This page is designed to help me determine whether to support or oppose an RfA candidate. It's set up similar to the Are You a Wikiholic? test, with differing amounts of points yielding different !votes. Concerns, comments, questions? Please tell me.
Has the user been active on Wikipedia for...
- less than one month? (-4)
- one to three months? (0)
- three to six months? (3)
- six months to a year? (5)
- a year or longer? (6)
Prior Actions
Has the user...
- been blocked before? (-10)
- had civility and/or vandalism issues within the past year? (-4)
- run for adminship before? (.5 each time)
- been in a dispute that went beyond talkpage discussion to ANI, MedCab, etc.? (-2 if they were the instigator, 1 if they tried to resolve the dispute, 0 otherwise)
- made less than 25 edits a month for at least two consecutive months? (-.5)
Community Involvement
Is the user...
- involved in WikiProjects? (.5 for each one)
- involved in non-article-building work, such as the Help and Reference desks? (1)
- regularly involved in processes such as AfD? (2)
- not regularly involved in processes such as AfD but states that they want to work there? (-2)
Does the user...
- patrol for new articles or images and tag inappropriate pages or images for speedy deletion? (2)
- apply the speedy deletion criteria appropriately? (1 if yes, -2 if no)
- take appropriate action if an article is not a valid speedy deletion candidate? (1 if yes, -1 if no)
- show an inclination to discuss problems rather than revert war? (2 if yes, -2 if no)
Has the user...
- made no more than 10% of their total contributions to their userspace? (4)
- made a substantial amount of edits (about 30% of total) to project space? (3)
- If the user has stated that they want to work with images, have at least 75 of their contributions gone into the image and image talk namespace? (1)
- Has the user made at least 30% of their total contributions to the mainspace? (4)
- Has the user brought an article to Good status? (1 for each)
- Has the user had a Did you know? (1 for each)
- Featured status? (3 for each)
- If the user has stated that they want to fight vandalism, are they active at AIV, RFPP, and other vandalism-related places? (3)
- If the user has stated that they want to be active in something else, are they currently active there? (1)
- Has the user left any questions unanswered? (Automatic neutral)
- Does it seem like one of the answers is not entirely sincere or is a "template" response (e.g. Q1: I want to fight vandalism and work at AfD because I want to help the community)? (-2)
- Have they self-nomed? (2)
- Have they had co-noms? (1 each)
- The highest possible point total is 46.25.
- 46.25-25: Support
- 24.99-15: Support or Neutral with some minor concerns or Oppose with major concerns
- 14.99-0: Neutral or Oppose
Minor changes not shown
- version 1.0: initial version, 00:02, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
- version 1.0.1: Changes to dispute & misc criteria, max 46.65, 00:04, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
- version 1.1: Changes to several criteria, simplified results, max 46.25 23:43, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
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