Good day, and welcome to my user page. I shall refine this when I get chance between edits, but what follows will do for now, I reckon.

I like accuracy, brevity and clarity, and strive for these things above all else. I firmly believe that, if more people were to put time and thought into their written endeavours, the world would be well on its way to being a better place − why say something in ten words if it can be said in one? In this regard, I must ensure that I practise what I preach; I understand that.

I do not think that 'that's the way it's always been' is a good enough reason for keeping anything as it is, unless it was right from the beginning. Conversely, I do not like change for change's sake, but I am prepared to accept it when the need arises, even if this goes against my personal tastes. I am not of the 'cut my nose off to spite my face' demographic, stifling progress just to prove a point.

I think that, if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing properly − after all, why waste your precious time on doing half a job, which is bound to create more work later, often for others, which is, in itself, selfish, when better planning could prevent this?

I do not like empty edit summaries, and have learnt the hard way that it pays to consider what is written before clicking 'Publish changes', as non-constructive reasons can be inflammatory, and lead to unnecessary bad blood. I also do not like subjective reasons, such as 'fine as it was', being attached to edits, particularly by editors that appear to believe that they own certain articles; irrespective of how much work they have put into them, or whether the articles have 'GA' status, *nobody* should be judge, jury and executioner. Until there is a 'PA' or 'perfect article' status, there is room for improvement from us all.

Icon This user has been on Wikipedia for 4 years, 11 months and 12 days.
This editor is a Veteran Editor and is entitled to display this Iron Editor Star.
WTF?This user ALWAYS leaves
an edit summary.
This user likes to use the thank button.
This user edits in good faith.
This user fights vandalism.
This editor is a WikiGnome.
This editor values concise writing.
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.
This user is a native of the United Kingdom.
This user might or might not have an academic degree, and considers the distinction irrelevant on Wikipedia.
This user is an autodidact in a wide range of subjects they never took in school or university.
This user is a former police officer.
This user has a native-like understanding of the Latin script.
TEFLThis user is or was a teacher of English as a foreign language.
William ShakespeareThis user is interested in
English grammar.
“,;:’This user is a punctuation stickler.
;This user knows how to use a semicolon correctly.
This user knows the difference between a dash and a hyphen, and follows MOS:DASH.
try and
try to
This user tries to discourage usage of "try and".
if & whetherThis user knows how to use "if" and "whether" correctly.
less & fewerThis user understands the difference between less & fewer.
,This user fixes comma-splices; they are annoying.
This user loves knowledge.
This user loves libraries
and appreciates librarians
This user is interested in law enforcement
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Wikipedia Typo Team.
This user is a participant in the Royalty and Nobility task force.
This user is a member of
WikiProject British Royalty.
This user is a member of Team Peerage and Baronetage.
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