Greetings, JimBreen, and welcome to Wikipedia's deletion process! Thank you for your contributions. As a newcomer, it may be helpful for you to read Wikipedia's deletion policy, and the pages describing the articles for deletion process, proposed deletion, and speedy deletion. Remember that deletion debates are not votes, and reasons matter, especially reasons relating to the central content policies of verifiability, neutral point of view, no original research, and what Wikipedia is not, and to the consensual community guidelines for biographies, corporations, music, and fiction. Also remember that deletion is not always the answer to a bad article. Feel free to drop me a line at my talk page if you have any questions. Again, welcome! The Resident Anthropologist (talk) 22:09, 9 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

June 2018

I have reverted your edits to Head of the Yarra because you introduced numerous misplaced external links. You may have intended some of them to be references, so please read the advice at WP:External links and Help:Referencing for beginners. --David Biddulph (talk) 01:17, 26 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

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