Hey look everyone, I worked out how to use "group by"!
SQL query:
select old_namespace,old_title from old,user where old_user=user_id AND user_name='Reddi' group by old_title limit 1000
select cur_namespace,cur_title from cur,user where cur_user=user_id AND user_name='Reddi' AND cur_is_new=1 group by cur_title limit 1000
This is a list of articles Reddi has edited. See User:Tim Starling/Reddi watchlist for a human-edited list.
- Aharonov-Bohm_effect
- Albert_Einstein
- Alternate_current
- Alternating_current
- Ark_of_the_Covenant
- Australian_Inter_Dominion_Harness_Racing_Championship
- Boundary_layer_effect
- Charles_Kettering
- Commissioned_officer
- Convention_for_the_Suppression_of_the_Traffic_in_Persons_and_of_the_Exploitation_of_the_Prostitution_of_Others
- Cosmology
- Dayton_Miller
- Douglas_Sweetser
- Dual
- Dynamic_theory_of_gravity
- Dynamo_theory
- Earth's_magnetic_field
- Edward_Morley
- Eiffel_Tower
- Electricity
- Electric_motor
- Fact
- Fief
- Frank_Wilczek
- Geomantic
- Geomatic
- Gloria_Leonard
- Hannes_Alfven
- Hannes_Olof_Gösta_Alfvén
- Harmonic_oscillator
- High_Society
- Homage
- Kennedy-Thorndike_experiment
- Kentucky_Futurity
- Lead-lag_effect
- Ley_line
- Magnetism
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Magnetosphere
- Marcel_Deprez
- Mark_Twain
- Maxwell
- Maxwell's_equations
- Michelson-Morley_experiment
- N-body_problem
- Names_given_to_the_divine
- Niagara_Falls
- Nikola_Tesla
- Null-result
- Null_result
- Oersted
- Officer
- Perpetual_motion
- Phantom_loop
- Physics
- Plasma
- Plasma_cosmology
- Plasma_physics
- Polyphase_system
- Potential
- Potential_difference
- Quantum_flux
- Quantum_superposition
- Quaternion
- Radar_astronomy
- Relation
- Remanence
- Reversed_field_pinch
- Robert_Orben
- Schumann_resonance
- Special_relativity
- Stellarator
- Tesla_coil
- Tesla_patents
- Tesla_turbine
- Tether_propulsion
- Theodor_Wulf
- Theory
- Thermodynamics
- Thomas_Edison
- Thomas_Jones
- Three_phase
- Trouton-Noble_experiment
- Turbine
- Two-body_problem
- Vacuum
- Volt
- William_John_Macquorn_Rankine
- William_Wulf
- Will_Durant
- Wrong
- Wye-delta_transform
- Talk:Electrical_network
- Talk:List_of_speculative_or_fringe_theories
- Talk:Luminiferous_aether
- Talk:Rotating_magnetic_field
- Talk:Trouton_Noble_experiment
- User:Reddi
- Wikipedia:Most_wanted_stubs
- Wikipedia:Requested_articles
- Image:BrochureWardenclyffe_.PNG
- Image:Internalblades.PNG
- Image:OriginalTeslaCoil.png
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