Conversations are archived in their original order; please note that this means that some later additions to this archive will appear higher-up than some earlier ones.

Sex positions

Thank you very much for that lede, i'm always crap at writing them so it is much appreciated! If you have more to add then go ahead, i'm still trying to finish other stuff currently Jenova20 (email) 23:00, 11 December 2012 (UTC)

Lest any other editors get the wrong impression, Jenova's referring to User:Jenova20/List of gay sex positions. And sure, I'll see if there's anything I can think to add... though I must confess I got a bit caught up in flipping through that source you linked to. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 23:13, 11 December 2012 (UTC)
That's what i keep doing...I've got another site, which is creative commons licensed, but it's not compatible with Wikipedia.
I suppose if you're learning anyway then no one can say anything, it is what Wikipedia is for =P
Add what you like, it's barely an article at the moment anyway. See you around Jenova20 (email) 09:23, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
I had more than a few students give two men's names on a quiz where the question was who's making the beast with two backs in Othello. When I explained, some got uncomfortable. :) Drmies (talk) 17:33, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
Even i understood Othello...Jenova20 (email) 18:37, 12 December 2012 (UTC)


Re:User talk:Abyssal#Just so you know. Replying simultaneously here and there under my #Replies policy. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler)

Thanks for the info; I didn't know any of that! I really like this new article feedback tool, although I wish I could respond to some of the submissions. I'll look more deeply into the mechanics of what I can do with it as in your comment. Abyssal (talk) 19:03, 12 December 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, there's still no way to do that. What I generally do is reply on their talk page with a link to the feedback submission (which you can find in the URL bar), and then, if their question wasn't related to article improvement, mark it as resolved. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 19:27, 12 December 2012 (UTC)


But does the fact that he did not use the title matter? He still had it. And do we have any evidence that he did not want to use it? --Mark91it's my world 23:02, 12 December 2012 (UTC)

Hi, Mark. I have no clue whatsoever. I reverted from the reviewing window, so I didn't see that you'd accepted the changes; my thinking was that since an experienced editor had already reverted changes to the same effect after I'd accepted them, I should defer to his judgment. I probably should've done a little research on my own to check, but Hekerui (talk · contribs) is the real person to ask here. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 23:09, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
Ok I'll ask him then. Thank you for your reply. --Mark91it's my world 23:18, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
P.S. and sorry if I was a bit abrupt, after rereading my first message I felt it was a bit aggressive. Thanks again, --Mark91it's my world 23:25, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
Meh. No problem. It was dumb of me to get into a content matter in RCP mode. "If you can't take the heat...". — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 23:28, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
Ooops. You caught me mid-signature revision! — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 23:29, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
Fixed it. There is such a thing as too gay. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 23:42, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
LOL. You should have kept your second to last one as your signature.--Mark91it's my world 23:49, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
Really? Looked kinda tacky to me. :/ — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 23:50, 12 December 2012 (UTC)
I like the new one. I'm all about the black with one colored letter. Λυδαcιτγ 09:16, 13 December 2012 (UTC)

Awww, thanks. You take the minimalism to a whole new level, though - it's hard to do faux Greek well, but you do. Have we met before? I know I "stalked" your userpage at one point in the past - you may be interested to know that you're not the only liberal atheist Asimov/Heinlein-liking Jew from West Hartford I know. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 09:31, 13 December 2012 (UTC)

Thanks! I tried to figure out your challenge, got it wrong the first time but right the second. I'm interested in languages so I was intrigued by your username. J'ai etudie' un peu de france's et aujourdhui je peux lire me je ne peux parler (ou e'crire) que un petit peu, alors je veux practiquer.
Really?! Who's the other one? Λυδαcιτγ 05:03, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
L'autre, c'est ma tante. C'est bizarre, n'est-ce pas ? Mais, j'ai trouvé une différence : Elle parle mieux le Français que vous. And my challenge, yes... *sigh*... I U1'ed the whole thing out of embarrassment a few days ago... it felt rather... childish? — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 05:29, 14 December 2012 (UTC)


Hey. In case you didn't know, we have a DRN section for the BCA article. We seem, as usual, to be at somewhat of a standstill. WLU made a RfC, but I don't think it was accepted, so, if you are interested, we could really use a fresh pair of eyes. I figured you might be especially helpful because you are already reasonably familiar with the article. Let me know! Charles35 (talk) 04:05, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

CSD tagging

Usually when I use the above header on a talkpage, I follow it by writing, "thanks for your CSD tagging, but YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG, STOP!". Not in this case, however - I've deleted a bunch of your nominations this morning, all good calls, without exception. Nice to see you familiarised yourself with yet another specialist area here, good work! Yunshui  11:12, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

I must say, I was a bit nervous when I saw the section title in the edit summary. You may have just beaten Jimfbleak's "Block notice" for scariest header on this page to date. (It was something about someone he'd blocked and forgotten to tell, I think.) But I'm glad I'm on a good streak! I did a lot of speedy tagging in my first few weeks here, and have been getting back into it... I appear to be batting higher than I was back then, although I had a rough start the other day reacquainting myself (A7'ing a school, hasty tagging, etc.). I'm coming up on my 300th nomination, though, and my only complaint is that my edit count looks like I never edit mainspace and am obsessed with my userspace, since the only remnant of the speedy tags is my CSD log. (Though, of course, I do spend too much time in my userspace, but I like that excuse.) Anyways, thanks for the good word, and back-atcha! Your name comes up 19 times in the last two hours on my watchlist. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 11:24, 14 December 2012 (UTC)


Video presentation may well be a copyright issue, but you didn't add the purported source to the template. I thought it might be one of the embedded links in the aritcle, but, at first glance that doesn't seem to be it. Do you know the name of the source?--SPhilbrick(Talk) 13:55, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

As I noted on the talk page, I was unable to find a precise source, but considering its similarities to this essay, and taking into consideration the oft-forgotten copyright application of the duck test, I thought it was reasonable to go with G12. It's highly unlikely that someone actually wrote all of that just to be an article, and parts of it are definitely taken from that essay - it might be a modified version, or plagiarism of a later draft, or some sort of amalgam, but to me it looks like a duck. I probably should've been clearer about that on the talk page, though. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 14:00, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
My bad for not looking at the talk page, which is odd, because my routine for reviewing G12 includes that step, and I did so on the first four I looked at.--SPhilbrick(Talk) 14:04, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
No worries. The spam's been coming so fast and hard today that I know that I, for one, have been missing tons of obvious catches. Like I'll speedy a page, warn the user for having a promotional username, and then forget to check their userpage. And then some admin comes along and deletes the userpage and blocks the user, but forgets about the article... busy day. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 14:09, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, it seems busy today, must be the beat the end of the world rush.--SPhilbrick(Talk) 14:21, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
Now that you mention it, I have been seeing more spam for survival gear, ammunition, and canned food. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 14:23, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

Um, I'm not sure what is up with this

I don't know what to make of this edit. A user created a very bad page (really just a bad can of spam). I saw that Wikipedia already has a page covering the relevant topic in a better developed (and significantly less spammy) fashion, so I simply redirected the new page to the better, older page. a) Why does this need to be deleted? b) Why did you leave commentary on the article page??? That should only ever be left on the article talk page. WikiDan61ChatMe!ReadMe!! 16:39, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

Hi. Umm, we crossed wires. You made the redirect right before I left the G6 template. I assumed that you weren't aware of the cut-and-paste move. Now I realize that you were, and that you were redirecting as part of the merge you're proposing (which I endorse, by the way). Nonetheless, the Practice Enterprise article needs to be deleted before anything can happen, for licensing/attribution reasons. As for the mainspace comment, my philosophy is that when there's absolutely no chance that a page isn't going to be deleted (which is the case here, for legal reasons), there's no real harm in leaving a little note. For instance, sometimes I flag pages for G3, but blank them as a cautionary measure against perceived defamation, and leave a note saying so. That article's going to get deleted, whether with the cut-and-paste content, with your redirect, or with my note. So I didn't really see how it would matter. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 16:44, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

Legobot notification

How did you get Legobot to notify you of changes to your IP comments page? The Anonymouse (talk • contribs) 17:38, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

I asked very very nicely. Umm, well I asked Legoktm on IRC if there was any way I could do it, and he said sure, he'd just have Legobot do it. (You don't need approval for a bot running in userspace, as long as the user whose space it in approves, and it's not disruptive.) I created a message I wanted it to send—{{User:Francophonie&Androphilie/Template1}}<!-- legobot was here -->—and asked him to set the bot up so every time a message gets sent to the IP comments page, legobot inserts that message at the very top of the page. And it doesn't send me a new message as long as the "legobot was here" text is on the page. Cool, right? I'm afraid Legoktm might find himself getting more requests than he wants for it. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 17:43, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, that's really cool. I was very puzzled on how it did that. Thanks, The Anonymouse (talk • contribs) 18:03, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
I can't speak for Lego, but I'd be curious to know if there's general interest in a bot running this task - a fair amount of users, especially admins, have to get their talk pages protected, and this could be a nice workaround for everyone. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 18:06, 14 December 2012 (UTC)


Hey all :).

I'm dropping you a note because you've been involved in dealing with feedback from the Article Feedback Tool. To get a better handle on the overall quality of comments now that the tool has become a more established part of the reader experience, we're undertaking a round of hand coding - basically, taking a sample of feedback and marking each piece as inappropriate, helpful, so on - and would like anyone interested in improving the tool to participate :).

You can code as many or as few pieces of feedback as you want: this page should explain how to use the system, and there is a demo here. Once you're comfortable with the task, just drop me an email at and I'll set you up with an account :).

If you'd like to chat with us about the research, or want live tutoring on the software, there will be an office hours session on Monday 17 December at 23:00 UTC in #wikimedia-office connect. Hope to see some of you there! Thanks, Okeyes (WMF) (talk) 22:58, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

I started an RM on Talk:Anti-Islamism and at that RFD you seemed to express on opinion on it but I forgot to invite you. Emmette Hernandez Coleman (talk) 19:14, 15 December 2012 (UTC)

Also I created a paradox with your vandalism counter. Emmette Hernandez Coleman (talk) 19:21, 15 December 2012 (UTC)

*Snaps fingers.* Damn it. I just use that for easy updating of the ever-increasing number of places I use my vandalism count userbox as a "beware all ye who enter!" If someone else actually gets your idea, I s'pose I'll just have to get it protected. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 21:18, 15 December 2012 (UTC)
Although, hold on a sec... the paradox would be to lower the count, not to increase it! — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 21:23, 15 December 2012 (UTC)


I took the liberty of correcting what I believe was a typo on your user page. If I was wrong, I apologise.--Anthony Bradbury"talk" 23:11, 24 December 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for catching that. :) To be honest, I'm surprised every time I spell my username right. But for someone with more userspace edits than he'd like, my userpage sure could use some work. Be bold, my friends! If someone can find a userbox saying I appreciate bold edits to my userpage, I'll put it up - better yet, that person should put it up themselves! — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 06:56, 25 December 2012 (UTC)


Just a few quick comments on what you posted on User:Mor2's talk page. First, I wish you hadn't, at least while they were blocked. Second, I understand your outrage, but you might want to take a look at Veterans Today, a recently created article. Third, Mor2 clearly had no clue what you were talking about. Finally, happy holidays!--Bbb23 (talk) 14:29, 25 December 2012 (UTC)

Hi there Bbb. I think righteous indignation is one of the worst emotions a Wikipedian can display, and I try very hard to avoid it; nonetheless, with that submission I found it difficult to not be repulsed. There's been a general agreement that with as high-profile a subject as this, somewhat higher standards are in order, and I hope that you can see my reasoning for hiding it. As for the fact he was blocked... I went over to his talk page, and saw that he was blocked for sanction violation on a related topic, and thought this might be relevant. I trust your judgment, but I'm not sure what I'm missing here that made it inadvisable for me to post that. Could you please elucidate? Thank you.
As to his not knowing what I was talking about... I don't really know what I can say. I realize that he can't see the feedback submission I linked to (unless the OP can see it even if it's hidden? But I'd think not), but that's clearly not the cause of his misunderstanding, and you'd think that if you posted something like that, and someone referenced a feedback submission to that article and called it outrageous, you'd know what they were talking about. Furthermore, since he went on to review all the reasons that he felt he shouldn't have been blocked, despite my clearly saying that I wasn't familiar with what was going on, I think we might have to chalk this up more to one-track-mindedness on his part, rather than vagueness on mine.
Anyways, hope I haven't screwed anything up too badly, and happy holidays to you too. By which I mean Merry Christmas, since Hanukkah sucks and it's already over anyways. — Francophonie&Androphilie(Je vous invite à me parler) 22:28, 25 December 2012 (UTC)
You are, as always, very amusing. I have no idea why he couldn't follow what you said. I don't know if it was willful blindness, cluelessness, or, as you say, a one-track mind (you were not vague). Your comment was a distraction. I realize he could address it because he has access to his talk page, but he's currently blocked, and it just feels unfair to kick a man when he's down. It could have waited until the block expired for you to express your view on his talk page. As for whether his feedback is related to the P-I articles, I dunno. So many editors have strong feelings about those issues. As long as those views don't affect their article-editing or their interaction with other editors, I try not to delve into people's politics. BTW, I don't even look at article feedback. It's amazing how narrow I can be. :-)
Anyway, I just thought I would tell you how I reacted to your post. Just my view, of course. I need to stop editing now for a bit - I'm supposed to be doing real life fun stuff, although talking to you is more fun than a lot of other things on Wikipedia.--Bbb23 (talk) 23:20, 25 December 2012 (UTC)

No, I had no idea what you was talking about. I assumed you referred to my last post where I said "Bottom line", as far fetched as it is, this was the only thing I could imagine that you might construed as offensive, comparing it that list you provided. So I explained how I got there.
However, after reading your post, I have figured what you refereed to and even though the feedback is hidden, iirc it wasn't neither "offensive/irresponsible", it was a headline quote and link. If you'd bothered to look at my next edit [1](or my other edits to that talk page) you'd see what I actually thought of it or my intentions. Overall my reason for it was likely similar to your comment on my talk page, that has nothing todo with my WP:1RR block or the unblock request, other than some out of context mud throwing with a pinch of Ad hominem reasoning, to a user who can't respond. But hey, maybe we are dealing with some "one-track-mindednes", over some "righteous indignation", after he was repulsed by some comment that he didn't bothered to look further.--Mor2 (talk) 03:24, 27 December 2012 (UTC)

This holiday season...

Festivus for the rest of us!
Frank Costanza: "Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
Cosmo Kramer: "What happened to the doll?"
Frank Costanza: "It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born: a Festivus for the rest of us!"
Kramer: "That must have been some kind of doll."
Frank Costanza: "She was."

This holiday season, have a fantastic Festivus!Theopolisme 16:01, 25 December 2012 (UTC)
Spread the Festivus Miracle by adding {{subst:User:Theopolisme/festivus}} to someone's talk page.

Merry Christmas!

Hello Francophonie&Androphilie! Wishing you a very Happy Merry Christmas :) TheGeneralUser (talk) 20:24, 25 December 2012 (UTC)

Merry Christmas

-- Cheers, Riley 21:06, 25 December 2012 (UTC)

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