thephotoman, spelt all lower case and without spaces, occasionally refered to as "photo" by online friends, is a 22-year-old college student residing in the Houston, Texas area. His interests include classic rock, Harry Potter fanfiction, armchair philosophy, biology and computers. He's also, as his name would suggest, a sometime-photographer, when he's not busy with school or writing an opinion column published in The Daily Cougar. He admits to being terrible with WikiWiki code in general, so pardon his gaffes.

I.i.n.a.gThis user is a member of the It's-is-not-a-genitive fan-club. Their motto is "se ðe gelíþ raðe hé hamacgaþ".
University of HoustonThis user attends or attended the UNIVERSITY of HOUSTON
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
la-1Hic usor simplici latinitate contribuere potest.
1337-3+|-|15 |_|53|2 <4/\/ (0/\/+|2!|3|_|+3 \/\/1+|-| 4/\/ 4|)\/4/\/(3|) 13\/31 0|= 1337.
es-1Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
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