
Pontification: time for

One of the larger headaches with Wikipedia (of which there are several) is the constantly embattled state of the English Wikipedia generally vis-a-vis the Americans vs. everyone else; mainly with spelling but also matters of nationality, who invented what (and first), naming conventions, articles dominated by "in the US" and so on. Given that this has been the state of things for ~20 years with no actual solutions (the "first major contribution" in WP:ENGVAR doesn't really fix any problems and is often worse than useless) perhaps it might be a good idea to fork an American branch where they can have their own spelling and be best at everything. Though I suspect they'd still interfere with any other English-language version.

I guess I could ask the American part of me what she thinks:

What do you think, lardy-arsed American part of me?
What about your crooked teeth, eh, Limey? We saved your asses, say thank you to McBigCorp, ingrate!

Well there you have it.

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