In contemporary belief angels are often described either the "classical" form (human countenance with wings), in the form of extraordinarily beautiful or radiant human beings, or as beings of light.
In Gnosticism, Aeons bear a number of similarities to Judaeo-Christian angels, including roles as servants and emanations of God, and existing as beings of light.
In Battlestar Galactica, the Seraphs are the same angelic "Beings of Light" mentioned in "The Book of the Word", the dominant Colonial Scripture, and that these beings have played a part in human society.
In Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis, the protagonist meets eldila, mysterious beings of light native to the void of interplanetary space (who are actually what Christianity defines as "angels", and who are also identified as Mars, Venus and other deities of Greek and Roman mythology)
DC comics
In the DC universe, the Light Entity is light that originated millennia ago where Earth now orbits, eventually circumnavigated the universe and returned as a dangerous, conscious entity
In the Blackest Night DC comics storyline, a White Light Entity is described as the trigger of all existence.
the White Lantern Entity is the embodiment of the white light that creates life. It assumes the shape of a massive winged humanoid creature. As the light fought against darkness, stars and planets were born including a planet at the very spot the Entity entered - Earth. As the Entity's influence spread, life was created and, with life, emotions. As emotions began to manifest, so did the seven emotional embodiments. -- White Lantern Corps#Entity
The Life Entity is a fictional creature, a physical embodiment of all life within the DC Universe.
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