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- This page lists template redirects which AWB should automatically replace in the en-wiki main and category namespaces, as part of AWB general fixes.
- The rule list is loaded live each time AWB is run (with general fixes enabled).
- Before adding a rule here, you must ensure that there is consensus in favour of the template renaming.
- You are reminded that making page edits solely for the purpose of bypassing template redirects may be considered "trivial editing", and therefore contravene the AWB rules of use. Normally, you should not make page edits just to bypass redirects unless there is an agreed need to do it.
- These rules do not work on article talk pages. Instead, it is helpful to use the custom module User:Magioladitis/WikiProjects for template redirects.
Rule format
- One or more redirects can be renamed per rule, listing redirects (comma-space separated) each in a {{tl}} template, followed by "→" and the actual template, again wrapped in {{tl}} and bolded for readability.
- The templates and redirects are first-letter case insensitive, e.g. {{Citation needed}} and {{citation needed}} are treated as identical.
- The first-letter case of the redirect is kept in the new template name, except for acronym templates (first three letters in uppercase) where first letter uppercase is forced.
- Each rule must sit on a single line.
- Rules in nowiki or HTML comment tags are ignored.
- There should only be one rule per actual template.
- The order of the rules does not matter but alphabetisation helps find things on the page.
- Keeping this page neat and organised does not affect the functioning, but it will aid navigation and readability.
- Since the redirect renaming is carried out as part of AWB's general fixes, commented out template calls, or those within nowiki/pre/math tags etc. will not be renamed.
- AWB does not validate the templates used to ensure that the templates or redirects exist.
- Single redirect format: {{tl|Redirect 1}} → '''{{tl|Actual template}}'''
- Single redirect example: {{tl|Cn}} → '''{{tl|Citation needed}}'''
- Multiple redirects format: {{tl|Redirect 1}}, {{tl|Redirect 2}} → '''{{tl|Actual template}}'''
- Multiple redirects example: {{tl|Cn}}, {{tl|Fact}} → '''{{tl|Citation needed}}'''
Main and Category namespace rules
Category templates
- {{Allincluded}}, {{Include all}} → {{All included}}
- {{CatAutoToc}}, {{Catautotoc}}, {{Auto category TOC}}, {{Cat Auto TOC}}, {{Category auto TOC}}, {{CatAutoTOC}} → {{Automatic category TOC}}
- {{CategorisationDisputedPeople}} → {{Categorization of people disputed}}
- {{Opposite}}, {{Opposing}}, {{Cat contrast}}, {{Contrast category}}, {{Contrast}}, {{Category contrasted}} → {{Category contrast}}
- {{Catdiffuse}}, {{Catreduce}}, {{Cattrim}}, {{Cat diffuse}}, {{Diffuse}}, {{Catsplit}}, {{Catspread}}, {{Catclean}}, {{Diffusecat}}, {{Diffuse cat}}, {{CatDiffuse}}, {{Disperse}}, {{Subcategorize}}, {{Diffuse category}}, {{Too crowded}}, {{Requires diffusion}}, {{Category requires diffusion}}, {{Category diffusion}}, {{Diffusion}}, {{Diffusion needed}}, {{Diffusing parent category}} → {{Category diffuse}}
- {{Disambiguation category}}, {{Catambig}}, {{Category ambiguous}}, {{Ambiguous category}}, {{Category disambig}}, {{Catdab}}, {{Categorydisambiguation}}, {{Dab category}}, {{Catdisambig}}, {{Cat disambig}} → {{Category disambiguation}}
- {{Cat distinguish}}, {{Distinguish cat}}, {{Distinguish category}} → {{Category distinguish}}
- {{Catabout}}, {{Catexp}}, {{Cat exp}}, {{About cat}}, {{Category about}}, {{Cat about}}, {{Content category}}, {{Category content}}, {{This category}}, {{Cat explanation}}, {{Category description}}, {{Cat description}} → {{Category explanation}}
- {{Catmain}}, {{Cat Main}}, {{Category main}}, {{Cat main article}}, {{Main category article}}, {{Ctm}}, {{Category main page}}, {{Cat main}} → {{Category main article}}
- {{Cat main section}} → {{Category main section}}
- {{Catmore}}, {{For cat}}, {{Catmore article}}, {{Catmorearticle}}, {{Catmoremulti}}, {{Cat more multi}}, {{Category more information}}, {{Cat more}}, {{Category further}} → {{Category more}}
- {{CatPair}}, {{Cat pair}}, {{Cat Pair}}, {{Category Pair}}, {{Catpair}} → {{Category pair}}
- {{Cat related}}, {{Cat see also}}, {{Category seealso}}, {{CatRel}}, {{Catrel}}, {{Catrelated}}, {{Catseealso}}, {{Related cat}}, {{Related category}}, {{See also cat}}, {{See also categories}}, {{See also category}}, {{See also cats}}, {{Seealsocat}}, {{Category related}} → {{Category see also}}
- {{DecadeCategoryNav}}, {{Cat topic in year}}, {{DBDecadesInCentury}}, {{DBCenturiesIn2ndMillennium}}, {{DBCenturiesIn3rdMillennium}}, {{DBCenturiesIn1stMillennium}}, {{DBCenturiesIn1stMillenniumBC}}, {{DBCenturiesIn2ndMillenniumBC}}, {{DBCenturiesIn3rdMillenniumBC}}, {{Navseasoncats with decades below year}}, {{Navseasoncats/decades below year}}, {{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}}, {{Navseasoncats}}, {{CSN}}, {{Csn}}, {{Nsc}} → {{Category series navigation}}
- {{Cattoc}}, {{Categorytoc}}, {{CategoryTOC}}, {{CatTOC}}, {{Category-toc}}, {{Category ToC}} → {{Category TOC}}
- {{Category TOC symbols}} → {{Category TOC Unicode}}
- {{CollapsibleLargeCategoryTOC}} → {{Collapsible large category TOC}}
- {{Commonscat}}, {{Commons cat}}, {{Commons Category}}, {{Wikimedia commons cat}}, {{Cc}}, {{Category commons}}, {{Ccat}}, {{C cat}}, {{Commonscategory}}, {{Commonsimages cat}}, {{CC}}, {{COMMONSCAT}}, {{Category Commons}}, {{Commons-cat}}, {{Wikimedia Commons category}} → {{Commons category}}
- {{Commonscat-N}}, {{Commoncats}}, {{Commonscat show2}}, {{Commonscats}}, {{Common cats}}, {{Commons cats}}, {{Commons cat show2}}, {{Commonscat multi}}, {{Commons cat multi}}, {{Ccatm}}, {{Commons category multiple}}, {{Commonscat-multi}}, {{Commons category-multi}}, {{Commons multiple}}, {{Commons multi}}, {{Commonscatmulti}} → {{Commons category multi}}
- {{Commonscat-inline2}}, {{Commons category inline}}, {{Commonscat-inline}}, {{Commonscatinline}}, {{Commonscat inline}}, {{CommonsCat-inline}}, {{Commons cat inline}}, {{Commonscategory-inline}}, {{Commons-cat-inline}}, {{Ccat-inline}}, {{Commons-category inline}}, {{Commons cat-inline}}, {{Cci}} → {{Commons category-inline}}
- {{Parentcat}}, {{Parent category}}, {{Container cat}}, {{Containercat}}, {{Subcategories}}, {{Container}}, {{Contain}}, {{MetaCat}}, {{Metacat}}, {{Metacategory}}, {{Parent only}}, {{Parent only category}}, {{Container-cat}}, {{Parent-cat}}, {{Cat container}} → {{Container category}}
- {{Contentious term}}, {{Contentious label}} → {{Contentious label category}}
- {{Image template notice}} → {{File template notice}}
- {{Parent cat}} → {{Geography parent category}}
- {{Hidden cat}}, {{Hiddencat}}, {{Hiddencategory}}, {{HIDDENCAT}} → {{Hidden category}}
- {{Irregular navseasoncats}}, {{Irregular chronology category navigation}} → {{Irregular category series navigation}}
- {{BigCategoryTOC}}, {{Big Template TOC}}, {{LargeTOC}}, {{Large category TOC 2}}, {{LargeCategoryTOC}}, {{Large Category TOC}}, {{LargeCategoryTOC2}} → {{Large category TOC}}
- {{Large Category TOC numeric}} → {{Large category TOC numeric}}
- {{Large Category TOC years only}} → {{Large category TOC years only}}
- {{Wikipedia container category}}, {{Cleanup category}}, {{Wikipedia parent category}}, {{Admin category}}, {{Administration category}}, {{Wikipedia category}}, {{Project category}} → {{Maintenance category}}
- {{MonthCategoryNav}} → {{Month category navigation}}
- {{Distinguished category}}, {{Distinguished subcategory}}, {{Category non-diffusive}}, {{Non-diffusing}}, {{Nondiffusing}} → {{Non-diffusing subcategory}}
- {{Overpopulated}}, {{Verylarge2}}, {{Verylarge}}, {{Large cat}}, {{Largecat}}, {{Large category}}, {{Very large}} → {{Overpopulated category}}
- {{Parent stub category}}, {{Container stub category}} → {{Parent-only stub category}}
- {{Emptycat}}, {{Empty cat}}, {{Emptycategory}}, {{Empty Category}}, {{Empty category}}, {{Pec}} → {{Possibly empty category}}
- {{PreceedingCat}}, {{CatPrevious}}, {{PreviousCat}}, {{CatPreceeding}}, {{CatPreceding}} → {{Preceding category}}
- {{Rcat header}} → {{Redirect category}}
- {{Regional Stub Category}} → {{Regional stub category}}
- {{Wikipedia sockpuppets}}, {{Sockcat}}, {{Sock cat}}, {{Sockpuppet cat}}, {{Sock category}}, {{Sockcategory}} → {{Sockpuppet category}}
- {{Stub Category}}, {{Stubcat}} → {{Stub category}}
- {{SCD}} → {{Subjective category}}
- {{SucceedingCat}}, {{FollowingCat}}, {{CatFollowing}}, {{CatSucceeding}}, {{Following category}}, {{Next category}} → {{Succeeding category}}
- {{Templatecat}}, {{Template Category}}, {{Template cat}} → {{Template category}}
- {{Topic cat}} → {{Topic category}}
- {{Tracking Category}}, {{Tracking cat}}, {{Trackingcat}}, {{Category template notice}} → {{Tracking category}}
- {{Catupmerge}}, {{Upmerge stub category}} → {{Upmerged stub category}}
- {{Usercat}} → {{User category}}
Citation templates
- {{Albumchart}} → {{Album chart}}
- {{Niv}}, {{Kjv}}, {{Nasb}}, {{Esv}}, {{Nkjv}}, {{Bverse}}, {{Bibleref}}, {{Bible}}, {{KJV}}, {{Bibleref2}}, {{BibleVerse}}, {{Bible verse}}, {{Cite bible}}, {{Citebible}}, {{Bibleref2c}}, {{Biblesource}}, {{Interlinear Bible}}, {{Rsv}}, {{Bibel}} → {{Bibleverse}}
- {{Cite}}, {{Cite study}}, {{Cite technical standard}}, {{Cite Technical standard}}, {{Cite citation}}, {{Cite asin}} → {{Citation}}
- {{Cite Case AU}} → {{Cite AustLII}}
- {{Book reference}}, {{Book reference url}}, {{Citebook}}, {{Cite manual}}, {{Cite Book}}, {{Cite books}}, {{Cite-book}}, {{C book}}, {{Cite ebook}}, {{Cite work}}, {{Cite publication}}, {{Cite chapter}}, {{Cite score}}, {{Cite page}}, {{Book reference 2}} → {{Cite book}}
- {{Cite box office mojo}}, {{Cite BOM}} → {{Cite Box Office Mojo}}
- {{Comic strip reference}}, {{Comic book reference}}, {{Citecomic}}, {{Cite comics}} → {{Cite comic}}
- {{Conference reference}}, {{Cite proceedings}}, {{Cita conferenza}}, {{Cite presentation}} → {{Cite conference}}
- {{Cite Document}} → {{Cite document}}
- {{Cite Easton's}}, {{Cite Eastons}} → {{Cite EBD}}
- {{Citeencyclopedia}}, {{Cite encyclopædia}}, {{Cite contribution}}, {{Cite dic}}, {{Encyclopedia}}, {{Encyclopaedia}} → {{Cite encyclopedia}}
- {{Citepaper}}, {{Cite paper}}, {{Cite Journal}}, {{Citejournal}}, {{C journal}}, {{Vcite2 journal}}, {{Citation journal}}, {{Cite abstract}}, {{BibISBN}} → {{Cite journal}}
- {{Cite magazine article}}, {{Cite Magazine}}, {{Cite mag}}, {{Cite yearbook}} → {{Cite magazine}}
- {{Cite metacritic}}, {{Cite mc}}, {{Cite MC}} → {{Cite Metacritic}}
- {{Citenews}}, {{Citenewsauthor}}, {{Cite news-q}}, {{Cite newspaper}}, {{Cite-news}}, {{Cite news2}}, {{Cite new}}, {{C news}}, {{Cite News}}, {{Citation news}}, {{Navedi novice}} → {{Cite news}}
- {{Cite news The Times}}, {{Cite The Times}} → {{Cite newspaper The Times}}
- {{Cite wd}}, {{Cite Wikidata}}, {{CiteQ}}, {{Cite q}}, {{Citeq}} → {{Cite Q}}
- {{Cite rotten tomatoes}}, {{Cite rt}}, {{Cite RT}} → {{Cite Rotten Tomatoes}}
- {{Techrep reference}}, {{Cite standard}}, {{Cite technical report}}, {{Cite techreport}}, {{Cite Techreport}}, {{Cite Tech Report}}, {{Cite Tech report}}, {{Cite tech Report}}, {{Cite Standard}}, {{Cite Technical Report}}, {{Cite Technical report}}, {{Cite technical Report}} → {{Cite tech report}}
- {{Web-reference}}, {{Web cite}}, {{Cite website}}, {{Cite-web}}, {{Citeweb}}, {{Web citation}}, {{Cite url}}, {{Cite web}}, {{Cite web}}, {{Cite blog}}, {{Cite Web}}, {{Weblink}}, {{Cite webpage}}, {{Cita web}}, {{C web}}, {{Citeweb}}, {{Cite website article}}, {{Chú thích web}}, {{Ref web}}, {{Cite URL}}, {{Citace elektronické monografie}}, {{Web reference}}, {{Cite we}}, {{Citat web}}, {{Citweb}}, {{مرجع ويب}}, {{Web link}}, {{Navedi splet}}, {{Citaweb}}, {{استشهاد ويب}}, {{CITEWEB}}, {{Cite Website}} → {{Cite web}}
- {{1911s}}, {{1911}}, {{Encyclopædia Britannica 1911}}, {{Encyclopedia Britannica 1911}}, {{1911 Encyclopædia Britannica}}, {{Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911}} → {{EB1911}}
- {{Eastons}} → {{EBD}}
- {{Elm}}, {{Eln}}, {{Explanatory footnote}}, {{Lower-alpha explanatory footnote}} → {{Efn}}
- {{Wikia content2}}, {{Wikia content}} → {{Fandom content}}
- {{Fishbase species}}, {{Fishbase}}, {{FishBase species}} → {{FishBase}}
- {{Notes}}, {{Noteslist}}, {{Notes list}}, {{Note list}} → {{Notelist}}
- {{OntarioLegisbio}}, {{OntarioMPPbio}}, {{Ontario MPP bio}} → {{Ontario MPP biography}}
- {{Open Access}}, {{Open acess}}, {{OA}}, {{Openaccess}}, {{OpenAccess}}, {{Oa}} → {{Open access}}
- {{QuebecMLCbio}}, {{Quebec MLC bio}} → {{Quebec MLC biography}}
- {{MNAbio}}, {{QuebecMLAbio}}, {{Quebec MNA bio}}, {{QuebecMNAbio}} → {{Quebec MNA biography}}
- {{Rayment-b}}, {{Rayment-Bt}} → {{Rayment-bt}}
- {{Rayment-MP}} → {{Rayment-hc}}
- {{Sourcestart}}, {{Sourcesstart}}, {{Ref begin}}, {{Beginref}}, {{Reftop}} → {{Refbegin}}
- {{Sourcesend}}, {{Sourceend}}, {{Ref end}}, {{Refs end}}, {{Refbottom}} → {{Refend}}
- {{Reference}}, {{Refs}}, {{Ref-list}}, {{FootnotesSmall}}, {{Reference list}}, {{Ref list}}, {{Footnotes}}, {{RefList}}, {{REFLIST}}, {{Footnote}}, {{Ref List}}, {{References list}}, {{Rflist}}, {{Források}}, {{Jegyzetek}}, {{Listaref}}, {{Realist}}, {{Références}}, {{Referencias}}, {{Referências}}, {{Referències}}, {{Tham khảo}}, {{Примечания}}, {{حوالہ جات}}, {{مراجع}}, {{پانویس}} → {{Reflist}}
- {{Shortened footnote template}}, {{Shortened footnote}}, {{Sf}}, {{Snf}}, {{Hf}} → {{Sfn}}
- {{Singlechart}} → {{Single chart}}
Disambiguation and set index article templates
- {{Airport disambig}} → {{Airport disambiguation}}
- {{Callsigndis}} → {{Call sign disambiguation}}
- {{Chemdisambig}}, {{Chemistry disambiguation}}, {{Chemistry set index}} → {{Chemistry index}}
- {{CJKVdab}}, {{Disambig-Chinese-char-title}}, {{Chinese title disambig}} → {{Chinese title disambiguation}}
- {{Dab}}, {{Dab page}}, {{Disamb}}, {{Dabpage}}, {{Shortcut disambig}}, {{WP-disambig}}, {{Meta disambig}}, {{Disambig-plants}}, {{Wikipedia disambiguation}}, {{DAB}}, {{WP disambig}}, {{Dbig}}, {{Disambig}}, {{Disambiguation page}}, {{Disam}}, {{Project disambiguation}}, {{Disambig misspelling}}, {{Begriffsklärung}}, {{Dis}} → {{Disambiguation}}
- {{Disamb-cleanup}}, {{Cleanup disambig}}, {{CleanupDisambig}}, {{Dabclean}}, {{Dab-cleanup}}, {{Disambig-CU}}, {{Disambig-cu}}, {{Disambig cleanup}}, {{Geodis-cleanup}}, {{Disambig-cleanup}}, {{Disambiguation-cleanup}}, {{Disambcleanup}}, {{Disambigcleanup}}, {{Disambiguate-cleanup}}, {{Dab cleanup}}, {{Cleanup disambiguation}} → {{Disambiguation cleanup}}
- {{Nameref}} → {{Disambiguation name}}
- {{Genus disambig}} → {{Genus disambiguation}}
- {{Greek myth index}} → {{Greek mythology index}}
- {{Bio-dab}}, {{Hndisambig}}, {{Hndab}}, {{HnDis}}, {{Personal name disambiguation}}, {{HNDIS}}, {{Hndis}}, {{Personal name}}, {{Human name dab}} → {{Human name disambiguation}}
- {{Personal name disambiguation cleanup}}, {{Hndis-cleanup}} → {{Human name disambiguation cleanup}}
- {{Hospitaldis}} → {{Hospital disambiguation}}
- {{Letter-NumberCombdisambig}}, {{Letter-NumberCombinationDisambiguation}}, {{LNCD}}, {{Letter-Number combination disambiguation}}, {{Letter-NumberCombDisambig}}, {{Letter-Number Combination Disambiguation}}, {{Letter-number combination disambiguation}} → {{Letter–number combination disambiguation}}
- {{Mathematics disambiguation}}, {{Mathdab}}, {{Math dab}}, {{Math disambiguation}}, {{Maths disambiguation}} → {{Mathematical disambiguation}}
- {{mil-unit-disambig}} → {{Military unit disambiguation}}
- {{MolFormDisambig}}, {{Molecular formula disambiguation}}, {{MolFormIndex}} → {{Molecular formula index}}
- {{Numdisambig}}, {{Numdab}}, {{Numberdis}} → {{Number disambiguation}}
- {{Geodab}}, {{Geo-dis}}, {{Geodisambig}}, {{Geodis}}, {{DisambigG}}, {{DisambigGeo}}, {{Disambiggeo}}, {{Geographic disambiguation}}, {{pnd}} → {{Place name disambiguation}}
- {{Roaddis}} → {{Road disambiguation}}
- {{Roadindex}} → {{Road index}}
- {{Schooldis}}, {{Schooldab}}, {{School disambig}} → {{School disambiguation}}
- {{Sia}}, {{Set index}}, {{SIA}}, {{Set-index}}, {{Setindex}}, {{Set-index article}} → {{Set index article}}
- {{LatinNameDisambig}}, {{SpeciesLatinNameDisambig}} → {{Species Latin name disambiguation}}
External links templates
- {{Allmusicguide}}, {{Allmusic.com}}, {{Allmusic}}, {{Allmusic artist}} → {{AllMusic}}
- {{Ann anime}}, {{Ann name}}, {{Ann company}}, {{Ann person}}, {{ANN anime}}, {{ANN manga}}, {{ANN name}}, {{ANN company}}, {{ANN}}, {{Ann manga}}, {{Ann}} → {{Anime News Network}}
- {{Parliament of Canada biography}}, {{Parlbio}}, {{CanParlbio}} → {{Canadian Parliament links}}
- {{Collier's Poster}} → {{Collier's poster}}
- {{Wikicommons}}, {{Common}}, {{Wikimedia Commons}} → {{Commons}}
- {{Commons+cat}}, {{Commons and commons category}} → {{Commons and category}}
- {{Commons and category-inline}} → {{Commons and category inline}}
- {{Wikicommons-inline}}, {{Commonsinline}}, {{Commons inline}} → {{Commons-inline}}
- {{Recipe}} → {{Cookbook}}
- {{Coor dms}}, {{Coor dm}}, {{Coor d}}, {{Coor}}, {{Location}}, {{Geocoordinate}}, {{Coor title dms}}, {{Coor title d}}, {{Coor title dm}}, {{CoorHeader}}, {{Coor at dm}}, {{Coor at dms}}, {{Coor at d}}, {{Coor dec}}, {{Coords}}, {{Location dec}}, {{Coordnoglobe}}, {{Geocoord}}, {{Geobox coor}} → {{Coord}}
- {{Cyclingwebsite}}, {{Cyclingarchives}}, {{Cycling archives}}, {{CyclingArchives}}, {{Cycling Archives cyclist}}, {{Cycling Archives rider}} → {{Cycling Archives}}
- {{DNB Poster}} → {{DNB poster}}
- {{Wikisource1911EB}}, {{Wikisource1911Enc}}, {{EB1911 Poster}}, {{Wikisource 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica}} → {{EB1911 poster}}
- {{WikisourceEBD1897}}, {{Eastons poster}} → {{EBD poster}}
- {{FAG}}, {{Findagrave}}, {{Find a grave}}, {{Fg}} → {{Find a Grave}}
- {{Kml}}, {{KML}}, {{GeoGroupTemplate}}, {{Geogroup}} → {{GeoGroup}}
- {{Hsw}}, {{HSW}}, {{Howstuffworks}} → {{HowStuffWorks}}
- {{Ibdb name}}, {{Ibdb person}}, {{IBDB person}} → {{IBDB name}}
- {{Imdb episode}}, {{IMDB episode}} → {{IMDb episode}}
- {{Imdb episodes}}, {{IMDB episodes}} → {{IMDb episodes}}
- {{Imdb-name}}, {{Imdbname}}, {{IMDb Name}}, {{Imdb name}}, {{IMDB name}}, {{IMdb name}}, {{IMDb person}}, {{IMDB person}} → {{IMDb name}}
- {{Imdb-title}}, {{Imdbtitle}}, {{IMDBtitle}}, {{IMDb Title}}, {{Imdb movie}}, {{Imdb title}}, {{IMDB title}}, {{IMDb-title}}, {{IMBd title}}, {{IMDb film}}, {{Imdb film}}, {{IMDB movie}}, {{IMDb movie}} → {{IMDb title}}
- {{Interlanguage link forced}}, {{Link-interwiki}}, {{Belg}}, {{MultiLink}}, {{ILL}}, {{Interlanguage link Wikidata}}, {{Ill-wd}}, {{Red Wikidata link}}, {{RedQ}}, {{III}}, {{InterLanguage Link}}, {{Redwd}}, {{Illm}}, {{Ill2}}, {{Ill-WD}}, {{ILLM}}, {{Interlanguage link multi}}, {{Not translated}}, {{Interlanguage}}, {{Interlanguage links}} → {{Interlanguage link}}
- {{Interwiki}} → {{InterWiki}}
- {{Isfdb Name}}, {{Isfdb name}} → {{ISFDB name}}
- {{Isfdb title}} → {{ISFDB title}}
- {{Memoryalpha article}}, {{Memory-alpha}}, {{Memory alpha}}, {{Memoryalpha}} → {{Memory Alpha}}
- {{OfficialSite}}, {{Official}}, {{Company Website}}, {{Official site}}, {{Official Website}}, {{Offficial website}}, {{Official web site}}, {{Official homepage}}, {{Homepage}}, {{Home page}}, {{Officialwebsite}}, {{Main website}}, {{Officialsite}}, {{Official webpage}}, {{Official Site}}, {{Oweb}}, {{Officialweb}} → {{Official website}}
- {{Olympic Channel}}, {{Olympics.com profile}} → {{Olympics.com}}
- {{Scholia inline}} → {{Scholia-inline}}
- {{Wikimedia}}, {{Sister links}}, {{Sisterproject}}, {{Sisterlinks}}, {{Sister project link}}, {{Sister-links}}, {{Sisterprojectlinks}}, {{Sisters}}, {{Sister sites}}, {{Autres projets}}, {{Schwesterprojekte}} → {{Sister project links}}
- {{Databank}} → {{Star Wars Databank}}
- {{StarTrek.com episode}} → {{StarTrek.com}}
- {{Tcmdb movie}}, {{TCMdb title}}, {{TCM}}, {{TCM title}}, {{Tcmdb title}}, {{TCMDb film}}, {{TCMDb movie}} → {{TCMDb title}}
- {{Websites}}, {{Www}}, {{Urlw}}, {{Url}}, {{UR}}, {{Site}}, {{Website}}, {{پیوند وب}} → {{URL}}
- {{Wikibookspar}}, {{Wikibook}} → {{Wikibooks}}
- {{Wikibooksinline}}, {{Wikibooks-inline}} → {{Wikibooks inline}}
- {{Wikinewspar}}, {{Wikinewsart}} → {{Wikinews}}
- {{Wikinewscat}} → {{Wikinews category}}
- {{Wikinews-inline}} → {{Wikinews inline}}
- {{Wikinewstable}} → {{Wikinews table}}
- {{Wikiquotepar}}, {{Wikiquote2}}, {{Wikiquotefrom}}, {{Wikiquotefrompar}}, {{Wikiquote1}}, {{Wikiquotes}}, {{Wikiquotehas}} → {{Wikiquote}}
- {{Wikiquotecat}} → {{Wikiquote category}}
- {{Wikiquotelang}} → {{Wikiquote lang}}
- {{Wikiquote inline}} → {{Wikiquote-inline}}
- {{Wikisource partial}}, {{Ftxt}}, {{Wikisource full}}, {{Src}}, {{Wikisource availability}}, {{Wikisource full (the)}}, {{Wikisourcepar}}, {{Wikisource full (name)}}, {{Wikisourcepar (the)}}, {{Wikisource lyrics}}, {{Wikisourcerename}}, {{Wikisource2}}, {{Wikisource (specified)}}, {{Wikisource3}}, {{Wikisourcepar2}} → {{Wikisource}}
- {{Wikisource cat}} → {{Wikisourcecat}}
- {{Oldwikisource}}, {{OldWikisource}}, {{Wikisourceinlang}}, {{Wikisourcewiki}} → {{WikisourceWiki}}
- {{Wikisourceinline}} → {{Wikisource-inline}}
- {{WikiSpecies}} → {{Wikispecies}}
- {{Wikispeciesinline}} → {{Wikispecies-inline}}
- {{Wikiversity-li}}, {{Wv}} → {{Wikiversity}}
- {{Wikiversity-inline}} → {{Wikiversity inline}}
- {{WVD}} → {{Wikiversity department}}
- {{Wikivoyage-inline}} → {{Wikivoyage inline}}
- {{Wikivoyage-listing}} → {{Wikivoyage listing}}
- {{Wiktionarypar}}, {{Wiktionarypar2}}, {{Wiktionarypar3}}, {{Wiktionarymultipar}}, {{Wiktionarypar4}}, {{Wiktionarypar5}}, {{Wikt}}, {{Wiktp}}, {{Wiktpar}}, {{Wikitionary}}, {{Wictionary}}, {{WT}} → {{Wiktionary}}
- {{Wiktionarycat}}, {{Wiktionary cat}} → {{Wiktionary category}}
- {{Wiktionarycat2}}, {{Wtc}} → {{Wiktionary category 2}}
- {{Wti}}, {{Wikt-inline}}, {{Wiktionaryinline}}, {{Wikt inline}} → {{Wiktionary-inline}}
- {{Wookieepedia box}}, {{Wookiepedia}}, {{Sww}} → {{Wookieepedia}}
- {{Youtube}}, {{YouTube user}}, {{Youtube user}}, {{YouTube show}}, {{Link YouTube}}, {{YouTube Playlist}}, {{YouTube playlist}}, {{YouTube User}}, {{Ytl}} → {{YouTube}}
- {{Youtube channel}}, {{Official YouTube channel}}, {{Official youtube channel}} → {{YouTube channel}}
Hatnote templates
- {{Otheruses4}}, {{This}}, {{This article is about}} → {{About}}
- {{About otherpeople}}, {{About-otherpeople}} → {{About other people}}
- {{Year dab}} → {{About year}}
- {{Distinguish-about}}, {{About-confused}}, {{About-confuse}} → {{About-distinguish}}
- {{About-confuse2}}, {{About-confused2}}, {{About-distinguish2}} → {{About-distinguish-text}}
- {{Broader2}} → {{Broader}}
- {{Complete}} → {{Complete list}}
- {{Confuse}}, {{Nottobeconfusedwith}}, {{Confused}}, {{Did you mean}}, {{Didyoumean}}, {{Confusion}}, {{Misspelling}}, {{Not to be confused}}, {{Not to be confused with}}, {{Not confuse}}, {{Dist}}, {{Distinct}}, {{Notconfuse}}, {{Notconfused}}, {{NTBCW}}, {{Ntbcw}}, {{DIST}}, {{Do not confuse}} → {{Distinguish}}
- {{Dynamiclist}} → {{Dynamic list}}
- {{Fnh}}, {{FNH}} → {{Family name hatnote}}
- {{For1}}, {{Forthe}}, {{FOR}}, {{For the}} → {{For}}
- {{Seeintro}}, {{See intro}}, {{See Intro}}, {{SeeIntro}}, {{See introduction}} → {{For introduction}}
- {{Main LMST}} → {{For LMST}}
- {{Overview}}, {{Outline}}, {{See outline}} → {{For outline}}
- {{See timeline}} → {{For timeline}}
- {{For2}}, {{For multi}} → {{For-multi}}
- {{Details}}, {{See details}}, {{Seedetails}}, {{Seesubarticle}}, {{More}}, {{Detail}}, {{Details more}}, {{Moredetails}}, {{More information}}, {{See}}, {{Furtherinfo}}, {{Furtherinformation}}, {{See further}}, {{Talk see}}, {{Further info}} → {{Further}}
- {{Broader ill}}, {{Further redlink}}, {{Foreign info}}, {{Foreign details}}, {{More foreign}}, {{Further info foreign}}, {{Further ill}}, {{Further information in other languages}} → {{Further interlanguage link}}
- {{Further 2}}, {{Further2}} → {{Further-text}}
- {{Rellink}}, {{Dab link}}, {{Hatlink}}, {{Dablink}}, {{Dabnote}}, {{HATNOTE}}, {{Hat note}}, {{Hatn}} → {{Hatnote}}
- {{Hatnote shell}}, {{Hatnote holder}}, {{Hatgrp}} → {{Hatnote group}}
- {{Indian name}} → {{Indian patronymic}}
- {{Introduction article}}, {{Introduction}} → {{Introductory article}}
- {{Mainarticle}}, {{Readmain}}, {{Seemain}}, {{See main}}, {{Main articles}}, {{Hurricane main}}, {{Main1}}, {{Main2}}, {{Comprehensive}}, {{MAIN}}, {{Full article}}, {{Main page}}, {{Article détaillé}}, {{Main Article}}, {{Main article}} → {{Main}}
- {{Maincat}}, {{Main cat}}, {{Mcat}} → {{Main category}}
- {{Mainlist}}, {{Full list}} → {{Main list}}
- {{Otherpeople}}, {{Other people2}}, {{Otherpersons2}}, {{Otherpersons}}, {{Otherpeople2}}, {{Other people 2}}, {{Other persons}}, {{Otherpeople3}} → {{Other people}}
- {{Other places3}}, {{Otherplaces}}, {{Otherplaces3}}, {{Other locations}} → {{Other places}}
- {{Otherships2}}, {{Otherships}} → {{Other ships}}
- {{Otherhurricaneuses2}}, {{Otherhurricaneuses}}, {{Other hurricane uses}}, {{Other hurricanes}} → {{Other storms}}
- {{Alternateuses}}, {{Otheruses3}}, {{Other}}, {{OtherUses}}, {{Otheruses}}, {{Other meanings}}, {{Othermeanings}}, {{Otheruses1}}, {{Other uses1}}, {{Othervalues}}, {{For other uses}}, {{Other use}}, {{Otheruse}}, {{Others}}, {{Другие значения}}, {{Однофамильцы}}, {{Voir homonymes}}, {{Ou}}, {{See dab}} → {{Other uses}}
- {{Otheruses-word}}, {{Otherusesof}} → {{Other uses of}}
- {{Redir}}, {{Redirect1}}, {{RDR}}, {{REdir}}, {{Redirects here}}, {{Redirects}}, {{Redirect3}}, {{Redirect-for}}, {{Redirect hatnote}} → {{Redirect}}
- {{Redirect8}}, {{Redir2}} → {{Redirect2}}
- {{Redirect distinguish}}, {{Redirect-confuse}}, {{Redirect-confused}}, {{Distinguish redirect}}, {{Distinguish-redirect}}, {{Redir-dist}} → {{Redirect-distinguish}}
- {{Redirect-confused6}}, {{Redirect-confuse6}}, {{Redirect-distinguish6}} → {{Redirect-distinguish-for}}
- {{Redirect-confused2}}, {{Redirect-confuse2}}, {{Redirect-distinguish2}} → {{Redirect-distinguish-text}}
- {{Redirect-multiple}}, {{Redirect multi}} → {{Redirect-multi}}
- {{Several terms}}, {{Redirect several}} → {{Redirect-several}}
- {{Disambig-acronym}}, {{Redirect refer}}, {{Redirect-acronym}} → {{Redirect-synonym}}
- {{Sr}}, {{Self ref}}, {{Self-ref}}, {{Selfref}}, {{Self reference}} → {{Self-reference}}
- {{Seealso}}, {{Also}}, {{See Also}}, {{Looking}}, {{Related articles}}, {{Related article}}, {{See-Also}}, {{See-also}}, {{SeeAlso}}, {{Looking for}}, {{See other}}, {{VT}}, {{See article section}}, {{Also see}} → {{See also}}
- {{Related}}, {{Seealso2}}, {{See also2}} → {{See also-text}}
- {{Seewiktionary}}, {{See wt}}, {{See wiktionary}} → {{See Wiktionary}}
- {{Otherpeople5}}, {{Other people5}}, {{Other people 5}} → {{Similar names}}
- {{Technical restrictions}} → {{Technical reasons}}
- {{Transcluded-section}}, {{Transcluding section}} → {{Transcluded section}}
- {{Transcluding}}, {{Transcludingarticle}}, {{Transcluding articles}}, {{Transcluded article}} → {{Transcluding article}}
Infobox templates
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- {{Infobox Aeroengine}}, {{Infobox Aircraft Engine}} → {{Infobox aircraft engine}}
- {{Infobox aircraft programme}} → {{Infobox aircraft program}}
- {{UAV}}, {{Infobox Aircraft Type}} → {{Infobox aircraft type}}
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- {{Infobox Airport}}, {{Infobox aerodrome}} → {{Infobox airport}}
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- {{Infobox Australian Electorate}} → {{Infobox Australian electorate}}
- {{Infobox military award}}, {{Infobox film award}}, {{Infobox Military Award}}, {{Infobox Award}}, {{Infobox National Television Awards}}, {{Infobox civilian award}}, {{Infobox civilian decoration}}, {{Infobox state award}}, {{Infobox decoration}} → {{Infobox award}}
- {{Infobox NBA player}}, {{Infobox basketball official}}, {{Infobox WNBA coach}}, {{Infobox WNBA Player}}, {{Infobox Basketball Official}}, {{Infobox NBA Player}}, {{Infobox NBA biography}}, {{Infobox basketball player}}, {{Infobox WNBA player}}, {{Infobox PBA player}}, {{Infobox PBA Player}}, {{WNBA coach}} → {{Infobox basketball biography}}
- {{Infobox Belgium Municipality}} → {{Infobox Belgium municipality}}
- {{Infobox Bilateral}}, {{Bilateral}}, {{Infobox Bilateral relations}} → {{Infobox bilateral relations}}
- {{Infobox Lake}}, {{Infobox ocean}}, {{Infobox bay}}, {{Infobox Ocean}}, {{Infobox reservoir}}, {{Infobox lake}}, {{Infobox waterbody}}, {{Infobox sea}}, {{Infobox habour}} → {{Infobox body of water}}
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- {{Infobox pope}}, {{Infobox patriarch}}, {{Infobox Archbishop of Canterbury}}, {{Infobox Saint Archbishop of Canterbury}}, {{Infobox Archbishop of York}}, {{Infobox Archbishop}}, {{Infobox cardinal}}, {{Infobox Antipope}}, {{Infobox Coptic Pope}}, {{Infobox Patriarch}}, {{Infobox Bishop}}, {{Infobox Cardinal}}, {{Infobox Pope}}, {{Infobox Christian Leader}}, {{Infobox bishop}} → {{Infobox Christian leader}}
- {{Collegebowl}} → {{Infobox college football bowl game}}
- {{Supersupportingbox}}, {{Comiccharacterbox}}, {{Supervillianbox}}, {{SHB}}, {{Superalienbox}}, {{Superherobox}}, {{Infobox superhero}}, {{Infobox comics character alt}}, {{Infobox animated superhero}}, {{Infobox television superhero}} → {{Infobox comics character}}
- {{Company}}, {{Infobox Korean company}}, {{Infobox Defunct company}}, {{Infobox defunct company}}, {{Infobox cooperative}}, {{Infobox Corporation}}, {{Dotcom company}}, {{Infobox Defunct Company}}, {{Infobox financial}}, {{Infobox Company}}, {{Infobox manufacturing company}}, {{Infobox Co-operative}}, {{Infobox co-operative}}, {{Infobox companies}}, {{Company infobox}}, {{Infobox bank}}, {{Infobox Verkehrsbetrieb}}, {{Infobox company/wikidata}}, {{Infobox video game developer}} → {{Infobox company}}
- {{Infobox concert tour}}, {{Infobox orchestra concert}}, {{Infobox residency show}} → {{Infobox concert}}
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- {{Infobox Election Result}}, {{Infobox Election}}, {{Infobox electionph}} → {{Infobox election}}
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- {{Infobox Football club season}}, {{Brazil football club season}}, {{Brazil football club season2}} → {{Infobox football club season}}
- {{Infobox GAA dualplayer}}, {{Infobox GAA player}}, {{Infobox Gaelic Athletic Association player}} → {{Infobox Gaelic games player}}
- {{Infobox Ort in Deutschland}}, {{Infobox Gemeinde in Deutschland}}, {{Infobox German Location}}, {{Infobox Ortsteil einer Gemeinde in Deutschland}}, {{Infobox German location}} → {{Infobox German place}}
- {{Infobox Golf Facility}}, {{Infobox golf course}} → {{Infobox golf facility}}
- {{Infobox NASA}}, {{Infobox Govt Body}}, {{Infobox Govt Org}}, {{Infobox Northwest Territories government departments}}, {{Infobox UK public body}}, {{Infobox Govt Agency}}, {{Infobox Government Institute}}, {{Infobox Government agency}}, {{Infobox government's Organization}}, {{Infobox Canadian government departments}}, {{Infobox ministry}}, {{Infobox government department}} → {{Infobox government agency}}
- {{Infobox hieroglyphics}}, {{Infobox Hieroglyphen}} → {{Infobox hieroglyphs}}
- {{Infobox local1}}, {{Infobox historic area2}}, {{Infobox Historic site}}, {{Infobox Historic Site}}, {{Infobox historic area}}, {{Infobox historical site}} → {{Infobox historic site}}
- {{Infobox NHS hospital}}, {{NHS hospital}}, {{Hospital}}, {{Infobox Hospital}} → {{Infobox hospital}}
- {{Infobox Ice Hockey Team}}, {{CHL team}}, {{Infobox Pro hockey team}}, {{Infobox PIHA Team}}, {{Infobox RHI Team}}, {{Infobox MLRH Team}}, {{Infobox KHL team}}, {{Infobox professional inline hockey team}}, {{WHL Team}}, {{Infobox OHA team}}, {{AHL Team}}, {{Pro hockey team}}, {{Hockey team}}, {{OHA team}}, {{PIHA Team}}, {{RHI Team}}, {{MLRH Team}}, {{Infobox college inline hockey team}}, {{Infobox bandy team}}, {{Infobox hockey team}} → {{Infobox ice hockey team}}
- {{Infobox NHL team season}}, {{Infobox ProHockeyTeamSeason}}, {{Infobox OttawaHockeyClubSeason}}, {{ProHockeyTeamSeason}}, {{Infobox WHA team season}}, {{WHATeamSeason}}, {{NHLTeamSeason}}, {{IcehockeyTeamSeason}}, {{MontrealCanadiensSeason}}, {{OttawaHockeyClubSeason}}, {{WHA team season}}, {{NHL team season}}, {{Infobox KHL team season}}, {{KHLTeamSeason}}, {{Infobox 1920s NHL team season}}, {{Infobox IcehockeyTeamSeason}} → {{Infobox ice hockey team season}}
- {{Infobox Individual Snooker Tournament}} → {{Infobox individual snooker tournament}}
- {{Infobox International Futsal Competition}}, {{Infobox International Football Competition}}, {{Infobox international football tournament}} → {{Infobox international football competition}}
- {{IIHFnation}}, {{Infobox IIHF nation}} → {{Infobox International Ice Hockey Federation nation}}
- {{Infobox LDSApostleship}}, {{Infobox LDSGA}}, {{LDSGAinfo}}, {{LDSApostleshipinfo}}, {{LDSInfobox}}, {{Infobox LDS biography}}, {{Latter Day Saint biography Infobox}} → {{Infobox Latter Day Saint biography}}
- {{Infobox police}}, {{Infobox Police}}, {{Infobox Police Department}}, {{Infobox Canadian police service}}, {{Infobox Law enforcement agency}}, {{InfoboxPolice}}, {{Infobox Canadian Police Service}}, {{Infobox police department}} → {{Infobox law enforcement agency}}
- {{Infobox Locomotive}}, {{Infobox Locomotive Auto}} → {{Infobox locomotive}}
- {{Infobox Magazine}}, {{Infobox periodical}}, {{Infobox pulps}}, {{Infobox publication}} → {{Infobox magazine}}
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- {{MultiWarbox}}, {{Warbox}}, {{Infobox War}}, {{Infobox Military Conflict (3 sided)}}, {{Infobox Siege}}, {{Infobox Military Conflict}}, {{Infobox battle}}, {{Infobox Militärischer Konflikt}}, {{Infobox war}}, {{Infobox military conflict timeline}}, {{Battle}}, {{WarboxNew}}, {{Infobox coup d'état}}, {{Infobox military campaign}} → {{Infobox military conflict}}
- {{Infobox military test site}}, {{Infobox Castle}}, {{Infobox castle}}, {{Infobox Military Structure}}, {{Infobox Military Test Site}}, {{Infobox military structure}} → {{Infobox military installation}}
- {{Infobox Military Cemetery}}, {{Infobox Military Memorial}} → {{Infobox military memorial}}
- {{Infobox Military person}}, {{Infobox Soldier}}, {{Infobox Military Person}}, {{Infobox military Person}}, {{Infobox voivod}}, {{Infobox soldier}}, {{Personbox military}}, {{Infobox colonel}}, {{Infobox veteran}}, {{Infobox military officer}}, {{Infobox military personnel}}, {{Infobox commander}}, {{Infobox military official}}, {{Infobox uniformed officer}} → {{Infobox military person}}
- {{Racing circuit}}, {{Motorsport venue}} → {{Infobox motorsport venue}}
- {{Mtnbox coor d}}, {{Infobox Mountain}}, {{Infobox mountain on border}}, {{Infobox mountain range}}, {{Infobox hill}} → {{Infobox mountain}}
- {{Infobox London museum}}, {{Infobox Australian museum}}, {{Infobox Museum}}, {{Infobox archive}}, {{Infobox planetarium}}, {{Infobox Hall of Fame}} → {{Infobox museum}}
- {{Infobox paranormal creature}}, {{Infobox Legendarycreatures}}, {{Infobox Paranormalcreatures}}, {{Infobox paranormal creatures}}, {{Infobox legendary creature}}, {{Infobox mythological creature}} → {{Infobox mythical creature}}
- {{Film name}}, {{Film Name}} → {{Infobox name module}}
- {{NASCAR race season infobox}}, {{Infobox NASCAR race season}} → {{Infobox NASCAR race report}}
- {{Infobox papernumbers}}, {{Infobox Irish Newspaper}}, {{Infobox Newspaper}}, {{Infobox newsletter}}, {{Infobox student newspaper}} → {{Infobox newspaper}}
- {{Infobox NFL player coach}}, {{Infobox NFL coach}}, {{Infobox pro football player}}, {{Infobox NFL retired}}, {{Infobox AFLretired}}, {{Infobox Arena Football player}}, {{Infobox NFL PlayerCoach}}, {{Infobox AFLactive}}, {{Infobox NFL Coach}}, {{Infobox Pro Football player}}, {{Infobox NFLactive}}, {{Infobox NFLretired}}, {{NFL Coach}}, {{Pro Football player}}, {{Infobox Arena Football League player}}, {{Infobox Arena Football League player (active)}}, {{NFL PlayerCoach}}, {{Infobox American football player}}, {{Infobox NFL player}}, {{NFL infobox}} → {{Infobox NFL biography}}
- {{NFL season}}, {{Infobox NFL season}}, {{Infobox USFL team season}} → {{Infobox NFL team season}}
- {{Infobox peer}}, {{Infobox Nobility}}, {{Infobox Peer}}, {{Infobox nobility}} → {{Infobox noble}}
- {{Infobox Governor}}, {{Infobox Mayor}}, {{Infobox Politician}}, {{Infobox Chancellor}}, {{Infobox US Chief Justice}}, {{Infobox Vice President}}, {{Infobox US Associate Justice}}, {{Infobox Indian politician}}, {{Infobox Congressman}}, {{Infobox Governor General}}, {{Infobox US Cabinet official}}, {{Infobox Prime Minister}}, {{Infobox US Territorial Governor}}, {{Infobox Congressional Candidate}}, {{Infobox CanadianMP}}, {{Infobox Lt Governor}}, {{Infobox Eritrea Cabinet official}}, {{Infobox PM}}, {{Infobox President}}, {{Infobox CanadianSenator}}, {{Infobox Governor-General}}, {{Infobox university chancellor}}, {{Infobox University Vice-Chancellor}}, {{Infobox University President}}, {{Infobox University Rector}}, {{Infobox University Pro-Chancellor}}, {{Infobox SCC Puisne Justice}}, {{Infobox SCC Chief Justice}}, {{Infobox Representative Elect}}, {{Infobox Senator-Elect}}, {{Infobox Governor-Elect}}, {{Infobox State SC Justice}}, {{Infobox State SC Associate Justice}}, {{Infobox Politician (general)}}, {{Infobox US Ambassador}}, {{Infobox State Representative}}, {{Infobox State Senator}}, {{Infobox Judge}}, {{Infobox Premier}}, {{Infobox Secretary-General}}, {{Infobox Ambassador}}, {{Infobox President-elect}}, {{Infobox Prime Minister-elect}}, {{Infobox AM}}, {{Infobox Speaker}}, {{Infobox First Minister}}, {{Infobox Minister}}, {{Infobox Deputy Prime Minister}}, {{Infobox Deputy First Minister}}, {{Infobox Representative-elect}}, {{Infobox Senator-elect}}, {{Infobox Governor-elect}}, {{Infobox QuebecMNA}}, {{Infobox MEP}}, {{Infobox MLA}}, {{Infobox Congresswoman}}, {{Infobox Senator}}, {{Infobox Defense Minister}}, {{Infobox OntarioMPP}}, {{Infobox Uruguayan politician}}, {{Infobox New York State Senator}}, {{Infobox First Lady}}, {{Infobox Chief Justice}}, {{Infobox Indian government official}}, {{Infobox Doge}}, {{Infobox MSP}}, {{Infobox Chairman}}, {{Infobox University Chancellor}}, {{Infobox Officeholder}}, {{Infobox Member of Parliament}}, {{Infobox Welsh Assembly member}}, {{Infobox General Secretary}}, {{Infobox Chief Executive}}, {{Infobox Canadian MP}}, {{Infobox Canadian senator}}, {{Infobox congressional candidate}}, {{Infobox congressman}}, {{Infobox defense minister}}, {{Infobox deputy first minister}}, {{Infobox deputy prime minister}}, {{Infobox lt governor}}, {{Infobox politician (general)}}, {{Infobox prime minister-elect}}, {{Infobox representative-elect}}, {{Infobox SCC chief justice}}, {{Infobox SCC puisne justice}}, {{Infobox secretary-general}}, {{Infobox senator-elect}}, {{Infobox speaker}}, {{Infobox state representative}}, {{Infobox state SC associate justice}}, {{Infobox state SC justice}}, {{Infobox state senator}}, {{Infobox US associate justice}}, {{Infobox US cabinet official}}, {{Infobox US chief justice}}, {{Infobox US territorial governor}}, {{Infobox US ambassador}}, {{Infobox Eritrea cabinet official}}, {{Infobox Candidate}}, {{Politician infobox}}, {{Officeholder}}, {{Infobox office holder}}, {{Infobox defence minister}}, {{Infobox MPP}}, {{Officeholder infobox}}, {{Member of State Duma}}, {{Infobox Vice-President}}, {{Infobox league commissioner}}, {{Infobox Politicien}}, {{Infobox Ukrainian legislative office}}, {{People's deputy}}, {{Infobox Politician Basic}}, {{Infobox general secretary}}, {{Infobox Canadian politician}}, {{Infobox Congressperson}}, {{Infobox royalofficeholder}}, {{Infobox Second Lady}}, {{Infobox First Gentleman}}, {{Infobox Second Gentleman}}, {{Infobox Spouse of the President}}, {{Infobox spouse of the president}}, {{Infobox Spouse of the Vice President}}, {{Infobox spouse of the vice president}} → {{Infobox officeholder}}
- {{Infobox NPO}}, {{Infobox union}}, {{Infobox societies}}, {{Infobox United Nations}}, {{Infobox non-profit}}, {{Infobox LARP group}}, {{Infobox professional association}}, {{Infobox Charity}}, {{Infobox association}}, {{Infobox Organisation}}, {{Infobox Union}}, {{Infobox nonprofit}}, {{Infobox Organization}}, {{Infobox Professional Association}}, {{Infobox LARP Group}}, {{Infobox international organization}}, {{Infobox intergovernmental organization}}, {{Infobox Non-profit}}, {{Infobox UN}}, {{Infobox Student Group}}, {{Infobox Association}}, {{Infobox group}}, {{Infobox Societies}}, {{Infobox non-profit Organisation}}, {{Infobox accounting body}}, {{Infobox Non-Profit}}, {{Infobox Deutsche Behörde}}, {{Infobox motorcycle club}}, {{Infobox Motorcycling club}}, {{Infobox foundation}}, {{Infobox foundations}}, {{Infobox Motorcycle club}}, {{Infobox Verein}}, {{Infobox NGO}}, {{Infobox Verband}}, {{Infobox org}}, {{Infobox learned society}}, {{Infobox charity}}, {{Infobox gang}}, {{Infobox trade union}}, {{Infobox learned union}}, {{Infobox protest faction}} → {{Infobox organization}}
- {{Infobox Biography}}, {{Infobox adult female}}, {{Infobox adult male}}, {{Infobox Celebrity}}, {{Infobox biography}}, {{Infobox actor voice}}, {{Infobox actress}}, {{Infobox adult biography}}, {{Infobox Actress}}, {{Infobox Fashion Designer}}, {{Infobox Actor}}, {{Infobox Person}}, {{Infobox film actor}}, {{Infobox film director}}, {{Infobox Indian Businessmen}}, {{Infobox victim}}, {{Infobox trade unionist}}, {{Infobox Journalist}}, {{Infobox people}}, {{Personbox}}, {{Infobox person ii}}, {{Infobox bio}}, {{Infobox Real Person}}, {{Infobox human}}, {{Infobox human being}}, {{Infobox Student}}, {{Infobox student}}, {{صندوق معلومات شخص}} → {{Infobox person}}
- {{Infobox extrasolar planet}}, {{Planet}}, {{Infobox Nonstellar body}}, {{Infobox Moon}}, {{Infobox Planet}}, {{Extrasolar Planet}}, {{Infobox minor planet}}, {{Infobox asteroid}}, {{Infobox moon}}, {{Infobox Minor planet}}, {{Infobox nonstellar body}} → {{Infobox planet}}
- {{Infobox podcastV}}, {{Infobox podcastv}}, {{Infobox Podcast}} → {{Infobox podcast}}
- {{Infobox British Political Party}}, {{Infobox American political party}}, {{Infobox Israeli political party}}, {{Infobox Belgian political party}}, {{Infobox Japanese political party}}, {{Infobox Political Party}}, {{Infobox American State Political Party}}, {{Infobox Italian former political party}}, {{Infobox Political party}}, {{Infobox American Political Party}}, {{Infobox French Political Party}}, {{Infobox Belgian Political Party}}, {{Infobox Israeli Political Party}}, {{Infobox Irish political party}}, {{Infobox political society}}, {{Infobox political coalition}}, {{Infobox American Political party}}, {{Infobox political organization}} → {{Infobox political party}}
- {{Thoroughbred racehorse infobox}}, {{Infobox thoroughbred racehorse}}, {{Infobox Racehorse}} → {{Infobox racehorse}}
- {{Infobox Radio}}, {{Infobox British radio}}, {{Infobox Radio Show}}, {{Infobox radio show2}}, {{Infobox Radio show}}, {{Infobox Radio show2}} → {{Infobox radio show}}
- {{Radio Station Information}}, {{Infobox FM Radio}}, {{Infobox AM Radio}}, {{Infobox NYC AM Radio}}, {{Infobox NYC FM Radio}}, {{Radio station}}, {{IRLUK radio infobox}}, {{Infobox Radio Station}}, {{Infobox Radio station}} → {{Infobox radio station}}
- {{Infobox railway line}}, {{Infobox Victorian rail line}}, {{TransAdelaideRailLine}}, {{Infobox Korean rapid transit line}}, {{Railway}}, {{VictorianRailwayLineInfobox}}, {{Infobox railway}}, {{Infobox rail junction}} → {{Infobox rail line}}
- {{Infobox River}} → {{Infobox river}}
- {{Chinese Emperor}}, {{Infobox monarch}}, {{Infobox King}}, {{Infobox Emperor}}, {{Infobox British Royalty}}, {{Infobox Chinese emperor}}, {{Infobox Roman emperor}}, {{Infobox Sultan}}, {{Infobox Sultana}}, {{Infobox Uparaja}}, {{Infobox Prince}}, {{Infobox German Royalty}}, {{Infobox caliph}}, {{Infobox Monarch}}, {{Infobox Royalty}}, {{Infobox Caliph}}, {{Infobox Khalifatul Masih}}, {{Infobox Chola}}, {{Infobox royal}} → {{Infobox royalty}}
- {{Infobox nrl club}}, {{Infobox defunct rl club}}, {{Infobox esl club}}, {{Infobox rugby league team}}, {{Infobox rugby league club2}} → {{Infobox rugby league club}}
- {{Infobox Russian District}} → {{Infobox Russian district}}
- {{Infobox Russian federal subject2}} → {{Infobox Russian federal subject}}
- {{Infobox Russian city}}, {{Infobox Russian town}}, {{Infobox Russian urban-type settlement}}, {{Infobox Russian rural locality}}, {{Infobox Russian settlement}}, {{Infobox Russian village}}, {{NP russia}} → {{Infobox Russian inhabited locality}}
- {{Infobox Sailboat Specifications}} → {{Infobox sailboat specifications}}
- {{School}}, {{Infobox HighSchool}}, {{Infobox OtherEducation}}, {{Infobox Private School}}, {{Infobox School2}}, {{Infobox high school}}, {{Infobox middle school}}, {{Infobox education in Canada}}, {{Infobox private school}}, {{School infobox}}, {{Infobox New Zealand school}}, {{Infobox Public School}}, {{Infobox secondary school}}, {{Infobox School3}}, {{Infobox US school}}, {{Infobox English public school}}, {{Infobox School UK}}, {{Infobox Education in the United States}}, {{Infobox boarding school}}, {{Infobox UK school}}, {{Infobox Malaysia School}}, {{Infobox Malaysia school}}, {{Infobox Secondary School}}, {{Infobox K-12 School}}, {{Infobox scottish primary, secondary and nursery school}}, {{Infobox scottish primary school}}, {{Infobox High School}}, {{Infobox School IN}}, {{Infobox UKschool}}, {{Infobox School GB}}, {{Infobox GB school}}, {{Infobox Education in Canada}}, {{Infobox Secondary school}}, {{Infobox School}}, {{Infobox education in the United States}}, {{Infobox NZ school}}, {{Infobox Hochschule}}, {{Infobox Scotland school}}, {{Infobox cadet college}}, {{Infobox yeshiva}}, {{Infobox education in canada}}, {{Infobox Schule}} → {{Infobox school}}
- {{Phoenician glyph}} → {{Infobox Semitic letter}}
- {{Service record}}, {{Infobox Service record}} → {{Infobox service record}}
- {{Infobox Town}}, {{Infobox Region}}, {{Infobox U.S. metropolitan area}}, {{Infobox city}}, {{Infobox town}}, {{Infobox Borough}}, {{Infobox Township}}, {{Romanian counties infobox}}, {{Infobox place}}, {{Infobox neighborhood}}, {{Infobox Place}}, {{Infobox Village}}, {{Infobox City}}, {{Infobox Municipality}}, {{Infobox Neighborhood}}, {{Infobox Cambodian district}}, {{Infobox Settlement}}, {{Infobox Metropolitan Area}}, {{Infobox region}}, {{Infobox state}}, {{Infobox province}}, {{Infobox territory}}, {{Infobox division}}, {{Infobox Division}}, {{Infobox district}}, {{Infobox hamlet}}, {{Infobox township}}, {{Infobox municipality}}, {{Infobox parish}}, {{Infobox department}}, {{Infobox Administrative division}}, {{Infobox location}}, {{Infobox area}}, {{Infobox subdivision}}, {{Infobox County}}, {{Infobox county}}, {{Infobox neighbourhood}}, {{Infobox comarca}}, {{Infobox regency}}, {{Infobox governorate}}, {{Infobox commune}}, {{Infobox US metropolitan area}}, {{Infobox arrondissement}}, {{Infobox unrecognized state}}, {{Infobox aspirational state}}, {{Infobox Azerbaijan region}}, {{Infobox Department}}, {{Infobox zone}}, {{Infobox borough}}, {{Infobox administrative division}}, {{Infobox village}}, {{Infobox populated place}}, {{Infobox Indian Jurisdiction}}, {{Infobox Fylke}}, {{Infobox natural region}}, {{Infobox Montenegro}}, {{Infobox Sri Lankan Administrative District}}, {{Infobox former settlement}}, {{Infobox former county}}, {{Infobox administrative area}}, {{Infobox populated area}}, {{Infobox locality}}, {{Infobox Belgium municipality section}} → {{Infobox settlement}}
- {{Infobox Ship Begin}}, {{Infobox Ship}}, {{Infobox Schiff}} → {{Infobox ship begin}}
- {{Infobox Ship Career}}, {{Infobox Ship Carrier}}, {{Infobox ship carrier}} → {{Infobox ship career}}
- {{Infobox Ship Characteristics}} → {{Infobox ship characteristics}}
- {{Infobox Ship Class Overview}} → {{Infobox ship class overview}}
- {{Infobox Ship Image}} → {{Infobox ship image}}
- {{Infobox software2}}, {{Software infobox}}, {{Infobox Software3}}, {{Infobox Software2}}, {{Infobox Software 2}}, {{Infobox Software}}, {{Infobox web browser}}, {{Infobox video game engine}} → {{Infobox software}}
- {{ESC National Year}}, {{Infobox JESC National Year}}, {{Infobox Asiavision}}, {{Infobox Cân i Gymru National Year}}, {{Infobox ABU Festival}}, {{Infobox ESC National Year}}, {{Infobox Eurovision Song Contest National Year}}, {{Infobox ABU TV}} → {{Infobox song contest national year}}
- {{Infobox individual sports league}}, {{Infobox MiLB league}}, {{Infobox former sports league}}, {{Infobox athletic conference}}, {{Infobox Multigender sports league}}, {{Infobox handball league}}, {{Infobox British Speedway League}}, {{Infobox sports conference}}, {{Infobox Sports division}}, {{Infobox sports division}}, {{MiLB league infobox}}, {{Infobox field hockey league}}, {{Infobox WSH}}, {{Infobox Sports conference}}, {{Infobox Sports league}}, {{Infobox Athletic Conference}}, {{Infobox league}} → {{Infobox sports league}}
- {{Infobox Athlete}}, {{Infobox athlete}}, {{Infobox athlete biography}}, {{Infobox triathlete}}, {{Infobox floorball player}}, {{Infobox Floorball Player}}, {{Infobox Sportsperson}}, {{Infobox Triathlete}}, {{Infobox sportsperson biography}}, {{Infobox snowboarder}}, {{Infobox diver}}, {{Infobox skateboarder}}, {{Infobox Sportsman}}, {{Sportsman}} → {{Infobox sportsperson}}
- {{Infobox British Railway Station}}, {{Infobox UK major railway station}}, {{Infobox UK railway station}}, {{Infobox UK minor railway station}}, {{Infobox UK medium railway station}}, {{Infobox MTR station}}, {{British stations}}, {{Infobox GB station}}, {{UK stations PTE}}, {{London Tram stations}}, {{UK stations}}, {{Infobox UK disused station}}, {{Infobox Japan station}}, {{Infobox Scotland disused station}}, {{Infobox Ireland disused station}}, {{Infobox UK heritage station}}, {{Infobox UK station}}, {{MTR Infobox}}, {{Infobox bus station}}, {{Infobox English bus stations}}, {{Infobox HK Bus Station}}, {{Infobox HK Bus station}}, {{Infobox Station}}, {{Infobox China station}}, {{Infobox Taiwan station}}, {{Infobox Italy station}}, {{Infobox china station}}, {{Infobox japan station}}, {{MTR infobox}}, {{Infobox Slovenia station}}, {{Infobox Oslo Tramway station}}, {{Infobox Slovakia station}}, {{Infobox NS-station}}, {{TP Train Station}}, {{Infobox Switzerland station}}, {{Infobox MTR}}, {{Infobox GB bus station}}, {{Infobox Austria station}}, {{Infobox Ireland station}}, {{Infobox NI station}}, {{Infobox Railway Station}}, {{Infobox train station}}, {{Infobox bus terminal}} → {{Infobox station}}
- {{Infobox telenovela}}, {{Infobox television soap opera}}, {{Infobox Television Soap Operas}}, {{Infobox flash series}}, {{Infobox TV Movie}}, {{Infobox Television Film}}, {{Infobox TV film}}, {{Infobox TV}}, {{Infobox Television series}}, {{Infobox TV show}}, {{Infobox British television}}, {{Infobox UK television}}, {{Infobox television (animated)}}, {{Infobox Minisodes}}, {{Internet cartoon}}, {{Infobox Television}}, {{Infobox Television film}}, {{Infobox Television Soap Opera}}, {{Infobox television talkshow}}, {{Infobox television series}}, {{Telenovela}}, {{Infobox television show}}, {{Infobox TV series}}, {{Infobox tv}}, {{Infobox miniseries}}, {{Infobox Telenovela}}, {{Infobox web series}}, {{Infobox cartoon}}, {{Infobox Television show}} → {{Infobox television}}
- {{British TV Channel}}, {{Tv net infobox}}, {{UK-ROI TV channel infobox}}, {{Uk-roi tv net infobox}}, {{Infobox Broadcasting channel}}, {{Infobox TV channel}}, {{Infobox TV channels}} → {{Infobox television channel}}
- {{Television episode}}, {{Television Episode}}, {{Infobox Television Episode}}, {{Infobox TV episode}}, {{Infobox Television episode}}, {{Infobox episode}}, {{Episode infobox}}, {{Infobox The Goodies episode}}, {{Infobox internet video}} → {{Infobox television episode}}
- {{Infobox Smallville season}}, {{Infobox television Project Runway}}, {{Infobox reality dance competition}}, {{Infobox Strictly Come Dancing Series}}, {{Infobox Dancing with the Stars season}}, {{Infobox Dancing on Ice series}}, {{Infobox Television season}}, {{Infobox tvseason}}, {{Infobox Television Season}}, {{Infobox dancingwiththestarsseason}}, {{Infobox dancing with the stars}}, {{Infobox Television Top Chef}}, {{Infobox Television Project Runway}} → {{Infobox television season}}
- {{Infobox Television Station}} → {{Infobox television station}}
- {{US County infobox}}, {{Infobox U.S. County}} → {{Infobox U.S. county}}
- {{Infobox college}}, {{Infobox College}}, {{Infobox University}}, {{Infobox university school}}, {{Infobox University School}}, {{Infobox faculty}}, {{Infobox art school}}, {{Infobox music school}}, {{Infobox dental school}}, {{Infobox business school}}, {{Infobox seminary school}}, {{Infobox institute department}}, {{Infobox university faculty}}, {{Infobox medical college}}, {{Infobox graduate school}}, {{Infobox academic division}}, {{Infobox medical school}}, {{Infobox veterinary school}}, {{Infobox academic school}}, {{Infobox film school}}, {{University infobox}} → {{Infobox university}}
- {{Infobox theatre}}, {{Infobox Venue}}, {{Broadway-theatre}}, {{Infobox theater}}, {{Infobox Theater}}, {{Infobox sport centre}}, {{Infobox Sports Centre}}, {{Infobox Stadium}}, {{Infobox Theatre}}, {{Infobox Sport Centre}}, {{Infobox sports centre}}, {{Infobox cinema}}, {{Infobox stadium}} → {{Infobox venue}}
- {{Infobox VG series}}, {{Infobox video game franchise}} → {{Infobox video game series}}
- {{Infobox Missile}}, {{Tank}}, {{Firearm}}, {{Weapon-grenade}}, {{Weapon-firearm}}, {{Vehicle-military}}, {{AFV}}, {{Infobox firearm}}, {{AAM}}, {{ArtyInfoBox}}, {{Infobox Firearm}}, {{Firearm 2}}, {{Infobox ballistic missile}}, {{Infobox Weapon}}, {{Infobox countermeasure}}, {{Infobox gun}}, {{Gun}} → {{Infobox weapon}}
- {{Infobox website/With logo}}, {{Infobox Website2}}, {{Infobox dot-com company}}, {{Infobox dotcom}}, {{Infobox Wikipedia}}, {{Infobox blog}}, {{Infobox Website}}, {{Infobox Website/With logo}}, {{Infobox Dotcom company}}, {{Infobox dotcom company}}, {{Infobox dot com company}}, {{Infobox website with IPv6}}, {{Infobox web company}}, {{Infobox web}}, {{Infobox site}} → {{Infobox website}}
- {{Infobox YouTuber}}, {{Infobox YouTube channel}}, {{Infobox YouTube}}, {{Infobox Youtube personality}}, {{Infobox youtuber}}, {{Infobox youtube channel}}, {{Infobox youtube personality}} → {{Infobox YouTube personality}}
- {{Subspeciesbox/ICN}} → {{Infraspeciesbox}}
- {{Married}}, {{Divorce}}, {{Divorced}}, {{Marraige}} → {{Marriage}}
- {{MycoMorphBox}} → {{Mycomorphbox}}
- {{Ndaq}}, {{NASDAQ2}}, {{Nasdaq}} → {{NASDAQ}}
- {{ConditionalURL}}, {{Conditional URL}}, {{Get URL from WikiData}}, {{OfficialURL}}, {{Official url}} → {{Official URL}}
- {{Polyphyletic group}} → {{Paraphyletic group}}
- {{Species box}}, {{Infobox species}} → {{Speciesbox}}
- {{VG Requirements}}, {{VG requirements}}, {{Video game requirements}} → {{System requirements}}
- {{USCensusPop}} → {{US Census population}}
- {{Infobox virus}} → {{Virusbox}}
Maintenance templates
- {{Abbrev}} → {{Abbreviations}}
- {{Academic boosterism}}, {{BOOSTER}}, {{Boosterism}}, {{Prestigious}}, {{AcademicBoosterism}}, {{Booster}} → {{Academic booster}}
- {{AI Generated}} → {{AI-generated}}
- {{Allplot}}, {{Onlyplot}}, {{Plotonly}}, {{Plot only}} → {{All plot}}
- {{Residents}} → {{Alumni}}
- {{Anachronisms}} → {{Anachronism}}
- {{AUTO}}, {{Autobio}} → {{Autobiography}}
- {{Merging}}, {{Mergingsectionto}}, {{Merging to}} → {{Being merged}}
- {{BLP IMDB sources}}, {{IMDB BLP refimprove}}, {{Refimprove IMDB BLP}}, {{BLP IMDB}}, {{BLP IMDB refimprove}}, {{BLPIMDBrefimprove}}, {{BLP IMDb}}, {{Blp imdb refimprove}}, {{Blp imdb}}, {{Imdb blp}}, {{Blp IMDb}} → {{BLP IMDb refimprove}}
- {{BLP IMDb only}}, {{BLP IMDB only}}, {{Blpimdbonlyrefimprove}} → {{BLP IMDb-only refimprove}}
- {{More footnotes BLP}}, {{BLP more inline}}, {{BLP more footnotes}}, {{Blp more footnotes needed}} → {{BLP more footnotes needed}}
- {{No footnotes BLP}}, {{Blp no footnotes}} → {{BLP no footnotes}}
- {{BLP single source}}, {{Blp one source}} → {{BLP one source}}
- {{BLP primary source}}, {{Blp primary sources}} → {{BLP primary sources}}
- {{Blp selfpub}}, {{BLP selfpub}}, {{BLP selfpublished}}, {{BLP Self-published}}, {{Blp self-published}} → {{BLP self-published}}
- {{Blpsources}}, {{BLPSources}}, {{BLPrefimprove}}, {{BLPsources}}, {{BLP Sources}}, {{Blp sources}}, {{BLPRefimprove}}, {{BLP Refimprove}}, {{BLP refimprove}}, {{Blprefimprove}}, {{Blp refimprove}}, {{BLP improvereferences}}, {{BLP Improvereferences}}, {{BLPimprovereferences}}, {{BLPImprovereferences}}, {{Blpimprovereferences}}, {{Blp improvereferences}}, {{Refimprove BLP}}, {{RefimproveBLP}}, {{Refimproveblp}}, {{BLP sourced}}, {{BLP moresources}}, {{ReferencedBLP}}, {{Referenced BLP}}, {{Refimprove blp}}, {{BLPmoreref}}, {{BLP improve}}, {{Refimprove-blp}}, {{Blp-refimprove}}, {{BLP source}}, {{BLP more sources}}, {{BLP ref improve}}, {{Refimprove-BLP}}, {{Sourced blp}}, {{Blp1source}}, {{Blp more sources}}, {{BLP+}}, {{BLP more citations}}, {{BLPR}}, {{Blpr}}, {{BLP citations needed}}, {{BLP more citations needed}}, {{+blp}}, {{+BLP}}, {{Blp+}}, {{RefBLP}}, {{BLPref}}, {{BLP more sources needed}} → {{BLP sources}}
- {{Blp sources section}} → {{BLP sources section}}
- {{UnsourcedBLP}}, {{BLPunreferenced}}, {{Unreferencedblp}}, {{Blpunsourced}}, {{BLPunsourced}}, {{Unsourcedblp}}, {{BLPUnreferenced}}, {{Unsourced BLP}}, {{Blpunref}}, {{Unreferenced BLP}}, {{Blpunreferenced}}, {{UnreferencedBLP}}, {{BLPUnsourced}}, {{Unreferenced blp}}, {{BLP Unreferenced}}, {{Blp-unreferenced}}, {{Unreferenced-blp}}, {{Unreferenced-BLP}}, {{Blpnoref}}, {{Blp unreferenced}}, {{BLPnoref}}, {{Unref BLP}}, {{Blp unsourced}}, {{Urblp}}, {{Ublp}}, {{Blp-unsourced}}, {{BLPunref}}, {{Unsourced-blp}}, {{Noref-blp}}, {{Unsourced blp}}, {{BLP-unreferenced}}, {{BLP unref}}, {{Unref-BLP}}, {{Unsourced-BLP}}, {{BLP Unsourced}}, {{BLP unsourced}} → {{BLP unreferenced}}
- {{BLPunsourcedsection}}, {{BLPunsourcedsect}}, {{Blpunsourcedsection}}, {{Blpunsourcedsect}}, {{Blp unsourced section}}, {{Unsourced BLP section}}, {{Unreferenced BLP section}}, {{BLP unsourced section}}, {{Blp unreferenced section}} → {{BLP unreferenced section}}
- {{Broaden view}}, {{Limited view}}, {{Narrow}}, {{Narrow view}}, {{Narrow scope}}, {{Broaden scope}}, {{Limited scope}}, {{Single field}} → {{Broaden}}
- {{Buzzwords}}, {{CleanupBuzzwords}}, {{CleanupBuzzword}}, {{Cleanup-buzzword}}, {{Cleanup-buzzwords}}, {{Cleanup buzzwords}}, {{Cleanup buzzword}} → {{Buzzword}}
- {{Catholic-cleanup}} → {{Catholic cleanup}}
- {{Cherrypicked}}, {{Cherry picked}} → {{Cherry-picked}}
- {{Chinese script}} → {{Chinese script needed}}
- {{Cleanup-references}}, {{Cleanup-citation}}, {{Ref-cleanup}}, {{Citationstyle}}, {{Citation-style}}, {{Refstyle}}, {{Reference style}}, {{Reference-style}}, {{Cleanup-refs}}, {{Citestyle}}, {{Cleanrefs}}, {{Refclean}}, {{Refsclean}}, {{Source Style}}, {{Sourced wrong}}, {{Ref-style}}, {{Refcleanup}}, {{Citations style}}, {{Inconsistentfootnotes}}, {{Inconsistent citation style}}, {{Unclear citation style}}, {{Unclear citations}}, {{Unclear citation}}, {{Unclear style}}, {{Unclear sources}}, {{Sources unclear}} → {{Citation style}}
- {{Citations Broken}}, {{Broken citations}}, {{Dead link header}}, {{Citationsbroken}}, {{Multiple dead links}}, {{Many dead links}}, {{Needs link repair}} → {{Citations broken}}
- {{Cite-check}}, {{Citecheck}}, {{Misinterpreted citations}} → {{Cite check}}
- {{Attention (on talk page)}}, {{Clean}}, {{Cu}}, {{CU}}, {{Tidy}}, {{Cleancat}}, {{Cleanup-quality}}, {{Cleanup-date}}, {{Attn}}, {{Attention see talk}}, {{Attention}}, {{Clean up}}, {{Cleanup-because}}, {{Cleanup-reason}}, {{Cleanup-since}}, {{Improve}}, {{Quality}}, {{Cleanup-article}}, {{Clu}}, {{Gamecleanup}}, {{Index-cleanup}}, {{Game cleanup}}, {{Maintenance}}, {{ForCleanup}}, {{Cleanarticle}}, {{Broken syntax}}, {{Cleanup-needed}}, {{Cleanup needed}} → {{Cleanup}}
- {{Cleanup afd}}, {{Cleanupafd}}, {{CleanupAfD}}, {{CleanupAFD}}, {{Cleanup-AFD}}, {{Cleanup-afd}} → {{Cleanup AfD}}
- {{Linkrot}}, {{Bare URLs}}, {{Link rot}}, {{Bare links}}, {{Barelinks}}, {{Bareurls}}, {{Bare urls}}, {{Cleanup-linkrot}}, {{Bare URL}}, {{BareURLs}}, {{Bare-URLs}}, {{Cleanup link-rot}}, {{Cleanup link rot}}, {{Bare refs}}, {{Bare references}}, {{Bareurl}}, {{BareURL}}, {{Bare}}, {{Cleanup-link-rot}}, {{Cleanup-link rot}}, {{Bare linkname}}, {{Cleanup-Bare URLs}}, {{Cleanup-barelinks}}, {{Bare link}}, {{LR}}, {{Lr}}, {{LINKROT}}, {{Cleanup-bare URLs}}, {{Cleanup bare-URLs}}, {{CUBURL}}, {{Cleanup Bare URLs}}, {{Cleanup bare urls}} → {{Cleanup bare URLs}}
- {{Cleanup-bio}}, {{Cleanup-biography}}, {{Cleanup bio}}, {{Biographical information}} → {{Cleanup biography}}
- {{Cleanup-book}} → {{Cleanup book}}
- {{Cleanup-colours}}, {{Cleanup-colors}} → {{Cleanup colors}}
- {{Cleanup congress bio}}, {{CCB}}, {{Cleanup Congress Bio}} → {{Cleanup Congress bio}}
- {{Cleanup FJC Bio}}, {{Cleanup FJ biography}} → {{Cleanup federal judge bio}}
- {{Cleanup-film}} → {{Cleanup film}}
- {{Imagefarm}}, {{Gallery-cleanup}}, {{Cleanup-gallery}}, {{Excessive gallery}}, {{Indisciminate gallery}}, {{Gallery cleanup}}, {{Indiscriminate gallery}}, {{Image farm}} → {{Cleanup gallery}}
- {{Cleanup-college}}, {{Cleanup-university}}, {{Cleanup college}}, {{Cleanup university}} → {{Cleanup higher education}}
- {{Cleanup-Html}}, {{HTML-cleanup}}, {{Cleanup-HTML}}, {{HTMLTidyNotice}}, {{Uses HTML}} → {{Cleanup HTML}}
- {{Cleanup-ICHD}} → {{Cleanup ICHD}}
- {{Clean caption}}, {{Cuic}}, {{Caption cleanup}}, {{Image captions for cleanup}} → {{Cleanup image captions}}
- {{Images to cleanup}}, {{Images-cleanup}}, {{Cleanup-images}} → {{Cleanup images}}
- {{Cleanup-infobox}}, {{Incomplete infobox}} → {{Cleanup infobox}}
- {{Cleanup-lang}} → {{Cleanup lang}}
- {{Cleanuplist}}, {{Cleanup-laundry}}, {{CleanupList}}, {{Laundry}}, {{Cleanup laundry}}, {{CleanupLaundry}}, {{Listy}}, {{Listcruft}}, {{Cleanup-laundry-section}}, {{List-cleanup}}, {{TriviaList}}, {{Laundry list}}, {{Laundry List}}, {{Nnlist}}, {{Indiscriminate list}}, {{Inclusion}}, {{Cleanup-list}}, {{Excessive list}} → {{Cleanup list}}
- {{Cleanup-merge}}, {{Merge cleanup}}, {{Cleanup merger}} → {{Cleanup merge}}
- {{Pressrelease}}, {{Press release}}, {{Newsrelease}}, {{News release}}, {{Press releases}}, {{Cleanup-PR}} → {{Cleanup press release}}
- {{News release section}}, {{Press release section}} → {{Cleanup press release section}}
- {{Cleanup Red Link}}, {{Too many red links}}, {{Cleanup redlinks}}, {{Cleanup-redlinks}}, {{Red links}}, {{Redlinks}}, {{Redlink}}, {{Red link}} → {{Cleanup red links}}
- {{Cleanup-restructure}}, {{Bad structure}}, {{Organize}}, {{Cleanup restructure}}, {{CleanupRestructure}}, {{Restructure}}, {{Reorganize}}, {{Reorg}}, {{Structure}}, {{Cleanup-reorganise}}, {{Clean-up-reorganise}}, {{Organization}}, {{Reorganise}}, {{Disorganized}}, {{Cleanup-layout}}, {{Layout}}, {{Cleanup-reorganize}} → {{Cleanup reorganize}}
- {{Rewrite}}, {{Complete rewrite needed}}, {{Complete rewrite}}, {{Needs rewrite}}, {{Needsrewrite}}, {{Completerewrite}}, {{Pokerewrite}}, {{CleanupRewrite}}, {{Sectionrewrite}}, {{Sect-rewrite}}, {{Awful}}, {{TNT}}, {{Cleanup-rewrite}}, {{Rewritten}}, {{Cleanuprewrite}}, {{Clre}} → {{Cleanup rewrite}}
- {{School-cleanup}}, {{Cleanup-school}} → {{Cleanup school}}
- {{Cleanup-section}}, {{Section cleanup}}, {{Clean up section}} → {{Cleanup section}}
- {{Split cleanup}} → {{Cleanup split}}
- {{Tense}}, {{Cleanup-tense}} → {{Cleanup tense}}
- {{Cleanuptranslation}}, {{Bad translation}}, {{Cleanup-translation}}, {{Translation cleanup}} → {{Cleanup translation}}
- {{Cleanup-weighted}}, {{Cleanup undue}}, {{Cleanup undue weight}} → {{Cleanup weighted}}
- {{Close paraphrase}}, {{Verbatim}}, {{Paraphrase}}, {{Paraphrasing}}, {{Re-phrase}}, {{Closeparaphrase}}, {{Clop}} → {{Close paraphrasing}}
- {{Coat}}, {{Coat rack}} → {{Coatrack}}
- {{Coi}}, {{Selfpromotion}}, {{COI-section}}, {{COI-check}}, {{COI-issues}}, {{Coi-section}}, {{Close connection}}, {{CoI}}, {{COI section}}, {{Potential vanity}}, {{Close connexion}}, {{Conflicts of interest}} → {{COI}}
- {{Cleanup-clarity}}, {{Simplify}}, {{Cleanup-confusing}}, {{Unclear}}, {{CleanupConfusing}}, {{Cleanupconfusing}}, {{Cleanup confusing}}, {{Unclear or confusing}}, {{Clarity}}, {{Improve clarity}}, {{Incomprehensible}}, {{Confusing article}} → {{Confusing}}
- {{Clarify section}}, {{Unclearsection}}, {{Confusing-section}}, {{Unclear-section}}, {{Unclear section}}, {{Clarify-section}} → {{Confusing section}}
- {{Content disputed}} → {{Content}}
- {{Cleanup-context}}, {{Bio-context}}, {{Insufficient context}}, {{Layman}}, {{Unnamed sport}} → {{Context}}
- {{Contradicts}}, {{Sync}}, {{Contradict other}}, {{Harmonize}}, {{Contradictarticle}}, {{Out of sync}}, {{Contradict-other}}, {{Twoversions}} → {{Contradicts other}}
- {{Contradict-other-multiple}} → {{Contradicts others}}
- {{Gcheck}}, {{Grammar check}}, {{Copy-edit}}, {{Cleanup-copyedit}}, {{Cleanup-english}}, {{Ortogramrevision}}, {{Grammar}}, {{Repetition}}, {{Spacing}}, {{Cleanup spacing}}, {{Native speaker}}, {{Copyediting}}, {{Redundant-text}}, {{NativeSpeaker}}, {{Copyedit}}, {{Spelling}}, {{Cleanup-grammer}}, {{Grammar-cleanup}}, {{Grammar cleanup}}, {{Cleanup grammar}}, {{Ced}}, {{Repetitious}}, {{Verbosity}}, {{Cleanup copyedit}}, {{Copy editing}}, {{Copyedits}}, {{Copyedit needed}}, {{Copyedits needed}}, {{Wording cleanup}}, {{C/e}} → {{Copy edit}}
- {{Section edit request}}, {{Copyedit section}}, {{Repetition section}}, {{Copyedit-section}}, {{Copy edit-section}}, {{Copy-edit section}}, {{Section copyedit}} → {{Copy edit section}}
- {{Move section to Wikiquote}}, {{Move section to wikiquote}}, {{Copy section to wikiquote}} → {{Copy section to Wikiquote}}
- {{Move to wikibooks}}, {{Wikibook program}}, {{Move to Wikibooks}}, {{Copy to wikibooks}}, {{TransWikibooks}} → {{Copy to Wikibooks}}
- {{Move to wikiquote}}, {{Move to Wikiquote}}, {{Ctwq}}, {{CTWQ}}, {{CtWq}}, {{Copy to wikiquote}} → {{Copy to Wikiquote}}
- {{Move to wikisource}}, {{Move to Wikisource}}, {{Copy to wikisource}}, {{CtWs}}, {{CTWS}}, {{Ctws}}, {{Movetowikisource}} → {{Copy to Wikisource}}
- {{Copy to wikiversity}}, {{Move to Wikiversity}} → {{Copy to Wikiversity}}
- {{Copy to wikivoyage}} → {{Copy to Wikivoyage}}
- {{Copy}}, {{CopyPaste}}, {{Copy-paste}}, {{Copy paste}}, {{Copy Paste}}, {{Copy-Paste}}, {{Copypasta}}, {{Plagiarized}}, {{Plagiarised}} → {{Copypaste}}
- {{Needlist}}, {{No prose}}, {{Convert into list}}, {{Create-list}}, {{Makelist}}, {{Convert to list}} → {{Create list}}
- {{Controversy-section}}, {{Csection}}, {{Criticism-section}}, {{Controversy section}}, {{CSECTION}}, {{Critsection}}, {{Crit section}} → {{Criticism section}}
- {{Currentevent}}, {{Flux}}, {{Live}}, {{Currentsect}}, {{Developing}}, {{Current event}}, {{Current section}}, {{Currentevents}}, {{CurrentParagraph}}, {{CurrentSection}}, {{Current news}}, {{Current antics}}, {{Current Event}}, {{Ongoing event}}, {{Current-section}}, {{Current war}}, {{Currentwarfare}}, {{Recent event}}, {{Developingstory}}, {{Recent news}}, {{Recentevent}}, {{On going}}, {{Ongoing}}, {{Breaking news}}, {{Current COVID-19}}, {{Current COVID}} → {{Current}}
- {{Currentdisaster}}, {{Current disasters}}, {{Current disster}}, {{Recent disaster}} → {{Current disaster}}
- {{Currentperson}}, {{Current blp}} → {{Current person}}
- {{Relatedcurrent}}, {{Currentrelated}}, {{Current-related}}, {{Recent related}}, {{Involved in current event}}, {{Involved in ongoing event}} → {{Current related}}
- {{Launching}} → {{Current spaceflight}}
- {{Current Sport}}, {{Current sports}}, {{Current-sport}}, {{Current-sports}}, {{Currentsport}}, {{Currentsports}}, {{Current sport event}}, {{Aktuel sport}} → {{Current sport}}
- {{HurricaneWarning}}, {{Current tornado outbreak}}, {{Current tropical cyclone}}, {{Current winter storm}} → {{Current weather event}}
- {{Many disambig links}} → {{Dablinks}}
- {{DEP}}, {{DEp}}, {{DeP}}, {{Dead end page}}, {{Needs links}}, {{Deadend}}, {{Dead-end}}, {{No links}}, {{Dead-end page}} → {{Dead end}}
- {{Dict}}, {{Dictdef}}, {{Dictionary}}, {{Dictionary definition}}, {{Dictionary entry}}, {{Like dictionary definition}}, {{Like dictionary entry}} → {{Dicdef}}
- {{Not directory}} → {{Directory}}
- {{Disputeabout}}, {{Disputed about}} → {{Dispute about}}
- {{Dispute}}, {{BLP dispute}}, {{BLPdispute}}, {{Blpdispute}}, {{Accuracy}}, {{Factual accuracy disputed}}, {{Factual accuracy}}, {{Accuracy dispute}}, {{DisputeCheck}}, {{Disputed essay}}, {{Disputed accuracy}} → {{Disputed}}
- {{Disputed-category}} → {{Disputed category}}
- {{Disputed-chem}} → {{Disputed chem}}
- {{Disputedinclusion}}, {{Disputed-list}}, {{Disputed inclusion}} → {{Disputed list}}
- {{Sectfact}}, {{Accuracy-section}}, {{Disputed-section}} → {{Disputed section}}
- {{Duplicate citations}}, {{Duplicated references}} → {{Duplicated citations}}
- {{CleanupMerge}}, {{Cfork}}, {{Redundant text}}, {{Combine}}, {{Cleanup-combine}}, {{Duplicates}}, {{Content fork}} → {{Duplication}}
- {{EastonDict}} → {{EBD POV}}
- {{Emptysection}}, {{EmptySection}}, {{Blank section}}, {{Empty-section}}, {{No content}}, {{Emptysect}}, {{Section empty}}, {{Empty Section}}, {{Section-empty}}, {{Section missing}} → {{Empty section}}
- {{Editorial}}, {{Essay-opinion}}, {{Op-ed}}, {{Essay-entry}}, {{Essaylike}}, {{Cleanup-essay}}, {{Cleanupessay}}, {{Essay like}}, {{Like essay}} → {{Essay-like}}
- {{Too many citations}}, {{Too many references}}, {{ExcessiveCitations}}, {{Too many sources}}, {{Excess cite}} → {{Excessive citations}}
- {{Examplefarm}}, {{Too many examples}}, {{Cleanup-examples}}, {{Bad examples}}, {{Example cruft}}, {{Example farm}} → {{Excessive examples}}
- {{Cleanup road junction list}}, {{Rjl}}, {{RJL}} → {{Exit list}}
- {{Expand Alemannisch}}, {{Expand Swiss German}} → {{Expand Alemannic}}
- {{Expand-ar}} → {{Expand Arabic}}
- {{Expand Azeri}} → {{Expand Azerbaijani}}
- {{Expand Euskara}} → {{Expand Basque}}
- {{Expand Old Belarusian}}, {{Expand Belarusian (Tarashkevitsa)}}, {{Expand Taraškievica}}, {{Expand Taraskievica}}, {{Expand Belarusian (Taraskievica)}}, {{Expand be-tarask}}, {{Expand Belarusian (Taraškievica)}} → {{Expand Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography)}}
- {{Expand Bangla}} → {{Expand Bengali}}
- {{Expand Sorani}}, {{Expand Sorani Kurdish}} → {{Expand Central Kurdish}}
- {{Expand-zh}}, {{Expand chinese}} → {{Expand Chinese}}
- {{Expand Ripuarian}} → {{Expand Colognian}}
- {{Expand Dansk}} → {{Expand Danish}}
- {{Translation request from Dutch}} → {{Expand Dutch}}
- {{Expand Finland}} → {{Expand Finnish}}
- {{Translation request from French}}, {{ExpandFrench}}, {{Expand french}} → {{Expand French}}
- {{Translation request from German}}, {{Expand Deutsch}}, {{Expand german}}, {{Expand from German}} → {{Expand German}}
- {{Requested translations (Japanese)}}, {{Expand japanese}} → {{Expand Japanese}}
- {{Expand Kurmanji}}, {{Expand Kurmanji Kurdish}}, {{Expand Kurdish (Kurmanji)}} → {{Expand Kurdish}}
- {{Expand language (latin script)}}, {{Expand language (non-Latin script)}}, {{Expand language (non-latin script)}}, {{Transreq}}, {{Import}}, {{Expand lang}}, {{Expand translation}}, {{Translate from}}, {{ExpL}} → {{Expand language}}
- {{Expand Limburgian}} → {{Expand Limburgish}}
- {{Expand Nynorsk}} → {{Expand Norwegian (Nynorsk)}}
- {{Expand Oriya}} → {{Expand Odia}}
- {{Expand Farsi}} → {{Expand Persian}}
- {{Expand pl}} → {{Expand Polish}}
- {{Expand pt}}, {{Expand portuguese}} → {{Expand Portuguese}}
- {{Expand Punjabi}} → {{Expand Punjabi Gurmukhi}}
- {{Expand-ru}} → {{Expand Russian}}
- {{Sectstub}}, {{Expandsect}}, {{Section stub}}, {{Section-stub}}, {{Expandsection}}, {{Section-expand}}, {{Expand-sect}}, {{Sectexpand}}, {{Sect-expand}}, {{Sectionexpand}}, {{Expand-section}}, {{Sect-stub}}, {{Expand sect}}, {{Exs}}, {{Incomplete section}}, {{Expand Section}}, {{Stub-section}}, {{Stub section}}, {{Section expand}}, {{Incomplete-section}}, {{Expands}}, {{Xpands}}, {{Section incomplete}}, {{Xsec}}, {{Xs}}, {{XS}}, {{Section too short}}, {{Section expansion needed}}, {{Stubsect}}, {{Stubsection}}, {{This section needs expansion}}, {{Needs expansion}} → {{Expand section}}
- {{Expand Sinhalese}} → {{Expand Sinhala}}
- {{Expand Slovenia}}, {{Expand Slovenian}} → {{Expand Slovene}}
- {{Expand spanish}} → {{Expand Spanish}}
- {{Translation request from Swedish}} → {{Expand Swedish}}
- {{Expand Filipino}} → {{Expand Tagalog}}
- {{Expand Frisian}}, {{Expand West Frisian}} → {{Expand Western Frisian}}
- {{Expert}}, {{Expert attention}}, {{ExpertVerify}}, {{Expertverify}}, {{Cleanup-expert}}, {{Expert-portal}}, {{Expert-verify}}, {{Expert-article}}, {{Expert-subject}}, {{Expert subject}}, {{Expertneeded}}, {{Needs expert}} → {{Expert needed}}
- {{LinkFarm}}, {{Linkfarm}}, {{External-links}}, {{Cleanup External}}, {{External}}, {{Externallinks}}, {{Too many links}}, {{Excessive links}}, {{Cleanup-links}}, {{Toomanylinks}}, {{ExcessiveLinks}}, {{EL}}, {{Link farm}}, {{Extlinks}}, {{External linking}}, {{Cleanup-external links}}, {{El-cleanup}}, {{External links cleanup}}, {{External cleanup}}, {{EL cleanup}}, {{Cleanup external}}, {{External link cleanup}}, {{Too many external links}} → {{External links}}
- {{Notable players}} → {{Famous}}
- {{Fansite}}, {{Fan's bias}}, {{Fan's point of view}}, {{FanPOV}}, {{Fan pov}}, {{Fanpov}}, {{Fan bias}} → {{Fan POV}}
- {{Cleanup-fiction}}, {{Factfiction}} → {{Fiction}}
- {{Fictioncruft}}, {{Fictionrefs}} → {{Fiction trivia}}
- {{Formatfootnotes}}, {{Format citations}}, {{Format references}}, {{Wikify references}}, {{Formatrefs}}, {{Ref-format}} → {{Format footnotes}}
- {{Fringe-section}} → {{Fringe section}}
- {{Fringe theory}}, {{Fringe views}}, {{Fringe article}}, {{Fringe}} → {{Fringe theories}}
- {{Ref fill}}, {{Expand ref}}, {{Expand reference}}, {{Expand refs}}, {{Refexpand}}, {{Cleanup partial cites}}, {{Cleanup Partial Cites}}, {{Ref expand}}, {{Complete citations needed}}, {{Incomplete citations}}, {{Full citations}}, {{Full cns}} → {{Full citations needed}}
- {{Further Reading}}, {{Further reading}}, {{Frc}}, {{Uncited references}}, {{Further cleanup}}, {{Too much further reading}}, {{Book farm}}, {{Bookfarm}}, {{Further too long}} → {{Further reading cleanup}}
- {{Gameguide}} → {{Game guide}}
- {{Generalize-section}}, {{Gen-section}} → {{Generalize}}
- {{Limited geographic scope within country}} → {{Geographical imbalance}}
- {{Limited Geographic Scope}}, {{LimitedGeographicScope}}, {{Limitedgeographicscope}}, {{Limited geographic scope}}, {{World}}, {{Worldwide-view}}, {{Worldwideview}}, {{Worldwide}}, {{Geographically limited}}, {{Worldview}}, {{Globalview}}, {{Global}}, {{Worldwide view}}, {{Globalize country}}, {{Over-coverage}}, {{Globalizestate}}, {{Overcoverage}}, {{Globalizecountry}}, {{Internationalise}}, {{Internationalize}}, {{Over coverage}}, {{Geobias}} → {{Globalize}}
- {{Globalize-section}}, {{Globalise-section}} → {{Globalize section}}
- {{Hx}}, {{Made-up}}, {{HOAX}}, {{Madeup}} → {{Hoax}}
- {{Plot hook}}, {{Complete plot}} → {{Hook}}
- {{Man-page}}, {{Manual}}, {{Guidebook}}, {{How to}}, {{Advice}}, {{Instructions}}, {{Guide}}, {{Howto}} → {{How-to}}
- {{Howto-section}}, {{Howto section}}, {{Section how-to}}, {{Section howto}} → {{How-to section}}
- {{Ibid.}}, {{Op cit}} → {{Ibid}}
- {{Image request}}, {{Image Requested}}, {{Image needed}}, {{Images needed}}, {{Reqimage}}, {{Needs image}}, {{Req photograph}}, {{Reqphotograph}}, {{Requested photograph}}, {{Picture needed}}, {{Picreq}}, {{RQP}}, {{Imagereq}}, {{REQP}}, {{Reqp}}, {{Rqp}}, {{NeedsPicture}}, {{Requested image}}, {{Requested photo}}, {{Picture requested}}, {{Requested picture}}, {{Needs picture}}, {{Image required}} → {{Image requested}}
- {{Importance-s}}, {{Irrelevant}}, {{Relevance-section}}, {{Relevance-sect}}, {{Notability-sect}}, {{Importance-sect}}, {{Coolstorybro}}, {{Importance-section}}, {{Notability-section}}, {{Relevance section}}, {{Irrelevant section}} → {{Importance section}}
- {{Ci}}, {{Cleanup-cat}}, {{Cleanup cat}}, {{Few categories}}, {{Few cats}}, {{Fewcategories}}, {{Fewcats}}, {{Improve-categories}}, {{Improve-cats}}, {{Improve cats}}, {{Improvecategories}}, {{Improvecats}}, {{More categories}}, {{More category}}, {{Morecat}}, {{Morecategories}}, {{Morecats}}, {{Cat-improve}}, {{Category-improve}}, {{Categories-improve}}, {{Category improve}}, {{Categories improve}}, {{Catimprove}}, {{More cats}}, {{Cat improve}}, {{Additional categories}}, {{Undercategorized}}, {{Undercategorised}}, {{CI}}, {{Undercat}} → {{Improve categories}}
- {{Fictionlist}}, {{Inpopularculture}}, {{Popcruft}}, {{Popular culture}}, {{Pop culture}}, {{Popular Culture}}, {{Popcult}} → {{In popular culture}}
- {{Big edit}}, {{Currently editing}}, {{Edited}}, {{Editing}}, {{In Use}}, {{IN USE}}, {{Inuse}}, {{In-use}}, {{Inuse-elapsed}}, {{Inusefor}}, {{Iu}}, {{Major edit}}, {{Majoredit}}, {{PageRefurb}}, {{Refactoring}}, {{Wait}}, {{Wip}}, {{WIP}} → {{In use}}
- {{Sectioninuse}}, {{Inuse-section}} → {{In use section}}
- {{First-person}}, {{Incorrect person}}, {{Person}}, {{First person}}, {{Improper person}}, {{Firstperson}}, {{1stperson}}, {{Inappropriateperson}} → {{Inappropriate person}}
- {{Incominglinks}} → {{Incoming links}}
- {{Incompdab}} → {{Incomplete disambiguation}}
- {{Incomplete-list}}, {{List-stub}}, {{List-dev}}, {{Expand-list}}, {{Poplist}}, {{Expandlist}}, {{Incompletelist}}, {{Listdev}}, {{List incomplete}}, {{List expand}}, {{Unfinished list}}, {{Empty list}}, {{Expand list}}, {{Inc-list}}, {{Iclist}} → {{Incomplete list}}
- {{Incompletepersonnel}}, {{Incomplete personnel}} → {{Inc-personnel}}
- {{Inc-result}} → {{Inc-results}}
- {{Parenthetical reference cleanup}}, {{Inline parenthetical referencing}} → {{Parenthetical referencing}}
- {{Integrate-section}} → {{Integrate section}}
- {{Inuniverse}}, {{InUniverse}}, {{In universe}}, {{Universe}} → {{In-universe}}
- {{Needisbns}}, {{NeedISBNs}}, {{Lacking ISBNs}}, {{Lacking isbn}} → {{Lacking ISBN}}
- {{Lackingoverview}}, {{Lacking outline}}, {{Lackingoutline}}, {{No overview}}, {{No outline}}, {{Nooverview}}, {{Nooutline}} → {{Lacking overview}}
- {{Nointro}}, {{Nointroduction}}, {{No lead}}, {{Nolead}}, {{Missingintro}}, {{Intromissing}}, {{No-intro}}, {{Intro-missing}}, {{No lead section}}, {{Intro missing}}, {{Lede missing}}, {{No-lead}}, {{Missing lead}}, {{No intro}}, {{Lead absent}}, {{Lede absent}}, {{No lede}}, {{Noleadsection}}, {{No definition}}, {{Nolede}}, {{Introduction needed}}, {{Introduction missing}}, {{Intro needed}}, {{Lead required}}, {{Lede required}}, {{Leadmissing}}, {{Nol}}, {{NOL}} → {{Lead missing}}
- {{Lead section}}, {{Vagueintro}}, {{Cleanup-lead}}, {{Introrewrite}}, {{Intro}}, {{Opening}}, {{Leadsection}}, {{Lead}}, {{Lede}}, {{Intro-rewrite}}, {{Lead-rewrite}}, {{Lede rewrite}}, {{LEAD}}, {{LEDE}}, {{Rewrite lead}}, {{Cleanup lead}} → {{Lead rewrite}}
- {{Introlength}}, {{Intro length}}, {{Leadtoolong}}, {{Longintro}}, {{Longlead}}, {{Longlede}}, {{Intro too long}}, {{Intro-toolong}}, {{Long lead}}, {{Intro-too long}}, {{Lede too long}}, {{Introtoolong}}, {{Intro-too-long}}, {{L2L}}, {{L2l}}, {{Lead long}}, {{LTL}}, {{Long intro}} → {{Lead too long}}
- {{Expandlead}}, {{Too short}}, {{Leadtooshort}}, {{Tooshort}}, {{Short intro}}, {{Expand lead}}, {{Short lead}}, {{Intro-tooshort}}, {{Expandlede}}, {{Too Short}}, {{Lead-too-short}}, {{Shortlead}}, {{Improve lead}}, {{Shortintro}}, {{Lede too short}}, {{Inadequate lede}}, {{Lead inadequate}}, {{Intro too short}}, {{Build lead}}, {{Intro-expand}}, {{Inadequate-lead}}, {{Bad lead}}, {{Bad-lead}}, {{XL}}, {{TSL}}, {{L2S}}, {{L2s}}, {{Insufficient lead}}, {{Inadequate lead section}}, {{Lead section inadequate}}, {{Inadequate lead}}, {{Lead improve}}, {{Improve lede}} → {{Lead too short}}
- {{Likeresume}}, {{Cleanup-resume}}, {{LikeResume}}, {{Like-resume}}, {{Cleanup resume}}, {{Resumelike}}, {{Resume like}}, {{Like a resume}}, {{Likearesume}}, {{Resumé}}, {{Like resumé}}, {{Resumé-like}}, {{Like résumé}}, {{Like résume}}, {{Résumé-like}}, {{Like CV}}, {{Like resume}} → {{Resume-like}}
- {{Cleanup-laundryrack}}, {{Make table}}, {{Listtable}}, {{List2table}}, {{Link to table}}, {{Link to Table}}, {{Tableformat}}, {{L2t}}, {{TABLE}}, {{L2T}}, {{Convert to table}} → {{List to table}}
- {{Needyears}}, {{Need-years}}, {{Listdates}}, {{Listyears}} → {{List years}}
- {{Cleanup-local}}, {{Cleanup GM}}, {{Cleanup-Greater Manchester}}, {{Cleanup-GM}}, {{Cleanup Greater Manchester}}, {{Local}} → {{Localist}}
- {{Long plot summary}}, {{PLOT}}, {{Long-plot}}, {{Longplot}}, {{Too much plot}}, {{Plot summary}}, {{Plot}}, {{Less plot}}, {{Plot too long}}, {{Too detailed plot}}, {{Plot too detailed}}, {{Summary too detailed}}, {{Too detailed summary}} → {{Long plot}}
- {{Film IMDB refimprove}}, {{IMDB film refimprove}}, {{Film IMDb}}, {{Television IMDb refimprove}}, {{Film imdb}}, {{Film IMDb refimprove}} → {{Media IMDb refimprove}}
- {{Mergedisputed}}, {{Mergewith}}, {{MergeDisputed}}, {{MergeVfD}}, {{Merge-disputed}}, {{Merge disputed}}, {{Merge-multiple}}, {{Mergesplit}}, {{MergeSplit}}, {{Mergemulti}}, {{Mergetomultiple-with}}, {{Multimerge}}, {{Proposed merge}}, {{Merge with}} → {{Merge}}
- {{Merge-from}}, {{Include}}, {{Mergrefrom}}, {{Mergefrom-multiple}}, {{Multiplemergefrom}}, {{Mergefrommulti}}, {{Mergefrommultiple}}, {{Multimergefrom}}, {{Mergefrom-category}}, {{MergeFrom}}, {{Mergefrom}}, {{Merge from draft}} → {{Merge from}}
- {{Move section portions from}}, {{Move portions from}}, {{Merge section portions from}} → {{Merge portions from}}
- {{Merge-to}}, {{Mergeinto}}, {{MergePartial}}, {{MergetoCat}}, {{Mergelist}}, {{Mergeto-disputed}}, {{Mergeto-multiple}}, {{Multiplemergeinto}}, {{Multiplemergeto}}, {{Merge-multiple-to}}, {{Merge into}}, {{MergeTo}}, {{Mergeto}}, {{Merge to article}}, {{Merge2}}, {{Merge-into}} → {{Merge to}}
- {{Mergingfrom}} → {{Merging from}}
- {{Missing}}, {{Missing information non-contentious}}, {{Missinginfo}}, {{Missing info non-contentious}}, {{Missing info}}, {{Missing Information}}, {{Incomplete}}, {{Missing etymology}}, {{Etymology missing}} → {{Missing information}}
- {{Needtaxobox}}, {{Need taxobox}}, {{Needstaxobox}}, {{Needs taxobox}}, {{Missingtaxobox}}, {{Taxobox needed}}, {{Reqtaxobox}}, {{Missing-taxobox}} → {{Missing taxobox}}
- {{Verify}}, {{Not verified}}, {{Cleanup-verify}}, {{Notverified}}, {{Cite sources}}, {{Sources}}, {{More sources}}, {{Citations missing}}, {{Referenced}}, {{Citations needed}}, {{Moresources}}, {{Missing citations}}, {{Morerefs}}, {{Morereferences}}, {{Moreref}}, {{Fewreferences}}, {{Cleanup-cite}}, {{Cleanup cite}}, {{Few references}}, {{More references}}, {{Improve-refs}}, {{Ref-improve}}, {{Ref improve}}, {{Improve references}}, {{Improvereferences}}, {{Improverefs}}, {{Improve refs}}, {{RefImprove}}, {{Verification}}, {{Additionalcitations}}, {{Additional citations}}, {{Improveref}}, {{Fewrefs}}, {{Few refs}}, {{More refs}}, {{Morecite}}, {{Ref Improve}}, {{Reference improve}}, {{Refimproved}}, {{Needs more references}}, {{Citationsneeded}}, {{Refim}}, {{Mcn}}, {{Add references}}, {{Addref}}, {{Rip}}, {{Improve-references}}, {{Few sources}}, {{+r}}, {{Adref}}, {{+R}}, {{Needs additional citations}}, {{More citations}}, {{Refimprove article}}, {{Improve sources}}, {{Refimprove}}, {{Needs more citations}}, {{MCN}}, {{More sources needed}}, {{More Citations Needed}}, {{Sources needed}}, {{More references needed}}, {{Underreferenced}}, {{Additional citations for verification}}, {{Needs more sources}}, {{More cn}}, {{Morecn}}, {{MORECN}}, {{MoreCN}}, {{More CN}}, {{More citation needed}}, {{Needs sources}}, {{More ref}}, {{Needs refs}}, {{Undersourced}}, {{Too few citations}}, {{More-notes}} → {{More citations needed}}
- {{Cite-section}}, {{Refimprovesection}}, {{Refimprove-section}}, {{+RS}}, {{Verify section}}, {{Verify-section}}, {{Sectionrefimprove}}, {{Morerefssec}}, {{RefImprove-section}}, {{Ref-Improve-section}}, {{Refimprovesect}}, {{Improveref-section}}, {{Ref improve section}}, {{Morerefs-section}}, {{Section refimprove}}, {{Ref improve-section}}, {{Ref-improve-section}}, {{Refimprove-sect}}, {{Ref section}}, {{Refsection}}, {{Refs section}}, {{+rs}}, {{Verification section}}, {{Refimprove section}}, {{Citations needed section}}, {{Section citations needed}}, {{Cite section}}, {{More sources needed section}}, {{More references needed section}} → {{More citations needed section}}
- {{Somefootnotes}}, {{Morefootnotes}}, {{Moreinline}}, {{More footnote}}, {{Insufficient inline citations}}, {{Inline improve}}, {{More inline}}, {{Few footnotes}}, {{Inline references needed}}, {{Few inline}}, {{Too few inline}}, {{Few inline citations}}, {{Onefootnote}}, {{One footnote}}, {{More footnotes}}, {{MFN}}, {{Insufficient in-text citations}}, {{More inline citations needed}}, {{More fn}}, {{Inline citations needed}}, {{Morefootnotesneeded}} → {{More footnotes needed}}
- {{UnreferencedMED}}, {{MEDREF}}, {{Medical references}}, {{Medical citations}}, {{Medical citation}}, {{Medical proof}}, {{Medref}}, {{Refimprove medicine}}, {{Med ref}}, {{Medical citations needed}}, {{More medical citations}}, {{Primary medical sources}} → {{More medical citations needed}}
- {{Expand plot}}, {{Expand summary}} → {{More plot}}
- {{Refimprove science}} → {{More science citations needed}}
- {{MOS1}}, {{Mos}}, {{MoS}}, {{MOS}} → {{Cleanup MOS}}
- {{Issues}}, {{Multipleissues}}, {{Articleissues}}, {{Article issues}}, {{Multiple}}, {{Many issues}}, {{Multiple Issues}}, {{Mi}}, {{MI}}, {{Multi}}, {{Multissues}}, {{Multple issues}}, {{Mult}}, {{Multiples issues}}, {{Multiple issue}}, {{Various issues}}, {{Mult iss}}, {{Multiple errors}}, {{Multiple problems}} → {{Multiple issues}}
- {{Mycomorphbox-missing}} → {{Mycomorphbox missing}}
- {{Needstable}} → {{Needs table}}
- {{Protologism}} → {{Neologism}}
- {{Inline citations}}, {{Indrefs}}, {{Citations}}, {{No citations}}, {{In-text citations}}, {{Nofootnote}}, {{Nocitations}}, {{Inline refs needed}}, {{Inline-citations}}, {{Inline}}, {{Nofootnotes}}, {{Needs footnotes}}, {{Nofn}}, {{No inline citations}}, {{Noinline}}, {{Inlinerefs}}, {{Inline-sources}}, {{In line citation}}, {{In-line citations}}, {{IC}}, {{Ic}}, {{Nf}}, {{No foot notes}}, {{ILC}}, {{No-footnotes}}, {{Needs inline references}}, {{No inline references}}, {{No inline}}, {{No Footnotes}}, {{Needs inline citations}}, {{Needs inline cites}}, {{No inline sources}}, {{Sources à lier}}, {{No-inline}}, {{Inline sources}}, {{Lacking inline citations}} → {{No footnotes}}
- {{Noplot}}, {{Empty plot}}, {{Plot summary needed}}, {{Plot needed}}, {{Needs plot}} → {{No plot}}
- {{Nosigcov}}, {{No sigcov}} → {{No significant coverage}}
- {{Nosportssigcov}}, {{No sports sigcov}}, {{Sportscritfail}} → {{No significant coverage (sports)}}
- {{ImageDispute}}, {{Non free}}, {{Too many non-free files}}, {{Non-free-overuse}} → {{Non-free}}
- {{Translate}}, {{Wronglanguage}}, {{Nonenglish}}, {{Pnt}}, {{Non-english}}, {{Translate out}}, {{Translateto}}, {{Notenglish}}, {{Notenglish-section}}, {{Not english}}, {{Non english}}, {{NotEnglish}}, {{Translation needed}}, {{Request translation}}, {{Non-English}}, {{Non English}}, {{Wrong language}} → {{Not English}}
- {{NN}}, {{Explain-significance}}, {{Nonnotable}}, {{Explain significance}}, {{Explain-importance}}, {{Cleanup-significance}}, {{Significance}}, {{Explain-notability}}, {{Nn}}, {{Cleanup-notability}}, {{Chemical-importance}}, {{Episode-unreferenced}}, {{Episode notability}}, {{Episode-notability}}, {{Fiction notability}}, {{Notablity}}, {{Gng}}, {{Cleanup-importance}}, {{Non-notable}}, {{Non notable}}, {{Notable?}}, {{GNG}}, {{Lacksnotability}}, {{NOT}}, {{Not encyclopaedic}}, {{Not encyclopedic}}, {{Un-encyclopedic}}, {{Not notable}} → {{Notability}}
- {{LanguageDispute}}, {{POV language}} → {{NPOV language}}
- {{NRIS-only}}, {{Nris only}} → {{NRIS only}}
- {{Obit}}, {{Memorial}}, {{Elegy}}, {{Eulogy}}, {{Panegyric}}, {{InMemoriam}} → {{Obituary}}
- {{Off-topic-other}}, {{Deviation}}, {{Offtopic}}, {{OffTopic}}, {{Stray from the topic}}, {{Off topic section}}, {{Out of topic}}, {{Off-topic}}, {{Unrelated section}}, {{Stray}} → {{Off topic}}
- {{2d}}, {{O2d}}, {{2dab}}, {{Two-dabs}}, {{Twodabs}}, {{Only-two-dabs}}, {{Only two dabs}}, {{One other}}, {{Oneother}} → {{One other topic}}
- {{Singlesource}}, {{Single source}}, {{Oneref}}, {{Onesource}}, {{1source}}, {{Single-source}}, {{1 source}}, {{1r}}, {{1R}}, {{Onereference}}, {{ONES}}, {{One reference}} → {{One source}}
- {{One source/section}} → {{One source section}}
- {{Only Primary Sources}}, {{Only primary source}} → {{Only primary sources}}
- {{Organize-section}} → {{Organize section}}
- {{OriginalResearch}}, {{Originalresearch}}, {{Original Research}}, {{Original-research}}, {{Original-Research}}, {{Or1}}, {{No original research}}, {{Original reasearch}}, {{OR1}} → {{Original research}}
- {{Originalresearch-section}}, {{OR-section}}, {{OR-sect}}, {{Or-section}}, {{Or section}}, {{Original research-section}}, {{SectOR}}, {{SectionOR}}, {{OR section}}, {{Section or}}, {{Section OR}} → {{Original research section}}
- {{Overlink}}, {{Overlinking}}, {{Linkaudit}}, {{Too many hyps}}, {{Over-linked}}, {{Ovl}} → {{Overlinked}}
- {{Tribute}}, {{Fancruft}}, {{Overdetailed}}, {{Too detailed}}, {{Over-detailed}}, {{Over detailed}}, {{Excessive detail}}, {{Overly}}, {{Too much detail}}, {{Overly-detailed}}, {{Intricate detail}}, {{Nota bene}}, {{Overlydetailed}} → {{Overly detailed}}
- {{Quotefarm}}, {{Quote farm}}, {{Overquotation}}, {{Too many quotes}}, {{Quotations}}, {{Overquoting}}, {{Oq}}, {{Excessive quotation}}, {{Over-quote}}, {{Over-quoted}}, {{Overquoted}}, {{Overquote}}, {{Over-quoting}}, {{Long quotations}}, {{Quotation too long}}, {{Excessive quotations}} → {{Over-quotation}}
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- {{Pagenumbers}} → {{Page numbers needed}}
- {{Paid content}} → {{Paid contributions}}
- {{Wikipuffery}} → {{Peacock}}
- {{Npov}}, {{POV check}}, {{Pov}}, {{Pov check}}, {{NPOV}}, {{Neutrality}}, {{POV-check-section}}, {{Point Of View}}, {{POV Check}}, {{NPOV Check}}, {{NPOV check}}, {{Pov-Check}}, {{POV-Check}}, {{Pov-check}}, {{Povcheck}}, {{POVCheck}}, {{POVcheck}}, {{Pov Check}}, {{PoV}}, {{Neutral}}, {{Pov-check-section}}, {{NPOV-dispute}}, {{POV dispute}}, {{Too friendly}}, {{White washed}}, {{Pov problem}}, {{Spin}}, {{Not neutral}}, {{POV-check}}, {{NPoV}}, {{Point of view}}, {{Sensationalism}} → {{POV}}
- {{Npov-intro}}, {{Pov-intro}}, {{POV intro}}, {{POV-intro}}, {{POV-lede}}, {{POV-lead}}, {{Pov lead}} → {{POV lead}}
- {{POV-map}} → {{POV map}}
- {{SectNPOV}}, {{Sectnpov}}, {{NPOV-section}}, {{Npov-section}}, {{POV-Section}}, {{POV-section-date}}, {{Sect-POV}}, {{SectPOV}}, {{NPOV-sect}}, {{Pov-section}}, {{POVsection}}, {{Pov-sect}}, {{POV-sect}}, {{Neutrality-section}}, {{Povsect}}, {{NPOV sect}}, {{Npov section}}, {{POVsect}}, {{POVdispute}}, {{Pov section}}, {{NPOV section}}, {{Neutrality section}}, {{Bias-section}}, {{POV-section}} → {{POV section}}
- {{PrimarySources}}, {{Primary Sources}}, {{Primarysource}}, {{Primarysources}}, {{Primary}}, {{Primary source}}, {{2P}}, {{2p}}, {{Primary soruces}}, {{Primary section}}, {{Primary source section}}, {{Primary sourcing}} → {{Primary sources}}
- {{Ad}}, {{Advertisement}}, {{Adcopy}}, {{No ads}}, {{Cleanup-advert}}, {{Cleanup-ad}}, {{Advertising}}, {{Cleanup-advertising}}, {{Advertisment}}, {{Adspeak}}, {{Ad speak}}, {{Puff}}, {{Self promotion}}, {{Brochure}}, {{Like brochure}}, {{Like advert}}, {{Like ad}}, {{Like advertisement}}, {{Like advertising}}, {{Like promo}}, {{Like promotion}}, {{Promotion}}, {{Promo}}, {{Written like an advertisement}}, {{Written like an advert}}, {{Written like advert}}, {{Written like advertisement}}, {{Written like an ad}}, {{Complete advert}}, {{Reads like an advert}}, {{Advert}}, {{Promotional tone}}, {{Puffery}} → {{Promotional}}
- {{Ad section}}, {{Advertisement section}}, {{Advert section}} → {{Promotional section}}
- {{Proandconlist}}, {{Procon}}, {{Pros and cons}}, {{Pro and con}}, {{Pro con}}, {{Advantages and disadvantages}}, {{Pros and cons list}} → {{Pro and con list}}
- {{Not list}}, {{List to prose}}, {{Prose timeline}}, {{Proseline}}, {{Prosetimeline}}, {{ProseTimeline}}, {{List}}, {{Convert to prose}}, {{Prose-timeline}}, {{Use prose}}, {{Prosify}} → {{Prose}}
- {{TooManyCats}}, {{Toomanycats}}, {{Too many categories}}, {{Recat}}, {{Overcat}}, {{Overcategorized}}, {{Cleanup categories}} → {{Recategorize}}
- {{Born}} → {{Recent birth}}
- {{Recentdeath}}, {{Recentlydeceased}}, {{Recent Death}}, {{Recent-death}}, {{Recent deaths}}, {{Recently deceased}}, {{Died}}, {{Current death}}, {{Recentlydied}}, {{Recently died}}, {{Recently Died}}, {{Rdd}}, {{Recentd}}, {{Rdead}}, {{Rded}}, {{Rdeath}} → {{Recent death}}
- {{Recent}}, {{Recency}} → {{Recentism}}
- {{Rrevised}}, {{RRevised}} → {{Recently revised}}
- {{Bible-Primary}}, {{Religion primary}}, {{Religous text primary}}, {{Bible primary}}, {{Faith primary}}, {{Unanalyzed religious text}}, {{Unanalyzed faith text}}, {{Unanalyzed faith quote}}, {{Religious text}} → {{Religious text primary}}
- {{Inappropriate section title}} → {{Rename section}}
- {{Scientific journal}} → {{Research paper}}
- {{Review-section}} → {{Review}}
- {{CrudeTranslation}}, {{Roughtranslation}}, {{RoughTranslation}}, {{Machine translation}}, {{Engrish}} → {{Rough translation}}
- {{RoughTranslation-section}}, {{Rough translation-section}} → {{Rough translation section}}
- {{Sciencereview}} → {{Science review}}
- {{SMfrom}}, {{SM}}, {{Split and merge}}, {{Split and merge from}}, {{Section move}}, {{Section moved from}} → {{Section move from}}
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- {{Secondary}}, {{Selfpublished}}, {{Self published}}, {{Self-published sources}} → {{Self-published}}
- {{Self-references}}, {{Selfreferences}}, {{Self reference cleanup}} → {{Self-reference cleanup}}
- {{Refex}}, {{Refimprove example}}, {{Refexample}} → {{Self-sourcing examples}}
- {{Shallow}}, {{Bad linked references}} → {{Shallow references}}
- {{Notable}}, {{Has sources}} → {{Sources exist}}
- {{Refimprove-spam}} → {{Spam references}}
- {{Cleanup-spam}}, {{Spam-check}}, {{Cleanup spam}} → {{Spam-request}}
- {{Abstract}}, {{Toospecific}}, {{Concrete}}, {{Too-specific}} → {{Specific}}
- {{Specific-section}} → {{Specific section}}
- {{Crystal}}, {{Speculative}} → {{Speculation}}
- {{Demerge}}, {{Splitlong}}, {{Split-apart}}, {{Split2}}, {{Splitunrelated}}, {{Split-multiple}}, {{Splitapart}}, {{Split ships}}, {{Splitto}}, {{Split apart}}, {{Split into}} → {{Split}}
- {{Splitdab}} → {{Split dab}}
- {{SplitPortion}}, {{Moveportions}}, {{Move portion}}, {{Move portions to}}, {{Move portions}}, {{Merge portions}}, {{Split portion}}, {{Merge portions to}}, {{Splitportions}}, {{Split-portions}}, {{Split portion to}}, {{Split portions to}}, {{Merge portion}}, {{Merge portion to}}, {{Split portions from}} → {{Split portions}}
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- {{Story-like}} → {{Story}}
- {{Splitsections2}}, {{Subsection}}, {{Sub-sections}}, {{Sub-section}}, {{Long section}} → {{Subsections}}
- {{Summarize-section}} → {{Summarize section}}
- {{Summarystyle}} → {{Summary style}}
- {{Summary style-section}}, {{Summarystyle-section}} → {{Summary style section}}
- {{Previously unpublished synthesis}}, {{Unpublished synthesis}}, {{Original synthesis}}, {{Inappropriate synthesis}}, {{Originalsyn}} → {{Synthesis}}
- {{Cleanup-technical}}, {{Technical edit}}, {{Tech}}, {{Cleanup-cliche}}, {{Cleanup-jargon}}, {{Cleanup-cliché}}, {{Tootechnical}}, {{Cleanup-Jargon}}, {{Jargon cleanup}}, {{Cleanup jargon}}, {{Toospecialized}}, {{Too specialized}}, {{Technobabble}}, {{Technical2}}, {{Too much jargon}}, {{Tech jargon}}, {{Technical-article}}, {{Jargon}}, {{Complex}}, {{Jargon-section}}, {{Too technical}}, {{Too-technical}}, {{Plain English}}, {{Gibberish}}, {{Complicated}}, {{Simplification}}, {{Simplification needed}}, {{Simpler}} → {{Technical}}
- {{Term-paper}} → {{Term paper}}
- {{Integrity}}, {{Text source integrity}}, {{Text-source integrity}}, {{Text–source}} → {{Text-source}}
- {{Text book}} → {{Textbook}}
- {{Third-party source}}, {{Third-party sources}}, {{Thirdparty}}, {{Affiliated sources}}, {{Affiliated with the subject}}, {{3rdpartysources}}, {{3rdparty}}, {{1stpartysources}}, {{Thirdpartysources}}, {{Third party sources}}, {{Third party}}, {{1stparty}}, {{3p}}, {{3P}}, {{3rd party}}, {{COI sources}}, {{Third-party}} → {{Independent sources}}
- {{Time context}} → {{Time-context}}
- {{Cleanup-tone}}, {{Unencyclopedic tone}}, {{Unencyclopaedic tone}}, {{Magazine}}, {{Formal tone}}, {{Formal}}, {{Inappropriatetone}}, {{Cleanup tone}}, {{Unencyclopædic-tone}}, {{Unencyclopædic tone}}, {{Informal}}, {{Inappropriate tone}} → {{Tone}}
- {{Toofewopinions}} → {{Too few opinions}}
- {{Toomanycharts}}, {{Too many statistics}}, {{Too many stats}} → {{Too many charts}}
- {{Toomany}}, {{Toomanyphotos}}, {{Toomanyimages}}, {{Too many images}}, {{Photofarm}}, {{Excessive images}}, {{Too much art}}, {{Many images}}, {{Overillustrated}}, {{Image spam}}, {{Photo spam}} → {{Too many photos}}
- {{Too many section headers}}, {{Condensed}}, {{Condense}} → {{Too many sections}}
- {{Toomanyseealsos}}, {{See also cleanup}}, {{Cleanup see also}} → {{Too many see alsos}}
- {{Translationsource}}, {{Translated article}}, {{Translated}}, {{Tradotto da}}, {{Traducido ref}}, {{Translated Page}}, {{Překlad}}, {{Translated from}} → {{Translated page}}
- {{Travelguide}}, {{Tour guide}} → {{Travel guide}}
- {{Too much trivia}}, {{Cleanup-trivia}}, {{Toomuchtrivia}}, {{Miscellanea}}, {{Miscellaneous}}, {{Reduce trivia}}, {{Trivia2}}, {{Remove trivia}}, {{Cruft}}, {{Cleanup trivia}} → {{Trivia}}
- {{Bias}}, {{Balance}}, {{Topheavy}}, {{Limited}}, {{Biased}} → {{Unbalanced}}
- {{Unbalanced-section}}, {{Biased-section}} → {{Unbalanced section}}
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- {{Uncleardate}}, {{Date unclear}} → {{Unclear date}}
- {{Construction}}, {{Undercon}}, {{UnderCon}}, {{Construction2}}, {{Work in progress}}, {{Under-construction}}, {{Revisions sandboxed}}, {{Under Construction}}, {{UNDERCONSTRUCTION}}, {{Under construstion}}, {{UC}}, {{Uc}}, {{UnderConstruction}}, {{Underconstruction}}, {{Under Construction1}}, {{Underconstuction}}, {{New page}}, {{Newpage}}, {{WiP}}, {{Expansion}}, {{Current expansion}}, {{New article}}, {{Under expansion}}, {{In editing}}, {{U/c}}, {{Article development}} → {{Under construction}}
- {{Internal links}}, {{Internallinks}}, {{Linkage}}, {{Linkme}}, {{Link up}}, {{Linkup}}, {{Wikilinks}}, {{Add links}}, {{Underlinked section}}, {{Underlink}}, {{Few links}}, {{Internal links needed}}, {{Too few links}}, {{Not enough links}}, {{Under-linked}}, {{More links}}, {{Unlinked}}, {{Under linked}}, {{+Li}}, {{+LI}}, {{+li}}, {{Unl}}, {{Unli}}, {{+Lk}} → {{Underlinked}}
- {{UDP}}, {{UPE}}, {{Paid piece}}, {{Paid push}}, {{Push piece}}, {{Paid edit}}, {{Paidedit}}, {{PAIDEDIT}}, {{Paid writeup}}, {{Upe}}, {{Udp}} → {{Undisclosed paid}}
- {{Undue}} → {{Undue weight}}
- {{Undue-section}}, {{Undue section}}, {{Undue-weight section}} → {{Undue weight section}}
- {{Incoherent}}, {{Single coherent topic}}, {{Incoherent-topic}}, {{Lacks focus}}, {{Unfocussed}} → {{Unfocused}}
- {{Unit-conv}}, {{Unit-attn}} → {{Units attention}}
- {{Unsourced}}, {{Unverified}}, {{Unref}}, {{References}}, {{Uncited-article}}, {{Citesources}}, {{NR}}, {{No references}}, {{Unrefarticle}}, {{Unreferenced article}}, {{Noref}}, {{Norefs}}, {{Noreferences}}, {{References needed}}, {{Nr}}, {{No refs}}, {{UnreferencedArticle}}, {{No ref}}, {{Unreferenced stub}}, {{Needs references}}, {{Noreference}}, {{No reference}}, {{Refsneeded}}, {{Refs needed}}, {{Nosources}}, {{No sources}}, {{UNREF}}, {{Unr}}, {{Unrf}}, {{UNRF}}, {{UNR}}, {{Uncited article}}, {{Unref'd}}, {{Missing references}}, {{Missing refs}} → {{Unreferenced}}
- {{Offtopiccat}}, {{Category unsourced}}, {{Category relevant?}}, {{Verify category}}, {{Uncited categories}}, {{Verify categories}}, {{Unverified category}}, {{Unverified categories}}, {{Uncited category}}, {{Unreferenced categories}} → {{Unreferenced category}}
- {{LawUnref}}, {{Law unref}}, {{Law Unref}}, {{Unreferenced-law}} → {{Unreferenced law}}
- {{Unreferenced-medical section}} → {{Unreferenced medical section}}
- {{Cite sources section}}, {{Unsourcedsect}}, {{Unreferenced-section}}, {{Unreferenced-sect}}, {{Unreferencedsect}}, {{Unrefsec}}, {{Unrefsect}}, {{Unrefsection}}, {{Unreferencedsec}}, {{Unsourced section}}, {{Unsourced-section}}, {{Unsourcedsection}}, {{Unref-section}}, {{UnreferencedSection}}, {{Unref section}}, {{Nocite section}}, {{Unreferencedsection}}, {{Uncited-section}}, {{UncitedSection}}, {{Unref sect}}, {{Section-unsourced}}, {{Uncited section}}, {{Noref-section}}, {{Unreferenced Section}}, {{Urs}}, {{Section ref needed}}, {{Ref needed section}}, {{Unreferenced list}}, {{Citation needed section}}, {{Noref section}}, {{Unrefs}}, {{Unref-sect}}, {{Unref Sect}}, {{References-s}}, {{Unrs}}, {{Section unsourced}}, {{Section à sourcer}}, {{Källor avsnitt}}, {{No sources section}} → {{Unreferenced section}}
- {{Unreliable}}, {{Reliablesources}}, {{Reliable sources}}, {{Unreliablesources}}, {{Reliable-sources}}, {{Badrefs}}, {{Unreliable references}}, {{Badsources}}, {{Unreliable Sources}}, {{Not a reliable source}}, {{NARS}}, {{NRS}}, {{Nrs}}, {{Unrel}} → {{Unreliable sources}}
- {{Alphabetize}}, {{Alpha}}, {{MOSLOW}}, {{Moslow}}, {{Cleanup list sort}}, {{Alphabetise}}, {{Cleanup-list-sort}}, {{Cleanup list-sort}}, {{Alphabetical order}} → {{Unsorted list}}
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- {{Update-eb}} → {{Update-EB}}
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- {{Irrelevant citations}}, {{Misleading citations}} → {{Verify sources}}
- {{Long}}, {{Too big}}, {{Longish}}, {{VeryLong}}, {{Shorten}}, {{Too long}}, {{2L}}, {{Too-long}}, {{Verylong}}, {{Toolong}}, {{2long}}, {{2l}}, {{TOOLONG}}, {{BigPage}}, {{Toobig}}, {{ArticleTLDR}} → {{Very long}}
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- {{Eastern name order}}, {{Hungarian name}} → {{Western name order}}
- {{Second person}}, {{Second-person}} → {{You}}
- {{Who says}}, {{Whom}}, {{Whosaid}}, {{Says who}}, {{Whom?}}, {{According to whom?}}, {{Says who?}}, {{Sayswho}}, {{Who said}}, {{According to}}, {{Sayswho?}}, {{According}}, {{According to who}}, {{ATW}}, {{Atw}}, {{Says whom?}} → {{According to whom}}
- {{Acn}}, {{Additional citation}}, {{Additional citations needed}}, {{Another citation needed}}, {{Single Source-inline}}, {{ACN}}, {{Morecitationsneeded}}, {{More-citations-needed}}, {{Additional citation(s) needed}}, {{Additional source needed}}, {{Further citation needed}}, {{Additional}} → {{Additional citation needed}}
- {{Ambig}} → {{Ambiguous}}
- {{Anachronism-inline}}, {{Anachronistic}} → {{Anachronism inline}}
- {{As-of?}}, {{As of when}}, {{As of when?}} → {{As of?}}
- {{Views needing attribution}}, {{Attrib}}, {{Attribute}}, {{Att}} → {{Attribution needed}}
- {{Bare URL-inline}}, {{Linkrot-inline}}, {{Bare-inline}}, {{Bare inline}}, {{Bare url inline}}, {{Bare-url inline}}, {{Bare link inline}}, {{Bare-link-inline}}, {{Bare-url-inline}}, {{Bare url}}, {{Bare inl}} → {{Bare URL inline}}
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- {{Better cite}}, {{Better citation}}, {{Better reference}}, {{Bettersource}}, {{Refimprove inline}}, {{BSN}}, {{Better}}, {{Dubious source}}, {{Need better citation}}, {{Bsn}}, {{Bcn}}, {{BCN}}, {{Better ref needed}}, {{Bettersourceneeded}}, {{Better citation needed}}, {{Betterfact}}, {{Refimprove-inline}}, {{Better reference needed}}, {{Better source}} → {{Better source needed}}
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- {{Solution-inline}}, {{Buzzword-inline}}, {{Buzzwords inline}}, {{Buzz}} → {{Buzzword inline}}
- {{By what?}} → {{By what}}
- {{By who?}}, {{By whom?}}, {{By who}}, {{Bywho}}, {{Bywho?}}, {{Bywhom?}}, {{Bywhom}}, {{By whomst}} → {{By whom}}
- {{Csn-inline}}, {{Chinese script needed-inline}}, {{Csni}} → {{Chinese script needed inline}}
- {{Timefact}}, {{Time fact}} → {{Chronology citation needed}}
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- {{How?}}, {{How ?}}, {{How so}} → {{How}}
- {{Howoften}}, {{How often?}} → {{How often}}
- {{Image fact}}, {{Image-fact}}, {{Imagefact}}, {{Image citation needed}} → {{Image reference needed}}
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- {{How many}}, {{How many?}}, {{Howmany}}, {{How much}}, {{How much?}} → {{Quantify}}
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- {{Relevance}}, {{Ot}}, {{Off-topic-inline}}, {{Relevence}}, {{Relevance note}}, {{Irrel}}, {{Irrelevant (inline)}}, {{OT}}, {{So?}}, {{Off-topic?}}, {{Inlinerelevance}}, {{Offtopic-inline}}, {{Inline relevance}}, {{Not relevant}}, {{Relevant-inline}}, {{Relevance-inline}}, {{Off-topic inline}}, {{Relevant inline}}, {{Relevant?}}, {{Relevance?}}, {{So what}} → {{Relevance inline}}
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- {{Tertiary}} → {{Tertiary source}}
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- {{To whom}}, {{To Whom}} → {{To whom?}}
- {{Slang}}, {{Tone-inline}} → {{Tone inline}}
- {{Check spelling}} → {{Typo help inline}}
- {{Lop}}, {{Lopsided}} → {{Unbalanced opinion}}
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- {{Vc}}, {{Rs}}, {{VC}}, {{Unreliable source}}, {{RS}}, {{Rs?}}, {{Unreliable source inline}}, {{Verifycred}}, {{Unreliable-inline}}, {{Reliable source?}}, {{Verify credibility?}}, {{Verify-credibility}}, {{Unreliablesource}}, {{Reliable source}}, {{Unreliablesource-inline}}, {{Unreliable-source-inline}}, {{Unreliablesourceinline}}, {{Reliable}}, {{Unreliable source-inline}}, {{Verify credibility}}, {{Rs inline}}, {{RS inline}}, {{Unreliable?}}, {{Us?}}, {{Unreliable inline}}, {{Not rs}}, {{Unreliable sources inline}} → {{Unreliable source?}}
- {{Until when?}} → {{Until when}}
- {{Old fact}}, {{Old}}, {{Updateafter}}, {{Update-after}}, {{Update after start of}}, {{Update-statement}}, {{Update on}}, {{Zukunft}} → {{Update after}}
- {{Update needed}}, {{Updateneed}}, {{Update-inline}}, {{Updateme}}, {{Updateneeded}}, {{Oldfact}}, {{Dated info}}, {{Datedinfo}}, {{Update small}}, {{Update-small}}, {{Needs update}}, {{Outdated inline}}, {{Outdated-inline}}, {{Dated-inline}}, {{Updateinline}}, {{Outdated source}}, {{Update-needed}}, {{Needsupdate}}, {{Needs update inline}}, {{Needs update-inline}}, {{Update source}}, {{Old info}} → {{Update inline}}
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- {{User generated source}}, {{User-generated-source}} → {{User-generated source}}
- {{Vague?}} → {{Vague}}
- {{Vq}}, {{VQ}}, {{Verify quotation}} → {{Verify quote}}
- {{Check}}, {{Verification needed}}, {{Vs}}, {{Verifysource}}, {{Vn}}, {{VN}}, {{Verify-inline}}, {{Check cite}}, {{Check source}}, {{Please verify}}, {{Verify citation}}, {{Verificationneeded}}, {{Cite check-inline}}, {{Verification-inline}}, {{Verify inline}}, {{Verification-needed}}, {{Needs verification}} → {{Verify source}}
- {{Sp?}}, {{Spelling-inline}}, {{Spelling?}} → {{Verify spelling}}
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- {{When?}}, {{Date needed}}, {{Need date}}, {{Needs date}}, {{Since when}}, {{WHEN}}, {{Since when?}}, {{Dateneeded}}, {{Clarify date}}, {{Recently}}, {{Quand}} → {{When}}
- {{Where?}}, {{From where?}}, {{Où}} → {{Where}}
- {{Which?}}, {{Which ?}}, {{Which one}}, {{Lesquels}} → {{Which}}
- {{Which calendar?}}, {{What calendar}}, {{What calendar?}} → {{Which calendar}}
- {{Which language}}, {{Which lang?}}, {{What language is this?}} → {{Which lang}}
- {{Weasel-name}}, {{Who?}}, {{Who ?}}, {{WHO}}, {{Whomst}} → {{Who}}
- {{Who else?}} → {{Who else}}
- {{Whose?}}, {{Who's}} → {{Whose}}
- {{Whose translation?}} → {{Whose translation}}
- {{Why?}}, {{Why ?}} → {{Why}}
- {{With whom?}} → {{With whom}}
- {{Needs year}}, {{Need year}}, {{What year?}}, {{What year}}, {{Which year?}}, {{Which year}} → {{Year needed}}
- {{Year?}}, {{Missing year}} → {{Year missing}}
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Navbox and sidebar templates
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Redirect templates
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- {{Asof}} → {{As of}}
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- {{Awd}} → {{Awards}}
- {{By}}, {{BY}}, {{Baseball Year}} → {{Baseball year}}
- {{Bbad}}, {{Birth year from age at date}}, {{Birth year from age as of date}} → {{Birth based on age as of date}}
- {{Birth date based on age at death}} → {{Birth based on age at death}}
- {{Birthdate}}, {{Dob}}, {{Date of birth}}, {{DOB}}, {{Birthd}} → {{Birth date}}
- {{Birthdate and age}}, {{Bda}}, {{Date of birth and age}}, {{BDA}}, {{Birthdateandage}}, {{Birth Date and age}}, {{Euro birth date and age}}, {{Brith date and age}}, {{Birth Date And Age}} → {{Birth date and age}}
- {{Bda2}} → {{Birth date and age2}}
- {{Birthyearandage}}, {{Bya}}, {{Birth month and age}} → {{Birth year and age}}
- {{Birth Death Age}}, {{Birth death age}}, {{BDAGE}}, {{Bdage}}, {{Birthdeathage}} → {{BirthDeathAge}}
- {{Bday}}, {{Birth-year}}, {{Birth year}}, {{Birthyear}}, {{Birth-date}} → {{Birth date text}}
- {{B-da}} → {{Birth-date and age}}
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- {{D-da}} → {{Death-date and age}}
- {{Defaultsort}}, {{Default sort}}, {{SORTIERUNG}}, {{DefaultSort}}, {{DEFAULT SORT}} → {{DEFAULTSORT}}
- {{Date of disappearance with age}}, {{Disda}} → {{Disappeared date and age}}
- {{Displaytitle}}, {{Display title}} → {{DISPLAYTITLE}}
- {{Election Summary}} → {{Election summary}}
- {{Election Summary Begin}} → {{Election summary begin}}
- {{Election Summary Begin with Candidates}} → {{Election summary begin with candidates}}
- {{Election Summary Begin with Leaders}} → {{Election summary begin with leaders}}
- {{Election Summary net Begin}} → {{Election summary net begin}}
- {{Election Summary net Other}} → {{Election summary net other}}
- {{Election Summary net Party}} → {{Election summary net party}}
- {{Election Summary Party}} → {{Election summary party}}
- {{Election Summary Party with Candidates}} → {{Election summary party with candidates}}
- {{Election Summary Party with Leaders}} → {{Election summary party with leaders}}
- {{Election Summary with Candidates}} → {{Election summary with candidates}}
- {{Election Summary with Leaders}} → {{Election summary with leaders}}
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- {{MLY}} → {{MYS}}
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- {{Release date and age}}, {{Prose start date and age}}, {{Prose Start date and age}}, {{Date and age}}, {{Start date and years ago}}, {{Launch date and age}}, {{Foundation date and age}}, {{Sda}} → {{Start date and age}}
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- {{’s}} → {{'s}}
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