Wikipedia 1.0 Server

The Wikipedia 1.0 Server hosts a set of web-based programs that can be used to view and query article assessment information. We are currently using a version of the tools updated in 2021-2023, as well as a newly updated PERL version of the WP 1.0 bot. The Wikipedia 1.0 server is hosted by Kiwix, and it includes a set of help pages.

The tools have two main functions:

  1. To provide Wikipedia editors access to lists and custom article selections.
  2. To facilitate selection of Wikipedia content.

We hope this will encourage the wider use of Wikipedia content in different offline settings around the world.

This list shows WikiProjects and their level of current activity. The Wikipedia 1.0 Server shows more detailed information on particular WikiProjects, such as a lists of their articles organized by quality (and possibly importance). These include:

Overall summary table

This can be found on wiki at Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team/Statistics. This tool provides a table summarizing the ratings for all articles in the system. Only articles in namespace 0 are included. When more than one WikiProject has rated an article differently, the highest quality and importance ratings are used.

Project summary tables

Webpage: Choose a project to display its Project summary table. This tool gives a table of articles for a particular WikiProject, along with other statistics for the WikiProject.

Assessment logs

Webpage: Assessment logs

This tool is used to display and search logs that track assessment changes. Each line of the output shows either an importance rating change, or a quality rating change.

The parameters are:

Project name
The name of the WikiProject to search. This field must be filled in.
Namespace #
Filter results to pages in a particular numberic namespace
Page name
Filter results to a page with a particular name
Treat page name as a regular expression
By default, if you enter a page name, only the results for that page are displayed. This checkbox causes the page name to be treated as a regular expression that can match multiple pages.
Old rating
Only show log entries where the previous rating has this value (e.g. B-Class or Top-Class)
New rating
Only show log entries where the new rating has this value (e.g. B-Class or Top-Class)
Ending date
only show log entries before this date. The date may be entered as "12 January 2010", "January 12, 2010", "2010-1-12", and many other formats.
Starting date
Only show log entries on or after this date.
Results per page
How many entries to show on each output page
Start with result #
The first result number to display in the output page (skipping previous results)

Article lists

Webpage: Article lists

This tool is used to search for article assessment data. You may fill in any combination of parameters to search for articles. The parameters are:

First project

This is the main input area: select a WikiProject and/or quality and importance ratings to filter results

The name of the WikiProject
Page namespace
The number namespace of the namespace of pages to return. Enter the namespace of the page itself, not the talk page. Thus, for main namespace pages, enter "0".
Page title
Only return pages whose title matches this field
Treat page name as a regular expression
By default, if you enter a page name, only the results for that page are displayed. This checkbox causes the page name to be treated as a regular expression that can match multiple pages.
Only display pages with this quality rating. You must enter the "-Class" suffix, e.g. "B-Class"
Only display pages with this importance/priority rating. You must enter the "-Class" suffix, e.g. "Mid-Class"
Score ≥
Only select articles with a release version score greater than or equal to this value.
Show external interest data
Display information used for generating the release version scores:
  • PL: count of incoming wiki-page links. This number includes links to articles that redirect to the article in question.
  • LL: count of outgoing inter-language links (to other language versions of Wikipedia)
  • HC: estimate of average daily hitcount for the article
  • EI: the composite "external interest score", used as one component of the overall selection score. The algorithm used to calculate this score is documented at Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team/SelectionBot.

Second project

This area is used filter by two WikiProjects simultaneously.

Specify second project
To find articles that are rated simultaneously by two different WikiProjects, check this box
Project name
The name of the second WikiProject
A quality rating from the second WikiProject, e.g. A-Class
An importance/Priority rating from the second WikiProject, e.g. Top-Class
Show only pages with differing quality ratings
Only display pages where the quality ratings assigned by the two WikiProject differ

Output options

Results per page
How many results to show per page
Start with result #
To jump to a later page, enter a number in this box
First, the data is sorted based on the "primary sort" key. Then, ties are broken using the "secondary sort" key.

Release / review data

Release refers to a release version of Wikipedia, such as Wikipedia 0.5. Review refers to a community content review such as Featured Article.

Filter release / review data
Check this box to enable filtering by the release and/or review status of the page.
Review status
This data is based on the actual categories of Featured Articles, Featured Lists, and Good Articles; it is not based on WikiProject assessments. Select a type of review status to limit the search.
Filtering by release
This feature will allow you to select articles that have been included in release versions of Wikipedia. (not yet implemented)

Category filter

This box enables you to only select articles in a particular category on the wiki (e.g Category:Ships). The category search is not recursive (it does not go into subcategories).

Filter by category
Select this box to filter articles based on category membership
Article category
Only display pages that are in this category
Talk page category
Only display pages whose talk page is in this category

Update project data

Webpage: Update project data

This tool allows you to update WikiProject data immediately, without waiting for the next automatic update. Select the project to update or (if the project has never been updated) type its name into the box. Do not leave or close the page until the green "Data has been updated" message is displayed.

Manual selection tools

When the automatic article selection is made, it is sometimes necessary to add specific additional articles. The manual selection tools will allow us to keep track of these articles in a clear way, with easy-to-search changelogs. These tools are functional but still under development.

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