I'm currently looking for someone knowing Japanese. I need him/her to translate these book titles for me. I really need the English translations, so anyone there, please help me!
1. 新たなる生活へ
Google translate returned: The life which becomes new
Altavista returned: The life which becomes new
2. その男「因業」につき
Google translate returned: That man “cruelly” being attached
Altavista returned: That man "cruelly" being attached
3. 渡しませんっ!
Google translate returned: The [tsu] which does not transfer!
Altavista returned: The っ which does not transfer!
4. 同居以上同棲未満?
Google translate returned: Above living together under living together?
Altavista returned: Above living together under living together?
5. 味方はどなた?敵は誰?
Google translate returned: As for friend who? As for enemy who?
Altavista returned: As for friend who? As for enemy who?
6. ずるいオンナ?
Google translate returned: Sly [onna]?
Altavista returned: Sly オンナ?
Some JP to EN translation tool returned: Dirty woman?
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