Wold Newton
Please place all of your Wold Newton questions and comments here...
Hi, thanks for the support with the article of List of Wold Newton Universe characters, however I think we should probably organise it a little more - I know that I have gotten confused already from the multitude of added characters which are from the Tarzan Alive book. Perhaps we can work on this together, I was thinking of having an actual family tree - only I'm not sure how to make one for Wikipedia to be honest. Anyway would like to know your own ideas, thanks. Piecraft 20:26, 20 April 2006 (UTC)
- Great work Lady Aleena! I love the new layout - I'l be incorporating the key with the rest of the characters, as far as I can find within the sources provided etc... it's looking much more coherent. I'll check back again to begin assimilating the other characters within your key system tomorrow. Good job all round :) Piecraft 11:15, 25 April 2006 (UTC)
- Yeah I'm adding information here and there - checking out with sources, mostly using he pjf site Wold Newton Chronicles as well as some other linked sourced sites. I'll be color coding them soon - but just adapt them if you think some are incorrect, I'm only applying them as to what I can tell corresponds with the legend. It seems to be coming together though. Piecraft 14:17, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
- That's cool, I've been trying to link the names to any articles as well as add on details to particular family members i.e. The FRankensteins and other descendants of other families etc... this is an arduous task but it'll be cool to have a decent list of the major players from the Wold Newton Family. I'm also attempting to figure out how all the other characters key into the different families, there's quite a few that are probably unrealted but still prevalent in the universe. Piecraft 17:01, 30 April 2006 (UTC)
- Hi Aleena, just popping in to say great job of sorting out the FRankenstein family tree I was having conflicted info from different sources. I found this btw: http://www.pjfarmer.com/secret/graphictrees/frankensteinfamily.gif it seems to have different names for Praetorius and Hermes Frankenstein, then the ones you placed, I'll go by your additions, I only used the chart to correct a few minor mistakes in conjunction with Mary Shelley's book. I also added the other Ghostbusters to the family. Piecraft 22:31, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
- Hey Aleena, I just linked the following Pokémon characters to their articles: Sabrina Dominique Valerie Bowman, Ash Satoshi Ketchum, Gary Oak, Samuel Oak, Giovanni Rocketti,and Misty Kasumi Elizabeth Williams.I must say, though....Whoever decided Sabrina, Giovanni, and Misty's surnames decidedly has a quirky sense of humour...And about the Japanese middle names...The less said the better. Anyways, if you need any more help with the Pokémon characters, feel free to contact me on my Talk Page.The Raven's Apprentice(Talk)
- Hey there, sorry I wasn't responding, have been away without a connection for four days. But I have returned and will gladly continue to help out. Just hit me back if you need anything else. I checked out your "Wold Newton characters to add" but Im guessing you already implemented them into the list. As a side note, should we not make a reference in the B section for Bride of Frankenstein for Elizabeth? I know she's already listed under her husband Henry Frankenstein, but the character of Bride of Frankenstein is a strong placeholder in the fictional world. Just an idea. I never knew the POkémon characetrs were affiliated, that's rather funny. I do however know that there is a great amount of links with Japanese anime characters that were later involved in the Wold Newton universe i.e.future estranged descendants and cross-overs as well as ancestors, so it's probably not unfamiliar territory there seing the likes of Speed Racer etc... I'll look into that area seeing as it's practically unbearable to keep up with. The only characters as of yet to be unlisted are the ones referred to on the page i.e. Harry Potter, Tolkien's world and the majority of Marvel characters (however there is a lot of debate over the Marvel characters). It's looking great and I can't thank you enough for your hard work and effort. I'll try to do as much as I can to improve the list, but as it stands it's already looking more than decent! P.S. good job with keeping the category, if it wasn't for your patience I doubt it would have remained! Piecraft 13:24, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
- As far as I know it has been stated that several "universes" do not fit into the actual accepted universe of Wold Newton which integrates with the DC comics universe thanks to Alan Moore. Thus Marvel only corresponds to the universe due to the cross-over connections or with the exception of Steven Rogers and Peter Parker whose worlds do not clash with the DC Universe chronology. As for Star Wars it is speculated that it could be linked to the Wold Newton Universe, only Star Wars takes place in an entirely different future-past element, basically a universe that predates that of the Earth. And Tolkien's universe is also out of context due to the complex mythology that has no links outside of its realm, the same applies to Dungeons & Dragons, World of Warcraft and Warhammer. However the world of faeries is related thanks to King Arthur and Shakespeare as well as C.S. Lewis and Hans Christian Anderson/Brothers Grimm. Harry Potter's world also doesn't tie in to the Wold Newton as far as I have seen. And as for Looney Tunes and Disney the only way they might tie-in is through WHo Framed Roger Rabbit which has as of yet to be linked. Of course this is still a lot of debate as to what fits in and what doesn't, the only reason I added the list was to inform the reader as to why the characters from those "universes" or "worlds" were not present. Perhaps it could be stated that although they are not "accepted" within the universe it is yet to be seen whether or not they are truly acknowledged as being apart from it as a whole. Piecraft 04:50, 22 May 2006 (UTC)
I've been adding more in regards to the West/Silver/Henry family tree - though a lot of it is still sketchy so I only managed to put together the members of which are notable. Also added a few to the Knights, the Blakes and the Browns along with the Cranes. I also compiled togather members for the Firefly and Sawyer family trees. There is a link between the two families but as of yet it is unknown. Will continue to add as I can, hope all is well with you! Piecraft 13:03, 23 May 2006 (UTC)
- Hey Lady Aleena, at the moment I'm adding characters which have been mentioned in the PJF site of Wold Newton. Also I basically am connecting them to other members through what has been mentioned in other articles. I will devote my time to referencing if you give me some time - however I\m still searching for further evidence that these individuals are connected, I only listed them as being "related" for now but this could change seeing as the list is dynamic and also nothing is certain until I've found a factual source. But thanks for the heads up and I'll be sure to either delete accordingly if not related. Piecraft 10:56, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
- As per your P.S. I just listed it as I had read from the site but it's still vague I'll let you deal with it. Sorry for any complications, I'm just trying to add and link up the fictional characters that are present in the universe. I'm still trying to find related links between them though, some are self-exlplanatory. However there are not many family trees available but they are still mentioned. Piecraft 10:59, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
- I read the Wol Wold West article, that's where I got most of the info relating to the character on it from. But it's very difficult seeing as most of the members of the family are unknown or have no names listed. BTW good work on sorting out the Munster mess. Piecraft 22:29, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
- Hahaha check it out I found a family tree linking Tarzan with D'Artagnan, this looks like it's gonna get huuuuge: French Wold Newton Family Tree, the french Wold Newton is a whole different ball game that is even more complex, and there's also the Spanish/Italian and German side of the families too - this is a mega task but it's fun to see how everything links up. Piecraft 01:07, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
Be prepared for malevolent editors/users who want to delete the list, I have a feeling we haven't heard the last of EurekaLott and others who seemingly have no idea or care to find out about this literary phenomenon and believe this to be entirely fancruft. Piecraft 02:06, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
- BTW this article: in Wold Newton backs up the reason why the Marvel universe is not fully integrated within the Newtonverse. Piecraft 14:18, 28 May 2006 (UTC)
- Okay you have a point, what about we just state instead of "what doesn't belong" a list of characters from different universes that "as of yet" are not present or traced into the Newtonverse, I'll ammedn the paragraph/list? Piecraft 14:29, 28 May 2006 (UTC)
Phew I just added the families of Talbot / Glendon / Griffin / Russell / Blasko which adds up the invisible men and werewolves, you can look through it I got all of it from the who's who in Wold Newton and cross-referenced it with other articles seeing as the Who's Who in Wold Newton Universe is rather vague and tends not to have spelling inaccuracies for certain names. Anyway I'll try to put more work into making them more coherent. Piecraft 00:17, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
- It looks like the category for Wold Newton Family members is going to meet the hatchet. I fear that the main reason for it's deletion is due to me, as I have noticed the majority of users/editors who voted deleted have a personal vendetta against me from previous VfDs and other articles I have strived to work on and keep on Wikipedia and they have attempted to delete. Therefore it is no surprise that they are continuously harrasing any article of which I am part of or contributing to. I won't mention names but just now I checked the listing again and noticed that at least more than 5 users voting on the category for it to be deleted are the same individuals who have attacked my work in the past. Perhaps with the deletion of this category we could place a link through a See Also and Popular Reference section on each of the main character pages? Sorry I couldn't do more... Piecraft 13:05, 2 June 2006 (UTC)
- Don't worry about it, I'm just adding characters or subtracting them as well as connecting them from what I can find on the PJF Secret Wold Newton site - I'm not really going too hardcore that's why my edits to the list are just sporadic at times. However there's no need to overwhelm yourself with Wold Newton, basically I'll keep at it when I can. Just come back to it when you feel ready and thanks for everything you've contributed. Piecraft 22:36, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
Wold Newton stuff
I'd be happy to support you adding stuff to "cultural references" sections in other articles. That sort of thing is fine if done the right way. Show me where you met resistance before and I'll come and support you there. I'll leave my category vote the way it is. I suggest you preserve a list of the articles in the category in case it does get deleted, but I'll be more than happy to help you add the information to Wikipedia in a more distributed way. Also, the current list for the Wold Newton universe is a bit long. Having separate lists for the colour-coded bits would be good. Carcharoth 09:05, 3 June 2006 (UTC)
- I've saved the information of the Wold Newton family members category in the List of Wold Newton Universe characters Talk page. At least we don't need to lose the listing completely. I'll also help you out on adding a link reference to the character pages as an "original family member" mentioned by PJF, that is if the category is deleted. Piecraft 13:17, 3 June 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks for the reply, I think perhaps if all esle fails we could put a concise listing of those exact characters that were once in the category for Wold Newton family members and list them accordingly also in Wold Newton family. What do you think? I mean after all they ARE the Wold Newton family members of PJF and that article relates to the official characters n'est pas? Piecraft 14:42, 3 June 2006 (UTC)
- Hey there! I came up with a great idea to tie in the category so as we can preserve the official listing of everything within the categroy I have recently made a template would like you rviews and harsh critique on it, basically feel free to modify or change etc.. I just planted everything in there so it may be a bit of a mess check it out here --> WoldNewtonTopics Template, cheers! Piecraft 23:12, 6 June 2006 (UTC)
- Looks like the category was closed for deletion. Oh well, at least we know that the two admins were in agreement with us, onyl they had to as usual offer the innocent babe up to the rabid wolves - consensus by majority is pathetic and is what brings down this online encyclopedia, what they should do is have porper debates as to whether articles should be kept or not, instead of a tirade of ignorant "delete" because it's fancruft or whatnot without any of the editors knowing what they're truly voting on. Get back to me when you, I know you're real busy. Piecraft 14:55, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
- There's a lot of politics involved with Wikipedia, and I assume you have as many people who have "something" against you as they do with me, as I stated before in a previous message most of the people voting on there were editors who had previously voted against other articles I had written and organised for Wikipedia relating to science-fiction and literary topics. They will attempt at every turn to bring an article down which I have authored, especially if it is related to a topic which they are unfamiliar with. But I'm not letting them drag this topic down into obscuirty just because they are ignorant to the fact that it is notable and has a large fan base. Also we can't allow these nasty editors bring us down. Regardless they have nothing better to do than attack anything that doesn't correspond to their overbearing rule-book of what they think Wikipedia is. Anyhow I modified the templates a bit and separated them into three different temps to make things a little easier. Piecraft 15:19, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
It's all Greek to me, but if Korak belongs in the list, feel free to put him back. :) Thanks for the heads-up. --Dante Alighieri | Talk 07:57, 22 July 2006 (UTC)
- You are hereby invited to www.wold.wikidot.com -- password is "Doc is John C.'s cousin" -- -- (talk) 08:22, 15 April 2008 (UTC) (NOT a random post...)
Newtonverse List
Hi the list I currently have on my page is the last updated version with the last changes before it was deleted, I am unsure if this is the same with the others. But I allow you to decide on how you wish to proceed. Have been away from Wikipedia for a long time so I will respect what ever decision you feel is fitting. I agree too many of the same thing is pointless. Hope all is well! - piecraft
Deletion of the list
Just to give you a heads up the list has been deleted, the poll was conducted whilst I was away. Was wondering whether you'd be interested in participating in voting it for undeletion? Anyway in any case I will possibly be working together with Bookworm or even doing it myself to publish the page on my own website for interested parties. Piecraft 15:17, 27 September 2006 (UTC)
Hi there! Saw some of the stuff on the list deletion -- yes, it's a hard subject, and difficult to verify, given its specualtive nature. I admire you for trying, and wish you luck on the web site you're setting up. Have you checked out the Yahoo Groups for the WNF yet? I signed up last year, but got invobed in the 'Daughter of Fantomas' translation (see amazon.com or blackcoatpress.com for the book...), so haven't done much till recently. I'm currently uploading some files that I made of the family trees. They include means of graphically representing disputed genealogies. Hope to hear back from you... Icarus 23 06:42, 16 October 2006 (UTC)
- (And the page for the list is already back up with an irate customer...)
Paul Reid
I'm new to this; please forgive ignorance. You list Paul Reid as brother of Tom and son of Paul. At this site [[1]] he is shown as son of Tom. Can you give a reference? 18:07, 18 April 2007 (UTC)
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