Hi all, I'm Leigh. 16 from Suffolk, UK. :)
My main interests are radio, music, motorsport, photography and DJ mixing... so I intend to use those skills to help out on Wikipedia. Most of my edits will mostly be picture based or spoken versions of important articles.
World Rally Radio Made into a nice neat, small article (not stub) with logo, infobox, pictures and general paragraphs.
Major contributions to:
Laura Sayers From a small article with a paragraph or two, to a resonable article with pictures, infobox, many additions and more. Still not in my eyes complete though.
I agree to release my text and image contributions, unless otherwise stated, into the public domain. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under public domain terms, please check the multi-licensing guide.
Odd Bods
On holiday in Norfolk... in the sun!.
The picture on the left was one I took on holiday at Wells Next To The Sea in Norfolk during the August 2006 carnival week, it shows believe it or not that it can be warm in Norfolk in August. Normally it rains like the middle of winter and the winds feel like your in the middle of a storm...
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