
  • BS in Electrical Engineering with minors in Computer Science and Physics
  • MS in Electrical Engineering, concentration in Cryptograph and infosec.
  • 26 years industry experience, 22 or so in cybersecurity
  • Currently senior hardware security engineer at Amazon: Prime Air drones

I break ciphers for fun

  • I solved a newspaper ad from 1897/.
  • I also cracked a KKK cipher from 1918, in the process becoming the first person to solve a level X cipher on mysterytwister where I was once ranked 3rd in the world despite starting years later than the leaders.

I've been designing and building planetariums/planetaria/"orrerys"/"orreries"

  • Heliocentric "Impossible Planetarium" with no nested axles at all and no visible moving parts.
  • Solution for Antikythera mechanism with no extra nested axles (vs 11-way nested axle)
  • Solution for Antikythera mechanism with even less gears and no extra nested axles
  • Lego Eudoxus of Cnidos model

I hack all the things

  • First remote code execution over the air via magnetic waves: Defcon talk
  • 1 CVE (CVE-2021-38111) for that (submitted by ???), 2 more (by me) in limbo since 2022 CVE-2021-46869 CVE-2021-46870.
  • Denied CVE for Canon Digital Photo Professional heap overflow
  • Denied 6-8 CVEs for unauthenticated remote attacks in Cisco VoIP equipment
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