 | This user is of Polish ancestry. |
MCat | This user represents the bad kitty fans of Monstercat! |
shine | This user likes the colour: shiny |
 | This userbox is flavoured like Yellow Apple! Mmmm...sweet...VERY sweet...Make up some cool new flavours of your own! |
en-∞ | This user speaks English at a godlike level. |
 | This user likes any type of pizza so long as it comes in pairs along with a little Roman guy exclaiming "Pizza! Pizza!". |  |
This user's favourite colour is grey.
 | This user was born in the Year of the Goat. | 羊 |
Y'all | This here user talks Southern, y'all. |
29% | This user has been a Wikipedian for 29.5% of her life. |
D:< | Nothing annoys this user more than when a teacher says that Wikipedia isn't reliable and that anybody can enter anything completely untrue that'll stay. |
 | This user screws vandals and treats them with no mercy. |
 | This user bites vandals. Hard. |  |
UAR | This editor believes that account creation should be required to edit on Wikipedia. |
UAR | This editor believes that account creation keeps people accountable here on Wikipedia. |
IP address | This user supports mandatory registration. |
 | This user reserves the right to completely screw up her own edits. |
♀ | This contributor to Wikipedia is female. |
YOU | This user dies a little inside whenever they see the word you in an article. |
 | This User believes that one can sum up one's entire political, social, and Wikipedia policies beliefs with a creative userbox, such as this one. |
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