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- 12927 Pinocchio
- 14941 Tomswift
- 1773 Rumpelstilz
- 2476 Andersen
- 24: One Shot
- 2521 Heidi
- 37.5°C no Namida
- 46610 Bésixdouze
- 5405 Neverland
- 58345 Moomintroll
- 7 Seeds
- 919 Ilsebill
- Aase Foss Abrahamsen
- A Barnstormer in Oz
- Abburi Chayadevi
- Abigail MacBride Allen
- A Boy's Best Friend
- Abraham Regelson
- Ace of Diamond
- Aco Mavec
- A Confession (Gorky)
- Adam Bahdaj
- Adaptations of Little Red Riding Hood
- Adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia
- Adela Pennyfather
- Adéle Weman
- Adeline Yzac
- Adikanda Mahanta
- Adiva Geffen
- Adolescence of Utena
- Adolfas Mekas
- Adrienne Segur
- Adventures from the Book of Virtues
- Adventures of the Little Mermaid
- Age 12
- Agent Z and the Penguin from Mars
- Agnès Desarthe
- Agnès Rosenstiehl
- Aiga Rasch
- Aina Basso
- Áine Ní Ghlinn
- Akka bakka bonka rakka
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- Al Altaev
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- Alenka Goljevšček
- Alenka Sottler
- Alexander Fyodorov-Davydov
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- Alice (miniseries)
- Alimash
- Ali Mitgutsch
- Alina Paim
- A Lion Among Men
- A Little Raw on Monday Mornings
- Allan Morley
- Allen W. Seaby
- Amalie Schoppe
- Amber House (novel)
- Amber House Trilogy
- Amelie Fried
- Amir Hosein Fardi
- Amirkhan Kamizovich Shomakhov
- Amos Bar
- Ana Barrios Camponovo
- Ana Galán
- Ana Juan
- Anatole (TV series)
- Andreas Steinhöfel
- Andrej Trobentar
- Andrew Baron (paper engineer)
- Andrew Salkey
- Andy Fanton
- Angel: A Maximum Ride Novel
- Angèle Delaunois
- Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps
- Angelina Ballerina (TV series)
- Angel Lip
- Angelo Rules
- Anguish Languish
- Anil Ghorai
- Animalia (TV series)
- Animorphs: Know the Secret
- Animorphs: Shattered Reality
- Animorphs (TV series)
- Animorphs (video game)
- An Inheritance of Ashes
- Anita Nair
- Anjali Khandwala
- Anna-Clara Tidholm
- Anna Kamieńska
- Anna-Marie McLemore
- Anna Murià
- Anna Nakwaska
- Anne Featherstone
- Anne Jane Cupples
- Anne Leinonen
- Anne Pätzke
- Annette Langen
- Annette Münch
- Ann-Helén Laestadius
- Annie Jay
- Annika Thor
- Annouchka Gravel Galouchko
- Anomaly (series)
- Anouk Ricard
- Anthony Ant
- Anthony (writer)
- Antigone Metaxa-Krontera
- Antoinette Becker
- Antònia Vicens
- Antonina Żabińska
- Antonio Lupatelli
- Anton Polenec
- Anton Ramovš
- Anupama Niranjana
- A Penguin's Troubles
- Apocalyptour (album)
- Aquila (TV series)
- Arabian Nights: Sinbad's Adventures
- A. Ramachandran
- Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker
- Archibald the Koala
- Area 88
- Argus Filch
- Arman Arian
- Arndís Þórarinsdóttir
- Arnold Jacoby
- Arrietty
- Arsheesh
- Arun Manilal Gandhi
- Arvind Gupta
- Arzhang
- Aschenbrödel
- Ashdown Forest
- Åshild Irgens
- Ashok Rajagopalan
- Asja Hrvatin
- Asmodeus (Redwall)
- A Snow White Christmas (musical)
- Astroblast!
- A Summer to Die
- A Tangled Web
- A Tenderfoot in Space
- Athol Williams
- Atukwei Okai
- Atul Chandra Hazarika
- Auberon (comics)
- Audrey Ajose
- Aurora Díaz-Plaja i Contestí
- Austin Carroll
- A Very Potter Musical
- A Very Potter Musical (album)
- A Very Potter Senior Year
- A Very Potter Sequel
- A Very Potter Sequel (EP)
- A Very StarKid Album
- A Very Very Very Dark Matter
- A Very Wicked Halloween
- Awad Saud Awad
- A Wrinkle in Time (2003 film)
- A Wrinkle in Time (2018 film)
- Axel Pressbutton
- B 612 (The Little Prince)
- Babar and the Adventures of Badou
- Babar (TV series)
- Baby & Me
- Baby Shark
- Badrang the Tyrant
- Badri Narayan
- Bahram Beyzai
- Bakkehuset
- Balázs Lengyel (critic)
- Baloo Baleerie
- Baloo (Disney)
- Bandersnatch
- Bannertail: The Story of Gray Squirrel (TV series)
- Barairo no Ashita
- Bara no Tame ni
- Barbara Else
- Barbara Stühlmeyer
- Barbu Lăzăreanu
- Barna Hedenhös uppfinner julen
- Barrie Appleby
- Barry Glennard
- Basara (manga)
- Basil Blackaller
- Basil Stag Hare
- Bastian Steel Bukan Cowok Biasa
- Battles in the Chronicles of Narnia
- B.B. (manga)
- Beano Video
- Beatrice Hammer
- Béatrice Lalinon Gbado
- Bea Uusma
- Beaversdam
- Be Blues! - Ao ni Nare
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Belle and Sebastian (French TV series)
- Belle and Sebastian (Japanese TV series)
- Belle, Sebastian and the Horses
- Bengt Anderberg
- Benno Pludra
- Be-Papas
- Bert (TV series)
- Beruna
- Bethan Gwanas
- Biancaneve
- Bianca Pitzorno
- Bidyut Prabha Devi
- Big Ben (comics)
- Bill the Minder
- Billy Webb's Amazing Stories
- Bing (TV series)
- Birgitta Stenberg
- Bism
- Black Bird (manga)
- Black Bull of Norroway
- Black Cat Detective
- Blaggut
- Bleach (manga)
- Blockhead Hans
- Bloodhound (novel)
- Blood Red (novel)
- Bloodstained Oz
- Bloodthirsty: One Nation Under Water
- Bluebeard
- Boku wa Imōto ni Koi o Suru
- Book of Dragons
- Books of Magick: Life During Wartime
- Boots and His Brothers
- Boots and the Troll
- Boots Who Made the Princess Say, "That's a Story"
- Boring Bible
- Boris Dyozhkin
- Boris Kobe
- Boris Stepantsev
- Born to Rock
- Bosiljka Pušić
- Bother! The Brain of Pooh
- Boyfriend (manga)
- Boy Scout Handbook
- Boys Over Flowers
- Božo Kos
- Božo Petek
- Božo Škerlj
- Bozo: The World's Most Famous Clown
- Bragoon and Saro
- Brandy Colbert
- Branko Ćopić
- Branko Hofman
- Branko Milićević
- Branko Radičević
- Brewery of Eggshells
- Brian L. Falkner
- Bright Eyes (Art Garfunkel song)
- Brigid Lowry
- Brigitte Birnbaum
- Brother Hal
- Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir
- B. Sandhya
- Buchi Emecheta
- Buddy (TV series)
- Bulbul Sharma
- Bunbuku Chagama
- Bunnicula (TV series)
- Bunnies & Burrows
- Burr Oak House/Masters Hotel
- Bushy Bride
- Busytown Mysteries
- Buttercup (fairy tale)
- Cael Ua Neamhnainn
- Caillou
- Canterbury Heritage Museum
- Captain Hook
- Captain (manga)
- Captain Pugwash
- Carlos Goñi Zubieta
- Carmen Baroja
- Carmen de Alonso
- Carmen Howle
- Carme Solé Vendrell
- Carol Barton
- Carole Martinez
- Carrie (novel)
- Case Closed
- Caspian I
- Caspian VIII
- Caterpillar (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
- Cat Hellisen
- Catherine Sinclair
- C. B. Lee
- Cécile Aubry
- Cecilie Enger
- Celeste Buckingham
- Cendrillon
- Cendrillon (Isouard)
- Cendrillon (Viardot)
- Ceres, Celestial Legend
- Chains (novel)
- Chandiroor Divakaran
- Chandramathi
- Characters of Peter Pan
- Charles Alexander, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
- Charles Grigg
- Chas Chandler (comics)
- Cheeky Angel
- Child of the Moon
- Children and Television: Lessons from Sesame Street
- Chippingford
- C. H. Prahlada Rao
- Chris Hoy
- Christiane Gohl
- Christian Jacq
- Christina Björk
- Christina Herrström
- Christine Craig
- Christine Johnston (writer)
- Christopher Collier (historian)
- Christopher Robin Milne
- Christoph von Schmid
- Chuck Fischer
- Chupacabra (novel)
- Cicerone Theodorescu
- Cinderalla
- Cinderella (2013 Broadway production)
- Cinderella (Fitinhof-Schell)
- Cinderella (musical)
- Cinders (visual novel)
- Ciril Cvetko
- Cita Potokar
- City of Ember
- Clara Filleul
- Clarence Reginald Dalby
- Claribel Alegría
- Claude Ponti
- Clementine Abel
- Clementine Helm
- Clifford's Puppy Days
- Clive Spong
- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (TV series)
- Cluny the Scourge
- Coldmirror
- Colette Fu
- Columbine (Redwall)
- Comic Idol
- Conall Cra Bhuidhe
- Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister
- Constanța Hodoș
- Copyright status of The Wizard of Oz and related works in the United States
- Corduroy (TV series)
- Corin (Narnia)
- Corlia Fourie
- Cornflower (Redwall)
- Crafty (illustrator)
- Crest of the Royal Family
- Croket!
- Crookshanks
- Cross Game
- Cuthbert Blanedale Frunk
- Czesław Janczarski
- Dame Oyaji
- Damodar Mauzo
- Damug Warfang
- Dana Podracká
- Dancing Lawn
- Dancing Through Life
- Dan Dare
- Dandini Dandini Dastana
- Dane Zajc
- Daniela Crăsnaru
- Daniel Boulanger
- Daniel Pennac
- Daniel Picouly
- Daniel X: Armageddon
- Danijel Demšar
- Dan Jolley
- Dan Tsalka
- Dapplegrim
- Darick Robertson
- Dasari Subrahmanyam
- Dasari Venkataramana
- Das Haus der Krokodile
- Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines
- Daughter of the Forest
- David A. Carter
- Davide Cali
- David Grossman
- David Hair
- David Hill (author)
- David Kherdian
- David Law (cartoonist)
- David Mostyn (cartoonist)
- David Sutherland (comics)
- Dawn Treader
- Day of the Diesels
- Day of the Dogs
- Day out with Thomas
- Dead Boy Detectives
- Dead Chest Island, British Virgin Islands
- Dead Man's Chest
- Death: At Death's Door
- Death (DC Comics)
- Death: The High Cost of Living
- Death: The Time of Your Life
- Deb Hoffmann
- Découvertes Gallimard
- Deltora Quest (TV series)
- Dennis and Gnasher (1996 TV series)
- Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed!
- Dennis the Menace and Gnasher (2009 TV series)
- Deplorable Word
- Der kleine Vampir – Neue Abenteuer
- Desanka Maksimović
- Desperate Dan
- Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold
- Dhirendralal Dhar
- Dhirendra Mehta
- Dhiruben Patel
- Diadem (series)
- Diamond Cut Diamond (fairy tale)
- Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson's Journal
- Dick Dastardly
- Die Muminfamilie
- Die rote Zora und ihre Bande (TV series)
- Dimitrie Stelaru
- Dinendra Kumar Roy
- Dinesh Chandra Chattopadhyay
- Dingeye
- Dino Armas
- Dinotrux
- Disney Learning: Winnie the Pooh
- Disney's Pooh & Friends
- Djungelboken
- Dobrica Erić
- Dogbreath
- Doll i' the Grass
- Dolores Umbridge
- Donald Barthelme
- Dona Massin
- Donna Hill
- Dorcas Dole
- Dornröschen
- Dornröschen (Sussmann-Hellborn)
- Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz
- Dot.
- Doublecross (series)
- Douglas (parrot)
- Down Down Baby
- Dragana Kršenković Brković
- Dragan Lukić
- Drago Matanović
- Dragon Fin Soup
- Dragon (TV series)
- Drama (graphic novel)
- Dream (character)
- Dreamless (novel)
- DreamWorks Dragons
- Dr. Slump
- Dr. Stone
- Duchess (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
- Dudley D. Watkins
- Duke Ellington Plays Mary Poppins
- Duma (DC Comics)
- Dumitru Almaș
- Duncan Scott (comics)
- Durham Red
- Durry Quill
- Dušan Muc
- Dušan Petrič
- Dušan Petričić
- Dušan Savnik
- Duško Radović
- Dwarf Nose
- East of the Sun and West of the Moon
- Ebb and Flo
- Edith Unnerstad
- Edmée Pardo Murray
- Edward H. Hutchins
- Efrat Ungar
- Egil Nyhus
- Eikou no Napoleon – Eroica
- Eilís Dillon
- Ein Fall für TKKG
- Elana Arnold
- Ela Peroci
- Elek Benedek
- Element Girl
- Elena Farago
- Elena Santiago
- Elena Sheynina
- Élie Berthet
- Elizabeth-Irene Baitie
- Elizabeth Somerville
- Elizaveta Vodovozova
- Ella the Elephant
- Elliot Moose (TV series)
- Ellisif Wessel
- Elvire Murail
- Emanuel Hjort
- Emil Dorian
- Emilio Salgari
- Emily (Thomas & Friends)
- Emma Adbåge
- Emmanuelle Houdart
- Emmy Abrahamson
- Emperor-Over-the-Sea
- Empress Jadis
- Emuna Elon
- Enchanted Forest Chronicles
- Enchantment (novel)
- Endless (comics)
- En ettas dagbok (TV series)
- Enriqueta Antolín
- Entten tentten teelikamentten
- Eran Ben-Shahar
- Eric Beddows
- Éric Boisset
- Eric Winter (illustrator)
- Ernest Fouinet
- Ernest Nister
- Ervin Lázár
- Escape (magazine)
- Esteban Navarro
- Esther Glen
- Étienne Delessert (illustrator)
- Ettinsmoor
- Eugeniu Ștefănescu-Est
- Eunice de Souza
- Eva Dahlgren
- Eva Eriksson (illustrator)
- Eva Widermann
- Evelyne Lallemand
- Every Boy's Library (Boy Scouts of America Edition)
- Evgenia Tur
- Evgen Sajovic
- E. V. Krishna Pillai
- Ewert Karlsson
- Experiment House
- Eyewitness (UK TV series)
- Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison
- Faerie (DC Comics)
- Fair, Brown and Trembling
- Fairer-than-a-Fairy (Caumont de La Force)
- Fairer-than-a-Fairy (Mailly)
- Fallen In Love
- Famous 5: On the Case
- Fancy Dance (manga)
- Fancy Nancy (TV series)
- Fangbone!
- Farmer Weathersky
- Făt-Frumos with the Golden Hair
- Father Roquelaure
- Fear the Darkness
- F. E. Higgins
- Felix Aderca
- Felldoh
- Fennec (TV series)
- Ferahgo the Assassin
- Ferdo Godina
- Ferenc Molnár
- Ferenc Móra
- Fergus Hall
- Fianna
- Fidra Books
- Figaro (Disney)
- Firefighter! Daigo of Fire Company M
- First Battle of Beruna
- Five Kingdoms: Sky Raiders
- Fleabag Monkeyface
- Fledge (Narnia)
- Florence Delaporte
- Florence Hinckel
- Foma Gordeyev
- Fontana a Pinocchio
- Forest Born
- Fortunata (Redwall)
- Four Great Women and a Manicure
- Foxglove (DC Comics)
- Fox (Narnia)
- Fox's Peter Pan & the Pirates
- France Avčin
- France Bevk
- France Križanič
- France Mihelič
- France Planina
- France Podrekar
- Franck Pavloff
- François Bon
- Françoise Pichard
- Frank C. Papé
- Frank Joslyn Baum
- Franklin and Friends
- Franklin (TV series)
- Frank V
- Fran Saleški Finžgar
- Franz Kurowski
- Freaky Friday (1976 film)
- Freaky Friday (1995 film)
- Freaky Friday (2003 film)
- Freaky Friday (2018 film)
- Freaky Friday (musical)
- Freaky Friday (soundtrack)
- Freda Linde
- Frederick and Catherine
- Fred Kupferman
- Friend of Dorothy
- Fudge (TV series)
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Funnybones
- Fury (DC Comics)
- Futari Daka
- Fuyumi Ono
- Gabi Swiatkowska
- Gabool the Wild
- Gabriel Rosenstock
- Gaby Hauptmann
- Gadi Taub
- Gaël Aymon
- Galaxy Express 999
- Galit Dahan-Carlibach
- Game Center Arashi
- Ganba! Fly High
- Ganbare Genki
- Ganbare, Kickers!
- Gardi Hutter
- Gary Northfield
- Gaspard and Lisa (TV series)
- G. Dem. Teodorescu
- Geeta Mukherjee
- Gemworld
- Gene Luen Yang
- Geneviève Brisac
- Geneviève Senger
- Gennady Sokolsky
- Geoffrey Bull
- George Diamandy
- George Dumitrescu
- George Shrinks
- George Silviu
- Georges Jean
- Georges Sari
- Georgic and Merlin
- Geppetto (Fables)
- Gérard Pussey
- Gertrude's Bird
- Géza Gárdonyi
- Ghanshyam Desai
- Ghost Sweeper Mikami
- Gijubhai Badheka
- Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin
- Gingerbread (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Girl detective (genre)
- G. Kamalamma
- Gladiator (novel series)
- Gladiator: Son of Spartacus
- Gladiator: Street Fighter
- Gladiator: Vengeance
- Gladys Carmagnola
- Glasswater Creek
- Glimfeather
- Gloria Fuertes
- God Save the Queen (comics)
- Godspeed (Sheffield novel)
- Gofrette
- Golden Book Video
- Golden Guide
- Gonff the Mousethief
- Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween
- Goosebumps (comics)
- Goosebumps (film)
- Goosebumps HorrorLand
- Goosebumps Most Wanted
- Goosebumps Series 2000
- Goosebumps SlappyWorld
- Goosebumps (TV series)
- Goosebumps (video game series)
- Gopher (Winnie-the-Pooh)
- Gopi Kottoor
- Gordon Bell (cartoonist)
- Gorky Park (Moscow)
- Gorky Park (Rostov-on-Don)
- Grandpa Danger
- Grapple (Transformers)
- Grazilda
- Great River of Narnia
- Green Eggs and Ham (TV series)
- Grigory Adamov
- Grim Tales
- Grossology (TV series)
- Gulchihra Sulaymonova
- Gullane Entertainment
- Gulo the Savage
- Gunilla Lundgren
- Gunnerkrigg Court
- G. Venkatasubbiah
- Gvido Birolla
- Gwynne Williams
- Hæge Follegg Pedersen
- Haikyu!!
- Håkon Evjenth
- Haku Shah
- Half-Life (Krach novel)
- Half-Man
- Halina Auderska
- Håll huvudet kallt
- Halyna Kruk
- Hanna-Barbera's 50th: A Yabba Dabba Doo Celebration
- Hanna-Barbera Superstars 10
- Hannu Mäkelä
- Hans Christian Andersen Museum
- Hansel and Gretel (opera)
- Hans Ulrich Steger
- Happy Families (1989 TV series)
- Harald Metzkes
- Harald Scharff
- Harfang
- Hari Krishna Devsare
- Hariprasad Vyas
- Harry, A History
- Harry Hargreaves (cartoonist)
- Harry Hill
- Harry Kane (illustrator)
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
- Harry Potter in Calcutta
- Harry Potter: The Exhibition
- Hasan Akbar Kamal
- Hasu Yajnik
- Hatsukoi Scandal
- Haunting of Cassie Palmer
- Hazed (The Hardy Boys)
- H. C. Andersen Arena
- H.C. Andersen Marathon
- Heads You Die
- Heart of Stone (German fairy tale)
- Heaven (Andrews novel)
- Hector Hall
- Heidi (2015 TV series)
- Heidi, Girl of the Alps
- Heidi Hassenmüller
- Heidi (miniseries)
- Heike Brandt
- Heike Hohlbein
- Heinrich der Glïchezäre
- Helena Bechlerowa
- Helga Flatland
- Helga Hufflepuff
- Helge Torvund
- Hell (DC Comics)
- Helmut Preißler
- Hemendra Kumar Roy
- Henrietta Keddie
- Henry Hugglemonster
- Hero of the Rails
- Herr Korbes
- Hierarchy of Calormen
- Hikaru no Go
- Hikmet Temel Akarsu
- His Dark Materials (play)
- His Dark Materials (TV series)
- Hogwarts
- Hole in My Life
- Holly Howe
- Honobu Yonezawa
- Horrible Histories
- Horrible Histories (2001 TV series)
- Horrible Histories (2009 TV series)
- Horrible Histories (2015 TV series)
- Horrible Histories: Gory Games
- Horrible Histories: Ruthless Romans (video game)
- Horrible Histories: The Mad Millennium
- Horrible Histories with Stephen Fry
- Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy
- Horrid Henry (TV series)
- House of Telmar
- Howard Curtis
- Howard Spring
- How Six Made Their Way in the World
- How to Train Your Dragon (franchise)
- How to Train Your Dragon: Music from the Motion Picture
- How to Train Your Dragon (video game)
- Huckleberry Finn and His Friends
- Huckleberry no Bōken
- Huffer (Transformers)
- Humans in Narnia
- Hundred Acre Wood
- Hundred-Year Winter
- Huntsman (Snow White)
- Huxley Pig
- Ibn-e-Insha
- Ibrahim Jalees
- Ichinensei Ni Nattara
- Idwal Jones (novelist)
- If I Were King of the Forest
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (TV series)
- I Got a Rocket
- I. K. K. Menon
- Il Guerrin Meschino
- Ilse-Margret Vogel
- I'm Not that Girl
- Imogen Rhia Herrad
- I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme)
- Inês Pedrosa
- Inessa Kovalevskaya
- Ingalls House (De Smet, South Dakota)
- Ingeborg Meyer-Rey
- Ingela Strandberg
- Inger Jalakas
- Ingrid Thobois
- Intergalactic Kitchen
- InterWorld (series)
- In the Unlikely Event (novel)
- Inuyasha
- Ion Agârbiceanu
- Ion Luca Caragiale
- Irena Jurgielewiczowa
- Irene Lisboa
- Irma Chilton
- Isabelle Arsenault
- Isabelle Jarry
- Ishita Katyal
- I Spy (2003 TV series)
- Israel B. Melchior
- Issachar Ber Ryback
- István Fekete
- It's Christmas in Canada
- Ivan Bratko (publisher)
- Iván Mándy
- Ivan Seljak
- Ivar Thomassen
- Ive Šubic
- Ivo Zorman
- Iwona Chmielewska
- Jaana Kapari-Jatta
- Jackal or Tiger?
- Jack and His Comrades
- Jack Bradbury
- Jack Holborn
- Jack Schaefer
- Jacob Two-Two (TV series)
- Jakobína Sigurðardóttir
- Jakuta Alikavazovic
- James Bond comic strips
- James L. Barry
- James Norcliffe
- James Percy FitzPatrick
- James Potter (character)
- James Potter (series)
- Jamie Smart
- Jana Milčinski
- Jan Deberitz
- Jane and the Dragon (TV series)
- Janez Kajzer
- Janez Matjašič
- Janez Stanič
- Janez Strnad
- Janez Vidic
- Janoschs Traumstunde
- Janusz Korczak
- Japanese folktales
- Jaroslava Blažková
- Jason Shepherd
- Javare Gowda
- Javier Cacho Gomez
- Jaybhikhkhu
- Jay Kristoff
- Jean-Claude Brisville
- Jean D'Costa
- Jean d'Esme
- Jean Hersholt
- Jean-Luc Déjean
- Jeanne Goosen
- Jeanne-Justine Fouqueau de Pussy
- Jeanne Perego
- Jean Nohain
- Jean-Paul Delfino
- Jean-Pierre Milovanoff
- Jean, the Soldier, and Eulalie, the Devil's Daughter
- Jeff Hawke
- Jelka Godec Schmidt
- Jenny Lind
- Jerry Pinto
- Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side
- Jess Squirrel
- Jewel the Unicorn
- Jim Hawkins and the Curse of Treasure Island
- Jim Henson's Mother Goose Stories
- Jiminy Cricket
- Jim Petrie
- Jin Goto
- Jiří Trnka
- Jirō Akagawa
- Jivram Joshi
- Joan Castejón
- Joan Manuel Gisbert
- JoAnn Dean Killingsworth
- Job (illustrator)
- Jogendranath Gupta
- Johanna Thydell
- Johanna Westman
- Johann Baptist Zwecker
- John B. Root
- John Constantine
- John Geering
- John Ney Rieber
- John Owen (author)
- John R. Erickson
- John T. Kenney
- Jon Ewo
- Jonny Briggs
- Jonon Bobokalonova
- Jon Rushby
- Joō no Hana
- Jordan College, Oxford
- Jörg Schneider
- José Luis Giménez-Frontín
- José Maria Pimentel
- Joseph Folahan Odunjo
- Joseph the Bellmaker
- Josette Abondio
- Josiane Kartheiser
- Josip Ribičič
- Joško Battestin
- Journey into Narnia: Creating The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
- Journey into Narnia: Prince Caspian
- Jovan Hadži
- Jovan Jovanović Zmaj
- Jovan Milenko Grčić
- Joxantonio Ormazabal
- Joy J. Kaimaparamban
- Józef Cyrek
- Jože Pahor
- Jože Snoj
- Jules Chancel
- Julia Billet
- Julia de Asensi
- Julia Doria
- Julie Chen (book artist)
- Jumanji (TV series)
- Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli
- Jungle Jungle Baat Chali Hai
- Jürgen Kantner
- Just a Pilgrim
- Justine Littlewood
- Justus Cornelias Dirks
- Just William (1977 TV series)
- Just William (1994 TV series)
- Just William (2010 TV series)
- Just William (film)
- Just William (radio series)
- Just William's Luck (film)
- Kachi-kachi Yama
- Kaguyahime (manga)
- Kamala Laxman
- Kamila Volčanšek
- Kanojo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru
- Kanon (manga)
- Kappatoo
- Karabi Deka Hazarika
- Kari Grossmann
- Kari Stai
- Karl Dixon
- Kasa Jizō
- Kasia Babis
- Katarina Kieri
- Katarina Mazetti
- Kate Crackernuts
- Kateryna Babkina
- Katie and Orbie
- Katie Morag (TV series)
- Katie Woodencloak
- Katja Špur
- Kavery Nambisan
- Kay Nielsen
- Kaze Hikaru
- Kaze to Ki no Uta
- Kazimir Tarman
- Kazuno Kohara
- Keizaburo Tejima
- Kekkaishi
- Ken H. Harrison
- Ken Reid (comics)
- Kerstin Gier
- K. G. Subramanyan
- Khadijah Hashim
- Khaled Juma
- Khyrunnisa A.
- Kidnapped (comics)
- Kiichi Okamoto
- Kilmeny of the Orchard
- Kim Eun-jung (writer)
- Kim Jung-mi (writer)
- Kim Småge
- King Caspian IX
- King Col
- King Col of Archenland
- King Fortunatus's Golden Wig
- King Golf
- King Louie
- King Lune
- King Lune of Archenland
- King Nain
- King Nain of Archenland
- King of Hearts (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
- King Ram
- King Ram of Archenland
- King (Snow White)
- Kinnikuman
- Kintarō
- Kir Bulychev
- Kirsten Alnæs
- Kisshō Tennyo
- Klitch
- K. M. George (writer)
- Knave of Hearts (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
- Kobutori Jisan
- Kocchi Muite! Miiko
- Kodansha Box
- Kofoworola Ademola
- Kola Onadipe
- Kolbjørn Hauge
- Korky the Cat
- Kozhikodan
- Kreetta Onkeli
- Kristen Stalleland
- Krithika
- Krushna Chandra Kar
- Krutibas Nayak
- Kubusia Puchatka Street
- Kulipari
- Kumarpal Desai
- Kumud Chandra Hazarika
- Kunihiko Ikuhara
- Kunio-kun
- Kurt Wendlandt
- Kyle Mewburn
- La belle au bois dormant (Carafa)
- La Belle Sauvage
- La Cenerentola
- La Cenicienta
- Lady Oscar (film)
- La Gatta Cenerentola
- Lajla Mattsson Magga
- Land of Oz (theme park)
- Land of Toys
- La petite Toute-Belle
- Lapine language
- La Ramée and the Phantom
- Lars Jansson (cartoonist)
- Laterose
- Latofat Kenjaeva
- Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Highway
- Lauras Stern
- Lauren St John
- Lauretta Ngcobo
- Lavo Čermelj
- Law of the jungle
- Lazy Henry
- Le Chevalier D'Eon
- Le Foyer breton
- Legende sau basmele românilor
- Legend of the Cybermen
- Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (video game)
- Leo Baxendale
- Leopold Suhodolčan
- Leo Tolstoy
- Letitia Ketterley
- Lettera a Pinocchio
- Lew Stringer
- Liam's Story
- Lidia Bajkowska
- Lidia Veselitskaya
- Lidija Osterc
- Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined
- Lila Prap
- Lilly the Witch
- Li'l Red Riding Hood
- Lily Potter
- Linda Vero Ban
- Lin Man-chiu
- Linn T. Sunne
- Lino Nelisi
- List of accolades received by Saving Mr. Banks
- List of accolades received by the Chronicles of Narnia film series
- List of awards and nominations for the musical Wicked
- List of Beano comic strips
- List of Beano comic strips by annual
- List of California Diaries characters
- List of cities in The Chronicles of Narnia
- List of Dandy comic strips
- List of English-translated volumes of Découvertes Gallimard
- List of Goosebumps episodes
- List of Hank the Cowdog characters
- List of Harry Potter cast members
- List of Horrible Histories books
- List of Horrible Histories episodes
- List of Horrid Henry episodes
- List of Jungle Book Shōnen Mowgli episodes
- List of Le Chevalier D'Eon characters
- List of Le Chevalier D'Eon episodes
- List of Little House on the Prairie characters
- List of Little House on the Prairie locations
- List of Little Miss characters
- List of Lorien Legacies characters
- List of Maria-sama ga Miteru characters
- List of Maria-sama ga Miteru episodes
- List of Maria-sama ga Miteru light novels
- List of minor characters in the Alice series
- List of Mona the Vampire episodes
- List of people and animals from Thomas & Friends
- List of Railway Series books
- List of Redwall episodes
- List of Revolutionary Girl Utena episodes
- List of Rupert episodes
- List of Skulduggery Pleasant characters
- List of stories within The Malachite Box
- List of Sweet Valley High books
- List of Sweet Valley High episodes
- List of Sweet Valley University novels
- List of The Books of Magic characters
- List of The Deptford Mice characters
- List of The Dumping Ground characters
- List of The Dumping Ground episodes
- List of The Keys to the Kingdom characters
- List of The Magic School Bus characters
- List of The Magic School Bus episodes
- List of The Neverending Story characters
- List of The Rose of Versailles chapters
- List of The Rose of Versailles characters
- List of The Rose of Versailles episodes
- List of The Sandman characters
- List of The Sandman spinoffs
- List of The Story of Tracy Beaker characters
- List of The Story of Tracy Beaker episodes
- List of The Story of Tracy Beaker (franchise) characters
- List of The Story of Tracy Beaker (franchise) spin-offs
- List of The Underland Chronicles characters
- List of The Wombles episodes
- List of Thomas & Friends episodes
- List of Thomas & Friends narrow-gauge engines
- List of Thomas & Friends non-rail vehicles
- List of Thomas & Friends railway engines
- List of Thomas & Friends rolling stock
- List of Thomas & Friends voice actors
- List of Thomas the Tank Engine pictureback books
- List of Tom Swift books
- List of Top Cat characters
- List of Tracy Beaker Returns characters
- List of Tracy Beaker Returns episodes
- List of Transmetropolitan story arcs
- List of Vampire Academy characters
- List of Warriors ThunderClan characters
- List of Watership Down characters
- List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters
- Little Annie the Goose-Girl
- Little Bear (TV series)
- Little Bill
- Little Golden Book Land
- Little House on the Prairie (musical)
- Little House Wayside
- Little Johnny Sheep-Dung
- Little Prince (2008 film)
- Little Prince (sculpture)
- Little Princess (TV series)
- Little Red Cap (poem)
- Little Red Riding Hood (opera)
- Little Red Tractor
- Little Robots
- Little Wildrose
- Ljubivoje Ršumović
- Llama Llama
- Locations in His Dark Materials
- Lojze Kovačič
- Lojze Krakar
- Lojze Zupanc
- Lolita Séchan
- Lone Islands
- Long John Silver's
- Loo Hui Phang
- Looking for a Bride
- Lord Argoz
- Lord Bern
- Lord Mavramorn
- Lord Octesian
- Lord Peter (fairy tale)
- Lord Reay
- Lord Restimar
- Lord Revilian
- Lord Rhoop
- Lost Boy (Ruth B song)
- Lost In Oz (TV series)
- Lothar Meggendorfer
- Louie (French TV series)
- Louise O'Neill
- Louis-François Jauffret
- Love Com
- Love Is Love (comics)
- Lucie Durbiano
- Luc Menaše
- Ľudmila Podjavorinská
- Lukas Hartmann
- Luke the Warrior
- Lumpy the Heffalump
- Lydia Avilova
- Mabel Condemarín
- Mabel Segun
- Machi de Uwasa no Tengu no Ko
- Maciej Wojtyszko
- Madeleine A. Polland
- Madeline (TV series)
- Mad Heidi
- Magda Szabó
- Maggie and the Ferocious Beast
- Magic Adventures of Mumfie
- Magical objects in Harry Potter
- Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
- Mahō no Mako-chan
- Máirín Ní Ghadhra
- Maisy
- Maite Carranza
- Maja Lunde
- Major (manga)
- Make Way for Noddy
- Makoto Call!
- Maksim Gaspari
- Maksim Gorkiy (1974)
- Maksim Gorkiy-class motorship
- Maksim Sedej
- Malayath Appunni
- Maleperduis
- Ma mère l'Oye
- Mangiafuoco
- Mani Rao
- Manmaru The Ninja Penguin
- Manorama Jafa
- Manticore (DC Comics)
- Manuel Alfonseca
- Maqbula al-Shalak
- Marcela Paz
- Märchenbrunnen
- Marcus Malte
- Margareta Ekström
- Margaret Bhatty
- Margaretha von Waldeck
- Margaret Hope MacPherson
- Margaret Jull Costa
- Margarita del Mazo
- Margita Figuli
- Marguerite Poland
- Maria Aurora (writer)
- Maria Baciu
- Maria Barbal
- Maria Dolors Alibés
- Maria Krüger
- Maria Prilezhayeva
- Maria-sama ga Miteru
- Maria-sama ga Miteru (film)
- Mária Szepes
- María Teresa Andruetto
- Mari-chan
- Mariel Gullwhacker
- Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick
- Marie-Sabine Roger
- Marija Makarovič
- Marijan Prosen
- Marija Vojskovič
- Marij Pregelj
- Marilyn Nelson
- Marita van der Vyver
- Marit Nicolaysen
- Marjan Amalietti
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
- Marjorie van Heerden
- Marshwiggle
- Marsh-wiggle
- Marta Rădulescu
- Martha Speaks (TV series)
- Martina Nwakoby
- Martine Brochard
- Martin Oliver (author)
- Martin Widmark
- Marvelman
- Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse
- Marvo the Wonder Chicken
- Mary-anne Scott
- Mary Poppins (film)
- Mary Poppins, Goodbye
- Mary Poppins (musical)
- Mary Poppins Returns
- Mary Poppins Returns (soundtrack)
- Mary Poppins (song)
- Mary Poppins (soundtrack)
- Mary Taylor (artist)
- Mary Tourtel
- Marzia Bisognin
- Masood Ahmed Barkati
- Mastiff (novel)
- Mate Dolenc
- Mathilda Roos
- Matteo Corradini
- Matthew Cable
- Matthew Sweeney
- Matthys Gerhardus Smith
- Maurice Leloir
- Max Hodann
- Max Huwyler
- Maxim Gorki Theater
- Maxim Gorky
- Maxim Gorky Literature Institute
- Max Kruse (author)
- Max & Ruby
- Maya the Bee (2014 film)
- Maya the Bee: The Honey Games
- Maya the Bee (TV series)
- Maya the Honey Bee
- Maze Runner (film series)
- Maze Runner: The Death Cure
- Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
- Meera Mukherjee
- Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl
- Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl (TV series)
- Melissa Landers
- Melita Vovk
- Mere Whaanga
- Merv Pumpkinhead
- Methuselah (Redwall)
- Metsä (theme park)
- Mia Couto
- Michael Vey: Rise of the Elgen
- Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25
- Michel Déon
- Michèle Marineau
- Michel Gay
- Michel Noël (writer)
- Michio Mado
- Middenface McNulty
- Midge Manycoats
- Midori no Makibaō
- Miffy and Friends
- Miffy's Adventures Big and Small
- Miha Likar
- Mika Antić
- Mikhail Chekhov (writer)
- Mikhail Tsekhanovsky
- Milan Bizovičar
- Milovan Danojlić
- Mimmi (TV series)
- Minerva McGonigle
- Minister Jade
- Minken Fosheim
- Minnow on the Say
- Mira, Mirror
- Miran Ogrin
- Miraz's castle
- Mircea Sântimbreanu
- Mirette Investigates
- Miriam Roth
- Mirjam Pressler
- Mirmo!
- Miroslav Adlešič
- Miroslav Košuta
- Miroslav Šuput
- Miroslav Zei
- Mirror, Mirror (novel)
- Mirsaid Mirshakar
- Miško Kranjec
- Miss BG
- Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends
- Miss Switch to the Rescue
- Miss Trunchbull
- Misty Island Rescue
- Mitra Phukan
- Miyuki (manga)
- Miyuki Miyabe
- M. K. Sanu
- Mob Psycho 100
- Mock Turtle
- Modesty Blaise
- Molly O'Reilly
- Mona the Vampire
- Monika Beisner
- Monkey Turn
- Moomin (1969 TV series)
- Moomin (1990 TV series)
- Moomin comic strips
- Moomin (disambiguation)
- Moomin mugs
- Moomin Museum
- Moomins on the Riviera
- Moomin's Tale
- Moominvalley (TV series)
- Moomin World
- Moondial (TV serial)
- Morgan Rice
- Morning Musume: Shinshun! Love Stories
- Mortal Engines (film)
- Mother Goose (ballet)
- Mother Goose Goes Hollywood
- Mother (Gorky novel)
- Moti Nandi
- Mouk
- Mowgli syndrome
- Mowgli: The New Adventures of the Jungle Book
- M. R. Chandrasekharan
- Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales
- Mr. Edwards
- Mridula Garg
- Mr. Nilsson
- Mr. Smee
- Mrs. Pepper Pot (TV series)
- Mt. Pire
- M. T. V. Acharya
- Muggle
- Muhammad Iqbal
- Mulshankar Bhatt
- Mumindalen (TV series)
- Musashi no Ken
- Museum of The Little Prince in Hakone
- Music of the Harry Potter films
- Mustafa Balel
- Muttley
- My Friends Tigger & Pooh
- My Immortal (fan fiction)
- My Lord Bag of Rice
- My Thomas Story Library
- Nabila Jamshed
- Nadine Kaadan
- Nahoko Uehashi
- Nahum Benari
- Naisho no Tsubomi
- Namboothiri (artist)
- Nana (manga)
- Nandini Bajpai
- Nani Boi
- Nanny Hammarström
- Narnian timeline
- Narnia (world)
- Nasser Yusefi
- Natalia Osińska
- Nava Macmel-Atir
- N. C. Wyeth
- Neagu Rădulescu
- Neelam Saxena Chandra
- Neeta Ramaiya
- Nellie Oleson
- Nemo Rossi
- Nesthäkchen (TV series)
- Neverland
- Nevermore: The Final Maximum Ride Adventure
- Neverwas (novel)
- New Moomin
- Nezumi no Sumō
- Nick Brennan
- Nicolae Filimon
- Nicolae Iorga
- Nic Stone
- Nigel Auchterlounie
- Nigel Parkinson
- Nightmare Inn
- Nikabrik
- Niko Grafenauer
- Nikolai Shklyar
- Nikolai Ushin
- Nikolaj Omersa
- Nils Johan Rud
- Nimbalo the Slayer
- Nina Cassian
- Nirendranath Chakravarty
- Nnedi Okorafor
- Nobunaga Concerto
- Noddy's Toyland Adventures
- Noddy (TV series)
- Nonni and Manni
- Norberta
- Noriko Ibaragi
- Noriko Ogiwara
- Norman Island
- Nothing Ever Happens on the Moon
- Now Hare This
- Nuala (comics)
- Núria Albó
- Nurit Zarchi
- Nysø Manor
- Obernewtyn Chronicles
- Octave Lebesgue
- Oded Burla
- Odense
- Odette Joyeux
- Odette Roy Fombrun
- Oh, Mr. Toad
- Ojārs Vācietis
- Old Bear Stories
- Old Tom (TV series)
- Olga Bergholz
- Olga Xirinacs Díaz
- Oliver the Great Western Engine
- Olivia (TV series)
- Olivier Adam
- Olvin of Archenland
- Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare
- Once Upon a Time (TV series)
- Onegai! Samia-don
- Ōoku: The Inner Chambers
- Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy
- Optimistic Voices
- Oreius
- Origin of the Snow White tale
- Oscar François de Jarjayes
- Oskar Höcker
- Oswald (TV series)
- Otilia Cazimir
- Oto-hime
- Outline of Harry Potter
- Out of Oz
- Over to William
- Oz Before the Rainbow
- Oz Park
- Paddington 2
- Paddington Bear (TV series)
- Paddington (film)
- Paddington (TV series)
- Paddy Brennan
- Paipra Radhakrishnan
- Palanki Venkata Ramachandra Murthi
- Palliyara Sreedharan
- Pamela Mordecai
- Pamela Sargent
- Pandurang Sadashiv Sane
- Pannalal Patel
- Pan Samochodzik
- Paola Capriolo
- Paolo Bacigalupi
- Papa Told Me
- Paranormalcy
- Parasite Pig
- Parc du Petit Prince
- Parodies of Harry Potter
- Pascale Quao-Gaudens
- Pat Ingoldsby
- Patlabor
- Pat O'Shea (author)
- Patricia Reznikov
- Patrick Cauvin
- Patrick McCabe (novelist)
- Paula Boock
- Paula Green (poet)
- Paula Morris
- Paule du Bouchet
- Paul Fournel
- Paul Vialar
- Pavel Golia
- Pavel Kunaver
- Payal Kapadia
- PB Bear and Friends
- Pearlie
- Pecola
- Peeves
- Peg + Cat
- Penelope Delta
- Penelope Pitstop
- Percy the Park Keeper
- Per Dybvig
- Per Gynt
- Pernilla Stalfelt
- Per Olov Jansson
- Peter and Gunvor Edwards
- Peter and the Starcatcher
- Peter and Wendy (film)
- Peter-No-Tail (1997 film)
- Peter Pan (1950 musical)
- Peter Pan (1954 musical)
- Peter Pan: A Musical Adventure
- Peter Pan Goes Wrong
- Peter Pank
- Peter Pan Live!
- Peter Pan (peanut butter)
- Peter Pan syndrome
- Peter Pan (Three Sixty Entertainment)
- Peter Rabbit (film)
- Peter Rabbit (TV series)
- Petit-Prince (moon)
- Petras Cvirka
- Petre Ispirescu
- Petre Luscalov
- Philip Begho
- Philippe Fix
- Philip Temple
- Pi Beta Alpha
- Piccolino no Bōken
- Piece – Kanojo no Kioku
- Pieces of Eight (1985 musical)
- Pierre Véry
- Piknim
- Pilar Molina Llorente
- Pinkalicious & Peterrific
- Pinky Dinky Doo
- Pinocchio (2014 TV series)
- Pinocchio (Boesmans)
- Pinocchio (Fables)
- Pinocchio paradox
- Pinocchio: The Series
- Pin to Kona
- Pippi Longstocking (1969 TV series)
- Pippi Longstocking (1997 TV series)
- Pirates' House
- PJ Masks
- Planet Narnia
- Play Ball (manga)
- Pod svobodnim soncem
- Poe no Ichizoku
- Poile Sengupta
- Point of View (short story)
- Poky and Friends
- Politics of Harry Potter
- Pollomuhku ja Posityyhtynen
- Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie
- Poohsticks
- Popular (Wicked song)
- Potter Puppet Pals
- Prahlad Parekh
- Prâslea the Brave and the Golden Apples
- Preston Pig
- Prétear
- Prežihov Voranc
- Prince Caspian/The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989 TV serial)
- Prince Hat under the Ground
- Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess
- Prince Saiful Malook and Badri Jamala
- Princess Belle-Etoile
- Princess Rosette
- PriPri Chi-chan!!
- Priscilla the Great
- Přístav volá
- Priya A. S.
- Profira Sadoveanu
- Psmith in the City
- Psmith, Journalist
- Puer aeternus
- Pugwall
- Pukupuku Natural Circular Notice
- Pumuckls Abenteuer
- Puppy (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
- Pure Ferret
- Purple Eyes in the Dark
- Queen of Hearts (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
- Queen of Hearts (Disney)
- Rachel McAlpine
- Rado Krošelj
- Raga Bol
- Ragnhild Nilstun
- Rainbow Road to Oz
- Raising Arcadia
- Rajko Pavlovec
- Ramakrushna Nanda
- R. Amarendran
- Ramendra Kumar
- Ramona (1988 TV series)
- Ranguvar Foeseeker
- Raobail
- Ravishankar Raval
- Rebecca Podos
- Red (2010 film)
- Red 2 (film)
- Red (film series)
- Red-Handed
- Redhaven
- Red Mask
- Red Queen (Through the Looking-Glass)
- Red River (manga)
- Red Shadows (novel)
- Red (Tex Avery)
- Redwall: The Movie
- Redwall (TV series)
- Red (WildStorm)
- Reepicheep
- Reine Hibiki
- Religion in The Chronicles of Narnia
- Remi Adedeji
- Renée Watson
- Return to the Lost Planet
- Return to Treasure Island (TV series)
- Revolutionary Girl Utena
- Reynardine
- Rhindon
- Rhyme Skool with Katrina Kaif
- Rikka Deinboll
- Rimma Aldonina
- Ripred
- Rita von Gaudecker
- River Shribble
- Rivka Keren
- R. J. Palacio
- Road to Perdition (comics)
- Robert Alden
- Robert Lipsyte
- Robert Neubauer
- Robert Nixon (comics)
- Rob Williams (comics)
- Robyn Belton
- Roddy Doyle
- Rolie Polie Olie
- Roller Girl
- Roman Davydov
- Roman Mysteries (TV series)
- Rona Rupert
- Ronit Matalon
- Ronja, the Robber's Daughter (TV series)
- Ron Koas
- Roopa Pai
- Rosalys
- Rosamond Jacob
- Rosanella
- Rose Walker
- Rosie the Tank Engine
- Rosina Umelo
- Rowena Ravenclaw
- Roža Piščanec
- Ruby Gloom
- Ruby slippers
- Rudi Strahl
- Rufe Brush
- Runer Jonsson
- Rupert and the Frog Song
- Rupert and the Ice Castle
- Rupert and the Toymaker's Party
- Rupert Bear
- Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...
- Rupert (TV series)
- Ruro
- Rushen Coatie
- Russa Nodrey
- Ruth Almog
- Ruth Dallas
- Ruth Frances Long
- Ruth Lillegraven
- Ruth Milles
- Ruth Paul
- Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat
- Sailen Ghosh
- Salavat Salavatov
- Salazar Slytherin
- Saliha Abid Hussain
- Sally Blakemore
- Samaresh Basu
- Samira Ahmed (author)
- Samkim
- Samo Kuščer
- Sand Chronicles
- Sandman: 24 Hour Diner
- Sandman (DC Comics)
- Sandman Midnight Theatre
- Sándor Kányádi
- Sándor Weöres
- S.A. Partridge
- Sarah Ardizzone
- Sarah Pitt
- Sara Kadefors
- Sara Pinto Coelho
- Sarina Cassvan
- Saša Vegri
- Sasthipada Chattopadhyay
- Saving Mr. Banks
- Saving Mr. Banks (soundtrack)
- Savo Sovre
- Scaredy Squirrel (TV series)
- Schlupp vom grünen Stern
- Schneewittchen (opera)
- Scourge (Transformers)
- Scouting (magazine)
- Scruffy (1980 film)
- Sea Princesses
- Search for Senna
- Search for Treasure Island
- Second Battle of Beruna
- See How They Run (TV series)
- Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
- Selfless, Brave and True
- Selma Lønning Aarø
- Serendipity the Pink Dragon
- Sergei Mikhailovich Golitsyn
- Sermet Erkin
- Servants of the Empire
- Sesame Street Unpaved
- Seven Little Monsters (TV series)
- Severus Snape and the Marauders
- Seweryna Szmaglewska
- Sgt. Frog
- ShakthiDass
- Shang Damsontongue
- Sharda Mehta
- Shere Khan (Disney)
- Sherryl Jordan
- Shine (Gwen Stefani song)
- Shining Time Station
- Shining Time Station: 'Tis a Gift
- Shintaro Ishihara
- Shira Geffen
- Shita-kiri Suzume
- Shiver my timbers
- Shoot to Kill (Cole novel)
- Shortshanks
- Shulamit Lapid
- Shyam Singh Shashi
- Sian Gibson
- Sibylle von Olfers
- Sid Burgon
- Signe Hammarsten-Jansson
- Silas (TV series)
- Silver City (comics)
- Silver Shoes
- Silver Spoon (manga)
- Silverwing (TV series)
- Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings
- Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious
- Sins of the Father (Judge Anderson novel)
- Siphonaptera (poem)
- Sippy Pallippuram
- Sirius Black
- Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (animated TV series)
- Sitting Ducks (TV series)
- Six-Gun Snow White
- Skellig (film)
- Sket Dance
- Slagar
- Slam Dunk (manga)
- Slavko Kremenšek
- Slavko Pengov
- Sleeping Beauty Wakes
- Smart Women
- Sniff (Moomin character)
- Snow, Glass, Apples
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1912 play)
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (musical)
- Snow White (Fables)
- Snow White with the Red Hair
- Soho Cinders
- Sonia Rykiel
- Sonia Sarfati
- Sonja Härdin
- Sonnanja neyo
- Son of Angels
- Son of a Witch
- Son of the Mob
- Son of the Mob 2: Hollywood Hustle
- Sophia Jansson
- Sophie Adriansen
- Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian
- Sora Iro no Tane
- Sorcerers' World
- Soria Moria Castle
- Spanish nursery rhymes
- Spare oom
- Species (comics)
- Spejbl and Hurvínek
- Spooksville (TV series)
- Squire Gingivere
- Sreekumari Ramachandran
- Srutimala Duara
- Stanisław Pagaczewski
- Stanko Kotnik
- Starlight (fairy tale)
- Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice
- Štefan Planinc
- Stella and Sam
- Stephen Gately
- Stephen Marchesi
- Stevan Raičković
- Stevie White
- Stormness Head
- Storytime with Thomas
- Street Gang
- Strontium Dog
- Strontium Dog: Down to Earth
- Stuart Little (TV series)
- Sudha Murthy
- Sue Copsey
- Sugathakumari
- Sulhi Dölek
- Sunes jul
- Sunita Jain
- Sunjammer
- Super Gran
- Susan Beth Pfeffer
- Susanna Al-Hassan
- Suzana Bricelj
- Swallows and Amazons (1974 film)
- Swallows and Amazons (2016 film)
- Swallows and Amazons Forever!
- Swallows and Amazons (TV series)
- Swartt Sixclaw
- Sweet Valley High (TV series)
- Sweet Valley Junior High
- Sybil Wettasinghe
- Sylvie Desrosiers
- Synne Sun Løes
- Taiwo Odubiyi
- Takashi Yanase
- Take Me Where the Good Times Are
- Takeo Takei
- Tales from the Neverending Story
- Talia Rahimi
- Talking Cricket
- Tallahassee (Once Upon a Time)
- Tamar Bornstein-Lazar
- Tam O'Shaughnessy
- Tarkaan
- Tarkheena
- Taro the Space Alien
- Tashbaan
- Tashi (TV series)
- Tatterhood
- Tayfun Talipoğlu
- Team Human
- Teddy Bear (poem)
- Teenage Health Freak
- Tekla Teresa Lubienska
- Terebinthia
- Tererai Trent
- Teresa Oyibo Ameh
- Teresa Toten
- Thakurmar Jhuli
- The 5th Wave (film)
- Thea Doelwijt
- The Adventures of Black Beauty
- The Adventures of Blinky Bill
- The Adventures of Clint and Mac
- The Adventures of Long John Silver
- The Adventures of Paddington Bear
- The Adventures of Peter Pan
- The Adventures of Pinocchio (opera)
- The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy
- The Adventures of Rupert Bear
- The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson
- The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin
- The Adventures of the Little Prince (TV series)
- The Adventures of Tintin (TV series)
- The Adventures of Twizzle
- The American series of The Three Investigators
- The Animals of Farthing Wood (TV series)
- The Arcana Chronicles
- The Baby-Sitters Club (film)
- The Baby-Sitters Club (TV series)
- The Bagel and Becky Show
- The Battle of the Birds
- The Beano Summer Special
- The Beano timeline
- The Bear and the Nightingale
- The Bellflower Bunnies
- The Big Over Easy
- The Bird 'Grip'
- The Bird of Truth
- The Blobs
- The Blue Belt
- The Blue Castle
- The Bojeffries Saga
- The Book of Boy
- The Book of Night with Moon
- The Book of Pooh
- The Book of Sorrows
- The Book of the Dun Cow (novel)
- The Books of Faerie
- The Books of Magic
- The Boots of Buffalo Leather
- The Borrowers (1973 film)
- The Borrowers (1997 film)
- The Borrowers (2011 film)
- The Borrowers (miniseries)
- The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll
- The Bozo Show
- The Branches of the Cahill Family
- The Bright Sun Brings It to Light
- The Busy World of Richard Scarry
- The Caretaker Trilogy
- The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!
- The Cat Who...
- The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern
- The Cat Who Brought Down the House
- The Cat Who Came to Breakfast
- The Cat Who Could Read Backwards
- The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell
- The Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers
- The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal
- The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare
- The Cat Who Lived High
- The Cat Who Played Brahms
- The Cat Who Played Post Office
- The Cat Who Saw Red
- The Cat Who Sniffed Glue
- The Cat Who Tailed a Thief
- The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts
- The Cat Who Talked Turkey
- The Cat Who Turned On and Off
- The Cat Who Went Bananas
- The Cat Who Went Underground
- The Charcoal Burner
- The Charmings
- The Children's Crusade (comics)
- The Child Thief
- The Chronicles of Kale
- The Chronicles of Narnia (TV series)
- The City (Transmetropolitan)
- The Clique: Diss and Make Up
- The Clique (film)
- The Coachman
- The Cockpit (OVA)
- The Comet Song
- The Companion
- The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Adventures
- The Crab and the Monkey
- The Crock of Gold (novel)
- The Crumpets
- The Dangerous Book for Boys (TV series)
- The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass
- The Daughter Of King Under-Waves
- The Daughter of the Skies
- The Demon Headmaster (TV series)
- The Desperate Dan Book
- The Disappearing Man and Other Mysteries
- The Dormouse
- The Dragon (fairy tale)
- The Dreamer of Oz: The L. Frank Baum Story
- The Dreaming (comics)
- The Dream of Akinosuke
- The Dumping Ground
- The Dumping Ground Dish Up
- The Dumping Ground: I'm...
- The Dumping Ground Survival Files
- The Eagle Cliff
- The Enchanted Princess
- The Enchanted Watch
- The Enchantress: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
- The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
- The Etherington Brothers
- The Fairy Godmother (novel)
- The Fairy with Turquoise Hair
- The Famous Five (1978 TV series)
- The Famous Five (1995 TV series)
- The Fate of Ten
- The Fisher-Girl and the Crab
- The Flail from Heaven
- The Flower Queen's Daughter
- The Forgotten Toys
- The Fountain of Youth (fairy tale)
- The Fox and the Cat
- The Fox and the Geese
- The Foxbusters
- The Giants and the Herd-boy
- The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body
- The Girl and the Dead Man
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006 film)
- The Giver Quartet
- The Glass Mountain (fairy tale)
- The Gnome (fairy tale)
- The Godfather (fairy tale)
- The Golden Compass (film)
- The Golden Compass (video game)
- The Goodies and the Beanstalk
- The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
- The Gray Nun of Belgium
- The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries
- The Haunted Mask (Goosebumps episode)
- The Highwayman (poem)
- The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse
- The House (The Keys to the Kingdom)
- The Husband Who Was to Mind the House
- The Idle Mermaid
- The Improvisatore
- The Incredible Detectives
- The Inquisitor’s Tale: Or, The Three Magical Children and Their Holy Dog
- The International Wizard of Oz Club
- The Jogi's Punishment
- The Jungle Book and Scouting
- The Jungle Book (TV series)
- The Key Word and Other Mysteries
- The Kids from Room 402
- The Kill Order
- The King of Erin and the Queen of the Lonesome Island
- The King of Lochlin's Three Daughters
- The King Who Wished to Marry His Daughter
- The King Who Would Be Stronger Than Fate
- The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn
- The Knights of the Fish
- The Lassie and Her Godmother
- The Last Kids on Earth (TV series)
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Nemo Trilogy
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century
- The Legend of Briar Rose
- The Legend of Snow White
- The Legends of Treasure Island
- The Letter People
- The Liberators
- The Life of a Useless Man
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1967 TV serial)
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1979 film)
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1988 TV serial)
- The Little Endless Storybook
- The Little Mermaid (musical)
- The Little Mermaid: Songs from the Sea
- The Little Mermaid (statue)
- The Little Peasant
- The Little Prince (2010 TV series)
- The Little Prince (2015 film)
- The Little Prince and the Aviator
- The Little Prince (opera)
- The Little Prince (play)
- The Littles (TV series)
- The Little Vampire (TV series)
- The Lost Books (novel series)
- The Lost Legends of Redwall
- The Lost Planet (novel)
- The Louse and the Flea
- The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter
- The Magic House (TV series)
- The Magicians Nephew
- The Magic Mirror (ballet)
- The Magic School Bus
- The Magic School Bus Rides Again
- The Magic School Bus (TV series)
- The Magic School Bus (video game series)
- The Making of The Wizard of Oz
- The Malachite Casket (fairy tale)
- The Marvelous Land of Oz (musical)
- The Master Maid
- The Maze Runner (film)
- The Maze Runner (series)
- The Merry Old Land of Oz
- The Mind Robber
- The Mistress of the Copper Mountain (fairy tale)
- The Moomins (TV series)
- The Mr. Men Show
- The Mr. Men Show (1997)
- The Mysterious Cities of Gold
- The Mysterious Cities of Gold (2012 TV series)
- The Nettle Spinner
- The NeverEnding Story (film)
- The NeverEnding Story (film series)
- The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter
- The NeverEnding Story (song)
- The Neverending Story (TV series)
- The New Adventures of Black Beauty
- The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- The New Adventures of Pinocchio (TV series)
- The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
- The News at Bedtime
- The New World of the Gnomes
- The Night Diary
- The Nightingale casting controversy
- The Nightmare Room
- The Nucle Saga I
- The Number of the Beast (novel)
- The Nun's Priest's Tale
- Theodore Tonks
- Theodor Speranția
- The Old Cows Days/The Days of the Brindled Cow
- The Old Dame and her Hen
- The Oracle (Sweet Valley)
- The Others (The 5th Wave)
- The Owl (fairy tale)
- The Oz Film Manufacturing Company
- The Pack of Ragamuffins
- The Path (video game)
- The Paz Show
- The Peasant in Heaven
- The Perils of Penelope Pitstop
- The Place Where Lost Things Go
- The Politeness of Princes
- The Price of Gold
- The Princess Diaries, Volume XI: Royal Wedding
- The Promised Neverland
- The Proper Study
- The Puppy's Further Adventures
- The Queen's Nose (TV series)
- The Railway Stories
- The Real Neverending Story Part 1: Auryn Quest
- The Resurrection Casket
- The Return of the Borrowers
- The Ridere of Riddles
- The Rider Of Grianaig, And Iain The Soldier's Son
- The Road of Needles
- The Rock 'n' Roll Diaries
- The Rose of Versailles musicals
- The Saddle Club
- The Sandman: A Game of You
- The Sandman: Book of Dreams
- The Sandman: Brief Lives
- The Sandman Companion
- The Sandman: Dream Country
- The Sandman: Endless Nights
- The Sandman: Fables & Reflections
- The Sandman: Overture
- The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes
- The Sandman: Season of Mists
- The Sandman: The Doll's House
- The Sandman: The Dream Hunters
- The Sandman: The Kindly Ones
- The Sandman: The Wake
- The Sandman Universe
- The Sandman (Vertigo)
- The Sandman: Worlds' End
- The Sea-Hare
- The Sea-Maiden
- The Secret World of Og (film)
- The Serpent's Shadow (Lackey novel)
- The Seven Foals
- The Sharp Grey Sheep
- The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
- The Silver Chair (1990 TV serial)
- The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk
- The Singing Stone
- The Sleeping Beauty Quartet
- The Slipper and the Rose (musical)
- The Snow Queen (Japanese TV series)
- The Snow Queen (Lackey novel)
- The Snow Queen (opera)
- The Snow Queen (TV series)
- The Snow Queen (video game)
- The Snow Queen (Vinge novel)
- The Soul Cages (story)
- The SPACE Tour (album)
- The Speech (fiction)
- The Spider (British comics)
- The Spiderwick Chronicles (film)
- The Spiderwick Chronicles (video game)
- The Spirit House
- The Sprig of Rosemary
- The Steel Claw (comics)
- The Story of a Mother
- The Story of Cinderella
- The Story of the Queen of the Flowery Isles
- The Story of Tracy Beaker (franchise)
- The Story of Tracy Beaker (series 1)
- The Story of Tracy Beaker (series 2)
- The Story of Tracy Beaker (series 3)
- The Story of Tracy Beaker (series 4)
- The Story of Tracy Beaker (series 5)
- The Story of Tracy Beaker (TV series)
- The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
- The Swiss Family Robinson (1975 TV series)
- The Swiss Family Robinson: Flone of the Mysterious Island
- The Taill of how this forsaid Tod maid his Confessioun to Freir Wolf Waitskaith
- The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
- The Tale of the Fox
- The Tale of the Hoodie
- The Tales of Beatrix Potter
- The Terrible Dogfish
- The Third Jungle Book
- The Thirteenth Son of the King of Erin
- The Three Aunts
- The Three Daughters of King O'Hara
- The Three Feathers
- The Three May Peaches
- The Three Snake-Leaves
- The Trenchcoat Brigade
- The Trouble with Miss Switch
- The Twelve Idle Servants
- The Two Baronesses
- The Upstairs Downstairs Bears
- The Water of Life (Spanish fairy tale)
- The Wayne Manifesto
- The Well of Lost Plots
- The White Dove (French fairy tale)
- The Wicked Years
- The Wind in the Willows (TV series)
- The Winner's Crime
- The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack
- The Witches and the Grinnygog (TV series)
- The Wizard of A.I.D.S.
- The Wizard of Oz (arcade game)
- The Wizard of Oz (pinball)
- The Wizard of Oz (TV series)
- The Wolf and the Fox
- The Wombles (1973 TV series)
- The Wombles (1996 TV series)
- The Wombles (band)
- The Wonderful Tune
- The World of David the Gnome
- The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends
- The World of Science (Golden book)
- The Worst Witch (1998 TV series)
- The Worst Witch (2017-2019 TV series)
- The Wozard of Iz
- The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss
- The Young King Of Easaidh Ruadh
- They Were Eleven
- The Zack Files
- Thomas and the Magic Railroad
- Thomas & Friends
- Thomas & Friends (franchise)
- Thomas & Friends: Journey Beyond Sodor
- Thomas & Friends: King of the Railway
- Thomas & Friends: Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure
- Thomas & Friends: The Adventure Begins
- Thomas & Friends: The Great Race
- Thomas Jeier
- Thomas Land (Drayton Manor)
- Thomas Land (Fuji-Q Highland)
- Thomas Malton, the elder
- Thomas the Tank Engine film characters
- Thomas & the UK Trip
- Thomas Tidholm
- Thorarinn Leifsson
- Three of Them
- Thumbelina: A Magical Story
- Thura
- Tickle, Patch and Friends
- Time Traveller: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
- Time Warp Trio
- Timm Thaler (1979 TV series)
- Timothy Hunter
- Tina Matthews
- Tinga Tinga Tales
- Tinker Bell
- Tin Man (miniseries)
- Tiny (Once Upon a Time)
- Tita Kovač Artemis
- Titania (DC Comics)
- Titan Publishing Group
- T. K. D. Muzhappilangad
- ToddWorld
- Toki o Kakeru Shōjo (1983 film)
- Toki o Kakeru Shōjo (1994 TV series)
- Toki o Kakeru Shōjo (1997 film)
- Tomorrow, When the War Began (film)
- Tomorrow When the War Began (TV series)
- Tom Paterson
- Tom Swifty
- Tomtemaskinen
- Tone Kralj
- Tone Partljič
- Tone Pavček
- Tone Seliškar
- Tone Žnidaršič
- Toopy and Binoo
- Toot & Puddle (TV series)
- Top Cat
- Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats
- Top Cat Begins
- Top Cat (brand)
- Top Cat: The Movie
- Tore Bernitz Pedersen
- Tor Morisse
- Tortall and Other Lands
- Touch (manga)
- To Visit the Queen
- Toward the Terra
- Towser
- Tracy Beaker Returns
- Tracy Beaker Returns (series 1)
- Tracy Beaker Survival Files
- Tracy Beaker: The Movie of Me
- Tramun Clogg
- Transcendent Pig
- Transmetropolitan
- Treasure Island (1966 miniseries)
- Treasure Island (1977 miniseries)
- Treasure Island (1978 TV series)
- Treasure Island (1984 video game)
- Treasure Island According to Spike Milligan
- Treasure Island Hotel and Casino
- Treasure Island in Outer Space
- Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon
- Treehouse of Horror XI
- Treehouse of Horror XII
- Trevor Metcalfe
- Tridib Kumar Chattopadhyay
- Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia
- Truckers (1992 TV series)
- True and Untrue
- True North (Once Upon a Time)
- Truth, Dare, Kiss or Promise
- TS Maxim Gorkiy
- T. Sunandamma
- Tudor Arghezi
- Tudor Măinescu
- Turbo Dogs
- Turok
- Turok: Son of Stone (film)
- Tuulikki Pietilä
- Tverskaya Street
- Tweedledum and Tweedledee
- TwiCon
- Twilight fandom
- Twister (play)
- Ümit Kaftancıoğlu
- Unearthly
- Unni-Lise Jonsmoen
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- Uriah Heep
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- Vaidehi (Kannada writer)
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- Valérie Zenatti
- Vamba
- Vampire Academy (film)
- Vampires, Pirates & Aliens
- Van den vos Reynaerde
- Vasily Avenarius
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- Vera Chaplina
- Vera Micaelsen
- Verdauga Greeneyes
- Veronica Porumbacu
- Véronique Tadjo
- Vicky the Viking
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- Vid Pečjak
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- Vivian Zahl Olsen
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- Vladimir Naglič
- Vladimir Suteev
- Vladimir Volkoff
- Vojislav Ilić
- Vojtěch Kubašta
- Voldemort: Origins of the Heir
- Vyasaraya Ballal
- Wacky Raceland
- Wacky Races (1968 TV series)
- Wacky Races (1991 video game)
- Wacky Races (2000 video game)
- Wacky Races (2017 TV series)
- Wacky Races: Crash and Dash
- Wacky Races: Mad Motors
- Wacky Races: Starring Dastardly and Muttley
- Wakamatsu Shizuko
- Wake, Rattle, and Roll
- Waldo Hunt
- Waldtraut Lewin
- Wanda Cowley
- Wang Huiqin
- Wannabe Wicked
- War Drobe
- Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. v. RDR Books
- Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter
- Warpsmith
- Warriors (arc)
- Was (novel)
- Watership Down (film)
- Wayne McLoughlin
- Wayside (TV series)
- We All Fall Down (Walters novel)
- We All Stand Together
- Wearet
- Welcome to Pooh Corner
- Wendy house
- Wendy & Peter Pan
- Wes Magee
- We Were There (manga)
- What is this Feeling?
- When I was a Bachelor
- When the Spaniards Were Here
- Where's Wally?: The Animated Series
- White-Bear-King-Valemon
- White King (Through the Looking-Glass)
- White Queen (Through the Looking-Glass)
- White Stag (Narnia)
- Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?
- Whuppity Stoorie
- Why the Sea is Salt
- Wicked (Maguire novel)
- Wicked (musical)
- Wicked (musical album)
- Wicked (novel series)
- Wilbur Dawbarn
- Wil Cwac Cwac
- Wild Doogy Plumm
- Wild Life (manga)
- Willa's Wild Life
- William Henry Oliphant Smeaton
- William Keepers Maxwell Jr.
- William Taylor (writer)
- William (TV series)
- Wimbledon Common
- Winnie the Pooh (comic strip)
- Winnie the Pooh (Disney character)
- Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic
- Winnipeg (bear)
- Winternight trilogy
- Wisdom of the Gnomes
- Wizard of Odd
- Wizard of Oz festival
- Wizard People, Dear Reader
- Woof!
- Woozle effect
- WordWorld
- Worzel Gummidge Down Under
- Worzel Gummidge (TV series)
- Wraggle
- WWE Heroes
- Xohana Torres
- Yaiba
- Yair Lapid
- Yakitate!! Japan
- Yannets Levi
- Yasemin Bradley
- Yasha (manga)
- Yashpal Jain
- Yasuji Mori
- Yekaterina Peshkova
- Yellow Brick Road Casino
- Yevgeniy Migunov
- Yevgeny Titarenko
- Yigal Mossinson
- Yogi's Ark Lark
- Yogi's Treasure Hunt
- Yo-kai Watch
- Yoram Kaniuk
- Young Marvelman
- Young Sherlock Holmes: Death Cloud
- Young Sherlock Holmes: Fire Storm
- Yo Yogi!
- Ysengrimus
- Yumeiro Patissiere
- Yury Iosifovich Koval
- Yusuf Lien
- Yu Wo
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- Yuz Aleshkovsky
- Zalindreh
- Zardeenah
- Zatch Bell!
- Zekkyō Gakkyū
- Zelena (Once Upon a Time)
- Zeruya Shalev
- Zoran Jerin
- Zou (TV series)
- Zoya Voskresenskaya
- Zukiswa Wanner
- Zulma Carraud
- Zvi Lieberman
- Zvonko Čoh
- Þórdís Gísladóttir
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