugh Merrill
- Balls to Picasso: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Balltown, Iowa: | accessdate=2013-05-04
- Bally Total Fitness: |accessdate=2 June 2018
- Ballybough Cemetery: |accessdate=2016-11-16
- Ballygowan water: |accessdate=11 August 2014
- Ballylooby: |accessdate=1 November 2011, |accessdate=4 November 2011, |accessdate=22 March 2010
- Ballylough Castle: |accessdate=29 May 2011, |accessdate=30 May 2011, |authorlink1=Edward Walford, |authorlink2=John Charles Cox, |accessdate=30 May 2011, |accessdate=29 May 2011, |accessdate=29 May 2011, |accessdate=29 May 2011
- Ballynacarrow: | accessdate = 22 February 2018
- Ballyvaughan (parish): |accessdate= , |accessdate= , |accessdate=
- Balm of Gilead: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2014-09-24
- Balmacara Bay: |accessdate=24 November 2017
- Balmaghie: |accessdate=15 July 2020, |accessdate=6 June 2020, |accessdate=15 July 2020, |accessdate=6 June 2020, |accessdate=19 April 2019, |accessdate=15 July 2020, |accessdate=19 April 2019, |accessdate=15 March 2019
- Balmain Colliery: | accessdate=30 September 2018
- Balmoral Cemetery, Belfast: |authorlink=Tom Hartley
- Balmory Hall: |accessdate=17 September 2011, |accessdate=17 September 2011
- Balmuildy: |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=19 November 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=19 November 2017
- Balmville, New York: |accessdate=2019-07-26
- Balomar language: | authorlink = Čestmír Loukotka↵
- Balqa (region): |authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy , |authorlink=Eugene Rogan , |authorlink=Kamal Salibi
- Balqis Sidawi: |accessdate=31 July 2017
- Balraj Pasi: |accessdate=15 November 2018
- Balram Das: |accessdate=4 December 2017, |accessdate=4 December 2017
- Balrampur: |accessdate=9 June 2013, |accessdate=9 June 2013, |accessdate=9 June 2013
- Balsakha: |accessdate=4 June 2016, |accessdate=16 October 2016, |accessdate=18 June 2016, |accessdate=18 June 2016, |accessdate=21 April 2016, |accessdate=28 August 2016, |accessdate=12 November 2016, |accessdate=12 November 2016
- Balsall Preceptory: |accessdate = 25 February 2013
- Balsam Lake (Ontario): | accessdate = 2009-08-07
- Balt Moor Wall: |authorlink=Michael Williams (geographer)
- Baltal (art form): |accessdate=27 March 2013, |accessdate=27 March 2013
- Baltazar García Ros: |authorlink= , |origyear=first published 1976
- Balthasar Gérard: |authorlink=John Lothrop Motley
- Balthasar Siberer: |authorlink=Erich Schenk, |authorlink=André Verchaly
- Balthazar Bigirimana: |accessdate=5 November 2010
- Balthazar Napoleon IV de Bourbon: |authorlink1=Louis Rousselet, |authorlink=Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark, |authorlink1=Raoul de Warren, |authorlink=Charles Augustus Kincaid, |authorlink=John Malcolm, |authorlink=Edward Maclagan, |authorlink=Louis Rousselet, |authorlink=Louis Rousselet
- Baltia butleri: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Baltia shawi: |authorlink=Charles Thomas Bingham
- Baltic Entente: | authorlink = Piotr Łossowski
- Baltic Peak: |accessdate=2018-02-18
- Baltic psaltery: |authorlink=Valdis Muktupāvels
- Baltieji Lakajai: |accessdate=18 April 2011, |accessdate=18 April 2011
- Baltim: |accessdate=22 June 2020
- Baltimore (album): |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Baltimore (comics): | authorlink=Mike Mignola
- Baltimore City District Courthouses: |accessdate=2008-05-29, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 16 May 2008 <!--DASHBot-->
- Baltimore City Passenger Railway: |accessdate=17 August 2015
- Baltimore Pike: |accessdate= December 28, 2011
- Baltimore SC: |accessdate=2 February 2015
- Baltimore Technologies: |accessdate=2006-10-16
- Baltimore, or, The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire: | authorlink=Mike Mignola
- Baltische Landeswehr: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2010-08-22
- Baltona: |accessdate=4 July 2020, |accessdate=4 July 2020
- Baluta (autobiography): |accessdate=9 March 2012, |accessdate=9 March 2012, |accessdate=9 March 2012, |accessdate=9 March 2012, |authorlink=Sharmila Rege, |accessdate=9 March 2012, |accessdate=9 March 2012
- Balvantbhai Manvar: |accessdate=24 June 2018, |accessdate=24 June 2018
- Balvantray Mehta: |accessdate=3 November 2020, |accessdate=3 November 2020
- Balwadi: |accessdate=17 July 2012, |accessdate=16 July 2012, |accessdate=17 July 2012
- Balwant Singh of Awagarh: |accessdate=31 August 2016, |accessdate=31 August 2016
- Balwantray Thakore: |authorlink=Mansukhlal Jhaveri, |authorlink=Vishnuprasad Trivedi
- Balyakalasakhi (2014 film): | lyrics_credits = ↵
- Balyan family: |authorlink=Kevork Pamukciyan
- Balíček snov: |accessdate=2011-03-21, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2014-07-14, |accessdate=2011-04-07, |accessdate=2011-04-07
- Balıklı, Istanbul: |authorlink=Ernest Mamboury, | authorlink=Raymond Janin↵
- Balša III: |accessdate=13 June 2013, |accessdate=27 July 2013, |authorlink=Milorad Ekmečić, |accessdate=18 January 2013, |authorlink=Sima Ćirković
- Balšić family tree: |authorlink=Spiridon Gopčević, |accessdate=29 March 2012
- Bam Balams: |accessdate=5 May 2013
- Bamapana: |accessdate=16 August 2020
- Bamba Müller: |accessdate=2018-02-16
- Bamba Sutherland: |accessdate=13 March 2010
- Bambai Raat Ki Bahon Mein: |authorlink=Peter Cowie
- Bambang Soegeng: |authorlink=T. B. Simatupang
- Bambang Widjojanto: |accessdate=6 July 2012
- Bamberg Conference: |authorlink=Ian Kershaw
- Bamberg Horseman: |authorlink=Nigel H. Jones
- Bambi effect (slang): |accessdate=29 March 2012
- Bambi's Children: |accessdate=2011-07-22
- Bamboesberg: |accessdate=30 October 2013
- Bamboo (album): | writing_credits =↵↵
- BambooHR: |accessdate=December 22, 2017 , |accessdate=December 22, 2017
- Bambouk: |authorlink=Nehemia Levtzion
- Bamchu: |accessdate=25 June 2020
- Bamford railway station: |authorlink=Christopher Awdry
- Bamingui-Bangoran National Park and Biosphere Reserve: |accessdate=23 April 2011, |accessdate=23 April 2011, |authorlink1=Joseph M. Forshaw, |accessdate=23 April 2011
- Bamm David Hogarth: |accessdate=2012-05-11
- Bamyan University: |accessdate=24 August 2013, |accessdate=24 August 2013, |accessdate=24 August 2013
- Ban (Korean name): |accessdate=22 October 2015, |accessdate=23 October 2015
- Ban Aen: |accessdate=23 April 2011
- Ban Chiang: |accessdate=6 July 2020, |accessdate=6 July 2020
- Ban Kenpha: |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Ban Mueang: | authorlink=Sujit Wongthes
- Ban Na San District: |accessdate=18 September 2010
- Ban Nakhem: |accessdate=1 January 2013
- Ban Nam Di: |accessdate=20 July 2012, |accessdate=20 July 2012
- Ban Pakpo: |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Ban Pha Tang: |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Ban Phahom: |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Ban Phanom: |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Ban Xang Khong: |accessdate=21 July 2012, |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Ban Zu: |authorlink=w:Paul Wheatley (geographer), |authorlink=w:Paul Wheatley (geographer)
- Ban on sharia law: |accessdate=31 August 2015
- Ban, Kubu, Karangasem: |accessdate=May 7, 2020 , |accessdate=May 7, 2020
- Banach bundle: | authorlink=Serge Lang
- Banach limit: | authorlink1= Bohuslav Balcar , | authorlink=John B. Conway
- Banach manifold: | authorlink = Serge Lang↵
- Banachek: |author1link=David G. McAfee, |author2link=Yvette d'Entremont, |authorlink=James Randi
- Banamali Babu: |accessdate=24 January 2018, |accessdate=24 January 2018, |accessdate=24 January 2018
- Banamali Patnaik: |accessdate=11 November 2019, |accessdate=11 November 2019, |accessdate=11 November 2019
- Banana Republic (song): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Banana belt: |authorlink=Hugh J. Gayler , |accessdate=2012-10-13
- Banana production in Belize: |accessdate=August 30, 2008
- Banana production in Ecuador: |accessdate=9 June 2013
- Bananaman (TV series): |accessdate=12 April 2019
- Bananas, Crackers and Nuts: |authorlink=James H. Wittebols , |accessdate=2009-05-16
- Banaphar: |authorlink=Alf Hiltebeitel , |accessdate=5 November 2020
- Banarsi Prasad Jhunjhunwala: |accessdate=10 April 2019, |accessdate=10 April 2019
- Banarsi Prasad Sinha: |accessdate=15 April 2018, |accessdate=15 April 2018, |accessdate=15 April 2018
- Banat in the Middle Ages: |authorlink=Florin Curta , |authorlink=Florin Curta , |authorlink=Pál Engel , |authorlink=György Györffy , |authorlink=György Györffy , |authorlink=Gyula Kristó , |authorlink=Gyula Kristó
- Banat, Bačka and Baranja: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković
- Banate of Belgrade: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=John Van Antwerp Fine Jr.
- Banate of Macsó: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=John Van Antwerp Fine Jr., |authorlink=John Van Antwerp Fine Jr., |authorlink=Konstantin Jireček, |authorlink=Konstantin Jireček, |authorlink=Gyula Moravcsik
- Banate of Severin: |authorlink=Florin Curta , |authorlink=Pál Engel
- Banburismus: |authorlink2=Jonathan Bowen, |authorlink3=Robin Wilson (mathematician)
- Banca Popolare di Novara: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=11 March 2016
- Banco Convention of 1905: |accessdate= 2015-06-12
- Banco Nacional Ultramarino building, Dili: |accessdate=30 November 2018
- Banco di Sicilia: |archiveurl=
- Bancourt British Cemetery: |origyear=1987
- Bancroft Creek: |authorlink=Warren Upham
- Bancroft Davis: |accessdate=March 4, 2016
- Band IV: |authorlink=Edwin Paul J. Tozer, |accessdate=2009-05-17
- Band V: |authorlink=Edwin Paul J. Tozer, |accessdate=2009-05-17
- Band model: |authorlink=John H. Hubbard
- Band of Gold (album): |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- Band of Sisters (book): |accessdate=30 October 2015, |accessdate=30 October 2015
- Band of Susans: |accessdate=24 February 2015, |accessdate=24 February 2015
- Band of the Kyiv Presidential Honor Guard Battalion: |accessdate=2018-09-25
- Band of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals: |accessdate=2019-12-22, |accessdate=2019-12-22, |accessdate=2019-12-22, |accessdate=2019-12-22
- Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland: |accessdate=2018-08-01
- Banda (opera): | authorlink =Stanley Sadie , | authorlink = John Warrack, |authorlink =Julian Budden
- Bandage (song): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Bandar Utama bus hub: |accessdate=30 July 2013
- Bandar bin Abdulaziz Al Saud: |accessdate=16 August 2015
- Bandar bin Khalid Al Faisal: |accessdate=7 April 2013
- Bandar bin Muhammad Al Saud: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=17 September 2012
- Bandaru Acchamamba: |accessdate=2009-06-02
- Banded corydoras: |authorlink=Herbert R. Axelrod
- Banded whiteface: |authorlink=Donald Trounson , | authorlink=Gordon Beruldsen
- Bandelier Tuff: |accessdate=12 June 2020, |accessdate=4 May 2020
- Bandelierkop: |accessdate=28 August 2015
- Bandera Independent School District: |accessdate=20 December 2014
- Banderium: |authorlink=Martyn Rady , |authorlink=Pál Engel
- Bandfish: | authorlink = Andrew Dalby , | authorlink = Andrew Dalby
- Bandhan (1940 film): |accessdate=26 September 2011
- Bandholm: |accessdate=1 June 2013, |accessdate=1 June 2013
- Bandhu Mahto: |accessdate=26 December 2020, |accessdate=26 December 2020, |accessdate=26 December 2020
- Bandiera-class submarine: |authorlink=Jürgen Rohwer
- Bandikot: |accessdate = 15 April 2011↵
- Bandol (instrument): |accessdate=5 May 2013, |accessdate=5 May 2013
- Bandolin (Trinidad): |accessdate=5 May 2013
- Bandstand (album): |accessdate=24 February 2019
- Bandukwali: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Bandy the Rodeo Clown: |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Bandō Tamasaburō V: |accessdate=28 February 2020 , |accessdate=28 February 2020 , |accessdate=28 February 2020
- Banerjee: |accessdate=16 March 2020
- Bang Lang Dam: | accessdate = 2 July 2014
- Bang Masters: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=23 February 2017
- Bang for the buck: |authorlink=William Safire
- Bang the Drum Slowly: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson
- Bang-bang robot: |accessdate=25 July 2012, |accessdate=25 July 2012, |accessdate=25 July 2012, |accessdate=13 April 2015
- Banga Arasa: |accessdate=17 January 2018, |accessdate=17 January 2018, |accessdate=17 January 2018
- Bangaarada Panjara: |accessdate=22 September 2014
- Bangadarshan: |accessdate=25 August 2016, |accessdate=25 August 2016
- Bangala River: |accessdate=31 March 2012
- Bangalore Baptist Hospital: |accessdate=2019-11-30
- Bangalore Brigade: | authorlink = Philip Haythornthwaite↵
- Bangalore Club: |accessdate=18 February 2015
- Bangalore Latha: |accessdate=17 Nov 2020
- Bangalore Munivenkatappa: | authorlink=S. Muthiah
- Bangalore Nagarathnamma: |authorlink=V. Sriram
- Bangalore disturbances: |origyear=1985
- Bangarada Hoovu: | music_credits = ↵
- Bangari: | lyrics_credits = ↵
- Bangaru Thirumalai Nayak: | accessdate=29 April 2018
- Bangil: |accessdate=June 4, 2014
- Bangka Island massacre: |authorlink=Betty Jeffrey
- Bangkok Jazz Festival: |accessdate=28 September 2011, |accessdate=28 September 2011, |accessdate=28 September 2011
- Bangkok Mass Transit Authority: |accessdate=6 May 2019
- Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation: |accessdate=14 October 2016
- Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation: |accessdate=14 October 2016
- Bangladesh Geographical Society: |accessdate=25 January 2020
- Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association: |accessdate=3 February 2017
- Bangladesh National Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre: |accessdate=28 November 2016
- Bangladesh National Social Welfare Council: |accessdate=1 April 2018
- Bangladesh National Women Lawyers' Association: |accessdate=28 December 2012
- Bangladesh Philosophical Association: |accessdate=16 December 2018
- Bangles (EP): |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Bangor Symphony Orchestra: |accessdate=16 June 2014
- Bangs & Crashes: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Bangstad syndrome: |accessdate=29 June 2010
- Bangui magnetic anomaly: |accessdate=8 April 2013
- Bangweulu Wetlands: |accessdate=10 October 2017, |accessdate=10 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017
- Bani Haiyyan: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Bani Sakher: |accessdate=16 May 2016, |accessdate=2016-05-20
- Baniana: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Banisia myrsusalis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Banisia myrtaea: |accessdate=23 August 2016
- Banjo Awards: |accessdate=4 February 2018
- Banjo fitting: |accessdate=September 15, 2020 , |accessdate=September 15, 2020
- Banjo the Woodpile Cat: |accessdate=27 March 2020
- Bank Janardhan: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=9 June 2018
- Bank Leu: |authorlink=Dennis Levine
- Bank Notes (Scotland) Act 1765: |authorlink=Henry Dunning Macleod, |authorlink=Lawrence H. White, |authorlink=Adam Smith
- Bank Notes Tax Act 1910: |accessdate=30 April 2018
- Bank Rakyat Indonesia: | authorlink = ↵
- Bank Street Unitarian Chapel: |authorlink=Edward Baines (1774–1848)
- Bank barrow: | authorlink = Paul Ashbee↵
- Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Co-operatives: |accessdate=31 December 2015, |accessdate=31 December 2015
- Bank myna: |accessdate=8 July 2013
- Bank of America, Los Angeles: |accessdate=21 September 2020 , |accessdate=21 September 2020
- Bank of Athens: |authorlink1=Mira Wilkins
- Bank of Ayudhya: |accessdate=1 April 2017
- Bank of British North America: |accessdate=28 July 2014
- Bank of Tracy: |accessdate=20 May 2019, |accessdate=20 May 2019
- Bank of Venice: | accessdate=2012-04-09, | accessdate=, | accessdate=9 April 2012, | accessdate=9 April 2012
- Bank of the James Stadium: |accessdate=November 8, 2011
- Banka Behary Das: |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2020
- Banka Zotova: |accessdate=17 October 2012
- Bankart repair: |accessdate=25 July 2011
- Bankelal: | accessdate=2019-09-04, | accessdate=2019-09-06
- Banker (ancient): |accessdate=2012-07-27, |accessdate=2015-08-31, |accessdate=2015-08-30, |accessdate=2015-09-02, |accessdate=2015-09-06, |accessdate=2012-05-28, |accessdate= 2012-05-28, |accessdate=2015-08-31, |accessdate=2015-02-12, |accessdate=2015-08-30, |accessdate=2015-08-30, | accessdate=9 April 2012, |accessdate=2015-09-09, |accessdate=2015-09-10, |accessdate=2015-09-01
- Banker to the Poor: |origyear=1999
- Bankfield Museum: |accessdate=12 July 2009
- Banknotes of Denmark, 1997 series: |accessdate = 6 September 2010↵
- Bankole: |archivedate= December 10, 2009, |archivedate=May 19, 2008
- Banks DIH: |accessdate=2012-08-10
- Banksia bipinnatifida subsp. bipinnatifida: | authorlink2=Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia borealis subsp. borealis: | authorlink2=Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia dallanneyi subsp. agricola: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia dallanneyi subsp. dallanneyi: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia dallanneyi subsp. media: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia dallanneyi var. dallanneyi: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia dallanneyi var. mellicula: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia densa var. densa: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia densa var. parva: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia rufa subsp. chelomacarpa: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia rufa subsp. flavescens: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia rufa subsp. magna: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia rufa subsp. obliquiloba: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia rufa subsp. pumila: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia rufa subsp. rufa: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia rufa subsp. tutanningensis: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia serratuloides subsp. serratuloides: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia splendida subsp. macrocarpa: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia splendida subsp. splendida: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia squarrosa subsp. squarrosa: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia subpinnatifida var. subpinnatifida: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia tenuis var. reptans: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia tenuis var. tenuis: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia undata var. splendens: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Banksia undata var. undata: | authorlink2 = Margaret Pieroni
- Bankside Farmers: |accessdate=18 November 2011
- Banna Strand: |accessdate=1 August 2009, |accessdate=1 August 2009
- Bannatyne, Barbados: | accessdate=June 21, 2016 , | accessdate=June 21, 2016
- Banned in Boston: |accessdate=March 27, 2013
- Banned in New York: |authorlink = Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear = 1992
- Banneker Circle: |accessdate=2010-05-13
- Banner (strawberry): |accessdate=28 February 2018
- Banner Mountain: |accessdate=March 10, 2013
- Banner of Light: |accessdate=4 December 2014
- Bannerman baronets: |accessdate=9 October 2020, |accessdate=7 October 2020
- Bannisdale Horseshoe: |authorlink=Alfred Wainwright
- Bannockburn House: |accessdate=11 July 2018
- Bano Haralu: |accessdate=30 April 2020, |accessdate=30 April 2020
- Bano Qudsia: |accessdate=6 February 2017, |accessdate=6 February 2017
- Banpu: |accessdate=15 May 2019
- Banque Canadienne Nationale: | accessdate=2017-02-14
- Banque Misr: |accessdate=6 October 2014
- Banque d'Hochelaga: |accessdate=December 27, 2011, |accessdate=December 27, 2011
- Banque de Montreux: |accessdate=7 January 2018
- Banque de l'Union Haïtienne: |accessdate=7 August 2015
- Banquet for the Damned: |accessdate=6 October 2014
- Bansal: | accessdate = 2007-04-19↵
- Bansari (1943 film): |accessdate=21 January 2015, |accessdate=21 January 2015
- Banta ng Kahapon: |accessdate=April 26, 2017
- Bantay Dagat: |accessdate=16 June 2013
- Banteay Chhmar: |authorlink= George Coedès
- Banteay Kdei: |accessdate=1 June 2011, |accessdate=31 May 2011, |accessdate=1 June 2011, |accessdate=1 June 2011, |authorlink= George Coedès, |accessdate=2 June 2011, |accessdate=2 June 2011, |accessdate=1 June 2011
- Banton, North Lanarkshire: |accessdate=21 April 2018, |accessdate=13 February 2018, |accessdate=21 April 2018, |accessdate=21 April 2018, |accessdate=1 January 2018, |accessdate=31 December 2017, |accessdate=21 April 2018, |accessdate=13 February 2018
- Bantry (County Cork barony): |accessdate=15 April 2010
- Banty Raids: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Bantz J. Craddock: |accessdate=March 16, 2013
- Banu Daws: |authorlink1=Muhammad Husayn Haykal
- Banu Kilab: |authorlink=Thierry Bianquis , |authorlink=Meir Jacob Kister , |authorlink=Fritz Krenkow , |authorlink=Charles James Lyall , |authorlink=Kamal Salibi , |authorlink=Fuat Sezgin , |authorlink=Julius Wellhausen
- Banu Mazyad: |authorlink=Steven Runciman↵
- Banu al-Harith: |authorlink=De Lacy O'Leary, |authorlink=Samuel Barrett Miles
- Banwari Lal (revolutionary): |accessdate=28 April 2013
- Banyan Systems: |accessdate=7 September 2017
- Banyana – Children of Africa: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)↵
- Banyong Lamsam: |accessdate=11 May 2011, |accessdate=11 May 2011
- Banzai (1918 film): |authorlink=Daisuke Miyao
- Bao Linghui: |authorlink1=Kang-i Sun Chang , |authorlink2=Haun Saussy
- Bao Zhao: |authorlink1=Kang-i Sun Chang , |authorlink2=Haun Saussy , | authorlink=David R. Knechtges
- Baoding Military Academy: |accessdate=2010-06-28
- Baojia system: |authorlink=Timothy Brook (historian)
- Baorisa hieroglyphica: |authorlink1=William Chapman Hewitson , |authorlink2=Frederic Moore
- Baothgalach Mac Aodhagáin: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bapsybanoo Pavry: |accessdate=20 February 2016, |accessdate=20 February 2016, |accessdate=20 February 2016
- Baptes: | authorlink = E. Cobham Brewer
- Baptism (Stefano Battaglia album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Baptismal clothing: |accessdate=14 February 2016, |authorlink1=Andrew Combe, |accessdate=14 February 2016
- Baptismal regeneration: |authorlink=Louis Berkhof, |authorlink=G. B. Caird, |authorlink=Everett Ferguson, |authorlink=Eric Lionel Mascall, |authorlink=Hugh Montefiore, |authorlink1=Francis Procter, |authorlink2=Walter Howard Frere, |authorlink=Edmund Schlink
- Baptismal vows: |accessdate=16 September 2018
- Baptist Hoffmann: | authorlink = Karl Josef Kutsch↵, | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens↵
- Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School: |accessdate=2019-12-01
- Baptist Noel, 3rd Earl of Gainsborough: | authorlink=James William Edmund Doyle
- Baptist Proby: |accessdate=8 February 2020 , |accessdate=8 February 2020 , |accessdate=24 October 2017
- Baptist Reinmann: |accessdate=21 October 2012
- Baptist University of the Américas: |authorlink=William H. Brackney
- Bapu (book): |authorlink=Eknath Easwaran , |authorlink2=Mahatma Gandhi , |authorlink2=Mahatma Gandhi
- Bapu Museum, Vijayawada: |accessdate=24 January 2016
- Bapulal Malviya: |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020
- Baqi Tashqandi: |authorlink=Meenakshi Jain , |authorlink=Harsh Narain
- Baqin: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Bar 51: |authorlink=Igal Bursztyn
- Bar Giora: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808: |accessdate=2011-08-12
- Bar Hill Fort: |accessdate=14 October 2017, |accessdate=11 October 2017, |accessdate=16 February 2018, |accessdate=12 July 2018
- Bar Keepers Friend: |accessdate=February 28, 2017 , |accessdate=February 28, 2017
- Bar Pot: |accessdate=5 January 2014
- Bar Yochai (song): |authorlink=T. Carmi
- Bar product: | authorlink=Jessie MacWilliams
- Bar'am: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Bar-backed partridge: |authorlink1=William Thomas Blanford, |authorlink2=Eugene William Oates, |authorlink=William Robert Ogilvie-Grant, |authorlink=Herbert Girton Deignan, |authorlink2=Steve Madge
- Bara Balutedar: |accessdate=13 December 2016
- Bara, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: |accessdate=2014-11-16
- Barack (name): |authorlink=↵, |origyear=↵, |accessdate=↵
- Baradari of Kamran Mirza: |accessdate=12 September 2017
- Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya: | accessdate=20 September 2015
- Barahona, Morovis, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Barak: |authorlink1=Daniel Jones (phonetician) , |authorlink2=Alfred C. Gimson
- Barak (name): |authorlink=↵, |origyear=↵, |accessdate=↵
- Barak Marshall: |accessdate=27 August 2011
- Barakat syndrome: |accessdate=5 December 2010
- Baramura: |accessdate=26 March 2020
- Baran (singer): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Baran, Belarus: |accessdate=10 May 2012
- Barangaroo: |authorlink=Watkin Tench
- Barashnûm: |authorlink=James Darmesteter
- Barasway Bay: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Barat (film): |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Barathronus: | accessdate = 30 June 2018, | authorlink = Joseph S. Nelson
- Baratta: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Barazin: |authorlink=Eugene Rogan
- Barbadian Brazilians: |accessdate=4 January 2016
- Barbados Cricket Buckle: |authorlink=Rowland Bowen, |authorlink=Hilary Beckles, |authorlink=Hilary Beckles
- Barbara Allen de Kwiatkowski: | archiveurl = ↵, | archivedate = ↵, | accessdate = August 5, 2019↵
- Barbara Bennett: |accessdate=28 April 2017, |authorlink1=Louise Brooks , |origyear=Originally published 1983
- Barbara Bohannan-Sheppard: |accessdate=22 June 2018, |accessdate=19 May 2018, |accessdate=19 May 2018, |accessdate=19 May 2018
- Barbara Boylan: |accessdate=28 January 2011
- Barbara Broadcast: |accessdate=February 29, 2016 , |accessdate=February 29, 2016
- Barbara C. Pringle: |accessdate=2015-01-31
- Barbara Casini: |accessdate=22 May 2020, |accessdate=22 May 2020, |accessdate=29 May 2020
- Barbara Dare: |accessdate=9 June 2019
- Barbara Emile: |authorlink= Colin Brake
- Barbara Ess: |authorlink1=Riot on the page: thirty years of zines by women
- Barbara Fister: |accessdate=12 May 2014
- Barbara Freethy: | origyear = 2009 , | origyear = 2010 , | origyear = 2010 , | origyear = 2011 , | origyear = 2011 , | origyear = 2014 , | origyear = 2014 , | origyear = 2014 , | origyear = 2015 , | origyear = 2012 , | origyear = 2013 , | origyear = 2013 , | origyear = 2013 , | origyear = 2013 , | origyear = 2014 , | origyear = 2014 , | origyear = 2014 , | origyear = 2015 , | origyear = 2006 , | origyear = 2006 , | origyear = 2008 , | origyear = 2008 , | origyear = 2011 , | origyear = 2012 , | origyear = 2012 , | origyear =1996, | origyear =1996, | origyear =1997, | origyear =1998, | origyear =1999, | origyear =2000, | origyear =2000, | origyear =2001, | origyear =2002, | origyear =2003, | origyear =2004, | origyear =2005, | origyear =2012
- Barbara Goodman: |accessdate=5 January 2012
- Barbara Gratton: |accessdate=17 April 2012
- Barbara Gwyer: |accessdate=23 April 2014
- Barbara Halloran Gibbons: |accessdate=2009-03-23
- Barbara Harrell-Bond: |accessdate=16 July 2018
- Barbara Heller: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Barbara Hildt: |accessdate=22 November 2020
- Barbara Hofland: |accessdate=8 July 2016
- Barbara J. Bishop: |accessdate=2016-12-14
- Barbara J. Rae: |accessdate=October 30, 2019
- Barbara Jean Day: |accessdate=2011-10-06
- Barbara Jean Wong: |accessdate=1 February 2018, |accessdate=1 February 2018
- Barbara Jelavich: |authorlink=Barbara Jelavich, |authorlink=Barbara Jelavich, |authorlink2=Barbara Jelavich, |authorlink=Barbara Jelavich, |authorlink=Barbara Jelavich
- Barbara Jelić-Ružić: | accessdate=20 December 2015
- Barbara Judge: |accessdate=20 June 2013, |accessdate= 3 June 2016
- Barbara Kalik: |accessdate=April 20, 2020, |accessdate=April 19, 2020
- Barbara L: |authorlink=The Jockey Club , |authorlink=Nelson C. Nye
- Barbara Lazaroff: |accessdate=December 19, 2019
- Barbara Longhi: |authorlink1=Jenny Uglow
- Barbara Lott: |accessdate=11 December 2019
- Barbara Lynn: |accessdate=7 January 2015, |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Barbara Makhalisa: |authorlink=Barbara Fister
- Barbara Maria Stafford: |accessdate=23 November 2010
- Barbara Mason: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 7, 2019
- Barbara Moore (athlete): |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Barbara Myerhoff: |authorlink=Jay Ruby
- Barbara Müller (rower): | authorlink=Volker Kluge
- Barbara Neely: |accessdate=April 3, 2012 , |accessdate=October 14, 2011
- Barbara O. Jones: |authorlink1=Yvonne Tasker
- Barbara Pepper: |accessdate=April 27, 2017
- Barbara Piasecka Johnson: | accessdate=2013-10-08
- Barbara Probst Solomon: |accessdate=1 September 2019
- Barbara Pyrah: |accessdate=26 February 2018
- Barbara Randolph: |accessdate=October 17, 2010, |accessdate=October 17, 2010, |accessdate=October 10, 2010, |accessdate=October 10, 2010, |accessdate=October 10, 2010
- Barbara Robison: |accessdate=January 29, 2015, |accessdate=January 30, 2015, |accessdate=January 29, 2015, |accessdate=January 29, 2015
- Barbara Roe Hicklin: |accessdate=8 November 2017
- Barbara Rossi (artist): |accessdate=11 March 2017, |accessdate=6 March 2016
- Barbara Slater (actress): |accessdate=22 September 2018
- Barbara Smuts: |accessdate=28 April 2010
- Barbara Spofford Morgan: |accessdate=24 January 2018, |accessdate=24 January 2018, |accessdate=24 January 2018
- Barbara Stoddard Burks: |authorlink=Michael Wertheimer (psychologist)
- Barbara Traub: |accessdate=12 March 2016
- Barbara Turner (screenwriter): |accessdate=6 April 2016
- Barbara Watson Andaya: |accessdate=10 May 2014, |accessdate=10 May 2014
- Barbara Webster: |accessdate=4 May 2018, |accessdate=4 May 2018, |accessdate=4 May 2018
- Barbara Woodell: |accessdate=July 8, 2020
- Barbara Yu Ling: |authorlink=Jeffrey Stone
- Barbara van Beck: |accessdate=14 December 2017, |accessdate=14 December 2017, |accessdate=14 December 2017
- Barbarea orthoceras: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Barbarella (Växjö): |accessdate=15 November 2011
- Barbari goat: |accessdate=4 March 2016
- Barbarossa decree: |authorlink = Szymon Datner
- Barbarossa-class ocean liner: | origyear = 1955 , | origyear = 1955 , | authorlink = William Lowell Putnam
- Barbe de Verrue: |accessdate=18 October 2012, |accessdate=18 October 2012, |accessdate=18 October 2012
- Barbelo: | authorlink=Alain Daniélou , | authorlink=Stephan A. Hoeller , | authorlink=Hans Jonas , | authorlink=Bentley Layton , | authorlink=Kurt Rudolph , | authorlink=John Woodroffe
- Barber-Colman knotter: |accessdate=2009-06-25
- Barbershop paradox: |authorlink=Lewis Carroll
- Barbican (drink): |accessdate=11 March 2017
- Barbican, Plymouth: |accessdate=2009-07-26
- Barboura Morris: |accessdate=12 August 2017
- Barbourofelis: |authorlink=Mauricio Anton
- Barbra Fuller: |accessdate=May 7, 2016
- Barbridge Junction: |authorlink=Nicholson Guides↵
- Barbro Owens-Kirkpatrick: |accessdate=29 April 2011
- Barbès – Rochechouart (Paris Métro): |accessdate=2015-06-06
- Barcaldine Castle: | accessdate=2010-06-06
- Barcaldine, Argyll: | accessdate=2009-08-04
- Barcelona (Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé album): |accessdate=2012-07-22, |accessdate=2012-07-22
- Barcelona Cómica: |accessdate=7 July 2016, |accessdate=7 July 2016
- Barcelona Papyrus: | authorlink=Paul F. Bradshaw
- Barceloneta barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Barclay Fox: | authorlink = Barclay Fox↵ , | authorlink = Barclay Fox↵ , | authorlink = Barclay Fox↵ , | authorlink = Robert Tod↵
- Barclaya: |accessdate=2008-12-30
- Barco oil concession: |accessdate=2013-07-24↵ , |accessdate= 2013-07-24↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-24↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-24↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-24↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-24↵
- Barco, Covilhã: |accessdate=2013-07-23↵
- Barcoo fever: |accessdate=17 August 2011
- Barcourgné Courmo: |authorlink = André Salifou
- Barda Balka: |accessdate=10 October 2012
- Barda Wildlife Sanctuary: |accessdate=23 November 2012, |accessdate=23 November 2012
- Bardanes Tourkos: |authorlink=Walter Kaegi
- Bardas: |authorlink=Warren Treadgold
- Bardhyl Ajeti: |authorlink=Joseph R. Biden , |accessdate=15 May 2011
- Bardi language: |authorlink=R. M. W. Dixon
- Bardolph: |accessdate=8 January 2016, |accessdate=8 January 2016
- Bardonia station (Erie Railroad): |accessdate=14 July 2015
- Bardu Ali: |accessdate=19 October 2018
- Bare Essence: |authorlink=Christopher Schemering
- Bare as Bones: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Bareback at Big Sky: |authorlink=Colin Larkin
- Barefoot Boy: |accessdate=July 6, 2014, |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Barefoot College: |accessdate=23 November 2012, |accessdate=23 November 2012, |accessdate=23 November 2012
- Barefoot Park: |accessdate=24 August 2013, |accessdate=24 August 2013, |accessdate=24 August 2013, |accessdate=24 August 2013
- Barefoot mailman: |accessdate=22 September 2013
- Barefoot v. Estelle: |accessdate=2008-01-25↵
- Bareilly Cantonment: |accessdate=18 February 2020 , |accessdate=7 February 2020
- Bareket: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Barelal Jatav: |accessdate=20 March 2020, |accessdate=20 March 2020, |accessdate=20 March 2020
- Barellan Point, Queensland: |accessdate=19 March 2018
- Baren (printing tool): |authorlink=Hiroshi Yoshida
- Barenaked Ladies (EP): |accessdate=24 May 2012
- Barenaked for the Holidays: |authorlink=Colin Larkin (writer)
- Barend is weer bezig: |authorlink1=Wim T. Schippers, |authorlink2=Gied Jaspars, |authorlink3=Ruud van Hemert, |authorlink4=Wim van der Linden
- Barfüßiger Februar: |accessdate=November 22, 2011
- Bargain and sale deed: |accessdate=13 December 2017, |accessdate=13 December 2017
- Barge of the Dead: |authorlink=Otta Wenskus
- Bargrennan: |accessdate=19 December 2018
- Barham railway station: |authorlink1=Vic Mitchell
- Barhapple Loch: |accessdate=24 February 2018, |accessdate=12 January 2018, |accessdate=26 February 2018
- Barheliya: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Bari Sadri: |accessdate=21 March 2019
- Barikanchi Pidgin: |accessdate=17 September 2011, |accessdate=17 September 2011, |accessdate=17 September 2011, |accessdate=17 September 2011
- Barina, Yauco, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Baring Mountain: |authorlink=Fred Beckey
- Baring family: |authorlink=Philip Ziegler
- Barit: |accessdate=23 June 2014
- Barium borate: |accessdate=15 January 2012
- Barium ferrate: |authorlink1=Egon Wiberg
- Barium ferrite: |authorlink2 = Peter Atkins, |authorlink6 = Fraser Armstrong (professor)
- Barium sulfate suspension: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-01, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-01-01
- Barjas al-Hadid: |accessdate=2009-01-20, |accessdate=2009-03-27
- Barjeel Art Foundation: |accessdate=20 September 2019
- Barjik: | authorlink = Douglas M. Dunlop
- Bark-galling: |accessdate=13 February 2014
- Barkai: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi, |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Barkby: |accessdate=10 February 2015, |accessdate=11 March 2015
- Barker & Nourse: |accessdate=2016-08-05
- Barker Fairley: |accessdate=2020-10-30
- Barker House (Manitou Springs, Colorado): |accessdate=4 May 2013, |accessdate=May 4, 2013
- Barker Inlet: |accessdate=5 October 2014
- Barker code: |authorlink=Ronald Hugh Barker , | authorlink1=Peter Borwein
- Barker's Pool: |authorlink=Joseph Hunter (antiquarian)
- Barkham: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Barkhausen–Kurz tube: | authorlink = ↵
- Barkheda, Raisen: | accessdate=28 April 2012 , | accessdate=28 April 2012 , | accessdate=28 April 2012
- Barking Pumpkin Records discography: | accessdate = July 20, 2012↵, | accessdate = July 20, 2012↵, | accessdate = July 20, 2012↵, | accessdate = July 20, 2012↵, | accessdate = July 20, 2012↵, | accessdate = July 20, 2012↵
- Barking up the wrong tree: |accessdate=2010-01-18
- Barkip: |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012, |accessdate=19 February 2012
- Barlabássy family: |authorlink=Pál Engel
- Barlestone: |authorlink=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Barley flour: | accessdate=May 30, 2016 , | accessdate=May 30, 2016 , | accessdate=May 30, 2016 , | accessdate=May 30, 2016 , | accessdate=May 30, 2016 , | accessdate=May 30, 2016 , | accessdate=May 30, 2016
- Barleycorn (unit): | authorlink = Ronald Edward Zupko
- Barlin Acres: |accessdate=2018-09-14
- Barlow Moor: |accessdate=2009-06-06
- Barlow Pass (Oregon): | accessdate = 2009-02-11↵
- Barlow Pass (Washington): |authorlink= Fred Beckey
- Barlow Trecothick: |accessdate=28 October 2019 , |accessdate=28 October 2019
- Barlow and Chambers execution: |authorlink=David Williams (journalist), |authorlink=David Williams (journalist)
- Barmby Moor: |accessdate=20 November 2014
- Barn Bluff (Red Wing, Minnesota): | authorlink =Warren Upham
- Barn, Stable and Cider House, Great Tre-Rhew Farm, Llantilio Crossenny: |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)↵
- Barnaba de Molina: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Barnabas Lindars: |accessdate=7 February 2016
- Barnabotti: |accessdate=8 May 2012, |accessdate=8 May 2012, |accessdate=8 May 2012, |accessdate=8 May 2012, |accessdate=8 May 2012
- Barnaby Fitzpatrick: |authorlink=William Carrigan
- Barnaby Fitzpatrick, 5th Baron Upper Ossory: |authorlink=William Carrigan
- Barnaby Fitzpatrick, 6th Baron Upper Ossory: |authorlink=William Carrigan
- Barnaby Fitzpatrick, 7th Baron Upper Ossory: |authorlink=William Carrigan
- Barnaby Ralph: |accessdate=24 July 2020
- Barnack railway station: |authorlink=Christopher Awdry
- Barnard (cyclecar): |authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- Barnard E. Bee Sr.: | accessdate = 2007-01-16
- Barnard Foord Bowes: |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Barnardiston family: |accessdate=2013-10-25
- Barnens lexikon: |accessdate=17 January 2015
- Barnert Temple: |authorlink=
- Barnes Hospital, Cheadle: |accessdate=25 September 2017, |accessdate=23 September 2017, |accessdate=23 September 2017
- Barnes Opening: |authorlink1=Joel Benjamin , |authorlink2=Eric Schiller , |authorlink=Eric Schiller
- Barnes integral: | authorlink1= George Andrews (mathematician), | authorlink2= Richard Askey , | authorlink= Lucy Joan Slater
- Barnet Tunnel: |authorlink=Network Rail , |authorlink=Ken Hoole
- Barnett, Haynes & Barnett: |accessdate=17 August 2017
- Barney Aaron: |accessdate=15 April 2014
- Barney Armit: | authorlink = Winston McCarthy, | authorlink = Terry McLean
- Barney Bentall and the Legendary Hearts (album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Barney F. Spott: |accessdate=2014-02-02
- Barney Holden: |accessdate=
- Barney Josephson: | accessdate = 8 January 2018, | authorlink1 = Barney Josephson↵, | accessdate = 8 January 2018, | authorlink2 = Barney Josephson↵, | authorlink1 = Barney Josephson↵, | authorlink1 = Barney Josephson↵, | accessdate = 8 January 2018, | accessdate = 11 January 2018
- Barney Lutz: |authorlink=Lou Gorman
- Barney Rosenzweig: |accessdate=2 March 2014
- Barney and Chapman: |accessdate=29 November 2016, |accessdate=1 December 2016
- Barney's Hungry Cousin: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Barneyville Historic District: |accessdate=15 June 2018
- Barnhill railway station (Angus): |origyear=1904
- Barnoldby le Beck: |accessdate=9 August 2014
- Barnsdale: | authorlink=Albert Hugh Smith
- Barnsley Coal Railway: |origyear=1962, |authorlink=George Dow
- Barnwell chronicler: |authorlink=Antonia Gransden
- Baroda Group: |accessdate=20 August 2019
- Baroli Temples: |accessdate=28 March 2013, |accessdate=10 March 2013, |accessdate=28 March 2013, |accessdate=28 March 2013, |accessdate=27 March 2013
- Barometern: |accessdate=11 February 2015
- Baron 52: |accessdate=11 February 2016, |accessdate=11 February 2016
- Baron Abercromby: | authorlink=George Cokayne , | authorlink=George Cokayne
- Baron Allerton: | authorlink=George Cokayne , | authorlink=George Cokayne
- Baron Audley: |accessdate=23 December 2016
- Baron Balfour of Glenawley: |accessdate=29 September 2017, |accessdate=29 September 2017, |accessdate=29 September 2017
- Baron Bergavenny: | authorlink=George Cokayne
- Baron Bliss: |accessdate=12 March 2018
- Baron Bliss Light: |accessdate=February 25, 2016
- Baron Blythswood: |origyear=1953
- Baron Boteler: |authorlink=George Edward Cokayne, |authorlink=George Edward Cokayne, |authorlink=George Edward Cokayne
- Baron Camoys: |accessdate = 26 September 2012↵
- Baron Eure: |accessdate=24 July 2020
- Baron Grey of Codnor: |authorlink=John Burke (genealogist), |accessdate=4 June 2011
- Baron Grey of Powis: | origyear=1984 , | accessdate=2011-03-01 , | origyear=1910 published by Melville and Company in London
- Baron Hirsch Cemetery: |accessdate=6 May 2016
- Baron La Poer: | authorlink=George Cokayne, | accessdate=26 December 2012, | authorlink=J. Horace Round, | accessdate=26 December 2011, | authorlink=George Cokayne
- Baron Offaly: | accessdate=27 December 2011, | accessdate=27 December 2011
- Baron Templemore: |accessdate=13 April 2020
- Baron Upper Ossory: |accessdate=23 July 2017
- Baron du Potet: |authorlink=Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke , |authorlink=Henri Ellenberger
- Barone Berlinghieri: | authorlink=
- Baronia: |authorlink1=N. Mark Collins
- Barony of Craigie: | authorlink=Sir Robert Douglas
- Barony of Roslin: |authorlink2=Romilly Squire of Rubislaw , |authorlink1=George Way of Plean
- Baroque chess: |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵ , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵ , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵
- Barr McClellan: |authorlink=Vincent Bugliosi
- Barra Lighthouse: | accessdate = 2020-09-16
- Barra Strait Bridge: |accessdate=5 July 2020 , |accessdate=12 July 2020, |accessdate=12 July 2020
- Barrage (Paul Bley album): |authorlink2 = Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Barrage de Portage-des-Roches: |accessdate=July 18, 2011
- Barraiya: |accessdate=13 January 2015, |accessdate=13 January 2015
- Barral of Baux: |authorlink=Steven Runciman
- Barranca del Cupatitzio National Park: |accessdate=19 September 2017
- Barrancas, Barranquitas, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Barranco Glacier: |accessdate=October 9, 2014
- Barranquitas barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Barratry (admiralty law): |accessdate=December 14, 2011, |accessdate=March 2, 2012, |accessdate=March 19, 2012
- Barrazas, Carolina, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Barreal: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Barred Bay: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Barred antshrike: | authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Barred buttonquail: |authorlink=Salim Ali (ornithologist)↵, |authorlink2=J. C. Daniel (naturalist)↵
- Barrel bomb: |accessdate=May 31, 2015, |accessdate=June 7, 2014, |accessdate=June 7, 2014
- Barrel man (novelty): |accessdate=2008-12-15
- Barrelville, Maryland: |accessdate=June 22, 2020
- Barren Bay: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Barrero, Guayanilla, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Barrero, Rincón, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Barrett M468: |authorlink1=Jack Lewis (screenwriter)
- Barrett, Minnesota: | authorlink=Warren Upham
- Barrette (song): | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Barricada (FSLN): |accessdate=27 April 2015
- Barricades & Brickwalls: | authorlink1 = John O'Donnell (music journalist) , | authorlink2 = Toby Creswell , | authorlink3 = Craig Mathieson
- Barrie Chase: |accessdate=February 22, 2020 , |authorlink=Peter Levinson
- Barrie Collins: |authorlink1=Linda Melvern
- Barrie Cooke: |accessdate=5 June 2017
- Barrie Craig, Confidential Investigator: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2020-01-03, |accessdate=15 October 2016
- Barrie Dobson: |accessdate=11 May 2013
- Barrie Jail: |accessdate=2012-11-16, |accessdate=2012-11-16
- Barrie Phillip Nichol: |accessdate=21 October 2017
- Barrier function: |authorlink=Robert J. Vanderbei
- Barrier toll system: |accessdate=1 May 2020
- Barrington Bourchier: |accessdate=16 March 2018
- Barrington Wood: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Barringtonia asiatica: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-07-24
- Barringtonia conoidea: | accessdate = 25 August 2013
- Barringtonia curranii: | accessdate = 25 August 2013
- Barringtonia hallieri: | accessdate = 25 August 2013
- Barringtonia havilandii: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia lanceolata: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia longisepala: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia macrocarpa: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia macrostachya: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia pendula: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia pterita: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia reticulata: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia revoluta: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia sarawakensis: | accessdate = 26 August 2013
- Barringtonia sarcostachys: | accessdate = 27 August 2013
- Barringtonia scortechinii: | accessdate = 27 August 2013
- Barrio Esperanza: |accessdate=22 December 2011
- Barrio París-Londres: |accessdate=10 December 2011
- Barrios of San Juan, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Barrière River (North Thompson River tributary): |accessdate=17 August 2013, |accessdate=17 August 2013
- Barros Blancos: |accessdate=7 June 2011
- Barros, Orocovis, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Barroso (region): |accessdate=10 June 2019
- Barroterán coal mine disaster: |accessdate=15 July 2016
- Barrow Camera: |accessdate=14 April 2013
- Barrow Harbour: |accessdate=11 September 2016
- Barrow Island, Barrow-in-Furness: |accessdate=16 April 2015
- Barrow Poets: |accessdate=13 November 2019
- Barrow's Green: |authorlink2=English Place-Name Society↵
- Barry Altman: |accessdate=2017-03-01
- Barry Attack: |authorlink=Aaron Summerscale
- Barry Benefield: |accessdate=Oct 11, 2019
- Barry Blaikie: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Barry Brickell: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Barry Close: | authorlink=William Courthope (officer of arms)
- Barry Crimmins: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=March 1, 2018, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=March 1, 2018
- Barry Crump: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Barry Dignam: |accessdate=10 April 2011, |accessdate=10 April 2011
- Barry Durrant-Peatfield: |accessdate=, |accessdate=
- Barry Gray (radio personality): |accessdate=November 6, 2019 , |accessdate=November 6, 2019
- Barry Greenwald: |authorlink=Gerald Pratley, |accessdate=6 April 2012
- Barry H.V. Topping: |accessdate=19 May 2015, |accessdate=19 May 2015
- Barry Hicken: |accessdate=2016-12-22
- Barry Hodge: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Barry Hughart: |authorlink=Barry Hughart, | authorlink= Dennis Wheatley
- Barry Hunau: |accessdate=February 4, 2011
- Barry Ion: |authorlink=David Kent (historian), |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Barry Jenner: |authorlink=Anne Commire, |authorlink=Sidney Sheldon
- Barry Lando: |accessdate=9 July 2015
- Barry Langford: |accessdate=2012-10-28
- Barry Legg: |authorlink2=Nick Gibb, |authorlink1=Alan Duncan, |authorlink2=Iain Duncan Smith, |authorlink3=Bernard Jenkin, |authorlink5=John Whittingdale
- Barry Lett Galleries: |accessdate=22 December 2014, |accessdate=22 December 2014, |accessdate=22 December 2014, |accessdate=22 December 2014
- Barry Malkin: |authorlink=Gene D. Phillips
- Barry Manilow II: |accessdate=March 4, 2019
- Barry Manilow Live: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 4, 2019, |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Barry Maranta: | authorlink = ↵
- Barry McDaniel: |archiveurl = ↵ , |archivedate = ↵ , |accessdate = June 22, 2018↵
- Barry Moser: |accessdate=2014
- Barry O'Callaghan: | accessdate=15 February 2016 , | accessdate=15 February 2016
- Barry Pier railway station: |origyear=1962
- Barry Popik: | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 2011-08-26 , | authorlink = Susan Sheehan
- Barry Railway Class A: |authorlink=E. L. Ahrons
- Barry Railway Class C: |authorlink=E. L. Ahrons
- Barry Railway Class E: |authorlink=E. L. Ahrons
- Barry Railway Class J: |authorlink=E. L. Ahrons
- Barry Rigal: |authorlink = Barry Rigal↵ , |authorlink2=Joshua Donn
- Barry Shollenberger: |accessdate=8 January 2019
- Barry Sless: |accessdate=8 August 2012, |accessdate=8 August 2012
- Barry Smith (organist): |authorlink=Peter Warlock
- Barry Sussman: |accessdate=2020-02-18
- Barry Township, Michigan: | origyear= 1973
- Barry Turner (author): |authorlink=Barry Turner (author)
- Barry White Sings for Someone You Love: |accessdate=March 22, 2019
- Barry White's Greatest Hits: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 22, 2019, |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Barry Wood (singer): |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-11-24
- Barryl Biekman: |accessdate=25 September 2011
- Barryville–Shohola Bridge: |accessdate=December 29, 2011
- Barré Studio: |accessdate=16 May 2020 , |accessdate=16 May 2020 , |accessdate=16 May 2020 , |accessdate=16 May 2020
- Bars and Stripes: |accessdate=January 20, 2016, |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Barsauma: |authorlink=Jean-Baptiste Chabot, |authorlink=William Ainger Wigram
- Bart Bonikowski: |accessdate=June 13, 2020
- Bart Burns: |accessdate=27 April 2017
- Bart Carny: |authorlink=Matt Groening
- Bart Gets Hit by a Car: |authorlink=Matt Groening
- Bart Verschoor: |accessdate = 19 February 2014↵ , |accessdate = 19 February 2014↵
- Bart de Ligt: |authorlink=George Woodcock
- Bart's Dog Gets an "F": |authorlink=Matt Groening
- Bart's Inner Child: |authorlink=Matt Groening , |authorlink=Chris Turner (author)
- Barta'a: |authorlink=Einar Ingvald Haugen, |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Sami Hadawi, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Bartek: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Bartels: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Barter Theatre: |accessdate=9 December 2016, |accessdate=7 December 2016, |accessdate=9 December 2016, |accessdate=7 December 2016, |accessdate=9 December 2016, |accessdate=6 December 2016
- Barthelemy Lafon: |accessdate=2009-05-19
- Barthelemy Uggeri: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bartholomaeus of Bruges: |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012, |accessdate=3 August 2012
- Bartholomeus: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Bartholomew (name): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Bartholomew Bull: | archiveurl = ↵, | archivedate = ↵, | accessdate = 2019-04-06↵
- Bartholomew Clerke: |accessdate = 6 February 2013↵, |accessdate = 6 February 2013↵
- Bartholomew Fair: |authorlink=Henry Morley
- Bartholomew Fussell: |accessdate=20 October 2019
- Bartholomew John: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Bartholomew Park Winery: |accessdate=22 February 2012
- Bartholomew School: |accessdate=2008-04-13
- Bartholomew Sharp: |accessdate=12 January 2018
- Bartholomew Sulivan: |accessdate=4 June 2019 , |accessdate=19 August 2018
- Bartholomew Versus the Wheel: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Bartholomäus: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Barthélemy: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Barthélémy Bisengimana: |authorlink=René Lemarchand, |authorlink=Gérard Prunier
- Bartini DAR: |authorlink=Bill Gunston
- Bartlett Building (Cincinnati): | accessdate=2013-05-04
- Bartlett Dam: |accessdate=28 August 2010
- Bartlett and Robertson: |authorlink1=Benjamin Britten , |authorlink1=Peter Stansky
- Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: |accessdate= October 30, 2018
- Bartlett's theorem: | authorlink = John Kingman
- Bartlett–Russell–Hedge House: |accessdate=2017-10-21
- Bartley Crum: | accessdate = 1 May 2020, | authorlink = Myron Coureval Fagan↵, | accessdate = 1 May 2020, | authorlink = Gordon Kahn↵, | accessdate = 8 May 2020, | authorlink = Carey McWilliams (journalist)↵, | accessdate = 1 May 2020, | accessdate = 1 May 2020
- Bartley-Fox Law: |accessdate=2017-08-29
- Bartol Kašić: |authorlink2=Bartol Kašić
- Bartolo Ceru: | authorlink=
- Bartolo, Lares, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bartolomea Acciaioli: |authorlink=John Van Antwerp Fine, Jr. , |authorlink=Kenneth Setton , |authorlink=Steven Runciman
- Bartolomeo: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Bartolomeo Bassi: | authorlink=
- Bartolomeo Capobianco: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bartolomeo Caravoglia: | authorlink=Luigi Lanzi
- Bartolomeo Cesi (bishop): |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bartolomeo Ferratini: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bartolomeo Gosio: |accessdate=23 July 2015
- Bartolomeo Maraschi: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bartolomeo Merelli: |authorlink =Julian Budden, | authorlink = John Warrack
- Bartolomeo Orsucci: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bartolomeo Triachini: |accessdate=14 January 2013 ↵ , |accessdate=14 January 2013↵ , |accessdate=14 January 2013↵ , |accessdate=14 January 2013↵ , |accessdate=14 January 2013↵ , |accessdate=14 January 2013↵ , |accessdate=14 January 2013↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-14
- Bartolomeo Zaccaria: | authorlink=William Miller (historian)
- Bartolomeo da Camogli: | authorlink=
- Bartolomeu: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Bartolommeo Ardy: | authorlink=
- Bartolommeo Calomato: | authorlink=
- Bartolommeo Morelli: | authorlink=
- Bartolommeo Salvestrini: | authorlink=
- Bartolommeo Torre: | authorlink=
- Bartolommeo Tricomi: | authorlink=
- Bartolommeo Tutiani: | authorlink=
- Bartolomé Baca: |accessdate=2012-07-17↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-16↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵ , |accessdate=2012-07-17↵
- Bartolomé Ferrer: |accessdate=7 September 2013
- Bartolomé Sureda y Miserol: |accessdate=16 September 2012, |accessdate=16 September 2012, |accessdate=19 September 2012
- Barton Broad: |authorlink=Derek Ratcliffe
- Barton City, Michigan: | origyear= 1973
- Barton Cylinder: |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=24 May 2011
- Barton Hepburn: |accessdate=5 November 2019
- Barton Kay Kirkham: |accessdate=October 4, 2010
- Barton Manor: |accessdate=8 July 2011
- Barton Paul Levenson: | accessdate = April 10, 2010↵ , | accessdate = December 8, 2011, | accessdate = April 10, 2010
- Barton Priory: |accessdate=18 December 2010
- Barton Regis Hundred: |authorlink1=Sidney Webb , |authorlink2=Beatrice Webb
- Barton, Nebraska: |accessdate=16 May 2018
- Bartosz: |authorlink=Patrick Hanks
- Bartosz Głowacki (armoured train): |accessdate=10 December 2018
- Bartovice: | authorlink = Idzi Panic , |authorlink=Wilhelm Schulte
- Bartragh Island: |accessdate=December 15, 2015, |accessdate=December 15, 2015, |accessdate=December 15, 2015
- Bartram's Travels: |accessdate=August 25, 2018
- Bartramia (plant): |accessdate=23 December 2016, |accessdate=23 December 2016
- Bartsch's law: |origyear=1986↵
- Bartłomiej: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵
- Baruch Arensburg: |accessdate=18 June 2011
- Baruch Kurzweil: |accessdate=2014-10-08, |accessdate=2014-10-08
- Baruch Taub: |authorlink=Hanoch Teller
- Barugh (Great and Little): |accessdate=4 February 2013
- Baruuli: |accessdate=24 January 2015
- Barvikha: |accessdate=2008-01-05↵
- Baryon number: |authorlink=David Griffiths (physicist)
- Barzillai J. Chambers: | authorlink = Irwin Unger↵
- Barøy Lighthouse: |authorlink=Norwegian Coastal Administration
- Basa, Sudan: |accessdate=24 July 2012
- Basalawarmi: |accessdate=Sep 9, 2008, |accessdate=Jul 31, 2007, |accessdate=Jun 13, 2011, |accessdate=Jun 13, 2011, |accessdate=Jun 13, 2011, |accessdate=Sep 9, 2008, | authorlink=Pamela Kyle Crossley
- Basanti Sarma: |accessdate=30 November 2017
- Basava Premanand: |accessdate=27 June 2013
- Basavakalyana Fort: |accessdate=2010-01-28, |accessdate=2010-01-28, |accessdate=2010-01-28, |accessdate=2010-01-28, |accessdate=2010-01-28
- Basavaraj Kattimani: |accessdate=17 June 2019 , |accessdate=17 June 2019 , |accessdate=9 January 2020, |accessdate=9 January 2020 , |accessdate=17 June 2019
- Basawaraj Jawali: |accessdate=18 December 2020, |accessdate=18 December 2020
- Bascantis: |authorlink=George Hudson (entomologist)
- Bascom N. Timmons: |authorlink=Robert A. Caro↵ , |accessdate=August 30, 2013, |accessdate=August 30, 2013, |accessdate=August 30, 2013
- Bascote Locks: |authorlink=Nicholson Guides↵
- Base (geometry): |authorlink=Harold R. Jacobs
- Baseball Register: |accessdate=15 December 2015
- Baseball Rule: |accessdate=March 15, 2019
- Baseball in Puerto Rico: |accessdate=2013-11-24
- Basel Congress (1869): |accessdate=27 February 2019
- Basel Mission tile factory: |accessdate=2009-01-31↵
- Basel Program: |authorlink=Max Bodenheimer
- Basel Town Hall: |accessdate=25 September 2012, |accessdate=25 September 2012, |accessdate=25 September 2012
- Baselines of the Philippines: |accessdate=November 26, 2015
- Bases y puntos de partida para la organización política de la República Argentina: |authorlink= Félix Luna
- Bash valve: |authorlink=Rankin Kennedy↵
- Basha Kill Wildlife Management Area: |accessdate=June 30, 2016
- Bashar al-Shatti: |authorlink=Naomi Sakr, |accessdate=15 August 2011
- Bashford Dean: |accessdate=2014-06-15 , | accessdate = 2013-02-11, |accessdate=2015-04-09 , |accessdate=2013-02-11
- Bashidang: |authorlink=Liu Li (archaeologist)
- Bashin': The Unpredictable Jimmy Smith: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist), |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bashir Khrayyef: |accessdate=31 October 2020
- Bashkimi (Democratic Front newspaper): |accessdate=31 October 2014
- Bashkir Uprising (1704–1711): |accessdate=April 13, 2019
- Bashkortostan literature: |accessdate=March 27, 2014 , |accessdate=March 27, 2014 , |accessdate=March 27, 2014
- Basic Hanja for educational use: |authorlink=Ken Lunde
- Basic Rights: |accessdate=21 August 2018
- Basic direct access method: |accessdate=August 19, 2016
- Basic lead acetate: |authorlink=Thomas Thomson (chemist)
- Basic partitioned access method: |accessdate=August 19, 2016, |accessdate=August 19, 2016
- Basic sediment and water: |accessdate=12 May 2020
- Basic sequential access method: |accessdate=August 19, 2016
- Basics (Paul Bley album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Basil Barton: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1969↵
- Basil Coad: |authorlink=Julian Thompson (Royal Marines officer), |origyear=2000, |authorlink=George Odgers
- Basil Cochrane: | accessdate = 21 June 2014↵
- Basil Copper: | authorlink=Basil Copper, | authorlink=Jack Sullivan (literary scholar), | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Basil Douglas: |accessdate=24 January 2018, |accessdate=23 January 2018, |accessdate=24 January 2018
- Basil Ellenbogen: |accessdate=5 November 2015, |accessdate=5 November 2015
- Basil Feilding, 4th Earl of Denbigh: |accessdate=29 March 2013
- Basil Gabbidon: |authorlink=Steve Barrow
- Basil H. Johnston: |accessdate=5 November 2016, |accessdate=5 November 2016
- Basil Hall: | accessdate = 2007-11-09↵
- Basil Hayden's: | authorlink1 = Morgan Murphy (food critic)
- Basil Hetzel: |authorlink=Basil Hetzel , |authorlink=Basil Hetzel
- Basil Lazarus III: |authorlink=Ignatius Aphrem I Barsoum
- Basil Lekapenos: | authorlink = Warren Treadgold
- Basil Manly Jr.: |origyear=1888
- Basil Moore: |accessdate=16 March 2015
- Basil Morris: |authorlink=Peter FitzSimons, |authorlink=Paul Ham, |authorlink=Gavin Long
- Basil R. Church: |accessdate=2012-10-04
- Basil Salvadore D'Souza: |authorlink=Michael Lobo↵
- Basil Smallpeice: |authorlink = David Kynaston
- Basil Vatatzes: | authorlink=Rodolphe Guilland
- Basil Ward: |authorlink1=Dennis Sharp
- Basil Wells: | authorlink=John Clute , |authorlink2=Peter Nicholls (writer) , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Basil Wilberforce: |authorlink1=George William Erskine Russell
- Basildon Park: | authorlink = Mark Girouard↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Basildon Town Centre: |accessdate=2015-12-31
- Basilea (queen): |accessdate=2015-03-22, |accessdate=2015-03-22, |accessdate=July 18, 2014 , |accessdate=2015-03-22, |accessdate=2015-03-22
- Basileopator: | authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Basileus: |authorlink1=Connectivity, Trade and Punic persistence: Insularity and Identity in Late Punic to Roman Republican Sardinia (3rd–1st century BC)
- Basilica de la Merced: |accessdate=10 December 2011
- Basilica di San Marino: |accessdate=2010-11-03
- Basilica of La Merced, Cusco: |origyear=1941
- Basilica of Our Lady of Graces: |accessdate=25 May 2015
- Basilica of Saint Nicholas, Amsterdam: |accessdate=24 November 2011
- Basilica of San Magno, Legnano: |authorlink3=Augusto Marinoni
- Basilica of St. Ursula, Cologne: |authorlink = ↵
- Basilina: |accessdate=9 September 2017
- Basilio Villarino: |accessdate=2016-10-22
- Basimah: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Baskerville + Watson: |accessdate=15 October 2020
- Basket of Flowers (Fabergé egg): |authorlink=Christopher Forbes, |authorlink=Kenneth Snowman
- Basketball in Cape Verde: |accessdate=2016-11-02
- Basketene: | accessdate = 2008-12-10↵
- Basketweave (knitting): |accessdate=2 September 2020
- Baskil: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Baspa melampus: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=Mark Alexander Wynter-Blyth
- Basque Economic Agreement: | authorlink=Eduardo J. Alonso Olea ↵ , | authorlink=Javier Muguruza Arrese ↵
- Basque Mexicans: |accessdate=22 October 2015, |accessdate=22 October 2015, |accessdate=22 October 2015
- Basque Uruguayans: |authorlink=Renzo Pi Hugarte, |authorlink2=Daniel Vidart
- Basque Venezuelan: |accessdate=February 3, 2017
- Basque dance: | authorlink = ↵ , | accessdate = 16 June 2009
- Basque prehistory: |accessdate = December 31, 2017
- Bass Culture: |accessdate=24 July 2020
- Bass Is Maternal: |accessdate=24 July 2018, |accessdate=24 July 2018, |accessdate=24 July 2018, |accessdate=24 July 2018, |accessdate=24 July 2018
- Bass Strait Triangle: |authorlink=Macarthur Job, |authorlink=Malcolm Brown (Australian journalist), |authorlink=Macarthur Job, |authorlink=Jack Loney
- Bass on Top: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bass, Alabama: |accessdate = October 24, 2011↵
- Bass-ment Cuts: |authorlink=Violent J
- Bassaleg Junction railway station: |origyear=1958
- Bassam Jamous: |accessdate=28 June 2011
- Bassam Yammine: |accessdate=8 March 2013
- Bassaris: |accessdate=29 November 2016
- Bassel al-Assad: |accessdate=12 March 2010
- Bassetki Statue: |authorlink1=Matthew Bogdanos, |authorlink=Marc Van de Mieroop
- Bassett Letter: |authorlink=George Antonius
- Bassianus (bishop): |accessdate=Sep 3, 2018
- Bassin de Naurouze: | authorlink = L. T. C. Rolt
- Bassin de Saint-Ferréol: | authorlink = L. T. C. Rolt
- Bassoon Concerto (Neikrug): |authorlink=Marc Neikrug , |accessdate=July 10, 2015
- Bassoon concerto: |accessdate=2019-04-09
- Bassui Tokushō: | authorlink = Yoel Hoffmann
- Bass–Serre theory: |authorlink=Allen Hatcher
- Bastar Dussehra: |accessdate=14 April 2015
- Basted, Kent: |accessdate=1 January 2010
- Basti (hatha yoga): |author1link=James Mallinson (author) , |author2link=Mark Singleton (yoga scholar)
- Bastilla absentimacula: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bastilla amygdalis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bastilla analis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bastilla arctotaenia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bastilla crameri: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bastilla fulvotaenia: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bastilla simillima: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bastnäsite: |accessdate=14 October 2011, |accessdate=14 October 2011
- Bastos (cigarette): |accessdate=27 February 2019, |accessdate=27 February 2019
- Bastrop Independent School District: |accessdate=20 December 2014
- Basu: | accessdate=3 September 2011, |accessdate=2011-10-31
- Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Carmo (São Paulo): |accessdate=30 August 2012
- Basòdino: | authorlink = ↵
- Bat Ayin: |accessdate=24 August 2012
- Bat Boy (character): |accessdate=21 December 2010
- Bat Cave, Nepal: |accessdate=14 July 2020
- Bat Chain Puller: |accessdate=13 April 2015, |accessdate=13 April 2015, |accessdate=13 April 2015
- Bat Chum: |authorlink= George Coedès
- Bat Creek inscription: |accessdate=5 March 2013
- Bat lau dung laai: |accessdate=19 January 2018
- Bataan Rescue: |accessdate=September 20, 2020
- Bataan's at-large congressional district: |accessdate=3 May 2020
- Batalin–Vilkovisky formalism: |authorlink=Steven Weinberg
- Batanes State College: |accessdate=August 17, 2020
- Batangas's 1st congressional district: |accessdate=March 26, 2020
- Batangas's 2nd congressional district: |accessdate=April 16, 2020
- Batangas's 3rd congressional district: |accessdate=April 21, 2020
- Batas ng .45: |accessdate=March 16, 2020
- Batavi (album): | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵
- Batavia Road: | authorlink = Hugh Edwards (diver) , | authorlink = Henrietta Drake-Brockman
- Batavian flag: |accessdate=21 April 2016
- Batch coding machine: |accessdate=12 November 2013
- Batcombe, Dorset: |accessdate=2 June 2014
- Batdorf & Bronson: | accessdate=2015-09-14, | accessdate=2015-09-14, | accessdate=2015-09-14, | accessdate=2015-09-14, | accessdate=2015-09-14, | accessdate=2015-09-14
- Bateau: |authorlink=Edward King (author)
- Batería de San Genís: |accessdate=17 January 2013
- Bates Settlement, New Brunswick: |accessdate=5 July 2010
- Bateshwar Hembram: |accessdate=30 May 2020
- Bates–Guggenheim Convention: |accessdate=9 May 2012
- Batetsky (rural locality): |accessdate=April 25, 2012
- Batetsky District: |accessdate=May 22, 2012
- Bateyes: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bath City Surveyor: |authorlink=Howard Colvin
- Bath Cricket Club: |accessdate=21 June 2011 , |accessdate=21 June 2011
- Bath Hotel: |accessdate=26 June 2015, |accessdate=26 June 2015, |accessdate=23 June 2015
- Bath House at Corsham Court: | authorlink1 = Nikolaus Pevsner↵
- Bath House, Piccadilly: |accessdate=12 December 2019 , |accessdate=12 December 2019
- Bath International Music Festival: |accessdate=16 March 2009
- Bathford: | authorlink = John Aubrey
- Bathgama: |accessdate=25 March 2012, |accessdate=25 March 2012, |accessdate=25 March 2012
- Bathhouse Row: |accessdate=2009-10-30
- Bathory (album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Bathsheba Spooner: |accessdate=November 28, 2008
- Bathsheba, Oklahoma: | authorlink = ↵
- Bathurst Showground: |authorlink=Gilbert Mant
- Bathycrinus australis: |accessdate=10 October 2015
- Bathymetric attributed grid: |accessdate=18 June 2018
- Bathyphysa conifera: |author10link=Steven Haddock , |accessdate=19 March 2020
- Batih massacre: | authorlink=Pawel Jasienica
- Batile Alake: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ ↵
- Batim: |accessdate=2011-04-21
- Batkhela: | authorlink= Pattan Development Organization
- Batlhaping tribe: | accessdate=15 November 2017
- Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Batman River: |accessdate=11 February 2011
- Batman: Gotham Knight: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Batman: Under the Red Hood: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Batnfjordelva: |accessdate=30 April 2012, |accessdate=30 April 2012
- Bato sa Buhangin: |accessdate=May 17, 2020
- Batouala (novel): |accessdate=April 9, 2019
- Batrachedra litterata: |accessdate=9 June 2018
- Batrachedrodes: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Batrachedrodes bedelliella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Batrachedrodes ephelus: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Batrachedrodes lomentella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Batrachedrodes sophroniella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Batrachedrodes supercincta: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Batrachedrodes syrraphella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Batrachoidinae: |accessdate=1 March 2018
- Batrachospermales: |accessdate=31 January 2011
- Batrisitae: | origyear = 1983↵
- Bats of Canada: |accessdate=2013-03-30
- Batschari: |accessdate=12 March 2012, |accessdate = 12 March 2012↵
- Battalion (Sweden): |authorlink=Gunnar Artéus , |authorlink=Göte Göransson
- Battalion of detachments: |authorlink=John Biddulph
- Battarrea: |authorlink=Carleton Rea
- Battenberg (Eder): |authorlink=Jerzy Danielewicz (historian) , |accessdate=21 March 2010
- Battersby (surname): |accessdate=12 December 2017
- Battersea, Ontario: |accessdate=13 October 2017
- Battery "B", 2nd Illinois Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- Battery "F", 2nd Illinois Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- Battery "I", 1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- Battery "K" 1st Michigan Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink= , |authorlink=
- Battery "K", 1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III
- Battery C, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- Battery D, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- Battery E, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- Battery F, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- Battery Gladden Light: |accessdate=2014-01-25, |accessdate=2014-01-25, |accessdate=2014-01-25
- Battery H, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- Battery I, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- Battery K, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- Battery L, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- Battery M, 1st Missouri Light Artillery Regiment: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- Battery Tower (Manhattan): | accessdate=March 23, 2017
- Battison Haynes: |accessdate=2019-08-31
- Battista Malatesta: |authorlink=On The Study of Literature
- Battista Pallavicino: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Battista de Ventura: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Battle Creek Crunch: |accessdate=March 26, 2012
- Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay: |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother: | accessdate = January 15, 2012
- Battle Hymns (Manowar album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Battle Monument (West Point): |accessdate=April 28, 2019
- Battle Point, Bainbridge Island, Washington: |accessdate=25 October 2017
- Battle and theatre honours of the Australian Army: |origyear=1990, |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Jeffrey Grey
- Battle at Chignecto: |authorlink1=John G. Reid, |authorlink2=Emerson Baker, |authorlink=John Mack Faragher
- Battle at St. Croix: |authorlink1=John G. Reid, |authorlink2=Emerson Baker, |authorlink=John Mack Faragher
- Battle command: |authorlink=United States Department of the Army#Headquarters, Department of the Army , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 July 2007 , |accessdate=19 August 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 July 2007 , |accessdate=19 August 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=14 July 2007 , |accessdate=19 August 2013
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- Battle for Narva Bridgehead: |authorlink=Mart Laar, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=14 January 2013, |authorlink=Mart Laar
- Battle of Abancay: |accessdate=10 January 2011, |accessdate=10 January 2011
- Battle of Abaran: |authorlink = ↵
- Battle of Acapulco: |authorlink = Hubert Howe Bancroft↵ , |authorlink = Ministre de la Marine#Ministers of the Navy and the Colonies, 1790-1893↵
- Battle of Acayuazá: |accessdate=23 October 2020
- Battle of Acheral: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=20 September 2003
- Battle of Aclea: |authorlink=Michael Swanton
- Battle of Adrianople (324): |accessdate=1 July 2018
- Battle of Aga-Cayiri: |accessdate=June 15, 2013 , |accessdate=June 15, 2013
- Battle of Agra: |authorlink=Christopher Hibbert
- Battle of Ahmed Khel: |accessdate=4 April 2013
- Battle of Ahvenkoski: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=1 September 2017
- Battle of Akroinon: |authorlink=Harry Turtledove
- Battle of Alalia: |authorlink=Lionel Casson , |authorlink=Lionel Casson , |authorlink=Lionel Casson
- Battle of Albert (1918): |authorlink=
- Battle of Alcántara (1809): |authorlink=Michael Glover , |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Alexandria (30 BC): |authorlink1=Christopher Pelling
- Battle of Altimarlach: |authorlink=James Tait Calder , |authorlink=David Stewart (major-general) , |authorlink2=Romilly Squire of Rubislaw , |authorlink1=George Way of Plean , |authorlink=Walter Biggar Blaikie
- Battle of Amami-Ōshima: |authorlink=Scot Macdonald
- Battle of Amba Alagi (1941): |authorlink=Compton Mackenzie
- Battle of Ambur: |accessdate=2014-11-26, |accessdate=2014-11-26
- Battle of Amoaful: |authorlink=↵Charles Rathbone Low
- Battle of Amritsar (1634): |accessdate=31 July 2010, |accessdate=31 July 2010
- Battle of Amsteg: |authorlink=Christopher Duffy , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Anabta: |accessdate=18 August 2016
- Battle of Andong: |authorlink=Bevin Alexander
- Battle of Anglon: |authorlink1= Michael Whitby , |authorlink=J. B. Bury, |authorlink1=Karl Krumbacher
- Battle of Antioch (1098): |authorlink=Jonathan Riley-Smith
- Battle of Aouzou: |authorlink=Kenneth Pollack
- Battle of Apache Pass: |authorlink=James H. McClintock
- Battle of Ardnaree: |accessdate=27 November 2014
- Battle of Argoed Llwyfain: |accessdate=2012-10-15, |accessdate=2012-10-15
- Battle of Arnhem (1813): |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Francis Loraine Petre , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Aspindza: |authorlink=William Edward David Allen
- Battle of Athens (1941): |accessdate=13 July 2016
- Battle of Autossee: |authorlink1=Samuel Gardner Drake
- Battle of Autun (640s): |authorlink=Bernard S. Bachrach , |authorlink1=Philip Grierson , |authorlink2=Mark Blackburn (numismatist) , |authorlink=Ian N. Wood
- Battle of Babylon Hill: |authorlink=Ralph Hopton, 1st Baron Hopton , |authorlink=David Underdown
- Battle of Baddowal: |accessdate=8 September 2017
- Battle of Badli-ki-Serai: |authorlink=Christopher Hibbert
- Battle of Bagrevand: | authorlink=Seta Dadoyan
- Battle of Baguashan: |authorlink=James W. Davidson , |authorlink = Takekoshi Yosaburō
- Battle of Bajarwan: | authorlink = Douglas M. Dunlop
- Battle of Baker's Farm: |origyear=1980
- Battle of Balkh: | accessdate=12 August 2014
- Battle of Ballinalee: |accessdate=1 June 2010
- Battle of Bang Bo (Zhennan Pass): |accessdate=2012-01-18, |accessdate=2012-01-18
- Battle of Bangui: |accessdate=16 April 2020
- Battle of Barbourville: |authorlink2=Lowell H. Harrison
- Battle of Bassignana (1799): |authorlink=Christopher Duffy , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Battle Hill: |accessdate=2009-01-22
- Battle of Bayou Bourbeux: |accessdate=29 August 2016, |authorlink=John D. Winters
- Battle of Be'erot Yitzhak: |accessdate=14 July 2013, |authorlink=Trevor Dupuy, |accessdate=2010-01-24
- Battle of Beersheba (1948): |authorlink=Trevor Dupuy, |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Battle of Beirut (1912): | authorlink = Ralph Earle (American naval officer)
- Battle of Bekeriyah (1904): |accessdate=21 February 2017
- Battle of Belleau Wood: |authorlink=Thomas Alexander Boyd
- Battle of Benadir: |accessdate=14 September 2014
- Battle of Beroia: |authorlink=John Kinnamos
- Battle of Big Dry Wash: |accessdate=2009-04-18
- Battle of Blood River Poort: |authorlink=Thomas Pakenham (historian)
- Battle of Bloody Creek (1757): |authorlink=John Mack Faragher
- Battle of Boma: |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Borgo: |accessdate=2015-11-09
- Battle of Bosco Marengo: |authorlink=Charles Samaran
- Battle of Britain Range: |accessdate=2012-10-21, |accessdate=21 October 2012
- Battle of Bronkhorstspruit: |authorlink=John Laband
- Battle of Brouwershaven: | authorlink2=Kelly DeVries , |origyear=1970
- Battle of Brumath: |accessdate=Mar 23, 2019
- Battle of Bulgnéville: |authorlink= , |origyear=1970
- Battle of Bure: |authorlink=Max Hastings
- Battle of Butte-aux-Cailles: |authorlink1=Lissagaray
- Battle of Cabrita Point: |authorlink1=William Laird Clowes , |accessdate=11 February 2013
- Battle of Calcinato: |accessdate=19 January 2015 , |accessdate=23 April 2018
- Battle of Caldiero (1796): |authorlink=David G. Chandler, |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Camp Wildcat: |authorlink2=Lowell H. Harrison
- Battle of Cana: |accessdate=16 July 2016, |accessdate=11 July 2016, |accessdate=11 July 2016
- Battle of Cangting: |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Canton (1857): |authorlink=Thomas Carter (writer)
- Battle of Cao Bằng (1979): | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Battle of Cap-Français: |authorlink=John Knox Laughton, |authorlink=Nicholas Harris Nicolas
- Battle of Cape Bon (468): |authorlink=William Smith (lexicographer), |accessdate=4 January 2013, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=22 August 2006
- Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1833): | authorlink = Charles John Napier↵ , |origyear=1836↵ , | authorlink = Priscilla Napier↵
- Battle of Capua (1348): |accessdate = 27 June 2011↵
- Battle of Carnuntum: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=18 June 2014
- Battle of Cassel (1328): |accessdate=15 May 2013
- Battle of Castagnaro: |accessdate=2014-03-10
- Battle of Centuripe: |authorlink = Franz Kurowski
- Battle of Chang'an: |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Changban: |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Changzhou: |authorlink = Jonathan D. Spence
- Battle of Chantonnay: |accessdate=25 June 2015
- Battle of Chedabucto: |authorlink=John Mack Faragher
- Battle of Chesterfield: |authorlink=Thomas Wykes (chronicler), |authorlink=Henry Knighton , |authorlink=Walter of Guisborough
- Battle of Chiatung: |authorlink = Takekoshi Yosaburō
- Battle of Chiayi: |authorlink=James W. Davidson , |authorlink = Takekoshi Yosaburō
- Battle of Chino: |authorlink1=Hubert Howe Bancroft
- Battle of Chippenham: |accessdate=14 August 2020 , |accessdate=15 August 2020 , |accessdate=14 August 2020 , |accessdate=14 August 2020
- Battle of Chojnice (1656): | authorlink = Peter Englund
- Battle of Chosin Reservoir order of battle: |accessdate=2018-07-01
- Battle of Christmas Island: | accessdate = 20 November 2006
- Battle of Chusto-Talasah: |accessdate=20 January 2013, |accessdate=19 January 2013
- Battle of Clervaux: |accessdate= 2 September 2011, |accessdate= 2 September 2011, | accessdate = 2 September 2011, |accessdate=3 September 2011, |accessdate=3 September 2011, | accessdate= 3 September 2011, |accessdate= 2 September 2011, |accessdate=3 September 2011, |accessdate= 2 September 2011, |accessdate=3 September 2011
- Battle of Clones (1643): |accessdate=2 June 2020, |accessdate=17 May 2020, |accessdate=2 June 2020, |accessdate=30 May 2020, |accessdate=15 May 2020, |accessdate=31 May 2020
- Battle of Cloughleagh: |accessdate=26 May 2020, |accessdate=26 May 2020
- Battle of Cocherel: |accessdate=5 May 2013
- Battle of Colenso: |authorlink=Michael Barthorp, |authorlink=Arthur Conan Doyle, |authorlink=Thomas Pakenham (historian)
- Battle of Collecchio: |accessdate=2012-07-12 , |accessdate=2012-07-12, |accessdate=2012-07-13 , |accessdate=2012-07-12 , |accessdate=2012-07-12 , |accessdate=2012-07-12 , |accessdate=2012-07-12 , |accessdate=2012-07-12 , |accessdate=2012-07-12
- Battle of Collioure: |accessdate=7 September 2015
- Battle of Concepción: |authorlink=Alwyn Barr, |authorlink=Stephen L. Hardin
- Battle of Constantinople (378): |accessdate=19 August 2013, |accessdate=19 August 2013, |accessdate=19 August 2013, |accessdate=19 August 2013, |accessdate=19 August 2013, |accessdate=19 August 2013
- Battle of Cool Spring: | authorlink = Whittaker Chambers↵
- Battle of Coron (1793): |accessdate=25 June 2015
- Battle of Cotton Plant: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III
- Battle of Courtrai (1814): |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Cowan's Ford: |accessdate = 2008-02-22↵
- Battle of Crannon: |authorlink=Diodorus Siculus, |authorlink=Waldemar Heckel
- Battle of Crocus Field: |authorlink=George Cawkwell
- Battle of Crogen: | authorlink = Lynn H. Nelson , | authorlink = Samuel Lewis (publisher)
- Battle of Crug Mawr: |accessdate=15 February 2019, |accessdate=15 February 2019, |accessdate=12 January 2019
- Battle of Cádiz (1669): |accessdate=25 June 2011, |authorlink=Michael S. Robinson
- Battle of Daltullich: |authorlink1=Frederick Campbell, 3rd Earl Cawdor , |authorlink2=Cosmo Innes , |authorlink2=Romilly Squire of Rubislaw , |authorlink1=George Way of Plean
- Battle of Damascus (1941): |authorlink=Gavin Long , |authorlink=Compton Mackenzie
- Battle of Dathin: |authorlink=Walter E. Kaegi, |authorlink=Guy Le Strange
- Battle of Dayr al-Jamajim: | authorlink = G. R. Hawting , | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy , |authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Battle of Debrecen order of battle: | authorlink6 = Bernd Wegner↵
- Battle of Delaware Bay: |accessdate=29 April 2018
- Battle of Denain: |accessdate=23 April 2013, |accessdate=23 April 2013
- Battle of Dili: |accessdate=19 October 2018 , |accessdate=19 October 2018
- Battle of Doberdò: | authorlink = Géza Lukachich von Somorja↵
- Battle of Dobrynichi: |accessdate=16 July 2015
- Battle of Dogali: |authorlink=Paul B. Henze
- Battle of Dogger Bank (1916): |authorlink=Julian Corbett , |accessdate=23 January 2016 , |authorlink=Robert Gardiner (naval historian) , |authorlink=Paul Halpern , |authorlink=John Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe , |accessdate=23 January 2016, |authorlink=V. E. Tarrant , |authorlink=Herbert Wrigley Wilson , |authorlink=Julian Corbett , |accessdate=23 January 2016 , |authorlink=Julian Corbett , |accessdate=23 January 2016 , |authorlink=Arthur Marder , |authorlink=Robert K. Massie
- Battle of Dorestad: |accessdate=2014-09-17
- Battle of Dornoch: |authorlink=Tony Pollard (archaeologist)
- Battle of Dorylaeum (1147): |authorlink=David Nicolle
- Battle of Down: |authorlink = Goddard Henry Orpen
- Battle of Drashovica: |accessdate=10 July 2011, |accessdate=11 July 2011, |accessdate=11 July 2011
- Battle of Driskos: |accessdate=13 November 2019
- Battle of Drocourt-Quéant Line: |authorlink=James Edward Edmonds
- Battle of Drumclog: |accessdate=20 June 2020, |accessdate=20 June 2020, |accessdate=20 June 2020, |accessdate=20 June 2020, |accessdate=22 April 2019, |accessdate=20 June 2020, |accessdate=20 June 2020 , |accessdate=6 June 2020, |accessdate=22 July 2019, |authorlink=Hew Scott, |accessdate=15 March 2019, |accessdate=20 June 2020, |accessdate=11 July 2019, |accessdate=20 June 2020, |accessdate=16 February 2019
- Battle of Drumlui: |accessdate=November 9, 2019, |authorlink=Alexander Mackenzie (historian) , |accessdate=November 9, 2019
- Battle of Drumoak: |accessdate=September 1, 2019, |accessdate=September 1, 2019, |authorlink=Peter Buchan , |accessdate=September 1, 2019
- Battle of Dryfe Sands: |authorlink1=John Crichton-Stuart, 4th Marquess of Bute, |accessdate=29 August 2017, |accessdate=29 August 2017, |authorlink2=Romilly Squire of Rubislaw , |authorlink1=George Way of Plean , |authorlink=James A. Mackay
- Battle of Dubienka: |accessdate=2 January 2013, |accessdate=2 January 2013, |accessdate=8 January 2013
- Battle of Dumpu: | authorlink = Ivan Dougherty↵ , | accessdate = 20 October 2006↵ , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 16 November 2006 , | accessdate = 12 February 2008↵ , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 25 January 2008
- Battle of Durocortorum: |accessdate=Mar 19, 2019, |authorlink=Adrian Goldsworthy
- Battle of Durrës (1939): |accessdate=2 December 2017
- Battle of Dushi Ford: |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny, |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Dvin: |authorlink=Vladimir Minorsky, |origyear=1953
- Battle of Egan Station: |accessdate=January 13, 2014↵
- Battle of Egypt Station: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Frederick H. Dyer
- Battle of El Ksiba: |accessdate=17 November 2017
- Battle of Elandsfontein: |accessdate=28 October 2020
- Battle of Elmina (1637): |authorlink =Alfred Burdon Ellis
- Battle of Elsenborn Ridge: |authorlink=Jens Westemeier
- Battle of Entrames: |accessdate=25 June 2015
- Battle of Ephesus (ca. 258 BC): |authorlink= Richard Berthold
- Battle of Epierre: |authorlink1=David G. Chandler , |accessdate=15 August 2015 , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Erquelinnes: |accessdate=11 January 2015 , |accessdate=11 January 2015
- Battle of Evans Creek: |accessdate=January 13, 2014↵
- Battle of Fahs al-Jullab: |authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Battle of Falun: | authorlink = Herman Lindqvist (journalist)↵
- Battle of Fancheng: |authorlink=Sima Guang
- Battle of Fatshan Creek: | authorlink1= Thomas Carter (writer)↵
- Battle of Fleurus (1690): |accessdate=17 April 2013
- Battle of Flochberg: |authorlink=Ferdinand Gregorovius
- Battle of Focchies: | authorlink = R. C. Anderson↵
- Battle of Fornham: |authorlink=Robert Bartlett (historian)
- Battle of Fort George: |authorlink=Ernest Alexander Cruikshank , |authorlink2=Donald Graves (historian), |authorlink=Jon Latimer
- Battle of Fort Oswego: |authorlink=Francis Parkman
- Battle of Fort Tabarsi: |authorlink=Nabíl-i-Aʻzam
- Battle of Fort Tularosa: |authorlink=Frank N. Schubert
- Battle of Fort d'Issy: |authorlink1=Lissagaray
- Battle of Fossalta: |authorlink=Ernst Kantorowicz
- Battle of Frankfurt an der Oder: |accessdate=27 August 2009, |accessdate=28 August 2009, |accessdate=27 August 2009, |authorlink=Erik Ringmar
- Battle of Franklin (1864) Union order of battle: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III
- Battle of Gadara: |accessdate=23 July 2016, |accessdate=23 July 2016, |accessdate=23 July 2016, |accessdate=11 July 2016, |accessdate=23 July 2016
- Battle of Gagron: |authorlink=Satish Chandra (historian)
- Battle of Galați: |accessdate=31 October 2010
- Battle of Ganghwa: |authorlink=Max Boot
- Battle of Ganja (1804): |authorlink = Tadeusz Swietochowski
- Battle of Ganja (1826): |authorlink=Michael Axworthy
- Battle of Gannoruwa: |accessdate=30 January 2009, |accessdate=29 January 2009
- Battle of Garnett's & Golding's Farm: |authorlink=Stephen W. Sears
- Battle of Gegodog: |authorlink=Leonard Y. Andaya, |authorlink=M. C. Ricklefs, |authorlink=Theodoor Gautier Thomas Pigeaud, |authorlink=Thomas Stamford Raffles
- Battle of Genola: |authorlink=Christopher Duffy , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Geok Tepe: |accessdate=18 October 2015, |accessdate=18 October 2015, |accessdate=18 October 2015, |accessdate=18 October 2015
- Battle of Geok Tepe (1879): |accessdate=18 October 2015
- Battle of Gettysburg half dollar: |accessdate=2017-03-13
- Battle of Gjorm: |accessdate=12 July 2011
- Battle of Glasgow (1544): |authorlink=James Cleland (statistician), |authorlink=James Paterson (journalist)
- Battle of Glen Fruin: |authorlink=William Fraser (historian) , |accessdate=January 26, 2020, |accessdate=January 26, 2020, |authorlink=Walter Scott , |accessdate=January 26, 2020, |authorlink=James Browne (writer) , |accessdate=January 27, 2020, |authorlink2=Romilly Squire of Rubislaw , |authorlink1=George Way of Plean , |authorlink1=John Keay , |authorlink=James A. Mackay , |authorlink=John Stewart-Murray, 7th Duke of Atholl , |accessdate=October 2, 2020, |authorlink2=Robert Gray (ornithologist) , |accessdate=January 26, 2020, |authorlink=Adam Black , |accessdate=January 27, 2020, |accessdate=January 26, 2020, |authorlink=Masonic lodge officers#Poet Laureate, |accessdate=January 26, 2020, |authorlink=Alexander Whitelaw (editor) , |accessdate=January 26, 2020
- Battle of Glenboultachan: |accessdate=September 8, 2019, |accessdate=September 9, 2019, |accessdate=September 8, 2019, |accessdate=September 8, 2019, |accessdate=September 8, 2019, |accessdate=September 9, 2019, |authorlink=Bernard Burke , |accessdate=September 9, 2019, |accessdate=September 9, 2019
- Battle of Glenmaquin: |accessdate=17 May 2020, |accessdate=21 May 2020, |accessdate=15 May 2020
- Battle of Gotthard Pass: |authorlink=Christopher Duffy , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Grahovo: |accessdate=30 July 2019
- Battle of Grand Coteau (North Dakota): |accessdate=2014-04-10, |accessdate=2014-04-10
- Battle of Grand Pré: |authorlink=Charles Morris (surveyor general)
- Battle of Gravelotte: |authorlink=Michael Howard (historian)
- Battle of Grochowiska: |accessdate=24 January 2011, |accessdate=24 January 2011, |accessdate=24 January 2011, |accessdate=24 January 2011, |accessdate=24 January 2011, |accessdate=24 January 2011
- Battle of Grudziądz (1659): |accessdate=27 June 2012, |accessdate=27 June 2012, |accessdate=28 June 2012, |accessdate=28 June 2012, |accessdate=28 June 2012, |accessdate=28 June 2012, |accessdate=28 June 2012, |accessdate=28 June 2012
- Battle of Grunwald (Matejko): |accessdate=16 February 2012, |accessdate=14 August 2011
- Battle of Guadix: |accessdate=2013-07-15, |accessdate=2013-07-15↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-15↵ , |authorlink=Prosper Mérimée, |accessdate=2013-07-15↵ , |accessdate=2013-07-15↵
- Battle of Guayaquil: |accessdate=February 27, 2010↵
- Battle of Guler (1696): |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2015-06-26, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2015-06-26
- Battle of Gumbinnen: |authorlink1=Michael S. Neiberg
- Battle of Gurun: |origyear=1960
- Battle of Guzów: |origyear=1908
- Battle of Gué-à-Tresmes: |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Francis Loraine Petre , |authorlink=Digby Smith , |accessdate=13 February 2016
- Battle of Halbe: | authorlink = Antony Beevor↵
- Battle of Handschuhsheim: |authorlink2=Ariel Durant , |authorlink2=Ariel Durant
- Battle of Hannut: |authorlink1=A. J. P. Taylor
- Battle of Hatchie's Bridge: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- Battle of Hebron: | authorlink1=Baruch_Kimmerling , | authorlink2=Joel_S._Migdal
- Battle of Hegyes: |accessdate=15 February 2015
- Battle of Hembrillo Basin: |accessdate=21 May 2018
- Battle of Heraklion: |accessdate=4 November 2015
- Battle of Hill 86: |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Battle of Hingston Down: |authorlink=Thomas Charles-Edwards, |authorlink=Frank Stenton
- Battle of Hlobane: |authorlink=John Laband, |authorlink=Michael Barthorp , |authorlink=Ian Knight (historian)
- Battle of Hoover's Gap: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens
- Battle of Hudson's Bay: |accessdate=2 September 2018 , |accessdate=2 September 2018
- Battle of Hysiae (417 BC): | authorlink=Thucydides
- Battle of Ichogil Bund: |accessdate=2017-12-10
- Battle of Intombe: |authorlink=Michael Barthorp
- Battle of Invernahavon: |accessdate=November 9, 2019, |accessdate=November 2, 2019
- Battle of Ioribaiwa: |authorlink =Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of Iron Works Hill: |authorlink=David Hackett Fischer↵
- Battle of Ist: |authorlink=Vincent P. O'Hara
- Battle of Jackson, Mississippi: |authorlink=Ed Bearss, |accessdate=January 31, 2021
- Battle of Jaithak: |origyear=1999 , |authorlink=Henry Thoby Prinsep
- Battle of Jezzine (1941): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey
- Battle of Jiangling (223): |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Jitra: |authorlink=Compton Mackenzie , |accessdate=3 November 2016
- Battle of Jobourg: | authorlink = William Laird Clowes↵ , |origyear=1900↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |origyear=1998↵ , | authorlink = William James (naval historian)↵ , | origyear= 1827↵ , | authorlink = Richard Woodman↵
- Battle of John's Knoll–Trevor's Ridge: |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of Jupilsan: |accessdate=28 October 2018, |accessdate=28 October 2018
- Battle of Kafr El Dawwar: |authorlink=Donald Featherstone (wargamer), |authorlink=Caspar F. Goodrich, |authorlink=James Grant (1822–1887)
- Battle of Kalijati: |accessdate=23 January 2020
- Battle of Kambula: |authorlink=John Laband , |authorlink=Michael Barthorp
- Battle of Kaniów: |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012
- Battle of Kansala: |authorlink=Patience Sonko-Godwin
- Battle of Karakilisa: | authorlink = ↵
- Battle of Kartarpur: |accessdate=31 July 2010
- Battle of Karánsebes: |accessdate=20 July 2020, |authorlink=Erik Durschmied
- Battle of Kashgar (1933): |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28
- Battle of Kathio: | origyear=1851
- Battle of Keelung (1895): |authorlink=William_Campbell_(missionary), |authorlink=James W. Davidson, |authorlink=Takekoshi Yosaburō
- Battle of Kerj Abu Dulaf: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Battle of Kessler's Cross Lanes: |accessdate=20 January 2013
- Battle of Khazir: |authorlink=Fred Donner, |authorlink=Chase F. Robinson
- Battle of Kilrush: |accessdate=17 May 2020
- Battle of Kissoué: |authorlink=Compton Mackenzie
- Battle of Kokoda: |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of Kosturino: |authorlink=Luigi Albertini, |authorlink=Harvey Broadbent , |authorlink=Les Carlyon, |accessdate=13 April 2016 , |authorlink = G. W. L. Nicholson , |accessdate=13 September 2015
- Battle of Krivolak: |authorlink=Luigi Albertini , |authorlink=Harvey Broadbent , |authorlink=Les Carlyon , |accessdate=13 April 2016 , |authorlink = G. W. L. Nicholson , |accessdate=13 September 2015
- Battle of Krzykawka: |accessdate=27 January 2011
- Battle of Krücken: |authorlink=Nicolaus von Jeroschin , |authorlink=William Urban
- Battle of Kōan: |accessdate=11 August 2011
- Battle of La Ciudadela: |authorlink=Diego Abad de Santillán↵
- Battle of La Mesa: |authorlink=Hubert Howe Bancroft
- Battle of La Rochelle: |authorlink=Cesáreo Fernández Duro , |authorlink=Jonathan Sumption, Lord Sumption
- Battle of Lababia Ridge: |accessdate=19 January 2016 , |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of Ladysmith: | authorlink=Thomas Pakenham (historian)
- Battle of Lagabraad: |accessdate=February 2, 2019, |accessdate=February 2, 2019, |accessdate=February 2, 2019
- Battle of Lahore (1759): |accessdate=2010-09-23
- Battle of Lake Huleh (1157): |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Battle of Lake Regillus: |authorlink=Michael Grant (author)
- Battle of Langfang: |accessdate=1 April 2013
- Battle of Las Salinas: |accessdate=21 June 2019
- Battle of Laubressel: |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Francis Loraine Petre , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Leitzersdorf: |accessdate = 27 June 2011↵ , |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 5 July 2011↵ , |accessdate =1 July 2011↵
- Battle of Lemberg (1918): | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Battle of Lepanto order of battle: | authorlink = Fernand Braudel , | authorlink = Fernand Braudel
- Battle of Leuwiliang: |accessdate=23 January 2020
- Battle of Limonest: |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Francis Loraine Petre , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Linth River: |authorlink=Christopher Duffy , |authorlink=Ramsay Weston Phipps , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Liyang: |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny, |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny, |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Lize: |accessdate=4 July 2020
- Battle of Logorište: |authorlink=Marko Attila Hoare
- Battle of Lomas de Santa María: |authorlink= Julio Zárate
- Battle of Loncomilla: | authorlink1 = José Bengoa , | origyear = 1985
- Battle of Los Alporchones: |authorlink1=Ginés Pérez de Hita , |authorlink1=Ginés Pérez de Hita , | authorlink =A. Luis Molina Molina↵, | authorlink2 =Juan Torres Fontes↵
- Battle of Lucofao: |authorlink=Bernard S. Bachrach , |authorlink=Ian N. Wood
- Battle of Lumphanan: |accessdate=6 August 2020
- Battle of Madab: |accessdate=24 April 2013
- Battle of Maguelone: |authorlink=Onésime-Joachim Troude
- Battle of Maleme: |accessdate=4 November 2015
- Battle of Mamsha: |authorlink=Alexander Mackenzie (historian) , |authorlink=John Anderson (genealogist, fl. 1825)
- Battle of Marash (953): | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy , | authorlink = Alexander Vasiliev (historian)
- Battle of Margate: |accessdate=3 March 2019, |accessdate=3 March 2019, |accessdate=3 March 2019, |accessdate=2 March 2019
- Battle of Marilao River: |authorlink=Brian McAllister Linn
- Battle of Marj Rahit (634): | authorlink = Fred Donner
- Battle of Martynów: |accessdate=9 March 2011↵
- Battle of Matasiete: |accessdate=2013-05-20↵ , |authorlink1=Rafael María Baralt, |accessdate=2013-05-20, |authorlink=Eduardo Blanco (writer), |accessdate=2013-05-20↵ , |authorlink=Simón Bolívar, |accessdate=2013-05-20↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-20↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-20↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-20↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-20↵ , |accessdate=2013-05-20↵ , |authorlink=Bartolomé Mitre, |accessdate=2013-05-20
- Battle of Maya: |authorlink=Michael Glover , |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Mbwila: |authorlink=Adrian Hastings
- Battle of Mecca (1924): |authorlink=Madawi al-Rasheed
- Battle of Medenine: |authorlink=Michael Howard (historian) , |accessdate=2 June 2015 , |authorlink=Hugh Sebag-Montefiore , |accessdate=27 August 2015 , |authorlink=Ronald Lewin , |authorlink=, |accessdate=9 February 2017 , |accessdate=17 July 2008
- Battle of Medina Ridge: |accessdate=26 December 2014
- Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC): |accessdate=26 October 2010, |accessdate=3 November 2015
- Battle of Mellrichstadt: |accessdate=18 January 2009
- Battle of Meloria (1284): |authorlink=Charles Macfarlane
- Battle of Melrose: |accessdate=September 15, 2019
- Battle of Menin (1793): |accessdate=31 March 2013, |accessdate=9 April 2013, |accessdate=9 April 2013, |accessdate=27 April 2013, |accessdate=9 April 2013, |accessdate=28 April 2013, |accessdate=30 April 2013
- Battle of Merdjayoun: |authorlink=Compton Mackenzie
- Battle of Meritsa: | authorlink = Mark Mazower
- Battle of Merta: |accessdate=2020-09-23
- Battle of Mestre: |authorlink=William Tait (publisher)
- Battle of Meudon: |authorlink1=Lissagaray
- Battle of Meçad (1465): |authorlink=Harry Hodgkinson (writer)
- Battle of Milliken's Bend: |accessdate=February 9, 2021
- Battle of Millstone: |authorlink=David Hackett Fischer↵
- Battle of Mir (1792): |accessdate=17 December 2011
- Battle of Mission Ridge – Brigade Hill: |authorlink =Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of Modder River: |authorlink4 = Basil Williams (historian)↵
- Battle of Modon (1403): | authorlink = Kenneth Setton
- Battle of Moira: |accessdate=19 June 2011
- Battle of Mokhisi: |authorlink=Prince Vakhushti of Kartli
- Battle of Molins de Rei: |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Mondovì: |authorlink=Gunther E. Rothenberg
- Battle of Mons Seleucus: |authorlink=Timothy Barnes
- Battle of Monte Cassino order of battle January 1944: | origyear=1984, | origyear=1st Pub. [[HMSO]] 1960, | origyear=1st. pub. [[HMSO]]:1973
- Battle of Monte de las Cruces: |accessdate=March 14, 2010
- Battle of Montemurlo: |accessdate=7 December 2011
- Battle of Montenegro: |accessdate=2012-10-25↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-25↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-25↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-25↵
- Battle of Montenotte: |authorlink=David G. Chandler , |accessdate=30 March 2012 , |authorlink=Gunther E. Rothenberg , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Moremonui: |accessdate=23 April 2017
- Battle of Mount Cadmus: | authorlink =Steven Runciman
- Battle of Mount Lycaeum: |authorlink=Peter Green (historian) , |authorlink=William Smith (lexicographer)
- Battle of Mucellium: |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Battle of Mud Lake: |accessdate=2014-01-13↵ , |accessdate=2014-01-13↵ , |authorlink=Sarah Winnemucca↵, |accessdate=2014-01-14↵, | accessdate=2014-01-13↵, |accessdate=2014-01-13↵
- Battle of Mursa Major: |authorlink=Timothy Barnes
- Battle of Mynydd Hyddgen: |accessdate= 8 July 2019
- Battle of Más a Tierra: |accessdate=6 May 2016
- Battle of Mâcon (1814): |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Francis Loraine Petre , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Móng Cái: | authorlink =↵
- Battle of Najafgarh: |authorlink=William Dalrymple (historian)
- Battle of New Ross (1643): |accessdate=6 June 2020, |accessdate=5 June 2020
- Battle of Nirim: |accessdate=2010-01-05, |accessdate=2010-01-05
- Battle of Norridgewock: |authorlink=John Mack Faragher, |authorlink=John Fiske (philosopher), |authorlink=Francis Parkman, |authorlink=William D. Williamson
- Battle of Nsamankow: |accessdate=6 March 2016, |accessdate=6 March 2016, |accessdate=3 March 2016
- Battle of Näfels: |accessdate= 14 September 2009
- Battle of Ochmatów (1644): |accessdate=9 March 2011↵ , |accessdate=9 March 2011↵ , |accessdate=9 March 2011↵
- Battle of Olkieniki: | authorlink=Adam Zamoyski , |accessdate=3 February 2012, | authorlink=Pawel Jasienica
- Battle of Oltenița: |authorlink=Winfried Baumgart
- Battle of Orange Walk: |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019 , |accessdate=27 February 2019
- Battle of Orbaizeta: |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Ormoc Bay: | accessdate = 2006-05-25
- Battle of Osawatomie: |authorlink1=Oswald Garrison Villard
- Battle of Oswestry: |accessdate=7 May 2020
- Battle of Otlukbeli: | authorlink = Franz Babinger
- Battle of Otumba: | authorlink = Edgar Lee Hewett↵ , | authorlink = Charles M. Robinson III↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Battle of Oudenarde: |authorlink=David G. Chandler, |authorlink=G. K. Chesterton
- Battle of Paderborn (1945): |authorlink1=Adam Makos
- Battle of Palembang (1407): | authorlink=Edward L. Dreyer
- Battle of Pankaleia: |authorlink=George Ostrogorsky
- Battle of Parma: |authorlink=Eberhard Horst
- Battle of Paso de Mercedes: |authorlink=Teodoro Caillet-Bois , |authorlink=Juan Beverina
- Battle of Passo Fundo: |authorlink=John Charles Chasteen
- Battle of Pengcheng: |origyear=91 BC, |origyear=91 BC, |origyear=1084, |origyear=1084, |origyear=91 BC, |origyear=1084, |origyear=1084
- Battle of Peregonovka: |authorlink=Peter Arshinov , |authorlink2=Viktor Belash
- Battle of Peshawar (1834): |accessdate=31 July 2010
- Battle of Petitcodiac: |authorlink=Arthur Doughty
- Battle of Philomelion: |authorlink=Anna Komnene
- Battle of Piacenza: |accessdate=2015-06-07
- Battle of Pilsud: |accessdate=2020-09-23, |accessdate=2020-09-23
- Battle of Podu Iloaiei: | authorlink = David Glantz↵
- Battle of Pointe-aux-Trembles: |authorlink=William J. Eccles
- Battle of Pont-Barré: |accessdate=25 June 2015
- Battle of Porédaka: |accessdate=2013-02-17↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-18↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-17↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-18↵
- Battle of Powder River: |accessdate=2009-04-25
- Battle of Pozzolo: |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Puerto Plata Harbor: |authorlink=Willis J. Abbot
- Battle of Píleo: |authorlink=Diego Barros Arana , |authorlink=Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna
- Battle of Pęcice: |origyear=2001
- Battle of Quebec (1690): |authorlink=William J. Eccles
- Battle of Rafah (1949): |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Battle of Rancho Domínguez: |authorlink=Hubert Howe Bancroft
- Battle of Rangiriri: | authorlink =James Belich (historian) , | authorlink =James Belich (historian) , | authorlink = James Cowan (New Zealand writer), | authorlink = James Cowan (New Zealand writer), | authorlink = Ranginui Walker , | authorlink = Claudia Orange , | authorlink =James Belich (historian) , | authorlink =James Belich (historian)
- Battle of Rawdat Muhanna: |authorlink=Saud ibn Hathlol
- Battle of Raymond: |accessdate=January 31, 2021 , |accessdate=January 31, 2021
- Battle of Refugio: |authorlink=Stephen L. Hardin
- Battle of Rhode Island Site: |origyear=2008
- Battle of Richmond Hill: |accessdate=1 April 2015, |authorlink1=Robert Hamilton Mathews
- Battle of Riggins Hill: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III , |authorlink=Kenneth W. Noe
- Battle of Rodeo de Chacón: |authorlink=Vicente Osvaldo Cutolo
- Battle of Rohilla: |accessdate=31 July 2010, |accessdate=31 July 2010
- Battle of Roosebeke: |authorlink=Jonathan Sumption
- Battle of Roosevelt Ridge: |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of Rueil: |authorlink1=Lissagaray
- Battle of Rullion Green: |authorlink1=Charles Sanford Terry (historian) , |authorlink1=Thomas M'Crie the younger
- Battle of Ruspina: | authorlink = Adrian Goldsworthy
- Battle of Sahay: |authorlink=Josephus Nelson Larned
- Battle of Saint-Denis (1678): |authorlink=Frances Gardiner Davenport
- Battle of Saint-Julien (1814): |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Digby Smith , |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=George Nafziger , |authorlink=Francis Loraine Petre , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Battle of Saint-Omer: | authorlink=Jonathan Sumption, Lord Sumption
- Battle of Salamis (306 BC): |authorlink=Richard Billows, | authorlink = Diodorus Siculus , | authorlink = Plutarch
- Battle of Salé: |authorlink = Charles-Emmanuel Dufourcq
- Battle of Samana: |authorlink= Alexander Mikaberidze, |accessdate=15 September 2013
- Battle of San Juan Bautista: |accessdate = July 15, 2012↵ , |accessdate = June 22, 2012↵ , |accessdate = June 12, 2012↵
- Battle of San Pablo del Monte: |accessdate = 21 June 2012↵ , |accessdate = 12 June 2012↵
- Battle of San Patricio: |authorlink=Stephen L. Hardin
- Battle of San Pedro: |accessdate = 22 June 2012↵ , |accessdate = 12 June 2012↵ , |accessdate = 11 June 2012↵ , |accessdate = 8 July 2012↵ , |accessdate = 8 July 2012↵ , |accessdate = 8 July 2012↵ , |accessdate = 9 July 2012↵
- Battle of Sandwich (1217): |accessdate=15 August 2015
- Battle of Santiago (1962 FIFA World Cup): |accessdate=21 October 2017
- Battle of Sarakhs: |accessdate=2013-01-31, |accessdate=2013-01-31
- Battle of Sarus: |authorlink=John Julius Norwich, |authorlink=James Howard-Johnston
- Battle of Sedjenane: |authorlink=Alan Moorehead
- Battle of Sekes Tash: |accessdate=2010-06-28
- Battle of Sellasia: |authorlink=Peter Green (historian), |authorlink=N.G.L. Hammond, |authorlink=John Lemprière, |authorlink=William Smith (lexicographer)
- Battle of Sena Gallica (551): | authorlink = J. B. Bury↵
- Battle of Shanghai (1861): |authorlink = Jian Youwen , |accessdate=24 April 2014
- Battle of Shenkursk: |authorlink=Max Boot
- Battle of Shepeleviche: |accessdate=19 April 2011, |accessdate=19 April 2011, |accessdate=19 April 2011, |accessdate=19 April 2011, |accessdate=19 April 2011, |accessdate=19 April 2011
- Battle of Shimonoseki Straits: |accessdate=2010-11-11↵
- Battle of Shklow (1654): |accessdate=April 20, 2011, |accessdate=April 20, 2011
- Battle of Sholinghur: |accessdate=3 November 2013
- Battle of Sidon (1941): |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey , |authorlink=Gavin Long
- Battle of Sinoia: |authorlink=Edgar Tekere, |authorlink=Ian Smith , |authorlink1=Preller Geldenhuys
- Battle of Skuodas: |authorlink=Zenonas Ivinskis
- Battle of Slater's Knoll: |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian), |authorlink =Eustace Graham Keogh , |authorlink=Gavin Long
- Battle of Sorel: |authorlink=David Hackett Fischer, |authorlink=William Brandon (author)
- Battle of South Mills: |accessdate=20 January 2013
- Battle of Spicheren: |authorlink=Michael Howard (historian)
- Battle of Stallupönen: |authorlink=Martin Gilbert
- Battle of Stormberg: |authorlink=Thomas Pakenham (historian)
- Battle of Strėva: | accessdate=2007-05-26
- Battle of Sufiyan: |authorlink=Colin Imber
- Battle of Summerdale: |authorlink=George Barry (author)
- Battle of Suomenlinna: |accessdate=16 August 2015
- Battle of Surabaya (1677): |authorlink=Leonard Y. Andaya, |authorlink=M. C. Ricklefs, |authorlink=Theodoor Gautier Thomas Pigeaud
- Battle of Swally: |authorlink1=Charles Rathbone Low
- Battle of Tabaruzaka: |accessdate=2 April 2013 , |accessdate=2 April 2013
- Battle of Tabora: |authorlink=Pierre Daye
- Battle of Tacámbaro: |accessdate = 9 June 2012↵ , |accessdate = 22 June 2012↵
- Battle of Talana Hill: | authorlink=Thomas Pakenham (historian)
- Battle of Talavera order of battle: |authorlink=Michael Glover , |authorlink=Nick Lipscombe , |authorlink=Charles Oman , |authorlink=Charles Oman
- Battle of Talladega: | authorlink=Walter R. Borneman
- Battle of Tallushatchee: |authorlink=Walter R. Borneman
- Battle of Tamsui: |accessdate=24 April 2014
- Battle of Tanga: |authorlink=Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
- Battle of Tarpellanca: |authorlink=Diego Barros Arana , |authorlink=Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna
- Battle of Tayacoba: |authorlink=Frank N. Schubert, |accessdate=2 July 2019
- Battle of Tell 'Asur: |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of Tetovo: |accessdate=2014-10-19 , |accessdate=29 October 2008, |accessdate=2013-02-26, |accessdate=2014-09-12, |accessdate=2014-09-29
- Battle of Thannuris: |authorlink1=Irfan Shahid
- Battle of The Pimple: |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of Thetford: |authorlink=Snorri Sturluson
- Battle of Tierra Blanca: |authorlink=Friedrich Katz
- Battle of Tillieangus: |authorlink=William Douglas Simpson , |accessdate=January 30, 2020, |accessdate=January 30, 2020
- Battle of Tinchebray: |accessdate=7 September 2019
- Battle of Tipton Green: |authorlink=John William Willis-Bund , |authorlink=Roy Sherwood
- Battle of Tjiater Pass: |accessdate=23 January 2020
- Battle of Tolosa (1813): |authorlink=Charles Oman
- Battle of Tong Pass (211): |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Trekkopjes: | authorlink = Byron Farwell↵
- Battle of Tres de Abril: | authorlink = ↵
- Battle of Trincomalee: |authorlink1=Charles Cunat
- Battle of Tsaritsyn (1774): |accessdate=9 October 2019 , |accessdate=9 October 2019 , |accessdate=9 October 2019
- Battle of Tsuntua: |accessdate=November 19, 2014
- Battle of Tughlaqabad: | authorlink=Jadunath Sarkar , |authorlink=Satish Chandra, |accessdate=17 November 2014 , | authorlink=John F. Richards , |accessdate=7 August 2016, |accessdate=7 August 2016
- Battle of Tukaroi: |authorlink=Wolseley Haig
- Battle of Tulgas: |accessdate=18 April 2016, |accessdate=18 April 2016, |accessdate=18 April 2016
- Battle of Tupelo: |authorlink=Ed Bearss , |authorlink1=Joseph Wheeler , |authorlink2=Charles E. Hooker
- Battle of Turaida: |authorlink=Zenonas Ivinskis , |authorlink=William Urban
- Battle of Tursko: |accessdate=28 July 2013, |accessdate=28 July 2013
- Battle of Uji (1180): |accessdate=2018-06-21
- Battle of Ula: |authorlink=Aleksandr Zimin , |authorlink=Ruslan Skrynnikov
- Battle of Ulundi: |authorlink=Ian Knight (historian) , |authorlink=John Laband , |authorlink=Michael Barthorp
- Battle of Ushant (1781): |authorlink1=Charles Cunat
- Battle of Vaal Krantz: |authorlink= Julian Symons
- Battle of Valencia de Alcántara: |authorlink=Richard Cannon
- Battle of Valmaseda: |authorlink1=Nick Lipscombe
- Battle of Varaville: |authorlink=David Bates (historian) , |authorlink= David C. Douglas
- Battle of Veii: |authorlink=Michael Grant (author)
- Battle of Venni: |authorlink=K. A. Nilakanta Sastri
- Battle of Veracruz (1838): |accessdate=2015-08-30, |accessdate=2015-08-30
- Battle of Vienna, Virginia: |accessdate=February 2, 2013, |accessdate=February 2, 2013, |accessdate=February 2, 2013, |accessdate=May 14, 2011, |accessdate=2013-03-05
- Battle of Vijaya: | accessdate=28 October 2019
- Battle of Villalar: |authorlink=Stephen Haliczer , |authorlink=Joseph Pérez , |origyear=1970 , |authorlink=Joseph Pérez , |origyear=1928
- Battle of Villanueva de Barcarrota: |authorlink= Luis de Salazar y Castro
- Battle of Visby: |accessdate=10 April 2015
- Battle of Warbonnet Creek: |accessdate=26 June 2017
- Battle of White Wolf Mountain: |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny, |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny, |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Wigan Lane: |accessdate=31 August 2020
- Battle of Wilno (1939): |authorlink=Steven Zaloga
- Battle of Wilton (New York): |accessdate=April 24, 2016
- Battle of Winnepang: |authorlink=John Mack Faragher, |authorlink=Abraham Pineo Gesner, |authorlink=Silas Tertius Rand
- Battle of Yad Mordechai: |authorlink=Chaim Herzog, |authorlink=Benny Morris, |authorlink=Benny Morris, |authorlink=Kenneth Pollack, |accessdate=2010-02-18, |accessdate=2010-02-18
- Battle of Yarkand: |accessdate=2010-06-28, |accessdate=2010-06-28
- Battle of Yazoo City: |authorlink=Mark M. Boatner III
- Battle of Yehuling: |accessdate=16 June 2020
- Battle of Yijing: |authorlink=Rafe de Crespigny
- Battle of Yunlin-Chiayi: |authorlink=James W. Davidson, |authorlink=Takekoshi Yosaburō
- Battle of Zagonara: |authorlink= ↵
- Battle of Zanzibar: | authorlink = Hugh Chisholm, | authorlink = Richard Hayes Crofton, | authorlink = Bernard Edwards, | authorlink = Byron Farwell, | authorlink = Paul Halpern, | authorlink = Sir Julian Corbett
- Battle of Zieleńce: |accessdate=23 July 2013
- Battle of the Badlands: | accessdate=7 April 2012
- Battle of the Baggage: | authorlink=Hugh N. Kennedy
- Battle of the Bagradas (49 BC): |accessdate=2018-08-22
- Battle of the Bismarck Sea order of battle: |authorlink=Ikuhiko Hata, |authorlink=Ikuhiko Hata, | authorlink=↵ , | authorlink=Samuel Eliot Morison↵
- Battle of the Bone: |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- Battle of the Braes of Strathdearn: |authorlink=Alexander Mackenzie (historian)
- Battle of the Burbia River: |accessdate=18 July 2012
- Battle of the Centaurs (Michelangelo): |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |authorlink1=Homerus, |authorlink2=Alexander Pope, |authorlink3=Thomas Parnell, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010, |accessdate=25 April 2010
- Battle of the Chinese Farm: | accessdate = 15 December 2010, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 2 December 2010
- Battle of the Clouds: |accessdate=28 July 2007
- Battle of the Conwy: |authorlink=Caradoc of Llancarfan
- Battle of the Coral Sea order of battle: | authorlink = Edwin Palmer Hoyt↵ , | authorlink = Samuel Eliot Morison↵ , | origyear = 1949
- Battle of the Corvin Passage: |accessdate=2014-05-22, |accessdate=2015-02-10
- Battle of the Crater: |authorlink= , |authorlink= , |authorlink=
- Battle of the Dardanelles (1656): | authorlink = Kenneth Setton
- Battle of the Denmark Strait: | authorlink1 = Horst Boog↵ , | authorlink4 = Bernd Wegner↵
- Battle of the Duisburg Convoy: |authorlink=Marcantonio Bragadin (admiral) , |accessdate=19 July 2019 , |authorlink=Stephen Roskill , |accessdate=21 December 2015
- Battle of the Himera River (446 BC): |authorlink=Diodorus Siculus
- Battle of the Hongorai River: |authorlink = Eustace Graham Keogh
- Battle of the Litani River: |authorlink2=Jeffrey Grey
- Battle of the Morannon: |authorlink=Tom Shippey
- Battle of the Oranges: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Battle of the Pips: |authorlink=Brian Garfield
- Battle of the Saintes: |authorlink=
- Battle of the Saline River: |accessdate=November 2, 2010
- Battle of the Tugela Heights: |authorlink=Thomas Pakenham (historian)
- Battle of the Vikhra River: |authorlink=Dmitry Ilovaysky , |origyear=1896 , |origyear=1932 , |authorlink=Józef Ignacy Kraszewski , |origyear=1850
- Battle of Áth an Chip: |authorlink=Owen Connellan↵, |authorlink=James Joseph MacNamee↵
- Battle of Älgarås: | authorlink=Dick Harrison
- Battle of Đồng Đăng (1979): | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Battle of Șelimbăr: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-02-04
- Battle off Zuwarah: |accessdate=2013-11-08
- Battle: Los Angeles (soundtrack): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Battles Without Honor and Humanity: |authorlink=Kazuo Kasahara , |authorlink = Chris D., |archiveurl =, |archivedate = 2008-01-19, |authorlink=Mark Schilling , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2007-10-17 , |authorlink=Patrick Macias
- Battles Without Honor and Humanity (film): |authorlink = Chris D., |archiveurl =, |archivedate=2008-01-19 , |authorlink=Mark Schilling , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2007-10-17 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2007-10-17 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2007-10-17
- Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Deadly Fight in Hiroshima: |authorlink=Mark Schilling
- Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Proxy War: |authorlink=Mark Schilling
- Battles of Bir 'Asluj: |authorlink=Benny Morris, |authorlink=Aryeh Yitzhaki
- Battles of Negba: |authorlink=Benny Morris, |authorlink=Kenneth Pollack, |accessdate=2010-01-23, |accessdate=2010-01-24, |authorlink=Aryeh Yitzhaki
- Battles of New Ulm: |origyear=1977, |authorlink=Fred Kaplan (biographer)
- Battles of Parczew, Jabłoń and Milanów: |accessdate=3 September 2013, |accessdate=3 September 2013, |accessdate=3 September 2013, |accessdate=3 September 2013, |accessdate=3 September 2013, |accessdate=3 September 2013, |accessdate=3 September 2013, |accessdate=3 September 2013
- Battles of the Loxahatchee: | authorlink =↵
- Battles of the Separation Corridor: |authorlink=Benny Morris, |authorlink=Aryeh Yitzhaki
- Battles of the Sinai (1948): |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Battling Bosko: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Battling Mani: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=28 October 2016, |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 June 2018, |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=20 June 2018, |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 June 2018
- Battus crassus: |authorlink1=N. Mark Collins
- Battus eracon: |authorlink1=N. Mark Collins
- Battus lycidas: |authorlink1=N. Mark Collins
- Batu Apoi Forest Reserve: |accessdate=8 February 2013, |accessdate=8 February 2013
- Batuan, Bali: |accessdate=December 20, 2010, |accessdate=December 19, 2010, |accessdate=December 20, 2010, |accessdate=December 19, 2010, |accessdate=December 19, 2010, |accessdate=December 20, 2010, |accessdate=December 19, 2010, |accessdate=December 19, 2010, |accessdate=December 19, 2010, |accessdate=December 20, 2010, |accessdate=December 20, 2010
- Batuceper: |accessdate=18 October 2017
- Batı Raman oil field: |accessdate=10 February 2011
- Baucalis: |accessdate=2 January 2015
- Bauchi Emirate: |accessdate=2010-09-06
- Baudovinia: |accessdate=18 October 2012
- Bauhaus 1979–1983: |authorlink=Gary Don Rhodes
- Bauhinia galpinii: |accessdate= April 30, 2013
- Bauk (mythology): |authorlink=J. R. R. Tolkien , |authorlink=George R. R. Martin
- Baumann Skin Types: | accessdate=24 April 2015
- Baumburg Abbey: |accessdate=2013-12-07, |authorlink=Eugen Fischer (historian)↵
- Bauni language: |authorlink=William A. Foley
- Baures River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=21 October 2013
- Bauta Abajo: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bauta Arriba: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bavandid family tree: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth , | authorlink = Wilferd Madelung
- Bavarian Ersatz Division: | authorlink= , |origyear=1938
- Bavarian Landtag elections in the Weimar Republic: |accessdate=31 July 2013
- Bavispe River: |accessdate=2011-11-24
- Bavo of Ghent: |authorlink=William Tait (publisher)
- Bawa Balwant: | authorlink=Kulbir Singh Kaang , | authorlink=Kulbir Singh Kaang
- Bawaman Mosque: |accessdate=30 September 2012, |accessdate=29 September 2012, |accessdate=30 September 2012, |accessdate=30 September 2012
- Bawan Tua Mosque: |accessdate = 29 July 2012↵
- Bawina: |accessdate=28 December 2012, |accessdate=28 December 2012
- Bawit: |accessdate=26 March 2012, |accessdate=26 March 2012, |accessdate=26 March 2012, |accessdate=26 March 2012, |accessdate=26 March 2012
- Bawre Nain: |accessdate=6 November 2016, |accessdate=6 November 2016, | origyear=1994 , |accessdate=6 November 2016
- Baxter High School: | accessdate=2010-07-02
- Baxter Park: |accessdate=7 March 2019, |accessdate=7 March 2019
- Baxter Woods: |accessdate=14 May 2020
- Baxter, Arkansas: | accessdate = 2020-01-29↵
- Baxter, Marion County, West Virginia: |accessdate=2015-03-02
- Bay Area Bi+ & Pan Network: |accessdate=23 July 2014, |accessdate=23 July 2014
- Bay Area Reference Center: |authorlink=Celeste West
- Bay Bulls (Newfoundland and Labrador): |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Bay City Rollers (album): |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Bay E, West Ankeny Car Barns: |accessdate=December 26, 2014
- Bay Fleet: |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Bay Freeway (Seattle): |accessdate=March 22, 2015
- Bay Ganyo: |accessdate=2008-09-29, |accessdate=2008-09-29
- Bay Le Moine: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Bay Lough Cheese: |accessdate=13 November 2011
- Bay Malton: |authorlink=
- Bay Terrace station: |accessdate=November 19, 2015
- Bay Tree (Fabergé egg): |authorlink=Christopher Forbes, |authorlink=Kenneth Snowman
- Bay View incident: |authorlink=Paul Avrich
- Bay de Grave: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Bay de Loup (Newfoundland and Labrador): |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Bay of Anfile: |accessdate=2015-04-13, |accessdate=2015-04-13, |accessdate=2015-04-13
- Bay of Bangkok: |accessdate=5 September 2017
- Bay of Ceuta: |accessdate=8 July 2013
- Bay of Fundy Campaign: |authorlink=John Mack Faragher
- Bay of Hawakil: |accessdate=14 October 2016
- Bay of Islands, Newfoundland and Labrador: |accessdate=20 November 2011
- Bay-headed tanager: | authorlink=Carl Linnaeus
- Bayagoula: |accessdate=15 November 2012, |accessdate=15 November 2012
- Bayamoncito, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bayamón barrio-pueblo: |accessdate=25 December 2018, |accessdate=10 February 2019
- Bayamón, Cidra, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bayane Al Yaoume: |accessdate=9 October 2014, |accessdate=9 September 2014
- Bayaney, Hatillo, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bayani (TV series): |accessdate=4 January 2020 , |accessdate=4 January 2020 , |accessdate=4 January 2020
- Bayard Dominick expedition: |authorlink=Patrick Vinton Kirch
- Bayard Presse: |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015
- Bayard family: |authorlink=C.A. Weslager
- Bayas Island: |accessdate=16 June 2014
- Bayasade Banda Bhagya: |accessdate=22 November 2014, |accessdate=22 November 2014
- Bayazid of Sylhet: |authorlink=Syed Murtaza Ali, |authorlink=Abdul Karim (historian), |authorlink=Jadunath Sarkar
- Bayernkurier: |accessdate=10 May 2015, |accessdate=10 May 2015
- Bayesian multivariate linear regression: |authorlink=George E. P. Box
- Bayfield Hall: |authorlink=Richard Cannon
- Bayfield, Nova Scotia: |accessdate=16 March 2018
- Bayhan District: |accessdate=2014-12-17↵ , |accessdate=2014-12-17↵ , |accessdate=2014-12-17↵ , |accessdate=2014-12-17↵ , |accessdate=2014-12-17↵
- Baykan: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Baynun fortress: |accessdate=11 July 2011, |accessdate=11 July 2011, |accessdate=11 July 2011
- Bayo Ojo: |accessdate=9 May 2011, |accessdate=9 May 2011, |accessdate=9 May 2011
- Bayocean, Oregon: | authorlink = Ebbert Webber↵
- Bayon Beer: |accessdate=21 July 2012
- Bayou Academy: |accessdate=7 September 2012
- Bayou Hedge Fund Group: |authorlink=Diana B. Henriques
- Bayou Segnette State Park: |accessdate=2011-03-18
- Bayqara Mirza I: |authorlink=John E. Woods (historian), |authorlink1=Peter Jackson (historian), |authorlink=Beatrice Forbes Manz
- Bayside Cemetery (Queens): |accessdate=January 7, 2016
- Bayt Baws: |accessdate=5 February 2021
- Bayt Hadir: |accessdate=13 February 2021
- Bayt Lif: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Bayt al Falaj: |accessdate=5 August 2017, |accessdate=5 August 2017
- Bayt al-Faqih: |accessdate=2010-06-21
- Bayt ʽUqab: |accessdate=13 February 2021
- Baytown Site: | accessdate = 2013-02-20
- Bayume Mohamed Husen: |authorlink=Clarence Lusane
- Bayview Park ferry wharf: |authorlink1=David Hamer, |accessdate=4 November 2017, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=4 November 2017
- Bayyad: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Bazaar of the Bizarre (short story collection): | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- Bazin family: | authorlink = Étienne Vatelot
- Bazoline Estelle Usher: | authorlink=David Levering Lewis , | authorlink=Ruth Edmonds Hill
- Bazouriyeh: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink=Harold Rhode↵
- Bazuka: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Bazzano, Valsamoggia: | accessdate = 4 June 2019↵
- Baños de Coamo: |accessdate=2009-04-22
- Bałwan: |accessdate=2015-02-20
- Baška (Frýdek-Místek District): |authorlink = Idzi Panic , |authorlink = Idzi Panic
- Baʽalat Gebal: |accessdate=11 July 2013
- Baṛī ye: |accessdate=25 February 2020
- Bdellium: |accessdate=25 August 2019, |accessdate=25 August 2019
- Bdellodes: |accessdate=13 April 2010
- Be Altitude: Respect Yourself: |accessdate=March 13, 2019
- Be Biauw Tjoan: |accessdate=3 December 2019 , |accessdate=3 December 2019
- Be Forewarned: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Be Good to Yourself at Least Once a Day: |accessdate=March 2, 2019
- Be Human (film): |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Be Love: |authorlink=Jason Thompson (writer)
- Be My Baby (book): |accessdate=28 July 2017
- Be My Lover (La Bouche song): |accessdate=18 March 2020
- Be Positive: | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Be Up to Date: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Be What You Are: |accessdate=March 13, 2019
- Be Yourself Tonight: |accessdate=22 August 2010
- Be a Brother: |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Bea Wain: |accessdate=10 September 2017, |accessdate=10 September 2017, |accessdate=10 September 2017, |accessdate=10 September 2017
- Beach Boulevard, Aberdeen: |accessdate=11 October 2012
- Beach Comber: |accessdate=6 July 2013
- Beach Samba: |accessdate=17 November 2012
- Beach Vanderpool: |accessdate=July 13, 2017, |accessdate=July 13, 2017
- Beaches (soundtrack): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Beachheads in Space: | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Beachworld: |authorlink=↵
- Beacon Fell, Cumbria: |authorlink=Alfred Wainwright
- Beacon Hill Tunnel (Hong Kong): | accessdate = 2015-05-07
- Beacon Motors: |authorlink= G.N. Georgano , |authorlink=
- Bead Game: |authorlink = Wyndham Wise
- Beag: |accessdate=27 October 2018
- Beagle Terrier: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Beak Street: |accessdate=2014-08-29
- Beam, Great Torrington: |accessdate=24 June 2013
- Beaman, Iowa: | accessdate=2016-02-17
- Bean and the Boys: |accessdate=8 April 2012
- Bean pod mottle virus: |accessdate=21 February 2016
- Beaney House of Art and Knowledge: |accessdate=20 February 2010
- Beans and Corn Bread: |accessdate=2 July 2018
- Bear Creek (San Francisquito Creek tributary): |accessdate=2010-10-16 , |accessdate=2010-10-16
- Bear Hands discography: |accessdate=19 September 2014
- Bear Inn, Cowbridge: |accessdate=22 December 2012, |accessdate=22 December 2012, |accessdate=22 December 2012, |accessdate=22 December 2012, |accessdate=22 December 2012, |accessdate=22 December 2012
- Bear Inn, Oxford: |accessdate=27 August 2013
- Bear Mountain (North Cascades): |authorlink=Fred Beckey , |authorlink=Fred Beckey , |authorlink=Fred Beckey
- Bear Republic Brewing Company: |accessdate=24 November 2012, |accessdate=24 November 2012
- Bear River First Nation: |authorlink=Daniel N. Paul, |authorlink=John Mack Faragher
- Bear Spirit Mountain: |accessdate=2019-03-18, |accessdate=2019-04-09
- Bear raid: |accessdate=22 November 2014, |accessdate=22 November 2014, |accessdate=22 November 2014
- Beara (moth): |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bearberry: |authorlink=C. P. Lyons
- Bearcat Murray: |accessdate=18 December 2008
- Beard tax: |authorlink=Pavel Florensky , |accessdate=27 December 2016, |accessdate=2016-12-28
- Bearded Mary: |accessdate=7 April 2016
- Bearded helmetcrest: |accessdate=12 June 2011, |accessdate=12 June 2011
- Bearded mountaineer: |accessdate=11 June 2011
- Bearded screech owl: | accessdate = 2 May 2016, | accessdate = 2 May 2016
- Bearing modulus: |accessdate=2 January 2012
- Bearwallow, Virginia: |accessdate=April 7, 2014
- Beast (Benchley novel): |accessdate=7 November 2013
- Beast Man: |accessdate=16 March 2015
- Beast from the East: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Beaster: |accessdate=7 March 2016
- Beastmaker Mountain: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Beat Acelerado: |accessdate=April 25, 2012
- Beat Angel Escalayer: |authorlink=Jonathan Clements , |authorlink2=Helen McCarthy
- Beat Instrumental: |authorlink=Bill Wyman
- Beat Museum: |accessdate=6 January 2018, |accessdate=6 January 2018
- Beat Noir: |accessdate=August 17, 2020
- Beat Street (soundtrack): | accessdate = August 21, 2011 , |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Beat Streuli: |authorlink=Beat Streuli , |authorlink=Beat Streuli , |authorlink=Beat Streuli , |authorlink=Beat Streuli , |authorlink=Michael Fried
- Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge: |accessdate=26 June 2018
- Beata Rank: |authorlink=Peter Gay
- Beata Szymańska: | authorlink = Lesław Bartelski↵
- Beaten biscuit: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink =↵
- Beatin' Aroun de Bush: |accessdate=23 September 2019
- Beatin' the Odds (Molly Hatchet album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Beating of Michael Cox: |accessdate=26 March 2012, |accessdate=26 March 2012, |accessdate=26 March 2012
- Beatrice A. Pedersen: |accessdate=13 August 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Beatrice Armari: |accessdate=23 August 2018 , |accessdate=23 August 2018
- Beatrice Bonnesen: |authorlink=Morten Piil
- Beatrice Borromeo: |accessdate=2017-11-11
- Beatrice Corliss: |accessdate=July 22, 2016
- Beatrice Fairfax: |authorlink=John Dunning (detective fiction author) , |accessdate=2019-10-16
- Beatrice Greig: |authorlink=Rhoda Reddock , |authorlink=Rhoda Reddock
- Beatrice Grimshaw: |accessdate=8 October 2018
- Beatrice Hatch: |accessdate=2 January 2015, |accessdate=28 July 2014
- Beatrice Kean Seymour: |accessdate=11 August 2013, |accessdate=10 August 2013, |accessdate=9 August 2013, |accessdate=9 August 2013
- Beatrice Monroy: |accessdate=September 14, 2016
- Beatrice Pons: |accessdate=17 Jan 2020, |accessdate=2020-01-17
- Beatrice Rancea: |accessdate=6 April 2011
- Beatrice of Provence: |authorlink=Steven Runciman
- Beatrice of Savoy: |authorlink=Lisa Hilton (writer)
- Beatrix Hoyt: |accessdate=October 9, 2009
- Beatrix de Courtenay: |authorlink=Reinhold Röhricht
- Beatriz Francisca de Assis Brandão: |accessdate=21 April 2019
- Beatriz Nascimento: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=8 November 2017
- Beatriz Peniche Barrera: |accessdate=22 March 2015, |accessdate=22 March 2015
- Beatriz de Bobadilla: |authorlink=Juan Flórez de Ocariz
- Beatriz, Caguas, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Beatriz, Cayey, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Beatriz, Cidra, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Beatus of Liébana: |accessdate=7 January 2018
- Beau Hill: |accessdate=11 February 2011
- Beau Jack: |accessdate=2016-03-28
- Beau Vite: |accessdate=31 December 2018
- Beaubassin: |authorlink1=Benjamin Church (ranger), |authorlink3=Samuel Gardner Drake
- Beauce, France: |authorlink=Randle Holme
- Beauchamp Doran: |authorlink=J. E. Edmonds
- Beauchamp Seymour, 1st Baron Alcester: | authorlink=George Cokayne
- Beaufort County, Western Australia: |accessdate=26 January 2016
- Beaufort Palmer: | accessdate= 16 August 2016
- Beaufort railway station (Wales): |origyear=1958, |origyear=1979
- Beaufort station (New Jersey): |accessdate=9 November 2016
- Beaufort, Blaenau Gwent: |accessdate=13 December 2014
- Beaufortia (plant): |accessdate=8 August 2015, |accessdate=8 August 2015, |accessdate=19 August 2015
- Beaufortia aestiva: |accessdate=17 August 2015
- Beaufortia anisandra: |accessdate=18 August 2015
- Beaufortia cyrtodonta: |accessdate=20 August 2015, |accessdate=20 August 2015
- Beaufortia decussata: |accessdate=19 August 2015, |accessdate=19 August 2015, |accessdate=19 August 2015, |accessdate=19 August 2015
- Beaufortia elegans: |accessdate=20 August 2015
- Beaufortia empetrifolia: |accessdate=21 August 2015
- Beaufortia incana: |accessdate=16 September 2020
- Beaufortia macrostemon: |accessdate=22 August 2015
- Beaufortia orbifolia: |accessdate=23 August 2015
- Beaufortia purpurea: |accessdate=24 August 2015, |accessdate=24 August 2015
- Beaufortia raggedensis: |accessdate=20 August 2015
- Beaufortia sparsa: |accessdate=24 August 2015, |accessdate=24 August 2015
- Beaufortia sprengelioides: |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015
- Beaufortia squarrosa: |accessdate=25 August 2015
- Beauharnois scandal: |authorlink2=H. Blair Neatby
- Beaulieu House, Newport: |accessdate=13 September 2018 , |accessdate=13 September 2018 , |accessdate=13 September 2018
- Beaulieu Road railway station: |authorlink=Christopher Awdry
- Beauly Priory: |authorlink2=Romilly Squire of Rubislaw , |authorlink1=George Way of Plean
- Beaumont Street: |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Beaumont Street Studios: |accessdate=2015-11-19
- Beaumont le Maître: |authorlink1=Charles Cunat
- Beauregard Houston-Montgomery: |accessdate=12 November 2012, |accessdate=12 November 2012, |accessdate=12 November 2012, |authorlink=David Stenn, |accessdate=13 November 2012, |accessdate=13 November 2012, |accessdate=13 November 2012, |accessdate=13 November 2012
- Beautiful (Candido Camero album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Beautiful (Ivy song): |authorlink3=Stephen Thomas Erlewine
- Beautiful Black Eyes: |authorlink1=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |authorlink2=Richard Cook (journalist)
- Beautiful Brown Eyes: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Beautiful Existence: |origyear =
- Beautiful Friendship (Elise Wood & John Hicks album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)↵
- Beautiful Garbage World Tour: |accessdate=May 25, 2011, |accessdate=May 25, 2011, |accessdate=May 25, 2011, |accessdate=May 25, 2011, |accessdate=July 7, 2011, |accessdate=May 25, 2011, |accessdate=May 25, 2011
- Beautiful Heartache: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Beautiful Life (Ace of Base song): |accessdate=15 January 2012
- Beautiful Loser: |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Beautiful Midnight: | accessdate=May 26, 2014
- Beautiful People (manga): |authorlink=Mitsukazu Mihara
- Beautiful Waste: | authorlink1 = Ian McFarlane , | archiveurl = , | accessdate = 19 May 2014 , | archivedate = 17 April 2004
- Beautiful nuthatch: |authorlink=Allan Octavian Hume
- Beauty: | accessdate=2015-05-11, | accessdate=2015-05-11, | accessdate=2015-05-11, | accessdate=2015-05-11, | accessdate=2015-05-11, |accessdate=2015-05-11, | accessdate=2015-05-12, |accessdate=2015-05-12, |accessdate=2015-05-12, | accessdate=2015-05-11, |accessdate=2015-11-24, |accessdate=2015-05-12
- Beauty No. 2: |authorlink2=Andy Warhol, |authorlink2=David Weisman
- Beauvoir De Lisle: |accessdate=2 December 2015, |accessdate=2 December 2015
- Beaver Dam High School (Wisconsin): |accessdate=2009-01-14
- Beaver Dam Plantation: |accessdate=January 6, 2016
- Beaver Dam, Utah: |accessdate=11 Feb 2018
- Beaver Hill, Oregon: |authorlink= Ralph Friedman
- Beaver Lake point: |authorlink1=Ripley P. Bullen
- Beaver Scouts (The Scout Association): |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=20 September 2020, |accessdate=24 September 2020 , |accessdate=27 May 2020 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=5 June 2001
- Beaver Slide: |accessdate=11 July 2018
- Beaver and Erie Canal: | accessdate = March 20, 2009
- Beaver in the Sierra Nevada: |accessdate=Mar 17, 2010 , |accessdate=2010-06-19
- Beaverlick, Kentucky: | accessdate=2013-04-17
- Beaverton, Montana: |accessdate=13 May 2016, |accessdate=13 May 2016
- Bebadi: |authorlink=Austen Henry Layard
- Bebenhausen Abbey: |authorlink=Giles MacDonogh
- Bec d'Ambès: |accessdate=23 December 2014
- Because I Love You (The Postman Song): |accessdate=October 15, 2010
- Because I'm Awesome: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Because of Romek: |authorlink=David Faber (author, Holocaust survivor)
- Becher process: |accessdate=10 July 2013, |accessdate=10 July 2013
- Bechler River: |authorlink=Parks' Fly Shop
- Bechuanaland Expedition: | accessdate = 2014-06-19↵
- Bechuanaland National Airways: |accessdate=2009-10-14, |accessdate=2009-10-14
- Beck, Bogert & Appice (album): |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Becker Island: |accessdate=7 July 2017
- Beckford's Tower: |authorlink=Timothy Mowl
- Beckhole railway station: | authorlink= Ken Hoole
- Beckler River: |authorlink= Fred Beckey
- Beckman Center for Molecular and Genetic Medicine: |accessdate=3 August 2015
- Beckmannia syzigachne: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Becks Run: |accessdate=2008-09-07
- Beckstrand Cancer Foundation: |accessdate=22 January 2015
- Beckwith Expedition: |origyear=1978 , |accessdate=2010-05-13
- Beckwith, North Yorkshire: |authorlink=Albert Hugh Smith
- Beckwithshaw: |authorlink=Albert Hugh Smith
- Beckwourth Pass: | accessdate=2013-07-07
- Becky Bell: |authorlink=Laurence Tribe
- Becky Cain: |accessdate=25 November 2016
- Becky Gardiner: |accessdate=16 March 2019 , |accessdate=16 March 2019
- Becoming Jane: | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Becoming Madame Mao: |accessdate=8 June 2013
- Becton, Dickinson and Company headquarters: | accessdate = 2010-06-18
- Bed and Sofa: | accessdate=9 July 2009
- Bed management in the United Kingdom: |accessdate=2008-05-20
- Beda Paar: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Bedale railway station: |accessdate=22 February 2016
- Bedavati Buragohain: |accessdate=29 November 2017, |accessdate=29 November 2017
- Bedd-y-Cawr Hillfort: | accessdate = 3 May 2016↵
- Bedd-y-Cawr, St Asaph: | accessdate = 3 May 2016↵
- Bede BD-6: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Bede BD-8: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Bede Jarrett: |accessdate=27 July 2015
- Bedegraine: |accessdate= October 28, 2009
- Bedellia boehmeriella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Bedellia oplismeniella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Bedellia orchilella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Bedellia struthionella: |authorlink=Elwood Zimmerman
- Bedern: |accessdate=7 August 2020
- Bedevilled Rabbit: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Bedford & County Golf Club: |accessdate=7 July 2012
- Bedford Downs Station: |accessdate=30 November 2013
- Bedford Hours: |authorlink=Janet Backhouse
- Bedford Racecourse: |authorlink=
- Bedford Road Historic District: |accessdate=May 13, 2014
- Bedfordshire Golf Club: |accessdate=7 July 2012
- Bedia Chalice: |authorlink1=Dimitri Bakradze
- Bedias, Lebanon: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Bedrock (EP): |accessdate=September 5, 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=June 5, 2011
- Bedrock 3: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bedtime for Democracy: |accessdate=September 5, 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=June 5, 2011
- Beduru: |accessdate=2011-01-01, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2011-07-22
- Bedwellty Pits Halt railway station: |authorlink=Christopher Awdry , |origyear=1978
- Bedřich Pola: |authorlink1=Ralph Hübner
- Beeby: |accessdate=27 February 2014
- Beech Creek Railroad: | authorlink=John Moody (financial analyst)
- Beech argument: |accessdate=15 June 2020 , |authorlink=Asya Pereltsvaig , |accessdate=15 June 2020 , |accessdate=15 June 2020
- Beecham Opera Company: |accessdate=29 May 2012
- Beechcraft Duchess: |authorlink=John W. R. Taylor
- Beechcraft Model 34: |accessdate=15 August 2016
- Beecher's Handmade Cheese: | authorlink = Kurt Beecher Dammeier
- Beecher's Trilobite Bed: |archiveurl= ↵ , |archivedate=2011-07-14 ↵
- Beecher's Trilobite type preservation: | archiveurl =↵ , | archivedate = 2011-07-14↵
- Beeches Light Railway: |accessdate=10 December 2015
- Beechwood (Vanderlip mansion): |accessdate=12 January 2020 , |accessdate=July 14, 2014
- Beechwood Elementary School: | accessdate=2010-07-02
- Beeding Hill to Newtimber Hill: |authorlink=Derek Ratcliffe
- Beef tongue: | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 2015-02-14
- Beejamandal: |accessdate=8 May 2017
- Beekeeping in Australia: |authorlink1=Tarlton Rayment
- Beekite: |accessdate=14 November 2014
- Beelden aan Zee: |accessdate=24 November 2011
- Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: | authorlink = John Shirley , | authorlink = Martin Seymour-Smith , | authorlink = Sigmund Freud , | authorlink = John Shirley
- Been to Canaan: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Beenleigh Rum: |accessdate=18 July 2017, |accessdate=6 January 2014
- Beer Ajam: |authorlink=Gottlieb Schumacher
- Beer Hackett: |accessdate=18 February 2015
- Beer Hall Putsch: | authorlink=Richard J. Evans
- Beer Launching Fridge: |accessdate=15 October 2013
- Beer checkers: |accessdate=9 April 2019
- Beer in Edinburgh: |accessdate=29 Jul 2014
- Beer in Singapore: |accessdate=25 April 2012, |accessdate=25 April 2012
- Beerescourt: |accessdate=17 October 2020
- Beerhouse Act 1840: |accessdate=22 August 2018
- Beeston bus station: | accessdate = 9 September 2015
- Beeston transport interchange: | accessdate = 9 September 2015
- Beeswax wreck: |accessdate=23 October 2019
- Beet armyworm: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Beethoven Monument (Mexico City): |accessdate=25 November 2018
- Beethovenfest: | accessdate = 20 October 2016↵
- Beetle (game): |accessdate=25 January 2012
- Beevers–Lipson strip: | accessdate=28 March 2014
- Beeville Independent School District: |accessdate=31 March 2015
- Beezy Bear: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Before Pastoral: |accessdate=
- Before Time Began: |accessdate=2009-07-30, |accessdate=2009-07-30, |accessdate=2009-07-30
- Before We Were Born: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted: |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- Before the Dawn (book): |authorlink=Nicholas Wade
- Before the Rain (album): |accessdate=18 December 2017
- Before the Storm (Samson album): | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Before…12:01…and After: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- Bega Ram Chauhan: |accessdate=15 July 2020, |accessdate=15 July 2020, |accessdate=15 July 2020
- Begaana (1963 film): |accessdate=23 February 2015
- Beginnings (Rick Springfield album): |accessdate=March 13, 2019
- Beginnings (collection): | authorlink=John Clute , |authorlink2=Peter Nicholls (writer)
- Begonia × tuberhybrida: |accessdate=2008-11-11
- Begrepp – En samling: |authorlink = Per Hüttner↵
- Begtoghdi: | authorlink = C. E. Bosworth
- Begum Akhtar Riazuddin: |accessdate=5 January 2014
- Begum Akhtar songs: |accessdate=26 February 2015 , |accessdate=26 February 2015 , |accessdate=26 February 2015 , |accessdate=26 February 2015 , |accessdate=27 February 2015 , |accessdate=27 February 2015
- Begum Badrunnessa Ahmed: |accessdate=1 November 2017
- Begum Badrunnessa Ahmed (politician): |accessdate=1 November 2017
- Begum Johnson: |accessdate=3 February 2018, |accessdate=31 January 2018, |accessdate=20 April 2012
- Begum Samru: |authorlink=William Dalrymple (historian), |authorlink=John Keay (historian)
- Begzada: |accessdate=27 October 2013, |accessdate=27 October 2013, |accessdate=27 October 2013, |authorlink=Dawn Chatty, |accessdate=27 September 2012, |accessdate=27 September 2012
- Behat: |accessdate=1 October 2012
- Behavioral urbanism: |authorlink=Clovis Heimsath
- Behaviour Research and Therapy: |authorlink2=Raymond Corsini
- Beheading of Bhausaheb Maruti Talekar: |accessdate=6 October 2016
- Behemotops: | accessdate = March 24, 2018↵ , | accessdate = March 24, 2018↵ , | authorlink = David Rains Wallace↵ , | accessdate = March 24, 2018↵
- Behind Enemy Lines (role-playing game): |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Behind the Evidence: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
- Behind the Green Door: the Sequel: | accessdate = 2009-04-06
- Behind the Mask (1946 film): |authorlink=Hal Erickson (author)
- Behind the Mirror: | authorlink=Konrad Lorenz↵
- Behind the Wall of Sleep (The Smithereens song): |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=June 6, 2011
- Behold the Beginning: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Behram Khan: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Behzti: |accessdate=9 June 2009
- Beidha (archaeological site): |accessdate=25 March 2011
- Beige box: |authorlink=↵
- Beigel Bake: | accessdate= January 30, 2012
- Beiger Mansion: |accessdate=26 May 2015
- Beijing People's Art Theatre: | accessdate = 2011-05-08
- Beijing Review: |accessdate=10 May 2016
- Beijing–Washington hotline: |accessdate=11 February 2017, |accessdate=11 February 2017
- Beiker Graterol: |accessdate=18 June 2020 , |accessdate=18 June 2020
- Beilschmiedia tawa: |accessdate=16 October 2018
- Beindersheim: |accessdate=2016-01-20
- Being Somebody: |accessdate=18 August 2010
- Beirut Souks: | accessdate = 2009-10-17 , | accessdate = 2009-10-18 , | accessdate = 2009-10-31
- Beirut chess: |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵ , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵
- Beit 'Amra: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Beit Amin: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Beit Arif: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Awwa: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Benny Morris , |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink=Tom Segev
- Beit Einun: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink = Guy Le Strange, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink =Paul Wheatley (geographer)
- Beit Elazari: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Ezra: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Gamliel: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit HaEmek: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi, |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Beit HaShita: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Sami Hadawi, |authorlink=Amia Lieblich, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink=Kenneth W. Stein
- Beit Hadfus Street: |authorlink=Europa Publications Limited , |accessdate=8 September 2010
- Beit Hanania: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Hanoun wedge: |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Beit Hashmonai: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Hillel: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Jann: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Sami Hadawi, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink=Harold Rhode, |authorlink=Reinhold Röhricht
- Beit Jinn: |authorlink1=Guy Le Strange, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Beit Kahil: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Sami Hadawi, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Beit Kama: |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Beit Khallaf: |accessdate=22 May 2016
- Beit Lahia, Lebanon: |accessdate=25 December 2011
- Beit Meir: |authorlink=Benny Morris
- Beit Nehemia: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Saber: |authorlink1=Guy Le Strange, |authorlink=Josias Leslie Porter, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Beit She'arim (Roman-era Jewish village): |authorlink2 =Shimon Gibson
- Beit Shikma: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Yahoun: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer
- Beit Zayit: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beit Zera: |accessdate=9 January 2016
- Beit ar-Rush al-Fauqa: |authorlink=Al-Dimashqi (geographer) , |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Beit ed-Dine: |accessdate=2015-04-16
- Beitar al-Amal Nazareth F.C.: |accessdate=10 April 2015
- Beitbridge, South Africa: |accessdate=2013-09-11, |accessdate=2013-09-11
- Beithir: |accessdate=8 December 2014
- Beitima: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Beitunia: |authorlink1=Claude Reignier Conder, |authorlink2=Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, |authorlink=Victor Guérin, |authorlink=Sami Hadawi, |authorlink=Edward Henry Palmer, |authorlink=Richard Pococke, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink=Reinhold Röhricht, | authorlink = Moshe Sharon
- Beixin culture: |authorlink=Liu Li (archaeologist)
- Bejucos: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Beka III Jaqeli: |authorlink=Alexander Mikaberidze, |authorlink=Donald Rayfield
- Beke Vásári: |authorlink=Pál Engel
- Beki Adam: |accessdate=21 April 2015
- Bekir Pasha: |origyear=1942
- Bekir Sami Kunduh: |authorlink=Taner Akçam
- Bekkestua Tunnel: |accessdate=18 March 2009
- Beko'a: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Bekonscot: |accessdate=4 October 2009
- Bektash Khan (governor of Baghdad): |authorlink1=Alexander Mikaberidze
- Bel paese (phrase): |accessdate=2009-11-30
- Bel-Shalti-Nanna: |accessdate=18 October 2012, |accessdate=18 October 2012
- Bela Bose: |authorlink=Bhawana Somaaya
- Bela Duarte: |accessdate=1 September 2010
- Bela Gold: | accessdate = 2011-03-20
- Bela odhneri: |authorlink=Frederic William Harmer (geologist)↵
- Belair Road station: |accessdate=November 19, 2015
- Belarusian Helsinki Committee: |authorlink1=Vitali Silitski, |authorlink2=Jan Zaprudnik
- Belbo: |accessdate= 2014-05-08, |archiveurl=, |archivedate= 2012-02-25, |accessdate= 2014-04-08, |archiveurl=, |archivedate= 2012-02-25
- Belchi: |accessdate=2014-01-16
- Belchior Calaça: |accessdate=2013-11-25, |accessdate=2013-11-25↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-16↵ , |accessdate=2013-11-25↵
- Belegezites: |accessdate=5 February 2011, |accessdate=5 February 2011, |accessdate=31 January 2011, |accessdate=5 February 2011, |accessdate=5 February 2011, |authorlink=Florin Curta
- Belemnotheutis: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=August 26, 2011
- Belenzada: |accessdate=17 May 2019
- Belfast City Cemetery: |authorlink=Tom Hartley
- Belfast Journeymen Butchers' Association: |authorlink=
- Belfry of Bruges: |authorlink = ↵
- Belfry of Ghent: |authorlink = ↵
- Belgaum Fort: |accessdate=2009-08-31 , |accessdate=2009-08-31 , |accessdate=2009-08-31 , |accessdate=2009-08-31, |accessdate=2009-08-31 , |accessdate=2009-08-31
- Belgian beer culture: |authorlink=Michael Jackson (writer)
- Belgian combat vehicles of World War II: |accessdate=2 September 2016
- Belgian economic miracle: |authorlink=Barry Eichengreen
- Belgian general strike of 1902: |authorlink=Carl J. Strikwerda
- Belgian general strike of 1913: |authorlink=Carl J. Strikwerda
- Belgian refugees: |authorlink=John Keegan, |authorlink=Andrew Mollo, |authorlink=William L. Shirer
- Belgian ship A4: |authorlink=George M. Taber
- Belgian strike of 1886: |authorlink=Carl J. Strikwerda
- Belgitude: |accessdate=14 December 2011
- Belgium at the 1924 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=2008-01-31
- Belgium at the 1928 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=2008-06-10
- Belgium at the 1932 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=2008-06-10
- Belgium at the 1936 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=2008-06-10
- Belgium at the 1952 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=2008-01-31 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2007-09-30
- Belgrade Special Police: | authorlink = Philip J. Cohen↵ , | authorlink = Stevan K. Pavlowitch↵ , | authorlink = Walter Roberts (writer)↵ , | authorlink = Jozo Tomasevich↵
- Belgrade University Library: |accessdate=29 May 2015
- Belgrade printing house: |authorlink=Dejan Medaković, |authorlink1=Bogdan Popović, |authorlink2=Jovan Skerlić, |authorlink=Sima Ćirković
- Belgrave St Ives: |accessdate=6 September 2017, |accessdate=6 September 2017, |accessdate=6 September 2017, |accessdate=6 September 2017
- Belgrave, Leicester: |accessdate=13 March 2009
- Belhaven Hill School: |accessdate=18 March 2016
- Beli I of Alt Clut: |authorlink=Thomas Owen Clancy
- Believe in Me (1971 film): |authorlink1=Irwin Winkler
- Belinda Carlisle discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Belinda Kitching: |accessdate=24 January 2017, |accessdate=24 January 2017
- Belinda Laracuente: |accessdate=2016-02-09, |accessdate=2016-02-09
- Belinda Mulrooney: |authorlink=Pierre Berton
- Belippa: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Belit Ilani: |accessdate=2 June 2011, |accessdate=2 June 2011
- Belize Medical Associates: |accessdate=12 October 2015
- Belizean Writers Series: |accessdate=2013-01-19
- Bell (typeface): |authorlink1=Walter Tracy
- Bell Farm (Indian Head, Saskatchewan): |accessdate = 2011-05-30, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 19 May 2011
- Bell Gully: |authorlink=Robin Cooke, Baron Cooke of Thorndon , |accessdate= December 14, 2020 , |accessdate= December 15, 2020
- Bell Hoppy: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Bell Syndicate: | authorlink=Ron Goulart
- Bell T. Ritchie: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Bell Tower (University of Portland): |accessdate=August 19, 2018
- Bell Witch: The Movie: |accessdate=5 August 2016
- Bell miner: |accessdate=21 March 2016, |accessdate=21 March 2016, |accessdate=18 March 2016, |accessdate=4 April 2016, |accessdate=21 March 2016, |accessdate=20 March 2016, |accessdate=20 March 2016, |accessdate=20 March 2016
- Bell polynomials: | authorlink=George Andrews (mathematician) , |authorlink=Steven Roman
- Bell pull: |accessdate=15 November 2011
- Bell stone: |accessdate=2008-04-03↵
- Bell tower (Königsberg): |authorlink=, |authorlink=Baedeker, |authorlink=Georg Dehio, |authorlink=Fritz Gause, |authorlink=Herbert Meinhard Mühlpfordt, |authorlink=Herbert Meinhard Mühlpfordt
- Bell's sparrow: |authorlink=David Allen Sibley
- Bell, Eastern Cape: |accessdate=28 August 2013
- Bell-Irving River: |accessdate=20 August 2017
- Bella A. Burnasheva: |accessdate= 25 December 2015
- Bella Dodd: | accessdate = 1 October 2018
- Bellapais Abbey: |accessdate=7 June 2019
- Bellarion the Fortunate: | authorlink=Rafael_Sabatini
- Bellarmine Knights men's basketball: |accessdate=21 January 2020
- Belle (chess machine): | authorlink1=Joseph Henry Condon, | authorlink2=Ken Thompson (computer programmer)
- Belle Archer: |accessdate=18 July 2018 , |accessdate=17 July 2018
- Belle Baker: |accessdate=April 24, 2020
- Belle C. Greene: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Belle Fourche Valley Railway: |origyear=First published 1909, |accessdate=March 4, 2014, |origyear=First published 1918, |accessdate=March 4, 2014
- Belle G. Bigelow: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Belle Harris Bennett: |accessdate=25 August 2019
- Belle Isle Aquarium: |accessdate=12 March 2018
- Belle Isle Conservatory: |authorlink= Robert Sharoff
- Belle Kellogg Towne: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Belle Kinney Scholz: |accessdate=October 15, 2015
- Belle O'Loughlin: | authorlink = Mary Moran (camogie)
- Belle Reve Farm: |accessdate=3 November 2020
- Belle Sherwin: |accessdate=6 January 2016
- Belle Willey Gue: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Belle Wood-Comstock: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour: |authorlink1=Theodor Adorno , |authorlink2=Hanns Eisler
- Belle, Udupi: |accessdate=3 September 2017, |accessdate=3 September 2017, |accessdate=29 March 2020, |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Belleair Causeway: |accessdate=October 19, 2020
- Bellefonte and Snowshoe Railroad: | accessdate=2007-06-01
- Bellegarde station: | authorlink=↵, | accessdate=30 October 2009
- Belleisle, Nova Scotia: |accessdate=22 January 2018
- Bellenden Ker, Queensland: | accessdate=29 July 2017
- Bellerby: |accessdate=4 February 2013
- Bellevalia paradoxa: |accessdate=20 November 2012
- Bellevue City Hall: |authorlink=Eastside Heritage Center , |accessdate=June 14, 2017
- Bellevue Palace, Kassel: |accessdate=2014-02-14↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-19↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-19↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-19↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-19↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-19↵ , |accessdate=2014-02-19↵
- Bellingham Bay and British Columbia Railroad: |accessdate=January 5, 2010, |accessdate=January 5, 2010 , |accessdate=January 5, 2010
- Bellingham Shipyards: |accessdate=8 May 2012
- Bellino Bellini: | authorlink=
- Bellmansro: |accessdate=15 November 2011, |accessdate=15 November 2011
- Bellosguardo Foundation: |authorlink1=Bill Dedman , |authorlink2= , |authorlink1=Bill Dedman , |authorlink2= , |authorlink1=Bill Dedman , |authorlink2= , |authorlink1=Bill Dedman , |authorlink2= , |authorlink1=Bill Dedman , |authorlink2= , |authorlink1=Bill Dedman , |authorlink2=
- Bells Across the Meadows: | accessdate = 5 August 2016↵
- Bellum se ipsum alet: |accessdate=2009-09-09, |accessdate=2009-09-09, |accessdate=2009-09-09, |authorlink=Friedrich Schiller
- Bellvale, California: |accessdate=2015-01-04
- Bellville Independent School District: |accessdate=19 December 2014
- Belly of the Sun: |accessdate=21 August 2020
- Belmond Cap Juluca: |accessdate=6 April 2011, |accessdate=20 March 2011
- Belmond El Encanto: |accessdate=2014-10-05
- Belmont (East Barnet): |accessdate=2016-01-30
- Belmont County Courthouse: | accessdate=2013-05-26
- Belmont Slough: |accessdate=14 July 2014, |accessdate=14 July 2014
- Belmont Street, Aberdeen: |authorlink1=David Ditchburn (historian)↵
- Belmont, Illinois: |accessdate=30 May 2017
- Belmont, Texas: |accessdate=6 August 2020
- Beloje: |authorlink=Sima Ćirković, |authorlink=Florin Curta, |authorlink=John Van Antwerp Fine Jr., |origyear=1983, | authorlink=Tibor Živković , |authorlink=Tibor Živković, |authorlink=Tibor Živković
- Belomorsk: |accessdate=2014-06-24
- Belonolaimus: |accessdate=21 February 2016
- Belostok, Tomsk Oblast: | origyear=1993
- Belouis Some: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2014-08-16
- Belovo Basilica: |authorlink2=Colin St John Wilson
- Below Utopia: |accessdate=19 March 2018
- Below the Belt (Boxer album): |accessdate=February 22, 2019
- Belper North Mill: |accessdate=2009-03-15, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 14 March 2009
- Belpre Township, Washington County, Ohio: | accessdate=12 December 2013
- Belpre, Kansas: | accessdate=12 December 2013
- Belsar's Hill: |accessdate=9 September 2017, |accessdate=9 September 2017, |accessdate=9 September 2017
- Belsen Was a Gas: | authorlink = Jon Savage↵, | authorlink = Adrian Room↵, | authorlink = Lester Bangs↵
- Belsize Motors: | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- Belsize Tunnel: |authorlink=
- Belt Railway of Chattanooga: |accessdate=11 October 2015, |accessdate=11 October 2015, |accessdate=11 October 2015
- Belt grinding: |accessdate=2013-01-31
- Belt hook: |authorlink=Dennis Harding
- Beltingham: | authorlink = T. H. Rowland↵, | authorlink = Nancy Ridley↵
- Belton railway station: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- Beltrami's theorem: | authorlink = Rouben V. Ambartzumian↵
- Beltrami–Klein model: |authorlink=Felix Klein, | authorlink = Igor Shafarevich , |authorlink1=Marvin Greenberg
- Beltzhoover Elementary School: | accessdate=2011-08-05, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 21 July 2011
- Belus (Assyrian): |authorlink=Robert Charles (scholar), |origyear=1916
- Belvedere (comic strip): |accessdate=8 April 2020
- Belyi's theorem: |authorlink=Jean-Pierre Serre
- Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: |authorlink1=Yitzhak Arad
- Belzer v. Bollea: |authorlink=Hulk Hogan
- Belém Monstrance: |authorlink=Jaime Cortesão
- Belén Arjona: |accessdate=5 July 2012
- Belén López (actress): |accessdate=12 June 2013
- Bemalambdidae: | accessdate = 17 July 2013↵
- Bembidiina: | origyear = 1983↵
- Bembidion acticola: |origyear=1983
- Bembidion levigatum: | origyear = 1983↵
- Bembidion sejunctum: |origyear=1983
- Bembidion tigrinum: | origyear = 1983↵
- Bemiston, Alabama: |accessdate=2014-11-02, |accessdate=2014-11-02
- Ben A. Hill: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Ben Adams (baseball): | accessdate=2015-04-30, |accessdate=29 July 2017
- Ben Ami: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Ben Arda: |authorlink=Peter Alliss
- Ben Bag-Bag: |accessdate=24 April 2018
- Ben Bagdikian: |authorlink1=Katharine Graham, |authorlink1=Sanford J. Ungar, |authorlink1=Ronald K. L. Collins, |authorlink2=Sam Chaltain, |authorlink1=Neil Henry (journalist), |authorlink1=C. Edwin Baker, |authorlink=Robert W. McChesney
- Ben Bowling: |accessdate=17 February 2017
- Ben Bradlee Jr.: | accessdate=28 September 2015
- Ben Bradshaw (magician): |accessdate=7 July 2014
- Ben Brown (blogger): | authorlink = Neal Pollack↵
- Ben C. Henley: |accessdate=August 19, 2012
- Ben Carlin: | authorlink = Boyé Lafayette De Mente, | authorlink = James Nestor
- Ben Davidson (politician): | accessdate = 19 April 2013↵
- Ben Dirs: |accessdate=7 June 2014, |accessdate=7 June 2014
- Ben Ehrenreich: |authorlink= Ben Ehrenreich , |authorlink= Ben Ehrenreich , |authorlink= Ben Ehrenreich , |authorlink= Ben Ehrenreich
- Ben Ezra Synagogue: |accessdate=7 June 2011
- Ben Forjoe: |accessdate=5 November 2019
- Ben G. Slater: |accessdate=2013-11-27
- Ben Gold: | accessdate = 7 August 2020, | accessdate = 7 August 2020, | accessdate = 7 August 2020↵, | accessdate = 7 August 2020↵
- Ben Grauer: |accessdate=18 October 2016
- Ben Guild: |accessdate=2009-10-07
- Ben H. Mahon: |accessdate=2014-02-03
- Ben H. Shepherd: |authorlink = Ben H. Shepherd, | authorlink = ↵
- Ben Holladay: |accessdate=10 May 2020 , |accessdate=10 May 2020
- Ben Hur trailer: |authorlink=David Doyle (writer)
- Ben J. Winer: |accessdate=February 9, 2016, |accessdate=February 6, 2016
- Ben Kuhl: |accessdate=25 May 2012, |accessdate=25 May 2012, |accessdate=25 May 2012, |accessdate=25 May 2012, |accessdate=25 May 2012
- Ben Lomond, West Virginia: |authorlink=Henry Gannett
- Ben Lucien Burman: | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Ben M. Bogard: |accessdate=September 30, 2015, |accessdate=September 30, 2015, |accessdate=May 4, 2013
- Ben Moreell: | accessdate = 2013-04-11↵
- Ben Nanasca: |accessdate=3 October 2017
- Ben Nevis and Glen Coe National Scenic Area: |accessdate=4 December 2011
- Ben Patterson: |authorlink=Hannah Higgins , |authorlink=Geoffrey Hendricks
- Ben Petrick: |accessdate=3 January 2018
- Ben Pitman House: | accessdate=2013-05-04
- Ben Press: |accessdate=April 23, 2015
- Ben Rosenthal (politician): |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Ben Schoeman: |authorlink2=Dumisa Ntsebeza
- Ben Shaw (DJ): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Ben Sippy: |accessdate=25 March 2015
- Ben Sowden: |accessdate=2 May 2011, |accessdate=2 May 2011
- Ben Steinbauer: |accessdate=10 November 2019
- Ben Taylor (American football): |accessdate=28 February 2019, |accessdate=28 February 2019
- Ben Thompson (lawman): | accessdate = 2014-08-27
- Ben Tompkins: |accessdate=9 January 2015, |accessdate=8 January 2015
- Ben Wilson (basketball): |accessdate=October 8, 2017
- Ben Zakai: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Ben Zion Halberstam: |authorlink=Yaffa Eliach
- Ben Zuckerman: |authorlink1=Hamish Bowles
- Ben-Dror Yemini: |accessdate=7 November 2019
- Ben-Hadad I: |authorlink = ↵
- Bena Force: |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian)
- Benacre Hall: |accessdate=9 July 2012
- Benavente, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bench seat: |accessdate=21 August 2013 , |accessdate=21 August 2013 , |authorlink=Jim Allen (4x4 writer)
- Bencie Woll: |authorlink1= Neil Smith (linguist)
- Bendeleben Mountains: |accessdate=23 March 2013, |accessdate=23 March 2013, |accessdate=23 March 2013, |accessdate=23 March 2013
- Bender Hotel (Houston): |accessdate=December 27, 2014
- Bendersville station: |accessdate=January 29, 2012, |accessdate=January 29, 2012
- Bendinat: |authorlink=Clements Markham
- Bendix Electrojector: |accessdate=2015-05-01
- Bendix G-15: |accessdate=Mar 6, 2020
- Bendix Hallenstein: |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Bendixson's inequality: |accessdate=14 October 2018, |accessdate=14 October 2018
- Bendor Island: |accessdate=24 March 2013↵, |accessdate=24 March 2013↵
- Bene Komare: |origyear=2015
- Beneath Still Waters: |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- Beneath This Burning Shoreline: | writing_credits =↵
- Beneath Two Suns: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Beneath the Mask: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Beneath the Moors: | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- Beneath the Remains: |accessdate=September 5, 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=June 6, 2011
- Beneath the Surface (2007 film): |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- Benedetto Brandimarte: | authorlink=
- Benedetto Santapaola: |authorlink=Alexander Stille
- Benedetto Velli: | authorlink=
- Benedicite: |authorlink=Andrew Carter (composer)
- Benedicite (Carter): | accessdate = 26 October 2018↵
- Benedict Andrews: |accessdate=26 February 2016
- Benedict Arnold (governor): |authorlink1=Robert Charles Anderson
- Benedict L. Stabile: |accessdate=2015-09-11, |accessdate=2015-09-11
- Benedict Neefs: |accessdate=2017-06-21
- Benedict of Alignan: |authorlink=Étienne Baluze
- Benedict, Bishop of Transylvania: |authorlink=Pál Engel
- Benedikt Kuripečič: |accessdate=9 September 2013, |accessdate=9 September 2013, |accessdate=9 September 2013, |authorlink=Vladimir Ćorović, |authorlink=Pavle Ivić, |accessdate=9 September 2013, |accessdate=9 September 2013, |accessdate=9 September 2013, |accessdate=9 September 2013
- Benedum–Trees Building: | accessdate=2011-08-18
- Benedykt Kocot: |accessdate=31 October 2017
- Benefield (surname): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵, | authorlink2 = Richard Coates↵
- Benelli CB M2: |authorlink=Ian V. Hogg
- Benelli MP 95E: |authorlink=Patrick Sweeney (gunsmith), |authorlink1=Ian V. Hogg
- Benet of St Albans: |authorlink=Frank Barlow (historian)
- Beneš-Mráz Bibi: |accessdate=11 December 2019
- Benfield: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵, | authorlink2 = Richard Coates↵
- Benford: | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵, | authorlink2 = Richard Coates↵
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- Bengali language movement in India: |accessdate=7 January 2017, |accessdate=7 January 2017, |accessdate=7 January 2017
- Bengang Shuixian Temple: |accessdate=20 November 2020
- Bengangai Game Reserve: |authorlink=United Nations Environment Programme, |accessdate=2 August 2011
- Bengawan Solo (1949 film): |authorlink2=Misbach Yusa Biran↵ , | authorlink = Misbach Yusa Biran↵
- Benge: |authorlink=E. E. Evans-Pritchard
- Benge (surname): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵, | authorlink2 = Richard Coates↵
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- Benghazi Zoo: |accessdate=24 September 2011
- Bengkunat: |accessdate=15 June 2011, |accessdate=15 June 2011, |accessdate=15 June 2011
- Bengt Calmeyer (journalist): |authorlink=Øystein Rottem
- Bengt Hallberg: |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bengt Jansson: | authorlink =↵ , |authorlink2=Ivan Mauger ↵
- Benham (surname): | authorlink = Patrick Hanks↵, | authorlink2 = Richard Coates↵
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- Beniamino Bufano: |accessdate=2016-03-29
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- Benimàmet, Valencia: |authorlink1=Thomas F. Glick
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- Benin altars to the hand: |authorlink=The Individual and the Ancestral: Ikegobo and Ukurhe
- Beningbrough: |accessdate=30 March 2015
- Beningbrough Hall: |authorlink1=Sabine Baring-Gould
- Benita Martínez Pastoriza: |accessdate=28 March 2019
- Benito Pabón y Suárez de Urbina: |authorlink1=Víctor Alba, |authorlink=Eduardo Comín Colomer, |authorlink=Carlos Seco Serrano, |authorlink=Manuel Tuñón de Lara
- Benjamin A. Cady: |accessdate=2020-06-24
- Benjamin A. Garcia: |accessdate=2021-02-11
- Benjamin Alfred Dobson: |accessdate=21 June 2019
- Benjamin Allen (Wisconsin politician): | accessdate= November 1, 2019
- Benjamin Anyene: |accessdate=9 March 2020
- Benjamin Apthorp Gould: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller: |accessdate=2014-02-15
- Benjamin Ayres (instrument maker): |accessdate=2013-01-21↵ , |accessdate=2013-01-21, |accessdate=2013-01-21↵
- Benjamin Baillaud: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Benjamin Banneker: SW-9 Intermediate Boundary Stone: |accessdate=2016-02-22, |accessdate=2017-05-31, |accessdate=2019-03-27
- Benjamin Bathurst (1711–1767): |authorlink=Daniel Mackinnon
- Benjamin Blackledge: | accessdate = 2009-01-07↵
- Benjamin Boss: |accessdate=August 22, 2012
- Benjamin Bradley (inventor): |accessdate=15 July 2009, |accessdate=15 July 2009
- Benjamin Brown (Medal of Honor): |authorlink=Frank N. Schubert
- Benjamin Bubar Sr.: |accessdate=3 January 2020
- Benjamin Campbell (consular agent): |accessdate=12 October 2016
- Benjamin Carrington: |accessdate=2017-01-14, |accessdate=2017-01-14
- Benjamin Champneys: |accessdate=20 February 2019
- Benjamin Clark Cutler: |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018, |accessdate=8 January 2018
- Benjamin Cleveland: |accessdate=April 27, 2019
- Benjamin Cowburn: |accessdate=25 Aug 2020
- Benjamin Cronyn: |accessdate=30 June 2018
- Benjamin Curtis Porter: |accessdate=13 December 2018, |accessdate=13 December 2018 , |accessdate=20 October 2017
- Benjamin Daydon Jackson: | accessdate = 2008-05-27↵
- Benjamin DeWolf: |accessdate=8 June 2020 , |accessdate=8 June 2020 , |accessdate=8 June 2020 , |accessdate=8 June 2020 , |accessdate=8 June 2020 , |accessdate=8 June 2020, |accessdate=8 June 2020 , |accessdate=8 June 2020 , |accessdate=8 June 2020 , |accessdate=8 June 2020
- Benjamin Dean Wyatt: |accessdate=26 December 2011, |accessdate=27 December 2011
- Benjamin Dibblee: |accessdate=April 8, 2015, |accessdate=April 8, 2015
- Benjamin Dudley (Archdeacon of Rangiora): |accessdate= 6 June 2012
- Benjamin Dudley Tarlton: |accessdate=11 August 2014, |accessdate=11 August 2014
- Benjamin Edwards (Maryland politician): |accessdate=5 October 2020 , |accessdate=5 October 2020
- Benjamin F. Hopkins: |accessdate=1 June 2015
- Benjamin F. Hubert: |accessdate=2015-04-05
- Benjamin F. Isherwood: |accessdate=31 May 2014, |accessdate=31 May 2014
- Benjamin F. Lewis: |authorlink1=Lamar Waldron↵, |authorlink2=Thom Hartmann↵
- Benjamin F. Newhall: |accessdate=April 2, 2013
- Benjamin Fairbanks: |accessdate=November 8, 2019
- Benjamin Filipović: |accessdate=21 February 2012
- Benjamin Flower: |accessdate=11 January 2013
- Benjamin Fontaine: |accessdate=September 22, 2020
- Benjamin Forsyth: |accessdate=23 May 2018
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- Benjamin Franklin Dillingham: |origyear=1891
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- Benjamin Freakley: |authorlink=Rick Atkinson , |accessdate=11 February 2013
- Benjamin G. Armstrong: |accessdate=15 April 2018
- Benjamin G. Wilkinson: | authorlink = Bruce M. Metzger, |accessdate=
- Benjamin Geen: |authorlink=Katharine Ramsland
- Benjamin Glover Shields: |accessdate=9 March 2019 , |accessdate=9 March 2019 , |accessdate=9 March 2019 , |accessdate=9 March 2019 , |accessdate=9 March 2019 , |accessdate=9 March 2019
- Benjamin Godwin: |accessdate=30 July 2014, |accessdate=25 July 2014
- Benjamin Goodrich: |accessdate=10 March 2020 , |accessdate=10 March 2020 , |accessdate=10 March 2020 , |accessdate=10 March 2020
- Benjamin Greene (politician): |accessdate=10 May 2015
- Benjamin Guérard: | accessdate=10 October 2016
- Benjamin H. Bailey: |accessdate=7 September 2019, |accessdate=7 September 2019, |accessdate=July 18, 2019
- Benjamin H. Wilson: |accessdate=2015-02-27
- Benjamin Hardin: |accessdate=2008-11-10 , |accessdate=2009-02-01
- Benjamin Hardin Helm: |accessdate=6 February 2014, | authorlink2 = David J. Eicher , |accessdate=6 February 2014
- Benjamin Haughton: |accessdate=5 November 2019
- Benjamin Hazard Field: |accessdate=15 April 2019 , |accessdate=15 April 2019, |accessdate=15 April 2019 , |accessdate=15 April 2019 , |accessdate=15 April 2019 , |accessdate=12 April 2019, |accessdate=3 May 2017, |accessdate=15 April 2019 , |accessdate=12 March 2018, |accessdate=3 May 2017, |accessdate=3 May 2017
- Benjamin Herndon: |accessdate=April 27, 2019, |accessdate=April 27, 2019
- Benjamin Hick: |accessdate=7 December 2015, |accessdate=4 December 2015, |accessdate=30 March 2015, |accessdate=2 May 2015, |authorlink=Richard L. Hills↵, |accessdate=7 July 2016, |accessdate=2 October 2014, |accessdate=11 November 2015, |accessdate=2 May 2015, |accessdate=21 September 2014, |accessdate=21 September 2014, |accessdate=2 October 2014, |accessdate=2 May 2015, |accessdate=6 November 2014, |accessdate=12 March 2015, |accessdate=12 March 2015, |accessdate=18 November 2015, |accessdate=5 June 2020 , |archivedate=7 Nov 2006
- Benjamin Hicklin: |accessdate=30 September 2011, |accessdate=30 September 2011
- Benjamin Hobhouse: |accessdate=16 June 2020
- Benjamin Hunkins: |accessdate=March 9, 2014, |accessdate=March 9, 2014, |accessdate=March 9, 2014, |accessdate=March 9, 2014, |accessdate=30 August 2014, |accessdate=31 August 2014, |accessdate=2 September 2014, |accessdate=March 9, 2014 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=September 2, 2012 , |accessdate=March 9, 2014, |accessdate=March 9, 2014, |accessdate=30 August 2014, |accessdate=March 9, 2014
- Benjamin Huntington: |authorlink=Frances Manwaring Caulkins
- Benjamin Ives Gilman (1766): |authorlink=Arthur Gilman (educator)↵, |authorlink=Phillips Exeter Academy↵
- Benjamin Jennings Caddy: |accessdate=9 July 2013
- Benjamin K. Phelps: |accessdate=26 April 2017, |accessdate=20 August 2019 , |accessdate=20 August 2019 , |accessdate=20 August 2019
- Benjamin Keene (1753–1837): | accessdate= 27 November 2017
- Benjamin Kendrick Pierce: |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 16, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 17, 2014 , |accessdate=September 17, 2014, |accessdate=September 28, 2014
- Benjamin Knight (politician): |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Benjamin L. Merkle: |accessdate=8 May 2015, |accessdate=8 May 2015
- Benjamin LeBarón: |accessdate=11 February 2014
- Benjamin Lett: |authorlink=Robert Malcomson
- Benjamin Longuet: |accessdate=2 July 2018 , |accessdate=2 July 2018
- Benjamin Lundy: |authorlink=Benjamin Lundy↵, |authorlink=Elizabeth Margaret Chandler↵, |authorlink=Benjamin Lundy↵, |authorlink=Benjamin Lundy↵
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- Benjamin McCandlish: |accessdate=18 May 2011, |accessdate=18 May 2011, |accessdate=18 May 2011
- Benjamin McConnell: |accessdate=2012-11-14
- Benjamin Meggot Forster: |accessdate=14 March 2018, |accessdate=14 March 2018, |accessdate=14 March 2018, |accessdate=14 March 2018
- Benjamin Melendez: |accessdate=10 August 2011
- Benjamin Miessner: | accessdate=June 2, 2017
- Benjamin Mills: |accessdate=2009-10-22, |accessdate=2009-10-22, |authorlink=Lowell H. Harrison , |accessdate=2008-01-14, |accessdate=2009-02-01, |accessdate=2009-10-22, |accessdate=2009-10-22, |accessdate=2009-10-22
- Benjamin Moore (bishop): |accessdate=2010-09-27, |accessdate=2010-09-27, |authorlink=William Stevens Perry , |accessdate=2010-09-27
- Benjamin Nolot: |accessdate=5 July 2020
- Benjamin Nottingham Webster: |accessdate=30 December 2010
- Benjamin Outram: | accessdate=14 November 2009
- Benjamin Parke Avery: |accessdate=30 April 2019
- Benjamin Piatt Runkle: |accessdate=1 March 2011, |accessdate=23 December 2011, |accessdate=23 January 2012, |accessdate=16 January 2012, |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=25 January 2016, |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=16 December 2011, |accessdate=17 December 2011, |accessdate=22 December 2011, |accessdate=22 December 2011, |accessdate=23 December 2011, |accessdate=23 January 2012
- Benjamin Prichard: |accessdate=9 November 2017, |accessdate=9 November 2017
- Benjamin Randall (Wisconsin politician): |accessdate=2015-09-21
- Benjamin Recordon: |accessdate=1 June 2017, |accessdate=1 June 2017
- Benjamin Robbins: |origyear= First ed. published 1913 , |accessdate = 8 December 2014↵ , |accessdate=6 December 2014
- Benjamin Romualdez: |accessdate=2015-04-01
- Benjamin Rosewell (attorney): |accessdate=6 January 2014
- Benjamin Rossman: |authorlink=Erik Demaine
- Benjamin Sherman (Wisconsin politician): |accessdate=2015-07-09
- Benjamin Smith (engraver): | accessdate = 7 Nov 2013, | accessdate = 17 April 2016
- Benjamin Sommers: | accessdate=22 July 2016
- Benjamin Sonnenberg: |authorlink=Scott Cutlip
- Benjamin St John Ackers: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1974↵
- Benjamin Steinberg (conductor): |accessdate=August 10, 2018
- Benjamin Stolberg: | accessdate = 16 July 2017, | authorlink1 = Benjamin Stolberg↵, | authorlink1 = Benjamin Stolberg↵, | authorlink2 = John Dewey↵, | authorlink3 = Suzanne La Follette↵, | authorlink4 = Albert Glotzer↵, | authorlink = Benjamin Stolberg↵, | authorlink = Benjamin Stolberg↵, | authorlink = Benjamin Stolberg↵
- Benjamin Stora: |accessdate=3 January 2010
- Benjamin T. Eames: | accessdate=March 24, 2011
- Benjamin Thomas Williams: |authorlink= F. W. S. Craig↵ , |origyear=1977↵
- Benjamin Tupper: |authorlink=Henry Howe
- Benjamin Vogt (poet): |accessdate=2 September 2017
- Benjamin W. Sangor: | authorlink= Gerard Jones
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- Benjamin West (astronomer): |accessdate=21 April 2015
- Benjamin Wills Newton: |authorlink=Anthony Norris Groves , |accessdate=May 11, 2015
- Benjamin Wistar Morris (architect): |accessdate=31 October 2011
- Benjamin Wistar Morris (colonist): |origyear= 1911
- Benjamin Wood (MP): |accessdate=23 October 2018
- Benjamin Woolley: |origyear=2004 , |origyear=1999 , |origyear=1992
- Benjamin Wright: |accessdate=October 7, 2011, | accessdate=April 9, 2014
- Benjamin Yate Ashwell: | accessdate=12 December 2015, |accessdate= , |accessdate= , |accessdate=
- Benjamin of Lesbos: |authorlink1=John Locke and the Greek Intellectual Tradition: An Episode in Locke's Reception in South-East Europe , |accessdate=12 January 2020
- Benjamin of Tiberias: |accessdate= 20 January 2014, |accessdate=19 January 2014, |accessdate=11 March 2014, |accessdate=12 March 2014, | accessdate= 28 March 2014, | accessdate= 21 March 2014, | accessdate= 21 March 2014, | accessdate= 28 June 2015, |accessdate=28 January 2015, |accessdate= 28 January 2015, |accessdate=28 January 2015, |authorlink2=Abu al-Makarim
- Benjamín Herrera: |accessdate=24 September 2013
- Benji (album): | writing_credits =↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince: |accessdate=2 June 2020 , |accessdate=22 March 2020
- Bennane Head: | accessdate=29 December 2012
- Bennet Langton: |authorlink=James Boswell
- Bennet Sherard, 3rd Earl of Harborough: |accessdate=16 July 2020 , |accessdate=17 July 2020
- Bennet Van Syckel: |accessdate=12 July 2016
- Bennet Woodcroft: |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=12 June 2019, |accessdate=27 November 2015
- Bennett Amendment: | accessdate= 2008-10-12
- Bennett Arron: |accessdate=1 March 2019, |accessdate=1 March 2019
- Bennett Memorial Chapel: |authorlink1=Campus Roundup
- Bennett Reimer: |accessdate=August 6, 2015
- Bennett's Meadow Bridge: | authorlink = Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth
- Bennett's law: | accessdate = 2019-05-08
- Bennie Lee Sinclair: |accessdate=December 23, 2012
- Bennie the Howl: |accessdate=13 March 2014
- Benning M. Bean: |accessdate=19 January 2014
- Bennington Street Burying Ground: |authorlink=
- Benny Brunner: | accessdate = 2013-01-28↵
- Benny Heller: |accessdate=2 July 2018, |accessdate=2 July 2018
- Benny Lynch: |accessdate=22 December 2011
- Benoist (tea): |accessdate=2016-08-03
- Benoit Comeau: |accessdate=2018-05-15
- Benoit Robichaud: |accessdate=2018-04-05
- Benoni Reynolds: |accessdate=2014-02-01
- Benoît Potier: |accessdate=28 September 2011
- Benoît de Boigne: |authorlink=William Dalrymple (historian)
- Bensbach River: |authorlink=Nicholas Evans (linguist)
- Benson Commission: |authorlink1=R. M. Jackson
- Benson Lock: |authorlink=Nicholson Guides↵
- Benson Medal: |accessdate = 10 August 2010
- Bent Corydon: |accessdate=April 21, 2015
- Bent Formby: | authorlink = T. S. Wiley
- Bent Fuglede: |authorlink2=James Eells
- Bent Gestur Sivertz: |accessdate=2017-01-08
- Bent Holtsmark: |authorlink=Olaf Bryn
- Bent Norup: | authorlink = Karl Josef Kutsch↵, | authorlink2 = Leo Riemens↵
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- Bent bond: | authorlink = Ian Fleming (chemist)
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- Bente Hammer: |accessdate=9 July 2012, |accessdate=9 July 2012, |accessdate=9 July 2012
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- Bentlass: |accessdate=27 July 2019
- Bentley 3 Litre: | authorlink=G.N. Georgano
- Bentley 8 Litre: |accessdate= 23 June 2013, | accessdate = 26 March 2012
- Bentley Mark VI: |accessdate= , |origyear=
- Bentley Rhythm Ace (album): |accessdate=30 March 2020
- Bently Nevada: |accessdate=3 May 2020
- Bentomiz Castle: |accessdate=2013-02-22↵ , |accessdate=2013-02-22↵ , |accessdate=22 February 2013
- Benton End: |accessdate=31 March 2020
- Benton Fault: |accessdate=9 December 2010, |accessdate=9 December 2010
- Benton Hall (Miami University): | authorlink = R.E. Glos↵ , | authorlink = Peter Flintermann↵ , | authorlink = Glos, R.E↵
- Benton Museum of Art: |authorlink1=E. Wilson Lyon , |authorlink4=Thomas E. Crow
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- Benyamin Bahadori: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵, |lyrics_credits = , |music_credits = , |writing_credits =
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- Beonna of East Anglia: |authorlink1=Michelle P. Brown↵ , |accessdate=19 January 2013, |accessdate=19 January 2013, | authorlink = ↵ , |authorlink=Raymond Ian Page, | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = Barbara Yorke↵ , | authorlink = Andrew Rogerson↵
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- Beornrad (archbishop of Sens): |authorlink=Henry Mayr-Harting, |authorlink1=Frank Stenton
- Beppo (comics): |accessdate=31 March 2020
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- Beqir Meta: |accessdate=20 February 2012
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- Berberis gagnepainii: |authorlink = Stace, C. A.
- Berberis morrisonensis: | accessdate =
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- Berbice Creole Dutch: |authorlink=Silvia Kouwenberg
- Berceuse (Chopin): | accessdate = 11 September 2018↵
- Berchemia racemosa: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Berclair Mansion: |accessdate=30 August 2011
- Berd (dance): |accessdate=7 August 2020
- Berdjoang: | authorlink = Misbach Yusa Biran↵
- Berdura: | origyear = 1983↵
- Berea, Durban: |accessdate=2015-03-14
- Berek Lajcher: | accessdate=September 19, 2013
- Bereket Mengisteab: |accessdate=8 February 2012, |accessdate=8 February 2012
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- Berengar II of Sulzbach: |accessdate=2013-12-07↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-07, |accessdate=2013-12-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-07↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-07, |accessdate=2013-12-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-08, |accessdate=2013-12-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-08↵ , |accessdate=2013-12-07↵
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- Berenice Wyer: |accessdate=September 5, 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017, |accessdate=6 August 2017
- Beretta 93R: |authorlink=Leroy Thompson
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- Bergen City, New Jersey: |accessdate=February 8, 2011
- Bergen Davis: |accessdate = February 15, 2012↵, |accessdate = February 15, 2012↵
- Bergen Tramway: | authorlink=Nils Carl Aspenberg
- Bergen station: |authorlink=Carl Just
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- Bergenia crassifolia: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=25 May 2017
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- Berges du Rhône: |accessdate=8 January 2016
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- Berginus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Berginus pumilus: | origyear = 1983↵
- Berglioth Prom: |accessdate=May 3, 2020
- Bergmann Battalion: |authorlink=Gordon Williamson (writer)↵
- Bergmann Offensive: | authorlink =↵
- Bergsøysund Bridge: |accessdate=2010-11-29
- Bergwinkel: |accessdate=15 January 2012
- Berhanu Nega: |accessdate=1 January 2017
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- Beriev Be-6: |authorlink =Bill_Gunston
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- Beringer's Lying Stones: | authorlink = Stephen Jay Gould↵
- Beriota: |accessdate=31 December 2012
- Berit Backer: |accessdate=4 August 2019, |accessdate=4 August 2019
- Berita Film Indonesia: | authorlink = Misbach Yusa Biran↵
- Berkeley Bell: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- Berkeley Paget: |accessdate=4 June 2017
- Berkeley School of Theology: |accessdate=August 17, 2012
- Berkeley Timesharing System: |accessdate= April 17, 2011 , |accessdate= April 17, 2011
- Berkeley Tribe: |accessdate=25 December 2017
- Berkeley r-commands: |authorlink=Marshall Kirk McKusick
- Berkelium compounds: |archiveurl =, |archivedate = 2010-07-17
- Berkhamsted Castle: |↵ authorlink=Ella Sophia Armitage
- Berkhamsted Place: |origyear=originally published by Nichols & Sons, 1855 & 1883
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- Berkshire School: |accessdate=15 March 2013, |accessdate=15 March 2013, |accessdate=15 March 2013, |accessdate=13 March 2013, |accessdate=13 March 2013, |accessdate=18 March 2013, |accessdate=15 March 2013, |accessdate=25 March 2013, |accessdate=18 March 2013
- Berkshire Township, Delaware County, Ohio: | accessdate=12 December 2013
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- Berlekamp switching game: | authorlink = Neil Sloane , | authorlink = Joel Spencer
- Berlin Codex: | authorlink = Christopher M. Tuckett↵
- Berlin Foundling House: | authorlink = William John Townsend
- Berlin Nakroma: |accessdate=14 November 2018
- Berlin Nöldnerplatz station: | authorlink=Volker Kluge
- Berlin Pleiades: |authorlink1=David Vincent Hooper↵ , |authorlink2=Kenneth Whyld↵ , |origyear=First pub. 1992↵
- Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute: |origyear=2007 in Hebrew
- Berlin discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
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- Berlin, Holmes County, Ohio: | accessdate=12 December 2013
- Berlinda Tolbert: |accessdate=December 20, 2016
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- Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung: |accessdate=6 June 2016
- Berllan-deg, Llanhennock: |authorlink=Joseph Bradney↵ , |authorlink1=Cyril Fox↵, |authorlink2=FitzRoy Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan↵, |authorlink=John Newman (architectural historian)↵
- Berlusconism: |accessdate=1 January 2015
- Bermejales: |accessdate=25 December 2018
- Bermondsey (parish): |accessdate=8 April 2015, |accessdate=8 April 2015, |accessdate=8 April 2015
- Bermondsey dive-under: |origyear=2006
- Bermuda fish chowder: |accessdate=5 March 2012
- Bermuda hotspot: | accessdate = 2008-08-12↵
- Bermudian cuisine: |accessdate=28 January 2013, |accessdate=28 January 2013, |accessdate=28 January 2013, |accessdate=28 January 2013, |accessdate=28 January 2013, |accessdate=28 January 2013
- Bern Dibner: | accessdate = 21 March 2020
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- Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent: |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=13 March 2020, |accessdate=13 March 2020, |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=31 March 2020, |accessdate=1 April 2020, |accessdate=1 April 2020
- Bernadette Roberts: |origyear=1985
- Bernadette Vigil: |accessdate=14 June 2019 , |accessdate=14 June 2019, |accessdate=14 June 2019, |accessdate=15 June 2019, |accessdate=14 June 2019, |accessdate=14 June 2019, |accessdate=14 June 2019
- Bernadine Hayes: |accessdate=November 10, 2019 , |accessdate=November 10, 2019, |accessdate=November 10, 2019
- Bernal de Bonaval: |accessdate=22 September 2017, |accessdate=19 September 2017 , |accessdate=20 September 2017, |origyear=2003 , |accessdate=19 September 2017 , |accessdate=22 September 2017, |accessdate=18 September 2017, |accessdate=18 September 2017
- Bernal de Foix, 1st Count of Medinaceli: | accessdate = 2010-10-17↵
- Bernard (bishop of Carlisle): |accessdate=20 October 2007
- Bernard (son of Charles the Fat): |authorlink=Timothy Reuter
- Bernard Adams: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady , |authorlink=Henry Cotton (divine)
- Bernard Adeney: |accessdate=23 February 2012
- Bernard Artigau: |authorlink1=Norman Franks
- Bernard Ashley (author): |accessdate=29 July 2012, |accessdate=29 July 2012
- Bernard B. Kroenke: |accessdate=2014-01-27
- Bernard Bachrach: |authorlink=Bernard S. Bachrach
- Bernard Barny de Romanet: |authorlink1=Norman Franks
- Bernard Barton: | authorlink =John Julian, D.D.↵
- Bernard Bernstein: | accessdate = 26 January 2020
- Bernard Carter: |accessdate=2 March 2020
- Bernard Cherrick: |accessdate=17 August 2016
- Bernard Dufour: |authorlink=Jacques Henric , |authorlink=Bernard Dufour , |authorlink=Bernard Dufour , |authorlink=Bernard Dufour , |authorlink=Bernard Dufour
- Bernard Délicieux: |authorlink=Henry Charles Lea , |authorlink3=Andrew Dickson White
- Bernard E. Witkin: |accessdate=June 16, 2017
- Bernard Etxepare: |accessdate=2 May 2017
- Bernard Faure: |accessdate = 2015-12-29
- Bernard Fonlon: | authorlink=Nalova Lyonga , | origyear=1989
- Bernard George: |accessdate=14 February 2017
- Bernard Green (British Army officer): |accessdate=17 July 2019
- Bernard Gross: |accessdate=2015-08-04
- Bernard H. Raether: |accessdate=2014-03-05
- Bernard Henry McGinn: |authorlink=Toby Harnden
- Bernard Homa: |authorlink1=William Rubinstein, |authorlink3=Hilary L. Rubinstein
- Bernard Jackvony: |accessdate=28 April 2017
- Bernard Laiboldt: |authorlink=Peter Cozzens , |authorlink=Kenneth W. Noe
- Bernard Larson: |accessdate=2012-03-29
- Bernard Lee on stage and screen: |authorlink2=Jeffrey Richards, |authorlink= Leslie Halliwell , |authorlink= Ephraim Katz , |authorlink= David Quinlan (film critic) , |authorlink= Anthony Slide
- Bernard Lepkofker: |accessdate=2015-05-07
- Bernard Long: |accessdate=5 August 2012
- Bernard Makuza: |accessdate=4 November 2016, |accessdate=4 November 2016
- Bernard Maris: |authorlink2=Philippe Labarde, |authorlink2=Philippe Labarde, |authorlink2=Philippe Labarde, |authorlink2=Dakhli Leyla, |authorlink3=Roger Sue, |authorlink4=Georges Vigarello, |authorlink2=Gilles Dostaler
- Bernard McKenna (writer): |accessdate=11 March 2011
- Bernard Michael Houseal: | accessdate=6 June 2020 , | accessdate=6 June 2020
- Bernard Molitor: |accessdate=2012-09-20
- Bernard Moore (poet): |accessdate=2 February 2016, |accessdate=2 February 2016
- Bernard N. Moran: |accessdate=2013-10-31
- Bernard Newman (designer): |accessdate=15 December 2009
- Bernard Nicholls: |accessdate=8 April 2015
- Bernard O'Gara: |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Bernard O'Reilly (bishop of Liverpool): |authorlink=William Maziere Brady
- Bernard Ouchard: | authorlink = Étienne Vatelot
- Bernard Pacaud: |origyear=2004
- Bernard Paget: |authorlink=Julian Paget
- Bernard Pares: |accessdate=16 November 2016
- Bernard Partridge: |accessdate=2020-08-22 ↵, |accessdate=2020-08-12 ↵, |accessdate=2020-08-12 ↵
- Bernard Paul Gascoigne Beanlands: |authorlink2=Norman Franks
- Bernard Peyrilhe: |authorlink1=James Ewing (pathologist)
- Bernard Punsly: |accessdate=29 June 2017
- Bernard Reder: | accessdate = 2009-09-30, | accessdate = 2009-09-28, | accessdate = 2009-09-29, | accessdate = 2009-09-29
- Bernard Richards: | authorlink=Jack Copeland , | authorlink2=Jonathan Bowen , | authorlink4=Robin Wilson (mathematician)
- Bernard Rose (musician): |accessdate=21 August 2017
- Bernard Schreiner: |accessdate=30 March 2011
- Bernard Serrigny: |authorlink1=Holger Herwig , |accessdate=18 October 2019 , |accessdate=18 October 2019
- Bernard Shore: |authorlink=Bernard Shore, |authorlink=Bernard Shore
- Bernard Siegel (attorney): |accessdate=25 March 2011
- Bernard Trink: |accessdate=11 October 2020
- Bernard Waldman: | authorlink = Luis W. Alvarez↵
- Bernard Waley-Cohen: |authorlink1=William Rubinstein, |authorlink3=Hilary L. Rubinstein
- Bernard Wolfe: | authorlink = Alan M. Wald↵
- Bernard Woolley: |authorlink1 = Jonathan Lynn, |authorlink2 = Antony Jay
- Bernard de Jussieu: |accessdate=2019-08-30, |accessdate=2019-08-30
- Bernard de Pourtalès: | accessdate = 2014-02-08↵ , | archiveurl =↵ , | archivedate = 2008-05-28↵
- Bernard de Tremelay: |authorlink=Malcolm Barber
- Bernard-François, marquis de Chauvelin: | accessdate=30 December 2018 , | accessdate=30 December 2018
- Bernard-Manuel Lusignan: |authorlink1=, |authorlink1=Charles Cunat, |authorlink2=Claude Forrer
- Bernard-Marie Boudin de Tromelin: |authorlink1=Charles Cunat, |authorlink1=Claude-Youenn Roussel, |authorlink2=Claude Forrer
- Bernard-Raymond Fabré-Palaprat: |accessdate=11 December 2012, |authorlink=Jean-Pierre Chantin, |accessdate=11 December 2012
- Bernardhus Van Leer: |accessdate=3 January 2020
- Bernardin Gigault de Bellefonds: |accessdate=30 January 2019
- Bernardin Palaj: |authorlink=Donat Kurti, |origyear=1965, |authorlink=Robert Elsie
- Bernardin Pavlović: |authorlink=John Van Antwerp Fine Jr.
- Bernardino Campilius: | authorlink=
- Bernardino Ciceri: | authorlink=
- Bernardino Cirillo Franco: |authorlink= Robert Stevenson (musicologist) , |authorlink= John IV of Portugal
- Bernardino Lanzani: | authorlink=
- Bernardino Scannafora: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bernardino Visconti: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bernardino de Carmona: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bernardino de Ceballos: |accessdate=2012-08-28↵ , |accessdate=2012-08-31↵ , |accessdate=2012-08-28↵
- Bernardo Attolico: |accessdate=15 September 2018
- Bernardo Baras: |accessdate=24 May 2013, |accessdate=24 May 2013
- Bernardo Consorti: | authorlink=
- Bernardo Davanzati: |accessdate=3 January 2013, |accessdate=3 January 2013, |accessdate=3 January 2013, | accessdate = 3 January 2013 , |accessdate=3 January 2013, |accessdate=3 January 2013
- Bernardo Ibáñez: |accessdate=September 18, 2016
- Bernardo Lorenziti: | authorlink=
- Bernardo Margarit: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel, |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bernardo Milhas: | accessdate = 6 March 2015↵
- Bernardo Peres da Silva: |accessdate=2009-06-13 , |authorlink=Frederic Charles Danvers
- Bernardo Racchetti: | authorlink=
- Bernardo Regoliron: | authorlink=
- Bernardo Reyes: |accessdate=10 January 2015
- Bernardo Sassetti: |authorlink2=Richard Cook (journalist) , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2012-05-13 , |accessdate=2011-11-12 , |origyear=1992
- Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor: |accessdate=2009-09-23
- Bernardo Tesauro: | authorlink=
- Bernardo Vittone: |authorlink= Rudolf Wittkower , |origyear=1958
- Bernardo Zambernelli: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bernardo de Benedictis: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bernardo de la Torre: |accessdate=2010-03-16
- Bernardo de' Medici: |authorlink=Konrad Eubel
- Bernardo, New Mexico: |accessdate=2012-10-01↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-01↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-01↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-01↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-01↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-01↵ , |accessdate=2012-10-01↵
- Bernardus Gerhardus Fourie: |authorlink=Ron Nixon
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- Bernd Baselt: |accessdate=2 July 2012
- Bernd Fischer (mathematician): | authorlink = Mark Ronan↵
- Bernd Gallowitsch: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Bernd Stegemann: |authorlink =↵ , |authorlink =↵
- Bernd von Doering: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller: |accessdate=28 November 2010
- Berne Convention (1906): |authorlink=International Labour Office↵
- Berne International: |accessdate=4 May 2018
- Berner Bach-Chor: |accessdate=3 October 2012
- Berners Bay: |authorlink1=Robert Goldschmidt, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013, |accessdate=9 February 2013
- Bernese Jura Railway: |accessdate=20 December 2018
- Berney baronets: |accessdate=17 November 2018
- Bernhard Askvig: |accessdate=23 February 2019
- Bernhard Bendix: |accessdate=14 May 2016
- Bernhard Dawson: |accessdate=August 22, 2012 , | accessdate=2008-08-07
- Bernhard Edmaier: |accessdate=25 July 2013, |accessdate=25 July 2013
- Bernhard Erasmus von Deroy: |authorlink=Gunther E. Rothenberg , |authorlink=Digby Smith
- Bernhard Fernow: |accessdate=2015-02-26
- Bernhard Heiliger: |accessdate=24 July 2015↵
- Bernhard Hirschel: |accessdate=24 July 2016, |accessdate=24 July 2016
- Bernhard Jope: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Bernhard Klosterkemper: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Bernhard Knipperdolling: |accessdate=16 July 2015
- Bernhard M. Hämmerli: | accessdate = 26 February 2019↵
- Bernhard Museum Complex: |accessdate=23 September 2012, |accessdate=23 September 2012
- Bernhard Rensch: |authorlink=Ernst Mayr, |authorlink=Ernst Mayr
- Bernhard Scholz: |authorlink=Alan Walker (musicologist), |origyear=1989
- Bernhard Siebken: |authorlink=↵
- Bernhard Steffen (footballer): |accessdate=7 August 2013
- Bernhard Tessmann: |accessdate=2010-08-29, |accessdate=2010-08-29
- Bernhard Waber: |accessdate=May 25, 2020 , |accessdate=May 25, 2020 , |accessdate=May 25, 2020
- Bernhard Woldenga: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Bernhard von Breidenbach: |authorlink=Felix Fabri
- Bernice C. Downing: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Bernice Cameron: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Bernice Claire: |accessdate=8 May 2017, |accessdate=8 May 2017
- Bernice Eddy: |authorlink=Paul Offit
- Bernice Edwards: |accessdate=2016-11-29, |accessdate=2016-11-29
- Bernice McCoy: |accessdate=30 September 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Bernice Orpha Redington: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Bernice Williams: |accessdate=15 August 2011
- Bernie Agrons: |accessdate=9 October 2014
- Bernie Brillstein: |accessdate=21 September 2015
- Bernie Cummins: |accessdate=9 March 2017, |accessdate=10 March 2017, |accessdate=10 March 2017
- Bernie De Koven: |accessdate=3 October 2011
- Bernie Grace: |accessdate=31 July 2011
- Bernie S: |authorlink = Eric Corley↵
- Bernie Schreiber: |accessdate=7 March 2015
- Bernie Schwengers: |accessdate=15 June 2011
- Bernie Silver: |accessdate=8 January 2017
- Bernold of Constance: |accessdate=26 October 2017
- Bernstein polynomial: | authorlink=Isidor Natanson
- Bernstein's theorem (polynomials): | authorlink=Isidor Natanson
- Bernstein–Kushnirenko theorem: |authorlink1=David A. Cox, |authorlink3=Donal O'Shea
- Bernstein–Sato polynomial: |authorlink=Armand Borel , |authorlink=Pavel Etingof
- Bernt Carlsson: |accessdate=4 October 2009
- Bernt Michael Holmboe: | authorlink = Mario Livio
- Bernt Persson: | authorlink =↵ , |authorlink2=Ivan Mauger ↵
- Berolina chess: |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵ , |authorlink=David Pritchard (chess player)↵
- Berowulf: |authorlink=Rosamond McKitterick
- Berrien County Courthouse (Georgia): | accessdate=30 November 2013
- Berry Botanic Garden: |accessdate = January 23, 2010
- Berryessa Highlands, California: |accessdate=27 February 2013, |accessdate=27 February 2013, |accessdate=27 February 2013
- Berryman QPRS: | accessdate=January 18, 2018
- Bersimis-1 generating station: |accessdate=2010-09-14 , |accessdate=2010-09-15
- Bersimis-2 generating station: |accessdate=2010-09-14 , |accessdate=2010-09-15
- Bersohn and Bauman Children's Hospital in Warsaw: |origyear=2002
- Bersøglis- og andre Viser: |authorlink2=Dag Gundersen
- Bert Alford Cassidy: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Bert Andrews (journalist): | accessdate = 25 December 2017, | accessdate = 13 March 2013, | authorlink = Whittaker Chambers↵ , | accessdate = 13 March 2013, | authorlink1 = Bert Andrews (journalist)↵, | authorlink1 = Bert Andrews (journalist)↵, | authorlink = Whittaker Chambers↵ , | accessdate = 13 March 2013, | accessdate = 13 March 2013
- Bert B. Snyder: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Bert Biscoe: |accessdate=13 September 2017, |accessdate=30 August 2017
- Bert Bockett: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Bert Bonanno: |accessdate=March 5, 2015
- Bert Bushnell: |accessdate=31 July 2012
- Bert Cooksley: |authorlink = Barry Gustafson , |origyear= First ed. published 1913 , |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Bert Crane: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Bert Daikeler: |accessdate=2015-02-27
- Bert Daniels: |accessdate=December 1, 2013
- Bert Delotto: |accessdate=23 November 2016
- Bert Hazell: |accessdate=12 October 2019
- Bert Lowe: |accessdate=17 October 2016
- Bert Oosterbosch: |accessdate=18 November 2012
- Bert R. Bulkin: |accessdate=August 14, 2016
- Bert Shurtleff: |accessdate=19 October 2019
- Bert Way: |accessdate=15 May 2015
- Berta Alves de Sousa: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Berta Bock: |accessdate=29 January 2011
- Berta Frey: |accessdate=18 July 2014↵
- Berta Ortegosa: |accessdate=25 November 2017
- Berta R. Barnhart: |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Berta chrysolineata: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Berta monastery: |origyear=1977, |authorlink=Bruce M. Metzger
- Bertachar: |authorlink=Thomas S. Burns , |authorlink=Guy Halsall
- Bertha Berry: | authorlink =Heidi Haagenson, | authorlink =Heidi Haagenson, | authorlink =Heidi Haagenson, | authorlink =Heidi Haagenson
- Bertha Braunthal: |accessdate=11 May 2016, |accessdate=11 May 2016
- Bertha Cave: |accessdate=13 May 2020 , |accessdate=13 May 2020, |accessdate=13 May 2020
- Bertha Coolidge: |authorlink2=Carrie Rebora Barratt
- Bertha Damon: |accessdate=12 June 2014
- Bertha Johnson: |authorlink1=Henry Sanderson Furniss, 1st Baron Sanderson
- Bertha Lee Pate: |authorlink=Robert Palmer (writer), |authorlink=Robert Palmer (writer)
- Bertha Mahony: |accessdate=7 August 2016
- Bertha Marion Lahman: |accessdate=21 August 2018 , |accessdate=21 August 2018 , |accessdate=21 August 2018 , |accessdate=21 August 2018
- Bertha Mkhize: |authorlink=Nelson Mandela
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- Bertha Puga Martínez: |accessdate=11 November 2012, |accessdate=11 November 2012
- Bertha Schwarz: |accessdate=6 April 2010
- Bertha Townsend: |authorlink=Bud Collins
- Berthe di Vito-Delvaux: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Berthild of Chelles: |authorlink=Alban Butler, |accessdate=6 February 2013
- Berthold Beitz: | accessdate= August 3, 2013
- Berthold E. Schwarz: |authorlink=Larry Dossey
- Berthold Faust: | authorlink = ↵
- Berthold Graßmuck: |authorlink=Walther-Peer Fellgiebel↵ , |origyear=1986↵
- Berthold Ribbentrop: |accessdate=25 January 2015
- Berthold Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg: | authorlink = Peter Hoffmann (historian)
- Berthold of Ratisbon: |authorlink=John Fletcher Hurst
- Bertholf: |origyear=1861
- Berthoud Pass: | accessdate = November 14, 2013
- Bertie Higgins: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Bertie the Brain: |authorlink=Frederick Varley
- Bertil Bothén: |accessdate=2010-06-03
- Bertil Johansson (politician): |accessdate=22 September 2011
- Bertita Harding: | accessdate = 2013-08-16
- Berto Linajuolo: | authorlink=
- Bertoldo: |accessdate=24 July 2015
- Bertolino Bragerio: | authorlink=
- Berton Roueché: |accessdate=April 5, 2008
- Bertram Armstrong: |accessdate=24 December 2014
- Bertram Ashburnham, 4th Earl of Ashburnham: | authorlink=Seymour de Ricci
- Bertram Ashburnham, 5th Earl of Ashburnham: | accessdate= 8 April 2015, |accessdate=8 April 2015
- Bertram Martin Wilson: |authorlink=George E. Andrews
- Bertram Raphael: |authorlink=Nils J. Nilsson
- Bertram S. Brown: |authorlink1=Ronald Kessler , |accessdate=25 May 2020
- Bertram Talbot, 17th Earl of Shrewsbury: | authorlink=James William Edmund Doyle
- Bertram Wainer: |accessdate=9 August 2016
- Bertram van Munster: |accessdate=25 June 2012
- Bertrand Bosworth-Smith: |authorlink=Sidney Webb, 1st Baron Passfield
- Bertrand Dermoncourt: |accessdate=1 July 2019, |accessdate=1 July 2019, |accessdate=1 July 2019, |accessdate=1 July 2019, |accessdate=1 July 2019
- Bertrand's theorem: |accessdate=2 December 2012
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- Bertschi AG: |authorlink=ECTA , |accessdate=March 13, 2013
- Bertula abjudicalis: |authorlink=George Hampson
- Bervie, Ontario: |accessdate= 2011-09-06
- Berwari (East Syriac diocese): |authorlink=George Percy Badger, |authorlink=George Percy Badger, |authorlink=Jean Maurice Fiey
- Berwickshire (UK Parliament constituency): |accessdate=10 September 2018
- Beryl Goldwyn: |accessdate=9 June 2018
- Beryl Hearnden: |accessdate=11 January 2018
- Beryl Junction, Utah: | accessdate = April 17, 2014
- Beryl Mercer: | accessdate=13 March 2018, | accessdate=4 June 2014, |accessdate=4 June 2014 , | accessdate=13 March 2018
- Beryl Platt, Baroness Platt of Writtle: |accessdate=20 March 2014, |accessdate=20 March 2014
- Beryl, Utah: |accessdate=11 Feb 2018
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- Besni: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Bess Houdini: |accessdate=March 24, 2014
- Bess Johnson: |accessdate=16 December 2018 , |accessdate=14 December 2018
- Bess Phipps Dawson: |accessdate=December 14, 2015
- Bess Press: |accessdate=2008-09-18
- Bess of Hardwick: | authorlink = Santina M. Levey↵
- Bessas (magister militum): |authorlink=J. B. Bury
- Bessatsu Friend: |authorlink=Jason Thompson (writer)
- Bessel polynomials: |authorlink=Emil Grosswald↵
- Bessel's inequality: |authorlink= Karen Saxe
- Bessel-Oberrealschule: |authorlink=, |authorlink=, |authorlink=
- Besses United Reformed Church: |accessdate=5 July 2012
- Bessie A. Buchanan: |accessdate=8 March 2010, |accessdate=8 March 2010
- Bessie Bardot: | authorlink3 = Bree Amer , | authorlink6 = Tania Zaetta , | authorlink9 = Cindy Pan , | accessdate = 8 June 2012 , | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 25 March 2012
- Bessie Guthrie: |accessdate=2 July 2018
- Bessie Hatton: |authorlink=Elizabeth Robins , |accessdate=8 March 2018
- Bessie Jones (American singer): | accessdate = 2015-03-07
- Bessie Jones (Welsh singer): | authorlink=Brian Rust
- Bessie Marsh Brewer: |accessdate=2015-03-22
- Bessie Morse: |accessdate=17 August 2017
- Bessie S. McColgin: |accessdate=December 7, 2019, |accessdate=December 7, 2019
- Bessie Wheeler: | accessdate=2015-07-22
- Best Action Sports Athlete ESPY Award: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson
- Best Angler ESPY Award: |accessdate=June 24, 2015, |archiveurl=,+Idols+and+Ideas&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1jbbW4-3YAhWkK8AKHWosCrIQ6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q=ESPY&f=false, |archivedate=January 23, 2018
- Best Athlete with a Disability ESPY Award: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson
- Best Breakthrough Athlete ESPY Award: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson
- Best Driver ESPY Award: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson, |accessdate=June 24, 2015, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=June 26, 2015
- Best FM (Malaysia): | authorlink = Maxis Communications Berhad
- Best Female Athlete with a Disability ESPY Award: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson
- Best Female College Athlete ESPY Award: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson
- Best Friends?: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Best Game ESPY Award: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson
- Best Male College Athlete ESPY Award: |authorlink=Murry R. Nelson, |accessdate=June 24, 2015, |archiveurl=,+Idols+and+Ideas&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1jbbW4-3YAhWkK8AKHWosCrIQ6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q=ESPY&f=false, |archivedate=January 23, 2018, |accessdate=February 12, 2018
- Best Selection (Aimer album): | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Best Shots: |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Best Sports Movie ESPY Award: |accessdate=June 24, 2015, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=January 6, 2018
- Best alternative to a negotiated agreement: |authorlink=Philip Gulliver
- Best coding practices: |authorlink2=Guy L. Steele, Jr.
- Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-off: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Best of B.T.O. (So Far): |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Best of Jerry Lee Lewis: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 1, 2019
- Best of The Blues Brothers: |accessdate=23 August 2019
- Best of The Doobies: |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Best of The J. Geils Band: |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=February 24, 2019
- Best of Traffic: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Best of the Beach Boys: | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Best of the Beach Boys Vol. 2: | writing_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵
- Best of the Best (1989 film): |authorlink=Chuck Liddell
- Best of the Cowboy Junkies: |accessdate=30 April 2019
- Bestiary of Dragons and Giants: |authorlink=Lawrence Schick
- Beta Cephei: | authorlink=Richard Hinckley Allen , | accessdate=2010-12-12
- Beta Sagittarii: | authorlink=Richard Hinckley Allen↵ , | accessdate=4 September 2012↵
- Beta Taurids: |authorlink1=Peter Jenniskens
- Beta-Ketoisocaproic acid: | accessdate=6 June 2016
- Beta-galactoside permease: |accessdate=21 May 2017, |accessdate=21 May 2017
- Betaab: |authorlink1=Javed Akhtar
- Betaal Pachisi (TV series): |accessdate=23 April 2012
- Betageri Krishnasharma: |accessdate=19 December 2019 , |accessdate=19 December 2019
- Betamethadol: | accessdate = 15 May 2012 , | accessdate = 15 May 2012
- Betcher, Minnesota: |accessdate=1 August 2019, |accessdate=1 August 2019
- Betelgeuse in fiction: |authorlink=Richard Hinckley Allen , |authorlink=Thomas Hardy , |authorlink=Herman Wouk , |authorlink=Lawrence Durrell, |authorlink1= Philip K. Dick , |authorlink1= Philip K. Dick , |authorlink=Kurt Vonnegut , |accessdate=2012-02-01 , |authorlink=Pierre Boulle , |authorlink=Frank Herbert , |authorlink=Isaac Asimov , |authorlink=Robert J. Sawyer , |authorlink=Mark Rowlands
- Beth Israel Cemetery (Portland, Oregon): |accessdate=November 4, 2017
- Beth Marion: |accessdate=13 October 2018 , |accessdate=13 October 2018
- Beth Rivkah: |authorlink1=Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, |authorlink2=Menachem Mendel Schneerson
- Beth's Cafe: | authorlink=Patricia Schultz
- Bethania, Dowlais: |accessdate=8 January 2019
- Bethanie, Namibia: |authorlink=Heinrich Vedder↵, |accessdate=8 August 2014↵, |accessdate=9 March 2012↵
- Bethanie, North West: |accessdate=28 August 2013
- Bethany, Free State: |accessdate=28 August 2013
- Bethe lattice: | authorlink=Rodney J. Baxter
- Bethel Bible College: |authorlink=Randall Herbert Balmer
- Bethel College (Kentucky): |accessdate=2008-11-10
- Bethel Island: |accessdate=31 January 2012, |accessdate=31 January 2012
- Bethel Military Academy: |accessdate=25 January 2020
- Bethel Ministerial Association: |authorlink1= James R. Lewis (scholar)
- Bethel Strict Baptist Chapel, Robertsbridge: |authorlink1=Ian Nairn, |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Bethel, Gadlys: | authorlink = Kenneth O. Morgan
- Bethel-Christian Avenue-Laurel Hill Historical District: |accessdate=1 August 2018
- Bethesda, Merthyr Tydfil: |accessdate=9 January 2019
- Bethlehem (Brian McKnight album): |accessdate=January 10, 2019
- Bethlehem Central High School: |accessdate=March 21, 2016
- Bethlehem Library: |accessdate=14 August 2013, |accessdate=21 August 2013
- Bethlehem Township, Stark County, Ohio: | accessdate=12 December 2013
- Bethlehem Voortrekker High School: |accessdate=2015-07-05
- Bethnal Green Town Hall: |accessdate=15 November 2020
- Bethnal Green trio: |accessdate=25 February 2016 , | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 2016-03-30
- Bethpage Branch: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=December 20, 2014
- Bethpage Purchase: | accessdate=2011-05-01, | accessdate=2012-04-20, | accessdate=2011-05-01, | accessdate=2012-04-20, | accessdate=2012-04-14, | accessdate=2011-05-01, | accessdate=2011-05-01, | accessdate=2011-05-01, | accessdate=2011-05-01, | accessdate=2011-05-01
- Betograve: | accessdate=December 16, 2011
- Betoi language: |authorlink=Čestmír Loukotka
- Betrayal (Gertz book): |accessdate=10 August 2015
- Betsey (schooner): |authorlink1=Charles Bateson
- Betsey Wright: | accessdate=August 14, 2009 , | accessdate=August 14, 2009
- Betsiboka River: |accessdate=8 January 2013
- Betsom's Hill: | authorlink=Ordnance Survey
- Betsy (dog): |authorlink=Stanley Coren
- Betsy Brantley: |accessdate=November 1, 2020
- Betsy Cullen: |origyear=1976
- Betsy Gray: |accessdate=6 November 2020, |accessdate=7 November 2020
- Betsy Perk: |accessdate=25 June 2017
- Betsy Sheridan: |accessdate=9 October 2018
- Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill: |accessdate=1 March 2015
- Betta St. John: |accessdate=26 May 2019
- Bettada Huli: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=10 February 2020
- Bettanin & Venturi: |accessdate=30 September 2011, |accessdate=24 December 2012
- Bette Bourne: |accessdate=5 August 2012, |accessdate=5 August 2012, |accessdate=5 August 2012, |accessdate=6 August 2012
- Bette Midler discography: | authorlink=David Kent (historian) , |authorlink=Nelson George
- Bette people: |accessdate=5 December 2017
- Better (Brian McKnight album): | writing_credits =↵↵
- Better Badges: |accessdate=2010-02-15 , |authorlink=Rob Gretton
- Better Get Ready: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Better Homes in America: |accessdate=August 6, 2017
- Better Photography: |accessdate=30 April 2020
- Bettie Fisher: |accessdate=23 August 2019
- Bettie M. Sellers: |accessdate=5 March 2020 , |accessdate=5 March 2020 , |accessdate=5 March 2020
- Bettina Aptheker: |authorlink= Bettina Aptheker
- Bettina Walker: |accessdate=4 July 2018 , |authorlink=Bettina Walker , |accessdate=4 July 2018
- Betting shop: |authorlink=A. P. Herbert, |authorlink=John McCririck↵
- Betts Group: | accessdate=13 July 2012
- Betty Adkins Bridge: | authorlink = ↵
- Betty Archdale: |authorlink=Peter FitzSimons
- Betty Blokk-buster Follies: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Betty Boop and Grampy: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Betty Boop and Little Jimmy: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop and the Little King: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop for President: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop with Henry, the Funniest Living American: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Betty Boop's Bamboo Isle: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Big Boss: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Birthday Party: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Bizzy Bee: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Hallowe'en Party: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Ker-Choo: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Life Guard: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Betty Boop's Little Pal: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Betty Boop's May Party: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Museum: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Penthouse: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop's Prize Show: |accessdate=6 June 2020 , |accessdate=9 February 2020
- Betty Boop's Trial: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Betty Boop's Ups and Downs: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Boop, M.D.: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Bourke: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Betty Bronson: |accessdate=9 October 2017, |accessdate=9 October 2017, |accessdate=9 October 2017
- Betty Clawman: |accessdate=14 February 2020
- Betty Clooney: |accessdate=December 22, 2019
- Betty Cody: |accessdate=February 17, 2015
- Betty Crocker Star Matinee: |accessdate=27 March 2019
- Betty Davis (album): |accessdate=March 15, 2017
- Betty Fields: |accessdate=15 November 2015, |accessdate=15 November 2015
- Betty Flores: |accessdate=June 6, 2020, |accessdate=June 6, 2020, |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Betty Garde: |authorlink1=Orson Welles, |authorlink2=Peter Bogdanovich
- Betty George: |accessdate=September 11, 2017, |accessdate=September 11, 2017
- Betty Gilmore: |accessdate=18 August 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Betty Grissom: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=May 14, 2016
- Betty Harris (scientist): |accessdate=2014-07-12, |accessdate=23 March 2017
- Betty Hicks: |authorlink=Betty Hicks
- Betty Jane Rhodes: |accessdate=18 August 2018
- Betty Jean Robinson: |accessdate=November 18, 2012
- Betty Jeffrey: |accessdate=2009-10-13
- Betty L. Mullis: |accessdate=2 October 2017
- Betty Loren-Maltese: |accessdate=10 April 2011
- Betty Lynn: |accessdate=October 24, 2017
- Betty Manygoats: |accessdate=29 September 2019
- Betty Meggers: |accessdate=26 January 2016
- Betty Mouat: |accessdate=24 July 2015, |accessdate=24 July 2015
- Betty Nansen: |accessdate=30 July 2010↵
- Betty Olivero: |accessdate=3 December 2010, |accessdate=11 November 2010
- Betty Roe: |accessdate=12 November 2010
- Betty Smith (musician): |authorlink=John Chilton
- Betty Timms: |authorlink=Richard Mabey
- Betty Wason: |accessdate=13 July 2017, |accessdate=16 December 2016, |accessdate=16 December 2016, |accessdate=16 December 2016, |accessdate=16 December 2016
- Betty Withycombe: |accessdate=30 October 2017
- Betty Wragge: |accessdate=22 September 2016, |accessdate=27 June 2019
- Betty in Blunderland: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Bettye Fahrenkamp: |accessdate=13 July 2017
- Betula chinensis: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Betula ermanii: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Betula fruticosa: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=25 May 2017
- Between Friends (1973 film): |accessdate=21 December 2018, |accessdate=21 December 2018
- Between Past and Future: |authorlink=Hannah Arendt, |origyear=1961, New York: Viking
- Between Silk and Cyanide: | origyear = 1967↵
- Between Today and Yesterday: |accessdate=10 March 2019
- Between Two Worlds (Trip Lee album): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place (Australian Crawl album): |accessdate=2008-03-26
- Between the Lines (2008 film): |accessdate=5 December 2016
- Between the Lines (Janis Ian album): |accessdate=February 27, 2019
- Between you and I: |authorlink1=Bill Bryson, |authorlink=Henry Sweet, |authorlink=Kenneth G. Wilson (author), |authorlink=Bryan A. Garner, |authorlink=Mignon Fogarty, |authorlink=Touré (journalist), |authorlink=Gerard van Herk, |authorlink=Ben Yagoda, |authorlink=Joshua Fishman, |authorlink1=Rodney Huddleston↵, |authorlink2=Geoffrey Pullum↵
- Betzet: |authorlink=Walid Khalidi
- Beulah Boyd Ritchie: |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020, |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020 , |accessdate=27 April 2020
- Beulah Presbyterian Church: | accessdate=2011-07-30
- Beulah, Mississippi: |accessdate=June 21, 2015, |accessdate=June 21, 2015, |accessdate=June 21, 2015
- Beulah, Oregon: |origyear= 1928
- Beurre noisette: |authorlink1=Julia Child
- Beurt SerVaas: |authorlink=Ron Nixon
- Beussink v. Woodland R-IV School District: |accessdate=April 18, 2016
- Bevan Sharpless: |accessdate=7 August 2014
- Beveridge Reef: |authorlink=Elsdon Best , |accessdate=2011-10-11
- Beverino: |authorlink=:it:Gaetano Frisoni
- Beverley Hunt: |accessdate=2012-07-18
- Beverley Owen: |accessdate=31 October 2019
- Beverley Robinson: |accessdate=3 September 2020 , |accessdate=3 September 2020 , |accessdate=2 September 2020 , |accessdate=3 September 2020
- Beverley Salmon: |accessdate=31 December 2017
- Beverley Turner: |accessdate=25 September 2013
- Beverley and Barmston Drain: |origyear=1958↵
- Beverloo Camp: |accessdate=3 March 2018, |accessdate=2011-08-25
- Beverly Aadland: |accessdate=9 February 2017
- Beverly Carradine: |accessdate=2015-01-01
- Beverly Cutler: |accessdate=May 25, 2020
- Beverly Farms: |authorlink= William Bright , |accessdate=3 November 2020, |accessdate=3 November 2020
- Beverly Grigsby: |accessdate=4 October 2010
- Beverly Hatzell: |accessdate=2014-07-23
- Beverly Hope Atkinson: |accessdate=July 3, 2010
- Beverly Kills 50187: |authorlink=Violent J , |authorlink=Violent J
- Beverly L. Clarke: |accessdate=2008-11-10 , |accessdate=18 February 2018, |accessdate=18 February 2018, |accessdate=18 February 2018, |accessdate=18 February 2018, |accessdate=18 February 2018, |accessdate=18 February 2018, |accessdate=18 February 2018, |accessdate=18 February 2018
- Beverly Malone: | accessdate = 13 October 2013 , | accessdate = 13 October 2013 , | accessdate = 8 October 2013
- Beverly McKnight: |accessdate=2015-07-16
- Beverly Penberthy: |accessdate=21 September 2014
- Beverly Swerling: |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011, |accessdate=27 July 2011
- Beverly Tyler: |accessdate=8 August 2017, |accessdate=8 August 2017
- Beverly Vergel: |accessdate=December 7, 2019
- Bevier and Southern Railroad: |accessdate=December 11, 2013, |accessdate=December 11, 2013
- Bevil Grenville: |authorlink = Mark Stoyle, |authorlink=Samuel Rawson Gardiner
- Bevington Road: |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner , | authorlink=Richard Dawkins
- Bevor: |accessdate=15 January 2021
- Beware (The Funk Is Everywhere): |accessdate=August 16, 2020
- Beware of a Holy Whore: |accessdate=3 September 2018
- Bewars: | music_credits =↵↵
- Bewcastle: |authorlink=John Marshall (railway historian)
- Bewholme: |authorlink1=Nikolaus Pevsner ↵
- Bewholme Vicarage: | authorlink= J. Mordaunt Crook↵ , |authorlink1=Nikolaus Pevsner ↵
- Bewitch: |accessdate=2020-05-26
- Bewitched (American band): |authorlink=Steven Blush, |accessdate=February 4, 2017
- Bewitched (album): |accessdate=February 3, 2019
- Bexbach station: |accessdate=30 March 2017
- Beydritten: |authorlink=, |authorlink=Fritz Gause, |authorlink=
- Beyik Pass: | authorlink = Aurel Stein↵
- Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples: |accessdate=3 December 2017
- Beyond Castle Wolfenstein: |accessdate=29 August 2016
- Beyond Expectations: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)↵
- Beyond Infinity: | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker , | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Beyond Reasonable Doubt (1982 film): |authorlink=↵↵David Yallop↵↵
- Beyond Silence (1960 film): | accessdate = February 23, 2019
- Beyond Time and Space: | authorlink=Donald H. Tuck
- Beyond the Blue Horizon: |accessdate=11 June 2019
- Beyond the Blue Horizon (film): |accessdate=June 24, 2019
- Beyond the Dar Al-Harb: | authorlink=John Clute , | authorlink=John Clute , |authorlink2=Peter Nicholls (writer)
- Beyond the Deepwoods: |accessdate = 2015-11-23
- Beyond the Fields We Know: | authorlink=S. T. Joshi
- Beyond the First Amendment: | authorlink =Mike Godwin , |authorlink=Wendy M. Grossman, |authorlink=Kembrew McLeod
- Beyond the Islands: |accessdate=January 12, 2020, |accessdate=July 3, 2019, |archiveurl=, |accessdate=March 9, 2020, |archiveurl=, |accessdate=January 9, 2020
- Beyond the Mist (Lotte Anker album): |authorlink2 = Brian Morton (Scottish writer), |origyear =
- Beyond the Rain: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Beyond the Reef: |accessdate=19 March 2011
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep (collection): | authorlink=S.T. Joshi , | authorlink=Sheldon Jaffery , | authorlink=Jack L. Chalker
- Beyond the Wildwood: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵, | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Bezalel school: |accessdate=10 August 2019
- Bezhan Dadiani: |authorlink=Prince Vakhushti of Kartli
- Bezuidenhout: |origyear=1964 , | authorlink = Józef Garliński
- Beşiri: |accessdate=17 December 2019
- Beška (island): |accessdate=23 January 2013
- Bhabar: |accessdate=25 August 2019
- Bhaben Barua: |accessdate=10 August 2014, |accessdate=
- Bhabhi (1938 film): |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015, |accessdate=10 April 2015
- Bhadra (Krishna's wife): |accessdate=20 February 2013, |accessdate=21 February 2013, | accessdate=9 February 2013
- Bhadrajun: |accessdate= 2009-11-15 , |accessdate=2009-11-21 , |accessdate=2009-11-15, |accessdate=2009-11-15
- Bhadravarman I: |authorlink1=R. C. Majumdar, |authorlink2=Anant Sadashiv Altekar, |authorlink= George Coedès
- Bhadresar: |accessdate=27 August 2016, |accessdate=27 August 2016
- Bhadreshdas Swami: |authorlink = Sadhu Bhadreshdas, |authorlink = Sadhu Bhadreshdas, |authorlink = Sadhu Bhadreshdas, |authorlink = Sadhu Bhadreshdas, |authorlink = Sadhu Bhadreshdas
- Bhadri (estate): | authorlink = Roper Lethbridge , | authorlink = Roper Lethbridge
- Bhagaban Majhi: |accessdate=22 June 2020, |accessdate=22 June 2020
- Bhagadatta (Langkasuka): |authorlink=George Cœdès, |authorlink=w:Paul Wheatley (geographer)
- Bhagat Dhanna: |accessdate=
- Bhagat Pipa: |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Bhagat Singh Thind: |accessdate= March 14, 2019
- Bhagavan Das (yogi): |authorlink=Ram Dass
- Bhagawan Nityananda: |authorlink=Muktananda
- Bhagey Gobardhan: |accessdate=23 March 2020, |accessdate=23 March 2020, |accessdate=23 March 2020, |accessdate=23 March 2020
- Bhagirath Bhanwar: |accessdate=29 May 2019, |accessdate=29 May 2019, |accessdate=29 May 2019
- Bhagirathi Gamang: |accessdate=1 June 2020
- Bhagirathi Mahapatra: |accessdate=3 April 2018, |accessdate=3 April 2018, |accessdate=3 April 2018
- Bhagirathi Parbat I: |accessdate=17 April 2020
- Bhagta Bhoot: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Bhagu: |authorlink=Eleanor Zelliot
- Bhagwan Das Gupta: | authorlink =
- Bhagwan Dev Acharya: |accessdate=3 January 2021, |accessdate=3 January 2021, |accessdate=3 January 2021, |accessdate=3 January 2021
- Bhagwandas Patel: |authorlink=G. N. Devy
- Bhagwant Das: |authorlink=Jadunath Sarkar
- Bhagwat Singh of Mewar: |authorlink=Barbara Ramusack, |accessdate=6 November 2011
- Bhagya Devathai: |authorlink=Film News Anandan
- Bhagya Laxmi: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Bhagya Rekha: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=17 August 2017
- Bhagyalakshmi (film): |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=21 November 2017
- Bhagyalakshmi temple: | accessdate=11 November 2012 , | accessdate=11 November 2012 , |accessdate=11 November 2012
- Bhai Balmukund: |accessdate=1 April 2010 , |accessdate=2 April 2010
- Bhai Jaan: |accessdate=9 March 2020
- Bhai Mahavir: |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot , |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot
- Bhai Ram Singh: | accessdate=7 July 2013
- Bhai-Bhai: |accessdate=29 July 2015
- Bhaichara: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Bhairava Ashtami: |accessdate=29 November 2012
- Bhajaman Behara: |accessdate=19 January 2018, |accessdate=19 January 2018, |accessdate=19 January 2018
- Bhajarangi: | lyrics_credits = ↵
- Bhakta Kabir: |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Bhakta Prahlad (1946 film): |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Bhakta Raidas: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Bhakta Surdas: |accessdate=23 September 2014, |accessdate=19 September 2014, |accessdate=30 September 2015
- Bhakta Vidur: |accessdate=17 March 2013, |accessdate=17 March 2013, |accessdate=17 March 2013, |accessdate=17 March 2013
- Bhaktapur Durbar Square: |accessdate=27 October 2015
- Bhaktha Chetha (1940 film): |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=29 May 2017
- Bhaktha Jana: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=1 June 2017
- Bhaktha Naradar: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=30 May 2017
- Bhaktha Sabari: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=30 June 2020
- Bhaktha Sri Thyagaraja: | authorlink=Film News Anandan
- Bhalai: |accessdate=23 August 2012
- Bhalan: |accessdate=19 September 2017, |accessdate=4 March 2018
- Bhale Pellam: | writing_credits =↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Bhaljibhai Ravjibhai Parmar: |accessdate=17 November 2020, |accessdate=17 November 2020, |accessdate=17 November 2020
- Bhalka: |authorlink =Vettam Mani
- Bhamaha: |origyear=1943, |origyear=1971
- Bhamidipati Kameswara Rao: |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013, |accessdate=23 August 2013
- Bhandari: |authorlink=J. S. Grewal
- Bhandari Militia: |accessdate=2 May 2013
- Bhander Plateau: | accessdate = 2010-06-28
- Bhanudasa: |authorlink=Mahipati
- Bhanugupta: |authorlink=John Faithfull Fleet
- Bhanwara: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Bhapa: |authorlink=W. H. McLeod
- Bharat Mihir: |accessdate=8 March 2011
- Bharat Milap: |accessdate=12 August 2012
- Bharat Singh Chowhan: |accessdate=7 April 2019, |accessdate=7 April 2019, |accessdate=7 April 2019
- Bharatayuddha: | authorlink = Georges Coedès↵
- Bharathi (2000 film): | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵ ↵
- Bharathi Tirtha: |accessdate=7 October 2018
- Bharati Balak: |accessdate=28 July 2012
- Bharati Ray: |accessdate=13 June 2016
- Bharatiya Bhasha Parishad: |accessdate=12 January 2018
- Bharawas: |authorlink=Dasharatha Sharma
- Bharosa (1940 film): |accessdate=22 December 2014
- Bharthruhari: |authorlink=Film News Anandan, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=31 May 2017
- Bhartrahari: |accessdate=25 April 2013, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015
- Bhashaposhini: |accessdate=13 October 2013
- Bhaskaracharya Tripathi: | accessdate = 28 September 2011↵
- Bhat, Daskroi: |accessdate=15 February 2012
- Bhathiji: |accessdate=25 April 2016, |accessdate=25 April 2016, |accessdate=25 April 2016, |accessdate=25 April 2016
- Bhatiyar: |accessdate=12 October 2018
- Bhatkal railway station: |accessdate=10 August 2016
- Bhatt Mathuranath Shastri: | accessdate=25 February 2013, | accessdate=25 February 2013 , | accessdate=26 February 2013
- Bhattarai: |accessdate=2010-12-02
- Bhau Singh: |authorlink=Jadunath Sarkar
- Bhavani Jamakkalam: |authorlink2=Chris Fuller (academic)
- Bhavani Kattalai Hydroelectric Project: |accessdate=22 December 2016
- Bhavanisagar block: |accessdate=8 December 2011, |accessdate=8 December 2011, |accessdate=8 December 2011
- Bhavavarman I: |authorlink= George Coedès
- Bhavra: | accessdate=11 September 2012 , | accessdate=11 September 2012
- Bhawani Dayal Arya College: |accessdate=11 February 2019
- Bhawani Lal Verma: |accessdate=19 December 2020, |accessdate=19 December 2020
- Bhedi Khazana: |accessdate=25 April 2013
- Bheron Prasad: |accessdate=30 October 2018, |accessdate=30 October 2018, |accessdate=30 October 2018
- Bhil Pal: |accessdate=2012-03-12
- Bhilala: |authorlink=Shereen Ratnagar , |authorlink= ROPER LETHBRIDGE
- Bhilangna Valley: |authorlink=Harish Kapadia
- Bhim Malla: |accessdate=11 March 2016
- Bhim Raj: |accessdate=16 June 2020, |accessdate=16 June 2020
- Bhim Sen Sachar: |accessdate=19 June 2014
- Bhim Singh of Amber: |authorlink=Jadunath Sarkar
- Bhima Ratha: |accessdate=7 February 2013, |accessdate=9 January 2013, |accessdate=9 January 2013
- Bhimeshvara Temple, Nilagunda: |origyear=1980
- Bhimgad Fort: |accessdate=2012-01-14↵
- Bhimgarh Fort: |accessdate=8 March 2011
- Bhimthadi horse: |accessdate=13 November 2017
- Bhindar tehsil: |accessdate=19 April 2019, |accessdate=20 April 2019, |accessdate=19 April 2019, |accessdate=19 April 2019
- Bhindranwale Tiger Force of Khalistan: |accessdate=30 May 2009, |accessdate=30 May 2009
- Bhisadej Rajani: |accessdate=14 September 2019
- Bhogendra Jha: |accessdate=20 October 2017, |accessdate=20 October 2017
- Bhoite: |accessdate=12 May 2011, |accessdate=12 May 2011, |accessdate=12 May 2011, |accessdate=12 May 2011, |accessdate=12 May 2011, |accessdate=9 October 2012, |accessdate=6 June 2011, |accessdate=18 November 2011, |accessdate=18 November 2011, |accessdate=18 November 2011, |accessdate=10 December 2011, |accessdate=15 July 2012, |accessdate=18 November 2011, |accessdate=15 May 2011, |accessdate=15 May 2011, |accessdate=18 November 2011, |accessdate=2 April 2012, |accessdate=5 June 2011, |accessdate=13 May 2011, |accessdate=13 May 2011, |accessdate=13 May 2011, |accessdate=12 December 2011, |accessdate=1 January 2012, |accessdate=4 September 2012, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011, |accessdate=7 May 2011
- Bhoite Saranjam: |accessdate=28 November 2011
- Bhoja Bhagat: |accessdate=2015-01-29, |accessdate=2015-01-29, |accessdate=2015-01-29, |accessdate=2015-01-29
- Bhojpur Kadim: |accessdate=14 August 2020, |accessdate=14 August 2020, |accessdate=14 August 2020, |accessdate=14 August 2020
- Bhojpuri people: | accessdate=18 March 2017
- Bhola Prasad: |accessdate=30 December 2017, |accessdate=30 December 2017, |accessdate=30 December 2017
- Bholanath and Devendra Pandey: | accessdate=2011-07-28
- Bholenath: |accessdate=2015-08-13, |accessdate=2015-08-13, |accessdate=2015-08-13
- Bholi Lutaran: |accessdate=23 July 2012
- Bhood: |accessdate=4 August 2012
- Bhookh (1947 film): |accessdate=18 August 2015, |accessdate=18 August 2015, |accessdate=18 August 2015
- Bhor Rajwada: |accessdate=11 October 2018
- Bhotekoshi River: |accessdate = 2010-05-23
- Bhotha Mhuintir Uí Fhialáin: | accessdate=2012-08-25
- Bhu Varaha Swamy temple: |accessdate=5 November 2019
- Bhubananda Das: |accessdate=3 July 2020, |accessdate=3 July 2020
- Bhuj (weapon): |authorlink=Tobias Capwell
- Bhujia Hill: |accessdate=2016-04-14, |accessdate=2016-04-14
- Bhuleshwar: |accessdate=2009-01-04
- Bhuleshwar Temple: |accessdate=7 May 2013
- Bhupal Singh: |authorlink=Barbara Ramusack, |accessdate=6 November 2011
- Bhupendra Narayan Mandal: |accessdate=28 March 2019, |accessdate=28 March 2019
- Bhupendra Nath Misra: |accessdate=10 March 2019, |accessdate=10 March 2019, |accessdate=10 March 2019
- Bhurta: |accessdate= 14 September 2009
- Bhutan House: |accessdate=2011-08-12, |accessdate=2011-08-12, |accessdate=2011-08-12, |accessdate=2011-08-12, |accessdate=2011-08-12, |authorlink=Dorji family , |accessdate=2011-08-12, |accessdate=2011-08-08, |accessdate=2011-08-09, |accessdate=2011-08-09, |accessdate=2011-08-12 , |accessdate=2011-08-08, |accessdate=2011-08-12 , |accessdate=2011-08-12, |accessdate=2011-08-11
- Bhutan People's Unity Party: |accessdate=24 September 2011, |accessdate=24 September 2011, |accessdate=24 September 2011
- Bhutanese democracy: |accessdate=2011-08-08, |accessdate=2011-08-09, |accessdate=2011-08-08, |accessdate=2011-08-09
- Bhutan–India border: |accessdate=2011-08-25, |accessdate=2011-08-12, |accessdate=2011-08-12, |accessdate=2011-08-12
- Bhuvana Oru Kelvi Kuri: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Bhāruci: |authorlink= Robert Lingat↵, |origyear= 1967↵
- Bhāskara's wheel: |authorlink=Lynn Townsend White, Jr.
- Bi Shumin: |accessdate=26 March 2020
- Bi-hemispherical reflectance: |accessdate=8 April 2013
- Biagio Marin: |accessdate=2016-09-21 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=27 June 2014
- Biagota: |accessdate=9 September 2017
- Bianca Bonnie: |accessdate=May 7, 2012
- Bianca Froese-Acquaye: |accessdate=November 8, 2017
- Bianca Mosca: |accessdate=9 August 2014, |accessdate=21 August 2014, |accessdate=21 August 2014
- Bianca Williams (anthropologist): |accessdate=23 February 2017
- Bianco e Nero: |accessdate=3 February 2017
- Bias of Priene: |authorlink=Arthur Schopenhauer
- Biauswah (I): |origyear=1851
- Biauswah (II): |origyear=1851
- Białobrzegi: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2011-11-27
- Białystok Voivodeship (1919–1939): |authorlink2=Piotr Wróbel
- Bibasis anadi: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Bibasis harisa: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Bibasis oedipodea: |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Bibasis vasutana: |authorlink=William Harry Evans , |authorlink=William Harry Evans
- Bibb Latané: |authorlink1=Donelson R. Forsyth
- Bibbo (actress): |accessdate=27 July 2015, |accessdate=27 July 2015, |accessdate=26 July 2015, |accessdate=26 July 2015, |accessdate=26 July 2015, |accessdate=28 July 2015
- Biber (submarine): |authorlink=Gordon Williamson (writer)
- Bibhu Padhi: |accessdate=22 September 2014
- Bibhutibhushan Mukhopadhyay: |authorlink2=Subodh Chandra Sengupta
- Bibi (Romani cult): |accessdate=19 March 2020, |accessdate=19 March 2020
- Bibi (title): |accessdate=31 October 2018, |accessdate=31 October 2018
- Bibi Jamal Khatun: |authorlink1=Carl W. Ernst, |authorlink=Carl W. Ernst
- Bibi Osterwald: |accessdate=24 March 2019
- Bibionoidea: |accessdate=12 August 2017
- Bible Belt (Norway): |accessdate=17 May 2016, |accessdate=17 May 2016, |accessdate=19 May 2016
- Bible Methodist Connection of Tennessee: |accessdate=18 July 2018
- Bible Society Australia: |accessdate=27 March 2019
- Bible colleges affiliated with Australian Christian Churches: |accessdate=16 April 2015
- Bible de Port-Royal: |accessdate=12 January 2013, |accessdate=12 January 2013, |accessdate=12 January 2013, |accessdate=12 January 2013, |accessdate=12 January 2013, |accessdate=12 January 2013
- Bible translations into Cherokee: |accessdate=30 October 2012
- Bible translations into Danish: |accessdate=6 February 2021, |accessdate=6 February 2021
- Bible translations into Hindi and Urdu: |accessdate=7 March 2013
- Bible translations into Icelandic: |accessdate=4 February 2021, |accessdate=4 February 2021, |accessdate=4 February 2021, |accessdate=4 February 2021
- Bible translations into Italian: | authorlink=Carlo Maria Martini
- Bible translations into Polish: |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=24 May 2011, |accessdate=25 May 2011, |accessdate=25 May 2011, |accessdate=25 May 2011, |accessdate=25 May 2011
- Bible translations into Romanian: |origyear=2007
- Bibleman: |accessdate=26 February 2015
- Biblical Creation Society: | authorlink = Ronald Numbers↵
- Biblical Graduate School of Theology: |accessdate=12 November 2015
- Biblical Researches in Palestine: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith, |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Biblical allusions in Shakespeare: |origyear=1999
- Biblical storytelling: | authorlink = John Dickson (author)↵
- Biblical womanhood: |accessdate=27 July 2015, |accessdate=27 July 2015
- Bibliography of Abraham Lincoln: |authorlink= , |authorlink=
- Bibliography of African women: |authorlink=Margaret Busby, |authorlink=Ernest Emenyonu, |authorlink=Molara Ogundipe, |authorlink=Nawal El Saadawi, |authorlink=Yvonne Vera
- Bibliography of Alberta history: |authorlink1=William Aberhart , |authorlink1=James H. Gray , |accessdate=November 16, 2020 , |accessdate=October 22, 2020
- Bibliography of Andrew Johnson: |authorlink=Mark Hatfield
- Bibliography of Bhutan: |authorlink1=Frank Rennie, |authorlink2=Robin Mason, |authorlink=Michael Hutt (orientalist), |authorlink2=Kunzang Choden, |authorlink=Kunzang Choden, |authorlink=Michael Aris, |authorlink=Michael Aris, |authorlink=Karma Phuntsho
- Bibliography of Charles, Prince of Wales: |authorlink2=Tony Juniper , |authorlink3=Emily Shuckburgh
- Bibliography of Chinese history: |authorlink=Christopher I. Beckwith ↵, |accessdate=30 December 2014 ↵, |authorlink = Delia Davin
- Bibliography of Danish architecture: |accessdate=8 January 2013
- Bibliography of Eastern Orthodoxy in the United States: |authorlink=Sava Vuković (bishop)
- Bibliography of Gibraltar: |authorlink2=Clive Finlayson
- Bibliography of Hillary Clinton: |authorlink2=Louise Penny
- Bibliography of John Adams: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=April 7, 2015
- Bibliography of Margaret Thatcher: | authorlink = Richard Vinen↵
- Bibliography of New Brunswick: |authorlink=John Mack Faragher
- Bibliography of Nicaragua: |authorlink2=Anastasio Somoza Debayle
- Bibliography of Nigerian women: |authorlink=Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi
- Bibliography of Nova Scotia: |accessdate=15 October 2015, |authorlink=John Mack Faragher, |authorlink = A. J. B. Johnston
- Bibliography of Pope Pius XII: |authorlink=Michael Phayer, |authorlink=Michael Phayer, |authorlink=Marco Aurelio Rivelli, |authorlink=Marco Aurelio Rivelli, |authorlink=Marco Aurelio Rivelli
- Bibliography of Scientology: |authorlink=L. Ron Hubbard
- Bibliography of Singapore: |authorlink=Edwin Lee (author), |authorlink=James Leasor, |authorlink=John Palmer (historian), |authorlink=Carl A. Trocki, |authorlink=Michael Haas (political scientist), |authorlink=Amitav Acharya
- Bibliography of South Dakota history: |authorlink=Doane Robinson, |authorlink=Doane Robinson, |authorlink3=Donald C. Simmons, Jr., |authorlink=Laura Ingalls Wilder, |authorlink=Kathleen Norris (poet)
- Bibliography of Subhas Chandra Bose: |accessdate=14 December 2012, |accessdate=14 December 2012
- Bibliography of Uruguay: |authorlink=Renzo Pi Hugarte , |accessdate=12 May 2015 , |authorlink=Renzo Pi Hugarte , |authorlink=Renzo Pi Hugarte, |authorlink2=Daniel Vidart
- Bibliography of Woodrow Wilson: | authorlink = Patricia O'Toole , |authorlink=Robert Hugh Ferrell, |authorlink=Joseph Patrick Tumulty
- Bibliography of Yasujirō Ozu: | authorlink = David Bordwell, |authorlink1=Yoshishige Yoshida
- Bibliography of early United States naval history: |authorlink=Willis J. Abbot
- Bibliography of encyclopedias: architecture and architects: |accessdate=19 September 2012, |accessdate=19 September 2012
- Bibliography of encyclopedias: geography: |authorlink=Hugh Murray (geographer)
- Bibliography of encyclopedias: literature: |authorlink= Craufurd Tait Ramage, |accessdate=January 31, 2015
- Bibliography of encyclopedias: religion: |authorlink=Edith Deen , |accessdate=19 September 2012, |authorlink= Durnbaugh, Donald F., Dale V. Ulrich
- Bibliography of film by genre: |authorlink1=Yvonne Tasker, |authorlink=Rick Altman, |authorlink=Alain Silver, |authorlink=Vivian Sobchack, |authorlink=John G. Cawelti, |authorlink=Linda_Williams_(film_scholar)
- Bibliography of film: documentary: |authorlink=Stella Bruzzi
- Bibliography of film: horror: |authorlink1=Cynthia Freeland
- Bibliography of sustainability: | authorlink= Paul James (academic) , | authorlink= Paul James (academic)
- Bibliography of the Sangh Parivar: |authorlink=Walter K. Andersen , |origyear=Oringally published by Westview Press , |authorlink=Des Raj Goyal , |authorlink=Thomas Blom Hansen , |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot, |authorlink=Martha Nussbaum, |origyear=first published by [[University of Pennsylvania Press]] 1969 , |authorlink=Ramesh Nagaraj Rao, |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot , |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot
- Biblioteca de España (Medellín): |accessdate=16 August 2013, |accessdate=16 August 2013, |accessdate=14 August 2013
- Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa: |authorlink=Andrea Aromatico
- Bibliotheca Wittockiana: |accessdate=3 September 2017
- Bibo (soft drink): |accessdate=11 July 2020
- Bibudhendra Mishra: |accessdate=11 November 2019, |accessdate=11 November 2019
- Bican Efendi Vekilharç: |accessdate=28 September 2012, |accessdate=28 September 2012
- Biceps reflex: |accessdate=4 July 2011, |accessdate=4 July 2011
- Bichvinta mosaic: |authorlink1=Wachtang Djobadze
- Bick's Pickle: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=March 3, 2016
- Bickford's (restaurant): |accessdate=July 11, 2017
- Biconvex optimization: |authorlink1=Christodoulos Floudas
- Bicton House, Devon: |accessdate=22 July 2013, |accessdate=25 July 2013, |accessdate=22 July 2013
- Bicycle Quarterly: |origyear=2000↵ , |accessdate=May 30, 2017↵, |origyear=2000↵ , |accessdate=May 30, 2017↵, |origyear=2000↵ , |accessdate=May 30, 2017↵
- Bicycle bomb: |accessdate=5 June 2017
- Bicycle helmets in Australia: |accessdate=19 June 2013 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=15 May 2013 , |accessdate=19 June 2013, |accessdate=19 June 2013 , |accessdate=19 June 2013
- Bicycle law in California: | authorlink = Bob Mionske
- Bicycle mechanic: | authorlink = Richard Ballantine
- Bicycle theft: |accessdate=22 February 2017
- Bicyclobutane: |authorlink = Kenneth B. Wiberg
- Biddika Satyanarayana: |accessdate=6 January 2021, |accessdate=6 January 2021, |accessdate=6 January 2021
- Biddle and Smart: |origyear=1992
- Biddulph Valley line: |accessdate=19 October 2018
- Biddy Rockman Napaljarri: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=29 March 2011
- Bidein a' Choire Sheasgaich: |authorlink=Chris Townsend (writer), |authorlink=Cameron McNeish
- Bidenichthys beeblebroxi: | archiveurl= , | archivedate=2013-12-24 , |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2017-12-11
- Bidenichthys capensis: |authorlink=J.L.B. Smith
- Bidens cernua: |authorlink1=William Niering
- Bidens pilosa: |authorlink = Stace, C. A.
- Bidens tripartita: |accessdate=7 March 2019
- Bidesh Tukaram Kulkarni: |accessdate=20 December 2020, |accessdate=20 December 2020
- Bidhu Bhusan Das: |accessdate=20 November 2018
- Bidhu Bhushan Ray: |accessdate=11 December 2017
- Bidhwan: |accessdate=2010-09-22, |accessdate=2010-09-22, |accessdate=2010-09-22, |accessdate=2010-09-22
- Bidirectional scattering distribution function: | authorlink =↵ , | authorlink =↵ , |accessdate=14 July 2014
- Bids for the 1996 Summer Olympics: |accessdate=2008-09-23, |accessdate=2008-09-23
- Bids for the 2002 Winter Olympics: |accessdate=October 20, 2010
- Bielby: |accessdate=29 January 2018
- Bielitz District: | authorlink = Kevin Hannan
- Bieliński Palace, Otwock Wielki: |accessdate=2015-04-07
- Bienfang's test: |authorlink1=Mypopathies and disorders of neuromuscular transmission, |authorlink1=Disorders of neuromuscular transmission, |authorlink1=Ocular myasthenia, |authorlink1=Involutional ptosis
- Bienmesabe: | accessdate=September 10, 2015 , | accessdate=September 10, 2015
- Bier Ayyad Reserve: |accessdate=26 March 2013
- Biery: | authorlink = Idzi Panic , | authorlink = ↵
- Biff Hoffman: |accessdate = October 29, 2010, | accessdate=October 29, 2010, | archiveurl=, | archivedate=February 15, 2010
- Biff à la Lindström: | accessdate=August 2, 2016
- Bifora (architecture): |accessdate=23 July 2019 , |accessdate=23 July 2019 , |accessdate=23 July 2019 , |accessdate=23 July 2019
- Bifrost (magazine): |accessdate=6 August 2015
- Big Al (play): |accessdate=2014-10-24
- Big Audio Dynamite discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Big Bad Bill (Is Sweet William Now): |accessdate=2008-09-30
- Big Band Specials: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Big Boy Junction, Tennessee: | accessdate = June 27, 2019
- Big D (song): |accessdate=October 30, 2017
- Big Dalton Dam: |accessdate=1 June 2016
- Big Deer Pond: | authorlink=Irving Bacheller
- Big Drift: |accessdate=2011-11-04
- Big Ears (character): |accessdate=17 February 2012
- Big East Conference Field Hockey Tournament: |accessdate=November 5, 2015
- Big East Conference Softball Tournament: |accessdate=May 10, 2015
- Big East Conference Women's Soccer Tournament: |accessdate=November 15, 2015
- Big Easy Rollergirls: |accessdate=28 November 2016
- Big Eddie: |accessdate=29 March 2019 , |accessdate=29 March 2019 , |accessdate=29 March 2019
- Big Eight Conference Baseball Tournament: |accessdate=2012-07-25
- Big Electric Metal Bass Face: |accessdate=August 4, 2020, |accessdate=August 4, 2020
- Big Fill: |accessdate=22 September 2020
- Big Fish, Little Fish (play): |authorlink=Jonathan Croall
- Big Five (law firms) in South Africa: |accessdate=4 March 2011
- Big Fun (Elvin Bishop album): |accessdate=August 17, 2020
- Big Fun (Miles Davis album): |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Big Head Eddie: |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear =
- Big Hits and Nasty Cuts: | authorlink1 = Martin Popoff
- Big Horn Expedition: |accessdate=2009-04-25
- Big House Blues: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Big Indian Farms: |authorlink=Taylor County Logging and Lumbering
- Big Kangaroo: |authorlink= Fred Beckey
- Big Katsu: |accessdate=2015-01-19
- Big Lake (Grant County, Minnesota): |authorlink=Warren Upham
- Big M: A Tribute to Malachi Favors: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Big Man from the North: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Big Marsh, Antigonish County: |accessdate=18 March 2018
- Big Metal Birds: | writing_credits = ↵
- Big Name Fan: | authorlink = Wilson Tucker↵ , | accessdate = 2006-06-22↵ , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 14 June 2006 , |accessdate = 2006-06-22↵ , |archiveurl =↵ , |archivedate = 2001-10-06↵, | accessdate = 2006-06-22↵
- Big Nate (TV series): |accessdate=October 23, 2020
- Big Pig: | authorlink1 = Ian McFarlane , | archiveurl = , | accessdate = 25 April 2014 , | archivedate = 1 October 2004 , | authorlink1 = David Kent (historian) , |accessdate=1 July 2010
- Big Pig Gig: | accessdate=2013-05-08
- Big Quilcene River: |authorlink=William Bright, |accessdate=1 September 2019, |accessdate=1 September 2019
- Big Rube: |accessdate=10 July 2010
- Big Runaway: | accessdate = 2007-04-19 , | accessdate = 2007-04-19 , | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 6 May 2007
- Big Sister (radio series): |accessdate=2019-02-06
- Big South Fork of the Cumberland River: |accessdate=29 November 2017, |accessdate=28 November 2017, |accessdate=30 November 2017
- Big Spring (Missouri): |origyear= 1974↵
- Big Spring (Pennsylvania): |authorlink= Major Israel McCreight
- Big Spring, Kentucky: | accessdate=December 16, 2020
- Big Sur River: |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2014-03-22 , |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2018-01-09
- Big Time (soundtrack): |authorlink=Robert Christgau, |accessdate=March 12, 2019
- Big Time Sensuality: |accessdate=October 19, 2011
- Big Tits Zombie: |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- Big Tom, Bronx: | accessdate = January 25, 2009↵, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 6 January 2009
- Big Top Bunny: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Big Towne, 2061: |accessdate=March 10, 2019
- Big Tree (Washington tree): |accessdate=November 26, 2016, |accessdate=November 26, 2016
- Big Trout Lake: |accessdate=January 24, 2017
- Big Week: |authorlink2=Richard R. Muller↵
- Big Wheel and Others: | lyrics_credits =↵, | music_credits =↵↵
- Big Willie Style: |accessdate=March 30, 2019
- Big science: | authorlink = Peter Galison↵ , | authorlink = Norbert Wiener↵
- Big sky theory: |authorlink=James Oberg
- Big-Hearted Bosko: |accessdate=June 6, 2020
- Big-eared hopping mouse: |accessdate=22 October 2014, |accessdate=1 January 2016
- Bigbasket: |accessdate=26 May 2020
- Bigfoot Trail: |accessdate=29 August 2018
- Bigfoot and Wildboy: |accessdate=22 March 2020
- Bigger Than Life: |authorlink=Jeanine Basinger↵, |authorlink=Jonathan Rosenbaum↵, |authorlink=François Truffaut↵
- Bigger, Better, Faster, More!: |accessdate=May 23, 2019
- Biggin by Hulland: |accessdate=27 January 2015
- Bigham House: | accessdate=2011-08-18, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 21 July 2011
- Bighorn Wildland Provincial Park: |accessdate=January 13, 2019
- Bighoto: |accessdate=29 April 2011
- Bigland Barrow: |authorlink=Alfred Wainwright
- Biglands: |accessdate=9 July 2012, |accessdate=9 July 2012
- Bigmouth chub: |accessdate=9 March 2015
- Bigod's rebellion: |accessdate=31 October 2013
- Biguine: |accessdate=6 March 2014 , |accessdate=6 March 2014
- Bihat Biram: |accessdate=12 August 2020
- Bijapur Fort: |accessdate=2009-11-29, |accessdate=2009-11-29
- Bijbels Museum: | authorlink = Gert Staal↵
- Bijeljani: |accessdate=6 April 2012, |accessdate=6 April 2012, |accessdate=6 April 2012
- Bijelo Brdo culture: |accessdate=2015-08-01
- Bijia Mountain: | authorlink =↵
- Bijli Pasi: |accessdate=2020-07-11
- Bijnot Fort: |accessdate=22 May 2017
- Bijou (jewellery): |authorlink=Yvette Taborin, |authorlink=Claude Mazloum
- Bijoy Chandra Bhagavati: |accessdate=23 December 2020
- Bijoy Krishna Goswami: |accessdate=6 July 2012, |accessdate=6 July 2012
- Bijoy Krishna Modak: |accessdate=10 October 2017, |accessdate=10 October 2017, |accessdate=10 October 2017, |accessdate=10 October 2017
- Bijoy Mondal: |accessdate=16 March 2020, |accessdate=16 March 2020
- Bijoy Singh Nahar: |accessdate=29 October 2018, |accessdate=29 October 2018, |accessdate=29 October 2018
- Bijoya Ray: |accessdate=19 June 2012, |accessdate=19 June 2012
- Bike boom: | authorlink = David V. Herlihy↵ , | authorlink = David V. Herlihy↵
- Biker Boyz (soundtrack): | writing_credits =↵↵
- Bikini Island (film): |accessdate=21 December 2012, |accessdate=21 December 2012
- Bikki Sunazawa: |accessdate=22 April 2019 , |accessdate=22 April 2019 , |accessdate=22 April 2019
- Bil'arab bin Sultan: |accessdate=2013-11-11↵
- Bila Kayf: |authorlink1=Felicitas Opwis
- Bila Tserkva massacre: | authorlink=Wendy Lower , | authorlink1=Ernst Klee
- Bilabial click: |authorlink=Geoffrey K. Pullum , |authorlink=Peter Ladefoged
- Bilad Sayt: |accessdate=2015-11-09
- Bilafond Glacier: |accessdate=26 April 2012
- Bilan (magazine): |accessdate=13 April 2015
- Bilat Ferat: |accessdate=8 September 2015
- Bilateral copyright agreements of the United States: |accessdate=April 20, 2011, | archiveurl=, | archivedate= 7 April 2011
- Bilbao's Iron Ring: |authorlink=Hugh Thomas, Baron Thomas of Swynnerton↵
- Bild am Sonntag: |accessdate=24 April 2015
- Bild der Frau: |accessdate=29 March 2015
- Bildjournalen: |accessdate=29 December 2016
- Bilegiin Damdinsüren: |accessdate=21 November 2011
- Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress: |authorlink1=Pyotr Karyshkovsky, |authorlink2=Isaak B. Klejman
- Bili-Bili Dam: | accessdate = 2014-07-25↵
- Bilibil people: | accessdate = 2013-05-26
- Bilihildis: |authorlink1=Johannes Heinrich August Ebrard, |accessdate=10 October 2014
- Bilitis (film): |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Bill Adkins: |accessdate=13 February 2019
- Bill Anderson (Ohio politician): |accessdate=2014-12-14
- Bill Annan: |accessdate=August 24, 2017
- Bill Armstrong (coach): |accessdate=March 8, 2017, |accessdate=March 8, 2017, |accessdate=March 8, 2017
- Bill Bailey (Indiana politician): | accessdate=January 12, 2017
- Bill Bainbridge: |origyear=1989
- Bill Ballantine (biologist): |authorlink1=Alister Taylor , |authorlink2=Deborah Coddington
- Bill Barisoff: |accessdate=2015-03-02
- Bill Baxley: | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Bill Benter: |accessdate=21 April 2017
- Bill Berezowsky: |accessdate=2012-04-22, |accessdate=2012-04-22
- Bill Blass Group: |accessdate=April 17, 2015 , |accessdate=April 17, 2015 , |accessdate=April 17, 2015 , |accessdate=April 15, 2015 , |accessdate=April 17, 2015 , |accessdate=April 17, 2015
- Bill Boddy: |authorlink=William Boddy↵
- Bill Bonner (author): |authorlink2=Pierre Lemieux (economist)
- Bill Boyd (Canadian politician): |accessdate=October 10, 2014
- Bill Brain: |accessdate=20 November 2020
- Bill Bremner: |accessdate=26 May 2018
- Bill Brown with the Australian cricket team in England in 1948: |authorlink=John Arlott , |authorlink=Jack Fingleton , | authorlink=Roland Perry, |authorlink=Roland Perry, |authorlink=Jack Pollard
- Bill Brownell: | accessdate=April 11, 2016
- Bill Burnett: |accessdate=2013-09-22
- Bill Campbell (Nova Scotia politician): |accessdate=2018-05-05
- Bill Chalker: |accessdate=16 July 2013, |accessdate=16 July 2013
- Bill Chase: |accessdate=10 July 2019
- Bill Coffin: | authorlink1 = Kevin Siembieda↵ , | authorlink1 = Erick Wujcik↵ , | authorlink7 = Kevin Long (artist)↵ , | authorlink4 = C.J. Carella↵ , | authorlink5 = C.J. Carella↵ , | authorlink11 = C.J. Carella↵ , | authorlink2 = C.J. Carella↵
- Bill Cosby in advertising: |accessdate=9 November 2020
- Bill Cowden: |accessdate = September 2, 2010
- Bill Crews: |accessdate=2013-11-02
- Bill Crommelin: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Bill Cunningham (rugby union): | authorlink = Matt Elliott (writer), | authorlink = Winston McCarthy, | authorlink = Terry McLean
- Bill DeCorrevont: |accessdate= 2013-08-13
- Bill DeLoach: |authorlink= Joe Vaccarino
- Bill Deal and the Rhondels: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Bill Dixon 7-tette/Archie Shepp and the New York Contemporary 5: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bill Dixon in Italy Volume One: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bill Dixon in Italy Volume Two: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bill Douglas: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2009
- Bill Estabrooks: |accessdate=February 20, 2015
- Bill Etter: |accessdate=8 March 2016
- Bill Evans Trio with Symphony Orchestra: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bill Evans at Town Hall: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bill Evans at the Montreux Jazz Festival: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bill Fallowfield: | archiveurl = , | archivedate = 2010-01-12
- Bill Ficke: |accessdate=8 February 2017
- Bill Flanagan (academic): |accessdate=2020-03-20
- Bill Fouser: |accessdate=2 September 2019
- Bill Fox (politician): |authorlink=Warren Freer , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Bill Frisell, Ron Carter, Paul Motian: |authorlink1=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bill Gaffy: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Bill Gallagher (inventor): | authorlink = Paul Goldsmith (politician)↵
- Bill Gillis: |accessdate=2018-04-03
- Bill Goodwin: |accessdate=13 July 2017
- Bill Greenwood (baseball): | accessdate = 2007-12-03
- Bill Gunn (Queensland politician, born 1920): |authorlink=
- Bill Haeffner: |accessdate=2 September 2019
- Bill Hare: |accessdate=January 9, 2020, |accessdate=January 9, 2020
- Bill Hattaway: |accessdate=30 June 2016
- Bill Hegney: |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Bill Heine: | archiveurl= , | archivedate=2015-12-08
- Bill Henderson (coach): |accessdate=June 19, 2018
- Bill Hudson (British Army officer): |authorlink=Marguerite Poland, | authorlink = Jozo Tomasevich↵
- Bill Hunter (journalist): |authorlink1=Richard Belzer
- Bill Johnston with the Australian cricket team in England in 1948: |authorlink=John Arlott , |authorlink=Jack Fingleton , |authorlink=Roland Perry, |authorlink=Jack Pollard
- Bill Kettner (fireboat): | accessdate = 2018-07-29↵, | accessdate = 2018-07-29↵
- Bill Kibby: |authorlink=Mark Johnston (historian)
- Bill Kraus: |origyear=1987, |accessdate=2009-09-08
- Bill Laney: |authorlink1=Alister Taylor
- Bill Lawrence (guitar maker): |accessdate=July 1, 2011
- Bill Le Sage: |authorlink=John Chilton
- Bill Lee (author): |accessdate=11 March 2018
- Bill Lennon: |accessdate=2008-08-16, |accessdate=2008-08-16
- Bill Lichtenstein: |accessdate=July 30, 2011 , |accessdate=July 30, 2011
- Bill Lordan: |accessdate=November 11, 2011
- Bill Madden (soldier): |accessdate=3 April 2012
- Bill Markham: |accessdate=9 October 2014
- Bill Maurer: |authorlink1=Nigel Dodd
- Bill Mays at Maybeck: |authorlink=Richard Cook (journalist) , |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer)
- Bill McEwan: |accessdate=25 September 2010
- Bill Mehlhorn: |authorlink=Al Barkow
- Bill Metoyer: |authorlink=Joel McIver
- Bill Michael: |accessdate=January 25, 2011, |accessdate=January 25, 2011
- Bill Middlekauff: |accessdate=March 15, 2015
- Bill Miller (impresario): |accessdate=2019-02-02
- Bill Miner: |accessdate=24 January 2018
- Bill Morgan (producer): | authorlink = Knowlton Nash
- Bill Nestell: |accessdate=March 22, 2019
- Bill Novelli: |accessdate=25 October 2020
- Bill Owen (baseball): | accessdate=2009-12-01 , | archivedate=2009-12-01 , | archiveurl=
- Bill Padley: |accessdate=13 June 2010
- Bill Parker (comics): |accessdate=July 30, 2018, |accessdate=July 30, 2018, |accessdate=July 30, 2018, |accessdate=July 30, 2018
- Bill Perry (cartoonist): |accessdate=April 26, 2013
- Bill Prest: |accessdate=24 June 2015, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=4 March 2016
- Bill Raisch: |authorlink=Kirk Douglas
- Bill Ramsey (singer): |authorlink=Celia Applegate
- Bill Rapson: |accessdate=7 June 2019
- Bill Rariden: |accessdate=12 July 2011
- Bill Rechin: |authorlink=Dave Strickler
- Bill Reeves: |authorlink=Stephen Chalke
- Bill Roth (sportscaster): |accessdate=8 May 2011
- Bill Rumler: |accessdate=19 May 2011
- Bill Schramm: |accessdate=25 April 2015
- Bill Sewell (politician): |authorlink=David Black (historian)
- Bill Sims: |accessdate=2015-11-07
- Bill Speas: |authorlink=
- Bill Spence (musician): |accessdate=11 August 2011
- Bill Steele (cave explorer): |accessdate=20 December 2014
- Bill Stewart (journalist): |accessdate=June 17, 2012
- Bill Strickland (writer): |accessdate= April 29, 2011, |accessdate= April 29, 2011, |accessdate= May 2, 2011
- Bill Sweek: |accessdate=August 3, 2015, |accessdate=July 31, 2015, |accessdate=July 31, 2015, |accessdate=July 31, 2015
- Bill Sweeting: |authorlink1=David Horner
- Bill Tapp: |accessdate=8 October 2016
- Bill Taylor (baseball): |accessdate=2009-10-16
- Bill Thompson (television host): | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵ , | authorlink = ↵
- Bill W. Clayton: | accessdate = 2007-01-08
- Bill Warner (writer): |accessdate=27 June 2020 , |accessdate=19 March 2018, |accessdate=27 June 2020 , |accessdate=27 June 2020
- Bill Wise: |accessdate=June 8, 2018
- Bill Withers discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Bill Young (American football lineman): |accessdate=April 17, 2015
- Bill Young (Western Australian politician): |authorlink1=David Black (historian), |authorlink2=Geoffrey Bolton
- Bill Zebub: |accessdate=January 31, 2010
- Bill and Boyd: |authorlink=David Kent (historian), | authorlink1 = David Kent (historian)
- Bill of Hare: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Bill the Cat: |accessdate=8 April 2020
- Billboard Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Song of the Year: |accessdate=December 14, 2017, |accessdate=December 14, 2017, |accessdate=December 14, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017
- Billboard Latin Music Award for Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year: |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017
- Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Jazz Album of the Year: |accessdate=12 October 2018
- Billboard Latin Music Award for Latin Pop Song of the Year: |accessdate=May 21, 2019, |accessdate=May 21, 2019, |accessdate=May 21, 2019, |accessdate=May 21, 2019, |accessdate=May 21, 2019, |accessdate=May 21, 2019, |accessdate=May 21, 2019
- Billboard Latin Music Award for Producer of the Year: |accessdate=December 14, 2017, |accessdate=December 14, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017
- Billboard Latin Music Award for Songwriter of the Year: |accessdate=December 14, 2017, |accessdate=December 14, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017, |accessdate=December 4, 2017
- Billed Bladet: |accessdate=8 March 2015, |accessdate=10 March 2015, |accessdate=27 February 2015
- Billesley Common: |authorlink=Victor Skipp
- Billie Fleming: | accessdate=10 October 2015
- Billie Jo Spears discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Billie McBride: |accessdate=October 4, 2019
- Billie Palmes: |accessdate=2012-05-22
- Billie Pitcheneder: |accessdate=4 May 2017
- Billie Rhodes: |authorlink=Anthony Slide
- Billie Rose Prichard: |accessdate=28 January 2019
- Billin, Syria: |authorlink1=Edward Robinson (scholar), |authorlink2=Eli Smith
- Billingham Manor: |accessdate=8 July 2011, |accessdate=8 July 2011, |accessdate=7 July 2011, |accessdate=8 July 2011
- Billingshurst Unitarian Chapel: |authorlink1=Ian Nairn, |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Billingsport, New Jersey: |accessdate=December 17, 2011
- Billionaire Ted: |authorlink=Hulk Hogan
- Billiou–Stillwell–Perine House: |accessdate=November 7, 2018
- Billo Rani: | writing_credits = ↵, | lyrics_credits = ↵, | music_credits = ↵
- Billposters: |accessdate=6 June 2020
- Bills of mortality: |authorlink=Roy Porter
- Billy "Crash" Craddock discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Billy & Lillie: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Billy (slave): |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015, |accessdate=25 August 2015
- Billy Aronson: |authorlink=Jonathan Larson
- Billy Bauer: |authorlink=Joachim-Ernst Berendt, |authorlink=Joachim-Ernst Berendt
- Billy Baxter (musician): | authorlink1 = Ian McFarlane , | archiveurl = , | accessdate = 5 March 2012 , | archivedate = 28 August 2004
- Billy Baxter (song): |accessdate=17 February 2012
- Billy Bibit: |accessdate=3 January 2019 , |accessdate=3 January 2019 , |accessdate=3 January 2019 , |accessdate=3 January 2019
- Billy Bounce: |accessdate=2015-05-14
- Billy Bray: |authorlink=William James↵, |accessdate=12 August 2012, |accessdate=4 August 2017
- Billy Breakenridge: |accessdate=January 22, 2015
- Billy Butler (singer): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Billy Butterfield: |accessdate=8 March 2017, |accessdate=8 March 2017, |accessdate=8 March 2017, |accessdate=8 March 2017, |accessdate=8 March 2017
- Billy Chinook: |accessdate=May 2, 2010
- Billy Clark (footballer, born 1967): |accessdate=1 May 2020
- Billy Davis (guitarist): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Billy De Wolfe: |accessdate=January 20, 2014 , |accessdate=January 20, 2014
- Billy Drumley: |authorlink=Melissa Lucashenko
- Billy Engle: |accessdate=April 3, 2019
- Billy Etbauer: |accessdate=January 1, 2018
- Billy Field (singer): | authorlink1 = Ian McFarlane , | authorlink1 = David Kent (historian)
- Billy Franey: |accessdate=May 18, 2019
- Billy Geer: |accessdate=2008-11-14
- Billy Glenn: | accessdate=23 February 2013, |authorlink=Guy Scholefield , |origyear= First ed. published 1913
- Billy Golden: |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Billy Graham (comics): |authorlink1=Jerry Bails, |accessdate=March 3, 2009, |archiveurl=,+BILLY, |archivedate=February 19, 2012
- Billy Gussak: | authorlink= ↵
- Billy House: |authorlink=Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni
- Billy Howard: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Billy James Hargis: |accessdate=April 2, 2018
- Billy Joe MacLean: |accessdate=2014-11-09
- Billy Kellock (footballer, born 1954): |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Billy Kessler: |authorlink=Pablo Hidalgo
- Billy Leese: |accessdate=14 April 2020
- Billy Lush (baseball): |accessdate=November 19, 2011
- Billy McCool: |accessdate=June 14, 2014
- Billy Miske: |accessdate=2014-05-04
- Billy Nelson (actor): |accessdate=25 June 2019
- Billy Ocean discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Billy Osceola: |accessdate=14 January 2015, |accessdate=16 January 2015, |accessdate=16 January 2015
- Billy Penrose: |accessdate=31 October 2018
- Billy Prior: |authorlink=
- Billy Raymond: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Billy Rayner: |authorlink=Alan Whiticker
- Billy Roche: |authorlink=Michael Billington (critic)
- Billy Ruge: |origyear=September 1997, |accessdate=March 12, 2016
- Billy Russell (footballer, born 1959): |accessdate=3 May 2020
- Billy Sammeth: |authorlink1=Cher , |authorlink1=Joan Rivers , |authorlink2=Richard Meryman
- Billy Squier discography: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Billy Stage: |accessdate=4 October 2012
- Billy Stead: | authorlink = Terry McLean
- Billy ThunderKloud & the Chieftones: |authorlink=David Kent (historian)
- Billy Waters (busker): |authorlink=Peter Fryer
- Billy Wright (musician): |authorlink=Joel Whitburn
- Billy Yank: |accessdate=January 31, 2011
- Billy doll: |accessdate=18 June 2015, |accessdate=2 August 2020, |accessdate=2 August 2020
- Billy the Kid (film series): |accessdate=26 January 2020
- Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire: |accessdate=3 May 2012, |accessdate=3 May 2012, |accessdate=22 October 2020, |accessdate=22 October 2020
- BillyBoy*: |accessdate=30 October 2012, |authorlink=BillyBoy*
- Biloxi Bay Bridge: |archiveurl=, |archivedate=2014-03-03
- Bilquis Sheikh: |accessdate=2012-02-08
- Bilsham Chapel: |authorlink1=Ian Nairn, |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Bilsport: |accessdate=18 June 2016
- Bilston Town Hall: |accessdate=24 July 2020
- Bilston, Midlothian: |accessdate=19 September 2020
- Bilton, Harrogate: |authorlink=Albert Hugh Smith
- Bimal Comar Ghosh: |accessdate=15 January 2019, |accessdate=15 January 2019, |accessdate=15 January 2019
- Bimba Raikar: |accessdate=27 November 2017, |accessdate=28 November 2017, |accessdate=28 November 2017
- Bimbashi Arabic: |accessdate=2015-02-22, |accessdate=2015-02-22, |accessdate=2015-02-22
- Bimble, Kentucky: |accessdate=22 December 2017
- Bimbo (Fleischer Studios): |accessdate=8 April 2020
- Bimini Road: |authorlink=Gavin Menzies
- Bimoba people: | authorlink=Thesis Leiden University, the Netherlands
- Bimoment: | accessdate=February 11, 2012 , | accessdate=December 6, 2011 , | accessdate=February 11, 2012 , | accessdate=February 11, 2012
- Bin Furuya: |accessdate=2 March 2014
- Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US: |authorlink=National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, |archiveurl=, |archivedate=April 23, 2016, |authorlink=Richard Myers
- Binary GCD algorithm: |authorlink= Henri Cohen (number theorist) , |authorlink=Donald Knuth , |authorlink= Henri Cohen (number theorist)
- Binary function: |accessdate=16 August 2016
- Binary icosahedral group: | authorlink = John Horton Conway
- Binary octahedral group: | authorlink = John Horton Conway
- Binary stars in fiction: |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink1=Isaac Asimov , |authorlink2=Robert Silverberg , |authorlink1=Isaac Asimov , |authorlink2=Robert Silverberg , |authorlink=Brian Aldiss , |authorlink=Stanisław Lem , |authorlink=Arthur C. Clarke , |authorlink=Arthur C. Clarke , |authorlink=Samuel R. Delany , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Jack Vance , |authorlink=Douglas Adams , |authorlink=Brian Froud
- Binary tetrahedral group: | authorlink = John Horton Conway
- Binayak Acharya: |accessdate=25 May 2018
- Binche lace: |authorlink=Fanny Bury Palliser, |accessdate=2008-05-24
- Bincombe: | authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Bindon Blood: |authorlink=Winston Churchill
- Bindra: |authorlink1=Patrick Hanks , |authorlink2=Richard Coates , |accessdate=21 June 2020
- Bindu Madhav Pathak: |accessdate=2014-06-01
- Bindu of Bukhara: | authorlink = H.A.R. Gibb , | authorlink =
- Bindy Johal: |accessdate=June 17, 2013, |accessdate=June 16, 2013
- Bing-yee Yam: |accessdate=November 10, 2020
- Bingen–White Salmon station: |accessdate=February 24, 2018
- Binghamton Philharmonic: |accessdate=1 March 2019 , |accessdate=1 March 2019
- Bingo (Rova Saxophone Quartet album): |authorlink2=Brian Morton (Scottish writer) , |origyear = 1992
- Bingo Little: | authorlink= Nigel Cawthorne, | authorlink= P. G. Wodehouse
- Bingo and the Little Woman: | authorlink= Nigel Cawthorne, | authorlink= P. G. Wodehouse
- Bingo-Master's Break-Out!: |accessdate=26 November 2014
- Binitarianism: |authorlink1=[[Epiphanius of Salamis]] , |authorlink1=[[Epiphanius of Salamis]]
- Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary: |authorlink = Paul Gravett↵, |authorlink = Charles Hatfield↵, |authorlink = Art Spiegelman↵, |authorlink = Douglas Wolk↵
- Binley, Coventry: |accessdate =2007-08-11
- Binn Chaonaigh: | accessdate=1 August 2019
- Binn Mhór: | accessdate=1 August 2019
- Binna Burra: |accessdate=15 October 2015, |accessdate=15 October 2015, |accessdate=15 April 2013, |accessdate=15 April 2013
- Binnen-I: |accessdate=15 February 2018 , |accessdate=15 February 2018 , |accessdate=15 February 2018 , |accessdate=16 February 2018 , |accessdate=15 February 2018 , |accessdate=15 February 2018 , |accessdate=5 January 2018 , |accessdate=15 February 2018 , |accessdate=5 January 2018 , |accessdate=23 March 2018
- Binocular rivalry: |authorlink=Giambattista della Porta
- Binodanand Jha: |accessdate=10 April 2018, |accessdate=10 April 2018, |accessdate=10 April 2018, |accessdate=10 April 2018
- Binot Paulmier de Gonneville: |accessdate=7 August 2019
- Binsey, Oxfordshire: |authorlink2=Nikolaus Pevsner
- Bintaran: |accessdate=5 July 2014
- Binti (novella): |authorlink=Nnedi Okorafor
- Binuluangan: |accessdate=28 June 2014
- Bio (album): |accessdate=February 21, 2019
- Bioceramic: |accessdate=17 February 2016
- Biochemical Predestination: |accessdate=30 May 2013
- Biocultural diversity: |authorlink=Biocultural Diversity and Sustainability, |accessdate=27 October 2012
- Bioculture (album): |accessdate=8 September 2020
- Biodegradable polythene film: |accessdate=2009-03-10
- Biogenic amine receptor: |accessdate=28 November 2010
- Biograph girl: |accessdate=2012-07-23↵
- Biographic leverage: |authorlink=W. Thomas Smith, Jr.
- Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity: |authorlink1=Alexander Chow
- Biographical fallacy: |authorlink=Donald James Winslow
- Biographies of Frédéric Chopin: |authorlink=Tad Szulc
- Biohazardous: |authorlink=Peter Dendle
- Biola Tak Berdawai: | accessdate = ↵
- Biological aspects of fluorine: |accessdate=5 May 2008
- Biological effects of high-energy visible light: |archiveurl=, |archivedate= 15 August 2007
- Biological pacemaker: |accessdate=18 February 2016
- Biological roles of the elements: |authorlink1=Deborah Zamble
- Biomedical spectroscopy: |accessdate=28 March 2014
- Biomesh: |accessdate=16 March 2016, |accessdate=16 March 2016, |accessdate=16 March 2016, |accessdate=16 March 2016
- Biomorphism: | authorlink = Leslie Pina
- Bionic Ever After?: |accessdate=6 April 2018
- Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman: |accessdate=6 April 2018
- Biopace: | authorlink =↵ , | origyear=2000↵ , |origyear=2000↵ , |accessdate=May 30, 2017↵
- Biophysical chemistry: |authorlink1= Charles Cantor, |authorlink2= Paul Schimmel, |authorlink1=Charles Cantor, |authorlink2= Paul Schimmel, |authorlink1=Charles Cantor, |authorlink2= Paul Schimmel
- Biosecurity in the United States: |accessdate=2011-11-22, |archiveurl= , |archivedate=2011-12-25
- Biosphere reserves of Albania: |accessdate=15 November 2020 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=15 November 2020, |accessdate=15 November 2020 , |archiveurl= , |archivedate=15 November 2020
- Biotech Week: |accessdate=16 August 2012, |accessdate=16 August 2012, |accessdate=16 August 2012, |accessdate=16 August 2012
- Biotop: |accessdate=23 October 2018, |accessdate=23 October 2018
- Biozentrum University of Basel: |accessdate=2020-07-03
- Bioč: |accessdate=19 July 2011, |accessdate=19 July 2011
- Bipartite realization problem: | authorlink = H. J. Ryser↵
- Bipin Chandra Joshi: |accessdate=27 July 2017
- Bipin Krishna Bose: |accessdate=11 February 2010
- Bipinpal Das: |accessdate=27 October 2017, |accessdate=27 October 2017
- Bipolar electric motor: |authorlink=Terrell Croft ↵
- Bipolar theorem: |authorlink1=Jonathan Borwein, |accessdate=October 15, 2011, |origyear=1970
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