- 1. Verbum supernum prodiens,
- Nec Patris linquens dexteram,
- Ad opus suum exiens,
- Venit ad vitæ vesperam.
- 2. In mortem a discipulo
- Suis tradendus æmulis,
- Prius in vitæ ferculo
- Se tradidit discipulis.
- 3. Quibus sub bina specie
- Carnem dedit et sanguinem;
- Ut duplicis substantiæ
- Totum cibaret hominem.
- 4. Se nascens dedit socium,
- Convescens in edulium,
- Se moriens in pretium,
- Se regnans dat in præmium.
- 5. O salutaris hostia,
- Quæ cæli pandis ostium,
- Bella premunt hostilia;
- Da robur, fer auxilium.
- 6. Uni trinoque Domino
- Sit sempiterna gloria:
- Qui vitam sine termino
- Nobis donet in patria.
- The Word descending from above,
- without leaving the right hand of his Father,
- and going forth to do his work,
- reached the evening of his life.
- When about to be given over
- to his enemies by one of his disciples,
- to suffer death, he first gave himself
- to his disciples as the bread of life.
- Under a twofold appearance
- he gave them his flesh and his blood;
- that he might thus wholly feed us
- made up of a twofold substance.
- By his birth he gave himself as our companion;
- at the Last Supper he gave himself as our food;
- dying on the cross he gave himself as our ransom;
- reigning in heaven he gives himself as our reward
- O saving Victim,
- Who expandest the door of Heaven,
- Hostile wars press.
- Give strength; bear aid.
- To the Lord One in Three,
- May there be sempiternal glory;
- May He grant us life without end
- In the native land.
- The heavenly Word proceeding forth,
- Yet leaving not his Father's side,
- And going to His work on Earth,
- Has reached at length life's eventide.
- By false disciple to be given
- To foemen for His blood athirst,
- Himself, the living bread from heaven,
- He gave to his disciples first.
- In twofold form of sacrament,
- He gave His flesh, He gave His blood,
- That man, of soul and body blent,
- Might wholly feed on mystic food.
- In birth man's fellow-man was He,
- His meat while sitting at the board;
- He died, our ransomer to be,
- He reigns to be our great reward.
- O saving Victim, opening wide
- The gate of heaven to man below;
- Our foes press hard on every side,
- Thine aid supply, Thy strength bestow.
- All praise and thanks to thee ascend
- For evermore, blessed One in Three;
- O grant us life that shall not end,
- In our true native land with Thee.
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