To do

The demand in hair extensions has resulted in human hair trade worth US$300 million annually.[1] India with 20% of the market share is the largest provider of human hair.[2]


Human hair is primarily used for wig and hairpiece making. Low quality hair is used for jacket linings, cosmetic brushes also interwoven with other fibers.[3] Hais is also used to make preservative chemicals for food products. China is the largest importer of human hair which is used there to extract keratin for cosmetic products.[4]


China, India and Russia are the major source of hair trade in the world. Indian hair is considered to be the best in the trade and it is also similar to the American and European hair.[5] The Hindu temples of Tirupati are the center of the global trade in human hair.[6] Where a part of the pilgrimage envolves having their scalps shaved. It is estimated that 75 tonne of hair is collected per year from the temple floors, earing millions of dollors for the temple trust.[7]


As there are no rules and regulations for the trade of human hair in India, this has resulted in many women and children being exploited by unscruplous traders.[8]


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