I am a professional geologist and work as a volcanologist. I live and work in the Canary Islands. My main interests are the volcanoes of the Canary Islands including La Palma and Tenerife. I am also interested in the volcanoes of the Andes, Central America, Caribbean, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan, the USA including Hawai'i.
My qualifications include Bachelors degree, PhD, Fellowship of the Geological Society of London, Member of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior - IAVCEI.
If you wish to contact me - I will give you advice etc for free., please do so in the first instance at the-rockdoc@hotmail.com
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE address "the-rockdoc@hotmail.com" has been hijacked by someone or a group in Russia and I refuse to pay a ransom and MS won't accept my answers.
So if you wish to contact me direct use this means instead.
The Geologist
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